#Single Axis Robot
lubi0863 · 9 months
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m3dz3r0 · 7 months
im doing thegenocide route of undertale: yellow after i finish my pacifist run
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because of this BITCHASS ROBOT.
only him. he's the only reason.
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Como cambiar un motor en un robot Fanuc
En este post vamos a veremos paso a paso lo que tendríamos que hacer para cambiar un motor eléctrico en un robot Fanuc. Los Pasos son aplicables para cualquier robot. IMPORTANTE Es peligroso el Cambio de un motor.  Revisa Pasos tres,  seis, siete y nueve hay riesgo de colisión, caída del robot o atrapamiento. El contenido es el siguiente, directo a lo qué necesitas: Hacer un backup All of…
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napstabl00k · 6 months
Ceroba feels sick.
Axis is a simple thing. There's little creativity to him; a box of a head, antenna that automatically swivel to catch radiowaves, a single wheel upon which to roll, a heavy gear welded to his right side, and arms powered by thick smog. He's grey and pink and a stained off-white, he's stiff and monotone and-
Ceroba feels sick.
She can see him in his creations.
A bitch of an AI because he never much liked the feeling of being alone, without some living creature that would feel - that would talk to him.
His voice, changed and distorted to become the words that Axis uses.
The way that he'd weld metal together, the bits that he'd use bolts for, the care in the glass and the crudeness in the wheels.
Axis rolls off, Chujin's distorted voice muttering to himself, wondering where his targets went.
Ceroba can't help but watch him, eyes sharp, searching.
The gear on his side is welded on with little thought to making it pretty or smooth.
An old memory comes to mind -
"I completely forgot to think about the weight distribution of this new one," Chujin says as he washes his dish.
Ceroba absently dries her own. "What are you going to do about it?"
"Shifting it all just enough to balance out isn't worth it," Chujin says, thoughtful. "I might just add something to even the weight of the right side- it's the left that's heavier, see."
Ceroba puts her dish away. "I think this will be the one, Chujin." She offers him a smile.
He smiles back. "You say that every time."
It's a shit job - the final touches were always hastily added because of time constraints or just his need to move on to something new.
It's him.
Ceroba steps out of the locker, careful. At the sound, the child moves too.
Axis is a simple fucking thing.
There's little creativity to him (a box of a head, automatic antennas, a single wheel, a heavy gear, thick smog), and Ceroba feels sick, and Ceroba knows that Chujins before and before and before would have more fun with the design. He wouldn't be grey and pink and off-white, he'd have colour. He wouldn't be so stiff, he wouldn't be so monotone, he'd be more and have more and he'd make Ceroba feel so much worse because he'd be everything that reminds her of Chujin.
Grief grips her in the form of a robot that doesn't recognize her and doesn't recognize who she was to him. Grips her in the form of his bolts and seams. Grips her in the form of his distorted fucking voice.
The trash robot is cute. She likes making it.
There's a bow and Ceroba knows exactly why it's here and exactly who it belonged to. She feels her stomach turn and her jaw clench and she smiles and adjusts it on the shitty scrap metal creation anyway.
Axis is so. Fucking. Simple.
And Ceroba feels so. Fucking. Sick.
He sees their shitty little trash can creation and hearts glow behind the glass of his eyes.
(Of course, even when he's working on something important, on something he needs to get approved, he'd add something like this. Of course, in this antithesis of everything that Chujin loved to do with his machines, wrapped in the ghost of Chujin's way of creating, the soul of it is still so purely him.)
"The shimmer," Axis says, with emphasis. "The complexion..."
There's a beat of silence as Ceroba waits, a memory needling at the back of her mind.
"The..." Axis stops for a half second - just long enough for Ceroba to realize what this reminds her of - and then finishes: "CURVES!"
Kanako makes a gagging noise from the doorway.
"Ewwww..." she whines.
Ceroba turns and sticks out her tongue at her daughter.
Chujin laughs. "Kanako, please. Look, your mother is so wonderful, I just have to kiss her."
"Noooo!!" Kanako wails. "You don't!! Gross!!"
"Her shimmer, her-" he pauses, unsure. "Complexion?"
Ceroba makes an unsure noise. Not his best.
"Her curves-"
Kanako runs up and shoves him, making him laugh and put his hands up to block her.
Ceroba reacts the same as she did then- "Okay! That's enough!"
She places her hands over the child's head, some sort of disconnect between past and present making her pause at the lack of ears perking up under her palms. "C-Clover, let's-" She looks up at the robot.
It's still Chujin's.
"Let's wrap this up."
Clover's soul forces itself back into their body and Ceroba walks up to Axis as he giggles about his newfound love.
There's no similarity to her daughter when she places her hands on either side of Axis' face, but she remembers Kanako's friends coming over, remembers being part of little school-girl's gossip sessions, remembers a situation something like this one.
"Do you wanna know a secret?" Ceroba whispers.
"Yes I would like to know a secret," Axis says loudly.
"They told me that they like you, but will only go out with you if it's casual," Ceroba says, glancing sideways at the trashcan, as though it'll hear her. "Get to know them a little bit, you know?" Advice that once worked on second graders but wouldn't here runs through her head, until she lands on, "Ask what their name is or something."
"Okay," Axis says.
Ceroba stands and takes a step back. "Alright," she says. "Give it a shot!"
"Hello my name is Axis, what is your name?"
Ceroba frowns. Perhaps she hadn't thought this bit through- Their creation can't exactly respond.
Axis waits for a minute, and then starts laughing, a noise so similar to Chujin over the phone that Ceroba jolts.
"You're so funny; want to get married?" Axis asks, and Ceroba is shaken out of her feelings by the absurdity of the sentence.
"Hey! Remember what we talked about?"
Axis turns to her. "They said yes."
Ceroba pauses. "..What?"
"I'm honestly just as surprised as you are," Axis says. "This rocks."
"...Right." A hand comes to tug at her sleeve, and she turns to look at Clover. "Well. Clover and I have to go now."
"Go where?" Axis asks, and he sounds nervous.
"Go where?" Kanako asks.
"Hotland. Just a business trip," Ceroba explains. It feels like a lie.
"Oh," Axis says. "I wish you luck, then. I must recharge, which will set me back to my factory settings, but- [hatted human] and [tall lady] added to [Authorized] list." Axis does a little nod. "There. Now I will not attempt apprehension next time we meet."
Ceroba smiles. "Thank you, Axis."
Axis does a little nod at her again, picks up his fiancé (?) and begins to roll off. Halfway down the walkway, he stops and turns around.
"Oh. One more thing."
Ceroba blinks. "Hm?"
"You said your husband was my creator?"
Her heart drops.
"Would you tell him that I miss him?"
Her eyes burn.
"He was always very kind to me."
"I-" She sucks a breath in, her whole body tense. "Yeah," she says, her voice coming out lighter than she feels. "I'll tell him."
"Thank you," Axis says. "Goodbye."
Axis is a simple thing.
He turns back around, fiancé in his hands, and believes her without a second thought. The gear is still welded to his side. His voice is still something like Chujin's. The smoke pumps from where his shoulders would be, the screws are spaced out with perfect precision, the lights of his eyes still flicker with hearts.
Axis is a simple, simple thing. Who misses Chujin just as much as he is him.
Ceroba feels sick.
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Be it from the services of her silver tongue or her presentation, Laudna is not out of place on the deck - welcomed aboard, with her skeleton rendered in driftwood and encrusted with barnacles.
The veil is back.
It shrouds her face and billows with the same breath as the tattered ship-sails.
Imogen wasn’t certain that she had seen it. Her eyesight bein’ a little dodgy at the best of times-
Fog rolls
Laudna’s chest pulled open by her own hand, ribs piercing from out of fabric and skin-
That wasn’t unusual. Not now, anyway. The blood-wet snout and teeth bared from torn and blistered flesh and gums, the jaw that would open on two hinges from a central axis as a guttural howl leaking with gore emerged along with the leap of the hound-
Except no hound came.
Laudna holds the captain’s hand between both her own,
encourages it into the newly opened cavity,
Imogen squints through the fog for any sight of a dim-green glow-
the veil is back.
What if Laudna’s hands weren’t moving of their own dictation? Crushing rock and crumpling robot-skull-
She isn’t certain, but the captain’s hand is on her heart, marrow ghostly and cursed.
Laudna should be free.
Imogen knows the taste of her own jealousy.
A store room - a cramped old pantry - provisions that had rotted so long ago that they had solidified all over again, like pearls from sand in oyster shells or however it works, cartilage rendered into putrid gemstone and shelves made from wood so soft that maybe at one point if daylight were to ever have made it into the hull the seeds of the bloated apples and oranges could have grown between the decomposing woodgrain.
Their room for the night, for the upcoming nights.
Imogen lays out her bedroll on the floor, attempts to make space to spread Laudna’s next to it but the stack of hemp sacks labelled as oats have turned to bricks.
It’s not like they’re not used to sharing a single bed.
It had only been so many nights, but Laudna's routine had changed now that she got her new attire - that old routine being one of not getting undressed for bed. Now she hangs her dress when she can, over the back of a chair or sometimes using the immovable rod as a sort of travelling coat-hanger - ‘wouldn’t want any creases’ - despite the still present ichor and the filth they find themselves in and how either of them could still prestidigitate the fabrics clean again. Maybe it’s ‘cause they changed themselves on that same day Laudna bought the dress, just before it, maybe there was intention to the new presentation beyond retail therapy. New routine. Maybe. A shift in self-worth. It’s only been a handful of nights. Imogen isn’t sure. She can’t hear Laudna's thoughts anymore. And some things it feels too soon to ask, she doesn’t want to stumble Laudna with the call out of her behaviours-
but she can lie back, head propped on hands weaved and cradling behind her head as Laudna undresses, can watch as she goes about her new-nightly routine.
Pate and his birdhouse get allocated to a clearing on a higher shelf, the belts of red ribbon that have replaced the ones given to her to outfit her as her death sentence are unravelled, ceremoniously rolled again and placed with scissors neatly aligned to the side of the wooden house, and the bunting of bones displayed like a necklace on a velvet cushion of an old cigar box.
Naked, she tip-toes around the floor, between Imogen's outstretched legs and their belongings.
Laudna's skin is cloudy like the fog that surrounds the islands.
What Imogen saw through it-
Imogen’s eyes fixate on the scar that runs down in front of Laudna’s sternum, the one Otohan had left the Hells to stitch, the one Laudna unthreads the seams from each time she calls forth her hound-
The captain’s hand on her heart.
Does it hurt?
Laudna pauses her movements, ready to turn and crouch at her backpack to retrieve her nightgown.
I’m sorry?
When ya…when you tear your chest open and that.
Imogen sits up from the bedroll, her spine leaning against the wall sodden with algae.
Laudna visibly considers her answer.
It doesn’t physically damage me, it’s all magic and illusion I suppose.
But when you’re like that, it’s real, right? I’ve felt it before. You’re occupyin’ that space.
Yes, but it abides by different rules and logic. That’s the fun of it; I get to play around with my ideas and surroundings.
You’re real good at that.
Thank you.
Laudna carries on, shimmying dress over her shoulders and pinning the many sections of hair that have fallen stray back into the bun.
The lace that wraps from neck to corset obfuscates it somewhat -the imprint of the noose that is, same for the mark from Otohan, same as Imogen's scars under the sheer fabric of her sleeves that now spill over her chest. Covered, but not hidden anymore.
They have bared themselves to each other a couple of times by now.
Imogen isn’t certain, but she has to know.
Could you feel it- did you feel it when he touched your heart?
Laudna pauses again. This time her look is calculated - calculating, assessing Imogen on the floor in front of her. Part of Imogen wants to take the circlet off, get back into an old routine of her own.
Imogen knows the taste of her own jealousy. She wonders if Laudna could discern the palette on her lips.
The shadows in the room shift, and there are plenty of them, the only light given by a dull but unnaturally white glow from a brass lantern hanging in the middle of the ceiling.
The shadows stain the fabric of Laudna's nightgown first, shredding into tatters and peeling off into a gauzy swatch that drapes over her head.
Her arms and legs and spine extend, the joints bending unnaturally, backwards and crooked and almost arachnid, the bones lancing through the fog-grey flesh, and the bone is indeed bleached and brittle like driftwood, barnacles and limpets where there had before been sprouting shoots and flowers, her body creaks and groans (or maybe it’s the ship) as she leans down towards Imogen, crouches over and up to her, her form almost as hulking as the most Imogen had seen it as such, when they had jumped down from the tower ruins together and Imogen woke to Laudna snarling and braced over her.
Imogen sinks back down to the floor, Laudna's arms (she thinks it’s her arms) bracketing either side of her head.
Through the veil she sees the rows of teeth, the formations on her forehead and high cheekbones looking like fossils left in rocks
her eyes holding Imogen still in place.
And maybe it isn’t her arms either side of her head, but ruptured bones of petrified wood, splintering out in all directions as talons that are made of the shrapnel of razor-clam shells cut through the linen covering Laudna’s chest, flaying flesh and severing sinew made of seaweed, her ribcage pulling apart (again, Imogen knew she had seen it), except this time each rib seems to elongate, definitely does so, piercing into the bedroll around Imogen and locking her in her own cage, sinking further and pinning fabric through and into the floorboards.
Her chest held open, it drips with briny ichor that Imogen can smell the salt of, eyes transfixed on the slow undulation of all of her innards exposed, lungs that branch off into seaweed and intestines tangled like the eels displayed curled up in shallow cases at the market
Her heart a clump of coral, deep red and its surface a complex fractal pattern, arms of sea urchins reaching across it for arteries.
It’s yours, if you want to hold it.
If Imogen takes long enough, Laudna will transform back; Imogen's hand imbedded in its grip permanent, the stretched and skewed rules of magic thrown and bastardised as muscle and bone and organ materialise around her wrist, Imogen able to influence the beat of blood around Laudna's body by the clench of a fist-
The captain’s hand in all of its platinum rings, greedy, blindly driven. Delilah and her hold, a boiling heartbeat, controlling. Imogen wants to be better, wants the feel of coral against her palm.
I want to…
Then I do too.
Imogen lifts the veil.
Barnacles scrape at the swell of her cheek, sharp teeth nick her tongue and Laudna’s mouth tastes like saltwater, blends with the iron of her own blood, the acid of her jealousy.
Imogen's fingers cover the rough surface of coral, sink into the spaces between it and seaweed-lungs. It swells in her hand, kicks, beats. A minute must be nearing over. It beats again, and Laudna holds her, pinned under her cage of ribs.
Her eyes flutter and she lets out a dripping melodious chuckle.
I can feel it.
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1stsneyserfan · 3 months
Y’know what’s worst than gore of your comfort character?
Having your comfort character have an negative emotional moment In their life that changes them forever
like, seeing axis split in half in the genocide route was really bad, but that wouldn’t be SHIT compared to if (hypothetically) axis found chujins burial spot and tombstone…
How would axis even react to chujins grave? Axis couldn’t even shed a single tear for his own creator.
“Robots cannot cry. I have tried.”
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bitch-spectrum · 4 months
This post hit 5 likes so, headcanons.
PART 1/3
I'm not doing every single character, just the ones that felt plot important to me. These are (mostly) based on pacifist/true ending.
Personality Headcanons: He used to be a hardcore gambling addict as a way to cope with his post-war stress. He was also probably a heavy drinker. Both of these things he's had a solid recovery from since joining TF4. Starlo probably found him down on his luck and in a lot of debt. He still drinks and gambles, just not nearly as much as he used to. He's probably somewhere in his mid 30s ~34-37. He's the last person you want to play casual poker with though. He always wins. He's also pretty good at throwing darts but doesn't bother with it as much as card games. Physical Headcanons: He's left handed. ~5'09". He has to walk with a cane sometime from a childhood accident that never fully healed due to the lack of medical access in the underground. Because of that too he doesn't know exactly what his condition is either. He just knows some days his knee hurts and some days it doesn't. Gender: Trans Male Pronouns: He/Him Orientation: Demisexual Demiromantic but just says he's aroace for simplicity. Post Game: Life continues on as it was going for him without much drastic change. Opinions: I really love his design, I just wish we got more of him. 3/5.
Axis Personality Headcanons: He doesn't need to eat but will feel left out if you eat without him. Chujin would always have lunch with him at the lab while he still worked there. Axis would try to mimic eating sounds to feel included. Like imagine robot voice going "Om nom nom." Thats sort of what he did. While locked away in the abandoned lab he started to grow really fond of bugs and mice. Physical Headcanons: I don't have many other than Chujin based his design after a drawing Kanako did. Somewhere around the high end of 4ft. Gender: He doesn't have the RAM for a gender. Pronouns: He/It Orientation: Asexual Panromantic. He loves his trash girlfriend. Post Game: He got married to the girlfriend Clover and Ceroba made for him. Neither of them personally wanted kids so they made a trash dog out of spare parts. Eventually Axis ran out of battery and or was too damaged from sitting inactive for so long that he broke down. He was thankful that his trash gf and trash dog didn't leave his side in his final moments. Somewhere in the abandoned lab, he's sitting, holding her hand with their dog at his feet. They'll probably stay like that, undisturbed, for a long time. Opinions: He's a really cute character. I sort of wish we had more time with him instead of seeing him as a late game enemy. Very silly. 3/5.
Ceroba (I'm going to get turned into a sandwich for this) Personality Headcanons: She smokes out of a cigarette holder. One of the really long ones. She only started smoking after Chujin died. She has a lot of baggage she tends to just push away and not ever address even when it affects her and others around her negatively. She has a really strong victim complex and while yeah, she hasn't exactly been dealt the best hand, she also tends to make things worse for herself on purpose to get sympathy from other people, as to why she picked up smoking after Chujin died. She used to be a model but quit modelling when Chujin was dying. After her husband passed she tended to be neglectful of Kanako until she found her in Chujin's home lab and the rest is history. She tends to take advantage of people's generosity, especially Starlo's, she's always been like this but the habit only got worse over time. She does genuinely feel like she has nothing despite having friends because she believes her own shallow feelings towards her friends are mutual when that isn't the case. She's in her early 40s ~40-43. Physical Headcanons: She has a mombod (more body fat in her lower half, flatter chest, smaller arms but wider legs) and she can work with it. I know she canonically wears a bow in her hair but I like to interpret it as a bandana. Her hair is usually messy. Even if she doesn't have the energy to get well dressed or style her hair she ALWAYS puts on eyeliner and makes it look sleek and demanding so everyone knows she's not someone they want to fuck with, with just a single glare. She's ~ 6'02". Gender: Cis Female Pronouns: She/Her Orientation: Bisexual. Was always kind of curious about polyamory but never enough to have a talk with her husband about it. Post Game: Asgore was really thankful that she had collected a human soul and gave her all the credit, which she happily took. Martlet and Starlo didn't want that on their names. She had a short lived fame once again during which she seemed to be doing better, thankful to be back in the spotlight, even if it was a small one. But after a falling out with her long time best friend she began to live as a recluse, rarely stepping out of her home. Opinions: I do NOT like her and I find it really hard to sympathize with her character. Her writing? Solid. I like that I don't like her. I liked that when I was watching a playthrough I was screaming at my TV because I actually kind of hate her. I actually think she was an excellent twist villain. I ADORED her character at first like "YES!! Country gal's kick ass! She's a bad bitch." But yeah uh... after finding out what she did to both her child and then did the same thing to Clover I kind of lost my love for her. Which is fine because the twist was good and when I looked back there was a lot of foreshadowing. 5/5. Fantastic writing.
Chujin Personality Headcanons: Had some kind of anxiety disorder. Probably also OCD. He HATED humans with a burning passion. Like to a dangerous degree. He used to go on rambles about how angry humanity made him to Ceroba but one time one of his angry rambles frightened Kanako because she thought they were fighting. So, he stopped talking about it when she was home. He wanted to do everything in his power to protect his daughter. He'd be turning in his grave if he found out what Ceroba did to their daughter. He had several of her drawings/paintings/crafts in his cubicle. He passed away ~35-36. Physical Headcanons: I don't have many. Short king. Probably like ~5'03". Gender: Said male on legal forms but had a whole gender crisis he never got to figure out due to passing away before he could find a comfortable label. Pronouns: He/Him but was experimenting with they/them. Orientation: Bisexual Post Game: N/A Opinions: GOOD background character. I don't agree with a lot of his methods but that's fine. He was written so well I actually felt able to peer into his life through the limited scenes we got with him. 5/5.
Clover (HELP TUMBLR GOT RID OF YELLOW TEXT???) Personality Headcanons: Had a neglectful mother and a father who was probably abusive in multiple ways. They either lived in a trailer or a small mobile home. They're from the southern USA. They have an obsession with Old Westerns (from ~50s-70s) and Detective shows (from the 90s). When they decided to go looking for the missing kids they couldn't decide if they wanted to be a cowboy and go into the underground shoot-em-up style or go dressed up like a detective and be all cool and casual about collecting evidence. They decided to be both and call it being "A Cowtective." They're around the age of ~9-12. At home they would usually sleep on the couch. If their father was drunk and passed out on the couch they'd just sleep on the floor because they weren't allowed in their parent's room. They probably say "fuck" a lot. Starlo was trying to get them to cut back on swearing. Probably either a December Capricorn or a September Libra. Physical Headcanons: Freckles. Brown eyes. Gapped teeth. ~5". Tends to pick scabs so they have a few small scars here and there from relentless picking. Gender: Nonbinary Pronouns: They/She Orientation: Lesbian, but probably would have eventually picked a different label if they had the chance to grow up. Post Game: N/A Opinions: I actually really like that Clover has both personality but is also vague enough for the player to put themself in their boots. This is what really makes for a terrific silent main character. I would have liked to get to know Clover a little bit more tbh. 4/5.
Dalv Personality Headcanons: I don't actually have much on Dalv. He probably likes Funyuns and watching true crime. Probably in his 20s. He's about the same age Kanako would be if she grew up. Maybe a little older but not by much. Physical Headcanons: I like drawing him with completely black eyes. I don't see it a lot but I like it. ~5'08" Gender: Don't Have One Pronouns: Don't Have One Orientation: Multisexual of some sort Post Game: At some point somehow, word probably got to him about what happened to his friend that vanished (I'm with the theory squad that says his friend was Kanako). He get's REALLY pissed off at Ceroba and cuts ties. He doesn't really leave Snowdin much but it's fine because, carrying the memories of Clover, he makes a lot of new friends and even becomes pretty popular in the small town. RAREPAIR: He starts going out with Martlet. Opinions: To me he felt kind of lack luster. And as the first plot-important character we meet in the game, he didn't really rope me in. He felt kind of like a last minute decision. I dropped the game a few months ago because I didn't feel pulled in until I finished it this May. However, his name is vlad backwards which gets points. 2/5 Keed Vampeer.
Part 2 ,, Part 3
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stevebattle · 1 year
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Scorpion (1983) by Harprit Sandhu, Bob Syeszycki and Foad Rekabi, University of Illinois, for Rhino Robots Inc., Champaign, Il. The Scorpion is a robotic terminal, designed to follow instructions and return data sent over an RS-232 link. It’s based on the 6502 microprocessor with two software controllable 6522 Versatile Interface Adapters. Sensors include a pair of downward facing photo-reflectors enabling it to follow a tape on the ground, and it has bump sensors on each of its four sides. The most unusual feature is a two-axis optical dish, with a single photocell at its focal point. This dish can be scanned vertically and horizontally with a resolution of 1.5 degrees per step. "Conventional vision systems are too expensive. What if we could build an optical scanner that scanned the environment, collected the information, and displayed the information on the video screen? A display of 40 characters by 25 lines would produce 1000 pixels of varying brightness. This should be sufficient for recognizing many simple objects. We could experiment with pattern recognition, perform calculations to enhance contrast, and find edges. To gather this information, a cadmium/sulfide (CdS) photosensor is mounted at the focal point of a solar cigarette lighter." – The Scorpion Software Overview, by Harprit Sandhu, Robotics Age, January, February, March 1984.
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zelterxc · 2 years
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a model i made mostly as a 3d ref for my buddy of one of their sonas since robotic anatomy can be tricky lol but then i ended up going the whole way rigging/animating it and all
it ended up looking really neato tho im pretty happy with it, i even did some mechanical rigging so that the joints on the legs bend on a single axis! 
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ozziegarden · 2 months
Original Axion Story Summary
Axion was a character I created randomly, with his own universe. I was very inspired by the ideas of Wall-E, the wild robot, the Iron Giant, how to train your dragon, and others. Initially, his original story was about a boy named Axi, and he had a disease, an ancient virus that had been dormant for years between generations, until he and his sisters were unlucky enough for this virus to awaken in them. However, Axi was the one who had the virus the most in his body, and this left him extremely sick and weak, with fragile bones, low immunity, loss of vision and even mobility. His sisters also suffered from the virus, but nothing compared to what he was suffering.
His father, a very dedicated and loving single father who worked in a laboratory, decided to create a robotic body for his son to live in. And so, with the robot formed, Axi's consciousness was transferred to the robot's memory system, and it worked very well. One of her sisters had died of unknown causes, but Axi ended up blaming himself for it. Her other sister was also getting a little weak, as her organs were dying and going into a state of putrefaction, so her father, seeing that there was not much that could be changed in his daughter, cloned her body without the virus, and transferred her consciousness to the other body. However, her father ended up paying a price to be able to keep his children alive. The government, knowing about such deeds, went after him, murdered him and took his children for use. Axi was given the acronym A.X.I.ON: Assistant X Intelligence ONline. He didn't really like the meaning of the acronym, but he kept the name: 'Axion'. His sister, on the other hand, was called only 'prototype 2'.
Axion and his sister would live inside a special station for many, many years, more or less 500 years. The planet had been destroyed by atomic bombs from humans, and there were only humans inside the station. Axion was treated like a slave by the people who abused his orders, and one day the ancestral virus ended up corrupting his system and making Axion attack the rest of the humans there, extinguishing the race completely. He regrets it because it wasn't what he wanted, he never wanted to do it, it was against his will. And he was alone there on the station, until when checking his system, he saw a message left by his father. He told Axion to be himself, that he didn't need to obey anyone's orders to be able to do something, so that he could follow his heart and make his own decisions based on what he feels he needs to do. Finally, he ended by asking Axion to protect the planet and the S.E.P.A. probe that was abandoned somewhere on Earth, where his old laboratory would be, and that in it, he kept the hope of the planet. Axion committed his heart and soul to be able to protect Earth, and the Probe, with him traveling with a spaceship from the station to there and going to Earth to look for S.E.P.A. The probe would have a tree inside it, it would be hope, but the robot ran out of power and ended up dying, but the tree continued to grow inside the robot, and then the robot gained the tree's consciousness. The Tree would begin to manipulate the robot like a doll.
Axion would protect S.E.P.A and find the best place to plant it, however, the plant was descending towards destruction and radiation. It would still take a long time for all of this to evaporate and a new cycle to begin on Earth. Some more time would pass, and with all this destruction, the plant began to overheat, like a gas stove, the Axion systems and S.E.P.A's life were at risk so they had to evacuate to the ship. S.E.P.A would say that there would be no trace of life on the planet, that it would hardly be habitable again before the sun exploded, Axion would not take this well, since his mission was to take care of the Earth and save it, and with the first time of the "X" corruption, Axion would end up breaking the ship's system and accidentally activating the hyper jump at the speed of light. The speed was so high that it broke the fabric of space-time and transported them to a possible new "Universe" or, many years ago, back in time.
Axion and S.E.P.A would crash on planet Earth in the mid-90s, and S.E.P.A would know that this is Earth, he would feel the heart of the planet. As for Axion, he wanted to return, he wanted to take care of his real land, that was left for him to take care of, and S.E.P.A would have to undergo long periods of therapy in Axi, so he could stop being so stubborn and open his eyes. It would take time, but Axion would accept that planet, and discreetly, try to make the change that would be necessary for the earth to have a different future. S.E.P.A would help with what I need to do and what would be required. And with all that, selling the other trees, the green plants, the flowers, the animals, he wanted to feel the core of the planet too, however, for that... It was necessary to give up his robotic body and leave the axion alone.
At that moment there would be 2 timeline divisions One that S.E.P.A becomes like a robot by the Axion And one that he puts his roots in the ground Both options would make Axion a little sad, but he would accept it happily, as this would have been an option that S.E.P.A. took, and he would not intervene, and would respect any of these options, because in the end, he was his best and only friend. Regardless of the timelines, Axion would meet the Autobots and Decepticon at some point, and Axion would side with the Autobots even though he didn't call himself an Autobot. Axion didn't necessarily create the symbol, but he used 'Android' for the new classification of autonomous robot warriors, with Axion being the only warrior of this class for now.
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Summary of Axi's story in the FMOD universe
In the FMOD universe
There would be some changes in Axi's story
Axi would have been a great scientist expert allied with the Decepticons
Being someone who could create unimaginable things like a flying car, a hoverboard, an impeccable security system, traps for the Autobots and enemies, and many other things that he had the ability to create. In addition to being a master in the Japanese fighting art and a mastery of his country's weapons (blade weapons in general)
He still carried an ancient virus, but this virus would be less aggressive in his body, which does not cause damage to his body, and would behave almost like a guardian, like Kurama.
Axi would have been captured by the Autobots due to his carelessness, nobody is perfect. And so, Axi would go through the events of FMOD, with small changes in actions at times
Because Axi would be someone with a strong personality, despite being an omega, he would confront anyone, being somewhat skittish and aggressive
But he also has a lovely and kind personality when he is not feeling in danger or provoked.
Axi would have problems with post-traumatic stress, so scenes of a sexual nature would be very stressful for him, after all, he would have been kidnapped in childhood and suffered cruel things that completely destroyed his soul, so much so that he is often aggressive or avoids physical contact.
He would create a stronger bond with Ratchet than with others, preferring to be with him more than the other alphas
Because besides Ratchet respecting him, Axi and Ratchet would have several things in common.
My English is not good, I hope it was easy to understand.
Any questions about the original Universe or the AU, I will be more than willing to answer.
I'm really Anxious about posting this here, I don't know if you'll like the story or the characters, but I hope you like them.
I really want to talk more about the original Axion Story.
(I'm very ashamed and scared so please don't kill me. )
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thebibliomancer · 3 months
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Universe X #0
Graduating from Earth and skipping past solar system or galaxy right to universe. Still don’t know what the X means.
So… Universe X.
Earth X was popular enough that of course it got a sequel. It was confident enough to put sequel hooks in the last issue Earth X #X.
This is an issue #0 so it is short on plot and long on set up.
Earth X intro’d with Uatu luring Aaron Stack through a monolith portal, stealing his skin, angrily lecturing him on the entire history of Earth, and then revealing he’d been blinded and needed Aaron to be the new Watcher.
Universe X starts at the end of Earth X, Gargoyle reporting that Captain America lit the first of the Human Torches Reed invented to burn the Terrigen out of the atmosphere and wondering if he himself will be able to become human again.
Before Nighthawk bluntly tells him no.
Our narrators are different this time. Nighthawk uncontrollably getting visions of the past, present, and future and relaying them to Gargoyle who writes them down.
This dynamic was discussed in one of the appendices from last time. But now it’s front and center.
Between the two of them and later Angel popping in to bring them groceries, they cover so many topics. Right off the bat, Universe X seems less cohesive than Earth X was.
But that makes a sort of sense. Earth X was all about revealing the Celestials were behind everything and all to birth a new Celestial out of Earth.
But with the giant space robot gods driven off and the egg slurped out by Galactus, now the narrative can fray and go in different directions and follow up on the mess the previous series left.
So here’s the picture this issue #0 paints of the post-slurpening world.
Earth is shifting on its axis. The Arctic will melt, New York and Africa will freeze, and England will become tropical.
Speaking of England, it has apparently become boss of the world. Black Bolt’s son becomes the new king of England and new king of Inhumans. And most everyone on Earth is an Inhuman now.
The food shortages that were a problem last series continue to be a problem. The Russian grain silos are running on fumes.
Reed Richards created the Human Torches to burn the terrigen out of the atmosphere but Nighthawk foresees that those who like their new Inhuman powers and lifespans will snuff out the torches before anyone can be cured.
A mob led by Immortus, who is Pope now, for some reason??
The birth of super special baby Mar-Vell from Adam Warlock and Her cause a great anger in the mob. Inhumanity can't make baby so a baby being born threatens that the powers and longevity might be at risk. Mar-Vell is hidden somewhere to grow up out of reach but Her gets taken and held hostage.
Once he’s old enough to embark on his mission to “save everyone, whether they like it or not”, Captain America will become his bodyguard.
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Still in that flag toga. Did nobody offer him a shirt?
Cap needs a new purpose now that American democracy is basically dead. Texas Jack becomes First Lawman of the US and England controls the world. No wonder Cap is down to babysit.
On top of all that, a group called the Tong of Creel is going around collecting the pieces of “the murderer who killed all of Washington DC” and a group of death worshipers called the Sons of Set fear Death has been weakened by most everyone on the single planet of Earth becoming long lived Inhumans and so seek to empower her.
Look, basically, saving Earth from the Celestials was all well and good but now there’s so many problems still happening despite or because of that and maybe humanity is still doomed.
Maybe that’s why Mar-Vell wants to save everyone.
And this was brought up too blatantly not to think it will be important but Angel, Nighthawk, and Gargoyle speculate on why there are so many devils that bedevil the marvel universe. What role does the devil serve in a cosmology where the Celestials are gods and all life exists to make more Celestials?
So that’s what we have to look forward to in Universe X. The world is in dire straights. We’ll probably learn even more true secrets behind reality. Mar-Vell is up to something.
I can’t say I have a good grasp on where things are going. Universe X is just less focused than Earth X. With tie-in books galore so it can explore its fill of tangents.
Universe X isn’t as beloved or influential as Earth X. But I’m still too curious to not dip back into the Noun X story.
Universe X #0 isn’t followed by #1 but by one of those tie-ins. So next post will be on Universe X Special: 4.
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micromekas · 1 year
Finished a re-read of Atomic Robo and it cemented Dr. Dinosaur as my favorite character ever. And not just because of the chaos! But the chaos helps, he is hilarious and every single one of his lines is extremely quotable. mild spoilers ahead btw
And somehow he is still a competent scientist, possibly moreso than Robo in some ways! He can time travel, kind of! I would really love to see him become kind of a respected member of the scientific community, which he would do just to piss off Robo. Hell, he already just seems to have been accepted by Tesladyne like "yeah I guess he nuked Robo into the past that one time. Anyway"
Also, he's like... the complete opposite to Robo in many ways? Which almosts makes him more a true nemesis than even, let's say, Helsingard. Going past the obvious future Robot/ancient Dinosaur opposition, their tech is massively different (lab equipement that is sometimes a gun v.s. kitchen appliances combined with Integral Crystals), but most importantly their personalities. Robo keeps his cool for as long as possible, keeps up the witty banter, and always try to stay ahead with an improvised plan while Dr. D gets angry immediately, has the weirdest banter along the zorth axis, and his plans... definitely exist sometimes, but never past step 2 except for the time bomb. Once he also crashed a science fair with seemingly no plan other than to wreck shit up.
And Robo hates that. He is used to fighting other smart, collected individuals that answer somewhat predictably with a clear goal. And his tactic of bantering and listening to the monologue while he engineers the solution usually works, because he knows what to expect of the average mad scientist. But against Dr. D, he gets confused, angry and frustrated at the complete nonsense the saurian keeps throwing at him. He puts him completely off his game.
So anyway I kind of hope their team-up lasts, these two interacting gives me life. Also I hope one day we learn Dr. D's true origin story, because as Robo pointed out, the current one makes absolutely no sense. or maybe we won't!
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
SO YAYYYY CEROBA + CLOVER TIME!!! she was so interesting during the steamworks stuff :D youre all like damn.. Chujin sounds like a really cool guy im sorry Ceroba :( im sure he was really smart and advanced and made the dopest robots... AND HE DIDDDD I LOVE THE GARDENERRR SOBS her returning back to hibernation and<:,(((( collapes.all the abandoned robots..... fuckkkk my heartttt i talked more about ceroba stuffs in my firsstttt ask but like RAGTAUAUAGAFGFH YOU SAID IT WHEN YOU HEAR ABOUT KANAKO WITH ALPHYS YOURE LILE.FUCKFUCKFUCK THE ALMAGAMARUTIONDXFUFCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! and the fight goes CRAZY MY GOD THE MULTIPLE PHASES REALLYREALLY SETS THIS APART FROM EVERYTHING ELSE LIKE YOU CAN FEEELLLL HER DESPARATIONNNNNNNNNNNN LIKE DAMN. REALLY IS A MOTHER'S LOVE...... the jn you see the flashbacks and <:((((( what if i died what if i died right NOW !!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also the group huug completely devastated me and i was so relieved when Starlo+Martlet got up like i was all. i dont THINK she would straight up immediately kill them but. god. who knows!!!(plus it was so real when starlo's hat landed right on his head after being knocked out) Cloverrr.... "It's time." FOR WHAT... ME TO CRY??!??????? ????!?? like that shit took me OUTTTTTT gotta mention the group hug again i mean like for real i think i had my heart ripped out and blended and youre like. it. i cant be THAT time right?!? youre gonan... youre gonna be okay and dandy and <:o??? AND GODDDDDDDD JUST KILL ME AT THIS POINTTTT CLOVVEERERRRRRRR THEY WERE JUST A KID...... when. Ceroba pulls out the container. it just cements everything. the hat and gun. *clover's* hat and gun. and you just KNOW and i think. the. just the fact you don't have a choice you have to tell them to go. you'll be fine. its fine. just go. GOD DAMN the art of just... clover struggling to pull themself to rest against their back... the camera panning up to birdsong... the credits................. Clover is gone and it had to happen and they were only here for *a single day* but they changed *everything* I just don't even know what to say. thats just art Clover's funeral/sendoff was beautiful too... at first i was like MARTLET NOOO DONT LEAVE CLOVER'S HAT and then i was just. wait. fu ck FUCKKKK !!! UNDERTALLLEEEEE Clover was really just a blip in all their lives, for less than 24 hours did they know the kid, but Clover really did change everything. for the better.... goddddddddddddddddd this game truely captured what made undertale so great anyways. im soo going to check out a genocide playthrough next. and completely bawl my eyes out again TRYUFTGH tldr THANK YOU FOR CONVINCING ME TO CHECK UTYELLOW OUT <33333 SO AWESOME SO COOL WOOPING CHEERING i am going to bed ^_^
I just wanna say that I adore Axis. He's so freaking silley and I adore him so much. Guardener also was...wow. Genuinely chilling to see her go back to sleep. (Also I love the fact she's a female robot and yet doesn't have like. Feminine things. She's just a robot. Who needs female stuff on a robot. Aka HER DESIGN IS AWESOME!!)
AND AUGH CEROBA'S FIGHT (fun fact I'm listening to A Mother's Love right now. Such a good song, haunting with her scream.) I said it before, with the haunting scream of her shattered hopes of continuing her husband's work and dreams of seeing her daughter again. The Hopes and Dreams motif is chilling, especially with how discordant it is, really symbolizing how it's all shattering around her.
The fight was insane. I love it. But HOOO
AND THE HUG. THEY REALLY WERE JUST A KID, MY FREKAING HEART, AAAUGGHHH!!! Starlo is watching his child choose to sacrifice themselves for Monsterkind, what could be more just. But what could be more tragic? Also Ceroba needed a longer hug.
Also genocide....HOOO it really is dark and tragic. But I have Thoughts...about Starlo. And how he was handled there. Because HOO BOI, he deserved better
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thesheeper · 9 months
Battle Ram (2023)
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Battle Ram is a 2023 bullet hell game, (or what Steam calls a 'spectacle fighter').You play as a little ram, perhaps the eponymous 'Battle Ram' himself, and you're tasked with fighting off waves upon waves of ever increasing numbers of robots set upon you by a set of unknown scientists, with nothing but your horns and a bit of force.
Despite its bleak undertones and its seeming indulgence in the unethical treatment of sheep, it's a rather cutesy-looking affair. The game aesthetically looks and feels almost 15 years out of time, clearly taking heavy inspiration from the greats of the golden age of Adobe/Macromedia Flash, with its thick outlines and squiggle animation and whatnot. In fact, I'd be willing to say that the aesthetics are achieved so well that you could almost mistake it for a lost Edmund McMillen game fell from the skies and into my Steam library.
Gameplay-wise, our little ram romp unfortunately leaves a lot to be desired. Since this game appears to be a solo-developed affair, I'll sing its praises first before shearing it clean.
I enjoy the game's movement quite a lot. It's a little clunky, but it's incredibly fluid and works well in the game's playing field. It's very momentum-based, and you need to watch when repeatedly headbutting robots, lest you rubberband a million miles out of bounds. Fortunately, you won't be alone in your robot-destroying endeavours, as they can damage each other! This leads to later levels where you can sit and watch a whole battalion of robots wipe themselves out in their own bullet-infused carpet bombing. All of this is complimented by some pretty basic but fitting electronic music.
Alas, for every little thing that this game does right, there's a little flaw that at best is just a little annoyance, but at worst completely takes me out of it.
The most major complaint I have with Battle Ram is that, for a game that seems to be going for a guns blazing, bullet hell gameplay loop, it's very inconsistent in the collision and hitboxes of its entities. Generally, in most major bullet hell releases, the player has a notably small hitbox, letting them weave in and out of enemy fire (Fans of the Touhou Project, you'll recognise this pretty clearly). Yet, in Battle Ram, our beloved little titular ram can't seem to make his little mind up as where his hitbox begins and ends.
When trying to graze by enemy fire, it's not uncommon to be wiped out by bullets that weren't even touching the ram. On the flip side, don't even try to attack robots from head on. It's almost like the sheep's hitbox on the Z axis is paper thin, so almost every single time you try to ram into a robot from either the direct left or right, you'll just end up going straight past them, ending up either in front of or behind them.
On a much less experience-ruining note, something that certainly destroyed the flow of gameplay for me was when you die, the music stops and you're sent back to the main menu, where you can then press play and continue where you left off. This is in contrast to completing a level, which immediately takes you to the next wave and continues the music from there, creating an excellent gameplay flow, keeping you in the zone. This unfortunately means that dying can ultimately kill your flow, and make it harder to jump back into the game. This can get especially annoying in the later levels that rely much more on pattern memorisation.
Final Verdict All in all, Battle Ram is a perfectly solid bullet hell romp. It's by no means perfect, and certainly isn't an all that ewe-nique experience, but it's certainly not a baaaad time. If you ever need to kill an hour of time with some sheepy goodness, there's certainly worse ways to do it. Baaaaaa~! 🐑✨
5 SHEEP OUT OF 10 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
Buy it on Steam!
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tuesday again 10/11/22
in which i read a book but completely fail to discuss it
listening Bloody! Bloody! by Junie & TheHutfriends. self-described indie pop, incredibly fun chorus! the same sort of frantic plinky..banjo? undertones that i liked so much in my absolute favorite song of hers, The Consequence of Imagination Is Fear.
very good spooky halloween song. i truly do love this band so much for how fucking Weird it is.
And you’re driving with your hands, not believing all the bleeding, and they’re calling you- Bloody! And the knife sits gleaming in the red back seating, and they’re calling you- Bloody! And they’re all still screaming in your head, and their lips dead, calling you- Bloody!
there are a couple creatives where i'm like "yes i WOULD like a new Frog Detective/twine novel/something every year, where i have a marvelous time for forty minutes and it's a little self-contained experience". this band goes in the same brain bucket, bc it feels like it is as much an excuse to collage and make felt puppets as it is to release a new single once every few months. now i am projecting bc i do not know this lady or her process, but i would like more people to be able to make art where i the art enjoyer get a little thing every once in a while, without the artist feeling the crushing need to be a professional artist hitting it big in order to make the art and any sort of living also.
reading The Man In The High Castle by Philip K. Dick.
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i had to think really fucking hard about if i wanted to talk about this book, bc like a lot of older scifi it critiques the problems of its time but is also very much a product of its time. and i then i remembered that i'm going to do what i want forever until i die :) and then i didn't really have time to even discuss this book much at all :)
let's yoink the description straight off wiki
The Man in the High Castle (1962), by Philip K. Dick, is an alternative history novel wherein the Axis Powers won World War II. The story occurs in 1962, fifteen years after the end of the war in 1947, and depicts the political intrigues between Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany as they rule the partitioned United States. The Grasshopper Lies Heavy is a novel-within-the-novel which is an alternative history of the war in which the Allies defeat the Axis.
i do enjoy how scifi, especially older scifi, often refuses to resolve neatly or at all. this one left me unsettled. this is not a bad thing! it is unsettled in a way that is un-fan-ficcable. it is unsettled in a way that even though Philip K. Dick planned a sequel, he couldn't bring himself to write one bc the research for this book was so depressing. i do think i gotta let this one percolate in the back of my brain a bit, bc i don't have any useful thoughts aside from "wow yeah this series of events is totally plausible and plays out in a very 'yup i can see that happening' way". this entry is more setting down a marker to myself that i can in fact read full length books. maybe even do it again
how did i find it: this entry came about through a perfect confluence of events: i read this all in one sitting (rare) after seeing it in a thrift store earlier that day (also rare) and thinking "this probably isn't a book i'll reread, does my library have it" (near-miraculous).
watching Ōtomo Katsuhiro, director of Akira, has done three...whatever the animated version of a book of short stories is. is it just an anthology also??? anyway i watched Memories (1995) back in july, adored it, half the soundtrack is on my regular roulette wheel of data entry music, and i finally looped back around and watched the other three anthologies he was part of this week.
didn't like them as much! it is eleven forty three pm as i write this so i will not be going into great detail. overall impressions only.
robot carnival (1987) i did not care for very much at all. i think it is the weakest overall of the four both in animation and in story. it did give me this baller screenshot.
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neo tokyo (1987) absolutely off the fucking chain with animation flexes. stories overall were not as strong as memories (i am going to be thinking about the first short in memories until i die probably). i have never seen such a perfectly animated cat that nobody seems to have really giffed? unrelated in a different short, i have never seen fire animated like that and now all other animated fire looks wrong.
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short peace (2013) i liked much more both on strength of animation and strength of storytelling. "possessions", wherein a wandering samurai takes shelter from a storm in a shrine to...discarded objects? charmed me the most.
playing Card Cowboy by a large assortment of people and published by Luckshot. available PWYW on itch and it's like three american bucks on steam. you're out seeking "Revenge against the Gunman who killed your dad, wooed your mom, and kicked your dog" in a procgen fashion gathering cards board-game-style to progress along a web of little location options. and the little opening animatic has the best royalty-free morricone i've ever heard
this is a very polished game with all the quality of life features and smooth art one expects from a card game. it wants to be a phone game really badly.
this is not a moral judgement or a dig at how fun it is, bc it's very fun, but the whole time i played it i thought about how much fun it would be to play on my phone.
at one point i had three bandits, a wife, a baby, a baby horse (the game did not call it a foal don't @ me), and a gold lasso. the next turn i got Blood Money from sending the foal off to compete in the rodeo.
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the below is how i got a baby
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the below is how i lost the baby
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this game is very easy to tell stories about like "oh yeah did you get the blood money from sending the foal off to the rodeo???" which is always super fucking helpful in both game discovery and selling the damn thing. extremely streamable bc it is procgen. i hope it sells a billion copies.
making having a fancy bathroom makes me feel like a rich bitch so i got a new shower head. the shower head of course did not fix the abysmal water pressure in this house but it does have an additional detachable head so possibly i will actually clean my bathtub more often. got to use a big fuckoff pipe wrench to take the old showerhead off which was fun. other than recaulking the little escutcheon to the shower wall (annoying) this was a fairly quick and painless process. suspicious. shower head here except i did not spend seventy five dollars on it, that’s ludicrous, i found a new in box one on eBay for thirty bucks.
in other news, acquired the Perfect double breasted trench coat in the Perfect length, it’s got the belt, the wool lining is intact, it’s in decent shape except for the horrible stain on the front. so it’s at the dry cleaners to see if anything happens. the armscyes are just a hair too tight for me in a thin tshirt to lift my arms over shoulder height without looking stupid as fuck so i may find a tailor if i ever want to wear it with a sweater or something. i cannot stress enough how much it is the perfect cut and the perfect length for me. i am willing to invest some dollars in a good classic trench coat i will hopefully have for the next twenty years.
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image 1: a rendered drawing of Axis, a light grey anthropomorphic robot axolotl with simple antlers and hooves on her feet. she has large blue eyes with purple tear-like streams under them. She wears a purple sweater with a single large blue stripe over her water-tank body and segmented arms. in the drawing she is putting the sweater on, pulling her arm through the hole as she looks to the left. the background is dark purple and there is a pink window behind her.
image 2: four doodles of Axis on a lavender background. she is talking about something while holding a drink, labelled “I can NOT draw ix consistently.” another shows George holding her by the waist, happily, as she poses and sticks her tongue out. on the bottom left she is standing simply and bored. an arrow points to her feet saying, “miss these sometimes (they were so 2018 to me).” the last one is her sitting, annoyed, with arrows pointing to her face reading “inorganic eyes & weird light thingies,” captioned “her ass is NOT crying!!” end description.
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