#Shelly can work too
a-dumbass-jester · 2 months
I need to push my transfem Michael hc more
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st4r-with-a-four · 3 months
(Nothing official, but if u said u wanna talk abt it, I miiiight do a bit of an interview. Ur credible sources now, losersss /hj /lh).
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lookninjas · 3 months
So I went ahead and watched the new Crow trailer
Yeah, it's exactly what I thought. Simultaneously too clean and yet extravagantly gory. The villains lack any kind of the weirdness we got from Michael Wincott and Bai Ling, who were both so spectacularly deranged. Going to be a lot of CGI (which -- absolutely, yeah, use it for the shooting sequences, please, but if the original production could afford some ravens, you can afford some fucking ravens). Not a fan of them making it so the attack on Eric and Shelly appears to be targeted, as opposed to the random violence of both the original comic book and the original movie. And using a line from the original trailer that was voiced by Brandon Lee is probably just an unwise move in general. (Edit: actually, I'm pretty sure it was the girl who played Sarah who said that line in the trailers. Still not a great way to set yourself apart from the original.)
As far as it being "inspired by the comic book, not the film" -- I mean, okay, it looks like they have the Skull Cowboy? Which did get cut from the 1994 version due to Brandon Lee's death. But again, the whole Shelly backstory thing is very different. The villains look very different. What the fuck they're doing in the whole scene when it looks like there's a prison and everyone's in pink -- I don't know what that is. It wasn't in the comics. This wasn't a girl who saw some stuff that a billionaire crime lord was doing and then they came after her and her fiance. This was a random, senseless killing out of the blue.
And that actually matters, right? Because James O'Barr lost his fiancee out of the blue, to a drunk driver. The Crow was his response to that loss. Changing how they died really does change everything that comes next. It can't be helped.
And it just looks like extruded comic book product. It's like... again, everything's too clean and everyone seems kind of vaguely rich for no real reason but there's also this really cartoonish violence with armies of NPC characters, and it's just extruded comic book product.
Which is unfortunate, because I do get the sense that Bill Skarsgård is legitimately acting his heart out. But it just isn't enough to make this feel like anything but a cash grab on the part of the producers with at least one good performance.
He deserves better. This whole story deserves better.
I just don't think it's going to get that.
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pcstan · 1 year
would you mind sharing some Shelly Headcanons you have if youd like i amstarved of content for her
I WOULD LOVE TOO!! I can talk about her,, all day,,. Here's just a few of the headcanons I have of her!
1-) First one is half of a headcanon and half canon that's not used nearly enough in content about her. In the 'Royal Wedding' episode Stan mentions that Shelly is canonically a den leader for girl scouts which is usually a job that goes to adults or at least older teens so I imagine she's actually much more active and mature than what she's portrayed as. She's definitely still very short tempered and aggressive but I imagine it's more controlled outside of her home life where she doesn't have to be sorrounded by a neglectful family and a "golden child" brother.
2-) Much like Stan doesn't correct their grandpa when he calls him "Billy", Shelly doesn't correct him when he forgets how old she is. She actually likes the attention she gets by grandpa for being the youngest of the family although she'd never admit it cuz she doesn't want to sound childish.
3-) One the topic of family, since she has no on-screen interactions with Jimbo I can just make them all up myself and I do believe he's taken her hunting at least once and told her all about his favorite guns in his shop.
4-) She still listens to Lorde even after the big reveal, just in secret.
5-) She definitely hangs out with Cartman still and he usually finds out stuff about her way before her family does.
6-) A big reason that she has self esteem issues other than her headgear is because although he has Sharon's hair color and eye color she definitely looks more like Randy's child.
7-) She's definitely told Wendy to break up with Stan at least 3 times till Stan stopped bringing her to his house.
8_) She's bipolar and inhereted the disorder genetically (projecting...). It's where her intense anger issues stem from. (She 100% gets it from Randy but he's undiagnosed.)
9-) I headcanon that she cuts her own hair especially when she's frustrated or angry and that she started doing it when she was fairly young, at around 5. Probably started when baby Stan got way more attention that her. I tie this to my headcanon of her being bipolar and exhibiting signs of it–especially anger issues—at a very young age.
10-) As she gets older she gets more extroverted but not in a very healthy way <\3. Much like Stan and Randy she has a very addictive personality but unlike them she strictly refuses to get into smoking or drinking (or even gambling like Marvin). She thinks this will keep her safe but she starts getting addicted to the attention she gets from being more manic and roudy. Bad attention and good attention are both fine for her, especially if it comes from her parents.
11-) She loves gummy worms but because she's fucking weird she slurps them instead of bitting into them. Yep. Immediately swallows them. Fucking weirdo. I mean I guess it helps with keeping her braces in check but still fucking weird.
12-) She likes them ugly ass crusty white dogs.
13-) She has so many ugly ass printed shirts. A collector with the most exquisite taste in garbage.
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the jurist system seems really cool i hope they keep using it :-)
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🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i a suspect. because you can "court" me any time
🧊 just--ice Follow
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i a suspect. because you can "try" me any time
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. are you a lawyer. because you can "try" to "court" me any time
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i on trial.
🌈 lawsbian Follow
i'm determined to make this work btw
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. law
🔪 violencekilling Follow
hey girl. are you a murderer. because ow ough ouch agh stop stabbing me
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🌟 rockliker270 Follow
guys watch out hes gonna shelly de kill you
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🎀 copiicat Follow
they called me to the witness stand and the defense attorney just shouted "BOOOOOO WE HATE YOUR PUSSY"
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🧇 edible-evidence Follow
look if i was on trial and the guy prosecuting me started advertising his music i'd just plead guilty. avoid the embarrassment of getting put in prison by a guy who basically used the trial to say "this blew up btw here's my soundcloud"
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⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
💞 lawveyourself Follow
didnt miles edgeworth defend someone in a case once
⛲ fountainoftruth Follow
do you know the difference between a prosecutor and a defense attorney
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💟 longingforyou Follow
being rivals isn't enough i need to kiss you
💟 longingforyou Follow
who the fuck is evil magistrate
💟 longingforyou Follow
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🐈 nyattorney Follow
they hired a guy to stand in court and shout "GET A ROOM YOU TWO" whenever the lawyers start getting a little too homoerotic
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💥 courtroomchaos Follow
your honor i know all the evidence points to my client being guilty. but come on you have to admit he kinda ate right
💼 courtofwaw Follow
mia fey when they had phoenix wright on trial
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🔍 thuthseeker Follow
ok hot take but i feel like these lawyers should maybe not be allowed to drag literal children to court with them?? how many people have gotten genuinely actually fucking SHOT in court and they're just ok bringing fucking 8 year olds in?
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💼 courtofwaw Follow
happy almost christmas to all who celebrate
💫 dizzydreamers124 Follow
it's march
🎄 holidazed Follow
happy almost christmas :)
😈 knownjaywalker Follow
WHO is putting this on my dash
👁️ cymorgue Follow
🐼 pandastar91 Follow
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💽 platinumcourtrecord Follow
evil gavinners be like. innocent hate. this is a nothing post
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🥚 eggvidenced Follow
STOP asking me about the dl-6 post idc idc look even phoenix wright forged evidence once shut up
📕 lexculpatory Follow
he didn't forge the evidence, though. it was kristoph gavin who ordered the forgery. this was covered in the trial of vera misham. if you're going to try to compare yourself to well known figures, you could at least check the veracity of your claims.
🥚 eggvidenced Follow
yeah well. he might have. on a different case or something.
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🃏 thecourtjester Follow
i tried to take the bar exam but they didnt let me because i wasnt cunty and traumatized enough
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😇 innosense Follow
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🦀 mad_libz_87 Follow
when will global studios realize that i do not WANT another shitty steel samurai spinoff i just want the original show back
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⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
she present on my evidence til i reach a verdict
⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
17,283 notes
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👑 courtroyals Follow
"we need more great prosecutors" you guys couldn't even handle manfred von karma
🧊 just--ice Follow
didn't he kill someone?
👑 courtroyals Follow
irrelevant. you guys couldn't handle him.
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📋 lawandwhoreder Follow
law: i'm so law
lawyer, who needs to one up everyone no matter what: i'm more law than you
🏛️ lawyest Follow
📋 lawandwhoreder Follow
you've got to be fucking kidding me
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🧊 just--ice Follow
why is it always murders with lawblr. why don't we ever talk about divorce or something
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ravens-two · 4 months
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PAC: Your Person's Thoughts About You 18+
This reading includes:
your person's dirty thoughts about you
The extended reading includes:
their reaction to these thoughts
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone. Also, this content is 18+ only!
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Pile 1
Judgment, Moon
"Devotion save me now/ I don't wanna stray from the hallowed ground/ I'll turn temptation down" Hurts - Devotion
The first thing I'm getting from this pile is that your person wants to see you naked. It's actually really interesting because this is supposed to be about their dirty thoughts (and well in a way it is), but this naked is almost like moving beyond your physical body. They want to see you for who you really are without any reservations on your part. This can be a bit of a kink for them too. It's almost like unravelling you during sex. They also want to have you completely at their mercy. For some of you this will be a bit more bdsm-y while for others not so much. In general, what I mean by this is that they want you to fully trust them and let them do the work. It's like putting your pleasure completely in their hands.
Going back to the naked thing though, it might be that you two haven't been intimate yet and they keep imagining what you'll look like when there aren't any clothes on you. Or it might be that you have been intimate and it's almost like the image of your naked body is seared in their brain. They couldn't forget it even if they wanted to and it's a thought that just keeps popping up for them randomly. I actually think that one of the reasons that they can't stop thinking about it is because of the energy that you gave off. This is hard to explain, but in the moment it was like there was something supernatural about you, the way you surrender completely to your seductive and animal side is/was very enchanting for your person.
This person is also dreaming about kissing you pile 1, especially your neck. I also get the vibe that they want to mark you, like leaving hickeys or bite marks. It seems that they're the type of person that likes to leave something to remember them by. I keep hearing that they just want to take you in their arms. Again, there's this vibe that they are the most dominant energy and want you to surrender to them (but this doesn't really feel like power-exchange honestly). They want to worship your body (this also fits the song that you got tbh).
They might also fantasize about having sex in a taboo place or out in nature (maybe both for some of you). They might want to have sex in a lake or a secluded place out in the woods. For some people they might want to do it in a graveyard (Mary Shelly would approve lol) or like another person's bedroom or in a place where you could get caught. I also think that they want to have sex all night long, going as long as you both can and then be completely exhausted.
For some you they also wish that you would let yourself be a little wilder. There's this vibe that they think that you are kinkier than you act (you might seem too in control or put together during the act for their liking) and they would love it if you showed this side of yourself. They also know that in part it's a question of trusting them enough, so that would really do it for them too - knowing that you trust them like that.
Pile 2
Star, Tower
"When I first saw you/ The end was soon/ To Bethlehem it slouched/ And then it must have caught a good look at you" Hozier - NFWMB
Hi pile 2, your person's dirty thoughts about you are quite interesting because I keep getting this idea that they will have a dirty thought, indulge in it for a moment, and then they'll feel bad about it. It's like they try to repress these thoughts because they think that they're somehow disrespectful to you. It might be that you aren't in a relationship with this person yet, and this is what cause these feelings, because you don't know that they see you like this.
A bit like pile 1, your person also thinks about seeing you naked. I feel like 90% of their 18+ thoughts are about your naked body. It might be them imagining what you would look like or just remembering your body. Unlike pile 1 there isn't this vibe of wanting you to surrender to them or seeing you undone, your person just wants to admire you in all your glory. They think that you're breathtaking and it honestly makes them a bit weak in their knees. It's actually more likely that your person wants to submit to you than the other way around. They also want to get on their knees and worship you, so this is probably oral sex. With the Tower here as well I'm seeing a lot of orgasms for both of you, explosive and maybe a bit mind-shattering. I'm hearing someone say that they've been "fucked dumb", so yeah, that could be one of their fantasies too. There's also something here about squirting and/or cum play as well. If your person has a penis they probably want to paint you with their cum, most likely your face, chest or back.
If you have breasts your person is also obsessed with them. They love the way they look (no matter the size) and really want to play with them. If you don't have breasts this could still be about your nipples. They're also pretty obsessed with your thighs and some of them want to get crushed between them. Again, there's this vibe that they want to please you so bad. It's not that they're really submissive, but they want to give you as much pleasure as humanly possible.
Your person also fantasizes about making love to you instead of fucking. They want the sex to be loving, safe and healing for the both of you. They also think about having shower/bath sex with you. Or they might get more dirty thoughts about you when they're in the shower. There's also something about cleanliness here, so it could be that your person enjoys/imagines cleaning you up after sex.
Pile 3
Nine of Wands, Two of Wands
"Love is our resistance/ They'll keep us apart, and they won't stop breaking us down/ Hold me/ Our lips must always be sealed" Muse - Resistance
Pile 3, your person seems to be quite kinky. The first thing I'm seeing here is bondage. They imagine tying you up and maybe even using blindfolds. This could be like full bondage or maybe just using handcuffs (it's going to change a bit from person to person), whatever it is your person wants to restrain you. I'm even seeing that for some of you your person kind of wants to tie you up just to look at you. There's a hint of voyeurism here, so they might want to take pictures or videos of you and enjoy the thought of "what if someone saw this". It might go even a little bit further and they imagine someone walking on you or you two doing it in a public place right in front of everyone. I think that is biggest motivation for them is that they are super proud of being by your side and want to show you off.
Another thing that they imagine is fingering you. They get a lot of enjoyment from your pleasure so they imagine getting you off with just their fingers. Actually I just got a very detailed visual of you mostly naked while they're still completely clothed and their fingers inside of you. When it comes to positions your person imagines you two having sex standing up or bending you over something.
Just like pile 1 your person wants to see you completely undone and unraveled. They imagine you after sex with your hair all messed up, marks all over your body, covered in fluids, and an hazy look in your eyes. Yeah, just very very messy. Your person doesn't seem to be too shy about their desires though. They also want to have multiple rounds with you. They want to have sex with you for as long as you physically can. Again they want to see you completely exhausted. I actually keep seeing more about fingering and oral sex rather than penetration, so your person tends to imagine more about this types of acts. It might be that they're actually a bit shy about doing these things in real life so they like to imagine it.
Your person also likes to imagine sexual scenarios with a lot of action and adventure. They have a very fertile imagination. They might imagine themselves as an hero who rescues you and then you two have sex. They might really enjoy role-playing. They also imagine sex that progresses your relationship. Besides the kinkier stuff, they might imagine making love to you and being truly intimate and vulnerable with you. Honestly, this person just wants to be with you and they enjoy making up scenarios with you.
Pile 4
Five of Cups, Ace of Wands
"You lose your way, just take my hand/ You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again/ Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am" Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex
Pile 4, your pile seems like the most emotional, at least at first sight. One of your person's biggest fantasies is being comforted by you through sex. They like to imagine themselves (I'm not sure if it's randomly or when something bad happens) feeling down or going through a rough situation and coming to you to be comforted. They imagine you taking them in your arms, holding them, kissing them and slowly taking off their clothes. They imagine you on your knees giving them oral sex and then you two having slow, loving sex. There might even be tears here. Like they're feeling so emotional from what happened and from how loved they are by you that they just tear up or cry a bit. I think that the biggest fantasy here is feeling loved tbh. I also think that your song and the lyrics that I chose are really fitting for your person. They really want you to take their hand and steer the boat when they're feeling lost.
With the Ace of Wands here they're also really passionate and want the sex between you to feel hot and heavy, to truly envelop the two of you. They might also think about wax play or temperature play. There's something here about the differences in temperature between your body and other objects. They also want to kiss all over your body. They're very connected to their body sensations, especially about warmth. I don't really know how to explain it. They crave the feeling of your hot mouth on them (and other things too).
Something that's a bit kinkier and that might be a bit off-putting for some people, but they also imagine having period sex with you. The blood doesn't irk them, and they might even finding it a bit hot. I don't want to describe it too much, because the images in my head are quite graphic. But, yeah imagine them playing with the blood a little bit. In general, I think that they have a thing for body fluids, mainly semen and spit from what I'm getting. This is the other pile that might want to paint you with their cum (or the other way around). Also, they imagine you spitting in their mouth. I'm immediately getting that most of these kinkier fantasies about them are something that they see as unrealistic.
Again, this pile is quite emotional and they also like to imagine you two having a fight and being really upset with each other and then having sex. I think that this is such a recurring scenario in their head that they have a lot of variants. They imagine you having loving sex almost as an apology, then they imagine being hatefucked or hatefucking you. Or being denied by you. They have a lot of different scenarios when it comes to this, the only thing in common is you two fighting.
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starysky1289 · 6 months
Toxic!Sorority!Vanessa X Reader. College Party
TW: Noncon, toxic relationship, drug use, mentions of r@pe
You held tightly onto Vanessa arm, it was Vanessas Sorority semester finals week Party, and she had insisted you’d come. You wore a black crop top and a short Pink skirt. Vanessa wore a cropped button up and black leggings. The music blared around you, liquor bottles and Drugs littered every table in the house.
Vanessa shook you off, looking over at another group of girls, she looked at you through the corner of her eyes.
“ I’m gonna talk to my girls. You stay on the couch. “
“ a-alright..don’t take to long, ok? “
“ I’ll take as long as I need. “
She stalked over to the group, you gently sat down in the nearby couch. You watched the countless boys try and hit on every girl in the room, all of them usually failing. You looked down at your phone, before feeling something tap your head. Looking up, it was a pretty brunette, she looked high out of her mind, but her brown eyes stayed focused on you.
“ hey. Names Lily, you need a drink pretty? “
She dangled a white claw above you. You took it, cracking it open and drinking it, sighing afterwards. Lily sat next to you, pushing her whole body weight on your side.
“ mm, what’s a pretty think like you doing here all alone~? “
“ my girlfriend is talking to her friends, she’ll be back soon “
“ yeah? Who’s your girl? “
You swirled the can in your hand, hesitant to speak anymore, you figured it wouldn’t work, would it?
“ Vanessa Shelly..”
“ woah. Our sorority leader? Damn, you lucked out, to bad she’s not taking care of you..pretty girls should be watched over..”
She cooed into your ear, you felt one of her hands trail down your skirt her fingers slowly sliding in between her legs.
“ y-you seem like a lovely girl b-but no, I can’t. “
“ well, Vanessa’s not, so someone’s gotta~ “
She slowly pressed her fingers against your soaked panties, chuckling as she pushed them to the side. Everything in you was telling you to make her stop, but you wanted it, Vanessa hadn’t touched you in days..a little something would help.
You took another sip of your drink, glancing around for Vanessa, she was no where to be seen. Lily played with your folds, kissing you on your neck.
“ Vanessa dosnt take care of you, you need me so bad, you need- “
“ Lily. Fucks going on. “
You both shot up, Vanessa and a few girls stood in front of you two. Lily pulled up quickly, chuckling slightly.
“ nessa! H-hey! Just giving your girl a drink- “
“ looked like you where doing more than just giving her a drink. Cmere, you need to relax. “
Vanessa liked her pinky, dragging it through the white powder on the nearby table, grabbing lilys face. You watched lily’s eyes turn to fear, as Vanessa rubbed the powder of her finger against lily’s pink gums, she imeaditly melted into it. Vanessa let go of her, and turned to you, yanking you up by the shirt collar.
“ girls, you go have fun. I think I need to teach someone a lesson. “
Vanessa growled, and dragged you upstairs,you could hear the music fade away as she threw you into the room.
“ now, you better fucking explain why she had her fingers up your cunt, or I’ll let the girls rape you all night. “
You panted heavily, staring up at her, you struggled to say anything, you were too afraid to speak.
“ s-she. She just c-came up to me a-and just..w-wanted to..”
“ and you just let her? You couldn’t be alone for five minutes. You had to let her touch you. “
“ well y-you haven’t touched me in days! I’m sorry I’m needy-! “
You shout up at her, she froze, she was amazed you had the nerves to speak to her like that.
“ do you need to relax too? Do I need to fix that mouth of yours?? “
She reached her hand into her leggings pocket, pulling out a small baggie filled with the white powder. You struggled against her, trying to pull away, her icy blue eyes stared into you, her fingers pressed against your cheeks, small tears swelling around your eyes.
“ open. “
“ n-no! “
She held your mouth open when you spoke, keeping your jaw parted. She spit down into your mouth, and finally letting you close your mouth.
“ swallow. “
You begrudgingly swallowed her spit, you could taste the booze from it. She sit you down on her bed, just holding your face and staring at you like a peice of meat. She examined all your features, trying to figure out what to do with you, what would make you learn that your hers. Eventually, she smirked, she decided.
“ you need me so bad? Then I’ll give it to you the way I think you deserve it. “
She turned around into her cabinet, pulling out a black box. She pulled your shirt off you, and took out a piece of rope, grabbing your wrists and tieing them together, and then to the bed frame. She left your skirt on, pulling your panties down, tucking them in her pocket like they were a prize.
You hadn’t dared to talk, you were already nervous on what Vanessa was doing to you. She took out a small pink silicone toy. She slowly slid half of it into you, before pressing the top of it, as it began to vibrate.
You let out a surprised moan, Vanessa quickly covered your mouth, grabbing a bright pink ball gag, and forcing it on your mouth.
“ now arnt you pretty, you get to cum all you want. Now, I have a few things to do, so be a good girl and stay quiet for me, I’ll only be a few minutes~ “
Vanessa teased, and walked out of the room. You screamed at her, but they were muffled by the gag. The vibrator in you made it impossible to think of anything but cumming, and how how you needed it. You where pathetic, and Vanessa knew it, you where hers to use as she please, and you couldn’t do anything about it.
It had to of been a hour, atleast sense Vanessa left. You couldn’t feel your legs, and the vibrator had slowed down from it being constantly on. Your eyes were half lidded as you saw a figure enter the room, stumbling slightly over to you.
“ h-hey baby..I forgot you were up here..”
It was Vanessa, you could see was completely waisted, as she sat next to you.
“ lemme, take this out..”
She pulled the vibrator out, and chucked it across the room, and undid your gag, you quickly took gasping breaths, as you struggled against the ropes.
“ v-Vanessa I’m sorry… p-please let me go..I won’t ever do it again I promise..”
“ god your wet…I need to take care of that..”
Vanessa murmured, she didn’t hear you at all. She stripped off her leggings, digging through the draws of her vanity, as tears began to roll down your face again.
“ v-Vanessa, Vanessa please! Please I can’t take anymore! I-I’m sorry please!! “
You watched as she pulled out a strap, it was the bright pink one, it wasn’t to long, but its girth could ruin you. Pink was the way she marked you, she would always say she owned the colour pink, and that anyone who she allowed to wear it was her property. You were her property.
You watched as she clambered back onto the bed, holding your legs up and putting them over her shoulders.
“ mm..pretty girl…don’t you need to relax~? “
This time she pulled the little baggie out from her bra, she wet her pinky again and gently dipped it in the bag, you reluctantly opened your mouth, you’d given in at this point. She gently rubbed her finger along your gums, smirking afterwards, stuffing the bag back into her bra.
“ see? Just relax, let your body soak that sugar in. “
She traced up through your folds with the tip, before plunging it in, you let out a defeated moan, she’d thrust in and out of you with a wet slap every time, her pelvis hitting yours every time.
You weakly moaned, yanking even more at the ropes, you needed to get out. Your mind slowly grew fuzzy, as you melted under Her, Vanessa’s body warm against yours as she sped up.
“ I-I’m gonna cum n-nessa…”
“ yeah? Already? Cmon baby…do it for me…cum for me..”
She cooed into your ear, slamming in harder. You moaned out, wrapping your legs tightly around her shoulders, before feeling your walls clenched, you moaned out one last time, before collapsing again, panting heavily. Vanessa weakly untied you from the bed, before collapsing besides you. The music from the party had died down, you knew it wouldn’t be long before campus police showed up. You tried to roll over and hold Vanessa, but she was already getting back up, redressing herself.
“ nessa…stay the night…”
“ no..I gotta go clean the party and get rid of all the evidence before I’m caught. You’ll be fine, don’t be a baby. “
She murmured before stalking out, slamming the door on the way out. Your body felt too heavy to move, so you let yourself slip into sleep, Your gums tingling as you did.
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goosefruit · 6 months
the sound of her voice
vanessa shelly x reader
tw: phone sex, sub!reader, sex toys (bullet vibrator & dildo), teasing, orgasm denial, masturbation, maybe exhibitionism (not really? vanessa is in a public space but alone), a lot of dirty talk
You had always been a good girl for Vanessa.
Normally, on your days off, you’d wait patiently for her to come home, sometimes even dressing up to give her a pleasant little surprise. In return, she’d reward you with her tongue and fingers until the both of you were too tired to keep going. 
Normally, you would never tease her while she was at work, aside from the occasional suggestive text. 
Today, however, time felt unbearably slow. Every part of your body was aching to have Vanessa by your side, but it would be at least another 2 hours before she was home. 
That was when a wicked idea came to your mind.  
Getting off your living room couch, you made a trip to your bedroom closet to look for a couple of items. A blush crept up your cheeks as you thought about this brilliant plan that you were about to execute. 
You laid down on the bed with a small but powerful bullet vibrator, as well as the dildo that was usually attached to Vanessa’s strap-on harness. The silicone cock was a whopping 8 inches long, in a dark shade of purple. Memories of your girlfriend bouncing you on it in the back of her cop car flashed through your mind, sending a wave of arousal down to your core.
To make the experience even more pleasurable, you decided to wear nothing but one of Vanessa’s hoodies. Wrapped up in her scent, you felt as if you could close your eyes and pretend that you were laying in her lap. 
And so you turned on the vibrator and dialed her phone number.
“Y/N! What’s up, honey?” Her sweet voice sang out from the other end.
“Vanessa,” you slipped the toy under the hoodie, pressing it against your nipple. The sensitive peak became hard and erect at the contact, and you bit your lip to avoid making a noise. “Nothing’s going on today. I just reeaally wanted to hear your voice.”
Vanessa gave a light laugh. “Miss you too, babe. I just finished checking up on Freddy’s; thought there was a break-in, but it was just a raccoon who slipped in and broke some shit trying to get to a pizza that the new night guard left out." 
“That’s absurd! Hope the little guy at least got a bite,” the vibrator began to move lower, now at your hip bone. “So, does this mean you’re still in the pizzeria’s parking lot, in that cop car of yours?”
“Completely. You know no one visits this place other than me and the ever-changing night guards.”
“Great,” you smirked to yourself, drawing soft circles on your inner thigh with the vibrator. “Because I’m in bed right now, warming myself up for you when you get home.” You turned the vibrator up a setting so that it was loud enough for her to hear through the phone. 
“Oh, are you now?” 
The confidence in her voice almost made you rethink your decisions, but you pushed through and continued talking. 
“And oh fuck, my pussy is so wet. It’s practically dripping for you, Vanessa.” Putting the phone on speaker, you set it down beside you so that you could run a finger through your slick folds while the other hand guided the toy closer. “I’ve been thinking about you all day, the things I want you to do to me, and the things I want to do to you. You drive me crazy, you know that? Fuck, I wish you were here with me.”
“Well, I can’t say that I’m not enjoying this newfound boldness, sweetheart.” There was a hint of raspiness in her voice. “But you know you could never touch yourself as good as I do.” 
The vibrator finally completed its journey to your clit, and a loud moan escaped from between your lips. 
“Mmm, fuck— and guess what, Nessa? I’m wearing nothing except for your hoodie…smells heavenly. Can almost pretend you’re here eating out my pussy. Ohh god—  feels fucking a–amazing—” 
You took the dildo and lined it up with your dripping wet hole, slowly pushing the tip in. The vibrator was still held in place on your clit, the double stimulation causing your eyes to roll back.
“I’ve got our favourite dildo here too. That huge one you love to destroy me with…better get it nice and lubed up for you when we have our fun later. It’s suuuch a shame you can’t see how well my pussy is taking it right now.” You pushed the entire length of the dildo in before pulling out to thrust it into your pussy. Keeping quiet was no longer a concern as curses and moans spewed out of you. “Ohh y–yeah— can you hear how wet my fuckhole is?”
“Yes baby, keep talking,” her heavy breathing was audible. 
You pounded the toy into your pussy harder. “If you were fucking me, I would hook my legs over your shoulders so you can rail me so deep I can’t walk the next day. Doesn’t that sound nice? Just like t–that, baby— bruise my fucking insides. Make me cum, Van– mmm!” At this point, you were rambling, saying anything that came to mind. Your brain had already turned to mush the second she started speaking in that sultry fucking voice. 
Vanessa let out a long groan, the same one you were used to hearing every time you made her cum. Did she just…?
“Fuck,” she panted, a quiet moan coming from her back of her throat. 
The realization made you halt in your actions. “Vanessa, did you just have an orgasm!?”
“Oh honey, I told you the parking lot’s empty. What? You thought I wasn’t going to touch myself to my pretty girl’s voice?”
The thought of Vanessa in the driver’s seat of her car with a hand down her pants made your stomach tighten with excitement. You began to fuck yourself with the dildo again. 
“V–Vanessa— I’m getting close too—” you pleaded, praying that she would let you cum from your own hands just this once. 
“Not yet, sweet thing. You’re going to stay on call with me while I finish my patrol for today, but don’t you dare cum before I get home.”
You whined, not knowing whether you could last even 5 more minutes. 
“But by all means, keep fucking yourself. My radio’s broken, so give me something satisfying to listen to.”
“Vanessa– I ca—’t—”
“You said you wanted me to make you cum, no? So be a good girl and hold on for me.”
Of course, you were her good girl. So even though your sensitive clit couldn’t possibly handle any more stimulation, you turned the vibrator up another setting.
“I’ll be home in an hour.”
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stxrmylxve · 11 months
Can I have a ride?
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Synopsis: Mikey thinks you’re asking to ride on his bike, but that’s not really what you ment. A/N: @shelly-ya i figured this would serve better than doing multiple boys as hcs 😌
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WARNING: riding 💁‍♀️, begging, choking, nicknames (good boy, slut), no protection, a few cuss words, a bit of overstimulation
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“Mikey, we’re heading out for a lunch break. Want us to bring you anything?” Inupi calls out, huffing as mikey shakes his head.
“I’ll grab somethin’ later, thanks.”
You wave the boys goodbye as you walk into the shop, the soft tap of your shoes ringing in Mikey’s ears as he turns around.
“Y/N! What do you think of the bike? Ken-chin helped me repair it, but I did most of the body work.” Mikey asks, wiping a speck of dust off of it as he turns to you with a beaming smile.
“It’s gorgeous, Mikey! You both did a great job. I like the paint job you did, too.” you reply, eyeing the glossy shine to the paint that covered the bright flames across the body of the bike.
“I was going to take it for a spin today, but of course it has to rain.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh.
“Well then, can I have a ride?” you ask, rubbing his shoulders as he looks over his shoulder with a confused gaze.
“But it’s raining-“
“Not that kind of ride, ‘jiro…” you say, running your hands down his chest, your hands lingering a bit too long as they glided down his torso.
It took him a while to catch on, but you could tell when he finally did as his ears turned red.
“R-right now? They will be back from their lunch break before you know it.” he says, taking your hands into his as he presses small kisses along each of your fingers.
“If we’re quiet enough, they won’t know.” you coo, walking off to one of the vacant rooms in the back.
Mikey sighs, contemplating just leaving a note for the guys to find when they got back saying he went home. But the thought of the pure rush of adrenaline he would get being right on the brink of getting caught won him over, his feet moving faster than his thoughts as he wandered after you.
By the time he caught up to you, you had already wiggled off your clothes, sitting there with nothing but a bra and panties on as you waited eagerly for his arrival. His brows quirked at the sight, wondering what you would have done if he had simply ignored you and left you there.
“Y’know how to get your way, don’t you?” he chuckles as he sits down in one of the plush seats, unzipping the fly to his pants to pull his cock out. The tip was already a fiery red, showing that he was just as eager for this as you were.
You slipped off your panties, discarding them in the pile of clothes as you clicked the lock on the door, walking back over to him to start prepping. Your hands wrapped around his lengths, pumping a few times before spitting right on the slit, pulling a small groan out of the man as you snickered.
“Doesn’t look like I will have to do very much today, will I?” you giggle as you pump him a few more times, deciding it wad enough as a bit of pre leaked out of his tip.
“J’st get on with it.” he begs, pulling you onto his lap by your waist as you straddle him with a grin.
“Eager, huh? What would you have done without me, jerked off?” you tease, lining up his tip to your cunt. With a small hiss, you slip his tip in, your walls fluttering already as they fight to take his thick girth. You bounce a few times, reaching down to flick your clit as you try to egg yourself on.
With no warning, Mikey’s hands fly to your hips, pushing you down on his complete length as a guttural moan leaves his lips, his hand having to slap over your mouth by the high-pitched moan you let out.
“S’too much, ‘jiro! Fuck!” you whine, your arms wrapping around his neck as your walls clamp down, his leaky tip easily kissing your cervix.
“You gonna’ talk all of that big talk and can barely take me? S’ch a slut.” he says as his hands kneed the fat of your ass. You grit your teeth, taking the nickname as a challenge as you push him back into the chair, sitting up straight to where you were looking down on him.
“Weren’t you the one begging me to hurry up?” you reply, rolling your hips with a quivering smile as you fight his dominance, trying to hold back all of the moans that held true to the nickname of a ‘slut’.
He let out a small whimper, his hands trying to hold you steady the best he could, but even you knew that for him, nothing would beat the feeling of you riding him to your heart’s content.
“Such a good boy for me, letting me use you like I want.” you coo, your nails wracking through his hair as you grind down on his length.
“Y’er just gonna’ settle for this? No true riding?” he croaks out, small whimpers leaving his lips again as you pull on his hair a little bit.
“What, do you want me to ride you?” you ask, rolling your eyes.
“Y-yes! Please!” he begs, his hands coming up to tug on your bra as his hips rutt up absentmindedly, his head leaning back from the blissful feeling he was lost in.
Though you loved to tease him, you yourself were also getting bored of this agonizingly slow pace you had created. You huffed as you gave in to his desire, slowly rocking your hips as your hands slid down to his shoulders, your pace quickening as you gained more stabilization.
Small tears formed in the corners of his eyes as his mouth made a small ‘o’, his hand slipping around your neck as he forced you into a quicker pace, pulling you down for a short kiss before parting with small pants.
You tried to form another teasing sentence, but your mind evaded the thought as your eyes rolled back, his cock hitting just the right spots with each roll of your hips. You knew you were close, your walls tightening around his length, but they only edged him on towards his own high as you felt his dick starting to twitch inside of you.
“M’close!” he pleads, his hands falling to your hips as you slumped over slightly, your hips stuttering as you squeezed your eyes shut. Your high hit you suddenly, a sharp moan leaving your mouth as you clamped down on him, “W-wait! T’much!” he cried out, pushing him over the edge as he painted your insides white.
The room went silent as nothing more than soft pants were heard. Mikey pressed a small kiss on your temble, littering the rest of your face with soft pecks as you giggled.
“You think they heard?”
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ivelle-serenity · 29 days
Skateboard 4
Wind breaker
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fem bodied reader | smut | action | pwp | jayjo/fml | vinny/fml | wooin/fml | joker/fml | hyuk/fml | owen/fml | enemies to lovers | angsty | the other woman (?) | reverse harem | fluff | SLOW BURN! | all characters featured are 18+
author's note: interaction with Jay is now finally happening 😩👊
✧˖° — windbreaker men
✧˖° — mdni, smut, description of not safe for work content.
✧˖° — this is a story not one shot.
The next day, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. The events of yesterday were driving me crazy, and I wanted to scream in my room. The Sabbath Crew kept popping into my mind—Wooin, Joker, and especially Jay from Hummingbird. I bit my finger while staring at the blackboard. Our physics teacher was checking our assignments. I did Dom’s assignment as promised, and I also did Jay’s. I ignored his suggestion to work on it together. There was no way I was doing that. Besides, I could handle it on my own.
But when I handed Jay his assignment, he seemed annoyed. Was he really mad at me, or was that just his usual expression?
"Is this real?" Our teacher looked up in surprise. "Dom, Jay, and Demitra got the highest scores on the assignment," he announced to the class. "All three of them tied for the highest score."
Dom’s jaw dropped as he stared at me, but I kept looking out the window. Honestly, the assignment was tough, but I managed to ace it.
"Come on, Sir! Can't you believe I have some hidden genius too?" Dom shouted, making everyone laugh.
"Well, I just can't believe anyone matched Jay's score. He always gets the highest in our class." The teacher looked at me. "It seems our new student is competing with him. This is very exciting." He grinned.
Jay kept his usual cold expression, staring at his notebook. I shrugged and started packing my things since the teacher was leaving and it was time to go home. Our classmates started making noise again as soon as the teacher left. It was like a zoo with all the ruckus they were causing. I never expected Korean students to be this loud.
I froze when I saw someone standing in front of my desk. It was Dom...
"Can we talk to you?" he asked with a sweet smile plastered on his face.
"Who's 'we'?" I replied, then noticed Jay, Mia, and Yuna also standing up.
"We saw how you ride a bike, and I gotta admit, you're really good," Dom said, stroking his chin as if deep in thought. "I don't know what happened yesterday that made Jay win when it was obvious you should have."
"Maybe Jay's just better than her," Yuna interjected, giving me a dirty look.
I smiled sarcastically. "I still don't see why you're all here in front of me."
"Join us." We all turned to Jay. His eyes were directly on mine. "Join our crew," he clarified.
I laughed, but when I realized they were serious, I laughed again.
"What is this? This is so random." I shook my head and put my notebook in my bag. "I lost, so why would I join your crew? Besides, I already did your assignments, so why—"
"Shelly's been gone for months now because of a family emergency in England. We need a rider for the cycling tournament. We're short one person for the next round. It's only temporary," Dom explained, making puppy eyes at me.
I felt like a bucket of cold water was poured over me when he mentioned Shelly's name. I had suspected she might be the Shelly I knew, and now I was right. It really was her.
I clenched my fists.
"And didn't you say that if you beat Jay, you'd join their crew? It means you really want to join—" Mia started, but I cut her off.
"Believe it or not, I was just joking back then." I looked away from them. "I didn't expect you to take it seriously. Look, I'm selling my bike because I don't use it anymore. Just find another rider or bring Shelly back." I stood up. But before I could leave, someone grabbed my arm. I looked up to see Jay staring at me with no emotion on his face.
"I'll do all your assignments this time," he uttered. "Just join us," he said firmly.
"I don't need your help."
"But we do."
I looked at him in disbelief, meeting his gaze. Okay, I had to admit, I wanted to try their tournament, but I didn't want to show my face. I knew Sangho was handling that event. He might recognize me, and I didn't want him to know I was in Korea.
"Fine," I said, and Dom, Yuna, and Mia's eyes widened as if I had said something shocking. "Don't help me with physics, just Korean," I added, looking away.
"Wow, you really don't seem like someone who struggles with our language," Mia remarked, amazed.
I gave them a small smile. "Just tell me the time of your training," I said to Jay.
"We were planning to train right now," Dom chimed in.
Oh fuck
This isn't bad, right? And it's only temporary. They just really need a player for a new match. I sighed, thinking about Shelly again. That woman... So she's Jay Jo's girlfriend. I thought they were talking about a different Shelly because there was no way that woman would come to Korea. Last time she told me, no matter how boring her life got, she wouldn't go to her mother's country.
"I really appreciate you accepting our request," Mia said suddenly as we walked out of the school. "If I could join them, I would, but I'm not really good at biking." She said sadly.
"When is Shelly supposed to come back?" I asked, looking at the parked bikes. I can't believe I kept saying I wouldn't bike, but I still use it to get to school.
"We still don't have any news from her... Actually, I'm starting to worry, especially for Jay." We both glanced at Jay, who was now putting on his helmet.
She swallowed. "Ever since she left, Jay hasn't had any contact with Shelly. These past few months, it's been obvious how down he's been. He really loves Shelly," she said with concern. I paused and looked at Jay Jo again.
He frowned when he noticed me staring, so I quickly looked away.
"She'll come back," I said to reassure her. I can't believe I had a crush on a guy who was Scott's boyfriend.
Disgust was written all over Yuna's face. "You're just training. What cheer are you talking about?" she rolled her eyes. Dom pouted like he was being mistreated by his girlfriend. I just grinned. They are really entertaining to watch. Why would Vinny leave this crew?
I saw Mia approach her friend Yuna. I watched them from behind as we walked, carrying my bike. I didn't know where we were going, but I just followed Dom. They seemed to have a specific place for their training.
I was surprised to see Jay walking beside me. He wasn't riding his bike either, but he was already wearing his helmet. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked cute, though. He glanced at me and raised an eyebrow.
"So... Inertia drift is your thing, huh?" I asked, surprising him. "It was impressive, I watched some videos of you racing." I said, looking at the road. I noticed we were falling behind. Dom walked really fast.
He still didn't say anything. He was like a mute.
"I also watched how you lean in." Based on what I saw, it was surprising that he could pull off that move. It wasn't an easy skill; it was dangerous.
"But your slide is a bit risky. Your grip on the bike isn't in the right position."
And now he was finally talking.
I smiled at him. "You need to balance your body. The grip of your hand and your body should be opposite so you can slide lower. That's the technique to make the lean-in look better." I explained. I showed him how I held the bike. "And also, this is how you should hold the handlebar."
He looked confused, but then he suddenly got on his bike and tried the position I showed him. His grip still seemed wrong, so I walked over to him. I parked my bike to the side.
"I noticed from the video that this is why you almost fell. You need to widen your elbows." I moved closer and adjusted his elbow.
I narrowed my eyes as I focused on his grip, then reached out to adjust the position of his hand. Just as I lifted my head to explain, I realized he was staring right at me. My eyes widened in surprise when it hit me that I was actually holding his hand! I quickly pulled away, feeling a rush of embarrassment.
"It's fine." he muttered, causing me to feel flustered.
"So yeah. That's how you do it." I cleared my throat before stepping back a little.
He was silent for a moment. He lowered his hands while sitting on the bike. How could he look so hot?
"Did you master it before you did it in the tournament?" I asked, looking at him.
He shook his head. "No..." It was obvious.
My eyes widened. "So you did it without practice?"
"Hmm," he nodded.
"Where did you learn that, by the way?" I asked as I finally sat on my bike.
"I don't know his name." irritation plastered on his face.
"So it's a 'he'? Does he have blonde hair?" I smirked. "It was Owen, right?"
He stiffened when he heard me mention that name. His expression darkened. He seemed shocked that I knew.
"How did you know?"
"Because I'm the one who taught him that move." I said with bitterness in my voice before looking at the road.
He was silent, but I could see the amusement in his eyes. I couldn't blame him. He might be even more surprised if I told him I knew his girlfriend too. I didn't want to mention that because he might ask more questions. I don't really want to talk about them anymore.
"What's your relationship with him?" he asked suddenly.
"Just someone I know." I lied. "Why? Is he your friend?" I asked, but his face darkened even more. He looked so annoyed.
"I'll teach you about Korean after this training." he changed the topic.
"Why so sudden?" I laughed.
He stared at me for a few seconds before looking away. "Your Korean sounds lame."
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Ok, hear me out... Sevika×Stripclub owner
Imagine Sevika got dragged into going to the club with a couple of co-workers one night.
The music is bopping, the lights are moody yet energetic, and there are dancers everywhere. Cigars, snazzy drinks, glitz and glam, just the works. But the only person who caught her eye was the peeved owner talking numbers with an investor over at the bar.
I'm sorry if this is weird. Thank you!!!
gonna change this just a bit and make reader the club mom (basically the person who takes care of the strippers, provides dinner, supplies, makes sure nobody steals their cash while they're working, breaks up fights, helps them with hair/makeup etc. etc.) just because i know more about it than club owning-- i used to watch club mom vlogs lmaooo
men and minors dni
crystal comes running into the back room, a panicked look in her eye. you glance up from cherry's nails to look at her.
"what's goin' on crys?" you ask. crystal runs to her locker.
"silco and his crew just came in! i gotta put on something sexier... these fucks got big fuckin' money!" she explains as she strips out of her bikini top. you raise an eyebrow.
"oh yeah?" you ask, returning your focus to cherry's signature red nails.
"you got any nipple pasties for sale?" she asks. you nod and wave her over.
"blow on these for a sec." you say to cherry. she nods, holding her nails up to her mouth, and you grab your duffel bag, hoisting it up onto the table and rifling through it.
"got some bedazzled ones, a few hearts of different colors, then the normal black and flesh colored ones." you say.
"oooh, sparkles! and i can wear my glittery thong with 'em!" cherry says. you chuckle, pulling out a pair of matching pasties for her and handing them over. "thanks, mom, i'll pay you back tonight!" she says, running back to the mirrors lining the walls to put her new outfit on.
cherry snorts across from you. "what?" you ask her as you return to coating her nails.
"you got no fucking clue who silco is, do you?" she asks. you giggle and shrug.
"it's not my job to care about customers, it's my job to care about you guys." you say. "who is he?" you ask.
"some shimmer dealer. he's gay, he just comes to ogle the bouncers, but he's got a big crew who love the girls-- he brings 'em all in after successful raids and stuff. they're all big spenders. 'specially his number two." cherry explains. you curse as you accidentally get some polish on her skin, reaching for a cotton ball and some remover.
"who's his number two?" you ask as you fix your mistake. cherry reaches into your duffel to grab a piece of gum, and you glare at her. she winks at you.
"sevika." she says around a mouthful. "she's popular at babette's too." cherry says. you nod.
"well, your nails are all done-- ready for sevika." you say. cherry giggles.
"thanks mom." she says, kissing your cheek before she saunters out onto the floor.
you groan, stretching and working the kinks out of your neck before you leave the locker room to do a lap around the club.
it's much more lively than it was thirty minutes ago, and you can easily identify silco sitting at the bar, cringing as three of your girls try to flirt with him to get him to buy a dance. you chuckle, approaching star to whisper in her ear.
"easy on 'im, he doesn't swing your way." you murmur. star snorts, then giggles and repeats your message to candy and shelly.
you watch as they all chuckle awkwardly at silco and wave him goodbye, and he seems beyond relieved to watch them walk away, his gaze wandering over to look at jimmy standing behind the stage, glaring at the patrons who get a little too close to kelli where she swings on the pole. you chuckle, and continue your round.
"how's it goin' mom?" trinity asks from behind the bar. you shrug.
"pretty good, how's it goin' out here?" you ask. trinity sighs.
"silco's goons always drink us dry. good for tips, but i'm gonna be exhausted by the end of the night." she says. you hum.
"did you get some dinner?" you ask. trinity rolls her eyes at you, smiling.
"yes, mom." she says. you nod.
"good. come get me if you need a break, i can take over the bar for a few minutes if you need a second to yourself." you say. trinity smiles.
"thanks mom, love you!" she calls after you.
you chuckle and roll your eyes.
just as you're about to return to your perch in the locker rooms, a scuffle breaks out.
frosty and buttercup are fighting over patron, smacking and pulling at eachother's hair. you groan and run over to get between them, hooking an arm around buttercup's waist and pulling her away from frosty.
"this bitch was takin' my money, mom!" buttercup screams.
"i was not, i was here first!" frosty cries.
the woman on the chair between them holds up her hands in a placating gesture. "i got enough for both of you, relax!" she cries. she goes ignored as buttercup lunges at frosty again.
"she pulled my hair outta my head, and she broke two of my fuckin' nails, she owes me!"
"stupid bitch, we all know those are extensions!"
"oh my fucking god, shut up!" you cry.
the girls both stop yelling, huffing and puffing in anger. you take a second to clear your head, then look at the woman still sitting in the lounge chair beneath you. she looks shocked.
"who was here first?" you ask. she points at frosty. "did you buy a dance from her?" you ask.
"n-no ma'am." she says. you sigh.
"who'd you give money to?" the woman points at buttercup.
"and that bitch tried to steal it from me when i wasn't looking!"
"'cause you keep trying to steal my customers!" frosty cries.
you look at frosty and hold your palm out. "give it." you say.
frosty gasps. "mom, come on!" she cries.
"just give me the fuckin' money frosty." you plea. frosty rolls her eyes then pulls the folded bull from between her tits, smacking it in your open palm. you sigh. "thank you." you say. she just rolls her eyes and turns on her heel, stomping off to find a new customer. you turn to look at buttercup.
"you've gotta stop provoking her." you say. buttercup shrugs.
"she shouldn't've fucked my man." she says. you groan.
"you shouldn't've been with jimmy in the first fuckin' place! you know he's a slut!" you say. buttercup groans.
"am i gettin' my money or what?" she asks. you shake your head.
"no, fuck off. go find someone else." you say. buttercup scoffs and turns on her heel, storming in the opposite direction of frosty. you take a deep breath, then look at the woman sitting in front of you.
"here." you say, handing her her cash. she takes it, blinking up at you with wide eyes. "sorry about that. tell trinity at the bar there that mom says you get free drinks for the night. she'll take care of you." you say to the woman. she looks over her shoulder at the bar and then back at you.
"y-you're her mom?" she asks. you laugh.
"fuck no, shit, do i look that old?" you ask, looking down at yourself.
you're in your usual get up, a bedazzled black velour tracksuit one of the girls gifted you for your birthday and a club t-shirt beneath it. the woman in front of you chuckles and shakes her head.
"no, you look fuckin' amazing, i was gonna be shocked if you said yes. why do they call you mom?" she asks. you laugh.
"i'm the club mom. i take care of the girls, break up fights the bouncers are too scared to get between." you joke. the woman in front of you laughs.
"that makes more sense. i'm sevika." she says, reaching her hand out for you to take. you shake it.
"oooh, i've heard about you. big spender, huh?" you ask. sevika laughs and shrugs again.
"yeah, i... i've been trying to cut back a bit." she says. "thinkin' about settling down." you laugh.
"you're in the wrong place for that." you say. she laughs and nods. "well, have a good night." you say, waving over your shoulder as you walk back to the locker rooms.
trinity takes you up on your offer a few hours later, tapping out for fifteen minutes to lay down in the back while you mix up drinks for her behind the bar.
sevika comes to visit you as you work.
"single mom and a bartender, huh?" she asks. you roll you eyes and snort at her joke.
"what're you having?" you ask. she shrugs.
"whiskey, neat."
you quickly pour her a glass of whiskey from the top shelf. as you hand it to her she grins.
"top shelf, huh?" she asks. you shrug.
"it's an apology for my girls." you say. "hope tonight's scuffle won't affect your impression of the club."
"are you kidding? it was hot as fuck!" she says. you laugh.
"yeah, i guess it was a pretty good show for you huh? tits swinging in your face while they were throwing punches."
"no, fuck no, i wasn't talkin' about them, i was talkin' about you." sevika says. you freeze.
"me?" you ask. sevika grins.
"fuck yes. you jumped right between 'em-- even with their claws flyin'-- threw that one girl halfway across the club too."
you laugh. "i barely moved her a foot." you say. sevika shrugs.
"'m just sayin'. gotta break up a lotta fights at silco's bar, but i've never broken up a catfight. girls are scary when they get the claws out-- they don't fight like guys. they go straight for the weak spots-- hair, eyes, throats. best to leave 'em til they fizzle out. you didn't though. jumped right in-- broke it up in half a minute."
you scoff. "fuck off." you say, shaking your head. sevika smiles at you from across the bar.
"you don't believe me?"
"that you found me, the fully clothed woman, more attractive than the naked girls fighting for your attention? no, i don't." you say, laughing. sevika just smirks.
"i've had plenty of naked girls fighting for my attention." she says. you snort.
"i'm sure."
"never seen a girl with balls like yours, though." she says.
you consider her for a moment. she's grinning, a sparkle in her eye as she looks you up and down, biting her lip between her teeth.
trinity finds you to take over before you can do much more talking with sevika.
it's probably for the best. she's your type, sure, but you doubt she was serious about all that 'settle down' bullshit.
the night goes by relatively smoothly after that. there's a few broken nails you glue back together, a few wardrobe malfunctions, a couple of spats you have to break up, but nothing like buttercup and frosty's.
as you're helping the girls count and band their earnings for the night, cherry finds you again, sitting by your side, resting her head on your shoulder.
"what's wrong with you?" you ask.
"am i gettin' old?" she asks. you look over at her to scoff. cherry's barely a year younger than you.
"you better not be, because that means i'm gettin' old."
cherry laughs. "am i ugly? getting fat?" she asks. you gawk at her.
"fuck is goin' on with you?" you ask your redheaded friend. she shrugs.
"sevika barely looked at me tonight. i'm usually her favorite." she says.
"no shit, really? she didn't buy any dances from me tonight, either." star says from where she's changing into her sweats.
"you guys talkin' about sevika?" shelly asks as she enters the locker room. star nods. "my sister works at babette's. hasn't seen sevika in weeks. asked her about it tonight, she says she's cutting back."
"who sevika?" mandy asks. you all nod. "she didn't spend a fuckin' cent tonight. bitch."
the girls laugh, and you shake your head in faux admonishment.
by the time you're clocking out, you're exhausted. you groan as you step into the back alley, a joint between your lips, patting down your pockets in search for your lighter.
"there you are, mom." sevika says, shrouded in shadow.
you jump and whip around to glare at her. she chuckles. "sorry. need a light?" she offers. you sigh, leaning against the wall as sevika reaches forward and sparks her lighter at the end of your joint, before leaning against the wall beside you.
"you just lurk in alleys for fun?" you ask.
"nah. i asked one of the girls where i could find you after work. wanted to talk to you some more." she says. you chuckle.
"talk about what? how you spent the whole night loitering? not paying my girls?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"i told you i was trying to cut back."
"why the fuck would you come to a strip club, then?" you ask. she groans.
"silco insists we all come. team bonding, or some shit." she says. you laugh.
"it's common courtesy to tip your favorite girls if you spend the night in the club, even if you didn't buy a dance." you say. she nods.
"i know." she says. "i was planning on it, but kinda got distracted." she says.
"with the fight?" you ask, cringing as you remember the way buttercup and frosty acted earlier in the evening.
"no, with you." she says. your eyes snap up to look at sevika. she shrugs. "you still don't believe me?"
"i-i dunno." you say. she laughs.
"i--" she sighs, looking away from you and rubbing the back of her neck. "fuck this is embarrassing." she mutters. you blink at her as she struggles for her words, and then pass her your joint. "fuck, thank you." she says sincerely as she takes a big hit. she exhales and passes it back to you, then looks at her feet. "i'm-- i had a near death experience a few months ago and it got me thinkin' about my life. i figured i should start-- i dunno, takin' shit more seriously, you know?" she asks. you blink and nod at her.
"sure." you say, nodding.
"so i started cutting back. 'm down to a cigarette a day. try to drink only on weekends. haven't been to babette's in a while. and tonight, i figured i'd let loose a bit-- indulge. it's fucking boring getting your shit together and living healthy and shit. i was really hoping to get wasted and stare at tits all night." she says. you chuckle.
"so why didn't you?" you ask.
sevika blinks at you, a sparkle in her eye. "i met you instead." she says. you raise a skeptical eyebrow at her.
"so?" you ask. she grins.
"so... you're not fuckin' boring at all, are you?" she asks. you laugh.
"i wrangle a buncha girls for a living because i wasn't hot enough to be a stripper myself." you say. sevika chuckles. "when nights are slow, i sit in the back and read. when i'm off work, i sleep and read. i'm boring as shit."
"and yet, for some reason, i wanted to talk to you more than i wanted to stare at tits and get blasted tonight." she says.
you bite your cheek, trying to hold back your smile. sevika grins at you.
"fuck off." you say. she chuckles.
"are you free tomorrow?" she asks. you blink at her.
"for what?"
"a date?" she asks. you blink again.
"you're... serious?" you ask. sevika laughs, reaching up to gently cup your cheek. your stomach flips.
"you're starting to get it." she says, smiling. you blink. "so?" she asks.
"i'm free." you say. sevika grins.
"cool." she says.
"c-cool." you say. sevika's eyes dart down to your lips, and you gulp.
"it would be weird if i tipped you, right?" she asks. you burst into laughter, and sevika's smile widens. "i mean, you were the girl that caught my eye tonight-- it's common courtesy to tip you, right?" she asks, chuckling. you snort, smacking her shoulder.
"fuck off!" you exclaim. sevika giggles.
"so that's a no?" she asks.
"no." you say, shaking your head. "don't tip me."
"hm." sevika pouts. "well... is there any other way i could show you how fucking attractive and alluring i find you before our date?" she asks, her voice husky and low, her eyes pinned to your lips. you stop laughing, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"fuck off." you whisper. sevika smiles, and you slowly, slowly lean forward, until your lips are a breath away from sevika's. she shivers.
"please." she whispers. you smile, and then close the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips against hers. she sighs against you, her free hand coming up to grab your waist, and you shudder, grabbing her shoulders in your hands as you deepen the kiss.
sevika groans against you, stepping closer to you, pinning you to the wall as she runs her tongue over your bottom lip. you gasp, and she hums, and the back door to the club slams open.
"mom, do you know where the extra baby wipes-- oh shit!" cherry exclaims.
sevika clears her throat as she steps away from you, and you roll your eyes.
"top shelf in the closet." you say. cherry giggles.
"shit, get it mom!" she exclaims. you sigh, and sevika chuckles. "oh, the girls are gonna love this! hey candy! guess what?" cherry calls over her shoulder as she turns to enter the club again, a giddy grin on her face.
you groan, rolling your eyes. sevika smiles at you.
"so... tomorrow? she asks.
you sigh, then nod. "tomorrow." you agree.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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New Beginnings
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: New city. New job. New school. New apartment,. New neighbors. New beginnings.
Square Filled: choose your own au for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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This is a new start for you. New city. New apartment. New neighbors. New job. A fresh start from your old life. Growing up, you’ve always been a small-town girl with hopes of moving to a big city to chase her dreams. Back home, everyone knew everyone’s business. Like when Shelly from church was caught having an affair with the pastor. Her husband found out that day and both of them had to leave town to avoid the scrutiny of everyone else. Or like the time when your sister got pregnant and only told a small group of people only to go to work the next day and people knew.
Small-town folk aren’t for everyone which is why you left while you could. The only problem is that all your family is back home. You know no one in Quantico, Virginia. You guess that’s the best part about it. You can reinvent yourself and create a whole new life separate from what you’ve known.
Before moving to Virginia, you got yourself enrolled in night school for graphic design since you’ve always wanted to be a designer. You’ve done some work for your town like making websites for businesses and making some ads for smaller companies but you want to know more so you can do bigger and better things.
Tomorrow, you’ll scout the city and find a coffee shop to make your second home, find the nearest grocery store, etc. Right now, all you’re focused on is getting all your boxes out of the moving truck so you can return it before the deadline. You’re doing it by yourself but you don’t have a lot to do. You never had a lot when you left your hometown but it’s still a lot for one person to do.
It takes you all day to get everything inside your house, and the only thing you’re able to unpack is your bedframe and mattress. It’s going to take all week to get most everything set up which is fine because night school doesn't start for another two weeks.
You live in a building that sits in a circle of other buildings with a huge courtyard in the middle. The courtyard consists of a dog park, a pool, a volleyball set, and some outdoor furniture where people can sit and eat. Your building is right across from another so you can see into people’s apartments if their curtains are open.
Your phone rings and you answer it while admiring the other buildings.
“Hey, mom.”
“Y/N! Did you get in okay?”
“Yeah, I just set up my bed. I’ll start unpacking tomorrow.”
“I’m sad you’re so far from us but I’m happy for you. Does that make sense?” she chuckles. “Anyway, your dad and I will come visit as soon as he gets this new promotion. He’ll get some time off and we can always use the vacation.”
“Yeah, by then, I’ll have seen some places we can go to. You like history and Virginia is a history-rich state.”
“Okay, I just wanted to know if you got in safe. Your dad and I are going out with the folks from church. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Sure. I love you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.”
The building across from yours is close enough to where you could communicate with another resident if you shouted but you’re not going to disturb others, especially at night. The sun is still up but is quickly going down, leaving the sky with pretty colors. There is a young man sitting on his small balcony with a book in his hands minding his own business. Every apartment has a small balcony where people can sit and enjoy the fresh air, but most of them use it for storage.
The young man runs his fingers down the pages of the book and flips through the book at a shocking speed. Is he really reading that fast? He must feel your eyes on him because he looks up and makes eye contact with you. You give him a small wave to which he returns before going back to reading.
You look at the boxes inside your room and see a label on one of them that reads: ARTS AND CRAFTS. You open the box to see thick small poster boards you were using for a project back home. Next to them are your markers so you grab the black one and a handful of poster boards. You write “Hi, my name is Y/N” on one of them before going back outside.
The man looks up just as you hold up your poster board for him to see. You wrote the letters in a thick font so he is able to read them from where he’s at. He reads what you have and leaves the balcony to go back inside his apartment. The smile is lost from your face at the thought of making him uncomfortable but then he walks back out with poster boards of his own. He writes something down on his and shows it to you.
Hi. My name is Spencer.
You like reading?
I love it.
You new here?
No, been here 13 years. You new?
Yes, I came from Kansas.
Graphic Designer. You?
Sounds exotic.
Spencer smiles at this. Some of his nighttime preparations are to read for an hour before bed, and he was at the forty-five-minute mark when you two started talking.
I have to go. Talk tomorrow?
Spencer packs up his poster boards and heads back inside, and you follow suit a few minutes later. You’re going to need to buy more poster boards if you want to continue talking to him across the courtyard. Tomorrow comes and you end up finding a grocery store, a coffee shop, and a place that sells a lot of poster boards.
Spencer must have a day job because you didn’t see him at all while you were unpacking. You started with the kitchen and barely finished with it by the time Spencer got back from his job as an FBI agent. Wow, imagine that. A real-life FBI agent. You’ve only seen them in movies and TV shows so it's kind of cool you get to say you know someone in that field.
You sit on your balcony and wait for him to come out. Ten minutes go by and you see the light in his place turn on. Five more later, he walks out on his balcony with poster boards in hand. He doesn’t look too good. Yesterday, he had a natural glow about him but today, he has a sort of sadness about him. Still, he’s out here talking to you because he enjoys your company even though you’re in separate buildings.
You okay?
Rough case.
You want to talk?
Can’t. Open investigation. Of course. Duh. He flips the poster board over and scribbles something else on it. How was your day?
Good. Just school. I graduate Fall 2027.
Field of study?
Graphic Design.
Anything I’d see of yours?
You grin and write down a website you helped design before showing it to him. He takes one look at it and types it on his phone. He admires your work and thinks it’s amazing work. You have real talent.
I like it. You’re talented.
Even from where you’re at, you can see how sad he is. You’re not sure what he’s dealt with today or what he is going through, but you hope to make it better at least a little bit. You have to use two posterboards for this to get your message across.
Don’t let your job strip you of who you are. No job is worth it if you’re losing yourself.
You got Spencer to smile.
Same to you.
As the days progress, you and Spencer make it a nightly routine of talking to each other through poster boards. During the day, you’re unpacking boxes and getting your home ready while Spencer is at work dealing with the worst of the worst. His job isn’t easy but seeing you every night lifts his spirits.
That is until he stops showing up. You gave him a couple of days without bothering him since he might be caught up in something for work, but after seeing his light every night without him coming to the balcony, you know something is wrong. You don’t know who he is fully, but you do know that he would come talk to you if he was feeling up for it.
“Any sights of your secret lover?” one of your best friends, Marcy, says over the phone.
“No, he’s still held up in his apartment,” you say and look out the window to his.
“I bet he’s not even an FBI agent. Maybe he lied to you,” Rebecca, your other friend, says.
“I don’t think so. Maybe he just needs some time alone. I don’t know a lot about him. He can only fit so much on small poster boards.”
“It’s giving You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift,” Marcy chuckles.
“I think you should go over there and talk to him face-to-face.”
“Yeah, I have to agree with Bec. It’s not like he’s your next-door neighbor. If it doesn’t work out, you don’t have to see him in passing.”
“True,” you bite your lower lip. “Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Let us know how it goes,” Bec smirks.
“Oh, I will. Wish me luck.”
“Luck!” both girls say at the same time before hanging up.
You turn back to Spencer’s apartment and see the light peeking through the curtains. You count the number of floors he’s off the ground and the number of apartments he’s at from the wall so you know where to start. You’re not sure what you’re going to do when you get there but you’ll think of something on the spot.
You have some cookies left over from when you made some a few days ago, so you box those up and make your way over to the building across from yours. Your keycard works for this building even though you’re not a resident in it because you’re a resident overall. Once inside his building, you make your way up to the fifth floor and the tenth apartment from the wall.
Here goes nothing.
You knock twice on the door and wait for someone to answer it. It might not even be his apartment but you’ll try all of them if you have to. A few moments later, Spencer opens the door with a confused look on his face. When he sees you, his eyes widen slightly.
“Wow,” he breathes.
“You’re more beautiful in person.”
Your cheeks heat up at his compliment.
“I brought you some cookies. I hope you’re doing okay. I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” he sighs. “Work has just been… yeah, it’s not fun sometimes.”
“I can only imagine which is why I brought some cookies.”
“Would you like to come in?”
“Yes,” you smile.
You walk inside and immediately notice all the poster boards he’s been using to communicate with you. He’s saved every single one of them and that brings a smile to your face. You never thought you’d meet someone this quickly after moving to a new city, but you’re glad you did.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Love me in spite
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Summary: In the dimly lit corridors of a warehouse, Vanessa seeks solace for the haunting memories of her father's legacy—animatronics that once brought joy, now concealed in the shadows. As the newly hired security guard, you find yourself drawn into Vanessa's world, your professional duty transforming into a deeply personal connection. | Words: 3.072K
Warnings: References of child death, murder, trauma, references of manipulation and coercion, references of stabbing, hurt/comfort, some fluff, kissing. Fem!reader.
A/N: I'm sorry this took me so long, writing is way harder than I remembered. I still don't know if I did well, so if you have any advice or compliments or even criticism you can comment. I promise to be quicker with the other releases. Title's from Out like a light by The Honeysticks.
Main Masterlist | Vanessa Masterlist | AO3
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After months of job hunting and sending resumes, you were starting to lose hope. You had applied to any possible position just to pay the bills, but still, nothing came of it. 
The day you finally contemplated just giving up, the phone rang. Stunned, you had answered to find a woman on the other end offering a job - night guard at a warehouse. You had never wanted to work in a warehouse, let alone as a night guard, but you were desperate, and the thought of having a salary seemed heavenly, even if the pay was narrowing the minimum wage.
You agreed with the woman to meet the next day at the warehouse and hung up.
The next day you showed up at the warehouse and found a police car parked outside. You frowned, confused as why would a police car be in a place like this. The warehouse's door opened, and a police woman stepped out of the building. Her gaze met yours and she smiled, “are you Y/N?”
Your heart fluttered, her voice was soft and sweet. You nodded and she gestured at you to follow her.
“My name's Vanessa. Vanessa Shelly. I was the one who called yesterday,” she explained as she guided you around the building. You arrived at a room where animal looking robots were standing on a makeshift stage.
“The job is simple, the shift starts at midnight and finishes at six. All you have to do is stay awake, keep an eye on these guys,” Vanessa said, pointing at them, “and of course, make sure no one gets in.”
You stared at the curious looking robots, you had never seen anything like them before. “What are these?”
Vanessa grinned, “animatronics. They were used for children's birthday parties back in the 80s.”
You hummed, getting closer to them to see them better. “How come they're in a place like this?”
Vanessa shifted, a little uncomfortable and sighed, “well, I suppose the owner brought them here for a good reason. It's not part of our job to ask those questions.” She shrugged nonchalantly, you stayed silent.
She stared at you for a moment, “come, I'm going to show you your office.”
“How come you are the one hiring me and not the owner?” You asked, entering the office with her. She hummed. It looked like she didn’t like being asked too much questions.
“Well, let’s say I owe the owner a favor,” she spun around, facing you. “This is your office.” 
You looked around the room, it had just a few things. A bunch of monitors with the security cameras footage, a desk and a chair. 
“Cozy,” you murmured and Vanessa chuckled, making your heart skip a beat. You could feel heat crippling from your neck to your face.
She cleared her throat, “Well, that’s basically it. Remember, no sleeping,” she warned. “Hope you have a good first night,” she turned to you, extending her hand and you shook it. She smiled at you one last time and then left the building.
You had stood there, heart beating wildly in your chest. It looked like it was going to be harder than you initially thought.
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It had been weeks since that first encounter and you had grown accustomed to her presence. She would sometimes show up to bring you food or coffee, and sometimes even just to check on you.
After the first night with the animatronics, she had called you to check up on you and you had frantically asked why those things moved. She sighed, explaining everything to you. From the disappearances of the kids in 1985, to where the bodies where.
You had been horrified, and she offered to just pay the night, saying you didn’t need to come back again if you didn’t want to. But you stayed, “I need the money after all,” you told her, and she let out a sigh of relief.
“Why did you want to hire someone instead of leaving them here?” You had asked Vanessa, one of the times she had shown up to bring you food. She sighed, lowering her gaze, “I… I don’t want the kids to be alone. I wanted someone to check on them. I know, it’s stupid.”
You hummed. “I don’t think it’s stupid, I guess it’s kind of sweet?” You said, chuckling. She smiled. 
“Does the owner know?” You asked absentmindedly as you checked the cameras, Foxy was still in his cave, and Bonnie was beginning to move. “Know what?” She asked, her voice cautious. 
“Does he know what’s inside the suits?” 
She shivered, her expression dropping. She looked uncomfortable, frightened. You frowned at her silence, turning to look at her. “What's wrong?” 
She realized she had to tell you everything. And she did.
She told you about her dad, how he had forced her to help him with his crimes, even when she was a child. “He said he was doing bad things to other kids so he wouldn’t do them to me,” she whispered, teary eyed and a knot formed on your throat. 
She told about what happened the last time he tried to harm someone, how a guy named Mike and his little sister, Abby, had saved her after her father had stabbed her. She told you she had spent weeks in the hospital, slipping in and out of a coma. How relieved she felt he wasn’t here to manipulate and harm her anymore, how guilty she felt for that relief. How grateful she was of Mike and Abby, who had understood her, and helped her when she believed no one else could.
And you felt for her. You felt her pain, her relief, her gratefulness. You felt angry, too. At her father for being a horrible person, at the world for leaving her on her own to deal with all this trauma. How did no one ever realize something was wrong?
You hugged her, and Vanessa, sobbing, returned the hug.
After that, you only grew closer.
She would visit more often, smile more, and worry about you. You couldn’t stop noticing the lightness on your chest whenever you thought of her, the way the blood rushed to your cheeks when she touched you absentmindedly as she told you about her day, or how she got closer when she told you something she was excited about. You didn’t know when it started, you just knew it was too late to prevent your feelings from invading your mind and senses.
It didn’t feel like a burden to you, though. You were ecstatic. Every day you were more excited to go to work, you wanted to see her, hear her, be close to her. You didn’t know if she felt the same, but you didn’t expect it either. You knew she still had a lot of things to sort out, and you didn’t want to become one of those things and give her more trouble than what you were worth. You were more than happy being just her friend.
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It was a day like any other when Vanessa arrived at the warehouse, unannounced. She opened the door to your office and stood there,keeping a strong grip on the doorknob, looking at you before she had the courage to step in. 
You were in your chair, reading. The animatronics hadn’t been active that night, and you took advantage of that to finally start a book Mike had sent to you as a “welcome gift” as he and Vanessa had put it. You didn’t lift your gaze from the pages, choosing to tease her first. “What can I help you with, officer?” You said, amused.
She swallowed, looking at the floor before looking back at you, a few seconds passed in silence before she gathered the courage to speak. “He's back,” she whispered, her grip on the doorknob becoming stronger. 
Confused, you lowered the book before straightening up on the chair, “who’s back?”
Vanessa sighed, letting go of the doorknob and making her way to your desk, her head low and shoulders slumped. She slowly sat on the edge of the desk without answering your question. Your heart immediately sank.
“Vanessa,” you reached for her hand, “who’s back?”
Vanessa closed her eyes, breathing shakily while squeezing your hand. “My dad. He’s… he’s alive,” she took a sharp breath, “he’s alive and he’s looking for me. For this place.” 
She swallowed. "You need to run away from this place. From me."
You quickly stood up from your seat, grabbing her shoulders in an attempt to ground her. “Vanessa, look at me, okay? Breathe, take a deep breath with me." 
You guided her hand to your chest so she could feel you inhaling and exhaling.
She shook her head, agitated and retired her hand. ”He’ll come. He'll find you. He always does,” she said desperately, tears slowly spilling from her eyes.
She looked so fragile, so small. You wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around her, maybe give her a kiss or two, but you scrapped that thought quickly, aware that this wasn't a good moment to yearn for that kind of contact. “How did you find out?” You asked. She shook her head again, “ it doesn’t matter.”
“Hey, look at me,” you cupped her face with your hands, her green eyes met yours and she relaxed slightly, her breath starting to calm down. "Nothing is gonna happen to me, alright?"
You slowly brushed away the tears with your thumbs and she closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. You whispered reassuring words to her, as her grip on your shirt eased. But her calmness didn't last long.
"You don't know that for sure." She answered, opening her eyes, her voice still wobbly. 
Vanessa had a pleading look in her eyes that said “please listen to me, please take my advice.” 
You sighed. “Vanessa…” 
There was no way in hell you were going to escape and leave her behind. You just couldn’t.
Her hands started smoothing out the wrinkles she had left on your shirt with her grip, “I know you need the job, but please. This isn't worth risking your safety.”
You frowned. “So you're just going to deal with him on your own?” 
Vanessa tried looking away, but you stopped her, gently placing your fingers under her chin, turning her face towards you and looking into her eyes. You smiled, trying to comfort her.
"You don't have to confront him alone anymore. You have me and Mike by your side."
Vanessa sighed, looking down, “with you, it's different.” Her voice was barely a reluctant whisper, and you had to lean in to catch it.
Vanessa pressed her face against the space between your neck and your shoulder, finding solace in the comfort of your embrace. She held onto you, desperate for warmth, for understanding. You wanted to give her that.
"Vanessa," you whispered. She raised her head, meeting your gaze. Her cheeks were still wet with tears, her eyes glazed and vacant. Your heart ached at the defeated look she gave you, Vanessa had always seemed so strong to you, it was the first time you had seen her act this timid and vulnerable.
“I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to simply leave you behind to save myself. I'm not like that, and you know it.” She let out a soft whine, muttering something about you “being impossible” as she tried to pull away from your touch, but you didn't let her.
“I care about you, Vanny. I really do,” you said softly. Her eyes widened at the nickname.
“I know,” she said, not looking at you, she couldn’t meet your gaze. “But that doesn't change anything. He's still looking for me. He's going to find this place, and you with it, and I won't be able to stop him.” Her bottom lip quivered and she finally pulled away from your warmth.
“I… I just, I just can't let you get hurt for my sake, I wouldn't forgive myself.” She bit her bottom lip, worried. You wanted to look at the beautiful green eyes you had grown to love and tell her she didn't have to worry about you, but she kept avoiding your gaze, wrapping her arms around herself.
You reached out to her again, but she drew away from your hands. “I can take him on by myself,” she offered, giving you a weak and sad smile. “You shouldn't become a part of this.”
“But I already am!” Your voice sounded desperate, you couldn't believe she would rather confront her father on her own than by your side. “Please, Vanessa, you are important to me–”
“You're important to me, too! That's why I want you safe!” Her sudden outburst left you speechless.
“You– you came into my life like a ray of sunshine, dissipating the shadows obscuring my heart and I just can't stand the thought of him hurting you.” 
Her voice broke, tears threatening to spill from her eyes and down her face again. You were shocked, your heart skipped several times and for a moment you thought you were hallucinating.
“You're just so… perfect,” she sniffed, blushing and looked away. You felt your face heat up as you blushed as well.
Your trembling hands reached out for her again, gently cupping her cheeks and she didn't push you away this time. 
She finally met your gaze, eyes wide and shiny. She focused on every detail of your face. “You fill me with a warmth I thought I would never experience,” she mumbled and you felt like swooning. “I’ve felt cold and alone for so long, but your presence is something that warms my heart and my soul. When I'm with you I feel alive.”
Her words and the look of utter adoration she was giving you felt overwhelming.
“Vanessa–” you began to say before she interrupted you. “I think that I… that I'm in love with you,” she whispered, closing her eyes.
You felt like all the air from your lungs disappeared, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. At your silence, she opened her eyes and noticed your shock. She tried to pull away again, giving you an apologetic look, but you spoke before she could.
“I'm… I like you a lot,” you said, breathless. “I've wanted to tell you how I feel, how I've always felt since the moment I first saw you at this warehouse.”
She shuddered, eyes watering again. You let out an incredulous chuckle, “please don't cry, I don't want our first kiss to taste like tears.”
She chuckled and closed her eyes. You smiled and leaned in, pressing your lips against hers. Her lips were soft and warm, and you felt time slow down as you took all in, from her sweet words to her gentle touch. Vanessa tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss, pressing her lips to yours harder. Her fingers traveled from your shirt to your hair, pulling softly at your strands while one of yours stayed on her cheek and the other found the small of her back.
You pulled her closer and felt her hum against your mouth, and you knew you had to pull away before you got too lost into her. When you did, you felt her breath against your lips and it took every ounce of strength in you to not kiss her again.
You pressed your foreheads together as you tried to process everything. Her voice took you out of your thoughts, “this is the most cliché thing I've ever done,” she murmured and you laughed.
She pulled away just enough to look you in the eye, a small smile on her lips. “I never thought I would be here kissing you and telling you–” she cut herself off, red as a beet, “you know what.”
You smiled back at her, finding her blush extremely endearing. “I know.”
You let a few seconds pass in silence, “so, are you still going to tell me to run away and leave you? Because if you weren't going to convince me before, you definitely won't convince me now.”
Her smile wavered a little. “I… As much as I want this… I don't know if there's any hope for us.”
You stroked her cheeks tenderly with your fingers, humming softly. “I have hope. I can hope for the both of us until you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, too.”
"I don't think I'll ever see the light at the end of this tunnel," she whispered quietly, "I always thought that I'd leave this world with nothing but my fears and regrets. That I would be buried and forgotten, taking my father's sins to the grave.”
Vanessa looked away, "I've spent the past all my life hiding from the world." There was sadness and resignation in her tone, and you wished you could take all that away. "I don't want you to carry my burdens, too.”
“Maybe I can't do much, but I can always offer a shoulder for you to lean on. I can always offer you my comfort. I'll always be here for you. We can get out of this, Vanny. Together.”
Her green eyes met yours, and she blushed again. This time, she gave you a small smile, her eyes sparkling with something you couldn't quite decipher. 
You nodded and took one of her hands.  raising it to your lips, you pressed a tender kiss on the back.
She stayed with you until your shift was over, and you slowly made your way out of the building between kisses and giggles. 
The morning air was cold and crisp, but her fingers curled around yours made you feel warm. She pressed one last quick, tender kiss on your mouth before getting in her patrol car, promising she would call you later and then finally drove away. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world as you watched her car disappear in the distance.
Of course, you were worried about what would happen once her father found the warehouse. Of what would happen and what would you two have to do to avoid disaster and/or getting hurt. All the possibilities flooding your mind. But when you felt Vanessa embrace you tightly, you also knew that as long as you had her by your side, you felt like you could take on the world.
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A/N: Reblogs are appreciated.
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cryptidcorners · 7 months
hi!!! i love how you write so much and i,,,
so... since vanessa mentions being a trained EMT in the movie, what if reader ends up getting hurt by one of the animatronics (be it accidental or not) and vannessa takes the time to patch them up! maybe after, she ends up teasing the reader about their racing pulse, considering they are flustered with the personal attention from nessa.
just a silly little gay thought 🤭
Electric - Vanessa Shelly x F!Reader
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Description: While being accompanied by Vanessa during one of your shifts, a quick checkup towards one of the animatronics results in you being shocked and knocked out. Luckily, Vanessa rushes to your aid and comforts you while patching you up.
# requested by anon
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Media: FNaF!Movie
Character: Vanessa Shelly
Tags: Romantic Implications, Fluff, Sweet Talk, Mutual Care, Encouragement, Opening Up, Connecting, Playful Vanessa, Flustered Reader, Co-Workers to ? ? ? + F!Reader.
Warnings: Injury (Electric Shock), Descriptions of Burns, Blood, Unconscious, Brief Descriptions from Vanessa's Childhood (Abuse), Some Tension + Anxiety from Vanessa, Possible FNaF Spoilers
Read my TOS, Thanks!
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"So, how long have you been working here for?" You asked, hands delicately twisting the rusted gears within the metallic mascot's darkened skeletal figure. You were struggling to get inside this trap, even why animatronics this ancient, their parts wouldn't be hard to twist. Nor smell as bad.
"Years after it closed," Vanessa answered. She had been feeling antsy staying put and watching you work, so tidying had been her priority for the last couple hours of the night. "believe it or not, it's only been recently that this place has required night guards. As soon as I became an officer, applications started opening for more security."
"Really?" You hummed, face fixed on Bonnie's complex systems. You scratched the side of your head, sweat oozing from your face. You had been told the machine had been acting unorthodox as soon as the power went on, as well as that error in his guitar. "Must have been some wild kids then if it needed more than some iron fence." Curiously, you began walking towards the still animatronics instrument. Fingers treading lightly before tinkering with it. Vanessa's eyes flickered wildly, and she screamed, "Wait, no! His guitar-"
It was too late. Soon, your vision was engulfed in white stems of electricity and wild baby blues. You yelped before falling off the stage, falling unconscious almost immediately as dark seeped into your gaze.
Your mind was plagued with a yellow haze, as well as your sight. You blinked rapidly, head twisting with pain. When your eyes began to clear, you could see a tall figure looming over your body. As the seconds drifted by, your senses began to grow back to normal. You could feel your wrists stinging as she wrapped a thick bandage around your cindered skin.
You winced, "Shit."
"Oh, thank God." Vanessa breathed, "You're awake."
You heaved, cringing coldly as pain skyrocketed through your veins. "What happened?" Your lip quivered, jaw twitching as you tried to read your current situation. You could feel blood oozing through your arms and legs which were hugged by white layers. "Oh, fuck." You coughed. Agony gripped your body, making you shutter.
"Take it easy," Vanessa grabbed your shoulder tenderly. Your eyes turned to Vanessa nervously. Maybe it was the shock, or it was something else you couldn't put your finger on. Vanessa frowned, rubbing her thumb to ease your anxiety. "Bonnie's guitar was unstable, and even at the simplest of touches, it can explode. It's not too severe most of the time, but still, it can hurt like hell."
You blinked, "When Steve said it was broken, he never said anything about it exploding." You tried to catch your breath. Vanessa hushed, "Calm down, alright? You're fine." She assured you, voice low as a whisper. "Just take a breath."
You inhaled sharply before releasing. After you did, Vanessa wrapped another section of your arms, which made your stomach twist. You never realized until now how much detail her face held so close, it was memorizing. And nerve-wracking for some odd reason. You were growing more flustered by the second, and she began to notice. Vanessa rested her hand near your chest, and you swore you could see stars.
"Your pulse is crazy fast," she said with a chuckle. You blushed, chuckling weakly. Vanessa pulled her hand away, "You look dazed. What are you so nervous about?"
"Nothing." You answered softly. Vanessa tilted her head, obviously intrigued. "Really?"
She rested her touch against your pulse again, making you shutter. Vanessa giggled, "Are you flustered? Because of me?" She gasped, "You are." Vanessa sounded almost giddy at that, childishly so. You defended yourself, "No, no. I'm just, trying to get my head together. I'm just out of it."
She teased, "Are you sure? I don't care if you get a little red around me. We all get crushes." Vanessa read your starstruck face and smiled once more before applying a light bandage to your cheek. "You feeling better?"
"Just a bit." You laid down, catching your breath. "I'm sorry I put you through this." Your eyes awkwardly shifted to your wrapped hands.
"It's alright, it was a mistake. As long as you're fine, I'm fine." Vanessa began packing away the bright red kit, eyelashes batting as she spoke. Internally, she was furious. Her father lied to you, probably to get you weak. He probably wanted her to leave you burned on the ground and leave the children to clean up everything. That's how it always had been. She was always cleaning up his messes, even as a little girl. It was horrible. Her nails dug against the table with a strangled huff, "You are okay, right?"
"Thanks to you." You told her. You sat up again and nudged your gaze ahead. "A little help?"
"Shit, right." Vanessa walked toward and you felt her warm hands around your sides. She could tell you were screaming inside, and that stole a smirk from her almost immediately. "Hey, if you fall, I'll catch you. My arms are always open,"
"Thanks for the offer." You played along.
You struggled to get on your feet for a couple short seconds, with Vanessa holding you delicately. You were able to walk again, just before the crack of dull dawn. You started gathering your tools with Vanessa next to you. She was toying with her hair when you met her gaze. You shyly extended your hand, "Thank you for helping me . . . You really didn't have to."
"I wanted to." She grabbed your hand and shook it, "I'd love to help you. Well, whenever you need it."
You both remained silent for a minute. And her eyes wandered down to your lips before you cleared your throat, "I hope we can keep in touch?"
"Yes, of course. But, not here, y'know?" She says seriously. "It was a pleasure being with you."
Your heart grew heavy and you couldn't squeeze out anything. You simply waved with a warm expression and walked out into the parking lot. For the first time in your life, you had truly felt something electric. Not just the shock from Bonnie, but from Vanessa.
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comicglitterr0909 · 7 months
Confused. Vanessa Shelly/Afton x Fem!Reader
Vanessa Shelly/Afton x reader who is really bad with emotions. Reader basically had not the best life, and wasn't allowed to show emotions growing up, and so when reader starts catching feelings for Vanessa, you don't know what it is so they are really confused and awkward around Vanessa, also Mike kinda just doesn't exist in this lmao :D
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Even though the pizzeria might not have been my first choice, it's really not that bad. Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself of that…oh well. I close my car door, careful not to do it too hard, the door would probably fall off. I really needed this job, I have maybe 100 dollars to my name. Sighing I use the key that Mr Raglan gave me, I try to unlock it one way, it doesn't unlock.
“Shit..” I mutter to myself, I turn the key a different way, flip it around, I try everything and it just isn't unlocking. I stand there for like 30 minutes fumbling with this stupid fucking key, and just my luck. A cop car pulls up, oh cool they can probably help me, wait oh shit, they are gonna think im trying to break in. I worriedly look at the cop car and wave, the windows are tinted and it's dark out so I can't see who's in there. Fuck fuck fuck fuck, I try to use the key again, glancing back at the female cop who just got out of her car. She looks nice… she can help, wait, all cops look nice, that's their tactic. 
“Hey. What are you doing?” The officer says as I quickly turn around, I can feel my heart start beating faster, I'm usually fine around cops though, whatever it's just nerves. “Officer! Hi um I'm the security guard here, the key I was given isn’t working. I've been trying for like 30 minutes haha…” That was convincing and definitely not suspicious. Shit. She raises her eyebrow, looking me up and down, and glancing at the lock behind me. “You're really lucky that the owner said there was a new security guard, or I'd probably arrest you. Here let me try.” She says with a smile, I hand her the key without saying anything. Woah my stomach feels weird, am I sick or something?? It feels like my stomach has like… horses running around in it. Weird description but whatever…taking a step back I watch as she unlocks it on the first try. 
That's awkward. “How did you do that?? I swear I... I tried for like 30 minutes…” She turns around and gives me back the key, looking me up and down again, god what happens to me? It feels like I'm going to throw up every time she does that. What is happening to me?? “It’s fine, keys can be difficult sometimes.” She smiles at me, fuck I feel like a fool all I can do is just stand there looking at her, I think im having a stroke. No wait, a heart attack, that more likely feels like my heart is eating itself. “Um, thank you Officer.” Why did I say that so weird, god she must think i'm drunk or something.
“Please, my names Vanessa, Vanessa Shelly.” She holds out her hand for me to shake, AND I STARE AT HER HAND FOR LIKE 3 SECONDS BEFORE AWKWARDLY SHAKING HER HAND OH MY GOD. I'm freaking out, is it hot? No, it's cold, why am I sweating?? “Right, uh, y/n, y/n y/ln. It's really nice to meet you.” It's really nice to meet you? Did I really have to put the really, whatever i can't go back in time. “You too, mind if I stick around for a bit?” YES, wait yes what the fuck is happening why do I feel this way? “Yeah no problem.” I say like a fool, I don't usually overthink things like this. Or do I? Have I just not noticed? Huh, whatever. 
The night goes on, and my heart doesn't slow down, the odd feelings in my stomach continue as she talks to me, and asks me a couple questions. It feels like the night goes way too fast, and I find myself upset when it turns to 6am. Driving home all I can think about her, why? I think I just really want to be friends with her, probably, that's all it is. I get home and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling, maybe this job won't be as bad as I thought it would be. 
The next day Vanessa doesn’t show up, maybe she never will. I also find out how creepy the pizzeria is and even though my life is practically in danger, I just keep wishing that I’d get to see her again, but just as friends though. Just friends. 
I pull into the parking lot of the pizzeria. Walking up in my goofy looking security vest, I sigh. Yesterday I was actually able to unlock the lock, after 10 minutes…but at least I got it. Ugh, time to try to unlock this for half of my shift. And just like I said, it's been 5 minutes and I still can’t get it. “Does it…go the other way or..” I mutter to myself, before I see headlights shining at me. SHES HERE. Oh god I feel like I shoulda put more effort into myself today, does my hair look okay. I zone out thinking about every possible thing that I could ever overthink, before finally getting snapped out of it by her. “Hey, need help with the lock again?” She says teasingly, grinning at me. Woah, my heart just went to the moon and back okay that's normal. “Uh yeah haha, still can’t seem to get it right.” She takes the key from me and just like before, unlocks it with ease, before handing the key back to me. “I'm gonna hang out again today, hope you don’t mind.” “Hah no, I don’t care, I enjoy the company.” Finally I said something without sounding like a 5 year old. 
We both walk into the pizzeria, without saying anything, as we are walking her hand brushes against mine, there it is again, that fuzzy feeling that only happens with her. Maybe I should google my symptoms. “So how's your day been?” She asks me, with a smile. “Oh, pretty good, better now that you're here haha.” I pause, DID I JUST SAY THAT, holy shit oh god what? What was I thinking?? “That's funny, I was going to say the same thing.” She says with a wink, before continuing to walk down the hall. Everything in my head was screaming at me, I had to remember that walking is something that you do if you wanna follow someone. So I started walking again, maybe I should ask her? She's a cop, she might know what's wrong with me.
We go over to the showtime area. “Hey, have you seen them perform yet?” “They perform?” “Yeah watch.” Vanessa presses the showtime button, and the animatronics jump into a song. I watch them with intent, probably the first thing I've thought about that wasn't Vanessa in 3 days. We both walk over to a booth and sit down, just watching and listening to them do their thing. “So this is cool isn’t it?” She asks, looking at me, I look over at her. That feeling again, I swear I'm having a stroke. “Y/N?” Yup this is a stroke why can’t I answer her? “Y-yeah, right, um yeah this is super cool.” I say looking down at the table, smiling and looking back at her. “Are you okay?” Vanessa asks me, looking genuinely worried.
I gulp and look at her nervously. “Um, not really? I don't know.” “You don't know? What do you mean what's going on?’’ She stands up and squats down in front of me, looking up at me. She takes my hands and holds them. I swear my heart just stops at that point. “Hey, talk to me, what's going on?” “Do you um” I clear my throat. “Do you ever get this weird feeling? Lately my heart has been beating faster than normally, and I'm really nervous and anxious and my stomach feels like it's being twisted up.” She looks at me, with those doe eyes of hers, with genuine care and worry. “And the weirdest part of it all, is it only happens around…well…you.” And with that, the worry on her face disappears into a softer one. She laughs and looks back up at me with a smirk. “Y/N have you ever had a crush before?” “A crush? What's that have to do with this, I’ve never had one before but I’ve heard- oh” And it finally clicks, all those movies i’ve seen are like this, a crush, I have a crush on her. Oh shit. I just admitted to her that I have a crush on her. As she watches me come to realization, I feel my face heat up. “Don’t start stressing yourself out, y/n, I like you too.” She says grinning and looking at me sympathetically. I’m still processing all of it, so I don’t really say anything for 10 seconds. “That's good, I um I like you too…a lot.” “Yup, I realized that.” She teasingly smirks at me. “So are we dating now?” I ask genuinely as she laughs again, standing up. “Wow, you really haven’t ever done this before huh? It’s cute, and yeah, we are dating, cmon.” Vanessa holds her hand out for me to take, and finally, it feels right. No more confusion, it feels right, being with her. I’m finally happy. With her :)
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sadesluvr · 2 months
Parting Gift
You love Mike, but he's jaded.
Mike Schmidt x GN! Reader
A/N: Something for my FNAF fans! I’ve been watching too much HBO and wanted to write angst, so this fic features a realistic Mike Schmidt. This features hints of Vanessa x Mike, but also his emotional problems in general. We love him, but I don’t think its controversial to say that being in a relationship with him would be difficult... 
Please read my other Mike works if this isn’t your kind of thing! 
Set post movie. 
Word count: 1.6K 
Tags: ANGST / SMUT / Gender Neutral Reader / Reader is human as has weird emotions / Breakups / Hints of jealousy + rage / Hints of fluff / Bittersweet stuff, really 
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You never went inside. 
As a detective, you weren’t oblivious to the irony of it all. You’d been to hospitals thousands of times; speaking to suspects, injured colleagues or even to address the dreaded ‘call’, and yet the thought of watching Mike and Abby leave handmade cards at Vanessa “Shelly’s” bedside made you violently ill.  
You knew everything that had gone down at the defunct Freddy Fazbear’s, and it had plagued you to no end. Though Abby and Mike’s relationship had certainly turned for the better, you were angry, frustrated at the fact that he’d been hurt, not only from being physically punted across the room, but the fact he’d had to stare his brother’s killer in the eye, virtually powerless to it all. Even more so, you were pissed that Vanessa had become a factor in your lives. 
You’d only been dating Mike for just under a year, meeting him in a rather cliched manner at a donut stand in the mall. An exchange of numbers turned into casual check-ins, which soon evolved into a relationship – or at least parts of one. It was no secret that Mike was guarded; letting you in, but not too close enough to get overly attached. At first, it felt like you were made for each other – you felt a similar way about you line of work, and how you operated with people because of it – but closer towards those crucial few months of the new year it had begun to grow tedious. 
You weren’t expecting a whirlwind, all-consuming romance, but it certainly wasn’t supposed to feel like this; with days of missed calls, unexplained outbursts and erectile dysfunction making being with him feel like a chore. Some days, you wondered why you’d even bothered asking for his number. Most days, you wondered why he’d responded at all. 
Deep down, you knew none of this was his fault. He'd been fighting to survive since he was a teenager, and it was only inevitable that he’d develop issues. Being a detective meant you were all the more receptive to them, understanding the nuances of why people became the way that they were, and it was painfully clear to you why Mike had changed since the incident. 
He and Vanessa were both conjoined, victims of William Afton in their own ways, yet both bound by blood. You’d been there when he’d stopped on the way home to visit her, listening from the outside as you supervised Abby. Why couldn’t you all go in? It wasn’t as if it were a particularly gory scene; it merely looked like she was sleeping. Why had he made you all wait? 
“Vanessa, I don’t know if… you can hear any of this, but, um… I’m having a hard time just processing everything that happened. 
But you were there for me and Abby when it mattered the most. 
And I don’t think that either of us would be here today if it weren’t for you. 
So… So get better. And we’ll be here when you wake up.” 
The words were as clear as day. Hadn’t you been there for them? Tried to give Abby a sense of a stable life? Tried to help with bills? Offering to send him to counselling? Why had it taken a near fatal murder attempt for Mike to wake up? 
Now, with all the fallout, you were all left with far more questions than answers…and this time you didn’t have the energy to try and solve them. 
“Abby’s sleeping,” you announced, poking your head through the door. Mike was rummaging around his room, trying to prepare himself for work in the morning – a menial task for some, but strangely methodical to him in the moment. He didn’t answer. 
“Abby’s sleeping,” you repeated, and he perked up, a flustered smile tugging at the corner of his lips.  
“Oh...” he said, clearing his throat. “Thanks. I guess I lost track of time…” 
“Yeah.” you mumbled, leaning against the doorframe, clearly waiting for something…you just didn’t know what. 
“Thanks —“ he said after a moment of silence, his soft brown eyes gazing into your own. You could see him nervously gnawing on the inside of of his cheek. “—For helping. I really do appreciate it. I’m not trying to seem like a douche, there’s just been a lot on my mind recently.” 
“I’m not surprised,” you hummed, strolling into the room. “But it’s been bugging you for a while now. Don’t you want to…you know…talk to someone?” 
Mike paused and cocked his head. 
“Like a therapist?” 
“That would be a good option,” you hummed, trying not to dance around the subject. “Or you can speak to me. I won’t even psychoanalyse you, I could just listen, y’know?” 
He bit his lip again, this time glancing down at the floor before back at you. You couldn’t quite make out what he was thinking, but he was certainly showing signs of restraint. Restraint. It seemed to be the defining word in your relationship.  
“…I don’t think you’d understand.” 
“Oh, but Vanessa would, right?” 
He flinched at your raised voice, and glanced nervously down the hall. 
“That’s not what I meant —“ 
“Then what do you mean, Mike?” you huffed, crossing your arms. “You met her a month ago, whilst I’ve known you for a year! You’ve never once given me as much grace as you have her. Ever!” 
“I had a lot on my plate, okay? It wasn’t easy.” 
“I know that! But I was there for you. I watched you pick up those prescriptions, I tried to be a role model to Abby, to help take the load off all those payments, and I got nothing!” you yelled. “I wasn’t asking for a mile, but you didn’t even give me an inch.” 
Mike didn’t respond, instead he ran a hand through his hair, pushing the stray strands away from his face before he rubbed his eyes. 
“How is it that you can mend every relationship you have except the one you willingly chose to be in?” You said, voice wavering as you watched him sink into the bed. It was his natural response; life was crushing and had done so many times, but his lack of fight was extremely telling. He could stand off with a serial killer and haunted animatronics, but not muster a few words to  reassure his partner? 
He was just too complicated for you to understand. 
“I’m sorry…” he mumbled, shaking his head absentmindedly before looking up at you. “Maybe I didn’t think this through…” 
You knew what that meant, and even though you’d been anticipating it – even manifesting it yourself – it didn’t make the blow any easier. Sighing, you steadied your week knees by sitting on the bed next to Mike, grasping at the bedsheets as you stared blankly around the room. For once, it felt like you were both in the same page. 
“I love you,” he said, breaking the tension. You glanced at him, taking in the fact that his eyes were welling with tears and jaw clenched, and you could tell that he meant it. “I really did, y’know? I tried.” 
You nodded, rubbing at your cheeks anxiously before kissing him. His lips were slightly chapped, but you didn’t mind, losing yourself in the way he drew you into his body with you hands, clinging onto you as he made a desperate plea to attempt to reach out to you for a final time.  
Before you knew it, you back was against the mattress, and Mike was on-top of you, hurriedly pulling down his sweatpants before doing the same to you. As your lower torso lay exposed, he pressed a kiss to your stomach, making his way around your belly button and down towards your privates. Shutting your eyes, you wondered what your relationship could’ve been if every time felt like this; electric and passionate…with intent. 
Once he’d slipped his boxers to the side, you gave his erect cock a few languid strokes before inserting him into you, letting out a broken moan as he adjusted to being inside of you. Mike’s eyes fluttered shut as he sighed, and you remembered just how beautiful he looked in his (rare) moments of bliss.  
He stabilised himself on his forearms as he watched you, rolling his hips as he explored your hole, searching for that all-important sweet spot. The room may have been dimly lit; the darkness of night encroaching upon the walls, but he could see you all too clearly. It pained him that he hadn’t before – no, he had, but he didn’t know how to express it – and wondered just how much different things would’ve been had he not met Vanessa, hell, had he not attacked that man that fateful day. He knew some things had changed for the better, some for the worst, and some that only time would tell – and he had a sneaking suspicion that you fell into the latter. 
His mind was hell, but it felt like heaven to be inside you.  
Leaning down, he placed a sloppy kiss to your lips before moving to your neck, groaning as you ran your fingers through his hair and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. 
“Mike...” you moaned. “You’re so good to me...” 
‘For me’ was left unuttered.  
“Please...” you begged; your words almost inaudible over the creaking of his bedframe, and his heavy thighs slapping against your own as he rutted into you. “Cum for me. I need it...” 
Mike nodded, damp strands of his fringe glued to his forehead as he pushed into you a final time, his legs trembling as he came. It was unfathomable that in the heat of his pleasure – the best orgasm you’d had together – he wanted to cry. Breathlessly, you held him as he rode off his high, so tightly that you thought you might’ve pierced his skin, before you spoke your final words into the night. 
“I love you too...” you whispered. “I’m sorry...for everything.” 
You were gone before sunrise.  
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