#Sir Topham Hatt I
weirdowithaquill · 8 months
Traintober 2023: Day 18 - Blueprints
Crovan's Gate Works is Home to many Blueprints:
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Crovan’s Gate Works is one of, if not the, largest steamworks in the United Kingdom – and the single best equipped. It services steam locomotives from all four of Sodor’s railways, as well as engines from across the country and further. Many of the engines who appeared in the infamous ‘The Great Race’ movie – especially those from Europe – were actually engines being overhauled at Crovan’s Gate when Mattel sent people to do research for the film. The works has machines that can make any part needed for an engine on the Fat Controller’s railway, and beyond – but that’s not all they have.
In a dark, slightly dusty room underneath the main offices, there are filing cabinets. Row upon row of the things which stretch out through the basement. And in these filing cabinets are the blueprints. There are thousands of these blueprints carefully sorted and filed away in this room. Everything from the designs of the A1X Terrier through to the Streamlined Coronation class. It’s all in this one room.
And it was originally the folly of Sir Topham Hatt I, back in 1897.
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When he was the CME of the Tidmouth, Knapford & Elsbridge Light Railway (TK&ELR), Topham Hatt began collecting old blueprints. Some people collect stamps, others collect coins – but Topham collected blueprints. He had already copied many of the Great Western’s blueprints during his time as an apprentice at Swindon Works, and these he kept with new plans sent to him by his friend William Stanier in his office.
When building the TK&ELR Coffee Pot engines, he consulted a huge number of blueprints, trying to find something he could build considering the extremely low amount of resources he was allocated. And he did utilise some ideas from the various blueprints he had acquired – specifically a redrawing of the ‘blueprints’ used for the Novelty from the Rainhill trials… only the blueprints Hatt had were extremely well-drawn fakes, which did a bit of messing with the exhaust system. Topham Hatt mixed these blueprints with several others, but the exhaust system became infamous for spewing out dirty brown water.
This led to Topham Hatt deciding that the best way to avoid such an embarrassment in the future was to get more blueprints. He managed to bargain the blueprints of almost every engine he ever bought into the deal, with one notable exception: Henry.
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Henry was built using stolen blueprints which were muddled and half-right. Hatt never managed to nab the stolen blueprints for himself, which made diagnosing Henry all the more difficult. It was actually Richard Hatt – Topham’s great grandson – who found the formerly stolen blueprints. He managed to find them in a garage sale!
Percy was another engine whose blueprints did not fully arrive with the engine. The warehouse Hatt bought him from had a grand total of around 59% of his original blueprints, with the other 41% being scattered across the West Country, the Midlands and Wales. If you can believe it, Topham Hatt went on the hunt for these blueprints all throughout the 1930s, and was able to snag the last one from the wreck of a bombed house in Cardiff in 1941.
When British Railways was formed in 1948, the now Sir Topham Hatt utilised his new position on the board of the company to gain access to every blueprint British Railways had under its control. Carriages, trucks, engines – even railway adjacent lorries, ships and buses all had blueprints that Sir Topham was able to have copied and sent to Crovan’s Gate. These were all placed in a special room and have been updated since.
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Sir Charles Topham Hatt also added to this collection – but for a very different reason. In the 1960s, as Sodor gained more independence – and more diesels – it became increasingly clear that the island had to repair its engines on its own. To this end, Sir Charles began having copies of engines he bought sent to Sodor so that in the event of repairs, the works at Crovan’s Gate would be able to use the original blueprints before beginning the overhaul, saving time and allowing the workers to know what parts the engine might need. Sir Charles also had updated blueprints of all of his engines drafted, as many of his older engines had been heavily modified since arriving (such as Edward, Henry and Gordon), meaning that new, accurate blueprints were required. The first of these would be Edward’s when he went in for an overhaul after his ‘Exploit’ in 1965.
Today, there are thousands of blueprints kept at Crovan’s Gate Works, with new ones added each year. These are often copies of blueprints for locomotives built outside of the UK, as it is believed that Crovan’s Gate Works has a copy of the designs for every British locomotive, carriage, and wagon to have ever run – bar those which never had blueprints.
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hazel-of-sodor · 5 months
A Life Well Lived
A Life Well Lived
Ch.1 Morning
Other Stories
Other Chapters
The warmth of the sun washed over Sir Topham Derek Hatt as he sat contentedly on his front porch. The aching chill in his bones slowly soothed as he took in the wonderful morning. Birds sang from the trees, children laughed in the nearby park, and a street over one of the Wellsworth trams rang out a good morning from their bell. From inside the house he could smell the breakfast Jane was cooking, the smell of bacon, sausage, and eggs wafting in under his nose. In the distance he heard Edward start off with his morning train with a cheery whistle and determined puffs. Yes all in all, a most perfect morning. 
He leaned back in his chair as Jane came out the door with two plates and set them on the table between them. He was enjoying his toast when he noticed the tear running down his wife's face. He resolutely set his breakfast down and reached over, wiping the tear away.
"Come now," he said softly, "its too lovely a morning and you too beautiful a Lady to be wasting tears on old me."
He smiled as Jane huffed a little laugh.
"Im sorry dear but I can't get the doctor's news off my mind."
He sat up and grab her hands in his, "My dear, you are worrying for nothing."
"But Doctor Stephen thinks..."
"Exactly my dear, he thinks, not knows. Stephen may be one of the best doctors around, but he is just a man, not God. He does not decide how much time I have left, he can only guess. We may have many more mornings together, my dear."
Jane looked down at her lap, "And if he's right?"
Derek gently reached out and lifted her chin so their eyes met. "Then I would have your last memories of me be happy ones, not ones of grief. Do not mourn me yet My Dear, there will be plenty of time for that when I'm gone."
She sighed as he pulled back, " Very well Derek, I'll do my best to put it out of my mind."
"Thank you my dear, " he then smirked and said," besides it won't be long before you find a younger man and forget all about old me."
She smacked his arm with an angry huff, causing him to chuckle. "You're forgetting I'm older than Edward, dear. No young man would be interested in me."
"And yet you're as beautiful as the day I married you." he said.
She snorted at this, but leaned in when he pulled her close for a gentle kiss.
When the kiss ended, neither pulled back, instead taking comfort in each others closeness.
"Younger they may be, but none of them could ever measure up to my husband," she said firmly.
"Your cooking would soon fix that my dear," he chuckled.
He expected her to laugh but instead she gave him a searching look. "Are you truly ok Derek? This news would be a weight to anyone, but you seem almost unbothered by it."
He was quiet for a moment then sighed, " I can't say I was surprised by this my dear…"
She laid her hand on top of his as he continued. 
"While I've never been in the best shape, it has been harder to catch my breath the last few years. The last few months it became even worse with aches and pains to match. I'm old my dear. I was an established engineer before Edward was even built."
He was quiet for a moment, taking her hand between his. " Doctor Stephen merely confirmed what I already knew.  That I've lived a long full life and its finally catching up with me."
They sat there quietly for a long moment, letting the warm of the morning sun and each others presence sooth the ache.
The sound of a familiar but unexpected whistle, echoing from Edward's yard interrupted them. Derek turned and frowned towards the station as Edward's whistle rang out in happy reply.
"I had no idea Thomas was coming to Wellsworth." He said bemusedly, "Charles would normally have told me..."
Jane gave him a knowing smile, "Would you like to go see him after breakfast, dear?"
He chuckled," You know me all too well."
The familiar whistle sounded again, closer this time.
Derek raised an eyebrow, "If I didn't know better I'd say he was on the tram line."
A bell rang out as one of the trams started up the roadway into the city.
Derek rose from his chair. "The next tram isn't due for a while yet."
Jane joined him as the tram rounded the corner. Rather than its normal coaches, it pulled two North Western coaches. The pairs normal engine was being towed behind them like a strange guard's van. 
"Morning Jupiter, Annie, Clarabel." Derek said as hed opened the gate, striding towards the engine at the back.
"Morning Sir!" They chorused back. 
"Thomas, I see you've decided to try your hand at tram work?"
"I can't let Toby have all the fun," Thomas replied cheekily.
Derek chuckled, "Indeed not. Is there a reason you came to visit?"
Thomas smile faded. "I heard the news, Sir. There's something I need to show you."
The tank engine nodded, "I wanted to wait a little longer just to be safe but..."
"Of course." Sir Topham Hatt smiled. "May I bring Jane, or is it a secret?"
"I would never ask you to keep secrets from her, sir."
Derek turned, only to find Jane had already grabbed her bag and was climbing into Annie. "Come along dear, you're taking me to the cafe in  Elsbridge, and I want to beat the rush."
"Of course, my dear."
He patted Thomas's buffer fondly and walked to join his wife.
A/N: Hello Loves! While I'm writing the next Fic, I figured it was time to finally post 'A Life Well Lived to Tumblr', Love Y'all!
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panicky-pansexual · 23 days
Its pride month wowee‼️
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theredengineapologist · 6 months
Sometimes a family can be just a dad and his seven giant steam locomotive children.
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Bonus James-centric screenshots because I have a favorite child (clearly):
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putuponpercy · 5 days
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Happy Father's Day to him - what started as a gag idea between a few engines very quickly got out of hand and suddenly The Fat Controller was flooded with cards, gifts and appreciation from almost every engine on his railway, and even then some!
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hazelcongestion · 27 days
this shot always confused me like what the hell was sir topham hatt doing there?? there’s no fence or anything it’s not a path he’s just standing in the bushes on the edge of a hill for some reason
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and then I thought is this his garden?? he does live on the outskirts of wellsworth apparently, it would make sense that his house might be close to the viaduct
his shed that sets on fire in the miller era is before the viaduct too so assuming the shed is also in his garden I guess he just has a massive garden
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theflyingkipper · 10 months
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“One of you is playing truant!”
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cerenemuxse · 5 months
they fr just left Edward there to swing about.
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Jumping Jobi Wood - Season 14 Episode 15
couldn't even be bothered to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't, ya know, DIE???
but the better question I should really be asking is, how sturdy is this engine's boiler? its multiple giant logs getting thrown violently at him. how?
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Jumping Jobi Wood - Season 14 Episode 15
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rushingexpress · 6 months
I just remembered this and I'm trying not to laugh at like.. midnight BUT SKSNSHS
remembering in the legend of the lost treasure- I think it was after the dynamite chase scene - where sir topham hatt just fucking appears and goes:
– HOLLERING. this line shouldn't be so funny, why does he sound like such a pissed off parent? XD
– – – –
honourable mentions:
to the singular 'uh oh' in the scene
and also sir topham hatt grounding thomas to stay in his shed for the rest of the afternoon
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wysteriaisapenguin · 9 months
Sir Topham Hatt 🤝 Tom Nook
Fat Authority Figures in children's media who are often demonized as "evil dictators" when in reality they are looking after the main characters and just want them to be more responsible with their lives
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unpopularvivian · 2 months
Help guys. In school, my LA teacher had us to try free writing. The prompt that he give us was "alarm" and I decided to write about a short Ttte snippet. He gave us three minutes to write it and when it was done, I looked at my paragraph and HOLY SHIT HOW THE HECK DID I MANAGED TO WRITE ABOUT EDWARD THROWING HIS ALARM OUT OF THE WINDOW AND ACCIDENTALLY GIVING THE FAT CONTROLLER A CONCUSSION. I DID NOT EXPECT FOR THAT SNIPPET TO ESCALATE THAT QUICKLY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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weirdowithaquill · 8 months
Traintober 2023: Day 22 - Top Hat
The Railway is Prospering:
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The railway was prospering. That was perhaps the first thing that the figure noticed. The books had been kind to the railway, in that they had drummed up hundreds, thousands of tourists who flocked to the island to ride behind the famous engines who worked there. The harbour extension at the end of Thomas’ branchline had made loading the stone from the quarry ever smoother, as they didn’t need to drag it all the way to Tidmouth.
And best of all, the engines were all still running.
Sir Topham Hatt wandered up to the ticket office at Wellsworth, spotting Edward collecting passengers for his afternoon train up to the Big Station. Even without a ticket, it was a little too easy to sneak aboard, finding an empty compartment and flopping down on the seats – only, they seemed to pass right through him.
Ah… right.
Instead, the figure of Sir Topham Hatt floated with his head out of the window, taking in the world around him in awe. There was Henry, speeding along with a fast freight train. His rebuild had truly done him wonders – thank goodness Sir William agreed to it, or Henry would… maybe not even be here. And over there was Gordon! He thundered by with the Express, whistling happily at Edward as the big blue engine drew alongside the old engine. They exchanged a fond greeting, and then Gordon was gone again, rocketing along.
James passed by next, grumbling dreadfully with a long train of tankers behind him. So… he’d not done so well with James – but he was still not only really useful, but reliable as well! And in spite of his grumbling, he was still pulling the trucks. As much as Sir Topham Hatt wanted to shout at the red engine to stop whining and get a move on, he recognised just how well the engine was doing.
Then, they passed through the Junction to Thomas’ branchline, and Sir Topham Hatt managed to spy all three of his former tank engines – Thomas, Duck and Percy – all shunting trucks together. It seemed like Duck needed a large order of stone, and the two other tank engines had brought it down for him. Furthermore, Toby stood nearby with Henrietta. All four looked healthy, happy and well-rested, a far cry from those dark days when the big engines refused to work. Then, Thomas, Percy and Edward had been forced to work day and night – nonstop – just to keep the railway open.
But now, they had time to slow down and chat, as well as spend time bantering. Sir Topham wondered just why Percy was talking about ghosts. He’d move closer to listen – but he didn’t want to lose Edward and his train.
Oh, Edward.
The blue engine looked so much happier now. He was running well; nary a clank in his motion. He smiled more too, happier than ever and so much brighter even though the day was cloudy. Sir Topham smiled wryly.
As much as he wanted to say his legacy was the greatness his engines felt now, he couldn’t honestly say it and be right. He’d done some admirable things for his engines, and he’d always been willing to stand up for Edward, or Thomas, or Percy – but at the same time… at the same time, it was clear he’d been far stricter than his son.
Maybe that was a good thing – the railway wouldn’t have survived the Great Depression without a firm hand to guide it. The entire railway had teetered on the edge of bankruptcy for so long, and he’d become so afraid of losing it all. He’d held on tight, almost strangling everyone as he nitpicked his way through every issue. He’d been harsh – harsher than he should have been.
Henry looked so much happier without him around.
But he’d done it for the railway! Being firm, strict and a little controlling was what the railway needed to see in each new year. He’d never scrapped one of his engines (the board, however…), even when they were unable to be really useful. Again, Henry was a testament to how much he hated to see potential wasted.
He’d fought against the LMS for years over the right to keep the railway open… but the LMS fell, and still the NWR remained. It… felt good to know he’d been so successful… even if most of the engines didn’t remember him so favourably.
With one last breath, he slipped away from Edward’s train, taking a moment to wander into his son’s office. He spotted a very familiar top hat resting on the coatrack. “That’s… my hat…” murmured Sir Topham, feeling just a little better.
Everything was going to be just fine.
With that, the almost ethereal figure standing in the Fat Controller’s office faded away.
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hazel-of-sodor · 5 months
A Life Well Lived
Ch.4 Exit Stage Right
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Other Chapters
The cool September air was a welcome feeling on Topham's skin as he leaned against Edward. He had walked over to speak with his old friend while waiting for his train. Edward was telling him about some of the antics the others had gotten into since he retired, but he just couldn't seem to focus. He was so tired... Oh.
"Edward?" He interrupted.
"Yes sir?"
"Could you call Lady Jane over here?"
As Edward whistled for her, Topham lowered himself on to a crate that had been left in front of the engine.
"Sir, are you alright?" Edward asked with worry.
"I'm sorry Edward, but I don't think I'll be getting back up from here."
Edward looked confused for a moment before he understood. "Sir..."
Edward sounded smaller than he had in years.
"It's quite alright, Edward," Topham reassured him, placing a hand on the nearest buffer. "I've known this was coming."
His wife rounded the corner of Edward only to stop cold, "Oh...Derek..." She whispered.
"I'm afraid we'll be late to the picnic my dear." 
 "You'll make it up to me, you always do," she said, brushing away tears.
"I'll be waiting for you with the basket ready my dear."
"You had better be." she said with a broken laugh.
Topham chuckled weakly only for it to break into a coughing fit. When it stopped he turned back to Edward.
"If I may ask one last thing of you, Edward?"
"Anything Sir."
"I've been advising Charles as best I could, but he will need someone else he can trust to advise him as controller now. Will you help him for me?"
"Always. I promise Sir, I won't let you down." Edward said, tears finally hitting his footplate.
Topham smiled, "You never have old friend."
The station porters ran up with a stretcher. "Don't worry Sir, well have you to the hospital in no time."
"Its too late for that I'm afraid."
"Its alright boys, I've got him from here." A man with white peppered hair and white coat strode up.
"Doctor Stephens. I knew I should have had an apple this morning." His laugh quickly turned into a shaking cough.
The Doctor pulled out his briefcase. When he laid his stethoscope against Topham's chest he sighed deeply.
"You had to be right one last time, Derek."
He looked up towards Jane, "I'm sorry Jane, but it would be best just to take him home.  He'll be more comfortable there, and theres nothing I could do at the hospital that I cant do there."
Derek reached up and grabbed Jane's hand. "Thank you, Doctor."
Dr. Stephen closed his brief case, "I only wish I could do more old friend."
He helped the porters lay Derek on the stretcher, and the group began walking towards a tram waiting to take Derek home.
Edward watched the tram until it was long out of sight, tears coating his running board.
Sir Topham Derek Hatt passed away at his home in Wellsworth on September 5th, 1956, surrounded by his family. Moments later, whistles and horns began sounding out across the Island. One last farewell, to the Fat Controller, and a life well lived.
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uselessalexis165 · 10 months
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tried making some ttte memes (275)
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ms--galactic · 5 months
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Me ; *Getting to hear one of Salty's adventures : "What did you say to them, Salty???"
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So I couldn't make him the right size or find the perspective option 😭😭😭
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monstersteam · 1 year
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The real reason Edward wasn't in TATMR
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