#Sniffles and Snookums
charmsponies · 11 months
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mlp-toy-archive · 1 year
Gen 1 Newborn Twin Ponies
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Sniffles & Snookums
1987, Unicorns, Year 5
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genshinluvr · 1 year
Sick Days 2
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: The men are sick, and it's your duty to nurse them back to their healthy selves. Yes, the men are sick— all twenty-seven of them are ill, and you're the only one who's taking care of them. Some of them made it easier for you, but others made it complicated for you. It's a good thing you don't have emetophobia.
Note: This is highly requested by either three people or one person. Either way, I'm surprised someone wanted part two of the previous mini-fic because I felt iffy about the first part. Anyway, I am back from my vacation! That means we can finally get back to the longer fics because this upcoming week will be a villain!isekai'd!reader fic because it won the voting on Tumblr and Discord :> I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: The men are sick, and some of them are vomiting
Word Count: 3.5k
This is part two of Sick Days.
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“Onikabuto booboo bear! I’m hungryyy!”
You run to the left side of the room with a tray of food in your hands. “Coming!”
“Sweetheart? Can you get me water? My throat is feeling parched.”
You run to the nearest water pitcher, grab a glass cup and fill it with water. “Give me a moment!” You holler. After filling the cup with water, you run to the right side of the room, making sure not to spill any water on the wooden floor.
“Snookums!!!! I’m cold! Can you get me an extra blanket and maybe cuddle with me?”
You run toward the piles of blankets on the table and search for the softest blanket you can find. The thicker and softer the blanket, the better it is. You don’t want any of them to be cold and feel uncomfortable while ill. You know how your boyfriends are—when they’re feeling unwell and sick, they need your attention around the clock. While searching through the mountain of blankets, you hear someone cough loudly.
Without looking, you announce over your shoulders, “Make sure to cough into your elbows and keep your masks on. You guys wouldn’t want to get me sick, now, do you?”
“No,” Aether mutters before sniffling under his face mask.
Zhongli sighs, rubbing his throbbing temples. “Apologies, dearest.”
“Childe, you can’t just ask [Y/N] to cuddle with you. You’ll get them sick, and if they get sick—”
Diluc was interrupted by Childe coughing loudly into his elbows, causing the redhead to roll his eyes and scoot toward the edge of his bed. Childe drops his arm to his side and narrows his eyes at Diluc before snuggling into his blanket, shivering like a chihuahua.
After what feels like forever, you finally found the perfect blanket for the poor, shivering Snezhnayan. You pull the blanket from the pile and walk to Childe’s bed. Childe’s eyes light up, and he sits on the bed, making grabby motions as you get closer to his bed. You decided to have the men stay in the infirmary at the estate instead of their bedrooms because, to you, it’d be easier to tend to each person if they were all in the same room instead of scattered around the estate. 
Well, at least that’s what you assumed. Now look at you— running from each side of the room to tend to each person’s needs, from getting water, cooking, and feeding your sickly boyfriends to getting them extra pillows and blankets if they’re in need, and so much more. It’s safe to say that you’re getting your daily exercise.
“I think I found the perfect blanket for you, Childe. It’s warm and really soft,” you say proudly, tossing the blanket over his shivering body.
Childe smiles at you beneath his face mask before grabbing you by the wrist while you adjust the blanket over him. You pause and look at the ginger Harbinger curiously. For someone who’s sick, Childe still has his strength because he somehow managed to pull you onto his bed. You stumble forward, making sure not to crush him when you land on his bed. Childe wraps his muscular arms around your neck and his legs around your thighs.
“Well, hello to you too,” you mumble, head resting against the crook of Childe’s neck.
Childe doesn’t reply. Instead, he sighs with contentment before rolling over to his side, bringing you with him. You snort and run your hands through his unruly, ginger hair. You pause and squeeze your eyes shut after feeling Childe’s damp hair. Oh, dear Archons. You pull your hands from Childe’s hair and wipe your hand on your shirt. Childe doesn’t seem to notice your slight change of behavior as he continues to nuzzle against you, sighing with contentment. You hear a disgruntled sigh coming from the small infirmary bed beside Childe’s bed. You peek from Childe’s neck to see Diluc and Al Haitham glaring holes into the back of Childe’s head. 
Al Haitham sniffles, crossing his arms over his chest. “Childe, you shouldn’t cuddle with [Y/N], or else you’ll get them sick too,” Al Haitham grumbles, continuing to glare at the ginger Snezhnayan.
“How are you freezing when you’re from Snezhnaya? Aren’t you used to the cold?” Venti asks from the other side of the room.
You chuckle. “Just because Childe is Snezhnayan doesn’t mean he’s used to the cold. Besides, Childe freezing due to being sick and being in a cold environment are two different things,” you say.
You pat Childe’s head and roll off the infirmary bed. Childe whines with protest, grabbing the hem of your shirt and attempting to pull you back to his bed, only for the hem of your shirt to slip through his fingers. Childe pouts and remains in bed, gazing at you with puppy dog eyes. You walk to the person closest to the medicine cart and adjust the pillow under his head.
“How are you feeling, Baizhu? You’re usually the one caring for us all and giving us medication, but today you and I switched spots,” you say, grabbing the medicine bottle with his name on the bottle and uncapping it.
Out of every sick man in the infirmary, you’re worried about Baizhu the most. Baizhu’s health is more at risk, and he’s prone to catching illnesses quickly out of the twenty-seven men. You’re grateful to have Baizhu give you some pointers on what medication to give each man in the infirmary, how much they need to take their medicine, and how often they need to take them.
Baizhu coughs into his elbow, wincing when he feels a sharp pain in his chest. “I could be worse, but with your assistance, I should be okay,” Baizhu wheezes.
You take out two pill tablets for Baizhu and hand them to the green-haired man. Baizhu takes his face mask off, throws the two pills into his mouth, and grabs the cup of water from your hands before downing the water to wash down the pills. Baizhu hands you the cup before lying on the bed. Changsheng, on the other hand, is perched on Baizhu’s lap, slowly slithering up to the green-haired man’s chest and staying there.
“How did we all get sick simultaneously? This sucks,” Kaveh sniffles from the other side of the infirmary, rubbing his red and irritated nose.
Just when Kaveh’s about to say more, his cheeks suddenly puff up, and he covers his mouth with his hands. Everyone stares at Kaveh, watching his pale, sickly skin gradually turn light green. Oh no. You recognize the expression. You rush to the trash can, grab it, and run to the other side of the infirmary to give Kaveh the trash can before he can spew bile all over the place.
Kaveh whimpers a ‘thank you’ before dry heaving into the trash bin. The others close their eyes and cover their ears while you look away, rubbing Kaveh’s back as he vomits into the trash can. After a few minutes, Kaveh wipes his mouth with the back of his hand while you take the vomit-filled trash can from his hands.
“I think you should go brush your teeth, Kaveh. Wouldn’t want to have vomit breath, now, do you?” Scaramouche asks, his nose scrunching up with disgust. 
Kaveh sighs and shoots a glare toward Scaramouche. Kaveh tosses the blanket off his body before getting up from the bed and going to the nearest bathroom. Scaramouche chuckles before quickly pulling up his face mask and coughing into his elbows. You sigh and dispose of the vomit-filled trash bin.
After changing the trash bin, you walk into the room and grab a pill bottle for Xiao. You didn’t think it was possible for Archons and Adeptis to get sick, but you were wrong. You stand beside Xiao’s bed and nudge him lightly while he remains on the infirmary bed with the blanket over his head. Xiao groans and curls into a little ball.
“Xiao, I have your medicine. You should take it before you sleep,” you say, nudging the Yaksha lightly.
“Adeptis don’t need sleep,” Xiao grumbles, his voice nasally due to his stuffy nose.
You sigh, grab the edge of the blanket, and yank it off his head. Xiao grumbles and squints at you. Xiao sighs and rolls over on his back, rubbing his eyes. Poor Xiao looks miserable— the tip of his nose is red, and he is constantly sniffling. Xiao wipes his nose with the tissue you hand to him while you uncap the pill bottle to give him his medication.
You hold out the two pill tablets to Xiao. “I know you don’t need sleep, but you should get some sleep regardless. If you don’t rest, then you won’t be healthy. If you’re not healthy, then that means I can’t give you kisses,” you say.
Xiao stares at you before reluctantly grabbing the tablets from your hands, throwing them into his mouth, and swallowing the pills dry. You gaped at Xiao. Xiao points at his head while you stare at him with your mouth agape. 
“What is he doing?” Cyno mutters, hugging his knees to his chest.
Kazuha wraps himself up in the blanket before falling over on the bed. “I think he’s asking for a forehead kiss from [Y/N] as a reward for taking his medicine,” Kazuha replies.
“So… are we not going to talk about how Xiao swallowed those pills without needing water?” Heizou asks, blowing his nose into the tissue.
You and Xiao continue to stare at each other in silence. You chuckle to yourself before leaning toward Xiao and kissing his forehead. Xiao closes his eyes, heat rushing to his cheeks. When you pull away, you notice Xiao’s cheeks are bright pink. You’re not sure if it’s because of his fever or if he’s blushing. Either way, Xiao looks adorable.
“Get some rest now, okay?” You stroke Xiao’s hair.
Xiao nods wordlessly before lying on his back while you tuck him into bed. Xiao closes his eyes when you lean in to kiss his forehead before leaving him to let him sleep. You walk to the next person to check on them, only to see Kaeya knocked out cold. Kaeya’s not wearing his eyepatch as it lays above his pillow. You press your hand against his forehead after brushing his bangs from his forehead. He still has a high fever, and he’s been sick for a few days— luckily, his fever isn’t nearly as bad as the first day.
Kaeya cracks his eyes open when you wipe the sweat from his forehead with a rag. Kaeya clears his throat, wincing when he feels how dry his throat is. “Oh? Is it my turn to be taken care of by nurse bunny?” Kaeya teases.
You snort. “Yes, it’s your turn to be taken care of by me, Kaeya,” you reply. “Try sitting for me, okay? You need to take your medicine.”
Kaeya sighs and sits up, grabbing the eyepatch from above the pillow and putting them on while you grab his medicine bottle. Why would the men need their own prescription if they have the same illness? Well, some are allergic to certain ingredients in the medication, and others are not. Some need stronger doses than others. People’s bodies react to medication differently, and you sure as hell do not want your boyfriends to have a negative reaction to their medication. Especially when they’re sick— some sicker than others.
You take two tablets from the pill bottle, handing them to the Cavalry Captain. Kaeya smiles at you, taking the pills from your hands before swallowing them with the help of water. After downing the medication, Kaeya places the cup on the nightstand between his and Tighnari’s bed, resting his head on your lower abdomen, and closes his eyes.
“Get some rest, alright? I only bothered you awake so you can take your medication,” you murmur, running your hands through his hair.
Kaeya nods before lying on the bed and closing his eyes. You turn to look at Tighnari, whose staring at you with a faraway look. His hair is pulled up in a half ponytail, there are dark circles underneath his eyes, and he’s shaking his head. 
Tighnari clears his throat. “Before you say anything, I already took my medication,” Tighnari rasps.
You blink at him. “When? I didn’t even notice you getting up to take your medication,” you say incredulously.
“He took his medication while you were occupied with Kaveh,” Thoma interjects, snuggling up against the body pillow and closing his eyes.
You sigh. “At least it’s one less person to worry about,” you murmur, running your hands through your hair. “You should get some rest now. Since you took your medication already.”
Tighnari stares at you before pointing at his forehead. You playfully roll your eyes and lean down, kissing his forehead. Tighnari silently cheers before taking his hair out of the half ponytail and lying down. You were about to go over and check on Gorou and Albedo, but the two men were also knocked out cold.
Gorou cracks his eyes open and rubs his eye. “Can I take my medication later? ‘M tired,” Gorou mumbles, rolling over on his stomach, and slowly falls asleep.
“Sorry, Gorou, but I can’t let you skip out on your medication. There’s a time slot, remember?” You poke Gorou’s cheek lightly.
On the bed, one foot from Gorou’s bed, Albedo raises his hand. “I also took my medication earlier as well,” Albedo comments.
You stare at Albedo as the Chief Alchemist gets comfortable in his bed. Well, at least the ones that took their medication are somewhat making it easier for you. You walk to Dainsleif’s bed and sit across from him. The blond man cracks his eyes open and gazes at you with bleary eyes, slowly rubbing his eyes as he sits on the bed. You pull his medicine bottle out from the small basket and hand him the bottle. Dainsleif uncaps the bottle, takes two pill tablets from the bottle, and pops the pills into his mouth before downing the water from his water bottle.
“I didn’t know you could get sick,” you murmur, hugging your knees to your chest.
Dainsleif hands the bottle back to you. “I’m immortal, not immune to diseases and sicknesses,” Dainsleif replies, wiping the droplet of water from the corner of his lips.
You stand and hand him the eyemask. “It looks like not even Archons are immune to diseases and illnesses. I’m going to let you rest now, alright? I’m going to check on the others,” you say, stroking Dainsleif’s hair before walking to the next person.
What amazes you is how Capitano continues to wear his helmet despite being sick. When you hand him his medication, Capitano gets up from his bed and leaves the room for a brief moment before returning.
“You didn’t throw the medicine away, did you?” you ask, gazing at the tall Harbinger skeptically.
Capitano’s shoulders bounce as he sits on his bed and shakes his head. “Just because I took my medication out of sight does not mean I threw them away. You needn’t worry,” says Capitano as he pats your head before lying down.
You sigh in relief and smile at Capitano before turning over to the other three Harbingers. You pass the medicine bottles to each man and fill their cups with water from the water pitcher. You hand the cups to the men, trading the cups of water for the medicine bottles. The three men take their medication before remaining sitting on their beds.
“Is there anything else you three need before I check up on Neuvillette and Wriothesley?” you ask, putting their prescription bottles back into the tray.
Pantalone sighs, takes his glasses off, and puts them on the nightstand. “When can we start cuddling again?” asks the black-haired Harbinger.
“When you’re not sick anymore, Captain Obvious. Do you want [Y/N] to get sick all because you wanted a cuddle session?” Dottore asks, glaring at the black-haired Harbinger.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Even though the two men are sick, they still bicker with one another. Pierro clears his throat and motions for you to come close. You walk to Pierro and stand at the foot of his bed. You grab an extra blanket for Pierro and drape it over him. Pierro grabs your hand and pulls you toward him.
You stand beside Pierro’s bed, and he wraps his arms around your waist, burying his face into your stomach. You run your hands through his hair, untangling the small knots in his hair as Pierro rubs your back with his thumb. You press the back of your hand against his forehead, sighing in relief.
“It looks like your fever is going down faster than the others! That’s great news,” you say, patting his head.
Pierro clears his throat. “It’s all thanks to you, little one. If it weren’t for you, my fever wouldn’t have gone down,” Pierro replies.
“Hey! Stop giving the old man attention because we’re dying over here!” A nasally voice hollers from the other side of the infirmary.
Pierro reluctantly releases you as you turn to where the other two men are lying. Wriothesley looks like a mess, but you can’t blame him since the poor man has emptied his stomach four times so far. Wriothesley sniffles pitifully, hugging the trash can to his chest as he wipes the snot from his nose with the back of his hand. You hand the medication to him, only for Wriothesley to shake his head and place a hand over his stomach.
“I don’t want to take it right now, my dear. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it down if I were to take the medication,” Wriothesley says, pressing his lips into a thin line.
Wriothesley’s face turns bright green before shoving his face into the trash bin and retching and emptying his stomach for the fifth time. You sigh, rubbing his back as he continues to spew into the almost full trash bin. While Wriothesley is retching and whimpering into the white trash can, you turn to Neuvillette.
“Did you take your medication?” You ask, shaking the prescription bottle lightly before him.
Neuvillette shakes his head. “I just woke up. Waking up to your face and the sound of your voice is something I would prefer over the sounds of Wriothesley heaving and whimpering into the trash can,” Neuvillette sighs, brushing his hair away from his face.
You run your fingers through Neuvillette’s hair, smiling at the silver-haired man. “Maybe next time when you’re not sick. After all, you and Wriothesley arrived at the estate not long ago, and look at you two… sick just like the others,” you sigh.
Poor Neuvillette and Wriothesley. The two men have moved into the estate not long ago, and yet both of them end up getting the virus that was going around the abode. The first person that caught the virus was Kaveh, and it passed around to everyone in the abode except for little ole’ you. This was strange because you get sick easily— you don’t have a weak immune system per se, but you have lived with children in the past back in your world, and those children would get you sick whenever they were sick.
“Here’s your medicine. Get some rest after, alright? I know you have a headache right now,” you murmur, handing Neuvillette his medication.
Neuvillette grabs the medication from your hands, and you turn to Wriothesley, who places the trash bin beside his bed and gazes at you with bleary eyes. You prop one hand on your hip, looking at Wriothesley curiously.
“Are you done throwing up?” You ask.
Wriothesley nods.
You tap your fingers on your hips. “Do you think you can take your medications now? If not, I can give them to you later when you don’t feel like you have to throw up again,” you suggest.
Wriothesley shakes his head wordlessly and extends his hand, the palm of his hand facing up as he waits for you to hand the pill tablets to him. You sigh and place the two pill tablets on the palm of his hands, and watch the black-haired man shove the pills into his mouth before chugging the water.
“Wriothesley, please don’t chug the water. You might make yourself throw up again if you do that,” you chide.
Wriothesley places the cup back on the nightstand between his and Neuvillette’s bed, wiping the water droplets from his lips with the back of his hand. You pat his head while he smiles, pressing his head against your stomach. After a few minutes of petting Wriothesley’s hair, you grab the trash can beside Wriothesley’s bed and walk out of the room to empty the trash can, only to stop in your tracks when you hear someone retch and a collective groan.
“[Y/N]! You have more trash cans to empty!”
You sigh, shoulders slumping. Whatever this virus is, you sure hope it stops floating around because you don’t know how much longer you can deal with having to change out trash bags. Especially when you’re not a huge fan of vomiting. It’s a good thing you don’t have emetophobia— that would render you useless if you had it. As long as you’re not the one that’s vomiting, you’re okay with cleaning up after someone else’s vomit since it’s not your first rodeo.
Note: Not gonna lie, as I got closer to completing this mini-fic, I started getting nauseous out of nowhere. But I am okay-ish now! The Gatorade kind of helped me feel better. But yes, this upcoming week is the somewhat lengthier fic of villain!isekai'd!reader since it did win the Tumblr and Discord polls. Speaking of Discord, for those who want to join my Discord server, here is the temporary link to [Zhongli's Abode]. Please make sure to read the server rules to save yourself from getting in trouble (if you like the server, you can stay, chat, and lurk. If not, you can leave if you don't vibe with it ^^). I didn't post a new link last week due to being away on vacation, and I didn't want my mods to feel overwhelmed with new members while I was away. Anyway, to all my new and returning readers, keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for my Isekai'd!Reader one-shot series and my overall taglist: @chirikoheina, @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @toobytub, @ins4nebish, @bokuto-kinnie, @jadedist, @mompt2, @chalksdreams, @thelost-in-time, @ventisweetheart, @hispasian-otaku, @juuuuuj101010, @samarill, @testsubject0012, @irisxiel, @kazuhaprnt, @lunarapple, @emilymikado, @mabie, @vinnie-w, @n8mareee, @heyimkay, @eliciana, @blesstosuisen, @goldeneclipsedragon, @jjvr4yxc, @sovermike-21-blog, @vox34, @skyyyyackerman, @undecidingfate, @nightlysunn, @faeryminnyx, @simpcreator, @lucifarts-boxers, @thelovebuggs, @urlocalheizousimp, @sunlightstarr (Accounts that I was unable to tag have been removed. Those who don't want to be tagged in certain stories are not tagged in this particular post. Remember to check your settings to see if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist / Masterlist 2 | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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prettiepalette · 7 months
vintage + my little ponies database
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hi my name is the reading pony and i'm going to be the main alter for this tumblr! other alters will post their art themselves or ask me to post it for them! we'll always say whos fronting in the tags. a dreamlist (dreamies) database of vintage little pony merchandise and ponies manufacturered during generation 1 (1982 - 1995) ✩࿐࿔ each completed page contains an digital photo edit of the ponies that I've created, as well as research and information I've found online about the ponies.
this list is constantly being updated! your patience is appreciated <3
Baby Bouncy Baby Brightbow Baby Chuck e Cheese Baby Cuddles Baby Diamond Baby Gametime Baby Heart Throb Baby Honeycomb Baby Hushabye Baby LicketySplit Baby Lofty Baby Moon dancer Baby Nightsong Baby Starbow Baby Stargaze Baby Sugar cake Baby Sundance Baby Tiddley Winks (Brazil) Blue Nightcap Blueberry Baskets Bright Night Bright Night Newborn So Soft Cotton Candy Daffodil Galaxy Goldilocks Honeysuckle Kiss n Make Up Locket Love Petal Love Token Loving Family Apple Delight Melody Painting Time Ringlets Scribbles Sniffles & Snookums Star Gleamer Starlight Strawberry Scoops Sundance Sweet Clover Sweet Notes Sweet Sundrop Sweetheart Vanilla Treat Yum Yum and my non-pony content: Rainbow Brite Carebears Strawberry Shortcake Lalaloopsy Furbies Tamagotchi Garfield Dolls - Decora Girls, Novi Stars etc.
Hey! I'm starting to open up commissions again! Support me via Kofi https://ko-fi.com/prettiepalette
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hi can i request ‘when A hesitantly traces the bottom of B's lips before they say fuck it and smash their lips together’ for like hughes please
"I had to kiss you"
Luke hughes x fem!reader
You and luke had been friends since high school, and you had have feelings for you best friend since 9th grade. You've always liked him but you only find a way into his heart is as his friend, or so you thought.
So here you were watching your best friend drive the boat. Your thoughts were interrupted by his brother jack who was snickering at you. You gave him a look and he gave one back.
"You got a problem jack? Wanna share with the boat?", you tilted your head at him.
"I mean I can... but I don't think you want me to...", he smirked.
"You know what... keep that thought to yourself please", youturned to the other when you felt the seat dip. "Aren't you suppose to be driving the boat moose?", he groans at the nickname.
"Well if you care so much about the boat so much then you would realize quinn is driving snookums", I rolled my eyes at him.
"Well if you were paying attention then you would know that quinn said he wasn't driving today!"
"Well quinn took over so I could hang out with my girl."
I blushed at the nickname, he picked up that one when we went to our senior prom and he asked me while calling me his girl. I rolled my eyes and lightly pushed him.
"Are we still on to go roller skating after this?", we have this tradition to go out and roller skate to our spot and watch the sunset together.
"Of course, why wouldn't we?"
"Well its the first day your brothers are here, so I didn't know if you wanted to hang out with them.." I fiddled with his fingers, a habit I picked up on a while back.
"Nah, why would I hang out with them, when I have you?"
"I guess you're right... no one wants to hang out with these losers.. well mainly jack quinns the bestie", I stuck my tongue out at jack.
By the time we got off the boat and into our skates, we had about 30 minutes till sunset. It was going peacefully into it wasn't. Me and luke were skating normally until he looked at me. "Wanna race?"
"Last time we raced you pouted the whole time we were there. I don't want to deal with a pouty moosey"
"Please, come on! I won't pout this time, I promise!", he looked at me with his pouty eyes.
I sighed, "I guess... but if you pout I'll leave"
He hugs me, "yay! And you wouldn't leave me there, you love me to much..."
We lined up next to each other, and got ready. "On our marks... get set... GO!", and we were off, he started off in front till I caught up. It was going good till you looked back at him but then you were falling, and luke was screaming your name. I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face.
"Oh snookums..." he crouched down next to you, he helped you sit up.
"I-i don't even know what happened", I sniffled.
"You tripped over a stick", he rubbed your cheek to wipe your tears away, then he stopped and looked into your eyes, while his thumb went to you lips.
You both kept eye contact for a while till he finally whispered "fuck it" and kissed you.
You kissed back till you both needed air. He put his head on your forehead, "I umm had to kiss you so you felt better.."
"Oh.. thats so nice of you, you can kiss me whenever you want.. unless you have cooties.", ypu teased while you got up. You both looked at each other till you started blushing and looked at the sunset.
He smiled and kissed the side of your face, "I'll give you a head start home."
I looked at him and pecked him quickly, then skated away, "see you there!" I called out. He shook his head and skated after me.
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glimmette · 11 months
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Things I meant to post earlier, but never got around to until now: Various G1 ponies, drawn sometime in August or September.
Part 1: Baby Leafy (the calf), Dainty Dahlia, Masquerade, Baby Lucky Leaf, Baby Woolly (the lamb), Baby Fleecy, Cupcake, Buttons, and the teeny twins Sniffles and Snookums (not to be confused with the Newborn Twins!)
Part 2: Oakly (the moose), Baby Leaper, Squirmy, Mimic, Flurry, Baby Sunnybunch, Cherries Jubilee, and Merriweather.
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toyutopiausa · 2 years
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goatpaste · 3 years
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Sniffles and Snookums, twins who loves to garden together and name their flowers and pretend to be princesses and knights from long ago in their beautiful rolling fields.
[Commission Prices] [Patreon] [Etsy]
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 years
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My Little Pony #67, “Happy Easter”
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ponybackcards · 2 years
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Early one morning, a double Rainbow glistened in the sky to announce the arrival of the newborn twin ponies, Sniffles and Snookums!
Sniffles and Snookums love winter! Eagerly, they watch as the white flakes cover the hills and ice sparkles on the pond. "Let's go ice skating!" exclaims Sniffles. "And go sledding, too!" adds Snookums. They slip on the pretty mittens that their Mama knitted for them to keep their little hands warm in the winter cold.
Newborn twins like to laugh and play in their very special way ... and they're twice the fun for everyone!
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silverslittleponies · 3 years
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Bought on Dec 6 2019 from a friend!
Tickle upgrade with brush, Princess Sapphire & Amethyst with their dragons Spiny & Smokey, their hats and a wand (the other wand is being searched for), twins Sniffles & Snookums with their bottles, diapers and necklaces, and a baby play pen with a duck!
And a G4 Rarity that my friend bought for me! <3
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arwenkenobi48 · 7 years
Remember when Aresko and Grint were the only main characters in Rebels who were brutally killed? Gosh, time flies...
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saturatedboy · 3 years
Anyway we could get a part two to that cannibal reader mush?
Donna Beneviento x GN!Reader Pt.2
Pt.1 can be found here
Yes you may! I'm very delighted that people are enjoying my work!
Requests: Open (make sure to follow the rules)
Words: 2.6k
The meal between the both you and the doll creator was peaceful. Although Donna wasn't one to talk much, she would spare a glance at you every now and again making sure you were doing okay and not making a mess of your stew. However after she was done with her serving, she placed her spoon back into her bowl and looked up to see you staring straight at her. The eye contact between the both of your eyes had made her stare down at her hands that were neatly folded upon her lap. You cheerfully laughed at her blushing state, creaking your chair back and standing up at the same time to move both of your empty bowls. "Oh you're adorable sweetie," You spoke whilst giving Donna a kiss on the cheek.
"Am not..." She mumbled out, holding her hand onto her cheek where your lips had just left. She slowly and gently stroked the spot there re-imaging the touch of your lips back on her cheek. She closed her eye in satisfaction, loving every moment she had with you.
In the background, you had been running the water and washing up liquid into the sink and leaning against it, watching her have her own little moment in her own big world. You stared lovingly, feeling the speed of your heart picked its pace up as blood rushed around your body. "Oh yes you are my snookum." teasing her as you waddled your finger in front of your face. She looked over her shoulder and sighed, leaning her elbow on top of her chair and laying her head in her palm.
"When are you going to see me for what I really am?" Her questioned had lingered in the air. It was like you both were having a staring match, waiting for the other to make the first move by blinking. You blinked and smiled which caught her slightly off guard.
"Darling listen." She watched you intensely, her full hearing set on your voice that she had grew  to fall in love with, especially when she saw your tongue flick the top of your teeth on certain letters. Don't even get her started on the way you would have your mouth slightly open when concentrating on something. The way your lips had- "Donna....Dolly are you listening to me?"
Snapping out of her trance, Donna sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck and was swiftly trying to find something to distract you with. "Oh look," She pointed at the sink behind you, "You have washing up to do." she stated as she stood up and brushed her widows-weed-like dress down, walking over to you and rolling her sleeves up to help you clean.
"Dear," You turned the tap off and had gently grabbed her hands before she could even touch anything. Bringing her hands to your lips, you tenderly kissed her knuckles. She huffed out in protest at your actions but you knew deep down she had secretly loved them- she's told you in the past she loved your small actions of affections. "You are the most bewitching woman I have ever laid my eyes upon. All I see is true beauty and the person in front of me right now, is the person I would love to spend time with until death." You had pulled her into a hug whilst talking, your words at the end quietening as you whispered into her ear. She had gently ducked her head down into her shoulders as she felt your hot breath against her sensitive skin. Not to mention she scrunched up her nose slightly smelling your bad breath smelling of blood and guts still.
Pushing you back slightly, your hands resting just on her waist, Donna had gently flicked your nose with a small smile. "You're sweet but your breath isn't the same as your attitude so lets get this cleaned up then you can clean that mouth of yours. I'm not kissing you with a bad breath like that," Gasping in shock playfully, you placed a hand upon were your heart would be and leant back against the sink once more dramatically.
"Wow...my heart has been wounded. Donna I can see it...I can see the...fact I want to kiss you so badly right now," Without warning, you grabbed her forward and pulled her against you. Soon you had smothered her in kisses everywhere all over her face- even upon where the Cadou had set a scar. She tried to get words out through her mouth but she was very unsuccessful as she was both drowning in affection and taken over by her flustered state. Being cheeky, you had kissed her on the mouth and pulled away watching her flustered state turn to one of slightly annoyed.
"Really, you kissed me on the mouth when you still have a blood taste?"
"Yess," You drew out, snaking your arm behind you and flinging some bubbles at Donna from the sink. Donna was taken back at first not expecting that from you however she had recovered through her shocked state and pushed you lightly out of the way of the sink so she could grab some bubbles for herself. Turning towards you, she fling her bubbles that were in her hand towards your hair and smacked you lightly there as a head pat.
She smirked at you and crossed her arms, placing her weight upon her right leg and leaning that way slightly. "Now be good and if you go get cleaned after this you can watch me work." Now that, had you interested. Smiling widely baring your fangs, you ran to the sink and cleaned up the bowls as fast as you could. Some water had splashed against your clothing and left a small waterfall leaking down the cupboards that were set under the sink. Donna sniffled a laugh as she watched you clean. She knew you never liked being clean because you enjoyed killing, biting and not to mention running in the rain through the forest only to come back looking  like you had been for a full mud bath. Seeing you clean just to watch her work however did bring a question to her mind.
Why were you so excited to watch her work? She thought she was boring. She just sits there and sows clothing to be making clay models for her dolls. On warmer days she would even go test out plants reactions to certain chemicals or plant them in the garden. "Sweetheart I've finished~" You sang out, bouncing on the heels of your feet. She ignore her question in mind, it didn't matter. You was a truthful person and if you enjoyed watching her work, she'll let you watch.
"Now go clean yourself up," She spoke as she turned on her own heel and began to walk away. A sudden breeze ran past her as she watched you run ahead towards where the bathrooms were. She raised a hand to her mouth and giggled into it. You being happy always made her feel joy. You were her pride and joy and even if you normally acted like the one to lead your relationship, she had her moments when she would lead the both of you and take over. Either way, she just adored you so much-even in your cannibal state. Rolling her sleeves back down after wiping her hands dry, she began to walk towards her bedroom where she felt most comfortable to make doll clothing.
As she walked, she was greeted by Angie who was running away from a hoard other puppets. "AHHHH DONNA HELP!!" She cried out as she past Donna the other puppets following close behind.
"Don't break anything!" Donna called out as she watched Angie and the others disappear down the hall behind her. Continuing her way towards her bedroom on the second floor, passing through the many hallways, she recognised a familiar voice.
"I'm sexy and I know it-OW!" They sang out whilst dripping something. Donna bit her lip and followed the voice, ending up at the bathroom that was close by her room. Peering in, she spotted you drowsed in towels about to brush your teeth. She leaned against the door and opened it wide watching you place toothpaste onto your toothbrush.
"Need help sexy?" She questioned. You jumped back startles, dropping both the toothbrush and toothpaste into the sink.
"When did you get here?" You asked panicked, coughing and shaking your head like a doll to dry out any wet drips in your hair.
"Just on the line of 'I'm sexy and I know it OW" She mimicked your voice, walking into the room and towards you, only to stand by the sink in close proxemics to you. She plucked both your toothbrush and toothpaste from your gasp and went to cleaning your toothbrush under the running water from the tap at the sink. Uncapping the toothpaste, she squirted some onto the toothbrush and faced you. "Now say ah." she demanded.
You tutted and rolled your eyes with a cheeky smirk, opening your mouth just like Donna asked. Being careful, Donna had placed the toothbrush on your teeth and began to scrub away making sure she didn't hit your gums or the back of your throat whilst doing your molars. She also made sure to brush your fangs thoroughly since there were slight blood stains staining your teeth. Once done, she had told you to spit and clean your toothbrush for you. When raising your head back up from spitting, you grabbed the face towel and wiped your mouth only to throw it in the washing basket and pulling Donna close. "Now may I kiss the most beautiful woman ever?" You asked her.
"Yes you may my clean dear." Leaning down, you captured her lips with your own making sure to apply enough pressure to savour the moment. Donna had placed her hands on your shoulders and stood on her tiptoes, closing her eyes and smiling into the kiss. Your arms wrapped around her body, bringing her close and you placed a hand on her smaller back. Pulling apart but keeping your lips just touching, you whispered her name.
"Donna, you are my everything," She shivered at the light touch of your lips scraping against hers. It brought butterflies to her stomach as she  longed for more off you. "Not only that, but I think we should tie the knots after this whole Mother Miranda thing is over." Donna opened her eye and stared longingly at your own. She saw the faint cherry colour seeking through and moved her dainty hand to hold your cheek. You leaned against it, gently nuzzling it. "Would you like to get married after all this?"
Her bottom lip quivered at your words. She hadn't felt love in a long time till you had came. You're bloody self always brightening her days, your fangs that would be very useful when she needed someone to be cleared out quickly from her manor. The way you had brought more life into her heart, she didn't have to feel like the only human she had you now. And she never wanted to trade you for anyone else. Hell, she would murder in cold blood for you just like you would do for her. "Her vision had blurred as she held your other cheek in her other hand, straightening your head out.
You sighed softly, taking her silence as a 'no'. Being quick on your words, you said the alternative. "We don't have to, I'm not going to rush you into anything at all my queen. We don't need to get married-"
"Just shut up and kiss me my soon to be fiancé." You were taken back as she pulled your head towards hers, being brought into a loving kiss. Both of your lips moved in sync, her being brave enough to push you back until you were fully between the sink and her frail body. Being careful, you held her head to yours and used one of your hands to stroke the side of her neck. Just as you were about to go further, a cough at the door interrupted you both.
"Excuse me, this is a public bathroom," Angie had called out, having a dozen of puppets behind her on the floor and some floating about.  "However," She smirked, "I'm sure they'll be a lot of this action after your wedding. DIBS ON BEING THE ENTERTAINER!" She screamed, laughing like a maniac after as she hit her hand against the door frame trying to catch what you called 'breath'.
Cradling Donna close to your body, you kissed the top of her head and let her hide her red face in your chest. "Hey Angie, do you think a red dress would look just as good as a red face on soon to be Mrs Beneviento?~" You teased, winking at Angie. Your words only made Donna hold onto your shirt tightly, whining at your teasing.
"Maybe you should also get some sexy ling-" A toothpaste tube was flung at Angie as she dodged out of the way in a stylish matter. The culprit was the one and only Donna Beneviento with a face of embarrassment.
"Angie hush, go play dear." She spoke trying to keep her cool acting like she never threw the toothpaste in the first place. Angie shrugged her shoulders and pointed out for the other puppets to leave, however she lingered for longer by the bathroom door.
"You know," She started, turning on her back getting ready to leave the both of you alone. "You two are amazing together. You work well and you both practically need each other for comfort. If you do get married, I know you won't regret it. I trust both of you too look after each other." And she went, her veil flying behind her as she went.
You and Donna was left alone again, staying quiet within the moment. Although the situation was a little...confusing the atmosphere between you both was rather peaceful. You felt honoured to know Angie was allowing you to marry Donna after everything and you felt content with Donna's answer. Even if she said 'no' you would've respected that. You would understand to the best of your ability to see the situation through her eyes and respect her decision. Taking her smaller hand in your own, you twirled her around into your body. Looking down at her, you brushed a stray hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. "I love you Donna. I love you so much, thank you for everything," Your gentle whispers left her speechless. She knew when you said anything quiet you were at your calmest moments savouring the time you had with her.
"I love you too (Y/n). Forever and beyond all the stars." She smiled as she stared into your eyes once again, something she did rather often. The red had still not left your eyes, it slowly gaining dominance over your original colour. "How about after I am finished with tonight's work, you and I take a stroll through the forest hm? Maybe..." She hastily kissed under your chin and pulled away, smirking. "We could plan ahead."
"You know Donna, I wouldn't want to spend any time with anyone else other than you sweetie." Yours eyes had grown to a full red, the red being more blazing then the fires of Hell. "I'll make sure to protect you from any Lycans tonight on our stroll dear." She giggled at your sentence, finding sweetness and safety when hearing your voice.
"And I'll do the same."
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genshinluvr · 1 year
Sick Days
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: Eighteen out of twenty-five men are sick, and you (and the other seven men who aren't sick) try to take care of the sick men who have fallen ill. Just when you thought they were already needier, they're even needier when they're sick.
Note: Just a mini-fic of the majority of the Genshin men being sick. I typed this at 2-3 AM, and I don't know how I feel about this. This was an answer to someone's ask, so that's why it's a minier mini-fic. Since I typed this out in the middle of the night, don't expect it to be half decent since I'm tired and want to go to bed before I have to get up early morning 🥲 I don't think I'll be tagging people in this mini-fic 🤔I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Some of the Genshin men are sick
Word Count: 2.4k
Read Part 2 of Sick Days [HERE].
Almost everyone at the estate is sick except for Zhongli, Venti, Xiao, Scaramouche, Albedo, Baizhu, and Dainsleif. Oh, and yourself, of course. Which is a shocker because you’re usually the one that gets sick often out of everyone in the abode, but now it’s the other way around. Baizhu and Albedo are the ones that do the check-ups and prescribe medication for the men who are sick, while you and the others are the ones that try to nurse them back to health.
Childe rings his bell from his bedroom upstairs. “Snookums!” Childe hollers from the top of his lungs before having a coughing fit.
You peek your head into Childe’s room. “Yes, what do you need? And don’t shout! You’re going to make it worse for yourself, and you’re going to wake the others up,” you say, walking into his room.
Baizhu pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. “I was able to get him to take his medication, but he refuses to go to sleep because he wants to cuddle with you,” says Baizhu, turning to look at you with a look of defeat.
You look at Childe, propping your hands on your hips. “Is that true, Childe?” You ask.
Childe nods glumly and holds his arms out, making grabby motions with his hands. You chuckle and sigh. You nearly forgot that Childe is even clingier when he’s sick, which is unfortunate because it makes it harder for you to care for the other sick men. 
Venti knocks on the door, pops his head into the room, and sighs, giving you a sympathetic smile. “[Y/N], the others are calling for you.”
“Which others are we talking about? The ones that aren’t sick, or the ones that are sick?” You ask, raising your eyebrows at the anemo archon. 
Venti purses his lips and clears his throat. “What would you do if I said both?” asks Venti, tapping his fingers on the doorframe while leaning against it.
Childe’s eyes widen, and he shakes his head, kneeling on his bed as if he’s prepared to get off it to convince you to stay. “No! Don’t leave me! You know I can’t go to sleep without you cuddling me!” Childe whines, giving you puppy dog eyes before coughing and sneezing into his elbows.
Baizhu gives Childe a fake smile before handing the eleventh Harbinger a face mask while keeping a safe distance between the two of them. “Please wear this face mask while you’re sick. You don’t want to get other people sick now, do you?” Baizhu says.
Childe lets out a huff, grabs the face mask from Baizhu’s hands, and puts it over his mouth and nose. You walk over to Childe and gently push him to make him lie on his back. Even though Childe has a mask over his nose and mouth, you know he’s pouting. You tuck Childe into bed and kiss his forehead.
“Get some rest, alright? I have to check up on the others,” you say, stroking Childe’s soft hair.
Childe huffs and nods before turning over to his side and closing his eyes. You, Baizhu, and Venti walk out of Childe’s room.
The minute you and the two men step out of Childe’s bedroom, you realize how much chaos the estate actually has. You hear occasional coughing, sniffling, and people calling your name for your attention from each person's room.
You walk to the room beside Childe’s room and knock on the door before peeking in. Diluc stares at you with bleary eyes with tissues stuck up his nose. You give the redhead a sympathetic smile before entering his room.
Diluc sniffles. “Don’t come any closer. I don’t want you to get sick,” Diluc says.
You can’t help but giggle at Diluc’s nasally voice and continue to walk to his bed. Diluc frowns at you before taking the tissues out from his nose and tossing them into the trash bin beside his bed. Diluc reaches for another tissue and stares at you while you sit across from him on his bed.
You give his leg a squeeze. “How are you feeling right now? You took your medication, right?” You ask, looking at Diluc worriedly.
Diluc nods while wiping his nose. “I did take my medication. I’m waiting for it to kick in. I hate being sick. It prevents me from getting my job done at the winery.” Diluc frowns, sniffling again.
“I understand your frustration, Diluc. But please take this time to rest. You won’t recover from your illness if you don’t get plenty of rest,” you say.
Diluc frowns and lets his hands fall onto his lap. You get up from Diluc’s bed and walk closer to him. Diluc looks at you with wide eyes while you lean down to kiss the top of his head. Diluc mumbles something under his breath before lying on his bed and closing his eyes. You press the back of your hand on Diluc’s forehead, nearly sighing in relief. Diluc’s temperature is going down, thankfully. 
You leave Diluc’s bedroom to let him rest, closing the door behind you. Venti and Baizhu went somewhere you’re not sure— probably to check up on the other men in the estate. Zhongli steps out from one of the men’s rooms, carrying a tray of food in his hands. Zhongli sighs and gives you a look, shaking his head.
���It’s strange how they got ill simultaneously,” Zhongli comments, gesturing for you to follow him as he starts making his way toward the staircase.
“Oh, uh, I’m about to check up on the others! I’ll join you downstairs after I finish checking up on all of them. Is that okay?” You ask, getting ready to enter the room Zhongli had left not long ago.
Zhongli smiles. “You’re not obligated to join me, [Y/N]. I heard everyone has been asking for you,” he chuckles, shaking his head.
You give Zhongli a weak smile, nodding. “Yeah, they are, and I’m going to check on each of them to make sure they’re okay. Childe wanted to cuddle with me, but I can’t join him this time since, you know, he’s sick, and he could get me sick as well,” you reply. 
Zhongli nods before bidding you goodbye and walking down the stairs. You walk into the room to see Dainsleif pinning Itto down while Xiao tries to shove a pill down Itto’s mouth. You stand at the door, unsure of what to do other than watch.
You clear your throat. “What in the world are you guys doing?” You ask, grabbing the three men’s attention.
“[Y/N]! Help me! They won’t let me go!” Itto screams, thrashing under Dainsleif’s grasp. “Is this how you treat a sick person!?” Itto exclaims, glaring at Dainsleif and Xiao.
Dainsleif rolls his eyes and tightens his grip on Itto’s wrists. “You need to take your medication. I don’t care if you’re an Oni, Itto. You need to take your medication because it’s prescribed to you by Doctor Baizhu,” Dainsleif replies.
Xiao lightly smacks Itto’s head. “This wouldn’t have happened if you complied and took your medication without a fight,” Xiao says, glaring at Itto.
You walk over to the three men and pull Xiao and Dainsleif away from Itto. Itto gives you a grateful look before sitting up and fixing his hair and clothes with a huff. You hold your hand out to Xiao. Xiao gives you a look before placing the pill in your hand.
“Good luck trying to get him to take his medication,” Xiao mutters.
You sit on the edge of the bed and hand Itto the pills. Itto stares at the large pills with horror, then back at you. Judging by the look on his face, Itto was asking if you’re insane for wanting him to swallow a pill that’s almost the size of his entire pinky.
You purse your lips. “If you take them, you’ll feel better after! Plus, it’s not fun being sick, is it?” You ask.
Itto frowns and shakes his head.
“If you don’t want to take medicine that’s this big, I recommend taking these right now, and you should be feeling a little bit better after a few hours.” You suggest.
Dainsleif hands Itto a cup of water. “Unless you want us to pin you down and force you to take your medicine, I recommend you take your medication like an adult.”
Itto glares at Dainsleif and tosses the pills into his mouth before downing the water. You give Itto a pat on the back before kissing the side of his head. Itto smiles and places the cup on the nightstand before he pulls you onto his bed.
“Itto, I can’t stay long! I have to check up on the others, too, you know?” You mutter, trying to squirm out from his grasp.
Itto ignores your comment and continues to snuggle into you with a wide smile. You look at Xiao and Dainsleif. The two men pinch the bridge of their noses, mentally cursing at the Oni. 
You sigh in defeat and pat Itto’s arms. “Alright, I guess I’ll be staying here for a little bit, alright?” You ask, glancing up at Itto.
Itto smiles and nods wordlessly. You look at Xiao and Dainsleif, gesturing for them to give you and Itto some privacy. You continue to let Itto hug you to his chest, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep without even realizing it. Time passes by, and you wake up to the sound of whispering around you.
“Dammit, Itto! You decide to hoard [Y/N] for yourself and not let them check up on the rest of us?” You hear Aether whisper.
Heizou sighs. “Poor thing must be exhausted. Everyone wants their attention, and for them to check up on us must’ve worn them out,” says Heizou.
You crack your eyes open to see the men sitting around you. You blink at them and look at Itto, who’s staring down at you while combing his fingers through your hair. You rub your eyes and sit, blinking at everyone.
Kazuha chuckles, coughing into his elbows. “It looks like [Y/N] slept really well,” Kazuha smiles at you.
“Sorry for not being able to check up on all of you. As you can see, I fell asleep. Unintentionally, of course,” you say sheepishly. 
Ayato sighs and walks over to the bed, sitting beside you. “There’s no need to apologize. You tried your best to care for those who are sick and didn’t get to rest because people were pulling you left and right.”
“We decided to make it easier for you by coming here after we heard Dainsleif and Xiao say something about Itto hoarding you for himself,” Thoma says, putting on his face mask and sitting at the edge of the bed across from you and Itto.
You blink at the men before you and at Itto. Itto seems content with the situation. Itto presses his back against the wooden headboard of his bed and reaches for the cup of water. You plop over on your side and close your eyes. Dear Archons, dealing with sick men with the help of seven men was not easy. Zhongli, Xiao, Venti, Dainsleif, Albedo, Scaramouche, and Baizhu did everything to help the men that are sick, and you’re eternally grateful for their assistance. Despite their trying to help, it didn’t stop the others from wanting you and only you. You crack your eyes open and pat the bed.
“You guys might as well join us in bed then. You all wanted to be near me or be in the same room as me,” You say.
Al Haitham stares at you. “We’ll get you sick, you know that, right?” asks Al Haitham.
“And? I’ve gotten sick many times since my arrival at Teyvat. It’s nothing new!” You reply, brushing Al Haitham’s worry to the side.
Kaveh stares at you and tosses a pillow at you. “That’s the point! You’ve fallen ill so many times in Teyvat already. We don’t want you to get sick again because of us,” Kaveh replies, letting out a huff of breath before having a short coughing fit.
“Remember how a lot of you would tell me to rest up?” You ask, closing your eyes.
“Yes, we tell you that because you do need to rest. You push yourself to the point where you get sick,” Tighnari replies, clearing his throat. 
You sputter and rub your face. “Yeah, well, you all need to rest! And since you’re all in here already, you might as well make yourselves home for now until we’re all rest up!” You say, patting the bed.
“But you’ll get sick,” Cyno states, frowning at you.
“Hand me a face mask, then! You know that one part of a wedding vow? Something about in sickness and in health?” You ask, reaching out toward Baizhu while he hands you a mask to wear.
Kaeya snorts, sitting on Itto’s bed and lying across from you. “You really are stubborn.”
“Wait, are we all going to just lay on Itto’s bed? I don’t think we’ll fit,” Gorou says, counting the number of people in Itto’s room.
You wave Gorou’s worries away. “We’ll probably Tetris it, don’t worry! If that doesn’t work, then we’ll figure it out somehow,” you say, scooting over to make room for the others. 
Scaramouche asks, “What if I don’t want to be near any of these losers and only with you?” Scaramouche smacks Childe upside of his head as he walks by the eleventh Harbinger.
You stare at Scaramouche. “Then we can do that later! Just you and me!” You reply.
“And chaos begins,” Albedo chuckles, shaking his head as everyone starts pushing and shoving each other, trying to get to you. 
Surprisingly, no one has fallen over yet. You made sure everyone wore a mask because you didn’t want them to get each other even more sick than they already were. You’re in the middle of the bed while people are scrambling to lay beside you or at least close enough to you. At this point, it’s a cuddle pile, and you’re all for it because imagine being sandwiched between many men.
In the end, you had to give up your spot because they didn’t want to crush you. So, they have you lay on top of everyone because they want you to feel comfortable and not claustrophobic. That and because they want to be able to pass you around so the other person can get their turn cuddling you. Just when you thought you were needy when you’re sick, you’re wrong because these men are needier than you are and constantly crave your attention. Not that you’re complaining, of course. They’re just clingier when they’re sick, and it’s something you’re going to have to get used to if you ever get married to them.
Note: Not tagging people for this mini-fic since this was supposed to be a response to someone's ask. Plus, it's also nearing 4 AM, and tagging people can take a while. This is just a mini-fic/response to an ask. It's short, it's not the best. But this is what I imagined would go down if the reader were to take care of the sick Genshin men. Some of them aren't sick because they're immortal, so yeah! To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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ponymovienight · 2 years
My Little Pony and Friends Season Two
Episode 10: The Ice Cream Wars
Original air date: Sept. 18, 1987
The First Tooth Baby Ponies are put in charge of the Newborn Twins: Sniffles & Snookums and Milkweed & Tumbleweed. The unruly twins are temporarily subdued with the promise of ice cream, but first the First Tooth Baby Ponies must reunite the feuding ice cream makers Rocky Ripple and Fudgy McSwain, who have cut off Ponyland’s ice cream supply.
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dollsonmain · 3 years
So, here are all of the ponies that are sitting around waiting on work.
I pulled everyone out of the windows and gathered them all together so I could better assess what everyone needs.
Tumblr media
Starting in the upper left:
- Blossom, Glory, and Moondancer are the new MegaBaitBox denizens, though I think both Glory and Moondancer will get a turn in the new SunBox. They’re both missing most of their cutie marks and are stained, but being straight up white ponies, maybe they’ll bleach out nicely and be good custom bases as opposed to MegaBait.
- Blossom is a holey hell, though. She’s like a sponge.
- Gingerbread needs more sun time and a rehair.
- Coco Berry needs more sun, touchups, and a rehair. While her hair isn’t cut it is faded almost to white.
- Bouquet needs more sun time. She’s doing very well. Many fewer stains than she had a couple weeks ago, though some seem to be staying.
- Snuzzle has a bright pink stain on one foot and is missing a couple plugs. Might leave it that way. She’s a FF and I don’t want to mess with those any more than I have to.
- Seashell needs more sun and wouldn’t be hurt by a rehair but she has MOST of her tail, still and her mane is good so I’ll probably just leave her with the thin tail.
- Heart Throb needs more destaining on the wing I stained (uuuuuugh), a tiny hole filled in the same wing, a rehair, and touchups.
- Sundance #3 needs sun and a little more hair care.
- Majesty needs a lot of plugs of the blue which I can steal from her tail, but also a few plugs of white which I don’t have. Not sure what I’ll do about that, just yet.
- Molasses needs a little more sun time to get the remnants of orangeness out of her right side and her hair restyled.
- Sniffles needs a little sun fading. Just a little.
- Daddy Sweet Celebrations is still covered in smiley faces and pink ink. His hair is cut so a rehair wouldn’t hurt him but he’s going into my personal collection and I’m not too horribly picky so it’s not a priority.
- Baby Blossom needs sun time and more hair work. The texture of her hair is horrible.
- Baby Tiddley-Winks needs a rehair but she’s Posey color and I’m waiting for the lighter Posey hair to come in stock instead of stealing hairs from her tail to fill her mane since they don’t match each other.
- Snookums and Sniffles both need hair, same Posey problem for the one and I plan to do them together. No reason, really. They’ll both need their heads glued on. They could probably both benefit from some more sun time but they do look a lot better than they did.
- Baby Blossom could use more sun fading on her face and another layer of THF goop on the hole in her leg, which means also sanding.
- Baby Sniffles Again has a hole in her leg that I’ve not started working on at all, yet.
- Baby Glory needs sun fading on her face and horn.
- Baby Cuddles needs sun time.
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- Baby Cotton Candy needs photographed. She’s not perfect but she’s good enough to move on.
- FF Butterscotch needs to be 100% dry before I put her back together so I can put her default weights back in. She could use a rehair not only because her hair is still a bit goopy from the plasticizer leech, but it’s also breaking off. Which is a shame because look how shiny and smooth and perfectly colored it is! I don’t want to rehair her if I don’t have to since she IS a Flat Foot.
- Spunky is waiting for me to decide whether I’m keeping her or not. I think she did have a bit of a haircut on her mane since the front and back of it are shorter than the middle, but I’m not sure.
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- Sprinkles could benefit from a rehair since most of her tail fell out and what’s left is very thin. Her mane is in such good condition that I don’t really want to rehair her if I can avoid it. I’ll see how it looks after being set. It’s pretty sad. I do have that color of hair on hand.
- Daddy Apple Delight has a double haircut and needs sunfading. While I do intend to sun fade him, he is going into my personal collection and I’m not bothering with his hair at the moment. What’s left is in good condition.
- Mommy is a mess. She needs severe sun fading, assuming the yellowing she has wasn’t CAUSED by UV exposure, would benefit from a rehair (both mane and tail look to be cut a little) and I do have that color on hand, BUT with the yellowing and ripped off head, doesn’t seem worth the effort.
I may keep this one and sell the better looking one just to get the most money back.
- Baby Sister needs her hair set and some touchups to her face paint.
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But yeah that’s a LOT of ponies that came in and weren’t resold quickly because they didn’t meet my I’m Ready Doll Parts standards. Not including the ones in the MegaBaitBox that went out. Though many of those I’d had for years and just hadn’t done anything with.
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