#Shopping à Bordeaux
mdameninie · 11 months
Un weekend à Bordeaux
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risukadarlin · 1 year
[piofiore no banshou] vol. 4: henri - track one
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1; midi
[00:05] Oh, I’ll carry that.
You can leave the heavy lifting to me.
You can open that package instead.
I think we’ve finished unpacking now.
We only brought the essentials, so it wasn’t too bad at all, thankfully.
This is our new home.
The table.
The sofa.
The curtains.
And the bed.
I prepared the basics for us, but we can replace them if you find something you like.
It’s a bit smaller than your old room but I didn’t think a huge room would be any better.
You still seem worried whenever I’m not by your side.
That’s not it?
So… You just like being spoiled?
Don’t hide your face.
Look at me.
[01:18] You look good with your hair tied up too.
Of course, it looks just as good down.
You must be tired after such a long journey.
Even if we did stop at a hotel halfway, it doesn’t change the fact we took a longer route.
I’m sorry for pushing you so hard.
But… I’m glad we could leave some flowers for the children…
We haven’t seen them since I left everything with that person, after all.
Back then, my priority was protecting you.
I knew we couldn’t stay in that place for too long, so I even left the burial to someone else.
I know better than anyone that graves mean nothing to the dead, but…
I hoped it might bring them some salvation.
I pray they rest in peace.
Let’s go back one day.
We can’t go regularly.
But we should go again soon.
Oh, that’s right.
What should we do this afternoon?
There are still a few things we need to sort out but you can stay here and rest if you’re too tired…
Then let’s go out together.
We need things for the kitchen first.
We have a fridge but it’s empty right now.
Shopping is important but we’ve just arrived.
Shall we take a look around Bordeaux?
What do you think?
I’m glad you’re finally able to be open about how you feel.
You’re so cute.
Let’s have lunch first. We can find a cafe nearby.
Then we can look around the town for a bit.
We can buy the basics just before we come home.
Let’s buy the rest tomorrow and explore a bit more if we still have time after that.
Let’s go then!
[03:56] How was the food?
I’m glad it was to your taste.
The food here is quite different from where we just came from.
Lyon is famous for dishes made with tripe.
Its development was driven by the production of silk, so there are a lot of labourers living there.
So, they devised a way of making cheap ingredients taste delicious.
Bordeaux, on the other hand, flourished due to trade.
It’s also especially famous for its wine.
They use bordelaise sauce with meat and fish alike. It’s made with red wine.
It’s a lot more simple than other places we’ve lived.
Though, there is the famous Lamprey à la Bordelaise. 
I don’t think I’d like it very much.
I’ll try to find a restaurant that you’ll like.
When our affairs are a bit more in order, I want us to go on a long, relaxed date.
You always make cafe au lait at home. I’ve even started drinking it when we leave the house now.
You’re looking out for me, aren’t you? I know I don’t eat very much.
You think it’s better than me just drinking espresso, don’t you?
I know hot milk is better for the stomach but I just can’t bring myself to like it.
I’m sure you know that already, though.
Anyway, we’re in an entirely new city. Is there anything you’d like to know?
I’ll tell you anything I know.
Oh, that building you can see over there is the Grand Théâtre.
Bordeaux has been a seat of the government twice in the past.
During that time, it was used as the National Assembly for the French Parliament.
Let’s go to the Opera again soon.
I’m sure they’ll show one you enjoy soon.
Is there anything else?
[06:20] You want to know why I chose to move here?
Do you remember last year, we went to Bled in Slovenia during Christmas?
When I asked you where else you wanted to go, you gave a few options.
Bavaria in Germany.
The capital of music, Vienna.
And then, Bordeaux.
You said you wanted to see the Port of the Moon at night.
Obviously, I wanted to grant one of your wishes.
But this place is very convenient for me, too.
The population is large enough and the transportation system is rather varied.
There’s a railway and boats. 
We have options if something happens.
It’s also on the West coast of France, which is ideal.
I wanted to put some distance between us and Germany, considering the state of things there.
The church is still looking for you, even now.
I don’t think they’ll be able to find us easily, but apparently he put some rather troublesome traps in place before he died.
You don’t need to worry, we’re well hidden.
All this moving from city to city is just an extra precaution.
Until a while ago, I planned to allow karma to hit me with open arms.
I believed I deserved to be punished for my crimes.
If I really thought I’d one day be forgiven for what I did, I never would have plotted revenge.
But… I never planned to involve you. Any of you.
I thought I could protect you by locking you in that small house.
But it wasn’t enough.
That’s why I won’t ever let them be one step ahead of us again.
I don’t plan to hold back against anyone who tries to interrupt our life.
Obviously, it would be best if they never found us at all.
Don’t you think?
[09:01] Are you ready to go?
What do you want to see first?
Bordeaux Cathedral? It’s around 10 minutes from here.
We can see a few sights as we walk over.
[09:24] Bordeaux Cathedral, or the Primatial Cathedral of St Andrew, was built in the 11th century.
Well, the foundations were. They’ve been adding to it ever since.
You can see the spire from anywhere in the city.
You could even say it’s the building that best represents Bordeaux.
It was once used for the wedding of the King of France.
It’s also famous for the sculptures of the Biblical Day of Judgement.
There really are a lot of people.
Come here.
It’s a famous sightseeing spot. It can’t be helped.
Stay close to me.
I don’t want you to leave my side.
Good. Let’s go inside, then.
I’m sure you’ll love the inside just as much as the outside.
[10:41] Isn’t it bright?
Most big, historical churches end up being quite gloomy inside.
But here… It looks like the entire inside is shining white.
I don’t believe in God, but I think you look beautiful in this Cathedral.
It reminds me of Burlone.
I remember once, you looked after me in the church, right after I’d been hit.
I was shocked; you said exactly the kind of thing my sister would have said.
Oh. I never really told you about what kind of a person my sister was, did I?
Let me think… 
Chloe was bright and sociable. She didn’t get shy around anyone.
When we were with the Falzone, she spent more time surrounded by adults than with me.
It was hard, at times.
But I never blamed her for it.
She was desperate to make a place for us in that mansion.
And now I know that love makes us do crazy things.
Where do you want to go after we finish exploring here?
Maybe we should go somewhere where we can see the entire city?
Ah, before that, you should pray while we’re here.
I’ll wait for you.
[12:54] I knew you’d like The Grosse Cloche.
Can you see the Garonne River from here? It’s shaped like a crescent moon.
It’s almost blinding in the evening sun.
I can see why they call it the Port of the Moon.
So, how is it? Do you think you’ll like it here?
I’m glad.
There is just one thing weighing on my mind.
Bordeaux is a university city.
I saw a lot of men today who are the same age as you.
I know it might sound childish but a lot of them were looking at you.
If I wasn’t here, they’d most definitely try to talk to you.
I’m a bit worried.
Your shoulder?
Oh, yes… I was holding you close to me all day.
Especially in front of the cathedral and when we were in crowds.
I barely even thought about it myself.
I mean… I can certainly think of a reason why.
You said it before yourself, didn’t you?
I need to practise touching you.
It was probably because of that.
Now, I can’t relax if I’m not touching you.
It’s that time already?
I did plan on eating out tonight but maybe we should relax at home instead.
We should buy a bottle of wine and toast to our new lives.
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lesmislettersdaily · 2 years
The Year 1817
Volume 1: Fantine; Book 3: In The Year 1817; Chapter 1: The Year 1817
1817 is the year which Louis XVIII., with a certain royal assurance which was not wanting in pride, entitled the twenty-second of his reign. It is the year in which M. Bruguière de Sorsum was celebrated. All the hairdressers’ shops, hoping for powder and the return of the royal bird, were besmeared with azure and decked with fleurs-de-lys. It was the candid time at which Count Lynch sat every Sunday as church-warden in the church-warden’s pew of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, in his costume of a peer of France, with his red ribbon and his long nose and the majesty of profile peculiar to a man who has performed a brilliant action. The brilliant action performed by M. Lynch was this: being mayor of Bordeaux, on the 12th of March, 1814, he had surrendered the city a little too promptly to M. the Duke d’Angoulême. Hence his peerage. In 1817 fashion swallowed up little boys of from four to six years of age in vast caps of morocco leather with ear-tabs resembling Esquimaux mitres. The French army was dressed in white, after the mode of the Austrian; the regiments were called legions; instead of numbers they bore the names of departments; Napoleon was at St. Helena; and since England refused him green cloth, he was having his old coats turned. In 1817 Pelligrini sang; Mademoiselle Bigottini danced; Potier reigned; Odry did not yet exist. Madame Saqui had succeeded to Forioso. There were still Prussians in France. M. Delalot was a personage. Legitimacy had just asserted itself by cutting off the hand, then the head, of Pleignier, of Carbonneau, and of Tolleron. The Prince de Talleyrand, grand chamberlain, and the Abbé Louis, appointed minister of finance, laughed as they looked at each other, with the laugh of the two augurs; both of them had celebrated, on the 14th of July, 1790, the mass of federation in the Champ de Mars; Talleyrand had said it as bishop, Louis had served it in the capacity of deacon. In 1817, in the side-alleys of this same Champ de Mars, two great cylinders of wood might have been seen lying in the rain, rotting amid the grass, painted blue, with traces of eagles and bees, from which the gilding was falling. These were the columns which two years before had upheld the Emperor’s platform in the Champ de Mai. They were blackened here and there with the scorches of the bivouac of Austrians encamped near Gros-Caillou. Two or three of these columns had disappeared in these bivouac fires, and had warmed the large hands of the Imperial troops. The Field of May had this remarkable point: that it had been held in the month of June and in the Field of March (Mars). In this year, 1817, two things were popular: the Voltaire-Touquet and the snuff-box à la Charter. The most recent Parisian sensation was the crime of Dautun, who had thrown his brother’s head into the fountain of the Flower-Market.
They had begun to feel anxious at the Naval Department, on account of the lack of news from that fatal frigate, The Medusa, which was destined to cover Chaumareix with infamy and Géricault with glory. Colonel Selves was going to Egypt to become Soliman-Pasha. The palace of Thermes, in the Rue de La Harpe, served as a shop for a cooper. On the platform of the octagonal tower of the Hotel de Cluny, the little shed of boards, which had served as an observatory to Messier, the naval astronomer under Louis XVI., was still to be seen. The Duchesse de Duras read to three or four friends her unpublished Ourika, in her boudoir furnished by X. in sky-blue satin. The N’s were scratched off the Louvre. The bridge of Austerlitz had abdicated, and was entitled the bridge of the King’s Garden [du Jardin du Roi], a double enigma, which disguised the bridge of Austerlitz and the Jardin des Plantes at one stroke. Louis XVIII., much preoccupied while annotating Horace with the corner of his finger-nail, heroes who have become emperors, and makers of wooden shoes who have become dauphins, had two anxieties,—Napoleon and Mathurin Bruneau. The French Academy had given for its prize subject, The Happiness procured through Study. M. Bellart was officially eloquent. In his shadow could be seen germinating that future advocate-general of Broë, dedicated to the sarcasms of Paul-Louis Courier. There was a false Chateaubriand, named Marchangy, in the interim, until there should be a false Marchangy, named d’Arlincourt. Claire d’Albe and Malek-Adel were masterpieces; Madame Cottin was proclaimed the chief writer of the epoch. The Institute had the academician, Napoleon Bonaparte, stricken from its list of members. A royal ordinance erected Angoulême into a naval school; for the Duc d’Angoulême, being lord high admiral, it was evident that the city of Angoulême had all the qualities of a seaport; otherwise the monarchical principle would have received a wound. In the Council of Ministers the question was agitated whether vignettes representing slack-rope performances, which adorned Franconi’s advertising posters, and which attracted throngs of street urchins, should be tolerated. M. Paër, the author of Agnese, a good sort of fellow, with a square face and a wart on his cheek, directed the little private concerts of the Marquise de Sasenaye in the Rue Ville l’Évêque. All the young girls were singing the Hermit of Saint-Avelle, with words by Edmond Géraud. The Yellow Dwarf was transferred into Mirror. The Café Lemblin stood up for the Emperor, against the Café Valois, which upheld the Bourbons. The Duc de Berri, already surveyed from the shadow by Louvel, had just been married to a princess of Sicily. Madame de Staël had died a year previously. The body-guard hissed Mademoiselle Mars. The grand newspapers were all very small. Their form was restricted, but their liberty was great. The Constitutionnel was constitutional. La Minerve called Chateaubriand Chateaubriant. That t made the good middle-class people laugh heartily at the expense of the great writer. In journals which sold themselves, prostituted journalists, insulted the exiles of 1815.
David had no longer any talent, Arnault had no longer any wit, Carnot was no longer honest, Soult had won no battles; it is true that Napoleon had no longer any genius. No one is ignorant of the fact that letters sent to an exile by post very rarely reached him, as the police made it their religious duty to intercept them. This is no new fact; Descartes complained of it in his exile. Now David, having, in a Belgian publication, shown some displeasure at not receiving letters which had been written to him, it struck the royalist journals as amusing; and they derided the prescribed man well on this occasion. What separated two men more than an abyss was to say, the regicides, or to say the voters; to say the enemies, or to say the allies; to say Napoleon, or to say Buonaparte. All sensible people were agreed that the era of revolution had been closed forever by King Louis XVIII., surnamed “The Immortal Author of the Charter.” On the platform of the Pont-Neuf, the word Redivivus was carved on the pedestal that awaited the statue of Henry IV. M. Piet, in the Rue Thérèse, No. 4, was making the rough draft of his privy assembly to consolidate the monarchy. The leaders of the Right said at grave conjunctures, “We must write to Bacot.” MM. Canuel, O’Mahoney, and De Chappedelaine were preparing the sketch, to some extent with Monsieur’s approval, of what was to become later on “The Conspiracy of the Bord de l’Eau”—of the waterside. L’Épingle Noire was already plotting in his own quarter. Delaverderie was conferring with Trogoff. M. Decazes, who was liberal to a degree, reigned. Chateaubriand stood every morning at his window at No. 27 Rue Saint-Dominique, clad in footed trousers, and slippers, with a madras kerchief knotted over his gray hair, with his eyes fixed on a mirror, a complete set of dentist’s instruments spread out before him, cleaning his teeth, which were charming, while he dictated The Monarchy according to the Charter to M. Pilorge, his secretary. Criticism, assuming an authoritative tone, preferred Lafon to Talma. M. de Féletez signed himself A.; M. Hoffmann signed himself Z. Charles Nodier wrote Thérèse Aubert. Divorce was abolished. Lyceums called themselves colleges. The collegians, decorated on the collar with a golden fleur-de-lys, fought each other apropos of the King of Rome. The counter-police of the château had denounced to her Royal Highness Madame, the portrait, everywhere exhibited, of M. the Duc d’Orléans, who made a better appearance in his uniform of a colonel-general of hussars than M. the Duc de Berri, in his uniform of colonel-general of dragoons—a serious inconvenience. The city of Paris was having the dome of the Invalides regilded at its own expense. Serious men asked themselves what M. de Trinquelague would do on such or such an occasion; M. Clausel de Montals differed on divers points from M. Clausel de Coussergues; M. de Salaberry was not satisfied. The comedian Picard, who belonged to the Academy, which the comedian Molière had not been able to do, had The Two Philiberts played at the Odéon, upon whose pediment the removal of the letters still allowed THEATRE OF THE EMPRESS to be plainly read. People took part for or against Cugnet de Montarlot. Fabvier was factious; Bavoux was revolutionary. The Liberal, Pélicier, published an edition of Voltaire, with the following title: Works of Voltaire, of the French Academy. “That will attract purchasers,” said the ingenious editor. The general opinion was that M. Charles Loyson would be the genius of the century; envy was beginning to gnaw at him—a sign of glory; and this verse was composed on him:—
“Even when Loyson steals, one feels that he has paws.”
As Cardinal Fesch refused to resign, M. de Pins, Archbishop of Amasie, administered the diocese of Lyons. The quarrel over the valley of Dappes was begun between Switzerland and France by a memoir from Captain, afterwards General Dufour. Saint-Simon, ignored, was erecting his sublime dream. There was a celebrated Fourier at the Academy of Science, whom posterity has forgotten; and in some garret an obscure Fourier, whom the future will recall. Lord Byron was beginning to make his mark; a note to a poem by Millevoye introduced him to France in these terms: a certain Lord Baron. David d’Angers was trying to work in marble. The Abbé Caron was speaking, in terms of praise, to a private gathering of seminarists in the blind alley of Feuillantines, of an unknown priest, named Félicité-Robert, who, at a latter date, became Lamennais. A thing which smoked and clattered on the Seine with the noise of a swimming dog went and came beneath the windows of the Tuileries, from the Pont Royal to the Pont Louis XV.; it was a piece of mechanism which was not good for much; a sort of plaything, the idle dream of a dream-ridden inventor; an utopia—a steamboat. The Parisians stared indifferently at this useless thing. M. de Vaublanc, the reformer of the Institute by a coup d’état, the distinguished author of numerous academicians, ordinances, and batches of members, after having created them, could not succeed in becoming one himself. The Faubourg Saint-Germain and the pavilion de Marsan wished to have M. Delaveau for prefect of police, on account of his piety. Dupuytren and Récamier entered into a quarrel in the amphitheatre of the School of Medicine, and threatened each other with their fists on the subject of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Cuvier, with one eye on Genesis and the other on nature, tried to please bigoted reaction by reconciling fossils with texts and by making mastodons flatter Moses.
M. François de Neufchâteau, the praiseworthy cultivator of the memory of Parmentier, made a thousand efforts to have pomme de terre [potato] pronounced parmentière, and succeeded therein not at all. The Abbé Grégoire, ex-bishop, ex-conventionary, ex-senator, had passed, in the royalist polemics, to the state of “Infamous Grégoire.” The locution of which we have made use—passed to the state of—has been condemned as a neologism by M. Royer Collard. Under the third arch of the Pont de Jéna, the new stone with which, the two years previously, the mining aperture made by Blücher to blow up the bridge had been stopped up, was still recognizable on account of its whiteness. Justice summoned to its bar a man who, on seeing the Comte d’Artois enter Notre Dame, had said aloud: “Sapristi! I regret the time when I saw Bonaparte and Talma enter the Bel Sauvage, arm in arm.” A seditious utterance. Six months in prison. Traitors showed themselves unbuttoned; men who had gone over to the enemy on the eve of battle made no secret of their recompense, and strutted immodestly in the light of day, in the cynicism of riches and dignities; deserters from Ligny and Quatre-Bras, in the brazenness of their well-paid turpitude, exhibited their devotion to the monarchy in the most barefaced manner.
This is what floats up confusedly, pell-mell, for the year 1817, and is now forgotten. History neglects nearly all these particulars, and cannot do otherwise; the infinity would overwhelm it. Nevertheless, these details, which are wrongly called trivial,—there are no trivial facts in humanity, nor little leaves in vegetation,—are useful. It is of the physiognomy of the years that the physiognomy of the centuries is composed. In this year of 1817 four young Parisians arranged “a fine farce.”
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toutsamplement · 2 years
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Pour les bordelais on commence à fêter la sortie des bouquins dès le 5 Novembre. Ça se passe au mythique Shop, Strictly, à l’occasion des 25 ans du magasin. Grosse Soirée en perspective ! Possibilité d’acheter les livres sur place, ou retirer votre commande. #toutsamplement #sample #beatmaker #beatmakers #beatmakerz #beatmakerlife #beatmakermagazine #rap #rapper #rappers #rapmusic #RapMonster #RapArtist #rapfr #rapbeats #rapeculture #hiphopsampling #djs #hiphopmusic #hiphop #hiphopsampling #hiphopmusic #sampleshiphop #hiphopbeats #hiphopculture #hiphopclassic #hiphopsalples #rapsamples #rapbeatmaker #samplemusic #akaimpc (à Strictly Bordeaux) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckc4CFULO6v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Preparing Halloween Large hand painter banner adorned with night moth. In my on line shop: missclara.bigcartel.com #loveantiques #preparinghalloween #chicalloween #halloweendecor #shabyhome #halloweendecorations #halloweenantiques #halloweenantics #oldbanner (à Bordeaux, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjm1r0iOuIE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gayrencontre · 2 months
Grand indécis a besoin d'un mec confiant dans le 33
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Je suis cet éternel indécis qui a toujours besoin de se faire rassurer. Ma pote a l'habitude que je lui demande toujours son opinion lorsqu'on fait du shopping. Mon dernier copain m'a reproché. ce trait de caractère. Du coup, il me faut un homme qui trouvera cela mignon. Je demeure en Gironde, mais hors de Bordeaux Métropole. Je suis plus au nord sur Ambarès-et-Lagrave 33440. Peut-être que de rencontrer m'incitera à me rapprocher de la ville.
Discuter avec Lambert
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thrifty99 · 3 months
Découvrez la France avec Thrifty Location de voiture : votre guide ultime pour explorer Paris et au-delà
Bienvenue chez Thrifty Location de voiture, votre partenaire de confiance pour explorer les paysages enchanteurs et les villes animées de France. Grâce à notre service haut de gamme et à notre flotte de véhicules diversifiée, vous pourrez embarquer pour des voyages inoubliables à travers ce magnifique pays. Que vous envisagiez de vous promener dans les rues romantiques de Paris ou de vous aventurer dans la charmante campagne, Thrifty Location de voiture vous garantit une expérience fluide du début à la fin. Voyons ce qui fait de la location de voiture à Paris avec Thrifty le choix idéal pour votre aventure française.
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Pourquoi choisir Thrifty Location de voiture à Paris ?
Paris, la Ville Lumière, est un trésor d'histoire, de culture et d'une beauté inégalée. Naviguer dans ses rues emblématiques et ses joyaux cachés est un rêve devenu réalité pour tout voyageur. Avec Thrifty Location de voiture, vous pouvez profiter au maximum de votre séjour à Paris, en profitant de la commodité et de la flexibilité d'avoir votre propre véhicule. Voici pourquoi Thrifty se démarque :
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Excellent service client : notre personnel amical et compétent est toujours prêt à vous aider, garantissant une expérience de location fluide du début à la fin.
Explorer Paris avec Thrifty Location de voiture
Avec votre voiture de location Thrifty, les merveilles de Paris sont à portée de main. Voici quelques attractions et quartiers incontournables à inclure dans votre itinéraire :
Tour Eiffel : aucun voyage à Paris n'est complet sans une visite à ce monument emblématique. Rendez-vous au Champ de Mars à proximité et profitez d'un pique-nique avec vue sur la tour.
Musée du Louvre : Abritant la Joconde et d'innombrables autres chefs-d'œuvre, le Louvre est un centre culturel à ne pas manquer. Des options de stationnement pratiques facilitent l'exploration à votre rythme.
Montmartre : Ce quartier historique offre un aperçu de l'âme artistique de Paris. Flânez dans ses charmantes rues, visitez la basilique du Sacré-Cœur et imprégnez-vous de l'ambiance bohème.
Champs-Élysées : descendez cette célèbre avenue bordée de boutiques, de cafés et de théâtres. C'est l'endroit idéal pour une promenade tranquille et une séance de shopping.
Seine : découvrez la beauté de Paris sous un angle différent en empruntant une route panoramique le long de la Seine. Arrêtez-vous aux nombreux ponts et parcs qui parsèment les berges de la rivière.
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Au-delà de Paris : à la découverte des villes célèbres de France
La France regorge de villes captivantes, chacune offrant son charme et ses attraits uniques. Avec votre voiture de location Thrifty, les possibilités sont infinies. Voici quelques villes que vous voudrez peut-être explorer :
Versailles : À quelques minutes en voiture de Paris, Versailles est réputée pour son palais opulent et ses superbes jardins. Passez une journée à explorer la grandeur du château de Versailles.
Lyon : Connue comme la capitale gastronomique de la France, Lyon est un paradis pour les gourmands. Découvrez son riche patrimoine culinaire, sa vieille ville historique et sa scène culturelle dynamique.
Bordeaux : Célèbre pour ses vins de classe mondiale, Bordeaux fait le bonheur des amateurs de vin. Visitez les vignobles, visitez le musée de la Cité du Vin et profitez de l'architecture époustouflante de la ville.
Marseille : En tant que plus ancienne ville de France, Marseille possède une histoire riche et un littoral méditerranéen pittoresque. Explorez son Vieux-Port animé, ses sites historiques et ses magnifiques plages.
Nice : Située sur la Côte d’Azur, Nice est un paradis ensoleillé. Promenez-vous le long de la Promenade des Anglais, détendez-vous sur ses plages immaculées et explorez la charmante vieille ville.
Conseils pour conduire en France
Pour garantir une expérience de conduite sûre et agréable en France, gardez ces conseils à l’esprit :
Comprendre les panneaux routiers : Familiarisez-vous avec les panneaux routiers français et leur signification. Cela vous aidera à naviguer en douceur et à éviter toute confusion.
Emportez les documents nécessaires : ayez toujours avec vous votre permis de conduire, votre contrat de location et vos documents d'assurance lorsque vous conduisez.
Respectez les limites de vitesse : respectez les limites de vitesse affichées, qui varient en fonction du type de route. Dans les zones urbaines, la limite est généralement de 50 km/h, tandis que les autoroutes peuvent avoir des limites allant jusqu'à 130 km/h.
Utilisez la navigation GPS : tirez le meilleur parti de la navigation GPS pour trouver les meilleurs itinéraires et éviter les embouteillages. De nombreuses voitures de location Thrifty sont équipées de systèmes GPS.
Stationnement : soyez attentif aux réglementations et aux frais de stationnement, en particulier dans les centres-villes animés. Recherchez des zones de stationnement désignées pour éviter les amendes.
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Votre aventure vous attend avec Thrifty Location de voiture
Se lancer dans un voyage à travers la France n'a jamais été aussi simple avec la location de voiture à Paris chez Thrifty. Que vous exploriez les rues emblématiques de Paris ou que vous vous aventuriez dans la campagne pittoresque, notre service fiable vous garantit une expérience mémorable. Réservez votre voiture de location aujourd'hui et commencez votre aventure avec Thrifty Location de voiture. Découvrez la liberté de découvrir la France à votre rythme et créez des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie.
Réservez maintenant et découvrez la beauté de la France avec Thrifty Location de voiture. Profitez de la commodité, du confort et de la flexibilité d’avoir votre propre véhicule et profitez au maximum de chaque instant. Votre aventure française commence ici !
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papiersnoirs · 4 months
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Yo les punx, Ce jeudi ça part en soirée punk-rock au Mélody Maker, toujours à prix libre, concerts à 21h pétantes avec :
Intenable (punk-rock, Bordeaux) Musique : https://intenable.bandcamp.com/
Cobra Jaune (punk-rock, Rennes) Musique : https://cobrajauneband.bandcamp.com
Shopping Kart (punk-rock, Vannes) Musique :  https://shoppingkartpoppunk.bandcamp.com/track/ordinary-world
VENUE: MELODY MAKER 14 rue Saint-Mélaine, 35000 Rennes
**L'espace concert n'est pas accessible aux PMR**
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emploisdacheteurs · 4 months
Job d'appoint en France: Être personal shopper à Bordeaux
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Bordeaux, la Cité du Vin, enchante non seulement par ses vignobles, mais aussi par sa scène mode dynamique. Pour les passionnés de style et fins navigateurs de l'image personnelle, une carrière de Personal Shopper à Bordeaux peut être à la fois épanouissante et lucrative.
Cet article explore le monde passionnant du Personal Shopping à Bordeaux, en examinant les nécessités, les récompenses et les aspects uniques du travail dans cette belle ville française. Vous aimez le shopping? Si vous aimez la mode, vous pouvez trouver un emploi de personal shopper chez The Personal Shopper Agency.
Flamboyance parisienne et charme bordelais: Qu'est-ce qui distingue Bordeaux?
Bordeaux possède une identité de mode distinctive. Tout en reflétant les tendances parisiennes, elle conserve une certaine élégance décontractée. Pensez à des pièces de base sophistiquées avec une touche de flair du sud de la France. Ce mélange unique se traduit par une clientèle diversifiée à la recherche de conseils allant au-delà du simple suivi des tendances.
Voici ce qui fait de Bordeaux un endroit spécial pour les Personal Shoppers:
Scène mode florissante: Des grandes marques de luxe comme Chanel et Dior aux boutiques indépendantes présentant des créateurs locaux, Bordeaux répond à une large gamme de budgets et de styles.
Clientèle internationale: Bordeaux attire des touristes, des amateurs de vin et des hommes d'affaires du monde entier. Cela se traduit par une clientèle potentielle cherchant de l'aide pour naviguer dans un territoire commercial inconnu.
Expérience privilégiée: Les clients bordelais recherchent souvent une expérience d'achat personnalisée qui intègre la riche culture de la ville et ses joyaux cachés.
Construire votre activité de Personal Shopper à Bordeaux
Un Personal Shopper prospère à Bordeaux a besoin d'une stratégie bien définie. Voici quelques étapes clés à prendre en compte :
Développez votre expertise: Cultivez une compréhension approfondie des tendances de la mode, des morphologies et du style personnel. Des certifications en stylisme de mode ou en Personal Shopping peuvent renforcer votre crédibilité.
Ciblez votre niche : Bordeaux propose une gamme diversifiée de styles. Identifiez votre créneau, qu'il s'agisse de la mode de luxe, des vêtements durables ou du conseil en image pour les professionnels.
Réseautez et construisez des relations: Connectez-vous avec les magasins locaux, les boutiques et les stylistes. Des relations solides vous permettent d'offrir à vos clients un accès exclusif et des recommandations personnalisées.
Maîtrisez l'art de la communication: D'excellentes compétences en communication sont essentielles. Écoutez activement les besoins de vos clients, comprenez leur style personnel et instaurez la confiance.
Au-delà de la boutique: Votre proposition de valeur unique
Être Personal Shopper à Bordeaux ne se résume pas qu'à trouver des vêtements. Voici comment créer une proposition de valeur unique :
Gourou du shopping bordelais: Devenez un expert de la scène mode bordelaise. Guidez vos clients vers des boutiques cachées, des magasins vintage et des designers émergents, en leur offrant une expérience d'achat unique.
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omagazineparis · 4 months
Bijoux Cailloux, Trésors & Bagatelles depuis 1991
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Spécialisé dans la bijouterie fantaisie depuis près de 30 ans, Bijoux Cailloux est aujourd’hui présent dans 9 villes du Sud-Ouest et souhaite mettre en lumière toutes les féminités. L’histoire de Bijoux Cailloux est avant tout une histoire d’équipes soudées et animées par l’envie de parfaire des relations de proximité avec leurs clients. Les bijoux Chez Bijoux Cailloux, nous voulons que toutes les personnalités et féminités trouvent leur bonheur et puissent adopter leurs pièces favorites. Mais le plus important pour nous est surtout de pouvoir correspondre à tous les porte-monnaie. Pour les petits budgets, nos bijoux en acier inoxydable vous accompagneront partout grâce à leur durabilité et leur résistance. Retrouvez les dernières tendances et parcourez nos multiples collections, des bijoux à menottes aux mini créoles en passant par les colliers astrologiques.  Nos collections en plaqué or et argent 925 vous attendent également pour répondre à toutes vos envies : colliers, sautoirs, boucles d’oreilles, bracelets, joncs et bagues… Composez votre parure en toute confiance et portez vos bijoux à la maison comme à la plage ! Retrouvez aussi nos corners ZAG bijoux, Ana&Cha ou encore notre bar à gravure pour personnaliser vos bijoux ! A lire également : Shopping : les accessoires indispensables pour parfaire son look La Maroquinerie Cailloux ne s'arrête pas qu’aux bijoux. Leur collection de maroquinerie et d'accessoires est craquante. Sacs à main en cuir, portefeuilles élégants, écharpes douces et sacs bananes à sangles amovibles, chaque pièce est conçue pour sublimer votre style quotidien. La qualité des matériaux utilisés, associée à des designs sophistiqués, fait de ces articles des compagnons parfaits pour chaque femme en quête de raffinement et de praticité. Le prêt-à-porter Pour nos fans de mode, nos collections de prêt-à-porter répondent toujours aux dernières tendances. Une belle robe d’été ou un joli manteau d’hiver, Bijoux Cailloux vous habille toute l’année ! Nos boutiques Chacune de nos boutiques est un véritable trésor d'inspiration et de beauté. À travers notre cher Sud-Ouest, retrouvez nos boutiques à Bordeaux, La Teste-de-Buch, Arcachon, La Rochelle, Toulouse, Biarritz, Pau, Bayonne et Soulac-Sur-Mer. Notre e-shop Retrouvez-nous sur notre boutique en ligne bijouxcailloux.fr et bénéficiez de notre livraison rapide et offerte dès 25 € d’achat ! Ne loupez pas nos prochaines promos et concours et suivez-nous sur Instagram. Read the full article
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sunkissed-thought · 7 months
“A Box of Enamor’s Dream: Ocean dream date with Adnan.”
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If I were to meticulously orchestrate my vision of the quintessential 'dream date' to truly bond with my wonderful yet elusive cheries, Adnan, it would unfurl in this manner:
The crisp autumn air carried aromatic whispers of cedar and citrus as Adnan and I leisurely meandered through the upscale outdoor promenade. Our casual conversation danced with peals of laughter as we window-shopped at the chic boutiques, eventually being drawn into a high-end haberdashery. There, I insisted we indulge our esoteric senses of fashion by trying on finely tailored suits and debonair jackets, cutting dashing figures in the ornate mirrors.
After an afternoon brimming with merriment, we made our way to an acclaimed modern French restaurant. Basking in the warm, flickering glow of the fireplace, we indulged in a decadent charcuterie board accompanied by a robust, full-bodied Bordeaux, our conversation effortlessly meandering from profound to frivolous and back again. As gentle raindrops began their staccato patter against the windowpanes, we sipped velvety café au laits, reluctant for our refined yet relaxed tête-à-tête to to end. Though such luxuriant indulgences remained all too rare in the cadence of our lives, it was such a great time that got me feeling profoundly more connected with Adnan.
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deliciousnachoexpert · 8 months
Dans le jeu : Où se procurer son maillot de football en France
Football, également connu sous le nom de football selon certaines régions du monde, occupe une place spéciale le cœur des millions de personnes à travers la France. De l'excitation du match jour à la camaraderie de jouer pour votre équipe préférée le football est plus que simplement un jeu, c'est une manière de vie. Pour ceux qui veulent à montrer leur soutien d'une manière avant-gardiste, acheter le le bon uniforme de football est un must. Dans ce article, nous explorons où vous pouvez marquer le plus et également acheter des kits de football en France.
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Boutiques officielles du club
Une une des méthodes les plus authentiques pour acheter un uniforme de football est aller à magasin du club. La France bénéficie d'une histoire riche tradition du football et possède des clubs tels que le Paris Saint-Germain, l'Olympique de Marseille, l'AS Monaco, et plus encore, représentant la nation excitation pour le football. Dans les villes comme Paris, Lyon, Marseille, et Nice il y a magasins spécifiques proposant une large gamme de vêtements de sport, foulards ainsi que d'autres articles. Que vous soyez fan de un club de premier plan ou d'un petite club, ces magasins proposent l'expérience de fan ultime.
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Détaillants d'articles de sport
Pour ceux qui recherchent facilité d'utilisation et variété, sportif les détaillants de marchandises sont un bon option pour acheter des maillots de football. Des magasins comme Decathlon, Intersport et Foot Locker ont des points de vente dans toute la France et offrir une assortiment de maillots pour les deux nationaux équipes et étrangères. Des les designs les plus modernes aux classiques rétro Ces magasins s'adressent à tous les fans, quel que soit leur âge et budgets, simples pour trouver un maillot qui montrera la fierté de votre équipe.
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Détaillants en ligne
À l'ère de la technologie achats en ligne est devenu de plus en plus populaire pour acheter des maillots de football. Les sites Web comme Nike, Adidas, Amazon, et eBay ont une large sélection de maillots de football, qui comprend marchandises et répliques officielles du club. Les achats en ligne sont pratiques et offrent accessibilité, permettant aux utilisateurs de acheter et acheter des maillots dans le confort de leurpropre maison. De nombreux sites Web vendent des maillots individuels pour les fans directement. offrir exclusifs versions ainsi quel comme options de personnalisation pour personnaliser votre maillot.
Magasins spécialisés et boutiques
Pour ceux qui recherchent quelque chose de différent, magasins spécialisés et boutiques peuvent être un trésor de souvenirs. Des maillots à l'ancienne aux rares objets de valeur de collection, ces magasins fournir une collection organisée de marchandises qui mettent en valeur le riche passé et culture c'est-à-dire le football français. Explorer les marchés et les boutiques locaux dans les villes comme Paris, Bordeaux et Marseille conduiront à des choses fascinantes découvre et des trésors cachés qui présenter la passion et l'héritage du jeu.
Achetez maintenant : maillot bayern 2023 2024
acheter un maillot de football, c'est plus que simplement acheter un vêtement. C'est bien plus que simplement acheter des vêtements. Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'acheter des vêtements, c'est bien plus que simplement d'acheter une chemise. C'est bien plus que simplement acheter un maillot de football. C'est bien plus que simplement acheter un maillot. C'est une déclaration de loyauté et de l'amour pour votre favori équipe. En France, où le football fait partie la vie quotidienne et culture, trouver le maillot parfait est un rite de passage pour fans de football de tous âges. Que vous préfériez faire du shopping en magasin ou en ligne, les options sont innombrables disponibles pour l'achat de ballons de football jerseys en France. Si vous vous préparez pour jouer le jour du match ou simplement célébrer votre amour pour le beau jeu faire sensation et localiser le maillot de football idéal est une belle aventure dans laquelle se lancer.
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lunacitysworld · 2 years
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Shop @givenchy #givency #givencyparis #marseille #nice #bordeaux (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBBf9LN-jL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toutsamplement · 2 years
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À l’occasion des 25 ans du mythique shop « Strictly », je serais en dédicaces le 5 novembre dès 18:00. 2 Rue Saint James à Bordeaux. #toutsamplement #sample #beatmaker #beatmakers #beatmakerz #beatmakerlife #beatmakermagazine #rap #rapper #rappers #rapmusic #RapMonster #RapArtist #rapfr #rapbeats #rapeculture #hiphopsampling #djs #hiphopmusic #hiphop #hiphopsampling #hiphopmusic #sampleshiphop #hiphopbeats #hiphopculture #hiphopclassic #hiphopsalples #rapsamples #rapbeatmaker #samplemusic #akaimpc (à Bordeaux, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYwb8Fr6Tb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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New exvotos available in my little online shop: Missclara.bigcartel.com #flamingheart #exvoto #coeursacré #coeursacre #religiousart #goldenheart #shabbychic #frenchantique (à Bordeaux) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiulZcUM4lj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 29 June 1838
7 40
3 25
heavy rain at 7 55 for ¼ hour F66 ½° at 9 ½ am – looking at post map – breakfast at 9 ¾ - heavy rain between 10 and 11 again – nice light carriage (sort of caléche) closed and I [A-] and I and our valet de Place Pierre out at 11 40 – to the P.O. got 5 or 6 Galignanis’ messenger – then to the bank (bank of Bordeaux by mistake) began to rain again – then to chez Guetrier banquier and négociant (1 of the 1st wine merchants here) and get letter from Messrs. Hammersley and co. enclosing £250 in circulars and letter of credit for £500 – the power of attorney of no use because only one witness! yet Mr. Parker had it all his own way! A- had letter from her sister – cashed circular no. 1072 = £50 exchange at 25/40 = fr. 1270 – M. Guetrier very civil – asked for small [money] – with difficulty gave me 30fr. worth – I find out must go to a money changer for small money as well as gold – at the bank ½ hour till 12 ½ - then to the Bourse –an oblong centre part about 25 x 15 yards lighted from the top by windows slashed , as it were, into the coved roof – plafond of boards painted (washed) and black-lined ashler-form – very nice exchange – might serve as a model for one at H-x? – left the bourse at one – then to the Pont, and went into the interior at 1 ½ for 10 minutes – very curious – a vaulted passage from end to end about 5ft. 6in. high – but a little gate across the middle kept locked that one may not taken going to the end up the time of the man who has the perquisite of shewing  the interior – gave ./75 then on asking our valet found that people generally give a fr. – the duke of Bradford was or some of his family at our hotel on his way this spring from Nice and Pierre was their laquais de place – from the Pont to the church of St. Michel from 1 50 to 2 ¼ - put into the poor box there ./50 there being a printed appeal to the charity of strangers on account of the great no. of poor – handsome church – organ at west end of nave, taking up ½ one arcade in depth – this one + 3 arcades to the transepts which are merely 2 arcades i.e. (respectively) the length of the one side aisle and the one ditto ditto taken in little chapels – choir = 3 arcades + the apse – curious mouldings on the 2 great transepts-nave columns entering the choir, partly the column on the north side marigolds and their deeply indented leaves – 2 men fighting – one man standing on his head – one ditto riding a dog? etc. south side pillar – 2 (scaly) birds pecking at a head placed between them and this repeated – marigold or sun flower among its deeply indented leaves – the clocher of St. Michel (handsome old gothic tower) at a little distance from the church – went down to see les cadavers – 17ft. deep of ossemens – much in the same state as in 1830 but the bones swept up more tidely into a heap in the middle – 3 or 4 decent women and a man there – had just gone down before us – went down I should think about 20 steps – only 2 or 3 minutes there and came away at 2 ½ - then to the eglise de la croix – the west front old – à la Civray – small (2 or 3 stones the rest modern) part of an old zodiac (as at Civray) remaining round the great west door (left) as you face the door – then looked into a little bazaar – empty – all the shops to let – under repair or something – then to the bazaar – turned into print shop, and A-
bought the 7 livraisons published (5 more to be sent directed to Madame Lister de Shibden Poste restante à St. Sauveur Hotels Pyréneés) of the principal buildings of Bordeaux – then left A- chez un patissier near the hotel at 4 and brought the money home and locked it up in the secretaire – then back to A- then to the musée of paintings and came away at 4 55 nothing particular there but a fine old female Roman statue found here and a good painting of Mary of Medicis by Van D’Eyek [Vandyke] – the concierge there said trade is very bad at Bordeaux – 1of the principal négocians of Medox has not sold anything (wine) these 2 years – then at the cathedral at 5 – low broad nave – no side-aisle or side chapels – 2 arcades of transept on each side, and continued in 2 aisles round the choir, the one being in chapels the other clear roung the high altar – organ west end over handsome tribune taking up the whole breadth of the nave, and all of carved stone, carved in low relief – the organ takes one arcade, then 3 more arcades up to a different sort of column (a different period of architecture) clustered up to the top – the others not so – 3 of these other arcades up to the transepts – the 3 columns next the organ, singular, the arching springs from them like seven branches – 2 old pieces of sculpture under the organ up against the west end wall of the church – Jupiter and his eagle and Roman matrons and figures? the other side carrying a great heavy cross – and a man with a little cross in his hand with something tied to the top (petticoat-like?) and a heavy iron hexagonal? ring round one end of one of the arms of the cross – the west end built up with houses so that no west end church front is to be seen – then to the church of Sr. Surin – the most curious of all the 4 churches we have seen here (St. Michel, cathedral, Ste. Croix and St. Surin) – curious richly carved handsome south door – some part Roman but masked with a great modern projection that forms a sort of bay-porch in front of the door – I should think this front was originally rather à la Civray the old west door, masked by a modern porch is old and very interesting – the most interesting part of the church – the whole of the north part of the church is built up against – curious old carving and square capitals in this old west porch – Abraham going to sacrifice his son – and a man astride of a lamb beyond the altar – the name of Abraham written and another name Isaac? but it struck me these names were not original the interior of this church very interesting – at west end of nave 3 great old plain 3ft. or more diameter pillars, quite plain – came away at 6 – then to the Palais Galien – till 6 ¼ - 5 old Roman small arches + the 5 great arches are before another forming as it were a roadway, but in fact part of an amphitheatre? then to the musée des antiquities – too late – shuts at 4 – then to the Jardin botanique at 6 25 for ½ hour – determined to go tomorrow morning if fine, and leave here from 2 to 3 for Langon – home in 7 minutes at 7 10 – dinner at 7 ¼ and out at 8 ½ A- and I to our booksellers  A- bought 1 vol. 4to (another to come out 7 or 8 years hence) by.......... on the statistique de Bordeaux for the sake of the notice of the church of St. Croix -  I bought a medical work (but good generally) on the thermal waters of the Pyrénées etc. with a tolerable map of these mountains 7/. gave my address Madame L- de Shibden Poste restate at St. Sauveur Hotels Pyréneés for charpentier to be sent from Paris as soon as possible – the letter went before tonights’ post – the book will arrive in 7 or 8 days – paid for it 8/. including carriage 1/. and postage of letter – he shewed me a sort of Latin etymological dictionary 9 vols. 4to. (I think he said) good work – out of print – had refused 60/. for the work – but I think I might have it at that if I chose? – his boy came back with us and brought the books home at 10 – fine evening – had Josephine immediately – A- right today and this evening but so touch she was rather wron[g] because I know not what that I asked to look at her book or what? Perpetual showers till about 5pm and afterwards fine evening – wrote out from line 22 of p. 250 to here which took me till 2 35 tonight at which hour F66 ½° - then at accounts till 3
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