#Sheriff x Reader Drabble
imaginewarehouse · 1 year
Human!Sheriff x Reader x Human!Doc Hudson || Drabble
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Plot: Flo's diner on Friday Night's is always a lot of fun- there's good food and drink (Which is not out of the ordinary, admittedly), good company (The whole town ends up there at some point in the night), and theirs dancing. You're determined to get the hot old men to dance with you.
Warnings: Age difference I guess but its not a focus point.
I have had this fic in my drafts, finished and all, for years. Since like, 2019-2020, but since I wrote it just for me (Also the reason for the fist person perspective), I had never bothered to edit it- well I finally did and I think its kinda cute ^^
“What are you two doing just sitting around and drinking over here for?” I ask Doc and the Sheriff, as I sweep off the dancefloor in exhaustion and rest in the chair beside Doc (The material of his blazer grazes my bare arm and I get a little jolt from the innocent touch). Mater’s a sweetie pie, and a great dancer but… boy, does he have more endurance than I do. After I take a second to gather my exhaustion and banish it, I turn to the two men and flash them a smile. “It’s fun out there!”
“Hmm, your exhaustion and the sweat completely bucketing off of you is especially encouraging.” Doc rolls his eyes, and turns to look back at the dancers. Ramone and Flo are dancing smoothly in the middle, like they’re practised, like they do it at home because they just love each other like that- unsurprisingly. Then Sally and Lightning are there, too, Mater’s found a new partner in Guido while Luigi laughs at his friend’s expense off to the side, and Lizzie's talking on happily to Red off to the side. A soft smile rests on my lips, until I turn away from the scene and back to the two men I’m sitting with. Sheriff’s already looking at me, which makes me smile wider.
“Being tired and sweaty is a good sign!” I exclaim, winking. “Sheriff, what about you? Fancy a round with me?” How many innuendos can I make with these men and get away with it? How many until they get it and take me? I’m not saying take advantage… because neither of them would do that- but at least recognise what I’m trying to get at here and ask me about it!!
He chuckles, moving in his bar stool chair to be more comfortable. “That’s a lovely offer, darlin’, but I’m afraid I’d probably just slow you down. I’m not as young as I used to be!”
At this, an opportunistic light switches on behind Doc’s calculating eyes, swivelling on his stool ever so slightly in order to turn that piercing stare on the sheriff. “Yes, he’s missed his last 3 check-ups, Y/N. Anything could be wrong with him.” Sheriff bristles and his expression dissolves into guilt, as he refuses to look at Doc who’s smirking. “Damn hot rods not allowing you a single day off to visit the office, right Sheriff?”
“Uhuh, ri-right.” Sheriff quickly clears his throat, straightening in his chair now to look around at anything other than Doc. As he does that, Dr Hudson glances to me with a quiet, conspiratorial look before taking another drink from his mug, making me giggle quietly.
In a moment, I raise my eyebrows at him. “Why don’t you take a dance with me, then? You must be at the height of health, ey Doc?”
A grunt is his response, as the amusement leaves his blue eyes and he looks away again.
“Come on, one of you? Both of you? I’m not picky- I’m desperate! Mater’s got a new partner and… “I risk a glance at the tow-truck owner and can’t stop a laugh from bubbling up to the surface. “Guido’s a hard act to beat! He’ll never want me back. I’m dying to get back on the floor, though!”
“Guido’s seemed to have transformed miraculously into a sack of potatoes.” Doc states in that slow, gravelly drawl, assessing the dancing couples as well. And it’s true, making me really chuckle this time at his analogy. Mater is just swinging the little Italian around at this point, with absolutely zero help from Guido himself. Guido’s toupee keeps bopping around and slipping out of place.
I stop my chuckling by biting my bottom lip, and scraping it through my teeth as I turn back to them. Sheriff’s stopped avoiding Docs gaze now and is looking at me with him like they’ve won- like together they can ward me off- Oh, ho, ho, though. These two think they’re so clever and victorious. But they haven’t gotten out of this. No, no. I’m determined; I’ll get one of them to dance with me tonight, even if it takes begging!
“You’re right.” I admit, then lean closer into the table pleadingly. “But I don’t want to dance with Mater, I want you two! Come onnnn,” I whine, looking as pleadingly as possible to them.
Doc sets me with a firm, straight lipped look. “And you’ll continue to want me.”
Well, that’s that then.
I turn from him, to Sheriff. When Doc’s mind is set, he usually will never change it. Sheriff, though… he’s a bit more lenient. A softie. A sweetheart. That’s one of the things I really love about him, in contrast to what I really love about Doc; his cleverness, his sternness. Unbelievably sexy qualities.
And I’m right, too. The Sheriff’s looking at me a with worried frown under that moustache and thoughtful deep, dark blue eyes. Oh lord, these men and their blue eyes. They had me my first day here in Radiator Springs.  
I offer my hand across the table to him, and up the ante with my cute pleading look, which I hadn’t even known was possible. I do so by adding a little pout, and it does the trick. Sheriff heaves a great sigh and drops his large hand into mine, getting out of his chair. He rolls his eyes. “Hot damn… “He mutters something about the lord saving him, as I get up from my seat with the biggest beam on my face and springing into place next to him like a slightly overexcited puppy, before returning his gaze to me. “Remember what I said, I’m not as springy as I once was. And, I was never a very good dancer in the first place, so- “
“Let’s go!” Now that I’ve got him up, I’m not about stand here and listen to him talk himself out of this again, so I take us off to a spot on the floor. When I turn back to him and let go of his hand, I flash him a bright grin and think out loud in anticipation as the song ends and we wait for the next one to play. “Besides, the point of this is not to look good, it’s to have fun! Wanna have fun with me, Sheriff?” Okay, so I might have gone a little far with that last comment as the poor, sweet man goes a little pink, but I pretend not to notice that and just listen out for the first few beats of the next song. Before I can make the first move and pick up his hands again, as the song’s a bit boppy and perfect for twirling, he takes up mine first and then, before I know it he’s dancing with me. It’s so much fun!, he’s not half bad at dancing like he let on- there’s a little bit of funk and we slip out of time every now and then but that just makes us laugh. And he twirls me!! He twirls me!!! I’m also starting to think he was just being modest, with all that ‘I’m not as springy as I once was’, crap. Sheriff’s in shape! We’ve been dancing for the past 8 songs and he has not once needed a break or looked like he would be needing one any time soon.
It’s so much fun that I nearly forget to want a drink, or a break myself. The music is so hillbilly it’s fun, the laughter is elating, and the company is addictive. Every time a song ends, he’ll dip me and I’m not afraid that he’ll drop me; he’s strong, and his grip on me is firm. I laugh quite a bit when he does that, and when I get to twirl, and at some point he throws his hat off to Doc, and I’m surprised there’s still a Ford-Pines-Tom-Sellick-level head of hair there. Man, does this place know how to grow ‘em…
We go on like this for a few more songs, until he reminds me to get a drink and a rest for a moment and see how Doc is doing. “Hey Doc, I don’t think you should be worried about Sheriffs health, he’s fitter than me!” I exclaim elatedly as I collapse back into my seat beside him, exasperated but not really. Tired, yes, but annoyed, not at all.
“Still don’t wanna get a dance in before the night’s over Doc? It really is fun!” Sheriff pours us both some water from the jug Doc ordered for us, laughing a bit because of the left-over endorphins, and I nod along intently.
“Yes, the offer’s still on the table until the last song ends. So, keep that in mind.”
I giggle, widening my eyes exasperatedly at Sheriff over my cup as I take a sip, before Doc starts up a conversation about Chick’s latest Lightning slander in the news.  
6 songs later, and the night’s about to end, sadly. I watch, quietly and honestly tired, as Ramone goes up to Red and requests a certain song, quietly. I guess it’s something special between him and Flow, but as the slow song starts to play, Sally and Lightning dance too- and I’m actually perfectly content and happy in just sitting by and watching, when a shift beside me catches my attention and I look to see Doc getting off his stool and stretching his back. “Ah… this is much more my speed. Y/N?” He raises his hand in front of my face without looking back from the dance floor, and I raise an eyebrow.
“You said the offer to dance was on the table until the last song. I believe this- is the last song.” A slow grin spreads across my face, and I cautiously, tiredly hop off my own stool, taking his hand in the process.
“Sure is!”
“Now, Doc, I’d’a thought you’d be up for something faster!” The Sheriff teases after us, with laughing eyes as he sits comfortably still in his seat.
A tiny smile graces Doc’s face, making me feel squirmy like it always does. “Yes, but my physical ability extends only to the minimum of what a driver’s required to be. Dear, now shall we?”
“Mhm, yeah, we shall!” I agree, grinning cheekily at him and waiving quickly to the Sheriff as Doc walks me onto the floor and swings me around to face him. The song, slow and easy, plays on around us as he fixes his hands carefully on the okay zone around my waist and mine find his shoulders. As we sway around the floor, I wonder; Will I ever get to do this with them as my men? Go out dancing as a date?.. Will these two ever realise how much I really like them?
When Doc grins again I wonder, if he actually already does know.
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sweetercalypso · 10 months
Can you write something about sheriff!Joel or officer!Joel or something like that please
(also made him dbf!Joel because I thought it was fitting) suggestive ending but no smut <3
Joel Miller is a broad-shouldered, smoldering menace whose surly demeanor only gets worse when he’s in uniform.
You’ve known Mr. Miller your whole life, but when he pulls you over late one evening and sidles up to your driver’s side window, it’s like you’re meeting a stranger.
This isn’t the Southern charmer you know, the man who plays poker with your father and spends his weekends grilling in your parents’ backyard. The red and blue lights flashing behind your car glare across his face, distorting his features in a way that makes his expression hard to read. You swallow thickly as you roll your window down to speak to him.
“What seems to be the problem, Officer Miller?”
“It’s Sheriff Miller,” he grunts, one hand on the roof of your car and the other resting snugly on his belt. His voice is clipped and more blunt than usual, like his patience is already worn thin by the weight of your blunder. When his dark eyes meet yours under the brim of his hat, a nervous pit settles in your gut.
“My apologies, sheriff.”
He leans down so that his face is level with yours, badge gleaming with the reflection of the patrol car’s headlights. “You know how fast you were going back there?”
Your heart sinks in your chest as you realize that this isn’t a friendly stop or some ill-conceived joke your dad had convinced him to make. The air seems to shift now that you’re aware of the smug power he holds over you.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Miller,” you lament, sudden tears threatening to spill over your lashes. “I didn’t realize I was speeding – please don’t give me a ticket. My parents’ll kill me.”
He chuckles low in his throat and the sound rumbles up your spine. “Don’t worry darlin’. I’m sure we can work somethin’ out.”
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multi-fandom-imagine · 2 months
🏕️ camping || Bigby Wolf ||
A/n: My love for Bigby has returned, so I had to write some dad!Bigby things
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Bigby didn't do camping, he spent enough of his life time in the woods so why the fuck would he do it willingly.
But then you asked which in turn got the pups excited and he couldn't say no to them which in turn lead to him driving his shitty ass truck to some shitty ass camp ground in upstate New York.
Rolling his neck, he parked the truck as he barely had a chance to tell the kids to stay safe.
"Hey! Don't go far." Bigby shouted as all seven of them rushed out of truck as then ran off to the lake to play in. Shaking his head he turned to find you sleeping. Letting his fingers caress your cheek his gaze softened. He was so lucky to have you, his best friend, the one he loved. "Red, we're here."
Blinking sleep from your eyes, you let out a yawn then turned to smile at him. "Thank you for doing this." Leaning forward you pressed your lips into his for a gentle kiss.
Humming, Bigby gave you a smile shaking his head as he placed one last kiss to the top of your head.
"You don't need to thank me, I can't say no to you let alone the kids."
Stepping out of the truck you raised your arms above your head. "Well I'll go check on them, do you need help setting up?"
"I'm good, go have fun with the kids."
Wiping the sweat from his brow, Bigby glanced at the two tents. A smaller one for the kids than a much larger one a few feet away. He knew it was pointless though since he expected them to come to you half way in the night.
It was the choir of 'daddys' and 'dada' that snapped him out of his thoughts. Each of them jumping on his leg trying to knock him down.
"Come swim with us daddy!" One of them asked, she was already climbing up half way through his pant legs.
Grabbing her by the scruff he then set her down rubbing the bridge of his nose. "What did I say about shifting in public places."
Bigby looked over his children, half of them in their tiny wolf forms as the others stayed as normal humans.
"Don't." They chimed.
"So why-."
"Mommy said we could."
Letting out a grunt he then dropped his shoulders nodding his head. While it might be safe for them, he knew he had no chance to due to his size. "Come on let's go swimming...but do not leave my side."
Catching his breath, Bigby sat next to you in one of the chairs as the kids continued to play and splash around in the lake. "How do they have so much energy?"
Snorting, you closed the book you were reading as your head then rested on his chest. "They are children Bigby."
Letting his arm wrap around your waist he then closed his eyes. "Not to mention they are part wolf."
Smiling you closed your eyes enjoying the sound of your husband's heart beat, of your children's laughter as you fell asleep.
You weren't quite sure how long you slept but it was night time, the sun long set as the kids were gathered around the campfire listing intensely to whatever story there was telling them.
"I see sleeping beauty is finally awake."
Shaking your head, you pulled your chair giving Bigby a look as one of the kids crawled into your lap.
"Please, don't stop on my account."
Giving you a grin, Bigby retuned to his story. Your gaze fixated on him.
While some of the people in fable town may still not trust Bigby, a few may still hate him. He had you and his children. The ones that mattered most.
He might be known as the Big Bad Wolf but to you he was your loving husband, an amazing father.
And nothing will ever change that.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months
Sebastian Stan characters finding out you’re pregnant » Lee Bodecker
Pairings: Lee Bodecker x Female Reader
Summary: Lee finds out you’re pregnant.
Warnings: Fluff, language, pet names
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You two would find out a couple weeks after a “fun” night in his car. You took the pregnancy test, but haven’t told him yet. You’ve been meaning to tell him, but you wanted to do it in a special and cute way. Lee actually found the pregnancy test on the bathroom sink counter one morning when he was getting ready for work. He woke you up with the pregnancy test in his hand and asked you if it’s true. Once you confirmed it, he gave you the biggest hug in the world.
Lee went to work with a huge smile on his face that day.
Everyone at the police station congratulated the two of you.
Knockemstiff is a small town so it didn’t take long for everyone in town to find out. Anyone who knows you and Lee congratulated you guys.
Lee has always wanted a family. The second he laid his eyes on you, he knew he wanted you to be the mother of his children.
He devotes all of his time to you during your pregnancy.
He always knows when you’re hungry. One day, he came home to see you eating his chocolate and you said “It was the baby’s idea. Not mine.” If you get hungry late at night, Lee would go and get whatever you want from a store that’s open late at night.
During his late night talking sessions with the baby, he’ll tell the baby that he’s a Sheriff and he will do everything he can to protect him or her and you.
Lee is the Sheriff in town, but he’s the king of massages. He makes you feel like you’re in a whole different world when he’s giving you massages.
Lee would most definitely be obsessed with the way your belly looks in dresses when your baby bump starts showing.
When you and Lee are out in public and someone so as much as stare at you, he’ll scare them away by threatening to arrest them.
When you two are shopping for baby clothes, you would start crying cause of how small and cute the baby clothes are.
Lee wants a boy and you want a girl. Just as long as the baby is healthy, you two don’t mind what the gender is.
Before Lee leaves for work every morning, he says to the baby “I have to go to work. Be good for mommy.” and gives your baby bump a soft kiss.
Once you and Lee were cuddling and the baby kicked and your baby bump was against his stomach so he definitely felt it. It actually made the two of you laugh.
You made the baby a cute onesie that says “Daddy’s Little Sheriff”.
You made Lee a t-shirt that says “Sheriff Daddy”.
Lee always comes home with your favorite snacks.
When you visit Lee at the station, everyone knows you belong to the Sheriff cause you’re pregnant with his child.
He would take some time off of work towards the end of your pregnancy and after the baby is born.
Over all, Lee is the happiest man in the world and he’s even more happier that you’re having his baby.
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
I miss werewolf sheriff
Were-Sheriff not only having to deal with the Yan bandits, but the werewolf that bit them hunting them down and declaring themselves as Sheriff's mate. Another troublemaker like the bandits only they hop from town to town and encounters the Sheriff on their nightly patrols of the town. It's love at first sight when Sheriff immediately points their gun in their face already sniffing them out as another pain in their ass. Unfortunately for them the bullets on them aren't made of silver.
This or the werewolf being the mayor of the town. One of the few people Sheriff could trust commiting the ultimate betrayal of turning them into this monster. It ain't all bad since they're not alone. Sheriff has no clue of their true identity, but they are a bit suspicious of the knowledge the mayor has on these creatures. Still, they're plenty help and Sheriff is happy to have a shoulder to lean on..
Either way, the bandits make it their mention to put that mutt in a deep grave. Sheriff is theirs alone and they ain't gonna let some beast take them away. There's only room for one wolf in this town and one group of idiots to love and protect thsm
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Eddie would have a Teddy bear sitting in the top corner of his bed near his pillow that he sprays with your perfume everyday so when he goes to sleep he can cuddle it, and he hopes it makes him dream about you
He absolutely does.
Eddie’s clingy. Not to a fault, but he’s a clingy boy <3
He just loves you so much. He’s a very affectionate guy, and you’re the absolute, definitive love of his life. You’re his bright light in this dim world of his, and he absolutely adores you, and the fact that you love him back just as much... it really makes him melt. Physical touch is one of his top love languages too, and he loves being surrounded by your scent whenever he’s close to you. Eddie just loves being surrounded by you. If he could die smothered, by some cloud that was just all encompassingly you, he would die happy and ascend straight to heaven, he swears.
Once Eddie’s with you, and has had nights where you’ve slept at his, or he’s slept at yours, he can’t go on with you two separated at night. It’s easier for you to be at his, because you’re both alone most of the evening/night, and Wayne didn’t mind the first time he caught you in Eddie’s bed one 7am morning, and the night after where he also saw you leaving the bathroom, when you both knew you should’ve been at home. But it’s also usually easier for him to sneak into your room, than you sneak out. Sometimes it’s hard for either to be done, especially if you know come morning people will notice if you’re not in bed, or that your metal head boyfriend is. It’s just not feasible every night, for a multitude of reasons.
Something Eddie detests. And he will proudly state it, groaning with a disgusted face, before throwing himself dramatically into your chest, and whining his entire speech about it into your warm flesh. All mumbled and tickling you, even when he’s in the throes of woe complaining.
You still get nights Eddie will crawl through your window, fuck the risk, if they’ve been nights that’re rough. Or that he really just wants to be with you. You’ll see him still crying as he lands on your floor, and you’re immediately opening up your covers, and arms. Or nights Eddie calls you in tears, or near to, and you can’t help but race over there, because the pain in his voice as he calls you is just too much for you to let him handle it alone.
But it can’t be an every night thing.
Sometimes you’ll get Eddie presents, and every single time it makes his heart burst. When you presented him with his own “eddie bear”, Eddie was delighted. He promised he’d keep it right in his bed, just as he keeps all your gifts in his room, or on his person.
Eddie would think about stealing your perfume, and obviously he’d want to replace it with a new one, it was your favourite you wore every day! He couldn’t just steal it and not replace it. Also there was no point if you started wearing a completely different scent he’d then associate you with. He even thought about balancing out the bottles, so you had as much left as you did before in this new bottle, whereas Eddie would fill the one you’d been using up to keep... but then those plans got scratched when Eddie and you had been smoking, and he blushingly, and half jokingly, confessed he wanted his bear to smell like you, with a scratch to the back of his neck. You took it into your arms and gave it a big cuddle, but when Eddie explained he wanted it to smell like you always, you actually gave him your bottle. Without a second thought. You also gave Eddie bear a kiss to his soft head, in both of your high minds happy to believe that would endow him with your true scent even more. And then you gave the real Eddie a forehead kiss too.
Sometimes Eddie will give his bear a quick hug, and a sniff, as he leaves goodbye for school, before spraying it right as he scurries to his van. So when he gets back, his room still lightly smells of you. And when he smushes his face into his bear, when he’s zoned out hanging in his room, and later when he goes to sleep, it smells of you, and not of just harsh chemicals.
Eddie will hold his bear in his arms, just when he’s living in his trailer. Chewing on his lip as he presses the soft toy to his lower face, his nose resting on top of his head while Eddie’s in his zone, either listening to music, writing a campaign, or just jamming to the own thoughts of his head. Eddie will even carry it with him, holding it by its hand, never by its neck or anything harsh, as he goes to the fridge, downs some juice, and walks back to his room, Wayne never really commenting apart from the first few times. But even all of them were light chuckles, telling Eddie what he always told him, and you, and what he told every one of his friends who knew Eddie, even sometimes in front of Eddie, that “That boy’s sweet as sugar on her.”
It was a compliment. Wayne liked you, and he knew Eddie was a softie at heart, Eddie was always himself at home. He only ever thought in was endearing, seeing Eddie carrying that bear around the rest of their home. One time Wayne nearly threw the poor bear into the wash when he was doing Eddie’s sheets - damned if the boy didn’t want his uncle to wash his sheets, he had a laundry regime in his mind, and he knew Eddie wasn’t gonna do it - and he threw his hand to his heart when he realised, before putting the bear down, back into place. He genuinely thought Eddie might’ve cried if he’d messed up his bear from you.
Eddie also didn’t know how you knew Sheriff Hopper, he knew how he knew him, but Eddie felt like he was tripping out when he heard Hopper say to you once “That kid’s sweet as sugar on you.” He had to ask you when you came back from your ‘private’ hello, if you two had taken something before and he’d forgotten. Telling you adoringly how smart you were, once he shook his head like a dog as you reminded him that that was just a phrase people used. And then he went around like a peacock, beaming, with his arm slung around you, because Sheriff Hopper thought Eddie was sweet with you. Clearly by the few times Eddie had seen you two interact, Hopper knew and, at least somewhat, liked you, so not chasing Eddie out of town for dating you was even praise in his book, never mind that. Eddie definitely amusedly slipped the fact he’d heard that ‘compliment’ from the sheriff to him, next time they spoke.
Eddie will squeeze the bear, gently, he doesn’t want to hurt them, as he turns to go to sleep. It’s become ritual now. Even the breathing sound of his nose smushed against the creature didn’t bother him anymore, his bear was calming. Especially with the fact it smelt of you. Sometimes you’d cuddle it the entire afternoon you were at Eddie’s, so it smelt of you more, occasionally with you just sitting on Eddie’s bed and, as you’re talking, Eddie leans over, and with his tongue sticking out, wordlessly plops his bear into your arms, before looking at you to keep going.
You have a couple of clothing items, including a shirt or two, you leave at Eddie’s for days you stay the night unprepared. Eddie sometimes utilises those shirts by putting them on his bear. Although if he sleeps with them, they don’t smell of you anymore come morning. But you also said you like leaving them there because then your shirts smell of Eddie, because you like the same thing! So it was a bit of a conundrum.
Next time Eddie is able to go to the right kind of shop, he’s going to buy you a teddy for the exact same reason. He already knows what animal he wants to get you.
Eddie could close his eyes, and pretend you were there with him at night, thanking him for being as lovely as you knew he was and taking such good care of his bear, and how you wanna cuddle with him too! Eddie really focuses in on its scent, because you’re the one thing that makes his thoughts peaceful enough for him to lull into sleep. Everything else that time of night is agony for him. All except you. Even the things and people he loves, he cringes at memories, or worries he’s not good enough, or that they hate him, but with you, you’ve just told him, and shown, and proven, time, and time again that Eddie’s nothing but good in your eyes. He hasn’t fucked up with you yet. Sure he can still get anxious about that, as he does with every person he cares about, but you’re just... you’re otherworldly, at reassuring him.
And oh, if Eddie could lucid dream, then every dream would be about you, he can guarantee. He sometimes just closes his eyes, inhales deep, and begs to dream about you, all until he finally drifts into darkness. Those nights where you’re still so on his mind as he slips to sleep, because of the smell, so he actually does dream of you, are massive successes in his mind! It brings him a lot of comfort to actually dream about you, especially on nights where he can feel the time passing, aching away every minute he’s not with you. Eddie always feels... he feels loved, but partly because of how much he clearly loves you, because he dreams of you! Just another reminder of his truly loving relationship. Something Eddie’s gotten right. How he’s happy right now. He always wakes with a smile when he’s dreamt of you. And he gets excited to tell you about his dream later that day! No matter what kind of dream, wink wink.
Although sometimes he has nightmares with you in, and while he will tell you those dreams also, he doesn’t like them as much! At least he can cuddle your bear that smells of you as he reaches for his phone to call you, or on very bad occasions, snatch his van keys, so he has that comfort of you right with him in grabbing distance, before he can get you for real. Just enough to calm his brain from panicking in those vital few moments before he can reach you.
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
For the valentine's day prompts, could I request Lee + 13 from this list?
it’s you and me
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pairing: lee bodecker x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. smut. pet names. lee and reader are married. uhm not really much else lol.
words: 1950
notes: thank you so much for sending this in!! 🥰 it’s two months late lol but here it is! 🩷
thank you in advance for reading and reblogging. i hope you guys enjoy this little drabble. as always, comments and reblogs are more than welcome and so appreciated!
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You’d waited all morning for Lee to leave for the station. As much as you loved the days he’d dilly dally to spend extra time with you before he had to head into work, today you were a ball of anxiety - though you tried your best to keep your composure in front of Lee.
He had actually woken up early to serve you breakfast in bed, much to your surprise. The twinkle of affection in his eyes as he looked at you kept you from putting up any kind of protest as he pushed you back in bed, the sloppily formed pancakes tasting better than they looked as he fed them to you, his proud smile at your compliments was a charming sight.
Though his thoughtful gesture was appreciated, it was still throwing a wrench into your plans. You had to be at the antique shop by nine to get the watch you’d had an eye on since you saw it last week. It would be the perfect gift for Lee, you just knew he’d love it.
The owner of the shop was a stingy old man named Arthur. You’d had a couple of conversations with him over the few times you’d been in the shop.
You had asked if he would keep the watch for you until today when you’d be able to buy it, but he refused. “It sells when it sells,” he had said.
But you knew you couldn’t buy it before today, Lee would see the purchase on the bank statement and ask questions. You were an awful liar and there would be no way he wouldn’t find out what the purchase was before you could surprise him with it.
You were planning on getting to the shop right when it opened to get the watch, hoping against all odds that it would still be there so you could give him something nice for Valentine’s Day.
Breakfast in bed was sweet and though you were worried both of you would be late for where you had to be later, you didn’t stop him when Lee cleared off the bed and crawled under the covers with you once again.
His soft lips trailing along your skin lovingly had you completely forgetting what you were just fretting over. You let your fingers slide through his hair as he made his way down your body, his big hands squeezing your fleshy hips after he ghosted them down your curves. He pulled your underwear off with ease and you slipped your night slip over your head in a flash, completely exposing yourself to him as you sat up on the bed. You knew his intentions were dead set on you, but you couldn’t let him get started. Once Lee’s lips were between your legs, there was no stopping him, not until he was completely satisfied. You weren’t complaining, but you didn’t have the time for it this morning.
Instead you leaned forward, hooking a finger in his boxers as you pulled him toward you.
His lips brushed against yours teasingly before he really kissed you. You let your hand slip under his shirt, running your palm along his soft stomach and up to his broad, solid chest before he got the message and took it off for you.
Your hands found his shoulders as you pulled him down on top of you, wrapping a leg around him as you kissed him hotly.
“Mmm,” you moaned into his mouth as he pressed himself against your bare pussy. You were already wet for him, could feel your slick growing with his every move. “Boxers off, Bodecker,” you mumbled against his lips. “Need you,” you whined when he didn’t comply right away. “Need to feel you, please, baby.”
His lips were by your ear as he rolled his hips into you tauntingly, you could hear the smirk on his lips as he spoke, “Love it when you beg for me, sugar.” He rolled against you again, another whine leaving your lips. “Tell me what you want, baby,” he coaxed.
“Want you. Want you to fill me up, need you inside me, Lee, please,” you begged pathetically.
Lee had one hand on your hip and the other on your breast, squeezing your tit in his hand as he growled before quickly ridding himself of his boxers. You could feel his thick cock bobbing against you when he’d freed himself and you moaned at the feeling. You spread your legs further as he lined himself up with your slick hole.
Slowly, he pushed into you. Even with just the tip, he had you clenching around him as he cursed under his breath.
“So fuckin’ tight, darlin’, fuckin’ heaven,” he praised, his words falling into a moan as he seated himself deeper inside you.
Lee let his head drop to your chest as he slid further inside of you, deep groans rumbling in his chest and falling off his lips as you took him in. He took one of your pert nipples in his mouth, eliciting a whimper of pleasure from you as he swirled his tongue around the bud, sucking and nipping, loving how sensitive you always were before he took your other breast in his mouth, paying the same attention to both.
When Lee reached his limit inside of you, your knees nearly against your chest as your legs were on his shoulders, he began rocking into you languidly. The double stimulation on your clit and your sweet spot he triggered with each movement was incredible and had your toes curling as you whined and moaned beneath him.
His weight pressing into you as he fucked you was delightful, and the feeling of being stuffed full of his cock was all you could focus on as you were brought closer and closer to the edge.
Lee was panting as he thrust in and out of you, your breasts bouncing with his every move. You could tell he was close as he grabbed onto you tighter, his hips slamming against you harder as he lost his rhythm. You cried out for him when his thumb found your clit and started rubbing circles on the bundle of nerves with perfect pressure until he had you coming around him. A flurry of moans and cries intermingled with his name fell from your lips as you rode out your high around his cock.
Not long after you came, Lee’s breath hitched before he let himself go with a throaty groan, thick ropes of his come filling you up as he emptied himself inside your tight walls.
His heavy breathing and praises of you filled the air as you both laid there trying to catch your breath. Lee buried his head in your chest as you played with his hair, his thick arms wrapping around you as he held you close.
“Mhm,” you hummed contentedly with your eyes closed as you relaxed further, his presence coaxing you into a peaceful respite. “That was nice,” you laughed. “Not how I was expecting to start the day, but you always are full of surprises aren’t you Mr. Bodecker.”
You could feel Lee’s smile against your skin before he lifted himself off you, kissing your cheek sweetly.
“Always, Mrs. Bodecker,” he grinned at your still relatively new title, “And that’s just the start of it, darlin’. There’s a lot more of that comin’ to you later today,”
“The sex or the surprises?” you questioned playfully. Lee leaned in for another kiss, this one softly on your lips as you kissed him back in kind.
“Both,” he smirked against your lips before he got off the bed to start getting ready for the day.
As he disappeared into the bathroom, you suddenly thought about the time. You turned to check the alarm clock, still not set to go off for another ten minutes. You took a breath, telling yourself to calm down. You’d have more than enough time, and though you’d planned on walking to the shop once Lee left, you figured you could ask him to drop you off at the grocery store on his way to work and then just walk the rest of the way to the shop - that alone would save you on time.
You wouldn’t be so worried if you hadn’t seen the way Mrs. Marshall eyed the watch as you were leaving the shop the other day..
The sound of the shower starting caught your attention before Lee poked his head out of the bathroom door.
“You joinin’ me or what?” he asked, causing you to smile as you climbed out of bed and made your way over to him.
You wrapped your arms around him as you pressed your body to his, looking up to him as he stood tall before you. “You gonna wash me off, Sheriff?” you asked headily.
You gasped as Lee smacked your ass playfully before he responded, “I’ll do whatever you want me to, darlin’.”
He effortlessly picked you up and you instinctively wrapped yourself around him as he walked you into the shower, clinging to him like your life depended on it until he finally let you down under the warm water.
Still, even with your feet safely on the ground once again, you found yourself glued to your husband, not wanting to let him go as the water beat down on the both of you. You could feel the mess between your thighs but you didn’t want this moment to end so soon. You let your hands dance up and down his back as he held you.
You stayed like that for a long while, enjoying each other’s presence until the peaceful lull was broken by your alarm going off.
“Damn,” you cursed under your breath as you pulled yourself off of him finally and turned to grab his shampoo, “you’re gonna be late if we don’t hurry,” you told him.
His hands found your arms, running up and down soothingly as he pulled you back against him, his arms wrapping around your middle as his hands fell to your plush tummy, his head dropping to your shoulders where he left soft kisses on your damp skin. “I’m in no rush, sweetpea. ‘ fact, I was thinkin’ about just calling off for the day,”
“Lee,” you said almost disbelieving.
“What? I can’t recall the last time I took a day off for myself since I became Sheriff. One day without me won’t kill ‘em. Besides,” he said, turning you around to face him, “it’s our first valentine’s bein’ married. I wanna spend it with you, Mrs. Bodecker.”
“Yeah?” you asked demurely as you stared up into his brilliant blue eyes shining down at you.
“Yeah,” he assured you with a boyish smile on his lips as his wandering hands explored your body, squeezing your ass as you pressed yourself against him once again, hiding your face against his chest as you laughed softly, smiling in contentment. “That’s really all I need,” he said with a kiss to the top of your head, “some time with just you.”
His words relaxed you as you took them in. You’d make sure to still go out later today to get him something, but if the watch was gone by then, it just wasn’t meant to be. You wouldn’t stress on time, though. Not when you were lucky enough to spend all day with Lee now, no work to call him or you away from one another like it so typically did. You’d enjoy the day with him, and worry about all the extra stuff later on. As long as you had each other, today would be perfect.
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Sheriff Of Nottingham x Fem!Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: You're the prettiest peasant in Nottingham, and so on carnival day you don't mind offering one simple kiss as a prize to the winner of the archery contest. You figure- what's the harm? You're an engaged woman and this may just be your last opportunity to kiss lips that aren't your husbands.
You aren't expecting a man such as the terrible Sheriff to find out you're the prize and participate. Or win-
Warnings: Its probably a mess because I wrote it while I was at work.
The Sheriff had won! A pathetic smattering of weak applause dies down quickly in the stands, no one being particularly happy he had dained to attend your little carnival. It was for the peasants; a little bright moment to hold onto throughout the dreary, poor Nottingham days. It was certainly not for him. If he had any manners at all, he would've stayed away.
But he didn't have any manners. He was terrible, and dastardly, and gross and impolite-- and now you had to kiss him!
You were seathing!!
You didn't want to do it! You wanted to look him in those beady eyes of his and claim second thoughts; say you didn't want to make your fiance uncomfortable.
... but your fiance was currently out of town on business, so that excuse wouldn't work quite as effectively. The Sheriff would counterargue, and you would end up embarrassed in front of everyone.
"Damnit," You muttered under your breath, eyes ablaze with frustration and hate on the smug, chubby (Ugh, how chubby he got while the rest of you starved infuriated you. He was more robust than even the horrible prince himself) 'law man' accepting forced congratulations from onlookers.
"Well well well, here we are!" The Sheriff jeered, all-too-pleased to be alone with you now. The tent was meant for the fortune tellers, deep midnight blue's and lovely maroon's strewn about setting the mood quite nicely. You'd been in here before, and the 'lady' with the fluffy red hair poking out from 'her' robes told you that you would be surprised with something today- well you were surprised. You were hoping that the fortune meant that your fiance would be home early,.. but no. No, that wasn't it. Not with your luck!
The Sheriff is about to lean in and just plant one on you- but you raise your hand up to his chest as fast lightning and firmly push him back with a careful glare. "... before that, I have something to say."
"Oh- " Either he's surprised to have a lady take such a stern tone with him, or he's surprised to see any peasant treat him so boldly, but he definitely pauses. Looks confused. Then shrugs, straightening up again with a gleaming, toothy grin. "Well, sure, sweetheart! Go right ahead~ "
Taking a deep breath, you straighten your shoulders and try not to squirm looking into his eyes. "... I want you to know, I don't care for you. You give law enforcement a bad name. You're a fiend." You blurt out bluntly, uncaring of the displeased responce you might get. You're expecting it, in fact.
... but he doesn't give that displeased responce. He just gives a jovial chuckle, his belly jiggling with the movement, and shakes his head at you. You're almost dissappinted. "Well, aren't you a bold thing??... "
"I want to be clear you disgust me."
"Oh, I heard~ "
"Good." You huff, put-out by his lacklustre and honestly, kind of amused responce.
After a moment, he tilts his head to the side and his eyes seem to glow in the darkness of the tent as be steps in closer to you once again. "Now, miss, do you think I could take my prize? Hm?~"
He'll have to duck down quite a ways, you think, noting the man's size. But, Sighing a frustrated sigh, you nod. "Yes you may, but I won't enjoy it and I hope you don't either."
"Can't promise that." He just says, before the Sheriff of Nottingham puts his large fat hands on either side of your face, and leans down, and smothers your lips with his.
Immediately you stiffen, giving a squeak against his lips at how he grabbed you so easily and overwhelms you with his sheer size. You were expecting a quick, sweet kiss when you signed up to be the prize for this competition! Mabhe on the cheek! Not- not- whatever vulgar mess this is!-
... and yet you feel yourself melting against the large fabcy pants brute of a man. You love your fiance, you love him dearly, but the Sheriff...
God, you can never think about this again after its over. It's so very horrendous. So appallingly bad that you return the kiss in order to make it go faster (thats the only reason, of course.). You have to make an oath to yourself after this. Never even think about this kiss ever again.
But for right now, it wouldn't be against your oath, to... slide your hands up his chest, would it? After all, you won't be thinking about it ever again (how soft but firm he is, the lovely fabric he wears in red and purple), so you dont see why you shouldn't...
Just as your fingers are cautiously linking around his neck, the Sheriff pulls away. He steals one more quick, greedy kiss, then steps back from you completely; a wolfish grin across his mean face.
Breathless, you struggle to pull yourself together. "Well- " Huff. "I do hope you had a terrible time."
An irritating, smug, grin pulls at one corner of the wolve's mouth. "Oh, dear, did I fail the assignment sweetheart?~ "
"... You ogre!!"
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"Who was that?" Jody asked you as you came back to sit across from her at the table.
"Uhh... Dean," you said, avoiding her eyes.
"Oh! What'd Dean have to say?" she asked, spearing a piece of broccoli particularly enthusiastically.
Your eyes lifted up to her face, your own fork hovering over your next bite. "Why'd you say it like that?"
She laughed and shrugged. "Like what?" But there was a smirk on her face you couldn't ignore.
"Why are you smiling like that?" you asked again, feeling your cheeks flush.
"I don't know! Why'd he call?" she pressed you.
You shook your head and returned to your dinner. "No reason really. Just... catching up."
Jody froze across from you and fixed her eyes on your face again. "Uh huh. Really? That's so interesting!" She shifted in her chair, the smirk on her face still growing. "Catching up since you left the bunker, what? Yesterday? How much could you possibly have to catch up on?"
Your brow furrowed even as your cheeks flushed and you set your fork down with a clatter and stared back at her. "What are you implying?"
She laughed. "I think you know what I'm implying. There are very few people Dean calls just to 'catch up' with. You're looking at one of them. And those kinds of calls can come months apart. You saw him yesterday."
Your face burned. "Jody—"
"No, no! Please," she said standing and grabbing her plate, "continue to pretend you don't know what I'm implying. It's crystal clear you and Dean have no special connection whatsoever..." She gave you another smile.
You reached for your wine glass and quickly drained it.
Her smile widened. "Need another glass? You know what? I'll just bring the bottle over..."
A/N: Bless her. I love Jody Mills. <3 Also, I could SO CLEARLY picture this interaction and her mannerisms in my head and I hope you can too.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Wild West sheriff Ari tho omg 😅😅
I have a theory from this ask/drabble that he’s a soft daddy dom™️:
He is there to diffuse any situation involving a drunk patron and walks you home after a long day at the saloon. he patiently waits with his thumbs hooked in his belt as you fumble to unlock your door bc it’s so old and broken, “you all right, sugar?”
“Ye-Yeah, it’s just—really stuck,” you bodycheck the cracked wood several times until it slams open, banging against the wall. “There we go!”
He quirks a brow, “and how is it gonna lock again?”
You glance down at the shattered lock, the doorknob hanging by a few screws. “Oh dammit, I’ll just put a chair against the door. I’ve done it before.” You laugh nervously, the repair is going to take most of your pay check for the week.
“You’ve done it before?” He echos incredulously. “Sweetheart, that ain’t good.”
“It’s okay, nothin’ has happened,” yet.
He takes off his hat, running a hand through his long brown hair. “It’s my job to keep everyone safe, and I can’t let you stay home alone in good conscience.” A deep furrow settles on his forehead, “I don’t wanna impose or be impolite, but it’s best if you take a room at the hotel.”
You couldn’t afford that even if you wanted to, and you didnt want to leave your home unlocked and unguarded. You gulp, fiddling with the hem of your apron. “What if you stay here?”
You ask so simply, so innocently that Ari berates himself for thinking impurely. For a millisecond, his gaze flickers to the low neckline of your dress. Ugh, his mama would smack him upside the head for that.
“You could protect me and I’ll get my door fixed first thing tomorrow! Promise, sheriff!”
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒆 (mon biche)
valentine's day masterlist - gingerbread house
summary - you and lee do some baking... well you bake, and he eats...
the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Lee grumbles, making his way into the kitchen and up the small ladder leading to the counter’s top. Huffing as he finally reaches the top, rolling onto his back as his chubby little tummy moves up and down. “Why da hell haven’t we got an elevator yet.” He grunts, rolling to his front and getting onto his knees. “Stupid fucking ladder, always wanting me to do some sort of fucking exercise.” As Lee stands, he looks down at his little tummy and rubs it, pouting.
“Are you done, little baby?” He whips around, staring wide-eyed before scowling. He huffs, sauntering over with his hands on his hips. 
“How long ya been standing there?” Lee glares, trying to hold back the blush threatening to show on his cheeks. 
You raise a brow, “Long enough, now. Are you ready to bake the gingerbread men? That is what you wanted to do, right?” He nods, coming closer to where you and the ingredients are, licking his lips at the sight of the yummy stuff. “Okay, so we’ll start with the gingerbread men, and while they are baking, we’ll build the gingerbread house?” 
Lee’s stomach grumbles at the thought of all the delicious food. “Uh, huh.” He settles close to everything, beginning to help pour and stir the ingredients. Soft giggles escape him before he covers them with coughs as you tickle his chubby tummy. Once you and Lee have finished making the biscuits and placed them in the oven, you grab his tiny form and carry him over to the table where everything for the gingerbread house is set up. Lee’s eyes widen, and his mouth drops open at the sight of more yummy things. 
You place him gently onto the table before taking your seat. The kitchen is filled with laughter, concentrated faces and a giant mess on Lee’s face as he continues to eat his way through the decorating. “Lee, baby. Nothing will be left for the house if you keep eating it all.”
He looks at you and pouts, his whole body covered in white frosting as he continues to chew what’s left in his mouth. “But… It’s so good….” He rubs his tummy again, staring at you with sad eyes as you gently smile at him. A giant grin appears on his face as you slide a bowl of m&m’s over to him, his tiny self practically diving toward it as he grabs a handful, eating one while placing another on the house. 
You smile before continuing to decorate until the timer goes off. You stand and head over, opening the oven door and placing oven mitts on before carefully removing the tray. You smile at how well they’ve turned out and turn your head as you hear a little huff coming from the table, giggling as you see Lee standing on his tippy toes, trying to have a look as well. His little eyes are vast, and his mouth hangs open as he struggles. You begin to walk over to the table with the tray, carefully placing them down onto the table and hearing a pleased noise escape Lee as he looks at them. 
You both continue with the gingerbread house as you wait for the gingerbread men to cool, giggling as Lee keeps looking over at them with heart eyes, mouth practically drooling. Once everything is done and the biscuits are cooled, Lee looks at you for permission to touch them, and the minute you nod. He quickly waddles over and picks one up, bringing it over and placing it down next to you before continuing to do the same with the rest of them. Your brows furrow as you notice one of the men with some of his head missing. You slowly look over to Lee, who has his hands behind his back, rocking on his feet as he looks up at you innocently. “Did you take a bite, baby?” His little head shakes, mouth slowly moving. “No? Are you sure? What’s in your mouth then?” Lee shrugs, pouting. You shake your head with a small smile, “Hmm, I guess you wouldn’t mind if you don’t get any then?” 
Lee’s mouth drops open, and his brows furrow as he stares at you. “Wha? Why? What? I may have had a tiny… Tiny bite, but I deserve to eat as much with all the hard work I did.” He notices you smile as your brow raises, and he glares, “You did that just for me to confess, didn’t you?” He huffs as you nod before nuzzling into your hand as you stroke his cheek.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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sweetiebarnes · 2 years
The Necklace 
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Reader 
Word Count: 341
Warnings: Reader being a brat, adultery/cheating, mentions of car sex
A/N: My entry for this week’s challenge for @navybrat817 and @darkficsyouneveraskedfor sleepover! So excited to be apart of the  @the-slumberparty 
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You could feel people’s eyes on you. It was risky wearing this necklace tonight. He explicitly told you that you couldn’t wear it out in public. Too many people would ask questions, and the last thing Lee Bodecker needed, was the town to learn about his secrets. No, he couldn’t risk people finding out he was having an affair. An affair with the pastor’s daughter of all people.
You were meant to be the good girl in town. The one that everyone looked up to. It was no secret the kind of reputation that followed Lee. After all, the first time you met him was when he stumbled out of the bar late at night. The smirk on his face when he saw you out so late. It was at that very moment you knew that you’d be hooked. You didn’t learn he was married until a week later.
Week after week Lee would tell you that he planned on leaving her. “Don’tcha darlin’ she’ll be gone soon ‘nough.” But you were tired of waiting around. Sure, sex with Lee was amazing. The nights when he’d split you open in the back of his cruiser. Those nights always helped you forget your worries.
And just the other night when he gave you this diamond necklace, you thought it had meant something more. Your heart raced as you looked down at it. Surely this had to mean something, right? He wouldn’t spend this much on just anyone. But then he told you to only wear it in private. That you needed to continue to be a secret. It felt like a slap in the face.
Tonight you were done being a secret. You were taking this into your own hands. You knew he’d be here at this party. He’d be here with her, and you couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he saw you wearing the necklace. So when someone asked you where you got it, you couldn’t help but confidently say. “I got it from the sheriff.”
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Ok ok ok K for murderer Monday pls pls pls imagine:
Lee, Lee being antsy and horny all day and just as he's clocking out something comes up and he's late and by the time he gets home he's just crazed he opens the door and throws you over the nearest surface and has his way with you, just about the roughest he's ever been, taking out all his frustrations, and you think it's one round but no, he keeps going, going, going, keeps going till he literally collapses, no aftercare even because he's literally collapsed on you, in you, and you're pinned and not going anywhere
And for an encore: pls imagine Random eating you out, just glued to you, tongue fucking you as he humps the bed and whimpers into you, looking up at you through his lashes, and you can't help it you pull his hair and slap him while his tongue is in you and he lets out the deepest groan into you, eyes rolling back and just coming all over the bed, and still his mouth is going at you, devouring you-
Thank you for the opportunity, I shall now show myself out 💗
🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 fuck me
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The drive home was infinitely longer than he remembered it being. Lee practically kicked the door down, barely remembering to lock it behind him as he sewrched the house for you. He found you in the bedroom putting away his neatly folded laundry— perfect.
"Hi, hone—" the words are barely out of your mouth before his tongue is shoved down your throat and his large hands scoop you up. A surprised squeak is all you manage before he's dropping you on the bed and ripping open your dress with a hungry growl.
There's no words exchanged, just heavy gasps of air and sighs as he strips you both down as fast as he possibly can. With a wordless grunt, Lee slides two thick fingers into your pussy, moaning happily at the heat of your walls around his fingers, his cock twitching needily. In quick thrusts, he works you open, eager to be inside of you as soon as possible.
You moan as his fingers fill you, relaxing back into the bed. Another surprised yelp tears from your lips when he flips you over on to your stomach, your ass high in the air as he pulls his fingers from you. You feel his dick gliding through your slick wetness for a brief moment before Lee was pushing into you in one swift motion.
A shared moan vibrates through the room, the full feeling lasting only for a moment before he sets a brutal pace. Animalistic grunts and growls flow freely from your husband's lips as he fucks you into the mattress. It's quick, it's hard, it's everything he needs it to be.
Lee feels his high coming fast but pays it no mind, chasing the release with reckless abandon. His bruising grip holds you in place as he cums inside you with a loud groan, his hips stilling for a quick moment before you feel his pace picking back up, fucking his cum deeper and deeper. His moans are ragged and higher in pitch due to his sensitivity, but the need to keep going overrides any logical thought in him.
You on the other hand, can barely think at all. Words are lost on you as he pounds into you from behind, each thrust knocking the air from your lungs in the form of blissed out moans. You loved when he was like this, crazed and needy, too far gone in his primal need for your body that he can't seem to think about anything except you.
It seems to last for hours, and it does. You both lose count of how many times you've cum, each one more delicious than the last. A messy pile of sweaty limbs tangled on the king sized bed, Lee's strong pudgy body collapsed on top of yours as he keeps rutting into you. He can feel exhaustion nipping at his heels, his muscles ache, his eyes tired and unfocused from rolling back in his skull so many times. You lay underneath him, weakly gripping the sheets, further gone than he is, one heavy thrust away from completely passing out.
Finally, with a weak, pitiful whimper, Lee cums for the last time. You can barely feel the two or three pathetic spurts of cum that fill you, but you do feel Lee's body relaxing completely into you, the heft of him bearing down on you comfortably, offering a soothing touch after hours of rough fucking. He'd take care of you tomorrow, but right now, all you can fo is sleep.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 10 months
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Day 29:“You look even more beautiful covered in snow.”
Fandom: The Wolf Among Us
Character: Bigby Wolf
Naughty or Nice
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Bigby often took solace at night, he often thought it was the only chance he would get peace and being you made it even more better.
It was this particular night that he wanted to comment to memory. It was another cold night in New York, the snow was softly coming down and he found himself in no rush to get home. Your hand felt good in his, warm, soft like it belong.
It was perfect.
A giggle, that broke his train of thoughts. Stopping on his tracks the man looked down at you. "Ya?"
Shrugging your shoulders you let your fingers run through his auburn hair as the brushed some snow flakes away."Nothing..."
"Doesn't look like nothin" his hand's wrap around your waist as he lifted you off the ground. "Don't wanna rile up the big bad wolf do ya?"
A light squeal of happiness escapes your lips as your arms wrapped around his neck. "Alright! Alright! I'll tell you just..look so cute covered in the snow, like a puppy."
Groaning, the man did his best to not roll his eyes at that statement. "You just had to add on 'like a puppy' didn't you.?"
Shrugging your shoulders you smiled pressing your lips against his. "Can't help myself...I am only stating a fact."
Chuckling, Bigby then placed his hand on your cheek brushing away the snow. "Well,You look even more beautiful covered in snow.”
Resting his head on yours he sighed feeling you nuzzle into him more. "I love you."
Smiling you placed another kiss to his cheek. "I love you too Bigby."
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lanabuckybarnes · 5 months
💳💳💳 take all my money but pleeeeease write more about dirty big boy Lee who wants to give you his son because that small drabble had me sweatin already😮‍💨
Ask and thee shall receive!
Breeding Bitch
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(I do not own any photos, Credits to original owners)
Uhhh so this is fucking….maybe the warnings would describe this a bit better hehe 👀.
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Reader
Warnings: Dark Lee!, LEE BODECKER!!, Dub/Non-Con Themes, Unestablished Age Gap but there is definitely one (Reader 20s, Lee late 30s/40s), Cheating (it's Lee), Teeny Size Kink if you squint, Names: Darlin, Good Girl, Baby, Slut, Bitch, Whore, Heifer, Girl. Handcuffing, Good ole Gaslighting, Degradation, Gagging, Dirty Talk, Cervix Abuse, Voyeurism? (Your father is in the next room), He uses the fact that your Pa is so close to his advantage, Mentions of Breeding, actually Breeding, Alcohol (Again, It’s Lee), Marking, Biting, Slapping, Bleeding (from yer cooch), Spitting, Daddy Kink, Rough P in V, Threats (Lee threatens your teeth), Dacryphilia, Panty Stuffing, Absolutely zero aftercare— if I’ve missed anymore, especially in a story like this one, please lemme know!!
Word Count: 1.2k
This is a doozy. I’ll put a lil palette cleanse at the end for you my loves ♥️
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“Augh shit you’re fucking tight” Lee growls above you, cock head pushed uncomfortably against your cervix, your hands cuffed above your head and your panties in your mouth.
You would never admit this to anyone. The almost nightly occurrences of Lee ending up in your little cottage on the hill, his pants round his ankles and his cock wherever he so chose.
It was his wife’s fault, he’d told you; she was sick, old and unable to give him what he wanted. That’s why when you moved into town, bright-eyed and innocent, he had to have you.
His head rolled with his eyes, a strained groan flowing from his lips as his tummy jiggled softly at the tightening of his core.
“Never get over a tight little pussy like this” You whined as he pushed further, sheathing his dick fully inside you.
What would your daddy say if he saw you like this, legs spread akimbo for a married man, the Sheriff no less? Your hands pulled against the cuffs attached to the headboard, the rhythmic clanging had Lee’s eyes shooting open.
“Hey now! Darlin” a huge hand smoothed over your metal clasped wrists before running down your arm to your left breast, he squeezed firmly.
“You wouldn’t want your daddy waking up now would you?” that fucking smirk, the dark look in his eyes— he had you, right where he wanted— the reminder of your feeble old Pa in the next room keeping you tamed, Lee didn’t care about him finding out about your little secret, he’d fuck you right in front of him, but he knew it would keep you pliant for him.
You stopped, hands hanging painfully from the cuffs.
“Good girl, knew you’d come around…now you let me breed this little cunt, loosen up a bit, enjoy it” The brandy on his breath had you queasy as it mixed with his residual cologne. His thick lips peppered marks all over your breast, tongue licking the flesh before biting down with a force that had your toes curling and you crying out into the cotton of your panties.
“Oh don’t be dramatic” he chuckled, slapping the reddened mark lightly. He groaned as he pulled his length out slowly, letting you feel each inch run over the stretched flesh of your heat until his cock head fell from you in a sickly squelch, his precum mixed with your blood.
“God baby, you’re fucking soaked…you like me doing this to you? Course you do you fucking slut” Lee gleams wickedly before launching a huge glob of spit over your clit and his head, his thick fingers circling your clit once, twice and then rubbing the saliva over himself.
He keeps your head still, forcing you to look at him as he pushes in again, making you watch as his dark eyes swim with amusement at your pathetic little whimpers.
“Mmmn…you know, if I didn’t have to do this, I’d feel bad for your stupid little face” Lee laughs, slapping his fingers against your cheek mockingly.
His patience had worn thin, you were lucky enough to get this much prep from him but he was over it now— the growing itch to fill your fertile little hole with his cum becoming too overwhelming.
He slams in, hitting your already abused cervix painfully. His pace is brutal, the only thing stopping the headboard from clattering off the wall being the pillow he’d so ‘generously’ placed between them.
“Oh shit! you fucking little breeding bitch, ahh I ain’t ever had a pussy this tight… fucking made for me, wasn’t it? Yeah, it fucking was” Lee rambles, as he usually does. You could do nothing but take whatever he was giving you, you wouldn’t dare fight back— did you even want to at this point? He had you all cock drunk, stupid little baby so you were.
“Mmm, baby you like this” Lee spoke assertively, punctuating each word with a hard thrust “Push me away as much as you want but at the end of the day you’re still gonna take my load happily… I mean look” he laughs as he pushes your legs from his wide shoulders, they fall open on their own. “You fucking hold yourself open for my spunk, you fucking want this, you need it… you want my son ya little slut”
The quick yank of your panties from your mouth made you gag slightly, the drool that had gathered falling from the corner of your mouth and into your tresses of hair. It amused Lee, watching you stare off into that little space you ran to, unable to control your body— you let him fuck you however he wante— no, however you needed.
Lee’s hand clasped around your face painfully, his thumb hooking behind your teeth “fucking answer me whore, or I’ll pull these out” a firm tug to your lower jaw warned you before he spat again, the hot liquid falling right on your tongue.
“I want this… wan you! Want your baby! Please Lee gimme your baby” you wailed, no longer caring about your volume.
“Good little slut, always begging for daddy ain’t you? You take this fucking baby, you take everything I give you” Lee’s pace stuttered, only for a second, but it told you everything you needed to know and you were disgusted at the way your body pled for it. The way your back arched, your pussy squeezing and frantic cries fell from your lips as your orgasm slammed into you like a train.
“Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Lee practically screamed as he sank himself into one last time, releasing spurt after spurt of his thick, hot, cream against your bruised womb entrance. You don’t know how long his dick sat in your throbbing canal, only falling from you once he was fully soft.
“God, who’d I fucking bless to get a little heifer like you hmm?” He spoke eventually, kissing your cheek, allowing his tongue to poke out and lap at the salty tears falling freely from your big sad eyes.
“Don’t look so fucking upset at this, it’s a good thing, you’re being used for something great…I know girls that would have their panties round their ankles in no time if I let them” He chuckled while standing, fingers gripping your discarded undergarments to wipe along his cock, gathering his cum, and your slick; which had a tinge of red from the tear in your fragile skin he caused by stretching you out.
Once he deemed himself clean enough, he ran the panties through the mess pouring from your core.
“This won’t do, you’re supposed to keep it in” He tutted before pushing the soaked material into your stretched hole, his fingers stuffing the scratchy fabric into you carelessly. He made quick work of the cuffs digging painfully into your wrists, placing a quick peck over each dark mark around them.
“Tomorrow, I don’t want none of this fighting bullcrap you hear? No panties, no bra, no attitude— just you, alright girl?” He pushed your cheeks together, puckering your lips in the process.
You knew that what you said to him wouldn’t matter, he’d take you all the same so you just nodded like you would every single time his cerulean stare flickered over your much smaller structure.
“Atta girl” His lips grazed over your own, and then like a ghost, he was gone, leaving you to sob in a pile of your own mess.
I’m so sorry for him, he’s not usually like this, I promise he’s a nice guy 😔 🚩
Here’s your payment~
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
why can’t we have monster sheriff reader and horny ass town mayor and bandits
(Werewolf sheriff? Werewolf sheriff.)
A picture frame crashes to the abyss as you tumble into the nightstand. Those god damn idiots. Robbing someone blind on today of all days. The rage visible in the venom dripping from your teeth only upped their ante. None the wiser to your curse, the little demons damn near fainted when a growl slipped from your throat as you chased them about, catching the bastards in record time so you could return home before it was too late.
Your spine curves against the floorboards as you fall onto your side. You barely made it back before the transformation began. Your fangs assault your gums in trial to force out your human canines; the smell of the blood flowing from the vacant holes sending you into a furor. Course hair sprouts over your entire body, stemming from the deep claw marks on your bicep. The scar flares with a white hot pain in similar burn to when you first received it, the fruit bearer of your blight.
You drag your body across the floor as your limbs extend; fighting to reach the basement before the haze clouding your mind traps your brain in its fog. Vision spotty, the soft moonlight on your back doesn't register until you're facing it fully as you writhe in pain. Your talons rip the wood to shreds as your conciousness slips; heartbeat hammering through your maw. The last thing you hear before everything fades is a door handle rolling across the floor.
"You moron! Now they'll know we're here if they're home."
"Sorry! I'm still excited from earlier. Coulda swarn they were tryin to take my head off with that swing."
Shaking off the fuzzy shutter the memory brings, the lockpicker joins the rest of the group in piling into your home. The bandits were worried about you after your public display. While you losing your shit was a welcome surpise, they feared you had a bad week and wanted to cheer you up in the only way they knew how. Stealing things and dumping them off in your shack.
As they place their goods in various directions, a shout comes from the bedroom.
"Hey, guys- come quick!"
Rushing inside your room, the bandits stumble across the scene of a crime that looks like a tornado blew in armed to the teeth in blades. The nightstand was knocked over and blinds torn from the rack. Claw marks splintered the floors, walls, and even the ceiling. The moonlight centered on the bloodstains in the carpet; four teeth embedded in the wool.
The leader kneels and picks up a tooth. "What the hell happened here?"
"Is the sheriff okay?..."
"Look outside, I saw something move!"
A large shadow slinks away from view. Reflecting the natural light, the pin on its tattered clothes could only be one thing. The sheriff's badge.
"What was that?"
"Whatever it was, it has something to do with the sheriff. Follow it."
Fueled by anger and fear, the bandits barrel out the backdoor and after the creature. It's long gone by the time they tumble outside, but footprints and broken leaves lead them directly in its wake. Their adrenaline makes the chase as close to a match as possible for a beast of such calibre; broad shoulders easily the size of at least two of the bandits' torsos.
The pursuit comes to a halt as the group approaches the old farmer's gate. Fool spent a fortune on silver wiring after the lawsuit he lawsuit. As it stands still, the bandits get a good look at the creature. Fur as black as midnight, jaws and dentures that could snap some clean in two, familiar eyes. Looking closely at the beast, it becomes clear that the torn clothes on them aren't from them ripping someone to shreads, but from someone growing to large to wear them. A sheriff hat sits tucked bewteen its ears.
The wolf's ear twitches in recognition. You huff in warning.
All at once things become clear to the group. All at once - that fear they each felt blends with something else. Those claws. That build. You could annihilate whoever you pleased. And that was one of the hottest things imaginable.
"Holy shit."
The human part of your brain wonders if now would be the best time to use the silver bullet tied around your neck as they approach. The weight of nearly a dozen humans jumping on you is about the same as a fly in your hair, but to avoid any casualties you allow them their fun. You have enough control for that, you think- till hands start wondering where they shouldn't.
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