#Small town gossip has nothing on what I assume closed spaces like ships are like
I read Nobody Knows yesterday and my favorite part is probably thinking about how Mallek's long suffering crew is handling his supposed robofuckery
I feel like they would already be on edge around him because he isn't particularly violent or sadistic and they're just kind of waiting to see what his deal is/ what's wrong with him and if it's anything beyond being a loner. What starts out as a joke of "lol maybe he's just really into robots" becomes less funny over time when it seriously becomes, "he might actually be a robotfucker." Like how do you even process that information? What do you even do with it? You can't confirm or deny it since no one is dumb enough to ask, but it's becoming uncomfortably plausible and you're just trying to get through your shift.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 70: Food for Thought
Presenting the next installment of my on-going, nextgen, MHA fic! Earlier chapters can be found here 
“I can’t believe you forgot your laptop, Kenta!” Kimmie said, her arms flailing through the air. Or so Kenta assumed, anyway.  She was wearing a sleeveless tank top, so he could only go by the light motions of her shoulders and the rest of her body language.  Oh, and the fact that she was yelling at him.  Kimmie’s yells were almost always accompanied by arm flailing. Not nearly as precise or regular as Iida arm flailing, of course, but equally dangerous to be around. Especially if she was actually aiming for you.  Of course, given he’d known her just about all his life, he was very good at reading it. He was also really good at staying out of smacking range.
Kenta shrugged, helplessly. Even though Takuma was still on I-Island, since it would be a few days before they felt comfortable letting anyone leave after everything that had gone down, Kimmie had insisted on filming another episode of “Gossip Corner” and had drafted him in as cameraman.  Given that it meant he got to spend time with his girlfriend while she did something that made her happy, he wasn’t about to say no. It had even been worth it putting up with her younger sibling Nao trying to use his own invisibility Quirk (unlike Kimmie, Nao was visible unless he didn’t want to be) to try and sneak in on them. He had, however, forgotten his laptop at home, so they couldn’t edit it at her place.  Dumb mistake, really.
Which is why they were heading back to his home, the apartment near U.A that he lived in with Dad when he wasn’t in school.  Sure, some stuff they updated raw and untouched, but they were also trying to up their production standards after Shoji’s girlfriend had given them some advice on monetizing their content, which meant a lot more work to make sure it was of high quality and not just them randomly filming themselves doing stuff. Kimmie’s segments had always veered in that direction anyway, so it was best to start with her anyway.
Of course, with Hero training only likely to get more intense as the year rolled on, he wondered just how much time and energy they’d have for side projects like that.  Of course, he kind of wondered what exactly he was going to be able to do to improve his Quirk at the training camp coming up.  He wondered a lot lately about what kind of Hero he was going to be and how effective. Sure, he’d gotten praise for quick thinking and level-headedness during the final exam, but that only took him so far.
He shook his head and tried to push his self-doubts down.  “I told you I was sorry about that, Kimmie,” he said.  “But hey, if Dad’s still home, he’ll probably offer to make us lunch, so there’s that.  And you know he’ll probably make some dessert too…”
That, apparently, was all it took to get Kimmie to forgive him.  “Ooooh, your dad makes the best desserts!”  She clapped her hands.  “If there’s chocolate, you’re completely forgiven!”
“What if there’s no chocolate?” Kenta asked, he put his key into the apartment door.
Kenta just laughed as he opened the door.  He thought he’d been smelling something in the hallway, but as he headed inside, he could already see that Dad was in the kitchen, carefully stirring a pot of curry. He turned when he heard the door opening and for some reason, he looked surprised.
“Oh,” Dad said. “Kenta!  Didn’t expect you home this early.  I thought you were going to work on videos with Kimiko?”
“Forgot my laptop,” he admitted.  “So we thought we’d come here to finish up.”
“Hi, Uncle Rikido!” Kimiko said, stepping inside.
Dad smiled.  “Hey, Kimiko,” he said.  “Almost didn’t see you there.”
Kenta felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.  “Dad, you didn’t…”
Dad’s eyes went wide.  “Oh, oh, no, I didn’t mean it like….”  His hands traced fast patterns through the air.
Kimmie just laughed. “It’s okay, Unc.  I know you didn’t meant it.”
Dad breathed a sigh of relief.  “Good.   Well, as long as you’re here, there’s plenty of food.  We were just about to sit down to eat.”
We?  Who was we?  As far as he knew, they hadn’t been expecting company.
“Is someone there, Rikido?” a voice said.  It was one Kenta instantly recognized.  High-pitched and sharp.
“Just the kids,” Dad said. A guilty look passed over his face.
Kenta moved further inside so he could see who was in the living room.
“Aunt Habuko…?”
It was unmistakably Aunt Habuko.  There was pretty much no one else on the planet with that same shock of red hair coupled with the head and face of a snake.  Who honestly, wasn’t that surprising a presence in their home.  She was an “Aunt” for a reason, after all, having been one of his mom’s best friends, going back to their Hero-in-training days at Isamu Academy, and still being a family friend now.  She and her daughter, Kayda, were frequent visitors. She’d been one of many people they’d been able to lean on in the days and months after Mom had been killed.
Which did nothing to explain why she was here in the middle of the day, nor why Dad seemed vaguely embarrassed about it all.
Aunt Habuko blinked slowly in surprise.  “Oh,” she said, struggling to regain her composure.  “Hello, Kenta.  And it’s Ojiro, right?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Kimiko replied.
“Hello,” Kenta said. There was a nervous energy in the room now, radiating from both Aunt Habuko and Dad.  Especially from Dad.  He really wasn’t sure what was going on and he was growing increasingly sure he didn’t want to either.  “I didn’t know you were going to be in town,” he added.
Again, an awkward look passed between her and Dad.  He heard Kimiko make a small “Hmm” noise.  
“Yes, well…” Aunt Habuko began.  Her tongue flicked in and out a couple of times.  “I had a day off, and Kayda is out with her school friends, so I thought I would drop by.”  
That made sense. Maybe he was just reading too much into things.  He didn’t know every detail of Dad’s every day, but he hadn’t seen her in a while. Of course, she’d just drop by for a visit.
“Son,” Dad said, “maybe we should talk, later, when you don’t have a guest?”
Or maybe not.
“I could just go…” Kimmie began.  She wasn’t usually one to shy away from other people’s drama, but this may have just been a little too personal for her.  
Kenta held up both of his hands.  “Nope, stay here, Kimiko.”  He turned to look at his Dad.  “You’ve always said we should always be honest with each other, Dad.  Anything you want to say, you can say in front of my girlfriend.”
“Can we at least sit down?” Dad asked.  “The curry needs to simmer for a little anyway.”
He shrugged and headed to one of the couches, taking a seat on the far end of it.    Kimmie sat next to him and he felt a warmth wrap about his hand.  It took him a moment to realize it was hers.  He looked in the direction of where her face would be and gave her a small smile.  She gave his hand a squeeze and he returned it.  Dad and Aunt Habuko took up seats on the opposite couch, sitting next to each other for a moment, before seemingly realizing better of it and moving slightly further apart.
“So,” Dad began, his hands folded in front of him.  He tried to speak again, but only succeeded in opening his mouth and closing abruptly. “Really wish I’d thought more about what I was going to say.  I knew this was coming, but, you had exams coming up and we weren’t sure how you were going to take it.”
Yeah, that kind talk rarely heralded good news.  “Dad,” he said.   He was trying to be understanding here, he really was.  Whatever Dad wanted to talk about it, it was clearly important to him. But Kenta hadn’t seen his dad this uncomfortable talking about something since they’d had the “sex talk” a few years ago.
“Dad,” he repeated. “Just tell me.  Please.”
Dad and Aunt Habuko exchanged another look.  Dad hesitated for a second, but Aunt Habuko nodded.  Dad nodded in return and took in a breath.  He held it for a moment, then let it out.  He reached over and took Aunt Habuko’s hand in his.  Dad was a big man and her hand looked very small in his.
“Habuko and I, we’re dating,” Dad said.  “We have been for a few weeks now.”
“You’re… what?” Kenta asked.  He had to have heard that wrong.  Because there was no way he could have possibly heard what he thought he heard. His dad and godmother were not dating. It wasn’t possible.
Kimmie gave his hand another squeeze.  He was honestly surprised she wasn’t squeeing or asking a million questions.  This kind of “shipping” was right up her alley.  He supposed it was nice to learn she had her limits.  
“Dating,” Dad repeated. He reddened a little.  “Man, feels good to actually say that.  I really didn’t like keeping this from you.”
“I guess this means we should tell Kayda soon too,” Aunt Habuko added.  “She probably wonders where I’ve been going off and on all this time. We were hoping to only have this conversation once, but…”  
“How long has this been going on?” Kenta asked.  They made it sound like it had been going on a while.  A while where they weren’t telling him.  Or Kayda for that matter.  The two of them weren’t super close, but she probably wasn’t going to take it well.  
“A few weeks,” Dad said. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.  “A couple weeks before you had final exams.”  
Yeah, they’d said that, hadn’t they?  Still, asking the question helped him wind up more mental space.   Early in the school year, Dad had confessed that Aunt Mina had been trying for some time to set him up with her single friends.  And he’d even told Dad that he deserved to be happy and that if it was what he wanted, he should give it a shot.  Dad had even shared the details of a few particularly disastrous dates he’d gone on with some of the women.  He honestly wasn’t sure if Aunt Mina had completely misunderstood who was compatible with Dad or if she was picking horrible match-ups for her own amusement.  
It was honestly a fifty-fifty shot.
He hadn’t realized it at the time, but at some point, that had stopped.  And yet whenever he’d talked to Dad, he’d seemed happier than he had in a long time.  Given that Dad worked at U.A. running the cafeteria, they still saw each other all the time, even with him living on campus.  There had been a kind of spring in Dad’s step, he realized now.  He hadn’t known what to think of it at the time; he’d just been happy for him.
Knowing this, though, put a whole different spin on it.
“Okay, better question,” he said.  “How did this happen?”  The two of them were already friends, of course.  But wasn’t that a big jump from friends to dating?  Then again, did he have any room to talk?  He and Kimmie had been friends pretty much all their lives and now the two of them were dating.
“You want to take this one?” Dad asked, looking over at Aunt Habuko.  He also appeared to be trying to send some kind of silent signal, judging by how much his bushy eyebrows were twitching.
“Oooh,” Kimmie said, quietly.  “I love a good meet-cute story!”  Well, she’d obviously reached her limit on keeping herself contained.  She probably thought he couldn’t hear.
Aunt Habuko nodded, closed her eyes, then nodded again.  Her tongue flicked out quickly.  “I might as well start it.  I was having, pardon my language, an amazingly shitty day.  I’d had a big fight with Kayda’s father, not to mention trouble at work, a fight with Kayda… and well, I tried to drown my sorrows.   When that didn’t work, I realized I needed someone to actually talk to, so I called your father.”
Dad picked up the thread. “So I immediately jumped in a cab. By the time I got there, Habuko had already had a couple of drinks.  Only, honestly, I was having a pretty bad day myself.  It was the anniversary of the day me and your mom met.  Just one of those alone feeling days.  I was actually just about to call Habuko, so I could talk to somebody, when she called me”
Kenta lowered his head and closed his eyes.  He understood that feeling.  He’d been so young when they’d lost Mom, sometimes it was a struggle to even remember her clearly.  But what memories he had were dear ones.  And he looked at his friends, with their moms, and couldn’t help but be jealous and feel a little empty sometimes too.  He was glad for all the support he had.  With Takuma and Kimmie, he was rarely alone, but sometimes, even that didn’t much help.  
“So we were both drinking, and we were both talking,” Aunt Habuko said.  “We both had a little too much to drink, and this place was closer, so we came back here.  In the morning, after we’d sobered up, we realized how alone we were both feeling and, well…”
Dad went red again, deeply red.  He coughed into his free hand.  “We connected,” he said, rather quickly.  There was something not being said here, Kenta realized.  They weren’t lying per se, but they also weren’t telling the entire story.
Kenta wasn’t the Iida twins or Midoriya, but he wasn’t stupid by any means either.  And he considered himself fairly observant.  He was usually the one to figure out the flaw in whatever plan Tamkuma had come up with, the Superego to Kimmie’s Ego and Takuma’s Id.  Which also meant that he was smart enough to put two and two together here.  Drinks plus dancing around certain topics plus now dating equaled…
He was not going to finish that equation.
“So we thought we’d give it a try,” Aunt Habuko went on.  Her facial structure didn’t allow for much smiling, but he could tell by her voice (having an invisible best friend made you real good at listening to tone) and the way her eyes looked that she was.  “And it seems to be working out.”
“So yeah,” Dad said. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner. Just never seemed like the right time. You always had something going on. Not exactly the way I wanted to do this, but here we are.”
So.  His dad was dating.  Dating Aunt Habuko, who was practically family, and who had been Mom’s best friend.  He was fine with this.  He was. He wanted his dad to be happy. He’d told him as much, months ago. It had been a clichéd, father-son bonding moment and everything.
So he was absolutely fine with this.
He let go of Kimmie’s hand and stood up, abruptly.  “I’m going to my room,” he said distantly. He was already moving by the time he said it.
Someone, he’d navigated his way to his bedroom and managed to shut the door behind him.  Kenta stared up at his ceiling, as though it might reveal the secrets of the universe to him.  Or at least make the last fifteen minutes make more sense.  He shouldn’t have been this conflicted.  He knew that.  He wanted his dad to be happy…
A knock on the door broke the silence.
“Go away,” he said flatly.
There was another knock.
He rolled over in the direction of the door.  “I said ‘go away.’”
“Kenta…”  It was Kimmie, he realized.  
“Go away, please,” he ammended.  “I just… I just can’t right now, Kimmie.”
Kenta blinked slowly. Kimmie had one hell of a set of lungs on her and could yell like nobody’s business.  But even she wouldn’t be that loud through the door.  Which could only mean…
“Kimmie,” he groaned, a hand on his face, “are you in my room?”
He watched as Kimmie’s clothes suddenly appeared out of thin air, less than a foot from him.  “How’d you know?” she demanded.
“Lucky guess,” he said, because anything else would have surely led to an arguement.  “What’re you doing in here, Kimmie?”
He felt something hit his shoulder.  Dammit, Kimmie without sleeves was dangerous!
“Because I was worried about you, dummy!  You got up like a zombie!  You didn’t even respond when anybody tried talking to you, so I turned my clothes invisible and followed you so I could sneak in before you shut the door!”
Okay, he was probably going to have to talk to her about boundaries at some point.  Though given her obsession with the details of other people’s relationships, that ship had probably sailed a long time ago.
Sighing, Kenta shifted so he was sitting on his bed.  Kimmie plopped down next to him.  “You okay?” she asked.  “That can’t have been easy.  I mean, it’s a completely adorable story, two broken hearts finding love again with each other…”
“You realize they got drunk, hooked up, and decided that was a good start, right?” Kenta said.  He must have sounded harsher than he meant, because Kimmie seemed to flinch.   “Sorry,” he said.  And then he winced, because he really hadn’t wanted to follow that thought to its logical conclusion.
“Oh,” Kimmie said. “Oh.  Ooooh.  How did I miss that?”
“I wish I had,” he said. He looked down at the floor and sighed. “They’re dating, Kimmie.”
“They are,” she said. He felt a hand on his back.  “I know you told me Aunt Mina was trying to get him to go one some dates…”
He nodded.  “And he did.  I even told him he should let her.  Dad’s the best.  He’s such a great dad.  But now that I’m on my way to being a Hero, he should be able to start living for himself again.  I wanted that.  I wanted him to be happy.  I told him to go on the dates! So why am I freaking out so much over this?”  
“Well,” Kimmie began, “he’s your dad, Kenta.  And even if she’s family, she’s not your mom.  That’s got to be hard to see, no matter how much you think you’re ready for it. Even if you gave him the go-ahead, seeing it actually happen has to feel a little bit like he’s replacing your mom.”
He tilted his head a little and looked over at her.  “Since when are you this reasonable?  Or this well-versed in relationships?”  The words spilled out before he could stop them and he felt his face flush. He brought his hands up instinctively to protect his face from her flailing and braced himself for an outburst.
However, no smacking or yelling followed.   “I read all the celebrity gossip mags, remember?” she said.  “People get divorced, remarried, date, widowed, date again, all kinds of stuff all the time.  Sometimes they talk to the kids about how they feel about it.  Not all of them are happy about it.  And even the ones who are say it was an adjustment.”
“Well, if you can’t trust celebrities, who can you trust?” he asked.  He gave her a small grin and this time he did get a slight smack on the shoulder, which got him laughing.  “Thanks, Kimmie, I needed that.”
He pushed off the bed and walked over to his desk.  Some of his stuff was still in his dorm room; it hadn’t been worth it to bring it all back for just summer vacation before it would have to go back again, but he’d brought back the most important stuff.  Among those was a framed photo that he had sitting on his desk.  He picked it up and a bittersweet smile crossed his face.
It was a picture of his family: him, Dad, and Mom.  He couldn’t have been any older than three, but he was riding on his dad’s shoulders, while Mom and Dad grinned for the camera.  In the background, he could make out vague details of a park and a banner reading “Class-A Reunion.”  He didn’t remember the day, but it was still a favorite picture of his.  His younger self had certainly seemed happy.  His fingers traced over his mom’s face.
“She was killed when I was five,” Kenta said.  Kimmie knew that, of course. All the other Class-A kids did.  “I barely have any real memories of her. Most of the ones I do have are fuzzy. And we’ve got plenty of video. But I remember that she loved me and she loved Dad.  But ever since… it’s just been the two of us.”
He closed his eyes tight, fighting back tears.  “I just… I don’t know.  I want him to be happy.  I really do.  But if he’s with Aunt Habuko…”
“He’s still going to be your dad, Kenta,” Kimmie said, getting up off the bed herself.  “And he’s always going to love you.  And he loved her.  That’s really clear. I don’t think anything can change any of that.  Aunt Mina always said that your dad being such a good one was what would make him so attractive to single moms.  Wait, was that too much information?  Sorry.”
He just shook his head at that.  Kimmie and Aunt Mina were very close; it was where she got her love of “shipping.”  And Aunt Mina was definitely a bit… much at times. “It’s fine, Kimmie.”
He heard her let out a breath.  “Okay, good.” There was a brief moment of silence, then, “Do you want to just stay in here?  Because that’s okay.  I can go get some food or…?”
He stole a glance at his room’s door.  In here, it was safe and unchallenging.  He could stay here and not have to worry about anything, whether that was measuring up to the more powerful Quirks of his classmates or the family drama that was now unfolding.  He could even sustain himself for a while on the everyday objects in his room, so food wasn’t an issue.  Having to go to the bathroom eventually would probably prove a problem, but…
Shaking his head again, he set the picture down.  “No,” he said, “I can’t hide in here forever.  Might as well get this over with.”
When they came back out, Dad and Aunt Habuko were at the kitchen table, talking and eating.  Both paused when they heard Kenta and Kimmie coming. Dad pushed back from the table and stood up.
“Kenta,” he said, slowly, “son, I’m sorry, we shouldn’t have…”
Kenta held up his hands. “No, don’t apologize.  You really don’t have to…”
“I should at least apologize for keeping this from you,” Dad said.  “We’re always been honest with each other, told each other everything. We’ve always been able to talk.  I was… I was kind of afraid of how you might react.  I never, ever, want anything I do to hurt you.”
Well, Dad was right about that much.  They did have a great relationship.  He’d always felt like he could tell him anything.  “Okay,” he said.  “I’ll take that one.  But I should apologize too.  I shouldn’t have just gotten up and run off like that…”
“It was a lot to drop on you,” Dad said.  
“A completely understandable reaction, Kenta,” Autnie Habuko added.  “But it looks like we were right to trust your friend to help talk you down.”
“More like smack some sense into me,” he said.
A smack on the shoulder from Kimmie followed.  “And I’ll do it again, if I have to!”
Now Aunt Habuko pushed back from the table and stood as well.  “Kenta, I want you to know that it’s not my intention to replace your mother. Your father and I, we’re just two lonely people who’ve found a little happiness.”
“We were talking though,” Dad said.  “You’re still my number one priority.   If this is a problem for you, then we’ll break it off.”
It would have been so easy to just say that he couldn’t deal with it. He still wasn’t completely sure that he could.  But he knew that he’d seen his dad happier lately than he had in a long time.  And he also knew that Aunt Habuko had had an awful year, with her now ex-husband cheating on her, a bitter divorce, and a lot of dirty laundry having been aired in public.  
Certainly, there was a hole in him that still missed his mom.  His thoughts drifted to her in odd moments of the day, sometimes when he thought about what being a Hero had cost his family.  The way Dad still talked about her, the way his friends parents spoke of her, he knew she had been a truly remarkable woman.  Dad has always said he’d been lucky that a woman like her had fallen for a guy like him.
His dad deserved to be happy.  So did Aunt Habuko.  If even half of what everyone said about his mom was true, then, he realized, she’d have been happy to see the two of the most important people in her life finding some happiness together.
They weren’t hurting anyone. And there was no replacing his mom. His dad would always be his dad. And Aunt Habuko had always been a fixture in his life.  
And he was going to be a Hero.  And Heroes did the right thing, the thing that helped people, even if it meant putting themselves at risk of being hurt.  His dad had done so much for him, spend so many years just focusing on raising him up, on making sure he had the best life possible, even without a mom.
All he was being asked to do was be okay with his dad having someone special in his life, someone who made him happy in a way he hadn’t been in more than decade.  He couldn’t possibly be that selfish, could he?
Kenta took a breath to steady himself.  “If you’re happy,” he said, “I’m happy.  I’m not going to pretend I’ve got my head wrapped around this yet, but I’m working on it.”
He looked his dad in the eye.  “We’ve always been honest with each other.  And that’s not going to stop.”
He looked over at Aunt Habuko.  “And it looks like you’re making my dad happy.  So thank you, for that.”  If it had been anyone else, he’d have been tempted to throw out some vague threat about not hurting his dad.  But he wouldn’t do that to her.  She’d been hurt enough herself.  He didn’t have to worry.
“Thank you, son,” Dad said. “Anytime you want to talk… I’m always here to listen.  Nothing’s going to change that.”
“Yes, thank you,” Aunt Habuko said.  Her tongue flicked out a few times.  “I can only hope telling Kayda goes this easily…”
Kenta doubted that. Kayda was a fierce girl, one who could give Kimmie a run for her money when it came to switching moods.  As upset as she’d been when she’d found out her dad had been cheating on her mom, she didn’t have a lot of tolerance for secrets anymore.  There’d probably be a lot of yelling involved when she did find out.   He hoped he wouldn’t be in the room when it went down.
“Still plenty of food,” Dad said.  “You two want to join us?  Cake should be coming out by the time we’re all done.”
“Cake?” Kimmie repeated. “There’s cake!  Is it chocolate?”
Dad just laughed at that. “Of course it is.  I know it’s your favorite, Kimiko.”
“You’re the best, Unc!”
Kenta’s own stomach was rumbling.  Now that he wasn’t wound up with anxiety, he realized how hungry he was.  “Oh yeah,” he said.  “I’m hungry enough to eat a car.”
Dad just rolled his eyes. “This is a kitchen, kid.  Not an autoshop.”  Dad always ribbed him about his Quirk.  It was mean good naturedly, so he wasn’t bothered by it.  Even he knew his Quirk was kind of weird.  Though he really wouldn’t mind a little scrap metal, come to think of it…
They all laughed at that, as he and Kimmie joined them at the table.  And things, things weren’t so bad.
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The Lotto (Part 7/?) (TJeff x Reader)
Part 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 //  7  // 8 // to be continued…
Masterlist    Ask
Trigger Warnings: Jealousy, Sexism, 1 Curse-Word, Bad Memories (Trauma), Calling Dibs on someone
 Description: I don´t know how to write descriptions….
Words: 1344
Y/N … Your Name
Y/L/N … Your Last Name
Y/F/N … Your Friend´s Name
A few months after Y/F/N came back, you sit in the backyard at Monticello, bored to death. Thomas is in a cabinet meeting and Sally has a lot of work to do in the house, as well as the other slaves, who befriended you, do. You decide to go to Y/F/N´s estate and tell Sally where you´re going. “Sally, when Thomas comes back from the meeting, can you tell him, that I´m at Y/F/N´s house?” “Of course, Y/N!” she smiles at you. “Will you be back for dinner?” she asks you while you step out of the house. You shout back into the house: “Yes, I will! See you later, Sally!” “Have a great time Y/N!”
After walking through the city, you reach your friends home. You smile to yourself and knock. You hear the old, heavy door open and meet with the old, but kind face of Y/F/N´s butler. “Ah, good afternoon, Ms. Y/L/N.” he greets you. “Hello James. How many times have I told you, just call me Y/N.” you put your hand lightly on his arm and he smiles up to you. “Of course, Y/N. I assume you´re here for Ms. Y/F/N?” You nod as an answer. “She´s in the garden. Will you be staying for dinner?” he asks you. “Oh, no. But thank you! I´ll be eating at home.” You don´t notice how you say home instead of Monticello or Thomas´ estate, but James notices and smiles. You make your way to the garden and find Y/F/N.
“Y/N! What a wonderful surprise! What brings you here today?” she asks you, laughing. You run into her arms and hug her. “Hi! I was bored, so I came here. How are you? And you still haven´t told me how you came here!” you look expectantly at her. She rolls her eyes. “Fine, I´ll tell you. Come, sit!” You sit down on the blanket and start to listen.
“So, do you still remember when you ran onto the deck during the storm on the ship?” You nod. “Well, I decided that I couldn´t leave you alone… I mean, what if you would´ve fallen off?” You interrupt her with a smirk. “Well, actually, I did fall off.” “Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean!” Y/F/N lightly punches your arm. “Ow!” You punch her arm too. “Anyway... I quickly got dressed and got out of the room when I saw you, falling over the railing, caught by the wave.” She looks into the distance. “I tried to find a crewmember, or a passenger, or, or… anyone! But there wasn´t anybody! No one! Not even on the bridge… I tried to look for something, to get help, but then the ship hit something and it sank… There was this burning in my lungs and I wasn´t able to stay above the water. I lost consciousness and woke up at the shore.”
There are tears in her eyes and you only notice now that there are some rolling down your cheeks. There is a thick silence between the two of you. You crawl over to her side and hug her. “I’m sorry… I-I shouldn´t have spent the money on that cruise.” You murmur. Y/F/N pats your back. “Hey, it´s ok. It´s not your fault. And we didn´t die…I think” She chuckles. “And, we found each other again! Now, let´s stop talking about the past… or future? Whatever! We´ll just stop talking about sad stuff.” She laughs, which makes you laugh. “Ok, ok! What do you want to talk about?”
You have a fun afternoon, sitting in the backyard with Y/F/N and you ask each other different questions about your new lives. You laugh through the whole afternoon, until Y/F/N asks you a particular question. “So… since when are you and Mr. Jefferson together?” You start coughing and feel the heat rising to your cheeks. “T-Thomas and me?” You ask, unsure if you heard her correctly. “Yes. You act like a couple, you look at each other like a couple and the people in town think you’re a couple!” You laugh awkwardly. “Oh… Thomas and I aren´t together…” But I wish we were, you think. “So, It´s okay for me to call dibs on him?”
You look at her. No! No, Y/N! Do NOT say yes! No!! You hesitate. “Ummm, sure, heh…” You rub your neck. “Oh, ok, I thought you have a crush on him or something like that!” She puffs relieved and watches the river a few meters away. She doesn´t see the heartbroken expression on your face. You quickly change your expression and ask Y/F/N to break the silence between the both of you. “So, do you have any plans for today?” “No, why?” “Well, there´s a farmer´s market in town today, do you want to go?” She smiles, stands up and helps you up. “Sure, I´ll just tell James that we´re going.” She runs off to her house, while you walk, thinking about what Y/F/N said. You get pulled out of thoughts, when Y/F/N links her arm in yours. “Hey! What´re you thinking ´bout?” She nudges you and you look at the ground. “Oh, nothing…” You trail off. She just shrugs and pulls you to your carriage.
Soon, you arrive at the market and stroll around, your arm linked in Y/F/N´s. You laugh with Y/F/N about the cabinet meetings, different gossip and other topics. Suddenly, you hear a woman scream. “You whore!” A man shouts. You quickly run towards the source of the scream. What you see is shocking. You see a tall, broad-shouldered man hitting a woman, already lying on the ground. You look around for help, but the people either stand there and stare, or just ignore the whole thing! Before you know it, you stand in front of the woman, facing the aggressive man. “What´s wrong with you?” you spit at him. “You have no right to hit her! She didn´t do anything wrong!” You scream. You notice that he has a big stain on his, probably expensive, suit. “That whore spilled a drink on my jacket! She deserves to be punished!” You can´t believe your ears. Did he really just say what you understood? The only thing you feel in your chest right now is hate towards this man in front of you. “What did you just say? She spilled a drink?” His face moves dangerously close to yours. You eyebrows knit together and he sneers. “She. Spilled. A. Drink. On. Me.” He punctuates every word as if you´re a small child. You are fuming and spit in his face. He stumbles back and you quickly help the woman up. She thanks you, but then gasps. You quickly turn back and see the man throwing a punch towards you. You shut your eyes and put your hands in front of your face, but the fist never collides with you.
You peek through your fingers and see Thomas, swinging his fist into the jaw of the man, who tried punching you just moments ago. You still have to register everything, when you note that, meanwhile, Thomas grabs the man´s collar and growls in a low voice. “Leave her alone! Do not, ever, treat a woman like that! Now go, before I change my mind!” Thomas pushes him, so he falls on the ground, where the woman was laying before. The man´s eyes grow wide and he tries to scramble from the ground. He quickly runs into the distance.
The people around you cheer and applaud. Thomas watches them disappointed. You notice his frown and go to him. You hug him and whisper. “Thank you!” He hugs you back and you look up to him, he´s still frowning. “Why are you frowning?” you ask unsure. “I don´t understand. Why didn´t anybody else help you, or-or the woman? I´m disappointed in our community…” His eyes lock with yours.
Y/F/N runs towards you and Thomas. “Y/N! Thomas! That was so brave of you!” You notice that she actually means Thomas and you can´t help but feel something in the pit of your stomach.
A/N: Finally there´s another part finished! It really took a long time… I had a writer´s block and I had a few problems with my family. But everything´s okay again. School´s almost over, so I´ll write more very soon! I hope you liked this Part as well! Requests are always open! See you soon!
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thatthinghere · 6 years
Hell in Hand-basket
Welp.... we all saw it coming the moment Yahoo! bought the website. Since I never really made any posts since...2015??? I think, don’t matter now don’t give shit anyways.  Over the years it has been up and down but never have I been in a situation of life and death or in harms way. From this hell site I learned many things, and various lessons. But there are a few I have come to grasp and basically have in grained into my head. Keep in mind this does vary from absolute stupid shit that just resulted in more stupid shit I have seen to completely serious and compelling subjects. 1. Everyone has an opinion and they will fight for it.      Oh boy staring off strong here, anyways. People can and will fight for their          opinion whether in peace bring forth an interesting conversation that inspires      and makes others think, share and debate. On the other hand... then there          are people who simply can’t handle one’s opinion and will do anything to              either change that person’s outlook or basically witch hunt/run them out of            town because of it. And this is where I say,  yes each point in going to have          two basic sides of the metaphorically coin.
2. Fandoms are an absolute fucking nightmare. 
    Here we go, as the auto double space bullshit begins, strap in folks, this bitch      got something to say to all of you. Fandoms... now everyone has some                strong take away from them, I, myself have my own take away from this. On        the one had you have the people who put so much love, passion and skill in        creative writing, cosplay, art, tributes, music and so much more. They are            people who embrace other welcoming them giving them a place to express          and share with those that share the same interests. People have discovered        themselves in fandoms and have show that as a group of people they will            defend. fight and uplift to their fandom alive. Oh but that other side of the coin      that exists! Oh boy! You know what I am talking about here, the shippers, the      gate keepers, the rabid and obsessive. They people who will not hesitate to        do anything to make your life miserable just because you don’t ship                      something or you have a different opinion. The ones who go to the creators,        the actors or anyone involved with the fixation threatening them, bulling them,      making demands that they have no right or position to make. This is the              reason fandoms are a fucking nightmare to me, I haven't actually been in a          real fandom since I was a teen but what I learned is that you only need a              small group of people to really enjoy yourself. So don’t be afraid of nightmare      before you. Pick up your ax and charge in, it’ll be bloody but it will be worth it.
3. Never take anything at face value, always take a gain of salt with it and do your fucking research dammit.
    YEP THERE IS THE FUCKING EXTRA SPACE.... Yeah so don’t take                  anything you see as the truth right away. If it is something that concerns you,      catches your interest or you just don’t know what going on. Well, looking into,      go out there and find the truth, ask a friend, ask a family member, do your            own research on it. Dig deep and never give in till you either find what you or      looking of or in my case most of the time, no longer care about because it a        string of unnecessary drama about something super toxic... Or you just really      want to see where this rabbit hole goes, which by all means if that is your            thing do it! You can learn something interesting after all. but also keep in              mind, the other side of things. Sometimes it best to leave something alone as      it most likely ( let be honest half of the shit on the hell-site is personal drama        or politics (if it politics please get involve, you are always involved with politics      not matter what)) doesn’t directly involve you. Because when you get                  involved in gossip and drama, more than often you get dragged into, so pick        your battles wisely, or in this case topics. 4. For the love of all things good and holy, DO NOT mix your personally and professional online foots prints together.
    Okay this is from watching others mostly but also from the advice of friends          and my experiences. Be careful where you place your information. there are        many places and people that can see you. Potential employers, family, media      companies and so much more. but I am sticking to a short list right now.              While having your information online if help to many people it can also be            very dangerous and damaging to your reputation. Really that is it. My advice        have two accounts, one strictly for being professional for you potential                  employers and one just for you and all the bullshit life throws at you. Just so        that you end up saying something that you boss or someone with ill intent            can whisk your life away. Now this doesn’t always work but its better than you      boss discovering you NSFW art gallery. Trust me it’s an awkward                          conversation.
5. Tumblr is shitty. 
    This place is fucking shitty, it used to be good and had potential of being the        best but that was thrown out the window when they stopped listening to users      which I assume was long before I even signed up for this place. And Yahoo!        yeah they turned it into another version of Myspace, which is dead may I              mind you! Very dead! By taking away all adult content they have shutdown so      many people’s lively hood. All because they decided to ignore the problem of      porn bots and the very alarming amount of pedophile blogs, now instead of          taking the time to actually speak with the community they issue a ban, they          punish everyone for it. And that is fucking messed up, but then again we live        in a pretty messed up world. But kids, adults, freak, nerds and everything in-        between and under the sun! Always listen to the people around when you are      building a community, they will be the ones to tell you whats is wrong and            what they want most. By listening to them and solving want they want you            create a trust, you create a relationship that will help your community grow          bigger and better. After all when you attract more people, you gain more help,      more insight, more knowledge and that is the most important thing of all. But        remember do what would benefit the community more than it would yourself. In closing I will insert something here It has been a fucking trip watching the raise and seeing the fall happen before my eyes. There was nothing more fascinating, fun, and very mush weird about this place. I have met people, made relationships, cut up toxic relationship, seen people grow and blossom. And all I have to say is to all you reading this. I am proud of you. Maybe you will take something away from this and make a change. Or perhaps you go out and live life, go get hurt, do something stupid just live. And remember Tumblr is a hell site I will see you on Pillowfort in the future.  That_Thing_Here Signing off! Smell ya later!
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