#Sigma ENT
alvinrabin · 7 months
Septoplasty surgery’s aim is to align or straighten the bone and cartilage dividing the space between your two nostrils, called septum. Dr. Kanwar Kelley is located at Orinda California and if you need septoplasty, don’t hesitate to make an appointment (925) 254-6710.
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sigma-health · 8 months
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At Sigma ENT, We diagnose and treat all medical and surgical problems of the ear, nose and throat.
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sigmastolen · 1 year
just learned about snoopy's longstanding association with nasa (via secretly incredibly fascinating) and is that why porthos is a beagle? i already checked memory alpha and it doesn't say
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blogandarticle · 2 years
ENT Disorders as a Result of Smoking- Six Sigma Clinic
It is estimated that smoking causes almost 1 in 3 cases of chronic sinusitis, and nearly 1 in 4 cases of asthma, according to the American Lung Association. Smoking also increases your risk for a number of other ENT disorders such as allergies, post-nasal drip, tonsillitis, and chronic cough.
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Smoking has been shown to cause inflammation in the lining of your nose and throat (the mucous membrane) leading to increased production of mucus which can result in post-nasal drip or chronic cough. Smoking may also increase the size of your tonsils so that they stick out more when you do not have them inflamed due to infection; this leads to a decreased ability to fight off infections that can lead to tonsillitis or strep throat.
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In addition to these effects, smoking also decreases your immune system's ability to fight off infections which makes you more susceptible to getting sick with things like bronchitis or pneumonia if you are already sick with something else at the time as well as making it harder for your body's natural defenses against these things by decreasing their effectiveness when they're needed most! Smoking is one of the most common forms of addiction, and it's also one of the most popular ways to start a tobacco habit. In fact, about 20% of all smokers will eventually become dependent on nicotine, according to the American Lung Association. Smoking causes damage to the tiny hairs in your inner ear, which helps you stay balanced while you're moving around. These hairs are called semicircular canals and help you determine where sound is coming from. Smokers tend to develop an imbalance between the air pressure in their lungs and air pressure in their middle ears—this makes it harder for them to hear sounds because there's not enough sound reaching their inner ears. On top of this, smoking puts stress on your vocal cords by increasing the production of mucus, which makes it harder for you to speak clearly without coughing or clearing your throat first (which could lead to additional damage). But quitting smoking isn't just about preventing those things—it's about improving your overall health. Not only that, but it can also help you live longer—if you don't smoke, then you'll have a much lower chance of getting diseases and conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
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h makes it harder for you to speak clearly without coughing or clearing your throat first (which could lead to additional damage). But quitting smoking isn't just about preventing those things—it's about improving your overall health. Not only that, but it can also help you live longer—if you don't smoke, then you'll have a much lower chance of getting diseases and conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT works by helping you identify the negative thoughts that drive your smoking behavior and replace them with positive ones. This process helps you feel better about yourself so that you're less likely to think about lighting up when you want to smoke or get stressed out over how much nicotine is in your body right now.
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itz-ps15 · 5 days
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Shadow Racer
Summary: Blurr has had enough! The Rescue Team have pushed it too far when they hurt Blurr’s feeling, and they regret it when something bad happens to him. Soon resulting in Blurr getting  Akumatized by Hawk Moth. He now becomes Shadow Racer, and seeks revenge on his team.
Blurr(character to get Akumatized)
Heatwave(Kade’s partner and firefighter bot of the team and leader of rescue force Sigma-17)
Chase(Chief Charlie Burns’ partner and police bot)
Boulder(Graham’s partner and bulldozer bot of the team)
Blades(Dani’s human partner and copter bot of the team)
Salvage(Blurr’s friend and recycling truck of the team)
Cody Burns(youngest son of Chief Burns)
Frankie Greene(Cody’s best friend and Doc Greene’s daughter)
Kade Burns(Heatwave’s human partner and firefighter, oldest son of Chief Burns)
Graham Burns(Boulder’s human partner and engineer, second eldest son of Chief Burns)
Dani Burns(Blades’ human partner and ent flyer in helicopter, the third oldest daughter of Chief Burns and the only daughter)
Chief Charlie Burns(Chase’s human partner and police chief of Griffin Rock, the father of the Burns kids)
Kara(Blurr’s human partner)
Optimus Prime 
Hawk Moth(the one who Akumatized Blurr)
Cat Noir(Adrien)
Blurr sat in his stasis pod cleaning his tears after the training gone wrong. Salvage then entered the room and saw his best friend so upset. 
Salvage went up to Blurr: Hey Blurr.
Blurr:(looked up at Salvage and faked a smile)Oh. Hey Salvage.
Salvage knew that Blurr was fake smiling: Blurr. What’s wrong? You don’t have to fake smile.
Then a new voice was heard: Blurr are you really fake smiling again?
This girl was Blurr’s human partner, Kara!
Blurr:(sigh) Fine. I just failed again the training. And I got a big scolding. And I’m already trained to be a Rescue Bot. You two know that.
Then a new voice, it was Cody Burns: Make that 3.
Blurr: What if I don’t belong here like you Salvage? Maybe you’re all better off without me.
Days later, a mission went wrong and the team took it out on Blurr, especially Heatwave.
Heatwave: Blurr, you son of a dead scraplet! You messed up big time!
Blurr hesitated: B-but, I was only just trying to help. I d-didn’t mean for that to happen.
Chief Burns: Blurr you nearly put all of us in danger. You’re being even more reckless on missions.
Blurr:(hesitant and stuttered) B-but I-
Heatwave cut him off, and snarled: Save it you show-off! You moron.
Then Heatwave did the unthinkable, and Kara and Salvage couldn’t believe what he did to Blurr. Heatwave slapped Blurr right across the face!
Blurr was stunned in the servos: You… y-you just slapped me?(tears run down his eyes) That really hurt.
Heatwave:  Does it look like I care, you bastard!(slaps him again)You’re staying in the firehouse from now on, understood!? You’re not allowed on any rescue missions anymore! And you’re not training with us anymore! Are we clear on that you monster?!
Blurr hesitated, but nodded: Y-yes sir.(rubs his cheek)
Tears ran down his cheeks, and he started crying hard. And he ran off crying.
Cody: Blurr,wait!
Kara confronted Heatwave: Heatwave, what the heck?! What is wrong with you!?
Heatwave: Listen, Kara. He deserved it.
Chase backed him up: Heatwave is correct. Blurr has messed up in his speed on missions recently. He has to be disciplined.
That triggered Salvage, who was usually calm and tranquil,but seeing how the team hurt Blurr made him snap hard and get mad.
Salvage: You call that  discipline!? He’s been through so much already! And you’re all making it worse!
Kade scoffed: What could he be going through to hurt him so much? More than he put us in danger!
Salvage: Are you… kidding me!?
Cody and Kara kinda got scared and hugged each other.
Cody: Jeez, I’ve never seen Salvage this angry before. I think this might umm… be the first time.
Kara: Me neither.😥 But he’s got a point, Codes.
Everyone jumped in shock at Salvage’s outburst of anger.
Salvage: Do you guys not know Blurr’s childhood!? He suffered! Especially after what happened to his parents!
This stunned the team.
Blades: Wha- his parents?
Boulder: What are you talking about?
Salvage:(sigh) Blurr lost his parents when he was little. He’s been holding that pain for so long. And he also feels like he isn’t worthy of being a rescue bot.  Because of fake friends from the past.
Heatwave sighed in sadness: I guess we were too hard on him.
Cody: Guys, you should’ve known better. Dad once said: “You never know what someone’s going through. Which is always best to be nice.”
Boulder: And we did the complete opposite.
Salvage: I can’t believe you treated Blurr like a scraplet. I’m telling Optimus about this right now!
The mention of Optimus Prime stunned Heatwave, making his spark jump with fear.
Heatwave: S-Salvage wait!
But he had already left. Cody and Kara left as well.
Heatwave: Cody wait…
Cody: No Heatwave. You guys should’ve done better. Salvage is right. You just made it worse for Blurr.
Cody and Kara left.
Salvage left and reported everything to Optimus Prime himself.
Optimus Prime: Thank you for informing me Salvage.(looks down) I feel bad about Blurr.(back to Salvage) But I will have a long talk with the team. This is not how we treat other Autobots, especially if they’re going through tough moments.
Then one night, Blurr was writing in his diary when he heard the team nearby. They were talking about him and how he was acting and how reckless he is. He peeked to hear the conversation and Heatwave said something that made his spark brake 
Chief Burns: Well Heatwave, it’s your team. You have to decide what to do with Blurr.
Heatwave: And I’ve already made my choice. Blurr has to go.(leaves the conversation)
Chase: Affirmative: Blurr is just causing more trouble.
Blurr:Well what do you know? We all agree on something. 😔
Blades noticed Blurr, and realized…
Blades: Uh oh. He overheard us.
Blurr quickly ran away from home.
Boulder: Blurr wait!
Blades: Oh, we messed up bad! Optimus is gonna be so upset with us now!
He left transforming in vehicle mode in tears outside the firehouse. He ran as fast as he could, far away from home. 
Blurr sped off away from the firehouse, and was now in the race track. He changed into robot mode and walked around.
He sat down on the floor of the track staring at his locket with a photo of him and his parents.
Blurr:(sobs with sadness)I never meant for things to be like this. Mom, Dad, I wish you were here.
Blurr sobbed at night with tears coming down his eyes and cried.
Blurr: I guess… I’m not meant to be a Rescue Bot.(sobs)
Hawk Moth felt Blurr’s negative energy from his lair: Ahh, the feeling of being neglected and one who isn’t fit for rescuing. Only wanting to do what he loves to do, race.Clearly sad to suffer for.
Then a butterfly lands on Hawk Moth’s hands, and he turns the butterfly into an Akuma and sends it to Blurr saying: Fly away my little Akuma, and evilize him!
The Akuma landed on Blurr’s blue visor,and then an aura of akumatization covered his face.
Hawk Moth: Shadow Racer. I am Hawk Moth. Your team has made you feel that you’re not worthy to fight and protect others, and that they think you only care for yourself. Well I’m giving you the power to make them feel how you felt. All I ask in return are Ladybug and Cat Noir’s Miraculous.
Blurr: I’ll make sure they regret everything they’ve done to me! Time to start my engines.
With that, Blurr lowered his visor, and he transformed into…
Shadow Racer[Blurr]: Shadow Racer’s on the track. Racing for revenge.(evil smirk and cackle)
Hawk Moth: But don’t forget our promise of the Miraculous,Shadow Racer.
Shadow Racer[Blurr]: A promise is a promise.(transforms into vehicle mode)
Blurr’s usual purple color in his vehicle mode was no longer purple with green. It was now a dark- blue themed racing armor with a pattern of red and silver detailing as he drove off to the firehouse into the darkness.
The next morning, Heatwave looked at a portrait with the whole team as he woke up. He picked it up and felt disappointed in himself. He and the team let Blurr down.
Heatwave:(sigh) I was wrong about Blurr. We all were.
Blades: Maybe we were too mean to him. Just like Cody said:You never know what someone’s going through. 
Boulder:Which is always best to be nice.
Chase: We must apologize to him for our behavior.
???: I had a feeling you would say that Chase.
The main 4 turned to see a red and blue truck enter. He changed into an Autobot. It was Optimus Prime! And he did not look pleased or happy with them. He had seriousness written all over his face.
Then Chief Burns, Kade,Graham, Dani, Cody and Kara came and saw Optimus.
Heatwave: Optimus, wha-what are you doing here?
Optimus Prime: Salvage has informed me about the situation with Blurr. And I must say, that I am extremely displeased and disappointed in all of you. You should not treat anyone who is part of the team like they’re not worthy. Especially if they’re going through something hard.
Heatwave sighed: I see that now Optimus. We all do.
Cody told Optimus: We tried to warn them Optimus.
Chief Burns: And I should’ve listened to you son.
Then a voice came from afar.
Shadow Racer[Blurr]:(voice from afar) Well,well,well… if it isn’t my ex-teammates. The ones who hurt me and pushed me away.
Shadow Racer came out in the front without being noticed by the speed he had. He was standing now in front of the whole team. He transformed into robot mode from his vehicle mode. He looked at the team with evil.
Heatwave: Blurr? I-is that you?
Shadow Racer: That’s not my name anymore. You said yourselves. It’s  Shadow Racer! Name’s Shadow Racer. Now, where are Ladybug and Cat Noir? Give me their Miraculous!
Boulder:(to Graham)What is he talking about?
Shadow Racer was not patient: Tell me now!
??? Female: Are you looking for us, Shadow Racer?
Everyone turned to see two heroes. Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Cat Noir: What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?
Shadow Racer[Blurr]: Ladybug and Cat Noir, I presume. Hawk Moth sent me as his new accomplice. Now, hand over your Miraculous!
Ladybug: Not gonna happen Shadow Racer!  
Shadow Racer[Blurr]:(snarl) Oh so you wanna play dirty. Well fine by me!(takes out a weapon) What do you say… Heatwave?
Heatwave sighed: I guess we’ll do.
Shadow Racer left them and said as a warning: If you don’t see me tonight at the track, you’ll eat my dust.(cackle)
He changed to his vehicle mode and sped off.
Graham: I think that this is probably our fault.
Salvage: You think?! Of course it’s your fault!
Heatwave: We’d better be at the race track tonight like Blur…(realizing) Shadow Racer said.
Ladybug: We’re going with you as well. We have to find where his Akuma is.
Boulder: But what even are Miraculous? 
Chase: And what is an Akuma?
Ladybug: An Akuma, is a magical butterfly capable of giving the target superhuman abilities. The use of these butterflies, while usually used for good, can be used for evil, as demonstrated by Hawk Moth.
Cat Noir: They usually land on something that means a lot to someone. And they come when Hawk Moth senses dark and negative energy.
Graham: So we caused Blurr’s negative energy from all the criticism, judgement and anger to him.
Heatwave: But it was mostly because of me. I let all my anger out on him. (sigh) It’s all my fault. I’m the reason he’s like this now.
Ladybug: Well Heatwave, you still have time to change this mistake. You all do.
Boulder: But can someone please explain to me what Miraculous are?
Ladybug: Well, it’s the jewels that give us powers. Mine are my earrings.
Cat Noir: And my ring is mine.
Boulder: Oh.
At night at the race track:
Shadow Racer was waiting, and he hated waiting.
Shadow Racer[Blurr]:(growls and yells) Where are they?!
Heatwave: We’re here.
Shadow Racer turned to see the team with Ladybug and Cat Noir with them.
Shadow Racer[Blurr] smirked: Well, well, well. You decided to show up after all. Thought you’d chicken out or pee your pants.
Kade:(whispering to Heatwave) We messed up bad.
Heatwave stood up front of Shadow Racer and spoke up: Blurr, I mean…Shadow Racer. We-we’re sorry. We didn’t know what you were going through.
Shadow Racer[Blurr]:(scoff) Sorry? You think apologies are enough to what you all put me through?!
Boulder: Okay, we deserved to be yelled at. But Heatwave’s right. We shouldn’t have judged you nor criticized you.
His visor shined a dark aura.
Hawk Moth to Shadow Racer: This may be  the perfect chance, Shadow Racer. Ladybug and Cat Noir are here. And the team who hurt you as well. now, get Ladybug and Cat Noir’s Miraculous!
Shadow Racer[Blurr]:(starting his engines on jets) You don’t have to tell me twice.
Shadow Racer sped towards them.
Ladybug yelled: Watch out!
Everyone moved before getting hit by Shadow Racer.
Blades: What do we do?! He won’t listen to us!
Shadow Racer then jumped on Blades.
Blades: Aah! Get off me!
Shadow Racer[Blurr] smirked: No.
His visor glowed again.
Ladybug realized: His visor. The Akuma’s in his visor!
Cody: How are we gonna get that off him?
Heatwave: Cody’s right. Our visors are part of our robot-modes.
Cat Noir: Maybe I can try to use my Cataclysm.
Salvage: Well, we need a distraction.
Kara: And I may have one.
They gathered around Kara as she explained her distraction to stop Shadow Racer, destroy the visor, get rid of the Akuma, and get Blurr back to normal.
Heatwave sighed: Fair enough. It’s basically all my fault he’s like this.
Chase: Heatwave. We all played a part. We all drove Blurr away.
Boulder: We’re all in this. Together.
Blades: As a team.
Shadow Racer changed to vehicle mode.
Heatwave: If he wants to race, then let’s race.
Heatwave changed to into a firetruck, and opened two of his doors.
Heatwave: Kade, Kara. Hop in!
They hoped in Heatwave.
Ladybug and Cat Noir hopped on top.
Blades: Hey! Shadow Racer! You wanna race him?
The word race caught his attention.
Shadow Racer[Blurr]: Fine. But let’s make a deal. If I win, I get Ladybug and Cat Noir’s Miraculous.
Cat Noir: And if we win?
Shadow Racer[Blurr]: I’ll be clean and I won’t hurt any of you.(smirks darkly)
Hawk Moth was impressed and told Shadow Racer: Impressive tactics. And I like how you thought to get the Miraculous. Now, make sure you win!
Ladybug: Times like this call for my…
Lucky Charm!
The Lucky Charm summoned a  race banner.
Ladybug: A race banner?
Kade: Okay. What are you gonna do with that exactly?
Ladybug thought for a moment. She looked at her surroundings. First a Cat Noir, then at Kara, Heatwave, and finally at Blurr.
Ladybug: That’s it!(to Cat Noir) Cat Noir. Prepare your Cataclysm.
Cat Noir: Cataclysm!
Cat Noir: Now what?
Ladybug: Kara. Hold one side of the banner.
Kara got one side: Got it.
Ladybug: Heatwave. I may need you to change into bot mode.
Heatwave: Then that means for Kade to get off me.
Kade: What? I thought we were gonna race!
Blades: Isn’t that what Shadow Racer wants? He wants to race.
Ladybug: We are gonna race to catch him with this banner.
Cat Noir: Trust her. She knows what she’s doing.
They did as Ladybug told them.
Shadow Racer sped super fast. So fast,that he didn’t pay attention to the front a got tangled and wrapped in the banners.
Shadow Racer:[Blurr] What!? Hey! Let go of me morons!
Cat Noir then used his Cataclysm right on the visor. It broke into dust, and the Akuma came out.
Ladybug: No more evil doing for you, little Akuma.(opening her yoyo)
She prepare and shouted: Time to de-evilize!
She launched her yoyo and the Akuma was caught inside.
Ladybug: Gotcha!
She then let the butterfly purified let it fly away: Bye,bye little butterfly.
She then threw the race banner shouting: Miraculous Ladybug!
And everything went back to the way it should be. And Blurr was de-Akumatized. His visor was fixed. He was no longer Shadow Racer.
Blurr: What… what happened?
Heatwave hugged Blurr.
Blurr was shocked: Wha? Heatwave? Are you… hugging me?
Heatwave: You deserved it.
Then the others joined in as well. They embraced Blurr tightly.
Heatwave then spoke up, sadness: Blurr. We’re really sorry. About everything.  Especially me. I owe you an apology. For how I treated you.
Chief Burns: Heatwave’s right. We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
Chase: We let you down. We weren’t cooperating with you.
Boulder: We should’ve been more careful about what we were saying. We should’ve been more nice to you.
Blades: Yeah. We didn’t know what you were going through. And we should’ve known better.
Blurr had tears come down: Really?
Boulder: We mean it. 
Optimus Prime spoke up and said: You are a very valuable member to be part of this team,Blurr. Never forget that.
Heatwave: So, can you forgive us?
Blurr thought about it. But he then said: Yeah. I can.
They embraced hard.
Ladybug gave Blurr a special charm that will protect him from getting Akumatized ever again.
Blurr: Thank you Ladybug, and Cat Noir. And, I’m sorry for trying to hurt you.
Ladybug: It’s not your fault. You were being controlled. But this charm will protect you now.
Heatwave put a hand on Blurr’s shoulder: And we promise to help you out Blurr.
They did. Blurr tried to stay calm and the team helped him avoid anymore Akumas from Hawk Moth.
finally! It’s done! I love how it turned out! Please give it support!
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sigmahealth · 9 months
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Balloon Sinuplasty
Balloon Sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat chronic sinusitis. By inserting a small balloon into the sinus cavity and inflating it, the procedure opens up blocked passages, allowing for easier breathing. Find detailed information on how this innovative technique can provide relief at Sigma ENT website.
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anitadoyle · 1 year
Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery - Sigma ENT
We diagnose and treat all medical and surgical problems of the ear, nose and throat. We offer the latest procedures and treatment options with a focus on minimally invasive office based procedures to get you back to enjoying life with minimal downtime. We are constantly working to improve our patient’s access to care and services. Telehealth services are now available our patients can schedule appointments and consult with a specialist from the comfort of their own home. You can see any of our specialists using your tablet, smartphone, or computer. We treat conditions concerning your ears, nose, and throat to help you return to your daily life as comfortably and as quickly as possible. Book an appointment now, and our doctors will help you get back to 100% as soon as possible. We also offer Telehealth services to allow you to consult with our doctors within the comfort of your own home.
Visit us:
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underdogentpresents · 2 years
Phi Beta Sigma & Underdog Ent Presents Kansas City Chiefs After Party Wi...
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deanbphotography · 6 years
Ich habe dich zum fressen gerne....
Ich habe dich zum fressen gerne.... von Dean Buchholz Über Flickr: Auch eine Ente will einen Froschschenkel probieren...
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Difference between Normal Hospital & Multispeciality Hospital in Nashik
Today, we are going to discuss the difference between Normal Hospital in Nashik & Multispecialty Hospital in Nashik, which will help individuals to great proper treatment on a specific or required disease.
Generally, when we get sick, we tend to go to a doctor nearby to our location. If the doctor notices some serious issue/problem after performing a basic test, we would need to go to a hospital and undergo the required test. 
In such a case, we ask the doctor to suggest the best hospital, but actually, you should compare the choices that you have with regard to all your requirements such as, budget, location, etc. before going to any hospital. Because people do not realize that there are various advantages and disadvantages in selecting the right hospital and that is what we would be sharing about it today in detail.
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What would be our selection criteria for selecting Best Hospital in Nashik? Number of years it is working since, or quality of services provided by the hospital? This really depends upon the purpose of your visit as some hospitals specialize in specific areas whether others are considered to be more generalized in nature. In such a case, we would look out for a Multispecialty Hospital in Nashik which will provide us facilities like, accidental help, cardiology related help, gynaecolgy help, ENT facility, organ transplant, pediatric help, urological disorders and etc.
 Six Sigma is one of the Best Multispeciality Hospital in Nashik, providing all services under one roof. The Doctors over here are highly experienced in their respective fields and they have the finest of staff working with them. It is also well known as Accidental Hospital in Nashik.
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alvinrabin · 8 months
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Sinusitis is an infection in the nasal passages which can cause headaches, pressure, and overall congestion. Dr. Kanwar Kelley is located in Orinda, California and if you need Sinus Surgery, don’t hesitate to make an appointment (925) 254-6710.
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sigma-health · 6 months
Sinus Surgery in Orinda
Sinusitis is an infection in the nasal passages which can cause headaches, pressure, and overall congestion. Do you suffer from sinus symptoms? Physicians at Sigma ENT provide comprehensive Sinus Surgery in Orinda. You can get both medical and surgical treatment for sinus disorders.
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sigmastolen · 5 years
there's something............ unsettling about major hayes addressing t'pol as "ma'am"
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petite-mnr · 4 years
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「 Hiya! I’m Nikolai Gogol from Decay of angels ent. >▽< My favorite person is Dos-kun. my favorite thing is Dos-kun. Because Dos-kun is my god!! ☆ Don’t forget to vote for me! And Dos-kun! And maybe Sigma-kun too! 」
Produce BSD au no one asked for but I need it anyway.
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atomistas-h · 4 years
ABC tenían un mapa parcial de la história, CDE tenían otro mapa parcial de la historia, FGH tenían otro mapa parcial de la historia, que ABCDEFGH si se hubieran conocido hubieran tenido el mapa total de la história, pero IJK tenian el mapa completo de la história y manipulaban a ABCDEFGH, para hacerles creer que tenian el mapa de la historia, y en consecuencia estos por separados tenian una version de la realidad diferente, entre si, y el mapa estaba disenado de tal manera, que si se cruzaban, aparentemente coincidian en sus puntos, mas la imagen del mapa que se hacian cada uno de sus grupos en las cabezas era muy distinto entre si, y no se percataban que poseían distintos mapas y que faltaban partes del mapa, el cual en su totalidad lo tenian IJK, los conocedores de la topologia total del mapa, mas no son los creadores de este. por lo tanto JKI tenian sin saberlo también una parte del proyecto, mas ellos creían que poseían la totalidad del mapa y fungian como directores sobre ABCDFGHI, sin que ellos se percataran, pero, IKJ tampoco se percataban que el proyecto que poseian era parcial, por lo tanto, conocian sin saberlo una parcialidad del proyecto. Esto explica parte de como funciona el plan real del proyecto, y JKI mientras pensaban que eran los conocedores de una verdad que ellos creian como tal, aparte una que otra duda, ayudaban a construir el proyecto de otro conjunto adyacente que poseia aun mas informacion
sobre el proyecto, e inferian cautelosamente sobre JKI y en consecuencia sobre ABCDFGH. y asi se distribuia la informacion del proyecto, a traves de una numerosa matriz en forma de ameba y dinamica de conjuntos
que interactuaban entre ellos sin saber, que en realidad habia un proyecto Master, que cordinaba toda esa ameba topologica de matrices, que creyendo cada una independientemente de su verdad, ayudaba a construir
sin darse cuenta que existia un proyecto completamente distinto al que cada conjunto y sus componentes no estaban al tanto, salvo unas QWE que tenian conocimiento tambien parcial del proyecto pero podian viajar
de conjunto en conjunto, infiriendo informacion, controlando y pasar la informacion a un conjunto especial que pasaba la informacion al proyecto master proyecto Master, el cual como se dice, es el corazón de una enorme cebolla, donde cada capa es vigilada exitosamente por el proyecto master, de una manera bastante eficáz. Los conjuntos tiene la capacidad de generar enlaces con otros conjuntos
de una manera muy variada, desde un espacio euclidano, otro 3d y otro cuantico. Cada matrix es autonoma y disenada para recibir e infundir informacion sobre otras matrices, induciendolas tambien al intercambio de sus componentes. todo ya previsto desde el corazon del proyecto, el Master, que a parte de ser creador, tiene tambien la facultade de ir corrigiendo los errores que se originan en el proceso de creacion.
Ahora bien, para que funciones esta estructura, cada elemento tiene su propia autonomía, constituida como un código que contiene informacion, y por esta caracteristica indispensable para que pueda funcionar el sistema, los elementos tienen conocimiento de sí mismos, conciencia de su constitucion, lo que les da a su vez su jerarquía dentro del sistema proyecto. Ocurre que aunqué el corazon del proyecto esta al tanto de esta característica necesaria para que pueda funcionar todo. esta forma hace que las entidades o elementos puedan alterar su propia constitucion sin poder cambiar de naturaleza, todo bajo la vigilancia del Master. y el master tiene conocimiento de todas las combinaciones e informaciones posibles que pueda generarse en su estructura. el problema radica cuando las entidades comienzan por una fuerza de potencia y deseo basicos que los impulsan a liberarse, mas todo ya registrado bajo el computo del sistema. al cambiar su vibracion, y esto el sistema lo nota inmediatamente y actua sobre eso para corregirlo o sustituirlo. Pero todo ese sistema esta compuesto por átomos y energías que provienen de una naturaleza exterior de la cual la cebolla es exclava sin saberlo.
Y el Master tiene parcial conocimiento de la naturaleza que la contiene, salvo como funcionan sus leyes y elementos dentro de si misma. el programa necesariamente tiene que proveer una libertad
controlada para poder funcionar y crear, y esto hace que esas vulnerabilidades necesarias, sean las mas vigiladas, pero como la naturaleza que contiene a la cebolla manda señales que son percibidas por algunos de lo entes que estan bajo el proyecto del Master. Pero el master no esta percatado de esto, ni toda su estructura de vigilancia. Lo cual infiere que es posible que esa cebolla este contenida
o dominada por otro sistema con otro Master. Que dirige al corazon de la cebolla, sin ella saberlo y mandando información, a algunos de los constituyentes de los conjuntos, generando mutaciones que el sistema de seguridad, por su naturaleza solo lo puede percibir como un intruso, mas no puede actuar sobre él, almenos qué de alguna manera lo decodifique y mande la información al Master de la cebolla para generar una respuesta si es posible. obviamente lo que el master es el planificador de su proyecto en la cebolla, esta esta bajo el control del MasterAlpha que interfiere de muchas maneras en su creacion, sin ser el MasterDelta el corazón de la cebolla conciente de ello del todo. Ya que el MasterDelta conoce otros sistemas adiacentes o intersectados, mas desconoce al MasterAlpha, creyendo que lo que constituye su exterior son esos sistemas intersectados, que son de la misma naturaleza de la cebolla, mas son manzanas y cerezas. Y tanto manzanas, cerezas, como la cebolla estan subordinadas al MaterAlpha, el cual es imperceptible por esos 3 mundos, auqneue lo intuyen mas nunca dan con su constitucion, ni siquiera saben si es de la misma naturaleza de ellos tres, ya que cuando la cebolla descubrió a la manzana, hizo todo lo posible para decifrarla y sustrajo informacion de esta por ser de su propia naturaleza y creer que ese era su verdadero contenedor, luego aparecio cereza que fue ella a que descubrio a manzana y a cebolla y ambas se sienten una totalidad universal trina, ya que se reflejan en su propia naturaleza y se pueden por ende explorar entre si y transmitirse informacion. La caracteristica primorial de master alfa es que puede enviar informacion a estos tres mundos sin que ellos se percaten, y no puedan detectar la naturaleza de esa informacion, y en consecuencia es invisible a los tres universos. Esto genera un problema, ya que mientras cebolla explora a manzana y cereza y viceversa en los tres casos. MasterAlpha permanece invisible a estos tres mundos que creen que en su totalidad son el universo.
Pero master alpha los controla, no porque los contenga, sino porque tiene poder sobre ellos y probablemente sea su creador, asi y todo Master alpaha sea de una naturaleza completamente diversa y sin ser contenedora de esos 3 mundos.
En consecuencia Lo que nosotros llamamos universo, no es mas que el 0.0000000000000009% de la totalidad o como se termine llamando. y Master alpha es la que realmente tiene un plan sobre esos tres mundos, desdibujando constantemente la creacion de MasterDelta 'cebolla', master omega 'manzana' y master 'sigma' cereza. Percebida por estos como errores, fenomenos, axiomas, incognitas,
pero que en realidad estaban ya previstos para ser corregidos, estudiados, expulsados o ignorados, porque el plan de master alpha es desconocido por estos 3 mundos.
Digamos que Master 'delta' cebolla es nuestro universo. 'Los Masters no necesariamente tienen que estar constituidos por un solo ente, pueden ser plurales y de simultaniedad espacio temporal' y obviamente mesurablemente finitos, o inmesurablemente infinitos no solo en extensión espacio temporal, que su linealidad pueda ser complementada por otras simultaniedades espacio temporales, dentro él mismo, y así y todo MasterAlpha al no pertenecer a esa naturaleza, la influye. pero entonces ¿donde hay lugar para que existan master 'omega', master 'sigma' y sobre todo master 'delta si son todos infinitos?.
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