#Simply Algarve
melanieph321 · 2 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Summer Fling Part 2/10
Part 1 Part 3
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Summary - Reader has landed a research job at a marine biology lab in Portugal. She is, therefore, staying with her sister and her sister's Portuguese boyfriend for the summer holidays. There, she meets Ruben Dias, who is on vacation with his friends after the 2024 Euros. However, the two meet under the circumstances in which Ruben believes that Reader is a prostitute.
Enjoy! ☀️
Who would have thought that after a night out and several rounds of drinks, you still weren't able to turn your sleep schedule around. Apparently, you left Australia, but Australia refused to leave you, resulting in another night of laying on your back and admiring the sealing.
"Fuck, Diogo!"
"Right there!"
"Yes, right there!"
"Ohhhh God!"
However, even if you did turn your sleep schedule around, falling asleep to the sounds of your sister getting her back blown by her boyfriend would've simply been impossible.
"Yes, Diogo. Yeeees!"
You covered your ears with your hands and prayed for better times. But when that didn't work, you got out of bed, hopped in the shower, and left the house.
Diogo didn't live too far from the city of Albufeira. You and your sister were too drunk to make it back to Faro last night. Staying with him was the most convenient thing to do. You made it back downtown by hopping on a train. However, there wasn't much to see in the morning since it was still early hours. Street sweepers were seen cleaning up the aftermath of last night's partying, and soon tourists and their family's would make their way down the white sandcastle hills, exploring another day in paradise.
"One ticket to the Zoomarine, please."
You got pretty bored of lounging around the streets like a hungover hobo. The next best thing to do was to buy a ticket to the Algarve Zoomarine, a water park with live dolphin shows and displays of marine life. As a kid, you used to love visiting these types of places in Australia. However, after years of education, you saw these places for what they really were. Animal crime scenes.
You sat in on one of the dolphin shows but couldn't last ten minutes before abandoning your seat. It was simply a disgrace to see those poor animals forced to do tricks and interact with humans. All for the sake of being given fish as a treat.
"They're pretty amazing, no? Those blue puffer fish."
You came to mourn the Portuguese marine life while admiring a giant aquarium. When suddenly, a man, blonde and blue eyes, startled you. Even more so when he spoke to you with an Australian accent.
"Yes, amazing indeed." You said. "But these puffer fish should be set free in the wild, not swim around in some aquarium pool in the middle of a tourist trap."
"I don't know...." The man scratched the cap he wore on top of his head. If you hadn't been so full of yourself, you might have noticed that the text on his cap read: Algarve marine life rescue and research. "Setting these bad boys free in the wild might be more dangerous than it is for us to keep them here," the man said.
"That doesn't make any sense. All animals should be set free to live in their natural habitat."
"Well, that I agree." He smiled. "However, these particular puffer fishes are used to help produce antidotes for tetrodotoxin. It's actually ongoing research."
"You're a marine biologist?" You frowned.
The man's smile widened. "Most of us working at the park are. If not in the ocean, the best place to house our underwater friends is surprisingly in this water park."
"Oh." Heat rose to your face.
"I'm glad to see a fellow animal activist, though. Whereabouts are you from? I know an Aussie accent when I hear one."
"Sydney." You blushed. "I'm from Sydney Australia."
"Brisbane." The man offered you his hand. You shook it vigorously.
"Are you just here for the summer holidays or...?" The man's accent was suddenly flourishing.
"Yes and no. I'm actually a marine biologist myself."
"Are you now?" He regarded you curiously, his smile even wider now, which you didn't think possible.
"Well, I'm still doing my masters in marine ecology. That's actually why I'm here in Portugal this summer, to finish my research in a lab not too far from here."
"In Faro?"
"How did you know?"
"Well, I believe it's the only known marine biology lab in the Algarve region."
"Yes, at least the only known lab that would take on a young woman like yourself. The other labs consist of snobby middle-aged men who wouldn't care to advocate for the innocent life of puffer fishes."
"Interesting. I must have gotten lucky then."
"I doubt it. I pick my students carefully. Your research portfolio must have been stellar."
The man removed the cap from his head, revealing his bleach blonde hair and surprisingly young face. "I'm Gavin Philips, and I believe to be your lab partner for this summer."
"Lab....partner?" You hesitated to shake the man's hand again, however, he insisted.
"Labpartner, examinator, professor....most students just call me Gavin."
"Yes, and what might your name be?"
"Erm...it's Y/N."
"Pleasure meeting you Y/N. I look forward to working with you this summer."
"Erm...thank you."
What a coincidence, you thought, during your train ride home. To meet the man with the power to decide your future as a marine biologist was definitely not on your summer bingo card. He seemed like a nice guy, though. And you had the Australia connection, which was perhaps a good thing, knowing how things could get when working in a male dominated setting. You were in need of an ally, and Gavin Phillips might just be the right guy for the job.
"There she is! Y/N, where the hell have you been all day?"
You were welcomed back by your sister and Diogo, both looking dressed for a day at the beach. Diogo, with his mountains for muscles, carried several bags from the house to his car, a luxurious Range Rover.
"What do you mean? It's barely noon." You said.
"Yes, but Diogo is taking us to Lagos today. Didn't I tell you that?"
"No, no you didn't."
"Well, I'm telling you now. Go pack your bags and don't forget to pack an extra pair of G-strings."
You were set for another day in party paradise. However, five days had passed since your flight from Sydney, and you still hadn't gotten an ounce of a proper night's sleep.
Part 1 Part 3
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fabien-euskadi · 1 month
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This is the Hermitage of Saint Louis, in Faro, a rather nice example of the Portuguese Plain Style of the first half of the XVII Century.
Nowadays, this small church stands just next to the Saint Louis Stadium, home of the local football club (Sporting Clube Farense - simply known as Farense), but, in the first half of the 1600s, this part of the city was no more than a rural area on the outskirts of the capital of the Algarve.
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triviareads · 2 years
Why the Queen Charlotte Show's Take on Race is Dubious at Best and Harmful at Worst (Also, Was Queen Charlotte Actually Black? An Exploration)
As the promo for the Queen Charlotte show picks up, I'm starting to see a lot of genuinely harmful articles in the news, and they're compounded by Shondaland themselves and the material they've chosen to show the world.
Let's first talk about Shondaland, who decided it was a great idea to double down on the notion that love cured racism, and then proceeded to create a show about Queen Charlotte and King George III, a man who was historically pro-slavery politically, and did nothing about the issue even as abolition sentiment picked up during his reign. Their Valentine's Day event didn't inspire much confidence either; they showed multiple clips that describe this segregated society (their kind don't mix with our kind, or some variation of this, was said a thousand times in each promo clip) where the white people in power (the monarchy) apparently don't engage with the Black nobility until.... suddenly now, when Princess Charlotte is arriving to marry George. Oh also, Corey Mylchreest, the actor who plays George III recommended a book called, The Last King of America: The Misunderstood Reign of George III, written by Baron Roberts of Belgravia, a man who has apparently defended the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and mass internment in Northern Ireland. Lovely. Going back on topic, the clips themselves showed an embarrassingly white-washed portrayal of racism and segregation, and that too, we know it was all magically solved within a generation.
Look, I'm not asking for a tragic POC narrative. But if I'm watching a show where race is a focal point thematically, I want it treated with the respect and consideration it deserves. Not some post-racial-but-not-really fantasy bullshit they're spinning. As my friend @jeanvanjer said, racism isn't simply being "mean" or someone being given the cut-direct. Because here's the thing: Shondaland absolutely had the option of not creating this ridiculous narrative. They could have casted all the same, lovely actors and not explained why this regency fantasy world is diverse! Instead, they decided to bring in race, but then treat it as a fucking joke.
Which brings me to this article:
First of all, for an article that's titled race is "more central" to the Queen Charlotte show, it barely gives us any information as to how. Instead, it gives this quote from Adjoa Andoh:
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First of all, "TRUE TO HISTORY"? I'm sorry, is Shondaland and its actors spinning the narrative that Queen Charlotte truly was a mixed-race woman in an effort to legitimize this show's need to create this simplistic racial narrative?
Fine. Lets examine that, shall we? How did Queen Charlotte come to allegedly have a Black ancestor? Let me tell you this: it was not due to love conquering racism. The answer lies in the 1200s. Literally 500 years before Charlotte's birth. Her name was likely Madragana Ben Aloandro, and she was a woman of possibly-Moorish ancestry and a Muslim. She was born in the Algarve when it was still ruled by the Moors, but it was conquered by King Afonso III, who made Madragana his mistress shortly after, had her converted to Christianity, and had her name changed. There are gaps in her story, but if I try to fill them in, I can very well imagine that based on the fact that this man conquered her home by use of military force, and she was around twenty years younger than him, there was... likely a significant lack of consent here along with erasure of identity. This is the woman Charlotte is likely descended from, a woman who was born some 500 years before her, and likely had a negligible contribution to Charlotte's gene pool. But somehow, the show and this article expects us to believe that historical assertions that Charlotte looked like a Black woman, or even counted as biracial, are not racist, but statements of fact.
Indeed, this article relied on disgusting, racist, and obviously biased descriptions from Charlotte's contemporaries including her personal physician Baron Stockmar and Sir Walter Scott as "proof" Charlotte was a mixed-race woman, and then proceeded to tie her to Meghan Markle in terms of the racism they experienced:
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These false equivalencies and cherry-picking historical facts have become a hallmark of the Bridgerton show, and now the Queen Charlotte show as well, apparently.
What this show, and Shondaland as a whole, fails to understand is that its take on racial politics is embarrassing and ridiculous for an educated, modern audience. For those of us who are students of history, we cannot accept a narrative like "love cures racism" and simply fly with it, because we know that cheapens not only the romance of this alleged historical romance show, but also the hard-won battles people in history fought in order to freely love who they choose to love.
We cannot accept an even more dangerous potential narrative the show may try to sell us, that segregated societies can be equal by pointing to proof of Black aristocrats in the Queen Charlotte show as an example. Because if there's anything decades of precedent has taught us, a segregated society is inherently unequal.
We cannot accept this Queen Charlotte show than anything more than a thoughtlessly-done portrayal of a segregated society, waiting to magically be fixed by someone— the white man who was historically a racist pro-slaver? A Black woman who wasn't actually Black historically?
Who knows.
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sissa-arrows · 9 months
i saw someone try and argue that sephardic jews in north africa are actually european because they originally came from iberia.. then i suppose most iberians are amazigh, by that logic lmao
(never ask an american to look at a person from algarve/andalusia/algeria/tunisia/etc and try to guess where they're from - they can't comprehend it's not about how one looks)
Sephardi means “Spanish”. The reason people think it’s a way to designate European Jews in North Africa is simply because that term is used to whitewash and deny the arabness of North African Jews. The term was coined to designated the Jewish people who left Spain after the Reconquista. Except while some of them were indeed of European decent a lot of them were also indigenous North Africans who came in Spain during Al Andalus as it was thriving and just went back to North Africa. The majority of the people called “Sephardi” today actually have no tie to those Jewish people who had to leave Spain.
That being said I personally stopped using Sephardic or even Mizrahi to talk about North African Jews after reading “When we were Arabs” by Massoud Hayoun. Those terms are a way to whitewash and deny the “arabness” of North African Jews so I won’t be using them.
To quote the book “Like my ancestors for as long as my family can remember, I am Arab. Of Jewish faith. I am not Sephardi or Mizrahi. Those are two fairly recent but popular polite-society terms for what I am. They are certainly better than slurs, but I won’t settle for them.” […] “In large part, I identify as Arab because reclaiming my place in a broader Arab world—an aspirational Arab world, in solidarity with itself—scares our foes who have, for so long, taught us to fight against ourselves. I am an Arab because that is the legacy I inherit from Daida and Oscar. It is how they remain, for me, immortal. My Arabness is cultural. It is African. My Arabness is Jewish. It is also retaliatory. I am Arab because it is what I and my parents have been told not to be, for generations, to stop us from living in solidarity with other Arabs.”
(Regarding Americans once I said I was Algerian a guy asked where it was and I said in Africa… he replied “oooooh you mean Nigeria that’s how it’s pronounced in English” and then asked if I was mixed cause I was clearly not black so how could I be African… that day I gave up on white Americans. Also there’s this girl born and raised in Algeria who went to study in the US and when her schoolmates realized she was Algerians they googled it and started romanticizing colonialism and calling her the “French girl” and honestly I do have the French citizenship but If I was called the French girl in that context I would punch the person in the face. White Americans would look at North Africans siblings and be so confused because of how different we can look.)
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Trusting Who We Are
Trusting Who We Are
by Fire_Traveller
Disclaimer: if you haven't read the previous stories in the 'Per Aspera' verse, this will likely not make that much sense...
After the most recent events, Aziraphale and Crowley have decided to take a (well-deserved) holiday trip. They put Anathema and Newt in charge of taking care of their South Downs cottage, while they themselves eventually end up on the sunny coast of the Algarve in Portugal, simply enjoying some time with each other...
Words: 3981, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 14 of Per Aspera ad Astra - to the Stars
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Per Aspera ad Astra verse, Crowley Loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), Aziraphale Loves Crowley (Good Omens), Wings, He/Him Pronouns For Aziraphale (Good Omens), He/Him Pronouns For Crowley (Good Omens), holiday trip, Fluff, wing-grooming and dealing with previous trauma, Sequel, Post-Canon, Post-Almost Apocalypse (Good Omens), Crowley Was Raphael Before Falling (Good Omens), Crowley taught Heaven's healers, No Beta - We Fall Like Crowley, Canon-Compliant...for now at least, Ineffable Partners, Ineffable Spouses, ineffable husbands, Summer Holidays, Aziraphale and Crowley Live Together (Good Omens), i'm SOFT, Romantic Fluff, Established Relationship
From https://ift.tt/tXz0QRM https://archiveofourown.org/works/46738027
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Navigating Faro Airport: Your Guide to Car Rentals
Are you planning a trip to the beautiful region of Faro, Portugal? If so, you'll likely be flying into Faro Airport, the main gateway to the stunning Algarve region. Upon arrival, one of the most convenient ways to explore everything Faro and beyond have to offer is by renting a car right at the airport.
Why Choose Faro Airport Car Rentals?
Renting a car at Faro Airport offers a myriad of benefits for travelers looking to make the most of their time in Portugal:
By renting a car at the airport, you can avoid the hassle of searching for transportation upon arrival. You can simply pick up your rental vehicle and be on your way to your final destination in no time.
Having a rental car gives you the freedom to explore Faro and the surrounding areas at your own pace. Whether you want to visit secluded beaches, picturesque towns, or historic sites, having your own vehicle allows you to create your own itinerary.
Traveling with luggage or with a group of people can be challenging when relying on public transportation. Renting a car provides you with the comfort and space you need to travel comfortably.
Choosing the Right Car Rental at Faro Airport
Faro Airport offers a range of car rental companies, each with its own selection of vehicles and services. When choosing a car rental at Faro Airport, consider the following factors:
Compare prices from different car rental companies to find a vehicle that fits your budget. Keep in mind additional costs like insurance, fuel, and any extra services you may require.
Vehicle Type
Consider the size of the vehicle you need based on the number of passengers and luggage you'll be traveling with. Whether you prefer a compact car for city driving or an SUV for exploring off-the-beaten-path locations, choose a vehicle that suits your travel needs.
Insurance Coverage
Ensure that you understand the insurance policy offered by the car rental company. Consider additional coverage options for peace of mind while driving in Portugal.
Additional Services
Some car rental companies offer extras such as GPS navigation, child seats, or additional drivers. Evaluate which services you may need during your trip and inquire about their availability and costs.
Exploring Faro and Beyond
With your rental car secured at Faro Airport, you're ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through Portugal's Algarve region. From the golden beaches of Praia de Faro to the charming streets of Lagos and the stunning cliffs of Sagres, there's no shortage of adventures to enjoy with the freedom of a car at your disposal.
Don't miss the opportunity to explore the hidden gems of Faro and its surroundings, soaking in the rich culture, delicious cuisine, and breathtaking landscapes that Portugal has to offer.
Make the most of your trip to Faro by choosing a car rental at Faro Airport that meets your needs and allows you to traverse the region with ease. Happy travels!
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howardallison · 1 month
Explore Europe with Let's Trip AI: Your Ultimate Travel Planning Companion
Traveling to Europe is a dream for many, with its rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning landscapes. However, planning an itinerary that covers all the must-see spots and hidden gems can be daunting. Enter Let's Trip AI, your go-to solution for creating perfect, personalized travel plans across Europe.
Why Choose Let's Trip AI for Your European Adventures?
Tailored Itineraries: Let’s Trip AI Travel Planner leverages advanced AI technology to craft bespoke itineraries that cater to your unique interests and preferences. Whether you’re seeking historical tours, culinary experiences, or natural beauty, Let's Trip AI ensures every detail is covered.
Complimentary and Ad-Free: Enjoy comprehensive travel planning services for free during the beta phase, with no ads to disrupt your experience. This allows you to focus solely on your travel plans.
Full Customization: Every element of your itinerary can be customized. You can adjust locations, add personal notes, and modify activities to fit your travel style.
Integrated Maps and Itinerary: Access your travel plans and maps seamlessly in one place, making navigation and planning simpler and more efficient.
Curated Music for Your Journey: Enhance your travel experience with a bespoke music playlist tailored to your itinerary, setting the perfect mood for your adventures.
Authentic and Unique Experiences: Avoid the tourist traps and explore authentic experiences selected by the AI, ensuring you get a genuine taste of each destination.
Discover Europe with Let’s Trip AI
Europe offers countless travel opportunities, and Let's Trip AI helps you make the most of your time. For instance, consider planning a trip to Portugal with our detailed itinerary. The 1 week trip to Portugal Itinerary is a perfect example of how Let's Trip AI can guide you through an enriching and unforgettable journey.
Highlights of the 1 Week Trip to Portugal Itinerary
Day 1: Lisbon Exploration
Discover the historic neighborhoods of Alfama and Bairro Alto.
Visit iconic sites such as the Belém Tower and Jerónimos Monastery.
Day 2: Sintra and Cascais
Explore the fairy-tale palaces and gardens of Sintra.
Enjoy the coastal charm of Cascais with its beautiful beaches.
Day 3: Porto
Wander through the historic Ribeira district.
Taste world-renowned Port wine at local cellars.
Day 4: Douro Valley
Take a scenic drive through the Douro Valley.
Enjoy wine tastings at picturesque vineyards.
Day 5: Coimbra
Visit the ancient University of Coimbra.
Stroll through the charming old town and its historic sites.
Day 6: Algarve Region
Relax on the stunning beaches of the Algarve.
Explore the vibrant nightlife and coastal towns.
Day 7: Return to Lisbon
Shop for souvenirs and enjoy a final meal in the city.
Visit any missed attractions or simply relax before departure.
Start Your European Journey Today
With Let's Trip AI, planning your European adventure is effortless and enjoyable. Simply input your preferences, and let the AI handle the rest, creating a tailor-made itinerary that suits your desires. Whether you're embarking on a 1 week trip to Portugal Itinerary or exploring other European destinations, Let's Trip AI is your ultimate travel companion.For more information and to start planning your next European getaway, visit the Let's Trip AI Travel Planner today!
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itineraryblog · 2 months
Underrated Summer Travel Ideas 2024
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Summer is synonymous with travel. But while the usual suspects — bustling beaches, iconic cities, and popular islands — undoubtedly offer their charm, there’s a world of hidden gems waiting to be explored. Let’s dive into some underrated summer travel destinations that promise unforgettable experiences without the crowds.
Nature’s Retreats
Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice: Known for its winter wonders, Iceland transforms into a lush green paradise during summer. Hike glaciers, soak in geothermal hot springs, witness the midnight sun, and explore vibrant coastal towns.
Tasmania, Australia: This island state boasts pristine wilderness, from rugged mountains to enchanting rainforests. Encounter unique wildlife, embark on thrilling adventures, and savor fresh seafood.
New Zealand’s South Island: Experience the ultimate outdoor adventure with stunning fjords, majestic mountains, and crystal-clear lakes. Hike the Milford Track, kayak through glowworm caves, or simply relax on secluded beaches.
Cultural Immersions
Luang Prabang, Laos: This UNESCO World Heritage city offers a tranquil escape with ancient temples, bustling markets, and delicious cuisine. Immerse yourself in the local culture, explore nearby waterfalls, and cruise along the Mekong River.
Marrakech, Morocco: Experience the vibrant energy of this Moroccan gem with its colorful souks, historic architecture, and aromatic spices. Indulge in traditional cuisine, explore the Atlas Mountains, and relax in a luxurious riad.
Copenhagen, Denmark: This Scandinavian capital combines modern design with charming canals and historic buildings. Enjoy bike-friendly streets, world-class museums, and delicious pastries.
Beach Bliss
The Algarve, Portugal: Discover hidden coves, stunning cliffs, and charming fishing villages along this sun-kissed coastline. Indulge in fresh seafood, explore historic towns, and enjoy water sports.
The Peloponnese, Greece: Escape the crowds and immerse yourself in the authentic Greek experience. Explore ancient ruins, relax on secluded beaches, and savor delicious Mediterranean cuisine.
Isla Holbox, Mexico: This laid-back island paradise offers pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and a relaxed atmosphere. Unwind in hammocks, swim with whale sharks, and enjoy fresh seafood.
Remember, these are just a few suggestions to inspire your summer adventures. With a little research, you can uncover countless hidden gems that cater to your interests and preferences. So, step off the beaten path and create unforgettable memories in these underrated destinations.
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atlaslisboa · 2 months
Want to explore Benagil caves in the Algarve? You'll now have to pay to enter.
Benagil caves near Lagoa in the Algarve, a truly magical area your correspondents have previously explored on an inflatable dingy and by, you know, simply swimming, have been getting too many visitors, so the authorities have been working on new ways to protect their fragile environment. Here are just two of the rules they came up with, according to The Portugal News: •⁠ ⁠”Prohibition of…
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chchchchelsea · 2 months
Experience Portugal at its Finest: Best Time to Travel to Portugal Revealed
Planning a trip to Portugal and wondering when to go? Discover the best time to travel to Portugal to enjoy its stunning landscapes, vibrant festivals, and pleasant weather. Portugal offers a unique charm year-round, but understanding the seasonal differences can help you make the most of your visit. From the lively spring and summer festivals to the tranquil autumn and winter months, each season provides a distinct experience. Whether you prefer the bustling streets of Lisbon in summer or the serene beaches of the Algarve in spring, this guide will help you find the perfect time to explore Portugal's diverse attractions.
Best Time to Travel to Portugal for Beach Lovers 
The best time to travel to Portugal for beach lovers is undoubtedly during the summer months. From June to August, the coastal regions, especially the Algarve, boast warm temperatures, clear skies, and lively beach scenes. The Atlantic Ocean is at its most inviting, perfect for swimming, surfing, and sunbathing. If you enjoy water sports or simply relaxing by the sea, summer is ideal. However, be prepared for larger crowds as this is peak tourist season.
Exploring Portugal's Cities: The Best Time to Travel to Portuga
Exploring Portugal’s cities, such as Lisbon, Porto, and Coimbra, is a delight at any time of the year, but the best time to travel to Portugal for urban adventures is in the spring or autumn. From March to May and September to November, the weather is mild, making it comfortable to walk around and sightsee. During these seasons, the cities are less crowded than in the summer, allowing you to fully appreciate the cultural landmarks, historic sites, and local cuisine. Spring is particularly beautiful with blooming flowers.
Why Spring is the Best Time to Travel to Portugal?
Spring is often considered the best time to travel to Portugal due to its delightful weather and vibrant landscapes. From March to May, temperatures are mild and comfortable, perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, sightseeing, and exploring the countryside. The landscape is lush and green, with wildflowers in full bloom, creating picturesque scenery. Additionally, spring is a great time to experience Portugal’s cultural festivals and events, which are less crowded than in the summer.
Summer Festivals: The Best Time to Travel to Portugal for Culture Enthusiasts
For culture enthusiasts, the best time to travel to Portugal is during the summer months when numerous festivals take place across the country. From June to August, cities like Lisbon and Porto come alive with traditional music, dance, and street parties. The Festa de São João in Porto and the Festas de Lisboa are highlights, showcasing Portugal’s rich cultural heritage. The warm weather also allows for outdoor events and activities, making summer a festive and vibrant time to visit.
Autumn Adventures: Discover the Best Time to Travel to Portuga
 Autumn is a fantastic time to travel to Portugal, offering a mix of pleasant weather, fewer tourists, and stunning scenery. From September to November, temperatures are mild, making it ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, and exploring the vineyards of the Douro Valley during the grape harvest season. The autumn foliage adds a beautiful touch to the landscapes, particularly in the northern regions. This season also features various cultural and food festivals, providing a taste of local traditions and cuisine.
Winter Escapes: The Best Time to Travel to Portugal for Tranquility 
If you prefer a tranquil and peaceful getaway, winter is the best time to travel to Portugal. From December to February, the tourist crowds thin out, and you can enjoy the country���s attractions without the hustle and bustle. The southern regions, such as the Algarve, still offer mild and pleasant weather, making it a great escape from colder climates. Winter is also an excellent time to explore Portugal’s rich history and architecture, with fewer crowds at popular sites like Sintra’s palaces and Lisbon’s museums. Additionally, you can experience local traditions during Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Maximize Your Experience: The Best Time to Travel to Portugal 
To maximize your travel experience in Portugal, it’s essential to consider what activities and experiences you value most. The best time to travel to Portugal varies depending on whether you’re interested in beach vacations, cultural festivals, or exploring nature. Spring and autumn are ideal for mild weather and fewer tourists, while summer offers lively festivals and beach activities. Winter provides tranquility and cultural insights with less crowded attractions. By aligning your visit with your interests and preferred activities, you can ensure a memorable and enjoyable trip to Portugal, no matter the season.
Portugal is a year-round destination with each season offering unique experiences and attractions. Whether you prefer the vibrant festivals of summer, the mild weather of spring and autumn, or the tranquility of winter, there is always a perfect time to visit. Understanding the best time to travel to Portugal based on your interests and preferred activities will help you make the most of your trip. By planning accordingly, you can enjoy the diverse landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality that Portugal has to offer, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable travel experience.
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roomchailimited · 3 months
Roomchai's Schengen Sunshine: Beach Holidays in Portugal and Spain
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Escape to the sun-kissed shores of Portugal and Spain with Roomchai Limited and experience the ultimate beach holiday. These Iberian countries boast some of Europe's most stunning coastlines, vibrant cultures, and delicious cuisines. Let Roomchai Limited guide you through an unforgettable journey of relaxation and adventure.
Discovering Portugal’s Coastal Gems
The Algarve: A Coastal Wonderland
Begin your Portuguese adventure in the Algarve, known for its breathtaking cliffs, golden beaches, and charming fishing villages. The Algarve’s coastline is dotted with picturesque spots such as Praia da Marinha and Praia da Falesia. Roomchai Limited offers exclusive tours and accommodations that provide easy access to these stunning beaches. Enjoy activities such as sailing, kayaking, and dolphin watching, or simply relax and soak up the sun.
Lisbon and Surrounding Beaches
Lisbon, Portugal’s vibrant capital, is just a stone’s throw away from some beautiful coastal escapes. Cascais and Estoril, with their sandy beaches and cosmopolitan flair, are perfect for a day trip. Roomchai Limited can arrange for guided tours that include not only beach time but also visits to historic sites, local markets, and gourmet seafood restaurants. Discover the blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty that these coastal towns offer.
The Wild Beauty of Alentejo
For those seeking tranquility and untouched landscapes, the Alentejo coast is a hidden gem. Known for its rugged beauty and serene beaches such as Comporta and Porto Covo, Alentejo is ideal for a peaceful retreat. Roomchai Limited’s tailored itineraries include visits to local wineries, horseback riding on the beach, and exploring traditional villages, offering a unique glimpse into Portugal’s rural life.
Exploring Spain’s Beach Paradises
Costa del Sol: Endless Sunshine
Costa del Sol is synonymous with sun, sand, and luxury. With over 300 days of sunshine a year, this region is perfect for beach lovers. Marbella’s glamorous beaches, such as Nikki Beach, are great for those looking to indulge in luxury, while Nerja’s quieter beaches offer a more laid-back vibe. Roomchai Limited provides a range of options, from exclusive beach clubs to charming local eateries, ensuring a diverse and satisfying experience.
Balearic Islands: Mediterranean Bliss
The Balearic Islands – Ibiza, Mallorca, and Menorca – are renowned for their stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lively atmospheres. Whether it’s the nightlife of Ibiza, the serene coves of Menorca, or the family-friendly beaches of Mallorca, Roomchai Limited crafts personalized travel experiences that cater to every taste. Enjoy yacht excursions, explore underwater marine parks, or relax at a secluded beach recommended by our local experts.
Costa Brava: Scenic Splendor
Just north of Barcelona, Costa Brava offers a rugged coastline with hidden coves, medieval villages, and spectacular views. The beaches of Calella de Palafrugell and Tossa de Mar are among the most picturesque, providing a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage. Roomchai Limited’s guided tours ensure you explore the best of Costa Brava, from its clear waters and sandy beaches to its rich history and delicious cuisine.
Why Choose Roomchai Limited?
Roomchai Limited ensures that your beach holiday in Portugal and Spain is nothing short of spectacular. With our personalized travel packages, knowledgeable local guides, and a commitment to excellence, we provide a seamless and enriching travel experience. From luxurious accommodations to exclusive excursions, Roomchai Limited takes care of every detail so you can relax and enjoy your holiday.
Embrace the warmth and beauty of Portugal and Spain with Roomchai Limited’s Schengen Sunshine beach holidays. Discover the stunning beaches, indulge in local cuisines, and immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures of these two remarkable countries. Book your dream beach holiday with Roomchai Limited today and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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awakeninnerbuddha · 3 months
Yoga Retreats in Europe: A Journey to Rejuvenation and Inner Peace
Embarking on a Yoga Retreat For Forgeiners in Europe can be a transformative experience, offering a perfect blend of serene landscapes, expert instruction, and cultural immersion. Whether you're looking to deepen your practice, find inner peace, or simply escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, Europe's diverse range of yoga retreats has something to offer. Here's a guide to some of the best Yoga Retreats Europe.
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The Best Destinations for Yoga Retreats in Europe
Ibiza, Spain
Highlights: Renowned for its vibrant energy and stunning beaches, Ibiza offers a variety of yoga retreats that combine practice with holistic wellness.
Popular Retreats: Atzaro Agroturismo, offering luxury retreats with organic meals, spa treatments, and beach yoga sessions.
Tuscany, Italy
Highlights: Tuscany's picturesque countryside and historic charm provide a serene backdrop for a yoga retreat.
Popular Retreats: Ebbio, a charming farmhouse retreat focusing on yoga, meditation, and organic vegetarian cuisine.
Amalfi Coast, Italy
Highlights: The breathtaking coastline and Mediterranean climate make the Amalfi Coast an ideal location for a rejuvenating yoga retreat.
Popular Retreats: Santa Maria del Sole, offering yoga sessions with panoramic sea views and fresh, locally sourced meals.
Santorini, Greece
Highlights: Known for its stunning sunsets and crystal-clear waters, Santorini offers yoga retreats that blend relaxation with scenic beauty.
Popular Retreats: Santorini Yoga Retreats, offering personalized yoga classes, meditation, and excursions to local attractions.
Algarve, Portugal
Highlights: The Algarve region boasts golden beaches, dramatic cliffs, and a warm climate, perfect for outdoor yoga practices.
Popular Retreats: Vale de Moses, a rustic retreat offering yoga, surfing, and nature walks.
French Alps, France
Highlights: The majestic French Alps provide a tranquil and inspiring environment for a yoga retreat, with fresh mountain air and stunning vistas.
Popular Retreats: Chalet Rosière, offering yoga, hiking, and wellness workshops in a luxurious alpine setting.
Andalusia, Spain
Highlights: Andalusia's rich culture and diverse landscapes make it a unique destination for a yoga retreat.
Popular Retreats: Suryalila Retreat Centre, offering a variety of yoga styles, organic meals, and an eco-friendly environment.
What to Expect on a Yoga Retreat
Daily Yoga Practice: Most retreats offer multiple daily yoga sessions, often including different styles such as Hatha, Vinyasa, or Yin yoga.
Meditation and Mindfulness: Many retreats incorporate meditation sessions, breathwork, and mindfulness practices to enhance your experience.
Healthy Meals: Enjoy nutritious, often organic and locally sourced meals that cater to various dietary needs.
Accommodation: Stay in comfortable, often scenic accommodations that range from luxury villas to rustic farmhouses.
Workshops and Activities: Participate in workshops on topics such as wellness, nutrition, and personal development. Many retreats also offer additional activities like hiking, swimming, or cultural excursions.
Tips for Choosing the Right Yoga Retreat
Define Your Goals: Determine what you hope to achieve from the retreat, whether it's deepening your yoga practice, relaxation, or adventure.
Research Instructors: Look for retreats led by experienced and reputable yoga instructors.
Consider the Schedule: Check the daily schedule to ensure it aligns with your preferences for activity and relaxation.
Read Reviews: Look for reviews from past participants to get a sense of the retreat's quality and atmosphere.
Budget: Consider the cost of the retreat, including travel expenses, to ensure it fits within your budget.
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fabien-euskadi · 2 years
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A dog.
Or, as people say in Algarve, "um canite".
I love all dogs. "Todjos canites", as people would say in the South.
I just don't love all people. In the South and everywhere else. I simply don't. I just love a few of you and despise the vast majority.
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algarvingtours · 4 months
Discover Algarve's Best: Private Wine Tasting & Tours
Indulge in the finest flavors of Portugal with our exclusive private wine tasting experiences and wine tasting tours in Algarve. Elevate your senses as you embark on a journey through the lush vineyards and sun-kissed landscapes of Algarve, renowned for its rich winemaking heritage.
Immerse yourself in the world of Portuguese wine as our expert guides lead you through carefully curated tastings, offering insights into the region's diverse varietals and winemaking techniques. Whether you're a seasoned oenophile or a curious beginner, our private tastings cater to all levels of wine appreciation, tailored to your preferences and interests.
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Savor the complexities of Algarve's acclaimed wines, from crisp whites to robust reds, as you discover hidden gems and renowned estates off the beaten path. Each tasting is a sensory adventure, where you'll uncover the nuances of terroir and craftsmanship behind every bottle.
Escape the crowds and enjoy an intimate experience with friends, family, or colleagues as you embark on a personalized wine tour through Algarve's picturesque countryside. Our knowledgeable guides will accompany you every step of the way, ensuring an unforgettable journey filled with laughter, discovery, and, of course, exceptional wine.
Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking a memorable day out, our best wine tasting tours experiences promise an unforgettable glimpse into the heart and soul of Algarve's winemaking tradition. Book your exclusive tasting or tour today and unlock the secrets of Portugal's vinicultural treasures in style.
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sissa-arrows · 8 months
Historic ramble I suppose but as a historian I do get a bit offended when people refer to Al-Andalus simply as an "Arab kingdom(s)", since many of the previous people there who also invaded the region (such as the Visigoths) did convert to Islam and some retained their positions in power, and many of the "Arab" rulers were actually Imazighen.
It's more accurate to call it an Amazigh ""kingdom(s)"" (DNA research proves that many Portuguese and Spanish, especially those in the south like Algarve and Andalusia, have the most Amazigh ancestors outside of North Africa, which is why they are visually similar to one another and tend to have darker skin). Even more so than the Canary Islands, which were entirely habited by indigenous Imazighen (like the Guanches from Tenerife) prior to Castillian colonization. Which is sad because even if many Canarians today have indigenous Amazigh ancestors they culture has been nearly lost because of genocide (even if many Canarians are trying to reclaim their Amazigh/North African identity, which is a story for another time - and I wonder if you'd be interested in it).
You also mentioned this before I believe!
The way I started reading the first few words and was expecting some history revisionism (that’s usually what I get in my ask box about “Arabs and North Africa”) but I got pleasantly surprised. Cause yup while the conquest itself was done by both Arabs and Imazighen the people who actually mixed with the local and lived in Al Andalus were mostly Imazighen the Arabs left super fast their goal was just spreading Islam.
A southern Portuguese has more Imazighen ancestry than I, an Arabized Algerian, have actual Arab ancestry. The amount is still under 10% (I think it’s 6 or 8 I don’t remember the study exactly) but comparatively they have exactly 0 actual Arab ancestry.
I knew that Canarians were Imazighen (I’m also claiming Sicily by the way) but I didn’t know about the reclaiming of their Imazighen identity it seems really interesting!
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ertharetreat · 4 months
Journey to Serenity: Exploring Yoga Retreat Centers in Portugal
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Nestled along the sun-kissed shores of Portugal, a hidden gem awaits – a sanctuary where the rhythms of the ocean mingle with the whispers of ancient wisdom, inviting you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal. Welcome to our Yoga Retreat Centers in Portugal, where tranquility meets transformation in the embrace of nature's beauty.
Set against the backdrop of Portugal's stunning landscapes, our retreat centers offer a haven of serenity for seekers of inner peace and holistic wellness. Whether you are drawn to the rugged cliffs of the Algarve coast or the rolling hills of the Alentejo countryside, each location is infused with its own unique charm and energy, creating a tapestry of experiences that captivate the senses and nourish the soul.
At the heart of our retreat center Portugal lies a commitment to authenticity and immersion, where each moment is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. From sunrise yoga sessions on secluded beaches to meditation retreats in ancient forests, every experience is crafted to honor the rich tapestry of Portuguese culture and heritage, inviting you to embrace the essence of mindfulness and presence.
What sets our retreat centers apart is our dedication to providing a truly transformative experience that goes beyond the mat. Led by experienced instructors and wellness experts, our programs offer a holistic approach to well-being, encompassing yoga, meditation, holistic therapies, and mindful living practices. Whether you seek to deepen your yoga practice, cultivate inner peace, or simply unwind from the stresses of daily life, our retreats provide a supportive and nurturing environment where you can explore, grow, and thrive.
But our retreat center in Portugal offers more than just yoga; they are a gateway to adventure and exploration. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Portugal with excursions to local markets, traditional villages, and historical landmarks, or simply bask in the natural beauty of your surroundings with leisurely walks along scenic trails and dips in crystal-clear waters.
What truly sets our retreat centers apart is our commitment to sustainability and eco-conscious living. From our eco-friendly accommodations nestled amidst pristine nature reserves to our dedication to supporting local communities and preserving the natural environment, every aspect of your retreat experience is designed with the utmost respect for the planet and all its inhabitants.
So, if you are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation, we invite you to join us at our Yoga Retreat Centers in Portugal. Let the beauty of this enchanting land awaken your senses, nourish your soul, and inspire your spirit as you delve into the depths of mindfulness, presence, and inner peace.
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