#Sing Meena
mismess · 9 months
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I had a dream I was Buster Moon and I was driving around in heavy heavy snow. It was going poorly. Anyway He Can't Drive
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
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Actually, I really liked the movie Sing and have been meaning to watch the second one. Sooo I’m gonna use this ask as and excuse to blow your socks off with some Sing fanart XD Yet ANOTHER fandom we have in common right?
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countryrebel1995 · 1 year
The climax of “Sing 2″ is a bunch of plucky, singing animals teaming up with a recently retired crime boss (who just got out of jail a while ago), to take over a hotel that belongs to a different crime boss (who just tried to have them all whacked earlier that day), so they can push ahead with their Vegas show and prove all of their haters wrong about them.
Everything about that is shady as hell, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
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hollow-gypsy · 1 year
This guys an experienced criminal lmao
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Listening in on the doorway to make sure no one’s coming
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Having escape routes for potential angry employees
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Knowing to blend in
This koala is insane and I love it haha
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itneedsmoregays · 4 months
Sing cast LGBT headcanons
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Buster Moon is gay (he/him).
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Eddie Noodleman is gay and asexual (he/they).
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Johnny is gay (he/him).
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Rosita is a straight ally (she/her).
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Ash is bisexual (she/her).
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Steff is pansexual and demiromantic (she/her).
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Meena is pansexual (she/they).
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Gunter is omnisexual (he/they).
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Miss Crawly is a straight ally (she/her).
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Nana Noodleman is bisexual (she/her).
Sing 2 characters are next!
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fofozu · 1 year
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One year later, I edit my first version of human Sing characters ...and some bonus sketch ~
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hoperays-song · 26 days
Tiny Details I Noticed During My Brand Search of Sing 2
There are several posters throughout both cities with the words "Love, Respect, Protect" next to what looks like a jaguar or an ocelot on them.
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Johnny's nails appear to be painted the entire time (shiny and reflective when they are matte in the first movie).
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In the background of the scene right before the piglets come in, you can see Johnny and Meena talking. Johnny says something towards Rosita, she turns and throws a pillow at him, and they all burst out laughing and smiling. Which is just down right adorable.
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The advertisements outside Moon Theatre are frames from the first movie.
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In the scene where the giraffes coming out of the elevator slip due to the troupe mopping as a disguise, Ryan appears to start smiling/laughing in the corner.
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There is an award shaped like Nana herself on her bedroom fireplace mantle.
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Every time something big is proposed or annouced and we get to see the troupe's immediate reaction, Johnny and Meena do the "are you hearing this?" best friend glance and its so cute. I'm not kidding, every time.
The plan to go to Redshore.
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2. The disguise plan.
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3. Rosita being fine with being replaced.
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What appears to be a yoga studio chain advertises in both Calatonia and Redshore and has the tag line "Be Pawsitive".
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stinkyhyena9000 · 2 years
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Was so excited, I made a little gifboard thingy. Enjoy!!!
(Also yes I know Jimmy is here twice. It's for anyone who wants a more zoomed in gif as opposed to zoomed out and vice versa ^-^)
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cyclopsproductions · 2 years
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Just some good ol fashion british slander
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mismess · 10 months
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Deep breaths, and remember what I told you
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fullsaw · 11 months
Pitch: Sing the Series
A collection of 8-10 minutes episodes following known side characters from both Sing movies (Think Zootopia+)
Nana Noodleman in her youth, preparing for a usual performance before a wrench is thrown in the works.
Alfonso and Meena going on their first actual date.
Suki beginning work at Crystal Entertainment and having to deal with Jimmys demands and Jerry's competitiveness.
Suki's short, but from the POV of Jerry, who views Suki as a possible rival vying for Jimmys attention. The short is edited differently to fit Jerrys very exaggerated view of the situation.
A robbery pulled by Big Daddys gang, directed in black and white like an old heist movie.
[Self indulgent, but Ryan and Johnny working together and occasionally flirting, culminating in a kiss]
Lastly, a short of Busters father, detailing his life and him earning enough money to afford Busters dream theater. The short is narrated by Buster as an almost eulogy to his father.
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hollow-gypsy · 1 year
He’s so loving and supportive of his cast 🤧
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itneedsmoregays · 6 months
Treat my friend better or else...
Buster: You know, Meena, I've noticed Darius is being a lot less... "extra" during your rehearsals than when you met him a few days ago.
Steff: And he's actually calling you by your name instead of "Gina".
Meena: Yeah, I feel more comfortable now. I just don't know how it happened.
Ash: Oh, that's 'cause I pulled him aside and talked things over with him calmly.
Steff: (notices Darius glancing at Ash nervously while rubbing his behind) ...You jabbed him with one of your quills, didn't you?
Ash: I jabbed him with one of my quills.
Meena: ASH!
Ash: No thanks are necessary.
Buster: You can't just injure fellow cast members!
Ash: (folds her arms proudly) I will not apologise for defending my friend's honour.
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countryrebel1995 · 1 year
I didn't want to have to make this post, I've seen enough shipping drama on Tumblr over the years that I usually steer clear of it, but there’s been so much Nooshy bashing in the tags lately that I feel compelled to weigh in on it.
Why do people like Nooshy? Well, to put it simply, even though she’s never the center of attention in "Sing 2", Nooshy manages to be a girl with layers, and there's a lot to appreciate about her. When we're first introduced to her, she's a street performer so she can make the money that she needs to survive, but she’s also genuinely passionate about her craft - she loves to dance - and she enjoys getting a chance to share that passion with someone else whenever they come along.
While she can be snarky and prickly and slow to trust strangers, she’s also very nice once you get to know her. After a young turtle kid almost screws up her performance, she's still very playful and accommodating towards him. When she’s brought backstage to the Crystal theater, she compliments some dude's hat just to make him feel good about himself. While she initially agrees to help Johnny because he offers to pay her, she starts to stick up for him and genuinely support him, because the way Klaus treats him isn't right. She decides to help the Moon Theater troupe put on their big show, even though she's only known these people for about a week and their plan will surely be very dangerous, because the way Jimmy Crystal treats them isn't right either and she wants to help them stick it to the man. After Johnny tells her that he and his family used to be a gang of notorious criminals, Nooshy never judges them for their shady past, and is actually quite happy to see how close he and his father are now (especially since it's implied that she might not even have parents herself). And during "A Sky Full Of Stars", she encourages Johnny to never give up and follow his heart, because he's her friend and she wants to see him succeed.
Nooshy is snarky and mischievous, but underneath it all, she's actually a very kind girl, and very loyal towards the people who earn her respect. And by the end of "Sing 2", she gets her happy ending when she not only gets a new paying career doing what she loves, but also finds a place where she belongs among the Moon Theater troupe.
The reason why I just went off on that rather long tangent, dissecting her character, is to drive home the point that Nooshy has done nothing in the canon films to warrant the way people talk about her sometimes.
I've seen people insult everything about her and her fans for shipping reasons, because they see her as a threat to their preferred ships (even though she and Johnny are not even canonically a couple by the end of "Sing 2"). And there's a real double standard when it comes to this too, because no other character who's been shipped with Johnny over the years gets this kind of treatment. Meena doesn't, Ash doesn't, Ryan doesn't (even though the claim that Nooshy haters sometimes make - that people only like her as one half of a ship - could just as easily be said about him).
And this is really nothing new. Characters getting trash-talked over shipping wars is a tale as old as time when it comes to fandoms, and people are entitled to their opinions. The reason why I made this post is because lately, the Nooshy bashing is starting to cross a line.
Over the last few months, I've been seeing a growing number of comments complaining about people including Nooshy in their fanart. I've also been seeing a growing number of posts outright insulting people who like Nooshy or like to ship her with Johnny, saying that they're stupid and shallow and should just go away because they’re a blight on the fandom.
How about no.
In a fandom, people are allowed to like whatever character they like, or ship whatever couple they like, so long as they're not hurting anyone. If you hate Nooshy so much that you can't stand seeing any fanart of her or fanfics of her, because you don't want to be reminded that she exists, then I'm sorry but you're either just going to have to deal with that or stop engaging with the parts of the fandom where people want to appreciate her. Because quite frankly, your hatred for this character is no one else’s problem except your own and people are not going to stop liking her just for your benefit.
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hoperays-song · 2 months
Sing Characters Who's Color Palettes Are Just Pride Flags
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cutekoala1001 · 1 year
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♪ Party time!! ♪
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