prnanayarquah · 6 months
Lessons from Afua Asantewaa Aduonum’s 5-Day Guinness World Records Sing-A-Thon and the heartfelt support from Ghanaians and Celebrities
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/lessons-from-afua-asantewaa-aduonums-5-day-guinness-world-records-sing-a-thon-and-the-heartfelt-support-from-ghanaians-and-celebrities/
Lessons from Afua Asantewaa Aduonum’s 5-Day Guinness World Records Sing-A-Thon and the heartfelt support from Ghanaians and Celebrities
In the heart of Ghana’s vibrant cultural landscape, Ghanaian Afua Asantewaa Aduonum recently embarked on a musical journey that go beyond the boundaries of a four-day Guinness World Records (GWR) Sing-A-Thon.
Afua Asantewaa Aduonum on Sunday 24 December began an attempt to break the longest singing marathon, which is recognised by the Guinness World Records. What makes her journey even more special is the overwhelming support she has received from fellow Ghanaians and notable celebrities. Beyond the musical notes, Aduonum’s story offers valuable lessons about unity, resilience, and the transformative power of shared aspirations.
Here are some of my key takeaways from her inspiring journey:
1. Aduonum’s Sing-A-Thon became a symbol of community spirit as Ghanaians rallied behind her. The public support not only added vibrancy to the event but also showcased the strength that lies in unity, emphasizing the importance of coming together to celebrate common successes.
2. The endorsement and encouragement from Ghanaian celebrities not only elevated Aduonum’s Sing-A-Thon to greater heights but also served as powerful catalysts for inspiration. It demonstrates the influence and impact that prominent figures can have in endorsing and uplifting the efforts of individuals pursuing their dreams.
3. The diverse range of supporters, from ordinary Ghanaians to well-known celebrities, illustrates the strength found in diversity. Aduonum’s Sing-A-Thon brought people from different walks of life together, fostering a sense of inclusivity and demonstrating that shared aspirations transcend societal boundaries.
4. The four-day duration of the Sing-A-Thon is a testament to Aduonum’s resilience, mirroring the endurance required to pursue ambitious goals. The continuous harmony she sustained reflects not just musical prowess but also a profound lesson in the strength that lies in resilience and perseverance.
5. Celebrities’ involvement acted as a powerful amplifier, drawing media attention to Aduonum’s Sing-A-Thon. This not only increased the awareness of the event but also highlighted the positive aspects of Ghanaian culture, reinforcing the idea that media can be a force for positive change.
6. Aduonum’s achievement serves as an inspiration for others to break barriers and challenge the status quo. The combination of her dedication and the public support from Ghanaians and celebrities creates a narrative that encourages the next generation to pursue their passions fearlessly.
The 5-day Guinness World Record Sing-A-Thon by Afua Asantewaa Aduonum is a source of inspiration and a beacon of resilience, passion and community strength. The lessons drawn from her journey, coupled with the heartfelt endorsement from both Ghanaians and celebrities, echo a resounding message that when society unites behind shared dreams, and when influential voices amplify individual efforts, the impact transcends boundaries, leaving an indelible mark on hearts worldwide.
Her Sing-A-Thon triumph is not just a personal achievement but a testament to the strength of unity and the enduring power of cultural celebration.
(Story: Emmanuel Donkor)
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ghkasa · 7 months
Afua Asantewaa O Aduonum aims to break Guinness World Record in singing Marathon
Brace yourselves for a musical extravaganza as Afua Asantewaa O Aduonum, a talented Ghanaian songstress, gears up to make history by attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the longest singing marathon by an individual. This unprecedented event is scheduled to unfold from the 24th to the 27th of December, promising a mesmerizing journey through the rich tapestry of Ghanaian…
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newshuntermag · 6 months
Afua Asantewaa Aduonum Expresses Gratitude To Ghanaians And Supporters After Singing For 126 Hours, 52 Minutes
Afua Asantewaa Aduonum has completed her sing-a-thon. Aiming to break Guinness World Records’ singing marathon by an individual, the Ghanaian woman started singing on December 24, 2023. She ended on Friday, December 29, 2023, by singing for 126 hours, 52 minutes. After she ended her sing-a-thon, Afua Asantewaa Aduonum in a post seen by Newshuntermag.com expressed her gratitude to Ghanaians and…
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faeriekit · 3 months
Down and Out
phic phight prompts taken from @sillysugargliders and @akela-nakamura
“Technowizard!” Tuck declared, pointing up towards the glass ceiling. The ratty Hack-A-Thon tee-shirt and Star Wars print pants did not an imposing outfit make.
Sam’s avocado-coated face barely even looked up from her phone. “Lame.”
“The Finest Pharoah!” Tucker tried again, glaring straight down at Sam as he posed again— this time, with his other hand.
“Cringe,” was Sam’s bland contribution.
Tucker threw both his hands in the air in sheer exasperation, narrowly avoiding sending Sheila2 flying up into the air with them. “The— oh shoot— the Tech Menace! The Electric Enemy!”
“Makes you sound like a bit-rate villain,” Sam drawled, finishing out her level of tetris with perfect accuracy. She clicked off the phone before she could get suckered in. “Tucker, have you considered any good names? At all?”
Fair revenge was fair revenge, and Tucker didn’t want to waste his own pillow on vengeance. Using Sam’s bamboo-woven pillowcase against her facemask was fair game— and her shriek of rage over the smeared facemask was just desserts.
Tucker eventually lost, of course, smothered underneath the very same pillow he’d assaulted his friend with, but hey; he’d given it his all, and that was what mattered in the end.
Winning would be nice, though. You know. One day.
In the meantime, though, they were squatting in Sam’s greenhouse, reclining on air mattresses on recycled wooden palettes. It was kind of cold— Tucker was glad Sam had thought ahead and brought blankets— but there were no bugs, and there was no rain, even if there were frogs singing bleakly outside glass walls throughout the night.
Sam was good at pretending it didn’t bother her.
Tucker knew it had to, though. Sam was used to having things. Being comfortable. Having her bamboo toothbrush and toothpaste tabs at the ready, with her natural fiber blankets and her desktop computer and a credit card that would solve the majority of her problems.
Instead they had used the cheapest versions of everything at the dollarstore. Abrasive discount soap. Deodorant with added aluminum. They’d brushed their teeth at the spigot where the hose screwed on, and tomorrow they’d wash with the hose the same way.
Card could be traced. Tucker was the only one who’d been carrying cash in the moment.
Man, Tucker thought, tunnelling himself under his blankets. Running away sucked. At least the only thing Tucker had to miss was his parents. And his spare parts.
…He hoped his parents weren’t looking for him. The "proper authorities" had probably already informed them he was infected. They should…they should hopefully know that being gone was safer than being there.
Sam’s black-nailed thumb and green-coated face peeked at him from under the covers. Without his glasses, she mostly looked like a blob, so Tucker just waved. He wanted to be social. He wanted to be happy.
It felt like everything was falling apart through his fingers, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
“Hey,” Sam said. “If you want to charge your tech, I’m out of the plug.”
It was a sweet gesture. “Thanks,” was all Tucker could say. But he didn’t want to leave his cave.
Sam, of all people, knew what level of trust the gesture meant when Tucker gave his phone over to her. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to; it was the same level of trust Sam was showing to him by letting them stay here, together, instead of apart, the way Jazz had originally planned.
Running away properly would have been safer. But here, in this moment, they were warm, and safe, and somewhat fed.
Tucker stuck his face into his pillow and thought It doesn’t get much better than this.
…Man, it was supposed to be roast beef dinner tonight. He was missing out!
“...I still think that Technowizard is a cool name,” Tucker grumbled to himself. Sam shot him a fond, if exasperated look.
“Fine, bossy. What did you pick?”
“Foxglove,” Sam replied simply. “Most famous poisonous plant in the Western world. It’s poetic.”
Tucker thought on it. It…had merit, but… “You know people are going to shorten it to Foxy, right?”
Sam paused.
…She set her phone down with clear disgust. “Ugh. I hate that you’re right.”
“I’ll never let you down,” Tucker offered, very seriously. “I’m always right.”
Sam pulled the blanket back down over him until he squawked in indignation.
“Okay,” Sam’s voice came in muffled through their blanket barrier. “Maybe we can both hold off on names until we decide how we’re doing this, exactly.”
This, of course, being their new life on the run— ideally, taking down the GIW and their hold on Amity Park, or in the short run, cutting and ditching in every effort to not get captured. Their plan so far wasn’t much better than “wait for Danny to get home from Space Camp”, but, you know…needs are as they must. Or something.
“How about Cryptid?” Tucker offered, poking his head out of his blanket hovel. His glasses were…somewhere, but no matter where he groped for them, his hands still came up empty. “Short. Simple. Lots of hard consonants. Easy to muddy up in an internet search with other information. They’d be looking for you and find, like, the Entfield Horror.”
Sam gave that thought its due while Tucker found his glasses. “It’s…better than Inviso-Bill for sure.”
Okay, that one was worth the laugh.
“You could try Technomage,” Sam tried out in turn. "It would be like naming a snake 'snake', since you’re going through magical puberty or whatever, but…”
Tucker snorted. Magical puberty.
She’d been the first to notice when Tucker hadn’t even needed to touch Edna (PDA of the month) to write her new programs in class. She’d taped over his stylus to prove it to him— and Tucker hadn’t even noticed with the weight of a phantom stylus in his hand as he coded telepathically. Realizing he hadn’t been tapping any of the buttons had been. Spooky.
His phone didn’t need a SIM card anymore. He was saving his family a lot on outgoing and ingoing calls, apparently, and the reported number of texts they’d had to pay for was a big fat goose egg.
Also, he was pretty sure someone was emailing him at the moment.
…He wasn’t sure how he knew. But. It kind of tasted like blue raspberry. It was probably Danny’s sister.
So. Um. the magical puberty thing hadn’t been too off track. It had certainly been less subtle than Sam’s newfound ability to speak with plants, but…at least talking to your flowerpots looks normal from the outside looking in.
Apparently lawn mowing day at school gave Sam real trauma, though. Finding her in the nurses’ office with her head buried under her denim jacket had been scary.
“Better than nothing,” Tucker begrudgingly agreed. He left his glasses wherever they were; he’d find them in the morning. “I mean. We technically don’t even need names. If we just start breaking their stuff, they’ll probably name us anyway.”
Sam laughs. The green on her face is gone; she likely wiped her mask off when Tucker couldn’t see. “With you hacking their stuff?”
“And you growing your freaky vines out of their gear,” Tucker added. “The…what’s the one. The one that ate that one house?”
Sam leans her head down onto Tucker’s mattress. Her clean, damp face swims into view. “Oh. The kudzu?”
“Uh huh.”
“Yeah, I can cultivate that— not here, since it grows so fast. Did you know Kudzu’s supposed to be eaten? People usually take it off the roadside in China for an easy food source. That’s why it overtakes so much stuff here: there’s no one taking on the role of its natural predator.”
Huh. Well, sounded like something Sam would know. Tucker wedged his pillow further underneath his head; Sam’s still had some goop on it, so he gave her his extra blanket instead.
Sam stuffed it underneath her head with no issue. Without her purple lip and filled in brows, she just looked like Sam— just like a girl in his class, who wanted to make the world a better place, and didn’t know how to do it.
Tucker wanted to do better too.
But they wouldn’t do it alone. They’d be better off with Danny than without.
“All we have to do is make it until Danny comes back. And then we can reconvene.”
…And then what?
“And then?” Tucker asked, a little too quiet.
Sam had never backed down from a challenge. She never would. “And then we kick ass.”
Well. When she said that, it was all so simple.
The lights clicked out in the greenhouse, and just in time— the outside started to burst with light and sound as agents tore up the road outside the Manson property.
The door was locked. The daisies at the door and the wispy strings-of-hearts would give them more than enough warning if the agents swept through.
It was bedtime, or good enough as.
Sleep wasn’t restful, but the quality of the night didn’t matter; it only had to get them to the next day.
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threepandas · 12 hours
Bad End: Hidden Heir (1)
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The Duke's family had very distinct eyes. It was genetic. An aggressively dominant trait at that, though it tended to die off, after a few generations out of the family. Supposedly a "blessing of the Gods". Spring to be exact. Bounty and luck. And the family certainly WAS bountiful.
In all the best and worst ways.
Wealth, corruption, children and bastards. It was a family so aggressively ALIVE, it could only be Spring's blessing that made them so. Pouring mania and madness into their veins like sweet sunlight. Whispering glory and riches, into power addled ears. They burst with life. Even as they endlessly destroyed themselves.
They were fictional.
Fascinating set dressings, for the stage play of someone else's story. Unimportant beyond their role in world building. As the origin story and power base of a character lead.
The Story ITSELF didn't even occur here. But rather, in the capital. Where the players of significance had gathered.
And I? Oh I was some minor antagonist, so insignificant to the plot, I genuinely could not remember which of seven different women I actually WAS. It had been an ongoing series. Otome Isekai. Reverse harem.
And I was either in the ORIGINAL original novel, the isekai'd plot novel, the anime adaption, OR a horrifying fever dream. My memory was largely useless. But? I did remember the characters. The archetypes.
And the fact, that the author had clearly been going though a Yandere phase.
My region of the Reverse Harem collect-o-thon? Horrifying! Red flags everywhere! No one here should date, leave room for fantasy Jesus, have we considered the joys of being a NUN? Yes. Yes I HAVE thought about it.
I was pretty sure I'd never make it. End up dead or captured by some sort of Nun Yandere. Or God Yandere. Possibly both. Assuming the bandit yanderes don't get me first. It... it was very stressful, living here.
Luckily? I knew when I could leave.
Or so I thought.
Because my house? The Dukedom? Had the "yandere butler who is secretly an heir." Who starts out with loyal dog behavior. A little highly possesive master and servant play. Then rises to become a Duke. Presumably? That is when I die. Or am disowned.
Death is most likely. Since my role was "minor antagonist" and I was to be mean to the sweet, earnest, Harem possessing Protagonist. Don't see WHY I would. Live and let live. Good for her etc etc. But regardless? Best to avoid, just in case.
The problem? Who do you think Mr Illegitimate Heir serves before she gets here? The OTHER possible heirs? Of course not! They'd "oops! Hunting accident~☆" him in a heart beat. Father isn't stupid. And my sisters? Issues. Violent, violent, issues.
He ends up with ME.
Father, WHY.
Obviously, I ignore him. I see nothing. I hear nothing. There is no war in Ba Sing Se. Mmmmm, tea. Good book. Ignore his creepy staring. His creepy, creepy staring.
Thankfully? I never really ran out of Totally Legitimate reasons to send him away to learn or do something. Proper tea making. Door maintenance. Eastern embroidery. Something, anything, and off you go! Bye bye~☆!
Unfortunately. He got faster. Better and better at learning. Mastering skills. Coming BACK. Showing up to stand in the corner, silent and looming, like an omen of death. Those damn eyes. The fucking family eyes!
I don't have them. And NOT as, my Father would have me believe, because I "take after my Mother". But because I am not genetically related to the Duke. I have GOLD eyes. When I wear the right shade of green? I pass. So I am condemned to forever wear green. Don't even really like it much. But?
I am pretty damn sure? I was just... pretty.
A lovely, orphaned, golden eyed child that COULD pass as his. So why not? It was a whim that payed off. Unlike in the original stories, I imagine. Since I am by FAR the best behaved child in this entire house. Ha! Suck it, bio-kids, the adopted one's the favorite! Maybe should have been less lil bitchs.
....I carefully do not say.
Those are INSIDE thoughts.
Fuck. He's still LOOMING. Isn't he? Go awaaaaaay. Where is Protag-chan? Come be doe eyed and busty! Trip adorably! Go "kyaaa~" or something! I feel body heat and freeze. He's leaning over my shoulder to pick up the teapot, pour me another cup. I can FEEL the barest graze of his knuckles against my back, from where he's gripped my chair. The smell of his aftershave almost hauntingly pleasant.
Like he KNEW exactly what smells I liked most. Went out of his way to find one that best suited my preference. Coincidence. Please, PLEASE be a coincidence! I do not turn my head. Keep my eyes locked straight ahead. Barely breathing.
He steps back.
The new pot is sharp and herbal. Almost bitter. I force myself to drink. Can't see a sugar dish, and REFUSE to turn around and ask for one. Ignore. IGNORE. My pounding heart calms. My muscles slowly start to relax.
It... it IS weird, though, now that I think about it? That Protag-chan hasn't reached the Dukedom yet. She should have. God only knows I sent Creepy to the capital enough times, with enough highly specific instructions, that he should've had his meet cute's and dates by the dozen. Been half way in love. So... why...?
The taste of tea sits wrong on my tounge. I stop drinking as the world sways. Letting the cup fall from my hand. Splatter, roll, and shatter. I try desperately to stand. A gentle gloved hand catches my elbow, supporting me. I turn. Giddy eyes. Triumphant, wide, spring green eyes. Too green to be gold, too gold to be green.
An almost cruel, mocking, yet loving grin.
Another hand slides around my waist, braces me against his side. Gleeful little murmurs, too pleased to be reassuring. You. You did this! You DRUGGED ME!
I can barely move, body relaxing against my command, going limp, as he draws me close. Presses his face against the side of my head, against my temple. A deep, shuddering breathe, that he savors like wine. I try to pull free but can not. Feel his lips pull into a vicious grin against my skin. Hands begin to run in gentle, claiming, exploration.
And at last the drugs kick in... the wo..rld..
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shady-the-simp · 11 months
OMG IF TUMBLR DOESN’T STOP LOSING MY DRAFTS IM THROWING HANDS! An anon asked something along the lines of “what if reader and charlie come home from stab-a-thon and a drunk tall, reader starts crying that she’s not feminine enought and charlie gets really turned on by it and eats out reader?”
Too Tall
Charlie Walker x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Pussy eating, Mention of my favorite song, angst if you squint, self deprecating talk, praise, more talk of his stunning blue eyes (and the fact that he’s a short king 👑), crying, maybe slight dacryphilia, no use of y/n, taking pictures, not proofread
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You stumbled over to the car and Charlie was right beside you. You looked over at your boyfriend and smiled sleepily.
“Thank you, Char.” You slurred as he opened the passenger door for you. He smiled and ran around to the other side as you got in. He started the car and you began the short drive to your house. You turned on the radio at some point in your drunken rambling and House of 1000 Corpses by Rob Zombie came on.
“Your favorite song, right?” Charlie asked you, turning away from the road for a second. You nod happily and quietly sing along as you pull into your driveway. He pulls the key out of the ignition just before the chorus and you look up at him sadly.
“But….” You whine unhappily and slump as Charlie pulls you out of the car and towards your house.
“Do you have the key?” You search your pockets for a second, before getting distracted and rambling about how weird the word key is. He sighs with a smile and searches your pockets himself, finding it immediately.
He unlocks the door and you almost trip on the step inside. You look around as if you’ve never been here before.
“Whose house is this? ‘S nice…” He face palms and smiles endearingly at you.
“It’s your house…” Charlie brings you a cup of water from the kitchen and watches as you sit on the counter and gulp it down gratefully.
You laugh a little as you look at him. He gives you a confused stare as you laugh.
“You’re so pretty, Charlie. Your eyes are fffucking gorgeous. And you're so short, it’s so cute.” Your smile slowly drops as tears fill your eyes.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, why are we crying? What’s wrong?” Charlie immediately gets concerned and has to stand on his tippy toes to wipe the tears that start to fall, and this just makes you cry even more.
Through your sobs you manage to speak. “You’re- you’re just so perfect and I’m just some kinda tall, masculine freak. I wish i was as feminine as Jill…” You look down at the ground as Charlie shakes his head repeatedly.
“No! nonononono, baby, you aren’t a freak. You’re amazing. You have the best smile, and you make me happy every time I’m near you.” He reaches up and strokes your cheek
“You make my life so much better.” He smiles before it turns into a smirk. “Can I show you how much I love you?”
You nod, confused as to what his plans are. You immediately realize as he lifts your hips to pull off your pants and underwear. You gasp as your bare butt touches the cold counter. He sinks down onto his knees and kisses your inner thigh.
“You are amazing, and beautiful, and perfect, and kind.” He punctuates each word with a kiss further up your thigh.
“And I love you.” He kisses your bare core, making you shudder.
He smiled up at you as he kitten-licked your clit and you whined, rolling your hips into his face. He kissed your opening, licking your arousal off and sticking his tongue in.
You let out a shaky gasp and threw your head back, one hand threading into Charlie’s hair. He went up to your clit and sucked softly, making you tug on his hair. He let out a moan that vibrated against you. You moaned and looked down at him.
He winked at you from between your thighs, and you grabbed your phone and snapped a picture of the perfect sight. He slid his middle finger into your opening and you buck your hips into his hand, wanting more.
He slips in his ring finger and starts to finger you while licking and sucking sloppily at your clit. You let out moans and he does too as he thrusts his hips into his free hand.
“Ahh~ I’m gonna- oh shit… I’m gonna cum, Char!” You throw your head back and moan. He pulls away and you whine unhappily. “Why? Why did you stop?”
“I want you to tell me that you love yourself. I want you to tell me that you’re beautiful and not a freak.” He smiled up at you and kissed your thigh.
You took in a deep breath and spoke. “I am beautiful and I love myself.”
He started moving again really fast and you let out a high pitched moan and you gushed all over his fingers and his face. You relaxed in his hold as the shocks of your orgasm washed over you. He groaned into you as he came in his pants.
He stood up and kissed your forehead, bringing you to the bathroom to get cleaned up and go to bed.
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lady-rose-moon · 1 year
⬧ 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 ⬧
A collection of Loki/Tom Hiddleston characters x Reader Masterlist!
Everything here is 18+ so if you are not 18, you should not be looking at the content of this blog! (灬º‿º灬)♡
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I Have You - Loki x Reader | Ongoing - NEW CHAPTERS EVERY MONDAY
Kinktober - Loki x Reader | Incomplete - 12 days posted
Fluff-A-Thon - Loki x Reader | Complete - 3 posted
The Selection - Loki x Reader | Complete - Eleven Chapters
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Cabin in the Mountains || TS!Loki x Reader || 🢖 fic finished ↠ oneshots and skits added regularly
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I am yours, my Goddess (Will Ransome x Reader) - Complete
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢 🢖 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚍 (w/c 3.7k)
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔬 🢖 Your Grace (w/c 4.9k)
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It's my plan (Loki x Reader, dad!Loki & child!OFC) - Complete
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢 ↠ It's my plan (w/c 4.1k)
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔬 ↠ It's my plan - part two (w/c 6.2k)
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I need him back (deceased!Loki x vengeful!corrupted!Reader) - Complete
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ↠ I need him back (w/c 6.7k)
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒐 ↬ I have to get him back (w/c 12k)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 🢖 I have him back (w/c 7.2k)
↳ A sadder ending (AU) (w/c 1.7k)
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Little Variant (Haven Lokidottir & TVA!adopteddad!Loki) - Complete
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ↣ Little Variant (w/c 2.7k)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 ↣ My Sweet Variant (w/c 4.6k)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ↣ My Alternative Variant (w/c 6.9k)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 ↣ Can I trust a variant? (w/c 8k)
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A night of passion
One lazy morning
The sun is shining on us ↣ Thor & Loki oneshot
Every step of the way ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Hello Mummy
On The Wet Marshes ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Potential ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Meet your daughter ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
I missed you
Will you be my dagger
You'll learn to love me 
Right person, wrong time
Everything I wanted
What am I?
Clubbing Night
Cosy Nights
A false wonderland
Sing for me
I'll hold you through it
Rendezvous in the changing room
I do love you!
My darling
A walk in the snow 
Winter Drabble
Comfort me
A birthday to remember
A cool December night
See you again someday 
I am his safe space 
Don't wait ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Stay after class
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A little something
Can horror games scare a God
BBQ days
i thought she'd cry, not you
A test
Imagine 1
Imagine 2
Date night
A fun day 
The wedding
Moral support
A moment
Loki's bad day
Loki's shadow
Goodnight to Haven 
Lil' angst drabble
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Fluff-A-Thon - Loki x Reader | Complete - 3 posted
Take a breather, my love ↣ work motivation from Loki
Our little Haven ↣ Loki's first moments with Haven
Library meet cute ↣ meeting Loki for the first time
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I Got A Melody • Testosterone • Far More Love Than Sound • Black Remix • I Cut Myself • Second Sun • Beatpop Girl-A-Thon • LCD Soundsystem Is Locked Under The Stairs And Forcefed Methadone At My House • Four Cute Breakbeats • I'm Difficult • Ice Police Vs. Love Doctors • Single Of The Year (Talkshow Boy Sings An ARIA) • Chop Us Out • Fry Me In A Pan • Black Logic • Double-Up • My Blood Is Fucking Up The Dancefloor • Step Into My Orifice, Baby • More Me In The Foldback
Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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shelaghdette · 4 months
ctm s13e06 thoughts (spoilery, sweary, sleep deprived, scottish)
actual pisstake. frothing at the mouth. rabid. feral. unhinged. not being normal.
first of all, the episode.
matthew aylward is an absolutely abhorrent fiend. every single time his face showed up on the screen, me & my pals on the discord server were POURING abuse into the chat. callin this man the worstest names in the world. truly the minginest bloke ive ever seen. imagine shouting at my best pal trixie franklin (who is your beautiful gorjiss wife) just because she tried to help solve a problem YOU created. DIAF matthew aylward.
speaking of new faces, love aw the wee pupil midwives passing their exams!! so excited to see wee rosalind and wee joyce as permanent staff at nonnatus!!!
speaking of cyril tho, he's an absolute legend and was serving so much cunt this episode. 100% lad. love how nice he was to the poor irish wummin & her barins.
also doctor turner talking about his old arthritic knees like he doesn't know what a temptation that is for me as a recovering dilf addict. scrum diddly umptious. i had to go and have a lie down and a valium after that blatant and violent assault on my mental health.
speaking of scrum diddly umptious and the turners, costume designer putting shelagh turner in lesbian flag colours THE ENTIRE EPISODE and teasing all the gay lassies who have taste? cruel and unusual punishment. i fancy her so much. at least it was acknowledged how bonny she was in this one (and every one) (cheers sister v you queen)
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speaking of the turners also, it's fabulous to see all of my stepchildren safe and well, especially my best and favourite wee lassie may <3 i know we're probably coming up for some pretty harrowing stories about her, so it was awfy gid to see thon wee smile for a moment.
finally: loved seeing sheelz in her element on the old johanna whacking oot the jesus bangers wi the local weans SING HOSANNA SING HOSANNA SING HOSANNA TO THE KING OF KINGS!! GIVE ME OIL IN MY LAMP KEEP IT BURNING 🔥 🕺🏼💃👯‍♂️
fuckall but slay.
god bless my ctm luvvas. catch yis aw in a fortnight. big kissies to all (especially my wifey sheely turny)
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purplemang0z · 11 months
Welcome to my shitty art blog!!
I'm Purple/Mango!
(I also go by Finn and Sage)
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All Eyes On Rafah
Pride Flag Requests
About me!
I'm Pansexual and Nonbinary (possibly transmasc but I'm not sure yet)
Single! (I'll date between 14-16)
My two closest moots are @chaos-ace and @nightmaretherabbit 💖
I like to sing and draw
I want to become a character designer
I'm a Melanie Martinez, and Mitski stan
I'm also a Juggalo
I like pop rock
I'm a newbie DND player
Other Fandoms: Rick and Morty, Inside job, Bluey, Saiki K, Steven universe, Morel Orel, Sonic, Mario, ATSV, TADC, Hazbin Hotel (kinda), and Undertale
I'm an Agnostic Atheist I welcome all religions just don't try to convert me
I'm afro-Latino I don't speak Spanish tho >:/
Free Palestine!
Other blog(s) @askthedaddiceau
Kosa bill supporters
Please check out these amazing people! ⏬
+ anyone I forgot! 💖💖💖
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blurds · 10 months
Throstle is for ordinar a bird that's a member o the faimlie Turdidae.
Throstles is aft fund in gairdens, pairks, shaws an widland that haes a rowth o growthe. Throstles can be fund athort Europe sooth o the Arctic circle, but no in Iberia. They've been inbrocht tae New Zealand an Austrailie an aw. They're gey common in New Zealand but in Austrailie there's anerly a smaw nummer aboot Melbourne. Mony birds gangs sooth for the winter, forby thon some wastren birds is bides aw year. Siccan birds haes been inbrocht tae ither airts o the yird an aw.
Throstles is omnivorous, an they eat mony insects, wirms, snails an berries. They aften use a stane as a "stiddie" for tae smatter snail shells.
They dinna bide in flauchts, awtho a puckle birds micht bide thegither in the richt haunts.
Throstles is aboot 22–23 cm lang and 70–90 g in wecht, an is wee'er nor merls (Turdus merula). The sexes leuks alike, wi hamel broun backs an spruce spreckelt breests.
They nest in busses an hedges, cleckin fower or five eggs that is bricht glazie blue an sprecklet black in a trig caup-shapit nest makkit up o sprots an clay. The female clecks for aboot 14 day or thereby; an the young flees awa efter a siclyke interval. Throstles micht cleck twa-three times a year.
The male sings its rairie sang frae trees, ruifs or ither heich places. For ordinar the sang is a melodic rane.
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ghanashowbizonline · 6 months
News - Guinness World Records reacted to Afua Asantewaa’s successful attempt to break the record for the Longest Sing-a-thon.
Ghana’s Afua Asantewaa Aduonum successfully ended her fivw day long sing-a-thon that seeks to break the Guinness World Record for an individual’s longest singing marathon some few ago. She ended it around 7am on Friday, December 29, 2023, by doing 126 hours, 52 minutes, which is a little over 21 hours more than the current world record holder. READ ALSO: Afua Asantewaa Aduonum Breaks Silence…
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lihikainanea · 1 year
just a thought I've been contemplating lately regarding height difference but how would Bill and Tiger manage in the shower??? do they ever shower together or have they compromised on shared baths? because I KNOW Bill would hog all the water (not because he's an ass bless him but because he literally towers over tiny Tiger and the water never reaches her) and she'd complain she was cold constantly. and I also think of how Tiger would want to maybe wash Billy's hair to relax him and make him feel good maybe like after a flight or something but she didn't think this through so then when the moment comes she realises she can't even reach him 😂😂
I, not so low-key, LOVE this idea nani.
I'm uh, not tall so I don't really have an issue with showers anywhere in the world. But my experience has been most parts of North America are home to the whole shower/tub situation, where in most places its one in the same--there's a tub, you stand in it, and there's also a shower spout that's high but not like, Bill high. And in Scandinavia they're a fan of the whole wet-bathroom idea--IE, all of the bathroom is a shower and everything gets soaked. Admittedly, I was very confused at this concept upon my first voyage into Scandinavia via the Thon hotel in Lillestrøm, Norway. I put my towels on the toilet like I do in any hotel bathroom, put my change of clothes there too, and by the time I was done my shower everything was...soaked.
I was vexed.
But now I'm kind of used to it and I actually ADORE the idea of a wet bathroom because it's just so easy to clean and just makes so much sense. And of course, as in most places in Scandinavia, things are just...a little higher up. Because the population is taller.
In any case, Bill likes the whole Scandinavian shower situation because he just never seems to have a problem--his head gets under the spout. In North America, though? Oh dear. Half of him gets showered, the other half remains dry. His head towers over the shower spout and he just stands there and frowns at it.
Bill complains endlessly about the shower situation in North America.
And like, my girl tiger--tiger has no problems. Tiger is not of giant proportions. She handles it just fine in North America, and after a little getting used to the shower situation and soaking wet bathroom in Scandinavia--she has that nailed down too.
But maybe....maybe this is on one of their road trips? Oh, be still my heart. All dingy, no-name motels and small towns. It's a beat up mustang convertible in small towns across the southern US. It's no-name hotels, it's diners, it's open road and long sunsets. And maybe they've been driving all day, gummy candy piled high in tiger's lap while Bill has his RayBans on, one hand on the stick shift, all the windows open. Bruce Springsteen is blasting and tiger is singing along (horribly). She's full of dodgy corndogs from the last gas stop, Bill's fingers are still stained neon orange from Doritos, and every once in awhile she shoves a gummy bear in his mouth. They have no idea where they're gong, and it doesn't matter.
But after hours of driving they pull into some weird town and find a motel for the night. He stops off at a liquor store and tiger gets some scotch. They get some peanuts from the vending machine in the parking lot, and the parking lot is right outside their door. It's sticky hot, humid, the dead of summer and the hum of cicadas and the buzz of the bug zapper break the silence.
Maybe they've both had a rough go of it lately, maybe neither of them have. Maybe Bill's off and between shoots and tiger can work from anywhere, maybe it's cold where they last stayed, maybe it was too busy with too many lights--maybe it was everything and nothing, maybe they busted wanted to reconnect with each other, and this is the best way they know how.
Dinner is whatever they can scrounge up. Pub fare from a local dive. Whatever they can find in the hot section of the local gas stop, even if it looks like those hot dogs have been turning on that hot plate for a year. They fill their bellies and their souls, laughing at the terrible karaoke and knocking back even more terrible spirits on ice. When they get back to the motel they sit out on rickety plastic chairs, knocking back scotch that burns and easing the sting with the salt of the peanuts. They talk about everything--how they feel, who they are, who they've become, them, the us of it--and nothing at all. And when Bill finally fans the neck of his t-shirt, exhales loudly, tiger smiles.
"Bit sticky ain't it?" she asks.
Bill widens his eyes, fans himself.
"You look like a sweat hog triple-dipped in Crisco and strung up on a grease pole," she smirks.
Bill eyes her, quirks a brow.
"What?' she asks innocently, "I always say that."
Bill stares at her, takes a swig of his scotch without breaking eye contact.
"I heard our waitress say it," she finally mumbles. Bill snorts.
"C'mon," she stands, pulling on his arm, "Shower. Bed."
Bill knocks back the rest of his scotch and lets her pull him up.
"Bold of you to assume I fit into either of those things," he whispers mischievously, stealing a kiss. Tiger just smirks.
"Bold of you to assume I don't have years of experience shoving you into all kinds of places you don't fit, big bird."
She pulls him down into a heated kiss and he tastes of cheap whisky and smoke. He moans into it but before he can grab hold of her for more she breaks free, tugs him into the dingy room. He steals as many kisses as he can while she gets him out of his pants, tugs his t-shirt over his head. She starts the shower, testing the water as he pulls impatiently at her clothes, and then she ducks under the stream of water and pulls him in with her.
It's laughable, really. He has to duck under the shower rod and his head nearly hits the ceiling, the shower nozzle only hitting halfway down his chest. She stifles a giggle and he glares playfully.
"This is fun," he deadpans.
"Come on bud," she giggles, "Come down here, I'll wash your hair."
He tries crouching but the space really is just too small and he really is just too big, so after a bit of shifting he finally just ends upon his knees in the tub while tiger grabs the shampoo.
But y'know...on his knees, he's really at the perfect height. And her hands are in his hair anyway, and he's feeling a might bit mischievous, so maybe he just places a suckling kiss on her lower belly...and then another one...and then before she can yank him back, he dives forward and swipes his tongue through her folds.
"Bill," she tries to admonish, but it comes out as more of a pleasured sigh. She runs her hands through his hair, lathering it up, and while she's rather defenseless--he does it again.
"Stop," she says meekly, but her legs are going to jello and her hands are kind of tugging him forward, grasping at his hair. So he grabs one of her legs, loops it onto his shoulder.
"Hold on tight kid," he purrs.
"Billy no," she whimpers.
"Hush," he tuts her, "Just trying to make us both fit in here. This is the only way."
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newshuntermag · 6 months
The Family Life Of Afua Asantewaa Aduonum – This Is What You Should Know
Afua Asantewaa Aduonum, the Ghanaian woman who is attempting to break the Guinness World Record’s longest singing marathon by an individual, is married to Kofi Owusu Aduonum. Afua Asantewaa’s husband, Mr Kofi Owusu Aduonum, is a Ghanaian sports writer/journalist who plies his trade with Daily Guide. They have been married for some years now. The couple have given birth to three kids. In a…
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collectalong · 15 days
wanna keep rb notifs clean but i chose my url based on the collector obvi :) i had this lil mini phase where single muses would have the character names in the title, so when this rp blog was just collector, it was the natural conclusion. collect-a-long is kinda like sing-a-long or collect-a-thon, and had kind of a playful style to it... and when i started having more muses, its like i was collecting them too :P
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clairethecutepup · 29 days
I swear, if they ever do a "video game musical" song for "Corn Kidz 64," they need to get Hat Kid's singing actress for Alexis... Seriously, tell me this WOULDN'T be the voice you'd imagine from her!
... This is also just an excuse to share a good song and possible other collect-a-thon platformer, if that's what made you like CK64. Also, do a "vice versa" of introducing "A Hat in Time" fans to CK64, given the tags used.
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