#Singapore food guide
travelernight · 1 month
Singapore: A Complete Travel Itinerary For First-Timers
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yodoggo · 5 months
Yodoggo's Transition Schedule: An Expert Guide for Dogs
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Every dog is unique and may transition differently. To assist you, we've provided a recommended transition plan as a guide. Yodoggo offers a helpful guide to assist you. Whether it's a change in diet, environment, or routine, it is easy and enjoyable for your dogs. for more inquiries. Visit www.yodoggo.com
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esotericpluto · 1 year
where is your future spouse from
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can donate here.
dividers: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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pile 1
I feel like for most of you who picked this pile this person is of Asian descent. Keep in mind that Asia is a big country with many countries and ethnic groups, so I will try to break it down more.
I do feel like for some of you who chose this pile, your future spouse might be of korean origin, but I feel like they will be half white and/or live in the west, like Europe or North America. This message seems to be more true for those of you who have strong scorpio, aquarius and possibly aries influences in your chart. If your name starts with C, E or P or has a more vintage vibe to it, it can still be for you.
For another group who chose this pile, I'm sensing someone of indian origin, I'm getting they could be kashmir and, for some of you, even telugu as well. This feels especially true for those of you that have a strong sagittarius or leo influence in your charts or if your name starts by A, L or U.
I am getting for a minority of people who chose this pile, your fs might be of levantine origin, mainly lebanese and/or palestinian, living most likely in Lebanon, for some of you, or in Southern Europe as of now. I feel like this message is especially true for those of you with strong scorpio, taurus or libra placements. Especially those who get M, S or V as first names.
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pile 2
For this pile, I'm specifically getting southeast asian, most likely indonesian and/or malay. I feel like they might be living in Singapore right now. If you are a capricorn, a virgo or a cancer or have strong influences from these signs, this might be the ethnicity of your fs.
I'm getting potentially someone is of sub-saharian african descent mixed with european for some people who picked this pile. I'm getting this person might have ancestors from different parts of Africa and Europe and I'm getting difficulty pinpointing some exact places. I feel like for some of you, they might be west african and partially british. For others, this person could be afrolatino from the caribbean. Signs for this one I'm only getting scorpio and pisces, but I'm also gettingthe initials C, M and D.
There is a smaller group of you that could have a fs from a eastern african country too, potentially Ethiopia or Somalia. I'm getting this is likely true for you especially if you always enjoyed cultures and foods from different african countries, if you like the color red or if your name starts by J, F or E. Potentially if you like orange or are a capricorn rising/sun/moon.
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pile 3
I'm getting a strong european influence here. I feel like this person might be italian and, for some of you, of a similar background like iberian, balkan or greek. You will meet them while on a trip to their country or city, if you are from the same country. This might resonate the most with those of you who like the color green, to wear t-shirts or whose name starts with B. If you are a cancer, leo, libra or taurus, this might also be true for you.
For others of you, I'm getting this person might be mexican, likely of a mestizo background. I feel like they might be in the US living right now, although for some it could even be Canada. This might resonate more with you if you like green vegetables like spinach or broccoli, if you like coke, if you like the colors red and pink, if you like mermaids or are of strong aquarius, aries or gemini.
For some of you, although a larger minority, your fs might also be argentinian or brazillian. This can be true especially if you like soccer (I think this one are my guides joking), cinema, romance movies/books, the color white and pink, lana del rey. Alternatively, if your name starts by N, A or Z and your signs are leo, virgo or cancer.
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self-loving-vampire · 2 months
“What I’m really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said, after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), Theodor Herzl (“spiritual father” of the state of Israel), and Lee Kuan Yew (former authoritarian ruler of Singapore). Balaji then revealed his shocking ideas for a tech-governed city where citizens loyal to tech companies would form a new political tribe clad in gray t-shirts. “And if you see another Gray on the street … you do the nod,” he said, during a four-hour talk on the Moment of Zen podcast. “You’re a fellow Gray.” The Grays’ shirts would feature “Bitcoin or Elon or other kinds of logos … Y Combinator is a good one for the city of San Francisco in particular.” Grays would also receive special ID cards providing access to exclusive, Gray-controlled sectors of the city. In addition, the Grays would make an alliance with the police department, funding weekly “policeman’s banquets” to win them over. “Grays should embrace the police, okay? All-in on the police,” said Srinivasan. “What does that mean? That’s, as I said, banquets. That means every policeman’s son, daughter, wife, cousin, you know, sibling, whatever, should get a job at a tech company in security.” In exchange for extra food and jobs, cops would pledge loyalty to the Grays. ... Everyone would be welcome at the Gray Pride march—everyone, that is, except the Blues. Srinivasan defines the Blue political tribe as the liberal voters he implies are responsible for the city’s problems. Blues will be banned from the Gray-controlled zones, said Balaji, unlike Republicans (“Reds”). “Reds should be welcomed there, and people should wear their tribal colors,” said Srinivasan, who compared his color-coded apartheid system to the Bloods vs. Crips gang rivalry. “No Blues should be welcomed there.” While the Blues would be excluded, they would not be forgotten. Srinivasan imagines public screenings of anti-Blue propaganda films: “In addition to celebrating Gray and celebrating Red, you should have movies shown about Blue abuses.… There should be lots of stories about what Blues are doing that is bad.” Balaji goes on—and on. The Grays will rename city streets after tech figures and erect public monuments to memorialize the alleged horrors of progressive Democratic governance. Corporate logos and signs will fill the skyline to signify Gray dominance of the city. “Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first). The idea, he said, is to do to San Francisco what Musk did to Twitter. “Elon, in sort of classic Gray fashion ... captures Twitter and then, at one stroke, wipes out millions of Blues’ status by wiping out the Blue Checks,” he said. “Another stroke … [he] renames Twitter as X, showing that he has true control, and it’s his vehicle, and that the old regime isn’t going to be restored.”
To be expected from libertarians that they're more tolerant of conservatives, cops, and fascists than progressives.
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southeastasianists · 3 months
Tan Ming Li is a certified death doula. Just as there are those who facilitate bringing new life into the world, there should be people facilitating more and better ways to talk about death and dying, she reasons.
In 2023, she started The Life Review, a social venture with the mission to normalise conversations about death, dying and bereavement. Events open to the public include Life Stories, a series of chat sessions with topics such as “Motherless daughters”, “Real men don’t cry” and “Pet loss and our enduring bonds”; as well as Death Over Dinner, in which people come together to have conversations guided by Tan about their personal experiences with loss while sharing a meal.
The last Death Over Dinner took place at South Indian restaurant Podi & Poriyal, where participants were served dishes containing ingredients with special life and death significance in South Indian culture such as black sesame seeds, which signify purification; and jackfruit, the wood of which is often used as funeral pyre logs during cremation.
“What better way for Asians to connect than through food?” said Tan, explaining that Death Over Dinner is actually a global movement that originated in the US, “but we tweaked it so that food was a much bigger component, building the conversations around the ingredients and dishes. In other countries, the concept is just for people to talk about death over the dinner table.”
Tan, who is in her 40s, believes that getting comfortable with talking openly and honestly about such topics is vitally important.
“A nationwide survey conducted last year (by the Singapore Management University) revealed that ‘only 53 per cent of Singaporeans are comfortable discussing their own death while barely a third (33.4 per cent) would do so with someone who is dying’,” she shared.
She feels there is also a tendency to over-medicalise conversations about death, focusing on treatments and doctors.
“As a society, death is not something that is commonly discussed and we tend to be ‘death-denying’. Healthcare and wellness are all about ‘preventing’ death. In fighting against death, we are unaccepting of this natural part of life. This makes it hard to be vulnerable about our emotions around it,” she said.
Even if you haven’t lost a loved one yourself, “When someone else experiences a loss, many of us don’t know how to address the topic and end up using platitudes like ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ or worse, ‘Everything happens for a reason’,” she pointed out.
Ironically, avoiding the subject of death inadvertently gives it more power. “This power can then suppress our thoughts, beliefs and behaviour,” she opined.
Tan speaks from personal experience. When she was 17, her mum died of cancer. “Dad said, ‘Don’t worry, she will recover.’ Her sudden passing left us in shock. I remember my dad brought me to the hospital canteen, broke the news to me and simply said, ‘We just have to accept it and move on’. I don’t think he ever recovered. As far as I recall, there were no conversations about it within the family.
“In the years that followed, I lost my dad, grandma, uncles and aunts… I was frozen in my grief response and it took a mental health crisis for me to start addressing these issues.”
Concurrently, Tan had always been interested in social work, from her university years when she volunteered to support children with special needs, to volunteering to teach yoga and breathing at various institutions including the Society for the Physically Disabled (SPD) and the Institute of Mental Health (IMH). She also lived in Thailand for several years, where she gave her time to a social enterprise helping indigenous craftsmen sell their goods.
Her career was in Advertising Research until she took a sabbatical and travelled to India in 2013. Following that period of time in which to think and reflect, she embarked on a new path, offering services such as mindfulness and movement.
“In the course of my work, I encountered clients who are terminally ill or grieving the loss of a loved one. Curious about how to better support them, I started researching the topic,” she recalled. “One day, I received an email from students working on a grief literacy event, inviting me to facilitate a somatic movement session for parents who had lost their child. Somatic movement involves exploring the body's sensations and movements to promote healing. During this session, many participants were able to release long held emotions within their bodies, even years after their loved one had passed.”
Motivated by the experience, she enrolled in the death doula course offered by the International End of Life Doula Association, an organisation in the US. Participants acquire skills revolving around how to support and comfort the dying and their loved ones.
“As I delved deeper into the subject, I realised that this was something that needed to go beyond supporting my clients one-to-one. The societal reluctance to discuss death openly leads to a lot of discomfort and unresolved emotions surrounding the topic, and I realised the need to scale and bring this out to the public,” she said.
So, “I decided to pursue a Masters of Science degree in Thanotology – even doctors go, ‘What’s that?’ – and start The Life Review as a platform for people to get comfortable discussing end-of-life matters through education and engagement.”
As far as she knows, she’s the only one in Singapore taking a Masters in Thanatology (“When the course started, the Programme Director said, ‘Now we are an international programme, thanks to Ming Li!’”) and one of just four people in Singapore who have completed death doula training.
“While trying to help people going through bereavement and grief, it struck me that I also had to look at my own experiences and work through all the emotions and experiences that I hadn’t known how to deal with – or even realised was necessary to,” she divulged.
“The way society operates, if we experience a loss, we are given three days of compassionate leave – and only for immediate family – and then we are expected to get back to ‘normal’ as productive members of society. But what about losing a friend? A partner? A pet? Do you get over it in three days? Since the norm was to get on with life, that’s what I did. It was only later in life that I realised that it was affecting me in ways that I did not immediately connect back to my earlier experiences, such as in the way I interacted with people in relationships and friendships. I would not get too close in case they would disappear,” she shared.
And so, “The main reason I’m doing this now is because of what I have gone through in my own life. The programmes I’m planning are skewed towards caregivers for now, as I don’t want anyone to be in a situation that I was in.” She added, “It was a turning point for me to adopt cats, knowing that they will die before me, yet to accept this and love them.”
Her work has also turned into “my legacy project for my parents”.
“I have a purpose to fulfil now, to bring The Life Review into fruition, in the remaining years left of my life. And in a way, I’m already planning for my end, making sure that I don’t regret things that I could or should have done,” she said.
At Death Over Dinner events, “The framing of conversations is intentionally designed to be inclusive and non-confrontational. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences without feeling pressured to delve into deeply personal reflections or imagine their own funerals,” Tan said.
The dinner serves as a casual starting point for discussions about a normally taboo topic to unfold naturally, fostering a sense of comfort and familiarity around the topic of death, she continued. “The intention is not to impose rigid guidelines or restrictions but rather to offer gentle guidance and prompts to steer the dialogue in a constructive direction” while embracing cultural elements within our specific society.
It is also about equipping people with the knowhow and language to either walk alongside a person who is dying, or to support a caregiver.
There are sessions taking place every quarter, which are open for individual sign-ups. The next Death Over Dinner event is planned for Apr 25 at Podi & Poriyal, with a group size of 12 to 16 people. Tan is also open to private group bookings, and hopes to possibly work with other restaurants as well.
The topic of death is rarely broached when everyone is healthy, she mused. But, in the face of loss, which comes sooner or later to all of us, “People may struggle to find the right words to express their feelings or fears, fearing that broaching the topic could cause further distress or discomfort to the person who is ill. As a result, conversations about end-of-life wishes, funeral arrangements, or even acknowledging the possibility of death may be avoided altogether, creating a palpable tension and unease.
"Dealing with it openly and saying what needs to be said can help the ones left behind adjust to the loss after the person passes away.”
And, “In the case of someone who knows they are dying, people around them not wanting to talk about it can leave them feeling unheard. They may not be able to express their desires; there may be things left unsaid; there may be people tiptoeing around them and telling them, ‘You’re going to be fine’ when they know full well they won’t be.”
The question of how we can begin to approach the topic of death in a meaningful way begs another: How talking about death openly and frankly can help us to live our lives more fully and intentionally.
“Accepting the finite nature of life and finding peace with it can change our outlook on life. When we acknowledge that life inevitably starts and ends, we are able to define what happens in between that holds significance,” Tan said.
“How do we make what happens in the middle matter? How do we leave a legacy for ourselves and future generations? Do we want to spend our time sweating the small stuff and harbouring grudges, or instead, use it to create memories and foster deep relationships? Living intentionally prompts us to confront these questions and align our actions with our values.
“Ultimately, embracing the impermanence of life compels us to live authentically, love fiercely and leave a legacy of compassion and connection.”
To sign up for Death Over Dinner, visit https://thelifereview.org/death-over-dinner.
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quietlyimplode · 1 year
Black Widow Fest 2023 - Day Two
The Aquarium
Warnings: a visit to the aquarium is cut short :(
Word count: 1212
Pairing: Clint/Nat
This fic is thanks to @broken--bow ‘s amazing art (for my eyes only) and borne of a conversation for Clint and Nat having a place to meet, that only they knew about, and meant something to them. The penguins of Kyoto Aquarium are famous for having their relationships recorded. A fluffy piece before we get into the real angst of the week. As always, your likes, comments and reblogs are always so appreciated. Welcome to day two of bwfest2023.
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Clint rubs his arm, the scratch from the katana not deep, but itchy as it heals. He nods and smiles to the straight faced Japanese man sitting across from him.
The man nods and stares back.
Clint forgets that, as an American, his mannerisms are not universal. He wonders how Natasha is getting on.
He sends a quick text and stands to get off at the station he has no hope in pronouncing.
His phone vibrates and he smiles.
She’s almost there too. He opts to wait for her train, and sits on the bench.
He loves the Japanese train system.
It says the next train arrives in 4 minutes.
And it will. He loves the fact that if it’s even if a minute late, they apologise.
The train system in America is horrible.
Natasha steps off the newly arrived train, the announcement permeating the station.
Clint waves low and smiles big.
“Hey,” he grins, giving her a hug and kiss into her hair.
“Hey,” she grins back.
“How long do you think before they realise we aren’t on the plane right now?”
He laughs.
“Soon I think.”
“Shall we?”
He takes her hand, and rubs his thumb over her knuckles.
“You’re doing okay?”
She nods.
“I’m wearing like a pound of makeup. And the stupid rib wrapping is making me sweat in all the wrong places.”
She lifts her top slightly to show that she’s actually strapped her broken ribs.
“Well done,” he tells her, slightly proud that she’s taking care of herself.
“You?” she asks.
He shrugs, lifting his sleeve to show his bandage wrapping, then slightly lifts his t-shirt to show the bruising on his hip.
Natasha nods, taking his hand and squeezing it.
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
Clint smiles as they ascend the stairs, squinting in the bright August light.
To anyone, they look like tourists, not international spies, one back from a mission in Sapporo and the other from a mission in Singapore.
Kyoto was a midway point, somewhere to meet, reset and have a much needed date.
“This felt like a shorter walk last time,” she huffs.
He squeezes her hand and lets go, the sweat on his palms making it uncomfortable.
He agrees but doesn’t want to tell her that it’s likely because the injuries she’s carrying are taking it out of her.
They round on the Aquarium, Natasha seamlessly buying tickets and leading him to the entry.
The Giant Salamander is the first thing they see, and they stop to see them piled on top of each other.
“They’re so large.”
They stop and stay still with the salamanders, before Clint is distracted by the seal. It swims fast and he migrates over to follow it’s movement.
Natasha grabs his hand again, and points to the sign for the penguins.
“How long do we have?” she asks, looking to the sign and then the café.
“Food, then penguins? Or penguins, then food?”
“Mostly I just want to see the penguins,” he laughs.
Natasha loves this side of Clint, the one where he seems so playful and carefree. He just enjoys life and what’s in front of him.
They guide each other until the large board of the penguin relationships greets them, and she can’t help but laugh too.
“There’s been some changes since we’ve been here,” she tells him, pointing to the board.
“Oh no! Sen and Maru are not together.”
“What about Barney?”
“Clint, just because you can’t read Japanese, doesn’t mean you can make up names for the penguins,” she chastises.
“I can, it’s consistent. Barney, the one that starts with the hiragana ば, then ど for Doris.”
“You know some hiragana, and you’ve just generalised that?”
Clint continues to the tell her the hiragana he knows, and Natasha doesn’t have it in her to correct his poor pronunciation.
It’s like when she tries to teach him the Cyrillic alphabet.
He’ll get there. It just takes time.
He often gets sad about how quickly she picks up languages and how long it takes him.
“Barney and Doris aren’t together anymore.”
He points to the broken love heart and traces it with his finger to the two penguins.
His pout makes her laugh again, and she points out a few more changes before moving onto the actual penguins.
“They’re just cool,” she breathes, staring at them as they play and move around the keepers.
Clint looks to her and then to the small animals, playing and squeezes her hand.
“They are, aren’t they?”
He feels his phone buzzing in his pocket, as he takes a step towards the window.
He knows it’s Phil.
They’ve both missed their check ins.
Natasha’s phone is next.
“Don’t answer,” he implores, with his best puppy dog look.
She sighs and shakes her head, unlocks the phone and says hello.
“Yeah, we’re together.”
He laughs at her rolling her eyes, as they move along, sidestepping children until they find a quieter spot.
“Medical won’t miss me. Yes they’re strapped. Umm. I don’t know. Fine. 8pm.”
Natasha hands him the phone.
“He wants to talk to you.”
He growls low.
She smiles in revenge.
“He called you first,” she whispers, pressing the phone into his hand.
“Clint? You missed check in.”
The keeper moves into the cage with food, and they sit together next to everyone else.
“You’re both okay?”
He starts to feel bad, not telling Phil their plan to meet up.
“Yeah, we just needed… time. After Suriname, and the girls. I think. Even though we had separate missions, we just needed a break.”
Natasha’s head pops up at the mention of Suriname.
He shakes his head, hoping to convey that it’s all okay.
“Understood. You have til 8pm. Then, I can’t keep it from Fury, and he’ll probably have disciplinary actions. If you miss the plane, I can’t help, okay? You have four hours to get to Kansai.”
“Yeah, yeah okay, okay.”
Phil pauses.
“She said she strapped her ribs, did she?”
Clint glances at Natasha.
“Yeah, she did.”
“And you, you took care of your wounds? Including the stab wound?”
Clint nods, “yeah, it’s fine.”
Phil’s huff, and pause conveys nothing but patience for his charges.
“8pm Clint.”
And he hangs up the phone.
The penguins are eating.
Natasha smiles and takes his hand.
He passes the phone back to her.
“You just had to answer, didn’t you?”
“8pm, the curfew?”
Clint sighs, looking out as they waddle along then dive.
“More like 6 for check in, and an hour and a half to get from here to the airport. Which means…”
“We have to leave now?”
He stares out.
“Yeah. I think so.”
They take the long route out, passing the dolphins, then the sharks and jellyfish. They’re both quiet as they approach the end, and even quieter as they exit.
Silence on the train, each lost in their own thoughts.
“We’ll come back here,” she promises, “just like we always do.”
“Yeah,” he replies quietly, “maybe Doris and Barney will be back together.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
It’s clear that both of them don’t want to go. That the brief interlude of normalcy, whilst gave them pause, is not their lives.
Clint glances to her.
Kisses the top of her head.
“We’ll be back,” he promises.
“We’ll be back.”
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multifamdomfan12 · 2 years
Formula One Drivers
Fic Recs
Charles Leclerc
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Kissing a Stranger
Seeing your ex causes you to do something a little reckles
Ten seconds
in which your secret relationship with charles leclerc comes to light all because of a shirt
Karting queen
Better in red
another bad race has charles needing you to wear his colours more than ever
Best friend´s brother
You and Arthur Leclerc had been best friends since you were children but it wasn’t the younger Leclerc brother you’d be in the sheets with and a one night stand can hold a lifetime of regret
More Than Friends
in which they were never just friends. Or moments where their love was obvious to those around them.
Thanks for not killing me
anesthesia after the dentist
Shal      When Shal became daddy
You and your son Beni are a team but you had once lost everything, following that it wasn't easy to let someone close to you, let alone love you again.
Leclerc`s type
who would have thought that all three leclerc brothers had the same taste in women?
Uncle darling
babysitting readers niece
Angel in Disguise
During the hardest time of his life Charles is lucky enough to find you, to guide him through his worst moments.
reader has a 2yrs old baby boy from a prev relationship and they go on family skii vacation with charles and his fam
Right Timing
One where you have a huge crush on your best friend's brother, since you were a teenager, with him continuously telling you he was too old for you and you had no chance. You eventually gave up hope and moved on.
Baby bear
inta live
Hymne à L'amour   Part 2  Part 3 
Reader who is the Princess of Monaco
Maybe summer doesen´t have to end
After a shit year and a messy divorce you and your girls head out to Monaco for a 5 day girls holiday in celebration of your divorce. But what happens when you bump into your crush into a club on the first night.
I will never stop loving you   Part 2   Part 3
Little Enzo    Part 2
Lucky charm      Part 2
Charles Leclerc finds his son's paediatrician a little bit too pretty not to ask her on a date right before the Monaco GP.
Daniel Ricciardo
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An Eye On You
Even though your son knows Daniel since he was born, he turns a bit protective over you when you start dating
After Daniel hits Lando with a space hopper he decides to apologise with flowers but doesn’t expect to be so captivated by the person helping
Little bean
dad!danny at the texian grand prix
Daddy´s little twin
Maybe a peek...'cause your hot
Twin Flame
Growing up together, you and Ricciardo were inseparable but now as rivals on the track; things can only heat up.
Feels like Home
When an unexpected three-week break between Monza and Singapore finds Daniel back on his farm in Perth he’s desperate to use this time to clear his mind, figure out his future in Formula One, and find his way back. He didn’t expect a new neighbour, a sassy two-year old, and three alpacas would make him realise that sometimes, what you’re looking for is right in front of you.
Lando Norris
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Max is convinced that his sisters realitionship with Lando is inappropriate. The two of them testing his patience over and over again. But he will soon find out that them being apart isn’t much better. (ft. Pierre Gasly)
food poisoning in brazil means your boyfriend needs some medicine
You are My Sunshine
Lando comes home after a race and has memories of your life leading up to this moment of him coming home to you and baby Carlie
Married in 5 years
lando convinces you and max to do a cooking stream
Sweet little lies
Your brother Alex plans a trip away just before the Italian Grand Prix and invites a few drivers, including Lando Norris.
Gift Giver
In which his love language is gift giving. Then the gifts get crazier and crazier.
Series/Mini series
Mini Norris  Part 2
Lewis Hamilton
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heard your every word
What they have
It's sir actually  Part 2  Part 3
Max Verstappen
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Long Time Lovers
Heart Shaped Glitter
The one where pranking your teammate made two rivals fall in love
He may be a two time world champion but lacks other skills which lets him believe to not be a good father.
in which Cherrie is a unpredictable chaotic mess and max stresses over her like a mother hen
Big Brother
After a bad qualifying session, you lock yourself in your driver's room and your big brother comes to comfort you.
Pierre Gasly
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Praying for an Angel
y/n walks into pierres life at its hardest weekend
spa 2019
Separate Hotel Rooms
You and Pierre still haven’t had your first kiss and Charles thinks the worst
He had broken your heart, and left you when you needed him the most. Should you give him a chance to make it up to you?
Mini You
Little Princess
daddy day care
dad!pierre feat: dad!charles
pierre gasly knew one thing for certain, he wanted to be a dad. when that comes about in an unconventional way pierre is over the moon
All the milestones you and Pierre go through to have your beautiful bundle of joy
Carlos Sainz Jr.
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Max´s sister
reader who is max’s half sister and he found out in 2021. After meeting he invited her to a Grand Prix and this is where she meets Carlos.
If you had to pick
Carlos made a bad first impression, but do first impressions really matter that much?
Just my little boy
Carlos and reader being grid parents to Lando
A certain Romance
A love affair is never an easy thing to keep under wraps. Or, the four times your two brothers almost catch you and Carlos together, and the one time they finally do.
Man´s world
Female!Leclerc reader
slow burn, eventual Smut, enemies to lovers
Mick Shumacher
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Romeo and Juliet
Sebastian Vettel’s daughter
Gina’s Brother
Bestfriends to Lovers
George Russell
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Family time
Glimpse of parenthood with George
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I’m back! (Progress update)
Hi everyone! 
How’re you all? As crazy as it sounds, I missed you guys! 
Some personal highlights:
hiked from 7am-7pm in the BEAUTIFUL dolomites (I have literally zero restraint) everything was so so amazing! A dog adopted us on one of the walks and kept tossing a stick at us. 
went paragliding for the first time
ate a shit ton of AMAZING food (south tyrol food FOR THE WIN)
visited the venice biennale and smelled “hope” in the form of deer mother’s milk and was given a smell stick of “hope” to remember it by, and promptly dropped it on the floor in a portapotty and suffice to say it no longer smelled like hope and a little more like despondency
went to the south of UK (chichester, if you know it) and biked to the beach
swam in hampstead heath (how did I not know about this before!)
threw a farewell party for someone else, in a flat that i now apparently belong to (after living there a grand total of 5 days)
took friends back to the town where i did my master’s, met friends from the town, biked by the thames river, along the canals, towards the cotswolds
went to my favorite museum, found a new awesome poet
nearly missed my 2nd flight because the damn tarmac in the Luton airport melted, and had to literally sprint through the Paris CDG airport like a madwoman
took a couple of friends around singapore, ate more amazing food (as part of my tour guide duties, of course) and... 
came down with COVID). 
And in between all of that, managed to write an extra 15k words, and re-write 40k words! Apologies that it hasn’t been going as quickly as I’d hoped, and I am still coughing terribly at the moment, but really hoping I can start picking up steam when I get better :) 
Day 1 of freshman orientation (Sat)
Meet D (and G) in the morning (Edited) - choose your fave beverage
Meet your hallmates/orientation group (Edited, rearranged some scenes) - play a short icebreaker game, choose your major
Amazing race (Edited) - achievement up for grabs
Go ‘waterfalling’ (Edited) - added a short alternative scene
Day 2 of freshman orientation (Sun)
Morning of the activities fair (Edited) - options to hang out with hallmates at the fair, or alternatively, with Rayyan or Tobin
Laser tag (Yet to edit - raw draft) - tested + brainstormed some edits/improvements to the gameplay; achievement up for grabs
First day of classes (Mon)
First class (Edited) - tested + brainstormed some edits/improvements
Training session- short scene (Edited)
Rest of the week (Tue-Thur)
Short daytime/class/cafe scenes (Written - raw draft) Just some day-to-day snippets; Considering an introduction to Felix, Tobin’s ex. 
Challenge match (Fri)
Challenge match with Jacks or Max depending on whether MC beats Emerson (Yet to write) Pushed up, to make more sense story-wise
Friendly doubles match on Thu (Re-arranged, pushed to next update) - long tennis gameplay scene, plus some Tobin interaction (finally!)
So: 2 more sections to edit, 1 more to write, and this update will be off-the-ground finally! I will also be contacting potential beta-testers after this update, and trying to answer some asks. Thanks so much for sticking with me through this crazy journey! 
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singapore-mrt-map · 4 months
Exploring the Circle Line MRT Map in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide
Singapore's Circle Line MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) is a pivotal part of the city-state's highly efficient and comprehensive public transportation system. This guide offers an in-depth look into navigating the Circle Line, places to visit, things to do, and essential tips for travelers and locals alike.
The Circle Line is a medium-capacity subway line that loops around Singapore, connecting several residential areas to the business district, shopping zones, and key tourist attractions. Its unique 'C' shape enhances connectivity and significantly reduces travel time across the city.
Places To Visit
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Botanic Gardens, and Haw Par Villa are just a few of the iconic destinations accessible via the Circle Line, each offering a glimpse into Singapore's rich culture, history, and modernity.
Things to Do
From enjoying the panoramic views at the Marina Bay Sands Skypark to exploring the lush greenery of the Singapore Botanic Gardens, the Circle Line opens up a world of activities for every visitor.
Climatic Conditions
Singapore's tropical climate means warm, humid days throughout the year with occasional rainfall. It's essential to plan your travel wardrobe accordingly.
Best Time to Visit
While Singapore welcomes visitors year-round, the months of February to April offer the most pleasant weather for exploring the outdoors.
How to Reach
The Circle Line is accessible from Changi Airport via a transfer at the Paya Lebar MRT station, making it convenient for travelers to reach the city center and beyond.
The construction of the Circle Line began in 2000, with the aim of enhancing the reach and efficiency of Singapore's public transport network. Its development is a testament to the city's forward-thinking urban planning.
A journey through the Circle Line is also a culinary adventure, with stations like Bras Basah and Holland Village offering easy access to some of the city's best dining spots.
From the high-end boutiques of Orchard Road to the eclectic markets of Bugis, shopping enthusiasts will find their paradise within easy reach of the Circle Line.
Accessibility and Accommodation
With stations equipped with facilities for the differently-abled and a wide range of accommodations nearby, Singapore ensures a comfortable visit for everyone.
Nearby Hotel & Restaurant
Whether you're looking for luxury at Marina Bay Sands or budget-friendly options near Bishan, there's a place to stay for every type of traveler.
Tourist Map
A detailed tourist map can be obtained from any MRT station, helping you navigate the Circle Line and its attractions with ease.
Distance From Major Cities
Singapore's strategic location at the heart of Southeast Asia makes it easily accessible from major cities across the region.
Nearby Places
Exploring beyond the Circle Line? Sentosa Island, Chinatown, and Little India are just a short MRT ride away.
Tourist Attraction
The ArtScience Museum, Singapore Flyer, and Gardens by the Bay are must-visit attractions that showcase the city's blend of culture, science, and nature.
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gosingapore · 5 months
Savor the Culinary Delights of Changi Village Hawker Centre: A Foodie's Guide to International Flavors at HereSpa.
Explore the diverse and delectable food offerings at Changi Village Hawker Centre, conveniently located near HereSpa. From French delicacies to Thai favorites, and local treats like Nasi Lemak, this guide unveils the must-try stalls for a gastronomic adventure. Plan your culinary journey at www.herespa.com and embark on a delightful exploration of flavors in the heart of Singapore's east coast.
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yodoggo · 6 months
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The right nutrition for a puppy is essential for their strong and healthy life. YoDoggo provides the right quantity and the right feeding protocol, which is the key to an ideal diet for your puppy. Read more visit-  https://yodoggo.com/puppies/the-ideal-puppy-diet/
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the-asia-press · 8 months
Top 10 Best Dinner Places in Yishun, Singapore
Credit: https://rb.gy/qs4rv Credit: C SD/Google Maps 1. Dertien SG 29 Sembawang Rd, Singapore 779081 Tel: +65 9696 0693 Operating Hours: 12 pm – 2 am daily Dertien Mookata is a restaurant that serves Mookata, Lok Lok, and Bak Kut Teh and was founded by a group of friends who later became family. Dertien Mookata aims to be a location where family and friends may come together for any occasion,…
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spudkid · 5 months
January 23rd - cont.
Then we headed for lunch at the Maxwell Hawker Center.
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There are food halls like this throughout the city (some are outdoors) and you get to choose from all kinds of southeast Asian foods. The term “hawker” refers to a person who informally sells something in public. Hawker centres began in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. Not feeling confident, we chose this stall because it was mentioned in our guide book.
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When you go into a hawker center, the first thing you do is stake out a seat. This is done by leaving some item (a hat, water bottle or even a tissue) on your stool. You then go and order. Some venders will even bring it to the table. Bedlam at lunchtime! After lunch, we wandered around Chinatown and enjoyed the activity.
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tcr55 · 7 months
I did a Michelin Guide hawker stall tour in Singapore today. Food was great, and so was the street art of Yip Yew Chong.
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imreallyloveleee · 8 months
Random question and I might be mixing you up with someone else, but you did a lot of traveling around Asia recently right? What were your favorite places? Do you have any recommendations? Have a great day!
hi anon! sorry, i unintentionally sat on this for weeks. you're correct, it was me! i spent a year traveling around. more under the cut >
I visited Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, & Japan. It was wonderful. Most places we spent about a month, some we spent more like a week (Singapore, HK) and some we spent about 2 months (Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan).
It's so hard to pick favorites! Some of mine were:
Traveling around Java, the largest island in Indonesia, was a cool experience. This was last July, pretty soon after they opened post-covid, so there were not many Western tourists around, and it's interesting as a white person to be a very visible minority for once. Some of the highlights were Borobudur and Prambanan temples, which were incredible, and releasing baby turtles on a beach at a turtle sanctuary (which I'm now kind of skeptical about because I think it should have been at a different time of day for maximum turtle safety, but idk, too late now).
I also really loved Borneo. We spent most of our time on the Malaysian side, where we went scuba diving at Sipadan (amazing) and then stayed at the Kinabatangan River for a few days where we got to go wildlife spotting along the river and saw wild orangutans, which are super rare!!
Cambodia is a special place. Angkor Wat really lives up to the hype, visiting the different temple complexes in Siem Reap was one of my favorite things we did on the whole trip. It was also very heartbreaking and moving to visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh and to hear from some of the guides we had about how their own families were impacted by the genocide, or how they themselves were impacted by some of the unexploded cluster bombs dropped by the US. It's humbling, how kindly Americans are treated in ALL of these countries that have suffered greatly as a result of our government's actions.
Luang Prabang in Laos is absolutely gorgeous. Best sunsets I've ever seen in my life. It's touristy, but a nice, relaxed kind of touristy. After that we went to see the Plain of Jars out in Phonsavan, and then went up into the mountains for an overnight wildlife spotting trip, and that was our most off-the-beaten-path part of the trip for sure. Cramming with 30 people into a 12-person van for 8 hours on windy unpaved roads while the lady next to you pukes into a plastic bag then throws it out the window...turns out there are still Experiences to be had in the world, lol.
The Philippines had IMO the most beautiful beaches, and the best scuba diving. Oh my god the diving!!! We saw thresher sharks, they are so fucking cool. I want to go back.
Hong Kong was my favorite big city we visited. The Mid-Levels escalators are so fun.
JAPAN. Holy shit. Everywhere we went was beautiful, everything we ate was beautiful, everything there is just beautiful? Some of my favorite food, too. Lodging is expensive-ish, but everything else really isn't. I don't think I'd want to live there but as a visitor, just incredible.
People were so, so, so nice, everywhere we went.
I could go on and on. If you're looking for specific advice on anything, feel free to ask! I hope you're having a great day too <3
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
The Artemis Accords, signed by Rwanda and Nigeria, are "a set of principles to guide the next phase in space exploration, reinforcing and providing for important operational implementation of key obligations in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty". [...] It also seeks US-Africa space partnership and cooperation for the possibilities and challenges of the 21st century. These include the global food, biodiversity and climate crises, responsible space travel and enhancing US-Africa scientific and commercial space cooperation. [...] The other signatories are Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom.
14 Dec 22
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