#So That they can center the act on men bottoming. which is super annoying
phoenixfangs · 5 months
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theres no need for debate. she said this herself
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anonil88 · 4 years
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
My Dear Apprentice - Anakin!Skywalker x fem!reader - Chapter 5. PART ONE!
Anakin's pov
*One week later*
"And you're sure you can handle this?"
The obnoxious girl walking in front of me turns her head backwards to meet my question with a smile.
"Well of course! What, you're worried about my safety, huh?"
So optimistic... Especially considering this is her first task. It's not a complicated one, at least that's what I'm guessing since the council directly went to her and asked if she felt ready, with my guidance, of course. And I guess her excitement has to do with the fact that it's her first day outside the temple this week ever since we started her training.
   And sure, she's gained knowledge since her first day but it's not to remarkable lengths. Besides, she still continues to argue about the staff being too unbalanced at the 'hilt'. And without doubt, it is. But that should not be a functional error for a Jedi, considering that you can't always know what kind of tools you'll find at hand.
Since I don't deem her fit for a lightsaber, while on our way to this task, we went into a rather... sketchy shop to buy her a weapon. The ones catching her attention were to my surprise, two short bladed daggers with a serrated edge. When we entered the shop, a simple sword came to mind for her to use, plus that she would get to practice more with a balanced blade as well. Though, the weird light in her eyes were almost giving off actual sparkles and with that said, I bought them for her.
Thus, simple blades of steel would never make any difference in a fight against someone using a lightsaber. But considering we're out to hunt down a smuggler dealing with unauthorized drugs, spotted in a mall on Coruscant's center parts, coming cross an obstacle wielding one is highly unlikely.
Limited information were given to us other than we were to watch out for someone wearing a green seal of a crooked lizard claw. It's the company's signature sign used to help buyers identify their seller, and in our case, our target. Sure, it's a vague task and not very complicated but it fits (y/n) and her current skill level. Besides, this drug called Pixie dust is known for causing the user to behave extremely lustful and even violent if provoked. So it should be a relief to get that behavior off the mall since it's causing bothersome scenes and fights repeatedly. And what's worth mentioning is that the same seal has been spotted at different factory chains all around the galaxy dealing with unauthorized weaponry and human trafficking. Therefore, arresting one of them and interrogating them would lead us to new information about this league, for later use.
(Y/n) slows down her pace and join my side, one hand resting on her hip and the other one twirling one of the daggers between her thumb and index finger.
"What if I am? Would that be so strange? You're my responsibility, after all. Besides, I highly suggest you putting that thing back where it can't be seen before entering the mall. The citizens here will feel unsafe if they see you flailing it carelessly like that."
She returns it to her belt with a nod and runs a hand through her (h/c) locks, strands smooth as silk glowing in the bright afternoon sun. The sun looks so radiant on her skin, a phenomenon I have not seen, or at least noticed on anyone before. I have never bothered to look for details like that regarding anyone, but it was almost impossible not to see on (y/n).
"It's not strange. I just don't hear you saying nice things to me very often. It's a pleasant change for once."
Nice things, huh? I don't think I have that much nice to say about you, my dear.
I chuckle, which causes her to look at me with searching eyes and a tilted chin. Her bottom lip twists slightly before she speaks up.
"What's funny?"
I shake my head and flash her a smile as I reach up to pat her shoulder.
"Nothing. I just find you kind of adorable when you're not super loud and annoying."
The streets are crowded with all kinds of people as always. Stressed moms and dads carrying their children, working men and women in a hurry, to senior married couples showing affection in public. At every shop, there's always an employee promoting their agency while inviting costumers into their outlet. Citizens of all kinds of species from all around the galaxy eating at the outside service of the food chains and stressed waiters hurrying to serve their guests food and drinks.
The remarkable tower aligned with several buildings attached to another with glass windows all over is right ahead of us. I speed up my pace and go ahead to open up one of the entry doors for my padawan.
She stares me blank in the eyes and walks through with quick steps. Inside there's citizens filling up the spaces while doing things like chatting in groups, shopping groceries or buying drinks at the bar. (Y/n) stops a few shops in and turns around to look at me.
"If there's one thing I'm not, then that's adorable. Intimidating, maybe. Adorable.." she snorts and crosses her arms.
"Sure , what about sweet and cuddly then?" I tease and reach out a hand to pinch her cheek.
She swats away my hand and points a tense, angry finger at me. The people around us doesn't seem to notice our quarrel and I think that's just perfect. We've fooled around enough. It's time to actually concentrate on the task.
"I'll cut you." She whispers and blares her teeth. I raise a sloppy hand and shakes it slightly as I continue walking.
"Yeah, yeah. Do that later. We have a task to complete."
I turn my gaze just in time to watch her roll her eyes at me with an exaggerated head turn.
Though I should have looked where I was going, cause neither were the woman hurrying with a bag of groceries in front of me.
The elderly woman bumps into me with such force that it causes both of us to tumble over and fall to the floor. A lot of heads turn in curiosity and I cuss silently at the unwanted attention.
"Excuse my acquaintance, miss! Let me help you up..." (y/n) exclaims and quickly moves to kneel down beside the woman and hold a firm, steady grip on her shoulders.
So she helps a random woman rather than helping her master? Ridiculous...
She lifts the lady back up on her feet and picks up some fruits that had fallen out of her bag. The lady looks at her and starts smiling.
"(Y/n)! How good it is too see you again. I was just shopping some refreshments for Mister (s/n), you know how your father gets when he ends a meeting without his favorite meal!"
Mister (s/n)? Who's this woman and why isn't her father shopping his own groceries? It can't be (Y/n)'s mother since the lady calls him by mister, right?
(Y/n) freezes and glances at me, lips slightly parted in some kind of surprise.
Interesting. Why did that startle her all of a sudden... and why is she looking for my reaction?
"Yeah, I know that..."
"Well well, time is running and so should I. I gotta go but it was nice meeting you. Take care, dear!"
I grunt loudly and get back up with a little help from a bench right beside me, using it as mainstay. (Y/n) looks after the old lady as she stumbles away through the shops and out through the entrance. I position myself in front of my apprentice and take a firm grip around her arm, tugging her along and further into the mall.
"Who was that? You seemed oddly quiet and acted pretty suspicious when she mentioned your father, you know."
She yanks her arm away, holding it close to her other hand as she takes a few steps to the side to add walking distance.
"That, was my father's maid. And the reason I acted weird is because my father is Hiram (s/n). I'm sure you've met him already." She exclaims and walks ahead and into one of the shops selling what appears to be magic potions and supplements alike.
Senator Hiram (s/n)! That's why her surname seemed familiar...
That man is a total asshole, And more importantly, he absolutely despise the Jedi code.
"Your father is a Senator, not to mention that he hate the Jedi and what we we stand for; And you choose to defy him by turning to the Jedi temple shape your life according to the Jedi code?"
"I don't want to talk about it." She sighs and puts a hand to her forehead.
"Maybe I could tell you some other time. But right now we have other things to focus on."
I nod.
"I'll take the right section of the shops, you go with the left. We'll search through all of them eventually and meet up at 'The rumbling horse''s bar at the end of the hall." I say and head to the section opposite of (y/n).
Enough time wasted.
*time skip*
"(Y/n)! Over here! Heeey giirllll, you here for a drink? And you brought a hottie with you too!
Excuse me? What?
Two drunk girls are standing by the bartenders bench, one drink in each hand. The one shouting is tall and red haired while the second one is even shorter than (y/n).
How is that possible?
They wave their arms and the red haired one attempts to wolf-whistle but ends up spitting and laughing instead.
(Y/n) and I had headed to The rumbling horse after failed attempts at finding anyone with the green seal. We asked around with caution as well, leading us to the crowded bar. Most of all, we wanted to question the owner if any strange people had visited the bar repeated times. But it apparently looked like it wasn't gonna be that easy.
"Shush, Deborah! You're causing a scene!" (Y/n) whisper aggressively while flailing a hand furiously.
She then groan and hurries to clasp a hand over the laughing girls mouth. The shorter girl now beside (y/n) giggles and tries to twirl a strand of (y/n)'s hair, to which (y/n) grabs her arms and twists it in her grip with a growl. The shorter girl whine and shouts.
"Ow, (y/n)! Let me go!"
"I assume these are the friends you've been cussing about?"
Deborah turns her gaze that was previously locked onto (y/n), to focus onto mine... Well, I wouldn't say focusing. More like trying to. Seems like the alcohol has gotten to her way worse than her shorter friend.
   Deborah's eyes are TRYING to focus onto mine but instead they keep twitching and turning like her vision is spinning.
   I've seen that sign one too many times and would much rather skip it today.
"Hells yeah we are! And you're one lucky guy to meet us!" Deborah yells and ends up laughing again, snorting in the process.
"(Y/n), we can't stay here if they're going to fool around like that." I grunt and glare at the two girls while scanning through the closest people standing beside us.
So far no green seal, just some man with a leather jacket full of different patches and stickers. I exhale heavily and turn back my attention to (y/n) just in time to see her friends stumbling their way to me, their feet barely carrying their running.
Instinctively I move away, letting my feet carry me to the side from where I previously stood. I arch my back and position myself in a low key battle stance, ready for a heavy impact if the two of them tries another attempt at whatever they were trying.
The girls's piercing laughter stops as they run past me and stop. Confused eyes stare back at me in shock and I prepare for another attack.
Then (y/n)'s, now comforting voice, calls out to me and I gaze at her with widened eyes.
'What are you doing?!' She mouths to me while moving her lips audibly. Her eyes then dart back and forth from my hand to my eyes and I look down in hesitation.
Oh. I see.
Apparently, while dodging the crazy girls, my hand had gone to the handle of my lightsaber by automacy. I had been close to ignite it and ruin our probably non existent cover.
"Oops...Sorry, (y/n)." I say with hesitation and laugh nervously at a glaring (y/n), visibly gritting her teeth through her plump.. soft looking lips... What am I doing? My brain must be affected by the strong scent of alcohol, as thick as a wall in here. Yeah, that's it. That's why.
Deborah and her yet unnamed friend regain their balance and head towards me a second time just as I'm about to sneak away to the other side of the bar, to which I immediately leap away and walk behind (y/n) with my back against the bar desk, leaning to grip her shoulders in a tight grip, using her as a shield.
   (Y/n) sigh and turn her head to look at me, her left hand clenching lightly into a fist.
"Do they scare you that much?"
"Don't blame me, they're drunk, loud and without care!" I answer in defense and duck my head instantly as the two girls position themselves in front of (y/n).
"Ay, sweetheart! Melisma! Did you find another man while I was gone?"
Come on, not another one.
The shorter girl, now known as Melisma, squeals excitedly and hugs the arm of a human guy in leather robe walking up behind her. His eyes are big and underlined with some kind of dark paint and the stubble on his chin and jaw reveals that he hasn't shaved for awhile.
He scoffs and waves at (y/n) and I, his hand combing through short and spiked hair put up in a read headband. He holds a large class of some blue sparkling liquid in his right hand and takes a big sip of it.
"And may I ask who it is that you've met today, Melisma?" (Y/n) asks and draw a tired hand above her eyes and leans it down her chin. I straighten my position and let go of her shoulders to relieve her of some tension.
"Oh (y/n), This is Jax! We met an hour ago and he's sooo funny! We've been chatting ever since he went to attend some guy in the corner and then you guys came! Isn't it a coincidence! You bring your hot Jedi boyfriend here and I find myself a good looking man the same day." Melisma stops talking and leans her cheek on in the palm of Jax's right hand that he previously used to tickle her neck.
"He, is NOT my boyfriend!" (Y/n) exclaims with raised and irritated voice, her cheeks tainted red already.
Jax's previously happy and relaxed smile seem to stiffen and he slowly retract his hand from the short girl's grasp. His eyes watch mine carefully but still with attempted happiness. He then scratches his chin and chuckle at the woman clinging to his arms.
That's when I see it. The green seal of a lizard claw. It's a ring on his left thumb and he's noticeably trying to hide it be turning the seal at the opposite direction while trying to act as normal as before.
(Y/n) glance at me and I nod back in response.
Great, she's noticed too.
I move out from my hideout behind (y/n) and take a step forward to greet Jax who now is inspecting me carefully.
"Pleasure to meet you, Jax. Have we met before? I swear that I've seen you somewhere but it escapes my memory! Now, would you like to follow me and discuss the matter outside of the bar where we can hear each other better?" I smile and cross my arms in front of my chest.
But Jax seems to know what's about to happen, cause without blinking, he yanks his glass forward and causes the blue liquid to spill in my face. At the same time I feel two hands shoving me backwards and hear running feet. (Y/n) swear loudly and calls out to me.
"I'll go get him." She then darts after the fleeing man and I'm left at the bar floor.
Whatever liquid he threw at me, it's working just the way he wanted.
I quickly help myself up and try to brush the burning sensation out of my eyes. After one failed attempt, I try to locate myself out of the door with a little help from the image of the room I previously made up.
   I hear grunts and shouting as I bump into a load of people on my way out, excusing myself with a tense hand above my aching eyes.
After a few seconds I regain my vision and head right, out of the exit doors of the mall.
To be honest, there's really just two paths they could've gone and I'm just choosing the exit because it's the closest way out on the streets.
I run outside and try to follow the track of shocked expressions by the passing peoples to guid me. A frightened man and an angry girl leaping through the streets and disturbing the slow paced citizens would surely be a sight enough for people to react to.
A few minutes later the vague sound of steel against steel catches my attention and I head to a smaller street where the sound came from. I then find (Y/n) and Jax in a blind alley, Jax clutching aggressively to a long bladed dagger of unknown sort and (Y/n) with her twin blades drawn out.
The alley is long and narrow which doesn't leave enough space for me to ignite my lightsaber... I don't have any other weapon on me either...
She must have chased him into this dead end which caused him to draw weapon as the only remaining solution left for him.
But maybe my help isn't needed. He's certainly not professional on wielding a dagger but not bad either, and (y/n) seem to be getting an idea of how to counter the dealer's attacks.
Her quick feet easily bring her to the places she wants and her quick reactions cause her to evade Jax's attempts.
Jax leap forward with a growl and attempts to cut low with intention of slashing her right hip, to which (y/n) block his attack, locking his blade shut with hers crossed against each other. She then raise her left leg and kick the man right in his abdomen. Once to make him stumble backwards to gain some space and twice to force him to twirl sideways, back now facing her.
Impressive. A flawed move, in it's own way but not if it's done right. And she remembered to enhance the gap between them. In a close battle with relatively short blades like these it's even more important to gain some distance and that's exactly what she's done.
Jax quickly spin around to face (y/n) once again and leaps forward to attack once again. (Y/n) separates her feet in a hunched forward battle stance and skid to the side as an attempt at regaining her lost advantage, but Jax puts his dagger back into his belt, stopping her getaway while taking a hostile grip around her left arm. Hands stubborn and confident, he hold her in a tight grip and puts himself into a tense stance. Her struggling following right after is useless, his grip doesn't change the slightest.
That's when it hits me, what he's intending to do. Panic wash over me like a tidal wave and the still glowing sun suddenly feels cruel and burning. One wrong turn and I could lose her, the Jedi order would lose her. But will she handle it on her own if I choose to stand by and watch?
Jax blare his yellow stained teeth at (y/n), suddenly and grabs her right wrist as well, forcing her own dagger so slash forward to the direction of her neck.
One blow and her fragile neck would...
I prepare to run at (Y/n)'s aid, hand hovering just above my lightsaber. But before I get the chance to do any of that, (y/n) growls and twists her arm in a bent angle, using her elbow to knock Jax's arm upwards and away from her neck.
Instead, the tip of the twin blade graces the right chin of (y/n) on it's way from her body and she lets out a hiss.
She yank her wrists out of the man's grasp, causing him to lose balance and take a few steps to regain it. Right after, she use her right elbow to whack him at the back of his head.
With reflexes quick as ever and fury tainting her eyes, she then leaps forward in a high cut, slash him in the left shoulder.
Jax roar out in pain and cradle his wound, spinning around to prepare another attack by the girl wounding him so badly.
That's when I decided that they've had enough fun for today.
I leap forward on quick feet and pull out the handle of my lightsaber. The sound of the blade igniting itself causes the man to snap his attention at the much more dangerous threat. His eyes widen in shock as the glowing blue light display at the thick walls like ocean waves and he squint his eyes in discomfort.
(Y/n) takes the man's temporary confusion as her cue and grab his shoulders in a steady hold.
Jax immediately try to spin around but falls short on his feet as she use her leg to thrust the shallow crook of the opposite side to his kneecaps outwards. The unprepared impact causes the man's knee to bend forward and his entire weight clash into the hard concrete.
   She then drops her twin blades to the side and yank the man's own dagger out of his fist, pulling his arms behind his back and putting a foot to his back.
Jax attempts to get up on his feet but the weight of (Y/n)'s entire body pressured onto her foot makes it an uneven fight and he goes limp, laying back onto the ground with a thud.
"Well, it looks like I'm not needed after all. I'm impressed, (y/n), I really am." I say with praising voice and pull back my turned off lightsaber into it's belt.
(Y/n) tilt her head upwards with a  proud grin, though she's squinting her right eye as a reaction to the sharp, stinging cut on her cheek.
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blouisparadise · 5 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Louis acts like a brat in the story. We hope you enjoy all of these. Happy reading!
1) Can't You See (What You Do To Me)? | Explicit | 4217 words
Two men. One parking space. Lots of pranks, lots of persistence, lots of passion.
2) Throw Me In The Deep End | Mature | 5914 words
He’s a respectable captain who doesn’t go around bedding his crew, although when certain members of his crew decide to land on his bed themselves, it’s a bit of a tough  choice. So it’s a struggle, really.
3) Like You Hate Me | Explicit | 6541 words
“You have poor taste for someone with the last name Styles,” he says, turning to show the back of his pants to Harry—the pants Harry had just stitched his name across last night to keep this type of thing from happening again. Of course, he’s accomplished nothing but indirectly making himself pop a stiffy over Louis fucking Tomlinson.
4) A Virgin To That Money | Explicit | 7366 words
AU. Harry and Louis are broke university students who hate each other and make a sex tape. (In which Louis gets fucked a lot, Harry can’t find the camera, and the road to falling in love is different for everyone.) 
5) Call Me Shallow But I'm Only Getting Deeper | Explicit | 7367 words
The one where Louis is a brat so Harry spanks him with a riding crop.
6) Focal Point | Mature | 8935 words
By the time you read this, I’ll be gone, so don’t bother looking. Last night was lovely, Harry, I’m sure you agree. Sorry to run, but that’s just how life works sometimes, I’m sure you understand. Don’t forget about me. xx P.S. Thanks for the money
7) Ain’t No Telling Who’s In Charge Here | Explicit | 14562 words
The thing about Louis’ and Harry’s dynamic is that while Louis is the instigator of 99% of the foolishness, Harry will always come back at him with something ten times dirtier than whatever Louis had thought up. Of course, Louis can’t let that go, so he does something else, so Harry has to do something else, and then it’s a vicious cycle that continues until one of them makes a plea for a truce.
It’s like that even when they’re at home. Sometimes it’s like that especially while they’re at home, because Louis gets bored easily and Harry is just such an easy target. The point is that the kind of foolishness that Louis is known for doesn’t stop when the cameras stop rolling, so when Louis lets himself into Harry’s bedroom at 5:30 in the morning to annoy Harry into waking up before he goes for a run is completely normal and to be expected.
Except that it turns out not to be so normal.
8) Know You Got That Thing (That I Like) | Explicit | 15798 words
In all the ways he thought about their reunion going, watching Louis finger himself open was not on the list.
9) Like Gold | Explicit | 17763 words
Royal AU where Harry is Prince Louis’ Adviser, and Louis is anything but helpful. 
10) Another Day Gettin' Into Trouble | Explicit | 25619 words
Harry’s drunk when the idea occurs to him. He’s also a pop star, so sometimes his drunk ideas turn into actual things instead of just ideas. The clone-a-willy kit is one of them. In Harry’s defense, when he first thinks about it his intention is just to buy the kit and give it to Louis to make his own dildo with, because that’s what he wants anyway, right? To have a penis filling him up? Then he realizes that it would be weird if Louis made a copy of his own dick to fuck himself with. It’d be super weird. Louis fucking himself? That’s a weird idea. Harry’s pretty sure Louis wouldn’t like that. Clearly the only solution here is to use his own dick for the mold.
11) Up To No Good | Explicit | 26525 words
Note: This fic is the first part in a series. The entire series is BL.
Harry doesn’t think of himself as a womanizer, not at all. Sure, he enjoys sex, enjoys how women feel underneath him, and by some people’s standards he has sex with quite a lot of people, but that’s no reason to tell him that he can’t have a female PA anymore.
It’s especially no excuse for giving him a male PA who’s possibly the most gorgeous boy in the world who won’t even let Harry look at him for too long.
Sometimes Harry hates his life.
12) The Forest for the Trees | Explicit | 28250 words
Louis and Harry had the ultimate roommates and best friends with benefit relationship until Harry suddenly ends the benefits part, shocking and hurting Louis in the process. He’s fallen in love with Harry, but is too scared to tell him the truth because he just does not do first moves. In the spirit of unrequited love and with a little help from Harry’s mother, Louis decides to set Harry up with a series of horrible blind dates, hoping his roommates will see dating is too much trouble and come back to him. In the end, things don’t go as planned. 
13) Can't Fool Me | Explicit | 30162 words
AU where Louis hates fraternities and would never be into a frat boy. And one of these things is definitely not a lie.
14) Have You Coming Back Again | Explicit | 31086 words | Sequel
It’s five o’clock in the morning. Louis has a lecture at half eight. He could be using this time to study or to do his readings or to go to the gym, but - well. He doesn’t have any exams coming up, he’s not going to his seminar today anyway and he hates the gym.
Instead he’s using this time to fuck with Harry Styles’ poor little brain.
Louis jogs across the street and jabs the key into the car door. It opens easily, not that he was expecting anything else. He copied the key for a reason, after all.
He’s got Harry’s schedule memorized, more because the guy keeps following him around than anything, so he doesn’t bother looking around before climbing behind the wheel and setting his bag on the passenger seat. It’s a Monday, which means that Harry doesn’t even get out of bed before noon unless he’s planning on harassing Louis.
15) If I Should Stay | Explicit | 31185 words
Louis is a television actor who suddenly needs a bodyguard.  Harry is the bodyguard he ends up hiring.  
16) All The Right Moves | Explicit | 32264 words
This is the third game in a row that Harry has been distracted by the noisy boy in the stands, five rows back.
There’s really no reason that he should feel compelled to stare into the audience as frequently as he is, but he can’t help it. This boy is a nuisance. And he’s loud. Even from basketball court with nine other players running by him, shoes squeaking on the shiny hardwood floor, and thousands of cheering college students, Harry can hear this boy nearly shrieking, his laugh more like a cackle than anything.
It’s seriously obnoxious.
17) Promise You’ll Remember That You’re Mine | Explicit | 34564 words
What he doesn’t expect is to see Louis in their bathroom wearing panties. Not even like standard panties, they’re fucking black and sheer so Harry can see Louis’ full arse and there’s even lace trimming the edges. He nearly has a heart attack.
Harry’s face probably looks like a bright red tomato, and if not then the only other option would be that all his blood is going to his dick, because Louis looks like a fucking wet dream.
“Oh, you’re back.” Louis looks as nonchalant as ever, when Harry is over here freaking the fuck out.
18) The Sweetest Incantation | Explicit | 40598 words
Harry is a witch who's still working on developing his powers and Louis is a werecat who falls into his life and turns it upside down. 
19) Kiss Me On The Mouth And Set Me Free (But Please Don't Bite) | Mature | 42074 words
Harry is the CEO of Flora Corp, Louis is his new secretary.
20) Who Would’ve Thought | Explicit | 44275 words | Companion Fic
The idea doesn’t come to Louis until they’ve been at the bungalow for a couple of days. Harry has no idea that he’s going to pop a knot. He’s been living his life with the expectation that he’s going to be a beta, and Louis isn’t going to tell him otherwise.
Louis is an omega, though, and most omegas want to be filled up with a knot, fucked the way their bodies are made to be fucked, and Louis is no different. In ten years he wants to have an alpha waiting for him at home who will hold him down and fuck him exactly the way Louis wants to be fucked without worrying that they’re going to expect him to stay at home, open a joint bank account, raise a litter of babies, cook and clean and, most importantly, be submissive. For that to happen Louis needs an entirely different kind of alpha.
And so the plan is born.
21) Worth Dying For | Explicit | 44906 words
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Louis says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. In the center of the table, a set of three glossy photos stares up at him, mocking him.
“A security detail is non-negotiable, Louis, you know this,” his mum reminds him, tapping the middle photo with two fingers.
Louis doesn’t look back down at the pictures, gesturing towards them wildly, over-dramatically. “This is not a security detail!” he protests. “This is a lanky college student. In what world do you hire someone like this kid to protect me?”
22) Tangled Up In You | Explicit | 45152 words
Harry blinks once. And blinks again. And says, his voice dangerous: “Niall, did you get me a mail-order bride?”
Because what the actual fuck. It kind of looks like Niall’s just purchased a person. For Harry.
Niall blinks back at him for a few moments, before throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Harry throws a pillow at him. Hard. “No, what the fuck, Harry.”
“A prostitute then?” Harry also doesn't want a prostitute.
“Of course not!”
“A stripper?”
Damn, he’s running out of ideas. He settles for launching another pillow at Niall’s head. Niall bats it away easily, still laughing. “Stop!”
“What did you get me, then?!” Niall must hear the tinge of hysteria in his voice, because he’s pulling himself together, trying to stop himself from laughing.
There’s still a big grin on his face, though, when he says, “I got you a professional cuddler.”
A professional…what. “What?”
23) Something In The World Today | Explicit | 48027 words
It shouldn’t be a surprise, the first time that Louis drops to his knees in front of Harry. It shouldn’t be, because it’s been something that Louis has needed for a long time. It shouldn’t be, because he’s been crawling out of his skin for weeks on end. It shouldn’t be, because Harry always makes him feel better. It shouldn’t be, because he’s needed this even when he didn’t know that he needed it.
Somehow, it still is.
24) Amazing Sin | Explicit | 56034 words
The story of Louis ‘Steal Your Man’ Tomlinson.
25) Swim In The Smoke | Explicit | 101778 words
“What about this, Captain?” Liam asks, nudging the boy kneeling between their feet with the toe of his boot. The boy hisses and swipes at him, slurring out something unintelligible around the makeshift gag Niall had to stuff in his mouth. He misses by a mile and tries again, just as ineffectively.
Harry looks down at him, at the way the sun streams over his face and shoulders, at the way the gag stretches his mouth, lips pink and chapped. He’s lithe and pretty, smudged all over with dirt. They had found him tied up below deck, mostly unconscious, next to a barrel full of gold. He’s clearly a prisoner, but there’s something familiar about him, something that niggles at Harry’s brain. Something he can’t quite put his finger on.
“Put him in my cabin,” Harry decides, turning back to deal with the rest of the loot. The boys screams out jumbled curse words at Harry’s back, muffled by the gag, and Harry can’t understand any of it.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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blessedbucky · 5 years
Look. Okay. I’m really proud of this smut I wrote for the latest chapter of my Steve/OC/Bucky story on Ao3. I usually keep this stuff on the story blog, but @strawberrylovessebby convinced me to post it on here.
Warnings! Because this is just fucking filthy! Breeding kink, cockwarming, overstimulation, and just all around MEAN TOP BUCKY BARNES
Gently, someone takes Quinn’s arm and stretches it out, the skin tacky and itchy with something. Finally, she decides to take a peek at what’s going on. She has to blink to make sure it isn’t a hallucination. Let her eyes adjust to the dimness of the car’s interior lighting. Thankfully, she’s still so sleepy she doesn’t hold her breath like she wants to. She doesn’t want to let him know she’s awake.
Greedily, because this may be the last time that she’ll ever see him, she wants to take her fill of him.
Bucky rips open some antiseptic wipes—an even more familiar smell that helps calm her down. There’s a first-aid kit in his lap that’s loaded with all the top-notch shit. Memories start to swim back to the surface of her mind and she reasons he must’ve stolen it from the Hydra base or trucks since there’s blood all over the sides of it. Real question is why does he even have it? Is he hurt? She’s about to turn doctor mode on, but then…he presses the wipe…to her arm?
Something blooms to life inside Quinn’s chest. There’s an echo in her mind, Natasha’s voice. Hope is a dangerous thing to have in someone like the Winter Soldier. But how can Quinn not have hope? There’s a shadow there on his face, of the man he used to be. His brows are furrowed and his bottom lip is bitten between his teeth as he concentrates on his task. The task of tending to Quinn’s injuries. Probably absentmindedly, his thumb rubs circles into her wrist while he carefully wipes away the blood that stains the rest of her arm. When he has the area clean and clear, he stares at the bend of her arm where there should be a gash. There’s not.
Bucky still hasn’t noticed that Quinn’s awake now and that she watches him. Just as confused now as she’d been in the Hydra truck. This isn’t how someone acts when they don’t want to be near another person. She supposes it could be out of some…sense of responsibility? But…he could’ve left her there in the truck. And…and a jacket that is definitely not hers had slid off onto the floor. He’s caring for her. He’s touching her.
He prods at the bend of her arm and she decides to have mercy on him. “It already healed,” she comments casually, breaking the silence. She keeps her eyes to the front, so he doesn’t realize she saw more than he probably wanted her to. Saw his tender act. He instinctively squeezes her arm at being caught off guard. “I’m okay now. Don’t have a scratch on me. I—uh, my serum makes me heal really fast.”
“Which is how you’re here and not still in the hospital after I almost killed you,” he reasons flatly. “And since I couldn’t get the job done, you’re running around like a moron, trying to get the rest of Hydra to kill you by pulling stupid stunts like trying to play soldier with no backup.”
Quinn breathes in. Breathes out. For all she knows, Bucky still thinks she’s a nurse. Still, a little payback is in order. So, she turns her body toward him and grabs his metal wrist. “I have a super soldier serum,” she explains calmly and squeezes. Grips harder and harder until the metal creaks in protest and the plates shift restlessly. He breathes harshly through his nose, staying stone-faced, but his eyes flash with discomfort. She immediately pulls her hand away. “There ain’t no playing, either. I spent my time in wars.” She’s been in them on and off for almost fifty years. “I lead teams of men—”
“A civilian trying to play soldier,” he interrupts rudely.
“This was different,” she admits reluctantly, trying desperately to be patient. “I was pissed off. I shouldn’t have gone in there in that state of mind, I’ll say it.” There’s another snide remark on the tip of his tongue. She cuts him off before he can say it. “You really have room to sit here and lecture me when you’re on a one-man road trip of revenge?”
“I know how to keep my emotions in check.”
Annoyance flares and she grits her teeth. “Oh, really?” She raises her wrist in the air. “Funny you say that considering you got so pissed at me touching you that you nearly broke my goddamn wrist.” Calm down, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Steve whispers in her mind. You’re losing your temper.
“I had my emotions in check until you showed up.”
Temper officially fucking lost. “You sure are talking a whole lot of shit for someone that came to save me and just sat here trying to patch me up. Maybe youneed to do a better job at keeping your emotions in check!” His eyes narrow at her. “Yeah, you heard me. Don’t touch me, Quinn. Don’t come near me, Quinn. Yet, here we are! Make up your mind and cut it out with this hot and cold bullshit. By the way, cheap fuckin’ shot with tripping me last week.”
“It’s not my fault you’re so easy to see through. You thinking you were going to get a sweet little kiss was all it took to take you out.”
She sputters. “I’m not easy to see through! That wasn’t the reason why! That—that ain’t all it takes, asshole!”
“Yes, it is.”
“Well, why don’t you be a big fucking man and prove it?”
Bucky’s jaw clenches and sparks of anger light up his eyes. She smirks, smug that she’s annoyed him as much as he has her. Later on, when this all processes and she’s not as emotional, she’ll give an astonished little laugh about how they immediately fell into that same old routine. The only person that could ever truly match her in stubbornness was Bucky and they’d bicker like an old married couple all the time. Each with their own point to prove while Steve usually sat off the side and smiled at them like the sappy dope he is.
For now, Bucky snaps into action, sliding toward her to close the distance between them. Quinn, blood thrumming with the irritation and pride, mentally prepares herself to stay cool and calm when he’ll inevitably lean in close to pretend that he’ll kiss her. She won’t let him one-up her like that again, thank you very much. Goddamn Bucky, though, he knows. He knows she has a chip on her shoulder that’ll make her strive to prove him wrong. And he always needed to have the last word. Or…maybe it happens because of the charge in the air. It’s there and it’s more than their anger. It’s that old, familiar pull. That magnetic force. That same thing that’d always pushed them into bed during an argument, still spitting mad yet tearing desperately at each other’s clothes.
Bucky is the one that does it, she thinks. There’s no pretending this time and that’s how he wants to catch her off guard. He wraps a hand around the back of her neck and hauls her to meet him in a bruising kiss. Joke’s on him because this isn’t going to make her freeze up. This’ll only spur her on. Finally, after seventy years, she has her mouth on him and he honestly thinks she’s about to drop the ball? How many times has she dreamed about this? Oh, no. You bet your ass she’s about to savor this.
Bucky bites down on her bottom lip and she groans before she’s opening her mouth, letting him lick inside. She pulls away, taking a second to breathe. “Is that really all you got under your sleeve? You think you can kiss me stupid?”
A metal hand grasps her chin and Bucky runs his thumb across her swollen bottom lip. “I think I should fuck you stupid instead.”
“Your dick ain’t that magical,” she snarks.
“Like I said, you’re too easy to see through.” He grins and it’s a sharp, wicked little thing. “It’s cute watching you try to piss me off enough to fuck you. It’s written all over your face. You want it, but you’re too proud to beg. And if I just slipped my hand down here…” He unbuckles her belt and Quinn holds her breath as his hand dips underneath the waistband of her pants. She jerks and whimpers as he palms her pussy, her panties a thin barrier between his skin and her heat. “You’re so wet. You sure my dick isn’t magical?”
Quinn snarls wordlessly, grabs his shoulders, and shoves him back against the seat. She takes the chance to crawl into his lap and tries to kiss that infuriatingly sexy smirk off his face. She rocks her hips down against his, feeling the hard, thick length of him between her thighs. “You got a big ego, but you keep pushing my buttons, knowing I’ll take the bait.” Her hand skirts underneath the hem of his shirt and she scratches her nails against the hard plane of his stomach. He shudders, groaning in the back of his throat, and she purrs in satisfaction. “But I’m a nice little lady and I won’t play silly little games. You want to get your dick wet? Huh? You want to fuck me? Do it.”
Bucky’s metal hand fists her hair and forces her head back. She gasps, the sting making the center of her throb. His mouth travels across all that newly exposed skin, sucking bruises that she’s sad will fade before they’re even done. “Got a rubber?” His voice is a low rumble and it sends a shiver down her spine. They’re doing this. Holy fuck, he really does want to fuck her.
Right. His question. There was this same issue with Steve when he came out of the ice, after she’d went to see her OBGYN. Not really an issue. More that he didn’t know about yet another modern marvel. “No,” she breathes out and his noise is one of, what she thinks, is disappointment. That excites her. They’re doing this and it’s not only her that’s panting like a bitch in heat about this. “Don’t need one. I’m on birth control now.” Does he even know what that is? Birth control pills weren’t put on the market until the sixties. “That means you can’t knock me up.”
“Ain’t that a shame,” he husks into her ear. “Maybe if one of us put a baby in you then you’d stay out of trouble.”
Quinn jerks back so hard that she knocks her head against the roof of the car. “Jesus Christ,” she hisses and it’s not because of the pain. Heat rushes across her body at that…admittedly really attractive and pretty picture. She thinks the act itself may be the more alluring thing. She thinks about how she’d look on her hands and knees, Steve and Bucky taking turns holding her down and just fucking her until she’s dripping with their come. Nope. No. Stay away from that train of thought. “You can’t say shit like that,” she mutters.
Quinn lowers her eyes and hands to start working herself out of her pants. Get this show on the road and hope he’ll move on with it. Unfortunately, Bucky’s always had a sniper’s eye in every single way. Sharp. Pierces her down to the bone. He watches her now. Really watches her and her hands tremble the tiniest bit. From arousal or fear? Why is she scared? Oh, maybe because it’s literally been decades since they’ve been intimate and he doesn’t need to know that, apparently, she has a…a thing for getting knocked up. What the fuck, Quinn?
“Why not?” Bucky purrs and his hand settles above her heart. It beats underneath her skin, rabbit quick. “Why can’t I say it? That’s what you want, isn’t it?” He chuckles darkly. “You want me to put a baby in you?”
Is it possible to come from words alone? Dizzily, Quinn thinks she’s about to find out. She clutches his shoulders like they’re a lifeline. Swallows hard and tries to put on a stern face. “I want you to shut the fuck up and stick it in me already.” Too bad that comes out too breathless to be taken as a threat.
“What has you so shy?”
She stares at him blankly. “I’m ‘bout to fuck you in a car. I look shy to you?”
“Yeah,” he answers bluntly with a wicked little gleam in his eye. He has her number and knows it. “Rogers doesn’t know, does he? The magic secret to getting Quinn Hayden to settle the fuck down? I should tell him. All you need to do is hold her down and keep stuffing her full until it sticks. Get her all swollen with your kid, Rogers, and then she’ll think twice before she rushes off to get herself killed.”
“Oh, for the love of God,” she snarls before she quickly leans forward to crush her lips to his. “Give it a goddamn break already,” she complains against his mouth. They’re both desperate to get undressed now. He isn’t as unaffected by this as he tries to pretend to be. His hands are tight on her hips, lifting her up as she desperately fumbles to get her pants down and off. People with dicks have it so easy. A quick unzip and it’s ready for action. He already has it out. She wants to see, but she needs him to shut the fuck up. “Only you would try to turn fucking into a lesson—”
The noise that comes out of Quinn’s mouth can only be described as a squeal. Bucky doesn’t let her have a chance to take her panties off. When her jeans are out of the way, he pulls her panties to the side and shoves inside her. And Quinn…she’s definitely gone on all this. Gotten off on it. His filthy mouth, the rough and almost callous treatment, and holy tap-dancing Christ his dick has gotten thicker and bigger. It’s a recipe for disaster and by disaster she means to come. Easy as that, folks. She throws a hand up against the roof of the car, her eyes roll in the back of her head, her thighs tremble, and she’s crying out and grinding down against him to chase after the waves of pleasure.
Bucky tosses his head back against the headrest, grits his teeth, and the vein on his neck bulges. “Did you just come?” he asks incredulously through heavy breaths. “Fuck,” he moans and reaches down between their bodies. His fingers slide between her folds, brushing over her clit, and that’s way too much too fast. She tries to jerk away which means she raises up, about to let him slip out of her to get away from the oversensitivity, but he digs metal fingers into her hip and slams her back down on his dick. She shrieks. “Yeah, you did,” he grunts.
“It’s too much,” she gasps.
“Tell me you don’t love this,” he breathes out. Finally, his eyes slide open and she could come again from that look alone. Those stormy gray eyes, molten liquid and dark with lust. He shoves his fingers between her parted lips and she automatically licks them clean, tasting the brine of her own come there. “Lie to me. Say you don’t want it.” And he pulls his fingers out of her mouth, gently taking her chin in his hand instead, waiting for her to really tap out if she wants.
She ducks her head. “I want it,” she admits quietly. “I love it.” Her hands move back to his shoulders and she tries to lift her hips, but he still won’t let her move. She stares at him with wide, wet eyes. “Bucky, please. I’m still so—I need you so bad. Let me ride you, sweetheart.”
“No.” Her mouth drops open in shock because he can’t be serious. But, no, he actually is. He’s resisting the urge to thrust up into her. “You’re going to stay right here.” His fingers dig into the skin of her hips, keeping her from bouncing. “You’ll keep my cock nice and warm with that burning hot pussy of yours. You’re going to wait until I’m ready.”
Bitchily, she asks, “What? You need a minute so you don’t blow your load? You turn into a one-pump chump, Barnes?”
“Are you really asking me that? When you’re so desperate to get filled up with my load that you came just from me talking about it?” She flushes in chagrin, heat crawling down her neck. “I’ll take it away, Hayden. You want that? I’ll pull out and jerk off all over you.” He fists a hand in the front of her shirt. “Send you back aching and empty and with the reminder that you fucked your chance up. Stop being impatient.”
Quinn buries her head in the crook of his neck and bites down on the thick cord of muscle. Both in retaliation and as a way to stifle the sob that’s in her throat now. Stop being impatient. Does he remember? Back in the war, he used to say that all the time. First time he ever stuck his dick inside her, he’d said it. Seems poetic he should say it when he gets his dick in her in this shiny new century. “You’re a mean fucking asshole now,” she says miserably.
“You’re the one gagging for my cock.” Sweet Lord, have mercy on her soul. Not only did this man’s cock get fatter, but so did his mouth. He really isn’t pulling his punches here and if he’s trying to purposely be a dick-head to warn her off, it’s not working. This is only turning her on more. “Sweetheart,” he croons, sickly sweet. “You’re clenching. I think you like it when I’m a mean fucking asshole.”
“Bucky, please let me move,” she begs.
He hums, the absolute fucker. “What was I just saying about having some patience? I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet. Hasn’t even been that long since I’ve gotten you on my dick. Maybe I want to enjoy this a little longer.” God, she wishes he wouldn’t say little heartbreaking things like that. He’s teasing her, but she knows that this must be the first time he’s had pleasure in decades. She’s thinking too hard about this, but she wonders if maybe he wants to relish this. She’s already gone for this infuriating man and wants to give him everything.
Quinn stops and thinks. She wants to give him all the pleasure in the world and not to brag, but she knows how to work it. If only he’d let her have the chance to prove it. “Okay,” she murmurs into his ear. She traces sweet, little kisses along that sharp, chiseled jaw of his. “I’m sorry. I’ll be good.” She slides her arms around his neck, moving her hands up to thread her fingers in his surprisingly soft hair. That dream briefly passes through her mind and she blushes as she adds, “I want to be a good girl for you.”
He groans and she gasps when his hips buck up. “I know what you’re doing.”
Oh-so-innocently, she replies with, “All I’m doin’ is thinking before acting. Ain’t that what you want?”
“That’s one lesson. I’ll fuck you stupid, but you won’t get my come because you haven’t learned lesson two. I’ll just pull out and come all over your pretty little ass.” The future has spoiled her. When did she start needing to get come in so bad? Steve’s almost as bad as she is about instant gratification. He’ll tease her to punish her, but he’ll eventually give in and fuck her full. “This is your last chance, Hayden. Only reason you’ve gotten this many is because I want to soak your pussy in my come as bad as you do. Be good.”
Holy shit, she really is gagging for it. She does the one thing that it seems like only Bucky Barnes was ever able to make her do—she backs down. She has to force her body to relax when every single neuron is firing off with the urge to move. She tells herself she can handle it. All she has to do is sit there in his lap, close her eyes, and breathe. Focus on the fact that he’s here, underneath her hands and body. He’s finally close again and she can learn how to mold her body against his. Because they’re both so different now. Thicker and more toned from constant warfare. Edges sharp as knives. Is this what he smelt like before, she asks herself as she breathes him in again. She can’t remember.
Bucky then decides he wants to push Quinn to the brink of her sanity. It starts out innocently enough, to fool her. His hands slide down to palm her ass and she moans at the contact. Still, she doesn’t move. She does yelp and jerk when he smacks her ass, though. He laughs and does it again. “Stop cheating,” she hisses, knowing exactly what his plan is.
“I’m a mean fucking asshole,” he reminds her. One of his fingers rubs over her asshole and she squawks, more out of surprise than anything. She tugs on his hair as payback which only makes him chuckle breathlessly.
“How long are you going to do this?” Quinn whines. Maybe if she acts bratty enough, he’ll stop with this sadistic game and fuck her. “A normal person would be doing cartwheels in the street over getting to fuck their girl raw.”
“Yeah, I’m so normal.” He slaps her ass again with the motherfucking metal arm. She weakly punches the other headrest and sobs. She’s going to lose her mind. Hell, she already has. The pain and pleasure wires are getting all crossed and, Jesus, that simultaneously hurt so bad and felt fantastic. “All this arguing is getting boring. I’ll let you have it, but I’m not stopping. Doesn’t matter how pretty you cry.”
As what normally happens in Quinn’s brain, she latches onto can finally do good thing rather than thinking about anything else in that sentence. He plants his feet more firmly on the floor, she grabs his shoulders, and her brain whites out as she finally lifts her hips and slams them back down. His thick cock drags inside her, stretching her out, filling her up. “Oh, God,” she breathes out. She tilts her head back, eyes fluttering shut, and sighs with pleasure.
Bucky’s fingers find her clit and her nose scrunches up. The coil in her gut tightens and she moves faster, desperate to come. She bounces faster, knees scraping on the rough fabric of the seat. His breath is hot against her cheek and he’s moaning in her ear. The faster she moves, the more insistent he rubs at her clit. Pair that with the fact that he’s been stretching her out for however long and spanking her and it really shouldn’t be that much of a surprise that she comes again. She slows down, rolling her hips, walls fluttering around his cock, making these little, “ah, ah, ah,” sounds when her oversensitive clit rubs against his pubic bone.
Quinn makes to move off of him, if only for a minute or two to recover before she starts back up. Bucky’s arms suddenly lock around her and he crushes her against his chest. I’m not stopping, he’d told her, and she knows what his dastardly plan is. He keeps her pinned there and she wails at the first brutal thrust up into her. He was holding back before, lulling her into a sense of false security. He’s going to put his back into it now.
He really is going to fuck her stupid.
Quinn struggles against it, especially when he angles his cock at just the right angle that it hits that spot inside her. It burns. It’s razor sharp. It’s like touching a livewire. It leaves her raw and screaming and shaking. She really does start to cry, tears running down her cheeks. She begs him to slow down, slow down for a second, but she doesn’t ever ask him to stop. She doesn’t want him to.
The next and final time Quinn comes, she buries her teeth in his shoulder, muffling her piercing scream. Every muscle in her body locks up and her heart thunders so hard she can feel it against her skin. Bucky’s desperately rutting up into her and she feels gutted. It doesn’t take much longer before he’s stilling and flooding her with his hot, thick come. There’s so much. So much that it drips down out of her, down his cock, making the place where they’re joined together even wetter. She mewls. He’s there inside her now. Finally. After seventy years.
Quinn stays there, curled against his chest, feeling him soften up inside her. He shifts under her and she slumps off to the side. She tries to curl up in the seat, but he catches her knee and forces her to spread her legs. She tries to squirm away, too sensitive for more, but he simply moves her panties back into place for her. He cups her pussy again, humming. “I made a mess of you, didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” she agrees. His come is leaking out of her, soaking her panties. “Yeah, I love it. I love having a piece of you inside me like this.”
“Of course, you do.”
Then, there’s silence. She’s not sure how long or what she said that made him go quiet…until she jerks as the car starts back up. She dozed off. In the time between when she started to, Bucky helped pull her pants back up and draped his jacket back over her. She’s slumped back against the door. She’s floating high in the clouds. All the adrenaline rushes, the lack of sleep, the high of her orgasms, and now the warmth and smell of Bucky surrounding her? She’s shocked she even woke back up.
“Go to sleep, Quinn. We’ll be back at your hotel in two hours.”
“M’kay,” she whispers hoarsely. “G’night, Buck.”
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sneakystorms · 4 years
I’m compiling my “reading campbell as an utena fan” reblogs into one post cuz that was getting ridiculous. 
Literally no one asked for this but i took Campbell’s hero with a thousand faces out of the library and I’m going to note anything that reminds me of revolutionary girl utena. Here we go
Literally the first thing in the book, a picture of medusa’s head. I’m suddenly reminded of how much emphasis there is on anthy’s coiling locks of hair as well as her eyes. I read in a liveblog that it’s significant kanae was struck by seeing anthy’s eyes when she removed her glasses - the glasses serve as a protective measure meant to conceal anthy’s emotion, but also her power. Reminds me of how modern reimaginings of medusa always wear dark glasses to not turn people to stone.
Page 7, on unsolved childhood issues: “we remain fixated to the unexercised images of our infancy, and hence disinclined to the necessary passages of our adulthood” It’s not very revolutionary to suggest that this is one of the main themes of the show; akip remains in his adolescent state of having left behind his childishly idealistic self (or rather been forced to leave it by anthy) but refusing to progress to true adulthood, choosing rather to fruitlessly chase that childhood state. Other characters are guilty of this too, of course, but it’s less striking because they’re actual adolescents - this is a somewhat expected (though Campbell wpuld argue, not natural) stage in their development, whereas akio is clearly past his due date and dragging everyone down with him.
Page 30, on myths and fairy tales - “typically, the hero of the fairy tale achieves a domestic, microcosmic triumph, and the hero of myth a world-historical, macrocosmic triumph” Not super relevant to rgu itself, but I’d often wonder about the relationship between myth an fairy tale, seeing as rgu relates heavily to both. Utena’s revolution, in the end, is microcosmic - she helped a friend, and achieved a higher degree of self awareness than before.
Page 32, on the world navel: “the torrent pours from an invisible source, the point of entry being the center of the symbolic circle of the universe, the Immovable Spot of the Buddha Legend, around which the world may be said to revolve. (…) the tree of life, i.e., the universe itself, grows from this point. It is rooted in the supporting darkness; the golden sun bird perches on its peak; a spring, the inexhaustible well, bubbles at its foot. Or the figure may be that of a cosmic mountain, with the city of the gods, like a lotus of flight, upon its summit, and in its hollow the cities of the demons, illuminated by precious stones.” WHEW. Where to even begin. In the context of ohtori this would obviously be the gate in the forbidden forest, and the arena itself. There is a spring of sorts at its bottom (even a wall of water), and a bird figure features at the gate. The arena with its staircase resembles a rose, which is close enough to a tree. You could even see the black rose’s basement as the demon hollows.Of course, we eventually find out that it’s all fake, a stage set by akio with anthy’s help, which in this context positions akio as a sort of false god.
Page 35, again on the world navel: “wherever a hero has been born, has wrought, or has passed back into the void, the place is marked and sanctified. (…) someone at this point discovered eternity. (…) the one who enters the temple compound and proceeds to the sanctuary is imitating the deed of the original hero. His aim is to rehearse the universal pattern as a means of evoking within himself the recollection of the life-centering, life-renewing form.” This one mostly caught my attention because of the word eternity, but then i thought of dios’s grave… Since his grave, the arena and akio’s planetarium are really one and the same, it could easily follow that anyone who enters it is seeking to emulate dios, or the prince archetype in abstract. This certainly applies to utena and akio, and perhaps other duelists as well to some extent.
OH WE GETTING TO THE TASTY PART NOW…… ANTHY TIME BITCHHH ITS THE MEETING WITH THE GODDESS CHAPTEROk immediately I’m struck by the phrase “the queen goddess”. I know akio says he thought of anthy as a goddess once, I’m trying to remember if anyone ever refers to her as a queen… she’s mostly seen in context of the princess-witch dichotomy but once you really get down to it it’s more complicated, like is the rose bride basically the epitome of the princess archetype? It does include hyperfemininity, victimhood, obedience, passivity and power that can be obtained by marrying her but which she cannot wield herself… but the rose bride role is also explicitly tied to the witch, since it’s anthy’s punishment for imprisoning dios… It’s also interesting how despised she is - the princess role is supposed to be respectable (especially if we connect the princess witch dichotomy to the Madonna whore complex) but anthy is constantly mistreated and degraded - which, yes, makes her more of a princess in Utena’s (and the viewer’s) eyes, but is also a direct result of her role as the rose bride. If the rose bride position is basically the dragon that the prince has to save the princess from then can the rose bride be synonymous with the princess?Wait I was originally going to talk about something else I think. Well anyway I guess the Ockham’s razor is that the narrative had to make sense somehow and couldn’t JUST be metaphors but. Idk man food for thought. Maybe the rose bride as a role is supposed to be a blend of the princess and witch traits, or maybe it’s meant to showcase how the two are just different sides of the same coin. Anyway I’m one sentence into this chapter and my bedtime is in 7 minutes
Campbell describes the two types of goddesses as representing the good mother - forever youthful, beautiful and kind - and the bad mother - split here into four types but generally cold and distant. I’m tempted to connect the two to the princess and the witch (or the Madonna and the whore) but Campbell explicitly connects the bad mother to Diana and emphasises her chastity, when sexuality is such a big part of both the witch and the whore… hmm
K it’s late so I’ll continue sometime else but I wanted to mention that this whole thing was a result of reading this fantastic essay on anthy and specifically the part about Campbell’s goddess
Page 97, still on the goddess: “woman, in the picture language of mythology, represents the totality of what can be known. The hero is the one who comes to know. As he progresses in the slow initiation which is life, the form of the goddess undergoes for him a series of transfigurations: she can never be greater than himself, though she can always promise more than he is yet capable of comprehending. She lures, she guides, she bids him burst his fetters. And if he can match her import, the two, the knower and the known, will be released for every limitation. Woman is the guide to the sublime acme of sensuous adventure. ” This is the passage quoted in the essay that inspired me… The part about transfigurations is painfully reminiscent of anthy for sure, but the “she can never be greater than himself” sounds more like utena to me, makes me think of that digibro quote about how romantic interests in self insert power fantasy shounen anime (either Sao or asterisk war in this case) are often supposed to be the second best warrior right after the number one hero because they’re a sort of status symbol but of course can’t undermine the hero’s ego. Similarly akio wants utena at her strongest and only wants her because she is the strongest but still wants her beneath him. Also the phrasing of “the knower and the known” is so telling…. Even if a woman is meant to signify great knowledge it’s still in a way that makes her something passive, an object for the hero to consume. This reminds me of the born sexy yesterday video where he remarks on how even if the female character is supposed to be impossibly wise it just means the male hero is the one who gets to “discover” her
Page 99, still on the meeting with the goddess: “and when the adventurer, in this context, is not a youth but a maid, she is the one who, by her qualities, her beauty, or her yearning, is fit to become the consort of an immortal. Then the heavenly husband descends to her and conducts her to his bed-whether she will or no. And if she has shunned him, the scales fall from her eyes; if she has sought him, her desire finds its peace” God, what a creepy and accurate way to portray utena and akios relationship. He sees her as worthy of becoming his bride, he rapes her, he almost has her serve herself to him on a golden platter until she decides to pick up the sword and fight him. He sees himself as her god.
desktop is really fucking this up depending on what device i rb on but alas. lets continue. surprisingly enough i don’t have much to say about the woman as temptress chapter in relation to anthy because now that i think about it, the men of ohtori don’t really see her as one? nanami does, and maybe kozue too, but anthy generally isn’t very proactive when it comes to romance or sex… I guess Miki would be the closest example, since she seems to consciously try and get his attention by playing the piano, but Miki is pretty oblivious to it, so.Trying to think of other characters who might fit that trope… Kozue does act pretty provocative both towards the random dude she flirted with and Miki, but their relationship is one I don’t have much of a grip on tbh. Really the tempting spotlight is pretty firmly on Touga and Akio in this show haha
reading the “atonement with the father” chapter and, like, it’s kind of annoying how much the male hero is the default in this book, with the female hero only an occasional mention, but it does remind me of anthy’s incredibly fucking disturbing line about how akio is “more like her father” since their parents are nowhere to be seen. i don’t really have anything profound to say, but it is pretty interesting that parents are such a non-entity in rgu, given how prominent the mother and father figures are in psychoanalysis and archetype theory. should akio be read as anthy’s father, acting as one in the absence of the real thing, the same way he acts as the chairman? i’m not super familiar with the electra complex theory, but if the resolution to the oedipus complex is letting go of the unhealthy attachment to to mother and reconciliation with the father, i guess the analogous resolution to the electra complex would be letting go of the father? which anthy, in this reading, does do… but then again in rgu it’s akio who rapes anthy and we see him rather than her initiating sex so i doubt the writers had uncritically reproducing freud’s theory in mind
nothing too insightful but in the chapter the magic flight campbell talks about a welsh myth about Caridwen and she seems like a perfect witch character
page 209, on freedom to live - campbell quotes the end of the grimm brothers’ little briar rose, but precedes it with “When the Prince of Eternity kissed the Princess of the World, her resistance was allayed”. the phrasing of course caught my eye, but i’d never really seen anyone go in depth about the similarity between sleeping beauty and utena’s childhood story… the shadow-faced version that sometimes appears at the start of an episode omits utena sleeping in her coffin, but includes the prince kissing her tears away - something that did happen in the ep34 flashback, but was not what made baby utena get up. i suppose i don’t have anything terribly profound to say about the relationship between rgu and sleeping beauty, aside from some similar elements - the sleeping princess kissed awake by her prince, the princess in the grimms’ version being called briar rose, and the unspecified thorny bushes possibly being roses as well… and the witch, of course
page 259, matrix of destiny. “The universal goddess makes her appearance to men under a multitude of guises; for the effects of creation are multitudinous, complex and of mutually contradictory kind when experienced from the viewpoint of the created world. the mother of life is at the same time the mother of death; she is masked in the ugly demonesses of famine and disease. The Sumero-Babylonian astral mythology identified the aspects of the cosmic female with the phases of the planet Venus. As morning star she was the virgin, as evening star the harlot, as lady of the night sky the consort of the moon; and when extinguished under the blaze of the sun she was the hag of hell” campbell continues to insist on tying every female character back to the mother, which doesn’t really seem to be very relevant with anthy, but i’m digging the various aspects of the woman. seems interesting to me how this is at least the second time he’s characterised the woman in myths as someone constantly changing roles and aspects (first time was on page 97) whereas i don’t really see this tendency in male characters. women seem to need to constantly adapt, shift their identity to suit the male character, who is allowed to remain stably himself. also fascinating are the particular archetypes campbell brings up - the virgin (princess), the harlot (rose bride? the position does seem to be given respect on some level, but in practice she doesn’t get much... add to that the design elements tying her to the “scarlet woman”, and possibly even the playboy bunnies, and her duties do seem to include sleeping with every Engaged if the movie is anything to go by), consort of the moon (we all know what akio and anthy’s connection to the moon...) and the hag of hell (witch)
this has very little to do with rgu but reading the Mwuetsi/Massassi myth kinda makes me sick lol!!! not only does it include the first man being given a woman but he symbolically impregnates her with some oil from a horn (subtle, also done without her knowledge since she was asleep) and she gives birth to all the plants on earth. ew
UH OK HE THEN GOES ON TO SLEEP WITH HIS DAUGHTERS.... AND THEN TO RAPE HIS NEXT WIFE.......... MR CAMPBELL CAN I GO like i know it’s old myths so it’s all symbolic or whatever but that doesn’t make it any easier to read lol
page 296, an offhand comment of “The characteristic adventure of the first [type of hero] is the winning of the bride - the bride is life” and my brain automatically supplied “life... eternity... that which shines... the power of miracles... the power to revolutionise the world” LMAO
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