#cumberlayne aresko
I want to order a new set of Kallus headcanons, thank you ♥️
Sdkldjsfhsdkjhfdkjs one order of freshly baked Kallus headcanons, coming right up 🖤
Kallus has no favourite music, because he never takes time to listen to any. For years, if anyone asked him that question, he would dutifully answer "The Imperial March", but even that one he never really paid attention to. In the Empire this never bothered him, but the incredulous reactions he gets in the Rebellion when people find out he never listens to music make him feel slightly insecure.
Whilst not an artist like Sabine, he can draw reasonably well, as long as it's drawing something he knows. His specialty is structural drawings and schematics; he can come up with a complete lay-out of a building even if he's only seen it in the heat of a fight. This skill comes in very handy in his work in Rebel Intelligence.
After Kanan's death, he subconsciously feels responsible for Hera. He would never presume taking Kanan's place (would be impossible anyway, considering Zeb called dibs on him years ago), but in his own awkward way he tries to look after her. Hera sees this, and appreciates him for it.
He joined the Rebellion to take down the Empire, but never really thought about what would happen if they would reinstate the Republic. As such, once they win and his work transitions from fighting against the Empire to keeping the Republic's peace, he once again has difficulty adjusting, fiercely reminded of his time as an Imperial.
He deeply hates Grand Moff Tarkin, especially since the man had Aresko and Grint killed. He never liked those two, incompetent and bumbling as they were, but the way and the reason Tarkin killed them triggered him very badly, reminding him of his first unit on Onderon.
He'll die before admitting it, but he loves being Zeb's little spoon. Finally someone has his back, in more ways than one ;-;
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chipthekeeper · 3 months
Silliest Star Wars name, round one
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lieutenantselnia · 12 days
New f/os?
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Okay so I gave in and added four new guys at once to my list😂 To be fair about half of them are not entirely new ones, in Lyste's case I've always liked him and been fond of him but just never bothered to add him to the list, and when it comes to Veers, I used to have a short but intense crush on him when I was like ... 14? 15? 16? But I didn't know that self shipping was a thing yet and later, when I got into the community I had kind of forgotten about him😅 Also I'm not entirely sure yet about Aresko but I think he needs love so he can stay for now (also is there actually anyone who ships with his buddy Grint? I forgot to include him in my recent post but that would be so cute🥺)
Anyway look at my boyyys🥰🥰🥰
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pileofsith · 2 years
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Nameless Part Two - Lothal Page 3/3 🡨 Previous Next 🡪
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graham-einart · 10 months
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Revising the animated series, I suddenly noticed these two and wanted to draw them. Words cannot describe how they inspired me. Who would have thought...
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the-dauntless-crew · 2 years
Me: *accidentally puts 2/3 milk into a bowl instead of 2/3 water while making boxed mashed potatoes*
Kassius, Cumberlayne and Brom: *watching me*
Me*suddenly realizes my mistake* 😐😑
Kassius, Cumberlayne and Brom: *looks at each other confused and worried*
Me: well this is like the one time I accidentally put 2 cups of flour into a bowl instead of 1 cup of flour 🤣
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tarisilmarwen · 17 days
Chapter Title: Tales of the Spectres: Ezra
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Rating: M
Character(s): Ezra Bridger, Myles Grint, Cumberlayne Aresko, Yogar Lyste, Kanan Jarrus
Genre: Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Before they were “a crew, a team, in some ways family”, the individual members of the Spectres were always running, never knowing that their paths were being slowly, inevitably, guided towards each other.
AO3, FFNet
FINISHED OH MY GOSH. Loved doing this one.
An untidy mop of dark hair peeked out from behind the alley wall. Bright blue eyes made a quick sweep of the street, sizing up his target, and then his head ducked back behind the tan stone.
Ezra leaned back out from cover, this time priming his slingshot.
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darktiger0049 · 2 years
Well. I just remembered about Commandant Aresko, yeah, it was five years ago(I really mean that, actually five years), so I decided to draw him now, with my skill upgraded a bit :з
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groundrunner100 · 3 years
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Have I mentioned how much I despise Star Wars Rebels with every fiber in my body?
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swimperialimagines · 3 years
Imperials react to their children coming out (Happy Pride Month!)
Commandant Aresko
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Both Kellan and Lycan came out on the same day. With Kellan coming out as Asexual, and Lycan being Pan. Aresko honestly had to take a moment to process all this information (due to not really understanding all these new sexualities in the first place.). At first, the boys were a little worried, more so Kellan than Lycan who looked like he was ready to rip their dad a new one if he turns out to be that type of parent.
It took Aresko maybe 4 minutes before he approached his sons again. And luckily for the twins, he had simply shrugged and said
"You two are old enough to make your own decisions. I just hope you two don't bring home imbeciles for romantic partners."
Like he even needed to worry about that. Lycan pretty much had enough strength and raw terrifying ability to scare potential abusers away from his brother, and also most playboys/girls wouldn't think twice than to try and cheat on him because of how scary he can get when he feels betrayed.
Even though he will never admit it out loud, he's very supportive of his sons. He's just more subtle about it.
Lieutenant Lyste
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When his baby girl came out as being Bisexual and Asexual, Lyste practically burst into tears. But in a good way! When Lavender was 14, he would take her to her doctor appointments, and they would always say that she might be mentally challenged due to saying that she thinks that she might be attracted to both boys and girls. That did not sit well with Lyste at all so he had Lavender go to a different doctor because he WILL NOT STAND for some closed-minded arse try and call his baby something that absurd!
When Lavender came out, he was 100% supportive of her and even goes to pride parades with her, both him and her carrying the Bisexual and Asexual flags, and he's carrying her on his back like how he used to (even though it's a little more difficult.)
Agent Kallus
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His daughter Victoria came up to him in his office one day, and spoke to him that she wanted to transition. This hit him like a runaway train because he was not expecting her to say that.
However, he wasn't that surprised. Victoria has always been something of a tomboy, and never liked girly things. As she got older, she eventually got a girlfriend, who he approved of. But he never thought that Victoria would want to become a man.
He knew that it wasn't going to be a cheap operation, so Kallus paid for it himself, since he cared more about his daughter's happiness than anything. He even helped her with finding suitable binders, got her new uniforms, the whole nine yards.
If he were to go to the pride Parade, you'll definitely see him with his daughter, wearing a shirt that says "PROUD OF MY TRANSGENDER CHILD" and just daring any transphobic civilians to try and harm his baby.
After Victoria has fully transitioned, he has now changed his name to Viktor, and goes by he/him pronouns.
( This post is the second half of the link above. ^^^)
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sisterventress · 3 years
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From my new WIP... Aresko has messed something up spectacularly again and Maketh has been though hell and back trying to fix it. But she can’t stay mad at him. Those eyes are just too soft.
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lieutenantselnia · 14 days
You ever get that feeling like you're f/o-ing characters by proxy? Like, you don't necessarily want to f/o them yourself, but you still want them to be f/os to someone and see other people self ship with them? Well, because I think I do ...
So I started rewatching Star Wars Rebels a few weeks ago and oh boy I think my dormant Star Wars hyperfixation is no longer dormant but instead coming back full force - AND NOW I WANT TO SEE THESE DORKS GETTING KISSES GODDAMMIT
These are just the first few that came to my mind but there's more (it's just that it's half past 5am and my brain is soup), but I'd love to see some self-inserts (or OCs) being shipped with them! And even if you don't like Imperials you could also just make them defect with/for you😌
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In oder: Lieutenant Yogar Lyste, Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko, Minister Maketh Tua, Admiral Kassius Konstantine, Agent Alexsandr Kallus, Grand Admiral Thrawn
I wasn't quite sure about including Kallus (bottom left) and Thrawn (bottom right) in this list, because 1. they're not nearly as underrated as the others (although I haven't really seen them around in the self ship community), and 2. I also very much ship Kallus with Zeb (I'm rarely crazy about canon x canon pairings but those two are really cute), and well Thrawn is also on my own f/o list anyway xD (I usually don't mind sharing though)
Bonus: Admiral Yularen, however I prefer his look in The Clone Wars, but he makes an appearance in Rebels too!
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(I really want to rewatch TCW as well once I'm finished with Rebels it's always been such a joy to watch when I was younger😭 I hope I can get my sister to watch it together with me like we used to)
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pileofsith · 2 years
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Nameless Part Two - Lothal Page 2/3 🡨 Previous Next 🡪
And clowns have briefly entered the circus!
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hikariarts501 · 4 years
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Remember that other drawing of Aresko that I posted maybe a few months ago? Well since my copic markers came in like around late December, I decided to go ahead and color him in. :D
And all I can say is that I kinda had to pause every now and then just to blush uncontrollably before continuing.
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the-dauntless-crew · 2 years
A list of my f/o's:
Star Wars:
-Kassius Konstantine
-Cumberlayne Aresko
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