#Snooze tlt
cage-cat-yt · 7 months
Silly art (i.d in alt text, sorry some aren't descriptive 😭)
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I binge watched Marble Hornets yesterday, was pretty nice. It's really nice outside, and I have a really angsty TLT fanfic idea 😭 tho I'm gonna save it hopefully for when I'm done with chapter 15 and a one shot I'm working on (it's gonna be short and not posted to AO3, but I can share the doc here if anyone wants it!)
Anyway thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and stay safe! Have a good day
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nethiewrites · 1 month
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I have never played a fnaf game in my life. Anyway tombsona security breach because Glamrock Freddy screams Armstrong vibes.
Snooze: That was your THIRD worst job?? DG: You've clearly never worked at a Wendy's.
More notes under the cut (contains spoilers for Security Breach)
-Armstrong has found Snooze lost in the complex and all their friends are acting weird. Better store this poor lost child in their chest compartment for safekeeping.
-Snooze spends the entire time having a panic attack or just straight up dissociating.
-Zero, Tes, and Doc are the other animatronics. Rust is Bonnie, but instead of being busted and hidden by a dumpster they broke out of the mind control and went rogue and has just been creeping around the place causing problems. They help Armstrong and Snooze out.
-Armstrong: Oh this was Rust's place...man I miss them. :'( Rust: Quit telling people I'm dead. Armstrong: (screams)
-Redemption ending. Snooze beat all the Love I Need games and the creepy Skullguy chasing her turned out to be just Some Guy. -Blob is Geist.
-Haru and Hina as Sun and Moon? I dunno.
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jcrows · 1 year
Today's music recommendation:
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"Hit The Snooze" by The Living Tombstone
Hit The Snooze, released in 2022, follows a young-ish* girl (aptly known as "Hit the Snooze Girl" by the TLT fanbase) who struggles with anxiety suffering through the quarantine of 2020. What this song does different than most other forms of media that discuss quarantine is that it goes deeper than just "I'm stuck in my house I'm so bored". It goes into the impact it had on friendships, the sinking feeling that every day is the same and that waking up is pointless, using sleep as an escape, suicidal ideations, etc. I relate to Hit The Snooze so much even after quarantine has already ended for the most part. I feel like this song knows me on a personal level and understands what I feel on a day to day basis. This song knows me more than my own mother does. The animated music video that goes along with the song om youtube is great too. It's very well animated with a pretty charming artstyle. I highly recommend watching it.
*HTS Girl's age is a little confusing. The video shows her in a school setting, but the lyrics mention drinking beer to deal with the pain and drinking is something minors can't do?? Idk.
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topquarkintown · 2 years
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For the love of God...
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clearcatastrophe · 2 years
Silly tired ramblings
I got a Daffy Duck plush. He’s cute, named him Darvog. A lil lopsided, but very soft and huggable. After looking at it a little closer I noticed that the beak was way too puffy on one side and it had busted seams in the neck. My first thought was “oh no; return?” but it was my second thought that made me note this; he’s imperfect, like Daffy. There’s a lot of work to do before he’s mended, but just like Daffy, he just needs a little help. Imma sew him up, maybe give him a little beak job (better than the one in TLTS hhhH) and get him to looking presentable. I like the little guy, Darvog. He’s imperfect but I like him.
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polyhexian · 2 years
The absolute overwhelming brutality with which tlt music approaches it's topics. It goes so wildly hard. He manages to hit this kind of razor sharp vulnerability that's relatable in an UNCOMFORTABLE way, not in a fun relatable way but in a way that legitimately can make your fucking skin crawl. Nobody comes close. "Drunk" is fucking incredible. I have NEVER in my LIFE seen or heard any piece of media, any piece of artwork address alcoholism the way it does. The unflinching aggression, like wailing at god and ripping your beating heart from your own chest. Open mouthed screaming. "What I want" openly craves the validity and safety of selling out, it has this weary wondering admission of yearning to stop making art and start making content in exchange for comfort and security. The relief of giving up. For gods sake there's a track on zero one where Sam haft merrily chants I JUST CANT WAIT TO DIE OH I JUST CANT WAIT TO DIE over and over again. Not even in a suicidal or depressed way, in an absolutely fucking exhausted way, I can't wait to die and stop dealing with everything. I don't want to die, I want to be dead. Lazy. LAZY!!! IM LAZY IN LAZY IM LAZY IM LAZY! The fucking point blank "it's been a long time since no mercy" breaking the veneer of relatability, destroying the ability to put yourself in the place of the songs protagonist, casting you out of the position and reminding you THIS SONG IS ABOUT ME ITS ABOUT ME ITS ABOUT ME ME ME NOT YOU, "the love I need" being a song about an abusive relationship with ones audience WHY LIVE A LIFE I WASNT MEANT TO? sunburn sunburn SUNBURN you smile and I get sunburned!!!!!!!! HIT THE SNOOZE DROPS AND IT FUCKINF... We are all so tired of COVID and no one wants to make art about COVID no one wants to talk about it and when they do it's revolting, I hate this, I am so tired of COVID I don't want to fucking watch a movie about it and then yoav and Sam drop hit the snooze on me with this lilting wailing grieving lonely plea for relief, the terror of illness and the isolation and constant paranoia fear misery agoraphobia, the betrayal and resentment of watching those around you reveal their selfish nature's, GOING OUT OF MY HEAD FUCKING WISH I WAS DEAD CUZ AT LEAST THEN ID KNOW IT WAS OVER. Ask me how I'm holding up and I will gleefully exclaim it's still the same
I'm fucking losing it dude this is the art I've aspired to make my entire life. I don't know this man and I know parasocial blablabla but I know in his work he talks so openly about the pressure of an audience and the insecurity of feeling like he's alread peaked and he will never make real art he's proud of again and my heart weeps for him because for me legitimately he creates some of the most inspiring and artistically valuable content I've experienced in my lifetime and it literally makes me feel emotions no other artist can evoke in me. I would literally kill a man if yoav asked me to
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fated-vagabond · 2 years
I hate how much tlt gets it with hit the snooze because I don't WANT to relate to this sad song but I fuckin' do god damnit
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shearah · 8 years
I got tagged by @korppi8 why would you do this to me
RULES: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
A - age: 20
B - biggest fear: dying without making a meaningful contribution to the world
C - current time: 6:30pm
D - drink you last had: Strawberry flavoured water
E - every day starts with: alarm snoozing and going back to sleep :’)
F - favorite song: either Deja Vu by JubyPhonic and rachie, Die in a Fire by TLT, Jenny by Studio Killers... Or WILDFIRE!!, The Lost One’s Weeping, Song of the Ancients - fate, Renegades, Kuroi Uta... my music taste is all over the place...
G - ghosts, are they real: I love the idea of ghosts, I love the stories and documentaries about them, would love to spend a night in a haunted place... but I can’t believe they exist, logically. I would love to be proved wrong, but I’m very sceptical.
H - hometown: Not sure whether I’d consider Cambridge or Leicester my hometown... Maybe both.
I - in love with: chocolate :D
J - jealous of: literally everything and everyone like stop being better than me pls
K - killed someone: I’m a little concerned about who would answer yes to this
L - last time you cried: heck if I know... over a year ago is the last time I can recall
M - middle name: Ann
N - number of siblings: one
O - one wish: to art gud
P - person you last called/texted: my dad
Q - question you’re always asked: 'omg how did you do that?’ about the rainbow hair. I just answer ‘magic’.
R - reasons to smile: chocolate was on offer today. I finally did the washing up so my kitchen isn’t a mess anymore. Uh... 
S - song last sang: Song of the Ancient’s - fate from NieR
T - time you woke up: 12am rip my sleep schedule
U - underwear color: black, always
V - vacation destination: Majorcaaaaa
W - worst habit(s): self depreciation, complaining, constant snacking, many naps, never finish things, potty mouth, slouching, biting the skin around my nails...  the list goes on and on
X - x-rays you’ve had: one when I sprained my ankle, one when I broke my foot, one on my hip because of persistent pain, one on my hand when I punched my sofa, one with the orthodontist and a few with my dentist for the fillings I had a few months back
Y - your favorite food: I have many... Honeydew melon, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, chocolate, yorkshire puddings, rump steak, sweets, cucumber, carrots, croissants & pain au chocolat, cinnamon pretzels...
Z- zodiac sign: Libra
tagging: @farouchestray, @desu-rocker, @micahisme, @got-a-girl, @goodnameforastand, if you guys wanna do it :3
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cage-cat-yt · 3 months
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So with the St Louis TLT concert, I was able to go to the meet and greet thing and get Yoav Landau and @samhaft 's signatures :3 so I decided to draw on the page and hang it up, to which it's finished!!! Yippee
It took about a day or two to finish, but it doesn't have that many screw ups, which is nice, and yeah idk what else to add cause I'm a little shy rn lol
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and self care and I hope you have a good day :3
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cage-cat-yt · 6 months
Art 💥💥
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Can you tell I was mostly upset with consistently drawing just DG 😭 not sorry, but I will draw the BITB boys cause they're comfort characters and I wanna have a surprise for my besties who like it and my partner :3 (but I'm super proud of all of the art, Hobie Brown, the first DrunkMusic, and Dr. Sung especially)
Anyway thanks for reading! Happy Easter for folks who celebrate, happy trans visibility day too, remember to self care and hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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nethiewrites · 4 months
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Just a silly idea I had.
Snooze: What's your power?
Rust: Firearms and moxie.
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cage-cat-yt · 6 months
✨✨Some doodles ✨💥
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I'm pretty eepy rn 😭 but I'm almost done with school for the week and then I can draw and write fanfic stuff and chat with some besties lol
So yeah, self care and hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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cage-cat-yt · 6 months
Silly meme redraw with tlt characters
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Just wanted to do a silly digital piece :3 it's really nice out I might take a walk or something. I also got my bunny's cage area cleaned out so that was nice and productive ^^ I'm just glad I've felt actually pretty good today and haven't mentally crashed lol
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and self care and I hope you have a good day!
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cage-cat-yt · 3 months
DG post (click on last one for full image)
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Literally only Drunk Guy doodles, I'm gonna do more probably cause he's my go to when I'm having a chronic amount of anxiety (plus I wanna draw him and Spamton as that one meme 😭)
Anyway yeah stay safe and self care y'all :3
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cage-cat-yt · 5 months
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AHHH I forgot to share this one piece here even when I was super proud of it 😭 I have a couple drawings I'm gonna share here but here's one for now lol
Also the original bases/reference were done by @Paracliqse on Instagram so if you wanna check them out they're really talented!
Anyway self care and hydrate and I hope you have a good day :3
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cage-cat-yt · 7 months
Meme redraw
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For context I was not a fan of the skinny DG design in fly home, it doesn't make sense since he's an alcoholic with a non-active lifestyle, but also because it's kinda generic 😭 I won't go into all the details for time sake + I accidentally did already on the tlt server, but like, I believe in chubby/fat DG supremacy ‼️‼️ (/lh/hj) (seriously tho just let the guy be fat lol not every character has to be a twink)
Inspiration one will be in the undercut! It will have the username and stuff so if you want to support them you can!
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
Inspiration one made by M4xwell16 on Twitter!
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