#Six-Line Sunday
psalacanthea · 4 months
Six-Line Sunday
posting this as self-motivation to finish all the bits left. Hoping to have the new chapter of D&D up tomorrow morning some time <3 Have a lil bite-smooch this sunday afternoon.
“Pretty,” Astarion teased as the kiss briefly broke.  His thumb slid up her chin, gently rolling over her swollen lower lip.  “Shall I take a little taste, darling?”
Mmh.  Why hadn’t he already?  “Yes,” she agreed.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, please,” she said by rote, in the split second before her mind caught up.  Wait, why was she saying please?  Hadn’t Astarion said that he was going to–
Before she could do any more thinking, he kissed her again and made it impossible.  Her lips parted reflexively, and despite anticipation she still startled when he rolled her soft skin in his teeth, fangs just barely piercing the inside of her lower lip.  The pain came immediately, no more than a sharp sting.
His tongue followed fangs, stroking across the abused flesh in a languid lap, gathering the blood before it could spill.
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Hi again all! I hope everyone’s had a great few weeks, and thank you for continuing to tag me even though I’ve been terrible at responding lately. It’s been taking me awhile to finish up the third chapter of @rimeswithpurple and my COBB, Time Will Lie Down and Be Still, which is a shame because she has really outdone herself with the art! It’s ready to go and incredible; I can’t wait for you all to see it!
I’m not really stuck on anything myself, I’m just having a hard time finding a minute to get the words down. Where I work has a high turnover so I tend to end up going in many, many days in a row, but I’m getting there on this chapter with Arianna’s help—her endless inspiration and cheerleading are the main reason I’ve been able to write as much as I have! So here’s a small share from Chapter 3, and one of my favourite things I’ve written recently—it’s a Simon POV from a little later in the chapter:
“It’s not you, it’s me!” croaks the jackdaw from his cushion on the bookshelf. I’ve named him Jeremy.
Penny sits up fully now and shakes her head. “Simon. It’s not our place to get emotionally involved. You’re in a vulnerable place, I get it—”
“We can still be friends!” Jeremy wheezes.
“Shut up, Jeremy!”
Folding her arms across her chest, Penny gives me the look. That one right there. “You named the break-up bird after your ex,” she intones dryly.
”Who sends a break-up message by bird,” I grumble. Not Human Jeremy, anyway. (He was—is, I assume—Normal.)(He sent his break-up message by text.)
Another week down! I can’t believe it’s almost September, but lately I’ve juuuust about been able to feel a little bit of of Autumn on the breeze. Have a good one, all!
Tags to: @rimeswithpurple, @palimpsessed, @thewholelemon, @hushed-chorus, @artsyunderstudy, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @nausikaaa, @larkral, @tender-ministrations, @mooncello, @valeffelees, @monbons, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @imagineacoolusername, @iamamythologicalcreature, @cutestkilla, @j-nipper-95, @aristocratic-otter, @letraspal, @facewithoutheart, @beastmonstertitan, @drowninginships, @stitchy-queerista, @bookish-bogwitch, @asocialpessimist, @ic3-que3n, @shrekgogurt, @raenestee, @alexalexinii, @fiend-for-culture, @ileadacharmedlife, @supercutedinosaurs, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @shutup-andletme-go, @roomwithanopenfire, @forabeatofadrum, @arthurkko, @prettygoododds @orange-peony and anybody with something to share! :)
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roomwithanopenfire · 4 months
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Six Sentence Sunday
Happy Sunday!! Thanks for the tags @blackberrysummerblog @facewithoutheart @shrekgogurt @rimeswithpurple @thewholelemon unsexy line break to ward against the tag curse @monbons and @cutestkilla!! I love seeing what everyone's working on <3
Summer is underway for me! I've started working evenings and weekends at my local library again and I missed this job. Today I had to hunt down twelve books that had the wrong shelf location, very exciting stuff. And I've finally finished organizing all the children's book bins, which had been in disarray ever since I left for the school year.
Been writing and editing this week!! Here's a snippet from my COBB fic. (Context? What's that?)
“What the—?” she slides her laptop away and leans closer to me, beckoning me with a finger. “Where’d you get that? What the fuck happened?” I don’t move any closer. “What do you think? Figure it out yourself.” “Figure it out yourthelf,” Fiona mocks—the asshole and she darts out to grab my arm, pulling me in closer. “Let me look at it.” I shake her hand off of me—still too on edge for that. And I keep my mouth resolutely shut. “Say ‘Ahhh’” she says, tapping my jaw. “Fuck off.”
more under the cut because i have yet to learn brevity
And I've been steadily working on editing more and more chapters of Proof of Life! I actually love editing, is that normal? How do you all feel about editing? There's no full snippet I can give without ruining the Impact this chapter will hopefully have, but here's four lines of dialogue said to Baz:
“No food, no water, nothing but blood, huh?”
“No, I don’t regret it. I would make that choice again and again.”
“No offence, Basil, that is the most stupid thing I’ve heard.”
“That’s not because you’re a vampire, that’s because you were freaking out."
And two lines of dialogue said to Simon:
“You’re not allowed to be right, it makes you insufferable.”
“Why would you want a vampire to come back?”
Feel free to guess who's talking (there's no repeats) but when I say these are the only lines I could share, I mean it, anything else would have been way too much. Next time I'll have to switch it up and do a process post or something (even though I'm pretty sure my editing process is boring).
Tags and Hellos!
@run-for-chamo-miles @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @raenestee @artsyunderstudy @onepintobean
@prettygoododds @noblecorgi @hushed-chorus @angelsfalling16 @brendughh
@hertragedyconnoisseur @drowninginships @supercutedinosaurs @fiend-for-culture @beastmonstertitan
@valeffelees @ileadacharmedlife @arthurkko @rbkzz @skeedelvee
@bookish-bogwitch @alexalexinii @brilla-brilla-estrellita
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 8 months
Six Sentence Sunday + Last Line Challenge
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Y'all are getting a two-fer on this Sunday! Since I haven't yet been tagged, I guess I'm gonna kick things off this week with six sentences of the Henry angst fic that I'm still working through, slowly but surely:
What he doesn’t understand, despite Henry’s constant attempts at telling him in his own unique way, is that Alex is the sun. Even the darkest days are now somehow brightened by Alex’s mere presence. The warmth of his skin against Henry’s when they’re both buried beneath a weighted blanket. The molten glow of his brown eyes always seeing Henry as he is, no more or less, and loving him through all of it. It fills his veins, setting his heart on fire and burning away all semblance of tears threatening to fall before they have a chance to slide over his skin. But today, he feels every bit of the storm raging inside him.
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AND because I promised a two-fer, here's the last line I wrote for a fic that was originally a prompt by @sadlittlenerdking on Twitter that has grabbed hold of my every thought and won't let me go.
"Oh. This is about Henry, then."
Insert sussy eyes emoji here. Good luck figuring this one out, y'all!
Putting all of the tags for my lovelies behind the cut to take part in one or both of these challenges! A lot of the people on the tag list originally tagged me in the last line challenge, so obviously y'all can skip...unless you wanna go again, in which case go for it!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @barbiediaz @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @guillermosfamiliar @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @lfg1986-2 @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester @mulderscully @ninzied @notspecialbabe @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers @ships-to-sail @songliili @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @theprinceandagcd @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @typicalopposite @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka
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jev-urisk · 3 months
✨️Seven Sentence Sunday✨️
(or Monday, lol) Also doubling this as a last line tag from @lychhiker-writes who is bravely alpha reading for me.
I'm re-writing one of my early chapters based on their feedback and this is a clippet from 🌐7 Circles Ch2: A Fallen Star (the rewrite):
“Y-You’re a mermaid- a merman?!” Seeker blurts out in return, staring in awe at the scales at their hips and the giant fan of his tail that has come up from the water to halo behind his head, all striped in orange and red and white. That large tail slaps down on the water at Seekers utterance, spraying droplets of water into the air as Leo goes from excited to agitated.
He leans forward, still partially out of the water and previously unseen spines flare up from the line of his back, sharp and connected with more webbing. “You’re not from here, clearly, so I’m gonna do you the favor of educating you,” he says with an overly-patient grimace. “We’re called sirens. The words you used are old, extremely rude, and aren’t to be spoken by those with legs. Savvy?”
Seeker's four hands clasp together in pairs, "I-I’m terribly sorry, Leo. I wasn't aware that.. That those words contained such offense." Their upper-left hand comes to rest over their heart and they look to the siren, honest as anything. “Please forgive me. I won’t say them again.”
Tagging @wyked-ao3 @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @fortunatetragedy and @the-golden-comet (no presh) +Open tag.
(Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list)
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shadoedseptmbr · 15 days
six lines for sunday
He brushes his thumb along the scar that curves under her eye and it's both the sweetest and most horrible touch she's ever felt in her long short life. It's cruel. And tender.
As stock still as it leaves her, she's on the verge of running.
If she could move, she thinks she would, she recalls this is what dying felt like, a little.
And she thinks- from the way he cups her cheek like he's cupping over a spider that might jump before you can rescue it- he can tell.
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thehoneyedhufflepuff · 6 months
literally just posting out of nowhere for six sentence sunday to inspire myself to find a moment to work on this. sorry, Simon's texts don't have his name but I'm sure y'all can deduce
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verfound · 3 months
Six Sentence Sunday: 07.07.2024
It was only a moment.
The briefest of moments, and it was gone before Luka could be sure he’d even seen it.
But there, in Adrien’s weary green eyes, behind the frustration and annoyance and outright anger…there had been a moment of fear.  Painfully suppressed panic he could not afford to let show, not when…
“…I fear she’ll hurt herself when she gets like this.”
Adrien’s words from earlier echoed in Luka’s mind, his quiet confession from that day in his office.  Luka’s grip tightened on Marinette, and she cooed softly as she nuzzled against his coat.  Adrien swallowed, and then the look was gone.
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augustjustice · 2 years
Sunday Six
Harrington flips his Ray-Bans up into his hair, the portrait of popular high school douchebag that Eddie remembers all too well from last year. But the soft-looking baby blue sweater he’s sporting, combined with the way he impatiently ushers Henderson, Wheeler, and Sinclair into the Beemer with a hand on his hip, sinks some fairly sizable cracks into the overall effect. 
When he catches Eddie’s gaze, there’s a weariness in his eyes that has Eddie fighting down an instinctual shit-eating grin, anticipating whatever nasty jibe the former king is about to throw his way. He almost feels bad. It’s gonna be a pretty bad shock for Dustin. But, better the kid sees his hero’s true colors now rather than later. 
Instead, Steve’s head dips in a tired nod, a stiff but not impolite acknowledgement. 
Eddie’s mama had run off before his folks got the chance to get a divorce, but, he imagines this might have been what that would have looked like, the pair of them passing him off between them with an icy sort of cordialness every other weekend.
(That’s not fair. If it had been his parents, there would have been a helluva lot more yelling, an a helluva lot less civility than Harrington’s showing him now.)
It throws off whatever snide remark Eddie had been gearing up to toss back. He feels wrong-footed, tugging a strand of hair into his face partially to hide his wide-eyed expression.
“Uh, yeah. Hey, Harrington.”
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psalacanthea · 8 months
Six-Line Sunday
look at me! doing a WiP on the right day and everything! Here's six lines of my on-going writing. Pls let me know if I can tag you in the future, if you're writing! I'd love to see it. :)
Zynatheri laughed, full of mockery.  “I don’t doubt it for a moment.  You know, I never asked.  Why ‘fox’?”
Leaning back on his hands, Astarion tilted his head and stared down at her, hair still an absolute, tousled mess. “Because you are a smug little trickster who thinks she is the cleverest creature to ever grace this plane.”
Oh, well, when he put it like that… “Mmh, I see it.”
“Just as you call me ‘viper’ due to my deadliness, grace, and–”  The small chuckle that escaped her caught his attention, scarlet eyes narrowing down at her as her smug smirk widened. "Wonderful. Fine, what is it? Let's get this over with."
“It's because you have fangs and you’re cute,” she told him quite seriously.
“I hate you.”
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winterandwords · 7 months
Heads Up Seven Up / Six Sentence Sunday / Last Line Tag
I'm combining tags here because they fit together really neatly (and also it's Wednesday and I will not remember to do the Sunday thing on Sunday).
Thanks to @talesofsorrowandofruin, @oh-no-another-idea and @romances-not-tragedies for the Heads Up Seven Up tags, @cherrybombfangirlwrites for the Six Sentence Sunday and Last Line tags, and @frostedlemonwriter for the other Last Line tag.
Here are seven sentences that fall at the end of a chapter in Spin Cylinder (Noah's POV), covering all bases...
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Isn’t it just like you to see right to the centre of everything? You might be dangerous like a temptation, but you’re dangerous like an omen as well. My other hand moves to your hipbone and grips it with an unintentional viciousness that takes us both by surprise. I speak against your skin. “You looked at me and saw death?” You become liquid in my arms, turning to face me and biting my lip hard enough to set the world outside in motion again. “I still do.”
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Tagging @k--havok, @mysticstarlightduck, @noveldivergence and @pertinax--loculos if you'd like to do it, with an open tag for anyone else who wants to join in.
Take your pick from a Heads Up Seven Up or a Last Line tag, whatever floats your boat 💙
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passthroughtime · 5 months
sunday six!!
heyo again, gang! tagged by @jichanxo, @mike----wazowski, @four-white-trees, @overdevelopedglasses
i'm finally getting back on track and making some progress in chapter 5, but i decided that's not as fun to show you as something silly, and quickly typed a tiny bit into the other (iykyk) kwgm wip
Two things go through Yagami’s mind during that moment. The first is, when did Kuwana start to feel this comfortable in Yagami’s house?
And the second: this is really happening, isn’t it?
“I need you to help me,” Kuwana says, his voice articulate and calm. “Sit up and raise your arms.”
It is. It is really happening. Yagami sits there stunned until he hears Kuwana chuckle, “Now don’t be shy. Like it’s anything that I haven’t seen before.”
Yagami feels awful and pissed at his own embarrassment. Sadly, there’s nothing he can do about this aside from listening to Kuwana’s orders. He raises his arms, and Kuwana frees him from his sweaty T-shirt.
Completely mortified, Yagami realizes it is not the one that he fell asleep in. And while he's fully aware that this is a different kind of situation and means absolutely nothing, but the thought of Kuwana undressing him when he wasn’t fully awake and was entirely at his mercy… Well, that is definitely something he isn’t supposed to fixate on right now, that’s for sure.
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nyxqueenofshadows · 2 months
sunday six
tagged by @phantasy14 tagging anyone who wants!
more time limits and takoyaki 3 and me with favourite best friends who aren't even in the same canon, aka kaoru and rggo!joongi
“Is this just a ploy to get us to talk again?” He asked while waiting in the airport. Calling Sayama had helped fill the time and calm his nerves.
She laughed. “Ya got me.”
The announcement for his flight came over the tannoy.
“I have to go.”
“Good luck.” She worried her lip. “Are ya gonna be alright, over there?”
“A little late to be asking.” Watching the planes as they taxied out onto the runway, their tails passing by the windows like sails on the horizon, he wondered what 'alright' looked like in times like these. “I’ll be fine.”
“Okay,” Sayama said quietly.
A second tannoy announcement for his flight sounded but he still didn’t move.
“Will you take over my blog for me if I die?”
“Pff, fat chance,” and she hung up with a smile.
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mary-is-writing · 5 months
Tag Games for all!!
Hey! Here are the writeblr tag games I've been tagged in and that I've saved from a while back
A while back I said I was gonna start putting tag games and excerpts on a patreon, and I have it ready!! All current and future content in the Patreon is planned to be available for free, so you can check it without compromise
Here are the tag games that are included in this post, as well as who tagged me and the people I'm tagging for it:
Notice me, Reader! - I was tagged by @the-down-upside-finch, and I'm tagging for it @ahordeofwasps
Last Line tag - I was tagged by @ahordeofwasps @isherwoodj @blind-the-winds, and I'm tagging for it @charlies-storybook @kaylinalexanderbooks @mel-writes-with-her-dragons
Six Sentence Sunday - Tagged by @ahordeofwasps, and I'm tagging for it @charlies-storybook
Not a Villain Song - I was tagged by @ahordeofwasps, and I'm m tagging for it @lexiklecksi and @charlies-storybook
Thanks for the tag!! Keep them coming and I'll get to them in another post :D
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jonathanbyersphd · 11 months
Second Six Sentence Sunday
Joyce assumed or maybe hoped that she'd never have to talk about things like underage drinking with Jonathan. After all, he wasn’t like her. She spent most, if not all, of her adolescence sneaking around and doing things she shouldn’t have been doing. Sneaking out of the house, sneaking out of town, sneaking cigarettes with Jim Hopper behind the bleachers. God, the things she used to do behind those bleachers. She supposes by comparison anyone would look like a saint. But Jonathan was exceptionally good; he kept to himself, rolled with the punches and was incredibly diligent. He’s had his future college picked out since he was six, for crying out loud. 
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shadoedseptmbr · 23 days
"You got swept up in the chaos, after you'd helped inform on some sort of drug activity." "Sure, that's the story."
The shoulder twitch looks almost studied; so he presses, "Story?"
"Doesn't everyone like a good one? I've heard a couple about you, too." Steel, artic battleship steel- that's the color he's been trying to place.
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