#myles grint
I want to order a new set of Kallus headcanons, thank you ♥️
Sdkldjsfhsdkjhfdkjs one order of freshly baked Kallus headcanons, coming right up 🖤
Kallus has no favourite music, because he never takes time to listen to any. For years, if anyone asked him that question, he would dutifully answer "The Imperial March", but even that one he never really paid attention to. In the Empire this never bothered him, but the incredulous reactions he gets in the Rebellion when people find out he never listens to music make him feel slightly insecure.
Whilst not an artist like Sabine, he can draw reasonably well, as long as it's drawing something he knows. His specialty is structural drawings and schematics; he can come up with a complete lay-out of a building even if he's only seen it in the heat of a fight. This skill comes in very handy in his work in Rebel Intelligence.
After Kanan's death, he subconsciously feels responsible for Hera. He would never presume taking Kanan's place (would be impossible anyway, considering Zeb called dibs on him years ago), but in his own awkward way he tries to look after her. Hera sees this, and appreciates him for it.
He joined the Rebellion to take down the Empire, but never really thought about what would happen if they would reinstate the Republic. As such, once they win and his work transitions from fighting against the Empire to keeping the Republic's peace, he once again has difficulty adjusting, fiercely reminded of his time as an Imperial.
He deeply hates Grand Moff Tarkin, especially since the man had Aresko and Grint killed. He never liked those two, incompetent and bumbling as they were, but the way and the reason Tarkin killed them triggered him very badly, reminding him of his first unit on Onderon.
He'll die before admitting it, but he loves being Zeb's little spoon. Finally someone has his back, in more ways than one ;-;
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graham-einart · 1 month
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My favorite imps again
For some reason I wanted to draw without caps
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tarisilmarwen · 4 months
Chapter Title: Tales of the Spectres: Ezra
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Rating: M
Character(s): Ezra Bridger, Myles Grint, Cumberlayne Aresko, Yogar Lyste, Kanan Jarrus
Genre: Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Before they were “a crew, a team, in some ways family”, the individual members of the Spectres were always running, never knowing that their paths were being slowly, inevitably, guided towards each other.
AO3, FFNet
FINISHED OH MY GOSH. Loved doing this one.
An untidy mop of dark hair peeked out from behind the alley wall. Bright blue eyes made a quick sweep of the street, sizing up his target, and then his head ducked back behind the tan stone.
Ezra leaned back out from cover, this time priming his slingshot.
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ap-trash-compactor · 1 year
The thing about Thrawn is… he probably would run a game of boar on the floor if he thought it would serve it a purpose. But he would do it the way you might imagine Nan Pierce would do it.
However, the other thing about him is that he would stand by and observe as Arihnda subjects people to a version of it so fucking deranged it makes Logan look calm, reasonable, and kindly by comparison. Like she would try to do it Nan Pierce style but it wouldn’t last. It would be a full on multi-hour art house horror film extravaganza. Just a full-on no-holds-barred, ode-to-Giallo descent into madness and hell. 120 Days of Sodom meets Suspiria.
Myles Grint and Brom Titus reenacting the knife scene from Saving Private Ryan. Slavin and Woldar cowering against two different walls. Arihnda and Tua screaming at each other like the girls from Midsommer. Lyste trying to make a run for it but Thrawn intercepts him. “Perhaps you should return to your post before the governor can notice your absence.” Lyste, quietly breaking down in tears, slowly sinks the floor as he tries to walk back and can only bring himself to belly crawl into the nightmare.
Somehow, Kallus has not been forced to participate.
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How would the imperials react to a s/o that's shorter than them?
How would the imperials react to a s/o that has bad anxiety?
How would the imperials react to a s/o that's a cuddly cinnamon roll, but also scary when angry?
Please include Admiral Konstantine
I kinda combined both the first ask with the third, because I honestly think they fit together. I will make a separate post for the second ask to avoid this one getting too long.
1. Imperials react to a s/o who is short, yet is also a cuddly cinnamon roll who is terrifying when angry
Admiral Konstantine - He is more or less kind of partially to blame for when you're angry, because this man honestly says the wrong things when you are in the area. And may the ancient ones help him if whatever nonsense he says comes back to you. It's also worse because a lot of your fellow officers kind of treat you as if you're a child because you are rather short for your age (even when the boots are designed to make whoever's wearing them be at least a few inches taller than what they are.) Konstantine tries his best to make you calm down, and surprise, it works. Because even though you glare daggers at him for half the things he says, you can never stay mad at him. You also get back at him for making you mad by constantly clinging onto him and just being cuddly when he's trying to be serious, though he eventually caves. He always does.
Taskmaster Grint - He finds it adorable. Grint is the type of man who loves small things, because he finds them to be adorable. So, when you came into his life, and when he found out that you are a cuddle bug, he feels like he has just witnessed something amazing. When he sees you angry however, even he's a little terrfied because he could never imagine something so cute, be so....angry. When your anger is not directed towards anyone though, and you're more or less just ranting on about something that doesn't make sense to you, he is definitely just thinking about how lucky he is to have such an adorable s/o. Be warned though, he does like to wrap you up in blankets and just carry you around the house sometimes, so even if you aren't the one to initiate cuddles, you have to start expecting him to be the one to do so. However, you do not mind since cuddling with Myles just means you get to spend more time with him than focusing on blasted paperwork all day.
Lieutenant Lyste - Baby boy Lyste often has to hold you back when you're in a fit of fury caused by someone who rubbed you the wrong way. He has to tell you multiple times that the person you want to flay alive is not worth it, until you calm down. When he learns that you also live for cuddles, that gives him a bit of an idea. So, what ended up happening the next time you were being an indignant tornado of fury, was that he simply held you in his arms and just started snuggling the heck out of you. Giving you kisses, the whole nine yards. This proves very effective and you're more or less putty in his hands and happily cuddling him back while everyone else is just like "what the hell just happened???"
Grand Admiral Thrawn - This man, honestly finds your anger to be amusing. He honestly doesn't take you seriously sometimes when you are angry, but don't take it personally. Because after you are done with your tangent of rage, he will actually look into it personally to make sure that whatever it is that you were going off about is actually true facts. And if it was, he would be sure to deal with it himself. However, don't try to be cuddly with him, because he turns into an unbendable statue when you try. It's not like he doesn't enjoy it when you try to be cuddly with him, it's just that he doesn't know what to do. The best that he will do is wrap his arms around you and keep you close, but that's about it.
Captain Slavin - Slavin often tries his best to not get on your bad side, because he knows that the chances of you exploding on him are dangerously high, even though he knows that you love him. He doesn't mind that you are cuddly, but please do not try and be cuddly with him in public, because he doesn't handle PDA very well. He's rather awkward about it. Also, help the poor soul who dares try to insult him when you are around. Because hell hath no fury like someone who hears their s/o being insulted. Especially when that person is you.
Minister Tua - Not going to lie, she often finds your outbursts to be annoying sometimes, even when they are justifiable. But she doesn't say so aloud, because she's honestly worried that if she were to tell you such a thing, that she might unintentionally hurt you. Which she doesn't want. But, when she does bring it to your attention that she wants you to learn to control your outbursts, and lets you know how she feels when you have one, you immediately start apologizing for annoying her, and she just responds by hugging you. Which in turn causes you to try and initiate cuddles, and she gradually accepts them with a slightly defeated sigh.
Commandant Aresko - The poor man is honestly terrified, even when your own parents had warned him about your temper that can even scare the skin off of a rancor. Granted he has found himself at the receiving end of your wrath, more than one occasion that has left him in the infirmary. However, he knows of your love for cuddles. So, what ends up happening, is that when you tackle him to the floor on the intent of releasing your anger, he wraps his arms around you and just holds you against him until you calm down. (Even if he has to handle getting his arms scratched and you trying to bite his face. But he loves you.)
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chipthekeeper · 5 months
548 or 636
548. Myles Grint
Grint was a member of the Empire on Lothal who failed multiple times to eliminate the Ghost crew of rebels
636. Qort
Qort was an Aloxian Jedi who lived during the High Republic. He was raised by Maz Kanata and Sav Malagan before joining the Jedi Order
Send a number from 2 to 908 and I'll tell you about a character from my ridiculous Star Wars character spreadsheet!
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pileofsith · 4 years
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The Imperial Occupation of Lothal
“See what the Empire has done to your lives, your families, and your freedom? It’s only going to get worse, unless we stand up and fight back.”
After a very long time, I’ve finally uploaded my piece for the Star Wars Rebels zine, which I was super lucky to get to participate in.
If I could pick one single Star Wars picture I’ve made, I’d choose this one! So I do hope that folks seeing this will like it at least a fraction of how well I’ve liked all these villainous (and sometimes secretly rebellious) characters.
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swimperialimagines · 4 years
Animals/things Imperials are scared of
(For anyone in need of a good laugh.)
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Rats. Oh boy does he not like rats. He doesn't care if they're the domesticated ones either. How this became a fear, was that he was at a weekly meeting with other commanding officers.
Something fluffy, and half the size of a mouse droid skitters across the room, which is noticed by Thrawn for he had suddenly stopped talking and was now staring at the adjacent wall.
Slavin used a small pen light to shine some light in the corner, and all everyone saw was a salt and pepper colored rat by the wall, staring at them.
Before anyone had a chance to get a word in, the small animal raced across the floor and right towards Thrawn.
He didn't scream mind you, but he did jump onto the desk, with an expression that made him look as if he was silently flipping out.
Konstantine was laughing, while Slavin and Kallus were trying to catch the animal. By closer inspection, Kallus realized that the intruder was domesticated and probably a civilian's pet. As he tried to show it to Thrawn, the grand admiral backed away.
Yogar Lyste and Captain Slavin
Both boys don't like bats. Slavin has a chronic fear of them, while Lyste hates them because of diseases. So what ended up happening, is that someone forgot to close a window, and a baby bat came flying into the room and flying all over the place.
Slavin was automatically screaming as he dived underneath a table with his arms over his head, while Lyste was chasing after the bat, carrying a blanket, and trying to catch it, with comedic results.
Now when it comes to Lyste, he doesn't like most reptiles, mostly snakes. He doesn't like how they flick their tongues, and how scaley they are. If he sees one coming towards him (even if it's a harmless, ball python), he would try to get somewhere high so that the snake won't get near him. Unfortunately for him, most snakes can slither up and down objects, so it often takes him some time to find the perfect place to get away.
Cumberlayne Aresko
Aresko isn't a huge fan of anything with a lot of legs. One such being the centipede. And there's a story of how this fear came into existence.
When he was about five or six, he had to bring his dad a face towel after he was done shaving. As he was walking towards the refresher room, his foot touched something. Something smooth, slimy, and wiggling, and very much alive.
Looking down, he saw this giant centipede right by his foot. And just like any other little kid, he screamed. Very loudly. In fact, he was screaming so loud that Grint's father heard him from outside, and had kicked open the door just to get to him and figure out what was wrong.
Aresko was practically a huge crying mess at this point as his own dad ran out into the living room, and the minute he saw the centipede about to slink away, the man took out his blaster and shot it.
Ever since then, he has harbored a huge fear over them. Grint has often memed on him a lot for it, but Aresko only reminded him of his own fear that surfaced when he was a kid....
Myles Grint
Clowns. When Myles was seven, his mother thought it would be a great idea to throw him a birthday party. She even hired a clown as entertainment for the kids.
Since Myles has never seen a clown before, and when the man showed up, he felt as if time slowed down, and not in a good way.
The guy had also gotten in front of him and had just smiled really big and asked if he was the birthday boy, everything just caved and poor Myles booked it back inside and upstairs to his room.
Aresko and Tua searched for him, only to find that he locked himself into his closet and won't come out until Aresko assured him that it was just him and Tua.
The guy has been deathly afraid of clowns ever since.
Maketh Tua
Spiders. I've actually mentioned this is fear in my Movies that scared Imperials when they were Younger (or in general) post. But never explained it in much depth.
So Lothal doesn't have many spiders, so Tua never really saw them as much. However, she had went to Naboo and saw one making a web in a corner or a wall. It wasn't big mind you, but it was big enough to see the details on it's body.
So how did she grow a fear of them? A spider landed on her shoulder and she didn't notice it until she felt something weird and tickly on her hand. Looking down, she saw it and not a second later, she freaked out.
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eleonoraalva · 5 years
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Kenneth Colley in “The Triple Echo”
There is about 1.5 minutes of him but somewhere in the middle he’s doing that face from the last pic so it’s totally worth it XD He’s the diva, nobody can argue with it. 
Another interesting thing about the movie is that Oliver Reed there looks very much like Myles Grint from “Star Wars: Rebels”
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graham-einart · 1 year
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Revising the animated series, I suddenly noticed these two and wanted to draw them. Words cannot describe how they inspired me. Who would have thought...
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hikariarts501 · 5 years
Imperials as different animals
Grand Admiral Thrawn: Black Stallion (those horses are flipping majestic as heck)
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Pyrce: Siamese cat
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Captain Slavin: Idk....maybe a Dingo? or maybe a Shiba Inu
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Commandant Aresko: Ferret
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Taskmaster Grint: Bear (more specifically a Polar Bear)
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Darth Vader: Black Wolf
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Agent Kallus: Tiger
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Eli Vanto: Rabbit
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hikarisimscreations · 5 years
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So...I did a thing on the Sims 4 where some of the imperial guys are students attending a private boarding school. Aresko ended up crossing paths with my oc Belladonna and this happens.
He ends up befriending my precious goth child! :D Look how freaking happy he is!
And yes, before anyone asks the other sims behind them were none other than Grint, Slavin and Kallus.
Once my internet is back on I shall post the actual screenshots instead of taking pictures on my phone.
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arwenkenobi48 · 6 years
Grint: Well, I’ve been thinking...
Aresko: You’ve been ‘thinking’??? Look here, Grint, I’ve warned you about thinking!
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darktiger0049 · 7 years
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A couple days ago... I got my SWR visual guide!))) Actually, I like it... It gave me some new information, which I couldn't find via Internet)) For example, the age of Grint and Aresko. They both are late 30s))) And look at Zeb's face X) This one was at the second page
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textsfromstarkiller · 7 years
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(210): He's a drill sergeant! The sadomasochist in me can't resist that.
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