#So I can practice with that piece with all 5 of my early elementary group
banannabethchase · 4 months
Teaching is spending 9 hours at work with no break time and a 6 minute lunch, then coming home to do an hour of housework, resting for 30 minutes, and then working on your bilingual letter sound instruction plans because you just hit 15 students in your room and hell at this point all of them will benefit from the letter sound instruction.
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Wannabe Challenge Kpop AU Headcanons
I know that no one requested this, but I had this idea stuck in my head for a while now. It took quite some time to get down, but I'm finally done!
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Role: Leader, Main Vocalist, Center
Taehee was the first member of the group to be recruited by ST Entertainment. He had a charismatic yet soft aura that drew all the girls on audition day. Immediately, the entertainment company knew that Taehee would become part of their label.
However, it took him a good 5 years before the company decided that he was ready for debut. It was within this time that he learned how to avoid the entertainment industry's sleazy business practices, develop a strong image, and maintain constant motivation for debut. You could say he subconsciously preparing to he a leader by trying to himself afloat for 5 years.
Once he finally got to debut, Taehee was chosen to be the leader of the group. Although Hansol seemed like the more obvious choice, Hansol thought that Taehee would be a better fit since Taehee already knew a lot about the entertainment industry due to his experience. Besides, he was the only one who was mature and emotionally-equipped to lead a group.
As for Taehee's abilities, his strongest suit is his singing. While he wasn't the strongest singer at the start of his training, he ended up become one of the best vocalists in the company. His voice has a unique color that radiates smoothness with a hint of attitude. He's able to hit high notes, but he's a lot better at belting -- especially when he's feeling emotional.
Perhaps this is the reason that Taehee excels in elegant concepts. His graceful movements along with his princely facial expressions make him the star on the stage. Think of songs such as "I'm in Trouble" by NU'EST, "Blue Flame" by ASTRO, and "Not By the Moon" by GOT7. It's like he belongs on an icy throne in a golden palace.
Surprise, surprise: he gets the most lines in their songs. Usually it's not by a lot, but sometimes ST gives some of Biho's lines to Taehee (much to the everyone's dismay). He's never comfortable singing those lines and tries to negotiate to give Biho more lines, but it doesn't always work. He gets quite the backlash for it, but unfortunately it's out of his control.
When interacting with fans, Taehee is usually very warm and kind. He's constantly asking about everyone's health and well-being, nagging fans to keep themselves at top priority. He doesn't want fans to ruin their lives because of their love for him and his group. He's also very earnest and mature, almost like a guardian angel to his fans. Wherever they go, his heart is always with them.
In the group, he's basically the dad. He's always looking out for the other members (yes, even Yooha). Just like his fans, his members' well-being is top priority. In lives, you'll probably see him in the background cooking food, cleaning dorms, and or scolding the other members for doing dumb things (that last reason is why he's also very likely to appear in crack videos).
However, he appears most often in "sassy moment compilations" because of his reactions. Taehee has even gone viral because he just straight up rolled his eyes at a variety show when they asked him uncomfortable questions and threw not-so-subtle shade. From then on, he's been dubbed as the "sassy king".
For side projects, his main path is acting. Taehee is a really good actor who played the main male lead in a critically acclaimed K-Drama. He played the sly but sweet love interest in a historical drama. The audience are always amazed at his ability to adapt to the time period so accurately.... it's almost as if he's lived there himself?
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Role: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Originally, Yooha has started off as a model. However, staff from ST Entertainment saw Yooha and thought that his visuals would be perfect for the kpop business. They offered their business card to him and he decided to try out for fun. Fortunately, he nailed his audition and was admitted as a trainee immediately.
Yooha was the last person to join the company and had the shortest training time (1 year). His sudden arrival and decision to debut with the group created a rift between him and the other members. Taehee thought it was unfair that Yooha could debut with minimal training while Hansol was worried that Yooha's addition would affect the group's dynamic (in areas like line distribution, dance formation, etc).
However, he and the other members were forced to resolve their issues when he became Taehee's roommate at their dorm. Since it was Taehee's job to lead the group (including Yooha), the two had no choice but to bond.
Now before y'all yell at me that Yooha isn't main rapper material, just know that I had to give the position to someone. Secondly, Yooha has an alluring and deep voice voice that was perfect for rap. Also, he is really good at rapping in various beats and experiments with different flows. While he can do fast raps, he prefers to make ones that have a distinct rhythm and leave a lasting impact on the audience.
However, Yooha hadn't planned to debut as the group's rapper. His original role being the main dancer, but he jokingly rapped in an pre-debut interview and everyone fell in love with his voice. From that, ST Entertainment thought it would be best to make Yooha the rapper instead.
In fan interactions, Yooha is very slick and flirty. Whether it's in fanmeet, lives, or concerts, Yooha knows exactly how to steal the hearts of his fans. Just one wink is enough to make the entire stadium swoon over him.
However, he's also the crackhead of the group. If you search for the group's "crackhead moment compilations", 80% of the video will involve Yooha somehow. In fact, it's these moments that really boost his popularity within the group and skyrocket him to the 2nd most popular member in the group.
Sometimes, he manages to pull one over Taehee and becomes the most popular member. How does this happen? Well, whenever the group has a "bad boy"/sexy concept comeback, Yooha absolutely dominates the stage. Think of songs such as "Want" by Taemin, "7th Sense" by NCT U, and "Love Killa" by Monsta X. The sexy concept was made for him, so it's no surprise when everyone in the comments section thirsts over him. It's just enough to put him over the edge against Taehee in fan voting.
He also has the most risque outfits. Yooha has an amazing body and he knows it, so why keep it hidden? His wardrobe is filled with experimental pieces that show of his abs, forearms, and everything in between. It's the reason why he's voted "Best Dressed" on every voting app.
Yooha is also a smooth dancer. His fluidity and confidence amplifies his sex appeal on stage, which often causes fans to confuse him as the group's main dancer. He's also has killer facial expressions that maintain his striking stage presence, making it impossible to keep your eyes off of him.
When Yooha isn't rocking the stage, you'll probably see him on magazines and commercial shoots. Photographers just can't get enough of his visuals, so they constantly bring him back for more modeling. He'll even dabble his feet in web dramas, but it doesn't last for long due to the scheduling conflicts between the web dramas and his music career.
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Position: Main Dancer, Main Vocalist, Producer, Face of the Group
Hansol started his music journey long before ST Entertainment. He had been creating music as early as elementary school (mainly him bashing wooden sticks on the table and strumming rubber bands). However, he really got to develop his passion on high school-- where he dedicated his time towards music production and music theory.
Thus, Hansol had his own YouTube channel where he created covers of different artists and snippets of songs that he created on his own. From that, he amassed a small following of 25K subscribers. This audience attracted ST Entertainment, who took a liking to his videos and asked him whether he wanted to be a trainee. Hansol gladly took the offer.
Hansol was the 2nd member to join ST and trained for 3 years. Although the company had given him the opportunity to debut immediately, Hansol wanted to wait until he reached his full potential.
While Hansol originally was the leader of the group (since he already had a fairly stable music presence), he had to product all their music. This ate up leadership time, which Hansol was having difficulty in managing. Besides, he thought that Taehee was more mature than him and thought Taehee would do a better job as a leader. Hansol ended up handing the leader role to Taehee before debut.
Hansol's production has been praised by critics, fans, and other producers. His vision for the song helps the group distinguish themselves from the other acts in the entertainment industry and create their own identities as a group. Sometimes he writes songs with Biho (or by himself) to better convey his emotions onto their group's album.
Hansol is the group's ace: he can sing, dance, and even rap. He's equally talented at singing and dancing, so he decided to take main positions for both skills. In his singing, Hansol has a high-pitched voice that makes it easy for him to hit high notes and belt to his heart's content. In fact, many of his lines in the songs are his adlibs (which give the song that extra spice).
Hansol's dancing style is sharp and energetic. There's a lot of power in his movements with playful facial expressions (in contrast to Yooha's powerful, sexy style). This allows him to steal the spotlight when the group has a playful and upbeat comback (think "Energetic" by Wanna One, "Sha La La" by Pentagon, and "BBUSYEO" by ONEUS). His bright grin is enough to light up the entire stadium while keeping fans engaged throughout the performance.
The group's debut turned out pretty successful thanks the Hansol's YouTube fanbase. With his enlarged presence, Hansol is the "Face of the Group"-- the most recognizable member to the general public. While he isn't the most popular within his group's fans, Hansol is the most liked across the general public.
Hansol's personality around fans is very bubbly. He loves playing up his cute, boyish charms to win over the fans (especially when they drool over Yooha). There's a lot of winking, heart signs, pouting, and hugs whenever Hansol interacts with his fans.
Within the group, Hansol is the baby. Although he isn't the youngest, he acts the most immature. He's always nagging the other members and trying to prove his manliness, but it's more like a puppy trying to intimidate a pack of wolves.
For side projects, Hansol would have a solo debut. He'd produce all the music on his album while collaborating with Biho for songwriting. Since it's his solo career, Hansol would have much more creative control-- allowing him to fully explore every corner of his artistry. He plans to continues his solo career long after the group disbands too.
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Position: Lead Vocalist, Rapper, Songwriter, Visual, Maknae
Biho was the 3rd member to join ST Entertainment. Out of the 4, he was the only one who submitted a formal audition tape to ST Entertainment and got accepted through the traditional audtion process. What made his audtion special was that he performed his own song-- a love song to his future lover. The judges absolutely loved his vibe and voice, so they couldn't pass this opportunity.
When Biho became a trainee, he always felt insecure about his skills. Even though he was talented, Biho was training with the likes of Taehee and Hansol, who were already experienced and seasoned professionals. Biho thought he'd be holding his group back, but the other members assured him that his presence made a significant impact on the group.
And honestly, it really did because Biho wrote most of their songs. His lyrics were both thought-provoking and poetic. He was never afraid of writing music about the things on his mind (whether it was love, fear, anger, or sadness). However, editing the lyrics took a lot of time as Biho only wanted to make the best content for his fans. Sometimes he lets Hansol write music with him.
Biho's strength lies in his singing (like most of the other members). His voice is soft and breathy, almost like a lullaby wrapping you in a soft blanket. No matter how you're feeling, Biho's voice is guaranteed to calm your nerves and take to your safe place.
Biho is also known for his looks. Although Yooha is the group's top model, Biho's face is the perfect canvas for all types of makeup styles. Although he doesn't realize it, fans love the duality between his soft persona and his darker one. Many are surprised that Biho is able to make the switch for sexier concepts and absolutely die when he does.
However, Biho shines the most with soft boy concepts. It's the image that he's had for the longest and is most comfortable with. Besides, the more thoughtful and heartfelt songs are where his lyrics get to shine through-- making him extra happy. For reference, the best examples of soft boy songs that suits Biho would be "Spring Day" by BTS, "Don't Wanna Cry" by SEVENTEEN, "Blue Hour" by TXT.
In fan interactions, Biho is extremely warm and a tad bit shy. He's always blushing when fans compliment him and showers his fans with a bunch of love in return. He likes to take his fans' hands and sincerely thank them for their support because his group would be nothing without them.
In fact, Biho is the most likely to get emotional while performing. The fact that there are so many people who are willing to listen to his music and his message is something that he could barely dream of. He will be forever indebted to their kindness, which is why he tries go provide his fans with all a lot of content (lives, Q+As, pop-up fansigns).
In the group, Biho isn't much different. In fact, he's the member whose idol persona matches his real personality the most. He's always cheering hisnother members from the side and gushing about how amazing they are. Sometimes he likes to throw an occasional jab at Yooha though (especially when Yooha is feeling himself too much).
For side projects, Biho is working on a book! He already has a collect of poems that was published, which has recieved high praise from critics and other poets. He also spends time writing songs for other groups, especially ones that come from small, poor companies.
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hottestthingalive · 4 years
a storm in your eyes (lightning and dark skies)
It is then, with Virgil curled up against him, wet hair soaking Logan’s neck and the smell of hot chocolate in the air, that Logan realizes he loves a thunderstorm in human form. 
His best friend.
Oh, god, Logan is in love with his best friend. And also his roommate. And also his favorite person in the whole of the universe.
(He’s pretty sure that if Virgil could hear his thoughts, and if, y’know, Virgil wasn’t the person in question, he’d roll his eyes and say, “Oh my god, they were roommates.” The idea nearly makes him laugh.) 
Notes: Thank you so much to @snek-snacc, @smileyzs, @confused-sunflower, @xaimelarks​, and all my other followers for putting up with me ranting about this story, and helping me edit. Y’all are the best!
Edit: After publishing this, I got this AMAZING piece of art from @ent-is-undecisive / @birdsongisland! Go check them out, because they’re insanely talented, and looking at this piece makes me so so so happy!
Two sequels also exist for this now! 
waffles and wedding vows (promises and proof)
songs and stars and silence (of loving you)
Hope you enjoy!
Relationships: Romantic Analogical, background romantic Royaliceit, background romantic Intrusleep/rem^2, platonic drlamper
Words: 6885
Logan Sanders falls in love with a thunderstorm.
Well, not a thunderstorm, exactly. As far as Logan knows (and he knows quite a lot), a tempest, no matter how powerful, cannot take the form of a human.
Still, the first time the boy with a hurricane’s eyes enters Mugnificent (the coffee shop Logan very reluctantly works at), he swears the smell of ozone fills the air. 
His name is Virgil Foley, and he sweeps into Logan’s life like a summer storm, filling it with wind and chaos and unmatched wild beauty. 
The first time they meet, it is 5:26 in the morning, and he’s considering revolt. Yes, he needs this job to supplement his scholarship, but being up this early is awful enough to warrant mutiny. Besides, customers are few this early in the day, and thus the tip jar is woefully empty. 
The door opens with a ding 
(there is a smell like lightning)
and in walks a person with dark hair tied in a bun under a black beanie, rummaging around in their backpack. Their bag is covered in pins, and Logan notes a rainbow one near the center. 
“Hey,” they say, and he meets eyes the color of stormclouds, a grey bordering on purple and blue simultaneously. “Can I just get a small coffee, please? Black is fine.” 
“Yeah,” Logan nods. “Name?”
They glance around the empty Mugnificent with a raised eyebrow, but reply with “Virgil,” anyways. 
“Nice to meet you, Virgil,” says Logan, and he’s not normally one for small talk, but he also is sleep-deprived, and too tired to have any sort of filter. “I’m Logan.”
Virgil relaxes, and they hold out a hand for him to shake. “Nice to meet you, too. I use he/him pronouns, by the way.”
“Ah, yes,” Logan nods, returning the handshake. “He/him for me, as well, thank you.”
Virgil pays and waits by the counter as Logan goes to prepare the coffee, scrolling through his phone. There is a comfortable silence as he makes the drink, which Logan spends mentally cursing out Roman, his coworker who was supposed to arrive for work thirty minutes ago. “Here,” he says finally, holding out the cup for Virgil to take. 
“Thanks.” Virgil is wearing fingerless gloves, and his nails are painted a bright purple. They shine in the fluorescent lighting. “Have a nice day, Logan.”
“You too,” he replies, and it seems too little. Logan doesn’t believe in magic, or gods, or destiny, but as he watches Virgil turn, about to walk out the door, something twangs in his chest. Despite himself, Logan opens his mouth, searching for something to say, anything that will make him stay. 
He blinks, about to speak, and Virgil is gone.
A few minutes later, it begins to rain. 
The second time he meets Virgil, it is in his psych class. 
Logan has always liked psychology. It’s fascinating how the human brain works, he thinks, and even if he isn’t always so good at understanding emotions, he’s quite good at the science behind them. His appreciation for said science is the only reason he signs up for the class at all, when it has practically nothing to do with his astrophysics major. 
He’s just about forgotten about the boy with eyes of a storm by the time he sits down for the first psychology class of the semester, pulling his computer and textbooks out of his own bag, and setting them before him. Logan cracks the knuckles on each hand individually, a nervous habit he’s had since he was in high school. He’s done his best to break it, but he supposes, as annoying as it is, it’s better than some of the alternatives.
Case in point, the boy from Mugnificent, who walks into the room nervously tapping his thigh while chewing at his lip. There’s a split in it, one that shines a bright red against the chapped surface, and Logan wants to wince just looking at it. 
His eyes flash with recognition as he spots Logan in one of the back rows, and he pauses. “Logan, right? From the coffee place.”
“And you’re Virgil,” Logan smiles, and okay, maybe he hadn’t forgotten Virgil so much as attempted to forget him. 
“Can I sit there?” he asks, nodding to the seat beside Logan. 
It turns out Virgil is smart, and funny, and just a little bit snarky, and a English major minoring in psychology. He’s got all kinds of nervous habits, chewing on his lip and tapping out rhythms known only to him and drawing on every available surface, and Logan often notices a tendril of ink wrapping around one of his fingers from under his gloves. 
They become fast friends, him and Virgil, bonding over a love for space and science and poetry. He starts coming to Mugnificent for coffee more often, and Roman teases Logan incessantly about it. 
“You’re finally making friends!” he pretends to sob, throwing his arms around him, and he has to shove Roman away, rolling his eyes. Virgil is stifling a laugh behind one gloved hand, and Logan mouths “Traitor,” at him, though he isn’t really mad at all.
They fall into patterns -- psych and history and statistics together, always seated side by side, sometimes accompanied by Roman or Patton or Remus or Janus or any one of their expanding circle of friends. The two of them buy each other coffee, edit essays, go out for junk food (that Logan complains about but secretly loves) with their friends. 
Virgil begs to paint Logan’s nails one night as they watch documentaries together in Patton and Virgil’s dorm room. His tongue sticks out of his mouth slightly as he focuses on the tiny white dots he’s adding, and Logan ends up loving the night sky that graces his fingers. In return, Logan styles Virgil’s long hair into a crown of braids. 
“Your Majesty,” he bows as he leads Virgil to the mirror. 
“If I’m royalty now, I demand a feast to celebrate,” Virgil grins, admiring his hair. “Sir Logan, this calls for pizza!”
“All the junk food you consume is going to kill you one day,” Logan sighs, but he’s already dialing their favorite pizza place.
They eat dinner seated on the floor, holding paper plates and drinking soda as they watch Cosmos. Patton returns to the dorm a few minutes later, accompanied by Janus and Roman both, and snags some of the pizza for himself – luckily, they’d thought to order extra, as soon Remus, Remy, and Emile all show up, too, crowding into the dorm room and around Logan’s laptop. The documentary is switched to Big Hero 6, Virgil showing off his hair and Logan his nails as the others admire them. Soon Virgil is breaking out his nail polish again, painting delicate puppies on Patton’s fingers, and Logan is teaching Roman how to do the same hairstyle on Emile’s curls. 
It’s a Saturday night, so they feel comfortable all crashing in Patton and Virgil’s room, squeezing far too many young adults into one small space. Emile giggles that it reminds them of sleepovers they went to when they were in elementary school, and Remus points out that they ought to play Truth or Dare with a manic grin. Virgil quickly puts a stop to that, however, distracting Remus with conspiracy theories and carving marshmallows to look like Lovecraftian monsters, and Logan wants to laugh because Virgil is very much a mom friend, despite his protests to the contrary. Still, as he sips hot cocoa with a marshmallow Cthulhu staring up at him from the mug, he has to admit it was a good idea. They all get into the fun, carving marshmallows with whatever cutlery Patton and Virgil have in their room, and eventually Monster Mallows will become a tradition for all of their friend group. 
When he falls asleep that night, lying on the floor in the blanket fort Patton and Roman had insisted on building, he dreams of rain and lightning, across dark skies that resemble Virgil’s eyes. 
Logan realizes Virgil is his best friend in the middle of winter, when he shows up at Mugnificent at the end of his shift, ordering two coffees and taking them as Logan gets ready to leave. “Sorry, Roman,” Virgil says, though he doesn’t look sorry at all as he hands Logan one of the drinks and reaches out to hold his other hand. “C’mon, L, we’ve got to hurry if we’re going to get there in time.”
“Where are we going?” Logan raises an eyebrow, throwing on his coat and waving goodbye to Roman (who is saying something dramatic about a grievous betrayal) as he sips at the coffee. It’s perfect, his order exactly. 
“Look!” Virgil grins as they leave the coffee shop, and it’s snowing, white flakes falling around them and coating the ground. Some of the cars nearby are already covered in it. “C’mon, we’ve got to get to the park.” 
“Wait, why?” he asks. “Virgil, this looks rather like the makings of a blizzard. We should probably go back to our dorms so we can prepare if we get snowed in.”
“I know it’s a snowstorm,” Virgil rolls his eyes, and his stormy eyes are bluer than Logan’s ever seen them, shining with excitement. “Now, let’s go!”
Logan should probably argue more, but he’s laughing as he gets pulled along, the two half-running towards the park. 
They slow down at the top of a hill already lightly coated with snow, and Virgil reaches into his bag to pull out a picnic blanket. “No,” Logan protests, but he’s cackling as Virgil yells “Snow picnic!” and spreads it over the snow. 
“This is going to turn into a blizzard,” he manages to say, stifling his giggles. “We are going to be buried alive because you wanted to have a picnic in a snowstorm.”
“Oh, shush,” Virgil grins, flopping down onto the blanket and digging into his bag again to retrieve two bagels wrapped in tinfoil. “Drink your coffee and watch the snow with me, Logan Sanders.”
The bagel he hands Logan has Crofters jam instead of cream cheese spread across it, still warm from toasting, and Logan could kiss Virgil if they weren’t very platonic…
Well, it feels like they are a whole lot more than friends, at this point. There’s something about their relationship that feels different from the ones Logan has with their other companions, be it Remus or Emile, Patton or Janus, Roman or Remy. 
Are they best friends?
He asks, and Virgil merely grins and says “I hope so.” 
It’s amazing, lying there as they watch the sky, munching on bagels and sipping at their coffee and pointing out oddly shaped clouds. Virgil is practically covered in snowflakes by the time they have to leave, the wind picking up too much to stay, and Logan is no better. Still, he thinks it was worth it, even when he gets a cold and has to spend the weekend curled up in blankets, sneezing and coughing as he works on his essay for his cosmology class. Virgil gets a cold, too, and they end up on the phone together as they work, Virgil blasting music on his end and Logan parroting his roommate’s consistent reminders to take medicine, and drink some water! 
Emile seems to think it’s cute, for some reason, and they tell Logan to say hi to Virgil for them, a smile playing on their lips that he’s too sick to interpret. 
Logan has a crush on a boy in their shared statistics class by March, the one who sits three rows in front of him and two seats to the right, who has green hair and a cheerful grin. Virgil listens patiently about it whenever Logan brings it up, and when they have to pair up for a final project, he pushes him towards his crush, joining Remus instead.
He finds out his crush already has a romantic partner in a strictly monogamous relationship when they’re nearly done with the project, and Virgil shows up to Logan’s dorm room with ice cream and his laptop that night, pulling aside Emile as he comes in and whispering something to him. Emile leaves shortly after, and the two of them are alone.
“What did you tell Emile?” Logan asks later, when they’re sitting on his bed and watching trashy teenage romcoms, because, according to Virgil, “This way, you won’t associate any good movies with this.” 
“Well, Patton invited him for a ‘sleepover,’” Virgil says, eating directly from the carton of chocolate ice cream, gaze shifting from the screen to Logan. “Did the moment he saw your text on the groupchat.”
Logan had texted that his crush has a partner when Roman had begun teasing him about it on said chat. Looking back, it may not have been the best of decisions, but all he wants to do right now is curl into the comforter and watch bad movies, while simultaneously eating unholy amounts of ice cream. 
“It’s not a big deal,” he protests, pulling the blankets closer around him. 
“Listen, L, you’re sad ‘cause the boy you like… well, you know. Anyways, you being sad is a big deal, at least to us.” Virgil isn’t wearing his normal clothes, only a pair of pajama pants and a sweatshirt (Logan knows he ran over in his nightwear, which makes him feel worse), so he can see the ink covering his hands, smudged in places.
“Why do you draw on yourself so much?” He leans over to look at the patterns of spirals winding their way up Virgil’s arms, tracing them with one finger. “That much ink can’t be good for your skin, pretty as it is, Vee.”
Virgil bats his hand away, blushing behind his curtains of dark hair, and Logan laughs. “It’s just a nervous habit, okay?” he exclaims, and Logan pokes his cheek, cooing. 
“Aw, lookit you,” he smiles, and even though Logan’s heart hurts from what happened with his crush, he doesn’t think he would trade anything for his friendship with Virgil Foley. “So cute.”
“I’m not cute,” Virgil grumbles, pressing play on the computer. “Watch the shitty movie and shush, nerd.”
He gets over the boy from statistics eventually, and gets an A on the project, which Roman insists they celebrate with breakfast at Logan’s favorite diner on campus. (Logan’s pretty sure Roman just feels guilty about teasing him about it, but he goes anyways, pulling his friend aside later to tell him it’s fine.)
They return from summer vacation changed. Janus, Patton, and Roman are dating now, for one thing, and it’s disgustingly sappy. Emile comes out as asexual and aromantic a few days after they get back, and Logan helps them hang flags in their dorm room when they arrive a week later. Remy has switched majors, from biology to culinary classes, and Remus tells them excitedly that he’s managed to start a rather popular horror comic online. (Logan reads it, and learns Remus is quite adept at art, writing, and scaring the crap out of him. He never looks at door knobs the same way again.) Virgil, meanwhile, has started wearing far less baggy clothes and more makeup – in other words, people around campus start realizing that Virgil is actually hot, and not just a relatively cute bundle of sweatshirts. 
Logan kind of feels weird about it. He knows how aesthetically pleasing Virgil is, of course – they’ve spent enough time together for him to have figured that out – but… well, Logan had realized while he was away how much he’d missed Virgil, even more so than his other friends. He tells himself it is because of how close they are, and ignores the ugly anger in his chest when people flirt with Virgil, or how his heart pounds and face flushes when they curl up to watch movies these days. 
As for him, well, he’s dyed his hair a dark blue, a color so dark it’s almost black. Roman marvels over it, asking how he managed to not damage his hair in the process, and Logan doesn’t feel like telling him that he had meant to do a brighter shade, but hadn’t realized how hard it would be to get proper color without bleaching his normal dark hair. He does end up telling Virgil later, though, when Remy and Patton drag them and the rest of their friends to a party.
For the record, Logan tended to avoid such events. He didn’t see the point, firstly – he’d never been a fan of crowds, especially not ones where everyone was drunk off their asses, and he generally had too much work to do to bother with parties. Secondly, he simply didn’t care enough to look nice for such a thing, or to go at all. Logan would much rather spend time with his friends if he had to be up in the middle of the night, whether haunting the 24/7 diner a few miles off campus or playing stupid games in the woods or making fun of Disney movies while throwing popcorn at the screen and shushing each other so they didn’t get noise complaints. 
But then there were Patton and Remy, social creatures who liked seeing other people and didn’t mind getting wasted to do so. Roman and Janus typically followed Patton wherever he went, so they were a given, and Remus had developed a raging crush on Remy by then, so he’d probably have tagged along even if Remy hadn’t grabbed his hand and said “You’ll come, right, Ree?” with a grin. 
Well, Remus was lost to them after that, and that left Emile, Logan, and Virgil alone.
Which would have been fine! Except then Virgil had got dragged in by Patton (a difficulty of being his roommate, according to Logan’s best friend, was that Patton was very, very persuasive when he wanted to be) and Virgil had begged Logan to come for “Introvert solidarity, L! Introvert solidarity!”
Then Emile had sighed, said something about being the only responsible one, and appointed themself designated driver. So Logan didn’t even have that excuse to pull himself and Virgil out of it early. 
He finds himself on a couch in someone’s house, sitting besides Virgil. Janus tells him that it is owned by someone who goes to their college but lives nearby, a summer home belonging to their parents or something. Janus says ze aren’t sure who the actual host is, and ze run off to go find Roman or Patton before Logan can ask why all of them are attending a party hosted by someone they don’t know.
Virgil has obviously already had something to drink, or he’s insanely sleep-deprived, as he has started playing with Logan’s hair. Logan’s willing to bet on the former (although knowing Virgil, he can’t be sure – he has an awful sleep schedule) especially since he’s never known the other to be so touchy, even when tired. 
“How’d you get it like this?” Virgil asks, running his fingers through Logan’s curls. He’s perched on top of the couch, and though he would normally be concerned that Virgil might fall, Logan is just glad he doesn’t have to bend over so his friend can examine his hair. 
He tells Virgil, and can’t help but smile as he laughs, perhaps a little more than the story warrants. They sit there in peace for a few minutes, Virgil humming along with any song he recognizes and Logan scanning the room for any of their friends. 
“Your hair is so pretty,” Virgil eventually says, and Logan is surprised he can hear him at all over the noise of the music and other people. He slides down from the couch to sit beside him, reaching up to poke Logan’s cheek. “You’re pretty. You know that, right? You’re real, real pretty.”
“Aw,” Logan grins, hoping the dim lights and Virgil’s addled brain will hide his red cheeks. “What is it you say? Oh, right; you think I’m warm.”
“No, dummy, I think you’re hot,” Virgil sighs. “Get it right.”
“Why, thank you.”
“‘Course. You’re my best friend, Logan Sanders.”
“Same,” he replies, dodging Virgil’s attempt to flick him as he scans the room. “Have you seen Remy or Remus around recently?”
“Oh, they’ve been making out in that closet over there,” Virgil says offhandedly, pointing, and Logan nearly chokes. “You didn’t know? They’re so obvious, Remy’s been whining about it to me for weeks. ‘Oh, Virgil, I’m doomed to be alone forever!’ ‘Oh, Virgil, Remus is so hot, and I’m going to whine about it to you for hours!’ ‘Oh, Virgil, I have a crush on a trash rat man and I won’t stop talking about it ever!’”
“Did Remy actually call Remus a ‘trash rat man’?” he snickers, turning to look at Virgil, who is wringing his hands in mock despair as he imitates Remy.
“No,” Virgil pouts. “Wish he had. Remus would love that.”
“He would,” Logan agrees, rolling his eyes fondly. “Hey, do you want to leave?”
“Why, Logan Perfect-Hair Sanders, are you asking me to ditch a party with you?” he laughs.
“That isn’t my middle name and you know it.” Logan shoots off a text to Emile, standing and turning to grab Virgil’s hand, pulling him upright. “But sure. Will you, Virgil Emo-Nightmare Foley, ditch this absurd party with me?”
“Logan, I thought you’d never ask,” Virgil smirks. “Let’s bounce!”
They get lucky – Logan hasn’t had anything to drink, and due to how large their group is, Virgil had had to drive over Patton, Janus, Roman, and himself earlier. Virgil hands him the keys to the car, and Logan drives them to the nearby McDonalds, where they order fries and milkshakes. “Let’s go somewhere high,” Virgil says when they return to the car, grinning, and Logan obliges, driving them to his favorite stargazing spot near campus, partway up a mountain in a parking lot for an old playground. 
Soon, he finds himself sitting on the hood of Virgil’s car, dipping his fries in a chocolate shake as the two of them stare up at the stars and the moon, pointing out constellations. “Look,” giggles Virgil, his head on Logan’s shoulder as he traces lines between stars. “It’s the glasses one!”
“There is no ‘glasses’ constellation, Virgil,” he points out, but the path his friend is etching into the sky does look rather like a pair of glasses. 
“Well, there is now,” replies the other. “It’s your constellation! You deserve one, y’know, ‘cause you’re pretty, and smart, and nice, and funny, and you’re just the best, Lo, okay?”
“How much did you have to drink, exactly?” Logan asks, raising an eyebrow, and his friend punches him in the arm, lightly. “Ow!”
“I’m telling the truth,” Virgil rolls his eyes, pulling the blankets they’d retrieved from the trunk closer around the two of them. “You deserve a constellation. You deserve the universe.”
“Well, now we have to find you a constellation, too,” he muses, ignoring the heat in his cheeks (he seems to be blushing quite a lot lately, talking to Virgil) as he searches the sky. It takes a few minutes, and Virgil is half-asleep on his shoulder by the time he makes his choice, but finally Logan says “I found it.”
“Well, lemme see,” Virgil mumbles, opening his eyes. 
He traces lines between a series of stars. “It’s a cloud,” he explains, “and a lightning bolt. Because you’re a thunderstorm, V.”
“Isn’t that a bad thing?” He’s biting his lip, suddenly subdued, and Logan feels a surge of guilt, because no one should ever make Virgil look like that, anxious and hurt and scared all at once.
“No,” he answers, fiercely enough that Virgil jumps slightly. “You’re wild, and chaotic, and occasionally a bit destructive, but you also make people feel alive. You bring rain to help things live, you bring the sound of a storm and the beauty of lightning, you simultaneously wake me up and help me sleep. You are beautiful, and inspiring, and so amazingly you, and the best friend I could ever ask for.”
“...And I thought I was the English major,” Virgil says quietly, and his face is bright red. “You have no right to be better at words than me, Sanders.”
“Well, Foley, I’m the astrophysics major, and you’re the one who started making constellations, so turnabout’s fair play,” Logan replies, and Virgil lets out a laugh at that.
Later, when the fries and milkshakes are both gone, they get back into the car and drive back to their dorms. For Logan’s birthday that year, a month or so later, Virgil presents him with a painting of the glasses constellation. He’d commissioned Remus, he explains, staring at his feet, and Logan tells him he loves it. For Virgil’s birthday, he gets a similar art piece from Roman, of the stars making a storm, and Virgil pulls him into a tight hug.
For now, though, the two of them simply sit and gaze into space. 
Logan goes on a few dates with someone he meets at the coffee shop, named Andy. They become boyfriends. Virgil teases him about it whenever he brings it up, and eventually he stops talking about his partner to his best friend. The two of them start to pull apart, their friendship strained.
When Logan and Andy separate, Virgil is dating a girl he’s only met a few times, who shares Virgil’s English classes and wears colorful barrettes to hold back her curls.
He hadn’t even known Virgil liked her. 
College passes by quickly. They graduate, and Logan tumbles into a job at a rather prestigious observatory. He lives in a small apartment in the city nearby, buys coffee from the Starbucks across the street every morning, settles into a routine.
Gradually, they all start to fall out of touch. It sucks, but things have been off between Virgil and him ever since Logan had dated Andy Michaels, and at the moment Logan sees his ex-boyfriend more than his ex-best friend. Their relationship had ended amicably, but still – he misses Virgil Foley, more than he’d ever like to admit. 
A year or so later, Logan receives the invitation to Remy and Remus’ wedding. 
It is in the fall, and Logan isn’t surprised in the least that they plan to have it in a forest, if only because he knows that the odds of Remus wanting the guests to jump into leap piles with him are absurdly high. At least they’re at an actual wedding site, so they can be inside if needed – Logan half expected, when he found out they’d gotten engaged, for them to drag a bunch of guests to a Starbucks for the event. 
What does surprise Logan is the fact that Remus has apparently sent it early, because Logan is going to be one of the wedding party attendants. 
He calls Remus and Remy that night, certain they’ve mixed up things, but Remy simply laughs. “Logan, you’re still one of our best friends,” he says. “Come on, please?”
“Besides,” Remus adds, “Virge will be one too, and Patton and Roman and Jan and Emile! You can’t break up the team!”
He ends up agreeing, and no matter how much Remy teases him about it later, it was not just to see Virgil again. 
The wedding rolls around. Logan has managed to avoid speaking to Virgil for more than a friendly greeting and a bit of small talk through all the preparations the two of them had had to attend, but the they both arrive early on the day of, and Logan doesn’t know anybody else, and, well, he does miss Virgil. 
“Hey,” he says. Virgil is nearly as tall as him in the heels he’s wearing (Logan had managed to opt out of them, convincing Remus to let him wear flats with his dress), and his green dress offsets his stormy eyes perfectly. Logan doesn’t think he looks nearly as good in the color, but he’d decided not to argue with Remy’s puppy-dog eyes. Besides, he much prefers the dress to the suits Emile and Patton had opted for. 
“Hi, Logan,” Virgil replies. The tension in the air is palpable, and Logan hates it. “How’ve you been lately?”
“I’m good,” he answers. 
“Oh, good,” nods Virgil. He’s gnawing at his lip again, and Logan can see the split in it even through the lipstick. “Me too.”
“I miss you,” Logan says suddenly, because he does. “You were my best friend, and I hate not being close, because you are one of the best things that ever happened to me.”
“...I miss you too.” He smooths his dress, looking out the window at the trees, and then laughs. “I’m surprised they didn’t have their wedding in a Starbucks, honestly.”
Logan can’t help but chuckle at that, especially when he spots Remy breezing past them, a coffee cup in hand and makeup only half-done, frantically trying to catch his little brothers and sister, whom he and Remus had appointed flower children. “I thought the same thing,” he admits. 
It’s easy for the two of them to talk, after that, sharing jokes and telling stories and talking about their new lives. Logan feels oddly happy when he learns Virgil is single, and when he mentions how he’s looking for a roommate and Virgil remarks that he is too, it feels as natural as breathing to ask where he’s currently living. Finding out they live in the same city makes Logan feel strangely elated. 
“Help!” Remus exclaims, skidding to a stop in front of them, collapsing into Virgil’s arms and only barely being caught. “I’ve lost my husband-to-be!” 
“Alright, please calm down,” Logan says, exchanging exasperated looks with Virgil, who pulls Remus back to his feet. “Have you actually lost Remy, or are you just being overly dramatic?”
“He has been stolen from me,” Remus whines. “We were kissing, and then he was dragged away by my evil brother!”
“By any chance, was he dragged away to prepare for your wedding? The event we’re attending, so you two can get married? The one that most guests are expected to arrive for in fifteen minutes?” Virgil crosses his arms over his chest, eyes narrowed. 
Remus’ eyes widen. “Fifteen minutes?” he asks, checking Logan’s watch, and groans. “Oh, drumsticks. Drumsticks torn right off a chicken. Bloody chicken legs everywhere.”
He darts off, and Logan and Virgil sigh simultaneously.
“We should go help, shouldn’t we?” Virgil asks, and Logan nods reluctantly. “Well, it was great to talk to you.”
“It was pleasant to speak with you, as well,” he agrees. 
As he turns to go find Patton, Virgil grabs his arm. “Hey, L, save me a dance, okay?”
They do indeed dance together that night, after they watch Remy and Remus get married among the colorful leaves, and talk, and laugh, and by the end of the wedding they are good friends again.
Virgil and Logan move in together by the end of November. 
They become surprisingly domestic, the two of them, moving into their large apartment that is close to both Logan’s job at the observatory and Virgil’s work at a publishing company. He’s not surprised Virgil has become an editor (he was always the best at it, when they exchanged essays to review), but he is rather impressed when he notes some of the books in Virgil’s room have his full name on the cover. “I write poetry, mostly,” he explains when Logan asks. “It’s… I used to use it like therapy, I guess, and I got some of it published. I’m not famous or anything.”
“That’s amazing,” Logan says sincerely. 
The poetry becomes important, later, but then, it is simply something for Logan to admire, another flash of beautiful lightning in Virgil’s storm.
Saturdays become movie nights, and they order junk food and make popcorn and watch documentaries or horror movies or cartoons together. Occasionally, some of their friends will join them, and every so often, all eight of them cram into Logan and Virgil’s living room. Despite his love for the others, however, Logan’s favorite nights are usually the ones when the two of them are alone, when they curl up together on the couch and make fun of trashy films or contribute their own knowledge to documentaries or sing along quietly to Disney. It is peaceful and lovely and utterly perfect.
Logan doesn’t mean to fall in love with Virgil. It sneaks up on him, mornings of coffee for him and tea for Virgil and memes shared over breakfast, afternoons texting each other with reminders to get groceries and news from the office, nights of cooking together and dancing to the radio. 
One day, when both of them have work off, Virgil pulls him out of bed, waits impatiently while Logan gets dressed, and drags him outside into a storm. They walk through the park together, enjoying the rain on their skin, both of them jumping into puddles and belting the title number of Singing in the Rain and getting utterly soaked. 
They return home for cocoa, each taking a warm shower and then sitting together on the couch to watch old movies with small white krakens bobbing in their cups. It is then, with Virgil curled up against him, wet hair soaking Logan’s neck and the smell of hot chocolate in the air, that Logan realizes he loves a thunderstorm in human form. 
His best friend.
Oh, god, Logan is in love with his best friend. And also his roommate. And also his favorite person in the whole of the universe.
(He’s pretty sure that if Virgil could hear his thoughts, and if, y’know, Virgil wasn’t the person in question, he’d roll his eyes and say, “Oh my god, they were roommates.” The idea nearly makes him laugh.) 
Logan tries to get over his crush (and there’s no other word for it, as juvenile as it sounds). He really does. But it’s so hard, now that he knows it exists, especially when he has to see Virgil every single day. And he can’t just cut himself off, or leave their apartment, because that might ruin their friendship, and that’s the whole reason he’s trying to escape his feelings, because he loves being Virgil’s friend more than anything. 
So he exists in this inbetween state, thrashing in the eyewall of a storm, so close to safety and danger simultaneously, trapped in chaos and uncertainty. 
Logan isn’t quite sure whether he really wants to return to the eye, blissful quiet and the peace of oblivion, or if he can at all. But he thinks entering the storm itself, the danger of telling Virgil how he feels, the potential for a life with him, is equally impossible. 
Eventually he decides that it is best to just ignore his rebellious feelings. It works, sort of – Virgil doesn’t seem to notice anything different, and Logan gets to keep his best friend. Still, every moment together is tinged with a sort of bittersweet sadness, the dancing in the kitchen and cuddling on the couch and meals together a harsh reminder that they are just friends.
He’s not sure exactly how his other friends figure it out, but they do, judging from how Remy and Janus tell him exasperatedly that he really ought to say something to Virgil, how Patton and Roman tell him how cute they would be together, how Remus does his best to shove Logan towards Virgil at any opportunity, how Emile tells him pointedly that repressing his feelings isn’t exactly healthy. Logan does decide that he’ll confess… eventually. 
The problem with eventually, however, is how ambiguous it is. The others have realized as much, evidently, but they don’t force Logan to say something, or tell Virgil themselves, and he appreciates that.
It is a Saturday when eventually finally comes, a peaceful movie night interrupted by a phone call with Roman’s name flashing on the screen. He holds up a finger over his lips as he accepts the call, grimacing apologetically to Virgil as he steps into his own room. “What do you want?” he asks exasperatedly when he picks it up, and winces as the other line fills with noise. 
“Logan, have you read Virgil’s latest book?” Roman practically screams, and in the background Logan can hear Patton squealing with excitement as Janus shushes them both. 
He frowns, closing the door to his bedroom. “I wasn’t aware he’d been working on one.” Normally, Logan knows whenever Virgil is working on another collection of his poetry – he’s often the first person Virgil hands it to for editing. 
“Get on your computer this instant, Pocket Protector,” says Roman, and Logan can hear his grin.
A quick search confirms it; a new book of poetry, just released by Virgil Foley. The revelation is almost painful (does Virgil not trust him anymore? Not like him?) until Janus’ voice comes over the line, hir voice sarcastic and concerned altogether.
“Way to go, love, he’s definitely not overthinking this,” ze sigh. “Logan, listen to me. I need you to go look at some of the reviews for the book, okay? Actually, no, if you can find a sample online, go read that.”
He’s operating in a haze, a robot in human flesh, and what do robots do but obey orders?
Logan barely understands what he’s reading at first, lines of poetry in the sample flashing past him. He checks the reviews, words of praise and admiration flowing through his mind, and it takes a second before he understands any of it. 
Clicking back to the online sample, he starts to recognize the story being told. It is a tale of late nights and hot drinks in the morning, of pining and fear of destroying a friendship older than love.
It is Logan’s story, told through another’s words, a voice speaking of a scholar of the stars, of glasses and storms, of hugs and hand-holding and a cute barista, a boy in psych class, a friendship repaired at another’s wedding, of admiration and hope and love. A love for someone seen not as a storm, but as stars, as the universe in human flesh. 
Virgil is in love.
Virgil is in love with Logan. 
“I’ll call you back,” he hears himself say, and drops his phone on his bed in his haste to get back to the living room. 
“Logan?” Virgil’s voice pierce the haze of his thoughts, his eyes 
(a storm, wild beauty) 
shining with concern, and he sits up from where he’s lying on the couch. “You okay? What happened?”
There are many things he wants to say, questions and explanations and promises, but in the end, all he says is “Can I kiss you?”
“What?” He doesn’t expect Virgil to look quite so flustered, but then again, Logan did just storm into the room, looking desperate and probably a tad deranged, and ask to kiss his best friend. 
“Roman told me about the new book,” Logan says first, and Virgil’s eyes widen even further, and he can sense the incoming apology, but he isn’t done, not yet. He begins to crack his knuckles, a habit he’d thought he’d finally lost, full to the brim with nervous energy. “I’ve read some of it, and as far as I can tell, you are romantically attracted to me. Which is good, because I also harbor such feelings for you, and have for about a year now. So. Can I kiss you?”
“Isn’t it ‘May I kiss you’?” Virgil grins, playing off his feelings with humor, as always. Logan opens his mouth to apologize as his world comes crashing down, because oh, he’s messed up, oh no, but then his best friend’s expression softens, and he whispers “Of course, Logan Sanders.”
“Thank you, Virgil Foley,” he says, and abandons the eyewall for the storm. 
They don’t watch any more movies that night. The two of them kiss, and talk, and kiss some more, and Virgil grabs his author’s edition of the new book from his room, and they read it together on the couch. 
The next morning, they sit with their coffee and tea and talk some more, about labels and boundaries and dreams. Their friends come over for movies the next Saturday, and Virgil and Logan hold hands as they tell them they are dating. 
(Roman choking on the popcorn in his excitement almost makes up for the money Logan spots being exchanged between Emile, Remus, and Patton.)
Eventually, Virgil’s latest book will gain fame, and they will end up with quite a bit of money between the two of them, especially after Logan gets a promotion. Eventually, they will move to a larger house, one a bit outside the city, one where they will have two cats and a dog and a son named Thomas. Eventually, they will get married in the spring, and when it starts to rain as they say their vows, the two of them just laugh. 
But that is eventually. In the now, Logan Sanders is in love. In the now, Virgil Foley is in love. 
They are glasses and hoodies, poetry written and spoken, dancing in the kitchen and cuddles on the couch. 
They are thunderstorms, and they are stars.
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Zettai Karen Children S/I - Azusa Hyoubu
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Current ref sheet for my Zettai Karen Children S/I, Azusa aka Hyoubu’s Wife 🧛🏻‍♀️🦊. She now wears a kimono/yukata like outfit though I still kind of wanted to keep the vampire theme to it. She’s paired with Kyousuke Hyoubu!
Profile Under The Cut.
Azusa is an executive of P.A.N.D.R.A who serves as third in command. She’s also a Level 6 esper with umbrakinesis, hypnosis, metamorphosis, and teleportation.
During her first few appearances, she often took the form of a red fox who was often seen with Hyoubu until she revealed her true form.
Biographical Information
Name: Azusa Hyoubu (ZKC)
Vampire (by Yō Fujiura)
Wannabe Vampire (by Kōichi Minamoto)
Darling Vampire (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Darling Wife (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Vampie (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Darling (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Archvampire (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Esper With Vampirism Tendencies
Kitsune (by some PANDRA members)
Foxy (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Vampiric Esper
Sovereign of Darkness
The Silent Vampire
Sanguine Kitsune
Personal Information
Status: Alive
• 37 (Elementary Arc)
• 39 (Middle School Arc)
• 41 (High School Arc; Currently)
Birthday: July 30th, 1978
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”/164 cm
• Level 6 Esper (ZKC)
• Japanese American
????, Japan
- P.A.N.D.R.A Executive (ZKC)
- Third of Command of P.A.N.D.R.A (ZKC)
- Leader of the The House of Bloodletting Foxes (formerly)
Azusa is a short woman with a dark complexion, lean yet slightly muscular build, long dark brown hair with the bottom piece tied together by a red bow, and red eyes. Over her right eye, she appears to have a large scar. She often wears a half face mask and neck bandages to cover scars.
Despite appearing around her early 40s, she’s often mistaken to be a woman in her early 20s (ZKC).
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Red
Azusa is a woman with a suave, extroverted, enthusiastic, and confident personality. On the surface, she appears to be rather businesslike; smug; and polite character who is often seen smiling no matter what situation she’s in and sometimes does a greeting bow towards friend or foe.
She appears to have a soft spot for books and board games, with chess being her favorite one to play. She also seems to have rather sophisticated yet expensive taste in many things as she’s seen collecting very old typewriters, eating at formal dining restaurants, and buying rather refined clothing.
Azusa is also known to be rather sharp-witted, being very intelligent and capable of completing tasks in a practical manner.
Despite those things, being a member of P.A.N.D.R.A; Azusa is described to be rather dangerous. She is very sinister, bloodthirsty, and can be quite sadistic at times which she shows towards her foes as she isn’t afraid to shed blood with a wide grin on her face. Like Hyoubu, she tends to mask her saddened or angered emotions with a smile or confident smirk.
During battle, Azusa tends to tease or taunt her opponents and seems to boast a lot of self-confidence when fighting or when completing tasks to a point of arrogance. She’s also rather remorseless towards her enemies showing no qualms in hurting or killing those who stand in her or Hyoubu’s way.
She’s also quite cunning and tends to use rather ruthless methods to achieve her tasks. Azusa is also a very ambitious individual. She also appears to hold a strong grudge and disgust for humans due to her treatment by them in the past.
Despite these things, Azusa is kind and polite towards P.A.N.D.R.A, especially towards Hyoubu who she loves to bits and is very loving as well as caring towards him. She is also described to a loving and caring parental figure towards her kids and the Esper children who were taken in by P.A.N.D.R.A. Due to being rescued by Hyoubu around her early 20s, Azusa has sworn absolute loyalty to him.
Though usually confident, Azusa has also shown sadness and even fear/concern from time to time.
Aside from books, Azusa happens to take a strong interest in vampires and has a tendency to use her illusion ability to surround herself in bats, is obsessed with bats, drinks blood (though only from Hyoubu), can transform like a vampire, reads anything about vampires, and wears clothing that reminds her of vampires. Some find this endearing or strange. Her obsession with vampires and her ability has lead her to being called a ‘Vampire’ by Yō Fujiura and ‘Wannabe Vampire’ by Kōichi Minamoto. She also seems to take a strong interest in fox and kitsune lore.
Despite being able to speak, she rarely ever does towards anyone except Hyoubu, expressing that she only feels comfortable speaking towards him. Towards others, she often speaks through body expression/gestures, sign language, writing, and facial expressions.
In the past, before meeting Hyoubu and before becoming more open towards P.A.N.D.R.A; Azusa was described to be a lot more pessimistic. Thanks to help of Hyoubu and P.A.N.D.R.A, Azusa has opened up.
✓ Books
 ✓ Reading
 ✓ Raspberry Lemonade
✓ Chess
 ✓ Knives
 ✓ Board Games
✓ Red Apples
✓ Bats
 ✓ Cello Rock
 ✓ Jazz Fusion
 ✓ Knife Throwing
 ✓ Blood
✓ Vampires
 ✓ Metal Music
✓ Writing
✓ Typewriters
 ✓ Fencing
 ✓ Vampires
 ✓ Sushi
 ✓ Foxes
 ✓ Kitsune
✗ Most Candies
✗ Esper Discrimination
 ✗ Fried Food
✗ The Cold
✗ Daytime
✗ Snow
✗ Her Scars
 ✗ People Calling Her ’Wannabe Vampire’
 ✗ Math
 ✗ Non Espers/Humans
✗ Dogs
✗ Fox Hunting
Hobbies: Reading, Playing Board Games/Chess, Listening To Music, Writing, Researching Vampire Stuff, Doing Fencing, and Collecting Knives.
At a young age, Azusa and her parents were victims of esper trafficking in Japan where she would eventually be bought in the Black Market by an unknown organization of normals who often used espers for their own personal gain and often treated espers inhumanely, often making espers their assassins and usually made their espers wear Limiters to suppress their powers. Azusa was valued by the organization due to her abilities and being a Level 6 esper which are the second highest level espers. However, she was treated poorly and only saw her as a tool of destruction. When they didn’t need her on certain missions, she often sported Limiters. Azusa disliked being treated by normals as nothing more than a mere tool.
On her 20th birthday, Azusa and her group of friends turns their back against the normal comprised organization and uses her abilities against them, killing many of the normal members in the process. She tells the espers within the organization that she is the Leader of The House of Bloodletting Foxes and their goal is rescue espers from humans, even if it meant killing humans in the process.
After Azusa’s escape, she and her group would eventually go into hiding while saving espers from humans where she and her friends would be caught up in an esper/normal conflict where she was nearly killed by normals and lost all of the Bloodletting Dogs members in the process until she was saved by Hyoubu and PANDRA, an organization comprising of only espers who offer her a home for only espers and dream of creating a world where espers will live with rights as well as freely. Hearing about Hyoubu’s offer and having nowhere else to go, she joins the organization and over time, grows very close to them and isn’t treated as a tool like the previous organization.
Future Azusa Predictions (ZKC Only)
1. Azusa is said to have sided with the espers who are fighting against humans, being responsible for countless deaths in the process. Even though not every esper is seen fighting against the humans, many of them are seen with Azusa.
2. Azusa supposedly watches over a small group of espers and supplies them with dangerous weapons.
3. While Azusa’s title known as the Sovereign of Darkness is not as well known as The Queen of Catastrophe (the now 20 year old Kaoru Akashi who supposedly had defected from Babel in the future and leads PANDRA due to Hyoubu’s worsening health conditions), her name is still feared upon by many for the blood shed she has caused.
4. By the war, Azusa has reached her mid forties (around 44-45 years old).
5. During the war’s initial stages, Azusa’s original parasol is destroyed and is seen with a new parasol instead.
6. It’s unknown whether Azusa survived or died in the war.
7. Due to her masks being destroyed, Azusa wears bandages over her eye. She also sports a different outfit.
8. Azusa kills Bullet Silver during an air raid.
Powers & Abilities 
* Umbrakinesis: Azusa is able to manipulate darkness/shadows. So far, she’s capable of animating  shadows, solidifying darkness/shadows into things; objects; and beings, create a kitsune-like monster out of shadows, infuse  darkness onto anything she touches, turn her body into darkness, create a darkness shield to temporarily protect herself; others; and objects in psychic darkness from telepathy/psychokinesis/ and psychometry, and manipulate matter with darkness and her shadow.
* Hypnosis: Azusa is shown to create and manipulate deceiving illusions that effect the five senses. Her illusions dissolve into swarms of bats when deactivated or attacked. It’s also shown that her illusions can be durable as they can take hits for a certain period of time before wearing off.
* Metamorphosis: Azusa can turn into a fox. It’s also shown she has a half fox form as well.
* Teleportation: Azusa is able to teleport herself, matter, and objects by using shadows/darkness as a catalyst.
* Parasol
Kyousuke Hyoubu (Husband)
Yugiri (Adopted Daughter)
Rougarou Hyoubu (Daughter)
Unknown Parents (Status Unknown)
Fujiko Tsubomi (Half Sister-In-Law)
• Kyousuke Hyoubu | Love Interest | Good Terms
Azusa’s most dynamic relationship is with Kyousuke Hyoubu.
Both of them being a dynamic duo who love each other to bits. Being Hyoubu’s wife and a high ranking PANDRA executive, she’s very close; loving; and loyal towards him and tends to listen to his orders without question. She absolutely loves Hyoubu to bits and tends to worry about him a lot, especially when Hyoubu is injured, to the point if Hyoubu were to get hurt by an enemy; she’ll lash out at the person without mercy.
Both of them show to have a loving relationship as they often enjoy each other’s company, love to spend time together, work extremely well together, and are especially dedicated to each other.
Other than being a loving and dedicated couple, they are known to be a powerful partner in crime duo. Both work well when doing crimes and on the battlefield, where they’re shown to have synchronized fighting style.
Out of all the characters in Zettai Karen Children, Azusa has expressed that she only feels comfortable speaking towards Hyoubu. Due to being saved by Hyoubu from being killed, she has sworn absolute loyalty to him and is thankful for Hyoubu for saving her from her dark past. She also expresses a softer side towards Hyoubu.
Voice Actress/Seiyuu: Atsuko Tanaka
Ship: Hyouzusa (Kyousuke Hyoubu x Azusa Hyoubu)
Theme Song: Evil by Mercyful Fate
1. Azusa favorite foods are blood and sushi.
2. Azusa spends most of her time reading or playing chess with Hyoubu.
3. Azusa’s zodiac sign is Leo.
4. Azusa wears a mask to cover a scar over her right eye.
5. Azusa is skilled at writing and fencing while she isn’t very good at art and math.
6. Azusa owns an old fashioned typewriter with glass keys.
7. Azusa owns seven typewriters.
8. Azusa only feels comfortable taking her mask off around Hyoubu.
9. Azusa has a tendency to drink blood very often. (ZKC Only)
10. Even though one of her favorite foods is blood, she only likes to drink Hyoubu’s blood.
11. Azusa shares the same birthday as Kaoru Akashi.
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Get to know me uncomfortably well - tagged by @livewiredroger ❤️ sorry this took so long to post!! 
1. What is your middle name? 
2. How old are you? 
21, gonna be 22 in a couple months
3. When is your birthday?
December 4th! A day after Ozzy’s
4. What is your zodiac sign? 
5. What is your favourite colour? 
Light purple and black
6. What’s your lucky number?
I don’t actually know
7. Do you have any pets?
No but I did have a dog!
8. Where are you from? 
9. How tall are you?
5’0 lmao
10. What shoe size are you? 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
Too many to count lol
12. What was your last dream about? 
I don’t remember 😅
13. What talents do you have?
None lol. I’m boring af
14. Are you psychic in any way? 
Nope lol
15. Favourite song? 
I’m a believer by the monkees (I’ve always loved that song)
16. Favourite movie? 
The Godfather
17. Who would be your ideal partner? 
Keanu Reeves. He has my heart and soul
18. Do you want children? 
Yeah but only like 2
19. Do you want a church wedding? 
Yeah but nothing too big
20. Are you religious? 
Kinda but not really. Like I acknowledge that there could be a God. But I don’t practice it that much. So basically I’M SINNING AND I’M WINNING
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 
Yeah. Twice. Once cause I had a bad ear infection and then another time I had pneumonia
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 
Yes I have! Back in my emo days I meet Christofer Drew from Never Shout Never, which was actually pure luck! NSN was in town for a concert, but I couldn’t go because it was a 18+ venue so I couldn’t get in (I was in 8th grade at the time). So my family and I decided to go out to eat at a restaurant which was coincidentally across from the venue. So we were walking down the street and I see this huge tour bus right outside the restaurant. My heart starts racing and i thought “how cool would it be if I bumped into someone from the group” well lo and behold as we are coming closer to the bus, Christofer Drew turns the corner and walks towards the bus. So I stop in my tracks and just say “Christofer Drew?” And he stops and he says hi! He asked if I was going to the show and I said no and he goes “well you gotta promise you’ll come to the next one!” Of course I made the promise and I didn’t break it! He came back that summer and I got to see him ❤️ I also met two groups called Breathe Carolina and Crown The Empire. I also met Evan Peters and Sebastian Stan at Comic Con a couple years ago. I also met Corey Crawford. The goaltender for the Chicago Blackhawks, my favorite hockey team.
24. Baths or showers?
Showers! I don’t like the idea of bathing in your own filth.
25. What color socks are you wearing? 
I’m not wearing any!
26. Have you ever been famous? 
Nope lmao and I probably never will be
28. What type of music do you like?
I like oldies. Mostly from the 50s-80s. Anything from Dean Martin to Motley Crue. I do like modern music too. I still listen to some of the bands I listened to in middle school lol (like the ones i mentioned before and others like All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice & Men, Asking Alexandria, and a couple more.) I also like Greta Van Fleet and 5 Seconds of Summer. I also like spanish music. Like Maluma, Bad Bunny, Becky G, etc. 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 
Nope lol 
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
It depends. It could be one or none. Sometimes i don’t use a pillow
31. What position do you usually sleep in? 
On my tummy! 
32. How big is your house? 
It’s a two bedroom apartment. I’m not complaining tho, its very cozy. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 
If I wake up early enough lol it’ll usually be eggs (over medium), some coffee, and some bread 
34. Have you ever fired a gun? 
Nope and i don’t plan on it! 
35. Have you ever tried archery? 
Yes! I tried it when I was in Girl Scouts in elementary school 
36. Favourite clean word? 
37. Favorite swear word? 
definitely FUCK
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 
like a day? I got like four hours of sleep the night before. Got up at like 6am, went about my day. Then I stayed up until 7am working on a research paper for class (college is a BITCH). 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Nah cause your girl is hella ugly lmao
41. Are you a good liar? 
Not at all. People can tell when I’m lying cause my voice gets high lmao 
42. Are you a good judge of character? 
Eh I do my best 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 
I try to do a posh British accent and I try to do a Steve Irwin Aussie accent   
44. Do you have a strong accent? 
People say I have a strong chicagoan accent but i don’t hear it!
45. What is your favourite accent? 
I’m a sucker for aussie accents 
46. What is your personality type? 
just took the test..i got ISFP-T (adventurer) 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 
hmmmm all I can think of at the moment is my Doc Martens. They aren’t really clothing but it’s all I can think of lol
48. Can you curl your tongue? 
49. Are you an innie or an outie? 
outie :(((( i hate it 
50. Left or right-handed?
Right handed! 
51. Are you scared of spiders? 
52. Favourite food? 
Pasta! I could eat it all day, every day 
53. Favourite foreign food?
Tamales and Pozole. That’s my shitttt
54. Are you a clean or messy person? 
I try and be a clean person and stay organized but it only lasts for a bit then I go back to my messy ways lol 
55. Most used phrase? 
“that’s a mood” and “no mames guey” (Mexican slang)
56. Most used word? 
Dude and Darling
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 
Depends. If I wear my hair natural, then an hour. But if I gotta style it, then like an hour and a half or two hours( I got a lot of fucking hair, dude). 
58. Do you have much of an ego? 
Hell no lmao. This bitch has a low self-esteem so 🤷🏻‍♀️
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 
Suck 🤪
60. Do you talk to yourself? 
All the time lmao 
61. Do you sing to yourself? 
Yeah sometimes 
62. Are you a good singer? 
Nope lmao but I still do it anyways 
63. Biggest Fear? 
A lot of shit. Spiders, Holes (trypophobia), tearing my achilles or getting them cut (ever since I saw Pet Sematary), dolls, bugs crawling under my skin, throwing up...and i can’t think of anymore on the spot 
64. Are you a gossip? 
you bet your ass I am. Soy una chismosa lmao
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 
66. Do you like long or short hair? 
On girls, long but not too long. Maybe like mid-back. And guys, long, like ear length and longer 
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 
Yeah but i couldn’t point them out on a map 
68. Favourite school subject? 
Biology/Human Anatomy. I’m a sucker for science 
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Definitely an introvert. No doubt about that lol 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
71. What makes you nervous? 
Meeting new people, class discussions, and presentations
72. Are you scared of the dark? 
If i’ve just seen a scary movie then yes lol  
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 
Sometimes. For instance, if one of my friends from ecuador uses a word wrong in a sentence, then I would tell them the right way to say it to help them learn more english. i never correct someone to seem like i’m smarter or to be rude. It’s simply to help them. 
74. Are you ticklish? 
Yeah! In some places like my feet, neck, and my back, 
75. Have you ever started a rumour? 
No way! That’s terrible 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 
Only when babysitting my little cousins lol 
77. Have you ever drank underage? 
Yeah lmao. When I went away for college
78. Have you ever done drugs? 
Once, when I hungout with a guy at school we smoked some weed
79. Who was your first real crush?
One of my friends from college. I met him Freshman year and I still like him...I’ve liked him for four years but i’ve never had the guts to tell him 
80. How many piercings do you have? 
6! I have four on my left ear and two on my right ear. I have the standard lobe piercings, then the upper lobe on both sides. Then on my left I have one above the upper. And then I have my helix pierced on the left side. (i hope this all made sense lol) 
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type? 
Eh I would say pretty average 
83. How fast can you run? 
Not at all. I hate running 
84. What colour is your hair?
Dark brown! 
85. What color is your eyes? 
Dark brown
86. What are you allergic to? 
Some ingredient in the Banana Boat sunscreen. And some type of plant. I don’t exactly know which one cause I went to the botantic garden one time on a field trip and I don’t know which plant caused my allergic reaction but when I got home I had hives all over me. 
87. Do you keep a journal? 
Nope, never did 
88. What do your parents do? 
My mom is an ortho technician and my dad is a delivery man
89. Do you like your age? 
Yeah I guess. I mean I can buy my own alcohol so that’s pretty neat 
90. What makes you angry? 
91. Do you like your own name? 
Eh it’s alright. Pretty boring 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I like the name Elena for a girl and Jonathan for a boy 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Doesn’t matter to me
94. What are you strengths? 
I’m a ride or die bitch.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I don’t really share my emotions so I keep things bottled up 
96. How did you get your name? 
My cousin picked out my name 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? 
Not that I know of. But what I do know is I have family from Spain. 
98. Do you have any scars?
Yeah, one on my arm from when I burned myself with my straightener. And another at the place where my nose meets my forehead, between my brows. When I was in elementary school, I was running out on the playground and I tripped and I slide across the cement and scraped my nose and my whole forehead. THERE. WAS. BLOOD. EVERYWHERE. 
99. Colour of your bedspread? 
Light pink 
100. Colour of your room? 
I tag: @tommyleeownsme, @babe-mustaine, @waycooljunior, and @universal-scorpio ❤️
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Due Date: 2/12/2019
Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach.  Chapter 2
Gail Tompkins
Takeaway: Using the five stages of the reading process (1- prereading, 2-reading, 3-responding, 4- exploring, 5- applying) along with the five stages of the writing process (1-prewriting, 2-drafting, 3-revising, 4-editing, 5- publishing) will allow students to take these two intimidating tasks and chunk it.  By chunking we allow students to take something big or intimidating and see it as a bunch of smaller pieces.  With this we have the writer’s craft as well.  The writers craft offers us 6 traits that we should see in our student’s writing: 1.) ideas, 2.) organization, 3.) voice, 4.) word choice, 5.) sentence fluency, 6.) conventions. Using the different steps provided for the writing and reading process, students should be able to compare the processes.  Ultimately, as a class, students should come to find the purpose for the reading and writing strategies.  
Nugget: On page 62, the author presents us with a chart comparing the reading and writing processes.  I’m a visual learner.  Seeing the processes line up with one another and overlap in certain aspects solidified my understanding of what I read.  I feel like this chart would be a helpful poster to have in the classroom.  By having a poster, it will give the students the responsibility to find the information they need. I feel like the more resources we provide and display for our students that they’re more likely to be successful.
Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach.  Chapter 6
Gail Tompkins
Takeaway: Students should be able to identify and explain the components of read and writing fluency.  The components of reading fluency are 1.) automaticity, readers should be able to read automatically and figure out unfamiliar words quickly, 2.) speed, fluent readers can read at least 100 words per minute,3.) prosody, fluent readers should read with expression and appropriate phrasing.  The components of writing fluency are 1.) automaticity should come to a writer, they shouldn’t have to stop and think about words and what they mean or how they’re used, 2.) speed, students need to write quick enough to keep pace with what they’re thinking, 3.) writer’s voice, a writer should develop their own sense of individuality in their writing.  Finally, the chapter touches on how we can assist older, dysfluent students.
Nugget:  I really appreciated the chart on page 203.  This chart went into detail regarding dysfluent readers.  I want to be a special educator (specifically in the higher grades), this being said it is important to know that I will have dysfluent readers.  This chart breaks down reading and writing into their subdomains and tells of the common difficulties students may have if they’re dysfluent.
Engagement with Chapter 2 and 6
I really enjoyed these two chapters as they took two aspects of literacy (reading and writing) and broke them down for me.  I personally struggled in the areas of reading and writing in literacy and this forcibly made me strongly dislike literacy from middle school until 11th grade. It was only then that I found a new sense of my abilities in these areas.  Not only did my teacher help me feel like I was capable, but she also provided helpful aides to accomplish the tasks individually.  She was bubbly and clearly loved what she did so she made learning literacy very interesting, along with this she provided many visual aides that were hung all around the room for us to continually reference.  Being able to reference these posters plus her energy helped me feel like I was capable.
Readerly Exploration
For my readerly exploration I have chosen to explore relationships with other people through reading by using texts as a shared experience with another person/ other people or to gain insight into the perspective of another person.  At first, I reached out to my English teacher from junior year of high school, she wasn’t able to get back to me right away so I decided to have a conversation with my mom. My mom is a speech pathologist in a school district.  She often works with struggling student and I wanted to get her perspective on this topic. I asked my mom, “what are your recommendations and beliefs about teaching reading and writing for all levels?” She started off by saying that exposure to reading and writing skills are vital and should be taught as early as possible due to their everyday use.  My mom does some group speech therapy in a self-contained classroom as well as in their life- skills classroom (same group of students).  She gets to see them work through life skills and reading that is applicable to them.   The teacher in the classroom tries to keep the reading material up to date and interesting for them so that they can truly benefit from the skills obtained from this practice such as reading comprehension.  The students will typically write about an event that they have participated in, heard about, or want.  They always use laptops to help guide spelling and grammar.  During this time to teacher is making notes on the google document and guiding the students to correct certain things without necessarily saying how. Finally, I asked my mom how she felt about posters in the classroom.  She said she think they’re useful, but there should be a line.  In her district, they use Reader’s and Writer’s workshops at the Elementary School level.  The classrooms are covered in strategy/ rule posters.  The kids often know where to look for the information they need, but for some kids, it’s visual overload.  Overall, she does support the use of written language used through a classroom.
Multimedia Documentation
This is a picture of a classroom with many visual aids.  I hope that I can also do this for my students.  Visual aids are extremely important for not just literacy, but all subjects.  I was this in my classroom so that the tips and tricks I provide for my students are remembered and used.  The more that students see something and practice using it, the more likely they are to remember it and use it.
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vanesastudies · 7 years
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In terms of difficulty, high school is a step up from elementary school, but in my opinion, not that harder. Show up to class, take down notes, and do homework (you don’t necessarily have to finish it) and you should do fine. A lot of people are incredibly lazy in high school. Just put in some effort and you will get good grades.
You won’t always have a well-structured class with a good teacher and resources. Adapt around it using the Internet and other resources given to you.
English Class: You’re going to have to take this all four years, so you should get used to writing essays and analyzing literature. If you’re applying to a university in Canada, you will need grade 12 English and it will always count toward your average. Whether you love it or hate it, do your best in the class, because you can’t get away with being lazy. Here are some links that you may find useful:
Use proper grammar.
Master the five-paragraph essay.
Learn how to analyze literature.
SparkNotes is a lifesaver for literature. Do not rely on it too much since your teacher is likely going to know it exists. It’s very useful, especially with analyzing Shakespeare.
Purdue OWL is an amazing writing resource that you can use all throughout your academic years. It teaches you how to write in different formats, notoriously MLA format.
University of Toronto writing advice explains every writing concept you would need academically.
Science Class: Read your textbook. Draw out diagrams (even if they’re ugly-looking), because a lot of science is visual. And do practice questions from the textbook. If you’re in a good class, your homework will be enough studying, and all you should be doing the day before a test is reviewing concepts. This class is fun so enjoy it.
List of science resources
Math Class: Do. Your. Homework. Your homework should consist of numerous practice questions. Do as much as you can. The key to being good at math is practice. 
MathIsFun explains math concepts.
Master algebra. A good foundation in algebra is necessary to do well in math. 
My rule of thumb: I spend at maximum of 15 - 20 minutes on a math problem. If I don’t get it, I save it as a question for class or my peers. Don’t spend hours on a single math problem.
Geography & History: You will be taking grade 9 geography and grade 10 history. There is a lot of memorization in these classes, so learn how to memorize. 
Religion Class: Grade 9, 10, and 12 religion is easy, but don’t slack off because of it. They can be very easy marks and average-boosters. Grade 11 religion is world religion, and it will require a lot of memorization.
Focus on what the teacher wants. Unlike elementary school, high school tests and assignments are stricter. Check the list of everything required in the assignment and do it well. They will often give you a rubric or outline. Use it as your bible.   
Learn how to research and cite. This will be more relevant as years in high school go by and prepare you for university. You want to know how to recognize a source is reliable, not plagiarize it, and cite it (both in-text and as a list of references). 
How to cite using MLA format
BibMe creates citations for you
How to paraphrase
Never plagiarize. There are no shortcuts to learning. In the short-term, you might not get caught and get high grades, but you won’t know the information properly. It’s better to get an 80 trying your best than a 100 plagiarizing. Don’t ever cheat on tests, either. You may, however, study in groups, look at other peoples’ homework, look at previous years’ work, etc. for help. In the end, you’re being tested on your knowledge, and it will show in your future career. 
Learn how to memorize. A lot of your high school classes are going to entail memorization. You should first and foremost understand the concept/idea, and then you should memorize information that you will regurgitate on tests.
Memory tips and techniques
Advanced memorization techniques
Read. Read something that may not necessarily be related to your classes. Take out books from the library or read things online about things you’re interested in. You will be more well-rounded and sane because of it. Try to build up your vocabulary.
Basically, learn how to study now. Build your study skills here and they will come in handy when it comes to university. 
Exams are a review of everything you’ve learned in the class. If you make a small review for each unit/section of the class, then all you have to do is put those reviews together and study from that. (You could always study everything at the last minute, but I recommend you try not to do that.)
Your teacher may give you an exam review outline. Create a study guide based off of it. Answer the practice questions, define all of the terms you need to know, etc. and study off of it before the exam.
Get good sleep and eat breakfast before an exam. I cannot emphasize how important it is that you’re well-rested. You want to do your best, so you should be at your best.
You will do fine! If you do consistent work for a class all throughout the school year, studying for an exam should be easy, especially if your teacher gives you a review.
Organization & Time Management
School Supplies:
Have a binder for each class. Put the course outline in the front. Keep stacks of lined paper in each binder. Keep binders in your locker and pull them out for classes.
Consider getting binder dividers for each unit for each binder. Hole punch unit tests and put them at the end of every section for exam review.
Put dates and titles on all your notes. Keep your binder organized chronologically.
Have a separate folder to hold loose papers and put them away appropriately. 
Get a separate graph paper notebook for math class for homework/practice.
Write in pencil so you can erase mistakes.
Highlighters are great to emphasize certain information. Use them wisely.
Get a good scientific calculator. You can use it all throughout high school if you take good care of it.
Use sticky notes in your textbooks and in your class notes. Use it to write down mnemonics, notes to yourself, extra information, highlight important information, bookmark pages, etc.
Get a hole punch and stapler for organization.
Use your agenda! Write down homework at the end of each class and make a habit of looking at it whenever you need to do homework.
You should spend no more than 1 hour per class on homework every day, though maybe some more time is necessary for math. Yes, high school takes up a lot of work. Try to finish your homework in given free time during classes so you have more time after school for clubs, hobbies, etc.
Don’t procrastinate. Don’t put off what could be done now, because doing everything last minute often sucks. 
Figure out why you’re procrastinating. Is the work hard? Or is the work boring? Address the problem appropriately.
If it’s hard, try to get help for it, whether the Internet, a teacher, or a friend.
Is it boring? Find something you find interesting in it, or work on it in chunks (ex. 30 minutes, 15 minutes) and every so often take a break in between so it’s manageable. 
Sometimes you have to shoulder through work. Visualize being finished with it and finish it! This is a highly important high school skill and I suggest you master it quickly. 
Look at the end goal. In the short term, it might be a high grade on the test. In the long term, it might be getting into a good university. Try to stay motivated.
Social Life
High school isn’t like the movies. There are no cliques, no jocks and nerds. Just friend groups. Try to find a group that you can relate to but won’t encourage bad habits (not studying, skipping class, smoking, underage drinking, illicit drugs, etc.) or form your own.
Be nice to everyone. Even if they hate you. It’s really not worth it to make enemies. If someone asks you for help, give it to them. If someone bullies you, ignore them. High school drama is meaningless.
Get involved. This is the most cliche and yet the most important piece of social advice I can give you. You are guaranteed a friend group just by joining a club. And you’ll have something to do. 
Join a club that gives you volunteer hours and get those done as soon as you possibly can. You don’t want to end up in senior year, applying for universities, trying to get good grades, and having to volunteer on top of that. Try to get all 40 hours during 9th grade, and continue to get them because volunteering is fun and gives you something to put on your resume. 
Go to events. They may cost a small fee but it’s worth it. Peoples’ best memories in high school are not the long hours of classes; it’s what they did. Enjoy it here. 
If you don’t like high school, that’s okay. A lot of people don’t. It’s 4 years of your life (5 if you take a “gap year”) and it goes by quickly. Keep the big picture in mind and push through it. 
Sleep! You will be waking up early five days a week so get to bed at a decent time. I suggest no later than midnight or 1 am. Sleep deprivation wrecks havoc on your health. 
Eat well. Try to sneak in breakfast in the mornings (even if it’s just an apple or a granola bar) and pack a good lunch. Some teachers may let you snack in classes so pack food. You do not want to go hungry. It’s hard to concentrate in class when you’re tired and hungry.
High school is one of the most stressful times of your adolescence. You will be pressured by your parents, your teachers, your relatives, and sometimes it will feel like too much. You are still growing and still figuring out who you are. It’s an easy time for mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, to arise. You will be pushed to your limits sometimes. It’s a good thing, but don’t ever let the stress get to you. Your cousin was sent to the hospital several times because of the stress. It is not worth it. Your health is more important than anything else.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your parents about issues. 
If you really don’t want to, there should be a school child and youth worker, or a guidance counselor, or some sort of trusted adult in your life.
Friends are lifesavers and often a main source of support. Find a good friend or two that you can trust with your secrets. 
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cryptoga-blog · 7 years
Can Blockchain Help you save Us from the Internet's Authentic Sin?
Can Blockchain Help you save Us from the Internet's Authentic Sin?
Michael J. Casey is the chairman of CoinDesk’s advisory board and a senior advisor for blockchain investigate at MIT’s Digital Forex Initiative. 
In this belief piece, 1 of a weekly series of columns, Casey appears to be at how blockchain may cost-free society from the stranglehold of the four huge data hogs of the web period: Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple.
What is actually improper with this image?
The front website page of The Wall Road Journal, Tuesday: “Amazon Lures 238 Bids for its Next Residence.”
It is not a great factor that a one company can get the political leaders of so numerous American cities and states to scramble around every single other to check out to entice $5 billion in expending on some new buildings.
The tale exhibits that Amazon’s impact around American urban daily life is significantly far more than 1 company warrants: around tax guidelines, around city setting up choices, around the aesthetics and culture of our communities. Society’s pursuits lie in sustaining a dynamic, innovative and evolving financial state, not 1 in which hegemonic businesses have oversized sway around everyone’s conclusion-making.
This is the main trouble of centralization in the web age – a pet topic for those of us who believe the thoughts driving blockchain technological innovation can position us toward a superior economic design.
Amazon is not on your own, of study course. But it really is in a incredibly decide on team. An acronym has emerged to outline the modest club of electronic behemoths to which it belongs: GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple).
Two other WSJ tales this previous 7 days provide house the distorting impact of two other customers of that club. A person was Christopher Mims’ column about Facebook’s “grasp algorithm,” which in pinpointing what we see and read is practically dictating how we imagine. The other was about Google winning the quantum computing race, a prize that will afford the winner unimaginable aggressive rewards in data-processing capabilities.
Meanwhile, with my Apple iphone 6’s display screen cracked and its operation deteriorated because I upgraded to iOS 11, I’m tempted to switch to a Samsung cellular phone, but you should not want to reduce all the data and connectivity that the Apple universe has locked me into. And I know that with the Android OS, I would just be receiving Google’s variation of the same dependency anyway.
The internet’s authentic sin
How did the GAFA gang get to be so highly effective? It will come down to an authentic sin in the initial style and design of the web.
The inventors of packet switching and of the essential protocols on which the modern-day internet is built did a masterful occupation figuring how to shift info seamlessly throughout a dispersed network. What they didn’t do was take care of the trouble of have faith in.
Considering the fact that info is electrical power, it is normally remarkably delicate. So when folks share it with every single other, they have to have to know that data can be dependable. But because there was no actually decentralized have faith in mediation procedure in spot in the 1990s – no permissionless way to resolve the Byzantine Generals’ Challenge – an asymmetric resolution was observed.
On the 1 hand, the distribution of community info was disintermediated, which set all centralized companies of that info, especially newspapers and other media outlets, below powerful business strain from blogs and other new info rivals. But on the other, all important info – particularly dollars alone, an especially important kind of info – was still intermediated by dependable 3rd get-togethers.
It was a centralized resolution bolted onto a decentralized info infrastructure.
So, we acquired internet site internet hosting providers to regulate every single site’s documents. We acquired certificate authorities to authenticate dependable addresses. We acquired financial institutions and credit score card companies to operate the payment procedure. And because we craved the network that Facebook’s group provided and that Amazon’s marketplace could attain and Google’s look for engine could tap, we fed at any time far more important info into the arms of these entities – those that gained the early, defining battles to create dominance of those providers.
A new web variation of the dependable 3rd get together was born, and it was just as highly effective, if not far more so, than those archetypal dependable 3rd get-togethers of the pre-web period: financial institutions.
Only these newcomers’ currency is just not dollars, it really is data.
A decentralized way forward
Currently, troubles this sort of as Facebook’s “fake information” problem and Equifax’s cyberbreach have at last begun shining a light-weight on the elementary flaws of a centralized procedure for controlling delicate info. But our financial state was suffering prolonged before that as result of this re-intermediation.
Considering the fact that producers now rely on Amazon to attain their prospects, their entire business design – from output processes to their setting up tactics – is decided by whatever info is created by the Seattle company’s algorithm. That’s an inherent impediment to successful innovation and creates a dependency that limitations aggressive capabilities.
If you imagine this degree of domination is terrible, take into account what will happen when we get there at a world in which artificial intelligence, machine mastering and the Net of Things have merged to guarantee that virtually every single conclusion we make is automated by some algorithm. The question “who owns the data?” is likely to turn out to be a considerably even larger trouble.
I you should not know if the blockchain will ultimately resolve all this. In the blockchain house, there are unsolved problems relating to how to scale permissionless blockchains this sort of as bitcoin, as properly as thoughts about how considerably autonomy folks want or should have around their personal dollars and their data.
But undoubtedly the remedy lies somewhere in the main idea of a decentralized have faith in mechanism that blockchain factors to.
Inside the design that Satoshi Nakamoto’s invention made – a procedure for how to agree on the validity of info shared by strangers in an setting of mistrust – we have a new framework for pondering about who will get to regulate data in the web age.
The notion that the world financial state of the foreseeable future will be one in which persons and modest corporations have immediate management around their data, and however can still operate in open markets and make network results is an enjoyable prospect. It is a foreseeable future in which a far more degree participating in field provides increase to legitimate competitors and unleashes the form of open-source innovation that’s desired to resolve numerous of the troubles we experience.
That world will ultimately appear. The spots that get in that setting will be those that initial embrace a new, decentralized design for data sharing and peer-to-peer investing that promotes legitimate competitors. The losers will possible incorporate whichever city wins the 2017 beauty contest to host Amazon’s new headquarters.
Adam and Eve graphic by using Shutterstock
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Current Version of my Zettai Karen Children S/I, Azusa. 🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊
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Profile -
Azusa is an executive of P.A.N.D.R.A who serves as third in command. She’s also a Level 6 esper with haemokinesis, hypnosis, metamorphosis, and teleportation.
During her first few appearances, she often took the form of a red fox who was often seen with Hyoubu until she revealed her true form.
Biographical Information
Name: Azusa Hyoubu (ZKC)
Vampire (by Yō Fujiura)
Wannabe Vampire (by Kōichi Minamoto)
Darling Vampire (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Darling Wife (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Vampie (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Darling (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Archvampire (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Esper With Vampirism Tendencies
Foxy (by Kyousuke Hyoubu)
Kitsune (by some PANDRA members)
Vampiric Esper
Sovereign of Darkness
Blood Manipulator
The Silent Vampire
Personal Information
Status: Alive
• 37 (Elementary Arc)
• 39 (Middle School Arc)
• 41 (High School Arc; Currently)
Birthday: July 30th, 1978
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”/164 cm
• Level 6 Esper (ZKC)
• Japanese American
????, Japan
- P.A.N.D.R.A Executive (ZKC)
- Third of Command of P.A.N.D.R.A (ZKC)
- Leader of the The House of Bloodletting Foxes (formerly)
Azusa is a short woman with a dark complexion, lean yet slightly muscular build, long dark brown hair with the bottom piece tied together by a dark gray bow, and red eyes. Over her right eye, she appears to have a large scar. She often wears a half face mask and neck bandages to cover scars.
Despite appearing around her early 40s, she’s often mistaken to be a woman in her early 20s (ZKC).
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Red
Azusa is a woman with a suave, extroverted, enthusiastic, and confident personality. On the surface, she appears to be rather businesslike; smug; and polite character who is often seen smiling no matter what situation she’s in and sometimes does a greeting bow towards friend or foe.
She appears to have a soft spot for books and board games, with chess being her favorite one to play. She also seems to have rather sophisticated yet expensive taste in many things as she’s seen collecting very old typewriters, eating at formal dining restaurants, and buying rather refined clothing.
Azusa is also known to be rather sharp-witted, being very intelligent and capable of completing tasks in a practical manner.
Despite those things, being a member of P.A.N.D.R.A; Azusa is described to be rather dangerous. She is very sinister, bloodthirsty, and can be quite sadistic at times which she shows towards her foes as she isn’t afraid to shed blood with a wide grin on her face. Like Hyoubu, she tends to mask her saddened or angered emotions with a smile or confident smirk.
During battle, Azusa tends to tease or taunt her opponents and seems to boast a lot of self-confidence when fighting or when completing tasks to a point of arrogance. She’s also rather remorseless towards her enemies showing no qualms in hurting or killing those who stand in her or Hyoubu’s way.
She’s also quite cunning and tends to use rather ruthless methods to achieve her tasks. Azusa is also a very ambitious individual. She also appears to hold a strong grudge and disgust for humans due to her treatment by them in the past.
Despite these things, Azusa is kind and polite towards P.A.N.D.R.A, especially towards Hyoubu who she loves to bits and is very loving as well as caring towards him. She is also described to a loving and caring parental figure towards her kids and the Esper children who were taken in by P.A.N.D.R.A. Due to being rescued by Hyoubu around her early 20s, Azusa has sworn absolute loyalty to him.
Though usually confident, Azusa has also shown sadness and even fear/concern from time to time.
Aside from books, Azusa happens to take a strong interest in vampires and has a tendency to use her illusion ability to surround herself in bats, is obsessed with bats, drinks blood (though only from Hyoubu), can transform like a vampire, reads anything about vampires, and wears clothing that reminds her of vampires. Some find this endearing or strange. Her obsession with vampires and her ability has lead her to being called a ‘Vampire’ by Yō Fujiura and ‘Wannabe Vampire’ by Kōichi Minamoto.
Despite being able to speak, she rarely ever does towards anyone except Hyoubu, expressing that she only feels comfortable speaking towards him. Towards others, she often speaks through body expression/gestures, sign language, writing, and facial expressions.
In the past, before meeting Hyoubu and before becoming more open towards P.A.N.D.R.A; Azusa was described to be a lot more pessimistic. Thanks to help of Hyoubu and P.A.N.D.R.A, Azusa has opened up.
✓ Books
✓ Reading
✓ Raspberry Lemonade
✓ Chess
✓ Knives
✓ Board Games
✓ Red Apples
✓ Bats
✓ Cello Rock
✓ Jazz Fusion
✓ Knife Throwing
✓ Blood
✓ Vampires
✓ Metal Music
✓ Writing
✓ Typewriters
✓ Fencing
✓ Vampires
✓ Sushi
��� Foxes
✗ Most Candies
✗ Esper Discrimination
✗ Fried Food
✗ The Cold
✗ Daytime
✗ Snow
✗ Her Scars
✗ People Calling Her ’Wannabe Vampire’
✗ Math
✗ Non Espers/Humans
Hobbies: Reading, Playing Board Games/Chess, Listening To Music, Writing, Researching Vampire Stuff, Doing Fencing, and Collecting Knives.
At a young age, Azusa and her parents were victims of esper trafficking in Japan where she would eventually be bought in the Black Market by an unknown organization of normals who often used espers for their own personal gain and often treated espers inhumanely, often making espers their assassins and usually made their espers wear Limiters to suppress their powers. Azusa was valued by the organization due to her abilities and being a Level 6 esper which are the second highest level espers. However, she was treated poorly and only saw her as a tool of destruction. When they didn’t need her on certain missions, she often sported Limiters. Azusa disliked being treated by normals as nothing more than a mere tool.
On her 20th birthday, Azusa and her group of friends turns their back against the normal comprised organization and uses her abilities against them, killing many of the normal members in the process. She tells the espers within the organization that she is the Leader of The House of Bloodletting Dogs and their goal is rescue espers from humans, even if it meant killing humans in the process.
After Azusa’s escape, she and her group would eventually go into hiding while saving espers from humans where she and her friends would be caught up in an esper/normal conflict where she was nearly killed by normals and lost all of the Bloodletting Foxes members in the process until she was saved by Hyoubu and PANDRA, an organization comprising of only espers who offer her a home for only espers and dream of creating a world where espers will live with rights as well as freely. Hearing about Hyoubu’s offer and having nowhere else to go, she joins the organization and over time, grows very close to them and isn’t treated as a tool like the previous organization.
Future Azusa Predictions
1. Azusa is said to have sided with the espers who are fighting against humans, being responsible for countless deaths in the process. Even though not every esper is seen fighting against the humans, many of them are which is seen with Azusa.
2. Azusa supposedly watches over a small group of espers and supplies them with dangerous weapons.
3. While Azusa’s title known as the Sovereign of Darkness is not as well known as The Queen of Catastrophe (the now 20 year old Kaoru Akashi who supposedly had defected from Babel in the future and leads PANDRA due to Hyoubu’s worsening health conditions), her name is still feared upon by many for the blood shed she has caused.
4. By the war, Azusa has reached her mid forties (around 44-45 years old).
5. During the war’s initial stages, Azusa’s original parasol is destroyed and is seen with a new parasol instead.
6. It’s unknown whether Azusa survived or died in the war.
7. Due to her masks being destroyed, Azusa wears bandages over her eye. She also sports a different outfit.
8. Azusa kills Bullet Silver during an air raid.
Powers & Abilities
* Haemokinesis: Azusa’s main ability is a sub power of hydrokinesis that allows her to manipulate blood, whether free flowing or from within someone’s body. She’s also shown to be able to generate blood as well.
So far, Azusa is able to manipulate the motor functions of others by controlling their own blood, form her own blood into a bat-like monster and control it, create/solidify blood into objects and weapons, temporarily cause unconsciousness in someone by reversing their flow of blood, increase her speed by increasing the flow of blood, manipulate her own and others’ blood pressures, transform matter into blood through physical contact (mainly touch), use blood to attack her opponents, and turn her own body into pools of blood.
The biggest weaknesses factor of Azusa’s blood manipulation ability is blood loss as she can become fatigued and weakened if she draws too much blood.
* Hypnosis: Azusa is shown to create and manipulate deceiving illusions that effect the five senses. Her illusions dissolve into swarms of bats when deactivated or attacked. It’s also shown that her illusions can be durable as they can take hits for a certain period of time before wearing off.
* Metamorphosis: Azusa can turn into a a red fox. She also has a half fox form as well.
* Teleportation: Azusa is able to teleport herself, matter, and objects by using blood as a catalyst. She’s shown that the more blood she uses for teleportation, the farther she can teleport herself or other matter.
* Parasol
Kyousuke Hyoubu (Husband)
Yugiri (Adopted Daughter)
Rougarou Hyoubu (Daughter)
Unknown Parents (Status Unknown)
Fujiko Tsubomi (Half Sister-In-Law)
• Kyousuke Hyoubu | Love Interest | Good Terms
Azusa’s most dynamic relationship is with Kyousuke Hyoubu.
Both of them being a dynamic duo who love each other to bits. Being Hyoubu’s wife and a high ranking PANDRA executive, she’s very close; loving; and loyal towards him and tends to listen to his orders without question. She absolutely loves Hyoubu to bits and tends to worry about him a lot, especially when Hyoubu is injured, to the point if Hyoubu were to get hurt by an enemy; she’ll lash out at the person without mercy.
Both of them show to have a loving relationship as they often enjoy each other’s company, love to spend time together, work extremely well together, and are especially dedicated to each other.
Other than being a loving and dedicated couple, they are known to be a powerful partner in crime duo. Both work well when doing crimes and on the battlefield, where they’re shown to have synchronized fighting style.
Out of all the characters in Zettai Karen Children, Azusa has expressed that she only feels comfortable speaking towards Hyoubu. Due to being saved by Hyoubu from being killed, she has sworn absolute loyalty to him and is thankful for Hyoubu for saving her from her dark past. She also expresses a softer side towards Hyoubu.
Voice Actress/Seiyuu: Atsuko Tanaka
Ship: Hyouzusa (Kyousuke Hyoubu x Azusa Hyoubu)
Theme Song: Evil by Mercyful Fate
1. Azusa favorite foods are blood and sushi.
2. Azusa spends most of her time reading or playing chess with Hyoubu.
3. Azusa’s zodiac sign is Leo.
4. Azusa wears a mask to cover a scar over her right eye.
5. Azusa is skilled at writing and fencing while she isn’t very good at art and math.
6. Azusa owns an old fashioned typewriter with glass keys.
7. Azusa owns seven typewriters.
8. Azusa only feels comfortable taking her mask off around Hyoubu.
9. Azusa has a tendency to drink blood very often. (ZKC Only)
10. Even though one of her favorite foods is blood, she only likes to drink Hyoubu’s blood.
11. Azusa shares the same birthday as Kaoru Akashi.
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