#Smutty Wednesday
rippersz · 1 year
𝑨 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍-𝑻𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕:
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(A Dom!Larissa Weems x Sub!Reader one-shot; NSFW) (BDSM; powerplay; blindfolds; mirror sex; explicit language; body image; petplay; bondage; etc.) - 16 pages of pure smut. Around 7K words.
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“I’m starved, darling.”
Her voice was a mere whisper in your ear, like the snake that tempted Eve. Soft and succulent and utterly delicious. You could feel the sweet of it run down the side of your lip and dribble down your chin; a result of your obedience. As if she was holding the unholy apple above your mouth, coring it and watching with delight as its juice raced over the plane of your lolling tongue. That delighted her as well, watching the way it twitched - utterly uncontrollable. Done by the body’s functions alone. You could envision her smile behind the dark cloth covering your eyes; that smirk, all red lipped and evil while soaking in her control. Knowing she had it was something intoxicating to her - like a drug you slipped into her palm by merely existing. She said sit and you sat. She said put your hands behind your back and you did. She said jump and you asked how high. She said stick out your tongue and out your tongue went. Like a gift.
“Do you know what I’m craving, sweetheart?” The warmth of her breath was something handmade by the gods. It left you shuddering and shaking your head - sparked purely by the innate need to please.
“No? No idea? Not even an inkling?” Her tone was condescending. Wicked. Lilting and full of fake kindness. It had your heart running wild, jumping off of the edge of your ribcage like a swimmer with a diving board. Her eyes, for you could feel their burn, were tracing over every inch of your body; admiring what was hers. What was all hers. The only thing you could do (if you didn’t wish to break her rules) was shake your head again, insisting silently that you didn’t know what she craved but that you wanted to- you really wanted to- please- please she just needed to say-
“Dumb little thing… I’m hungry for you, pet.”
And strong cold hands wrapped around your shoulders, laying long fingers down- one… two… three… four… five… allowing them to clench with strength that hinted at something stronger. Bigger. From an outsider’s perspective, you probably looked like dragon’s prey. With the beast standing over you, weighing judgment for your sins, trapping you within its hold so you couldn’t get away. You made a brief mental note to share that metaphor with Larissa once the scene was done. She would surely enjoy the thought of adding you to her shiny horde. ‘My most precious bit of treasure,’ she’d murmur with warm delight…
Oh it would be such a far cry from the chill that ran through your bones then, biting into your knees as you sat there on the floor. Poised for her. Larissa’s very own Galatea… carved perfectly from soft skin instead of hard stone. Glowing with a light not from Aphrodite but from pleasure; absolutely ravished in the attention of a salacious woman. Of your salacious woman. With her sapphire eyes and carmine lips and sweetened breath and porcelain skin and platinum hair and strong legs and hands and arms… like someone plucked the forbidden fruit from Eve’s garden and morphed the apple into a woman. A woman so unreachable… so untouchable that not even you could move to brush the slightest bit of your fingertips across the smooth surface of her kitten heels. The same kitten heels that framed your kneeling body… ever so close to the quivering hands that were bound and resting against the small of your back.
You were sweating, you realized. Only lightly - but you felt as though a flame were burning you from the inside out. Making your body hot to the touch and creating a cool contrast as soon as Larissa’s palms settled. You reveled in the feeling. You reveled in your helplessness.
You reveled in your submission.
“Are you willing to give yourself up to me, little one?” Your lover’s voice was soft and cloying. Deceptively innocent and light. As if she didn’t know your answer - but she did. She always did.
And after a moment of silence, one where you felt suspended in time, hesitant to talk due to earlier commands, Larissa’s deep chuckle met your ears.
“Good girl… you may speak now, darling. Answer me.”
And so you did. Your tongue felt strange when you finally pulled it back into your mouth, but after a quick swallow and clearing of your throat, you croaked out a small “Yes.” She was quick to rectify your mistake.
“Yes, who?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Both of you seemed to let out dual quiet sighs of relief as soon as the title passed over your lips. It was your safe haven. Your middle ground. The thing that tethered both of you to reality and kept you rooted within the moment; reminding you both of your trust. She was your Mistress. You were her puppy. Her darling. Her sweet girl. Her disgusting little whore. Her everything. She told you to jump and you did. She told you to speak and you did. She told you to hold out your hands for them to be bound behind your back and you did. ‘Stick out your tongue, pup. No speaking until I say so, understood?’ ‘Back straight, thighs together… there we go. Good girl~’ ‘So pretty for me… are you ready to begin?’ And sometimes the domination was far from sexual. Sometimes it was just her making sure you ate. Sometimes it was just her falling asleep with her arms around your body. Sometimes it was just her holding your hand in public and giving it two squeezes to discreetly ask if you were alright.
The push and pull, to put it simply, was marvelous.
And there were occasions, too, when Larissa wasn’t feeling it. When the world tipped one of her scales a bit too far and when the personalities of others became trying and finicky. During those times, during those sacred moments, you took over. And the beauty that stemmed from that was far more abstract - less concrete and more flowing. You were not Larissa’s Mistress, but she was your baby. Your Larissa. Your beautiful girl. And you cherished the moments in which she’d allow you to wind your arms around her thighs, tug her closer, and love on the heaven between her legs until she was shaking and gasping and pleading and pulling your hair and getting so close- so cl-close- so close close close closeclosecl- close!- only to let out a loud long whine when you reared back at the last second, taking her pleasure with you. Yes yes yes, such submission from your strong intelligent lover was an ego boost to the highest degree.
But with each indulgence came a price. And every time you felt yourself trip over your power, nearly righting yourself and grasping control, a cool strong hand pressed against the tender spot between your shoulder blades and pushed you over the metaphorical edge. Knocking you to your knees. Wrapping a fistful of your hair over her knuckles, letting it pool into her palm, just so she could pull your head back and remind you of your real place.
Beneath her. Always beneath her….
The most adorable little pet she’d ever had the pleasure of encountering.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Larissa’s voice interrupted your train of thought, emanating a strong sense of smug satisfaction.
You felt the need to squirm in place; to check your posture and reset your pose; to straighten your shoulders and flex your fingers; but your Mistress’s hands distracted you. They traced the bare skin of your arms, right down to each elbow, warming you even further with their soft touch. And as soon as you leaned back into the feeling, wishing to experience the softness of her legs pressed to your shoulder blades and spine, she was gone. Her warm touch disappeared - her heels click-clacked their way out of range - her fingertips skated along the side of your neck, down its slope, before falling away. Of course then it didn’t take long for you to frown, wishing she was still there, disliking the fact that she had walked off. But when Larissa next spoke, her voice came from directly in front of you.
“Now,” she whispered, low and calm, “tell me why you’re here, pup.”
You swallowed a whimper, feeling your core lurch with hot desire at the sound of that delicious little pet name slipping off of her velvet tongue. It was one of your favorites - one of the only ones that made you melt oh so quickly. And Larissa wielded it with an immense amount of wicked power. The call of it came like a siren’s tune, and you were slave to the warmth that washed into your abdomen when she used it to torture you. Just as she did then; knowing you’d have trouble focusing.
Yet still, you pushed on. After all, you were not there for fun and games. Oh no no no, it was a lesson - as your Mistress had said. And she rarely changed her mind.
“I did something bad,” you responded, meek and small.
“Mm,” your woman hummed shortly, most likely nodding as she contemplated her next words. Early on into your relationship you found that she typically enjoyed doing that - taking a moment to rifle through her vocabulary just so she could conjure the most heart-stoppingly sinful sentences known to man. And once you fell deeper into your play and into your role as her darling girl… well then you were never safe from her eloquence. And her next words proved it. “And tell me, my sweet pup, what did you do to upset me?” The evil innocent tone returned.
You hesitated. The words built up on your tongue. There was so much more behind your reason. Behind your action. You hadn’t meant to, really. Your mind just… tended to wander. And though your relationship was built on trust, finding it to be the most important pillar you stood on, you found yourself slipping into a rather negative mindset some hours ago. It started in the middle of the night while Larissa was sleeping. She’d turned over in bed, getting more comfortable to face the other way and relieve the ache in her shoulder. Sometimes sleeping was hard, so you’d admire her and think about your lover until Morpheus drew you away. Though on that night, last night, your eyes traced the outline of her body- from the curve of her calf to the gentle contoured muscles of her back to the tousled platinum hair that spilled across the pillow- and you found yourself growing sad. Weary. Hurt. Nothing had happened and yet you still laid there, wondering if maybe you would never be good enough for Larissa. She had been through so much in her life - overcome nearly every bit of diversity and every bit of bullying and every bit of stress - and came out on top in the end. A kindhearted, brilliant, intelligent, beautiful woman that ran her Academy with the grace and care of a true golden soul. You admired her so much that it was difficult to put into words. And you’d tried in the past, you had, but it was futile. No one compared to Larissa Weems. But you were sure- certain- many people compared to you. You, who didn’t graduate nearly top of her class. You, who didn’t have such a high-earning, well-known career. You, who didn’t have particularly enchanting features and whose voice sometimes squeaked at the most inopportune times. You, with curves a bit bigger than most. You, with a mind so busy and cluttered that you could barely wade through it without feeling as though you were drowning. Yes, there were many women who could compare to you. Who were better than you. Who would give up their livelihoods to share even a bit of romantic air with Larissa Weems. And those women were beautiful… and they didn’t need so much comfort… and they could go a day without feeling slight panic whenever spending more than 3 hours having not heard from their lover. And those women, some of them at least, had money. The funds to buy Larissa whatever she wanted; the coin needed to tend to their own cosmetic needs - to get their nails done and their hair styled and to purchase the best products available so that their skin was soft and smelled of roses whenever Larissa was around to worship it. You couldn’t do that. You didn’t have that type of money - not yet at least. And maybe you never would. But either way… either way…
“I- I was mean to myself,” you felt the need to explain, “but I didn’t mean to upset you, I just-”
“Hush… darling.” Larissa spoke quickly, cutting you off with kind intentions as her palms came up to frame your face. Her fingertips caressed the spaces beneath your ears, drawing slow circles that had you keening and shivering. “I understand, my love,” her words, chosen carefully again, worked to put your mind at ease, “and I know. I know you didn’t ‘mean to’ sweetheart - but I’m not upset. I’m not upset with you.” Her loving tone had you blinking back tears. “Here,” her fingers moved to the loose knot behind your head, “do you want me to remove this, love? So we can talk eye to eye?”
You knew she had the best intentions behind her offer, but you still found yourself worrying.
“I don’t want to stop the play Mistress please-”
“We won’t stop if you don’t want to, my sweetling. We’ll just pause. Does that sound okay?”
And it did. It sounded more than okay. So you nodded and just like that, the blindfold was taken off. Slowly and gently, peeled away from your face, revealing the breathtaking smile that glued itself to your lover’s painted lips. You blinked a few times, getting yourself familiar with the dim grey light that filtered into the room from the windows. The rain had been off and on for the past few days, painting the world in gloomy colors, but it was lovely that you and Larissa agreed that stormy weather was the best weather. And as soon as your vision became comfortable, you gave your lover a small reassuring smile - silently telling her that you were okay. The sight of it seemed to put her at ease nearly instantly as she slid the blindfold away and put her hands on your face again. Her expression was open, vulnerable in its compassion as she stared at you. There was no desire to hold herself back; she could admire if she wished to. And she did. Those sapphire eyes of hers were wicked in their warmth, reflecting her slight worry as her brows scrunched together and the lines in her face deepened with sincerity.
“Better?” She questioned, drawing your eyes to her lips.
“Mhm,” you hummed with a small nod.
“Mhm?” Came her high-toned teasing response, making you blush and shrink into yourself. She took that reaction as a ‘yes’ and let out a little chuckle at the sight of your bashfulness. “Okay darling… would you like to pick up where we left off? We can talk about it or continue.”
Her tone had changed, becoming more serious as the topic shifted. You appreciated it of course, but the lust that tugged at the back of your psyche hated the delay in your… activities and wanted something more. Something close. Wanted Larissa - which was not unusual. So you answered with a sweet middle ground.
“May I explain myself first?” Your eyes were shining with love when you next looked at her.
“You never have to ask me that, love. Yes, of course. I am listening,” and she really was. Her fingers continued their soothing circles beneath your ears as she knelt in front of you and paid close attention.
“Right, thank you,” you nodded and took a deep breath before staring into those blue eyes and pouring a bit more of your heart out onto the floor for her. “I just- um- overthinking, you know? It can become a bit overwhelming and… I’m just really sorry. For isolating and- and doubting your love for me.” Your lips turned down into a frown.
The self-isolation truly had been an accident; you didn’t even realize you were doing it until Larissa returned to your quarters and coaxed you out of bed. You were quiet and dim while she stopped in for a visit, keeping your eyes on the floor and your responses short. That alone was enough for the headmistress to cancel the rest of her plans for the day and stay with you. And after some much-needed cuddling and quiet time, a kiss led to two- then three- then things progressed… and you soon found yourself on the bedroom floor, kneeling in front of your full-body mirror, waiting for instruction. Larissa knew what your thought process was, she understood your struggle, and that’s why she triple-checked if you still wanted to go through with a scene before you started. It was a more taboo way of establishing comfort and reassurance, but you felt safe. Protected. And the lust kept the bad feelings at bay. Larissa knew to take all of that into account when she thought of her lesson - and she hoped above all else that it would stick. Just like her next words did as soon as her dulcet tones caressed your ears.
“Please Y/n, don’t apologize. I understand my darling. I know it’s hard. I know…” she cooed, gently bringing you closer until your foreheads were pressed together. Oh she smelled so good; of Gardenias and fresh laundry. If you could wrap yourself up in her forever, you would. “But it’s going to be okay. Tell me,” Larissa inhaled, moving back a little bit to look you in the eye. Her expression was serious but her eyes were lit from the inside - swirling with mirth and love and a million other beautiful things that made you feel like you were floating. “Do you trust me?”
You didn’t even think to hesitate.
“Of course.” You trusted her with everything. You trusted her with your life, with your heart, with every thought in your mind. You trusted her with your breath.
“Then trust me when I say that I have never loved anyone in the way I love you,” Larissa breathed, licking her dry lips, darting her gaze between your eyes. “And I don’t think- no, no I know- I’ll never want anyone else. Ever.” And the radiant smile that pulled at her beautiful mouth then - the fascinating way it sharpened at the edges and how endearing it was to see those perfectly imperfect pearly whites shining in the dim light of the afternoon… how it revealed every delightful thing she felt for you… well you simply couldn’t help yourself.
It probably would have been easier if your hands weren’t tied behind your back, but the beat of your heart enjoyed the thrill your body felt when falling forward, eager to catch Larissa in a kiss. And being the ever-observant, impossibly understanding woman she was, she met you halfway. Moving her hands from your face to your biceps, stabilizing you in your spot, letting out a long indulgent moan as soon as your lips connected - it all felt like divinity personified. And while you sat there languishing, moving your mouths in a slow aching tandem that had your lips tingling afterward, embracing the nearly sadistic way Larissa’s tongue caressed your own, the fire in your abdomen rose again. It clawed at you and begged for her. Sang for her.
“Thank you,” came your whiny breath, spoken against the soft skin of Larissa’s lips. “Thank you, thank you, I love you. So much.” And before she could respond, you kissed her again. And again. And again. And your lover’s hands were wicked as they danced along the expanse of your chest, down the delicate rolls of your tummy, right down to the velvet of your thighs. Those strong fingers of hers squeezed and pinched and tickled, driving you mad, making you shudder. And as soon as Larissa pulled away, quickly moving to press a warm palm against the center of your chest, a loud keening mewl escaped your throat. Once you opened your eyes, daring to fix her with a pout, admiring the way a string of spit kept your wanting lips tethered, you felt yourself falling back into the beautiful malleable headspace of being Larissa’s darling.
“Oh,” she breathed, looking at you with eyes that rivaled the blue-dark of dusk, “you’re feeling it again, aren’t you sweetheart?”
“Yes, Mistress,” you swallowed harshly, trying to relieve the sudden dryness of your throat.
Ever the most observant in the room, your lover caught your slight discomfort and tempered her smile - making it soft and small as she patted your thighs and stood up. You didn’t need to be a genius to figure what she was doing; the sound of her heels being kicked off and placed neatly by the bedroom door said enough. And a moment later, Larissa came padding back into the room with a glass of cool water in one hand and a damp cloth in the other. A quick mildly confused glance at the blue towel had her smirking.
“This won’t take long, pup,” were her words while she placed it on the floor and took a seat behind you, letting her legs frame your thighs. Leaning around, she placed the glass to your lips and watched intently as you took small sips. There was no prompting needed and there were no words said. Just the gentle tip and take, tip and take. You were thirsty and your Mistress provided. And the eye-contact you made, sharing your thanks and your appreciation and your knowledge of her love had her lighting up with the warmest little grin. “Is that enough?” She asked softly as she pulled the glass away one last time and ran the pad of her thumb along the corners of your lips.
“Yes, thank you,” your volume matched her whisper, quiet and reassuring.
A blonde eyebrow rose. You smiled shyly, amused by your own slip up.
“Yes, thank you Mistress.” And that seemed to be enough for her as she inclined her head and leaned back to sit up straight, correcting her posture and setting her shoulders and… oh…
When your eyes glanced up, locking onto the glass in front of you, you felt a river of desire burn hot within your body. Oh she was practically looming. So… so tall behind you… long legs spread… and you watched, utterly entranced, as she placed the glass down on the hardwood floor and then turned that pale graceful neck in one slow swoop, immediately fixing her gaze on yours through the reflection of the mirror. Oh your Mistress looked just as hungry as she said she was. Her expression practically screamed ‘Let me devour you’, but her actions were the thing that spoke to utter devastation.
“Adjust for me, pup,” her breath was sweet against your ear, making your hair move ever so slightly as she glided her hands down your sides and to your thighs, helping you maneuver yourself into a better position.
You winced at the ache behind your knees. There would most likely be bruises there tomorrow, but you never really minded that. It was just a trophy of sorts - a testament to your excellent skill of following directions. And once you were finally in the desired pose, stretching your legs out in front of you to quell the dull ache and relieve any pressure, Larissa took it upon herself to adjust you further. She let out a small huff of delight when you squeaked in surprise, taken aback by her speed once her legs moved and wound themselves around yours; using the strength of her calves and thighs to pull your legs apart, bend them so your feet were flat to the floor, and keep you spread open for her viewing pleasures. Instantly, you looked away; averting your eyes to the ceiling as embarrassment tugged at you. Air fled to the newly exposed skin and chilled the insides of your arousal-painted thighs, leaving you flushed and shivering in your Mistress’s grasp. The very same Mistress who had a mean streak for seeing you flustered and at a loss for words - making sure to maintain eye contact as long fingers wrapped around the front of your chin and jaw and tugged your head down.
“Look,” Larissa growled, her soft lips looking perfect despite the smudged lipstick. Her eyes were smoldering. Her body was poised to strike. “Look at yourself,” she repeated, softer, gentler, allowing you the time to obey.
And obey you did.
Sometimes it was hard to look in the mirror. You knew you were self-conscious and you were okay with telling people that, mainly because they usually felt the same. But ever since being with Larissa, that changed. The days in which you cringed at yourself became more and more rare - and only occasionally did you find yourself scrutinizing your body. You’d done it earlier that morning; staring into the same mirror; nearly falling apart at what you saw. But as you sat there then, in a completely different mood and light, you felt at least a little bit more empowered. And your eyes roamed helplessly, thinking only of pleasing Larissa.
From the slight line of your collarbone to the curve of your biceps, leading to the sides of your body as your forearms disappeared behind your back. From the chub of your tummy and the way it folded oh so naturally to the hills of your thighs, pressed outward and trembling with desire. From the crests of your knees to the blush of your chest to the dilated pupils in your eyes, going right down… down… down to the swollen wet heaven between your legs. Without even realizing it, your eyes darted away, spooked like an anxious bunny. But the wolf behind you noticed - and the wolf behind you was having none of it. The hand around your chin shook slightly. Your breath got caught in your throat.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, pup.”
And because her authority did unspeakable things to you, your gaze went sliding back to the main attraction. To the ambrosia Larissa desired. To the peak of your femininity. To the throbbing source of lust that sent warm lines of need through your veins.
“There we go…” Your Mistress’s hush had you shaking as her breath caressed the soft skin of your neck. “So pretty, aren’t you?” At your moment of silence, she pressed a kiss to the curve of your shoulder and kept her eyes burning into yours. “Aren’t you?” Her voice deepened.
Instantaneously, you nodded. It was hard to believe - it was - but if Larissa believed it… if Larissa believed it… then yes. Yes, absolutely. Yes yes yes. And your Mistress, thank heavens, let the lack of words slip for once and continued talking. Her fingers went lax around your chin and moved to caress your jaw, sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes, so pretty,” her cheek pressed lightly against yours, “so… so… beautiful… so brilliant, darling.”
You swallowed, taking in the sight of you all over again. Larissa’s legs keeping yours in place - Larissa’s hand on the side of your face - Larissa’s other hand inching along the softness of your inner thigh - Larissa’s gaze never wavering from where it’s poised over your shoulder - Larissa’s control wired through every tendon in her body - and Larissa’s lips pulled into the most sinful smirk as her fingers move faster than lightning and go to part the lips of your cunt. Leaving it bare and spread and cold. Leaving it wet and aching and open to her and only her. Your hips jumped, sparked by the touch, desperate for more. More more more.
“M-mistress-,” you whined, lips quivering.
“What?” Was her harsh reply as she used her middle and pointer finger to pull more - to stretch more - to leave the softness of your cunt on display. “What is it, puppy?”
You felt your brain fizzle into nothing. You felt your hands tighten into fists behind your back. Not a word was scrawled onto your tongue. Your lips parted helplessly. ‘Please,’ you wanted to say, ‘please please please. I need it. You. Anything. Everything you’re willing to give me. Please please please.’ But the only thing that came out was a small stuttering keen, flitting in and out of sound, making a raging storm of embarrassment boil within you. You didn’t often mean to make the sounds you made! Not always! It just… happened. Like your body had no control while your Mistress was present. Like it knew that she wanted a show and that it was the proper time to shine. To deliver. And with that, you bowed your head and averted your eyes.
That was strike one.
A quick wet ‘smack!’ rang out into the silence, breaking the erotic heaviness of your breath. At first, you were confused as to where the sound came from… but then the sting settled. And the impact snapped you back into yourself. And your hips jerked without control, startled by the suddenness of your Mistress’s cruelty. The columns of her fingers reprimanded you swiftly, landing firmly onto the lips of your cunt and the needy bud of your clit. Striking them only once but leaving your toes curling in a wicked mix of surprise, pleasure, and pain. You looked up into the mirror, eyes wide, taking in the way your skin began to turn red.
“Oh did I hurt you, pup? I’m sorry…” Larissa cooed, figuring that the only thing to make it better was to massage the pain away.
And in the very next moment, your body tensed. You watched, suspended in horror and anticipation, as one slim fingertip, dexterous and hellbent, dipped between the folds of your haven and began drawing slow… slow… slow circles around your clit.
“M- Miss- hah-” you tried mumbling her name, tried getting the title out to tell her yes yes yes feels so good, but all you could do was allow your lips to fall open and your head to fall back, resting against her shoulder as you gasped.
The pleasure she granted you was often indescribable - and it didn’t help that she could destroy you so easily. One long dark glance, one hand upon your arm, one word spoken against your ear - she wielded her seduction like a very carefully sharpened sword. And then she stabbed you with it until you were a mess on the bed. Or the couch. Or the floor. Or the countertop. And you reciprocated when you could- really, you often wanted to- but your Mistress quite enjoyed running through you so thoroughly. And her lesson in front of the mirror was no different.
“What’s wrong puppy?” Her tone spoke of fake sympathy. “Am I hurting you, darling?”
You picked your head up to plead with her- to tell her to go faster because your thighs were shaking and your cunt was aching and you felt so empty inside- but her touch was retreating as soon as you opened your mouth.
“No,” you whispered, gazing at her in the glass. “No no no,” your head was shaking back and forth; a testament to your desperation.
But your Mistress was not often shaken by things like that. Only the devil herself could withstand seeing her sinful little angel beg for pleasure; only the devil could step back and watch the poor thing drown in lust - and since that was the case, you figured Larissa was Satan in the flesh. She tore you apart and put you back together. She unraveled you and reclaimed your pieces. She pressed hot open kisses to your neck and let out little hums against your ear before running the flats of her palms over the skin of your thighs.
“I want you to tell me something,” she whispered, mindlessly splaying her fingers. Your eyes met in the mirror. Hers were dark and hooded. Yours were blown wide with suspenseful need. You nodded, lost for words. “I want you to tell me that I live lavishly.”
You frowned, momentarily confused. What did she mean? Yes- she did. She lived lavishly, sort of. No mansion and no riches, but definitely expensive clothing and trinkets and things of the sort. And she often treated you to pricey gifts and dinners and such. But why did she need-
“Just say it, pup.”
You licked your lips. “You- um- you live lav-lavishly Mistress.”
The pleased grin you got, shadowed by the column of your neck, had you smiling back nervously.
“Good.. good…,” Larissa hummed, pressing a small rewarding kiss to your shoulder. “And what does that mean, pup? What do I… surround myself with?”
And her hands went running along your thighs again, dipping closer and closer to your heaven each time before skittering away. She knew she was messing with your thoughts, but she didn’t particularly care. The cogs in your head were turning slowly, rusted with distracting lust. What did she surround herself with? You took a second to glance around the bedroom - at the mahogany furniture and four poster bed and sky-blue silk sheets and duvet and fluffy white pillows and the pretty patterned egg-shell carpet in the middle of the floor. You took in the high cathedral-style windows, the velvet curtains, Larissa’s ornate vanity, her perfume and makeups and hair-care products, her heels and walk-in closet. You thought about the salary she spent on garments and gloves and coats and how each of her outfits matched the seasons and the way her jewelry tended to sparkle in the light. Such luxuries were not things you could afford on your own. Such luxuries were glorious. Expensive. One could even say…
It came out as an awed whisper. Larissa smiled sharply.
“What was that?”
Her fingers pitter-pattered along your skin. Closer… closer… closer…
“B-beautiful things,” you breathed.
“Mmm,” came her deep purr, spoken into your ear, caressing the inferno within you. “And what does that make you, puppy?”
You swallowed. That- well that made you… goodness, you couldn’t even think it. Your gaze returned to your body. Were you what she said? Were you truly? Were the discolored strikes of lightning across your stretched skin something to be admired? Were the veins of your feet enchanting? Was the hair that graced your upper-lip and sometimes your chin and the spots around your eyebrows all a thing of glory? Were your unkempt nail beds and regularly bowed posture and easily bruised skin all aspects of yourself to be adored?
Well… Larissa certainly thought so.
When you brought your attention away from the cellulite of your thighs and looked up, staring into those cool blue depths, you saw nothing but love. Nothing but desire. She knew you weren’t perfect and she loved you either way. She had you in her hands, leaning against her body, restrained and vulnerable and left open for her amusement. She had you keening and whining and wet beneath her touch. She wanted you. She needed you. She noticed you. And your Mistress lived up to that observation when she tutted lightly - ‘tut tut tut’ - three times with her tongue tapping against the roof of her mouth, spotting your hesitation.
“Say it for me,” her voice spoke devilishly, “say it. Just for me.”
“A-” you swallowed back a noise of anguished desire, “-a… b-beautiful thing…?”
“Is that a question?” She admonished immediately. You shook your head.
“No, Mistress. A beautiful-” you inhaled deeply and let the words out with your breath, “- a beautiful thing.”
Larissa smirked.
You let out a frustrated huff. You just wanted her to touch you. Her hands were so close - her fingertips were caressing the very edges of your heaven - she knew exactly what you wanted. But she wasn’t giving it to you. And your frustration was only another strike.
‘Smack!’ swift rectification was delivered to your cunt, forcing a husky gasp out of your open mouth while your upper body jerked forward- sparked by utter surprise. The sting settled again, red and tingly and sensitive, as you tried to regulate your breathing.
“Again,” your Mistress growled, teeth flashing behind red lips.
“A beautiful th-thing,” you sniffed, abdomen clenching when the pleasure from before slowly resumed - spurred on by Larissa’s gentle ministrations as one fingertip caressed circles around your clit.
“Mmmm there we go,” she drawled, “not so difficult, hm?” You shook your head instantly, not really knowing if it was a genuine question or not. It probably didn’t matter either way as your Mistress’s words continued - flowing like thick wine down the parched skin of your throat. “No, no… so precious…”
And the slow teasing circles became fast - switching to little back and forth swats right over the desperate nub of your clit, pressing light pressure and spreading the stickiness of your desperation over the needy bundle of nerves. You felt heat rise to the surface of your skin, making you sweat as your hips bucked into your Mistress’s hold. Little whines and moans, high-pitched and keening, slipped off of your tongue as wave after wave of lust flowed through your body. You felt your eyelids fall, draping you in darkness while your head went craning back to lean against your lover’s shoulder. Your hands, meanwhile, twitched like mad and clenched together - desperate to grasp at anything so you could ground yourself, but it was to no use. They were firmly tied, just set as a reminder for your obedience. For your submission.
“M-Mi-M-” her title teetered on the edge of your lips but never fell. You looked helpless - useless - pathetic. Whining beneath the dexterous touch of your Mistress; falling apart under the slightest bit of pressure. Drool pooled onto your tongue.
“What do I do with my beautiful things, pet?” She spoke quickly, cutting off your thoughts. You could barely understand what she was asking - but that wasn’t enough. It was a response or nothing. “What do I do with them?”
Your mind scrambled for something- anything- as you reveled in your pleasure. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity of searching for the correct response, you threw your head down and knocked your chin against your chest, eyes still scrunched and face twisted in pleasure.
“T-take care of- of them! Mistress!” You mewled brokenly, moving your hips to match the pace of her touch.
“Oh good girl!” She gasped, delighted by your good thinking, impressed by your cloudy intelligence. Yes yes- you were a good girl- such a good girl- so good for her so good so good so good- “Stick out your tongue.”
Your tongue, wet and quivering, lolled out of your mouth instantly and rested gently between your top row of teeth and your bottom lip, already slowly starting to drip with drool. You could feel her gaze burning into you through the mirror’s reflection. She was enjoying her little lesson oh so much.
“Good good.” You whimpered beneath her praise, feeling the muscles in your hips and legs start to burn with desperation. The very beginnings of your crescendo- your release- your wonderful little death- crested over the temple of your lust, hinting at oncoming pleasure. Larissa could feel the way your clit twitched from her touch, straining hopelessly with each pass of her finger. She loved it. She loved seeing you come undone. She loved seeing you admit to the truth.
“Repeat after me, slut. And don’t miss a beat,” she commanded. “I am beautiful.”
You began shaking your head, silently telling her no- it was too embarrassing- please don’t make me- but your Mistress didn’t care. It was just another strike in her book. Another wet aching ‘slap!’ that kissed against your cunt, making it raw and far more sensitive than it was before - forcing your defenses to crumble. Forcing you to submit wholeheartedly.
“I- I’m beautiful!” you cried, letting your tongue greet the heavy air once more.
“I am strong.”
“I’m- I’m- I am strong! Mis- Mistress, please!”
“I am capable.”
“‘M cap-capable- capable hnngg-”
“I am loved.”
“Y-yes! Loved- loved so much- yesyesyesyesplease-”
“Open your eyes.”
“Op- open-” you blinked as your mind caught up, letting the words fizzle into nothing within your mouth as you peered up at yourself through the mirror.
“There’s my needy girl,” your Mistress cooed, “look at you. Look at your pretty self. Look at your pretty cunt, puppy.”
And you did. You looked- no, admired- yourself. You admired your messy hair and the way little strands plastered themselves to the light sheen of sweat on your forehead. You admired your trembling body and the way the endearing cellulite and chub shook with each rock of your hips. You admired the flush across your skin and the heavy-lidded look of your eyes - and the way your eyebrows furrowed and your tongue trembled. You admired the closeness with your Mistress and how snug you were pressed against her body. Framed between her legs, held down and in place, controlled and loved. One hand working wonders between your legs, caressing your heaven, and one hand trailing along your body- from thigh to breast, feeling and wandering and loving all the same.
“This is just one thing I love about you, Y/n,” Larissa spoke, looking like an angel of desire sitting there behind you; hair askew and blue eyes darkened and red lips parted, silently affected by your longing.
You were shuddering in her hold, letting out a string of mindless sounds as the pleasure increased and increased and increased. The thread of rope in your abdomen was quickly unraveling, close to snapping, close to throwing you over the edge of a mind-blowing climax. And Larissa was relentless in her mission to push you into the depths.
“How good you are for me, how much control you give me,” she hissed, “how pretty you look panting like an eager little whore,” her accent embraced the words in a mind-dizzyingly beautiful hug. She sounded like the angels’ harps. “My needy darling- my pretty little pet- my baby- my Y/n. Mine mine mine. Say it.”
“Y-yours! Yoursyours yours-” you mumbled, eyes rolling back into your head as the wet sounds of your pleasure harmonized with your Mistress’s voice.
“Mineminemine, that’s it. That’s it, little puppy. Good- good.”
And that’s when you felt your mind go blank.
“M-M- ple-please- pleasepleaseplease gonna- gonna cu-cum- cum please- M-Miss-”
The heat was startling. You were shaking. You were crying. You were panting and whining and it felt so- so- sososososo-
“You want to cum, puppy? Is that what you’re trying to tell me? Hm? Beg, darling. Beg for me,” your Mistress demanded, voice as sharp as a knife’s edge.
“Yes, yes,” you gasped, nodding as you spoke and pleaded and begged begged begged- “Please please please I’m- I’m a good girl- good girl- yours- please lemme cum please Mistress- Mommy- Rissa- please- please Larissa PLEASE-!”
The rope snapped. The rocks beneath your feet slipped. The sun fell. The clouds disintegrated. The world clung onto the universe. The heat in your abdomen had you clenching- clenching- clenching-
And Larissa’s touch went away. Faded. Disappeared.
Your ears buzzed.
Your feet dangled off the edge.
The rope held itself together by the thinnest string.
And your Mistress sealed your fate with one word alone.
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Did I do this instead of write more of my book, respond to some requests, and just generally pay attention to life outside of this? Yes. Yes, I did. I did also get a haircut though and I feel quite beautiful. So- anyway. Hope you enjoyed. - Ripley x
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Hii I was wondering if you can do Ajax smut x f!reader where female reader is riding Ajax thank youu!!
Pairings: Ajax Petropolus x Fem!reader Summary: you ride Ajax Warnings: SMUT, unprotected P in V. Note: the way I wrote it kind of seemed like it was their first time doing it, but you can imagine its not I seriously don't know know
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you sighed at your desk in your room, going over the text book
"hey lovely!" your boyfriend walked through you door.
you turned your chair to face him, seeing his nervous smile on his gorgeous face.
he wasn't in his uniform, but a jumper with band shirt peaking out and jeans.
"hey, Jax" you beamed as he walked up to you, kissing your forehead and looking down at your work
"anatomy class?" he questioned, leaning over you as your turned back around the the book
"yeah, moved on to Gorgon anatomy, the questions are so confusing" you sighed, making him laugh
"I would ace this test" he moved to your bed, sitting down and checking his phone after he took his jumper off, getting comfortable
you thought for a second at the questioned that stared up at you.
you got a light bulb moment and turned in your chair again, facing him with a smirk
"say...Your a Gorgon" you bit your lip, making him look up at you
"I'm pretty sure I am, yeah" he joked.
you stood up and walked up to him, standing between his legs
"what if I study you" you whispered, looking slightly down at him
you heard his breath hitch as he put his phone beside him on the bed
"I mean- well uh- w-would that help you?" he stuttered nervously
"I think it would, quite a bit actually" you smiled
"oh- ok well um, what would- do you want me to do?" he gulped
you pushed him down to lay down on your soft bed, covered in light sage sheets.
"just stay there and let me learn about your beautiful body" you crawled on top of him
"ok" he muttered sheepishly, looking anywhere but your eyes
you leaned down to place a soft kiss of him lips, getting more passionate as you moved down his jaw to his neck, leaving wet kisses and sucking on his soft skin, leaving your love bites on him.
Ajax felt himself get hard as you moved you rubbed yourself against his groin. his breathing became thick and heavy as his heart pounded in his chest
he sighed deeply as you went back to kissing him, slipping your tongue deep in his throat, fighting against his own for control.
letting you win, Ajax let himself sink in your bed, grabbing a hold of your waist, guiding your thrust against his clothed length.
you slipped your hands under his shirt, feeling around his torso and chest before pulling it off him, tossing it behind you on your floor before going to leave hickies on his collarbone
Ajax let himself vocalise his pleasure, groaning as he felt you bit down lightly on his neck.
you pulled away as sat up to pull your shirt off, exposing your laced bra.
you felt you core become hot and wet at the sight of him beneath you, groaning in pleasure
you leaned back down to kiss him as he reached up to your beck, fiddling with the clasps of your bra, eager to get it off you.
you helped him out, putting a hand behind your back and getting it off. you slipped it off and threw it on your floor.
you reached down, unbuckling his belt and slipping it through the holes, letting it go with your other clothes before undoing the button and unzipping it.
he kicked pushed them down kicked them off his legs until they fell off the side of the bed.
he sat himself up, head back against your pillow and his head resting on the headboard and he grabbed you hips, sliding them back to your ass, giving it a squeeze.
he loved the way you rolled your skirt up a little higher to your mid thighs and he loved the way you put your hair up in a claw clip, it made him all smiley and giggly when he saw you.
but now that he saw what they look like on your floor, his smiled turned into a slight O shape and his giggles because whines and moans.
you looked down at his boxers as he massaged your breasts
"can I take them off?" you asked
"would it help you for your test" he chuckles lowly
"I think it would help me the most" you bit your lip
he started taking them off, and let you take them off fully to expose his throbbing member that sprung up to his stomach.
now that he he fully bare below you, you took the time to touch ever part of him you wanted.
you pressed a kiss on his jaw, then one his bruised neck, then Collarbone, then chest, going down his stomach, down his happy trail and kissing down to just above his stiff cock.
you sat up on his, resting your clothed pussy against his length, rubbing yourself against him, feeling the wetness on your panties.
he reached down to hold your panties tugging on them until you would take them off.
once they were off, he took them out of your hands and tossed them on the other side of your room before pulling down to kiss you.
Ajax held onto your hips and guided you down as you sank down on his cock, moaning as he reached so high.
Ajax pulled away from you, resting his head back on the headboard.
you started going up slowly after letting yourself adjust to him.
you moved up and down, whimpering when he moved his hips up against yours, adding friction to your thrusts.
he guided your hips forward and back as you went up and down on him.
you held onto his shoulders to stabilize yourself as you quickened your pace, bouncing up and down on his cock.
he hit your G spot making you moan louder an go faster as you dug your nails in his soft skin, leaving marks.
you pushed him down so he's laying down go get a better position.
You placed your palms against his chest, using him for support. He stretched you so perfectly
"you're so tight" he grunted his head thrown back on the pillow
"you're so big" you whispered, your eyes shut with your mouth wide open.
you felt become weaker as you got closer to releasing
and Ajax tried holding it together as you jumped on his cock, moaning his name while you pleased him
"g- God, Ajax" you whimpered, slowing down as you felt like it was getting too much.
"Please, don't- slow down" he muttered as he thrusted up into your quicker, holding you as he manhandled you into bouncing on him
"I'm so close" you sobbed
"just keep going-you-'re so good" he grunted and he felt his movements become sloppy
Ajax grabbed your shoulders and pulled you down, your body flushed against his. He wasted no time running his hands down your body and grabbing a handful your ass, giving it a squeeze. The lewd squelching sounds of him fucking his pre cum into your slick walls of your throbbing and tight core filled your dorm room.
He turned his head to the side of your face, his lips pressing against your ear. “Y’ gonna cum for me?”
his deep and uneven breaths making you dizzy.
you felt his sweaty, hot body tense as he kept grunting your ear
Ajax's breath hitched in his throat when you clenched your walls around him. He was panting as he let you please him and getting yourself off, giving you the best dick you’ve ever had.
Ajax watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, moaning louder as the flutter feeling in your core moved to your stomach.
"'M gonna cum f'you" you squealed
"l-let it go for me, c'mon."
you felt yourself let it go. and your legs started shaking from your release
"ohhh god" Ajax groaned as he thrusted up a few times before cumming in you.
"I- I didn't mean to, I'm sorry" he murmured
"it's ok, Jax" you hummed, letting yourself fall beside him, feeling his and your juices leak out of you.
you rested your head on the pillow, allowing Ajax to lean against your side
you sighed, curling up to him as he wrapped an arm around your waist
"I think I get it now"
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onthewaytosomewhere · 22 days
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okay since i've been hit or miss on this lately setting his up to post now since i posted fic and it's the obvious choice for sentences lol
so i posted a sequel of sorts to that Alex beats off to thoughts of Shaan at Kensington post-cakegate fic
it was called henry had sex dreams about shaan and drunkenly hit on him and alex just needs to know all about it on the word doc but it's actually titled in my dreams, at oxford, still with those damn pajama pants and it's just smutty smutty smut and has a tumblr post and everything lolz
okay so sunday i got some tags from wonderful people and i was a slacker who had her nose buried in a fic doc so i didn't post anything except for that fic at like the end of the day lolz
so @suseagull04 @firstprincehornyramblings @sophie1973 @run-for-chamo-miles @taste-thewaste
@tailsbeth-writes @porcelainmortal @thighzp thanks so much for the sunday tags i'm now gonna flip them back to you for wed tags cuz that's how i roll
and a big old open tag for anyone else who want to play along and some no-pressure call-outs under the cut along with the smutty words for this week (ur not surprised they're smut lolz)
also - fuck i was ramble-y TL:DR i posted a fic sequel to that one other fic and am flipping some tags from sunday back to them
“Tell me, how much being around him made you think about getting your mouth on his cock for real? Did Oxford Henry want his equerry to fuck his mouth? What other parts did your slutty ass want him to put that cock into?” Alex nips his way across his hip and down to the juncture of his thigh and groin, and Henry bucks up into the contact. “Fuck, Alex, I wanted him to fuck my mouth so bad. It made my dreams filled with nothing but that. For a while, I would dream about it every night, and …” Henry gasps when Alex licks up his cock. Alex’s mouth around the tip of Henry’s cock, tonguing at his slit and foreskin, makes Henry moan—he pulls off and asks, “When did those dreams of Shaan fucking you start? When did your horny lil brain move past getting your mouth around him to getting your ass around that cock?” “Oh, fuck,” Henry whispers with a moan. “I—it was not long, all it took was one night where the person I thought I was hooking up balked at the whole NDA thing, and Shaan had to put me, sloshed off my arse, to bed once again. Let’s just say those threadbare pajama pants you saw him in—well, he’s always seemed to wear them until they fall apart. If I could have made my drunk mind function enough to form the words, I’m sure I would have hit on him that night.”
tag ur it! @adreamareads @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites @catdadacd
@caterpills @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03
@emmalostinwonderland @england-would-fall @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @firstsprinces
@forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inell
@inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jellibuns @jmagnabo92 @judasofsuburbia
@kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites @myheartalivewrites
@ninzied @nocoastposts @orchidscript @piratefals @priincebutt
@softboynick @sparklepocalypse @stellarmeadow @thedramasummer @cactusdragon517
@theprinceandagcd @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite
@zwiazdziarka @stratocumulusperlucidus @basil-bird @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead
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wolfboy88 · 2 months
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Theo Raeken Pink Moodboard (the cheekier version)
For @theoraekenapperciation Week 2024: Day 1 - Colour Theory
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steddie-island · 9 months
A (late) @steddiemas day 24 - For Someone Special (NSFW Gifts) WC: 2894 | Rating: E | Tags: Top Eddie Munson, Bottom Steve Harrington, Steve wears lingerie, Eddie has a filthy mouth Find the full list of tags on ao3.
No matter how many times they did this, how many times he did this, it always made Steve’s stomach twitch with nerves. Even after eight years together he was afraid of the rejection, that he would do something that made Eddie look at him and re-consider all of his life choices. It wasn’t as bad as it used to be, but the nerves were still there . 
He pushed past the nerves like he did every other time, though, and zipped his jeans into place. They had a Christmas Eve party to go to, where they would spend the night around their friends and family and he would have to act like everything was completely normal. 
“Babe, are you ready?” Eddie asked as he tugged on his ugly Christmas sweater– a bright green thing with little lightbulbs all over it that actually lit up. 
Steve tugged his own ugly sweater on– a bulky red thing with Rudolph’s head on it, with a big red nose right in the middle of his chest that glowed brightly and bells all around Rudolph’s harness. “Ready.” “God, you’re so fucking cute.” Eddie pulled him in and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “C’mon, let’s go. If we’re late, Robin might make us drive the kids home again.”
“They’re not kids anymore, Ed. They’re adults. They’re adults that can drink,” Steve chuckled. Still, he followed Eddie to the front door, where they grabbed their coats before heading outside. The party was in full swing when they showed up. One group was decorating cookies at one end of the table while another group worked to put gingerbread houses together. Everyone had on their own ugly sweaters, and Dustin had light up reindeer antlers to accompany his own, which had 3-D ornaments hanging off of it. They were immediately pulled into the activities. Eddie was dragged to the gingerbread house building station while Robin pulled Steve to the kitchen so they could make more cookies. 
It was warm, and cheery, and everything that Steve had ever wanted Christmas to be. There was a part of him that ached, because it wasn’t the Christmas he’d had as a kid, but he had it now, with Eddie and Wayne and Robin and the kids that had all managed to make it here for the holiday even though they were scattered across the country now. It was enough to have him fighting back tears as he mixed up more cookie dough. “Dingus, haven’t I told you you’re not allowed to cry on Christmas?” Robin teased. She pulled him in for a tight hug, and if she was blinking her own tears away when their hug broke, that was no one else’s business.
They had dinner, and then everyone piled into the living room to open gifts. There were new books for Robin, records for Eddie– even though CDs had long since outsold vinyls. Steve had a new sweater, one hand knitted by Claudia that he hugged to his chest as everyone else opened their gifts. There were mountains of wrapping paper by the time they were finished. Steve once more got up to help clean up. It wasn’t something he was expected to do, but something he did anyway. He liked helping, being useful. Eddie curled around him when Steve took his seat again and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I love you,” he said, smiling against that golden skin. “Have I mentioned that?” “Once or twice.” Steve pressed his lips to Eddie’s and caught his hand. “Are you having a good Christmas? Have you enjoyed your presents?” “It’s been… amazing.” Eddie grinned at him. “They’ve all been amazing with you, Steve.” Steve pecked Eddie’s lips. “This one isn’t over yet,” he said. At Eddie’s raised eyebrows he just smiled. “You’ll see when we get home.” “Will I now?” Eddie looked at him, clearly wanting at least a hint. Steve just grinned and tucked even deeper into Eddie’s side. 
The party ended shortly after that, when everyone was yawning and eyelids were droopy. There were lots of hugs, kisses on the cheek, wishes of Merry Christmas and drive safe. That was one of Steve’s favorite parts, hearing all the love as they all went their separate ways. He hated the leaving, but all that love always made it more than worth it.
“Where’s my other gift?” Eddie asked as soon as they were on the road. “ What’s my other gift?” 
“Has anyone told you that patience is a virtue?” Steve teased. 
“Yeah, and you of all people should know that I’ve never been very virtuous, Steve.” Eddie reached over to take his hand. “C’mon, I wanna know.” “Okay, okay. I’ll give you a hint.” He brought Eddie’s hand under the hem of his sweater, then pushed his fingers down… down… just past the waistband of his jeans, to where they could both feel the silky fabric underneath. The choked sound Eddie made brought heat into Steve’s cheeks. 
“Jesus, baby. You’ve been wearing those all night?” he asked, eyes flicking over to Steve’s face. “Fuck… you’re gonna kill me.” “You haven’t even seen them yet.” Steve grinned as his nerves melted away, the way they always did when he got to see Eddie’s reaction. 
“Don’t have to see them to know that I want to take them off with my teeth, do I?” 
Heat pooled low in Steve’s belly. “Try not to tear them this time?” 
“No promises, sweetheart.”
They managed to get through the doors and to get their coats and scarves hung up before Eddie was on him. Cold hands slipped beneath his shirt, making him yelp. It was swallowed down by Eddie’s mouth as his back was pressed against the wall. Those hands he loved dipped beneath the waistband of his jeans to grip his ass through the fabric of the panties. “I want to see these.” Eddie was practically panting with need. He was hard and hot, and when he rolled his hips Steve could feel the evidence of his desire against his hip. 
“Take me upstairs,” Steve encouraged. “Wanna show you. They’re so pretty, Eddie.” He buried his fingers into his boyfriend’s hair and groaned as those sharp teeth dug into his throat. There would be bruises in the morning, for the next few days. His chest thrummed at the idea, and he lifted a leg to pull Eddie closer. “Eddie, baby–” 
Eddie broke away with a growl and grabbed Steve’s hand. They tripped over their feet as they hurried upstairs and into their bedroom. “I wanna see,” he breathed. “Wanna touch. Fuck, Steve, you know what you do to me?” He pushed at Steve’s stupid fucking sweater, tossed it into a corner of the room where the red nose would glow for the rest of the night. He nudged Steve back onto the bed and leaned over him. “You’re so fucking pretty, sweetheart. Wanna get a look at those panties, and then I’m gonna suck your cock in them.” “Eddie–” Steve trembled as nimble fingers got his jeans open and down. Eddie didn’t stop there, he tugged Steve’s shoes off, tugged the jeans off of his legs, and when he looked up it was a million fucking wonders that he didn’t come in his jeans. “Oh, Jesus, sweetheart. You made yourself so pretty for me, didn’t you?” The panties were red satin, with white lace where they were cut up on Steve’s hips. The fabric dug in there, and Eddie had the desire to sink his teeth into those divots. Steve was still so strong, but he’d softened a little and Eddie was more than a little in love with it. He didn’t have time to worship those hips, though, because coming down from the panties were clips that held up red thigh highs with white lace trim. 
“I’m gonna eat you up.” Eddie ran his hands up Steve’s calves, to his thighs, and leaned in to nose at his cock. There was already a wet spot against the fabric from how wet Steve was. “I”m gonna tear you apart, Stevie.” 
“Eddie–” Steve gasped as Eddie’s teeth found his thigh, just above where the stocking ended. “Oh god – I’m all yours. Want you so bad, sweetheart. Fuck .” Eddie growled as he pulled off, only to latch on to the same spot on the other thigh. He hummed as he sucked and worked his teeth. Every moan and whimper that spilled out of Steve’s lips spurred him on. When he pulled off there were two matching bruises left behind. “Gonna take care of you. You’re my beautiful boy, aren’t you?” “Yes,” Steve practically sobbed. “Fuck, Eddie, need you to touch me.” His legs were pulled over Eddie’s shoulders, and then Eddie’s mouth was on his cock, further soaking the fabric. “Please, please–” “Beg so pretty. You beg so fucking pretty, sweetheart.” Eddie groaned and ran his hands up Steve’s body. “You’re so beautiful.” “Eddie,” he whimpered. “Please–” Just like he’d promised, Eddie tugged the material down, down, until Steve’s cock was free. “Gonna fuck you,” he breathed. “Gonna make you see stars with my mouth, and then we’re gonna make sure the neighbors file a noise complaint.” “Eddie!” Steve cried out as Eddie’s mouth found his cock and began tonguing at the head. He wasn’t sure what he liked more, the way Eddie spewed filth like he was made for it or the way he sucked dick. Before Steve could really distract himself with a debate, Eddie took him in, swallowed him all the way down and sucked hard. 
“Oh god –” Tears pricked Steve’s eyes as Eddie worked him over. Deeper, with his tongue and his hands and just the barest hint of teeth dragging over the head of his cock. “Eddie– Eddie–” 
Eddie just hummed around him and looked up through those long lashes. Steve would never get tired of seeing the love of his life looking at him so adoringly. His hand caught Eddie’s where it rested against his hip to hold him in place. He’d been keyed up since the car, and actually having Eddie’s hands on him was pushing him closer to the edge. “Not gonna last much longer,” he breathed. 
Eddie bobbed his head, and with every movement that pulled him off of Steve’s cock he used one hand to keep stroking. His movements were tight and quick. Steve came with his free hand buried in Eddie’s hair and his back bowing off of the bed. 
“Fuck– fuck fuck Eddie –” Eddie swallowed him down the way he’d done a million times before. Only when Steve's sounds started changing from pleasure to a little pained did he pull off. 
“Kiss me?” Steve panted. He caressed Eddie’s cheek, over to his lips. “Please?”
Eddie slowly kissed up Steve’s body, over the soft expanse of his stomach and up towards his chest. At Steve’s neck he pressed a kiss to the hickey he’d left earlier. “Love doing that for you,” he breathed. “Love hearing the way you say my name.” He caught Steve’s mouth with a hum, and when those pretty lips parted he pressed inside, giving Steve a taste of himself. “Love you , sweetheart. All of you.” He ghosted his hand down Steve’s side and to his thigh. “I love you, too.” Steve nipped Eddie’s lower lip. “Know how much I love you?” Eddie hid his smile in Steve’s neck as he nipped at more of that beautiful skin. “How much, baby?”
“I love you so much that I still want you to fuck me even though you’re still wearing that stupid Christmas sweater.” He flicked one of the lightbulbs that was flashing up by Eddie’s ear. 
Eddie laughed bright and loud as he straightened up. He tugged the sweater off and tossed it in the general direction of Rudolph. “Better?” “Much.” Steve pulled Eddie back in to kiss him slow and deep. His fingers trailed over all of that tattooed skin to bring their bodies closer together. He wanted more, always wanted more, but just getting to kiss and touch Eddie was always good. 
Eddie ground down against him, reminding them both that he was still hard in the confines of his jeans. “I have another promise to keep,” he murmured into Steve’s mouth. Steve shivered and leaned up for a kiss. “And I have another present for you.” He nipped Eddie’s lower lip. “Do you want me to show it to you or do you want to find it yourself?”
Eddie all but growled into his mouth again. “I’m telling you, you’re trying to kill me,” he murmured. He stood up to shuck out of the rest of his clothes. “They better put Death by Steve Harrington on my tombstone.” “Stop talking about dying and get over here,” he said, and he nudged Eddie with his foot. “I wanna kiss you more.” 
“So impatient, Stevie.” Eddie found the garter clips and unfastened them easily so he could tug the panties down but leave the stockings on. His lips trailed over Steve’s calf and up that beautiful thigh again. A glistening silver thing caught his eye and he choked on air again. “Oh. Oh, sweetheart. You’ve been wearing this all night?” 
Wandering fingers slipped up, up, between Steve’s thighs and then his cheeks. The plug was warm and wide against Steve’s skin. 
“All day.” Steve held himself open for Eddie’s viewing pleasure. “Put it in after my shower this morning.” “Christ.” Eddie gripped the plug and began working it against Steve’s rim, causing him to twitch and whine. “You’re fucking perfect. Made for me, weren’t you, sweetheart? You’re my good boy.” Steve rocked towards Eddie’s hand with another sound. “Please, Eddie. Been waiting for you all day. I need you.” “I know you do, sweetheart.” He tugged the plug out to the widest point, pushed it back in, back and forth to get more of those beautiful sounds. “I can see you now, opening yourself up in the shower and putting this thing in. Did you come then, Steve? Did you come thinking about me fucking you tonight?” “ Yes –” Steve’s thighs twitched. “Eddie, Eddie please, I need it, I need you, stop playing with me please –” It was so fucking much and yet not enough to get him off again. “Fuck me, please–” Eddie pulled the plug out once more, this time letting it come out all the way. His eyes were darker than ever as he slotted himself between Steve’s thighs and lined up against his hole. Steve watched those eyes as Eddie got situated, as his legs were over Eddie’s arms– As Eddie began working inside with quick, shallow thrusts that had his breath coming out in small puffs. The plug had been wide, but Eddie was wider. There was an initial burn, there always was, but it quickly melted away into pleasure so strong that Steve did cry then. 
There was no time to beg Eddie to move, to beg him to do something. Steve was essentially folded in half with the angle they were at. Eddie caught his mouth in a sloppy kiss. His hips began rolling quickly, speeding up until he pounded into Steve’s body with a rhythm that had them both gasping. 
Steve’s blunt nails slipped over Eddie’s back, his ass, his arms as he tried his best to hold on. The pleasure was just so intense, and he was losing it fast. The angle had Eddie so deep in his body, and the way the head of his cock kept dragging over Steve’s prostate was enough to deliver on the promise to see stars. 
They held on together, rocked together. Eddie cursed against Steve’s mouth, and when he wasn’t cursing he was letting words like “good boy” and “beautiful” slip out. Every word of praise felt like it was branded into Steve’s skin. Eddie always did that to him, too. He didn’t doubt whether he was good, or deserving, or loved with Eddie. 
Even though he’d already gotten off once, his second orgasm didn’t take long. It swept through and over him in waves. He sobbed Eddie’s name and left pink scratches over the parts of him that weren’t tattooed. 
“Steve–” Eddie bit down on Steve’s lower lip as he buried himself. The tightening of Steve’s body pulled Eddie over the edge, had him coming deep inside of this man he loved so much. 
When it was over he released Steve’s legs and fell to the bed. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but neither man was sure if their legs would hold them up long enough to move. 
“Best present ever,” Eddie murmured into Steve’s neck. 
Steve grinned and kissed his sweat damp hair. “Yeah? You liked it?”
“Love it.” He pressed kisses into Steve’s jaw. “Did you? Was it too much?” “Never.” Steve turned his head to catch Eddie’s lips in another kiss. “It was perfect.”
It took a few minutes, but once they were sure their legs would hold them they got up and made their way to the bathroom to clean up. They dressed in their matching pajamas that Wayne had gotten for them Christmas the year before and slipped beneath the covers together, with Eddie’s head tucked into Steve’s neck. 
“I love you,” Steve murmured into his hair. 
“Love you, too.” Eddie squeezed him tight. “Merry Christmas, Stevie.”
“Merry Christmas, Eds.” 
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thetornadodream · 6 months
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If We Don't Stop Wanting in the Long Dark
Rating: E
“Come on, they’re the perfect flower for you: they’ve got hell and bore in the name.” He then added to his insult by flicking the end of her nose with his soil-stained gardening gloves. She was sure that her nose was now speckled in dirt. And even though she had glared thoroughly at him, he had just laughed before saying, “Those specks of dirt should fit in nicely with the rest of your face, freckles.”
Her glare turned murderous; this new nickname he’s given her is a thousand percent done to infuriate her.
“Do not call me that,” she snapped, pawing furiously at the soil dotting her face.
His eyes were dark on her when he had arched an eyebrow and asked, “Oh? You’d prefer I call you Master?”
When Wednesday finds herself tethered to Tyler Galpin as his new Master after killing Laurel Gates, the two work together to try to find a way to undo the binding. But as the months go by, can they learn to trust not just each other but also their own feelings?
for @weylerwritingevents
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Those dresses 18+
*Authors note~ I'm loving writing and interacting with you all. It brings me so much joy. And I must say some of my regular requesters are honestly making my day by coming back. I'm glad I can create something so special for you*
Trigger warnings~ mommy kink, dom Larissa sub r degrading praise strap oral
Prompt~ Hi im back with a request g i was thinking 16 (Quiet love, you don't want everyone to hear) and 82 (Please don't make me answer that) sound good! I dont know if they go together or better apart, thats up to you Imk what u think xX~ requested by my darling idkaname666666 on wattpad
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You had been crushing on the headmistress of Nevermore ever since you had gained your position here. Maybe it was her goddess like appearance, maybe it was her sexy British accent or maybe it was just everything all in one. Yet you had never found the words or confidence to tell her. The students loved your classes and anytime you were asked to go into her office she was always kind and supportive of your work. She noted your shy nature and the way you wouldn't hold eye contact with her for too long. She would make an effort to extend kind smiles your way in an hope to make you feel more comfortable around her. To Larissa your reactions were consistent with someone being uncomfortable in her presence. She didn't believe that you could possibly be interested in her in any other kind of capacity.
This behaviour had been going on for a while now and honestly every time you two were alone in a room together it was painfully obvious that it wasn't going to change. And that is why Larissa promised herself the next time an opportunity should arise she would try to sort out whatever was making you so uncomfortable around her, yet with other staff members you were perfectly okay. You would often have a laugh and little jokes with other staff members, in fact you seemed to be quite close with Marilyn. That's why it was no surprise when she had managed to over hear Marilyn teasing you. You had become distracted from the conversation when you caught sight of the headmistress in her new form fitting dress, the colour highlighting her beautiful features. A blush had covered your cheeks instantly, Marilyn taking the chance to tease you.
"When are you going to tell her y/n? You can't keep blushing like a school girl every time you catch a glimpse of the women, she's going to thing your shy or something" her tone was light and teasing but she held valid points. You wanted to tell Larissa your feelings but the fear of rejection was high. When your phone alerted you with a notification you were shocked to see an email from the one and only women who held your heart, requesting your presence in her office immediately. You groaned and Marilyn couldn't help but laugh, hugging you and whispering words of encouragement watching as you made your way to the office.
You knocked twice and her voice rang out giving you permission to enter. You did so and closed the door quietly jumping slightly when her voice rang out through the office telling you to lock the door. You did so and anxiously came to sit in front of her desk. Your hands clasped to gather showing your anxious state. You were avoiding her gaze knowing if you looked up you'd catch sight of that new dress and you wouldn't be able to keep your thoughts pure.
"Y/n? Have I done something to make you uncomfortable darling? I see how you are with others, and how different you are with me. The last thing I would want is for you to be uncomfortable darling" she murmured. Your brain was processing what the women had said, uncomfortable? You weren't uncomfortable, you just wished to be with her in more than a professional way. "It's uh, you don't, I'm not uncomfortable but um I" you stuttered and stumbled over your words. This was harder than you could've ever imagined. The smirk and glint in Larissa's eyes told you that she finally understood what was going on with you. "Darling what is it then?" She all but purred at you.
"Please don't make me answer that" you whimpered out glancing up at the women through your eyelashes. Really you weren't in much of a position to demand anything so you settled for pleading with her. Only to be met with a chuckle, "I thought you wanted to be my good little whore?" Which caused a Scarlett red blush to spread across your cheeks. "It's um the dresses. So attractive and you in general are just woah and it makes me nervous because you're a literal goddess" you mumbled keeping your gaze on the floor.
She chuckled at you silently questioning how she had missed out on what was clearly signs of interest. "Darling come here" she demanded and you were instantly on your feet complying with her demand. "Darling, can I make you feel good?" She murmured with a finger under your chin so you couldn't avoid her gaze. "Please" you whimpered out and that was all the confirmation she needed to bark another command at you, "Strip and knell then my darling"
You sunk to your knees instantly whimpering at the sight of her panty clad core underneath her dress. "Does my dirty girl want to make mommy feel good" she hummed out watching your eyes darken at the words. You couldn't help but whimper and plead with Larissa to let you please her. With a smirk she lifted her hips allowing you to remove her underwear and lift her dress up to sit above her hips. She smirked when your hands faulted at her dress. The dresses seemed to be your weakness and she made a mental note for that later.
You immediately kissed up her exposed thighs making your way to her dripping cunt, adding a nip to the inside of their thigh before soothing it with your tongue. You brought your mouth to where she wanted it causing her to moan out for you. The noises the she made spurring on your movements alongside the taste of her arousal. The finest taste you had ever experienced and you could quite easily see yourself becoming addicted. And when she came for you, we'll it was although the angels above where singing. Her moans music to your ears, you were most definitely addicted. You made sure to lick up every last drop of your reward.
Larissa pulled you upwards into a kiss, tasting herself on your tongue. "Such a good slut for me aren't you darling?" She purred out before bringing her lips to your neck to kiss and suck over the soft skin. A simple moan was all it took to spur the older women into a desire of making you experience pleasure just as she had. She reached a hand into the desk and pulled out a sinfully delicious looking strap on. You let out an involuntary moan at the sight, thoughts rushing through your mind at all the ways she could use the strap with you. "Oh you're such a dirty girl for mommy aren't you? Would you like mommy to fill that needy pussy of yours" she taunted watching as you nodded eagerly.
It was almost instantly that Larissa has settled the strap on her body and had you bent over her desk. "Darling can I?" She mumbled into your ear before nipping at the lobe. Pleas tumbling from your lips were cut off by a loud moan as she entered your aching core. Larissa stilled allowing you to adjust to her size and taunted "quite love, you don't want everyone to hear just what a dirty slut you are for me now do you?" To which you bit your lip hard enough to draw blood before rocking your hips backwards in a silent plea for her to move.
Moans filled Larissa's office as she bottomed out with every snap of her hips, building your path to what would be the most earth shattering orgasm you would ever have. Being quiet had long since flown out of the window as you approached the edge. Your mind clouded by desire and need. With a particularly harsh thrust and her finger snaked it's way to rub circles on your aching bundle of nerves you felt yourself thrown violently over the edge. It was as if the world stopped spinning as you cried out for her. She slowed her thrusts to help you come back from your high, only when your whimpers became that of overstimulation did she slip from your core.
After ridding herself of the strap she sat back in her chair and pulled your exhausted body towards hers. Cradling you in her arms she could see you were on a different planet, your mind fuzzy and empty. "Darling? Are you in there pretty? Can you come back to me my love?" She coed a hand rubbing slow circles over your back. It took you a few try's buy you managed to blink the hazy feeling away with a sleepy smile you murmured "I love you Rissa" before giving into exhaustion.
Word count ~ 1564
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thesandsofelsweyr · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Thursday
The fab response to my smut has made me want to work on my dark AK Jay smutfic again 😈 So please enjoy a (wip) preview of my fic Reptile, a dark reader-insert from Jay's POV~
(If you see this post, consider yourself tagged, and be sure to tag me if you share your WIPs!)
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⚠️ cw: smut (⚤)
His men had followed his orders to the letter. The girl’s bound to a wooden chair with heavy ropes, her arms wrenched behind her back, tiny wrists shackled with handcuffs. A black canvas hood was pulled down over her head when Hudson and Vasquez grabbed her—the little fool should know better than to walk home alone in Gotham at night. They reported that she put up quite the fight. Hudson’s still sporting bloody red furrows down his cheeks from where the bitch clawed him. That was welcome news. Jason likes when they struggle.
Muffled whimpers echo off the concrete walls of the cavernous hall—sweet music to his ears. They’re in one of the many safehouses he has established across Gotham. This one’s hidden deep within an abandoned subway tunnel, deep within the bowels of this godforsaken city that will soon be his. No one will hear her screams, not even Levy and Flores, two of his most trusted lieutenants who he’d stationed outside the heavy steel door that soundproofed the hall.
The forlorn figure sits like a trussed up sacrifice to him. He can’t help but shudder at the sight. It’s a scene he’s intimately familiar with, a scene staged to match how the Clown had kept him so often. He knows it’s fucked up but he doesn’t give a shit. His cock’s already aching, straining against the zipper of his blue camo fatigues at the thought of this bitch suffering like he had.
His legs tremble as he approaches her. Hot blood rushes through his ears, his heart pounding as hard as hers must be. He knows how terrifying it is to hear footsteps approaching, not knowing who they belong to, nor what that person may have in store for them. He has to stop and steady himself against one of the cluttered workbenches, to try and get control of his ragged breathing. Panic’s creeping in on him at the memory of how utterly helpless that damn hood made him feel, how it amplified his terror, how every single hint of a sound made him want to scream. She’s probably close to hyperventilating now, suffocating inside that hollow blackness like he had so many times before.  
Silence suddenly engulfs the hall, choking off the muffled whimpers, and he inhales a shuddering breath. She knows she’s not alone.
A tiny, tremulous voice calls out to the darkness: “Hello? Is someone there?”
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aqpippin · 1 month
untitled goodecox party drug fic ✨
“I think I’m broken.”
Oh, and that would be what gets her clit to stop throbbing. Gigi takes a deep breath. “Jacks. Baby. Love of my life. Why do you think you’re broken?”
Jackie waves her hands in front of herself, flapping them helplessly. “I love you,” she says, letting out a frustrated groan. “And you’re beautiful and incredibly attractive, but I just.” She buries her face in her hands. “Recently, I’ve been so tired and stressed, and sex has just felt like another thing on my plate. And I like it, I love having sex with you, but I can’t just get out of my head and enjoy it.”
Okay, buy them matching tombstones, because the mood is officially dead. Gigi reaches out again to cup Jackie’s face, brushing frustrated tears from her cheeks. “Hey,” she says gently, leaning in to press a kiss to Jackie’s forehead. “You are not broken. You’re just stressed out and overworked, and it’s fucking with you.” Jackie nods sullenly. “So, we’re going to take a week off, and you’re going to get some rest. No work, no phones. That’s all for your head, okay?”
Jackie grumbles something that sounds vaguely like which one.
Gigi snorts. “And I may have an idea for the libido problem too.”
Jackie sighs. “I don’t think this has risen to the level of therapy just because I can’t get horny.”
“First off, nothing has to rise to the level of therapy, there’s no threshold for misery,” Gigi says, parroting the words her therapist had told her about half a million times. “But no, I wasn’t thinking about therapy.” Jackie raises a brow. “I was thinking we try party drugs.”
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I’ll make you an offer (that you can’t refuse) - NEW ONE SHOT
it’s smutty, filthy and angsty and enemies to lovers - all that jazz😏
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syd-djarin · 22 days
thanks for the tags pookie bears @nerdieforpedro @evolnoomym @katiexpunk @magpiepills <3
Don’t wanna give too much away yet, but here’s hints ;)
Jack Daniels
- fake dating / fake engagement for @burntheedges roll-a-trope event 🫶🏻
Dieter Bravo
- my first Dieter fic I’ve ever written but I’m super excited and nervous !!!
- will include a subby bf! Dieter who is shy when you discover one of his fetishes (spoiler it’s feet!) . You’re happy to oblige ;)
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no presh tags: @tightjeansjavi @studioghibelli @luxurychristmaspudding and anyone else who wants to join in🥰
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Helloo hope all is well! I was hoping to put in a request for a Xavier x Addams/reader and have it be like that once scene from Titanic where he draws her in the necklace doesn’t have a to be smut of course but still that longing of intimacy
Thank you for taking the time to read this 🙏
yes, i can definitely do that for you!
pairing: Xavier Thorpe X fem!Addams reader summary: Xavier paints you warnings: mentions of n00dity, mentions of sex note: the reader isn't actually specified as an addams. also he calls the reader sweetheart because i feel as though he's the type of guy to say that.
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you sat in Xavier's shed on a small couch you made him put in there for you, watching him as he stroked a canvas with his brush. the way his hand was flexing while moving the brus along the canvas sent you to somewhere you couldn't explain.
something about seeing him so focused on painting made you want something from him. something you didn't want to say out loud.
you were staring at what would be a painting and thought of what it would be like for him to paint you like that.
you started to imagine him focused on painting you instead of all the other things he's painted and immediately felt weak. but you shouldn't. You and Xavier weren't exactly dating, but you guys weren't just friends either. you two were in a confusion position in your relationship and you didn't want to wreck what you two have.
although you would never say it, you wished he would paint you.
after a while he finished his art and stood staring at it, still contemplating whether he liked it or not, you stood up from the small couch and stood next to him
"I love it" you told him
he looked down at you and smiled softly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and side hugged you
"something about it doesn't seem...right" he confessed with a sigh
"I think it looks perfect" you said
he chuckled before placing a kiss on your head, gently stroking your hair.
"well then, if you like it I like it." he shrugged
it was quiet for a moment, standing next to each other comfortably
"it's getting late, we should probably head back"
you thought back to last night and got excited to watch him paint again
"you must get so bored just sitting there watching me paint almost ever day" Xavier stated, opening the door to his shed.
"I like it" you said with a small polite small
"do you want me to teach you to draw or something, get you more involved or something so your not just sitting there?" he asked
"well there is" you paused for a second "something"
"and what would that be" the corner of his lips raised to form a small smirk
"you could, well, you could-" you cut yourself off, too nervous to say it
"I could?"
"you could paint me?" it sounded more like a question than a statement
his face brightened up and the smile on his face grew wider
"you want me to draw you?" his eyebrows were raised, he seemed a bit taken back but his face said he loved the idea
"that's what I said, yes" you nodded, walking in the shed as he held the door for you
he closed the door after him and stood there looking at you with a smug smile on his face
"don't get me wrong, you look beautiful, but I don't want to paint you in your school uniform" he chuckled lightly
"I wasn't exactly planning on wearing this" you said, looking down at your uniform
"well what are you going to wear then?"
"nothing" you said quietly, shrugging.
Xavier gulped down a lump in his throat, he felt himself become hot and his hands went a bit clammy, he wondered if he had heard you right
"what do you mean nothing?"
you took your blazer off and placed it on the chair in the corner
"unless you would like me to wear something else" you sighed
"no, no you can wear nothing, I'm happ-fine with that, just take your clothes off. and I'll get ready" he turned around and begun digging through his supplies
you felt a bit nervous again, you wondered if he felt uncomfortable about this. but you were already half way through this.
Xavier had a small smirk on his face as he set his stuff up, knowing that right behind him, you were getting undressed.
"I'm ready" you said standing behind him, ready for him to start
he turned around and smiled when he saw you, you noticed that his jaw was flexing while he tried not to explore your bare body with his eyes
"do you want to sit on the couch, that would be more comfortable" he suggested, pointed to the couch behind you
you nodded before going back to sitting down
"try a more natural potion" he said looking at how you positioned yourself oddly
you moved yourself on the couch to a better spot but apparently that wasn't good enough because you walked up to you and moved you himself
"there, that's better" he stood straight and walked back to his canvas.
"so just stay there, try not to move a lot" he told you before picking up his paintbrush.
Xavier kept looking back at you every second. he told himself it was to help him with the painting but he already has the scene imprinted in his brain that he didn't need to look back at you anymore.
he was just taking his chance to admire you in such state, and he did so while biting his lip or licking his lips, thinking about touching you.
you two made small talk until he was almost done. he looked at the clock on the wall and noticed the time.
"it's basically done, I'll just finish the details tomorrow" he sighed and put down his paint brush, wiping his slightly sweaty hands on his pants.
"can I see it?" you said sitting up on the couch
"wait no, stay there" he said taking off his jumper and hung it on the back of the chair
"I still have something to do" he said.
you then grew confused about what he meant by that, he had said he was done for tonight and that he would finish later, what else would he need to do?
he walked closer to you on the couch and looked down and you with a smirk on his face. he placed a hand on the back of the couch and climbed on top of you, a knee placed between your thighs and the other on the other side.
"what do you need to do?" you said. you weren't clueless, but your mind was foggy and too up in the clouds for you to notice what was happening.
he licked his lips while staring down at you, moving his knee closer to your heat
the tone in his voice make you nervous and become flustered, you wanted to say something but you couldn't muster the words.
"did you seriously think you can lay there in front of me naked for almost two hours and I wouldn't do anything about it?" he chuckled lowly. his hot breath fanning against your blushing face
you stayed silent, staring up at him longingly, feeling a wet patch begin to form between your legs.
"god your in for a long night, sweetheart" he smirked at you.
hope that was good enough
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okay luvs ... here we go it's still wed (by like 3 hrs prolly depending how long this takes me to get done and how many times i get distracted)
💚first the good part thanks ever so much for all the tags today - y'all have been busy and i so appreciate them all (and am excited to go read ur words) @tailsbeth-writes @firstprincehornyramblings @thighzp @priincebutt @cha-melodius
@sophie1973 @tinyarmedtrex @mikibwrites @henryspearl @typicalopposite
@firstsprinces @seths-rogens @firenati0n @porcelainmortal @stellarmeadow
okay so for today's words we're getting a scenc from one of the sequels that i'm working on for next month to that were!alex/vamp!henry coffee shop au from the end of july
under the cut for (yeah you guessed it) smut DO I NEED TO WARN FOR WERE!ALEX GETTING OFF AS HIS WOLF? - IF SO UR WARNED
Alex thinks about nothing but Henry that night. How if he took Henry up on his offer, the drive he makes once a month would no longer be necessary. He also thinks about the other things, the “benefits” of having Henry with him when he’s so keyed-up that running isn’t enough. He thinks about that so much that he does something he’s never done before when shifted—he finds a remote spot and attempts to get himself off in wolf form. He’s leaning against a tree with his hand around himself; he’s careful of the elongated nails he gets when shifted. The last thing he wants to explain is accidentally clawing his dick up. Luckily his cock is fatter when he’s in wolf form, so his loose hand grip is enough to get him off without a lot of extra effort. He’s panting, thinking about Henry as he brings himself over the edge. The “Oh, fuck, Henry” that slips out of his lips carries on the wind almost as much as the howl that follows. He’s not come in his wolf form before, so the knot that forms as he’s coming is a bit of a shock. He didn’t know that was actually a thing outside fantasy novels. The time it takes to go away is a bit more of one; why does anyone need to be connected to another being for that long? He still beats off before he gets dressed and drives back to Henry’s place because getting off that one time was not nearly enough when he’s been thinking about Henry all night. His wolf is inordinately interested in getting Henry under him—or over him—he doesn’t seem that particular, really. Henry is waiting for him when he gets home, and Alex is still so filled with lust that they don’t make it past the living room the first time Alex gets his mouth around Henry’s cock. He uses his mouth to get him hard, sucking at the tip and licking him to the point Alex knows that if he takes him in his mouth, he’ll be falling over the edge in no time. It’s so quick, and Alex comes just from rubbing his cock through his pants as Henry shoots down his throat.
alright and a couple tags off the top of my head shall we (and yeah you may have done this and i missed it lolz we'll just assume i stole ur open tag that ya prolly have) @adreamareads @blueeyedgrlwrites @catdadacd @caterpills @emmalostinwonderland
@england-would-fall @forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @judasofsuburbia @thinkof-england
@piratefalls @suseagull04 @taste-thewaste @thesleepyskipper @eusuntgratie
@sparklepocalypse @kiwiana-writes (yes i know it's so no longer wed by you but if you did do this you have an open tag - i just haven't looked yet lolz)
and i don't know all the peeps i'm forgetting lolz i luv y'all my brain is just broken
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bbycowb0y · 2 years
xavier thorpe has me feeling things. plsss send me requests for him.
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sendpseuds · 9 months
WIP Wednesday - Hot Chocolate
Here. Have some unconventional family dynamics 🖤
“This place is adorable,” Padme remarks, not for the first time since they sat down at the little round cafe table, bathed in light from the large bay window, “How did you find it?”
“Apparently, the hot chocolate I made last week was ‘sub-optimal,’— ” Anakin explains, shooting a sideways glance at his very opinionated daughter, who raises an eyebrow in response, “—I still want to know who taught a five-year-old that term—,” he knows it’s just from hearing Padme on work calls, and the way she laughs makes him smile, “—so I went on a search for the best hot chocolate in the city. Almost every list had this place at the top.”
It’s obvious to see why, aside from the bustling crowd and buzzing atmosphere, the menu boasts over a dozen different hot chocolates, each more indulgent than the last — The way the twins are practically vibrating in their seats, waiting as patiently as possible for their treat, their eyes widening every time they see another sugary concoction pass their table tells him the search was well worth the effort.
Big-time dad points right here.
“Well, it’s an excellent find,” Padme smiles, giving his arm a quick squeeze and muttering something about how much she likes the wall sconces. 
It’s a bit eclectic, a handful of tables scattered throughout the space with several vignettes of comfortable-looking couches and chairs that look as if they were bought from various garage sales, but the place is so warm and welcoming it feels as if every last thing was chosen with intention and purpose. 
The books that line the shelves along the back wall all look well-loved, their spines cracked and dust jackets removed. There are vines snaking along the walls that Anakin assumed were fake until he followed the path back to the little terra cotta pots from which the greenery originates. Twinkle lights and paper snowflakes litter the ceiling and it’s hard not to feel in the holiday spirit sitting in a place like this. 
Anakin used to hate Christmas Eve.
The excited anticipation was always lost on him as a child, preferring to fast forward to the part where he got to find out what was in all those boxes. He would lay in bed with his eyes squeezed shut, willing time to move faster, desperate for morning to break. 
Now he finds, he likes to hold on to the bright buzzing energy of the night before Christmas — festive and frantic with last-minute errands and cheerful expectation — now he loves to watch the way two small perfect humans smile and shine with all the promise tomorrow brings. 
For them, tomorrow brings treats and toys and twinkle lights.
For them, magic and wonder replace reality for a day.
For them.
For Anakin—
Luke lets out an excited little gasp and Anakin turns to see four spectacular mugs of hot chocolate heading toward their table. He smiles, looking back at the twins just to watch the way their eyes grow wider and wider, sparkling with sheer excitement as the mugs draw closer and closer.
“Who wants some hot chocolate?” A smooth voice asks, the twins responding in affirmative screeches, waving their hands in the air for emphasis and Anakin can’t help but join in, answering “Me!” as he turns to look at the man who’d asked the question.
Anakin’s heart stops.
The shrieking children go silent in his ears. Padme’s soft laughter a million miles away.
The first thing he notices is not the full Santa suit the man wears or the way the kind smile fades from his lips half a moment after his gaze scans over Anakin’s face.
No, the first thing Anakin notices is his eyes.
Not how bright and beautiful they are.
Not how they appear to shift and swirl even in the seconds they stare at each other.
Anakin notices how familiar they are. 
Except the last time Anakin saw those eyes, they weren’t looking down at him with startled shock.
Last time Anakin saw those eyes they were staring up through copper lashes from the floor of a dirty bar bathroom as the man currently holding a tray of hot chocolate swallowed Anakin’s cock.
“These look amazing.”
Padme’s words seem to shake both men from their shocked stupor and Anakin finally notices the red hat on the man’s head and the way the big white pom pom sits on a strong shoulder. 
He’s just as handsome as Anakin remembers.
“They— they really are something,” the man agrees, his eyes flitting quickly around the table, trying to make sense of the situation, concern and guilt and horror flooding his gaze with every passing moment and Anakin knows he should say something but he can’t figure out what. Cozy cafe Santa clears his throat and shifts his weight, mumbling a quick, “Right, yes, chocolate—” and setting the tray on the table before asking “Who ordered the white chocolate?”
The words tumble out of Anakin’s mouth before he can stop them.
“My ex-wife!”
Everyone looks at Anakin.
[Well, everyone but Luke, who is still fixated on the four mugs in front of him.]
“Uh— Padme,” he corrects, motioning to the woman sitting by his side — he doesn’t dare look at her — as if that would explain his sudden outburst, “Padme, right here, she— uh— she’s my— she ordered the white chocolate.”
He’s chewing his lip and rubbing the back of his neck and Santa is blushing as he places a tall glass mug in front of Padme — luscious and creamy, topped with thick whipped cream and pretty chocolate curls — but the horrible guilt seems to be draining from the man’s beguiling blue eyes.  “Thank you,” purrs Padme, her tone teasing and Anakin knows the exact smile she wears before he shoots her a pleading look, to which she only chuckles.
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mad-madam-m · 1 year
Castlevania Fic - To Be Someone that Somebody Needs - Chapters 1-3
Title: To Be Someone that Somebody Needs Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix) Relationships: Trevor/Alucard Word count: 7333 Rating: E Tags: canon divergence - post season 2, Fix-It of Sorts, Grief/Mourning, Alcohol, Drunk Trevor Belmont, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, mild dirty talk, Coping Mechanisms, the relative health of said coping mechanisms is up to you, one-sided Trevor/Sypha, POV Trevor Belmont Summary: "Sypha stayed with the Speakers. I came back. When she gets here, we'll try to find a way to seal up both of these places so you can leave, if you want to." Alucard cleared his throat. "And what makes you think you'll find anything?" Trevor waved his arm to encompass the castle. "We found a spell that made it possible for Sypha to drag this fuckoff giant thing halfway across the damn country. There's got to be one that will seal it." "You're looking for needle in a haystack," Alucard said. "Or perhaps a single clear drop of water in a bottle of wine." "We found it before," Trevor said stubbornly. "Or do you want to be stuck here for the rest of your life?" Read it on AO3!
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