#Sita's Ramayana
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decemberpdf · 8 months
head empty just Sita from Ramayana: the legend of prince Ram
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ssj2hindudude · 11 months
Surpanakha: So, what's your type?
Rama: I have a wife.
Surpanakha: So what's your type, then?
Rama: My wife.
Surpanakha: And what does she look like?
Rama: She looks like my wife.
Surpanakha: So what would you rate me out of 10?
Rama: Umm, I can't do that.
Surpanakha: Can't rate me at all?
Rama: I can't rate you at all.
Surpanakha: What would you rate your wife out of 10?
Rama: She broke my scale.
Rama: Because she's so beautiful.
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legalite-lamhe · 8 months
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Forget Romeo and Juliet.
Can we have what they have?
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arjuna-vallabha · 1 year
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Bhumi, Goddess of Earth, taking her daughter Sita away,by Sagar Verma
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janaknandini-singh999 · 7 months
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ramayantika · 6 months
Devi Sita (Goddesses, Rishikas & Women)
Spring had passed away with blooming lotuses, mating birds, and the call of the koel. Sita, who adored Vasanta out of all seasons, had to spend the most romantic season in captivity by the fearsome ruler of Lanka.
Not one day went by when Sita could breathe in peace. After turning down his advances, Ravan, in a thundering voice, ordered Sita to be sent to Ashok Vatika and to be continuously tormented every day, every moment, until her strong will breaks.
The Rakshasa clan is a merciless one. Their females, the Rakshasis, even more. Their ruthlessness and barbaric ways are known to strike terror in the hearts of people, and ascetics have always been troubled by their repeated assaults.
The Rakshasis, as per the orders of their king, spent no moment to torment Sita. From throwing icy cold water to wake the drowsy Sita to butchering meat in front of her, on some days where they wanted to play with Sita’s emotions a little more, they would narrate how Ravan would butcher Ram’s flesh in front of her.
Spring passed into summer. The humid climate of Lanka made Sita perspire immensely. Sweat clung to her skin, and the sun shone brightly on the fair princess, who sat silently under the shade of one of the Ashoka trees, her mind constantly thinking about the whereabouts of Rama and Lakshman. The summers were brutal for Sita. Though she had spent so many years in the deep forests, she did have plenty of fresh fruits and water to nourish herself, unlike her situation in Lanka.
The Rakshasis starved her, dehydrated her to a great extent, and laughed when one fiery afternoon she fainted. Only when the Lankan queen Mandodari arrived to visit Sita did the queen strictly order food and fresh water to be brought to Sita.
If the days were filled with terror and threats, the nights, though spent alone, were filled with nightmares for Sita, who often woke up screaming Rama’s name, only to feel the cold, gusty wind brush her slender flesh and the rocky bed under the tree where she took shelter.
Yet, Sita, despite all her mental and physical wounds, always admired the beauty of Ashok Vatika. The clear lakes filled with exotic blooms and beautiful sculptures in dancing poses reminded her of Ayodhya. Marigold bushes reminded me of Mithila. The serene fragrance of the yellow and orange flowers made her fondly think of the garlands she wore around her arms and feet in Panchvati. Sita rarely smiled in the picturesque garden. She never got the chance to sit there happily, but there were rare moments in the company of the lush trees and flowers, like one day when a few squirrels nuzzled to her and she smiled truly and lovingly at the small, adorable creatures.
But living beings are capable of sympathy and pity, even for a brief moment at least, but pity and compassion do arise in their hearts. It could be out of guilt or maybe an honest realisation of their crude actions, but somehow, compassion comes out, and the stony hearts of the Rakshasis did melt a little with the cold, stormy showers of monsoon in Lanka.
One night, a raging storm blew by Lanka. The howling winds had extinguished the fiery torches that lit the gardens and courtyards of the grand palace. The Rakshasis too ventured inside to take cover while a frail Sita sat beneath the same Ashoka trees, knees huddled together and arms across her chest with chattering teeth as the torrential rains pelted against her lithe body and her surroundings.
One of them, named Ratangi, combed through her wet, curly hair when her eyes fell on Sita. Sita, who with each day appeared thinner, her lustrous and radiant face etched with greyness and dry texture, signs of ill-health and despair, sat with her eyes closed and her dry lips muttering the name of Rama. Though Ratangi and her companions sat afar, they could read the familiar movement of Sita’s lips to decipher Ram’s name.
Ratangi had pointed to another companion and pointed at Sita. The other Rakshasi rubbed her eyes and said, “She is the enemy, but it would be a lie if I said that I don’t admire her resilience. So many months have passed by, with no sign or message sent by her husband, yet she is steadfast in her belief about him. Such immense strength is admirable indeed.”
Ratangi’s eyes softened towards Sita. Her thick, bushy eyebrows came together in a frown as she said, “Don’t you think we should help her? The storm is brutal, and she is already so thin and frail. It will kill her.”
The other Rakshasi nodded at Sita’s condition but questioned, “What about the king’s orders? And if by any chance the princess gets to know that we have helped her, we will be punished.”
Ratangi dryly commented. “The princess enjoys tormenting this poor woman. She derives a sick joy from it.”
The rain mercilessly pelted the concrete grounds of the gardens. Some of the large ornamental trees had been bent down to combat the rain and winds. Ratangi and her companions looked at each other’s faces and then back at Sita, who had started shivering, but not once did her lips stop uttering Rama’s name.
Ratangi got up in desperation. “This woman doesn’t deserve to die in such a pitiful way. I am getting her over here.”
Gathering a straw hat kept against a wall, she quickly leaped to Sita with large strides and picked her up when the familiar sound of anklets made Ratangi halt in her steps.
“Maharani Mandodari.”
Mandodari, the chief queen of Lanka, stood in the harsh, stormy rain without a cover. She looked at the petite Sita in Ratangi’s arms and caressed Sita’s forehead. “We are all going to pay for this sin.”
Ratangi’s eyes lifted back to the queen, who stood with a passive expression on her face. Mandodari simply said, “My husband doesn’t strictly monitor Sita’s health or her lifestyle here. I can’t free Sita, but as a woman, I can make her life a little easier.” Checking for Sita’s pulse, Mandodari continued, “Sita is to be nursed back to health with treatment by our royal physician. None of the Rakshasis are to be engaged in troubling Sita any longer. Do your guard duties, but none of those sick illusions and cruel remarks. I can’t stop Shurpanakha, but make sure that none of the Rakshasis join her to make Sita’s life worse than hell any longer.”
Ratangi and Mandodari walked to bring Sita inside to provide some warmth to her body. “We have performed enough sins that we have the noose of Yama hanging around us. Let’s leave behind some good deeds, at least for the queen of Ayodhya.”
And from that stormy night on, Sita’s life in captivity in the lovely garden of Lanka improved. She was fed the juiciest of fruits, nutritious grains, and pulses, and nobody ever served her murky water to drink. The Rakshasis sometimes gave some of their garments to Sita, who graciously accepted a few of them.
“Why are you still hell-bent that your Rama will free you? Don’t you know Ravan has captured so many powerful warriors and hasn’t even spared the gods too?” Ratangi cries out to Sita, who sits as peacefully as a sage immersed in meditation.
“I am not afraid of death, Ratangi, or my husband. I know Rama, but you don’t. He is kind as a dove, but when in rage, he becomes the destroyer himself.”
Some moments ago, Ravan arrived at the garden to threaten Sita to submit to him. “If you don’t submit to me, O Sita! You will meet with terrible destruction at my hands after a month! This very day, a month from now, I shall devour you."
Sita, who had enough of Ravan’s violent and intimidating threats, especially after the cruel incident where Ravan showed the beheaded Rama to Sita to break her mind, silently challenged Ravan’s final warning with a fixed, fiery gaze.
Ratangi and a few other Rakshasis who had grown to like Sita grew terrified at Ravan’s threat. After the Lankan king left the garden, they rushed to Sita and sat around her feet.
The afternoon sun drenches the entire garden in golden light. The large trees cast dark shadows on the ground, but unlike the hot winds of summer that pricked everyone, the cool winter breeze brings a pleasant sensation to Sita and all the other Rakshasis in the garden.
Sita, in her tree bark garments and long cotton scarves, looks at the shimmering water of the lake. The swans bask under the sun, their eyes closed, as if enjoying the warm company of the sun. Sita smiles and keeps a cheek on her eyes as a small smile curves on her lips.
Ratangi, however, finds no peace, unlike Sita. She asks, “How can you sit so calmly? You only have a month to live. You don’t even accept our help to cross you over to your land. Even if Rama and your brother-in-law Lakshman cross the ocean, how will they penetrate the defences of our kingdom?”
Some months ago, Sita would always sit morose. Shurpanakha never left any chance to insult Sita or scare her with brutal images of Rama’s death. But Sita was a courageous princess, a woman with the resolute determination to survive all odds.
‘My Raghunandan will fight even the gods for me. He is my strength, and I am his. He will fight on the battlefield with your king soon and take me away. And my battle is here in this garden, all alone. I keep winning every day, and I know Rama will avenge me soon. Ravan’s pot of sins is overflowing.’
The other guards gasp. Sita calmly, with a brave look in her eyes, looks at no one but the calm lake. Sita’s words were blasphemous!
Ratangi and her companions look at one another. Astounded at Sita’s indomitable spirit, they closed their eyes and prayed to fate, for they seldom believed in the celestials above to bring Sita and Rama together, at least for one last time.
And what’s a king without his loyal people and followers? Ratangi and her companions grew kind and stretched a hand of friendship to Sita, but in battle they would side with their emperor. A sign of true and maybe flawed loyalty in terms of the ‘greater good’.
Nobody speaks a word. Sita no longer looks at the crushed flowers beneath her feet, but her eyes always fall on the loveliest of flowers that bloom in the garden. The cold doesn’t bother her anymore, and she gladly welcomes the sun on her body.
It’s only a matter of time, and like a lion, will my Rama take me away from here?
A chain of events brought about the ominous sign of Lanka’s destruction. Ravan’s soldiers, servants, and all the guards, Rakshasas and Rakshasis, try their level best to douse the fire burning away their kingdom like a raging forest fire.
Ratangi notices the blazing look in Sita’s doe-like eyes and gulps. The entire Ashok Vatika, too, burns. The dry twigs and leaves serve as fuel to let the fire capture everything in its vicinity. Sita stands on the concrete platform, her head high, and for a brief moment, she sees Hanuman leap across the large roofs of the palace with a fiery grey trail in the sky.
Flames surround Sita, and though she has seen endless fires in her nightmares, this time her face bears a glow as radiant as the enormous orange flames around her. She braces the powerful heat emanating from the fire and draws her eyes close once again with her lips, remembering Rama’s name like the chants of a mantra.
Sita’s open hair flying in the strong winds and the fiery radiance of her face make her appear like Devi Durga, and never did Ratangi think about bowing to another woman except the royal ladies of Lanka. Her head bends down automatically in reverence, fear, and awe at Sita.
Ratangi had seen Sita as the delicate doe-like princess when she was brought to Lanka. She saw how Sita was the rightful queen of Ayodhya after displaying her firm grit to survive and to stay stable after months of mental and physical torment, and tonight Ratangi saw Sita look like a powerful goddess of destruction.
She only mutters one statement after witnessing the surrounding flames destroy everything in their wake. “Lanka is doomed.”
--- xxx ---
The last second chapter of my short story collection titled, Goddesses, Rishikas & Women. There are other stories, some that you all have read, and the rest shall be revealed later in the future.
This scene is my imagination of Sita in Ashok Vatika. I hope I could do some justice to Sita's character.
And if you want to find more updates about this book, you can head over to my id: @samridhi.writes for all book updates and excerpts (meko audience bannani hai apni vahan so you all would mean the world to me 🥹💗💖)
Taglist: @swayamev @jukti-torko-golpo @navaratna @kaal-naagin @alhad-si-simran @houseofbreadpakoda @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @krishnaaradhika @krsnaradhika @ramcharantitties @krishna-priyatama
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sanatanaxtales · 13 days
sa hi devai rudīrṇasya rāvaṇasya vadhārthibhiḥ | arthito mānuṣe loke jajñe viṣṇuḥ sanātanaḥ || 2-1-7, Valmiki Ramayana
That Rama - was He not the eternal Vishnu who was born on earth as prayed by celestials to kill the egoistic Ravana?
Valmiki Ramayana gives me answers to sooth my soul but light it too! Rama as the hero is beyond explanation, and yet is everything.
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vaidehi-raghunatha · 6 months
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buttercupspotify · 1 year
could you make an mb on my name and theme (modern day Sita) ?
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❝pov : you're modern day sita ❞
💌 request by : @janaknandini-singh999
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note :- thank you sm for the request, this is most probably my first request ever 😭!! and the theme you chose was pretty too <3 . p.s. i imagine the two girls here as urmila and sita (yes they're sister goals 🥺)
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some ppl who might like this 💌 :-
🌼@white-poppie @nokhushionlygam @bipdf @swayamev @kiss-the-ring-and-bow-down @shyampyari @astrocatfizziks @nerdreader @readerghxst @bishh-kanya @jukti-torko-golpo @ji-jii-visha @suvarnarekha @ramayayi @a-really-hot-caterpillar @shanti-ashant-hai @melancholicmonody @oyeevarnika @nainawithspecs @lil-stark @dam-bluecookies @azure-cherie @this-barbie-is-the-problem @themistypoet @pistas-stuff
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bhagavanbhakthi · 2 months
Lord Narayana, Lakshmi & Bhudevi Abhishekam
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decemberpdf · 5 months
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Bhadragireeshwara Sita Ram
Bhagatjanapriya Sita Ram
Janakiramana Sita Ram
Jaya Jaya Raghava Sita Ram
Shubh Ram Navmi! 🧡🏹
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ssj2hindudude · 11 months
"How extra are you when it comes to your loved ones?"
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blackknight-100 · 2 months
Rama: *yeets Maricha into the ocean*
Shiva: ...he's supposed to be human
Parvati: Give them another chance dear.
Lakshmana: *stays awake for 14 years*
Sita: *takes shortcut to Vaikunth via earth*
Parvati: Umm...
Krishna: *lifts up a mountain*
Balarama: *starts dragging a whole city*
Krishna: *makes solar eclipse happen*
Krishna: *shows his actual form*
Parvati: ...dear, what are you doing?
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h0bg0blin-meat · 4 months
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Vasant if he were on Ramayana
So this was @prettykittytanjiro 's idea and like I got so invested in it. Just imagine.
Vasant is a local village boy who was born as Pushpak (so let's say he's Vasant's avatar, in a way), who runs a flower shop in Turturiya with his father. His first meet-up with Ram is during his and Sita's wedding, where they ironically hired him for the decorations, and he just filled the entire place with flowers.
His second meet-up is when the royal trio comes to Turturiya. Ram recognizes him immediately and Pushpak does the same. They hug and the latter pleads them to come stay over in their house.
Pushpak as a flower freak soon comes to know of Ram's interest in making flower crowns, and he internally screeches to find a flower buddy. So they both start making flower headdresses and malas in their freetime, and Ram gifts Sita a mala and a crown each every night.
Others can continue the story :D
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lilavatilikeslemons · 4 months
A feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release of anxiety or distress.
Reminder: This is a work made from my own imagination, with inspiration from the actual itihasa, and not meant to hurt anyone's sentiments.
Unedited: You've been warned.
Hanuman held his amma's chudamani carefully in his grasp, as he briskly returned back to Kishkinda with his comrades.
As their feet moved across the changing terrains which led back to their camp, one thing that prevailed in his mind was 'How would my Prabhu's worries diminish quickly?'
He didn't care if the difference was by minutes- or even mere seconds.
Not a moment more that lasted even as short as a blink of an eye should his Prabhu suffer.
He closed his eyes, as he thought on how he could eradicate the worries that clouded his Prabhu's mind, the fog as thick as the fumes that raised from the fire that spread across Lanka.
No. No, he couldn't say that. His Svami wouldn't know if they'd seen his Amma or not, by only mentioning her pure name.
"In Lanka-"
No. Not that, either. His Svami didn't know where this Lanka was- what even was it. He must be made aware about the state his Amma is in, first. It was the reason he was sent.
He took a deep breath, as he saw the humble cave that Shri Ram resided in, as he quickened his pace, exclaiming so loudly, that his voice could be heard inside the cave, even before he entered his Svami's gaze.
"కనుగొంటిని జానకిని, తండ్రి!"
(Kanugontini Janakini, Tandri!)
(I saw Sita with my eyes, prabhu!)
The second his voice reached the ears of his father- oh, the relief that washed his troubled soul was like the sea's tide- the fierce waves slowly calming, as the period of darkness finally led to the first ray of light.
जय सीता राम लक्ष्मण की!
Hope y'all liked this piece, IVE BEEN ON A ROLL AHHAHA
This piece is inspired by a scene in the Telugu movie Sampoorna Ramayanam- where Hanuman (I love him so much omg) runs to Shri Rama, saying "Kanugotini Janakini!" From the moment he entered the camp, Ram heard him from like 20 meters away
It is said that Hanuman wished for Rama's worries to diminish as soon as possible, not wanting him to suffer a second more than it was necessary, and to make sure no doubts arose- that he thought of what would tell him that they'd found Sita.
I personally loved the scene so much I recommend watching it it's so beautiful I cry everytime hsjejeje
On that note, constructive feedback, criticism and comments on the story are always welcome!
Stay safe, healthy and hydrated<3
Have a good one, folks!
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