#She's trying her best to teach him
uu-tella · 2 months
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Happy Birthday, MUI!!!
(I know these two haven't interacted in canon BUT- I'd like to think they would be such good friends!!)
Art by @lovethedanielhd
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nelkcats · 1 year
Eldritch Friend
Or: Learning to be human,
DPxDC Prompt
Since she was in the League, Cass noticed a shadow watching her, but it never took aggressive actions against her, on the contrary, the shadow always seemed to try to help her. It gave her medicine or cures for her wounds, on one occasion it gave her an ice sculpture of a dancer, it was beautiful.
The shadow didn't seem to want to fight with her, and it was impossible for them to communicate because of this. It didn't seem to have a body either so she couldn't read its body language (Though Cass was sure that the shadow was trying to form a more stable body, maybe even resembling a human).
When she moved in with the Waynes the shadow followed her (and even formed a more human body), that's when she understood. The shadow was trying to be human.
And her "lessons" began (She was determined to teach her shadow friend about humanity, even if she herself was learning), Cass taught it sign language at the same time she was learning, and her deductions proved to be correct when the shadow was finally able to explain to her why it stayed.
His name was Danny, a ghost who had been alone so long that he had lost his humanity, the only language he remembered was that of his old friend: Wulf. Although he had lost his humanity long ago, Danny was still human, more or less (Cass didn't understand that part, probably a mistranslation?)
The shadow wanted to be human like her, learn the language, how to relate and so on. As her lessons continued, the shadow's body began to change more until she found herself facing a teenager who looked just like a male version of herself (Cass wondered if Danny copied her appearance).
Despite that achievement, it was obvious that his Eldritch characteristics weren't completely gone, and he still had a hard time being human, but he looked so proud that she couldn't ask him to shapeshift. So she had to follow her lessons while she concealed a teenage Eldritch who would give her father a cardiac arrest if he discover it.
Oh, and that while she was trying to keep Alfred and Steph from finding out, easy right?
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Something I am grasping onto to explain the 'Masters and Apprentice' trailer without Sabine being retconned to be force-sensitive for no reason is the title.
Masters and Apprentices.
Not Padawans.
Being an Apprentice doesn't mean Ahsoka is teaching her the force. Instead, it may mean that Ahsoka is picking up where Kanan left off and, in a way, finishing Sabine's "training" because he couldn't and Sabine needs it to find Ezra. She isn't a Jedi, but she is learning the Jedi way.
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Beat Baldur’s Gate! It’s amazing how appreciated it makes you feel- catching up with your companions, the letters about side quests, the news articles, having your allies come to support you before the final battle. It’s awesome. Also beat the final boss first try!
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
I feel so bad for zephyr, what are some of her happiest memories? Would it be first meeting the members of her local group? I assume they would be built after her, was she excited about them being built or was she not informed at all?
she wouldn't be very... Present. most likely hadn't managed to be there for every Iterator when they first came online. she is very removed from most of her group because she's unable to stick in the chats for too long with all the damage and her endless attempts to conserve herself as much as possible, so her interactions with others outside of the Anemoi (and this one guy called Orion's Pathway) are extremely limited
Boreas, though, ever the life-saver, updates her on any new Iterator projects being build, how are the already existing ones doing- see she is kind of hard to cheer up and as a rule she never really laughs, but oh hearing about successes of others always manages to make her happy. that has been a thing for her since day one!
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so Boreas would make a list of the Eo group's achievements with Euros and Orion's help and he'd read them out for her during their routine calls. those calls are probably one of her happiest memories, since she got so much serotonin and motivation out of hearing about her family (n also just in general- their start might've been rocky but Zeph n B really really love each other [platonically ofc])
they might not Know her, only be aware that their senior is called Abet Zephyr and her appearances are strangely rare, but she loves them all. if she hadn't, it wouldn't be called Mission Self-preservation. it'd be way more revenge focused. her number one priority is the safety of her family even if she doesn't know them personally. she puts them above her anger, physical and emotional trauma cuz she just fuckin loves them that much
her other happy memories include some stuff with Sparrows! after Zephyr allows her opinion about the Ancients develop, she finds herself glad whenever Sparrows would show up to do some more repairs and spend some time with the old humidifier. jgklsdmclk just like with a grandma, Sparrows would show her some stuff on her phone/Mechanic's watch and Zeph would be confused about it but she gets to spend the time with someone she likes so it's okay
along with Euros on a call the three of them would sing folk songs from Sparrows' home with Boreas usually listening in, very rarely joining in
Zephyr wasn't given overseers until Sparrows showed up for the first time, too, so when she synced with the eyes and took a peak outside for the first time in her life, that was... that stuck with her as a strong memory, too. can't exactly say it was a Happy memory, but only cuz there was so much happening in her emotionally in that moment that simplifying it to a singular one wouldn't really represent it right
here's her lighting up while Boreas tells her about positive recent events of the group
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her antennas are broken- that's why they are always down like that- but Dammit she is Happy we Gotta wiggle 'em at least a wee bit
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Me reading a cool new novel: hah wow this is cool it has a neat premise and a promising plot line let’s see our protagonist level up and learn how to use his new power in interesting and cool ways—
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and impresses her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and rescues her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her PT 2
Me: Ah nvm it’s a harem novel god damn it
#it was cool at first but now I’m grinding my teeth like wtf#I was okay with it at first bc like. he defeats the beautiful cold hearted prodigy by a hairs breadth and we get this sad backstory for her#which could be better’d by the MC who doesn’t fear her and can teach her how to socialize and become a brighter happier person through their#developing friendship and potentially romantic relationship and it could have led to character development for both of them as they struggle#through the feeling of being cast aside as an ‘other’ by society and learning how to stumble through a relationship that involves#communication and admittance and honesty#something our MC and FL can’t get through their mentors#instead we get her genuine attempts at becoming friends being brushed off by him who assumes she’s going to eventually want a romantic#relationship by the end of it and ARGHHXHHD she’s a shy person!! she’s trying her best!!! you asshole!!!! and then the author has the#AUDACITY#to make her continue yearning after this guy who doesn’t give 2 shits about her and she’s only used as a support character for the#ensuing battle and then he promptly leaves her behind for his own adventure#and don’t even get me STARTED on the lack of compatibility with the other women in this story#they aren’t even being used as potential love interests they’re just there so the author can say he added strong female characters and then#IMMEDIATELY turns around and makes them fawn over this 19 yr guy who cAn pRoTeCt ThEM AnD HEs sO cOoL FUCK#I was holding out but now he just annoys me dude this is why I don’t like reading male lead perspectives if there’s a DROP of romance#it ruins it! romance is dead no one knows what chemistry is they only want to be fawned over by women to stroke their egos#not a reblog
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dilf-phoenix-rights · 2 years
People really bend over backwards to minimize how important Iris was to Phoenix, or try to make her mistakes seem infinitely worse than Edgeworth’s and it’s just like. The biphobia and sexism is showing.
#‘I don’t like that he forgives her in the end’#well than you shouldn’t like that he forgives Edgeworth for almost getting him convicted and for letting him grieve him for a year#‘She’s hardly better than her sister’#what Iris did was certainly morally questionable at best but she did it specifically to try to reduce the harm her sister was doing#would it have been better to turn her in? yeah but the reason she didn’t was because she loved Dahlia;#they were sisters and she pitied how Dahlia was raised#she never wanted to hurt anyone#Yeah Edgeworth thought he was doing the right thing under Von Karma’s teachings but he also was very much willing to actively hurt ppl#(refer back to turnabout sisters where he very much knew the trial was rigged in his favor on that 2nd day#but he still prosecuted Phoenix in the same way he did before because being a ‘perfect prosecutor’ is his moral compass at that point)#I’m not saying Iris has to be your favorite character#if she makes you uncomfortable that’s fine#but to argue that she is unforgivable while simultaneously adoring Edgeworth is hypocritical#there’s a reason they are clearly paralleled in bridge to turnabout#and ppl who just try to minimize how much Phoenix actually cared about her in narumitsu fics: that’s just biphobia.#or it’s just an unhealthy idea that no one can have relationships that mattered that just didn’t work out.#ALSO Phoenix forgiving Iris is a healing moment for him!#like the ‘you are the person I thought you were’ is Phoenix realizing the person he loved wasn’t just a lie!!#obviously it never should have been a secret in the first place#but he forgives her for the same reason he forgives Edgeworth#because he knew their hearts years ago and he now knows the pain that lead to their mistakes#and that’s the kind of person he is.#regardless of if that’s relatable to you or not
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 9 months
~*tw animal death*~
SID CAUGHT A WHOLE RABBIT AND WAS BRINGING IT UP TO THE PORCH- I think he wanted me to give it to the babies and I'm ;-; *flips table* HE'S SUCH A GOOD BOY
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july-19th-club · 2 years
hughie is the swagless guy whose whimsy is so captivating. like mm has whimsy too whimsy in SPADES but he is not swagless he is bursting with swag. and whimsy. and hand sanitizer. hughie is a silly little noodle man and even when he goes through ‘i’ve killed a man and i have to have a moral crisis about it’ arcs or annoying ‘i’ll protect you! i’ve developed sudden onset toxic masculinity from hanging out with billy butcher too much and now i am afraid to be just a regular guy in case my superhuman girlfriend needs help, or stops liking me for not being like her’ arcs it doesn’t last. within five or six episodes he’ll have a little realization while watching some cheesy music video and he’ll be like ‘oh right....one life saved might not cancel out a life taken, but it’ll sure help you sleep at night’ or ‘oh! right! my swagless whimsy is what my girlfriend likes about me! and what i like about her is her principles, and her friendly charm, and her ability to lift me like a barbell and do squats! and trying to change our dynamic makes it worse, and not better . we’re doing fine just the way we are :)’ and then he’ll get some support move in the big finale and that’ll be his contribution, to like hold the binoculars or something <3
#his s3 arc was annoying sometimes but it ultimately didnt bother me bc like...you know he's going to learn an important lesson from this#and walk away going 'oh yeah! she thinks my morals and ordinary charm are what's important not my ability to teleport'#and what happened? exactly that. he's predictable in a very fun way#he's always going through or dispensing these little character-building arcs like#'in a team it's important to look out for each other :)' 'honesty is the best policy! unless it will get you killed then lie if you want to#'it's important to respect each other's choices'#'lend a helping hand whenever you can - especially if it keeps you from losing your humanity to an increasingly futile quest for revenge'#but he always comes back to hughie baseline: quirked up white boy#the boys#actually they are All like that#butcher and kimiko are like the only two who really belong in this genre and even then they have their oddities#butcher thinks every day is talk like spike day . kimi's on some helena-from-orphan-black shit where she uses her mercenary pay#to buy a set of brass knuckles that say BOSSY on them and she could've been teaching her sign from the start she just didn't feel like it#frenchie is the roguish deuteragonist of a heist movie (the one that might or might not die in the fourth act to up the stakes)#MM is the fastidious dad in a family sitcom opposite a humorously-much-more-spontaneous family who drive him up the wall#and hughie? also in a sitcom but it's a workplace comedy and he's the hapless male lead who does get the most romantic arcs#and starlight? she's just a smalltown girl trying to chase her dreams in the big city lmao and i love#every time she swears she does it with the excitement and overdetermination of someone who started swearing three months ago
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othercrossee · 1 year
Btw yes I am making kamado sorta a villain in the au, in the game he was so pathetic about protecting the village he rather sent out a 15yo child out in the wilderness after using them for his own gains, left to die and rot if volo didn't help them
#z rambles#hes so caught up in his own goal and his past to look around himself who he hsd been casually exploiting and in this case#its the dorm presidents who are still students yet treated like an employee for the entire school years#its even worse knwoing theres TEACHERS in the dorm concil who doesnt do equally as much as the president#and irida is young. her entire thing is that she was forced to grow up too fast and shes so tired she doesnt let herself rest due to it#unlike irida. adaman actually doesnt overload himself with work cuz he trusts his council members to do their fair share#irida is too prideful and shes too anxious to rely on others. she rather overwork hersslf to death if it leads to that#kamado doesnt care as long as the job is done#and when a very real dangerous thing happened he doesnt call off the hunt altho adarida told him to do so#*he was not one to bent rules after petty remarks* they were questioning his status and decision. he was the director for a reason#and it seems irida took that to heart. of course. only you kmow the best ill do my part eveb if it means dooming myself#cant help it cant you? just another task she needs completed and be validsted in how responsible she is for her position#for the greater good wpuldnt you risk yourself as well? your livelihood? your youth? your life?#was death really sth she cpuld casually accept#obv it isnt entirely kamados fault why irida is the way she is. eveb in later chsoters hes proven to be rsther stuck in his own shoes#why not fit into another size for a try?#the ghost of the two children hikari snd rei would surely show him incase we couldnt. exploited and dying in battle out in the danger?#theyd kmow a thing or two about teaching old men too stubborn in their ways to see the risk theyve taken#why risk for the greater goods when theres other ways thst doesnt require such things to begin with?#were you gonna let your own trauma and memories destroy others too? were you?#and god did that rang thru maybe not just for one. someone else def need to hear that for herself#were she gonns ket her own trauma and memories destroy others....and subsequently herself in the process?#it almost feel like her entire life could burst open at the seams. at its foundation#maybe for her the treasure hunt isnt too special. especially when your entire life feels as if youd been hunted from the beginning#spirit school au#HOW R PEOPLW FINDING THIS?? its just so ranfom???#2024 op here excuse me dkjakd
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feluka · 1 year
‘it’s okay to make mistakes’ is something i know is true but have a hard time accepting as the truth when my professor is a piece of bitch
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fooltofancy · 2 years
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he can't read.
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aliferous-ly · 1 year
not to bnha on main but I'm thinking about fuyumi
#i havent seen all of s..6? we're on s6 right? whatever#nor have i read the manga#but i know enough spoilers to be in LOVE with my girl#and i have a fic rattling around in my brain that i dont have enough context for#so spoilers bnha manga if u care abt that#but learning that fuyumi and touya are twins Changed Me because its about the FUCKING SIBLING TRAUMA (2.0)#its about twin's quirks being switched in the womb its about being born next to your best friend and your worst enemy#its about fuyumi wanting her family to be functional instead of the fucking dumpster fire it is#because she already lost touya she cant lose natsuo and shouto too#endeavors like 'trying his best' or whatever but i dont think she.. cares all that much about him.#her being cordial is like glacial politeness. the casual wielding of words.#plus she has such an interesting character set up???#her twin brother is being brutally trained and shes a child and cannot do anything about it#her mother takes her under her wing and tries to teach her the unspoken rules of women in this household#fuyumi hears her twin soul scream bloody murder and cannot lift a finger. she must learn how to sew#then her next brother is born and she thinks of all the ways she cant protect him. but his quirk appears.. similar to hers#shes so desperately relieved. her twin receives new scars every day.#shouto is born. her and her mother stare at each other silently in the home because they know what this will mean.#fuyumi is 12 years old when her mother is sent away. her baby brother throws up because of her father pushing him too hard#fuyumi is now the woman of the house. she is 12. she is a child#touya is gone. hes dead. her twin brother died (because of her father. they all knew touyas weakness)#fuyumi is the eldest. she has to be the glue sticking them together. she makes meals for her scarred brothers.#she is silent. she is scorned for her lack of anger.#who has space for anger when you must become a mother at 12?#fuyumi is an incredible character and if the writer (horikoshi?) wasnt so SHIT at writng female character arcs maybe he would have realized#😭😭😭#ollie rambles#me being true to my tag#FUCK i love fuyumi#sibling relationships always take me tf out but these tragic ones are perfect
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guys I just think my s/i and a.xel/l.ea should be friends
#NO BECAUSE THINK ABOUT IT#they both have a red color scheme...#they both mostly use fire...#(i will never stop with the ash puns btw)#and they also both have depressing backstories#they could bond!!! they should be friends!!!!#ash rambles 💚#and also ash teaching him some fun keyblade tricks would be so cool <3 she's been a master since before even a.qua was so she kinda knows#her shit hehe! kh ash is so cool actually#i also think it would be funny since he's not really a.qua's favorite person- but ash thinks he's totally cool and such a bro#red fire people <3 my beloved#theyd get along so well ajsjajsb theyre just both kinda awkward- ash is pretty serious and straightforward and sad after bbs#she lost her best friend/crush and her family and everything. she doesnt care about anything but getting them back#but as soon as a.qua is back? ash is back to her usual laughing and joking self that we know and love from bbs#ash also has a lot of scars on her hands from the end of bbs. theyre mostly burns from all the spells she casted trying to get a.qua back#but she hates them. sees them as a reminder that a.qua is gone and it's her fault (no it's not!!!) so she has her hands covered up#with black bandages. however you see her take them off when a.qua is back! it takes a while since ash doesnt want the woman she loves to#see that part of her either. but a.qua loves ash! scars and all! so you see the bandages come off near the end of k.h3#oh they also eat a paopu fruit but aHEM-#hehe i love my wifeeeee!
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rosesradio · 2 years
alright portbowell nation how does it feel to win and also get punched in the stomach--
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#thoughts on the ep:#most thoughts on the ep could be summed up in prev posts i reblogged#hate to say it but ricky helping ej and gina with portwell is giving will helping mike in st. but. portwell is an actual good ship#there was enough room in that boat for two#why aren't the kids practicing the show. why did one of them (was it gina?) call it a rehearsal they weren't rehearsing anything#i'm glad portwell talked through some stuff even if they have some rocky moments like they're trying and they have a great underlying--#friendship#that being said there was enough room in that boat for two#calling someone by their last name is gay#ricky and jet still have chemistry idc idc jetwen truthers you're valid and all-knowing#ej's montage w miss jenn was probably the best part of the ep lol like she was really teaching him to be fruity and i love that for him#when miss jenn said he needed a carlos i lowkey wish his assistant could be ricky#why were they doing sports the play is in like 5 days whatever it's fine#ashlyn having her wlw moment so true and with val's ponytail flip i couldn't blame her#obviously though like everyone else is saying break up with big red first#the fireworks metaphor is stupid#as a fanfic writer it's stupid and that's saying something#jet and maddox's relationship is interesting and i wish they'd put more than 3 minutes of focus on it in a season#i dunno i dunno my inbox is open i think that's it#oh and there was enough room in that boat for two btw in case i forgot to mention#hsmtmts#portwell#portbowell#ricky bowen#ej caswell#gina porter#jesus these tags#not tkk
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dutybcrne · 1 year
If asked who his favorite person is, Kaeya will always say Klee. Especially if the girl happens to be in earshot
#hc; kaeya#//Thas it#//That’s the post nfjrb#//He adores the adorably destructive adventurous lil smol#//Y’know the I Will Protect This Smile meme? ye thas him about Klee#//She prolly never learns her lessons from solitary bc after she gets out; he IMMEDIATELY treats her to the best sweets and brings her gift#//V counterproductive#//The fact that he’s teaching her how to go under Jean’s radar doesn’t help either lmao#//He genuinely can’t ever bring himself to seriously scold her over anything#//He straight up saves a whole chunk of his salary for Klee spendings#//Treats; little knickknacks; clothes; ensuring funds for every little thing she could want#//Deffo has a playful (one-sided) rivalry with his favorite boi Bedo over who is her best big bro#//There’s no contest who; really; but that won’t stop Kae from trying jfhfh#//He once tried to use her to get under Diluc’s skin; talking about how he and Klee make the BEST Pyro-Cryo team#//That their Visions work so SPLENDIDLY together; like they were MEANT to be a team#//Knowing damn well how he griped about the incompatibility of his and Diluc’s Visions to his and near everyone else’s face#//But he felt absolutely awful about it afterward#//That’s not how you treat someone you consider fam; after all#//Though he’s not too pressed about feeling guilt on that when it comes to Diluc#//He’s a BIG STRONG BOY who doesn’t NEED Kaeya for anything; after all#//Luc prolly didn’t CARE enough about whatever he’d intend with that stunt; anyway#//For Klee; on the other hand; Kae willingly went and cashed in a good few vacay days to spoil her and make it up to her#//Not saying the reason why he up and did that to her or anybody#//Simply either citing it personal for others; and then to Klee bc he wanted to adventure with her#//No matter how hectic things get; he will NEVER let anyone or anything put a SCRATCH on Klee#//The moment she gets even the tiniest of injuries; he is goin on a Warpath#//Mans would want to raze the whole goddamn Abyss Order himself if any of them hurt Klee#//So her mess with 'Mr Fluffy' deffo cause him a Major Stress#//Absolutely SPOILED her after he found out (and after his Crisis) bc he wanted to reward her for killing it
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