#So again
overtake · 13 days
9 or 77 for the prompts?
9: a broken cocktail glass
I really have no words to explain what it is that I did here. Just .... prepare for an onslaught of terrible photoshop.
JUNE 1, 2023
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Transcript of the important pieces of That Video™️:
[Cutting out all the basic introduction of how an escape room works, but please note that Max is staring the escape room guy down as if he'll disappear if he looks away for a single second.]
DANIEL: You’re allowed as many hints as you’d like, but when you take a photo at the end, we will publicly shame you by writing how many you used on the whiteboard. MAX: Do you come in if we need hints? DANIEL: Normally we tell you over a loudspeaker, but ours is actually broken, so yeah. Just press that button and I’ll come in. MAX: I think we’ll need a lot of hints. LIAM: I think we’re a decently smart group. We can do it without hints.
[Max turned around and kind of glared at Liam??]
MAX: No, I think we’ll need a lot of hints.
[He stared at Daniel VERY intensely. Better men have crumbled beneath that stare. Daniel just laughed and bent over a little and clapped his hands together all giddy? Max met his match fr.]
[Literally TWO MINUTES into the escape room, Checo found a key that obviously unlocked a chest. Max took the key from him, claimed the key didn’t fit - the camera zoom shows he didn’t even try btw - and put the key in his pocket.]
MAX: I think we need to call Daniel in for help.
[He hit the button before anyone could disagree.]
DANIEL: What’s the problem? MAX: We can’t open the chest.
[Daniel looked REALLY amused. He pointed at Max’s skinny jeans.]
DANIEL: Did you try the key? MAX: What key?
[He covered the pocket of his pants, but not before the camera clearly showed the outline of a key in those skin-tight jeans he always wears. His beloved skinny jeans …. they betrayed him …]
DANIEL: The key in your pocket. MAX: It didn’t work. DANIEL: It usually works better when you actually put the key in the hole. MAX: Put it in the hole. I’ll try that, thank you.
[Daniel rolled his eyes when he left the room, but NOT in a ‘harangued underpaid employee being sexually harassed at work’ way. He was very clearly trying not to smile.]
[It’s five minutes into this escape room. May I remind you that they have a full hour to complete this thing? Max looked at a broken cocktail glass, which is clearly intentionally broken. It’s only in two pieces. It’s glued down. The edges are completely dull. He still hit the button].
YUKI: Oh my god, Max. MAX: That could be dangerous!
[Daniel entered the room and walked straight over to Max.]
DANIEL: Yes, Max? MAX: There’s broken glass. DANIEL: It’s decor and entirely made of plastic. MAX: I had to be sure. Safety first.
[Daniel started to walk back out of the room.]
DANIEL: I’m counting this in your hint count, by the way. YUKI: Fuck you, Max.
[The swear words are obviously all censored, but we can all tell what the word is when they’re swearing at Max, which happens quite a lot in this video. Max just shrugged at him. Unbothered king.]
[I cannot make this up - he calls Daniel in one minute later.]
CHECO: There’s numbers circled on this poster. LIAM: There’s five numbers and this lock over here needs five. We just have to figure out the order. YUKI: Max, don’t hit the fucking button.
[Max has already hit the fucking button.]
MAX: What order do these go in?
[Daniel rubbed a hand over his beard while he searched for a way to explain to Max that he can’t just give him the answers.]
DANIEL: Do those numbers maybe relate to something else in the room? For example, those books over there? MAX: I don’t know. We could go look together. LIAM: Sorry, do you two just want the room to yourselves? MAX: Yes.
[Daniel just laughed again. He is absolutely immune to Max’s intense flirtatious weirdness. It’s incredible to watch.]
DANIEL: How about you all take a look and see how you go?
[If you’re wondering, the others do figure it out after eight minutes. You put the books in alphabetical order, and the colour of their cover relates to the colour of the number. This was something actually worthy of a hint, but Yuki physically guarded the button so Max couldn’t hit it].
[Twenty minutes in. Max is trying and failing to figure out a riddle.]
MAX: I think this must only make sense if you speak English. This game isn’t designed for us. LIAM: Do you want me to look?
[Liam didn’t even finish his sentence before Max hit the button, by the way.]
DANIEL: Having some riddle trouble? MAX: Your game is biased.
[Max started wagging his finger, and Yuki looked like he was contemplating snapping it off. Checo was staring blankly at the corner and seemed to be wishing he were anywhere else.]
DANIEL: Mate, I’m pretty sure you speak better English than me. YUKI: We don’t want the hint. MAX: We want the hint. DANIEL: How about I whisper a hint to Max, and he only gives it to you guys if the rest of you can’t figure it out?
[Max looks absolutely delighted with this turn of events. Daniel cups his hands around his mouth and whispers it into Max’s ear.]
MAX: Sorry, say that again?
[He got away with that two more times, by the way. I actually can’t believe Red Bull left this footage in. Max looked smug as hell.]
[After four minutes of the group trying and failing to figure out the riddle, they finally give up and ask Max for the hint. I don’t know why they wasted their time. Max hit that fucking button.]
MAX: I forgot the hint. Sorry. DANIEL: I mean, you only heard it three times. How could you remember?
[When Max hits the button again, 27 minutes in, there are audible sighs from even the cameramen in the room.]
DANIEL: Max, would you just like to sit in the observation room with me give out hints? YUKI: Please! LIAM: Yes, he would.
[There are no words in any language to succinctly or accurately describe the pleased expression on Max’s face. The best comparison I have is a cat rolling in a field of catnip.]
NOTE: There’s no footage of what went down in the room. Red Bull included a little pop-up explaining that the cameraman couldn’t fit in the room with them. I think that room could have been the size of the entire paddock and Max would’ve found an excuse to have just himself and Daniel in there.
[The others ask for a hint at the 48 minute mark. Suddenly, magically, the loudspeaker works. No one has to enter. It’s just Max’s bossy voice telling them what to do, in detail, to solve the room, and Daniel giggling and protesting in the background, saying he can’t tell them that. It sounds like there’s a scuffle for the mic after Max drops approximately six instructions, and then it cuts off.]
[During the photo of everyone holding the sign at the end, Daniel tries to write a 9 in the “clues used” section. Max keeps erasing it and writing 0 with his own marker, produced from seemingly nowhere. Eventually, everyone takes a photo without the sign and they let Max and Daniel continue their little play fight in the corner.]
[Post-escape interviews. They all seem to be in a van on the way back from this adventure. Max is giddy and giggling.]
MAX: That was a lot of fun. I think it went well. I was very good at giving clues. I think I found my job for after retirement. YUKI: It was good when Max left. LIAM: To be fair, mate, we would have lost if Max didn’t give us all the answers at the end. YUKI: I was figuring it out!
[The camera captures Checo for only a second. He’s staring longingly out the window... probably contemplating jumping out of the moving vehicle.]
TLDR: Max is definitely fucking this escape room guy and if Red Bull never does a repeat of this video, I’m joining Max’s agenda against marketing activities.
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AUG 5, 2024
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teddybearty · 8 months
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🎶The dream team you and me🎶
🎶For all eternity! 🎶
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Good morning Hawkins I am slogging through my day burdened by the horrors so please have this nice thing:
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Literally it is impossible to have a completely bad day with Eddie. Even at your lowest point he will still somehow manage to make you smile or laugh until you dissolve into wheezing so hard because you can’t catch a breath. Mans is a whole damn circus act and will do it all for you, simply for the fact that he cares so much about you he doesn’t want that smile to ever leave your face. Even if he’s the cause of your frown, he will immediately try to fix things.
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katsco · 5 months
Edwin is literally me (he doesn’t really understand jokes or social queues, he comes off as rude a lot of the times when he’s just being honest, he’s quite blunt and monotoned, he has a lot of knowledge about certain things, he doesn’t like change or to try new things, he’s not the biggest fan of touch except from with the people he really cares about and he’s not the best at expressing his emotions or putting them into words but he tries)
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meraki-yao · 7 months
The post for TN candy isn't avaliable for non-Weibo users so I asked my best friend who has an account if she could open the post for me
She sent me 64 screenshots.
That's how fucking long the post is!!!
This is gonna be a work 😅Fun work that I'm happy to do, but work nonetheless
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average-mako-enjoyer · 2 months
If you ever feel like you're not hyping your favorite fandom creators enough, you're right.
I once hyped my favorite Cyberpunk2077 artist so much that they blocked me. Get on my fucking level, you noobs.
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eternal--returned · 5 months
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What’s up anon?
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kennyomegasweave · 5 months
Phupha 2 telling Kram 1 he'd pick the first person he had even if he fell for a second person just made me gasp. Cause I mean. Well. Phupha 1 had a fiancée, then met Kram 1, then said absolutely nothing about her to Kram 1, but once Kram 1 did find out about her & met her tried to pull out some "baby I was gonna tell you, I promise it's not what you think!" And then he just died? And now Kram 1 is falling for Tai 2 while also being like "no you love Phupha 1" like that entire man isn't dead???
Please someone just hug Tai 2. Like my god. His whole ass man died and then his man's other world double showed up and he tried to keep his distance but caught feelings, but Kram 1 still thought he could just switch Phupha 2 in for his dead Phupha 1 just for Kram 1 to realize he doesn't actually want Phupha 2??? And he does what Tai 2??? Please someone just hug Tai 2. I'm begging.
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I don't think lights were ever really an indication of the mask's power/influence state.
Sure, maybe when the lights were off or flickering, the amount of control over Ranboo was released just enough for their actions and reactions to be their own, but they were still guided in the right direction.
Ranboo states that the best way to describe the control of the mask is the following sentence: "Change someone's perception of reality, and they will act how you want."
Take for instance, dispite beginning the first episode with the mask off, they don't register that they're the cabin they're in is fake and they're on a set, even though there is an entire wall missing.
This fact is brushed over later once the lights turn on, as Ranboo notes there's is a "weird painting" on the forth wall, but it's definitely worth bringing up.
Another note is Ranboo's attitude after interacting with Hetch in the final cinamatic scene. Silent, straight-forward, cold. One could argue it's because he was motivated by the fact his freedom seemed so near, but I don't think so. Take Charlie's reaction to Ranboo stabbing the Employee. He's shocked, as if he doesn't recognize his friends actions. which, yeah, none of us did.
Also the employee was full of just wires, dispite an earlier employee who had been mauled by the wire monster was quite clearly bleeding, with no wires. So, the gore filter has been turned on again.
And lastly, what is apparently Ranboo's favorite detail:
Ranboo does not follow the first glowing exit sign's direction (to go right) after "shutting down" Showfall. (In all honesty it's a little unclear with the glow blurring it, but I'll take Ranboo's word for it)
Ranboo, despite wanting freedom, doesn't follow the first sign they'd see. Instead, they go left, towards the door, the "exit", the dark corridor (in comparison to the light that was streaming from a skylight in the "right" direction.) Right into Hetch's grasp.
So yeah, the mask lights? It's all just for Show!
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nyxkaikaos · 4 months
@marxistcalvinisthobbesist nice appeal to purity fallacy jackass.
Go take your Ace Discourse in a "TMA" hat away from me and my fellow trans women who know we're next when the same rhetoric as used on Ace, Bi, and Pan people needs a new "acceptable" target.
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Can’t believe there’s ppl like you who are believing that tech could be alive. Like get over it? It’s not real. There are bigger problems rn
Shut your stupid cunt mouth
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yaoimongerer · 11 months
There Is a Light Mature, Sasori/Deidara, 2.5k words
The humiliation of being nursed back to wellness was something hot and squirming-writhing-seething, but Sasori never gloated. He tended to Deidara with emotion that he could never quite place – it was in his eyes, the only part of him still alive. They glinted with something that reminded Deidara of his cruelty, but softer. More personal. Self-indulgent prompt fill for day 5 of Sasori Week.
Tags: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Poisoning, Grief, Character Study, Dubious Consent, Whump, prompt: partners, Prompt: Fantasy, sasoriweek, sasoriweek2023
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djk-creations · 2 years
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ensuring sweet dreams ✨
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afaroffsong · 11 months
Okay so I didn’t get any writing done today BUT a friend came and spontaneously picked me up and whisked me down to her yard where I got to meet her foal and free-school her two-year-old Flossie and ride THREE of her horses. And she bought me lunch (chicken and chips) and told me I’m a good rider and talked about opening a yard with me where we can break and school horses and maybe have a few liveries and I just felt… so wanted. Which is kind of a new thing for me because most people would rather keep their interactions with me to the minimum. So I’m just crying happy tears right now. 🥹
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fandomsarefamily1966 · 5 months
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colorisbyshe · 7 months
height discourse at concerts is useless but like... idk... there is a difference between "this is just how you are and that can't be changed" and "you are making things harder for the people immediately around you with little to no benefit for yourself"
like... i do always go back to the drag queen at the babymetal show
who wore massive heels AND had on a MASSIVE wig with MASSIVE horns on them
in the front row
like... if you took away the heels and the wig, their experience would be the same, but the experience of literally everyone around them would've been better
yeah, they paid, they can go however they want, but also....
it'd be nice if one of the things they wanted was to be more considerate
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