#So I did a deep dive on Time Travel fics and was inspired to write my own.
mariyekos · 2 months
2024 Writing Count
Oh yeah! I've talked about it on Twitter, but I don't think I've mentioned it here: I'm keeping track of my fics/wordcount for 2024! I did it back in 2021, and then kept track of it for a few months in 2023, but this year I'm back at it again with more detail than ever.
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Here's what it looks like. The further I get the more I add onto it as different things come to mind. I love color coding things, so I have a system: 0 word days get red, 1-99 word days get yellow, 100-499 word days get light green, 500-999 word days get medium green, and 1000+ word days get dark green. I also highlight the end of each month in blue to make it easy to see, and milestones (like hitting 50k in January!) are in blue!
More details, including a view of all days, beneath the cut!
January was my best month so far. That's when I started the longfic I'm currently plugging away at, which got me most of that word count. As in, it got me over 50k of that word count, because once I realized I was so close to 50k not just for the month but for a single fic, I powered through to the end. January was a month where my main focus was getting ideas down rather than shooting for top-of-the-line quality. You can't fix a fic that isn't written, so step 1 is to write! Right now I'm actually going through what I wrote and re-writing it, which is slow work but worth it.
February was okay. March was a bad month for me, and where I finally lost my "1 word a day" goal. You can tell how hard I was struggling in the middle there, which was from a combination of lack of sleep, lack of time (work and FFXIV prog were exhausting, plus I was trying hard to get through FFVII Rebirth before being spoiled (I failed)), and lack of motivation/inspiration. I got absolutely slammed by doubt and feelings of inadequacy, combined with some realizations about my longfic which means I had to do a MAJOR overhaul that I was absolutely dreading.
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April was pretty good! I got slammed by motivation to finish a fic that I'd struggled with before and finally finished and published it. I'd been hesitating because I felt like I was getting that vibe out of another fic, but after struggling with that one I went back to the one I'd eventually publish and had a blast. It was very self-indulgent and I've realized that that's okay! I've rambled vaguely on this blog about it, but it was the fic where I knew I was diving deep into a fanon interpretation of a character that's not really seen in canon, and was worried about how it would be received.
In the end I decided whatever. I know it's fanon, but I love that fanon and clearly other people love that fanon too, so I decided I'd just post it. It has a lower kudos:hit ratio than my other fics but honestly? I don't care. I had so much fun writing it and I got two (2!!!!) whole comments on it so I'm over the moon. If my writing makes even one other person happy, that's fantastic. This fic I decided was ultimately for me in the end, and internalizing that it's okay to be self-indulgent has helped me a lot. When you're okay with self-indulgence, it frees you from a lot of worry and you just get to be happy writing the stuff you love.
Of course, I'm not completely over that. I still really want to get things right. I still do check over things to see how well they align in canon and to try to fix characterization and so on. I still want my fics to be good- it's just that I've changed my standards for what a good fic is to be more about quality than being an exact replica of canon. My current fic (the now 88k Time Travel Fic) is undergoing a massive overhaul right now as I not only improve micro-level things like grammar and phrasing, but also as I work to improve macro-level things like overall flow.
That's the sort of stuff that I think makes me a better writer. It might not always lead to very high word count, but I don't always need to have high word count. Sometimes a low wordcount day where I feel like I improved my craft is more than worth it.
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Take these two days in April- ~250 words a day, lower than my monthly average of 1,050, that I'm perfectly fine with because I did more than 504 words worth of work that day, IMO. You can see on the second one that I finished Before the Nightmare, which is one of the DMC novels. That day I didn't get in many words because I spent my time researching instead, and that was worthwhile! On the day before it, I spent time revising the timeline and outlining things rather than adding to the main body of the fic itself, which again I think was more than worth the time! Having WCs is a good method of tracking things. I'm a numbers person. Seeing big numbers makes me happy. But there is more to writing than just working on the stuff readers are going to see! More that is important and improves your craft! Which is why I decided to include outline counts, for one. That and I'm the type of person who writes full sentences or even paragraphs into my outlines that I will take almost word-for-word into the fic itself so I might as well attribute it to the day I wrote it, rather than the day I copy-pasted it in, y'know?
How The Tracker Works
Some other stuff you might notice are the following:
My notes are a mix of me commenting on what I wrote in the fic and me commenting on whatever's going on in my life. For example, on January 17th I wrote "Went back 2 boys fighting convo" which is about what I wrote in the fic, whereas on January 25th I wrote "Super sleepy. Too late" and on March 2nd I wrote "FFVII Rebirth is amazing." which is instead about why I only wrote so much! Going back to my 2021 word count, I found my notes to be a really interesting snapshot into what was going on in my life at the time, so I don't mind making it a mix of both.
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In the above, you can see that the Daily WC doesn't equal the Diff (End-Start WC), because in the comments section I mention that I wrote 3675 for another fic. (The 3675 is from the Fic in the Fic box there, while the 801 is from my Time Travel fic, which is the one with 80k words). But on days where I work on multiple fics I'm usually feeling active enough to be happy to do the very simple math of adding two things together, so I don't mind having to combine a few. If you check the picture above this one for March, you can see that the Daily WC = Diff. for every day that has a Start and End WC. The ones where there isn't a start or ending WC is because I just used the word count function in my document program since I wrote so little it was easy to figure things out.
There's also the Fic List section way back in my first picture, which just includes every fic or fic-adjacent (i.e. tumblr posts where I basically wrote a mini-fic that I will one day turn into a proper post) included in the main word count area. I also included the number of days I worked on each by occurrence. Given the way I track things it does mean that a few fics will be missing a few days because I can only mention one in the fic box (while having it function) so only one gets counted per day, even on days I work on two, but it's close enough that I think it's still a good way of keeping track! I copied the document Geryon partway through the year once I started some major restructuring so that one's split in two, but for the count I made the function count both Geryon and Copy of Geryon so it's just up in Geryon. The reason it's split is that I decided to automate that section rather than doing things manually, which means it include the - day and splits Geryon in two which I wouldn't do if I was doing it manually.
2021 Word count Document
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As you can see, things were a lot simpler back in 2021. Both in terms of visuals and things I was keeping track of. One of the biggest changes from 2021->2024 was the addition of the Start and End word counts for each day. When I was doing 2023 I realized how much I hated doing the math in a separate tab, deleting it, fixing the formatting, and then putting the number into the daily total.
Then while talking to a friend (@/dithorba) about word counts, she showed me her document which had a start/end count on it and I felt like my eyes were open. So often I would get to the end of the day and realize I had math to do but would put it off, then do it again, then again, and then trying to figure out my word counts would result in a ton of going through document history, restoring documents, checking word count, restoring it to a different version, checking word count, etc. It became a chore that messed with my totals. (Which is funny because I actually love math! That specific math just was a sticking point for some reason). Then Monse/dithorba showed me the way and I decided I'd add that into my document, even if it "clutters" it up a bit by adding extra rows. I still kept Daily Wordcount separate from the total though, since sometimes I'll work on multiple fics so the start to end count on one fic doesn't represent all the writing I do in one day.
2024 Daily Totals So Far
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I got so close to all greens for April and I'm really bummed about missing it because I just plain forgot to write more on my one yellow day. Yeah I was struggling a bit, but I could've written more and forgot to make sure I'd hit 100 before going to bed. Oh well. It was a really good month otherwise. I'll probably revise the color scheme in the bottom row later on so it's more evident which word counts had the most days per month, but for now it works as-is.
Last but not least, here's a link to the twitter thread where I go on about this year's writing. It technically starts in December of 2023 because I turned my thread about my longfic into my thread for all my fic writing in 2024, so whoops to that, but good enough.
This post could be longer but it's long enough as it is, so I'll leave it like this for now. Maybe I'll come back and edit it with more information later. I'll probably RB with additions a few times in the year too!
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couragehopelovefaith · 2 months
As an answer to @carladuquette:
Mike Flanagan character draft
Rules are simple: pick your top 6 characters from the Flanaverse. Series only! If a character appears at different ages, specify which one you want on your team. Can be characters you love, love to hate, whatever. Ready? GO!
(There will be no Midnight Club-characters, because I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it since I know that the cancellation would frustrate me to no end, if I got myself engaged to it.)
This was way harder than I thought it would be! So many others would deserve to be here as well. If you haven't seen these shows and want to avoid spoilers, stop here.
But okay, here we go...
Riley Flynn (Zach Gilford, Midnight Mass)
It tells a lot that I saw Midnight Mass for the first time just this Easter, but I couldn't imagine anyone else getting the first place. Such an underrated character. He had such a sad backstory and a kind soul...he truly did his best and helped so many people when he had every possibility to be selfish. His relationship with Erin was very special too. I guess he got his happy ending in a way, but all the possible could've beens and fix-it-fics about him that I will probably never write haunt me.
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2. Luke Crain (Oliver Jackson-Cohen, The Haunting Of Hill House)
I debated with myself for a long time, which Crain-twin I should put here, but Luke and his journey just moved me deeply. I'd like to write much more about him, but it would become an essay so I'll pass. It would be so inspiring to see Riley and him to have a conversation, now that I think about it. During my every single Flanagan deep-dive, I am awed how Oliver could play both Luke and Peter - such opposite characters - so believably. *standing ovation*
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3. Hassan Shabazz (Rahul Kohli, Midnight Mass)
I had an eeny, meeny, miny, moe whether the third prize should go to him or Owen, but I had to pick this loving father and a wonderful sheriff. In this case, I can't even fully explain why, but he just managed to stand out from the middle of all these other fantastic characters in an unique way.
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4. Verna (Carla Gugino, The Fall Of The House Of Usher)
I feel like I don't really even have to explain myself when it comes to this choice. Carla has always been talented and beyond, but she really exceeded herself in this role. In the wrong hands, this character could've become very corny and comical, but with her behind the wheel, there was no fear of that. I lost count how many times I got shivers, was lifting my jaw off the floor and crying while watching Verna. I almost wanted to include a gif of her and Arthur (since I love him too), but I thought it might be cheating, so...
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5. Hannah Grose (T'Nia Miller, The Haunting Of Bly Manor)
Okay, listen... I love Dani and Jamie, both as a couple and as individuals, and their story is very bittersweet and heartbreaking. But when I think of Bly Manor, my mind always travels first to Hannah, her relationship with Owen and to episode 5. She is amazing and deserved the world. A little restaurant in Paris, with the love of her life... Gaah, even writing about it makes me tear up!
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6. Tamerlane Usher (Samantha Sloyan, The Fall Of The House Of Usher)
I almost feel bad for not putting Lenore here, because she obviously was the purest one of the Ushers and didn't deserve what she got in the end. But I can't help being intrigued by Tammy and her complexity. Surely, she is far from perfect - quite a despicable human being, actually - but the episode centered around her made me feel a bit sorry and sympathetic towards her. She is my favorite Usher-sibling (Leo being a really close second) and belongs on this list. Samantha deserves way more recognition of all her roles, to be honest.
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Phew, I did it! *victory dance*
Anyone can participate. Let's show appreciation to this marvelous saga, pretty please.
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wetcatspellcaster · 4 months
Hello my darling!
8 & 15 for pieces and an honest lie pls 💜 your choice on whether to write one for each or just one and one
Thank you for the question, lovely!
8. What inspired the title for this fic? Is that how you usually choose titles?
An Honest Lie - I wanted something that sounded like it fit stylistically with 'A Bleeding Heart', and this was the one that sounded best in my brain. I think I had something like 'A Broken Mask' as another possibility, or 'Heart on Your Sleeve' as another way to reformat the convention? But both of those felt pretentious or vague, so I ended up with the one I liked best!
Pieces Still Stuck in Your Teeth - I have a lot of reasons for this one. Obviously, it's a song from the latest Hozier album, because that is what Hozier albums are for: fic titles. I started with a working title which was a line from 'Eat Your Young', which I think is peak-Ascendency core tbh. but as I realised how much the fic would be based in Rosalie's perspective and the implications of her 'tragic timeline', and how that would effect the themes/tone of the story, I realised that 'Unknown' was a far better fit, as it was more about loneliness and messy divorce feelings, not to mention the morality underlying the love throughout.
I went with Pieces Still Stuck in Your Teeth bc. teeth. vampires. (also it's a lyric referencing a heart, which is some nice continuity with the series overall)
Other lines that were relevant to the content of the fic but didn't make good titles:
'You know the distance never made a difference to me I swam a lake of fire, I'd have walked across the floor of any sea'
(this refers to the separation, travelling the hells, and Rose living on an isolated island)
'Funny how true colours shine in darkness and in secrecy [...] Where you were held frozen like an angel to me'
(this links to Cania and the 'truth' hiding in the House of Peace)
'It ain't the being alone [...] it's more the being unknown'
(both Rosalie and the Ascendent have been alone and isolated, both of them feel alienated from their true selves and wonder if romance will fix it. they miss the one person they felt understood them.)
Do you know, I could break beneath the weight Of the goodness, love, I still carry for you That I'd walk so far just to take The injury of finally knowing you
(I really did this to my silly little wizard. I really did this. Anyway, how we feeling about Act 3?)
15. Was there anything you had to research for this fic? Do you usually do a lot of research?
An Honest Lie - lol nope. I just played the game man.
Pieces Still Stuck in Your Teeth - I guess a little? There have been multiple times when I've used D&D lore or spells as story prompts. There have also been times when I've had to research a spell deeper than usual to make plot work (True Polymorph, for instance, also did you know that Mage Hand doesn't take concentration? that fucked up a large part of Act 3 for me lmaooooo).
I also. read. so much smut. 😌😌😌😌😌
But generally, I don't really tend to research! Fic is something I write for fun, and I don't tend to find research fun as it's also my job. Deep dives on D&D lore don't really count in my brain, that's just more of the hyperfixation fuel.
behind the scenes fic asks!
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avelera · 1 year
for the fic writer questions: 17 and/or 25?
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
God, I learned so much while writing historical inspired or informed fics. Like while writing "Lights Out" for the Old Guard I basically did a deep dive into the First Crusade and was introduced to just how truly alien the High Middle Ages were to our modern world within the context of Nicky having amnesia which effectively made him a time traveler from the day he died in 1099 to our era. Literally, writing a character from Ancient Rome waking up in the modern world would be less of a strain to write for me than writing a Medieval Crusader. I learned a lot about the Crusades, about Medieval hygiene (about which there are many misunderstandings in modern pop culture), wine making, religion, international politics, etc etc. It was one of the hardest fics I ever wrote (and still need to finish, aghghghghh) in terms of research.
I also learned a lot when writing Hob as another immortal! Certainly for my historically informed stories like Giving Sanctuary or Come live with me, I did a bunch of research for the late 1600s and the early 1800s, two era I previously didn't know much about, so that was also a fun challenge!
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
I've mentioned it before, but in Giving Sanctuary Ch. 6 "Robyn" I made myself cry while writing Hob and Robyn's last day together. That surprised even me. I tend to be the orchestra conductor or director of what I write, I rule it, it doesn't rule me except insofar as I try to imagine and empathize with the emotions portrayed enough to convey them deeply. But that farewell scene gutted me and took me by surprise when actual tears started forming. I was emotionally worn out after writing that chapter as a result, in a mostly cathartic way, but it took a bit to recover. I'm just a complete sucker for characters giving emotional, final goodbyes, and really set myself up with that scene lol.
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find-y0ur-j0y · 3 years
If I Could Turn Back Time, Baby I’d Save You
Hermione hadn't meant to trip. Honestly! The new robes which Ron had thoughtfully (and obliviously) sent her were a little long, but she had promised to wear them on her first day at the Department of Mysteries. Unfortunately the combination of long robes and a tall stack of books led to the unexpected outcome of Hermione Jean Granger ‘Brightest Witch of Her Year’ taking an unexpected and definitely unwelcome tumble headfirst into the Veil of Death. As she fell she heard someone call out in fear and a hand grab onto her before everything went black.
Hermione cracked her eyes open with a deep groan in pain. Her brain felt like there was a goblin drilling into it. If this was the afterlife she wanted no part of it. Shutting her eyes tightly, Hermione hoped that in blocking out the blinding light she would be able to quell her headache.
Her peace was shattered by a sudden loud rapping noise and loud voice calling “Hermione love, are you awake yet?”
Wait a minute! She knew that voice! “Mom?!?” she croaked out sitting up anxiously.
“Are you feeling ok Mia Bo Bia?” asked her mother’s voice from the other side of a familiar door.
“Yeah, I’ll be down in a few minutes” muttered Hermione as her mind raced trying to figure out how she had ended up in this situation. Last she had checked her mother was still alive, she didn’t remember she had a daughter, but she was alive. Also if she was going to pick a perfectly happy place to be her home for all eternity, her childhood bedroom wouldn’t even make the top fifty list.
Rising from her long forgotten bed, Hermione found herself frowning when she realized she was noticeably shorter than she had been before she tripped through the veil. Was she in Hell? Being forced to spend all of eternity going through puberty a second time seemed like a bit of an extreme punishment, Hermione reflected. She had played an instrumental role in defeating a murderous madman after all, shouldn't she have achieved eternal rest for her deeds? She was going to be pissed if her eternal damnation was a result of having practiced magic in her life.
Knowing that the only way she would get the answers she needed was by going downstairs and facing the ghosts of her parents, Hermione pulled herself together and headed to the kitchen.
“There you are Mia” greeted her dad with a brilliant smile which felt like a sucker punch to the chest for Hermione. It had been so long since she had spoken to her parents, and even longer since she had had that particular smile aimed her way. She would never regret protecting her parents from Death Eaters, but if she had a chance to do it over she would have found another way.
Overcome with emotion, Hermione rushed forward and threw her arms around her father no longer caring if this was heaven or hell. She had her family back, and in her mind, that was worth any price, including eternal damnation.
“Hermione, what's wrong?” asked her father, squeezing her back just as tightly.
“It’s nothing,” sniffed Hermione, holding back her happy tears “I’m just really happy to see you”.
“Obviously” laughed her mom. “You feeling a little nervous about going to school tomorrow Mia?”
“That’s tomorrow?” asked Hermione confused.
“Don’t tell me you suddenly forgot?” teased her father, “I swear your first year at Hogwarts has been all you will talk about ever since that nice woman came by to explain about the school”.
“Right… Hogwarts… McGonagall…” muttered Hermione. What on earth was going on?
“Well eat up dear! You have a busy day of packing ahead of you” smirked her mom sliding a couple of pancakes onto her plate.
Hermione ate her pancakes robotically, as she tried to process everything that she had just learned. The fact that she could touch her parents and eat her breakfast suggested that she wasn't trapped in some kind of weird coma dream. The lack of torture or blissful surroundings seemed to rule out her theory on the afterlife… which left magic.
Look, Hermione adored magic, really she did! But most of the time magic seemed to cause more trouble than it was worth. Her school years had been rather formative in showing her the dangers of relying on it. That was part of the reason why she had chosen to live primarily as a muggle after graduation, well that and the rapidly crumbling governmental system. She watched as men and women who had always relied on magic to solve their problems were left floundering when faced with problems created by their own hubris.
Even with Voldemort gone the policies and governmental leaders he had put in place remained. With the war “over'' Hermione was filled with idealistic zeal to reform the political system, but as time dragged on she began to lose hope. She was dismissed for her blood status, age and gender.
The hits just kept coming for Hermione though. As if enough life hadn’t been lost during the actual war, Harry had been killed in an “accident gone wrong” in the spell creation unit of the D.O.M., which was an obvious cover up if Hermione had ever heard one. If she was being honest, Hermione didn’t think that she or Ron ever got over the death of their brother in all but blood.
There were only so many times one could be told, had the door slammed in their face or told to get coffee before they sought out other avenues. Some like Neville Longbottom, Lavender Brown, Hannah Abbot, Gianna Jones and Blaise Zabini continued to fight the unfair laws with varying levels of success. Hermione applauded them for their strength, but she was far too tired to keep fighting what she deemed a pointless battle, if only they had been able to start bringing about change before Voldemort and Umbridge had gotten their hands on the ministry. Between the blatant racism, sexism and the shocking death of her best friend Hermione just needed a break and a change of scenery.
After leaving her job in the minister’s office, she loved Kingsley but the ex-auror made a miserable minister, she traveled for a year with a group of curse breakers. She chalked it up to the Gryffindor in her blood, but she missed the level of adventure that had been constantly present since she was eleven. Using Bill’s Gringotts contacts she had found a traveling group who welcomed her with open arms. The group travelled all over the world exploring new areas and solving mysterious curses. She swore that she had never felt more alive than during that year, but word came from England that Ron and Lavender were expecting their first child and her found-family needed her support. So Hermione said goodbye to her friends and took a job in the Department of Mysteries with Luna… which led her up to a couple hours ago when she ungracefully fell face first through the Veil of Death.
Clearing her dishes Hermione headed upstairs to her room to pack for her first year at Hogwarts at the urging of her parents. Stumbling into her childhood bedroom, she closed the door and rested heavily against it with one thought echoing loudly through her mind: What on earth had she gotten herself into now?
Hermione liked to believe that she was a rather practical person, she liked clear goals, lists and schedules. She functioned best when she had a set objective and a clear view of the facts. With this in mind, after her minor existential crisis and the resulting meltdown, she set to work clearing off her desk and pulled out an empty notepad and began detailing what she did know, the list was depressingly short.
What I know: - I tripped through the Veil of Death - I woke up in my childhood bedroom the day before I originally left for Hogwarts. - Am I dead? In a coma? Time Travel?
This level of Time Travel shouldn't be possible, even with magic. Time turners in general were designed to only go back a couple days, not a decade! But when you have ruled out all of the possible explanations, the only solution which remains, however impossible, is the truth. Deciding that she needed more data before ruling the situation as ‘Time Travel’ Hermione closed her notebook and set off in search of answers.
After following her parents around all day and asking them obscure questions that only they would know, she was reluctantly finding more and more evidence of possible Time Travel. The day itself had unfolded similarly to how she remembered it occurring the first time with the only changes being those that she made herself. As she fell into bed that night staring up at the glowing star stickers she had stuck in various constellation shapes on her ceiling years ago, she had to finally admit that she had likely time traveled. This consensus only brought about a scarier question: what the fuck was she supposed to do now?!?
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bokettochild · 3 years
Apples the Pink Bunny
Did someone ask for this? 
Did I have an anxiety/emotionally overloaded evening?
For this reason I am awake at 2:44 am on a school night to write myself a 13 page comfort fic. So, enjoy or don’t enjoy, but here’s Legend being a soft bunny with the chain for 6,268 words.
(Inspired by this and this.)
 There is a bunny on the edge of camp.
 It crouches in the shadows, eyes glinting gold and red in the firelight, nose twitching as it watches them.
 Wind watches it back.
 He doesn’t think that the others have seen t, no one’s said anything, and they all know how Warriors hates rabbits. So, he doesn’t say anything, not to them, he only wanders around the camp casually before settling down close-ish to where the bunny hides.  
 There aren’t many wild animals in his Hyrule, aren’t many animals at all, but Four’s taught him how to convey that he’s friendly to the minish and some of the forest life, so he tries to employ that knowledge now. He doesn’t look the rabbit directly in the eye, but he does force his ears forwards towards it, letting them flick away here and again, fingers rubbing softly as he glances casually as velvety pink paws.
 He waits until he can see the rabbit watching him before he begins to whisper soft and quiet. “Hello, hello there lil’ guy.”
 There’s a huff from the bunny, but it takes a single agonizingly slow step forwards, body stretched out and nose twitching as it watches him, ears pricked up curiously. When Wind doesn’t do anything different, just keeps speaking low and soft, the bunny lops its way over, ears up and attentive as it stops beside him, eyes turned up to stare into his own with a surprising amount of boldness for a creature close enough for him to smash in one blow.
 “Hello.” Wind murmurs softly, moving slowly as he raises his hand over the rabbit, only to find himself starting as the bunny simply stares at him with the most unimpressed expression on it’s fuzzy face. Even Wolfie, who is strangely intelligent even for a dog, or so he’s heard has never looked so unimpressed with something, and the sailor finds himself lowering his hand sheepishly as if scolded, meeting the rabbit’s eyes and starting when it doesn’t flinch away, instead watching him intently with shivering nose and twitching ears.
 “Hey Wind, watcha got there?” The rancher calls over, drawing the attention of the rest of the camp and making the sailor’s heart race.  
The bunny’s going to be startled! It’s going to run away! All that work to get it to come over and he won’t even get to touch it!
 But the rabbit doesn’t move, or rather, it doesn’t bolt away. Soft lavender eyes stare across the camp, unusual in their shade but lovely to gaze into as Wind finds himself transfixed with watching the silky sheen of the petal-pink fur and the glimmer of stars in lavender and golden eyes.
 “Wind?” The rancher’s voice rings with concern, and the sailor snaps bac to attention, a warm smile easily falling over his face as he turns to the camp. “It’s a rabbit.” He says quietly, careful not to startle the beast. “Twi, do you think it’ll let me pet it?”
 The rancher’s brows furrow as he looks over, markings shifting with the rest of his face as he stares at the rabbit warily.
 To their surprise, and apparently the rabbit’s too, the tiny animal freezes in place for all of a second only to have the slight tilt of Twilight’s head sending it diving into Wind’s lap, startling the sailor enough for his to blink in surprise, but not so badly that his hands don’t instantly bury themselves in the pink fur.
 And oh! It’s softer than he thought it would be! It’s nothing like Wolfie’s rough pelt or the feathers on Wild’s winter gear. The bunny’s fur is like fine down, or maybe silk, or- He runs his hands through it again, eyes widening with every stroke as the rodent shivers in his lap, eyes fixed on Twilight and ears pressed low as he huddles in the space left between the sailor’s legs as he sits criss-cross on the ground.
 “I guess that’s a yes.” Twilight chuckles, low and deep. It’s a sound that makes warmth flow through Wind’s chest, but the rabbit only shivers, huddling lower the longer Twilight’s gaze rests on it.
 “I think you’re scaring him.” The sailor hums softly, gently pulling the rabbit into his arms with an ease that comes from years of cradling his baby sister when she was small. The rabbit nestles close, eyes still on Twilight as it seems to shake itself, bt its doesn’t struggle against him, and Wind takes that as his cue to pull himself gently to his feet and cross the camp towards where Time and Wild sit playing a card game.  
 The champion is explaining the rules for the nth time as Time chuckles low and soft, purposefully asking questions that Wild’s already answered and earning pointed stares in return. The sailor’s approach lands just as Wild looks instants from pulling out his hair, and instantly cornflower blues are locking onto him with a strained smile, the champion apparently desperate to escape the game he’d asked for in the first place. “Hey, Wind, watcha have there.”
 “A rabbit.” He replies, moving one arm to let lavender eyes peek out and stare at the champion, who’s eyes fall open in awe as his cards spill from his hands.
 “It’s...you’re...” Wild’s eyes sparkle with awe as he looks from Wind to the rabbit in his arms. “How did you catch it?”
 The rabbit shuffles closer to Wind’s chest as the words are spoken, and the sailor has to settle a hand on it’s back to calm it again as it edges away from the cook’s glimemring eyes.
 “It was on the edge of camp.” Caution leaks into the pirate-hero's voice as he scrunches up his nose. “You better not ask if you can cook it.”
 Blue eyes shoot wide as Wild shakes his head violently, earning a soft laugh from Time as his apparent orrer at the idea. “No! It’s-” Wild’s fingers twitch. “I couldn’t- Can I hold it?” The second-youngest's eyes travel up to stare up into Time’s leadingly, wide and innocent and so terribly like Aryll’s face when she’s asking Granny for another bowl of soup or piece of bread that Wind can’t help but giggle as he gently scritches the rabbit’s ears.
 “That’s up to Wind.” Time answers gently. “But I don’t see why not.”
 Softly glowing blue turns to meet his own as Wild stare up, pleading, at him. “May I?”
 “Sure” He giggles, crouching low in front of the champion. “Have you ever held a baby?” Wild’s brow furrows, considering for a moment before shaking his head. “Okay, how about a kitten? A pup?”
 The champion only shakes his head, and Wind finds himself frowning as he looks first at the bunny in his arms and then up at Wild, who’s face is quickly falling to one of disappointment.
 “Here,” Time offers, gently arranging Wild’s arms properly. “It’s like this.”
 Between the two of them, they get the bunny situated in Wild’s thin arms, and within seconds the champion’s free hand is dragging through plush fur as awe shines across his face, Time and Wind both laughing fondly as they watch and occasionally reaching out themselves to scritch the rabbit’s long ears.
 Between them, there are eight heroes, and as of late, a rabbit has joined the mix, slung easily in Sky’s sailcloth as they travel.
 The creature didn’t seem keen on leaving, and while it’s in no way fond of Twilight, the others find that they can’t resist sneaking to the back of the group to gently scritch it’s ears, or laugh as it hops about exploring the land around them when they stop for a break.
 The Hyrule they’re in isn’t one that anyone recognizes, the forests strangely rich and the land both better kept than Wild’s while still more wild than the others. Fights in this world are intense, and only their two wanderers seem to be able to battle the insane variety and numbers of monsters with anything resembling ease.
 It’s strange too, having to hide the rabbit whenever battle comes, but the creature is smart, darting away when battles come, a scowl in its fuzzy face as it burrows beneath tree roots or into the brush, waiting until the battle is over to re-emerge, hopping slowly across the blood soaked ground without trepidation, not once blinking at the blood and grit that gets in its fur as it hops from one hero to the other, eyes flickering between violet and lavender as it analyzes them, chirring angrily at any of them when they try to hide wounds, and nestling in the laps of the younger hero’s with a put upon look when Warrior’s has to stitch something up.
 “He needs a name.” Wind declares after the second battle, his good hand petting the rabbit’s long ears while Sky helps to wrap the sprain in his wrist.
 “Isn’t bunny enough?” Warriors eyes the rabbit disdainfully. “You didn’t give the wolf anything fancy.”
 “He’s not just a bunny though!” Wind protests with a well-placed pout. “He’s our bunny-friend!”
 “And the wolf isn’t your wolf-friend?” Twilight cocks a brow, something like hurt flashing through his eyes before he actually winces, hissing softly as Warriors continues to stitch him up.
 “The wolf comes and goes. Besides, he’s a wild thing, so it’d be wrong to name him like a common dog.” Wind explains, shrugging lightly but stopping when Sky pushes his shoulder back down with a whispered reprimand for moving. “The bunny stays with us though,” Wind continues, holding still this time save for the hand that continues along the bunny’s pelt. “He needs a real name.”
 “Agreed.” Wild sounds, shuffling over with a leafy vegetable in his hands that their rabbit friend takes with a pleased chirr, glancing up at the champion appreciatively before setting his sharp teeth to the plant, earning a smile from the champion.
 “Any ideas?” Time starts, glancing around camp and earning a flick on the ear from Hyrule, who’s still trying to clean a wound on the man’s face.
 “Seriously Time?” Warriors protests, but it’s too late, the others are already musing quietly and beginning to consider ideas.  
 “Petal?” Sky tries, glancing down at the rabbit in Wind’s arms. “Like, cherry blossom petals?”
 “Cherry!” Wild gasps, eyes glimmering hopefully.
 “Pinky.” Warriors snorts distastefully, earning an angry chitter from the rabbit, but the captain only glares back at the animal, as if it had just insulted him, mimicking the chitter pathetically and drawing laughs from the others.  
 “It’s a boy, right?” Twilight questions, cocking a brow, and the others exchange looks. “I think so? I’m not sure I want to check....”
 “Nothing too feminine then.” Sky nods slowly.
 “Floor.” Four suggests solemnly. “Floof the Poof.”
 Eight sets of eyes, including the rabbits, turn to stare at the smithy disbelievingly. Red glimmers in his eyes for all of a second before he starts and flushes. “Sorry,” The smith rubs at his neck nervously, red blooming over his face and down his neck. “I was thinking aloud, Intrusive thoughts, you know?”
 “What about Apple, for apple-blossom?” Time speaks slowly, eyes still on the smithy as he speaks, concern but fondness in his eyes.  
 The rabbit in Wind’s lap looks up, staring at Time and munching in a way that almost looks considering, violet eyes fixed on the eldest hero’s single one, the two locking gazes, neither blinking until Warriors sighs and snaps his fingers, startling them both.
 “Aaaand, that’s a yes for Apples.” Warriors rolls his eyes. “No angry chitter, no arguments against.” The captain’s gaze levels them all. “Unless anyone has any objections?”
 “I think it sound’s cute?” Sky chuckles, patting Wind’s arm to signal that he’s finished and scratching the newly named Apples behind the ears. The rabbit huffs in his rabbit way, but they've all grown too used to the grouchiness of the animal to do anything other than laugh at it.
 Apples is a wonder, and they are so very happy to have him.
 There is nothing so convincing to make Sky finally relax than to have a pink mess of fur barrel into his lap and force heavy eyes to close under the soothing feeling of fur on his fingers and a small warm body pressed against his own.
 Sky’s restless sleep and eternal exhaustion ease with every night and Wind giggles as each evening after dinner the bunny climbs resolutely into Sky’s lap, glaring pointedly up at the Skyloftian until long fingers are dragging through his fur and crystal blue eyes are falling shut contently.
 When Sky shoots awake at night, there's a rabbit there that presses tiny paws to his chest, dark eyes staring up into his face in the darkness as ears flick and a tiny nose twitch, worry in the rabbit's expression as Sky sighs, a light smile on his face as he raises a hand to run through long fur. “I’m good, Apples, it was just a dream.”
 The rabbit always snorts, scowling lightly and buffeting Sky’s chest with its head, but the Skyloftian only chuckles lightly, wrapping the bunny in his arms and shifting to lie on his side, the rabbit held close as he fades back into sleep.
 When Time broods, brows low and frown lines pulling at his features and aging him by decades, most of the others know not to disturb him. They let each other have their space and they never press. Wolfie will, at time, curl up at the old man’s feet or sit at his side, allowing callused fingers to run through his thick fur as Time sits and stares at the ground, mind a world away where none of them ever wish to see, if the pain and sorrow in his gaze is to be read properly.
 Perhaps a rabbit cannot be expected to understand this law of privacy though, even if he is unusually intelligent.
 Time’s hair falls into his face as he perches on a stone on the edge of camp, gaze fixed on Lake Hylia below them as his elbows rest on his knees, face downcast and frowning as pain glimmers in his single blue eye.
 Apples, who had been stretching his legs after being carried in Sky’s arms during their traveling that day, pauses, ears flicking up and towards the old man, paws freezing just off the ground as he watches, nose twitching.
 The heroes watch, Wind darting up worriedly as the bunny lops closer to Time, but he freezes when the pink ball of fur pulls himself up next to Time with surprising agility, head butting carefully against their leader’s armored thigh as a soft squeak break through the air. Time doesn’t stir, not at first, but then the rabbit settles next to him, one paw on the old man’s leg, eyes following Time’s down to Lake Hylia.
 Scarred hands twitch before finally landing in silky pink, pulling through the long fur as tension bleeds from Time’s shoulders, a breathy sigh escaping their leader before a soft tune begins to drift through the air.  
 The rabbit gently settles down, head resting beside his paws as Apple allows Time to pet him slowly.
 The others are to far to understand the words, but Time’s soft murmurs break the silence, Apple’s ears twitching while an intelligent bunny face stares up at the tear-streaked face of the hero of Time.
 When Time rejoins the rest of them for dinner, it’s with Apples nestled in his arms, a sad sort of peace in the hero’s gaze as he settles down to join in the meal, never once releasing Apples while they eat and joke, and by the time the meal is finished, the pink bunny is soundly asleep in Time’s arms.
 It’s Four that seems the most curious about their little friend, and while the rabbit doesn’t seem particularly playful, the smith will occasionally catch up the animal, laughing s Apples sighs in an almost reluctant manner, and carry him off into the woods near where they are.
 The Minish love Apples, and Four himself delights in diving amidst the pink fur or the first time while the bunny looks at him in utter shock.
 Air enough, it was unlikely that Apples had ever seen a Hylian shift into a Minish before. But at this size, Four can enjoy Apples’ fur far better than as a Hylian, and it’s delightful to lead the rabbit around, chattering lightly as Apples lops along behind him, ears pricked and nose shivering as they move through Minish towns and groves, exploring the tiniest nooks and crannies they can find and having all sors of adventures.
 Of course, there are dangers to being smaller than a rabbit, and the first time a spider attacks them, freakishly big and easily big enough to rip off Four’s head, it’s Apples that darts to his rescue, chirping and scolding in his rabbit way as he thumps his feet and pins back his ears in a strange imitation of Wolfie’s growl.
 The spider is in no ways eager to give up her prey, and Four finds that, despite killing monsters on the daily, he has to turn away in disgust as Apples tears the spider apart, eyes flashing with gold as the seemingly harmless pink rabbit unleashes mass destruction on not only the one spider, but also her sisters that emerge from the burrow beside them. Long legs and venomous maws stretch over the top of him, reaching out to grab the Minish Hero, only to have a rabbit dart over, teeth flashing and harsh chatters sounding as legs and bodies are torn asunder.
 When the spiders stop emerging, the small patch of grass is full of the remains of spiders, and Apples is rubbing at his nose and sneezing softly, absolutely covered in the remains of the monstrous insects.
 “Thank you...” Is all the smithy can breathe out as Apples’ eyes meet his own.
 He’s replied to with a sneeze.
 Four shifts back as soon as possible, carrying his bunny savior back to camp and carefully helping to clean the rabbits long fur, murmuring softly and thankfully all the while. And if he shares a but about his previous adventures, and Ezlo, who while being a hat shared some things in common with the grouchy rabbit, well, it’s not like Apples will be able to tell anyone!
 It’s Wild that seems the most enraptured with their new little companion. Always asking the older hero’s questions as he sorts through his inventory, offering all sorts of foods and treats to the rabbit and cooing in delight each time something is accepted. No one knows what it is exactly what it is about watching Apples eat has Wild so happy, but there’s no denying that the easy grin that steals over his face is better than the solemn frown and sad thoughtfulness that takes over on occasion.
 The first time they see Wild go into a memory, it’s Apples that catches their attention, the rabbit shrieking worriedly as he bumps against the champion’s still hand, concern filling his violet eyes as he stares up at the champion, paws raised to press against the hero’s stomach while ears and nose twitch and shiver worriedly.  
 Apples doesn’t even panic when Twilight steps over, although he does shrink back, wary as the rancher gently shakes Wild’s shoulder before sighing and sitting next to him. The rabbit mimics the motion, but on the other side, eyes flicking from Twilight to Wild with nervous concern and wariness, but when neither move he contents himself with gently rubbing against the champion’s limp hand.
 When Wild blinks awake again, eyes darting too and fro to take in his surrounds and breathing harsh, Apples jumps up, paws settling on the kid’s thigh and catching his attention, making the young hero still and stare. Tears well in cornflower blue eyes, and the rabbit doesn’t even sigh when Wild scoops him up, burying his face in Apples’ fur and sobbing quietly.
 Were their hearts not aching for their brother, soft chuckles would have sounded around camp when Apples had freed a paw to gently pat the champion’s cheek.
After the first few weeks and a few more switches, Sky will come to find Apples every time that bedtime draws near, scooping the bunny out of the lap of another hero with a chipper “My turn now!” as he almost skips over to his bedroll, bundling both himself and his emotional support bunny into his sailcloth with a smile as Apples rolls his rabbit eyes and presses his paws to Sky’s own blue eyes, pushing them closed before settling against the Skyloftian’s chest. The Chosen Hero is always asleep within minutes, sleepily singing Zelda’s lullaby between snores as Apples’ violet eyes watch the rest of the camp.
 When Time need space, the rabbit will follow, gently resting a paw on his leg and sitting with him, eyes filled with an understanding that is ridiculous in a rabbit, but somehow believable as Time’s callused fingers work through pink fur, songs and stories drifting from tired lips as long ears twitch ever so slightly to catch the words.
 When Wind is playful, he’ll dart up and after the rabbit, who will always sigh in his rabbit way and either dart away or give chase, running the youngest hero ragged until Wind collapses, giggling and breathless, with Apples hopping up on his chest to bat at his face, as if to say “I win, I beat you, you lost so give me pets” and Wind does, eventually hauling himself up, and inevitably knocking Apples over before administering thankful ear scratches and pets until Apples springs free and continues going about his rabbit business.
 Hyrule, though quiet, will often be found with the rabbit beside him, sometimes with Apple’s pushing his nose against the traveler’s hands and guiding them to better hold a knife while he’s carving, or a needle while he sews. It’s strange to see a bunny of all things unroll a bandage and offer it to the healor, but be it Hyrule or someone else that’s injured (provided it’s not Twilight) the rabbit will be springing over with his bunny brows furrowed as he scolds and fusses, nudging things over to Hyrule before the traveler can even ask someone for them, and climbing into bags and pulling out potions when the Hyrule’s healing glow begins to fade.
 Sleeves are tugged at when the Traveler is exhausted, unreleased until Hyrule agrees to rest, and when they eat the bunny will chitter and fuss and kick up a riot until Hyrule will humbly ask for seconds or Wild will offer them, stern indigo eyes following the travel’s movements until his bowl or plate is empty.
 When Wild is cooking, the rabbit will sit at his side, watching the process and chittering or nipping when the champion goes to add something dubious to the food, or begins to spice it too much for the younger ones to handle. Wild only ever laughs, offering bits and bobs of food as he works, and chuckling with delight when the bunny accepts them, Apple’s sharp teeth working away at leafy greens as stern violet eyes watch the young hero work.
 And when memories strike, harsh and horrid and often sad, the bunny climbs his way into Wild’s lap and sits until the hero stirs again. Apples’ fur is drenched time and again with tears, and every time, without fail, tiny paws gently pat the Wild’s head, lavender in normally violet eyes as a tiny nose nuzzles against a reddened and drooping ear.
 Four delights in exploring with Apples, and whether it be carrying the bunny off with him and chattering, or shrinking down and riding on Apples’ back, the two never fail to find something interesting to do.
 Through all of it, Twilight will gaze sadly at the rabbit who avoids him like death, and Warriors will scoff and roll his eyes, although fondly, as the younger heroes all fuss over their new friend.
 It’s only so much time before the captain breaks.
 It’s a nightmare, blood and blades and shrieks of two little boys and many trusted friends echoing in the captain’s mind, making him start awake with tears in his eyes. Warriors shivers in the night air, drawing his scarf around his neck and wrapping himself in his arms as he moves towards the fire.
 To his surprise, Apples sits before the flames as well, ears flicking towards the captain’s movements but gaze fixed on the flames with an almost sad air.
 The captain merely snorts and dismissed the rabbit in his mind, but with ever second the world around him presses closer and Warriors becomes more and more agitated. And still, the rabbit doesn't move, doesn’t look at him, Apples only sighs deeply as he stares into the fire, and when Warriors shoots the rabbit a confused look he starts when he sees what looks to be tears in lavender eyes.
 “You too huh?” Exhaustion loosens his tongue as he hunches before the fire, watching the flames dance. “Bad hunt? Lost mate?” The rabbit chitters something unintelligible, tiny body stiffening almost like Twilight’s does when he gets defensive. It draws a laugh from the captain’s throat, barking and bitter as his gaze rests on the burning remains of a log. “I feel you there, didn’t expect a rabbit to have trauma though.”
 An unimpressed glare is leveled his way, this time drawing a genuine but startled laugh from the captain. “So it’s like that huh? Too tough to talk about it?” 
 One ear twitches Apples wrinkling his tiny nose before stomping one of his feet agitatedly and huffing a short and sharp little breath at the flames.
 “I hear you.” Warriors laughs, a little broken and a little teary, eyes returning to the coals, shimmering with the ghosts of memories as screams echo in ears too used to their calls.
 Apples twitches, hesitant, ears flickering and feet stomping grouchily for a moment, before Warriors finds himself with a lap full of rabbit as the pink bunny pushes his head into Warriors’ hand, nearly demanding to be pet.
 “Oh,” Warriors scoffs, voice wet and harsh. “That’s how it is, huh? All your other Hylian’s are asleep, so because I’m awake from nightmares and goddess darned trauma, you figured I was available to pet you?”
 Another insistent nudge, and Warriors is rolling his eyes, pushing his hands through long fur with a sigh.
 It’s like silk, he muses to himself, blinking in surprise and running his hands through again. Like the finest of fabrics in the castle, like Artemis’ dresses that she wore when the war was over and they celebrated with dances and feasting and speeches of honor to the dead. Apples’ fur is like glinting red hair, oiled and brushed every night before bed. It’s like baby’s hair, impossibly soft and delicate.
 There’s a small body curled in his lap, and Warriors’ hands run over it curiously, stroking impossibly soft fur as he becomes lost in the wonder of the color, in the texture. Screams and blood fly from his mind as the captain’s fingers trail through the fluff, and warmth floods trough his chest when he takes Apples’ face in his hands and rubs at the rabbits' cheeks, laughter bubbling in his chest, warm and bright as the bunny scowls up at him.
 The next morning, when the heroes awake, its to find Sky shaking his head as he looks down at his usual sleeping companion held tight in Warriors’ arms, a blissful smile on the captain’s tearstained face. Apples scowls up at them, but he’s curled close to the man’s chest, with ample room to escape, and no one believes for a minute that he’s there against his will.
 The jabs and eye rolls continue from both parties, but on long nights, when the others are asleep and rabbit and soldier both find themselves awake, Warriors will scoop the bunny into his lap, losing himself in Apples’ fur before drifting off again.
 Wild has the pictures to prove it.
 Twilight sulks the entire time, the sadness in his eyes turning into a full-blown pout as he tries time and again to win Apples’ affection, earning teasing from all parties, but especially Wars.
 “I didn’t even want the thing, and he insists on climbing all over me!” The captain jests. “Yet you court him with more care than a knight with a lady he favors and he still rejects you!”
 The rancher’s scowl and accompanying growl always sends Apples closer to whatever other hero is nearest, the rancher’s eyes narrowing as he huffs out retorts that go from being teasing to being genuinely hurt. The captain stops after a time, apologizing, but Twilight blows him off, excusing it as teasing while clearly looking hurt.
 No matter what he tries though, food, cuddles, gentle words and careful movements, nothing will win the rabbit over, and when they again land in a world that none of them recognize, it’s too late to keep trying.
 Ravio blinks down in surprise as the rabbit that sits in his living room. It’s raining wildly outside, and the animal is positively soaked, so he can hardly deny it access, but even so, it’s not every day that woodland creatures are entering the house.
 …..Alright, not anymore. Not with Mr. Hero having gone missing.
 Only Sheerow flies about the house, chirping and singing as he helps Ravio with the housework and keeps the merchant comfortable, and while he doesn’t ind in the least being with only his bird friend, he does rather miss the constant presence of birds outside the windows and deer wandering in from the forest to graze in the front yard. Mr. Hero never minded them, claiming that the beasts kept the grass short, but Ravio knows his friend, and he’s seen Mr. Hero dozing while surrounded by woodland creature enough times to know that the affection the animals feel for his friend is mutual.
 Even so, Mr. Hero isn’t here, so there really shouldn’t be any forest creatures flocking into his house, especially not one that’s going through his things.
 “Hey! Stop!” The merchant protests, darting forwards and scooping up the creature in his arms, only to be met with familiar violet and golden eyes staring back at him. “Mr....Hero?”
 The bunny squeaks something that sounds like it might be in the affirmative, and Ravio stares.
 “How did you...” He’s leveled with an unimpressed stare that is all he needs to see to know for sure it’s his friend. “Were you cursed?”
 There’s a firm nod in return, and concern bubbles in his heart as the merchant holds his friend a bit tighter. “Can you reverse it?”
 Violet eyes roll, but Mr. Hero isn’t panicking, and he even points towards the chest in the corner where he keeps most of his adventuring things, which itself is enough reassurance that one of his many items (some of which are Ravio’s own handiwork) will do the trick to turn him back.
 “Oh good.” Ravio sighs, sagging in place and taking In his friend properly. Again, Mr. Rabbit Hero points at the chest, and he’s getting the idea that his friend wants him to let him go so he can change back but...
 Soft fur rubs at his fingers and the feeling of a small body held in his hands is just so pleasant!
 “One minute, please? Just one?” He pleads, turning on all the power he can as he aims a sorrowful look at his friend. “Your fur is so soft and I- can't I pet you for just a little bit, before you change back?”
 Mr. Bunny Hero sighs, but the huff and nod are easy to read and Ravio clutches his friend to his chest with a cheer. “Thank you Mr. Hero!”
 “Apples? Apples?” Wind’s voice is breaking by now as he calls out into the underbrush. The last switch had them all separated, and while the heroes have successfully regrouped, they’ve failed to be able to locate their fuzzy ninth member.
 “He’s got to be here somewhere!” Wild whispers, scratching at his scars worriedly and prompting his mentor to gently push his hands back down again, it does no good, the habit that died with fur to play with reappears in its absence, and Twilight’s pelt is too cumbersome and heavy to be carried and stroked while they walk.
 “Apples?” Sky chokes out, staring at the path before them, but nothing can be seen except a lone traveler who stalks along stiffly towards them.
 “We’ll ask this traveler.” Time sighs, eyes heavy with worry as he pushes to the front of the group, raising a hand in greeting. “Ho there.”
 “Ho.” The traveler returns, sharp violet eyes staring at them all from under pink and rose-gold bangs that peek out from beneath a blue cap. “What brings fighters like you into these parts?”
 “we’re looking for a rabbit.” The captain says, taking no consideration for how ridiculous he sounds. “Normal size, but as pink as a cherry tree, you can’t miss him.”
 Hopeful gazes turn to the stranger, who’s gaze darts away for a brief moment. “Sounds like my boarder’s pet.” There’s a strain to the man’s- or is he a boy?- voice as he speaks. “He disagreed a few months back and only came back yesterday. His-His owner was delighted.” The stranger speaks slowly, flushing slightly as he meets their eyes with an awkward attempt at a smile.
 “He...he already had a family?” Wind and Wild both droop, and the other’s all sigh in collective disappointment as the stranger shifts before them, the light catching in the hilt of the sword on his back.
 “Yeah... Sorry if you got attached.” The stranger winces, incredibly awkward as his eyes dart over them all, as if desperate to find anything else to talk about. “Why so heavily armed, just to look for a bunny?”
 “Monsters.” Sky answers softly, eyes downturned as he twists his cloth in his fingers.  
 “Aren’t those for heroes and soldiers to bother with? Not common folk?”
 “We aren’t exactly common.” Time explains. “Monster fighting is sort of our job.”
 “Uh huh.” The stranger shifts back on his heels. “Last I checked, the only person the royal family was hiring to get rid of monsters was me, and I don’t recall hearing any changes about that recently.”
 “Why you?” Wild tilts his head to one side, curiosity mingling with his sadness as he takes in the stranger.
 “Hero’s duty.” The other drawls,, scowling slightly as his nose scrunches up, wiggling the tiniest bit in distaste.
 “You’re a hero?” Warriors deadpanned, disbelief tainting his voice as he looked from pegasus boot clad feet up to red and green tunics, fluffy golden hair and sharp violet eyes. Said eyes stared back with an intensity that was strangely familiar, irritation glinting in their depths.
 “Unfortunately, yes.”
 And just like that, the Hero of Legend joined their group.
 Twilight blinked down at the pink rabbit in front of him in shock. “Apples?”
 Apples- Legend? -The pink bunny- shuffled his feet, ears twitching as violet eyes flickered from the rancher's blue eyes and back down to the ground. “Um...chances that this is kept a secret?”
 Disbelief pained the Ordonian’s face. “Do you know how much they’ve missed you?”
 “I was right there.”
 “And you never told them?”
 “Well, you never owned up to being Wolfie, not last time I checked!” The bunny hero shot back, nose shivering in frustration.
 “They don’t need to know about that,” The rancher dismissed. “That sort of power isn’t something I feel comfortable sharing.”
 “Well newsflash,” Legend scowled. “I didn’t either. And it’s not like I could change back to prove myself or something, I was cursed! Anyways, can you imagine how absolutely off the hook crazy I’d sound if I just waltzed up to you and said ‘hey I’m the Hero of Legend and I’m also the bunny that’s been with you for the last two months.  was cursed but now I’m not, want me to join?’”
 Twilight scowled. “Fine. Valid. One question first.”
 “Deal.” Legend groaned.
  “Why did you never let me pet you?”
 “I’m sorry, what?” Violet blinked up at the rancher in confusion.
 “Why did you never let me pet you.” Twilight repeated simply.
 The veteran bunny stared up at him, blinking slowly. “You are a freaking wolf. Did you not notice? I may not have known it at the time, but do you think a rabbit can look at a wolf and go ‘hey look! New friend’?” At the wolf shifter’s silence, Legend scoffed. “Yeah. That’s why.”
 “Okay, valid.” Twilight nodded. “But one last thing, why didn’t you never talk?”
 “Cursed.” legend rolled his eyes. “The nature of this one is different, I’m just my soul's reflection, not an actual animal, there’s a difference, and it’s one I’d like to not have to worry about for much longer. Now, how do I change back?”
 “Well,” The rancher offered a weak smile. “We’re gonna have to ask Sky for help.”
 That night, rather than sitting by the fire until he drifted off, Sky settled down next to Legend, pulling the hero into his arms happily as the vet had put up token protests before snuggling against him. Sky hadn’t slept as well in months, and Twilight took no small amount of joy in being able to play with the vet’s silky hair all through his watch.
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gwynrielsupremacy · 3 years
Time to rest your weary head: Part 13!
IT TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH, but it is here!!! As I explained before, I was facing the last weeks of my semester, delivering final papers and such, but now I'm freee!!!! I thank you all for your patience and eternal support, really <3 hope you like this one! :)))
Also tagging some of my beautiful readers <3 @madie2200 @katiebellf @starbornsinger
Last thing: I wanna leave here my praise to all fic writers and fanfiction and headcanons I had the pleasure of reading on this website; you all inspire me so much, and I’m glad to say I am a part of such a beautiful net of sharing and reading other’s stories :) you are awesome and you inspire me to keep on writing! Thank you :)
Check out the Chapter List and Part 12 if you haven't read it yet!
It was late, but Azriel didn’t mind. He felt like he could explode: like all of a sudden, all his life made much more sense.
He had a mate.
That mate was Gwyn.
And Gwyn had kissed him.
As he jumped off the balcony at the House of Wind, diving fast before soaring, he couldn’t contain his grin. His heart hadn’t stopped thundering in his chest ever since he got to her door. They kissed, and he sensed her affection and desire as sure as she had felt his. He held her in his arms, just like he had that night all those weeks ago. And he had missed so badly doing so, he realized the second he felt her hand on his cheek, caressing him in a way no one ever had, before she enlaced her arms behind his neck.
He felt like a teenager, his Ilyrian hormones pumping through his body, making him restless and euphoric. He wanted so bad to go back, to just stay with her, to make up any excuse to see her, to wake her up, to lay down with her. To spend every second he had right next to her, learning all the different ways he could make her glow.
For so long, he deemed himself worthless; tainted and scarred and damaged. But now he could see that perhaps that wasn’t true. He was hurt, but he could heal; everyone had a past, and it shouldn’t prevent them from living their present. And Gwyn… She was the reason he started believing that. That he had hope left, and that maybe…. Maybe he could care about himself just like others cared about him.
It took a second to realize he was crying. Alone, just him and his shadows, as he soared and spun across the night sky, he was crying. Sobbing and laughing uncontrollably at the same time. He breathed in and out, trying to calm his racing heart, but he still let the tears flow; he still kept smiling, the image of Gwyn’s face never fading from his mind.
Feeling the cold wind across his face, he landed on the pathway to the River House. It was all dark, but he could see a dim light from one of the windows. Rhys’s study.
Rhys. He lowered his mental shields enough so he could voice his brother’s name. Are you there?
Silence, before Rhys’s voice sounded. Yes. Are you alright?
I need to talk to you. May I come in?
He heard footsteps approaching the front door, and then Rhysand was staring at him, violet eyes dark in the dim light. “Come in, brother.”
He was greeted by the image of Nesta facing him, that huge portrait that Feyre had painted some time ago, after The Blood Rite. The house was silent, and all he could hear was his steps as he followed Rhysand to his study.
When he closed the door, Rhysand had just sat down at his armchair.
“Are Feyre and Nyx asleep?”
“Fortunately. The kid’s been having some trouble sleeping these last few months, therefore so have we.” He snorted, but smiled fondly at the thought of his family. “Sit down, Az.”
He obliged, and felt the way Rhys sized him up, trying to decipher what was going on with him. And although Azriel’s expression yielded nothing, he didn’t make an effort to wipe away his tears from before; so his brother was probably putting up the pieces together by now.
Azriel didn’t leave enough time for him to do so, as he again talked to him mentally.
Gwyn is my mate. But I reckon you already know that.
I do. I suppose it didn’t go well, then.
And Cauldron-damn him if he didn’t start laughing at that. And not a bitter one, but a true, genuine chuckle that made Rhys’s brows shot up and a bemused smile appeared on his face.
“It went more than well, actually.” Azriel corrected, shaking his head as he looked to the ground, still smiling. “And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh?” His brother shifted in his seat, resting his elbows in his knees and interlocking his fingers.
So Azriel explained what Rhys needed to do for them. He honestly didn’t care if his family knew or not about their mating bond, but was well aware Gwyn might need some time to adjust – and the required privacy to do so. And that was fine with him; as long as he was able to spend time with her, he’d be happy. In any way she wanted.
When he was finished, they stood in silence for a couple of seconds.
“So, I see you have your shot at happiness in your hands at last, brother.” Rhysand stated, with a knowing smile on his face.
“I do.”
“She was very good at refraining from telling you. Of course, I didn’t mean to pry when I found out. But do you know why I read her thoughts that night?”
Azriel shook his head, and watched as his brother declared with a low tone.
“She was just sitting there, in a midst of people whom she didn’t have familiarity with, and you were by your usual spot, talking to Mor. And she was just staring at you, eyes full of an emotion I couldn’t decipher, but I knew what that gesture meant. She couldn’t keep herself from looking at you, just as you couldn’t stop from glancing at her time and time again during the evening: like you were drawn to each other. I was going to ask her if she needed to talk about it, though I knew it was none of my business and she was unlikely to do so, but then I read her thoughts about you being mates.”
“That’s why I didn’t meddle in. I was witnessing something way bigger than me, and I think you know what I mean.” He finished, and completed “That’s why I - and Feyre - kept quiet about it.”
All Azriel could do was laugh quietly again at the mention of his High Lady. “Of course she’d know.”
“My dear brother, I learned by experience you shouldn’t keep things from your mate, even if it is to protect them. You're supposed to walk through it together.” Regret crossed Rhysand’s face at that confession.
Azriel knew that although his brother claimed to hide the details of Feyre’s pregnancy from her not to worry her, it wasn’t exactly fair all the same.
“But I’m certain you’ll learn that with time.” He completed, leaning over to pat Azriel on his knee. “So, don’t worry. I will do as you ask.”
Azriel nodded his thanks and stood up, meaning to leave. But, just as he was reaching the door, a thought occurred and he turned again to his High Lord.
“Rhys” He kept sitting on his chair, staring at him expectantly “It took me long enough to realize, but I’m glad you stopped me that Solstice night.”
Rhysand let out a soft chuckle at that, and bowed his head slightly, raising his glass. Knowing well what Azriel had meant with that.
His shadows were restless. He barely slept during the rest of the evening, his mind too awake to give in to slumber. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was slightly nervous to see Gwyn again – and to see if they’re new acknowledged bond would stand out or if Rhysand’s spell would work. He wouldn’t doubt of his High Lord and brother, but still. He wanted to see it for himself.
He stood in the training ring ever since sunrise. Gwyn had gone to her usual morning service and he hadn’t seen her, only felt her absence in the House, both an effect from the mating bond and his shadows, since they were so eager to be around her. So he sparred for hours, waiting for the moment training began and he would see her again.
The priestesses started to arrive right about the time Cassian showed up.
“Morning, brother”
Azriel nodded back, and turned to arrange the practice swords and shields into place, preparing the room.
“How was last night?”
He could sense Cassian’s presence behind him, and the innuendo in his sly tone. Gwyn’s image appeared in his mind once again, her burgundy dress complimenting her body’s every feature. He could feel her in his arms, their proximity and heat, the way he kissed her with all need and tenderness he ever felt towards her, the small sound she made when he pulled her close, pressing their bodies together… He was cut short from his thoughts when Cassian cleared his throat, suppressing a laugh.
“I can scent everything went well, then.”
He started thinking about other things, anything at all, to cover his desiring scent. It wasn’t professional nor respectful to appear that way in front of the Priestesses, even though Cassian and Nesta didn’t seem to mind covering their own arousal multiple times during all these months.
It was right at that moment Cassian’s mate and Gwyn arrived, their voices filling up the air. Azriel was still with his back to the door, and counted a total of five seconds before turning around and facing the deep teal ocean that were Gwyn’s eyes.
Like the seas in Reyna.
His shadows whispered one of Summer Court’s many beaches, the quietest, most isolated and beautiful one. Azriel felt a subtle need to take her there someday, to travel around Prythian with her, to watch her explore and discover the continent, her face lighting up with each new sight.
He casually approached the two females, who were still talking while they began their stretching on the mats.
“Good morning.” He let out, dipping his head a bit.
“Hello.” Gwyn greeted back, meeting his eyes. He watched as she breathed, noticing every detail of her exposed neck and freckled cheeks before meeting her eyes. It was a monumental effort to not scan her entire body and take in all of her curves. She seemed to notice that, and with a thrilling sensation he watched her face blush.
“Good morning to you too, Azriel” Nesta mocked, interrupting their charged silence. “Did you enjoy your evening?”
She directed this particular question to both of them. Gwyn finally tore her eyes away from Azriel, doing nothing to conceal her flushed cheeks.
“Yes.” She nodded a bit timidly, biting down her lip to keep her from smiling further, and met her friend’s inquisitive stare with a sparkle that almost sent Azriel to his knees.
Damn. That female would be the death of him.
“We did indeed.” Azriel found himself agreeing, his voice rough all of a sudden. His shadows reached towards Gwyn, desperately trying to turn her attention to him, to them. He wanted to be lost in those teal eyes again, to be alone with her.
“I’m glad to hear that, Gwyn.” Nesta smiled kindly to Gwyn, honesty and pride in her tone. “Although you’re aware you’ll have to give me more details later.”
Gwyn rolled her eyes but smiled anyway, continuing her warm-up exercises while Nesta stood up. As she went on to stretch her thigh, holding it behind her back, she leaned on Azriel, placing one hand on his shoulder to steady herself and taking advantage of the situation by voicing quietly:
“You hurt my sister and I’ll make you regret it, Spymaster.”
His shadows protectively wrapped around his shoulders, but he was well accustomed to Nesta and they had developed a great friendship after all those months. He could always understand and read through her pain and aggressiveness, even when others didn’t. He did believe her words, though. She, pretty much like him, would do anything to protect the ones she loved.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He nodded once, staring into her piercing eyes, and she patted his shoulder once, seeming satisfied with his answer, before pushing back and striding towards Cassian.
Gwyn kept stretching on the floor, but he could see she heard everything they said by her amused smile as she watched her friend walking away. Azriel reached his hand towards her, and she faced him again and grabbed it, helping herself up.
They were standing face to face now, hands still intertwined. He could hear Cassian and Nesta organizing the Priestesses in the background, the rustle of robes and training leathers as they moved across the training ring. But he couldn’t care less, not when he was holding his mate’s hand, face mere inches from hers.
“It seems you just got intimated by Nesta, huh?” She teased.
He shrugged: “It’s nothing to which I’m not used to by now.”
She chuckled, her eyes crinkling and her voice a sweet melody to his ears. He couldn’t stop but join her, with a quiet laugh. He could feel both Cassian and Nesta’s stare on them, observing their every move. It didn’t seem like the couple caught up on the scent of their mating bond, even though that faint chill mist mixed with water lilies, the combination of him and her, was currently inebriating his senses.
“Could we see each other later today?” Gwyn surprised him by asking, her big bright eyes waiting expectantly for him to answer.
She took a sudden breath, like she was trying to capture the new scent they shared as well, and Azriel found his lips blooming into a smile, both at the thought and at the request:
“I’d love to.”
She beamed “You can meet me at the library, if you are free.”
Gods, she was stunning. He couldn’t stop counting her freckles, observing the way her ponytail twirled behind her back, marveling at how warm her hand felt against his. What a strange and powerful feeling, he thought; to miss someone with that intensity, to desire more than anything to be close to them at all times.
And Azriel wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’ll be there.”
And so he went. After successfully ignoring most of Cassian and Nesta’s teasing remarks through training and lunch, none of them, however, related to the mating bond, Azriel found himself heading towards the library.
He was greeted by Clotho as soon as he entered the space, her magic pen already moving.
Good afternoon, Azriel. What can I do for you?
“I’m looking for Gwyn.” He cordially bowed his head to the Priestess.
Do you want me to call her?
“Thank you, but there is no need. If you could just tell me in which section she is I’ll meet her there, if that’s ok.”
“Ancient hymns and rituals”, third floor down to the right. You’ll find her.
He swore something about the way that magic pen swirled at the last sentence had a tinge of cheekiness, mischief even. So he gave Clotho a soft smile and went into the depths of the library, descending the stars and carefully avoiding staring directly at any Priestess that walked by, only greeting quietly the ones he knew from training.
As usual, his shadows kept swirling faster and faster with each step closer to Gwyn, excited at the prospect of being alone with her. Well, not alone entirely, but Azriel didn’t particularly care at the moment. He knew the curious eyes directed at them would be much more discreet than the ones at training – or anywhere else, for a matter of fact.
He could hear her before he saw her, humming softly as she labeled and stored a few books back on their spots. His heart thrummed against his chest, and he leaned on a shelf across from where she stood, still absorbed in her task, humming the same sweet melody over and over again.
Before he managed to say anything, one of his shadows darted to touch her hand, and her eyes lifted from the book she was holding and met his, her mouth quirked to the side.
“How long have you been there?” She put down the book and crossed her arms in front of her chest, lifting an eyebrow.
His shadows had encapsulated her shoulders and hair now, in a way that she seemed to be the Shadowsinger, and not him. He commanded them to get back to their places, but in vain. He honestly didn’t know why he even tried anymore.
“Not long.” He finally pushed away from his place by the shelf and stepped towards her, while she did the same.
He grabbed her hand, his thumb feeling her soft skin. His shadows encircled them both now, creating a dark cloud in an already dim-lit room. Gwyn laughed at them; curiously following their patterns with her eyes, hand still intertwined with his.
“They never did that before, with anyone.” Azriel observed the way his shadows expanded and darkened around and above them.
“Well, as you said before, they like me. If I were you, I’d be worried they might run away and come to me. I wouldn’t mind at all. Curious little things.”
When he faced her again she was staring at him with such intent he drew a ragged breath, mind focusing only on the female before him. The poor lighting of this particular hallway made her eyes darken, her pupils dilate, mouth slightly parted. Her copper hair now a shade of deep red, like molten fire. He just wanted to kiss each and every one of her freckles, from her face to her neck and below.
The thought made his body ache for her, his pants growing uncomfortably tight. He breathed deep, once, twice, in order to calm his mind and thoughts, but was cut short when her lips met his.
His arms instantly found their way to her hips, gripping her gently. She tugged her hands in his hair, pressing herself against him as the kiss deepened, her lips parting wider to give him access. He enlaced one arm around her, keeping her close and placing his other hand in the back of her neck. He could hear a song, an ancient melody spreading from them, an array of strings and choirs.
When they parted at last, her eyes were wide.
“Did you hear that?” She whispered as they breathed in each other’s scent. Her hands were still on his hair, and he couldn’t take his hands off her just yet, placing them steadily on her hips once again.
He nodded, smiling, and she laughed silently before continuing: “It was magical.”
He leaned to kiss her once again, stopping for a brief second and silently asking for her permission to continue. She closed her eyes, lifting her face, and a soft sigh escaped her lips when they met his for the second time. It was softer this time, tender. Azriel didn’t know if something could ever feel better than this, than having his mate in his arms; than having Gwyn in his arms.
When they parted, he rested his forehead on hers, their breaths mingling. The scent of their mating bond stronger this time, only enough for them to sense it.
“Do you think they could feel it today?” Gwyn seemed to read his mind. “Our scent.”
He met her ocean eyes and shook his head: “Well, Nesta has a sharp mind, and Cassian knows me my entire life. They definitely suspect something.” He huffed a laugh “But not relating to the bond. They probably think is a crush thing.”
She laughed at him, teasingly: “Is it, Shadowsinger? A crush thing?”
“It’s so much more and you know it, Berdara.” He answered in the same tone, but he knew by the way she swallowed once that she heard the husk in his voice, sensing the promise in his words.
Someone is near. Priestesses.
His shadows curled around his ear and he retreated a step, just enough to allow a casual distance between them. Gwyn turned her head to the sound of robes shuffling by, and looked at him again. “Care to join me?” She offered, nodding towards the cart with a loving smile.
They fell into a comfortable routine after Gwyn taught him how to shelve the books she cataloged and labeled; sometimes she hummed or sang something to herself, and it was usually at those times when he paused what he was doing, bewitched by her voice. Even the movements of the other Priestesses seemed to still when Gwyn sang, the whole world going quiet. Usually, though, she noticed the subtle halt in his movements after a few moments, and interrupted herself by laughing at his reaction.
If Azriel could exchange the work he did as a Spymaster to just label and store books with Gwyn the whole afternoon, he would. Even if he knew the importance of his work, he would trade everything in a heartbeat just to be with her. Or perhaps he really needed a break.
There was a time in which he thought his spying to be the only thing that he was meant to do. And there was so much in it that he disliked: the torture, the gore. But maybe… Maybe it was time for him to start making some changes. For his sake, and the ones he loved.
“What are you thinking about?”
Her quiet voice distracted him from his thoughts. He shook his head, shelving another book, and turned to her, finding her kind eyes staring straight back at him. “It’s nothing.”
“Az.” Gwyn reached for him, holding his hand in hers “You know you can tell me.”
“It’s just” He gazed at their joint hands and sighed “I did such bad things in the past, and have been doing it for so long… I'm tired of it.”
She lifted a hand and brushed her fingers against his skin, meeting his stare. “You did a lot of great things too, Azriel. Like helping your friends, your family, your people… And me.” She smiled, reassuringly. “You were the one who saved me that night all those nights ago, and then helped me stand up back on my feet every morning after it. You helped me become who I am today.”
Her tenderness broke him, touched a place inside him he was just starting to realize he had, and he took a deep breath before he took her hands in his, lifting them to meet his lips. The only possible reaction he could have to all that gentleness without allowing tears to fall; and he prayed to the Mother it could convey everything he felt.
The way Gwyn smiled and leaned in to softly kiss his cheek gave him his answer.
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katieebaby1096 · 3 years
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A/N: this pic posted by @kylorenxreader inspired me to write this fic. At first it was a one shot but I’ve decided to make it multiple chapters! I hope you all enjoy!
You find yourself getting into trouble with the commander and eventually end up in a sticky situation.
Warning: explicit content, smut, lack of aftercare, read at your own discretion.
18+ only
Eternal Shine Pt. 1
There’s just something about Her
You’d been with the First Order for a whole year now and it wasn’t going quite how you thought it’d be. The first month or two passed by seemingly boring, however as more time went on and you long to catch attention from a man, the only attention you’d gotten yourself is from the commander himself. You’d managed to get yourself in trouble with Commander Ren 9 times between the third and fourth month. It all started when one night on a raid you had accidentally shot a civilian who was resisting arrest. The commander had stopped dead in his tracks and as if reading your mind he stormed up to you and said, “you feel bad and regret shooting a traitor girl?”
“No, commander Ren, sir!” You quickly replied.
“You can’t lie to me..KT-8696. Report to captain phasma after we land to receive your punishment for disrespecting your Commander.” He hissed in his mechanical voice.
After receiving 5 lashings and 2 days of cleaning duty you’d tried your best to shape up but it seemed at least twice a week you’d managed to stumble into trouble with the commander. It’d been nearly two weeks with no instances of trouble and you’d had a feeling that whole day that something was amiss. You were walking down the hallway, making your way to the dining hall barely paying attention when you had ran into what felt like a wall. Looking up, you find yourself looking into the maskless face of none other than a very angry looking Commander Kylo Ren.
“You really just can’t stay out of my way can you? You stupid girl,” he spat at you as he backed you into the wall, you remained speechless.
“I think you like getting in trouble hmm? Not getting enough attention? The lashings just not teaching you anything?” His hand reached out to tightly grasp your throat.
“No sir, I don’t mean to cause you trouble,” you barely croaked out before trying to gulp in more air. You were taking in his appearance as he processed what you’d said. He had beautiful amber colored eyes, a big nose, plump red lips and creamy skin decorated by a few slight beauty marks. He was stunningly beautiful and as his hand tightened more completely cutting off your air you felt a heart blossom in your core. If this is how you go then at least you’ll die looking at the most beautiful thing in the galaxy. A sadistic grin shaped on his lips then.
“This is getting you off,” he let out a quiet chuckle before removing his grip and grasping onto the hair on the back of your head, “alright then, whore, I’ll teach you a little lesson myself,” He whispered almost to himself as he pulled you along down the hallway.
Several minutes and two elevator rides later and you were being pulled through a big black door and thrown to the floor.
“Stand up,” he demanded.
“I’m sorry Sir, I just don’t understand..?” He quickly moved to stand over you and crouched to grasp you by your throat again.
“You are going to be my little pet tonight. I can sense your arousal, practically smell your pussy dripping into your panties.” He let go of your neck and offered you his hand to help you stand.
“Take off your clothes,” you did as he instructed, slowly removing each item of armor and clothing until you were left standing in your white thong. His eyes roamed over your thick hips and thighs, up to your small waist and large breasts then stopped on your face. You had let your fingers linger in the waistband of your thong nervously.
“These as well sir?” You’d asked meekly. His lip quirked up on one side showing a dimple in his cheek as he slowly nodded
“Those too.”
“Yes sir,” you whispers hesitantly. He sat there observing your fair, freckled face as you pushed your thong passed your hips and let them drop to your feet. He had only ever seen you with your helmet on, Kylo hadn’t any clue how beautiful you were or how curvaceous your small body was.
“Go lay on the bed,” he instructed pointing to the bed situated directly in front of the window.
You obeyed willingly plopping down on the extremely neat sheets and laying back, letting my knees fall apart instinctively.
“Look at you, I can see your juices glistening as it drips from your pretty little cunt.” He spoke firmly as he sauntered to you and dropped down on the bed over you, pulling your legs into his hands.
“Do you want me to touch you, girl?”
“Yes sir!” He smiled widely at my gasping response.
“Good,” he whispered before leaning back on his heels and pushing your legs forward so your ass and pussy were in perfect height with Kylos face. You could practically feel his breath on your wet, virgin cunt as he looked at it drip. You felt his large nose nudge your clit, eliciting a moan from deep within you.
“You smell so sweet, let’s see how you taste shall we?” He licked a wide, wet stripe from your clit down to your entrance as he looked down into your eyes, surprise striking his his features as his tongue begins to enter you.
“A virgin hmm? today must be your lucky day,” he said as he released your ankles and moved to lay beside you. His hand goes to your neck before sliding down between your breasts, over the slight swell of your chubby belly and dives between your thighs to cup your sensitive mound.
“Im not going to promise I’ll be gentle but I’ll try to make it as comfortable as possible,” he said with a dark look in his eyes.
“Yes sir,” was all you could manage to get passed your lips.
His fingers slipped into your delicate, silky folds making slow circles around your clit. He leaned in close and put his soft lips on your aggressively when he pushed a finger into your pulsating hole. Pulling back he looked into your eyes while starting to slowly pump his finger in and out. You could help but let out soft moans as the heat in your core grew.
“Look at me,” he demanded. Once you obliged he plunged a second finger into you pushing and pulling faster. You felt yourself tense up and wince at the intrusive feeling. He must’ve noticed as he slowed his pace and began massaging your clit with his thumb. The heat within was growing quickly now as Kylo pulled moans and groans from your lips that you didn’t know were possible. His head dropped to the crook of your neck and began sucking at the sensitive skin, “oh, Kylo, it feels so..” you could even get the words out as your pussy began to pulsate on his fingers. He pulled away then and looked at you writhing under him as you climbed closer to the edge, “ready for another one?” You gripped his bicep tightly as he inserted a third finger and quickening his pace.
“I want you to come hard on my fingers, you don’t want to disappoint your commander do you princess?” You shook your head as more moans left you, you were teetering on the edge now.
“I want to cum for you sir!” You whined out, “please sir, please make me cum!” You begged.
He pulled his fingers from you then and stood up.
“Wait, I thought..” you mumbled out, embarrassed at how desperate you must have sounded.
“On your knees trooper,” he commanded.
“Yes sir,” you scrambled to your knees as he approached you. He stopped just in front of you, crotch just in front of your face.
“Undress me,” he demanded, gesturing to his clothes.
“Yes sir,” you wasted no time practically ripping his clothes off until he stool in front of you, naked, letting his long and thick cock poke you.
“Get back on the bed, hands and knees.”
You happily obliged, ignoring the pestering nerves causing your hands to shake. You posed yourself as he’d commanded and waited for contact, not expecting the sharp slap he gave to your right ass cheek.
“One.” You blurted out.
“Three.” His smacks got more intense as he kept going.
“Four!” You’d wailed out this time.
“Five!” You cried out, clenching your thighs together at his harshest hit.
“Good girl,” he spoke lowly now as he rubbed the redness of your cheek. You felt his hand on the center of your back pushing you towards the mattress.
“Are you ready?” He asked, rubbing the head of his cock along your folds getting it wet with your juices.
“Yes sir,” you whispered.
He pushed into you then going in all the way until he couldn’t go any deeper, letting out a deep groan at your loud gasp. He rested there for a minute letting you adjust before pulling all the way out and slamming right back in and repeating this over a few times. You bit your lip drawing blood to keep from howling at the burning sensation from the stretch. He abruptly stopped his movements and you felt his hand snake into the back of your hair and he pulled you back into him, letting go of your hair to wrap his arm around your waist and travel between your breasts to rest on your neck.
“I’m going to make you cum on my cock,” he whispered into your ear as his other hand snaked down to your mound rubbing quick circles on your clit. He began to pound into you again holding your back against his chest drawing you back to an orgasm, you slick making each thrust easier and feel so much better. His fingers on your clit and his cock pulsing in and out of you bringing you right to the edge, “I know your close princess. I’m gonna cum in this pussy while you cum on this cock!”
“Oh Kylo, it feels so good,” you blurt out, “I’m gonna-I think I’m gonna cum sir! Please make me cum!” His pace became almost murderous as he pounded into you, rubbing your clit furiously, “cum-oh god- fuck your so fucking tight- fuck fuck fffffuck! Cum on this cock right now!” He growled into your ear, pushing you over the edge.
“Ohhhhhh! Gods yes! Thank you commander sir! Oh fuck!” You yelped out. He helped you ride out your orgasm before he pulled out of you. You looked over to see him putting his underwear and pants on before throwing your clothes and armor at you.
“Get dressed and get out. Next time you give me trouble, I won’t be so nice.” With that he left you to get dressed. You’d waddled back to your quarters that night with mixed feelings of loneliness and pride. Unbeknownst to you, Kylo Ren had waited til you left to take his clothes back off and stumble into his bed and replay everything he’d just done. He laid there under his strewn about sheets that smelled of peaches and cherry blossom just as you had, thinking about how beautiful you were. You had the most beautiful eyes that he’d swear had eternal shine that he’d never forget.
There was something about you that drew him to you. He just couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he intended to figure it out.
It had been a month since your last interaction with the commander and you were feeling confident. In that time you’d managed to go on 3 dates with a guy named RC-2242, youd even gone so far as to let him into your bed. Unfortunately for you he was nothing like Kylo Ren, he had a rather small cock and he didn’t know jack about pleasing a woman. Of course after a month of staying out of the commanders way you were bound to run into him. Unfortunately it happened to be on a night that you’d gone out with good ole RC-2242. The two of you were nestled into a booth having a drink when you’d felt his eyes on you, sure enough there he was across the bar in all his masked glory but you could still feel his honey eyes boring into you. All you could muster was an awkward smile and wave. Before you even knew he had stomped over to your table, “KT-8696, please report to my office immediately.” He stomped out of the bar without another glance in your direction.
“Well,” you sighed,”I suppose I probably found myself some trouble somehow. I hope you can excuse me, I’ve got to go.”
“Of course! The commander is not someone I’d keep waiting!” He replied coolly before kissing your hand and watching you go.
What could I have possibly done now?
I’ve stayed out of his way, haven’t even seen him in a month for goodness sake!
Your mind ran wild as You made your way to the commanders office. Trying to think of things you might’ve done to upset him. It hit you then as You arrived in front of his office door. He’d seen you out with RC-2242. Just as you’d stopped about to know the door slid open revealing a maskless Kylo Ren with a very nasty look on his face.
“You and I need talk,” he said seriously, anger radiating from his glare on the small purple bruise at the base of your neck.
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Jintian
Jintian has 21 X-Files stories at AO3 all posted during the original run of the show and all fics you should read if you like beautiful words and lovely character insights (and you do!). I've recced some of my favorites here before, including Argus, Diving, God's Breath, and Seven Days. Big thanks to Jintian for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Many authors from the original run still loom large in my mind, so I'm glad to hear it. The show had great production values and cinematography and iconic characters, and I think that level of quality was reflected in fanworks. Good writing is good writing no matter how old. For myself, I'm happy if anything I made still resonates with people. What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
Just doing the math, I first discovered XF over half my lifetime ago. I was a sheltered introverted young'un. Online fandom introduced me to a diversity of people and perspectives I couldn't have found in my "real" life at the time. I'm especially grateful for the wisdom of women who, over the years, advised or supported me or simply led by example – not only with writing, but with everything from relationships to job interviews to finances. And I love that in so many places I've lived or traveled, I've been able to meet someone local who already feels like a friend.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)? The Scullyfic mailing list, ATXC, and archives were my main venues. Scullyfic was such a well-run group, with structured discussion topics, post-episode commentary, and writing challenges.
Also, an image comes to mind: for some reason my dad put our computer in the garage, where we had a fan but no air conditioning, and we lived in the US southeast which feels like the armpit of hell in the summertime. I'd sit in that sweltering muggy heat for hours getting my fandom fix. And the only way to connect to the internet was via landline, which I couldn't tie up during the day, so that meant a lot of late nights as well. My fandom equivalent of trudging miles uphill in the snow?
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general? With regard to fanfic, I learned how to receive and give constructive criticism, before and after posting. Even if it was "just" fanfic, most everyone wanted to improve their writing. I think that was a good mindset for me to cultivate, personally and professionally.
With regard to fandom, I learned how to be an active and analytical consumer, and that there can be many (many!) interpretations of a text. What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show? The fanfic, actually. Somehow in my internet wanderings, I stumbled across Gossamer. Dawson Rambo's casefiles were also early finds. Curiosity about the characters drove me to check out the show.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
As far as writing my own, I had an image in my head which I jotted down, and over several months I kept adding to it – mostly navel-gazing, not much plot. The resulting story was a hodgepodge of different POVs and different tenses. *facepalm* But I received some lovely feedback, and I felt very welcomed. For me the XF community, with everyone's creativity and dedication, was just as inspiring and motivating for fanfic as the show.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
I think of it like school. I learned a lot, I graduated, and now it's primarily occupied by a new generation. Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
If XF was like university, then afterward was like graduate school. Sophiahelix and I started a multi-fandom mailing list called Glass Onion and met lots of folks. Livejournal/Dreamwidth became big public platforms which enabled tons of cross-fandom links, recs, and discussions – and sometimes clashes. Although it wasn't as intensely formative for me as XF, I realized that fandom in general has had an undeniable impact on my life. [Lilydale note: That’s a link to a wonderful little essay Jintian wrote about fandom.]
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why? I love the sneak attackers, the ones who seem unassuming or perhaps disadvantaged, but they're actually out here killing the game. Dana Scully was a small-statured person who had to move the driver's seat to reach the pedals – like me – but she was an FBI agent, medical doctor, and forensic pathologist – unlike me, but goals. Other similar faves are Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender), Mat Cauthon (Wheel of Time), and Jang Geurae (Misaeng). Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully? Several years ago I had the notion to introduce my husband to the show, and it was totally enjoyable and could stand up with shows airing today. (Husband queried: "What is the deal with Mulder? He should have been fired 19 times already." We were in Season 2.)
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
No XF lately, but I'll check AO3 whenever I encounter a shiny new ship. Reading fic is my only fannish activity these days, so I stay happy and conflict-free.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors? It's been ages, but today I'm thinking of torch, Jane St Clair, Jordan, RivkaT, MustangSally, Khyber, nevdull, Justin Glasser, Vehemently, Nascent... On any other day it could be a whole different list. The fandom was so rich and deep in writers. What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
My XF stuff was kind of all over the place. I experimented a lot, with mixed results. I guess I'm glad about some of the subject matter I tackled, like Scully's trauma and post-abduction state of mind (and body) in Loss of Yesterday, and the thematically similar Longer Gone, which explored Samantha.
What's the story behind your pen name? Jintian means "today" in Mandarin Chinese. I was feeling existential. 🤷‍♀️
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions? I've only ever told an ex and my husband. They were allowed to read one story – which I chose. They thought it was cool, I guess. I can't remember clearly because I had my fingers stuck in my ears going "lalalala!"
However, I can always count on my husband to say something savagely funny about fandom mess, so I just try to curate his exposure. For instance, he could recap the Msscribe saga but couldn't tell you any of my usernames. He's also met a number of my fannish friends so he knows how we get, hah.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
AO3 Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
As I'm writing this, the world is grappling with COVID-19. I'm wishing everyone safety and health, both physical and mental. If fandom provides a positive escape, embrace and enjoy it!
(Posted by Lilydale on October 6, 2020)
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hearts-hunger · 3 years
together wing to wing || chapter three
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
chapter one || chapter two
Series Summary: He’s offered his protection before, on the Green. In the hospital, Cee wonders if he’ll offer it again, and Ezra wonders if she’ll even want him to.
Chapter Summary: Ezra comes to terms with things.
Pairings: Ezra & Cee (platonic!)
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, angst | Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: hospitals, injury, mentions of canon-typical violence
A/N: I’ve been working on this fic some more and I remembered I hadn’t posted this chapter! I hope you like it! ♡
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“Kevva help us, birdie. It’s even more frightful than I thought.”
Cee’s reflection was sympathetic in the refresher mirror, her gaze travelling over the new prosthetic arm that had been strapped on him five ways from Sunday. The straps and bandaging chafed against his chest, but he was assured that would fade with time. It wasn’t much to look at, just a hunk of flesh-colored plastic and a simple hook on the end, and he tried to get himself accustomed to the way it looked hanging from his shoulder.
“It’s not that bad,” she said. “You just... have to get used to it, that’s all.”
He frowned. “If you say so.”
He’d never considered himself a vain man. He was popular enough with the ladies at the various dive bars he frequented whenever he was planetside - for some reason utterly unknown to him, they seemed particularly allured to the streak of blonde in his otherwise dark hair, a prize gained from a spray of fazer solution from a clumsy-handed fellow prospector. But he’d never concerned himself with his looks; underneath a flight suit and a helmet, looks tended not to be of any great importance.
This thing, though... He knew it was foolish to be troubled over how his prosthetic looked - it was far more important that it functioned, that it allowed him some independence and ability now that his arm was gone. He was infinitely more hireable with a working prosthetic than he was without it, and he willed himself to think of that as he looked at himself in the mirror.
He snapped the arm up and locked the elbow joint into place, wincing a little at the unfamiliar movement. His muscles still protested even after all the cycles of physical therapy he’d endured - more from Cee’s bidding than any desire to do it on his own - and the weight of his prosthesis felt awkward, resting at a ninety-degree angle against his ribs. Under the green scrubs he’d been given in replacement for his dirty, tattered clothes - just as Cee had - the straps rubbed against his skin; he fussed with the spot roughly for a few seconds before Cee batted his hand away.
“The doctor told you not to do that,” she reminded him. “You’ll irritate your skin.”
“Not nearly as much as it’s irritating me,” he grumbled. He turned the lights out in the refresher and started to pace around the room, the same room he’d been boxed into for weeks on end; he felt unbalanced with the weight of his prosthesis, an entirely disagreeable sensation. He wondered how he could have gotten accustomed to having one arm so quickly, and why it was so maddening to have that weight back now.
Confounded, pestiferous thing. He’d never felt this sort of vexation at his own body before, and it took hold of him with a sudden ferocity. He was still raw with the grief of it, the fear and despondency of having lost his primary weapon, but never had he been so irate with the loss. He supposed he hadn’t had time for it, until now - he’d been healing, and there hadn’t been much he couldn't do because there wasn’t much he could do. Now, all he could think of were the things he’d need two hands for - not one weak hand and a metal hook.
He ran his hand through his hair. How would he find suitable occupation? How could he deliver on his promise to protect Cee, weak-handed as he was? What if he couldn’t? How were the two of them - such an unlikely, ungainly pair as they were - ever going to make their way in the galaxy once they left this hospital?
Her voice pulled him out of his feverish brooding, stilled his irascible pacing. He frowned at her.
She didn’t say anything, just watched him, and he felt a flare of aggravation.
“Kevva waits, girl - speak your mind or leave me be.”
She flinched at his words, the same rebuke he’d used to spur her into action after he’d tried to take her pod and gotten shot for his trouble. He instantly felt a wave of guilt and softened towards her.
“Sorry,” she said quietly, before he could apologize first. It sounded as reflexive as it did heartfelt, and he wondered how many times her father’s words had elicited such a reaction.
“No, birdie,” he said, abashed and much gentler. He knew what she looked like when he frightened her, and she was closer to it now than he ever wanted to make her again.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” he told her. “My temper got away from me for a moment. Forgive me for speaking to you so harshly. I wholeheartedly apologize.”
She looked surprised. “Thank you,” she said uncertainly, like she’d never been on the receiving end of an apology in her life.
When she didn’t say anything else, he hoped a little prompting wouldn’t offend her.
“What did you want to say?” he asked. “You have my undivided attention, I assure you.”
She shook her head. “I was just going say we could go out to the garden, but it was a stupid idea. I shouldn’t have...”
She trailed off, and he gave a wry, sympathetic smile.
“What, interrupted my conceited rumination?” he supplied. “No, birdie, you should have done that. And I’d be obliged to you for any time you attempt it, should I tend towards such a useless activity in future.”
She looked more relaxed then, and her look mixed exasperation with a fondness he couldn’t help but take pride in.
“You talk way too much.”
He chuckled. “You’re likely right.” He scrubbed his fingers over the strap against his chest only for a moment before her disapproving look stopped him again.
“Let’s go to the garden, then,” he said. “Maybe the sunshine will put things in a better light.”
She smiled. “Let me grab my notebook.”
Though she’d brought it with her, presumably in hopes that she would feel inspired to write, Cee left her notebook next to Ezra on the bench where he sat with his face to the sun. He’d missed the feel of light and air on his face; it had been many cycles since he’d last enjoyed it. 
He recalled very clearly the first time he’d been in a flight suit and helmet: his first trip to the Green, when the rush was in full swing. He’d been young, cocky, attempting to grab hold of a life of riches so advertised by every major corporation hungry for some poor bastard to harvest aurelec for them. They fitted him with a too-small flight suit - probably, though he hadn’t known it at the time, from some newly-dead prospector. He would never forget the fear that seized him, being constricted in that thing: he’d pleaded and pleaded to be taken out of it, but they were already on the Green. He had made quite an impression that day, the young, tearful prospector who couldn’t quite catch his breath, whose hands shook so badly he busted every other pull.
It had taken a good, long wrestle with shame and bitterness for Ezra to overcome that bit of his career, that wound to his youthful, fragile sense of his own manhood. He’d long since forgiven himself for it; the Green had taught him that fear was fear, no matter how old or how strong you got. Now he wore a flight suit and helmet that were a little too big and more clumsy than not, and even then, he still tussled with that same fear from time to time. He remembered how badly it had bothered him that Cee kept her helmet on in his tent, how he’d growled at her to take it off before it sent him into a nervous spin. 
Out in the garden, Ezra took a deep, hungry breath of fresh air. City air, but tempered by the flora that took up every available space on the rooftop. Cee was looking over the balcony, a birds-eye view of the city more beguiling than the greenery; the railing was too high for her to topple over, but he still felt a brief streak of anxiety watching her lean over it to look below. Strange, considering all they’d been through together; she would have laughed had she known.
“Come look,” she called. “You can see everything from up here.”
“I have no doubt,” he answered. “But I’ll leave you to it, birdie. I fear it would be too vertiginous an experience for my taste.”
She turned and looked at him, her expression scrunched in confusion. “Vertiginous?”
He chuckled. “It would make me dizzy,” he clarified. “Too high up.”
She rolled her eyes, but her expression was something close to affectionate. He smiled. He was determined to charm her with his loquacious disposition, and he was pleased to have been more frequently rewarded with amusement than annoyance in recent cycles.
“Tell me what you see, little bird.” He pressed his fingers over the edge of the prosthesis; though warned it would ache, he found himself disgruntled by the feeling. “Any trouble worth getting into?”
She looked over the railing again. “I dunno. There’s an awful lot of people. I wonder where they’re going.”
“Hm. The industrious, tireless occupations of city folk,” he mused. Nothing he would have enjoyed nor been very good at, if memory served. He’d tried to get out of the prospecting business before, but for better or worse, his skill set was of precious little use to a desk job.
“Maybe some of them are students,” she supplied. He noticed the pitch of hopefulness in her voice, the color of interest.
“Maybe,” he agreed. Likely not with lives as exciting as the students in her novel, but students all the same.
He wanted to ask what she thought of being a student, if the thought had ever crossed her mind. He knew with certainty that it had, as he could hardly imagine her being so consumed with the characters in her book and not picturing herself in the same circumstances. But she had never mentioned it; he thought it may not be a topic of conversation she wanted to broach with him, and he wouldn't begrudge her any privacy.
But, then again, maybe she’d just been waiting for the right moment.
“I wonder what it would be like to be a student,” she said. Her voice was quieter and she still watched the people below; he listened more carefully to be able to catch what she said.
“My mother went to school,” she said. “Not Bowsum Conservatory, just this small university on Kamrea, but she always talked about how much she loved it.”
Ezra didn’t say anything; he knew how valuable this little bit of her history was, and he was more than honored to be invited to treasure it with her. He gave her a gentle, encouraging smile when she turned around to face him, and was pleased when she returned it.
“I want to go to school, someday,” she said. It was more hopeful and confident than any desire she had expressed to him thus far, and he felt an overwhelming urge to make sure it stayed so, unweighted by practicality or circumstance or any worldly obstacle.
“Okay,” he agreed.
She raised a brow. “Just like that?”
His smile was a little heart-heavy. She was no stranger to the things that stood between a Floater and a life doing anything but skimming the boards for low-paying, risky jobs. Likely her father had made it abundantly clear that no life other than the one he led was in the cards for her.
“Just like that,” he assured her. He felt a bit lightheaded and muffled a few coughs in his fist, but ignored them in favor of keeping hold of the possibly tenuous thread of their conversation. He wanted to make the most of this opportunity to convince her that whatever she wanted for her future, he would help her to get.
She frowned. “I dunno. I don’t have any...” She shook her head.  “I probably wouldn’t even get in.”
“Now, none of that,” he chided gently. “You’re whip-smart, birdie, and that’s truly saying something coming from me.”
She laughed, and he was pleased his little joke had worked. He tried to laugh with her but found himself short of breath and settled for a huff.
“When we get out of this... hospital,” he wheezed, “we’ll start thinkin’ on it, alright? Between the two of us... surely we can come up with... a plan to get you into university.”
He hadn’t had that much trouble talking since that wretched ventilator tube from surgery had come out. He tried to suck in a breath and started coughing, badly, each breath rattling in his chest. Cee noticed his floundering and raced over to him.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Can you breathe?”
He rubbed his chest and managed a strained, shallow breath through the tightness and pain that settled in with a frightening quickness.
“Chest feels...” He couldn’t quite think of a creative comparison, and left it up to his quiet groan to relay the message.
“We need to get you inside,” she said, her voice panicked. 
“Easy,” he said, taking one of her hands to quit their nervous fluttering around him. She held on tight and studied his face.
“Let me catch my breath,” he managed, though he feared it was only a matter of time before his lungs started to try and come up his throat again. 
“We need a doctor,” she insisted. “You’re pale as a ghost.”
He almost chuckled. He wondered where she’d heard that saying; the only things that mentioned ghosts these days were very old books and deeply spiritual types.
“Fine, but let’s... meet them downstairs, alright?” he said. “No use stirring up the whole hospital.”
Maybe it was the way he’d managed to get through a whole sentence without wheezing, or maybe she was just as keen as he was to pretend there was nothing amiss, but she nodded. He let her help him to stand, and was about to open his mouth to deliver some remark on her tendency towards worrying when he felt a clear, unalterable sense of something deeply wrong.
“Birdie,” he managed.
She looked up at him. “What?”
He felt like his head was full of Green dust, every sense distorted. Everything swung around him in a carousel of colors. He didn’t know if he was upright or not, and couldn’t feel the squeeze of Cee’s hand.
“I believe you were right to bring to attention our need for a doctor.” His voice sounded completely separate from him, unlike him, and it made him frightened.
“Ezra?” His little bird, terrified again on his account. He really had to stop doing that to her. “Ezra!”
His vision went as he careened in some indiscernible direction. He heard Cee’s frightened cry, and hoped he would lose consciousness before his head hit the ground.
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Read chapter four!
pedro pascal character taglist: @punkgeekchic, @tv-saved-the-teenage-girl, @stardust-galaxies, @theorganasolo, @qhbr2013 ♡
series taglist: @insomniamamma, @motherofallthesmallthings​ ♡
let me know if you’d like to be added to either taglist! ♡
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lucidpantone · 4 years
Wtfock Fanfic Recommends
Hey there Fockers (see what I did  🙊)
I am doing this genre first because haters are gonna hate and I just want to dispel all the negative connotations now and sage all the bad vibes out of the tag because god knows we need to sage our household aka the wtfock/wtfam tag. Be gone, bad spirits (and before I get hate I am not talking about those critiquing the poor behavior of the tag am talking about those throwing around the “f” word when it’s not even the right word to use in this context). If you want to find out what is the right word please read this insanely articulate post from Skamsnake about the creative process around explicit fic writing.
Okay, take a seat and let's get lost in the sauce.
Let’s chit chat about some real shit. Those damn written words that are keeping us hydrated during the Wtfock drought.
**Update: Going forward I will be rating my reviews via the MPA(USA) filming rating system out. However please take in mind I am no expert and culture matters. I may be being overly cautious but the genre that follows is rated NC-17 in its entirety. **
Fanfic Genre: Erotica/New Adult fiction Tagged under Explicit in Ao3 (or known by its street name: smut) Fic count AOT (as of today): 62
Genre Definition (provided by wikipedia): Fiction similar to YA that can be published and marketed as adult—a sort of an 'older YA' or 'new adult. New adult fiction tends to focus on issues such as leaving home, developing sexuality, and negotiating education and career choices.
This tag barely makes it out of the 20’s without these next four writers so we need to put some respect on their names and spotlight their “best of”.
Skamtrash/ @vearthling (14 MotherFing fics)
Your catalog is so damn extensive its hard to choose but I have to go with my personal fav because am a sucker for an aged up celebrity rock star Sander falling in love with a dark hair boy amongst the crowd. We got plot, romance, a hot and steamy recording session. It's fluffy smut but also kinda of romantic. This one is my personal fav.
Ok and since the crowd has clearly spoken on Ao3 if you want something that puts the E in explicit and has 10k hits, check out this fic. I actually like this work too mainly because it has a pretty endearing follow-up with Milan and Jens/Aaron just embarrassing Robbe after a not so discreet quickie session during the Wtfock Xmas party.
JesseLBlack (Double digit Spanish fic Queen)
I am so excited to shout out this dark horse. She is such a machine and an absolutely amazing writer even though all her work is in Spanish. I just want people to appreciate her contributions. If you can read spanish and enjoy a good sneaking around session while the parents are at home this is the one for you.
Also I have no idea how this woman found my kink but she did and that's good punctuation especially in Spanish. Like just stop it, my eyes can’t take seeing so many virgulilla used properly in written form. I felt attacked.
Zaddy Skam/ @zaddyskam
If you haven’t connected the dots yet Zaddy is our long time Anonymous contributor to the Ao3 tag. This fic selection may seem like a random choice but I enjoy Zaddy first fic the most Woensdag 16:36.
If you’re a sucker for an in canon fic that creates a little more narrative and fills in the gaps to the original story then this is the fic for you. Plus I like that it's not super smutty mainly because it shows control and range. Its easy to reach for the usual tropes in explicit fics but this fic really turns this genre on its head with suggestive erotica then presenting the actual act itself. Its just really well crafted and also gives an option to those who want a little erotica but don’t want to dive deep into the pool.
SkamSnake/ @skamsnake (A legend amongst legends and one half of what inspired the infamous Dinsdag 14:17)
I mean what can be said when the actual wtfock writers are adopting your own ideas into their content. You gotta be doing something right. Here is it what I believe is one half of what I feel inspired parts of Dinsdag 14:17.
FYI: Snakes Omega fic counts under the ABO tag and will be discussed when I get to adoptive “world” fics.
Tokyometropolis/ @luludemauryyy  (The other half of what inspired the infamous Dinsdag 14:17)
Video phone is almost eerie to read now having seen Dinsdag 14:17 & Dinsdag 23:12. They are parts of video phone that I literally feel were ripped out of the fic and put onto screen even some dialogue quirks are recognizable. Its a huge testament to the skill of this fic. Also, I truly believe the 2nd chapter of this fic is some of this writer's best fic writing. I see a ton of rhythm and play with cadence and that angsty tonality. I can’t rave enough about video phone chapter 2 its so well thought out. Give it a read and let me know what you think wtfock borrowed out of this fic for the big screen.
I mean is it smut? or is it just excessive fluff while making love? I think the latter. If you want gooey I mean chocolate syrup style love making gooey this is your baby. It’s Robbe’s first time and it’s wrapped up in a ton of emotions. I enjoyed it and definitely made me get a little teary it was so damn sweet. If you love, love, then this is your fic.
They gave us one fic and one fic only but damn they did give us a good one. Are you a slave to in-canon writing? Ever wonder what happened in that 3 hour time slot in the infamous hotel from when Sander and Robbe entered the hotel room till the shower scene, well this fic will fill in all the blanks.
Shout Outs (IMO)
Two strangers at a party catching one another’s gaze from across the room: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22383466/chapters/53478205 by fockinglevendcliche/ @fockinglevendcliche
Tales from Quarantine: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24022276 by UndercoverTimeagent
Announcement: We need more zoenne erotica someone write some please!
Special thanks and acknowledgments to Hollyster, Sassywarlock29, sote faen, angelboygabriel and joshlerbitches. Also if anyone reads russian please send me a couple of words on this fic. If I missed anyone am sorry and up next I think I will do “worlds” fics so HP, ABO,Magic,time travel etc etc or I will do one shot enemies to lovers (chaptered Enemies to lovers will be its own thing). Let me know what tag you want more information on.
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lorei-writes · 3 years
2+3+5+16+17 for the fanfic ask game!
Hello, Tanii! Did I accidentally close the window before clicking publish? Ofc I did.
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
Oh, it mostly depends on the fandom. If I write for it, I’m primarily a writer, perhaps even with periods of being exclusively a writer. If I don’t, then well, I’m only a reader - overall, I’d say that across all fandoms I’ve interacted with, it would be roughly 1/4 writer, 3/4 reader.
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
Hmm... I know there is at least one fic which gave me inspiration for a one-shot (to be precise:  If there is love, inspired by work of @/kamesama; all should be linked in my fic). However, overall, I can’t really think of works which influenced what subjects I generally choose for writing.
Hm... Unless we go by negative examples? I tend to write things I couldn’t find and wanted to read really bad, haha.
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
...I’m sorry, but punctuation in dialogues. This is most likely the only technical thing that will make me click out of a fic. Not Mary Sues, not improbable scenarios, not deus ex machina, not OOC characters, but damn punctuation in dialogues. My Polish teacher was VERY particular about it (read: VERY CRUEL). 6 years later, I’m still afraid of her. 
That being said, I’m not sensitive to all sorts of errors in dialogue. Just punctuation. Honestly, I am aware of the fact that I do write with a certain kind of dialogue error (although it’s a conscious choice, just because of my preference). 
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching?
I do, yes. I generally try to stop myself from diving in too deep, as oftentimes it doesn’t matter or would ultimately be changed in the setting just regardless (at least given the time-travel and timeline-alteration elements of the setting). Most often I look for whether a certain plant would even be present in the place, certain dates if they would matter, most often - mostly factual things.
When researching for something more subjective, like experiences, I tend to try to make a sort of data-base of opinions. It somehow happened that at first I let myself be swayed by people in general going “oh, I have experience of XYZ, so any other experience of it is invalid”... But that led me down the rabbit hole of what experiences even are valid by that definition? True, we can go by the rule of probability or statistics, but in some cases, those... Aren’t a thing? So now I generally try to read up on different perspectives, and perhaps even... Ask my mom? Especially in regards to Family AUs. I sometimes draw from my own observations then too.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
Hahaha, I got smarts. I post fics right after writing them, when I cannot spend much time on tumblr waiting for any notes! *evil laughter* Yeah, but for real, I usually post things either before doing homework, before class, or before sleep, so I physically can’t even check whether I got any feedback right away. Ooor I write them, put them on a queue and it is posted before I wake up, haha.
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thdorkmagnet · 4 years
Where in the World is Janna Ordonia?
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Hello everyone! Here is my Carmen Sandiego AU/ Master Theif Janna AU, whichever you want to call it! So this is, as you probably guessed, inspired by the new Netflix series "Carmen Sandiego". Ever since I watched the first episode I've been picturing Janna filling this role so much and I just had to write it! But I did change some things around from the show like making Janna a straight up thief rather than a thief who only steals from other thieves. This will also be a Jantom fic since I don't think there are nearly enough of those out there right now and I wanted to help add to the collection. This ship needs more love!
Also big shout out to Andychipss for the awesome cover art! If you get a chance check her out over on Instagram! She always does an incredible job!
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters belong to Daron Nefcy and Disney. Carmen Sandiego belongs to Broderbund Software, Netflix and Lauren Elliott. All right go to them.
The city of lights was dazzling that particular evening, its namesake casting a brilliant and beautiful glow across all of Paris. Even the dark corners seemed to hold a life to them, making the whole city feel as peaceful and romantic as they say. And on one particular rooftop stretching high above the paved streets below stood a young woman. She wore a black long-sleeve shirt with matching pants and long black boots, giving her the outward appearance of a shadow herself. But blending in would be rather difficult for her since over that she wore a bright red trench coat and matching fedora. Her short dark hair hung slightly out from beneath her hat. She had tanned skin and brown eyes. Her appearance was eye-catching that was for sure, which was why it was a strange choice of attire coming from one of the most elusive and legendary thieves in the world. Her name which was known across the world was Janna Ordonia, the Scarlet Thief.
The girl looked coolly out from under the brim of her hat, holding a pair of small binoculars to her eyes. From her sight, she spotted her next target up ahead, a museum. She watched as some security guards made their rounds, in the exact pattern she memorized over the last few days of staking the place out. "Predictable," she sighed slipping the pocket-sized spying device into her coat pocket. "I was hoping for a bit more of a challenge," she groaned in boredom.
"Well y'know, you could wait until Acme shows up," came a voice from inside the communication device in her ear. "You know some of their agents are on your trail since you set fire to that shop earlier today." His voice was accusing now, clearly trying to make her feel guilty for her crime.
But Janna was unaffected by the attempt, saying plainly, "Come on, Alfonso, I can hardly be blamed for that, they were asking for it."
"How?" Alfonso asked in exasperation.
"Charging 30 bucks for a stupid model of the Eiffel tower is insane!" Janna scoffed. "And they call me a thief."
The young hacker just sighed burying his head in his hands. "Anyways, am I all clear to head inside?" Janna asked returning the conversation back to the task at hand.
Alfonso complied, doing a few keystrokes on his computer, but still grumbling under his breath in annoyance. "Yeah, hang on," he mumbled, shutting down all security in the museum as if it were no big deal. "There, done. But you better do this job fast before someone realizes it's down."
"Hey no problem, fast is my middle name," Janna said, doing a quick stretch to loosen up her muscles. It was important to stay flexible in this line of work.
"I thought you didn't have a middle name," Alfonso pointed out.
"Well I just gave myself one," the girl replied, before leaping off the roof. As she fell she whipped out a grappling gun she kept in her sleeve, firing it and attaching it to another building's side. She felt the string go taint as she sailed around the side of the building, detaching it fluidly off the wall before flying into an opened window and right into the museum.
Her feet hit smooth tile as she tried to slide to a delicate stop. But she didn't predict her momentum correctly as she stopped just short of hitting a wall and knocking a small pedestal holding some priceless vase on it. Janna didn't even have time to dive for it before it hit the floor and shattered into a million pieces. The young thief sucked in a breath waiting to see if the loud noise had attracted any guards, but after a couple beats of silence, Janna declared it a false alarm and let her body relax once more.
Alfonso, however, was less calm, as his squeaky voice spoke up from Janna's earpiece, "What was that noise?! Janna did you break something!"
Janna scoffed, kicking the fragmented pieces under a nearby fancy rug. "Aw, relax I'm sure it wasn't that important."
"Janna!" The young hacker screamed and the girl was tempted to take the earpiece off to avoid the inevitable rant but settled for merely reminding her friend, "Better keep your voice down, Al. Wouldn't want to wake your roommate."
The audible groan through the earpiece was her reward as she sauntered superiorly though the quiet museum, keeping her eyes peeled for her target. Alfonso's roommate Ferguson often got on the young hacker's nerve, especially when they were on a caper. The loudmouthed teen seemed to have no self-control as he would frequently butt in and distract Al while he was trying to hack, getting overeager and nosy over what the two were doing (treating it more like a game than a life or death situation), and just being a general nuisance, which frayed Alfonso's last nerve. But this seemed to do the trick as the boy stopped with his incessant whining and Janna was able to enjoy a couple minutes of silence, taking everything in. She walked with practiced ease through the marble halls, making sure her footsteps made no sound as she traveled deeper inside. Her brown eyes scanned the area, alert and precise, despite her relaxed posture, taking in slow breaths of musty air.
She always loved being in a dark museum at night, the empty and quiet always soothing to her. As much as she loved chaos, even Janna couldn't deny how beautiful and simplistic a simple trip through the abandoned hallways could be. It was like looking into a hidden world, a peek behind the curtains. During the day, the museum was close to bursting with tourists and tour groups and kids on school field trips, making the experience feel cheapened and hallow. But at night, that was when the museum could truly be itself, no lights, no spectacles, no overzealous explanations of what made its contents art, it could just exist and allow its art to speak for itself. And that was something Janna could relate too.
Her eyes glance lazily around at the paintings and sculptures and all forms of artistic achievements, each one a masterpiece in its own right and each one probably worth a fortune. But none of them were what she was looking for. She had a much bigger prize in mind.
The girl came to a stop in front of a large painting, the image a portrait of a sailor, the delicate paint strokes perfectly encapsulating the man's gruff demeanor. Janna cocked her head to the side as if admiring it closely as she said into her earpiece, "Alfonso, I'm at the painting."
"Great, the panel should be behind it, I've overwritten the security codes but you'll have to pick the lock yourself," the hacker replied, all business now.
Janna smiled mischievously. "Not a problem." She took a step closer to the painting, saying softly to the image, "Sorry about this, captain." She gently grabbed the painting's frame, lifting it off its hook and moving it as carefully and quietly as she could. As she did she noticed that her eyes were now level with the deep angry eyes of the painting and she muttered under her breath, "Hey, don't give me that look. You brought this on yourself." Without another word, she set the painting down on the opposite wall, before turning back to her next objective. It was a small safe, made of thick unbreakable metal, and Janna could see it had two sets of locks on its smooth surface, an electronic lock with a small series of buttons and a panel, as well as a combination lock next to it. On closer inspection, Janna could see that Alfonso had already done his part, the panel flashing the word "Entry". Now all that was left was for Janna to do her part.
Janna cracked her knuckles, flexing them a little to make sure they were nice and loose. She carefully grabbed hold of the small turn-style knob, putting her ear up to the door as she began to ever so slowly move the knob left. Soon she heard a click echo through the cold metal and smiled, immediately turning the knob the other way, waiting for the next click to sound. She continued on with this meticulous task, making sure to move slowly and preciously with each turn of the dial. Until finally, the last click sounded and she took a step away, whispering smugly, "Child's play."
With one swift motion, she turned the handle and pulled the safe door open, staring inside with a victorious smile. Inside the small metal box sat a plain black briefcase with a simple lock that took the highly skilled Janna only a minute to pick. She flicked up the latches before opening the container, wanting to make sure she had the correct package. And just as she had predicted inside sat a small golden statue sealed tight in the foam covering they had carefully placed around it so it wouldn't be jolted or damaged. The statue was in the shape of a woman, a ballerina, her arms raised in a graceful and beautiful pirouette.
"Is it there?" Al asked nervously, he always got anxious when he couldn't identify the item firsthand.
Janna whistled, eying the statue closely as she muttered under her breath, "Oh it's here all right."
The young hacker let out a sigh of relief, before saying, "Good."
"Must be pretty special if our client wants it so badly," Janna commented.
"The Golden Dancer is one of the rarest statues in the world. It is one of a set of three identical statues kept in hidden locations around the globe. They originated in-"
"Geez, Professor Al, I didn't ask for the history lesson," Janna interrupted, sealing the briefcase back up and closing the safe. It was time to cover her tracks. Hopefully, no one would even notice it was even missing, at least for a while.
Alfonso let out a groan of annoyance but decided to change the subject, informing the girl instead, "Okay Janna, you'll need to be extra careful moving around the statue, we don't want to risk damaging it."
"Come on, Al, we've worked together for how long now?" Janna told him, setting the large painting back in its place from before. "Don't you know me better than that by now."
"The fact that I know you so well is exactly why I said something," Alfonso deadpanned.
Janna made a hurt scoff into the tiny device, telling him, "Well that's just rude." Her face showed a different story though, as she just smirked and nodded in satisfaction at her work. The painting was now perfectly aligned on the wall again, not an inch of it out of place, you couldn't even tell it had been moved at all. She picked up the briefcase, saying smugly, "Okay, now I think it's about time for my dramatic exit."
Just then a loud shout sounded from elsewhere in the museum, the echoed voice bouncing around the walls and Janna turned to it with a start. "Jan, what was that?" a nervous voice asked in her ear, Alfonso clearly hearing the voice too.
Janna, however, just whispered softly to herself, "Hmm, I was wondering when they'd show." Her smirk widened as she added, "This should be fun."
The two Acme agents walked side by side through the dark museum, both on high alert, their eyes darting as they meticulously searched the room for any threats. Well the young man was, the other seemed too entranced by every painting, sculpture, and statue they came across, her blue eyes gleaming with admiration as she looked over each piece of art. This wasn't the only contrast between the two, the two seeming to be as different as night and day, despite their similar style. Both wore fancy black suits (the standard for all Acme agents) but where the boy's was well-pressed and had not a crease out of place, the girl's was wrinkled in a few places but still quite beautiful on her slim frame. The man's short spiky brown hair was perfectly styled and lay even on his tanned face, his brown eyes narrowed in grim determination, which was almost thwarted by the adorable mole just under his left eye. His blood-red tie was a stark contrast to the pure white dress shirt he wore underneath his suit. The girl's long blond locks seemed to almost flow down her back, a small blue butterfly clip resting just above her bangs. She had on a carefree smile and walked with a noticeable skip in her step. She had on a dark blue tie and wore a black skirt and dark blue stockings rather than the dress pants of her partner. The only similarity the two seemed to share were the matching golden rings they both wore on their right hands.
"Do you really think someone is in here, Marco?" the blond asked, her eyes still gazing around in curious innocence.
"Well according to our intel-" the boy began.
"Meaning you," his partner interrupted, giving him a teasing look.
Marco smiled and blushed slightly. "Well, yeah. I mean, I am a man of many talents." He cleared his throat, willing away his blush before continuing in a matter-of-fact tone, "Anyways, Star, I heard news that the Scarlet thief was recently spotted in this area earlier today after setting fire to a local shop..."
"Classic Janna," Star commented.
"And then the whole security grid for the museum just happens to go offline the same day," Marco continued. "A place where they are keeping one of the rarest and most priceless statues in the world, mind you. Seems just a bit too suspicious if you ask me."
Star shrugged, saying, "Makes sense to me."
"In fact, Janna is probably in here right now, so we need to stay focused and not get distracted by anything."
"Got it," Star said, doing a small salute. But as she turned her head she let out a small gasp, grabbing onto her partner's arm and squealing, "Oh my gosh, Marco. Look at that adorable painting of a kitty! I have to take a picture of it!" the girl pulled out her phone but it was quickly snatched out of her grip.
"Star," Marco scolded, pulling his arm free of his girlfriend's surprisingly strong grip. "We aren't tourists, we have a job to do, remember?"
"Okay..." the girl muttered, giving him a pouting look that caused Marco's stomach to do flips at how adorable she looked. But he held back his coo as he simply nodded and told her, "Good."
The two had only gone a few more steps before something new caught Star's eye, the girl saying, "Look Marco it's a unicorn vase, ooohhh I want one!"
"Starrrr," the boy said, gaining the girl's attention before gently reminding her, "Focus."
"Right, right," Star said, nodding, her eyebrow now furrowed in determination. "Focus, I got this."
The two continued on a few more steps only for Star to gasp in shock again, causing Marco to sigh in annoyance. "What is it now?" he asked in defeat. Star quickly pointed up at one of the large statues towering over them. A big, hulking ox looking thing with an angry expression on its stone face. "Oh my gosh, Marco that statue guy looks just like you!"
"What, that looks nothing like me?!" the boy exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips as he gave the girl an angry glare.
Star had to fight to hold in her laughter as the boy's expression and demeanor matched the statue creature perfectly, the girl barely managing to stifle her chuckle by slapping a hand over her mouth.
"I don't know, Marco, I think it's pretty spot on?" a voice said behind the pair, and Star and Marco both turned to see Janna staring down at them from the floor above, leaning against the railing with a casual ease.
"Janna," Marco growled under his breath, reaching into his jacket pocket and whipping out his stun gun. He aimed it up at the thief, shouting out, "Don't move!" Star did the same next to him, yelling up at their target, "Hands in the air!"
"Well, which is it?" Janna asked, an eyebrow slowly raising but making no sign of complying.
The two agents shared a look, their cheeks now slightly pink, before Marco said in slight annoyance, "Just stay where you are."
"Sure, no problem there," Janna said, leaning a little heavier on her arm. "I'm quite comfortable up here."
"Well hopefully you'll be just as comfortable in prison, cause that's where you're headed, Janna Ordonia," Marco commented bitterly.
Janna scoffed, shaking her head. "I see you haven't changed any, Diaz." She paused looking over at Star before asking, "So how have you been, Star?"
"Oh, I'm great," Star replied brightly.
"Hey, don't change the subject!" Marco shouted.
"What? I'm just seeing how you two have been. It's been a couple of months since the last time we hung out, after all."
"If by 'hung out' you mean you swiping my wallet and using it to buy drinks for every pub in Ireland," Marco muttered in annoyance.
"Hey, you should be thanking me, you're a local hero there, now," Janna replied.
Marco's eyebrow twitched, but he said nothing more. There was never any point in fighting with Janna.
"Look, Janna," Star took over, picking up on her boyfriend's increasing annoyance. "We all know you stole something from the museum so why don't you hand it over and then we can-"
"Whoa, hang on a second!" Janna interrupted her face and voice showing interest for the first time since they had arrived as her eyes finally spotted the matching rings on the agents' hands. "Since when have you two been engaged!" She quickly picked up on the intense blush that soon coated the young couple's cheeks, as well as the quick loving look that passed between Star and Marco, before their focus returned to Janna.
"For a few weeks now..." Star admitted, clearly overjoyed to be confessing this, even if it was to their enemy.
"Unbelievable, I can't believe you two didn't tell me!" Janna scoffed out, shaking her head in disapproval.
Marco rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, "Maybe because it's none of your business."
"So how did it happen?" the thief asked, leaning closer to the two, her eyes shimmering with questions.
The brown-haired boy opened his mouth to remind her once again that their personal life was none of her business, only for his fiance to blurt out in an excited squeal, "Oh my gosh, it was the sweetest thing, Janna. You should have seen it. One minute we're beating up a group of VILE agents, the next Marco's down on one knee proposing!" Star let out a long sigh at the memory, putting a hand to her blushing cheek, her shoulder just barely touching her finance's side. "It was so romantic."
"So, where's the wedding going to be?" Janna asked with genuine interest.
"We decided to have it in Marco's old hometown," Star replied instantly. "Nothing too fancy, just a simple wedding with our closest friends and families. Don't want to attract too much attention, y'know."
"Staarr," Marco whispered to her in warning, trying to remind his future wife not to divulge too much information to the perceptive thief. He knew she was excited and everything but Janna was the last person he had wanted to know about their special day, considering her track record for making his life miserable every chance she got.
"Huh, sounds nice," Janna commented from above, sounding genuine and sincere, even going as far as to flash them what could almost pass for a warm smile. But Marco wasn't buying any of her act, he had been fooled by her one too many times. "So when can I expect my invite?" she added.
"Uhh, never," Marco deadpanned.
Janna gave the boy a fake hurt look, feigning ignorance as she asked, "What, why not?"
"Maybe because we don't want a common criminal hanging around during our wedding," the boy snapped, giving her an accusing glare.
"Plus, we're kinda arresting you, soooo," Star added, with an apologetic shrug. At that, the two agents held their guns up once more, their gazes hardening as they kept their focus and attention on their target.
The young thief let out a dejected sigh, sitting up and turning her back on the two but still keeping a light grip on the railing behind her. "Fine, I see how it is," she said in the saddest tone she could muster, watching out of the corner of her eye to see if they would let their guard down any.
She inwardly smirked as Star lowered her gun just an inch, her face softening in sympathy, while Marco only seemed to grow more suspicious, his eyebrows somehow furrowing more than they already were. "Look, Jan, just toss us down the briefcase and we won't have to use force," Marco said in a slow, even tone, but Janna easily caught onto the hidden threat that lay beneath.
She let out a deep sigh, before saying softly, "Whatever you say." The next few seconds went by in a flash as Janna instantly turned and jumped over the railing, now falling back to the first story. Star and Marco flinched, Janna seeing their fingers tightening on the triggers of the stun guns but before either could react fully, the girl threw the briefcase in her hands, it smacking directly into Marco's chest causing the boy to grunt in pain and surprise and crash to the floor hard. Star turned to her boyfriend in fear, Janna forgotten as she screamed out a panicked, "Marco!"
Janna, meanwhile, quickly shot out a grappling line from inside her sleeve, where it roughly attached to the ceiling. The string went taunt allowing the young thief to soar over the two agent's heads. She detached the line, tucking into a roll as she hit the ground and soon she was back on her feet once more.
Janna turned, seeing Star checking on her partner, who was more stunned than hurt and didn't even hesitate to shoot out another grapple line which latched onto the forgotten handle of the briefcase, before being zipped back over to her at record speed. Janna caught it with practiced ease, looking smugly over to the pair of agents now shooting her confused but angry glares, and she merely winked and tipped her hat toward them, saying in her typical sarcastic wit, "Thanks for holding onto that for me. But I think I'll be going now."
The thief took off at a run, knowing it would only be a few seconds before the two agents pursued her with a fiery vigor and she needed to put as much distance between her and them as possible. And just as she predicted within seconds Janna heard a loud voice shout, "Hey wait!" and she increased her speed, heading straight for the top floor of the building.
Star helped Marco to his feet before the two quickly ran after the escaping thief, the latter growling under his breath for being outsmarted again by the willy Janna. He ignored the slight heat in his cheeks, keeping his focus entirely on his target, whose head start was doing little to match his and Star's speed, quickly gaining on the girl.
The door to the roof busted open as Janna emerged, running toward the edge with Star and Marco right on her heels. Janna didn't even hesitate as she jumped off the roof, sailing flawlessly through the air before landing on the rooftop of the next building. She turned to give the two a victorious smirk before running away at top speed again.
Marco and Star, however, were far from beaten, the two racing ahead with no fear or hesitation as they too leaped off the building's side, landing on the next roof in perfect synchronization. Janna turned to see the two chasing after her again and she smiled to herself. This was just the challenge she had been hoping for.
The chase across Paris continued, Janna leaping from rooftop to rooftop, with little to no regard for her own safety, even the breakneck drop that waited below and the cold, bitter wind rushing against her face doing nothing to slow her pace. She began trying to dissuade the two agents from following as she took riskier and more dangerous jumps, knowing from experience that Marco would more than likely take the safest route available, rather than risk injury for him or his girlfriend. That boy was always too overly cautious for his own good, something Janna was hoping to use to her advantage.
But for once, Marco didn't seem to be falling back on his safe ways, keeping pace with his target as he precariously threw himself across every gap he came across. Star happily doing the same, looking like she was having the time of her life, chasing after the elusive thief with her boyfriend.
At this point, Marco's lungs and limbs were screaming at him to stop and allow them to rest. But the boy didn't listen, instead pressing them harder to continue. He was going to catch her this time, he was sure of it. And his hopes rose as he saw the row of buildings was soon coming to an end, instead opening up into a near-empty harbor, the light from the moon catching in the gentle waves and causing the water to shimmer and dazzle. That was definitely too far for even Janna to jump.
The girl seemed to notice this as she brought herself to a stop, just inches away from the edge. She turned to face the two agents, who were both huffing and puffing at this point, exhausted from the long trek over the Paris skyline. But they smiled at her with tired but victorious smirks, Star saying in a gasped breath, "Ha, looks like we win! You're trapped!"
"Just give up, Janna, there's nowhere else for you to run," Marco added, his voice low and full of finality.
"Maybe not," the girl said in a soft tone, keeping her face blank, before she smirked and added cryptically, "But maybe I don't have to." Her eyes snapped over to the waiting harbor below, before returning over to the two agents. Star and Marco gave her quizzical looks for a second before they both gasped in shock, realizing what she was saying.
"Wait, you aren't seriously going to try and jump that, are you?!" Star asked in disbelief, her eyes widening some in worry.
"No way, Star, she's just bluffing!" Marco said confidently.
"Are you sure about that?" Janna asked, taking a step closer to the edge, a gust of wind nearly knocking her hat off her head but she stood unmoving against it, bracing herself against its biting chill.
Star looked over to her boyfriend, cupping a hand around her mouth as she whispered to him, "I don't know, Marco. She seems pretty serious."
The boy agent paused, heeding his girlfriend's advice and giving his target a closer examination, taking in Janna's relaxed and almost teasing posture, her eyes showing no sign of hesitance or concern. Marco inwardly cringed, Star was right she was definitely up to something. But he didn't let it show as he again warned the girl, "You can't make that jump, Janna. Just surrender peacefully and things will go easier for you."
Janna cocked her head to the side, making a big show of thinking this over, tapping a finger against her chin in a clearly mocking manner. "Hmm, I don't know. 'Surrender' and 'peaceful' aren't exactly in my vocabulary." Keeping her gaze locked on the two agents she took a step closer to the edge, her foot now partially off the building, a wide smirk growing on her face as she added, "Besides since when have I ever taken the easy route."
Then, without another word, the girl turned and lunged forward, kicking off of the roof with all her might, sending her form flying smoothly through the air. At the same time, Marco lunged for her, hoping to catch her before she was out of reach. "Oh no you don't!" he screamed, his hand reaching out to grab onto her signature cloak. But he was just milliseconds too short, his fingers barely brushing the bright red fabric before it slipped through his fingertips, leaving him touching nothing but air... and falling quickly and precariously toward the waiting water below. Marco let out a high-pitched scream, his arms flailing in a desperate attempt to somehow slow himself, before splashing into the cold moonlit harbor, a spray of water sent hurtling through the air.
Janna, however, remained as calm as ever, holding out an arm and firing off her grappling gun once again, it easily connecting to the side of a building across the stream before yanking her quickly towards it, the trained thief doing a quick flip in the air before landing expertly on the rooftop.
Star, who had watched the whole display from the safety of the nearby building, muttered to herself, "Oh right, grappling hook. Forgot she had that."
Down below, Marco surfaced, coughing and spluttering as he spat out as much water as he could from his lungs, looking shocked and bewildered from the unexpected dive. His spiked hair now lay flat and clung to his head at awkward angles, his form shuddering in the frigid temperature.
Janna looked smugly down to the young agent and then back up to Star before saying, "Well this has been fun, but I got to run." The girl then began making her way across the rooftop, walking smoothly and steadily now that she didn't have to worry about being pursued. She kept her back to them as she waved her goodbye, shouting, "Congrats on the wedding by the way! Make sure to send me some pictures."
Once the girl was out of sight, Star turned her attention back to her boyfriend, asking in concern, "Marco, you okay?"
The boy let out an exhausted sigh. "I'm fine," he said dejectedly.
"You sure?" Star questioned, not looking quite convinced. "Nothing's hurting?"
"Just my pride," the boy admitted, looking sadly off into the distance, the exact direction his target was now headed.
Star gave her fiance a sympathetic look, before adding, "You want me to go after her."
The boy shook his head, slouching forward as his face hardening into an angry scowl. "Nah, there's no point. She's probably long gone by now."
"Okay well, in that case, I'm coming down to help you," Star replied.
Marco's eyebrow raised in confusion, not quite understanding what his girlfriend was implying. "Wait, what do you mean by-" he started to ask, only to be interrupted by a loud shout above, looking up to see Star diving off the building too, letting out a cheer of excitement as she free-fell through the cold, night air.
"Wait, wait, wait, Star don't, it's too cold!" The boy shouted in warning, waving his hands wildly but it was too late as Star splashed down into the bay right next to him, sending a wave of freezing cold water into his face and leaving him spluttering once more. Star surfaced a second later, water dripping from her bangs as she giggled at her Marco's startled face.
The boy let out a few deep breaths, still in shock from being pelted with the icy cold water but soon found himself smiling too, his fiance's laugh too infectious for him to resist. And pretty soon Marco was laughing too, pressing his forehead to Star's and bringing his arms around her, the two floating on the water's surface as one. "You know we're gonna be in big trouble for not catching Janna, right?" Marco reminded Star, though it was light and warm in comparison to just a few minutes ago.
"Aww, we'll get her next time," Star reassured the boy, cupping his cold cheeks in her hands, the warmth of her fingers causing Marco's whole face to tingle. "Besides, I already know where's she heading."
"Wait, you do?" Marco gasped in surprise.
Star gave her boyfriend a quick wink, saying in a flirty tone, "You're not the only one who can gather intel, y'know." Marco continued to give his partner a disbelieving look, not that he should be too surprised. Star was amazing and when she put her mind to it, there was nothing she couldn't do.
"So where's she headed?" Marco asked curiously.
"Welllll, judging by the direction she was going I would say our Scarlet Thief is heading for the train station. It's only like a block away from here and we both know Janna is known to try and skip town the first chance she gets," Star explained, while her fiance just listened in awe. "So all we gotta do is head over there and find out which train she got on."
"How do you know that?" the boy asked, raising a playful eyebrow at his bride-to-be.
Star shrugged. "Reasons," she said vaguely.
"Like?" the boy pressed, giving her a flirty look he knew she couldn't resist.
Star blushed slightly as she replied, "Let's just say I've had my eye on this place for a while now. You may be in charge of planning the wedding, but I'm in charge of the honeymoon."
The boy instantly froze, his face turning a dark shade of red that easily surpassed the color on his tie. He definitely hadn't been expecting that answer and he had to cough into his hand to clear his tight throat, looking away from the beautiful piercing blue of his girlfriend. "Oh yeah, okay, great, that's uhhh... that's great," the boy muttered nervously, Star holding back a giggle at the embarrassed blush on her Marco's cheeks.
Instead, the blond let out a loving sigh, giving her adorable fiance's small form a quick squeeze, as she squealed out, "Aw Marco, your so cute!" But she quickly added in a determined, serious tone, "But we can flirt later! Right now we got a job to do!"
"Yeah!" Marco shouted, pumping a fist into the air, too, before the two shared a quick high five. Just as their hands connected, a motorboat sped by them, sending a wave of freezing cold water washing over them. Both of the highly trained agents froze in place, their hands still touching as Marco muttered behind chattering teeth, "But first things first, let's get out of this water before one of us freezes to death!"
"Agreed," Star replied, her form shaking in perfect sync with her boyfriend's as they both began furiously swimming for shore and hopefully some much-needed warmth.
Janna was able to board the train out of Paris without any complications whatsoever. Mostly due to the fact that Alfonso had purchase Janna a ticket in advance, under his partner's direction, though being sure to give the conductor a fake name since Janna was a very wanted criminal at the moment. The young hacker had shown reluctant at first towards the plan, saying that even with a fake name she could still be recognized and that it would safer to just sneak onboard. But Janna had been quick to argue, saying that Al was just being paranoid and worried too much... which he absolutely did. But despite his concerns, Alfonso had gone ahead with the purchase, making sure Miss Hanna Orlandia had a ticket out of the city.
And just as Janna had predicted, nobody paid her any mind, the conductor barely batting an eye in her direction as he just lazily punched her ticket and sent her on her way. Janna, of course, making a smug comment to Alfonso which caused the boy to groan in annoyance and accept defeat... this time.
From there it had been as simple as stashing the briefcase in one of the storage cars, making sure it was buried under a pile of luggage and wouldn't be accidentally discovered by any noisy passengers, leaving Janna free to enjoy the trip.
She slowly walked through the row of cars looking for her seat, ignoring the irregular shifting beneath her feet as the train carried forth at rapid speed, already fast on its way to her destination. "Sooo that could have gone... better," Al said in her ear, trying to lighten the mood and the girl chuckled.
"Yeah, but we did get to see the power couple so I'd call that a win," she responded, ignoring the weird looks she was getting from the few passengers that went by. "And we just got away scot-free."
"I don't know Janna," Al responded nervously. "This just seemed too easy."
Easy. Yeah for him, maybe, all he had done was sit there and give out directions, Janna was the one who had been in a hot pursuit across Paris with two of the most highly-trained secret agents in the world. "Oh relax Al," Janna replied with a roll of her eyes. He could be so over-dramatic sometimes. "We're fine."
"Yeah, Al relax," came a familiar voice through the earpiece.
"Ferguson! How long have you been up?!"
"Mmm," Ferguson hummed thoughtfully. "Probably about three minutes or so."
"Well if you're up than can you do me a favor and clean the dishes, the sink is full again and it's your turn."
"Whaaaattt nooo," Ferguson whined. "Why can't you do it?"
"Because I'm busy helping Janna," Alfonso explained, sounding exasperated with the discussion already.
"Well let me help Janna and then you can do the dishes," Ferg suggested excitedly.
"No way! I'm not letting you touch my system, you don't know anything about it!" Al argued loudly.
"Aw come on how hard can it be if you do it?"
"Ferg, I said no!"
The speaker quickly filled with the sound of the two wrestling, Alfonso probably trying to push Ferguson back from his expensive and highly breakable equipment. After a few seconds of listening to the annoying grunts of them fighting, Janna pulled out her earpiece, knowing they could go on like this for a while and she was in the mood for some peace and quiet.
She reached her own reserved car, smiling softly to herself as she saw the door was already open, alerting her someone was already inside. And she had a pretty good idea who.
And the moment she stepped inside her smirk widened as her suspicions were proven correct, he was there. He sat with his legs crossed and his arms stretched out on the back of his seat trying to look as casual as possible. His hair was spiked just like she had remembered it and the familiar pink color made Janna inwardly chuckle. He wore a bright red shirt with a star on the front and a long black leather jacket, black gloves with the fingers torn off, and black jeans. His shoes were his typical orange boots. In short, Tom Lucitor looked as great as ever.
He gave her a devilish grin, saying in a smooth tone, "Thought you'd show up, took you long enough, though."
Janna put a hand to her hip and said in the teasing tone she reserved only for her greatest rival, "Aw, Pinkie what a surprise."
The boy's calm demeanor shattered as he growled at the hated nickname. "I told you my hair is salmon!"
"Mmm yeah I'm still gonna call you Pinkie," Janna replied with a shrug, taking the seat across from him.
Tom groaned, crossing his arms in a pouting gesture. "Yep your still as intolerable as ever," he grumbled, rolling his eyes.
"And your still as angry as ever," the girl replied, leaning back in her seat, crossing her legs and resting her hands behind her head. "So what brings you to Paris, the City of Love, don't tell me you've gone all sappy and turned into a romantic."
"You know me better than that, Jan," Tom replied, flashing her a cocky grin. He leaned forward a bit, before saying in a knowing tone, "And I think you already know why I'm here."
Janna smiled. "Yes, but I wanted to hear you say it."
Tom's gaze narrowed slightly before he began in a threatening tone, "I want you-"
"You want me?" Janna interrupted with a mock look of surprise. "Well looks like you are turning into a romantic."
Tom growled angrily under his breath as he spat out through clenched teeth, "I want you to give me the statue."
"What statue?" Janna asked, feigning ignorance.
Tom just rolled his eyes before snapping, "The Golden Dancer! The one you stole from the museum."
"What makes you think I stole anything?" Janna asked, her cryptic tone never ceasing and the smile on her face told Tom that she was very much enjoying herself, much to his annoyance. "Can't a girl visit Paris without having some ulterior motive?"
"Yes, but you're not most girls," Tom stated simply, and for the first time since she had gotten there Janna's cheeks got the slightest tinge of pink.
"Aww, you flatter me, Tom," Janna cooed coyly, winking at him.
"That wasn't a compliment," Tom stated, trying to hide the joy he felt at making her blush. She was so cute when she was blushing, it almost made him forgive how aggravating she could be.
"Yes, it was," Janna said calling his bluff, and Tom felt his cheeks heat up again against his will, growling to try and hide his embarrassment.
Almost. He almost forgave her. But something told him, she wanted it this way, which was why being around her was so frustrating. She always knew just what to say to set him off. "Look are you gonna give me the statue or do I have to make you," he threatened, wanting to just get to the point and get this whole confrontation over with before he was reminded anymore how much he had missed her. His hand slowly moved to his pocket, making sure his movements were subtle enough she didn't pick up on them.
"Hmmm," she hummed, tapping a finger to her chin, clearly thinking it over or at least pretending to. "Yeah no, I don't think so. I stole it fair and square. You want it so bad you should have stolen it yourself." Tom smirked. "Why would I do that, when I got you?" He leaned forward, his malicious grin widening with every word, looking proud of himself for conning the elusive thief. "I followed you all the way, here, y'know. And I didn't even have to try to find you, you made your presence well known. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were slipping Janna." His hand now grasped the electric stun baton from within the confines of his pocket, ready to draw it out and use it to knock his annoying rival out cold. But then Janna did something unexpected, she leaned in closer to him, freezing the boy in place as his heart began hammering in his chest. Soon their faces were just inches apart, Tom looking deep into Janna's brown gaze, a soft, almost sincere look on her face and he wondered if she was actually opening up to him for once. Her fingers began tracing lines on his shirt as she softly whispered, "Or maybe I wanted you to find me."
Tom tried not to shudder as her warm breath tickled his skin. Her lips were so close now, challenging him, teasing him to move in, but no matter how much he wanted to (oh man did he want to) he knew better than to let his guard down around her. "Wh-Why would you do that?" He asked, trying to hide the squeak in his voice.
And then Janna moved in even closer until her lips were almost touching his as she said in the most honest and sincere tone he had ever heard come from her lips, "Cause I missed you, Tom."
The boy gulped but found himself actually moving in for the kiss, all ulterior motives, all scheme, all logic thrown out the window as he attempted to capture that which he had never yet been able to steal: Janna's affection.
But just before their lips brushed, Tom felt a stinging sensation in his side, which then turned into a powerful burning. He let out a yelp of pain as he looked down, only to see Janna had snatched the baton from his pocket and had it pressed into his side, electrocuting him.
"Sorry, Pinkie," he heard Janna say to him in an apologetic tone, but it was distant and fuzzy as his brain began to shut down. "But you know the first rule of dealing with a thief. Never let them get too close."
Tom let out one last growl of annoyance before he lost consciousness, falling back against his seat, asleep.
Janna pulled the device away the second she saw the boy's eyes close and quickly pocketed the device. It was very nicely made, she might have some use for it in the future. For a few seconds, she just stared at his sleeping face, looking so cute and peaceful you couldn't even tell that beneath lie a hotheaded, temperamental thief. He was too much fun to tease when awake, but asleep he was irresistible. Which was why she couldn't help but lean over and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, letting her armor crack for a second as she whispered to his sleeping form, "See you around, Tom."
She stood, stepping back out into the hallway, giving him one last longing look over her shoulder before closing the door to the train car sealing the sleeping teen inside.
Once she had put some distance between her and her unconscious rival, she slipped her earpiece back on, saying smoothly, "Hey Al, what'd I miss?"
"Janna?!" Came the worried, expected shriek of her friend. It was clear he had been panicking for a while now. "What happened? I lost contact with you. Did something go wrong?"
"Nah, not really," the girl lied instantly. "Must have just had a bad signal there for a while."
"Well that's a relief," Alfonso said with a sigh. "For a minute there I was afraid you ran into that hot-headed rival of yours. That would have been a total disaster."
"Wellllll, actually," the girl said in a purposely overly hesitant way.
Alfonso let out a long sigh. "Spoke too soon," he muttered under his breath.
The train pulled into the station an hour later, a crowd of passengers emerging from the train in a hurry, eager to stretch their legs after the long trip. And hiding in plain sight, the thief in red whistled as she strode along, an almost skip in her step as she carried the large briefcase loosely at her side. She made her way to the dock, where a large boat waited for her, giving the captain a wink as she boarded, letting him know it was her and he nodded to tell her he understood. He said something over to one of the crew who ran off to inform them now they were good to go. Not even a minute later the ship was already plowing it's way out of the harbor and heading toward open ocean.
The captain went over to greet her, saying pleasantly enough, "Miss Ordonia, glad to see you made it." His gaze slowly lowered to the briefcase, eying it greedily for a second. "And by the looks of it, your heist was a success."
"Captain Carrots, a pleasure as always," Janna said with a smile. "I trust my colleague already paid you in full."
"Aye yes, your friend already sent us the cash."
"And did he give you my instructions?"
The captain nodded. "Aye, he did."
"Good, then since you know our destination, I'll leave the rest to you," Janna said, going to walk around him but he stepped into her way, blocking her path off.
"Why don't you let me take that off your hands," the captain offered slowly reaching down to grab the briefcase, Janna hearing the greed and desperation in his voice. "Me and my crew will make sure it reaches its buyer safely."
Janna quickly bat his hand away and positioned her body so the briefcase was no longer in his line of sight, wagging a scolding finger at him while clicking her tongue in disappointment. "Nice try, Captain, but I wasn't born yesterday," she said with a smirk, the captain gritting his teeth at her. "And I was given strict instructions by my employer to deliver the statue myself and to make sure I personally handed it over to him. But if you'd like I'd be happy to call and let him know-" Janna made a show of reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone.
"No!" The captain shouted, putting a hand up to try and stop her. Janna gave him a knowing smile as he cleared his throat, continuing much softer, "No that won't be necessary." He plastered on a forced smile that was just priceless to the young thief who was enjoying every second of this, though she made sure not to let it show... not too much at least.
"Good," Janna said, slipping the phone back in her pocket, the superior grin never leaving her face. "Then I'll leave you to your job and you can leave me to mine."
The young thief then pushed her way past the man, leaving the fuming captain alone to rage as she found a seat near the back of the boat, her back literally against the rail that prevented her from falling into the crystal clear waters below her. The second she sat down she felt a lurch as the boat propelled forward at an even faster speed now that they had reached deeper waters, quickly on it's way to Janna's next destination. The girl set the package down at her side, before letting out a relaxed sigh, leaning back in her seat, feeling the cool breeze of the ocean washing over her as she stared out at the picturesque ocean waves for a second.
"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" Alfonso said in her ear.
"What messing with the captain, of course, I did?" The girl admitted, no shame in her tone. "He was trying to con me, so I just let him know who he was dealing with."
"You know, you wouldn't have to do that if you let me hire a law-abiding citizen instead of a dirty, crooked conman."
"Wheres the fun in that? Besides haven't you ever heard the phrase 'honor among thieves'."
"Yes, but the more time I spend with you the more convinced I am that it's a bunch of nonsense," Al deadpanned.
Janna chuckled at that, before saying, "I'll take that as a compliment."
"It wasn't."
"I know."
Alfonso sighed and she heard the distinct sound of the young genius banging his head against his desk (it wasn't the first time one of their conversations had ended that way and the thief was slightly curious if there was an indent in his desk from how many times he had done it). Janna decided to show a little mercy for her friend and change the subject, saying, "Oh relax, Al. Look on the bright side, we got the painting with minimal damage, got to see our favorite power couple, and even managed to get away from Tom unscathed. Sounds like a pretty successful mission to me."
"Yeah," Alfonso agreed halfheartedly. "Guess there is that. Let's just hope we threw that hothead off our track for a while."
Janna smiled thoughtfully to herself, bringing up the mental image of the handsome thief into her mind. "I don't know, something tells me we'll be seeing him again very soon," she replied, unable to resist adding a knowing edge to her tone that the young hacker picked up on instantly.
"Janna, what did you do?" He asked in exasperation, hoping she hadn't done what he feared she had done. Knowing her, it was entirely likely.
Janna didn't reply, just smiling smugly to herself as she stared across the waves at the fading sunset on the horizon, wondering what the next day would bring her, while her head spun with the image of gorgeous red eyes.
Tom was furious the moment he had woken up with a splitting headache and a dry mouth, feeling a bizarre mixture of regret, disappointment, and rage. But mostly rage. And all of it was directed at one soul individual. Stupid Janna! He couldn't believe he had actually fallen for such an obvious trick and he silently cursed himself for actually letting her get too close.
And now here he was, storming through the nearly empty train with a sour scowl on his face. He ignored the few passengers remaining, wanting to just leave without any further complications. Not that he was worried about getting caught since he had swiped a ticket out of some unfortunate soul's pocket when he snuck onboard, he just didn't want to be bothered until he got the chance to cool down. He wasn't sure where he was at this point since he had no clue how much time had passed while he was unconscious, for all he knew he could be in another country, for crying out loud!
Stupid Janna! This was all her fault. If she hadn't tried to-
Tom growled as his cheeks lit up with a blush, willing them back to their normal hue. How could he have been so stupid! He should have known better than to try and actually do that with her. Of course, it was a trick, ugh, how could he be such a moron?!
Suddenly, Tom stopped in his tracks as he spotted a pair up ahead, his heart leaping into his throat as he recognized the well-dressed couple, the boy holding a picture out toward the train conductor while his blond partner practically lay up against him as she stared over his shoulder, these two clearly having no sense of personal space with each other.
Great, Star and Marco were here, as if he didn't have enough to deal with, now he had the two best agents in Acme on his tail and he doubted they'd be all that happy to see him once again. Tom didn't waste any time as he quickly ducked into the empty train car beside him, knowing they were sure to recognize him the moment they spotted him his few run-ins with them memorable enough for him to leave a lasting impression and make him weary from encountering them again. He left the door open only a crack as he listened to the two's conversation while cursing whatever force had decided to give him this string of bad luck.
"Please look closely, sir. Are you certain you haven't seen her, it's very important," Marco asked the conductor, his voice friendly but professional as he pressed the man for more info.
"Hmmm, now that I'm looking at it, I do think I've seen her before, pretty sure she was sharing a car with a young man, I'll go check the books, see if I can find out which car it was," the conductor said, Tom listening as a pair of footsteps faded off into the distance.
Perfect, just perfect, Tom silently groaned. Now those two knew about him! Hopefully, they wouldn't put two and two together-
"Sooo Janna was with a young man, huh? Are you thinking who I'm thinking?" Star said in a knowing tone and Tom winced. Never mind.
"What, Tom?" Marco asked, sounding like he was deep in contemplation. "It could be, but that's a pretty big conclusion to draw Star."
Star scoffed loudly, Tom hearing a light smack (probably the girl lightly tapping her partner's shoulder). "Come on, Marco. It makes total sense. Think about it, those two are always hanging around each other..." Well, she wasn't entirely wrong. "... and you know they can barely keep their eyes off each other." Again, it was true, just not for the reason the blond agent seemed to be drawing.
"So what you think their partners?"
"Well that and also secretly dating," Star added, sounding so proud of herself for figuring it out.
Tom nearly fainted right there, his cheeks filling with so much blood he nearly passed out from blood loss in the rest of his limbs. How could they seriously think he would have any feelings toward his annoying rival other than disgust. But his mind betrayed him, momentarily flashing back to Janna's form slowly moving in for what seemed to be a loving kiss and he vigorously shook his head to relieve himself from the memory, willing down his now racing pulse.
"Dating?" Marco said skeptically. "I mean I guess it's possible..."
"Of course it is!" Star said confidently. "Those two are crazy about each other." She paused before adding in a sappy, loving coo, "Almost as crazy as I am for you."
"Well I don't think anybody could be more in love than I am with you, Star," Marco replied in an equally flirty tone. Tom tried not to gag at the young couple's overly affectionate ways. Could these two be any cheesier?
"Aww Marco, you are too sweet!" Star squealed. She sounded more like a lovesick teenager than a highly trained agent.
The boy let out a long, disheartened sigh as he muttered, "But y'know, I still can't believe I fell for her tricks again!"
Marco face-palmed, flushing in embarrassment as the previous events of the night came back to him, looping through his head and making him feel more and more ridiculous with every cycle. "Why is Janna always one step ahead of us! Every time I think about what happened, I just feel like an idiot." He buried his head in his hands with an audible groan, while out of sight of the two Tom was nodding in agreement and annoyance. He could totally relate.
Star gave her boyfriend a sympathetic look, seeing just how badly he needed cheering up. Luckily, the blond knew just what to do to help. She gave Marco a flirty grin, grabbing onto his tie and lightly pulling him towards her, causing the boy to let out a startled squeak, their faces now mere inches from touching. "Well, I think I know a way to get your mind off of that," she whispered coyly, causing a shudder to jump up Marco's spine.
"Starrr," Marco muttered in embarrassment, his eyes jumping around the empty train car, making sure they were, in fact, alone. "This isn't a good time, we're on a mission, remember? What if someone sees us?"
But Star didn't seem to be giving up, simply replying seductively, "Let em look. I've been waiting to kiss my future husband all day and I'm not waiting any longer." With that, Star moved in for the kill, her fiance's lips about to be captured and claimed by her once more.
Meanwhile, the disgusted Tom was busy debating on either staying quiet or slamming the door open and turning himself in (both of which had some major cons) when the voice of the conductor suddenly cut into the moment, much to Tom's relief, saying pleasantly to the two agents, "Okay I think I found it."
Tom could hear a small shout from the two, followed by noisy shuffling as they obviously pulled apart from each other. The thief could hear a loud cough from Marco (probably trying to clear his tight throat) as he said in a forced, formal tone, "Uhh, good. T-That's excellent news, sir."
There was a pause before the conductor asked, "Am I interrupting something?"
"No!" the young couple shouted much to quickly and Tom couldn't help but smirk from his hiding spot. Geez, why were they acting all embarrassed? Weren't they about to be married or whatever? "Anyways, what'd you find out?" Marco asked, clearly trying to change the subject.
"Well according to the record, someone with your description purchased a ticket in advance under the name of Hanna Orlandia," the conductor explained.
Star scoffed loudly, saying in a disappointed tone, "Really, that's the name she went with? Come on, Janna you're more clever than that."
"Star, don't compliment our criminal," Marco scolded.
"I'm just saying, that's kinda a lazy fake name," Star said, defensively.
"Oh yeah, and what would your fake name have been?" Marco asked his girlfriend in a playful tone.
"I don't know maybe something cool like Carmen or something."
"Ummmm, did you want me to go on or-" the conductor asked hesitantly.
"Oh yeah, right," Marco said in realization. "Continue."
"Well, she was staying in train car 15 along with a young man with pink hair." Tom had to suppress the growl he felt rising in his throat. It was salmon, not pink? Why did nobody ever get that?!
"Ah hah!" Star exclaimed in victory. "Told you it was Tom!"
"Yeah, guess you were right. I mean, i don't really know too many guys with pink hair," Marco replied in agreement. Salmon!
"Can you take us to their car? Maybe they left behind a clue or something," Star asked, the conductor immediately complying, saying, "Right this way."
Tom listened intensely as the sound of footsteps retreated deeper into the train, fading into the distance, along with Star's long rant to her boyfriend about how he and Janna were clearly dating and working together (which he did his best to ignore). He waited until they were completely out of earshot before pulling the door to the train car open, doing a quick check left and right before smirking and making his way over to the exit.
Once he was outside on the narrow streets of some unknown city, he picked a random direction and started walking, needing to put as much distance between himself and the two agents as he could. That had been a close one, much closer than Tom liked, but at least he hadn't had to deal with Star and Marco directly. He still had bruises from their last encounter, those two packing a big punch despite their appearance... especially when working as a team. No, as annoying and inconvenient as it had been, it could still have turned out much worse for him.
Sure they knew he had been there, but they wouldn't find anything. That much he was sure of since he had made sure to leave nothing behind that could be used to track him, despite the blinding rage he had felt after-
Tom let out a low growl as the memory of earlier entered his mind, anger filling his chest once again. Right, he had almost forgotten about stupid Janna and her stupid tricks. Why had he even followed her there in the first place? Hadn't he learned by now to steer clear of Janna and her obnoxious, charming ways? All she ever did was make trouble for him. What had he been thinking?
The boy roughly shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, trying to ignore the obvious answer that kept popping into his mind, refusing to admit just how badly he had wanted to see her again. He paused though, as his fingers brushed up against something. Tom came to an immediate stop as he dug around in his pocket, his fingers tightening around what felt like some sort of ticket or something before pulling out a small slip of paper. Tom stared at it stunned for a moment, knowing instantly who it was from. There was only one person who could have slipped this into his pocket without him knowing, presumably when he was unconscious. Finally, after a few more seconds, he slowly unfolded the note, confusion pinching his eyebrows as he read the soft, delicate handwriting, his heart thumping once against his will. Can't wait for our next date. See you in Venice, Pinkie. -Love, the Scarlet Thief
For a few moments, all Tom could do was read and re-read the note over and over again, his cheeks pooling with more and more blood every time his eyes crossed the words 'Pinkie' or 'Love'. Finally, after several minutes of contemplation, Tom silently folded the note back up, slipping it back into his pocket.
He just stood there for another moment, letting the words sink in, his gaze slowly turning to the rising sun over on the horizon, its bright colors seeming to be a perfect representation of his heart right now. Glowing.
And then Tom did something he almost never did, he let all his barriers drop, allowing himself a long, warm smile. But this was not just any smile, this was the widest, goofiest, most lovestruck smile that had ever crossed his features, one only those who were hopelessly and passionately in love could conceive. And despite how annoying and obnoxious and difficult Janna Ordonia the Scarlet Thief could be... Tom would be lying if he said he wasn't excited to know he would be seeing her again very soon.
Hope you enjoyed! Jantom is impossible for me to resist and I had to put in my daily dose of Starco or it just wouldn't feel right to me. So I might continue this someday in the future but for now I'm keeping it as a one-shot. I just don't have enough time at the moment to make more (plus I don't really have any more ideas for heists or whatever) but if you want you are welcome to send me ideas for it in case I ever do continue. Like I said no promises.
Anyways that'll do it for me, hope you have a great week and stay safe and healthy! Stay awesome, Stardom! Especially all you Jantom shippers out there ;)
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peachbabypie · 5 years
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Exchanging of Hearts — A Steampunk!Starker AU Patreon Commission for @starkravingspiders​ and a scene from their steampunk AU!Starker fic (that they’re currently writing) which they’ve graciously shared with me to share with you! It’s so sweet and pure and good — and then head over to their blog and tell them how amazing they are
Please support me on Patreon or Ko-fi
Peter wasn’t entirely sure how he ended up here.
When he ran into Tony a few days ago, nothing had gone how he thought it would.
Most people would have made sure he was okay and that his dress hadn’t ripped. That would have been it. Not Tony though. Instead, the beautiful man had practically kidnapped him for the rest of the day, including dragging him to his panel which Peter had no business being a part of. Tony, however, didn’t care. He had kept engaging Peter in some of the questions and surprisingly, it had worked.
Tony was amazing but he was also a billionaire with a lot of money he could use to play around with for tech.
Meanwhile, Peter’s mechanical creations were made via dumpster diving or thrift shops. Having him at the panel seemed to get Tony more involved in technical questions than he usually got at one of these Pop culture conventions. Of course, some people still only showed up for Tony Stark, owner of SI, even if he didn’t manage the company at all. However, a lot of people were there for the technical and costuming questions of steampunk.
The following morning, Peter woke up to Tony invading his hotel room under the guise of wanting to play with all his tech. Peter suspected he just wanted to lay claim to Peter before anyone else did but he didn't mind at all.
He kicked Tony out of the room and dressed himself carefully. He also grabbed a little piece of tech he’d actually made a long time ago but  had only gotten inspired to add something to it the day before. He had been following Tony’s Steampunk creations and poured over photos of him online for two years and the one thing he had noticed about Tony Stark? He always, for every single one of his outfits, wore a strange locket with a triangle on it in blue.
So, a year ago Peter had made a mechanical heart. It glowed the same gentle blue color and had sensors that would beat with the heartbeat of whoever wore it.
The night he met Tony though? He had been inspired and changed the design. He made a matching ring and synced the ring wearer's pulse with that of the mechanical heart.
Whoever wore the mechanical heart would feel Peter's own heartbeat and there was no one else he wanted to give his heart to than Tony Stark.
He stashed his creation in one of his little pouches but hadn’t gotten up the courage to give it to Tony.
“Hey, sweetheart, what’s got you off in the fields?” Tony’s voice broke him out of his thoughts.
Peter couldn’t stop the besotted smile that crossed his face when Tony’s arm went around his waist. He leaned into the other man and shrugged ever so slightly.
“Just thinking. I never really expected any of this and I’m still not sure if I should be up here on stage with you, Tony! These people are very serious about their judging rules.” He reached out and gently traced along one of the buttons that decorated Tony’s chest, a delicate T stamped into the cool metal.
“It’s fine, beautiful. Everyone knows you're here to keep me company because I’m easily distracted,” Tony murmured softly to him. He tightened his hold and brought Peter closer, pressing a soft kiss into his hair.
Peter blushed darkly, it was amazing... He and Tony hadn’t even had a real official first kiss and already, their relationship felt deeper and more meaningful than anything in his whole life. They hadn’t even really talked about a relationship either but Peter knew there was something so deep and true blooming between them.
“Tony,” he admonished gently and shuddered a bit as Tony’s chuckle was felt more than heard from where he was pressed against the other man.
“Now, sweetheart, what kind of tech do you have in this little bag of yours? I saw a glowing bit of blue.” Tony asked gently, fingering the soft leather bag he had in his hand.
Peter bit his lip, eyes traveling to where the costume contestants were being told the route they would walk prior to getting to the stage and the judges. He was intimately aware of all the eyes resting on him and Tony. Also, this really wasn’t the place, but...
“Well, I wanted to give this to you, but I keep chickening out,” he said softly as he gently held the little pouch in his hands.
Should he?
He glanced up and saw that same soft look in Tony’s eyes that made something inside him melt. It also strengthened his resolve and without caring who was watching, Peter gently opened the bag and put his hand in, not yet pulling out the little mechanical heart.
Tony brushed a hand over the fringes of some of his hair that fell over his forehead, pushing them back into place.
“Something for me? You don’t need to be worried, love, I’d adore anything from you.” His voice was soft and gentle and Peter just wanted to listen to Tony talk to him forever.
Very gently, Peter pulled out the heart and turned his hand over. The little golden heart, glowing blue, rested in his palm. He could feel the beating pulse against his palm, a bit rushed because of his anxiety.
He designed it so that it could either be worn on a chain around Tony’s neck or have straps added to either side to be attached to Tony’s chest. He bit his lip nervously as Tony’s hand covered his gently. “Sweetheart?” Tony questioned softly, feeling the beating against his hand. Soft and quick, like a bird wanting to escape its confines. His hand was warm against Peter’s and Peter knew his cheeks were bright red.
“It’s… It’s my heart?” Peter said, almost like a question.
He was terrified of Tony’s reaction and suddenly wondered if he had read everything completely wrong. His eyes were burning as he met Tony’s eyes again and was surprised to find the older man was now staring at him in wonder.
He looked back down and was surprised to see Tony’s hand hovering over the little mechanical heart as if he was afraid to crush it, like it was something precious and alive. As if he was cupping an entire life in his hands. His blunt, scarred fingers rested on it gently as if feeling out the heartbeats.
“Peter, honey, is this your heartbeat in real time?” Tony’s voice was pitched so low and awed that Peter couldn’t help but blush again. He motioned to his ring.
“My ring is a sensor and transmits it to the heart. So when you wear it, you’re wearing my heart. Please take care of it?” He asked lightly, but his words held a heavy note to them.
Tony stared into his eyes and Peter waited anxiously for a moment before Tony took the heart with a tender hand.
“Sweetheart, this…” Tony sounded choked up and Peter was surprised that his eyes looked a bit damp. “I’ll treasure this until my last breath. I’ll... fuck... Pete, honey, I’ll keep it safe from anyone who wants to hurt it. I’ll treasure it more than my own heart.” Tony’s voice was thick but Peter could hear the echo of his own words in it. “I hope you don’t regret giving me your heart, precious.”
Peter shook his head, no hesitation, and smiled tenderly as Tony nuzzled into him and pressed another kiss to his hair. “Never, Tony. It’s safe with you, I can tell. I’ll never regret giving you my heart.”
“Well, now that our real life love story moment is over, maybe we can get our costume contest started?” A voice over the speakers brought them out of their soft moment and Peter’s face flushed darkly again at seeing the MC staring at them with a smile. There was a round of applause as Tony led Peter over to sit next to him at the judges' table, left hand still gently cupping the heart like a treasure.
Later, Peter would be helping Tony pack up his booth for the night and watched in shock as Tony stripped off his outer layers and then his shirt. Using some thick straps, he secured the heart right against his chest above his own heart. He promised Peter he’d carry it against his heart until he died.
After that, people got used to seeing a soothing blue light emitting from under Tony’s clothes, in and out of fancy dress wear. And Tony, himself? He never got over the feeling of Peter’s heart beating against his.
xx Gosh, wasn’t that just so fucking cute?
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Hi! Do you have a recommendation list for Pricefield fics?
How did you know that I’ve been waiting for somebody to ask me this question?
The Life is Strange ficdom is wonderful, in part because I think the canon leaves so many spaces for exploring alternate universes, “what-if” scenarios, and just generally lots of places for an inspired author to use canon as a jumping-off point to tell a really great story.
What draws me to a fic, personally, is a combination of an interesting premise, strong and faithful characterization, and of course the addition of spicy Pricefield (as well as other ships too sometimes). Keeping in mind that there are some fics which are very very good and also popular, I’ve left off some of these in order to prioritize stories that are maybe a little bit less well-known, but equally deserving of praise in my eyes.
Note that this list is far from comprehensive! There is so much talent here that I couldn’t possibly capture it in one list alone. So don’t be too surprised if I do another one of these lists sometime soon. With that said, let’s goooo!!
Black Swan by Lyta HalifaxLength: extremely long (over 300k!)Complete?: YesSummary: An epic longfic that re-interprets Life is Strange as a spy-action-thriller with superpowers, extensive world building and Max being a highly-trained, time-travelling, world-saving badass. Definitely a huge influence on me in terms of world building for the Everyday Heroes-verse. Some really good slowburn Pricefield in there too. The absolute scale of this story is mind-blowing, it’s clearly a passion project and well worth the deep dive, IMHO.
The Blue Baron series by Got_Well_SoonLength: Medium-Short (12-16k per story; less than 50k overall)Complete?: YesSummary: A truly delightful AU set in the 1920s during WWI, Max and Chloe are fighter pilots. Romantic and sweet in equal measure, the later fics in the series explore life in the ‘20s as a queer woman in New York City, and are well-researched, charming, and shockingly in-character despite the change in era and setting. This is one of my faves and it deserves way more recognition!
Biting Down by venividivigorLength: Short (Complete?: YesSummary: Remember the gay pool scene from episode 3? Of course you do. Picture that scene, but cuter and softer and gayer. Yeah. That’s this fic.
How to Live Here series by explosionshark and TippyTypewriterLength: Medium-long (~80k+)Complete?: Prequel stories are complete; main fic is still in-progressSummary: AmberPriceField (surprise! OT3!) with just, insanely good writing and feels. Plenty of angst and Chloe being a human trainwreck, but also soft feelings and witty banter. Did I mention the writing? explosionshark might have some of the best prose I’ve read, in this or any fandom.
The World is Not Enough by orphan_accountLength: Medium (50k)Complete?: NoSummary: It pains me to include this but I couldn’t help myself. The awesome James Bond AU collab fic (I’m pretty sure OpheliaMarina was one of the authors? but i’m not 100% sure anymore) that was too good for this world. Amazing story, thrilling action sequences, spicy ship moments, Chloe in a suit… sadly it’s deadfic, so we’ve just gotta appreciate what we have, in all its magnificent incompleteness.
Imaginary Max by VengeSimLength: Medium (60k)Complete?: YesSummary: Really cool and unique premise involving Max as Chloe’s imaginary friend (sort of… it’s complicated and yes there’s time travel involved). Features Pricefield as well as Amberprice, hits all the notes for good premise, story, characterization, etc.
The Girls Who Broke The World series by GeneralIrritationLength: Long (60-100k per fic; ~170k overall)Complete?: YesSummary: This story, more than almost any other fic I’ve read, really captures the feel of the original Life is Strange and building on the strange world of Season 1. I binge-read over the course of a single night, unable to put it down. It’s a fantastic page-turner, not to mention the tension between Chloe and Max is just delicious. Also, private-eye Chloe in a newly-revitalized Arcadia Bay is something I didn’t know I needed until now.
…Aaaaand that’s all I’ll allow myself to do for now, hopefully you all will enjoy these stories as much as I did. If you do, make sure to leave the authors a comment! Have fun & happy shipping!
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queercapwriting · 6 years
As problematic as pride can be (and is), it kinda makes me sad that I'm missing every event in my area this year bc it can be really nice being around other members of the community, you know? I was wondering if (and only if you want to/have time of course) you could maybe write a fic where Alex and/or Maggie and/or Adrian can't attend pride and is kinda bummed? If it doesn't inspire or isn't something you're into though, no worries!
“It’s just a corporate excuse to profit off our oppression,” Maggie shrugs as she sips her coffee, eyes fixed down on the table.
“Like you said about Valentine’s Day?” Alex counters gently, her hand on Maggie’s knee and the softness of her voice quelling the potential harshness of the words.
“Danvers, I meant what I said about Valentine’s Day.”
Alex nods, understanding what she hadn’t a year ago. “I know you did. And I know you mean what you’re saying about Pride. How it’s corporate, and how it prioritizes privileged bodies over others, and all that. I know. And I’m not dismissing that. But it also matters. It also presents opportunities -- for better or worse -- to create something beautiful out of it. Kind of like Valentine’s Day does. It can be what we make it.”
“Except we can’t,” Maggie sighs, and Alex tilts her chin up with delicately strong fingers.
“Of course we can, Mags. Just because you’re going to be away at a training and can’t do Pride events this year doesn’t mean you have to have to be lonely. I mean, you can be lonely. It’s understandable. And I don’t have to go to any -- “
“No! No. You should. I want you to. You and the others should go, and have a great time, I don’t want -- “
“Okay. Okay. But Maggie, I just... you can be sad. You can hate Pride and love it at the same time, and you can be sad that you can’t go to things this year. You’re allowed. I promise.”
“My feelings are real and all that, huh?” Maggie’s tone is sarcastic, but a smile is starting to pull at her lips.
“Something like that, Sawyer,” Alex murmurs as she leans in to kiss her, slow and tender and just a little bit sexy.
Maggie moans softly into her mouth, and Alex’s heart skips a beat.
“I love you,” Maggie whispers.
“I love you, too. Forever,” Alex promises.
“Awwwww, look at my two favorite lesbians, being all cute and lesbiany,” a voice interrupts from their doorway.
“Hi, Ade,” Maggie grins without turning around, as Alex gives her another kiss before getting up to hug him.
“I was gonna come in wrapped in a trans pride flag -- I was actually considering wearing that and nothing else, but you know, decency laws or something -- but I hear you’ve gotta ship off to some stupid training?”
Maggie sighs as she gets up to hug him, too. “It’s actually not stupid this time; I’m running a few workshops on LGBTQ+ sensitivity with Gotham PD, but you can tell how much they need it -- despite working with Batwoman, I mean damn -- because the jerks thought it would be fitting instead of a scheduling nightmare to put it during Pride Month.”
Adrian groans and pouts. “I’m sorry, Mags. There’s no way you can get them to -- “
“Ughhhh. Do you... do you want us to travel to Gotham with you? Screw other people, we can have all the Pride parties we want in your hotel room -- “
“No, kid, you’re sweet, but Alex already offered -- “
“Oh, I see, I don’t wanna interrupt your lesbianing -- “
“Where’s the lie.”
“You two! Ade, Alex already offered, but I said no.”
“Yeah. I want you two to have fun with everyone, I guess... eh, it’s whatever.”
“No it’s not whatever!”
“Maggie. You’re literally the one who taught me -- both of us, I feel like -- that you’re not allowed to dismiss your own feelings. You guess what? What do you need? It’s okay to tell us, Maggie. We love you.”
“What the kid said, babe.”
Maggie rolls her eyes at her two favorite people before taking a deep breath and diving.
“I guess I need... comfort? Which feels stupid, because feeling sad and left out to begin with feels stupid, but -- “
“Mode of comfort?” Adrian interrupts.
“What mode of comfort do you prefer? You leave tonight, right? So, do you want pizza and beer and bad cop shows, or a picnic, or a sparring session, or some weird combination, or sexy times with Alex that I will gladly vacate for -- “
“The lie is where?”
“I... is it still raining out?” 
Adrian nods.
“Pizza and beer -- for us, not for you, young man -- and bad cop shows? And um...”
“Cuddles?” Alex and Adrian supply at the same time.
“Cuddles,” Maggie confirms, in awe at these two people who love her like she’d never dreamed she could be loved, like she’d never dreamed she deserved to be loved.
But god, Pride or no Pride, do they make her feel like she deserves it.
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