#So I guess
filmbropilled · 8 months
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he thought Saw (2004) was for 3 movies only!!!! he MAD!!!!!
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wormtimenow · 7 months
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Harriet Walter as Harriet Vane my beloved
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pixiefeatherkw3 · 8 months
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cool burd poses and expressions practice!
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gregrulzok · 1 year
Being autistic and punk at the same time is so funny
Like hell yea fuck authority, anyway if I don't have a specific ruleset to follow in any given social interaction I think I'll explode
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fauxbia · 1 year
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slugcat design lineup yippeeeee it took me way too long to get around to making this
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jollyreginaldrancher · 6 months
More realistic Yellowjackets hcs
•Van is squeamish af. She nearly threw up when just talking about Allie's leg in the pilot, and she almost throws up everytime you finally get to pick a movie and you go for a horror thing.
• Shauna would be one of those girls that could never pick what to eat. She would drag you to hell and back before she'd finally just go with one of the same three restaurants she always chooses. Even though she always picks the same she still wants you to suggest every place in town before she reaches a conclusion.
• Nat and Van overshare with each other. If you're with either one of them you will get smug looks from the other.
• Nat and Van also share their porn stash. Van has the decency to hide it but Nat just leaves her magazines on her night stand. You only ever knew she shared them with Van because you saw one of their trades. Nat tucked a folded up mag into the back of her pants. Van hid hers in the bottom of her schoolbag. You cringed so hard when you realised that's what they were doing. Nat stole them during a house party and Van let curiosity get the better of her and long story short they'd been trading them all year until you found out and used the rolled up magazine to beat Natalie over the head with.
• Van absolutely tries to build a house out of breadsticks every time you take her out to a restaurant for dinner.
• She tries to make an igloo out of waffles.
• You're on the team, on Away games and you share a room with Nat. She climbs on the bed and rocks it back and forth making it squeak and makes moaning sounds when you're on the phone with your mom. If Van is there she will join in but she will be blushing the whole time.
• Trying to get closer to Taissa involves being forced to take part in her morning constitutionals. Only her morning constitutionals involve 45 minute morning runs. And her legs are so long you are constantly trailing behind, and with her, everything is a competition so she straight up leaves you in the dust. You've gotten lost in her neighbourhood multiple times when she's left you behind to run ahead.
• Jackie's inviting you to weeknight dinners with her parents and expecting you to sit idly by while they passive aggressively destroy your confidence. She gives you yours back though after dinner when she lets you top her on her frilly bedsheets.
• Jackie makes you leave her house after dinner, get in your car, drive to the house next door, out of sight, then sneak back and climb up to her window to hit it.
• Sitting in a pew in the back of Laura Lee's church, your hand resting on the stretch of wood between you. You scratch your chin and return it absentmindedly only to find her hand is also resting between you...her pinkie is close enough to touch. You breathe heavily as you ghost your finger against it only for her to react by parting her fingers. Not a lot, but just enough to interlink your pinkies. Your heart is thumping so loud you swear the whole congregation is aware of it. You stare forward, your eyes glazed over as the priest chants Κύριε Ελέησον.
• After church one day, you hang back with Laura Lee as your parents all mingle with other members of the church. The two of you climb to the second floor, way in the back, and lie down on one of the pews, head to head. You look up at her, and she looks up at you and smiles. It's the same pious smile she always gives you but this time you swear her gaze fixes on your lips a moment.
Her parents call her over to go home and she sits up abruptly and waves at you as she bounces nervously away.
• Akilah spends most of her free time with family. Her older sister and her husband both work, so she and her mom get saddled with babysitting her nephew a lot. She sits around the house watching tv and doing homework with a baby on her lap most days. She's supposed to put him down but he's sooooo cute she just can't bring herself to.
When he's a little older, you two sneak him his first bit of chocolate. Well, less sneak, more he reaches over and shoves your entire ice cream down his throat at six months. He doesn't get to the cone before Akilah pulls him away but half your scoop is gone with him. Akilah apologises profusely but you just laugh. She offers to buy you another ice cream and you suggest a rain check. Your first date is an ice cream date when she's no longer grounded for letting him have ice cream at six months. He was fine though.
• Mari doesn't have nieces or nephews yet but she has so many cousins and they all get together and play soccer at family get-togethers. She is not the only one in that family who's on a soccer team but she's the only one who's going to nationals so the competition is stiff with all her cousins competing against her to prove they're all just as good. You may not be the best but she starts dragging you to all of these get togethers so the two of you can ratio her entire family together.
She normally wears jumpers and ties her hair up and stuff but her family notices that she dresses in way more form-fitting clothes and lets her hair down when you start coming to these things and ALL make fun of her for it. I'm talking little baby cousins who look up at her and make kissy faces behind your back and you feel a breeze when you turn your head, and hear the thud of a couch cushion hitting a seven year old at full force.
Oh no, her cousin spilled some juice on you now. Guess she has to bring you to her room, alone, and give you something to change into. You hear another Thwack behind your back as she ushers you down this hallway to the back.
A few cousins grin at you both through the window so she rushes to shut the blinds... She's red as fuck at this point. You're in her room and it's the designated coat room so she pushes a big pile of coats off to the side so you can sit down. She rummages through her closet and finds something that's lowkey a little revealing but she realises her whole family will see you in this so she reaches for a turtleneck instead. It's way too hot though so she just grabs a yellowjackets tee and hands you that and pretends to look around her own room while you change.
• She sniffs it when she gets it back.
• Melissa wears her hat backwards so she can be more easily identifiable as a skater. She's the only girl skater in the school but she doesn't get that much shit for it because she's also a jock on the soccer team that's going to nationals.
• She absolutely tries to rizz you up while skating around you.
• She absolutely loses her focus and eats shit while trying to hit on you.
• You give her your number out of pity.
• She writes your number down on her arm and then uses that part of her arm to wipe the sweat off her brow.
• You realise she's not playing dumb for the bit but you give her a shot anyway. You spend a disproportionate amount of time applying bandages on her and talking her off dumb stunts.
• Had there been any flat surfaces in the wilderness she could have used to skate on, she would have been the first to die.
• Gen...fuck it I don't know shit about Gen. Maybe she's a ninja. Yeah.
• latchkey kid with one of those dogs that's small enough to fit in a bag. It's fluffy and smol. She brings it on dates and feeds it breadsticks when her date isn't looking.
• Gen likes to dress that dog up in funky little outfits. Sometimes she matches it. Has a box full of pictures of her dressing her dog up.
• Misty can and will drag you into the equipment room for some alone time at school.
• Still plays doctor. Doesn't realise that the objective is not to heal the patient but to get close to the patient and feel them up. On the upside she has a full nurse costume. Not a sexy nurse costume, an accurate replica of a nurse costume. So accurate she's banned from wearing it at the local free clinic. Because 12 year old Misty tried to wear it to the clinic the way kids wear princess costumes to Disneyland.
• Van and Natalie subscribe to the sniff test. These jeans Nat's wearing were at the bottom of her used clothes pile but it doesn't matter because they passed the sniff test. Can Van pull off wearing that hoodie for a third day in a row? Yes, because it passed the sniff test. Sniff test.
• Van and Nat have burping contests outside Denny's at 3 am.
• Misty goes to sleep at 8pm every night. Even Laura Lee thinks that's way too early and she has a strict self-imposed bedtime at 10:30.
• Jackie's skincare routine takes the better part of the night.
• Shauna makes you sleep on the floor because she kicks in her sleep and it's her bed so...
• Lottie can come up with an excuse for shit at the drop of a hat. Usually it's excuses for why you shouldn't leave her house and why you should stay over. Lately she's been using excuses to get away from you though and it's worrying you. Nevermind she just wanted space to throw you a surprise party. Wholesome ass.
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emotionaldisaster909 · 8 months
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Today’s episode was heartbreaking
We’ve seen so much of Xie Lian’s pain
So much of the fall of XianLe
But now
Will you tell me that it was all his fault?
The “consequence of his actions”?
So what should we blame him for?
For being a child against the most powerful and cruel ancient evil?
The one that lived 1000 years, destroyed all the gods and deceived the entire world?
Or was he too stubborn and not listened to other people?
Well let me tell you
Who should he have listened to?
That very evil that told him not to try and help his people?
His guoshi who knew everything and told him nothing but to sacrifice an innocent child in “penance” to that very evil?
Should he have crushed all youngans in one go, kill the poor starving people, led to desparation?
Should he have told his own desperate people that their cure was in murder and watch the inevitable massacre?
The only thing
The only thing that he should have seriously done differently
His biggest, most fatal mistake
He did
He listened to his father.
The King of Xian Le.
When at the very beginning of it all they had an argument
Where Xie Lian insisted they should melt his golden statues and let the starving homeless people into his shrines
That’s EXACTLY what they should’ve done, but they did not
Because guess what the father said
We can’t. Because we did not build the shrines and the statues.
People of Xian Le did.
Do you want to disregard your people by doing that?
Knowing VERY WELL that he is talking about THE ROYALTY OF XIAN LE.
And who might very much not know the intricacies behind the ruler’s chambers.
Because Xie Lian
He was raised to be a Martial God.
To fight demons and grant wishes.
And his son had to
To come deal with his mess
You can try blaming Xie Lian for not listening to the prayers from that part of Xian Le.
But he did not NOT listen.
Because the prayers system of “the ritcher - the louder” is inherently corrupt.
And growing up in a wealthy capital
Xie Lian must’ve not even SUSPECTED that there’ll be a part of his country so poor that no offerings would be enough for him to hear the prayers.
He did not know.
There’s no way he didn’t.
Yet does anyone
Does anyone in the book
And outside, anyone of the readers
Ever thought to blame him?
Not even once have i seen this take.
Not even i realised it until recently. Thanks to my dear friend @3luecactuz
And why?
Because Xie Lian tells us the story.
And he himself
Completely believes
That it was all his fault.
When his only real fault was in not standing his ground
Agains the only person
Who held authority in his eyes.
Who was the authority in his life from the very beginning of it.
Who, no matter the future arguments, was the person he loved.
His father.
In the face of the greatest crisis he’s ever seen
Under the pressure to make the right choice for so many innocent lives
He gives in and listenes to a person who he not only inherently trusts
But who objectively had much more experience and knowledge than him
Who’s flaws he has not yet seen clearly enough. And never will.
Because this person raised him to be
And he failed.
Because no one is perfect.
And he believed in it in the wrong time and place. He gave in.
Decided to look for another solution.
And gave the evil orchestrating his demise just enough time to pull the first string.
Of many.
So tell me.
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Really, tell me.
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Did he deserve this?
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Should he have listened more?
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Should he have?
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Or maybe
Just maybe
He needed someone
Who could have told him
To do what he thinks is right.
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mortal-kingss · 1 year
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won’t you indulge him?
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excessive-moisture · 1 year
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the swap
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altdeldraw · 11 days
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i actually have already finished firebender commie but i wanna post him along with authright so i'm gonna fill in the time with this old authunity doodle teehee
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slea-slug · 8 days
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They finally went outside and touched grass. (I found a new brush to outline with. You WILL see me switching to my old one randomly)
Pebbles’ orange thingy got ripped up. Still coming up with why.
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sonicaspeed123 · 2 years
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cakedpie-pathologic · 4 months
This one coming straight from the dream journal
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I was Clara from Pathologic 2 and was in a school? I walked into the science class because Alexander Saburov asked me to do something. So I walked in, and the whole class was full of plague clouds, and I was at maximum infection. So I had to stand in one plague cloud and then see what happened to me. So I stayed in it for 2 seconds and died, but when I died, I gained a new element from the periodic table?
When I looked at the periodic table, Ni (nickel) was a radioactive element with an oxidation number of +2. So all the plague clouds were filled with radio activity, and Clara was somehow a single atom.
Then I appeared in the hallway of the school, so I walked back to the class but found Eleven from stranger things and her name was Markwood??? Or was it Mirthwood? Markweed... I think it was Markweet. yeah. I tried talking to her, but to no avail, and she said like "Clara, I know you're here, please talk to me," and then I had a prophetic dream of Eleven standing in a field (kind of looked like Clara this time though), and she was blindfolded and going like "Clara, speak to me! You told me to wait here, so where the hell are you!!!"
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randomapplekey · 4 months
I was working on Hermitcraft animatic but then saw an animatic of The Amazing Digital Circus, which inspired me to make a Hazbin Hotel animatic.
(I told my friend imma make a quick stickman animatic just so I can show them my idea)
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boncottontail · 10 months
People discovering Cellbit and his beauty and coining him as “the gender jesus guy” was not on my bingo card but here we are.
I mean, they aren’t wrong.
But as someone who started watching Cellbit around the time he joined the QSMP, I kind of just got used to him being a looker after the initial shock. Sometimes I forget he’s conventionally attractive lol
Seeing people being flabbergasted by how handsome he is still is very amusing though.
(Not even including the extremely well known fact that every Mexican CC ever called him handsome as fuck, which, like, is true, but it is kind of funny to see them all saying the exact same thing lol)
(There’s a reason why Roier and Cellbit are called GUAPODUO by the way)
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zeebreezin · 1 month
One of my favorite facts about Vivian is despite the fact that she styles herself as a high brow sophisticated lady, her go-to weapon is a Martini-Henry. Not a fancy, custom made rifle - a standard army issue, with her wedding ring tied to the gun’s strap. Something simple, efficient, and yes, quite a bit more common then she lets on.
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