#Shin Shi Ah
smittenskitten · 1 year
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seoinquk · 1 year
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Every time the next life came, then the next, it felt like more and more rocks weighed her heart down. When their 18th life began, the person met a kid. When they were with him, it felt as if the rocks weighing on their heart were lifted.
SEE YOU IN MY 19TH LIFE 이번 생도 잘 부탁해 (2023) 
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nanawantsmechubby · 1 year
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Shin Hye Sun and Kim Shi Ah as Yoon Ju Won and Ban Ji Eum SEE YOU IN MY 19TH LIFE (2023) - Episode 09
Yoon Ju-won and Ban Ji-eum both wish that you would be very happy.
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gulongming · 1 year
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이번 생도 잘 부탁해 SEE YOU IN MY 19th LIFE (2023)
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retlasute · 1 year
Can you please write some headcanons featuring Johnny and Gyro sleeping next to Reader? I've got this gut feeling that Gyro might be snoring LOUDLY (rip Reader). And as for Johnny, I imagine him talking and twitching in his sleep sometimes, potentially even unintentionally waking up the Reader. Now, the question is, would the Reader be chill about it or nah? 🤔 I'll leave that up to your creative choice. Can't wait to see what fabulousness you come up with!
Headcanons/Drabbles? - Sleeping and cuddling
I LOVED YOUR REQUEST AND I LOVED WRITING THIS At first I was only going to do a list of headcanons, but I felt these two deserved a little more attention, so i hope you like it! ❤️❤️
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◍ Gyro Zeppeli
This man is biologically incapable of sleeping alone.
If there is no one he can hug and cuddle, he will do this with a teddy bear.
Ever since you had started riding with him and Johnny, you had noticed indications of how cozy he got on cold nights when he could sleep closer to someone (and that someone was always you).
At first, it didn't bother you, after all, who would complain about a handsome man like him wanting to be close to you?
Yes, it was understandable that you felt good about it. But factors like noise and smell were not considered by your sleepy mind.
In a race like this, keeping constantly clean and smelling fresh was an impossible task, but what do Italians have against a river bath? For that matter, what do Italians have against any kind of bathing?
Gyro always shied away from bathing in the lakes with the lame excuse of "watching the camp" while you and Johnny cleaned up.
You always made jokes about it, but you never felt personally bothered by Gyro's aversion to bathing of any kind
But now you felt personally bothered by many things, not least your hearing and sense of smell being violently attacked as if you were in the middle of a coliseum
Now, struggling in the grip of your own sarcasm and regret, you shielded your ears with a thin pillow, creating a barrier against Gyro's snoring while your face stuck in the grass turned away from the smell of sweat.
''How the hell can you sleep with this noisy monster?'' You whispered to Johnny, lying on the ground, protecting your ears like a soldier in a trench protects himself from a grenade.
''The more you fight it, the more it will bother you.'' Johnny replied and held his laughter like a monk. ''It's like meditating. Good night, (Y/N)… Or good luck.''
And so the bastard lay down, covering himself with his blue comforter and turning his back to you, and that annoyed you more than Gyro's snoring. You sighed loudly, pulling the pillow away from your ears and lying next to the Italian.
"Meditation, huh?"
You really tried for a few minutes. But Gyro's snoring always brought you out of your sterile meditations. As the moon went away, all reason disappeared, immediately succumbing to the urge to smother him with the pillow.
So you raised yourself a little to look at him. His eyes closed like a cat's, his lashes that extraordinary color you had seen so many times before: a dark blond at the tips, fading to a light blond at the roots.
Then, gently, you held his arm and shook him lightly, to wake him up, but to no avail. Then you tried to push him to lie on his side - maybe then he would stop snoring - Then those cat eyes slowly opened and the snoring stopped. You cursed silently as you watched him wake up. Gyro shimmered with a hellish light. The muscles of his face were well outlined, while those of his arm moved elegantly under your hand that, for some reason, didn't want to let go.
''Ah…'' He grunted and stammered a few times as if a goat was head-butting him in the shin. ''What…? Ah? What? Questo…''
"Please, Gyro, sleep on your side." You said, tired. ''You're snoring like an ogre.''
''It can't be… can it?'' He said, finding it funny, despite his sleep.
''You're as hard to wake as a dead man… but you make as much noise as a living man.''
He gave a tired laugh, and the initial chill dissipated quickly as he drew nearer with surprisingly comfortable warmth. His body relaxed completely around you, and now that he was no longer snoring, his eyes closed almost automatically. Sensing this, Gyro moved closer. A hard, solid warmth stirred briefly against you.
''I'm way more than dead. I'm exhausted, but some stupid part of my body doesn't know that yet.''
The fog of exhaustion seemed to act like a magnifying glass, exaggerating details and sensations. Now that the silence was ringing in your ears, you leaned your face back on him, feeling the smooth, rigid curve of his collarbone, prominent beneath the skin. At the crease of his neck, the skin was warm and sensitive, and the veins were thin and blue like a baby's.
His hand rose slowly, floating like the leaves, and rested lightly on your head.
''The next time you snore, I'll smother you with my pillow.''
''Nyo-ho… it would be better if you smothered me with other things of yours.''
He let out his breath like a sigh and you felt his loss of consciousness like the slow dying of a fire. You fell asleep on top of him, barely managing to pull the heavy folds of the cloak over you before darkness overtook you. His warm, smooth hand on you. And so, you finally slept.
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✰ Johnny Joestar
This boy is already shy and sweet, but you amplify those traits in him
When it was just him and Gyro, Johnny didn't bother sharing sheets.
But since you joined them, things have changed. Johnny was a sweet gentleman who knew you deserved much more decorum and respect than Gyro did.
The first cold night the three of you spent together, you must admit he took it bravely, offering you one of his sheets when he saw you chattering your teeth in a freezing wind.
You thanked him and politely declined, but he insisted, and you couldn't deny that you were freezing to death.
By now Johnny was more used to your presence and hardly bothered by it, but you, on the other hand, noticed some strange things.
He always slept after you. Often, you felt him watching you in the dark. Not in a strange, threatening way, but simply tender and protective, and this usually helped you fall asleep faster.
Johnny couldn't deny that deep down he had that primitive urge to snuggle into your arms every time night fell. But to his dismay, you never made the first move, nor did you give any indication that you would let Johnny do so.
One day he noticed that even on cold nights you used to wake up sweating under the covers. He didn't know why, and neither did you. But this small proof of imperfection gave him the courage to one day allow himself to take the first step.
But as the number of enemy stand users increased along the race courses, Johnny could no longer afford to sleep last, so he went to sleep in a flash, without bothering to tie up the horses or help Gyro light a fire.
This time, you pulled up at night, tied the horses, and let them feed on the tall grass of a small field. You put out the fire and lay down next to Johnny, as Gyro was busy doing who knows what. So the last thing you heard was the peaceful neighing of the horses.
As on other nights, you slept heavily amidst the shallow warmth of the blankets and woke in the middle of the dawn retched, thirsty, and covered in mosquitoes and ticks. You were very annoyed to realize that the ticks and mosquitoes seemed to like only your flesh, but you had learned, on your trip east, to check Gyro and Johnny whenever you woke up in the early hours.
''Ew…'' You spoke, examining a particularly large specimen, the size of a grape, lodged in Gyro's arm. You were afraid to pull it out, it was so big it would probably burst. ''Maybe it'll fall off by itself…''
That's when you felt a stirring behind you and discovered what had caused you to wake up. You turned over, sensing that something was wrong.
The night was cold and the sheet was completely messed up, as it usually was. You rolled over and crawled silently to Johnny, who was struggling and had a desperate expression on his face. At first, you thought he was swatting mosquitoes, but you saw that he still had his eyes closed and was grunting as if something or someone was on top of him.
''Johnny? Johnny, are you alright?'' You whispered close to him, but something in the way he whimpered made you abandon politeness and grab his shoulders.
He was breathing hard like he'd been running, and despite the cold, his body was drenched in sweat. You shook his shoulder and found it stiff and cold as a metal statue. He twitched at the touch of your hand and stood up in a jump, his blue eyes wide.
"I didn't mean to frighten you.'' You apologized. ''You’re okay?''
You wondered for a moment if he wasn't having a nightmare, and whatever was happening terrified him. Now his expression didn't change; he looked straight into your eyes.
''Johnny!'' You whispered a little louder, shaking him again. ''Johnny, what happened?''
Then he blinked and calmed down, though his face retained the desperate expression of a hunted animal.
''I'm fine.'' He said. ''It was… it was a bad dream.'' He spoke as if to convince himself of the fact.
''Tell me about it. It will go away if you tell me.''
He held you gently by the arms, as much to check that you were real as to support himself. It was a full moon night and you could see that every muscle in his body was tense, rigid and immovable as stone, but pulsing with furious energy, ready to explode into action.
''No.'' He said, stunned. ''I'm fine. I'm sorry about that.''
''Don't apologize for that. I was just worried.''
As you said this, the blue eyes slowly relaxed and landed on your face and you smiled at him. This soft smile made him blush.
''Let's go to sleep, Johnny.'' You continued. "Tomorrow will bring its worries.''
He sighed, but his arms relaxed around your body when you released his shoulders.
''Where are your blankets?'' He asked as he watched you lie down next to him. ''You can't sleep in the grass.''
''I'm fine.'' You said. ''These blankets always make me sweat.''
''But…'' He swallowed dryly, as if thinking twice about what he was going to say, then simply pulled his own blanket over you. "The mosquitoes won't let you sleep.''
There was no answer, except for a smile that he could not see. So, gradually, you felt your heavy body snuggle into his. You saw the night stars as you laid your head close to his chest, just as you could hear his heart beating.
It was ridiculous, too, that something so simple made his heart race when you breathed near him, and sweat drip down the back of his neck whenever he saw you. That's what Johnny thought. But at that moment, he doesn't want it to end. As if your touch was the only guarantee that his heart would keep beating. And maybe he was right.
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intheticklecloset · 1 month
Intimate (Black Clover)
Summary: Leo accidentally hurts Yuno during a sparring match. While assessing the damage, he also accidentally discovers something rather adorable about the boy he likes.
A/N: This one is especially for @giggly-squiggily! I must admit, to this day this remains my favorite YunLeo piece I've written for you. I hope you enjoy it as well, friend! 💖
Word Count: 1353
Leo sprinted toward the heap on the ground. “Yuno! Oh my gosh, did I hurt you?”
The wind mage stifled a groan as he pushed up onto his knees. “Of course not. Takes more than that to knock me down. Ouch!” As soon as he put weight on his right knee, a sharp pain jolted through his body and he rolled over so he was sitting instead of kneeling, gritting his teeth. “I’m fine.”
“You are not! I hurt you!” Leo looked distraught, and it only made Yuno more determined to appear strong for him. The redhead knelt beside him. “Let me see.”
“I’m fine—” Yuno trailed off, his words abandoning him when Leo traced his fingers along his knee in a gentle caress. He swallowed.
Leo gave the tiniest squeeze, trying to determine how bad he’d screwed up, and Yuno jerked and let out a gasp, yanking his leg away. “Gods, Yuno, I’m so sorry. Let me see how bad it is.”
Yuno shied away from him. “N-No! It’s fine! I’m fine, just…don’t worry about it. I can always see Mimosa.”
Something flashed in Leo’s eyes and he frowned. “I want to take care of you too, you know.”
“I…uh,” Yuno stammered.
“Please, let me help.”
Well…crap. The wind mage swallowed again but nodded hesitantly, allowing Leo to grab onto his knee and press in gently, searching for the source of the pain. Yuno grunted and slapped a hand over his mouth, scrunching his eyes shut in a way that made Leo’s heart ache.
“I’m sorry,” the fire mage said again, his voice quieter now.
“I’m fine, I’m really fine,” Yuno insisted behind his hand.
It was only then that Leo noticed how red his cheeks were. “Yuno?”
“Are you…blushing?”
“No!” The reply was fast – way too fast.
Leo blinked, and a slow grin spread across his face. “Ooh, I got you flustered? How did I do that?”
Yuno scrambled for an answer. “Y-You…you’re caressing my leg like we’re…” He would not say lovers. He would not. “It’s…kind of intimate…”
“Ah.” Leo withdrew his hand and nodded. “Right…sorry.”
“I mean, I don’t…don’t mind,” Yuno muttered the last words so quiet he almost couldn’t be heard.
“But you said—”
“I don’t mind,” Yuno insisted, grabbing onto Leo’s hand before he could think better of it.
For a moment, they were frozen like that, hands atop one another’s, staring at them like they were foreign objects.
Then Leo’s mischievous grin returned and he let go only to gently grasp either side of Yuno’s hurt leg, caressing with intention now. “You don’t mind, eh?”
Yuno’s eyes went wide and he forgot how to breathe, but he nodded. Leopold gently trailed his fingers up and down his calf and shin, but when he got close to the backside of Yuno’s knee, the wind mage couldn’t help but gasp and try to pull away again.
Leo chuckled, though his smile faltered. “Maybe this is too much too fast, Yuno…”
“It tickles.”
The words were barely a whisper – the softest of admissions – but the redhead heard it, and he stopped, staring. “Say what?”
“I’m not pulling away because I don’t like it.” Yuno was back to blushing furiously, averting his eyes in that way he did when he was nervous. “My knee…it tickles.”
“I thought you were hurt?”
“I…I am. But…”
Leo grinned. “I see. Tickles, huh? But I really did hurt you?”
Yuno huffed. “Don’t flatter yourself. It’s not that bad.”
“All right, all right. But your other knee isn’t hurt.”
By the time Yuno realized what he was implying, it was too late. Leo grabbed his other leg and held it firmly in place while skittering his fingers along his kneecap, and the dark haired boy gasped and burst into giggles, unable to help it.
“Nohohoho! Hey!”
“You’ve got ticklish legs? That’s cute,” Leo hummed, slipping around to his knee pit. He beamed at Yuno’s following squeal and harder snickering. “Where do you think you’re going? Can’t get away from me with a bum leg, can you, hot stuff?”
“Y-Yohohohou’re the one whohohohoho’s hohohohot!” Yuno cackled. Then he realized what he’d said and his eyes went wide. “I m-mehehehehean—! Your mahahahahagic!”
“Sure, sure. Just my magic.”
He kept up the light scribbling under Yuno’s knee for a few moments, then switched tactics by slipping between his legs and scratching at his thighs instead. The way the wind mage blushed and visibly sputtered at the intimate move was absolutely everything.
“Stohohohohohop!” Yuno cried, struggling to stay upright at this point. “Leheheheheheo!”
“Aww, someone’s a little sensitive, huh? Tickle, tickle~”
Yuno whined and tried grabbing onto the lapels of Leo’s uniform, but the redhead suddenly grabbed his hips and squeezed and Yuno finally fell back instead, giggling loudly and kicking his good leg in the air desperately. “Nohohohohoho!”
“It’s good to see you laughing,” Leo said seriously even as he grinned at the darker boy, pinching and squeezing his hips and waist mercilessly. “You’re always so serious.”
Yuno clamped shaking hands on Leo’s wrists as he squealed and cackled, shaking his head while that dark blush returned. “Leheheheheheo!”
“You know, you said you didn’t mind that I was being so familiar. I wonder if that means you don’t mind this, either? You sure don’t seem all that desperate to get away from my tickly clutches~”
“You mehehehehehehenace!”
“I’m not hearing a retort~”
Yuno had to admit, he really didn’t mind this. It was embarrassing and his right knee was killing him, but having Leo looming over him like this, making him laugh so freely like this, teasing him like this – he didn’t mind it. Not one bit.
“Plehehehehease!” he whined, still holding the redhead’s wrists but not trying to stop him. “Leo, plehehehehehease!”
Leo smirked and began clawing his way further up, squeezing his sides now. “Hmm? Is that a desperate plea for me to keep going that I hear, Yuno?”
Yuno couldn’t even answer for how his giggling was bordering on laughter now, his mind a happy mush.
“If you’re interested, I can always take it a little further…” Leo teased, leaning down so they were nose to nose. “Gods, I want to kiss that laughter coming out of you.”
“Leheheheheheheo!” Yuno pleaded, then – before he could hesitate – grabbed onto the redhead’s neck and pulled him down so their lips collided. Leo never let up tickling him, though, which was both the best and worst thing about this moment.
“Mmm,” Leo hummed happily, suddenly darting his tickling fingers up to Yuno’s ribs with no warning.
Yuno wrenched his mouth away from his and burst into laughter for the first time, arching into his touch and squirming wildly on the ground. “AHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO!! NOT THEHEHEHEHERE!!”
“Ooh, not here? Not riiiiight here?” Leo teased wickedly. He latched onto Yuno’s ribs and drilled with a vengeance, leaning down to capture his lips again and silence his pleas.
Yuno screeched and laughed into their kiss, writhing in ticklish agony, able to withstand only a few seconds before tossing his head back to scream, “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP, LEO!! LEHEHEHEHEHEO!!”
The redhead had moved his kisses to Yuno’s neck, and that did it – the wind mage simply could not take any more. He frantically clawed at Leo’s uniform and laughed his heart out, begging for mercy all the while, and finally – after what felt like hours but was only another minute – Leo let up on his attack.
Yuno collapsed against the ground in a giggly heap, shakily prying his assailant’s hands away. Leo took the opportunity to lace their fingers together and push them above their heads, pinning Yuno in an entirely different way.
“You’re cute,” he said, once again hovering just above him so they were nose to nose.
Yuno chuckled. “Shut up.”
“You’re also hurt.”
“…yeah, I know.”
“So, what do you say I valiantly sweep you up in my arms and carry you to a healer?”
“I can walk just fine,” Yuno retorted, though his grin gave him away.
Leo leaned in even closer, eyes ablaze. “Not after I’m done with you.”
And he kissed him again.
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mi-rae07 · 6 months
Jung Wooyoung : As Good As You Were (Part 1/4)
Pairing : Jung Woo-young (Ateez) and named character (Shin Naeun)
Synopsis : Naeun saved wooyoung's family years ago by agreeing to hold up their failing company, in return for wooyoung's hand in marriage. She wanted a stable life, a loving husband, kids, and her work at the company as CEO. While wooyoung wanted to travel the world, fall in love with an artist somewhere and continue his career in photography. The corporate life was not for him. Until Naeun married him, shackling him into a life he had always hated, and so began wooyoung's hatred for his own wife. And three years later, it still continues.
But will it stay this way forever? Or will Naeun's love for wooyoung make him change?
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Naeun entered her house after having had a terrible day at work, feeling like she could fall on the floor right this second and go to sleep. She lazily took off her shoes, walking towards the living room as she almost flinched at the sight of wooyoung sitting on the couch with a blank face. Naeun frowned, turning on the lights as she asked
Naeun : why aren't you asleep yet, young-ah?
Wooyoung didn't even bother looking at his wife as he said in a low tone
Wooyoung : couldn't.
Naeun sat next to wooyoung on the couch, wooyoung immediately feeling annoyed and uncomfortable, which naeun noticed. It hurt her, as it always had for the past 3 years, but she could never blame wooyoung, not when she loved him with all her heart. This marriage of theirs was forged, forged for the sake of lifting wooyoung's family's company from it's ruins. And naeun had enough and more money and connections to make that possible. Hence why wooyoung's father offered naeun his son's hand in marriage, and she accepted it despite knowing how much wooyoung hated her. She didn't know why he hated her, but he always had.
Naeun : do you need help?
Wooyoung : no, just let me be.
Naeun looked away, wishing wooyoung would ask her to sleep with him someday in hopes to get rid of his insomnia. Knowing wooyoung's hate towards her, naeun had always kept her distance from wooyoung in order to not make him uncomfortable, and hence they had different rooms. Except wooyoung didn't know naeun would sneak into his room at night just to stare at him sleeping.
Naeun : I…I heard magnolia tea helps with insomnia-
Wooyoung : I don’t want your tea.
Naeun : well you don't have to have…mine. I can order it from some place outside or ask someone else to make it for you.
Wooyoung : at 2am?
Naeun : it doesn't matter to me if it's for you, wooyoung.
Wooyoung rolled his eyes, looking away as he said
Wooyoung : stop with all the façade, naeun-shi. I do not really care.
Naeun : it's not…never mind.
Wooyoung leaned against the sofa, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply. Naeun looked at the man she could basically die for, wishing she could have what every other woman seemed to get from their partners, love, reassurance, or even just smiles.
Naeun : can you give me a hug?
Wooyoung opened his eyes at the absurd request, looking at naeun with a sharp gaze.
Naeun : n-no?
Wooyoung : what the hell are you-
Naeun : no I uh-it's fine, doesn't matter.
Naeun stood up from her place, picking her bag up as she whispered
Naeun : call me if you need anything, good night.
Naeun turned around and left, climbing up the stairs knowing wooyoung wouldn't say anything back to her. Every night for 3 years she had wished him goodnight and he would only look at her with an annoyed gaze, looking as if he wished she would disappear. And so she was used to it now, as she was to everything else.
Naeun plopped down on her bed with a shaky breath, not even bothering to change her clothes as she stared up at the ceiling. She ran her hands through the sheet around her, feeling it empty as it always had been for her. There was no one who had ever held her close, showered her with love or even told her some words of appreciation. She had been alone her entire life.
Naeun closed her eyes as she felt a tear escape from the corner of her eyes, scrunching the sheet with her hand as she tried going to sleep.
Naeun walked down the stairs next morning, fixing her suit properly. She walked into the kitchen and noticed wooyoung cooking, knowing he was only cooking for himself as he always was. And so naeun opened the fridge, pulling out a cold salad as she picked up the spoon and started eating it quickly.
Wooyoung turned around, eyeing the cold salad with disappointed eyes as he asked
Wooyoung : what the fuck is that?
Naeun looked up at wooyoung, feeling a smile spread on her lips at his question. Wooyoung rarely ever asked her questions, she felt happy when he would so much as talk to her without her somehow forcing him to.
Naeun : cold salad!
Wooyoung didn't understand why naeun was feeling so cheerful about it.
Wooyoung : how the hell do you have that and be happy with it?
Naeun : I don't have food to enjoy it, I have food just so I can have energy and not die. It has no other value to me than that.
Wooyoung stared at naeun, not finding it normal for someone to not eat anything they actually liked despite being this rich.
Naeun : that's why I don't have a favorite food, it's all just bland to me.
Wooyoung stared at naeun as she smiled, going back to eating her food. Wooyoung sighed, turning around to his pancakes as he flipped them over. Shin naeun was more different than he thought she was.
Naeun sighed as she leaned against the chair in her office, picking up her phone as she called up wooyoung. She always would, every single day, to make sure he was fine. Sometimes he picked up, sometimes he didn't. She wished he would today, her work was even more tiring this afternoon.
Wooyoung : what is it?
Naeun felt a smile spread on her lips at his voice as she asked her usual question
Naeun : did you have your lunch, woo?
Wooyoung : no.
Naeun : wooyoung-ah, it's 2pm, go have something to eat. It's unhealthy-
Wooyoung : I'll have it when I want to. Are you done?
Naeun : don't you…wanna know if I ate?
Wooyoung : what difference does that make to me?
Naeun sighed, tapping her heels under the table as she said
Naeun : okay then. Have a good day at work! I'll see you back at home.
Wooyoung cut the call without saying anything more, making naeun let out a breath as she kept the phone away. She wished someone cared. Just as she was about to go back to work, the door opened, revealing her mother-in-law. Naeun's eyes widened as she stood up, bowing.
Naeun : eomma, hello. I didn't realize you'd be visiting today.
Wooyoung's mother chuckled and entered the room, closing the door behind her as she said
Mrs jung : aigoo, you're my daughter, you don't have to be so formal. Sit back down, I've brought you your favorite.
Naeun : kimchi rice?
Mrs jung : indeed.
She placed the packet on the desk before sitting opposite naeun, opening the packet for her with a smile.
Mrs jung : was that wooyoung on the phone?
Naeun : it was.
Mrs jung : let me guess, you called him first again.
Naeun smiled, mumbling a thank you as she started eating the rice. She didn't have a favorite food and found all food mostly bland, but since she noticed eating her food made wooyoung's mother happy, naeun ate it obediently.
Mrs jung : when are you going to tell him what you feel, naeun-ah.
Naeun : he probably already knows, eomma.
Mrs jung : then why isn't he saying anything?
Naeun : because he has nothing to say. Your son doesn't really love me, eomma, it's already known. He's just doing all this because he has to.
Mrs jung : you deserve so much better.
Naeun : I don't want anything better, I love your son. Whether he loves me or not, it doesn't matter to me.
Wooyoung's mother smiled and was about to say something when she paused, coughing hard. Naeun looked up from her food, eyeing her mother-in-law worriedly.
Naeun : eomma? Are you-
Naeun cut herself off as she saw mrs jung's eyes slowly closing, making naeun stand up as she rushed to her mother-in-law's side.
Naeun : oh no no, no don't close your eyes.
But it was too late, she had already gone unconscious.
Wooyoung rushed into the hospital, panting as he stopped right in front of the emergency room. Wooyoung was about to push the door open when he felt someone hold his arm, pulling him back.
Wooyoung : let me go!
Naeun : no, you can't enter right now, wooyoung. Please, wait for a while.
Wooyoung breathed heavily, glaring at naeun before asking in a harsh tone
Wooyoung : did you do something to her?
Naeun looked at wooyoung with hurt eyes, taking her hand away from wooyoung's as she said
Naeun : wooyoung. How could I ever.
Wooyoung : how would I know, hmm? You married me when I didn't want to, you forced us together. How would I know the other things you must be capable of?
Naeun : stop.
Wooyoung : she was with you last, wasn't she?
Naeun : wooyoung! I've only ever cared for you and loved you even when I was at my worst. For you to think that I would ever do something to harm your own mother!
Wooyoung : I do not trust you, shin naeun.
Naeun : then don't!
Wooyoung stared at naeun as she looked away, clenching her hands as she said
Naeun : it's not like you've ever trusted me in the first place. You've never loved me, never cared for me, never so much as talked to me. Every single time I try to, you look at me with those eyes of yours, the one that makes me feel like shit. I'm trying, wooyoung, I'm fucking trying even when I can't anymore.
Wooyoung : and that's my fault? You wouldn't have had to try so hard if you didn't fucking marry me!
Naeun : I didn't have a choice, wooyoung! Your company-
Wooyoung : I do not fucking care about that company, let it burn to hell for all I care!
Naeun : I-
Wooyoung : god just stop talking for fuck's sake. I'm tired of your bullshit, naeun, fucking done and tired. At this point I wish I would've just gone bankrupt years ago.
Naeun flinched at that, wondering whether she was that bad. So bad to the point it was better going bankrupt than being with her.
She looked up as she heard the door opening, a few doctors stepping out as wooyoung rushed to them, asking questions. As soon as naeun heard the fact that her mother-in-law was okay, she turned around, walking out of the hospital without saying anything more.
She shut the car door behind her, putting her hands on the steering wheel as she banged her head against it with a small sob.
Why was it so hard for someone to love her? Why was she the only one who kept trying?
Wooyoung looked up as he heard his mother groan, quickly holding her hand in his as he whispered
Wooyoung : eomma?
Mrs jung : son.
Wooyoung : are you alright? Should I call the doctor-
Mrs jung : no, no I'm fine. Where's naeun?
Wooyoung : I don't know.
Mrs jung : wooyoung, she's your wife.
Wooyoung : she left, eomma. I didn't have time to find her out while you were lying here.
Mrs jung : did you tell her something?
Wooyoung : no.
Mrs jung : don't lie to me.
Wooyoung sighed as he said
Wooyoung : fine, I did. I asked her whether she did something to you, whether that was the reason you were here. Among…many other things.
Wooyoung's mother let out a disappointed scoff, taking her hand away from wooyoung's as she said
Mrs jung : do you ever not feel ashamed, wooyoung? Not once? For how you're treating that poor woman?
Wooyoung : poor woman? Eomma, she forced me to marry her, do you not remember? I wanted to travel the world, continue my career as a photographer. Instead she married me, shackled me to that stupid company that I wanted to escape from and ruined my dreams. You want me to treat her as a princess for all that she has done?
Mrs jung : she married you to save our family name-
Wooyoung : I didn't want that, eomma. I told her I didn't need it, and yet she went along with it anyway.
Mrs jung : that was your father's choice, wooyoung, not hers. He asked her to marry you in return for her resources.
Wooyoung : she could've declined that offer, she had a choice too. Instead she was selfish and took the wrong one.
Mrs jung : I will never win with you, my son. Only you can tell yourself what's right and what's not. I've tried, for years I've tried to tell you to value your wife and love her while you can. One day, you'll lose her and you'll regret everything. And then you'll come to me, crying and begging for the forgiveness that is not mine to give. And when that day comes, I'll know I've lost not only my daughter, but also my son.
Wooyoung walked into the living room hours later after having made sure his mother was taken care of at the hospital, realizing that naeun was lying fast asleep on one of the sofas, her figure looking uncomfortable and her work clothes still not changed. Her face was red, she had cried. And after all that, she was still waiting for him?
"One day, you'll lose her and you'll regret everything. And then you'll come to me, crying and begging for the forgiveness that is not mine to give"
Wooyoung walked closer to her, kneeling on the floor as he stared at her. He could still never wrap his head around as to why naeun had agreed to help someone like him, her family had no ties of connection to his, and he didn't even know naeun until the day she offered to help them. Why then…why did she help them then?
Naeun : wooyoung?
Wooyoung flinched as he realized naeun was now awake, her slowly sitting up on the sofa with sleepy red eyes. Wooyoung opened his mouth and was about to say something when she quickly said
Naeun : I'm sorry.
Wooyoung : what?
Naeun : for what I said today afternoon, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said things like that to you when your mom was lying in the hospital. Your eyes they're…they're beautiful. And when you look at me, no matter how your eyes are or-or whatever I still love it. I didn't mean what I said, so please don't stop looking at me. I'm so sorry.
Wooyoung felt his heart drop at how naeun sounded, a wife was begging her husband to so much as look at her? All naeun said today afternoon was true, all of this was wooyoung's fault. It was him who hadn't loved her, trusted her or cared for her even when she'd given her entire life to him. It was him who should be apologizing, instead she was doing it.
Wooyoung : naeun, you don't have to be sorry.
Naeun looked visibly taken aback.
Wooyoung : none of this is your fault, I shouldn't have talked to you like that.
Naeun : um, what?
Wooyoung : what you said was true, I haven't been a husband to you at all, let alone a good one. While you've done your duties the best as you can in return for nothing. You should never have to apologize to me, naeun.
Naeun : I didn't do those things out of the duty for you, wooyoung, I did it because of love. Because I love you.
Wooyoung felt the breath leave his body, his eyes wide. He could utter nothing, she had never told him she loved him like this, although he almost always knew.
Naeun : I have always loved you, since the second I married you. I offered that…that help out of the love for you. And I agreed to marry you for the same reason. And I thought maybe after we married and spent some time together you'd love me too but I suppose I wasn't good enough for that-
Wooyoung : how could you love someone like me? When I've given you nothing-
Naeun : if you love someone because of what they give you then that isn't really love, wooyoung. What I have for you is immaterial, you don't have to give me anything for me to love you. Ever, this isn't a business deal.
Wooyoung pressed his lips together, his eyes lowering not knowing what to say. Naeun sighed, patting wooyoung's back as she said
Naeun : it's okay, you don't really have to say anything to me, young-ah. I know that you feel nothing of that towards me, and I am fine with that. As long as I can love you, I'm okay with you not loving me the same.
Naeun stood up as wooyoung watched his wife walk away to her room, her figure slouched from how tired she was and the bad position she had been sleeping in. wooyoung let out a shaky breath, falling back against the sofa as he shut his eyes.
She deserved much better, maybe he should just become better? Maybe he should just give her a chance?
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kdramaspace · 1 year
🔁 please consider reblogging to increase our sample size
as always, if you’d like to submit a potential POTW question, you may send in your submissions here.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
my friend last night on discord sent me your steven and mike with reader fic and OOGH MY HEART /POS it has inspired me to pick back up one of my own unfinished fics :] in the midst of that i had a thought strike me and thought i would share with you the idea: platonic grey and shinto (THEY R BESTIES IN MY HEART UR HONOR) fluff with reader fic with the reader helping grey understand shinto with her crazy and wacky little antics around him but acts like a sweet little chaotic angel around reader
Aw I'm glad you both loved it!! Thank you!! Also I adore your art <3
“I don’t get why she wants to be my friend, [y/n]! She’s the devil!!! A DEMON!!!”
“C'mon, Grey. If she craves friendship, then she can’t be all that bad-”
“No, no, no..you..y-you don’t understand. She’s been following me around all day and all night! I can’t get rid of her and the one time I thought I succeeded she freaked out on me and...a-and....ghh..!!!”
“Hey, hey. Breathe. It’s okay.”
Setting your hands on the younger trainer’s shoulders, you looked him in the eyes as you gently helped him calm down. You slowed your breathing, and eventually he did as well to match yours, blinking away his tears.
“I-I’m sorry..” He shuddered as you let him go. And he sighed shakily and hugged himself. "I hate feeling like this.."
“It’s alright.” You smiled in reassurance, feeling Shinto climbing onto your shoulder and nuzzling your cheek affectionately. “Hey, girl. Like feeling taller than me, huh?” With a chuckle, you rubbed her ear.
She silently nodded, continuing her sweet gestures while Grey just glared at her.
That little monster was only putting up a front because you were here.
How dare she act like an innocent little angel who could do no wrong?!
If only you could see how awful she really was....
“Now I’m aware she does some uh..pretty unnerving stuff like-”
“Turning into a giant slimy freak?!!” He suddenly blurted out, only to shrink back as you just looked at him, a little annoyed. “..sorry, I..I shouldn’t have interrupted.”
“It’s okay, but..for starters I don’t think she likes being called a “slimy freak”. So let’s drop the name-calling. I get she frightens you, but I'm sure I wouldn't like to be called a freak every time you see me, right?"
Grey opened his mouth to protest, though he stopped himself, shoulders slumping as he instead nodded in understanding.
He felt like he was back in school again--particularly in detention being reprimanded for his rudeness.
“But I know Shinto has her own flaws, too..” You pointed out.
“..Shin..?” The Hypno-like creature perked up in confusion, wondering why she was being targeted now.
“Yes. When you guys first met, did you know Grey was someone who was trapped inside that game?”
For a moment, her face held a thinking expression, before nodding with a smile.
“So you also must’ve known how scared he was...and that you can't force a friendship on someone if they're scared and don't know where they are, right?”
“.....Shi...no.” Pouting, she shook her head, realizing what her mistake was back then.
At that same moment, you heard your pokedex beep and opened it up to see that she left you a message on her section:
“Ah. He probably didn’t realize you weren’t meant to be captured. So he couldn’t have possibly known that was cheating." You explained. "I think...the problem lies in you two not fully understanding each other. So we can work on that and help you guys get along better. Not as trainer and Pokémon, but as friends."
"...ironically, she's helped me out a lot." Grey remarked. "She was the only company I ever had in that game. I-I probably would've gone crazy and never found a way out if it weren't for her. So...I guess I owe you an apology, Shinto." He looked at her, frowning slightly. "I promise not to call you a freak anymore. Let's just...try to be cool with each other from here on out. Whatdya say?"
For a few moments, she stared right back at him in total silence, and it made him nervous that he said something wrong.
'Could I have worded that differently? Does she think I only apologized because of [y/n]?' He began to overthink...as usual.
Then suddenly, she leaped from your shoulder and onto him, hugging him around the neck. "Shin!! Shin!!" She cooed.
"W-Woah hey!!" He freaked out at first, although when he realized she wasn't trying to strangle him, he cautiously hugged her back. A relieved sigh left him after nothing bad happened.
She just wanted a hug. Plain and simple.
"I guess you um..a-accept my apology?" He laughed awkwardly, his eyes shifting to you. "I-Is this good?"
You just smiled at the pair, happy that they were already making progress with their friendship. "Yeah, I think you two will get along just fine."
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smittenskitten · 1 year
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Cho Won.... I know I shouldn't do this. But I was sure of one thing. My heart was yearning to see her again.
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bidokja · 2 years
Weak Hero Character Names
For those who don't know, the Weak Hero webtoon anglicized a bunch of the characters' first names from Korean to English. They don't do this for newly introduced characters anymore AFAIK, but all the names they anglicized initially have been kept that way.
Since I've gotten a few people asking about the names, so I decided to compile a list of their original Korean names. You can find amost of these on their character profiles on the Weak Hero fandom page, but I figured people would appreciate having a quick reference that is all in one place. Hopefully this helps people learn/connect their original names.
Remember, this is not a full character list, it's for finding the Korean names of the characters that had their names anglicized.
The format will be:
Anglicized Name -> Korean Name (common alternative romanizations will be in parenthesis)
Eunjang High
Alex Go -> Go Hyeontak (Hyun-tak)
Ben Park -> Park Humin (Hoo-min)
Colton Choi -> Choi Hyoman (Hyo-man)
Eugene Gale -> Seo Juntae (Jun-tae)
Gerard Jin -> Jin Gayul (Ga-yool)
Gray Yeon -> Yeon Sieun (Shi-eun)
Phillip Kim -> Kim Pilyoung (Pil-young)
Rowan Im -> Im Juyang (Ju-yang)
Teddy Jin -> Jin Taeoh (Tae-oh)
Daehyeon High
Dean Kwon -> Kwon Hyeokjin (Hyuk-jin)
Jake Ji -> Ji Hakho (Hak-ho | Hagho)
Timothy Park -> Park Taegi (Tae-gi)*
Ganghak High
Jared Sun -> Seon Jongwon (Sun Jong-Wan)
Toby Kim -> Kim Dosik (Do-sik)
Wolf Keum -> Keum Seongje (Sung-je)
Hyeongshin High
Forrest Lee -> Lee Sehan (Se-han)
Myles Joo -> Joo Seungjin (Seung-jin)
Robin Ha -> Ha Minjo (Min-jo)
Sam "Grape" Lee -> Lee Gongsam (Gong-sam)
Yeo-il High
Donald Na -> Na Baekjin (Baek-jin)
Kingsley Kwan -> Kwan Seokhyeon (Suk-hyun)
Yoosun High
Harper "Helmet" Ha -> Ha Huicheol (Hee-chul)
Hugo Yoon -> Yun Hoyeong (Yoon Ho-young)
Jack Kang -> Kang Jeongyeon (Jung-yun)
Jimmy Bae -> Bae Jihun (Ji-hun)
Other Recurring/Relevant Characters
Bryce Oh -> Oh Beomseok (Beom-sok)
Julia Chae -> Chae Yujin (Yoo-jin)
Kenny Ji -> Ji Gwangseok (Gwang-seok)
Lala Lee -> Lee Minji (Min-ji)
Lily Nam -> Nam Jeongah (Jung-ah)
Oswald Yang -> Yang Seonghun (Sung-hoon)*
Sean Shin -> Shin Jeongseob (Jung-sub)*
Stephen Ahn -> Ahn Suho (Su-ho)
Wesley Song -> Song Baekkyu (Beak-gyu)
(* These names weren't on the wiki, so I looked at raws.)
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nanawantsmechubby · 1 year
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Shin Hye Sun and Kim Shi Ah as Yoon Ju Won and Ban Ji Eum SEE YOU IN MY 19TH LIFE (2023) - Episode 09
Well, this is a story about a witch.
Request by @ddramaa
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gulongming · 1 year
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이번 생도 잘 부탁해 SEE YOU IN MY 19th LIFE (2023)
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sl0thonaga · 17 days
Even in death, you will be encased and confined to this place of nightmares. In bleeding, evil metal. The minerals that feed on my bones will feed unto more bloodshed, not peace.
Will you be able to rest here, Shin? Peacefully, and eternally?
His eyes claw deep into Midori's face as he haunts his every step through the facility.
Never. NEVER.
I'll never forget you, even if I'm dead.
Won't you show sympathy for a dying man's body?
Chapter 2 of my Ghost!Shin YTTD Fic: MOMENTO MORI is out!
Words: 5,263 Characters: Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin, Original Hiyori Sou | Midori, Meister (Kimi ga Shine) Relationships: Hiyori Sou | Tsukimi Shin/Original Hiyori Sou | Midori [for this specific chapter] Additional Tags: Kanna Lives | Sou Dies Route (Kimi ga Shine), Grief/Mourning, Ghosts, Trauma, Acceptance, Haunting, Mild Gore, Kugie and Shin are Ghosts, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Character Study, Obsessive Behavior, Fluff and Angst, Edgar Allan Poe References, Introspection
Within the ever-humming, luminescent monitor room, it seems a piece of scrap paper has been inserted roughly into the edge of a familiar book. With an ominous breath of wind, the page falls out.
"I wonder when Hiyori will come back..."
Shi▇n DIARY ▇▇ :Compiled and Logged by DR. H▅▅▆▅▅ S▅▅U
Ah, broken is the collar red! The spirit flown forever!
Let the bell toll!--a weakling soul floats on the Stygian river;
And, Man of Green, hast thou no tear?--weep now or lie in sin!
See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, thy Shin!
Come! let the burial rite be read--the funeral song be sung!--
An anthem for the pitiful dead that ever died so young--
A dirge for him the doubly dead in that he died so young.
"Wretches! ye loved him for his mind and hated him for his lies,
"And when he fell in feeble binds, ye blessed him --that he died!
"How shall the ritual, then, be read?--the requiem how be sung
"By you--by yours, the evil eye,--by yours, the slanderous tongue
"That did to death the innocent that died, and died so young?"
Through discourse and disclosure; but rave not your composure! Let his corpse belong
Go up to God so solemnly the dead may feel so wrong!
The sweet Shin hath "gone before kin," along Joy, that flew beside
Leaving thee wild for the dear child whose death thy should have decide-
For him, the fair and innocent, that now so lowly lies,
The life upon his cyan hair but not within his eyes--
The life still there, upon his hair--the death upon his eyes.
"Avaunt! Tonight my heart is light. No dirge will I upraise,
"But waft that red scarf on Shin's flight as a Pæan of old days!
"Let no bell toll!--lest his sweet soul, amid its hallowed mirth,
"Should catch the note, as it doth float up from the damnéd Earth.
"To friends above, from fiends below, the indignant ghost is riven--
"From Hell unto a high estate far up within the Heaven--
"From grief and groan, to purgatory alone, towards the gates of Heaven."
A slow march of thinning blood and coarse rubble, clacking against smooth-leather dress shoes. Through barren hallways, the steady sludge of bloody teal. The remnants of the sheep, throwing himself into the lion's den to protect the herd.
A green-haired man steps with a macabré elegance, dragging something. Dragging someone. His red scarf sways in the encroaching darkness as a trail of rouge follows behind him.
Up a long flight of stairs, through walls thick with wire, to a cold, silver casket. Glum and static. The perfect place for unfulfilled desires to dissipate.
The green-tailed silhouette, his polished flow broken up by an uncanny rigidity of his joints, halts mechanically in front of the coffin's silver sheen.
The dim room is accompanied by nothing but the dripping din of muddy, stained crimson. The man that holds his pale, fragile wrists doesn't even breathe.
Dull, doll-like jade pupils stare into the empty, bottomless casket. His uncanny gaze shifts towards the bloodied beanie on his beloved's head, beaten with grit and dirt.
The man effortlessly picks up the corpse in his arms, already feeling lighter than when he still had life in him, and carefully drapes the body across the coffin's dark interior.
And slowly, he wakes.
It's true when they say death deprives you of all other things. He once imagined he would wake up, screaming, wanting to scream, perhaps in rage, perhaps in agony, like waking up from a nightmare.
But as he rises once more, all he feels is his numbness. As if all the emotions have left him, buried along with the shell of his mortality, in the gaps of void within the coffin.
The shell of Shin Tsukimi.
I'm dead.
Shin Tsukimi sees himself, the same grassy strands of cyan hair on his head. Thin like silk thread, ruffled by his beanie.
Dead. He's dead. Dead? Dead. Dead.
The notion passes through him. Like mercury slides over his tongue every time he says it. He is but a wisp, and only regret tugs at him now.
The searing pain on his neck has left him, and he finds himself as translucent as a ghost. He stares past his hands, vision gluing onto the marks on his body's neck, the symbol of his final resistance. Finally, the first shreds of humanity come back to him as an injustice, a feeling that follows him to purgatory.
He wishes he could cry. Can he cry now? Is he deprived of that too? Maybe he is, but when tries to, it just feels like his spirit is only wallowing and weighing heavier.
I..I wanted to live too...
This...is worthless...all so worthless...
Why has he been left on earth? And here, of all places? This dingy, hellhole.
Shin, now a ghost, can't help but mourn himself. How could he not? Even though he sacrificed himself for the one girl who in turn, selflessly cared for him, A life lost is still a life lost. He lays beside the silver walls of the coffin, curling his translucent knees towards his face as he laments to the floor.
What now...what now...
He's so helpless. When will his spirit wither away? Will it do so along with his body?
It echoes through his soul. Gloomy, so gloomy..
His gloominess is startled by the abrupt clack of polished leather soles. Sharp and familiar; a sound he feared, yet one he would still run to. A sound that makes him jolt up on instinct. And when he does, an immediately recognisable face greets him, merely inches away from his own.
Another part of his life comes back to him, hits him like a cold breeze against his neck. This man was his life. The hairs on his head rise, pupils dilated as he starts sweating, cold and sticky like wax against his even more transparent skin.
Isn't he dead? Why is it as if his heart is racing, still pounding horridly at the sight of him?
Why, even after death, do you still cling onto your abuser?
Those wide, jade eyes don't seem to feel Shin's presence though, merely kneeling forward behind where Shin sat to promptly place a picture frame against his coffin.
He's...he's not smiling like usual, as he remembers him. He looks...somber.
Shin ponders, rather bitterly. Why?
Hiyori’s eyes, although shadowed by the dim backdrop, glows with an eerie stagnancy, downlooking the face framed behind glass.
The face of what used to be reveals itself in yellow backlight; innocent and pure, Shin Tsukimi.
No. No.
Slowly, Hiyori stands up, his neon head bleaching the dark canopy like poison. His face is plastered with a frown, wordless. Dormant.
It was these moments that used to make Shin sweat down to his neck. His indifference was more terrifying than his madness.
But now it was that same face, implanted, injected? – None of it feels real– with a sense of despondence. Confusing. Awful. Simply awful.
There is a slight downturn in the way his pupils eye the coffin. There is a crease where he presses his bottom lip into his jaw.
Shin’s wispy figure swivels around Hiyori's brown dress shoes, to peer at a peculiar piece of paper fallen beside his picture.
His ghastly eyes bore and sink into the words engraved fresh in ink.
..He can't be..
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'Sou Hiyori, 21, of R▅D▅CTED, Japan, expired March XXth XXXX. Shin Tsukimi, Son of XXXX and XXXX Tsukimi, expired on March XXth in ASU-NARO's 3rd Floor Rubble Room Facility, after succumbing to mortal injuries in resisting the security systems, to give one last hope to Sara Chidouin and the remaining participants of the Death Game. Tsukimi worked as a job-hopper prior to the Death Game. He also loved computers, soft things, collecting, warm soups and cozy clothing. He displayed a self-sacrificial naiveté and beaming smile that charmed his dear friend. He is survived by his mother, father and little sister, Kanna Kizuchi, who he willingly exchanged his life and identity for in the Main Game to protect her. It is a shame he died without knowing their blood connection. He will be resented but remembered by friends, and greatly missed by family. And me. Me too.’
"Pity...such a pity.." The first murmurs draw out under the green-haired man's breath, sending chills down Shin's spine as it pierces through the unnervingly long silence.
Shin jerks up from his position and freezes there, soul growing colder by the second.
He could never get used to it. But then once upon a time, he did. Why. Why now? And why here?
Full Chapter on AO3..
[cg edits by me] [note: it is romantic soushin, but it is for the sake of exploring the characters as an unhealthy relationship. IT DOES NOT MEAN I CONDONE ABUSIVE DYNAMICS IN REAL LIFE.]
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bnhaobservation · 18 days
Keeping up with the Todorokis or, just me observing the Todorokis (Anime version): Ep. 16
So this is nothing else but a collection of informations, series by series, episode by episode about how the Todorokis appear in it, especially compared to the manga.
Ep. 16 In Their Own Quirky Ways (みんな個性的でいいね Minna Kosei-teki de Īne)
trasposition of
Chap. 25 In Their Own Quirky Ways (みんな個性的でいいね Minna Kosei-teki de Īne) Chap. 26 Chase Down the Leader (立て追われる身 Tate Owareru Mi)
Another episode with PLENTY of Shouto and a mention of Enji.
We start with a summary of what happened in the previous episode, whose only difference is the addition of this line from Present Mic.
PRESENT MIC ‘Dai ichi kanmon o ichi nuke shita no wa 1 A Todoroki Shōto da!’ プレゼント・マイク「第一関門を一抜けしたのは1A轟焦凍だ!」 Present Mic “The one who made it through the first hurdle is 1 A Todoroki Shōto!”
Kirishima, emerging from the ice, is quite angry with Shouto.
Kirishima Eijirō ‘Todoroki no YARŌ! WAZA to taoreru TIMING de! Ore janakattara shin deta zo!!’ 切島鋭児郎「轟のヤロウ!ワザと倒れるタイミングで!俺じゃなかったら死んでたぞ!!」 Kirishima Eijirō “That bastard Todoroki! He let them fall at a deliberate time! If it hadn't been me, someone would have died!!”
So the anime expands the scene of Shouto using his ice to pass the second obstacle.
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Present Mic's comment remains the same.
PRESENT MIC ‘Sā sentō wa nannaku ICHI nuke shi ten zo!!’ プレゼント・マイク「さあ先頭は難なくイチ抜けしてんぞ!!」 Present Mic “Now, the leader has easily taken the lead!!”
It also expands the scene of Bakugou moving closer to Shouto.
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Todoroki Shōto ‘(Chōshi agete kita na......... SLOW STARTER ka?)’ 轟焦凍「(調子上げてきたな.........スロースターターか?)」 Todoroki Shōto “(He's getting better... is he a slow starter?)”
There are no big changes on what we see of Shouto as the audience comments on Shouto's performance.
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Their comments also remain the same.
Kankyaku ‘Ichi-i no yatsu attō-tekijan ka.’ 観客「一位の奴圧倒的じゃんか。」 Audience “The guy in first place is overwhelming, isn't he?”
Kankyaku ‘“Kosei” no tsuyo-sa moaruga, sore ijō ni su no shintai nōryoku to handan-ryoku ga ZUBAnuketeru.’ 観客「〝個性〟の強さもあるが、それ以上に素の身体能力と判断力がズバ抜けてる。」 Audience “He has a strong 'quirk', but even more than that, his raw physical ability and judgment are outstanding.”
Kankyaku ‘Sorya-sōdaro! Ano ko FLAME HERO “ENDEAVOR” no musuko-san da yo!’ 観客「そりゃそうだろ!あの子フレイムヒーロー『エンデヴァー』の息子さんだよ!」 Audience “Of course! That kid is the son of Flame Hero ‘Endeavor’!”
Kankyaku ‘Aah... Dōri de! ALL MIGHT ni tsugu TOP 2 no chi ka’ 観客「ああー…道理で!オールマイトに次ぐトップ2の血か」 Audience “Ah... that makes sense! He has the blood of the top 2 after All Might.”
Kankyaku ‘Hayaku mo SIDEKICK sōdatsu-sen da naa!!’ 観客「早くもサイドキック争奪戦だなー!!」 Audience “There's already a battle for having him as sidekick!!”
The scene of Shouto reaching the minefield is also slightly expanded.
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Midoriya's comment remains the same.
Midoriya Izuku ‘Sentō wa mō son'na toko ni...! Hayaku...! Hayaku...!!!’ 緑谷出久「先頭はもうそんなとこに...!早く...!早く...!!!」 Midoriya Izuku “The leader is already there...! Hurry...! Hurry...!!!”
We see also how the scene of Shouto advancing slowly and, as he does so, Bakugou approaches, is expanded slightly. There's a slight mistake in how the scene is presented though as the anime shows first Shouto turned toward Bakugou and then him turning.
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Shouto's line remains the same
Todoroki Shōto ‘(Naru hodo na, korya sentō hodo furina shōgaida. ENTERTAINMENT shi ya garu)’ 轟焦凍「(なる程な、こりゃ先頭ほど不利な障害だ。エンターテイメントしやがる。)」 Todoroki Shōto “(I see, this is an obstacle that puts you at a disadvantage the first. What entertainment.)”
There's a difference in the scene in which Bakugou comments on Shouto's war declaration to Midoriya. In the original Shouto was serious/angry, in the anime he seems surprised.
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Bakugou's line also remains the same.
Bakugō Katsuki ‘TemeE sensen fukoku suru aite o machigaeten ja nē yo!’ 爆豪勝己「てめェ宣戦布告する相手を間違えてんじゃねえよ!」 Bakugō Katsuki “You've declared war to the wrong person!”
A battle between Shouto and Bakugou starts which the anime expands showing Bakugou also to attack.
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The scene of Midoriya joining and we get a glimpse of Shouto as Midoriya notices the distance between the two of them is more or less the same.
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The anime cuts the image of Shouto as Midoriya causes a big explosion, showing us only Shouto turning, but adds Shouto's surprised face and also shows him as Midoriya approaches.
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The anime follows the manga faithfully enough and since the manga repeated the scene of the explosion (as one chapter ended with it and the following included it again after showing what happened previously) the anime does so as well, expanding the scene in which Midoriya surpass them, showing Shouto's surprise and Midoriya flying over them in more details.
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They expaneded the scene of Shouto making a path, though honestly I find Shouto's pose as he does so in the anime a bit weird instead than his usual dynamic one.
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Shouto's quote remains the same.
Todoroki Shōto ‘(Kōzoku ni michi tsukucchimau ga... ) Ushiro ki ni shi teru baai ja nē... !’ 轟焦凍「(後続に道作っちまうが…)後ろ気にしてる場合じゃねえ…!」 Todoroki Shōto “(I'll make a road for those behind me but...) this is no time to worry about what's behind me...!”
The anime added an image of Shouto and Bakugou running.
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Present Mic's comment also remains the same.
PRESENT MIC ‘Moto sentō no futari, ashi no hippari ai o yame Midoriya o ou!! Kyōtsū no teki ga arawarereba hito wa arasoi o yameru!! Arasoi wanaku naranaiga na!’ プレゼント・マイク「元・先頭の2人、足の引っ張り合いを止め緑谷を追う!!共通の敵が現れれば人は争いを止める!!争いはなくならないがな!」 Present Mic “The two former leaders have stopped tripping each other up and are going after Midoriya!! When a common enemy appears, people stop fighting!! But the fighting never ends!”
The scene of Midoriya remaining in the lead is also well expanded, showing Shouto more clearly than in the manga.
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The anime shows us two extra images of Shouto running.
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The anime also shows that Shouto is still using his ice even if they're out of the minefield. If it's to propel himself (like Bakugou is doing with his explosions) or in an attempt to stop Midoriya by freezing him it's up to everyone's speculation as the result won't change, Midoriya will be first.
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The anime also shows a screen showing in replay the moments in which Midoriya surpasses Shouto and Bakugou. The images are exactly the same we saw on the anime only now they're on screen.
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The anime shows Shouto panting as he catches his breath...
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...and also him observing Midoriya.
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The image of him getting second place is more or less the same
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We however gets another image of Shouto before the episode ends.
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And well, that's all for this episode which was also Shouto filled!
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mi-rae07 · 2 years
Jung Woo-Young : Back To Me
Pairing : Jung Wooyoung (Ateez) and named character (Shin Werin)
A/n : Mentions of blood, as you might notice from the banner :)
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Werin : Woo, do I look okay?
Wooyoung who was trying desperately to button his white shirt smiled at werin and said
Wooyoung : you look beautiful every single day, bub.
Werin : we're going to meet your parents for the first time, don't you think I should look extra prettier just in case?
Wooyoung : the first time I saw you was when you were drenched in water, looking like a peeled banana-
Werin groaned and smacked wooyoung in the arm as he giggled and grabbed her by the waist before pulling her towards him. Werin smiled as wooyoung kissed her forehead and said
Wooyoung : my parents should love you for who you are inside, because you're an amazing woman.
Werin : what if…they don't?
Wooyoung : if they don't, they don't. they'll just have to learn to deal with you and I in that case.
Werin : what if they forbid us?
Wooyoung : then we'll go full Love Story by Taylor Swift.
Werin : aish. Get ready you idiot.
Wooyoung : help me button my shirt then.
Werin : such a baby.
Werin started buttoning wooyoung's shirt as he played with her orange curled locks. She whined and tried shooing his hands away
Werin : ah woo~, I just set it properly a few minutes ago, don't mess it up.
Wooyoung chuckled and whispered
Wooyoung : I like your hair messy.
Werin : well not everyone shares your same thoughts so let go, lemme go put some shoes on.
Werin buttoned the last of wooyoung's shirt before kissing him on the cheeks and walking towards their shoe rack. Wooyoung giggled and whispered
Wooyoung : cute.
Werin bowed at wooyoung's parents who were standing in front of her, already judging her.
Werin : hello, I'm Shin Werin, wooyoung's-
Wooyoung : soon to be wife.
Werin's eyes widened as she looked at wooyoung, who gave her a small smile as he said to his parents
Wooyoung : eomma, appa, are you just gonna let us stand outside or take us inside the house?
His parents sighed and nodded before guiding both wooyoung and werin inside, her eyes widening at how huge his parent's house was. Wooyoung leaned towards her ear and whispered
Wooyoung : yeah, I built it for them.
Werin looked at wooyoung with widened eyes as she whispered
Werin : what, really? Oh wow, this place is beautiful.
Wooyoung : you're more beautiful.
Werin : aish, stop flirting you idiot.
Wooyoung : your idiot.
Wooyoung stood straight as his parents turned around, motioning both of them to sit on the sofa. Wooyoung just plopped down on the sofa as werin politely sat down a bit away from wooyoung.
Wooyoung : eomma, do you still have the orange juice-
Mrs jung : leave the orange juice, son. Let's talk about werin-shi here.
Wooyoung sighed as his dad shot his first question at werin
Mr jung : where do you work?
Werin : at my own company, I'm the CEO.
His parents seemed amused at that.
Mr jung : did your father pass it down to you?
Werin : no it’s a start-up company that I made just a few years ago after my masters.
Mr jung : and is it successful?
Werin pressed her lips together and said
Werin : not yet-
Wooyoung : but it will be.
Mrs jung : will, isn't predictable, son. How much money do you make annually, werin-shi?
Werin : uh, about a 100,000 dollars.
Mrs jung : wooyoung makes that money in a month.
Wooyoung : eomma!
Mr jung : do you ask my son for financial support?
Wooyoung : appa what-
Mr jung : do you, werin-shi?
Werin : uh, just…just a few times?
Mr jung : are you keeping a count of that, son? So she can pay you back?
Wooyoung frowned, feeling annoyed. Werin felt her confidence fall back down at every word that came from their mouths as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably.
Wooyoung : no I don't, because I do not need paying back. Appa, she is the woman I love. I don't need-
Mrs jung : what if she's just leeching off of you?
Wooyoung : eomma, don't say things like that!
Mr jung : where are your parents then, werin-shi?
Werin : they're…not here anymore. They passed away when I was 16.
Mrs jung : so you're an orphan.
Wooyoung : eomma, stop. I did not bring her here so the both of you could say things like this.
Werin : it's okay, wooyoung-ah. They're your parents, they have the right.
Wooyoung frowned at werin who just smiled and nodded at him. She didn't mind any of this, it was understandable.
Werin : I know I don’t make as much money as your son does and I know how you might be concerned about his welfare and whether I would be good enough for him but trust me, I do really love wooyoung. He means the world to me and I wouldn't do anything to harm him. The money I have borrowed from him, I keep a track of it. And I will pay him back when I get enough money, I promise.
Wooyoung : werin-ah!
Werin : I might be unstable right now but within a few years I know I would get better financially. Until then, please give me some time.
Mr jung : why should we trust you?
Wooyoung : because I love her and I won't be leaving her. I am leaving you no choice here, appa. Either you accept her or you let me go.
Mrs jung : see what she has done to you? She's breaking you apart from us, your love for her matters more than your love for us now?
Wooyoung : why are you comparing that, eomma-
Mrs jung : because we've been raising you for years and have loved you since you were born! She only came into your life yesterday. She has no money, no parents, no house also, I'm sure and definitely no assets. What does she even have other than "love", at this point? We want someone who can match up to you, your beauty and your standards, not someone like…her.
Wooyoung : do not forget where we came from, eomma. We weren't born filthy rich.
Mrs jung : at least you weren't born in an orphanage.
Wooyoung stood up, anger filling him.
Werin : woo-
Mr jung : wooyoung, come with me to the study. Let us both talk for a while.
Wooyoung : I am not letting her be alone with eomma.
Werin : wooyoung-ah, it's alright, I can manage.
Wooyoung : bub.
Werin smiled at wooyoung and patted his hand softly
Werin : it’s okay, I promise.
Wooyoung let out a breath and whispered
Wooyoung : I'll be right back.
Werin nodded as he looked at his mom one last time before following his dad to another room, leaving werin and Mrs jung alone.
Mrs jung : do you know how to cook?
Werin : uh, I can learn-
Mrs jung : spectacular. You don’t have a proper job, and you don’t know how to cook either.
Werin sighed, her eyes wandering around the floor as she played with her hands.
Mrs jung : were you the one who asked my son out first?
Werin : I was.
Mrs jung : no wonder. He must have just pitied you at the time.
Werin nodded and just continued staring at the floor, not having much to say at this point.
Mrs jung : I have always dreamed of the girl wooyoung would love. That girl was pretty, she had a good well-paid job and was stable in life. She could cook as well as my son can, take care of him when we were gone, have parents who could show him the love we would show our daughter-in-law and would have beautiful children together.
Werin pressed her lips together, feeling terrible. It wasn't that she hadn't expected this, it was that now she was actually facing this and she felt more useless than she should have felt.
Werin : I'm sorry.
Mrs jung : don't you think you should leave him so wooyoung could get someone better? If you love him, isn't that what you should be doing?
Werin : if you love someone, aren't you supposed to stay with them and become better?
Mrs jung paused, just looking at werin. She sighed and shook her head before saying
Werin : I can't see wooyoung with someone better, so I'll just become better. Both for him, and you. I may not have parents right now, but I did have them for 16 years and they've shown me enough love for me to be able to give wooyoung love. And they have taught me enough and given me good education and an amazing childhood. If anything, I have only been thankful for this life I have received. I know I do not match up to you expectations and I am sincerely sorry for that but I…I love your son too much to leave him.
Mrs jung opened her mouth to say something but paused as she saw wooyoung storm down the stairs, anger visible in his eyes. He walked up to werin and took her arm causing her to stand up with wide eyes.
Wooyoung : we're leaving.
Werin : what? Wooyoung-
Mrs jung : wooyoung, seriously?
Wooyoung : no, I am done with your nonsense eomma. I love werin, and she loves me. If you cannot accept her, then I will not accept you anymore either. You may have loved me longer than her, but those things are useless when you say the things you just said and probably asked appa to tell me.
Mrs jung : wooyoung, I-
Wooyoung held his hand up and said
Wooyoung : no. I do not wish to hear from you again until you learn to accept werin and I. and if you never do, then don’t ever call me.
Wooyoung turned and left, dragging werin along with him. Werin turned and saw small tears in his mother's eyes as she felt her heart break. She looked at wooyoung who was now walking towards his car, his hand still holding werin's.
Werin : woo, woo. You shouldn't do this, they're your parents.
Wooyoung : and you're the woman I love. Your dignity is my respect, I will not stand anyone, not even my own parents, putting you down like that.
Werin : woo.
Wooyoung : just get in the car.
Wooyoung walked to the driver's side and got in, closing the door behind him. Werin let out a breath and got in the car as well, closing the door behind her as she looked at wooyoung who started his sports car and sped out of his parent's mansion.
Werin : I'm sorry.
Wooyoung : there's no need for you to be sorry, werin.
Werin : you fought with your parents because of me.
Wooyoung : no, I fought with them because they disvalued my choice, because they refused to accept you and put you down in ways I couldn't even think of.
Werin : but that-
Wooyoung : do you know what my appa told me in the study? He asked me to break up with you, to throw you away from my life. How could he ask that of me? How could he ever say that knowing how much I love you?
Werin just sighed, looking at her lap.
Wooyoung : do you feel nothing, werin?
Werin : this isn't the first time, woo. People have said things like this to me ever since the beginning, I've sort of gotten accustomed to it by now. Sure, it hurts when your parents say the same things but I get their point of view.
Wooyoung : no you don't, you shouldn't.
Werin : it's all true wooyoung, if I had a son, I would want him to get married to someone who can match up to him as well. It's what all parents would want for their children.
Wooyoung : and who says you don't match up to me? Shin werin, you're so much more better than me. And this? What we have? This is not a fucking competition, we need not be put against each other and we shouldn't have to count our assets and level it up with each other in order to be good for each other. You love me, and I love you, that's all that fucking matters. And if my parents don't get it, let them be.
Werin : are you saying you'll just let your parents go?
Wooyoung : I'm saying they'll learn to accept it some day. Until then we'll wait, that's all.
Werin sighed and nodded, leaning her head against the window as she looked outside, the sky cloudy above them. Wooyoung held one of werin's hand with his and said, looking at her
Wooyoung : I love you, werin.
Werin smiled at wooyoung and whispered
Werin : I love-
Wooyoung saw werin's eyes widen as she looked in front of them.
Werin : wooyoung!
Wooyoung's eyes widened as well as he saw the huge truck coming fast towards them, the truck driver clearly drunk. The last thing wooyoung felt was werin taking hold of the steering wheel and turning the car around, making werin's side face the truck as she removed her seatbelt and shielded wooyoung from the hit with her own body. Wooyoung could only scream as the truck hit their car, the impact making the car flip around at least 3 times before wooyoung lost consciousness.
Wooyoung opened his eyes, groaning as he felt immediate pain engulf his body. He looked around, realizing that the world was upside down for him, which meant that he was still hanging in his car, which also meant that no one had come to their help. Which made sense, because his parent's house were located far away from civilization and there were very few cars that would use this kind of road. And they had left in the near evening, now it was night. And even worse, it was raining like hell.
Wooyoung looked around, still being able to see due to the street lights. His eyes widened as he saw werin lying limp below him, blood covering her entire body as it flowed from her nose and mouth. Tears filled his eyes as he screamed
Wooyoung : werin. Werin, please!
But she did not move an inch. Wooyoung slowly tried unbuckling his seat belt, wincing at the pain. He finally managed to get out of the loop as he fell right next to werin, her blood staining his blue jeans. The roof of the car was protecting them against the rain but as wooyoung crawled out of the car and leaned down to pull werin out of the car as well, the rain drenched them both.
Wooyoung laid werin in his lap and desperately looked around, trying to find someone to help them, help her. Wooyoung could only sob as he realized there wasn't anyone around. He looked at werin, her pale face coming into his sigh as she held her cheeks and sobbed
Wooyoung : wake up, wake up, wake up! Werin-ah, don’t do this to me, please!
But even then, she did not move. Wooyoung's eyes widened as he realized that werin's phone was still tucked safe inside her pocket, although covered in her blood. He pulled it out and quickly called the ambulance, breathing heavily as he tried not to cry.
??? : hello, this is 911.
Wooyoung : w-we need help. There-there's been a car accident.
??? : please tell us your location, sir.
Wooyoung : XXX.
??? : alright, can you tell us how many people are with you, sir?
Wooyoung : there's just me and my girlfriend. She's…she's not opening her eyes and she's lost too much blood please-please come fast.
??? : we will be there within a few minutes sir, please make sure to apply pressure on her wounds so as to control the bleeding in the slightest.
Wooyoung : thank you.
Wooyoung cut the call and kept the phone away as his shaky hands tried finding her wounds, realizing with a sob that there were too many for just his two hands to hold on to. He felt like his heart was being torn apart, remembering that this had happened because she shielded him against the impact, instead of having saved herself. Wooyoung just continued sobbing while holding werin in his arms, the rain falling hard on them both as it drowned out his sounds.
Everything happened too fast after that. One second wooyoung was sitting next to werin in the ambulance, fighting off workers who had told him that he needed medical attention too and forced them to just pay attention to werin. He cried by her side, holding her hand and mumbling a thousand sorry's because he felt like it was all his fault.
The next second wooyoung was running with the workers, wheeling werin to the ICU while the other patients in the hospital looked at wooyoung like he had gone crazy. Maybe he must have, from how much he's been crying and cursing at himself for not being careful. If he lost her, he'd end himself.
Wooyoung fell on the ground as the nurses restricted him from entering the ICU, a few others rushing up to him and asking him whether he felt okay. He did not, his entire body hurt, he was pretty sure his stomach was stabbed by something or the other and that he had scratches all over his body. Plus, he was drenched in rain. But he still wanted to sit there and wait until he heard something about werin. But his body didn't let him as his vision slowly started blurring, his head going light as he fell on the ground unconscious.
Wooyoung opened his eyes, groaning as direct light fell upon it. He squinted and took in his surroundings, realizing that he was in a hospital room…no, a hospital suite, wrapped in bandages and a needle injected into his vein. He sat up straight as everything hit him, groaning in pain as he felt it shoot up his stomach region. Yep, he was stabbed by something.
The doors opened as wooyoung's parents stepped in, worry filling their faces. His mother seemed relieved at seeing her son awake, a small smile spreading on her lips as she hugged him, mumbling a thousand thank you's. his father just stood next to him, keeping his hand on wooyoung's shoulder gently. Wooyoung held his mother's arm that was wrapped around his shoulder and whispered, his voice broken
Wooyoung : where is werin?
His mother just pulled back, looking at him with gloomy eyes. Wooyoung felt panic fill him
Wooyoung : eomma. Eomma, tell me she's fine.
His mother didn't say anything, making his heart crash. Tears filled his eyes as he looked at his father desperately and asked again, his voice breaking as sobs threatened to come out
Wooyoung : appa? Did the doctors say anything? Where is werin!
Mr jung : wooyoung-ah, she's…she still hasn't woken up.
Wooyoung sobbed, his palms covering his face as his mom hugged him tighter, tears in her eyes.
Wooyoung : no, no no no no, please.
Mrs jung : she can still wake up, wooyoung-ah. She will, just give her time.
Wooyoung cried harder, thinking of the worst that could happen to werin.
Wooyoung : this is all because of-of me. I should ha-have-
Mr jung : none of this is your fault, son. It was just an accident, neither of you could have done anything.
His mother flinched, pulling away from him as his father looked gravely at him. Wooyoung cried and shook his head
Wooyoung : that was supposed to be me, I was supposed to be in her position.
Mrs jung : wooyoung, what are you saying-
Wooyoung : she covered me with her body so that the impact would hit mostly her and not me.
Their eyes widened, realization dawning upon them. Wooyoung gripped his hair as he whispered
Wooyoung : she removed her seatbelt in order to protect me so when the-the car flipped it…it's all my fault.
Wooyoung cried into his hands as tears fell from his mom's eyes, both his parents filled with guilt as everything they had told werin ran back through their minds. This woman had sacrificed her life for their son and they couldn't do anything to bring her back anymore.
His mom looked at wooyoung, his body trembling in pain as he cried.
Mrs jung : we're so sorry, wooyoung-ah. Eomma is so sorry for everything she said today, I hadn't known…
Wooyoung : I w-wanna see her. Where is she?
Wooyoung walked inside the room, looking at werin who was lying on the hospital bed covered in wires and bandages. Small tears filled his eyes as he walked up to his girlfriend, holding her hand with his trembling ones. Wooyoung looked at werin's pale face, her cheek having small cuts on them as her head was wrapped in a bandage.
Wooyoung : werin-ah…
Wooyoung felt his tears fall on werin's hand as he gripped her hand tighter in pain.
Wooyoung : why would you do that? Why in the world would you do this to yourself just to save me? You're s-so stupid.
Wooyoung tried wiping his tears but it kept falling down on the bedsheet, staining it. Wooyoung kneeled on the ground and held her hand against his head, sobbing in pain as he kissed her hand with wobbling lips
Wooyoung : I don't wa-wanna lose you. I don't want you gone werin please, please open your ey-eyes and come back to me baby. Please, please.
Wooyoung's parents stood outside the room, watching their son cry in pain. They blamed themselves, they regretted not accepting werin when she had come. This woman had sacrificed her life for their son, and now all they could do was pray for her to be okay while watching their son wail in silence.
3 weeks later :
Wooyoung : why isn't she waking up then! You told me she'd be fine within a few days but it's been weeks, doctor! Why am I getting better and she isn't?!
The doctor closed her eyes and said
Doctor : I'm sorry mr jung but it takes time to recover from a coma-
Wooyoung : stop giving me that bullshit and tell me the fucking truth. Is my werin going to wake up, doctor?
The doctor looked at wooyoung's parents who were sitting behind them, mrs jung having a helpless look in her eyes.
Wooyoung : don't look at my parents, doctor. Look at me, and tell me only the truth.
The doctor looked at wooyoung and said, her voice firm
Doctor : we do not know. Truth is, we do not know whether miss shin would wake up or not. The trauma was quite severe, mr jung.
Wooyoung pressed his lips together, trying not to cry as he asked, his voice strained
Wooyoung : what are the chances?
Doctor : waking up, 20. not waking up, 80. it's an 20:80 percent chance, mr jung, we're sorry.
Wooyoung sobbed and fell on the ground, his palms covering his face as tears streamed down. The doctor bowed and left as wooyoung's mother knelt next to him, holding her son close to her as tears filled her eye.
Mrs jung : I'm sorry, son.
Wooyoung : she's not waking up eomma, why won't she come back to me.
Mrs jung : she will, just give her a bit more time.
Wooyoung : how much more, how much more time. I'm…I'm tired eomma.
His mother held wooyoung close to her as he cried in her arms. Mrs jung looked at her husband with helpless eyes as he shook his head and sighed. They were worried for wooyoung, he refused to even eat his meals properly and would hardly go away from werin's side. Today were one of the few days where he had allowed his parents to persuade him to eat and take care of himself as well.
But he was losing hope, hope on whether werin would ever wake up.
Wooyoung was now sitting next to werin who was still lying on her bed, less bandages now wrapped around her as she had healed. Healed physically, she still had not moved an inch since that day 3 weeks ago. Wooyoung had healed too, again, only physically. He still remembered werin's scream before the truck had hit their car, her body shielding his and wooyoung not being able to do a thing since his seatbelt had gotten stuck. It haunted him, gave him nightmares. Only his parents knew the amount of times wooyoung had woken up in the night, screaming and crying.
He needed werin, and she was still in a coma.
Wooyoung sighed and was about to get up to grab a bottle of water when he felt werin's hand gripping onto him, making his eyes widen. Wooyoung quickly looked at werin, hope filling his body as he said
Wooyoung : werin?
He heard werin lightly groan as wooyoung gasped, tears filling his eyes as he called her again
Wooyoung : werin!
Werin slowly fluttered her eyes open, squinting it as she adjusted to the light above her. As her vision finally got to normal, she noticed wooyoung standing next to her, tears in his eyes.
Werin : woo?
Wooyoung let out a sob and hugged werin, a small smile on his face as he said
Wooyoung : oh god, you're awake. Shit, you're awake lord.
Wooyoung basked in the feeling of having his love back in his arms again, alive and healthy now. Werin just frowned, worry filling her as she said
Werin : wooyoung.
Wooyoung : yeah, yeah I'm right here. It's going to be all okay.
Werin : no! wooyoung, our baby.
Wooyoung paused, his body tensing as he pulled back and looked at werin. She quickly brought on her palm to her belly, looking at wooyoung with wide eyes
Werin : wooyoung I was two weeks pregnant when the accident happened. How long…how long has it been.
More tears fell down wooyoung's eyes as he whispered breathlessly, shocked to the core now
Wooyoung : you…you were pr-pregnant?
Werin : yes! I had ju-just known it that morning and I was planning to tell you once we came back from your parents but it-
Wooyoung : oh my god.
Werin : woo. Woo, is our baby okay?
Wooyoung quickly rushed out of the room, coming back in with doctors a second later. Wooyoung told the doctors everything, his voice weak.
Doctor : please step outside, mr jung. Allow us to check the baby's status.
Wooyoung nodded and was about to step outside when werin said
Werin : no wa-wait. Can't he…stay? Woo?
Wooyoung looked at the doctors, hoping they'd allow him to stay. The doctors nodded as wooyoung ran up to werin's side, holding her hands as she leaned on him. The doctors soon started doing their work, checking whether the baby was fine. Wooyoung prayed the whole time, holding his girlfriend as he whispered
Wooyoung : it's going to be okay, love. Our baby is going to be fine.
Werin just nodded, small tears in her eyes. The doctors soon turned towards them and said
Doctor : your baby is healthy and unharmed.
Wooyoung smiled and hugged werin as she cried in relief, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. Wooyoung nodded at the doctors with a smile as they bowed and left. Wooyoung felt excitement and happiness fill him to the core at the thought of their little baby.
Wooyoung : oh my god we're going to be parents.
Werin : I know, I know.
Wooyoung kissed werin's forehead and whispered
Wooyoung : I'm so glad the both of you are safe. I'm never letting you go again.
Werin smiled and whispered
Werin : we love you.
Wooyoung smiled and cupped werin's cheek before saying
Wooyoung : I love the both of you too, more than you could ever imagine.
5 years later :
Mrs jung : woojin-ah! Come to grandma!
The four year old ran up to his grandmother, trying not to trip over the grass under him as he giggled. Mrs jung lifted woojin as he smiled at his grandmother
Mrs jung : your eomma and appa has made carrot cake for you apparently, shall we go inside?
Woojin nodded excitedly as mrs jung smiled and went inside the house, walking up to the kitchen where werin and wooyoung were desperately trying to cut the carrot cake properly. Werin hit wooyoung's head as he glared at her playfully
Werin : you're so stupid jung wooyoung. Don’t cut the cake into rectangles, what nonsense.
Wooyoung : yah! It's not my fault the knife is like this. You bought the knife!
Werin frowned and was about to say something when mrs jung said
Mrs jung : yah yah! Don't blame my daughter for your mistakes jung wooyoung.
Wooyoung gasped in betrayal, looking at his mother as werin giggled
Wooyoung : eomma! I'm your son.
Mrs jung chuckled as werin ran up to woojin, holding her arm out for him
Werin : jinnie, come to eomma.
Woojin smiled and jumped from his grandmom's arms to werin's, giggling and wrapping his arms around his mother. Werin carried her son to wooyoung's side as he chuckled and ruffled his son's hair
Wooyoung : wah, my son's just like me. Such a handsome boy.
Werin : he's definitely more like me, look at those eyes.
Wooyoung rolled his eyes and looked at his son before asking
Wooyoung : woojin-ah, who do you think you look like?
Woojin looked at his parents, his nose scrunching as he tried to choose. Werin looked at her son and blinked her eyes twice, wanting to annoy her husband. Woojin seemed to understand as he smiled and said
Woojin : I think I look more like eomma.
Wooyoung threw his hands up in the air and exclaimed
Wooyoung : the entire world is against me!
Werin giggled and shook her head before kissing wooyoung's cheek as he smiled at his wife lovingly. Mrs jung just looked at the happy family, feeling happiness fill her heart at how adorable the three of them looked together.
Werin looked at her son and said
Werin : shall we eat your cake now?
Woojin : yes, yes!
Werin chuckled and set woojin down before saying
Werin : go call your grandpa then.
Woojin nodded and took his grandmom's hand before dragging her along with him to call mr jung from his polo field. Werin smiled and turned towards wooyoung as he wrapped his arms around her and whispered
Wooyoung : you look beautiful as ever, my wife.
Werin chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck before whispering
Werin : I love you, woo-woo.
Wooyoung chuckled and kissed werin before whispering
Wooyoung : I love you more.
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