cricketclan · 10 months
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YAYYY WOOO first actual relationship in the clan!!! Followed by pain and suffering and death. sorry to all of the Sweet Creature fans, she was barely there for ONE moon. ALSO im crying shaking over Thunderpaw's death. CRYING. Also Bigdawn is the starclan guide, i wanted to draw her
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leohnoz · 5 months
Warrior cat oc clan! + family tree!
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spiritmander13 · 1 year
Crossover ship time.
Just because I ship Flower and Lollipop, I can fully say that my favorite crossover ship is Flower... And Silver Spoon.
Why them?
Like, they are SO similar and yet SO different at the same time-
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miyuzarry · 1 year
A Piece of the Past (8)
Theodora: I..uh...What are you doing here?
Melody: You know, the usual. Walking around to explore this giant palace. The more important question, however, is what are you doing here in the middle of the night. Arguing with a man...
Theodora: Wait... You heard that?
Melody: Of course I did. Guy was practically yelling at you. Come on, answer my question...
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Theodora: It's complicated. I think it's for the best if we sit down for this.
Melody: Okay. Now tell me. What happened?
Theodora: Well... about a year and a half ago I met a man. But not in a usual way. I know this'll sound crazy but...
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Melody: Hm.
Theodora: He appeared in my dreams. Most of the time blurry until he finally revealed himself. Turns out he was a cursed royal man from the 19th century.
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Melody: ...
Theodora: He asked for my help to break the spell, in order for his soul to be free again.
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Melody: That sounds like the plot of a book, not gonna lie.
Theodora: I know it does but...
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*Theodora explains everything that had happen so far. From the letter she found, to the diary she found months later to the secrets that have been revealed*
Theodora: That is basically all there is to know.
Melody: If I didn't hear his voice I'd think you're nuts. I believe you, though.
But I don't get one thing... Is it truly possible for Octavius to be your ancestor?
Theodora: I don't know, actually. Octavius had a double life, as Silas told me. The reason why I couldn't recognize him from her other children was... Well. I have a theory.
Octavius himself was never recognized as a royal. He was hidden from the public. Her heir, Alexander barerly had any infant pictures...
Knowing these times I believe they were trying to hide him from public.
Melody: Wait. So you think Alexander and Octavius Identities were switched because he was disabled? That's cold.
Theodora: I know. Sadly it is possible, though. Which would explain the double life. The village he lived in is 30 minutes away. He probably came when the Queen asked him to do a public engagement.
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Melody: Damn. Poor Alexander.
Theodora: Alexander passed away at only 2 years old. So they hid it... Octavius was a year younger than Alexander.
Whatever they did, it seemed to work. He was actually named Alexander Octavius when he was born as if they planned to switch them.
Melody: Honestly that theory makes sense. It's heartbreaking but I'd expect no less from that time. During the past year you've learned a lot about your family.
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Theodora: It might be... but it's far from everything. There is way more to find out. I love this.
Melody: I totally get it. Maybe I should start doing that with my family too. Is that why you were mad at Silas?
Theodora: It's because of the massive amount of disrespect he shows me. He constantly argues with me, be mad when I can't find anything and just be so cold.
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Melody: Yikes. What a douchebag. You, the Princess helped this man, and yet he shows no sign of gratitude. The audacity!
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Theodora: Exactly.
Melody: Don't worry, Theo, I'll help you. We'll break this curse together.
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Theodora: Really? Thank you so much.
Melody: We're family. Of course I'd do that. But seriously, you should have told him how you feel about him.
Theodora: I couldn't. Not after this mess with Matthew or my recent discovery. There is a big chance we could be related and I'd be disturbed for life. Haha.
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Melody: Understandable. Hey, why don't we go upstairs and sneak into the kitchen to get us some hot chocolate?
Theodora: Sounds good to me. Let's go.
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Theodora: I could really use that right now.
Melody: Same!
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chocopuffie · 8 months
do y’all have this fear when you’re writing a character that’s originally presented as your typical rough asshole type but you’re making him more soft than they actually are? like you’re writing him out of character. cuz i do. especially when it’s about oc x canon fanfics.
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quintessentialarts · 1 year
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Etsy | Facebook | Instagram
I redid this older style pendant with a little jade bead 💚
Salvia rosmarinus /Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary
Pure silver flower amulet, containing recycled silver ♻️
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bloodyfoxcrew · 2 years
SO! Part of the reason I've been more quiet is because of these two projects! I will be doing Whumptober and Pittyober over on AO3 hopefully almost every day. Constructive criticism is allowed and encouraged on these!
Note: Please read CW in the chapter summaries. For the most part, these will be T for Teen but in Whumptober, there will be a very small handful of chapters that rise to the level of M for Mature due to heavy topic matters. Pittyober is currently planned to be all T for Teen.
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pushmycartusa · 6 months
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Buy Beautiful "Plain Silver Flowers Pack Of 108 " From Pushmycart.com
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carnelianchaos · 2 years
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eteniren · 2 years
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Silver rose earrings #eteniren #rose #flowers #polymerclay #silver #silverrose #silverflowers https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_CN2LstH5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wilhelmsembrace · 1 month
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Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die... ~*
"A man of mystery, carrying a blade he never unsheathes, his clothes always layered and eyes so sharp that could cut through you if you dare lie on his presence. Some say he was once a brilliant Healer of Ceres, a prodigy amongst the prodigies; some would say he is cruel to those who break the law... What lies underneath that freezing stare? What kind of secrets does one hold so dearly?"
( TW: Suicide; Violence; Death )
Love was a funny thing. From bards and dreamers, you’d hear about happiness, hope and devotion, but from real people with real lives, you’d hear about sorrow, tragedy and loss... This story was what happened when you decided to take the worst parts of each of those.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful noble elvhen woman that would dare fall in love with a simple human man with no possessions to his name. There were many who desired the hand of such fair maiden, one that would put even Goddesses to shame with her light blue eyes and her charming smile, and yet she found herself falling for the one man she could never have.
Ehrhart Blackheart was a waiter at a restaurant by day and worked for a bookstore by night, a man of no wealth, simple, with nothing to his name except a dog and a dream of becoming a renown merchant. Helestina Silverflower was a noblewoman, highborn, pureblooded elvhen, she had everything and more, but never a smile upon her features.
They met, as cliche as it sounds, in a stormy night, when her carriage was forced to stop by the only place that was open so late in the night, a bookstore on the streets of Eterna. She instantly called it fate that she’d find a man so knowledgeable inside, telling her stories of dragons, princesses and knights in shiny armor, he, on the other hand, found in her an opportunity to leave that life of misery and tricked her into thinking he’d traveled the world when that bookstore was as far from home as he’d ever been.
When she got home, her parents were adamant in their decision, that man wasn’t good enough for her, he was a commoner, a nobody, and a human at that, he’d be gone before she’d notice. Their orders? She was to find a suitor by the fortnight so those thoughts would not corrupt her innocent mind. She didn’t listen. Instead, she found herself a solution in a merchant’s caravan, an odd one at that.
The man sold powerful artifacts as if they were simple kitchen tools, exchanged them for stories and other useless things, and yet he carried the one thing she trully wanted, ‘wishes come true’ in the shape of a blade. Helestina asked for a price, and there was one, but that was a price she could never pay. She was upset, frustrated and desperate, and the clever Genasi saw that and offered her another way of payment.
The exorbitant amount turned into a single story, the one she treasured the most. She had no stories of adventures or tales of bravery, so, thinking she’d trick him, she told him the story her loved one told her that night. Little did she know he wasn’t looking for a true story, but one that filled her heart with joy, and that one, although flawed and messy, was her most precious tale.
The merchant gave her the blade, three wishes it would bestow, and her happiness was unmatched as she met her lover the next day. The first wish was that he could be a noble like her, and as such one of the blade’s crystal was gone and he was now a nobleman of a powerful house. With great power, however, comes resposibility and stress, and a simple man who knew nothing was hardly able to manage everything he’d been bestowed upon from day to night.
Ehrhart grew paranoid and fearful of the fake smiles and elaborate phrases, but more than anything, he felt time slip away from him... What would he do if he didn’t have enough time to learn? So he told his lover his concern, but as a sly fox, he reimagined it to fit her innocence; he lied and she fell for it. As her second wish, she wished youth for her loved one, but her words were sever, she wished for him to be by her side forever. The second crystal disappeared.
At the wedding day, they were met with a splendid party, magic and money turning the whole event into something akin to dreams. Everyone celebrated and was happy, except for Ehrhart. He was worried, troubled, his paranoia now was turning into madness, bound to a life together with the woman he had only intended to use for his own selfish intentions. And there she was, having the time of her life, but not him.
Truth is, on the side he had another, a woman from the past, a childhood friend to whom his heart belonged to, Mariane Welsh, a commoner like him, daughter of a fisherman and a fishmonger herself. It was unfortunate how Helestina found out, in the forrest where they had their best moments, there he was with this woman, and in a thousand pieces did her heart break. On that same moment, feeling betrayed, she slid the blade she made him someone with through his heart, and in a single moment she was turned from a happily married woman to a grieving widow, in eternal sorrow and shame for trusting that man.
This would have been where the story ends, but it wasn’t. The man came back to haunt her as it was her wish that they would stay together forever, but she didn’t hear curses or shaming from that vengeful spirit, what she heard was even worse, he asked her to care for a son, one that she didn’t know of, one born of the betrayal that ruined her life. She didn’t listen, instead, as her last wish, what she wanted the most was to end her suffering.
The blade was not so kind, and, instead, it gave her something else, she watched her love die once again in front of her, flames burning his spirit into nothing, sending it to a place no one could ever summon him from. She was now free of the thing that made her suffer. Guilty, she cried for days on end, but after that, she went to meet with the other, Mariane; she brought her to live within her household together with her baby, and even put them in her will. A few days later, she jumped from the highest tower...
Wilhelm Blackheart was a boy born to a fishmonger and her noble lover. He would only hear from his father from stories his mother told him growing up, and Mariane made sure he knew he was also son to another, a mother that didn’t give him genes, but gifted him with the life he had. A life of comfort and plenty of possessions, one that his biological parents never really had when they were little.
The boy with big blue eyes would see his mother grow old with time and his grandparents, although they never allowed him to call them that, would stay the same. When he was old enough, another gift, the Gods gave him magic of his own, one that he could not control, but that spiked the interest of his grandfather. The tall evhen man would begin to tell him stories about the things witches like him would go through in other countries, but not to scare him, to guide him to become a person that would use that gift he had to something good.
As such, when he was old enough, they sent him to study under the Tower, to perfect his magic. Will was never a prodigy, but he was good at it, great even, better than most in his class, and that’s because he had a dream, one that he could be light to those who needed it, a breeze of fresh air in a room full of trouble. So he trained as hard as he could, studied for countless hours on end and even fell sick because of this, but he never gave up.
He found peace in following the School of Restoration because it brought him closer to people who could need his help, but he never saw death as a cruel end. His life was given to him through a tale of tragedy and demise, in his mind, death was just an outcome of living, and as such, it was needed. It was an end to a suffering, such as his other mother would have it. Bringing people back from the verge of dying was a call, and it was his, but one thing he could never do was bring those who’d already gone to a better place back to a world of sorrow, tragedy and loss.
So he became a Healer of Ceres, the youngest in a long time, a position where he could use his knowledge to the good of others, and in that he was best. Years passed by and he had many students learn under him, many prodigies unlike him, some would refuse his teaching because of his age, but the ones who trully listened became extraordinary. He thought that was his purpose, to teach others while doing what he loved, but soon his life would become another with the letter of invitation.
The Queendom needed his services, as it written on the letter, and as he arrived, instead of the Queen herself, he was met with The Speaker of The Elysian Throne of Lysara, she’d been looking for a person with a heart she could trust and that she found in him. From day to night he was Magistrate, a position of power, impartial and vigilant, working under her, and in that he saw a way of helping the people, more than just being blindly judged by a power hungry aristocrat, he could be the one to judge.
Caring +++ || Just ++ || Altruistic + Distant +++ || Quiet ++ || impatient +
Currently working as a Magistrate in Lysara.
When Will began to explore his magic, he send a bolt of magic flying across his room that, as he tried to control it, unfortunately turned in his direction and hit him in the arm, leaving a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt down his arm that he hides under layers and layers of clothing and a tatoo was made over the scar. He’s ashamed of his past foolishness and believes his past self to have been careless and ignorant. Later, when he entered the Tower, he finally learned the properties of magic and found in Restoration the path that would bring him satisfaction through taking the pain away from others. The path of Ceres wasn’t even a question, but and answer to his hopes.
Wilhem has always been the support type, but not one that would stay behind, one that would go forth and do what he must to keep his allies alive, fight creatures with his bare hands if needed. His goal in a battlefield is to end the battle as quickly as possible and keep as many allies as possible in good shape. The best version of himself would be a devout to the Goddess with a path focused on the cycle of life and the comfort of death with due aversion to undeath, and a warrior as a side, since he believes in fighting for what is right and would jump to action if his friends needed it.
As a student of the Tower, he didn’t wish only to help people with the powers he learned to harness from the veils of magic and under the protection of the Gods, he was devout to the thought of importance of the cycle of life for all creatures. That’s why when he found a hurt cat on the streets, he was quick to bring him to the Tower, where he could give him the best treatment possible, even at the cost of multiple scratches and bites. It was hard to treat every wound, but eventually they created a bond beyond anything he’d ever expected, they were friends. So he named the Cat Sith Scratch.
Will’s relationship with his mother is that of love and respect, he sees on his mother a person who never allows bad to be the main event of a situation, she finds a way to show a smile even when there’s nothing to be happy about. Even though she was strongly discriminated amongst the nobles and even the servants of the household they were brought to by Helestina, she never once showed sadness or uncertainty, always a kind soul, and a just one that would see through the eyes of order. She was his inspiration, his role model. His other two parents were only tales, and he wanted to hate them, but his mother never allowed it, she said they had their reasons for what they did, both of them died for love, and she was the one to teach him that death was just comfort for the hearts of those who suffered.
The merchant who once sold the blade his grandmother told him his elvhen mother had in her possessions was one called The Wandering Merchant of Tales, which he tried to find for a good while, traveling across Lysara in his free time and going as far as to other kingdoms, but, although he’d hear stories, he never really found that person to ask him which tale his mother traded for that thing. He inherited the blade when he was old enough, as a symbol of what blind love could do to a person, but now it is just a sword with missing gemstones that he carries always sheathed on his belt.
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cricketclan · 8 months
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MANY good things this moon but rip Thicketspring. Hes so hard to see with the starclan lineart i use LOL
ALSO!!! Parsleykit is the first male tortie ive gotten! I love him sm
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crackships-osc · 7 months
Silverflower (Silver Spoon; II x Flower; BFDI)
I do not regret it when I say they would be T4T QPPs at LEAST.
tall.. objects.. omg..
They would anon, they would.
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spiritmander13 · 1 year
Oh you thought me shipping Flowerpop and Silvercandle was amazing? I'm having a brainrot over this crackship.
Think about it.
Childhood friends who separated due to family issues and only reunited because Flower was friends with Silver's cousin Lollipop.
And they're very surprised when they see each other again, considering Flower used to be a boy and Silver used to be a girl before their transitions.
And they both were selfish at one point, and are into good looks and fashion, and are always overtly confident...
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miyuzarry · 1 year
Behind The Silverflower (1)
A few hours after everyone fell asleep...
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Silas: I know you're here. Show yourself.
???: Wow, you're fast. How did you know I was here?
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Silas: I assumed it was obvious that I have abilities. Especially when you're so obsessed in finding out my identity.
???: Good point. But you seem troubled, has your lifelong mission failed?
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Silas: What are you talking about?
???: Well... I thought you'd know by now what I mean.
Silas: Stop playing around.
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???: It's not just you who has abilities, Silas Silverflower.
I know that you asked Princess Theodora for help just so you can strip the life out of her.
Didn't seem to work so well for you.
Silas: Don't bother. That gun won't work on spirits.
???: Stop taking all the fun away. You are so desperate to live again that you genuinely think that playing with her heart would help you.
It makes you so much worse than I thought you'd be. Aren't I correct?
Silas: Does that scare you?
???: Wa..What?
Silas: That you might be right. The fact that you are talking to the force you are trying to hide from.
Not a smart move if you ask me. Walking in the Lion's cage like you own the place.
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???: So it is true. Everything.
Silas: Trying to get my life back? Yes. It is true. The Princess was my only choice, because she could see me.
Her heart is pure and innocent and therefore a perfect sacrifice in order to return.
You don't know what you're dealing with, Missy. But you can be sure that I will show you.
That does not mean I'm still following what I planned to do.
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???: You don't scare me.
Silas: *chuckles* It might not. But you should be scared.
???: ...
Agent: Sup, are you done? It was entertaining seeing you talk to yourself, but now it has gotten kinda weird.
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???: Wait, you can't see him?
Agent: Nope.
Silas: Farewell.
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chocopuffie · 8 months
Tell me about Silverflower.
*runs into the room, knocking everything over during the process*
SilverFlower aka ship of Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077 and my OC Kazuko Kirigami <33
dynamic? enemies to friends to lovers.
of course the way the met is the same as in the game, but ending is ofc different cuz canon one sucks. Johnny gets his own body and THEY’RE HAPPY TOGETHER
they bicker about pointless bs, their ideals crash SO MUCH?? given how Kazuko is a former queen with healing powers (WHOLE CAN OF WORMS FR) and ofc Johnny is a rebellious rockerboy.
they definitely both have the same views about oppression obviously. Kazuko, despite her being in power has never once strove away from helping ANYBODY no matter who they were, her city that she ruled was literally built to help minorities in every context.
their heartfelt moments?? cute asf. Johnny doesn’t like giving affection but being stuck inside the emotional mess’s head for weeks has taught him thing or two about EMPATHY.
Johnny teaches Kazuko how to be brave and confident, Kazuko teaches him how to be more empathetic and open.
im rambling now but basically they’re my hyperfixation and i’ve written like 30 fics about just two them :’)
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