#Singapore for first-timers
travelernight · 5 months
Singapore: A Complete Travel Itinerary For First-Timers
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oysterie · 1 year
I dont use twitter or tik tok so im not exposed to it often but i use ig for following bands and every once in a while i go through ig reels and it will be some harmless funny video and the top 3 comments will always be the most vile racist etc shit ever and youll report them abd promptly get three emails back abt how it doesnt go agaianst guidlines and i used to use ig constantly until 2021 and istg it was never this much
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Oh I love your baby Leclerc works and I have a request like before you jump onto baby no 2, wouldn’t it be amazing to have a one shot of the day ruby was born like how Charles reacted to holding her for the first time. His feelings as a father and a girls dad thinking he has a huge responsibility to live up to his daughter’s expectations. Something like that.
your daddy’s here | charles leclerc
this is so cute 🤍 my knowledge about childbirth is limited but since my sister had a baby in december and i was with her the day before she gave birth i’m just going to use that to write this 🧍🏽‍♀️
January 2019
Y/n and Charles waited for the results. While she was calm, Charles couldn’t contain his excitement. He immediately started picturing them as a family. Him, Y/n and their new baby.
“Okay, do you want to look first or how do you want to do this?” Y/n asked as the timer on her phone went off.
“I want to look together if that’s okay with you.” Charles say next to her on their shared bed. Y/n nodded and flipped the pregnancy test over. She gasped when she saw the words Pregnant’ on the small screen. “We’re going to be parents. Holy shit!” Charles yelled as he immediately hugged the mother of his child and started kissing her face all over.
“Wait, what if our child decides to be born on a race day?” Y/n asked once Charles stopped his kisses.
“I won’t race, simple. I’m going to be there in the hospital with you. You’re crazy if you think I’m going to miss our child’s birth.”
Thank god that didn’t happen.
September 2019
Charles had won in Monza. Y/n wasn’t in attendance since she was days past her due date so she stayed in Monaco with Pascale. They watched the Grand Prix on the tv. Charles even blew a kiss to the camera for his family back home.
Y/n’s doctor had told her the due date was September third, but Baby Leclerc was being stubborn. Yeah, they kept the gender a secret until the birth so everyone referred to their child as baby leclerc. Arthur was the first one to call the baby that name. With the Singapore Grand Prix happening in less than two weeks, Charles was getting nervous.
“Okay, baby leclerc, you have to come out soon.” Charles said to Y/n’s large stomach. He took the opportunity to fly back to Monaco to be with Y/n in case the baby decided to be born.
“They loves hearing your voice. Maybe they’ll listen to their father and come out tonight.” Y/n teased. It was like the baby was listening to her because the next thing she knew, she was in a hospital bed with Charles in a chair beside her.
He had texted all his family members many updates every five minutes. Everyone could tell he was ready and excited to be a dad.
“I’m going insane, Charles, I just want the baby out already.”
A painful and long labor was what it took for baby leclerc to come out. A girl was what the doctor announced to the couple. Charles cut the umbilical cord. He watched as several nurses took the baby girl and placed her on Y/n’s chest. He walked over to his two girls and watched in awe.
“She’s here, she’s actually here.” Charles kissed Y/n’s forehead. “You did so good, mon amour.”
“I think she wants her daddy to hold her.” Y/n smiled even though all she wanted was to rest. She didn’t want to miss the loving moment when Charles finally held his daughter.
“She’s so little. My little girl.” Charles carefully took the baby into his arms. Charles had always heard how first time parents are afraid of holding babies because they think they’re going to drop the baby. But not him, he would never. He held her safely in his arms, smiling down at her. “Hi, baby. I’m your papa.”
Y/n never understood how some adults could look at a baby and say ‘she looks like her father/mother’. It never made sense to her because the baby was just born, how could they find the resemblance? Now she completely understood what they meant. Their daughter looked exactly like Charles. Their nose shape, the mouth, it was all him.
After getting the baby all cleaned, weighed and measured, Charles couldn’t wait to hold his daughter again. The nurse handed the baby girl back to him and congratulated the couple.
“Do you have a name for her?” The nurse asked.
“I have a name, but I wasn’t sure if you’d like it.” He shyly said as he turned his attention to Y/n.
“What is it?”
“Ruby. Like your birthstone.” Charles said.
“Ruby. I love it. Ruby . . . Jules. Ruby Jules.” Y/n confirmed to the nurse.
“I like the name Louise too. Ruby Jules Louise Leclerc.” Charles added. The nurse nodded and excused herself. “Ruby Jules.” He said once more. He loved how it sounded.
“I know you wanted to make at least one of our kids after Jules.” Y/n kissed Charles’ cheek.
“We’re going to have more?” Charles chuckled. “With you I’ll have all the babies you want. We can give Ruby Jules all the siblings.”
“Some, not all. You try popping out a kid.”
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Liked by lorenzotl, pierregasly and 107,638 others
charles_leclerc Baby Leclerc ❤️
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Liked by estebanocon, scuderiaferrari and 102,678 others
y/nleclerc proud mama to my special girl ✨🫶🏼
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harley-sunday · 1 year
Feels Like Home [05]
Summary: When an unexpected three-week break between Monza and Singapore finds Daniel back on his farm in Perth he’s desperate to use this time to clear his mind, figure out his future in Formula One, and find his way back. He didn’t expect a new neighbour, a sassy two-year old, and three alpacas would make him realise that sometimes, what you’re looking for is right in front of you.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader (unnamed OFC)
Warnings: Language
Word count: 6.2k (I regret nothing)
AN: First of all, thank you for all the love on the last four chapters, it warms my cold dead heart to see your comments and reblogs and just- Thank you ♥ This next chapter is a little special to me because this is ultimately where the story started. I wrote this first (which is so unlike me because I never write out of order) and only started working on the rest of the story after. I really hope you like it as much as I do :)
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“I’m setting the timer for fifteen minutes, ok?” 
It’s a rhetorical question from Michael and so Daniel doesn’t answer but instead closes his eyes, drops his shoulders, and straightens his back. His wrists are resting on top of his knees as he sits in a cobbler’s pose on a yoga mat in the middle of his home gym. He tries to clear his head, tries to focus on his breathing and the meditation exercise Michael wants him to do but he’s too distracted by the late winter storm that’s raging outside and he ends up counting the seconds between the thunderclaps instead. Who knows, he thinks, maybe that counts as meditation too.
It must, at some point, because when his phone starts ringing he startles, eyes flying open and his heart somewhere high in his throat. He lets out a high-pitched, “Jeepers,” he isn’t necessarily proud of before he blindly reaches behind him in search of his phone.
“Dan,” Michael says beratingly, still in his cobbler’s pose, eyes closed, back ramrod straight, as poised as ever. “You have a ‘do not disturb’ option on there, mate. Use it next time, will you?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Daniel replies absentmindedly, finally getting a hold of his phone. He can’t help but smile when he sees who’s calling and so he answers with an eager, “Hey,”
“Daniel, hi-”
For a moment he thinks she’s calling him to talk about what happened last night because God knows he would like a do-over so he could have kissed her but she sounds- Upset and so he’s on edge immediately, stretching out his legs so he can get up quickly if he has to. He has a feeling he might. 
“I’m sorry to bother you but I didn’t know who else to call and-”
“Hey, no,” he interrupts her, his voice more soothing now because he wants her to know he’s there for her no matter how bad it is, all the while hoping that whatever it is has nothing to do with Ellie. Or Oscar. “What’s going on?”
She lets out a heavy sigh and he can just about see her bite her lip the way he’s noticed she does whenever she’s upset, “A tree fell down over at Eagle’s Nest and it wrecked a good five metres of fence.” She lets out a shaky breath and it’s then he can hear the wind and the rain on her end of the line, “I’m trying to keep the girls inside the paddock but with the storm-”
“They’re scared,” he offers, knowing how nervous the herd is on any given calm day so he can only imagine how stressed they must be now. He hears Homer bark on the other end of the line then and he’s never been more relieved to know she’s at least got the dog with her.
“Yeah,” she says, her voice a little shaky and he hates how desperate she sounds. “I need to get the fence fixed but I can’t get them inside the shed and-”
“Say no more.” Daniel gets up and taps Michael's shoulder to get him to join him, “We’re on our way.” 
Michael eyes him suspiciously but does as he’s told when Daniel shakes his head to let him know now’s not the time to ask questions.
“Where are you?”
“You know that little creek that passes through Eagle’s Nest on the south border?”
Not even a week ago he would have had no idea what she’s talking about, would probably have gotten lost trying to find her, but now he knows exactly where she is, “Near that old gum tree?”
“Ok. Just-” He hesitates, not in the least because Michael is staring at him like he’s suddenly grown three heads and so he turns his back to his best friend and lowers his voice, “You got this, ok? Stay with the girls, they trust you, right?” He waits until she hums in reply before he continues, “I know it’s scary but we’ll be there soon, ok? I’m not letting anything happen to you or the girls.” 
“Ok,” she whispers and his heart, oh his heart.
“Ok.” He motions for Michael to follow him downstairs. “I’m on my way.” He’s about to hang up when he hears her call his name and so he puts the phone back to his ear, “Yeah?”
“You should-” She clears her throat, “Can you check on Granddad and Ellie first? I’ve been here for a long time already and-”
“Yep. I’ll stop there on the way over, ok?”
“Babe-” the term of endearment slips out almost effortlessly and he hopes he’s allowed to use it- “you got this. Homer’s with you. You got this.” It’s then he walks into the kitchen and sees Blake look up at him from where he’s working on his laptop at the kitchen table. Daniel shakes his head to the question he knows Blake was going to ask and he can see Blake shift his focus to Michael, looking at him for answers but Michael just shrugs and Daniel knows he has some explaining to do. Not now though. Now, he tells her, “I’m going to hang up now, ok? We’re on our way.” 
“Ok, I’ll see you soon.” He ends the call and pockets his phone and before Michael or Blake have the chance to say anything he rattles off a list of things they need, “B, I’m gonna need you to put on some of my boots and a rain jacket, get the truck and see if the chainsaw’s still in the back. If not, it should be in the garage. Make sure to grab a can of diesel as well and then meet us back here.” He turns towards Michael next, “Mikey, I need you to gather some dry clothes, sweats, jumpers, take whatever you need from the merch samples in my office and then get dressed as well. We’re going to be outside for a while and it’s shit weather, so both of you dress warm, ok?”
Blake and Michael look at him as if they’re still trying to process what is happening but then Daniel spurs them on by clapping his hands a few times and watches them do as they’re told without asking any questions and Daniel’s not sure he’s ever loved his best friends more than right at this exact moment. 
It takes them no more than five minutes to get everything they need and then they’re off, Daniel quietly cursing because the bad weather makes him drive slower than he’d like but he knows it’s better to be safe than sorry right now. 
“Where-” Blake starts from the backseat but then lets the question die down, as if he knows he won’t get a straight answer anyway. 
Daniel looks at him through the rearview mirror, “I’ll explain everything later, ok? I just-” He looks at Michael then, “It’s a long story.” 
Michael nods and pats his knee, “It’s ok, mate. Just tell us what to do when we get there.”
Daniel nods and tries to at least explain where they’re going but the words seem stuck in his throat and so he focuses on the road instead, the rain hitting the car and the frantic squeaking of the windshield wipers the only sound until he puts his blinker on and turns into his neighbour’s driveway. 
Next to him he hears Michael let out a quiet, “Ah. Ok.” 
Daniel doesn’t say anything because all of a sudden he feels nervous, something tightening in his stomach as he pulls up to the house. “I’m gonna check up on Oscar real quick, ok? Stay here.” 
“We’re not helping Oscar?” Michael asks, a little surprised.
Daniel shakes his head but doesn’t say anything and he can feel both Michael and Blake stare at him as he unbuckles his seatbelt, puts on his hood, and steps outside, but once again he decides not to waste any time. He’ll explain later. They’ll understand. 
The rain is relentless, pelting down on him and making his face tingle and so he jogs towards the front porch, letting out a relieved breath when he’s out of the rain. He tries to shake off as much water as he can before he pushes his hood down and kicks his boots off. He knocks three times, hoping Oscar can hear him over the howling wind so he doesn’t scare the old man, and then opens the door and steps inside, shrugging off his raincoat and leaving it on one of the hooks on the wall. 
He finds Oscar where he expected him to, in the living room, except there are no old reruns of the Price Is Right playing in the background this time, and Daniel tries to smile so as to not upset the old man, “Hi mate, how’s it going?”
Oscar looks up at the sound of his voice and Daniel can see his eyes light up, “Danny, thank God.”
“Did she call you too?”
Oscar nods.
“Ok. Good. I got two of my mates in the car and we’re heading over there right now, but she wanted me to check up on you and Ellie first though, so here I am.” 
“Ellie’s been awake for a while,” Oscar says, sounding incredibly guilty. “I think she only slept for thirty minutes before the thunder woke her up. I’ve been trying to get up to get her but-”
“Hey,” Daniel puts his hand on the old man’s arm, “it’s ok. Ellie will be fine. I’ll go get her, ok?”
Oscar nods again, “Thanks, Danny.”
“Don’t worry about it, mate,” Daniel says as he stands up. He hurries up the stairs and all but runs to Ellie’s room, relief washing over him when he finds the little girl sitting upright in her cot, quietly babbling to herself as she hugs a stuffed koala close to her chest. Daniel moves slowly so as not to startle her, “Hi Ellie.” 
The moment Ellie sees him she starts to smile, holding out her arms to him, her voice still a little raspy, “Danny.” 
Something tugs on his heart then, not only because she remembers him but also because she seems genuinely happy to see him, and he’s not sure if it’s love just yet but it comes awfully close. “Hi sweetheart,” he says as he reaches into her cot and picks her up. “Hey sleepyhead.” 
She looks at him intently, little brows furrowed in an adorable way, and then looks past him as if she’s searching for something. He guesses she is when she says, “Where momma?”
“Momma’s outside,” he tells her with what he hopes is a reassuring smile. He can see her bottom lip start to tremble and so he quickly adds, “She asked me to come check up on you and Pop-Pop before I go to see her. A tree fell down so she needs some help.” It feels important to add, “But as soon as we’re done we’ll come right back, ok? I know momma misses you too.”  
Ellie seems to think about that for a second but then she settles into him without hesitation, head resting on his shoulder as she lets out a content sigh and he swears he feels his heart grow at least three sizes. 
“Let’s get you downstairs, huh? Go see Pop-Pop,” he whispers before he presses a kiss to the top of her head. When he turns around he sees the changing table and he knows from when his sister’s kids were smaller that he should probably check if her diaper is full but he’s not sure he’s allowed yet and so instead he grabs what he thinks is the diaper bag and takes it downstairs with him. 
“She was very much awake,” Daniel says as he makes his way back into the living room and drops the bag next to where Oscar is sitting. He bows down so he can hand Ellie over but the little girl clings to him even more and shakes her head, “With you.” 
“You gotta stay here for a little while, sweetheart,” Daniel explains but Ellie doesn’t seem to want to let go and looks away. Daniel looks at Oscar for help but knows there’s not much he can do either and so he stands back up and tries again, “I have to go help momma, bub.” 
Daniel has to suppress a smile, admiring the little girl’s stubbornness that she’s definitely gotten from her mom. 
“Come with,” Ellie whispers.
He knows he doesn’t really have time to try and convince the girl to stay here, plus he’s got Blake and Michael with him so surely one of them could watch Ellie while they fix the fence. Daniel looks at Oscar and shrugs apologetically, “Is it ok if I take her? Might be easier that way.” 
Oscar nods and leans over so he can grab what seems to be Ellie’s clothes from the couch next to him, understanding the urgency, “Put these on. Take the bag. Her rain suit is in the mudroom. Boots too.”
“Mint,” Daniel says with a smile as he takes the clothes from him. “Come on, bub. Let’s get you dressed.”
Somehow he remembers to warm up a bottle of milk for her before he stuffs a banana in his pocket and hauls ass to his car. He doesn’t have a car seat and so, when he opens the passenger’s door a few minutes later, he hands Ellie to a very bewildered looking Michael instead, “Say hi to your uncle Michael, El.” 
“Mate, what?” 
Daniel doesn’t answer, gives the little girl her bottle and closes the door because he knows they’ve been here far too long already and he really, really wants to make sure she’s ok. When he slides into his own seat he takes his hood off and grins at Michael, who's still looking confused as fuck but now with a toddler in his lap, “Not mine. Promise.”
“Ok,” Michael draws out, pulling the zipper of Ellie’s rain suit down a little so it doesn’t dig into her skin. “Whatever you say, mate.” 
From the backseat Blake lets out a cackle, “You’ve got some serious explaining to do, mate. This is all confusing as f-”
“Oi!” Daniel reaches back and flicks Blake’s forehead, “Watch your language, will ya.”
This time it’s Michael who laughs, “I don’t even know what is happening right now but-”
“Just-” Daniel starts the car and heads past the sheds and onto Coopers Lane, knowing it will get them to Eagle’s Nest quickest. “Later, ok? I promise.” He pulls the banana out of his pocket and puts it on the dashboard, “Give her this once she’s finished her bottle, will ya?”
“Uhu,” Michael says as he tightens his grip on Ellie who is quietly singing her made up ‘Danny Banana’ song to herself and seems to be perfectly happy to be here. He doesn’t say anything else and Daniel is thankful that both Michael and Blake seem to understand the urgency of him wanting to get wherever it is they’re going, instead of wasting time answering their questions.
It takes them about ten minutes to reach the creek and he spots her red ute easily enough, parked haphazardly in front of the fallen tree. He pulls up behind it and tells Michael and Blake to stay put while he checks out what’s going on before he looks at Ellie and says, “I’m going to go find momma, ok. You stay here with uncle Michael and uncle Blake?”
The girl nods enthusiastically and above her Michael absolutely beams, “She likes me.” 
“Yeah, she does.” Daniel smiles and gently squeezes Ellie’s cheek, “I’ll be right back, ok?” He doesn’t wait for an answer and jumps out of the car, trying to see if he can see where she’s at. It’s still raining and so he holds his hand over his eyes, squinting as he lets his eyes roam along the fence line until he sees something bright yellow a little further down. He wants to rush towards her but he knows it’ll scare the animals and so instead he starts quietly talking so they know there’s someone coming. 
When he’s only a few metres away from where they’re standing he stops because for now the situation seems under control and he’s not sure it’ll stay that way if he comes any closer. He raises his voice so they can hear him, “Hello ladies.” The dog lets out a whine and so he quickly adds, “And Homer.”   
“Oh, thank God,” she whispers and he can see the relief wash over her. The three alpacas she’s trying to keep from escaping are absolutely drenched but are at least staying in their spot and don’t seem to be planning going anywhere else just yet. 
He gives her a small smile, “Sorry it took us so long, we-”
“Yeah, uh-” he scrunches his nose, “Michael and Blake were over at my place so- They’re here to help.”
She nods but doesn’t say anything else and he figures she’s probably exhausted and cold and he wants nothing more than to tell her to take Ellie and head back to the house, that he’ll take care of it with Michael and Blake but he knows they’re nothing without her knowledge and so he offers the next best thing, “What do you need us to do?” 
She takes a deep breath and nods towards the pack, “If we can get them into the shed? That way we don’t have to worry about them escaping.” When he nods she continues, “There’s rope in my car, take that, and also- Grab a bucket and put two or three scoops of the grain pellets in there, it’s all in the trunk. Might be easier to lure them that way.” 
“I only need you here, Daniel,” she adds then with a hesitant smile. “The girls know and trust you but if we bring two other people in-”
“They might get spooked.” Daniel nods, trying to act cool even though the way she just told him she only needs him makes him feel all sorts of things, and so he does what he does best and acts goofy, pointing his fingers at her and clicking his tongue, “Gotcha.” It makes him feel like an idiot.
If she feels the same way she at least is graceful enough not to cringe at his antics. “They can help after,” she says and he knows it’s because she feels guilty. “With the fence?”
“Don’t worry about them,” he’s quick to reassure her as he waves to where his car is. “They’re watching Ellie, so I’m sure they’re on their third rendition of ‘The Wheels of the Bus’ anyway.” 
“Ellie?” She narrows her eyes at him and for a moment he’s worried he’s fucked up but then she nods, “I guess it’s probably better you didn’t leave her with granddad. Who knows how long this is gonna take.” 
“I’ll go get everything we need,” he says. He throws her a wink then, “‘I’ll be right back.” 
The feed proves to be a lifesaver and you’re able to lure the pack to the shed within seconds. 
“It’s ok,” you tell the girls, who are huddled together in the far corner. “You just stay here for a while, ok? We’ll go fix the fence and then I’ll be back to check up on you later.” You tell Dan to step outside before you follow after him and quietly close the door. You can’t help the relieved sigh that escapes you once you let yourself lean against the shed, shielded from the rain by the overhanging roof, “Holy shit, I’m glad that’s over.”
“Come here,” Daniel says and holds out his arms to you, pulling you close when you step into his embrace, and presses a long hard kiss to your temple. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
You shrug but wrap your arms around him a little tighter anyway. It's the first time he's holding you like this and it feels- Nice. Part of you wants to stay here, wrapped up in his arms with his chin resting on the top of your head and your cheek against his chest, but, “We should probably go fix that fence, huh?”
Daniel smiles then, “Wanna go say hi to Ellie first?” 
You nod and Daniel lets go of you, taking your hand instead, and leads you back to his car. You can hear Ellie’s high pitched giggle coming from inside and can’t help but smile when you see one of Daniel’s friends, Blake he tells you, make silly faces at your daughter who’s sitting in what then must be Michael’s lap. 
Daniel knocks on the hood to let his friends know you’re back and seconds later two grown men and a toddler tumble out of his truck and you make a conscious effort to remember this moment forever because it’s too precious not too.
Ellie wriggles in Michael’s arms and when he puts her down she rushes over, “Momma!”
“Hi baby,” you pick up your little girl and pepper her face with kisses. “Momma’s missed you.” You look at Daniel’s friends then, “Thank you, guys.”
“No worries,” Michael tells you. “That’s easily the happiest, most easy-going kid I’ve ever seen.” Next to him Blake nods in agreement.
“Just like her mom,” Daniel adds with a wink before he introduces you to his friends.
Blake and Michael share a look but don’t say anything and you doubt Daniel has even seen it, too busy blowing a raspberry at Ellie, but before you have a chance to ask if they even knew of your existence Michael looks at you and nods towards the paddock, “What can we do to help?”
“I think we need to start by cutting down that tree,” you tell them as you point over your shoulder. “It looks like only a few branches hit the fence so if we take those now I can do the rest later this week.” Daniel starts to protest but you shake your head, “That’s for another day, Daniel. I can always ask George Yanos to come help out. I just really want to get that fence back up as soon as possible so we can all go home and warm up.” You look at Blake and Michael then, “You two are staying for dinner, by the way.”
“We haven’t even done anything yet,” Blake protests.
“Oh,” you reply with a wicked grin, “just you wait.” You turn to Daniel, “Can you head back to the farm and get the chainsaw? It’s in the shed next to the chicken coop.”
Daniel grins wickedly and nods towards his truck, “I already brought mine.”
“Ok. Perfect.” You look back at Michael and Blake, “Blake, could you help Daniel with the tree? If you cut the branches off first you should be able to cut down the trunk a lot easier after. It doesn’t have to be pretty and you can just leave it where it is, as long as the fence is cleared.”
Daniel nods and Blake salutes you with a grin, “Yes ma’am.”
“Michael? Would you mind taking care of Ellie? I’ll get started on the fence but I can’t really watch her at the same time and-”
“Of course,” Michael says with a wide smile. He squats and holds out his hands to Ellie who walks over to him without hesitating.
You look up at the sky then, a little relieved to see some lighter patches in between the clouds, “The rain should die down a little over the next hour or so, but I don’t really want to wait on that so I think we might as well get going now.”
Without having to say anything else the guys spur into action and you press a quick kiss to Ellie’s cheek, “Let’s get to work, huh bub?”
It takes them almost thirty minutes to cut all the branches off but at least by then the rain has changed to a light drizzle and the wind has dropped considerably. 
“So,” Blake starts all of a sudden, after he’s picked up a piece of the branch they’ve cut up earlier so he can drag it away from the fence, “how long has this been going on, mate?”
“Blake,” Daniel warns him, not wanting her to overhear his dumbass best friend making smart remarks. 
“What?” Blake feigns surprise but grins, “Seriously mate, what is going here? Is this why you wanted me to clear your schedule? So you could hook up with your neighbour?” 
Daniel picks up a branch as well and joins Blake to where they’ve started a pile of sorts, a little further into the paddock, “I’m-” he starts, not sure what he’s going to say because he doesn’t even know. He glances over his shoulder to where she’s repairing the fence then, Michael standing next to her with Ellie on his shoulders, and when she looks up and catches his gaze, and his entire body heats up because she smiles at him, he knows he’s officially done for and so he tells Blake the truth, “I really like her, mate.”  
“I know,” Daniel says, holding up his hands in defence, knowing exactly what it is his best friend is implying. “I know, ok?”
Blake lets out a sigh as he pushes his glasses up and pinches the bridge of his nose, “It’s just- We can make this work after the season, ok? Not now.”
Daniel scoffs, “I said I like her, mate. Not that I’m thinking of proposing to her next week.”
“No, I know but-” Blake shrugs, pushing his glasses back down. “If this comes out before we’ve finalised the Red Bull deal we’ll have a hard time telling everyone they had nothing to do with each other.”
Daniel doesn’t say anything for a while, just stares at his best friend and for the briefest of moments he hates that Blake is also his manager and always has to think five steps ahead and can never just be happy for him. 
He knows the PR-game is always a tricky one, even more so whenever he dates someone he actually likes, but it’s not like they run a risk here. There’s no paparazzi around, no Kym Illman to try and sneak pictures of drivers’ wives and girlfriends without asking, and, except for dinner on Friday, they haven’t been anywhere public yet. Besides, he doesn’t even know if what they have qualifies as a relationship. Yes he likes her, very much, and yes, he wants to spend more time with her, but he’s known her for a grand total of ten days. In the end that’s what he tells Blake, “I’ve only just met her, B. Let’s take it easy, ok?”
“Ok,” Blake agrees with a curt nod that Daniel feels is more to please him than it is because Blake agrees with him. “Let me know if anything changes, ok?”
Blake looks over to where Michael is standing then, a mischievous grin on his face, “Is there any way you’ll let me mess with Talzo a little longer? Tell him she’s your cousin or something? Make him freak out a little?”
Daniel lets out a honking laugh and pushes Blake back towards the fallen tree, “You’re the worst.” 
“Yeah, but will you let me?”
“No.” Daniel shakes his head, “Not this time, mate.”
“Oh God,” Blake mutters then, flicking Daniel’s forehead, “you really like her.” 
“I really do,” Daniel agrees easily enough.
It takes another hour but then the tree is cut up into what seem to be at least a hundred pieces and the fence is repaired and looking as good as new and so Daniel beams at his best friends, “Thanks guys. That was-”
“Don’t worry about it, mate,” both Blake and Michael say at the same time with an almost identical shrug.
Daniel throws his arm around her shoulders then and presses a kiss to her temple, “Ready to head back? Oscar must be getting worried what’s taking us so long.”
“Yeah,” she says as she leans into him. “I think we all deserve a warm shower and a cold beer.” 
“Come on,” he says as he nods towards her truck, “I’ll drive.”
She takes Ellie from Michael and walks to the passenger’s seat, where he’s holding the door open for her. Once she’s seated, Ellie in her lap because it’s too much hassle to put her in the car seat, he closes the door and rounds the car to the driver’s side. 
It’s a bumpy ride back to the farm, lots of fallen branches he hadn't noticed before littering Coopers Lane and so it takes them a good ten minutes to reach the house, both of them letting out a sigh of relief when he turns the engine off. Daniel turns in his seat and teases Ellie’s hair, “You’re a superstar, Miss Ellie.” He looks up at her then, “Just like your momma.” 
“Thank you,” she says with a warm smile.
The warm water runs out when Blake is taking his shower and you can hear him curse all the way in the kitchen, drawing laughs from you and Michael, both of you already showered and changed into warm clothes already, working on putting some dinner together. Daniel’s in the living room, chatting to Granddad while he waits his turn for the shower, even though you’re afraid he’s going to have to wait a little longer now that the boiler has to fill itself up again first. Ellie’s in the kitchen with you, sitting in her high chair and watching your every move intently as she munches on a breadstick. 
“So,” you start, drawing out the word as you turn towards Michael who’s on your left, cutting up some toast to go with the vegetable soup that’s almost ready, “Daniel tells me you guys work out every day from nine to twelve. Is that true?”
Michael nods, “Yeah.”
“I know it sounds like a lot but we also include yoga and meditation and-”
‘Oh, ok.”
Michael throws you a cheeky smile then, “If you want to you could join us tomo-”
“Hahaha,” you reply with a fake laugh. “No.” 
“Bummer,” he shoots back with a grin. “Might have been nice for Dan to have someone to show off to. It would definitely help with the whining.” 
You can’t help but laugh but before you can say anything a rather bewildered looking Blake walks into the kitchen, his hair sticking up in every direction and a red colour on his cheeks that you know isn’t because he’s nice and toasty. “Here,” you tell him as you hand him a cup of coffee, “this should warm you up.” 
He lets out a ragged breath, “Turns out cold water is really cold. Jeepers.” 
“I’m so sorry,” you say, putting your hand on his arm. “I could make you a hot water bottle if you want? Help you warm up a little?”
“Nah, that’s ok. I’ll just sit here for a while,” he replies, nodding to a chair next to the wood stove that’s been burning ever since you got back. 
“I’ll go see what Daniel and Granddad are up to,” you tell Blake and Michael, “I think the soup’s almost ready and the lasagne should be done soon too, so-”
“I’ll set the table,” Michael offers. He points at the kitchen cabinets, “Is it ok if I just open them and see what I can find?”
“I’m not hiding any secrets in my kitchen cabinets, Michael,” you shoot back with a laugh. “Have at it.” You find Granddad and Daniel gossiping about Mrs Mackenzie's supposed date with Mr Maxwell last week and so you gently flick Daniel’s shoulder, “Oi, you two. It sounds like Soap Opera’s Digest in here.” 
“This is important information, ok,” Daniel shoots back with a grin as he looks up at you. “The last I heard Mrs Mackenzie was still dating Kevin Holmes from down the road, so-”
“That ended months ago,” Granddad adds, leaning closer to Daniel. “Apparently he ran off with Mrs Clement.”
“The dentist’s wife?” Daniel seems shocked, “Did their divorce go through already? That’s quick.” 
Granddad shakes his head, looking awfully pleased with himself, “It didn’t.”
Daniel gasps, clutching his chain necklace for full effect, “No!”
“Yes,” Granddad nods. “I think old Kevin will have to find himself another dentist.”
“While this has all been very entertaining,” you interrupt with a hand on Daniel’s shoulder, to keep him from saying anything else, “I came to tell you that dinner’s almost ready.” You look at Daniel, “We can wait if you want to take a shower first, I think the boiler should be full in another fifteen minutes or so.”
“Nah,” Daniel shakes his head, “I’ll shower after. It’s fine. I’m not that cold anymore anyway.”
“Alright, let’s go eat then.” 
Dinner is- It’s fun. Granddad’s sitting at the head of the table, with you, Ellie and Daniel on one side and Blake and Michael on the other. Blake and Granddad are discussing the Manchester United game from last week while Michael keeps making faces at Ellie, who’s giggles fill the kitchen at steady intervals, while Daniel keeps feeding her pieces of his lasagne. 
By the time everyone’s plates are empty, Ellie’s giggles have turned to yawns and so you get up and pick her up out of her high chair, “I’ll go put this one to bed, it’s been a long day for her.”
Ellie’s not too tired to insist on saying goodnight to everyone and so she gets passed from Granddad to Blake to Michael to Daniel for a goodnight hug before she’s returned into your arms and Michael tells you they’ll take care of the dishes in the meantime.
“Come on, bub,” you tell her as you head upstairs. “Let’s go see if Mr Koala’s waiting for you.”
Ellie’s asleep before you even make it to her bedroom and you figure there’s no harm done in skipping brushing her teeth for once, instead gently lying her down in her cot, pressing a kiss to her forehead before you quietly whisper, “Goodnight my sweet girl. Momma loves you very much.” 
When you get back downstairs the kitchen is spotless and you can see Blake drying the last of the dishes while Michael wipes the counter clean and then Daniel steps into view, “We’ll check up on the girls before we head home, ok?”
You start to protest, “Daniel-” 
“Nope,” he counters with a smile “You stay here. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
You smile at him, “Yep.” 
Daniel waits until Blake and Michael have said their goodbyes and made it past him to the mud room before he takes a step forward and presses a soft kiss to your cheek, "I'll text you the address when I get home, ok?"
"You do that," you tell him, your voice barely above a whisper because God, you really want to kiss him.
“Watch out for that brown one,” Daniel tells Michael with a nod towards Betsy, “she bites.”
“Good to know, mate.” 
Daniel chuckles, “The white one is alright, you can pet her if you want.”
“Yeah, nah, I’m good,” Michael shoots back with a grin, focusing instead of filling the feeder with the bucket of grains Daniel handed him earlier. He clears his throat then, “So tell me again how we ended up here? Offering to check up on some spooked Alpacas? You playing house with Oscar’s granddaughter wasn’t exactly on my bingo card for this year, mate.”
Daniel laughs, “Wasn’t on mine either to be honest, but-”
“I don’t know,” Daniel offers with a shrug. “I like it.” He corrects himself then, “I like her. A lot. So-”
“Daniel,” Michael starts, hesitating a little then, which tells Daniel his best friend is going to say something serious and maybe important. “You know I’ve always got your best interest at heart, right?” Michael waits for Daniel to nod before he takes a deep breath and continues, “You’ve got a lot going on right now and I don’t know if this is-” He holds up his hand when Daniel wants to interrupt, “I’m worried it’s going to cloud your judgement, ok? I can tell you like her very much and I haven’t seen you this settled-” he air-quotes the word, “-in a long time but you’ve only known her for what? A week-and-a-half? You’ve been in this sport for much longer than that, don’t-”
“I won’t,” Daniel says, trying his hardest to keep his voice neutral and not make it sound like he’s defending himself. He knows Michael’s right, of course he does. After all, he came to the same conclusion earlier today. Yes, he likes her, and yes, he would like to see where this goes, but he also knows it wouldn’t be fair to her or himself to take that into consideration when it comes to his future in Formula One. He looks up at Michael then, “If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be, right? 
“Maybe you should talk to her before you leave,” Michael offers with a kind smile. “Just to see where you both stand and to make sure you go into this with the same expectations, you know?”
“Yeah,” Daniel rubs his face. “Yeah, I should.” 
Blake walks into the shed then, soaking wet and looking as miserable as ever, “So I checked the fence-.”
“-and it’s still standing.” Blake deadpans with a blank stare.
Daniel chuckles, “Thanks, mate. Let’s go home, eh?”
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evermoredeluxe · 7 months
I really like that Japan got a few first-timers for the surprise songs, and I’m hoping that Singapore will too. Although, the girl who was crying when YOYOK came up was a real heartwarming moment too.
omg i LOVE that video of the girl! literally so wholesome 🥹
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archivist-crow · 7 months
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On this day:
On February 16, 1861, an earthquake shook the island nation of Singapore. It was followed by three days of flooding rain that brought fish pouring down from the sky. Esteemed naturalist Francis de Castelnau related that as the clouds lifted, the sun shone down in the streets upon a crowd of local Chinese and Malays filling baskets with the fish swimming in the rain puddles. The species, Clarias batrachi, was local to the area. Dead fish soon covered the area as the pools evaporated.
Castelnau first thought that the fish had come in from a nearby overflowing stream, but then he realized that the wall surrounding his abode would have prevented them from entering his yard. One old timer in the area recalled fish falling from the sky when he was a child.
In February 1830, in Faridpoor, India, various sizes of fish, weighing between one and three pounds, rained down; some were fresh, but others decayed and headless. In 1839, in Calcutta, fish fell and were kept alive in a tank. They fell in a straight line. In 1850, in Fajkote, fish poured down, completely covering the ground and the tops of area haystacks.
In February 1859, in Glamorganshire, Wales, John Lewis testified that fish rained down upon his village when he was out gathering timber. They slipped down his back and filled his hat brim. They coated the roof of his workshop, filled pipes, and covered the entire ground around him, jumping about while he and his wife began to scoop them up into buckets and toss them into a pool. There were two falls, ten minutes apart, and each lasting only a few minutes. The fish fell in a straight line twelve yards wide and eighty yards long.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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hyperthalamus · 2 years
Singapore Through a First Timer's Eyes: Travel Itinerary, Requirements and Places to Visit
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boxboxblog · 2 days
Singapore 2024 Q3: The Big One
Final one, let's go everyone.
Predictions for pole are of course the two Mclarens and Charles Leclerc, but Verstappen has found his speed again this weekend, so should be interesting Q3.
Cars are coming out, they seem a bit antsy honestly. Piastri first out, followed by Verstappen, Norris, and Hamilton. Ferrari's biding their time. Wonder if that strategy will work out for them.
So far Verstappen fastest in Sector 1. Piastri seems to be struggling. Norris is even faster than Verstappen. Two Ferrari's are out.
Sainz has sent it into barriers, yellow flag is out. He's done now, and is in P10. Shame for Ferrari, especially after last weeks race, so their hopes lay with Leclerc. Sainz complained about cold tires in that lap, which led to him losing grip when he tried to open lap (possibly caused by when he moved over for Piastri). Probably was a case of jumping the gun a little too fast before warming tires properly. Regardless, bad luck for Sainz.
Because of the yellow flag only Verstappen, Piastri, and Hulkenberg have put a time on the board. This could create a very interesting qualifying, as they have to wait for the yellow flag to end. That cuts into everyone's time, so could lead to some panic. Verstappen's time has been deleted due to not slowing for yellow flag (although he has complained about that, and could argue against it), so now Piastri is at top. 8 minutes left. The teams are probably hoping that they clean up the mess real fast. Red flag is out, so timer for quali is paused at 8:04.
This could turn into a one-shot qualifying, so there might be a fight to start out closer to the back to let track evolution help. The strategists must be racking their brains for what the best option is. They could do two runs to be safe, but this could also lead to complications or even running out of time. Strategy will win this qualifying, I am sure.
Alright red flag is over, qualifying is restarting. All contenders have put soft tires on, and it is assumed they will only have one flying lap available. But of course, anything can happened. We will see what drivers do, some could wait until around 4 minutes to go out and let track evolve to help their one lap. I think most teams will go for the one lap, to avoid carrying extra fuel. If every team does this tho, could lead to some cars not even being able to put a time on the board, which would be a disaster for Leclerc, Verstappen, Norris, and the Mercades.
No one has gone out yet, so most definitely the teams will be doing the one lap strategy. Who is going to blink first? They will want a few cars in front of them, but not too many or they risk not getting a time. Its a safe bet to go out first however. Really interesting quali.
Five minutes left. Still no cars out. Drivers are waing. Looks like Leclerc and Mclaren are coming out. Is this the right strat I wonder? Their nerves will be on edge. A good lap is king, even a little mistake will kill them. Verstappen is staying in pits right now to take advantage of track evolution. Very risky, but very Red Bull.
Alonso had an unsafe pit release. Could get penalty. Which could mean top 8 is all that's left. Piastri starts, then Norris, then Hulkenberg, etc. Not a lot of time left. this is coming down to the wire.
Track position is everything, and cars are being told to hold their place against others or overtake if they can. I think some of the teams held off for way too long. Piastri looking good, but Norris has a faster middle and final sector. Norris has taken provisional pole.
Leclerc is not having a strong lap. P4 right now, behind Hulkenberg, Hamilton jumped to P2. Verstappen jumps ahead of him, and Russell behind Hamilton. Leclerc's time has been deleted and he has been pushed down to P9 after his time was deleted. Terrible quali for Ferrari, a combo of bad strategy and driver error. After Leclerc's strong performances in the last few races it is a massive surprise.
Verstappen had done well, and so has Norris, who takes his first pole in Singapore.
The big shock is Hulkenberg, Could lead to an interesting race.
I will not be live writing about tomorrow's race, as it would be far too stressful, so expect a race summary and analysis an hour or two after the race. It won't be as by the minute as my quali's.
Cheers everyone, let's look forward to an interesting Singapore GP
NOTE: Accidentally deleted my Q2 overview. Oops.
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iflysingapore · 27 days
Indoor Sports Adventures: Discover Singapore’s Best Indoor Activities
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Singapore is renowned for its vibrant array of activities, and indoor sports are no exception. Whether you’re looking to stay active regardless of the weather or searching for a thrilling experience, the city offers a variety of indoor sports that cater to all interests and skill levels. From high-energy challenges to relaxing leisure activities, indoor sports in Singapore promise excitement and fun for everyone.
Indoor Skydiving: A Thrilling Experience
For those seeking an adrenaline rush, Singapore’s indoor skydiving facility is a must-visit. Located on Sentosa Island, this venue offers a unique opportunity to experience the sensation of freefall without having to jump out of an airplane. The facility features a vertical wind tunnel where you can float and soar as if you were skydiving. It’s an exhilarating way to share a thrilling adventure with friends or loved ones, and the safe, controlled environment makes it accessible for first-timers and experienced flyers alike.
Rock Climbing: Challenge Your Limits
If you prefer a more physically demanding activity, indoor rock climbing is a great option. Singapore boasts several state-of-the-art climbing gyms that cater to all levels of climbers. Whether you’re a novice looking to scale your first wall or a seasoned climber seeking new challenges, these climbing facilities offer a range of routes and boulder problems. It’s an excellent way to build strength, improve coordination, and enjoy a full-body workout while having fun.
Bowling: Classic Fun for Groups
Bowling remains a popular indoor sport that’s perfect for socializing and competition. Singapore’s bowling alleys provide a classic venue for friendly matches, with well-maintained lanes and modern scoring systems. It’s an ideal activity for groups or couples looking to unwind and enjoy a fun, casual game. Many alleys also feature additional amenities like arcade games and dining options, making it a great spot for a night out.
Badminton and Table Tennis: Quick and Exciting
For a more traditional indoor sport, badminton and table tennis facilities are widely available throughout Singapore. These sports are fantastic for quick, energetic play and can be enjoyed in various community centers and sports complexes. Whether you’re playing a competitive match or just having a casual game with friends, these activities offer an excellent way to stay active and engaged.
Trampoline Parks: Bouncing Fun
Trampoline parks are a fantastic choice for those who enjoy a playful workout. Singapore has several trampoline parks that feature interconnected trampolines, foam pits, and obstacle courses. These parks offer a unique way to burn off energy, improve agility, and have a blast bouncing and flipping in a safe environment.
Whether you’re soaring through the air, scaling new heights, or enjoying classic games, Singapore’s indoor sports scene has something for everyone. These activities not only provide great ways to stay active but also offer unique experiences that can be enjoyed regardless of the weather. Explore these exciting indoor options and discover your next favorite sport in Singapore.
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Tips for Choosing Piano Lessons in Singapore
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1. Define Your Goals and Expectations
Know Your Purpose
One of the things you need to know before you start taking lessons in piano is why you want it in the first place. Do you want to play it just for fun, or would you like to become a professional musician someday? Maybe you are willing to extend your knowledge and skill in music theory, or maybe you are going to take graded exams. When you have established your goals, this will let you be able to enrol in appropriate types of piano lessons that are up to your expectations.
Consider Your Level of Commitment
Reflect on the amount of time you are willing to spend on practising. Some programs turn out to be very intensive with practice every day, while others may be more relaxed. It will be best that you understand your level of commitment so that you can pick a piano class that will best suit your lifestyle and, therefore, this is key in seeing long-term success.
Think About Your Learning Style
Everyone learns differently. Some enjoy a busy environment like a classroom, others prefer one-on-one lessons. Knowing your learning style will help you decide whether you need to take group music classes or go for private piano lessons.
2. Ensure You Establish Whether the Teacher is Qualified
Check Their Qualifications
While opting for piano lessons, always consider the qualification of the instructor. The teacher must have undergone formal training in music along with certifications from recognized institutions for these very disciplines. It will make sure that he is knowledgeable enough and capable of teaching properly.
Check Their Experience
Experience in teaching piano is very important. A teacher who has taught piano for a number of years will have acquired a sense of common problems that the student is likely to have and is in a better position to solve them. Also, inquire about your experience in handling students at your level.
Read Reviews and Testimonials
Read through reviews and testimonials of other students who have been to the same class. This will tell you more about teaching style and effectiveness. Positive feedback from people who have come there before is on many occasions confirmation of a good competent and supportive teacher.
3. Take Into Account the Location and Schedule
Select A Location That’s Easy to Get
Prime importance is the location of the music school or tutor’s studio. It should be located easily in relation to where you stay or work. A conveniently placed location will give easier access to frequent attendance in lessons, constituting a big part of constant progress.
Flexibility in scheduling
Another important factor to consider would be your schedule. The good thing with some music schools in Singapore is that they present options for flexible scheduling so that you are able to choose lesson times that best suit your busy lifestyle. Make sure that the music class times work well with your availability, as this will prevent clashes in time management.
Count in Travelling Time
If you are thinking about lessons that need commuting then calculate the travel time; long travelling times can frequently be exhausting even more so if you happen to have a tight schedule. Choose a place that isn’t too far as to minimise the time spent travelling. Or you can go for online music academy if going there might be a barrier.
4. The Cost and Value
Understand the Fee Structure
From group lessons to individual lessons, from a first-timer instructor to one with years of practical experience, from the heartland to the city centre, the charges of taking piano lessons in Singapore vary preposterously. There might be other operative additional costs for teaching materials or, for example in the case of theory or exams, related charges. Ensure that the charges will be kind to your pocket.
Price Comparison
By all means, feel free to compare the prices between the different music schools and private teachers. By all means, consider the cost, but do not forget that the lowest bidder may not necessarily give you the best quality. And, of course, the best is not all that expensive either. Strike a good balance between affordability and quality of instruction.
Evaluate the Value
Weigh up exactly what you are getting for your money. In general, the more expensive lessons could mean more personalised attention, better facilities, or access to more resources. Weight up the benefits against the costs to determine whether lessons are value for money.
5. Investigate curriculum and teaching methods
Examine the curriculum
Different piano teachers and schools teach in different styles. Yes, some will be willing to concentrate on the teachings of classical music, while others will concentrate on contemporary styles. Glancing through the curriculum will help you pick the courses that will correspond most with your wants and objectives in music.
Understand the Teaching Approach
Teaching methods may differ vastly. Some would focus on very traditional techniques, while others on more modern ones. Realising teaching methods will provide you with insight into what to expect from the lessons and if they would resonate with your learning style.
Look out for a Well-Rounded Approach:
A good piano lesson should offer a well-rounded approach, which does not only touch on playing techniques but also on music theory, sight-reading, and ear training. This will make sure that a holistic approach is given for you to get a better strong foundational background in music.
Incorporating all these considerations, personal goals, choice of instructor concerning qualifications, and even lesson type and cost all are important in finally coming up with good piano lessons in Singapore. Just find the right program that works for you. You will definitely find a piano program that meets your needs and gives you a musical edge. Therefore, getting just the proper kind of piano lessons could bring incessant success to your way, in the same measure that whatever your level of performance is. Take that plunge and start your musical journey today.
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nandneeeeeee · 2 months
Wings of Time Show: Singapore’s Must-See Night Spectacle on Sentosa Island
Singapore is a vibrant city with a plethora of attractions that cater to all interests. Among the many places to visit in Singapore, the Wings of Time Show on Sentosa Island stands out as one of the most spectacular night shows. This mesmerizing show combines state-of-the-art technology with a captivating storyline, making it a must-see for both locals and tourists. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide to help you make the most of your Wings of Time show experience to create lifetime memories with the best experience to have!
An Overview of Wings of Time
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Wings of Time is a breathtaking night show that takes place on Sentosa Island, a popular resort destination in Singapore. The show features a stunning combination of pyrotechnics, laser lights, water fountains, and 3D projection mapping, all set against the backdrop of the open sea. The narrative follows the journey of two teenagers, Rachel and Felix, who encounter a mystical bird named Shahbaz. Together, they travel across different landscapes and eras, experiencing various adventures that ultimately lead to a heartwarming conclusion.
Show Timings
Wings of Time offers two showings each evening, making it convenient for visitors to plan their day around this must-see event. The show timings are typically at 7:40 PM and 8:40 PM, but it’s always a good idea to check the official website or local listings for any updates or changes. Each show lasts for approximately 20 minutes, providing an enthralling experience without taking up too much of your evening.
Ticket Costs
Tickets for the Wings of Time Show are reasonably priced, ensuring that this incredible experience is accessible to everyone. Standard tickets usually cost around SGD 18 for adults and SGD 15 for children aged 4-12. There are also premium seats available for those who wish to enjoy the show from a closer vantage point. Premium tickets are priced at around SGD 23 for adults and SGD 20 for children. Tickets can be purchased online through the official Wings of Time website or at various ticketing counters on Sentosa Island.
History and Background
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The Wings of Time Show has been a beloved attraction in Singapore since its inception. It replaced the previous show, Songs of the Sea, which had a successful run for seven years. Wings of Time took the concept of a night show to new heights by incorporating cutting-edge technology and a more elaborate storyline. The show was created by a team of international experts in the fields of pyrotechnics, lighting, and multimedia, ensuring a world-class experience for all who attend.
What to Expect
Visitors to the Wings of Time Show can expect a visual and auditory feast that engages all the senses. The show’s combination of fire effects, water screens, and laser projections creates a magical atmosphere that transports the audience into the heart of the story. The soundtrack, which blends orchestral music with modern beats, enhances the emotional impact of the show. The open-air setting on Sentosa’s Siloso Beach adds to the experience, allowing spectators to enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings while being dazzled by the performance.
Tips for First-Timers
Arrive Early: To get the best seats, it’s advisable to arrive at least 30 minutes before the show starts. This will give you ample time to find a good spot and settle in before the performance begins.
Dress Comfortably: The show is outdoors, so be sure to dress comfortably and be prepared for the weather. Bringing a light jacket or shawl can be a good idea, especially for the later show when it can get a bit cooler.
Check for Promotions: Keep an eye out for any promotions or package deals that include tickets to the Wings of Time Show. These can often be found on travel websites or as part of a larger Sentosa Island package.
Explore Sentosa Island: Make the most of your visit by exploring other attractions on Sentosa Island. There are so many places to visit in Singapore, and Sentosa alone offers a wide range of activities, from Universal Studios Singapore to the S.E.A. Aquarium and the beautiful beaches.
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The Wings of Time Show is an unforgettable experience that should be on every visitor’s itinerary when exploring Singapore. Its unique blend of technology, storytelling, and natural beauty makes it a standout attraction on Sentosa Island. Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or solo, this night show promises to leave you with lasting memories of your time in Singapore. So, grab your tickets, head to Sentosa, and prepare to be amazed by the spectacular Wings of Time Show.
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indgrey · 5 months
Hire Safe Entry Part Timers Singapore: Ensuring Safety amidst Uncertain Times 
In these unprecedented times, ensuring safety has become a paramount concern for businesses, especially those operating in Singapore. As the world grapples with the challenges posed by the on-going pandemic, implementing robust safety measures has emerged as a top priority. One crucial aspect of safeguarding workplaces and public spaces is hire Safe Entry Part Timers Singapore. 
In D Grey, a leading provider of comprehensive safety solutions understands the importance of maintaining a safe environment for employees, customers, and visitors. With a team of highly trained professionals, In D Grey offers specialized services aimed at mitigating health risks and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. 
The Safe Entry Part Timers provided by In D Grey play a pivotal role in maintaining safety protocols at various entry points. Equipped with the necessary training and expertise, these individuals are adept at conducting temperature screenings and enforcing safe distancing measures. By hiring Safe Entry Part Timers in Singapore through In D Grey, businesses can effectively manage crowd control and minimize the risk of virus transmission. 
Temperature screening has emerged as a crucial tool in the fight against COVID-19. In D Grey recognizes the significance of this preventive measure and offers specialized services to cater to the evolving needs of businesses. With the option to hire Temperature Screeners Singapore through In D Grey, organizations can enhance their safety protocols and instil confidence among employees and patrons. 
The dedicated team of Temperature Screeners deployed by In D Grey is committed to upholding the highest standards of safety and professionalism. Rigorous training and adherence to established protocols ensure accurate temperature readings and efficient screening processes. By hiring Temperature Screeners in Singapore from In D Grey, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to prioritizing the health and well-being of their stakeholders. 
Beyond the immediate benefits of enhanced safety measures, In D Grey offers a holistic approach to risk management. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and industry best practices, the company helps businesses navigate the complexities of safety compliance effectively. From comprehensive risk assessments to tailored safety solutions, In D Grey empowers organizations to adapt to the evolving landscape of workplace safety. 
As businesses strive to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic, the importance of proactive safety measures cannot be overstated. In D Grey stands as a trusted partner in this endeavour, offering reliable solutions to safeguard workplaces and public spaces. Whether it's hiring Safe Entry Part Timers or Temperature Screeners in Singapore, businesses can rely on In D Grey to deliver excellence in safety management. 
In conclusion, prioritizing safety is essential in today's uncertain times, and In D Grey offers the expertise and resources needed to meet this critical need. By hiring Safe Entry Part Timers and Temperature Screeners in Singapore through In D Grey, businesses can take proactive steps towards creating a safer environment for all. Contact In D Grey today to learn more about our comprehensive safety solutions and take the first step towards a safer tomorrow. 
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traveldmconline · 7 months
Discover the Magic of Madame Tussauds Singapore: A Unique Adventure Awaits
A gem of tourism and history, Madame Tussauds Singapore, welcomes tourists on Sentosa Island. This article focuses on the exciting realm of this well-known wax museum. Giving you the inside story of its major draws, historical background, and amazing encounters it provides to visitors worldwide.
Introduction to Madame Tussauds Singapore
Madame Tussauds Singapore is an entertainment and history-dominant tourist attraction that can be found on Sentosa Island. Located in the heart of the area. This article unveils the fascinating realm of the acclaimed wax museum, where one learns about the outstanding attractions, historical background, and exceptional experience presented to visitors worldwide.
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The Fascinating History of Madame Tussauds
It was Marie Tussaud, a contemporary French artist who started the wax museum in the 18th century. Her legacy has woven the hearts of millions. Making its way across continents finally led to the launching of Madame Tussauds Singapore. One of the key milestones in the city-state’s tourism industry.
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Main Attractions at Madame Tussauds Singapore
Celebrities, famous people, and sports stars have life-size replicas of them displayed in the museum. It’s no longer limited to being next to your favorite stars, but it has become a special kind of experience where you’re able to transform into the same, do whatever they do, and just live out your dream.
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Behind the Scenes: The Making of Wax Figures
The craft of each wax figure is a masterpiece and it takes skilled craftsmanship and attention to detail. At each stage- from sculpting to make-up- the team aimed at perfection to make the models as real as possible so that the public felt the thrill of seeing the real-life models.
Celebrity Encounters: A-Listers and Historical Figures
You may pass through different walking zones that have celebrity personalities, music, sports stars, and influential individuals. Highlight the pose with legends like Leonardo, Madonna, or even our Singapore founding father, Lee Kuan Yew.
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Interactive Experiences at Madame Tussauds
While wax figures are a popular attraction, the museum also offers other types of interactive experiences such as the Singapore Spirit Boat Ride which takes you through Singapore’s history and landmarks as well as the Ultimate Film Star Experience where you get to act alongside Bollywood stars.
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The Marvel 4D Cinema Experience
Take part in a 4D show where Marvel superheroes are made alive. Cinema is 3D film technology with wind effects, water effects, heat effects, and snowflake effects, surrounded by scenes with Iron Man, Spider-Man, and other Marvel heroes.
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Educational Aspects of Madame Tussauds Singapore
The museum, both entertainment and educational, is also a major attraction. Visitors are taught the biography of real characters, the wax production process, as well as the importance of each person represented.
Events and Special Exhibits at Madame Tussauds Singapore
Madame Tussauds Singapore is a great place to visit not just for first-timers but also for repeat visitors as they have seasonal exhibits and special events all year round. From Halloween spooky specials to cultural fests, there are always ongoing discoveries.
Visitor Information: Tickets, Timings, and Tips
Plan your visit by making sure you are up-to-date with seat pricing, availability of packages (probably discounted), and opening hours. Tips for the best times to visit and tips for making the most of your experience will help you have an authentic experience in this magical realm.
Comparing Madame Tussauds Singapore with Other Locations
Being situated at the center of the global chain, Madame Tussauds Singapore proffers localized and themed galleries for the target local and regional audiences which truly reflect the colorful fabric of the Asian continent.
The Future of Madame Tussauds Singapore
With discoveries every day and the inclusion of new images, the museum is ever-changing. In the future, the plan involves the utilization of more interactive technologies and making the unveiling of new characters regular to always keep things new and engaging.
Personal Experiences and Reviews
Listen to the shoppers who have trodden in the halls of Madame Tussauds Singapore. They show their stories and photos that will attract new visitors with their choice of the most memorable experiences.
Tips for Visiting Madame Tussauds Singapore
Saying from ticket combos with other attractions and the best points to take shots, the tips below will maximize the use of your visit, guaranteeing a mistake-less and pleasurable experience.
The Role of Madame Tussauds in Singapore’s Tourism
It offers one of the many great attractions at Sentosa Island. With the museum being a major attraction to international travelers, it has added to the global reputation of Singapore as a main travel destination.
Madame Tussauds Singapore and Cultural Representation
The museum is emblematic of the multicultural nature of Singapore, exhibiting figures from a range of backgrounds and industries that seek to promote cultural harmony and tourism.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the ticket prices for Madame Tussauds Singapore?
Ticket prices depend on the person’s age, package deal offers, and where you get the ticket whether online or at the entrances. Customarily, we can assume adults would pay SGD 35 to SGD 45, and children’s tickets slightly cheaper. Ensuring you check the company website for the latest offers and prices is the best idea.
Can I take photos inside Madame Tussauds?
You should take photos with the wax figures, but refrain from using flash photography as it may damage the wax figures and disrupt other visitors’ experiences.
It is a wonderful combination of history, culture, and entertainment. Hence it is a major attraction and fits all ages. Whether you are a history buff, pop culture fan, or looking for a fun trip for the whole family, the museum offers a wide variety of things to do and see, ensuring you leave carrying fond memories. Hence, no matter if the experience is real or just a perception. Plunge into the world of life-size figures and find the magic within at Madame Tussauds Singapore.
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vikhyatr · 7 months
Unveiling the Thrills: Adventurous Activities in Singapore
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Singapore, celebrated for its modern skyline, multicultural society, and vibrant food scene, may not be the initial destination that springs to mind when considering adventurous activities. However, beyond the bustling urban landscape lie hidden gems of exhilarating experiences waiting to be discovered. Amidst the places to visit in Singapore, there exists a wealth of heart-pounding outdoor adventures and adrenaline-fueled experiences, catering to every thrill-seeker's desires. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the adventurous top activities and places to visit that will satisfy your craving for excitement and leave you with unforgettable memories.
Sky-High Thrills
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Bungee Jumping at AJ Hackett Sentosa
AJ Hackett Sentosa, situated on the picturesque Sentosa Island, offers one of Singapore's most exhilarating experiences – bungee jumping. Feel the rush as you leap from a towering platform, surrounded by stunning views of the island and the sea below. With professional instructors and top-notch safety measures, this adrenaline-packed activity promises an unforgettable thrill for daredevils.
Indoor Skydiving at iFly Singapore
Experience the sensation of freefalling without jumping out of a plane at iFly Singapore. This indoor skydiving facility utilizes a vertical wind tunnel to simulate the thrill of skydiving in a safe and controlled environment. Whether you're a seasoned skydiver or a first-timer, iFly offers an exhilarating adventure suitable for all skill levels.
Nature Escapes
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TreeTop Walk at MacRitchie Reservoir
Embark on an adventure amidst lush greenery at MacRitchie Reservoir's TreeTop Walk. This scenic hike takes you through the treetops of a tropical rainforest, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Traverse suspension bridges swaying gently above the forest floor as you encounter diverse wildlife and immerse yourself in nature's tranquility.
Kayaking through Singapore's Waterways
Explore Singapore's waterways from a unique perspective by embarking on a kayaking adventure. Paddle through mangrove forests, urban canals, and scenic rivers, discovering hidden gems and picturesque landscapes along the way. Whether you're a novice or an experienced kayaker, Singapore's diverse waterways offer endless opportunities for exploration and adventure.
Thrilling Theme Parks
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Universal Studios Singapore
Step into the magical world of Universal Studios Singapore and embark on thrilling rides and attractions inspired by blockbuster movies. From high-speed roller coasters to immersive 4D experiences, this world-class theme park promises adrenaline-pumping adventures for visitors of all ages. Lose yourself in the excitement of iconic movie-themed zones, from Hollywood to Jurassic Park.
Adventure Cove Waterpark
Beat the tropical heat and indulge in aquatic adventures at Adventure Cove Waterpark. Experience adrenaline-fueled slides, encounter marine life while snorkeling, or take on the exhilarating water coaster. With a variety of attractions catering to both thrill-seekers and families, Adventure Cove promises a day of fun and excitement in the heart of Sentosa Island.
Urban Adventures
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Night Cycling along Marina Bay
Explore Singapore's iconic skyline and waterfront on a thrilling night cycling adventure. Pedal along Marina Bay's scenic promenade as the city comes alive with dazzling lights and vibrant energy. Marvel at architectural wonders such as the Marina Bay Sands and the Gardens by the Bay, creating unforgettable memories against the backdrop of Singapore's stunning skyline.
Virtual Reality Gaming at VRX
Immerse yourself in the world of virtual reality gaming at VRX, Singapore's premier VR arcade. Step into immersive virtual environments and engage in adrenaline-pumping multiplayer experiences, from intense shooters to exhilarating racing games. With state-of-the-art VR technology and a wide selection of games, VRX offers an unparalleled adventure for gamers and thrill-seekers alike.
From bungee jumping off towering heights to kayaking through scenic waterways, Singapore offers a diverse range of adventurous activities that cater to every thrill-seeker's appetite. Whether you prefer soaring through the sky, immersing yourself in nature, or exploring urban landscapes, Singapore's vibrant and dynamic attractions promise an adrenaline-packed experience like no other. So, embrace the thrill and embark on an adventure-filled journey in the Lion City.
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tripcabinet · 8 months
Discovering the Thrills of iFly Singapore: Indoor Skydiving Adventure
Have you ever dreamed of hovering through the sky, feeling the push of the wind against your face as you plummet through the clouds? IFLY Singapore gives you the risk to show the ones dreams into reality with their exhilarating indoor skydiving revel. And with Trip Cabinet’s Singapore tour package from Lucknow, you can make the most of your visit to this colorful metropolis even adding a thrilling journey to your itinerary.
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The Thrill of Indoor Skydiving at IFly Singapore
At IFLY Singapore, adventure seekers and thrill fans are welcomed right into an international in which gravity appears to disappear. Their current indoor skydiving facility utilizes modern-day wind tunnel technology to simulate the feeling of freefall through the sky. With winds attaining speeds of up to 300 kilometers per hour, participants can revel in the adrenaline rush of skydiving without ever having to jump out of an aircraft.
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What Sets iFly Singapore Apart?
Cutting-Edge Technology: IFLY Singapore boasts one of the most advanced indoor skydiving facilities globally, ensuring a secure and exhilarating experience for all members.
Safety First: With rigorous education sessions and skilled instructors guiding each flight, protection is always a priority at IFLY Singapore, giving you peace of mind as you take to the skies.
Accessible to All: Whether you’re a pro skydiver looking to hone your abilities or a primary-timer searching for an unforgettable adventure, iFly Singapore caters to people of every age and ability stage.
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Enhance Your Singapore Experience with Trip Cabinet
Combine your iFly Singapore tour with Trip Cabinet’s Singapore itinerary from Lucknow and make the most of your time in this dynamic city. Explore breathtaking attractions like Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay, and Sentosa Island, and immerse yourself in the rich culture and vibrant cuisine that Singapore has to offer.
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Planning Your Adventure
Here’s how you can make the most of your IFLY Singapore experience and Trip Cabinet tour package:
Book in Advance: Book your iFly Singapore flight time and Trip Cabinet tour package in advance to guarantee availability and avoid disappointment.
Arrive Early: Plan to arrive at IFLY Singapore with sufficient time to take a look at-in and pre-flight education. Similarly, in your Trip Cabinet tours, ensure you’re punctual to make the most of your guided studies.
Listen to Your Guides: Pay interest to the commands provided by using your IFLY Singapore teachers and Trip Cabinet publications to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience for the duration of your journey.
Capture the Moment: Don’t forget to capture your iFly Singapore flight and Trip Cabinet tour highlights with plenty of pix and videos to cherish the memories for years to come.
With iFly Singapore’s thrilling indoor skydiving experience and Trip Cabinet’s complete Singapore tour package from Lucknow, you could embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with pleasure, exploration, and endless possibilities. So why wait? Take the jump and make your Singapore getaway wonderful with iFly Singapore and Trip Cabinet these days!
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mysgprop-cstee · 8 months
Lumina Grand EC
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Lumina Grand EC
Lumina is derived from the Latin word - Lumen meaning bright and it is also a measure of brightness. Lumina Grand, a luxury EC that boosts new standards of green and smart features. LIVE GREENER, LIVE BRIGHTER 𝗜𝗥𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗕𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪 𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗘𝗦 FROM $1,402 PSF 🐉 3BR starting from $1.33M 🐉 3BR Premium from $1.38M 🐉 4BR starting from $1.655M 🐉 5BR starting from $2.090M Any Ready 1st Timer Buyer, Can Lock In Unit Now! ♦️ 2nd Timer E-App: 17 Feb - 26 Feb ♦️ 2nd Timer Booking Day: 2 Mar ✔ Exclusive 512 Units fr 3BR to 5BR ✔ By Renowned Developers - CDL ✔ Be Part of Tengah Township Transformation - Singapore's first car-light city ✔ Tucked away in a Quiet Residential Area  ✔ 10 minutes Walk to Bukit Gombak MRT & Upcoming Tengah Park MRT ✔ 9 mins walk to shopping malls i.e Le Quest Mall  ✔ Schools within 1KM: Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Primary (2030), Bukit View Primary (2027), St Anthony’s Primary School ✔ Benefit from new expressway - North South Corridor. Singapore's longest transit corridor connecting the northern region to the city ✔ Efficient layout Book Appointment Checkout More Executive Condo (EC) Eligibility & Ultimate FAQs "Lumina Grand EC: Where Nature Meets Urban Convenience in District 23" Quick LinksBook Appointment Fact SheetUnique Selling Points What's Nearby? Aerial Drone View Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours Showflat 360 Model Download Brochures Price Guide FAQsWhat's the land price for Lumina Grand EC? Where is the showflat of Lumina Grand EC? When is the estimated completion for Lumina Grand EC? Nestled in the heart of District 23 along Bukit Batok, Lumina Grand EC is poised to redefine comfortable and nature-infused living. This executive condominium is strategically located, offering a delightful fusion of lush greenery, convenient amenities, and excellent connectivity. Inspired by natural beauty around it, Lumina Grand offers luxuriant resort-living with 512 exclusive units in North-South orientation, spread into 10 blocks with maximum block-to-block distance. Unit types range from the spacious 3 Bedroom to luxurious 5 Bedroom units with spacious and efficient layouts, fitted out with quality fittings and appliances. The residents of this EC will find convenience in the transportation options available. The development is a short 10-minute walk from Tengah Park MRT (JRL) and neighboring Bukit Gombak MRT (North South Line). This seamless connectivity allows for easy access to various shopping malls, with Jurong East and Woodlands just a short commute away. Families will appreciate Lumina Grand EC's proximity to esteemed educational institutions. Within reach are primary schools like Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Primary, DaZhong Primary, St Anthony’s Primary School, Lianhua Primary School, and Princess Elizabeth Primary School. For secondary education, options include Dunearn Secondary School, Swiss Cottage Secondary School, Hillgrove Secondary School, and Bukit Batok Secondary School. College-goers can explore Millennia Institute and Dulwich College. Besides being within 1km from the Anglo-Chinese School (Primary), Lumina Grand EC is well-surrounded by shopping malls, nature reserves and delectable food options, coupled with the splendid conveniences that the location brings.
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Club House - Arrival Court One of Lumina Grand EC's standout features is its accessibility to a multitude of amenities. Le Quest Shopping Mall, a mere 2-minute stroll away, provides a diverse range of dining options, service providers, and retail shops. West Mall, one of Singapore's largest shopping hubs, is just a 3-minute drive and boasts supermarkets, restaurants, salons, learning centers, and even a library. The Cathay Cineplex on its top floor ensures moviegoers can enjoy cinematic delights. For food enthusiasts, Le Quest Mall and Iconic West Mall offer an array of dining options, from fast food favorites like McDonalds, KFC, Subway, and Pizza Hut to local delicacies at Koufu and Ramen joints. Satisfying your culinary cravings is never a challenge.
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Le Quest Mall Lumina Grand EC is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Surrounded by picturesque parks, residents can relish the serene beauty of Bukit Batok Hillside Park, Beauty Garden Park, and Bukit Batok Town Park, all within a short distance. These green spaces cater to various outdoor activities, from hiking to leisurely strolls, ensuring a harmonious balance between city living and nature. The residents will also benefit from the upcoming transformation of Tengah Town, set to be fully developed by 2026. With a car-free town center and the Jurong Rail Line in the vicinity, this transformation promises enhanced connectivity, recreational spaces, and a close connection with nature. Lumina Grand EC seamlessly integrates the charms of nature with urban convenience, making it an enticing choice for those seeking a harmonious and balanced lifestyle in the heart of Bukit Batok. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the best of both worlds at Lumina Grand EC in District 23. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameLumina Grand ECDeveloper NameCDL Zenith Pte. Ltd.Location1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 Bukit Batok West Avenue 5 (District 23)Tenure of Land99 Years Leasehold from 27 Dec 2022Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)31 March 2029Site area16,623.70 sqm / 178,937 sqftTotal No. of Units512 units in 2 Blocks of 12-Storey And 8 Blocks of 13-Storey Car Parks414 (including 5 EV lots) in 2 Basement of Carpark Updated Fact Sheet The Developer's Background
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CDL Zenith Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of City Developments Limited (CDL) is a leading global real estate company with a network spanning 143 locations in 28 countries and regions. Listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, the Group is one of the largest companies by market capitalisation. Its income-stable and geographically-diverse portfolio comprises residences, offices, hotels, serviced apartments, retail malls and integrated developments. With a proven track record of 60 years in real estate development, investment and management, the Group has developed over 50,000 homes and owns around 23 million square feet of gross floor area in residential for lease, commercial and hospitality assets globally. CDL has established itself as a leader in the industry, being consistently presented with new awards for its outstanding green buildings. At the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Awards 2019, CDL has emerged as the only developer to be conferred the Quality Excellence Award – Quality Champion (Platinum) for seven consecutive years. This award recognises leading progressive developers and builders for their commitment and achievement in delivering high quality homes through workmanship excellence and quality assurance programmes. In BCA’s online tool `Search for Quality Housing’, CDL was listed as the top developer, reflecting its high workmanship quality standard. Some notable current hot selling projects are The Myst, Tembusu Grand, Canninghill Piers and Irwell Hill Residences. The last EC project by CDL is Copen Grand launch in end 2022, the project sold out in one month time. 
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CDL Developer track records Unique Selling Points - 10 Mins Walk to Bukit Gombak MRT: Convenient access to public transportation, enhancing daily commuting ease. - Close to Jurong Innovation District and Jurong Lake District: Promising future potential growth, ensuring long-term investment value. - Plenty of Amenities: Abundance of food and beverage outlets at Le Quest Mall and the upcoming Tengah estate for convenient living. - Developed by Renowned Developers (City Development - CDL): A mark of quality and reliability in construction and design. - Functional and Efficient Unit Layouts: Limited units per floor, maximizing living space for residents. - Limited Supply of EC: Scarcity of Executive Condominiums in the market, providing a first-mover advantage. - Schools Nearby: Proximity to well-regarded schools, including Anglo-Chinese School (coming in 2030), enhancing educational options for families. - Deferred Payment Scheme Available: Flexible payment options for buyers. - CPF Grant for First Timers: Up to $30,000 CPF Grant for first-time homebuyers. - No Additional Buyer Stamp Duty (ABSD): Exemption from ABSD for existing HDB owners, reducing additional costs. - Comprehensive Full Condo Facilities: A wide range of amenities and services within the development, enhancing the quality of life for residents.
Location Map
Lumina Grand EC is located in perfect location where it meets a plethora of amenities. Situated in District 23, this executive condominium offers an enviable lifestyle in the heart of Bukit Batok. A standout feature of Lumina Grand EC is its prime location. Just a 10-minute stroll to Bukit Gombak MRT, residents enjoy seamless connectivity to the city. The upcoming Tengah Plantation and Tengah Park stations on the Jurong Region Line further enhance transportation convenience. Drivers benefit from a five-minute drive to the Pan-Island Expressway, ensuring easy access to the city and beyond. This EC is also surrounded by a wealth of amenities. Le Quest Mall, just a stone's throw away, offers a diverse selection of food and beverage outlets, retail shops, and service providers. The forthcoming Tengah estate promises even more options for residents.
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昱丰嘉园 (Lumina Grand EC) StreetDirectory Map For those with an eye on the future, Lumina Grand EC is located in the heart of Tengah New Town, which is currently undergoing massive transformation to become Singapore's 1st car-light city. In addition, the proximity to the Jurong Innovation District and Jurong Lake District holds tremendous promise for potential growth and investment. Schools like St. Anthony's Primary, Swiss Cottage Secondary, and Dulwich International College provide educational options, while the future arrival of Anglo-Chinese School in 2030 is an exciting development for families. Lumina Grand EC brings together an ideal location and a wealth of amenities to create a truly exceptional living experience. Don't miss the opportunity to make it your dream home. What's Nearby? Trains (MRT) - Bukit Gombak MRT Station (NS3) 1.02 KM - Tengah Park U/C (JE2) 800m Groceries/ Shopping - Le Quest Mall 450m - West Mall 1.3 KM - Hillv2 2.44 KM - IMM 2.81 KM - JEM 2.96 KM   Schools - Anglo-Chinese School (2030) - Bukit View Primary (2027) - St. Anthony’s Primary School  - Dulwich College 1.03 KM
Site Plan / Facilities
The site plan of Lumina Grand has been thoughtfully designed to make the most of space while preserving a scenic environment that Singaporeans will appreciate. Capitaland, known for their dedication to creating high-quality properties with top-notch facilities, has poured their expertise into this development. Among the outstanding amenities are a refreshing swimming pool, a well-equipped gym, a community clubhouse, inviting BBQ pits, a playground for the kids, a tennis court, and a versatile function room.
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Site Plan Safety and security are a top priority at Lumina Grand Executive Condo, catering to the peace of mind that local residents value. The development is equipped with comprehensive security features, including 24/7 surveillance, CCTV cameras, access control systems, and intercoms. For those who own cars, a spacious and well-lit parking area is readily available. Additionally, it embraces modern living with a smart home system, allowing residents to conveniently control lighting, temperature, and security from anywhere in their homes, a feature Singaporeans will find both practical and appealing. Aerial Drone View Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart
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Unit Mixes
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DC Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours Showflat 360 Model
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3BR A1
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3BR A2
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4BR B1
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4BR B2
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4BR B3
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4BR B4
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5BR C1
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5BR C2 Interior/ Exterior Design
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Building Facade
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Front View
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Club House - Arrival Court
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Club House - Gymnasium
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Lumina Grand EC - 50m Lap Pool
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SPA Pool
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BBQ Pavilion Download Brochures E-brochure & Floor Plan Price Guide 🐉 3BR starting from $1.33M 🐉 3BR Premium from $1.38M 🐉 4BR starting from $1.655M 🐉 5BR starting from $2.090M Please Contact Us at +65.84188689 It is important to only engage the Official Direct Developer Sales Team to assist you to enjoy the best possible direct developer price. There is no commission required to be paid. FAQs What's the land price for Lumina Grand EC?$626 psf pprWhere is the showflat of Lumina Grand EC?The showflat is located near the actual site. Showflat appointment can be booked via  Read the full article
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