#Shipley Do-nut
shipleydo-nut · 7 months
Kolache Near Me | Shipley Do-nut
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We're declaring March #NationalKolacheMonth and to celebrate we're giving Shipley Rewards members ONE FREE kolache with any purchase this month! 🎉 Check your account for the reward to redeem it in-store or online. Happy kolache-ing!
Visit https://shipleydonuts.com/ today!
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Learn Everything There Is To Know About Shipley's Franchise Opportunities
Shipley Do-Nuts, an 85-year-old success story in the fast-food industry, has grown from humble beginnings to a leading franchise opportunity. Founded in 1936 by Lawrence Shipley Sr., the brand's commitment to quality led to over 340 locations across the Southern and Southeastern United States. In 2023, they ranked #1 in their category in Entrepreneur Franchise 500.
Their franchise model focuses on operational support, comprehensive training, and strategic marketing:
Operational Support: Franchisees receive ongoing support, from setup to daily operations, to navigate challenges and seize opportunities effectively.
Comprehensive Training: Shipley Do-Nuts equips franchisees with the skills needed to maintain the brand's quality and authenticity, covering everything from preparing donuts to managing staff.
Strategic Marketing Assistance: The brand offers marketing assistance, including proven strategies and materials, to ensure franchises remain relevant and enticing.
Shipley Do-Nuts' success is due in part to its cult-like following, built on a blend of taste, tradition, and dedication. The brand's nostalgic appeal and loyal customer base, particularly in Texas, have contributed to its nationwide success.
They offer flexible store formats to suit various locations, accommodating different settings, footprints, and customer preferences. This adaptability ensures each franchise complements its surroundings.
The donut and coffee industry remains lucrative, with a projected 5.6% CAGR between 2022 and 2030 and a projected market size of $454.3 billion by 2030. Shipley Do-Nuts offers a compelling opportunity for investors seeking tradition, innovation, and market potential.
In conclusion, Shipley Do-Nuts presents a thriving fast-food franchise opportunity with a rich history, strong brand, comprehensive support, and flexible store formats. With the enduring appeal of donuts and coffee, it's an attractive prospect for entrepreneurs looking to enter the QSR industry.
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myshipley12 · 1 year
As you can see, from a family-run wholesale bakery to a popular chain now looking forward to a nationwide presence, Shipley Do-Nuts has come a long way. 
Now, if you are drooling too while reading Shipley’s donut story, you’re in luck. That’s because you can avail of Shipley Coupons and munch on our delicacies for free! 
That includes half a dozen free glazed donuts on an order of half-dozen, free New Orleans-style beignets on any order from our coffeehouse menu, and more. 
There can’t be a better time to order some of the sweet delights. Right? 
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viridescent-din · 1 year
i mean this in the best way, but are you a texan? part of the reason your joel feels so accurate if because of all these details about texas thrown in your fics lmao
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scodeeyodee · 2 months
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Deco Shipley Do-Nuts CC
Deco Shipley Do-Nuts
Shipley Do-Nuts Street Sign
Download: Patreon
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hersimsdream · 2 years
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Shipley Do-nuts 🍩| The Sims 4 Build
A functional Shipley Donuts build! This lot requires Dine Out to be a functional restaurant, can also be used as a café. 
Lot Size 40x30
Please tag me if you use my builds!
Signs by @scodeeyodee
Thank you to all creators that made this build possible!
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jacob-blogs · 1 year
A poll for all my little southern bitches:
If you know, you know
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Jack’s Donuts, which started as a single pastry shop in Indiana in 1961, is expanding in Florida.A new location in Bradenton is Jack’s second in Florida. The first opened in Sarasota in 2022 and another is opening there soon.Most of Jack’s locations are in Indiana, but the company is looking to franchise throughout Florida, said David Robins, a franchise partner.Jack’s has about 30 varieties of doughnuts. Among the most popular are glazed, apple fritter and Boston cream.“I’ve been doing this my whole life,” Robins said of the pastry business. “We have a great quality product and the best part is seeing people happy.”The doughnuts are made fresh nightly on the premises.In addition to doughnuts, Jack’s also has coffee and boba drinks on the menu. By popular demand, Jack’s is also serving kolaches, a yeast roll wrapped around a smoked Polish sausage and cheddar filling.Jack’s Bradenton store opened in May and held its grand opening in August. Previously, the space was occupied by a Shipley Do-Nuts franchise.Jack’s is open seven days a week: 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The shop has a drive-thru as well as tables and seating inside for anyone who wants to enjoy their food on the premises.In spring 2013, Jack’s Donuts opened its first franchise about 45 miles west of New Castle in Fishers, Indiana, according to the company. There are now about 30 Jack’s Donuts.
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jdgo51 · 1 year
Something’s Leaking: When We Name It, It Can Be Healed
Today's inspiration comes from:
Brave Enough to Be Broken
by Toni Collier
"I love donuts. Like, a whole bunch."
"'Specifically, Shipley Do-Nuts in Texas. There’s something about the original glaze that rocks my world. But when I was introduced to the snacks in vending machines in middle school, my favorite donut quickly became the small six-pack of Hostess white powdered donuts. Back then, we didn’t have the great healthy snacks in the vending machines like the kids do now. We had the real stuff: soda, candy, and my favorite — the white powdered donut. I couldn’t wait to sit down for lunch with my friends on that hard lunch bench. I’d eat my pizza with the square pepperoni, whatever fruit they’d plopped onto our trays, and my prized possession, the donuts. My favorite memory was when they’d get stuck to the roof of my mouth and I had to take my finger and claw it out. Real attractive!
I remember one day I was sitting with my friends doing the regular routine at lunch, eating my donuts, when I had to use the bathroom. I got up, glared at all my friends, counted my donuts — one, two, three, four — and headed out.
As I skipped back to the table from the bathroom, I squinted at the plastic pack of white delicacies, “One... two... three.” Someone had eaten one of my white powdered donuts. I lost it. I mean I really lost it.
I started yelling at my friends. “Who ate my donut? Who ate my donut?!”
My anger turned into yelling that turned into a wild scream that only rage and hurt could produce. Things escalated and I found myself standing on that lunch bench, yelling at my group of friends to ’fess up and tell me who ate my donut. And then I locked eyes with one of my best friends who hadn’t said a word and whose mouth had been weirdly sealed shut.
I looked over at her and asked, “Nicole, did you eat my white powdered donut?”
She burst out laughing and white powder spewed all over the table.
I lost it. Again. I screamed at her and told her to take her finger and scrape my donut off the roof of her mouth.
Seconds later the vice principal, a slender African American woman who knew me well, tapped on my shoulder and asked me to come to her office. The table filled up with “Ooohs” as I stepped one foot after the other and walked through the cafeteria looking down at the tile floor until it turned into the carpet that welcomed me into the vice principal’s office. As soon as we sat down, the unraveling of the white powdered donut saga began.
“Antoinee’, you’re a great student. What’s going on?” she asked gently. (Antoinee’ is my legal name.)
“Nothing,” I replied. Giving the typical preteen answer that translates to I’m lying and don’t want to tell you.
She was unfazed.
“You’re captain of the cheerleading team, you’re on student council, you’re a part of the drama team’s Thespian Society, and you work here in my office on your off period. I know you and you’re a good student. Can you share with me why you were yelling and standing on the cafeteria table?”
“Nicole ate my white powdered donut!” I blurted out.
“And that’s why you were yelling and crying? And standing on Harris County property? One white powdered donut?” she asked, knowing there was more.
“Well, it was my white powdered donut, and she didn’t even ask and—”
She cut me off. “Antoinee’, I would love for you to share what’s really going on,” she said as she placed her hand on my shoulder.
It seems like every time someone does the sentimental touch on the shoulder, the real stuff comes out, doesn’t it? I burst into tears and sobbed. My head bowed down low; my shoulders were shaking. And even though I could’ve told her everything that was going on, I lied and told her I’d just gone through a bad breakup.
The truth was that my mom had been in and out of the hospital, and there I was, balancing her health and school and seeking validation from my dad.
If we’re going to heal from it, we’ve got to name it.
After my mom’s first stroke when I was in the third grade, sickness had plagued her body. One massive stroke was followed by three ministrokes, blood clots in her legs, her large intestine failing, carpal tunnel surgery in both hands, seizures, and so much more. I’d helped her get to doctors’ appointments, held her hair and made sure she didn’t swallow her tongue during bad seizures. I’d spent nights in the hospital feeding her and making sure the doctors did what they were supposed to. And I was scared. I was scared every night that I would wake up without a mom. That she would be taken from me.
So when Nicole took my white powdered donuts, it triggered me. Those were my white powdered donuts. And with the threat of the most important person being taken away from me being a daily fear, I was deeply attached to the things I could control. The things that I held close, big or small.
If you know what it feels like to be stuck in a cycle of trauma, to be “bossed around” by old pain, perhaps you’re feeling like little Antoinee’ right now.
The way I coped was by trying to control what I could. What were the ways you struggled to survive? Maybe you retreated into a safe space. Maybe you turned your anger toward others. Maybe you bit your nails. Or cut yourself. Maybe today you’re shopping and spending to soothe that pain. Whatever your coping mechanism of choice, believe me, I get it. In fact, I understand exactly why you’d want to keep your pain hidden — from others and maybe even from yourself. As a girl, you were smart about what you needed. And you figured out how to soothe yourself.
But as you matured, those little girl–sized defenses didn’t fit anymore. The ones you thought would help you might now be hindering you, keeping you from a healed and whole life.
But this book wasn’t written to shame you about the decisions you’ve made to survive the pain you’ve been through. Rather, I want to encourage you to bring all your pain to light.
We need to bring our pain into the light because it’s in the light where healing and hope are found. The truth is that unhealed trauma will keep impacting us. We can’t run from it. Our minds, hearts, and bodies weren’t made for it, and so we are consciously and unconsciously clawing our way to relief and refuge. Our bodies want freedom and true hope. And when we don’t find that, the very things we use to numb the pain become the choices that can harm us. At some point our bodies will give out. When we haven’t learned healthy ways to heal from our pain, we end up medicating ourselves to an internal death.
I remember the moment young Toni started to die inside. When she lost her awe and wonder for the world and stopped playing. When even her longtime friends who used to call her a “Teletubby” because she was so consistently joyful, saw her light start to dim. It was a distinct and dark turn that took me years to recognize. I was thirteen.
It was the last day of my freshman year in high school. My parents had gone to Louisiana to visit family and were still driving back home when I got out of school. I invited my secret boyfriend, who was way too old for me, over to our house. We’d been trying to have sex all year, but it wasn’t working. The pain was too great.
I didn’t want to be a virgin anymore because I thought if it happened, he would stay with me — that he would show me the affection that I sought desperately. I needed to feel a sense of accomplishment too, and I thought maybe he’d show me that he was proud of me. Then on the last day of school we were in my bedroom trying again as his best friend sat in our living room, and that day it worked. I remember being so happy, so pleased with myself. We kissed one last time before he left. Then I closed the door and locked it. I also closed the door on young Toni. Her childhood innocence, her awe and wonder, were now locked out.
My desire to be noticed and seen turned into twerking at parties so all the boys would dance with me and all the girls would be jealous. I turned to drugs and getting drunk until I couldn’t remember the nights of partying. My rage leaked out as I punched walls and defied my parents. My longing to be beautiful and skinny turned into bulimia, so I could eat what I wanted without keeping it down long enough to absorb too many calories.
Still today, I sometimes get mad that no one saw how much I was hurting or offered to help. And then I get upset with myself about shaking off my tears and lying to the vice principal about where my pain was coming from. Maybe she would have helped me start a healing process the day of the white powdered donut saga and I wouldn’t have sunk even further into a shame cycle, winding deeper and deeper down into a lifestyle of coping that I didn’t think I could escape from.
I became the party girl, but really I was the broken girl trying to escape the realities of her life. I was on social media pretending that life was good so often that I inadvertently convinced my own heart of the same. My dangerous and damaging coping tactics numbed me. I had bought into what the Enemy often tries to plant in our hearts:
You’re too broken to be fixed. You’re too blemished to start over. You’re already canceled.
The Enemy had his eye on me even before I accepted Jesus into my heart. He thought if he could plant these lies into my heart at an early age, I’d never feel worthy enough for refuge and redemption. Boy, was he wrong."'
Excerpted with permission from Brave Enough to Be Broken by Toni Collier, copyright Toni J. Collier.
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birdzflycom · 1 year
Unleash Your Sweet Tooth on National Donut Day - Deals and Freebies Await!
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National Donut Day National Donut Day, celebrated on Friday, June 2, provides us with an opportunity to indulge in the delectable goodness of donuts while enjoying some incredible offers. However, the origins of this day have a charitable background. In 1938, The Salvation Army established National Donut Day to honor the Donut Lassies, courageous women who traveled to France during World War I to provide donuts and other snacks to soldiers. Today, major donut chains such as Dunkin', Krispy Kreme, and Duck Donuts, along with several other donut makers, celebrate National Donut Day by offering free donuts, while supplies last. Dunkin', though Ben Affleck won't be personally serving them, invites guests to their participating locations nationwide, where they can enjoy a complimentary classic donut of their choice with the purchase of any beverage on Friday, June 2. It's advisable to check with your local Dunkin' outlet for participation and specific offers, as availability may vary. Some locations might require registration for their rewards program to qualify for the donut deals. At Krispy Kreme, you can savor a free doughnut of any kind, including delightful flavors like Banana Pudding, Chocolate Kreme Pie, Key Lime Pie, and Strawberries & Kreme. No purchase is necessary. Additionally, if you buy any dozen donuts, you can get a dozen original glazed donuts for only $2. The Dapper Doughnut tempts customers with a delightful offer. With any purchase from June 2-4, you can enjoy a free six-pack of cinnamon sugar or powdered sugar donuts. This deal is valid in-store with any priced item, and for online orders, it is activated with a minimum purchase of $5. Duck Donuts is generously offering a complimentary cinnamon sugar donut on Friday, June 2, at their shops, without requiring any purchase. Honey Dew Donuts entices customers by giving away a free donut with any beverage purchase on Friday, June 2. LaMar's Donuts plans to distribute free Ray's Original glazed donuts throughout the day. Some lucky LaMar's customers might even receive a free National Donut Day T-shirt, while supplies last. Maverik Adventure's First Stop rewards club members can enjoy 50% off all donuts on National Donut Day, while Adventure Club Nitro members will receive one free donut per transaction throughout the day. Shipley Do-Nuts allows you to relish one free glazed Do-Nut per person on Friday, with online purchase (using the code Donutday23) or in-store from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m., while supplies last. Participating locations may have specific purchase requirements. Surprisingly, Taco Bell is also participating in National Donut Day through delivery services like DoorDash, Uber Eats, Postmates, and GrubHub. By placing an order of $20 or more, you can add free Cinnabon Delights (2 pack) to your cart. Tim Hortons invites customers to receive a complimentary donut on Friday when they purchase any sized hot or iced beverage using the Tim Hortons app or ordering online at timhortons.com. Yonutz's is adding excitement to National Donut Day by providing the first 10 guests at the top of each hour with a free Smashed Donut of their choice, starting from 4 p.m. until closing time. Surprises and giveaways will also take place throughout the day. Doughnut Plant, located in New York City, is offering a unique deal. With any purchase, customers will receive a limited-edition Espresso Martini mini cake donut, presented in a special box. This donut is a collaboration with Neil Patrick Harris's new ready-to-drink After Hours Espresso Martini cocktail from Thomas Ashbourne Craft Spirits. The donut will be available for sale starting Saturday and will include a QR code for 20% off any Thomas Ashbourne purchase. Legendary Doughnuts in the Seattle and Tacoma areas is hosting a raffle on National Donut Day. With any donut purchase, customers receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win a dozen donuts every month for a year. Moreover, purchasing a Red Bull Spritzer gives customers a chance to win four movie tickets or the grand prize of either four tickets to Wild Waves Theme & Water Park in Federal Way, Washington, or a gift card to Anthony's Restaurants. Don't forget to explore local businesses and smaller chains as they might also have enticing deals on National Donut Day. Check their social media channels and websites to find out more about their offerings. Read the full article
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
Creating an exceptional customer journey
Creating an exceptional customer journey
After 2½ years of disruption and the accelerated adoption of automation that ensued, franchise brands are adjusting operations with a renewed (and in some cases, a new) appreciation for local digital marketing that goes far beyond followers and likes.  “Right now, it’s all about the customer experience every time they interact with the brand,” says Donna Josephson, CMO of Shipley Do-Nuts.…
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shipleydo-nut · 4 months
Happy National Donut Day! | Shipley Do-nut
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We celebrate one of the sweetest days of the year! National Donut Day, held on the first Friday of June, is a time to indulge in your favorite donuts, from classic glazed to decadent filled and everything in between. This delightful holiday originated in 1938 by The Salvation Army to honor their volunteers who served donuts to soldiers during World War I.
Whether you prefer them with sprinkles, powdered sugar, or chocolate drizzle, there's a donut for everyone. Sign up for DO-HAPPY Rewards today at Shipley Do-nut today and claim your sweet treats, don’t miss out on the fun!
Grab some coffee and donuts, share the joy, and spread some sweetness. Happy National Donut Day!
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Starting a Donut Shop: Shipley Do-Nut’s Guide for Success
Are you looking into starting a donut shop? You’ve come to the right place.
Donuts are not just a delicious treat but a symbol of comfort, indulgence, and community. As the aroma of freshly baked pastries wafts through the air, it’s hard not to be drawn in by the allure of a good donut shop.
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Join us as we explore the enticing world of investing in a donut shop franchise with Shipley Do-Nuts.
Read full article: https://ownashipleydonuts.com/blog/guide-to-success-for-starting-a-donut-shop/
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myshipley12 · 2 years
When we talk about donuts, the conversation will be incomplete without the never-ending debate as to whether donuts are dessert or breakfast.
Nevertheless, why bother if you can enjoy your donuts any time of the day and as you like it.
From being a healthy breakfast option to serving your sweet cravings to being the best companion for your cup of coffee, donuts are the right fit for just about everything.
So go on and munch as much as you feel like this fall.
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viridescent-din · 2 years
favorite food
you and joel discuss life before the outbreak, and he shares a bit more than you expected.
no warnings apply. just some very sweet (though melancholic) borderline domestic joel and reader bonding time <3
btw i am NOT sponsored by shipley’s do-nuts and shipley’s do-nuts: plz don’t sue me
“I think she’s finally out,” you quietly tell Joel. He turns in his sleeping bag, looking across the dying fire at Ellie’s sleeping form. He frowns, but not entirely in annoyance. You can see traces of affection etched into Joel’s face.
“First real meal in weeks. Makes sense she’d go right to sleep,” he says, then glances at you. “Good catch, by the way.” Warmth blooms in your chest at Joel’s approval. You shrug.
“I do feel kind of bad for that bunny, but...” you trail off, looking at Ellie once again.
“She’s more important,” Joel says, surprising you with the gentleness in his tone.
“Yeah,” you agree. The two of you are silent, the air suddenly seeming heavy. You know Joel feels this, too: the affection building in both of you for Ellie. You liked her from the start, but that fondness is becoming palpable. It’s the same for Joel, and you’re sure it’s harder for him to reconcile with. “Hey,” you say, trying to lighten the mood. “If you could have any meal in the world, what would it be? Like, what was your favorite food before all this?” Joel looks at you, brow set, and you realize how stupid you are for bringing up the world before it went to shit. But to your surprise, Joel doesn’t chastise you.
“C’mere,” he says, making room in his sleeping bag. You blink.
“What -”
“I’ll answer yer question,” Joel begins to exaggerate his drawl to get a smile out of you. You shake your head, looking at the ground. “But not from all the way over here. I don’t want to wake her up,” Joel glances one more time at Ellie. “She needs her sleep.” You nod, but still don’t move. Joel tilts his head back, gesturing for you to come closer. “I don’t bite.”
Before you can even stop the thought, it flashes through your mind. What if I want you to?
You shove the thought away, making your way to Joel. Your whole body is screaming at you as you slip into his sleeping bag, red alerts of this is it! It’s happening! sounding in your brain. You try to ignore them. You lay on your side, facing Joel, and he does the same. You blink.
“Warm enough?” He asks, practically whispering. You just nod. “Good.” Joel lets out a long sigh. “My favorite food... Well, I can’t remember the last time I ate it, because I was Atkins when this all happened -”
“Wait, what?” You ask, interrupting Joel. “You were on Atkins? You?”
“Now what’s so hard to believe about that?” Joel counters, borderline offended. You let out a short laugh.
“Nothing, I guess, I just... I can’t imagine you caring about that sort of thing.” You leave out the fact that you think Joel is the most handsome man you’ve seen.
“Diets could be for health you know.”
“From what I’ve heard, that one wasn’t.” Joel lets out a chuckle.
“No, I suppose it wasn’t.” He concedes. “Anyway,” he continues. “Texas was one of the states with Shipley’s Do-Nuts. If I remember correctly, the headquarters was somewhere out there.” You listen intently. Joel’s eyes aren’t focused on you, though you can barely tell. The only light is coming from the dying fire. “Every so often, I’d get a coffee, a kolache, and two donuts. See, I’d always hide the second donut from Sarah. She’d start to eat hers, then run away to watch her show, or grab her journal or something - and when she’d come back, I’d of eaten half of it. And she would grumble, saying I had my kolache, and it wasn’t fair for me to eat half of her donut because she didn’t like kolaches, so she couldn’t eat half mine. And every time, I’d pull the second donut out of the cupboard. She knew I’d do that. But she always grumbled anyway, because that was just... it was just...” Joel trails off. “It was just part of what we did.”
You don’t say anything. Joel looks distant, like he’s not entirely here with you. You take a breath.
“Sarah was your daughter, wasn’t she?” You ask carefully, not wanting to press him. Joel tenses.
“She - I always drank my coffee black. But I’d order it with cream from Shipley’s, because it came in these tiny little containers. Sarah loved to pour the cream in for me. So I’d always drink it with cream from there, just because she liked to do that for me.” Joel knits his eyebrows, snapping out of his memories. You watch as he hardens himself, slipping back into the guarded man you know better than the one who just told you about Sarah. You expect Joel to get upset, kick you out of his sleeping bag. But he doesn’t. 
“Was she - yes. Smart girl,” he tells you. You shiver at the praise. Joel frowns. “You cold?” You shake your head.
“No,” you say it like you’re telling him a secret. Joel softens.
“Alright,” he murmurs. You curl into yourself. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I -”
“It’s okay.” You don’t let Joel doubt himself anymore than he already does. “I don’t mind.” Joel seems uncomfortable, antsy with the fact he just revealed so much. You swallow. “I don’t remember much from before. I was on a plane when it all happened. And my mom was sort of a health nut, so she packed fruit. I was eating an orange instead of the pretzels the flight attendants handed out. That was how it happened, wasn’t it? The grains.” Joel nods. You continue, hoping hearing about your experience helps Joel with the fact you now know something about his. “My parents didn’t make it off the flight. I don’t know how they managed to keep me safe, but... they did.”
“Did you have any siblings?” Joel asks, a slight rasp to his voice. You meet his eyes.
“My mom had just had a baby,” you tell him. “I was... I was so excited to be an older sibling. I even asked to name it. If I recall correctly, I wanted Cinderella if it was a girl and Prince Charming if it was a boy.” Joel lets out chuckle. You smile at the memory too. The laughter dies down.
“Which was it?” You clench your fists.
“I, um, I don’t remember.” You bite your tongue, tasting blood. You let out a bitter laugh. “Isn’t that fucked up? I don’t remember.” You’re both silent.
“Your,” Joel clears his throat. “Your parents are lucky.” You look at him incredulously, almost glaring. “They are. They managed to save you. That’s all a parent wants: to protect their kid. And your folks did that.”
All a parent wants is to protect their kid. You poke your head out of the sleeping bag, looking at Ellie. The fire is gone now, but you can still make out her form. She’s still sleeping, and safe. You burrow back into Joel’s bag.
“Yeah,” you agree. “I guess so.” Joel’s hands slide over your waist, pulling your back to his chest. He’s so sturdy, emanating warmth. He moves his arm under your head, giving you a pillow of sorts.
“Go to sleep,” he says. “I’ll take first watch.”
“But -”
“I’ll take first watch,” Joel is firm. “I won’t be sleeping tonight, darlin.’”
If Joel wasn’t holding you so tight, you’d be afraid that he’s angry. But instead of shutting you out, he presses his lips to your temple, and tells you he’ll see you in the morning. When you close your eyes, you dream of coffee and donuts.
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myshipleydonuts · 3 years
Shipley donut delivery is your best way to get your hands on some hot and pillowy donuts. You can order online through myshipleydonuts.com and Shipley donut delivery will provide you with the donuts of your choice in a jiffy. Shipley Donut is also 24*7 available for drive through.
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