#Show all posts remove blogspot
asgardian--angels · 4 years
i look at my mess of a blog now and how nothing i do has a coordinated effort behind it and man... call those times cringe but at least i made a quality product with passion and my name was Known in those circles for years and I loved something with all my heart
to anyone, if you’re out there, who remembers me or follows me still from those days... thanks a bunch, and I feel bad I never could go back and give that blog closure, because I basically got locked out of it, by losing my password and deleting the recovery email account that linked to it. The years I loved Korn were such an important and fun part of my life, and I’ll always look back fondly on it. Frankly, I’m sad and a little angry at myself that I moved on from them. I miss being that passionate about a band. 
Anywho, if yall wanna check out what I am talking about, go ahead:
oh and dont forget the cringe comp tribute video i made jonathan davis that he actually watched LMAO https://korndawg711.tumblr.com/post/24627984289/i-chose-two-songs-that-would-show-the-two-sides-of
god i remember making that after hours in the high school libary on their video editing software. what a trip. it really actually made me emotional watching it again.
I had a good 10,000 or more photos of the band, pretty much everything ever taken... every rare song, so much rare merchandise (I looked at some of those things on the blog and was like, “Wait, Do I Still Have That? Where the Hell Is It???” and yeah, of course I do, I would never get rid of it. It’s buried somewhere in my bedroom back home. I ought to frame them and hang them up, because I’m still proud of them.) Back in the good old days where it was the thrill of the chase to be the one who collects pictures and magazine clippings and old posters like a dragon hoarding its treasure. Simpler times. Little things like an unreleased photoshoot outtake from 1994 were absolutely precious. The Korn fan community was always incredibly kind and welcoming, and I was inspired to start drawing and writing because of the talent I saw in Korn fanworks. I met the band, and was noticed by them on social media through the kind tributes and messages I sent their way. It was an incredible time full of new wonders to look forward to.
I’m glad these blogs still exist, that they haven’t been removed for inactivity. These things are archives of the past - my past - that sometimes I have to rediscover to remember who I was. It was like a whole other life. Guys, don’t fear your Cringe TM selves. They were a purer part of you that reveled in life and enjoying each moment. I wish I could get it back.
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p-artsypants · 5 years
Longest Night (16) Struggling
Marinette had thought Highschool had been hard. Right now, in this moment, she'd give anything to go back to those petty arguments and gossip fueled drama. But she couldn't. Instead, she and Adrien were trapped here, being punished, humiliated, tortured, for being heroes, all broadcasted for the world to see. At least she and her kitty were in this together. For now. Whump!Fic
Ao3 | FF.net
Note: This chapter has brief mentions of the previous two chapters. We are in the viewer’s perspective.
Hawkmoth. We need to talk. —Salo.
Alya stared at the sentence over and over, her breath hitching in her throat. How could this happen? It couldn’t! It just couldn’t!
“I have to remove this link!” Alya stated. “Max, can I get on your computer?”
“Of course,” he stated, taking out his laptop. “It’s pretty obvious how she posted that. You are using a public server through blogspot, after all.”
“Can you prevent her from doing it again?” She asked, logging into her account.
“Of course. No problem.”
Incorrect username.
Alya clenched her fists. “That bitch kicked me out!”
“Now now, hold on.” Max assured, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Let Markov try.”
“Of course, this will be easy. One moment please.” Markov plugged into the computer, and in a few seconds, the Ladyblog’s dashboard appeared.
“Wonderful! I’ll change my email and password too. After I delete this post!”
It was right up top, in the most plain and boring formatting. Just a white box with black text.
“Huh.” Alya said aloud, staring at it.
“What’s wrong, Al?” Asked Nino.
“There’s no trash icon. No comment section, no share icon, nothing. I can’t edit it or delete it.”
“Allow me,” stated Markov again.
A red triangle with an exclamation point came up on his face. “Whoopsies, we don’t have access to the post.”
“Whaddya mean we don’t have access!? This is my blog, isn’t it?”
“Yes and no.” Said Max. “Everything around this post is your blog. But this box itself is not.”
“Think of it…as Salo cut a hole in your website and has this in the background, showing through.”
“You can do that?” Asked Nino.
“Not easily, by any means. It’s extremely complicated. I’ve never tried it myself. No need to.”
“So…what do we do?” Alya crossed her arms, looking anxious.
Max screwed up his lip in thought, turning the laptop towards himself. He typed away, a next window coming up. In a flash of textual garbage, too complexed for anyone else to understand, he had a diagnosis. “Okay…well, the post has a slightly different URL, that’s associated with the blog. But it’s being hosted on a private server, which I can’t access. At least not yet. I can try to take it down, but it will take me a few hours, at least.”
“But we don’t have a few hours! Hawkmoth could see this post at any second!”
“I understand. The other thing we could do, is delete the blog in its entirety. Then the post won’t have a URL to associate with and will be unviewable.”
Delete the Ladyblog.
Alya felt sick.
What was two years of hard work in exchange for her friend’s safety? She still had all the videos, all the pictures, she could make a new website, right? One that got Marinette’s approval before every posting.
“Wait,” said Nino. “Shouldn’t we see where the link goes first? What if it helps the police find them?”
Alya gasped slightly. “I’m glad you thought of that!”
“Markov, initiate Backdraft operations.” Max said.
“Backdraft initiated.”
“What’s backdraft?” Asked Alya.
“It’s simply a protocol I use if I think my presence is being tracked, or I may be counter hacked. It’s basically a fancy firewall.”
“Oh, I see.”
With the class gathered around, Max clicked on the link.
Another window popped up, with a loading wheel. It spun for a moment, then a big red ‘X’ covered the screen and the window closed.
“Hmm…how very interesting.”
“What the heck was that?” Asked Kim, resting his chin on Max’s head like a pest.
“Believe it or not, that was a video chat. But it uses facial recognition to get in.”
“So it’s not going to be helpful to us at all. Huh?”
“I can try to track it. Though it may be difficult since the page closes so quickly.”
Nino whispered as quietly as possible. “Didn’t the detective say he wanted to use your blog to help with the investigation?”
Alya scrunched up her face. Now she had to make two decisions. Stop Hawkmoth, or take the chance and maybe get a lead on Salo.
Any normal person would have gone with the absolute, but Alya was desperate.
“Leave the blog up. Do you think you can track the link?”
“I’ll give it my best shot.” Said Max, honestly.
Alya gave a twitch of a smile.
Something about her conversation with Hawkmoth earlier niggled in her brain. He had addressed her by her name, not as an Akuma. And when she asked him to leave, he left.
Of course, there was no trusting the man, that was obvious, but as far as villains go, she was much more willing to deal with him than Salo.
Alya shook her head. That was an insane thought.
Then the bell rang, and lunch was officially over. Alya and Nino found their seats, now feeling keenly aware that Adrien and Marinette were both absent from class.
“Oh,” said Nino, holding up a pink backpack. “She left it here. Adrien’s is here too.”
Alya smiled fondly. “We’ll carry them back with us.”
Miss Bustier was nothing if not understanding. None of the students had their homework done from yesterday, so she just cancelled the assignment. Alya and Nino weren’t given the missed work from this morning either.  
She had a feeling they probably wouldn’t be doing it anyways.
Alya had her phone out all day, plugged into a portable charger.
She constantly refreshed the page, hoping for something different.
But no. For hours now, Adrien and Marinette has been hanging by the wrists from chains.
Near the end of the day, Alya looked over to see Marinette speaking to the camera.
She rewound, found the time stamp and raised her hand.
“Yes Alya?”
“Marinette’s saying something! She’s speaking to us!”
“Are you sure?” Miss Bustier asked.
Nino was already next to her, looking at the screen.
“She’s looking right at the camera. I don’t think she’s talking to Adrien.”
“Can I turn on the projector?” Asked Max.
“Well…” Miss Bustier saw the first broadcast. She had turned away the moment Marinette was demanded to strip. She hadn’t watched anything since, and didn’t know if it was safe to show the students.
But looking around, she saw that they were all worried, and eager to see what Marinette had to say.
And so she nodded at Max.
In a matter of seconds, the website was up, and Adrien and Marinette’s states were now visible to the room.
There was a round of gasps.
No one had watched the stream this morning.
“Is that…is that Adrien?” Chloe asked, with choking breath.
Regardless of the state of room, Alya hit play.
Marinette looked around, and then looked directly at the camera. She gave a tired little smile.
“Hey,” she spoke in an absolutely broken voice. “If you’re watching this, you…you’re probably feeling a little hopeless. I don’t blame you. I feel…pretty hopeless too. I mean, I’m…I’m stuck. I’m not sure how I’m going to get out of this. But…but Ladybug always saves the day, right?” She glanced away, choosing her words. “My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m 17 years old, and my favorite color is pink. I’m the daughter of the best bakers in Paris, though I might be a little bias.” She smiled slightly. “Before I became Ladybug, I was a normal girl, with a normal life. What made me extraordinary, was my willingness to help others, and my kindness. So Paris, I have a favor to ask:
“Be helpful and kind. Go out of your way do something nice for someone once a day. If you can do this for me, then I know Paris will be safe until we return.”
“I promise.” Alya heard Chloe whisper.
She glanced over to Adrien, then off screen, and then back at the camera. “Maman, Papa...I’m really really sorry I had to hide this from you. I didn’t want to, and some days I thought about how much easer it would be if I just told you. How I could explain the lateness and absences, and my bad grades. But I just had to let you think I was a bad kid. It was for your safety, after all...but despite my best efforts, this still happened, and now you’re in danger. Please get somewhere safe. Leave Paris if you have to. I love you so much. I promise I’ll be out soon.”
Her brow crinkled, as she hesitated. Then, “Alya, I’m sorry too. You…you probably feel kinda betrayed right now. But, like I said, it was for your own safety. You were put in peril so many times because of me. How many more would that have been if Hawkmoth thought you knew my identity? After everything, I hope you finally believe me now...sorry, that was harsh. I...I’ll forgive you, if you forgive me. Deal?”
Alya broke down sobbing. If there was anything else to be heard, she missed it. Of course she forgave Marinette! How could she not? Marinette picked her as Rena Rouge, time and time again!
And what did she do in return?
Stab her in the back.
Some best friend she was.
“Al…” Nino comforted. “It’s alright.”
“It’s not alright!” Alya shouted, startling everyone. She hated how much of a mess she was. She was supposed to be a superhero, damnit! But at this rate, Hawkmoth would try to akumatize her again.
“She’s right, you know.” Said Miss Bustier, rubbing a hand under her eye. “It’s not alright.” She cleared her throat and spoke to the class. “I know things seem bleak right now. And it’s okay to be upset. It’s okay to grieve and to hurt. But it’s never okay to hurt others to make yourself feel better. That’s exactly what Salo is doing. That’s what Hawkmoth has done for years. I know it hurts, and things seem hopeless. But we need to listen to Marinette, to Ladybug. Go out of your way to be kind to someone.”
Alya breathed a sigh. Miss Bustier always knew what to say to make things better.
“Alya, can you come stand with me please?”
She nodded, getting to her feet. Up front, Miss Bustier hugged her, and held her around the waist, as she beckoned each one of her students forward.
“Alya, you’re so smart.”
“You’ve got a wicked sense of humor!”
“You’re really perceptive, and notice things that others don’t!”
“You always put in that extra bit of work to make a project look amazing!”
On and on, each student complimented her, as was custom in Miss Bustier’s class. But all of them were genuine, not just going through the motions.
Except maybe Lila, but still, it was hard to tell. “You are really dedicated to your blog, and put everything on it, to make it just right.”
Alya swallowed. That comment fell flat in comparison to the others.
Chloe came up, a scowl directed in Lila’s direction, then she grabbed Alya by the upper arms. “You are fiercely protective to your friends. No matter who they are. If you feel friendly towards them, you protect them. And that’s something I’ve always admired about you.”
Alya wanted to cry again, but she spared Chloe the satisfaction. “You’re just trying to be nice.”
“Me? Nice? As if!” She scoffed, but they both knew it was true.
“The reason we do these activities,” explained Miss Bustier, “is so that when you see someone having hard time, you take the time to cheer them up. It should be an automatic response.”
“For Marinette and Adrien!” Cheered Kim in the back.
“For Marinette and Adrien!”
After school, Alya and Nino gathered their stuff from their lockers. It was time to head back to the Agreste Mansion, for their own safety. Though, the temptation to go out and patrol was strong. Yet the heat was still on, and it wasn’t smart to risk it just quite yet.
“Alya?” A soft voice asked.
It was Choe. And she looked shy. Sabrina was no where to be seen.
“Hey Chloe,” Alya said pleasantly. It felt better to just be nice, like Miss Bustier suggested.
“I…” Chloe started, then she turned away. It took a few tries, each time she started differently. Then, she finally managed out. “I don’t know what to do.”
“I…I don’t know what to do. Normally, when I want something, daddy just buys it for me. He takes care of everything. I’ve never been in a situation where I couldn’t have what I wanted. But…but I can’t do that with this. I begged daddy to save them. Both of them. And he tried! He talked to the chief of police and they got in contact with Europol…but basically…there’s nothing they can do. So…I have to do it myself. I have to save them.”
Alya scoffed slightly. “You can’t save them yourself.”
“I have too.” Chloe said right back, her daily stubbornness shining through. “You don’t understand!”
“I found the Bee Miraculous. Marinette dropped it, and I found it. Despite all my mistakes, all my insults and my cruelty, Marinette…Marinette let me become Queen Bee. Several times. She threw a party for me, when I felt like no one liked me. She went out of her way to help me reconnect with my mother. And…” She started to sob.
Chloe, it’s me, Ladybug. You can trust me, you can tell me the truth.
You have a purpose.
“She spoke to me in a way no one else had before. She was so…so nice! And she meant it! Only Adrien ever treated me like that! But I was never mean to him!” She sniffed and rubbed her eyes. “That’s why I have to save them! She has to know how sorry I am! How much I appreciate her! And how much Ladybug still means to me!”
Alya was touched. “Why you telling me this?”
“Because you’re the Ladyblogger, duh! You’ve got to know something! Don’t you have a hint to who Rena Rouge are Carapace are? Any way to contact them? I want to help them! As Queen Bee!”
Alya screwed up her lip. “And you don’t care about the attention of being a superhero in the limelight again?”
“Puh-lease, if I cared about attention, I wouldn’t look like this!” She gestured to herself.
Nino snickered. “I didn’t even think you owned a track suit.”
“How do you think I stay in peak physical form? By Instagraming all day?!”
“Fine! It’s Givenchy! Give me a break!”
Alya and Nino shared a look of understanding. Now was the time to use all the help they could get. Alya reached into her bag and pulled out a little black box. “Chloe Bourgeois. This is the Miraculous of the Bee. You will use it for good. Until such a time that Ladybug and Chat Noir are safe, you will keep it safe and protect it.”
“And you won’t put it on your snap story!” Nino added, harshly.
Chloe took the box, reverently. “Are…are you sure?”
“The guardian gave it to us, and told us to give it to you when we felt it was safe.”
Chloe, smiling, opened the lid, and a glittering yellow light appeared.
“Hello my queen!” Pollen sang.
“Pollen!” She scooped her up and held her to her cheek. Then she looked back to Alya and Nino. “When do we start our patrol?”
Alya laughed, happy to see Chloe so eager. “Soon. But we have some catch up to play.”
It had never been this hard to akumatize someone.
Granted, Chloe Bourgeois had put up a great fight. But it was nothing like this.
Hawkmoth had assumed Alya would be the perfect candidate to become an Akuma. In all the times he had been around her, granted it was only a handful, she had been absolutely devastated.
Lady WiFi had been amazing, and given her powers of pausing, she would have been great.
But, she was not cooperative. Sure, maybe he could have pushed her a little more, put on the pressure. But it didn’t feel right.
Nothing about this felt right.
And that’s what made him so conflicted.
Because we was willing to do whatever it took to get Emilie back. Exploiting people who were having the worst day, who were in unbearable pain.
So why the hesitation now? This was Adrien, the light of his life. The only family he had left. He loved his son, although he often had a hard time showing it.
He reached out to Nino Lahiffe, who, admittedly, was not as visibly upset as Alya had been, but his hurt was still present. Nino was unbearably calm as he asked Hawkmoth to ‘kindly f—- off.’
Next was Chloe Bourgeois. Surely she would agree, right? She loved Adrien!
Oh but she was nearly feral trying to get rid of him. She yanked on her hair and screamed and cried.
He left quickly, feeling her pain as his own.
He looked at Tom and Sabine, but didn’t have the heart to even try. Ladybug’s parents, now that was cruel.
He was beginning to run out of victims. Gorilla? Nathalie? Himself?
Lila Rossi! She was always ready and willing to be akumatized!
But then, he remembered with growing horror that she hated Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She may try to save Adrien, but she’d leave Marinette all alone to suffer. And that was almost worse.
He dropped his transformation, a dropped to his knees.
“Master? Please don’t cry.”
“I disgust myself.” He whined in the back of his throat. “Why…why can’t I do it? What makes this so different? Am I not desperate enough? Do I not love Adrien enough?!"
Noroo swooped in and nuzzled against Gabriel’s cheek. “You love Adrien plenty. Don’t beat yourself up over having sympathy for others in pain.”
Gabriel swallowed, digesting the kwami’s words. “I suppose...that means there’s hope for me yet.”
The elevator rose, bringing Nathalie into the room. “Sir, Madame Cheng has something to show you on the stream.”
“She found something?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then we’ll continue this later Noroo, let’s go.”
Sabine stood in the lobby, her phone in hand. Thankfully, the stream could be rewound to repeat anything that had happened. And so when Gabriel finally emerged from his office, she went to him, thrust the phone in his face, and pressed play.
“Notausgang. Does that word sound familiar?”
“No...it sounds German though. Why?”
“It’s written on the wall behind you.”
“Like Graffiti?”
“No...it looks like it’s supposed to be there. Like a sign.”
“A German sign on the wall? You don’t think...we’re in Germany, do you?”
“I have no clue where we are, but...why else would there be German on the wall?”
“Well, maybe we’re still in France. Maybe not Paris, but Alsace-Lorraine or...”
“Notausgang is German for ‘Emergency Exit’. It’s everywhere in Germany.” Gabriel responded. “Not so much in Alsace-Lorraine. If there’s no French by it, it’s safe to assume they are in Germany.”
Sabine choked. “Oh no…no no no…”
Gabriel rested a calm hand on her arm. “Sabine, it’s alright. This is good. We know we’re looking in the wrong place, and we can tell the detective what we learned. Okay?”
She nodded, wiping her cheeks. “I just…they’re so far…I feel so helpless!”
“I feel the same.” He assured.  
And he did. Not only did he have no clue where they were in Germany, but his akumas couldn’t reach farther than Paris. Even if he were to go to Germany, he’d have to spend days hopping around from city to city. And that wasn’t suspicious at all.
Still…if that’s what it took.
First, they’d talk to the detective. Then they’d plan the next move.
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murfeelee · 6 years
Tumblr’s Ineptitude Strikes Again: Empty Archives
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Uh...Tumblr? Buddy? Pal....
Why the eff is my Archive suddenly empty? O_o
Moreover, why are the only posts showing up the same posts y'all flagged, that I appealed for a review? Where are the other posts? 
The Archive is now only showing 1 or 2 posts for October 2018 to August 2015!
For reference, here is my Mass Post Editor, showing all my posts intact: (October 2018 - August 2018).
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I’m being filtered from myself! XD
Y’all literally just removed whole months -- whole YEARS worth of my posts from my Archive (2017 just isn’t even there). Even the posts y’all didn’t flag are gone! Nothing’s been deleted from my account (yet >_> ) but they’re not visible on my site, either! (I almost had a effing heart attack, thinking all my posts had been removed; it ain’t Dec 17 yet! This is NOT COOL.)
I’m over here busy trying to backup my posts to “A Better, More Positive” Blogspot, where it’s safe for me to post my SFW posts without the fear of them being thrown out with the bathwater as y’all fumble around with your busted filtering system, but now I can’t even see my own posts in the Archive to back them up!? 
I can’t keep this up all day, constantly telling Tumblr that you’re flagging the wrong posts and your precious algorithm can’t even tell SFW from NSFW.
Where can we find out which posts of ours got flagged, other than our tumblr.com/blog/username page? I have literally thousands of posts, and I’m sitting here scrolling and scrolling, and as of right now none of my posts are showing up as flagged so far, yet nothing’s showing up in my Archive, either!, 
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jimmytwohands · 6 years
Other places to follow me in case I get banned
On one of my pages a few doodles of genderless creatures with nipples got flagged as offensive, and I don’t have time to go thru all 5 of my accounts to look for flagged posts. A few pictures of my cats already got deleted (but none of the comics with actual dicks in them, for some reason). I’ll still post here unless I get banned, and hopefully I’ll get back into regularly drawing comics in the future. So in case any of my accounts get removed, or if you’re done with this platform, here’s where you can find me:
Twitter: @jimmy_two_hands
Instagram: @summerjimbo
Facebook for Hetfield the Cat: @hetfield.the.metallicat
Facebook for Danziggy: @Danziggy.Lucifudge
Facebook for Peehole: @peehole.magazine
If you want my actual Facebook profile, feel free to message me but I’m not posting that publicly for all the thousands of weirdos and pornbots who follow my different accounts here.
Maybe I’ll fire up my old blogspot again, that’s here: http://jimmytwohands.blogspot.com/
I think I got a MySpace too, I forget.
I’ve been doing a radio show lately, that’s here: http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/electricbeachblanket/
If anyone wants links to my different original musical projects let me know, I already posted enough.
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shinssoliloquy · 4 years
5 Questions you should ask anyone when they’re starting off a project made from the basis of ego and tenacity. I’m really not a particularly smart person, But I’m smart enough to know how dumb I really am.
I’ve always been itching to do this. Twitter was never a great way to display my thoughts and writing on grounds that by limiting characters your characters by tweet you’d either get into long threads of diatribes that likely no one will even read or you’d have to space out your thoughts and mince words in order to fit to these said limitations. Obviously it’s not a bad way per say to fully flesh out your thoughts but there’s obviously some downsides and you won’t be fully capable of fulfilling those quandaries, much so espousing on your thoughts and opinions to the fullest extent. I could write a book but I’m not knowledgeable enough feel like my thoughts are worth putting into a non-fiction book. I could join discord servers but I don’t know a wreath of people who even care. I could still talk off into the Twitter void but that’s only for short bursts at a time, any ideas or subjects I’d like to elucidate or spell out would just get lost, all my themes would shoot off into the negative space that is a twitter timeline regardless of if they’re worth revisiting or not.
But of course, would it even matter if people do care or they don’t. People live off making Youtube videos and content based on themselves because they assume people actually care about whatever benign thought or creative pursuit they’d have in their head. It’s not up to me to judge if my thoughts are worth putting out there but I guess the reason people use social media is to give a voice to the voiceless, have anyone out there a chance of their own success, But how does that affect content input though, How does impact your very own mental psyche. This is a conversation for another post and it’s far from a topic I’ll have any meaningful outlook on, just from my own experiences as an outsider looking in.
I always fancied myself a writer more than an illustrator. The whole crux of my need to learn how to draw was from the idea that “hey no one wants to draw my webcomic ideas on something awful or whatever internet messaging board I was using at the time that’ll date this post when I look back on it when I’m 40, I’ll learn how to draw then and show everyone I can STILL MAKE IT” Then I started drawing and never really looked back. Within the few years or so since I’ve made that discovery I never really focused on my writing, much less my creative writing. I’ve had few instances where I’d try to light up my spark by blog posting was making other short lived wordpresses and blogspots where I can peruse and write for a short while until I get bored and go back to drawing everyday. Of course two particular things happened in which I’ve gotten that spark back, to an extent. 1. The corona virus quarantine happened and I was stuck with nothing to do, I dropped out of school to go to a new college out of country that hasn’t really happened yet and aside from my retail job I haven’t had a good outlet for where to put my creativity too. So I ended up just drawing more but also, reading off some books off my backlog. I’ve always been interested in philosophy and non-fiction since reading Kant and Hume at age 12 and Now rediscovered it because of quarantine. Really I’ve always been a better writer or story teller than anything else but efforts to light up that energy in me has been fruitful and I’ve relegated to being another artist in the pile of artists who’s only personality is that they “like art”. Which made me realized how much of a better self sufficient and self respecting the writer can be rather then the animator. Illustrations are fleeting, words stick with you. Of course greats work of art exist and will always exist. Beautiful paintings can grip me just as much as a good work of philosophy can, But lately beautiful paintings have been disgruntled and disavowed from public schema. If you want to provide good art for people to see, use hashtags and make fast fleeting content for people to consume easily and forget about. Such is the way of social media and how they grip you to keep using their products, It’s not a revolutionary idea but it’s a concept that ends up working. In a way I’d like to counteract this by making fast fleeting content but also putting in forth ideas and writings which I can consider good but we’ll see how that ends up panning out. My goals as an artist is for another topic entirely but really I need a way to practice my non-fiction writing skills and having a blog where I can just go on and on about pointless shit is good exercise. 2. I’ve stopped communicating to people that would point me to a direction in life I didn’t really need to go through and because of that I took a detour in my mental stability and mental development, really it wasn’t good for me. but because of that I was able to keep track of where I need to go and have removed all elements in my life that can allow me to find different paths and know where I’ll truly be. I could also just talk to people about these kinds of stuff but it’s hard to really find people who I can talk about the stuff I want to talk about with and nothing really beats writing a whole diatribe about whatever comes to your mind at the time. Why do I have a lot on my mind? You’ll hear that story in another time but it’s MOST likely an autism thing.
Look at section: Who again but to summarize and clarify what I mean. Content is fast fleeting and non-self actualizing, people don’t want ideas they want content, They need personalities to leech off and see themselves in instead of being creatives themselves. As someone who makes art and wants to make more art It’s hard to really judge if my art is worth it for the algorithm or if it’s worth it to bring in audience retention. Not to mention most people who use social media are kids, and the only way to grab kids attention is to play to their interests, play into their already corroded brains by playing onto their synapses, Not to imply I dislike it per say but more so that I feel that certain audience can somewhat affect your creative output. 
I made a Medium account last month after reading an article on Luxury Communism. It was a fine article but what I got out of it was how good it seems to use Medium to communicate and write articles like these, Until I realized that really it can only be used for more academic pieces and while sure I’d like to do that one day something more lowkey and personal was what I really needed. Hence a tumblr, originally a blogging website before being used to oxidize internet discourse and internet creativity in general, was a perfect outlet for these kinds of posts. I’m actually used to using tumblr for one and can edit and know my way around doing these sorts of posts and the archive feature is good if I ever want to look back on old posts as opposed to Twitter. I can use the ask feauture to take requests or have feedback on my posts in a more concise manner. Unlike Medium or Wordpress I can easily hide certain posts or even the entire account if I wanted too and I won’t be seen or be recommended by the algorithm because I won’t even put tags on these posts. If you know where to find me you know where to find me. Although I do think I’ll make this public at some point I atleast need to know if I’ll even use this or if I’ll even keep making the same kinds of posts as I’d want too.
I’ve already explained why you knucklehead, but I guess here were some of my inspirations to make a writing blog. I could list actual writers or twitter personalities or internet reviewers with blogs I can talk about, for example Yahtzee Crosshaw, Film Crit Hulk, Or even the elusive Andrew Hussie when he had a wordposts and while those people were instrumental to my development as a writer and artist I can’t say they were my full inspiration for making this.
Back in 2016, I was introduced to the Procrastinators’ Podcast by consuming Digibro content and having her podcast be linked at the end of one of her videos. I’ve since started concurrently watching her podcast and while I’ve always sucked into Digi’s cult of personality I’ve started appreciated her other friends in the podcast too, everyone except Nate. One of those members I gravitated too was MunchyWearsTinyHats. He was only one year older than me but I could still see myself in him and in effect appreciated him more than anyone in the podcast. We both seemingly grew up watching and reading the same shit, Homestuck, TF2, He introduced me to Nuclear Throne which because one of my favorite games and we both had the same appreciation for Hussie, Sam Hyde (sadly) Performance art, weird abstract art bullshit and of course My Little Pony. If I actually joined RFCK who knows what would’ve happened but that’s just my take. Of course a surface level description of Munchy aside, as someone who consumed everything he was in, I Lived my life vicariously through him and to all the members of the Procrastinators’ Podcast to an extent even though we both became completely different people as we reached our 20s. Currently he’s 20 and I’m less than a year away to being 20. But I feel as if our paths have drifted far enough that I can properly say I became a whole new different person to who I was in 2016. I still have appreciation for MLP, Homestuck and Minecraft and all the weird media shit me and him consumed. Back then I even modeled my art and persona to look like his too, It was a whole thing. Of course all of these posts and videos and personalities are very very out of date and they don’t reflect the content I consume or even the type of person I am now. I had a friend who also liked the PCP, well it was more like a love-hate relationship I feel but it was nice having someone who I could talk about the PCP with since at this time they were the only people or content creators I was consuming, what’s less said about current pcp the better. She’s always told me, I feel sorry for people who model their lives around these content creators and take advice from them since they clearly don’t know what they’re doing. And while I agree with her to an extent, I wouldn’t go as far as to discredit these artists accomplishments since they seem fulfilled with what they’ve made of themselves, not like we’re doing anything different or are any different to them. It’s about trying to live in a world with your own meaning in it and you can’t do that but disparaging the careers of grown men you don’t even know. Again topic for another day but I guess with this blog I’m always copying and ripping off some of their ideas for myself. In 2019, Munchy made a Tumblr where he’d detail and do the same thing and post blogs or writings he’s made or opinions he’s had, It hasn’t been updated in a year and a half but if it isn’t broke, don’t call the gas company asking for a refund. I even stole his alliteration with Shinsuke’s Soliloquy and Munchy’s Manuscripts, Shinsuke being my real God-given name. Of course the posts on his tumblr are really incredibly out of date and downright stupid and I’ll talk about them on their own on a seperate post since I feel like he really just didn’t know what he talked about and they’re baseline at best and wrong at worst. Regardless he still planted the seed of me as a person to make my own blog and talk about random bullshit.
Obviously I will still tweet out stuff on my private twitter, Obviously I will still make art. Right now I’m making my own comics and writing a few short stories that maybe? I’ll put here I’m not really sure. Just depends on if they’re worthy on being posted since I’ll make a short story collection with them instead. Maybe I’ll continue the favorite character writing, maybe I’ll make my own picrew. We’ll see and no doubt these promises will become out of date in a week or two. Rather than the right of the moment malaise of tweeting around bullshit and sending it quickly I’ll use this for more concise text, something that I can sink my teeth in and tap away for what like 5 hours or so? Beats the essays i’d be doing but it doesn’t help that I am typing this in total silence, and I guess those essays will just be posted here. Do people post their school essays like they post their poems or their artwork for school? If you want to use my ask blog then it’s right there if you want a topic for me to talk about or just ask me a regular question. I’m bringing back tumblr asks to it’s real purpose. And of course, the only thing sure about me, is that nothings for sure.
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mrarifblogger · 4 years
Buy a domain and attach with Blogger
When you start your work on Blogger, you are given a no cost sub domain by Blogger. On Blogspot you get AdSense approval but it will be too late for you to access your site.  The sub domain calculates that if any of your clicks come from India, your domain will be in front of .in if the click comes from USA.  So .usa will come in front of the site. If a visitor comes from Pakistan, then .pk will come in front of your site, but the problem is that it takes a lot of time to rank this site and it approves adsense.  Also get too late.
I will show you how you can attach Godaddy High Level .com domain to your blog by removing Blogspot sub domain .blogspot I will tell you.
The first thing you need to do is visit Godaddy website. If you want to buy a domain, you must have a MasterCard or Visa card. Only then can you buy Godaddy .com domain.  The top level domain will tell you how to attach it to Blogger.
Visit now Godaddy website.
If you are from India then select .in If you are from Pakistan then select .pk If you are from USA then select .usa and register domain in the way I will tell you.
When you click on the link to Godaddy  site you will be taken to Godaddy homepage. First you have to sign up to Godaddy and then you have to buy a domain.
If you want to sign up to Godaddy from your Facebook account, you can also sign up from your Facebook account. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can also sign up from your Google Account.  You have to add your complete details. You have to get your Godaddy account verified. You will get it done when you buy a domain. You have to save Godaddy  password properly, otherwise your domain may be compromised.  In Detail you have to enter your home address, your country, your postal code and then you have to buy your domain. For this you have to have Visa card then you have to save your Visa card number, expiry date CVV code and buy land.
Your Debit card:
Back side : CVV code example 123
Front side card no example:    4245 5757 3565 5675
And front side example: expiry date 09/26
When you sign up on Godaddy, a home page will open in front of you in which you have to search for your domain name and add it to the cart.  Will.
Process 9 picture 👇
I have shown you clearly in the picture that you have to buy Godaddy's .com domain where I have marked the arrow and mark the circle. You have to click on it and the next page will open in front of you.  You have to complete it and buy the .com domain by entering your details.
I will show you the complete way to attach your purchased  .com domain with Blogger as I will show in the picture which has an arrow on it and a circle which will show in the picture as you clearly see your  .Com domain can be attached to your blogger and your .blogspot.com can be removed from your blogger.
Setting Complete: 
As I told you, you have to buy Godaddy top level .com domain and attach it to your blogger and remove your blogger's .blogspot domain if you want to increase your Godaddy .com domain authority.  If so, read our article.
Another thing that can cause a 404 error on your site is if you do not complete the setting of the domain then I will tell you how you can solve it:
I'll tell you why a 404 error occurs on your site and how you can fix it. The latest trick is that before today on YouTube and on the blog very few people would have told you  I will tell you there are many mistakes that you make and if a 404 error occurs on your site then I will tell you how you can solve it. I will tell you three points.  Only then will you understand the trick to solve the 404 error.
Main three points:
(1)  If you have been working on Blogger for a long time and you have not taken the custom domain, then you use .blogspot domain. If you publish a new post then your domain will not be open and 404 will come to your site.
(2)  The second point is that this point is very important. If you understand this, you can avoid making a big mistake. If you used to work on Blogger, you have converted all the content of your blog to WordPress.  Deleting all the articles and converting them to WordPress then 404 error will come to your site. Why it comes is that when your custom domain is on Blogger, all your articles are indexed by the crawler to your site.  What happens is that when all your content goes to WordPress, the crawler also leaves your site and gets a 404 error on your site.
(3)  Let me tell you another point which can be very detrimental to you if you miss it. If you do not have a custom domain.  You can avoid only I am giving you an example like if you named the subdomain blogger.blogspot.com you changed your URL for some reason and named the URL youtube.blogspot.com then your page  There will definitely be a 404 error. I'm just giving you an example of a sub domain. The sub domain never gets a 404 error. The 404 error only comes on a top-level domain.  com, .net, .co comes on domains like this so I just gave you an example to explain it means if you bought a custom domain you lost that domain and you bought another domain then with you  It can happen.
Solve process 404 error:
If you have missed any of these 3 points and you do not know and 404 error has occurred on your site then how can you remove it I will tell you when you visit your blogger  If I add a custom site, there is one thing in it. If you miss it, your site will get 404 error. Let me tell you about this. If there is a 404 error on your site, your site's ranking will go down.  And visitors to your site leave your site and go to someone else's site.
You must add this code to your domain's DNS when setting up your domain's DNS.
If you did not add this code to your DNS settings, you will get a 404 whenever you publish a new article.  If an error occurs, you should index your article in Google, then 404 error will be removed from the top of your site.
3 reasons?Why Google ads don't run campaigns.
If you like our article, be sure to subscribe to our blog. Whenever I publish an informative article, you will receive a notification and let us know in the comments how you like our article. 
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mxblog24 · 4 years
How to Increase Ad Profit Without Increasing Traffic
5 min read
The majority of publishers who are just starting out seem to think that the only way to increase their profits is by getting more traffic to your website.
This could not be more wrong!
More often than not, you will see much bigger increases from making changes to your website or your ads, instead of getting more eye-balls to your blog.
Here are the top 7 ways to increase ad profit without increasing traffic.
Different ad networks have different limitations in terms of how many ads you can show on a page. They’ve set these limits for a reason — using this number of ads usually makes the most money for the ad network, which means that you’ll also make the most money out of it.
In the case of Infolinks, for example, make sure you test out all of the products:
Most of these you’ll be able to use at the same time and it would be silly not to try them out. Keep adding them on your site one-by-one with small breaks in between and if something makes your revenue drop or ruins the user experience on your website — remove it and try a different combination.
This may sound slightly contradictory to my previous bit of advice, but it’s true. Although I encourage you to try and use all of the advertising options you’ve got access to, you have to do it within reason.
If your whole website is full of ads, pop-ups and content become unreadable, your visitors will never return and it may heavily affect the traffic your website gains from search engines.
Non-intrusive advertising is fine with the majority of readers so put yourself in your readers’ shoes and analyze your pages. Where would you be likely to look at an ad and click on it?
To make this easier, you can use tools like heat maps and video recorders. One of the best options for this is a tool called MouseFlow. It records your website from the user’s perspective, showing you how they move their mouse, where they click, and so on.
The tool is free up to 100 recordings per month and has premium versions as well. You can actually use the coupon code “MonetizePros” to get 750 free recordings with them.
This is definitely one of the easiest ways to optimize your ads. If an ad or ad unit is making you a lot of money, you should place it where it gets seen the most.
Above the fold is the section of your website which is visible without the need to scroll — for example, your header and your menu.
The majority of people do not scroll through your entire page so many of your ad units may be getting fewer impressions than they deserve.
It’s important to keep in mind that sometimes ads perform well because of their location and moving them above the fold may actually decrease earnings — always remember to measure the impact of your changes.
In general, this experiment tends to pay off and increase revenue up to 35%.
This isn’t directly rated to revenue but it’s probably the most important point in this article.
Invest some money in starting a blog that looks professional.
Have a look at these two websites, which one do you trust more? Which one’s ads are you more likely to click on (without the fear of malware)?
A BlogSpot niche site will never look as good as a professionally made website on a proper blogging platform.
Here’s a good rule to follow: pretend you’re bigger than you are.
Even if you’re running a small website about taking care of cats, act as if you’re running the biggest cat magazine in the world and your readers will feel the same.
Having a proper website or the right platform also gives your more opportunities for split-testing ad layouts, different designs and so on.
The most common mistake I’ve seen in display advertising is trying to make your ad units match the design of your website. Sure, your blog will look beautiful but no one will notice your ads.
Find complementary colors that make your ad units stand out from the rest of your website. For example, if you’ve got an orange theme on your website, blue will fit in the design perfectly but stand out from all of the rest.
Try different colors and yet again, measure the impact. On a lot of tests that we’ve done over at MonetizePros, the ugliest colors we could find had the best click-through rates!
While it’s scary to make your site look “ugly” — your readers will not leave because of it. Advertising is a part of life and your readers know it, as Dominic Wells said in his post about display advertising myths.
We all spend huge amounts of time on our smartphones and tablets but when it comes to internet marketing, most people neglect their mobile readers.
On MonetizePros for example, nearly 30% of our traffic comes from mobile devices and tablets! That’s over 30,000 people a month!
Whichever ad network you’re using, make sure they’ve got mobile ads as well.
With a little help from a developer, you will be able to set up different ad layouts for desktop and mobile, which means you can split-test the locations separately.
Since the user experience is completely different, the ad placements have to be different.
Getting more traffic overall is great but you should also try to get more page views per user.
While I might not click on an ad when landing on the first article I’m reading from your website, usually, a second-page view will show me completely different ads that I may be more likely to click on.
Try to interlink the content on your website as much as possible and keep your users engaged!
The best example for this is any major news outlet. You’ve surely seen articles like “The Best Blogs For Entrepreneurs You Should be Reading”.
Why do you think they use those annoying slideshows and galleries? To get more page views, more ad impressions, and more clicks.
While I don’t recommend killing your user experience with the kind of stuff that Inc.com does, it’s a good example of what’s possible.
What tests have you done, that increases your advertising revenue the most?
Originally published at https://businessscan24.blogspot.com.
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erickogtl713-blog · 4 years
5 Cliches About Www Autoblog Com You Should Avoid
Tutorial: How To Automate Blogging (For People Who Hate ...
Or did it? If you were wondering how to start a blog without ever lifting a finger, i’m afraid you’re out of luck. You see, the days of slapping something together and receiving an endless amount of traffic are long gone. That being said, autoblogging is actually very powerful to this day, but only if you put some additional effort on your part.
Let’s talk more about the aforementioned “ongoing effort” required, and the best ways to make content aggregation work for you. Create a hybrid blog consisting of original and syndicated content combined. As autoblogs mainly consist of previously-published content, you shouldn’t expect to receive any organic traffic from Google. Why? Because it normally ranks the original content over its copied counterpart.
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This may also increase your blog’s overall usefulness as it neatly complements and strengthens the syndicated portion of your blog. Create a purely-syndicated website with no original content. While I personally prefer the first option, there are ways to be successful with a blog that features no original content of any kind.
Now let’s look at some real-life examples as a means of backing up the above two options. We all know how cats took over the internet, especially after YouTube arrived at the scene. autologin. Much like avid kitty lovers, there are plenty of other animals people enjoy watching on a daily basis; this is your chance to import a niche selection and grow an amazingly fun website.
What's The Future Of Blogging Platforms? -
For each video published on your blog, you could write a brief description by dissecting exactly what takes place in the footage. This gives you a chance to add a unique spin or humorous commentary. In addition, this small effort helps with your blog’s SEO while removing much of the legwork, as you won’t have to manually add relevant videos yourself - automatic blogging.
This is perhaps the most common and natural idea. As news pieces never stop coming, there will always be something to show your blog audience (blogs auto). Let’s say your blog is about science and technology. In this case, dedicate a page to the latest (aggregated) news and breakthroughs to complement your original content in between.
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And as your site will be updated 24 hours a day thanks to the power of aggregation, this could become the go-to place for many readers over time. It helps to have the best of both worlds. One of my websites actually displays remote writing gigs from all over the web.
Meanwhile, I post a fair share of original content to help elevate authority content marketing calendar and bring in additional traffic. These aggregated jobs have proven highly successful and many users return everyday to find new home-based gigs with ease. blogspot beginners. Can you think of other niche jobs to add to your website? There are plenty of professions out there; make it easy by gathering them in one place job seekers will love you for it.
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While you could certainly go at it alone, your connections to fellow solopreneurs helps elevate your status as they expose you to their own audience over time - wordpress autoblogger. A good way to accomplish this is to link to their latest blog posts, and this is where autoblogging functions come in handy.
A content aggregator plugin can further refine your results through the use of filters and other related options. The above also gives your audience even more to read, as they’d happily check out an article from your favorite bloggers due to their relevancy. Autoblogging allows you to get even more creative by constructing an extensive directory – either niche or fairly broad.
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These guys have formed a gigantic blog directory that consists of blog RSS feeds in every conceivable category. blogs on auto. This has made AllTop stand out as one of the best places to discover new blogs and interesting topics. Contrary to the aforementioned idea (featuring posts from your favorite bloggers), a full-fledged directory would showcase a more extensive/broad list that ultimately link back to the original source.
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It’s highly recommended that you follow option #1 above, as publishing both new and aggregated content (at the same time) works like a charm. Here are some additional tips to truly leverage aggregated content… I personally rely on WP RSS Aggregator along with some complimentary add-ons, including Keyword Filtering to get only the exact content I need.
Blog - Wikipedia
WP RSS Aggregator Get started with autoblogging on WordPress today. Do you wish to bypass original content – and therefore organic traffic – altogether? In that case, Leverage social media and popular niche communities. Organic search should only be a portion of your overall traffic, not the primary source. Don’t be afraid of “losing traffic to other bloggers” by aggregating their links.
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You may then ask them to share your content as a favor and make this a win-win situation. Regardless of your idea, ensure you have the rights and permissions to display all aggregated content – especially when it comes to full-fledged pieces as opposed to mere links. As you can see, autoblogging is very much alive – and I speak from personal experience (blog used).
The 7 Best Blogs On Marketing Automation - Hatchbuck
Think of the material you could aggregate, the helpful directories you could build, the potential relationships you could develop, among other great ideas. Best of luck! Elvis Michael is a passionate freelancer and solopreneur. He enjoys improving freelance culture and teaching others how to reach their goals. Autoblogging is a way of setting up a website whose blog is taken care of automatically, constantly updated with fresh, curated and quality content of your choice.
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Are You looking for Premium or Free Best AutoBlogging plugins for WordPress? Using AutoBlogging Plugin You can easily import the RSS , Atom feeds and display them on the website . Maintaining a Blog website is really a difficult job . So many of the people want a blog website which will automatically create post and publish them .
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They basically fetch the other website content and convert them into post automatically and post that from your website. automat blog. Autoblogging is not done by good websites. Even Google hate these websites because mainly these website are used by spammer’s and content scrapers . So without wasting our time anymore we will look into list of Best AutoBlogging plugins for WordPress which are as follows: WP Robot helps the users to create high quality WordPress blog posts and that too automatically.
It has also gained the title of best autoblogging plugin for WordPress. Build- Completely new autoblogs can be built for WordPress for PNBs or as satellite sites. Curate- Engaging content can be curated for the readers that helps to boost the SEO and also interests the readers. Autopost All Things- Menu content sources are supported by WP Robot.
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Some of the sources are Amazon, YouTube, Eventful, RSS, etc. Compatible- The plugin is compatible with all kinds of WordPress themes. autoblogged plugin. International Support- Autoblogging can be done in many languages such as German, French, Chinese, etc. Automatic translation- This feature is integrated with spinning software which helps to create automatic unique content.
Feeds can be imported anywhere in the site. RSS feeds can be integrated with the use of shortcodes and widgtes. Shortcode friendly- The plugin becomes very easy to use using the shortcodes generated by this plugin. Some of the shortcode parameters can be edited which helps the users to define the manner the feeds are displayed on the website.
Using The Built-in Blog - Bigcommerce Support
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Or an image can be selected to display along with the feed. Mobile Friendly- The plugin automatically does caching. So the page loading times becomes simpler. WordAI Integration- Feed can be integrated with post with WordAI (free autoblogging plugin). It helps to rephrase feed content and content is not duplicated over the website.
Referral/affiliate ID is automatically included in the feed link. Feed to Post- Content from various RSS sources can be inserted into the post. The feed items are automatically filtered and the contents are placed in the WordPress site as wanted. -- -- Contents can be posted from various sources to the WordPress site automatically through WordPress Automatic plugin.
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Extract specific parts of original feeds post- Two specified part of original feeds post can be extracted using WordPress automatic by XPath, REGEX and CSS id/class. Duplicate title skip- Previously posted posts with the same title are not duplicated. Convert encoding before posting- Extracted content coding can be converted form any specific encoding to utf-8 so that it becomes compatible with WordPress.
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dahviereceipts · 4 years
“Garrett Ecstàsy” (Garrett Marshall McLaughlin) / Torres’ second arrest
(NOTE: The subject of “Garrett Ecstàsy” and Jesus David Torres’ second arrest have been merged into one post, as the incident is directly related to Garrett’s first-hand experience.)
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Former “Blood on the Dance Floor” singer, the predecessor of Jayy Von Monroe, was recruited by Jesus David Torres / “Dahvie Vanity” through Myspace in 2008 (aged 18) for uncredited backing vocals (the “screamer”) on the album ‘It’s Hard to Be a Diamond in a Rhinestone World’, and was later incorporated as the band’s second lead vocalist with Torres, releasing 3 extended plays and one single over the summer of 2009.
Torres Arrested - 09/13/2009 in Denver, CO
On the night of September 12 2009, Torres raped a 15 year old girl on the band’s tour bus before their 6pm “all ages” show at ‘The LifeSpot’ venue in Denver, Colorado. The police were called shortly after and Torres was taken into custody, booked on September 13th.
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(BOTDF Myspace 09/12/2009 via WebArchive)
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(Garrett’s personal Twitter, during or shortly after Torres’ arrest)
Garrett McLaughlin later described the incident in detail to the Huffington Post in late 2018, extrapolating on the events leading up to Torres’ arrest:
Torres was arrested in 2009, apparently after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her at one of his shows. In a video on BOTDF’s YouTube channel, he later claimed the woman “seemed to have underlying mental issues.” Police took him into custody, then released him.
Witnesses who were present on the night of the alleged incident tell a different story. It was Sept. 12, 2009, and BOTDF was performing in Denver, according to McLaughlin, who was still singing alongside Torres at the time, and a woman named Elyse who did not want to use her full name, who was selling BOTDF merchandise at the show. That night, they said, is what led McLaughlin to quit the band and accuse Torres of pedophilia.
After setting up at the venue, McLaughlin said, he and a friend walked out to the parking lot to hang out in BOTDF’s tour van until the show started. To their surprise, the van had been moved to a location “where it was dark and no one was around.” They opened the door and found Torres inside with two girls who appeared to be “really young” teenagers, he said.
Torres “chased us away. He didn’t want us near the van,” said McLaughlin, who said he then went back inside the venue. Time passed, and it was getting close to show time, but according to McLaughlin, Torres was nowhere to be found, and the tour van was gone. McLaughlin said he was starting to worry that something was wrong, but Torres showed up just in time and the group went onstage.
“We play probably two songs and then the lights come on in the building. The sound gets cut off. We’re done. They won’t let us play. There’s somebody up at the sound stage motioning for us to get off the stage,” said McLaughlin. “In my head I’m just wondering, ‘What did Dahvie do?’”
The band stormed through the crowd to figure out what was going on. Police cars had surrounded the building, and an officer asked Torres for his name, then handcuffed him against a wall, according to McLaughlin and Elyse. Once outside, McLaughlin said, he noticed that one of the girls he’d seen in the van was sitting on the ground, speaking to a police officer and pointing at Torres. She sobbed and said Torres had forced her to perform oral sex, McLaughlin said. 
In its story, MetalSucks published an unverified copy of what appears to be an arrest record from a Colorado police department documenting a sexual assault committed by Torres. It’s dated Sept. 13, 2009, the day after BOTDF performed in Denver. HuffPost was unable to verify the document’s legitimacy or confirm if a charge was ever filed. A representative at the Colorado Bureau of Investigations would not say if any arrest records existed in Torres’ name, and noted that sealed court records are not accessible to journalists or the public.
(via Huffington Post)
This is the aforementioned arrest record in question procured by BVTV (”ak99superstar” on Youtube), a local band-news YouTube channel that covered the initial incident and reactions from the fellow bands on the tour following Torres’ arrest.
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(Original Youtube Video 11/26/2009 via WebArchive)
The videos about Torres were removed after an agreement was made to do an interview with him. It is unknown if or when this interview actually took place, or if copies of the original videos still exist.
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Torres released from police custody - 09/20/2009
After approximately 6 days in police custody, the victim refused to press charges against Torres and he was released to the public.
The refusal for the 15 year old victim to pursue the case against him, including taking a rape kit, is Torres’ primary defense that the allegation against him was illegitimate. As of 04/10/2020 the victim in this case has yet to come forward. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are substantial barriers for pursuing rape charges, especially for young teenagers: the cost of legal defense, the cost of a rape kit and related medical bills (even with insurance), and the prospect of revisiting the assault multiple times in court are common reasons for victims to drop their cases.
On September 21, 2009 he made a blog post to his Myspace talking about the situation.
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(Myspace post via WebArchive)
Upon his release, Torres was banned from performing the remaining dates on the ‘OMFG Tour’. Garrett and the other bands on the tour, including ‘Electric Valentine’ and ‘Weston Buck’, concluded the tour without him in lieu of cancelling. (Videos: Garrett performs shows without Torres [1] [2] [3] [4]) 
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Torres was released from police custody on September 20th, immediately taking to Myspace to denounce Garrett.
Torres Slanders Garrett 
Immediately following his release from police custody, Torres posted a blog entry to the band’s Myspace account proclaiming that Garrett had been “kicked out” of Blood on the Dance Floor for various offenses. 
He alleges that Garrett was a frequent user of unspecified drugs, “stole” the band’s tour van, “stole” Blood on the Dance Floor from him by performing the remaining shows without him, deleted unreleased recordings, “wrecked” the tour van, and “stole” money from him and the band.
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(Original Myspace via WebArchive) 
Due to Myspace’s degradation over the years, and the lack of a WebArchive entry, the link to Garrett’s original testimonial/response to this post on Myspace no longer is accessible. However, the text was mirrored on an unrelated party’s blogspot (now defunct):
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There are still surviving tweets online from Garrett regarding the post on his now-abandoned Twitter account:
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Electric Valentine reached out to this archive on Twitter with screenshots of Torres threatening them over text messages after being kicked off the tour.
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References to the case in Torres’ videos
Torres has made multiple “response” videos in the past that attempt to address this particular arrest. Due to the lack of accessible information, he claims that this is the one and only case ever brought against him, and further relies on the common misinformation that the victim in this case was either Damien Leonhardt (“Jessi Slaughters”), a “17 year old” with “mental issues” - alleging that the victim was within age-of-consent laws due to perceived inaccessibility of the information about the case, and that the refusal for the victim to pursue further charges is automatically an admission of the allegation being “false”.
0 notes
jjpocketbook · 5 years
Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings?
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If you have ever left a comment on NeilPatel.com, you’ll notice that there is no URL field.
Well, a few years ago, blog commenting exploded. I was literally getting thousands of spam comments a day from people just leaving a comment for the purpose of link building instead of providing value to the community.
Sure, there are spam plugins like Akismet, but it doesn’t catch everything.
Now, most blog comments contain the nofollow attribute in which they tell Google not to follow the link or drive any “SEO value” to that URL.
But still, people still leave blog comments for the purpose of link building.
So, over the past 7 months, I’ve been running an interesting experiment to answer the age-old question…
Do backlinks from blog comments actually help rankings?
Experiment rules
First off, for this experiment, we used “domain score,” which is similar to domain authority.
If you want to know your domain score, the backlinks report in Ubersuggest will tell you what it is.
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With this experiment, I sent out an email to a part of my list looking for participants and had 794 websites apply.
From there, I set the following criteria:
English-only sites – It’s easier to rank on many of Google’s international search engines even without building links. I removed non-English speaking sites as I didn’t want to skew the results.
Low-authority sites – I removed any website with a domain score greater than 20 and any site with more than 20 backlinks. The reason being is when a site has a lot of authority, they tend to rank easily for new keywords, even if they don’t build any new links.
No subdomains – I didn’t want a WordPress.com site, a Blogspot site, or even a Tumblr site. Again, this would skew the results so I removed them.
After eliminating the sites that didn’t meet the above criteria, I was left with 314 sites.
Of those 314 sites, many dropped off because they didn’t complete the required work on their part (which was to write a blog post), so I was left with 183 sites at the end that participated.
How the experiment worked
Similar to my previous link building experiment and my on-page SEO experiment,  I had these websites write a 1,800 to 2,000-word blog post on whatever subject that was relevant to their site.
The websites had 2 weeks to publish their content and then after 30 days, I looked up their URL in Ubersuggest to see how many keywords each URL ranked for in the top 100 spots, top 50, spots, and top 10 spots.
As I have mentioned in the past, Ubersuggest has a big database of keywords. We are currently tracking 1,459,103,429 keywords.
Now, most of these keywords are barely searched but a decent amount of them get hundreds, if not thousands, of searches per month. A much smaller percentage of keywords generate hundreds of thousands or even millions of searches per month.
In other words, the majority of the keywords people are searching for are long-tail phrases.
We then spent a month building links and then waited another 3 months to see what happened to each site’s rankings.
But here’s the thing: We didn’t build the same type of links to all sites. Instead, we broke the 183 sites into 4 groups (roughly 46 sites per group).
Here were the groups:
Control – we didn’t build any links to these sites, we just wanted to see what happened to their rankings over time with no focus on link building.
Nofollow high domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 10 links through blog comments. The links pointed to the newly written post and they were from blogs that had a domain score of 50 or higher and they all contained a nofollow attribute.
Dofollow high domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 5 links through blog comments. The links pointed to the new post and were dofollow from blogs with a domain score of 40 or higher. (I reduced the domain score criteria for this category and the link quantity as we struggled to find a large number of high authority blogs that pass link juice in the comment section.)
Dofollow low domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 10 links through blog comments. Each link pointed back to the article and it was from a blog that contains a domain score of at least 20 but no higher than 39. (I was able to build more links here as there are many more low domain score blogs than high domain score ones.)
Keep in mind with the link building for groups 2, 3 and 4, there was no specific anchor text agenda. Because the links were built through blog comments, it was too hard to control the anchor text as we didn’t want to be spammy.
And each comment left on the blog contained at least 75 words as we wanted to ensure that each comment provided value and the core purpose wasn’t just link building.
Alright, so let’s dive into the results.
Control group
Do you really need links to rank on Google? Well, the chart below says a lot…
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As you can see over time, you will naturally grow your search rankings even if you don’t build any links.
Of course, if your content is amazing and you do on-page SEO, you’ll rank higher, but still not growing your link count doesn’t mean you will rank for anything out there… instead, you will still rank for long-tail terms that aren’t too competitive.
Nofollow high domain score blog comment links
Now the results from this group were interesting…
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As you can see, the sites in this group had better results than the control group even though the links were nofollowed.
Keep in mind, though, that it could be many variables that caused this, such as the content quality may have been better.
Overall, the sites did perform better than the control group but not by a substantial amount.
Dofollow high domain score blog comment links
Google is sophisticated, they are able to know if a link is from user-generated content (such as blog comments), so I assumed even though the links where dofollow they still wouldn’t have much (if any) impact.
But, shockingly, sites in this group had the largest gains.
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As you can see from the chart above, links from high authority sites, even if it is through user-generated content, help with rankings. They just have to be dofollow.
Dofollow low domain score blog comment links
With this last group, we were able to build more dofollow links because we focused on sites with lower authority.
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And as you can see from the chart above, it did help with rankings more than building nofollow links but it didn’t help nearly as much as getting links from blogs with higher domain scores.
We built 10 links instead of 5, but the quantity didn’t help as much as having high domain score links. This group increased their rankings by 337% versus 828% that group 3 experienced even though they had half the links.
Again, we still saw gains, just not as large as the previous group.
Who would have thought that building links through blog comments still helps?
Now, if you are going to use this tactic, you’ll want to focus on blogs that have dofollow comments.
If you aren’t sure how to find them, you can perform a Google search for the following:
“title=”CommentLuv Enabled”” KEYPHRASE – this will showcase blogs that have CommentLuv enabled which means they pass link juice.
“dofollow blogs” – you find a lot of blog articles listing out blogs that have dofollow links. Some of them look like this but you will have to double-check each site as many are nofollow even though bloggers claim they are dofollow.
Followlist – this is a directory of blogs that have dollow links.
When building links, focus on higher domain scores as it has a bigger impact on rankings.
In addition to that, you’ll only want to leave a comment if you can provide value. Don’t stress the anchor text, focus on the quality of your comment as you don’t want to be a spammer.
Posting spammy links will just cause your comment to be removed.
Lastly, don’t just leave a valuable comment for the sake of generating a link. Make sure it is on relevant blogs as well. And if that means the blog doesn’t have as high of a domain score that’s fine because the data above shows that even low domain score links still help (just not as much).
So, have you thought about leaving more comments on other blogs? It’s a great way to get your brand out there, generate referral traffic, and boost your rankings.
The post Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings? appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/blog-comments-links/ via https://neilpatel.com
The original post, Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings?, has been shared from https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com/2020/01/07/do-high-da-backlinks-from-blog-comments-help-rankings/ via https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com
0 notes
jimmyjohnsmnm · 5 years
Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings?
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If you have ever left a comment on NeilPatel.com, you’ll notice that there is no URL field.
Well, a few years ago, blog commenting exploded. I was literally getting thousands of spam comments a day from people just leaving a comment for the purpose of link building instead of providing value to the community.
Sure, there are spam plugins like Akismet, but it doesn’t catch everything.
Now, most blog comments contain the nofollow attribute in which they tell Google not to follow the link or drive any “SEO value” to that URL.
But still, people still leave blog comments for the purpose of link building.
So, over the past 7 months, I’ve been running an interesting experiment to answer the age-old question…
Do backlinks from blog comments actually help rankings?
Experiment rules
First off, for this experiment, we used “domain score,” which is similar to domain authority.
If you want to know your domain score, the backlinks report in Ubersuggest will tell you what it is.
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With this experiment, I sent out an email to a part of my list looking for participants and had 794 websites apply.
From there, I set the following criteria:
English-only sites – It’s easier to rank on many of Google’s international search engines even without building links. I removed non-English speaking sites as I didn’t want to skew the results.
Low-authority sites – I removed any website with a domain score greater than 20 and any site with more than 20 backlinks. The reason being is when a site has a lot of authority, they tend to rank easily for new keywords, even if they don’t build any new links.
No subdomains – I didn’t want a WordPress.com site, a Blogspot site, or even a Tumblr site. Again, this would skew the results so I removed them.
After eliminating the sites that didn’t meet the above criteria, I was left with 314 sites.
Of those 314 sites, many dropped off because they didn’t complete the required work on their part (which was to write a blog post), so I was left with 183 sites at the end that participated.
How the experiment worked
Similar to my previous link building experiment and my on-page SEO experiment,  I had these websites write a 1,800 to 2,000-word blog post on whatever subject that was relevant to their site.
The websites had 2 weeks to publish their content and then after 30 days, I looked up their URL in Ubersuggest to see how many keywords each URL ranked for in the top 100 spots, top 50, spots, and top 10 spots.
As I have mentioned in the past, Ubersuggest has a big database of keywords. We are currently tracking 1,459,103,429 keywords.
Now, most of these keywords are barely searched but a decent amount of them get hundreds, if not thousands, of searches per month. A much smaller percentage of keywords generate hundreds of thousands or even millions of searches per month.
In other words, the majority of the keywords people are searching for are long-tail phrases.
We then spent a month building links and then waited another 3 months to see what happened to each site’s rankings.
But here’s the thing: We didn’t build the same type of links to all sites. Instead, we broke the 183 sites into 4 groups (roughly 46 sites per group).
Here were the groups:
Control – we didn’t build any links to these sites, we just wanted to see what happened to their rankings over time with no focus on link building.
Nofollow high domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 10 links through blog comments. The links pointed to the newly written post and they were from blogs that had a domain score of 50 or higher and they all contained a nofollow attribute.
Dofollow high domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 5 links through blog comments. The links pointed to the new post and were dofollow from blogs with a domain score of 40 or higher. (I reduced the domain score criteria for this category and the link quantity as we struggled to find a large number of high authority blogs that pass link juice in the comment section.)
Dofollow low domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 10 links through blog comments. Each link pointed back to the article and it was from a blog that contains a domain score of at least 20 but no higher than 39. (I was able to build more links here as there are many more low domain score blogs than high domain score ones.)
Keep in mind with the link building for groups 2, 3 and 4, there was no specific anchor text agenda. Because the links were built through blog comments, it was too hard to control the anchor text as we didn’t want to be spammy.
And each comment left on the blog contained at least 75 words as we wanted to ensure that each comment provided value and the core purpose wasn’t just link building.
Alright, so let’s dive into the results.
Control group
Do you really need links to rank on Google? Well, the chart below says a lot…
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As you can see over time, you will naturally grow your search rankings even if you don’t build any links.
Of course, if your content is amazing and you do on-page SEO, you’ll rank higher, but still not growing your link count doesn’t mean you will rank for anything out there… instead, you will still rank for long-tail terms that aren’t too competitive.
Nofollow high domain score blog comment links
Now the results from this group were interesting…
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As you can see, the sites in this group had better results than the control group even though the links were nofollowed.
Keep in mind, though, that it could be many variables that caused this, such as the content quality may have been better.
Overall, the sites did perform better than the control group but not by a substantial amount.
Dofollow high domain score blog comment links
Google is sophisticated, they are able to know if a link is from user-generated content (such as blog comments), so I assumed even though the links where dofollow they still wouldn’t have much (if any) impact.
But, shockingly, sites in this group had the largest gains.
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As you can see from the chart above, links from high authority sites, even if it is through user-generated content, help with rankings. They just have to be dofollow.
Dofollow low domain score blog comment links
With this last group, we were able to build more dofollow links because we focused on sites with lower authority.
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And as you can see from the chart above, it did help with rankings more than building nofollow links but it didn’t help nearly as much as getting links from blogs with higher domain scores.
We built 10 links instead of 5, but the quantity didn’t help as much as having high domain score links. This group increased their rankings by 337% versus 828% that group 3 experienced even though they had half the links.
Again, we still saw gains, just not as large as the previous group.
Who would have thought that building links through blog comments still helps?
Now, if you are going to use this tactic, you’ll want to focus on blogs that have dofollow comments.
If you aren’t sure how to find them, you can perform a Google search for the following:
“title=”CommentLuv Enabled”” KEYPHRASE – this will showcase blogs that have CommentLuv enabled which means they pass link juice.
“dofollow blogs” – you find a lot of blog articles listing out blogs that have dofollow links. Some of them look like this but you will have to double-check each site as many are nofollow even though bloggers claim they are dofollow.
Followlist – this is a directory of blogs that have dollow links.
When building links, focus on higher domain scores as it has a bigger impact on rankings.
In addition to that, you’ll only want to leave a comment if you can provide value. Don’t stress the anchor text, focus on the quality of your comment as you don’t want to be a spammer.
Posting spammy links will just cause your comment to be removed.
Lastly, don’t just leave a valuable comment for the sake of generating a link. Make sure it is on relevant blogs as well. And if that means the blog doesn’t have as high of a domain score that’s fine because the data above shows that even low domain score links still help (just not as much).
So, have you thought about leaving more comments on other blogs? It’s a great way to get your brand out there, generate referral traffic, and boost your rankings.
The post Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings? appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://ift.tt/2QygQHP via https://neilpatel.com The post, Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings?, has been shared from https://ift.tt/2QSbZAd via https://ift.tt/2r0Go64
0 notes
marketingcomcaio · 5 years
Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings?
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If you have ever left a comment on NeilPatel.com, you’ll notice that there is no URL field.
Well, a few years ago, blog commenting exploded. I was literally getting thousands of spam comments a day from people just leaving a comment for the purpose of link building instead of providing value to the community.
Sure, there are spam plugins like Akismet, but it doesn’t catch everything.
Now, most blog comments contain the nofollow attribute in which they tell Google not to follow the link or drive any “SEO value” to that URL.
But still, people still leave blog comments for the purpose of link building.
So, over the past 7 months, I’ve been running an interesting experiment to answer the age-old question…
Do backlinks from blog comments actually help rankings?
Experiment rules
First off, for this experiment, we used “domain score,” which is similar to domain authority.
If you want to know your domain score, the backlinks report in Ubersuggest will tell you what it is.
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With this experiment, I sent out an email to a part of my list looking for participants and had 794 websites apply.
From there, I set the following criteria:
English-only sites – It’s easier to rank on many of Google’s international search engines even without building links. I removed non-English speaking sites as I didn’t want to skew the results.
Low-authority sites – I removed any website with a domain score greater than 20 and any site with more than 20 backlinks. The reason being is when a site has a lot of authority, they tend to rank easily for new keywords, even if they don’t build any new links.
No subdomains – I didn’t want a WordPress.com site, a Blogspot site, or even a Tumblr site. Again, this would skew the results so I removed them.
After eliminating the sites that didn’t meet the above criteria, I was left with 314 sites.
Of those 314 sites, many dropped off because they didn’t complete the required work on their part (which was to write a blog post), so I was left with 183 sites at the end that participated.
How the experiment worked
Similar to my previous link building experiment and my on-page SEO experiment,  I had these websites write a 1,800 to 2,000-word blog post on whatever subject that was relevant to their site.
The websites had 2 weeks to publish their content and then after 30 days, I looked up their URL in Ubersuggest to see how many keywords each URL ranked for in the top 100 spots, top 50, spots, and top 10 spots.
As I have mentioned in the past, Ubersuggest has a big database of keywords. We are currently tracking 1,459,103,429 keywords.
Now, most of these keywords are barely searched but a decent amount of them get hundreds, if not thousands, of searches per month. A much smaller percentage of keywords generate hundreds of thousands or even millions of searches per month.
In other words, the majority of the keywords people are searching for are long-tail phrases.
We then spent a month building links and then waited another 3 months to see what happened to each site’s rankings.
But here’s the thing: We didn’t build the same type of links to all sites. Instead, we broke the 183 sites into 4 groups (roughly 46 sites per group).
Here were the groups:
Control – we didn’t build any links to these sites, we just wanted to see what happened to their rankings over time with no focus on link building.
Nofollow high domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 10 links through blog comments. The links pointed to the newly written post and they were from blogs that had a domain score of 50 or higher and they all contained a nofollow attribute.
Dofollow high domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 5 links through blog comments. The links pointed to the new post and were dofollow from blogs with a domain score of 40 or higher. (I reduced the domain score criteria for this category and the link quantity as we struggled to find a large number of high authority blogs that pass link juice in the comment section.)
Dofollow low domain score blog comment links – with this group, we built 10 links through blog comments. Each link pointed back to the article and it was from a blog that contains a domain score of at least 20 but no higher than 39. (I was able to build more links here as there are many more low domain score blogs than high domain score ones.)
Keep in mind with the link building for groups 2, 3 and 4, there was no specific anchor text agenda. Because the links were built through blog comments, it was too hard to control the anchor text as we didn’t want to be spammy.
And each comment left on the blog contained at least 75 words as we wanted to ensure that each comment provided value and the core purpose wasn’t just link building.
Alright, so let’s dive into the results.
Control group
Do you really need links to rank on Google? Well, the chart below says a lot…
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As you can see over time, you will naturally grow your search rankings even if you don’t build any links.
Of course, if your content is amazing and you do on-page SEO, you’ll rank higher, but still not growing your link count doesn’t mean you will rank for anything out there… instead, you will still rank for long-tail terms that aren’t too competitive.
Nofollow high domain score blog comment links
Now the results from this group were interesting…
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As you can see, the sites in this group had better results than the control group even though the links were nofollowed.
Keep in mind, though, that it could be many variables that caused this, such as the content quality may have been better.
Overall, the sites did perform better than the control group but not by a substantial amount.
Dofollow high domain score blog comment links
Google is sophisticated, they are able to know if a link is from user-generated content (such as blog comments), so I assumed even though the links where dofollow they still wouldn’t have much (if any) impact.
But, shockingly, sites in this group had the largest gains.
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As you can see from the chart above, links from high authority sites, even if it is through user-generated content, help with rankings. They just have to be dofollow.
Dofollow low domain score blog comment links
With this last group, we were able to build more dofollow links because we focused on sites with lower authority.
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And as you can see from the chart above, it did help with rankings more than building nofollow links but it didn’t help nearly as much as getting links from blogs with higher domain scores.
We built 10 links instead of 5, but the quantity didn’t help as much as having high domain score links. This group increased their rankings by 337% versus 828% that group 3 experienced even though they had half the links.
Again, we still saw gains, just not as large as the previous group.
Who would have thought that building links through blog comments still helps?
Now, if you are going to use this tactic, you’ll want to focus on blogs that have dofollow comments.
If you aren’t sure how to find them, you can perform a Google search for the following:
“title=”CommentLuv Enabled”” KEYPHRASE – this will showcase blogs that have CommentLuv enabled which means they pass link juice.
“dofollow blogs” – you find a lot of blog articles listing out blogs that have dofollow links. Some of them look like this but you will have to double-check each site as many are nofollow even though bloggers claim they are dofollow.
Followlist – this is a directory of blogs that have dollow links.
When building links, focus on higher domain scores as it has a bigger impact on rankings.
In addition to that, you’ll only want to leave a comment if you can provide value. Don’t stress the anchor text, focus on the quality of your comment as you don’t want to be a spammer.
Posting spammy links will just cause your comment to be removed.
Lastly, don’t just leave a valuable comment for the sake of generating a link. Make sure it is on relevant blogs as well. And if that means the blog doesn’t have as high of a domain score that’s fine because the data above shows that even low domain score links still help (just not as much).
So, have you thought about leaving more comments on other blogs? It’s a great way to get your brand out there, generate referral traffic, and boost your rankings.
The post Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings? appeared first on Neil Patel.
Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings? Publicado primeiro em https://neilpatel.com
0 notes
Post 4: The letter C
Welcome back! It sure wasn't yesterday, how have you been? I'm fine thanks, been a little busy myself and had to put this project on the backburner as you can probably tell. I alluded to being really busy in the last post and that's been pretty much true for all of the past year. Luckily, things are looking a bit better up ahead so I might actually start posting regularly soon!
Much has happened outside of the blog too. I toyed with the idea of moving this beuat over to blogspot (where all the real emo blogs are anyway) when it looked like tumblr was self-destructing for a hot minute. But in the end cooler heads prevailed and it looks like tumblr is just gonna keep existing albeit with less popularity. In the emo world, 125, Rue Montmartre, the first band I covered about a year ago are releasing their discography on vinyl and are now on spotify. All thanks to my blog, I'm sure. Don't be fooled by my modest follower count
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I actually have quite a few prestigious readers. Most notably perhaps being Prof. Anders Ahlén, a man important enough to have his own wikipedia page.
C has been the longest letter so far by far clocking in at a mighty 6.56 GB as opposed to the average of 2.8. I've been listening to it in phases with sometimes a month or more in between so it hasn't really been a coherent experience. It has been a real slog though, which is part of why I gave up several times. This has also been a letter with a great number of "famous" emo bands. Because part of the purpose of this listening experience is to experience 90's emo "as it was" rather than colored by nostalgia or what is deemed worthy of attention by the internet discourse I'm disqualifying bands that are prominent in the emo canon from best name, song or image. I will however still do a quick write up on them for those of you not as familiar with emo, chances are I'll reference them in the future so do take notes.
Emo classics
Cap'n Jazz
It's almost impossible to tell the story of 90's emo without Cap'n Jazz. Among their members they have Tim Kinsella, who would later go on to play in Joan of Arc and Owls, his brother Mike Kinsella who would later play in American Football as well as Owls, Their/They're/There and Owen and also Davey von Bohlen who would later play in the Promise ring. When they formed in '89 they where just a bunch teenagers, Mike being just 12. They released their first album 6 years later which goes by the title Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We’ve Slipped on, and Egg Shells We’ve Tippy Toed Over, but is simply referred to as Schmap'n Schmazz by fans. Most of the lyrics where supposedly written by Tim one night while high on mushrooms. They have a wonderful surreal dadaist quality to them with lines such as Hey coffee eyes, you've got me coughing up my cookie heart or You are colder than oldness could ever be. The music is chaotic and full of a warm messy energy. I am personally absolutely enamored with their cover of Aha's Take on me which I insist on putting in as many playlists where it makes some sense whatsoever. As you can hear, Tims vocals do absolutely not Morten Harkets heights (not an easy feat in Tims defense) and you can plainly hear a teenagers voice falseto-cracking and it's absolutely amazing somehow.
Cap'n Jazz really hit the spot of this awkward sensitive yet punk energy that from the start was very central to emo. Although Cap'n Jazz are a big helping sillier and more pubertal than, say, Rites of Spring.
One popular quip about the Velvet underground is the following:
The Velvet Underground didn't sell many records, but everyone who bought one went out and started a band.
I suppose Cap'n Jazz is a bit like that for emo although their presence was perhaps felt as strongest around 2010 with bands such as Snowing, Glocca Morra and in particular Algernon Cadwallader aping their style.
Christie Front Drive
I think part of the reason for Cap'n Jazz's status as a cornerstone band stems from their originality. Christine Front Drive is in contrast a very prototypical 90's emo band. They have a sound that borrows heavily from both post-hardcore and indie-rock with the slightly whiny vocals typical for the genre and era. On their song November they sing Still the same // Fucked for what you've done // Still over // Staged over // November's almost done // Still the same which I think is a nice cross section of their lyrics (most of the rest of the song are just variations on the same words with "remember" also thrown into the mix). The overall sound is slow, moody and a bit dreamy, very typical of their brand of emo. As easy as it is to find bands that sound similar to CFD, I dare say that they did it better than most and that this is what has earned them their spot in the emo cannon.
Cursive formed in 1995 and has since been together on and off up to the present day, the drive only has music up to 2005 though. This includes their 2003 release the Ugly Organ which was released by Saddle Creek and is the only one I've heard before starting this project. By that point they had already moved away from their emo roots though, and I'm glad to finally have gotten around to their earlier stuff. The Ugly Organ is artsy, catchy and a bit baroque, but also definitely on the outskirts of emo to the point where I'd perhaps describe it as an indie/alternative album if I wasn't talking about them in the context of emo. This doesn't mean that it isn't worth a listen because it absolutely is. Their early stuff is more typical of what the rest of the drive is like with a sound more in the ballpark of CFD but much more punk, with a higher tempo and angrier vocals while still maintaining a somewhat whiny voice, introspective lyrical content and the cold, big guitar sound typical to this branch of emo.
My favorite band
Car vs Driver
So far I've generally picked bands that stand out a bit because in a long stream of relative sameness, that's what you end up paying attention to. Car vs Driver is however not one of theses bands that stand out but rather pretty typical of the emocore sound. They do it pretty well though. They are undeniably punk, but with more introspective lyrics and a slightly melodic edge, which is exactly how emo was first conceived. One some of their tracks like the featured Without A Day day even flirt a bit more with an alt-rock sound but they also have songs that are a lot more hardcore like Livid Step.
When researching them I half expected them to be a pretty substantial band that I had somehow managed to miss, but they're actually very unheard of, something which I consider to be a shame.
I did however find that the drummer of the band has a blogspot at beyondfaliure.blogstopt.com where he catalogs various bands he's been a part of. There is a collection of Car vs Driver flyers as well as two live recordings and this summary he wrote for their discography
Car vs. Driver began when I was 17 years old. By the time we played our final show, I was 19. This band was the music of my life during a period when people usually experience the greatest amount of freedom, which is what I think of whenever I listen to this music now. There were so many new experiences: living on our own, meeting new people, getting a new perspective on life. Our lifestyle in turn gave us a new perspective on expressing music, and we poured all of our energy and emotion into it. Music that now seems a world away – music from a different life. It’s hard to remember that everything about being in a band at that time was simply making a 7”, buying the cheapest van you could find, and touring the country for the summer. There was no infrastructure to build your music around, which also removed its barriers. Instead of running our band like a corporation, we played peoples living rooms and basements, engaged in kickball tournaments, made record covers out of manila envelopes, slept on top of our van, cooked pasta, and played with some of the most amazing bands in the process. Bands that epitomized the time – like Spirit Assembly, Policy of 3, Friction, Current, The Yah Mos, Assfactor 4, Frail, Hoover, Freemasonry, Scout, and Inkwell. The experience we had is something that could never be recreated, and I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been a part of that moment in time. Thank you Matt, Steve, and Jonathan for bringing this to me.
James Joyce August 2004
This compilation is dedicated to our faithful roadies Ashley Lawrence Moore and William Anthony Nation.
We froze, sweat, bled, argued, and laughed.
Amazing stuff in all, I can highly recommend clicking around their for a while if you, like me are a bit obsessed with the 90's emo scene.
My favorite band name
Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin is a screamo band that go pretty hard. The name is a funny contrast to this and the juxtaposition between childhood nostalgia and angsty screaming works really well.
My favorite picture
Tumblr media
Featured is the cover to a demo tape by french screamo band Cather Mathra, which features songs such as Ils M'ont Oubliés (they forgot me) or Leur Révolution (their revolution). You can read more about them on psychoviolence, a blog dedicated to French punk & violence. I think that using a medieval (?) drawing for a cover is pretty cool, especially if you're a french screamo band.
Curiosly they don’t have any music on youtube, you’ll have to check out the drive if you want to listen to them. Tumblr has a limit of 5 embedded videos anyway, so that worked out nicely I suppose.
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seokani-blog · 5 years
How to rank first in Google by using the NETART SEO company technics
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Coimbatore city has many SEO companies but NETART an only one advanced SEO company in Coimbatore. We are the first place in the top 10 among the best SEO company list. Our SEO strategy beyond the normal SEO functionality…
NETART SEO Techniques:
Title Tag optimization  
Meta Description Tag optimization  
 Google Preview
   Keyword Cloud
   Alt Attribute
   Discovered Pages
   In-Page Links
   Hreflang Tags
   Broken links
   WWW Resolve
   XML Sitemap
   Open Graph Protocol  
Mobile Friendliness
   Font Size Legibility
   Mobile Frameworks
   Custom 404 Page
   Asset Minification
    Asset Compression
   Asset Cacheability
   SSL Secure
   Backlinks Score
   Social Media Engagement
Tumblr media
Title Tag Optimization  
Title tag optimization is an important process in on-page optimization because the title tag first shows from the Google result page. The titles should have one keyword & overall content related word as putting in the title tag this format performs better on Google page result.
1.      Target keywords with related words to optimize the titles.
2.      Choose minimum of0 search volume keywords it gives the fastest results.
Meta Description Tag Optimization
   A Meta description is the most important technique in SEO because of Meta description key phrase or related words bring ranking for your website. You should know one thing before writing the Meta description as contain key phrases with related words or keywords to inflict the metadata as performs well on Google.  
1.      Target keywords with related words to optimize the Meta description.
2.      Choose a minimum of related keywords to write a description.
Google Preview
   Google preview is nothing but it brings the clicks or business through your website, so you should put the effort to makes the better Google preview.    
1.      Proper SEO titles and Meta description should make a better Google preview
   The headings are one of the best techniques to spread the keywords in the overall website content. Every heading should contain one keyword to place on the website because the heading is the first crawl by Google bots.  
1.      Headings should be containing target keywords or related keywords.
Alt Attribute  
The image alt attributes all are a place with the target keywords.
The keyword cloud is nothing set of keywords or targeted keywords all are called keywords cloud, these keywords are properly place into their places to formulate the keywords cloud.
Discovered Pages
   How many pages you created on the website that only shown on Google, in case extra pages will be indexing on Google that all are considered broken links. It causes improper traffic for your website.
In-Page Links
   In - page links are called internal links & external links; it brings the backlinks and traffics from other websites.    
 Hreflang Tags
   Hreflang is nothing which language is used to maintain the website as mention in the format to provide at the header section.     
 Broken links
   Without navigation pages are called broken links; it causes improper traffic for your website. And must you remove these types of links from your website?
     WWW Resolve
   Www, resolve is most important for gaining traffic, its nothing 301 redirect function to element in Htacces file.  
   Robots.txt is nothing, which page you allow to crawl and which page you disallow to crawl on your website is called robots.txt.    
 XML Sitemap
   The XML sitemap is used to proper page indexing and how many pages having your website.     
 Open Graph Protocol
   Open Graph protocol is developers can control the website explains the content its shows when you connected social media.     
 Mobile Friendliness
   Here create the mobile-friendly pages or mobile responsive web pages; it performs better in Google page results. Mobile responsive pages are called mobile friendliness.    
 Font Size Legibility
   The font legibility is every content should contain 16px font to make sure your site considered mobile friendly and suitable for SEO.  
 Mobile Frameworks
   Mobile frameworks depending on three important pillars 
1.      Site speed 
 2.      Indexing & crawl ability 
 3.      Site structured navigation   
 AMP (Accelerated mobile Pages)
   AMP pages are nothing the fastest mobile-friendly pages are called AMP pages.    
 Custom 404 Page 
   When your the site says can’t be reached or anything like this, while shown the custom 404 pages.    
 Asset Minification
   Image minification is an important process in technical SEO because it is the spark of page speed.  
 Asset Compression
   Image compression is an important process in technical SEO because it is the spark of page speed.   
 Asset Cacheability
   Image cachebility is an important process in technical SEO because it is the spark of page speed.   
   Which language used to maintain this website all are mention at the header section with the link format   
 Google Analytics
   Google analytics is most important in SEO because it has shown the website traffics with proper details.   
 SSL Secure  
 SSL Secure is used to security purpose SSL Secure means Http is converting to the Https.  
 Backlinks Score
   Backlinks are the part of SEO the backlinks increase the page rank continuously these backlinks provide organic traffic and business through your website.  
 Backlinks Methods:  
●        Classified Ads Creation & Posting                      
●        Social Bookmarking
●        Search Engine Submission
●        Directories Submissions
●        Blog Creation(Word press, BlogSpot)
●        Yellow Pages Submission
●        Document submission
●        PDF submission
●        PPT submission
●        Video Optimization
●        Image submission
●        Article Submission
●        Blog commenting
●        Profile creation
●        Deep link submission
●        Forum submission
  Social Media Engagement
Tumblr media
   Social Media engagements are nothing you create the page from social media’s regarding your website and regularly update business related posts.  
●        Facebook
●        Twitter
●        Google +
●        LinkedIn
●        YouTube
●        Pinterest
●        Tumblr
0 notes
wickedbananas · 7 years
When and How to Use Domain Authority, Page Authority, and Link Count Metrics - Whiteboard Friday
Posted by randfish
How can you effectively apply link metrics like Domain Authority and Page Authority alongside your other SEO metrics? Where and when does it make sense to take them into account, and what exactly do they mean? In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand answers these questions and more, arming you with the knowledge you need to better understand and execute your SEO work.
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we're going to chat about when and how to use Domain Authority and Page Authority and link count metrics.
So many of you have written to us at Moz over the years and certainly I go to lots of conferences and events and speak to folks who are like, "Well, I've been measuring my link building activity with DA," or, "Hey, I got a high DA link," and I want to confirm when is it the right time to be using something like DA or PA or a raw link count metric, like number of linking root domains or something like Spam Score or a traffic estimation, these types of metrics. So I'm going to walk you through kind of these three — Page Authority, Domain Authority, and linking root domains — just to get a refresher course on what they are. Page Authority and Domain Authority are actually a little complicated. So I think that's worthwhile. Then we'll chat about when to use which metrics. So I've got sort of the three primary things that people use link metrics for in the SEO world, and we'll walk through those.
Page Authority
So to start, Page Authority is basically — you can see I've written a ton of different little metrics in here — linking URLs, linking root domains, MozRank, MozTrust, linking subdomains, anchor text, linking pages, followed links, no followed links, 301s, 302s, new versus old links, TLD, domain name, branded domain mentions, Spam Score, and many, many other metrics.
Basically, what PA is, is it's every metric that we could possibly come up with from our link index all taken together and then thrown into a model with some training data. So the training data in this case, quite obviously, is Google search results, because what we want the Page Authority score to ultimately be is a predictor of how well a given page is going to rank in Google search results assuming we know nothing else about it except link data. So this is using no on-page data, no content data, no engagement or visit data, none of the patterns or branding or entity matches, just link data.
So this is everything we possibly know about a page from its link profile and the domain that page is on, and then we insert that in as the input alongside the training data. We have a machine learning model that essentially learns against Google search results and builds the best possible model it can. That model, by the way, throws away some of this stuff, because it's not useful, and it adds in a bunch of this stuff, like vectors or various attributes of each one. So it might say, "Oh, anchor text distribution, that's actually not useful, but Domain Authority ordered by the root domains with more than 500 links to them." I'm making stuff up, right? But you could have those sorts of filters on this data and thus come up with very complex models, which is what machine learning is designed to do. All we have to worry about is that this is essentially the best predictive score we can come up with based on the links. So it's useful for a bunch of things. If we're trying to say how well do we think this page might rank independent of all non-link factors, PA, great model. Good data for that.
Domain Authority
Domain Authority is once you have the PA model in your head and you're sort of like, "Okay, got it, machine learning against Google's results to produce the best predictive score for ranking in Google." DA is just the PA model at the root domain level. So not subdomains, just root domains, which means it's got some weirdness. It can't, for example, say that randfishkin.blogspot.com is different than www.blogspot.com. But obviously, a link from www.blogspot.com is way more valuable than from my personal subdomain at Blogspot or Tumblr or WordPress or any of these hosted subdomains. So that's kind of an edge case that unfortunately DA doesn't do a great job of supporting.
What it's good for is it's relatively well-suited to be predictive of how a domain's pages will rank in Google. So it removes all the page-level information, but it's still operative at the domain level. It can be very useful for that.
Linking Root Domain
Then linking root domains is the simplest one. This is basically a count of all the unique root domains with at least one link on them that point to a given page or a site. So if I tell you that this URL A has 410 linking root domains, that basically means that there are 410 domains with at least one link pointing to URL A.
What I haven't told you is whether they're followed or no followed. Usually, this is a combination of those two unless it's specified. So even a no followed link could go into the linking root domains, which is why you should always double check. If you're using Ahrefs or Majestic or Moz and you hover on the whatever, the little question mark icon next to any given metric, it will tell you what it includes and what it doesn't include.
When to use which metric(s)
All right. So how do we use these?
Well, for month over month link building performance, which is something that a lot of folks track, I would actually not suggest making DA your primary one. This is for a few reasons. So Moz's index, which is the only thing currently that calculates DA or a machine learning-like model out there among the major toolsets for link data, only updates about once every month. So if you are doing your report before the DA has updated from the last link index, that can be quite frustrating.
Now, I will say we are only a few months away from a new index that's going to replace Mozscape that will calculate DA and PA and all these other things much, much more quickly. I know that's been something many folks have been asking for. It is on its way.
But in the meantime, what I recommend using is:
1. Linking root domains, the count of linking root domains and how that's grown over time.
2. Organic rankings for your targeted keywords. I know this is not a direct link metric, but this really helps to tell you about the performance of how those links have been affected. So if you're measuring month to month, it should be the case that any months you've got in a 20 or 30-day period, Google probably has counted and recognized within a few days of finding them, and Google is pretty good at crawling nearly the whole web within a week or two weeks. So this is going to be a reasonable proxy for how your link building campaign has helped your organic search campaign.
3. The distribution of Domain Authority. So I think, in this case, Domain Authority can be useful. It wouldn't be my first or second choice, but I think it certainly can belong in a link building performance report. It's helpful to see the high DA links that you're getting. It's a good sorting mechanism to sort of say, "These are, generally speaking, more important, more authoritative sites."
4. Spam Score I like as well, because if you've been doing a lot of link building, it is the case that Domain Authority doesn't penalize or doesn't lower its score for a high Spam Score. It will show you, "Hey, this is an authoritative site with a lot of DA and good-looking links, but it also looks quite spammy to us." So, for example, you might see that something has a DA of 60, but a Spam Score of 7 or 8, which might be mildly concerning. I start to really worry when you get to like 9, 10, or 11.
Second question:
I think this is something that folks ask. So they look at their own links and they say, "All right, we have these links or our competitor has these links. Which ones are providing the most value for me?" In that case, if you can get it, for example, if it's a link pointing to you, the best one is, of course, going to be...
1. Real traffic sent. If a site or a page, a link is sending traffic to you, that is clearly of value and that's going to be likely interpreted positively by the search engines as well.
You can also use...
2. PA
3. DA. I think it's pretty good. These metrics are pretty good and pretty well-correlated with, relatively speaking, value, especially if you can't get at a metric like real traffic because it's coming from someone else's site.
4. Linking root domains, the count of those to a page or a domain.
5. The rankings rise, in the case where a page is ranking position four, a new link coming to it is the only thing that's changed or the only thing you're aware of that's changed in the last few days, few weeks, and you see a rankings rise. It moves up a few positions. That's a pretty good proxy for, "All right, that is a valuable link." But this is a rare case where you really can control other variables to the extent that you think you can believe in that.
6. I like Spam Scor for this as well, because then you can start to see, "Well, are these sketchier links, or are these links that I can likely trust more?"
Last one,
So I think this is one that many, many SEOs do. We have a big list of links. We've got 50 links that we're thinking about, "Should I get these or not and which ones should I go after first and which ones should I not go after?" In this case...
1. DA is really quite a good metric, and that is because it's relatively predictive of the domain's pages' performance in Google, which is a proxy, but a decent proxy for how it might help your site rank better.
It is the case that folks will talk about, "Hey, it tends to be the case that when I go out and I build lots of DA 70, DA 80, DA 90+ links, I often get credit. Why DA and not PA, Rand?" Well, in the case where you're getting links, it's very often from new pages on a website, which have not yet been assigned PA or may not have inherited all the link equity from all the internal pages.
Over time, as those pages themselves get more links, their PA will rise as well. But the reason that I generally recommend a DA for link outreach is both because of that PA/DA timing issue and because oftentimes you don't know which page is going to give you a link from a domain. It could be a new page they haven't created yet. It could be one that you never thought they would add you to. It might be exactly the page that you were hoping for, but it's hard to say.
2. I think linking root domains is a very reasonable one for this, and linking root domains is certainly closely correlated, not quite as well correlated, but closely correlated with DA and with rankings.
3. Spam Score, like we've talked about.
4. I might use something like SimilarWeb's traffic estimates, especially if real traffic sent is something that I'm very interested in. If I'm pursuing no followed links or affiliate links or I just care about traffic more than I care about rank-boosting ability, SimilarWeb has got what I think is the best traffic prediction system, and so that would be the metric I look at.
So, hopefully, you now have a better understanding of DA and PA and link counts and when and where to apply them alongside which other metrics. I look forward to your questions. I'll be happy to jump into the comments and answer. And we'll see you again next time for another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Take care.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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mrarifblogger · 4 years
Buy a domain and attach with Blogger
When you start your work on Blogger, you are given a no cost sub domain by Blogger. On Blogspot you get AdSense approval but it will be too late for you to access your site.  The sub domain calculates that if any of your clicks come from India, your domain will be in front of .in if the click comes from USA.  So .usa will come in front of the site. If a visitor comes from Pakistan, then .pk will come in front of your site, but the problem is that it takes a lot of time to rank this site and it approves adsense.  Also get too late.
I will show you how you can attach Godaddy High Level .com domain to your blog by removing Blogspot sub domain .blogspot I will tell you.
The first thing you need to do is visit Godaddy website. If you want to buy a domain, you must have a MasterCard or Visa card. Only then can you buy Godaddy .com domain.  The top level domain will tell you how to attach it to Blogger.
Visit now Godaddy website.
If you are from India then select .in If you are from Pakistan then select .pk If you are from USA then select .usa and register domain in the way I will tell you.
When you click on the link to Godaddy  site you will be taken to Godaddy homepage. First you have to sign up to Godaddy and then you have to buy a domain.
If you want to sign up to Godaddy from your Facebook account, you can also sign up from your Facebook account. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can also sign up from your Google Account.  You have to add your complete details. You have to get your Godaddy account verified. You will get it done when you buy a domain. You have to save Godaddy  password properly, otherwise your domain may be compromised.  In Detail you have to enter your home address, your country, your postal code and then you have to buy your domain. For this you have to have Visa card then you have to save your Visa card number, expiry date CVV code and buy land.
Your Debit card:
Back side : CVV code example 123
Front side card no example:    4245 5757 3565 5675
And front side example: expiry date 09/26
When you sign up on Godaddy, a home page will open in front of you in which you have to search for your domain name and add it to the cart.  Will.
Process 9 picture 👇
I have shown you clearly in the picture that you have to buy Godaddy's .com domain where I have marked the arrow and mark the circle. You have to click on it and the next page will open in front of you.  You have to complete it and buy the .com domain by entering your details.
I will show you the complete way to attach your purchased  .com domain with Blogger as I will show in the picture which has an arrow on it and a circle which will show in the picture as you clearly see your  .Com domain can be attached to your blogger and your .blogspot.com can be removed from your blogger.
Setting Complete: 
As I told you, you have to buy Godaddy top level .com domain and attach it to your blogger and remove your blogger's .blogspot domain if you want to increase your Godaddy .com domain authority.  If so, read our article.
Another thing that can cause a 404 error on your site is if you do not complete the setting of the domain then I will tell you how you can solve it:
I'll tell you why a 404 error occurs on your site and how you can fix it. The latest trick is that before today on YouTube and on the blog very few people would have told you  I will tell you there are many mistakes that you make and if a 404 error occurs on your site then I will tell you how you can solve it. I will tell you three points.  Only then will you understand the trick to solve the 404 error.
Main three points:
(1)  If you have been working on Blogger for a long time and you have not taken the custom domain, then you use .blogspot domain. If you publish a new post then your domain will not be open and 404 will come to your site.
(2)  The second point is that this point is very important. If you understand this, you can avoid making a big mistake. If you used to work on Blogger, you have converted all the content of your blog to WordPress.  Deleting all the articles and converting them to WordPress then 404 error will come to your site. Why it comes is that when your custom domain is on Blogger, all your articles are indexed by the crawler to your site.  What happens is that when all your content goes to WordPress, the crawler also leaves your site and gets a 404 error on your site.
(3)  Let me tell you another point which can be very detrimental to you if you miss it. If you do not have a custom domain.  You can avoid only I am giving you an example like if you named the subdomain blogger.blogspot.com you changed your URL for some reason and named the URL youtube.blogspot.com then your page  There will definitely be a 404 error. I'm just giving you an example of a sub domain. The sub domain never gets a 404 error. The 404 error only comes on a top-level domain.  com, .net, .co comes on domains like this so I just gave you an example to explain it means if you bought a custom domain you lost that domain and you bought another domain then with you  It can happen.
Solve process 404 error:
If you have missed any of these 3 points and you do not know and 404 error has occurred on your site then how can you remove it I will tell you when you visit your blogger  If I add a custom site, there is one thing in it. If you miss it, your site will get 404 error. Let me tell you about this. If there is a 404 error on your site, your site's ranking will go down.  And visitors to your site leave your site and go to someone else's site.
You must add this code to your domain's DNS when setting up your domain's DNS.
If you did not add this code to your DNS settings, you will get a 404 whenever you publish a new article.  If an error occurs, you should index your article in Google, then 404 error will be removed from the top of your site.
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3 reasons?Why Google ads don't run campaigns
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