kitsunekura2010 · 2 months
Somehow, they clicked fully while teenagers and have been hitting it off ever since. Shino is infertile, but they adopted a child, and Torune had a son that they love to coddle as much as their own. When Kousei was in the womb, they talked about what they were going to do since everyone knew that when hinata can no longer hold her liquor, she passes out, meaning that she was either taken advantage of by Naruto or was way to out of it to realize what was happening. But they worked threw it and have come out of it stronger
The kids
(Syouma, Himawari, and (suppose to) Rinku)
Chika Hyurame~ Shino and Hinata's adopted daughter. There's not much about her as she is still a baby, but she does bring her family happiness. Age: 4 months.
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I don't remember this line, new Shinji content let's GO
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momoty · 11 months
BLEACH headcanons
(pt. 03)
atenção!: spoilers, ichihime, shinhina, referência a The High School Warfare
Sado canta, mas fica apenas como banking vocal na banda que toca. Hiroki Yasumoto (voz original do personagem) cantando:
Zaraki faz qualquer coisa que a Yachiru mandar.
Os amigos de Ichigo e Orihime, tanto humanos quanto não humanos, fizeram uma aposta sobre o que iria acontecer no primeiro encontro deles. Inclusive Keigo quase faz um bolão se ninguém tivesse achado a ideia estúpida.
Esse é quase canon. Se Ichigo e Uryu tivessem se conhecido enquanto eram crianças com certeza seriam amigos.
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Shinji e Hinamori tem uma relação bem próxima. Claro, são capitão e tenente, mas o que quero dizer é que seria algo muito além de trabalho ou amizade (não é nada romântico também). Eles são bem próximos, confiam muito um no outro e se entendem, afinal, foram traídos por alguém em comum.
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The problem with having a new favourite OTP is that you also gain a few new NOTPs, especially when you're not a multi-shipper. Now that I ship shinhina, my new NOTPs are sh*yori, aish*n, hitsuh*na and aih*na 😔unfortunately it seems like these ships are way more popular than my ship and have far more content hhhsgsgsh 😭
Bruh, if only I could draw well....if I were an artist I would've flooded all of tumblr with shinhina content.
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fanbutnotfanatic · 3 years
okay theres a lot of reasons for this but i think that shino and hinata make a good pair. tbh hinata deserves better than naruto who never noticed her. meanwhile her and shino were on a team together with kiba. both of the boys were supportive, if teasing, of her and her crush. when hinata confessed during the akatsuki attack on konoha naruto had a full on nonreaction. yeah he freaked out when her thought hinata had died but he would do that over any of his friends. shino on the other hand is a constant for hinata albiet overlooked. just like hinatas feelings for naruto shino himself is overwritten in a painfully, forced way. theres even that time in shippuden when the team is trapped in that cave and hinata wakes up (bomus points bc both kiba and shino said that they could uave never hurt her) she notices kiba, akamaru, and then shino as an afterthought. he seemed sp heartbroken by this. but just think about this for a second. hinata and shino with their mild manners. shino and hinata being kind and gentle with eachother. just like aahhhhh idk i think they could be very sweet.
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xxchaoticdreamerxx · 3 years
Shared Lived: Fast Track
Title: Shared Lives: Fast Track - Chapter 3 Rating: Teen Pairing: Shinji Hirako/Hinamori Momo Chapter excerpt:
“Ran, I’m right here...” she soothed and she saw her friend visibly relax. Standing tall wearing a long, rose gold and grey checked wool jacket over a black skirt, tights, knee-high-healed boots and a white blouse with a black bow was Rangiku, one of Momo’s oldest friends. Her blonde hair was left down, capped by a rose gold beret and a black laptop bag in her hands. There was a beat, and then Momo registered the fact that she was standing in her living room. “You shouldn’t be in here.” “Well, what did you expect me to do when a strange man answers my best friend’s door?” She placed the bag on the couch and put her hands on her hips. “And never mind me being in here, what’s he doing in here?” Over Rangiku’s shoulder, Momo saw Shinji grin sheepishly before disappearing further down the corridor. A door closed, no doubt to the spare bedroom leaving Momo with Rangiku. “Well, that’s Shinji...” Rangiku’s face switched to one of mischievous glee, recognising the name and realising that the only reason why Momo’s boyfriend would be answering the door would be if he stayed the night. “He’s moved in...” the look of glee dropped and so did her jaw.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35260150/chapters/88659172
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headoverheelss · 3 years
Song lyrics from 7 years by Lukas Graham
I'm still learning about life. My woman brought children for me. 
Hana was exhausted. Her labor lasted 12 hours. It was painful and at times she thought she was going to break Genma’s hand. All that pain was worth it though to see Genma hold his daughter. Tears in his eyes and looking at her with so much love. 
So I can sing them all my songs. And I can tell them stories. 
“Mama, Mama.. tell me the story about how you had to save Daddy from the bad guys.”
Hana looked at her daughter and smiled. 
“Okay, my darling. Once upon a time...”
Most of my boys are with me
Hana looked over her at her friends in her house. Gaara and Lee were cuddling on the floor. Kankuro and Kiba were making a mess in her kitchen. Sakura and Ino were talking to Shikamaru and Temari about their honeymoon. Naruto and Sasuke were outside sparring. Hinata and Shino were sitting with Akamaru in the corner. Neji and Tenten were going over training activities for the next day. Choji was writing a letter to Karui. Life was good. 
Some are still out seeking glory
“What do you mean your leaving?” Hana wanted to scream. 
“I’m sorry Hana but there are some things I need to do before I can feel comfortable enough to live a normal life.” Akito wasn’t swaying from what he wanted to do. 
With those last words, Hana watched as her best friend left her. 
And some I had to leave behind My brother I'm still sorry
“BAKI!” Hana ran over in time to catch his body. 
“No, no, please not you.” Hana’s hands were covered in blood. 
The tears fell from her eyes as she watched the life of her Big Brother leave his eyes. There was nothing more to do. Baki was gone. This was the cost of war. 
Soon I'll be 60 years old, my daddy got 61 Remember life and then your life becomes a better one
It was Hana’s 25th birthday. Her own dad never even made it to 25. She layed in her bed listening to her husband and daughter make special birthday breakfast.  Hana was remembering her own life at the moment.  Everything she went through, made her who she was. It gave her this life. She couldn’t ask for anything more. 
I made the man so happy when I wrote a letter once
“Look Rival our daughter has sent us a letter from her honeymoon.” Gai held out the letter to Kakashi. 
“Oh good, just let me get my glasses. I swear I’m getting old.” Kakashi looked around the table but his search was stop by Gai who had grabbed his face. 
“Now Rival, you aren’t old especially to me.” Gai took joy in watching Kakashi’s face turn red. 
Maybe Hana’s letter could wait. 
I hope my children come and visit, once or twice a month
Hana and Genma watched as their daughter started her first day at the academy. 
“She grew up too fast.” Hana whined to Genma. 
“Next she’s going to want to move out and start a new life.” 
Genma chuckled at his wife’s words.
“You know what can fix that?” Genma leaned into Hana’s ear. “Another baby.” 
Hana turned red and preceded to punch Genma in the shoulder. 
“You idiot.” Hana wasn’t really mad and Genma knew that because after the punch Hana grabbed Genma’s arm so they could get home faster. 
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dreamershortcake · 4 years
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To celebrate the end of Momo week I thought post all Momo sketches!!
1 & 2. Bankai Momo!! 💜 First one was inspired by @recurring-polynya’s post I liked the idea where Momos body turn into lava and eruption happened everywhere.
And second one is my idea where I try combine plants and fire together cuz I wanted something gentle yet very deadly that u cant escape from her no matter wat so i based it on the meaning of her name and element of her zanpakuto. Thats all i got so far
And mainly cuz i like the idea where momo turns Byakuyas cherry blossom petals into fire and cause wildfire lol
3. 💞 Shinhina + ranhina + hinnao 💞
4. All things Momo loves
5. Momo wip
6. I imagine when Momo and Toshiro do their monthly visit to their granny, Momo would talk so much about her crush to them and says it like million times that Toshiro is like im sick of this love talk i want my peace and quiet time that i never get gotta admit gotei 13 is chaotic
7. Spreading momo love!! 💓💞💗
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mydreamsarejanked · 3 years
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im probably looking way too deep into this because this is such a small moment but i feel like it's such a big piece of both momo and shinji's characters and that got me a lil too hard lol-
it just feels so important for both of them. what with shinji not having a bond with aizen and feeling detached from him and momo having been nothing but a pawn to aizen when he was her captain. to then see shinji jump in as fast as he can to save momo is such a big show of trust from both of them after everything they've been through with aizen.
for shinji to show this genuine care for momo's safety must be such a huge deal for her thanks to that, and even for shinji, to be able to see that she wants to trust him and to return that must also be really big.
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it makes their connection work so well. shinji and momo just feel like they needed each other after everything they went through with aizen, and it makes their dynamic very impactful to me.
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textsfromhuecomundo · 7 years
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(203): What am I doing? I'm usually only attracted to horrible people.
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hitsugaya-toushirou · 5 months
Tag Game
Tagged by @bleached-socks
Tag whoever you want to get to know better!
Let's see first ones that come to mind: @rays-of-fire-and-ice @unohanadaydreams @housevael @elyonholic @taichouu
(Anyone else who sees this and wants to do one, you can go ahead and say I tagged you too ;3)
Three Ships: Hmm if we're talking Bleach then I'll go with... IchiIshi, ShinHina, and... IkkaYumi (the one in my head). There's not much content out there for some of these (english fanbase-wise) but they just do something to my brain.
First Ship: Now that's hard... I honestly don't have a clue. It's probably something from like. Vampire Knight but I couldn't tell you what lol
Last Song: Passion by Granrodeo :)
Last Film: The Menu (2022). A friend showed it to me a few months ago and I decided to pass it on and show it to my mother lol
Currently Reading: The Samurai and the Cross by M. Antoni J. Ucerler. Surprisingly Bleach related! I haven't gotten very far into it but I was wondering if learning more about Christianity in Japan would let me glean a deeper understanding of what Kubo was attempting to do with the whole Shinigami/Quincy thing.
Currently Watching: Just finished the most recent episode of Dungeon Meshi so it'd have to be that! Everyone should read this manga btw <3
Currently Consuming: Water 💧💧💧
Currently Craving: 🤔 Can I say energy? I'd love to have some energy rn
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ravysu · 4 years
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a shinhina request
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 4 years
Why tho?
I am all for people liking what they like, you can’t force someone to like or dislike something. No matter how illogical I think something is, it’s their own opinion. HOWEVER, I am so confused on why people ship Neji and Hinata. Like they are literally cousins.
If you want an like AU where they are not related, Fine. But people swear up and down that Neji and Hinata fit each other. I will keep it 100%, the only pairing Hinata makes sense in is KibaHina based on pure interactions, chemistry etc.
The only other possible pairing would be for like Hinata to marry a clan member as she is the heir.
(I am also in support of ShinHina and SasuHina for different reasons)
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lovelyloneiy · 4 years
Round 💗: 1 16 28 41
OMGGV I DIDN'T SEE THIS(my notifs actin up)
1. What was the first fandom where you developed a ship?
OMGGGG it was naruhina...i was literally obsessed
16. What gif or screenshot most sums up your ship?
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28. What fanfic troupe do you wish would go away?
Omggg idk if this is a trope per se but i hateeeee over possessiveness...its just kinda cringey to me...that isn't to say i dont enjoy it but sometimes it gets very misogynistic very quickly
41. What is the strangest thing you’ve done to honor your favorite fandom, ship or character?
Not really strange but i def did try to make a rukihime playlist but omggg it didn't work out i could find good songs😑
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xxchaoticdreamerxx · 3 years
It’s Momo’s birthday! And you can bet I wrote something for her. Happy birthday my Queen!!
Title: Attachment Characters: Hinamori Momo/Hirako Shinji Rating: Gen Genre: Fluff, Established Relationships, Family, Unintential Feels, Happy Ending. Summary:
'Hey Momo' there was something to the tone of his voice that made Momo instantly alert. She'd been his girlfriend long enough, and his lieutenant even longer that she knew all his tells and quirks, and there was a lot of them. This one, a sort of sickly sweet lace to his voice, and a hand rubbing the back of his neck was one of feigned innocence. He was about to propose a hypothetical question or ask permission for something he'd already done. He dropped his hand and grinned. 'I'm bored'
When being bored, turns into something so much more rewarding.             Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31722931
I’ve shipped these two for forever, but only now just found the love and motivation to write about them. They’re perfect and I love them both so much!
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headoverheelss · 3 years
Summary:  A lot of things have changed not only in Suna but also in Konoha.
Notes:  So I have decided to change the story plot. Naruto will not be the main character so he will not handle the regular trauma but unfortunately, somebody else has to handle it. Also, I changed everybody's age.
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