#So it was really fun to enter my first viewing of little shop of horrors with it as my baseline
sanguineed · 8 months
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New profile pic yay! Also a small celebration for maybe possibly convincing our director to do little shop of horrors for our next show (if we can get the licensing)!
also extra BATS ver because I like it and I can:
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joshuasabolboro · 6 months
On this day, I want to start by recalling my best memories which is me and my family enjoying and having a very amazing time on the beach and also splashing water everywhere.At night time I and my friends had played truth or dare and we'll sleep at nine we all said.
I wish to go back to that day over and over again.I also studied for what i think the next lessons on some subjects will be and I helped my mom with chores around the house which made my mom really happy and I was pretty happy for what I have done too and I also realized that my mom helps us and works hard just for us to have a good life and I loved her for that and the second is my dad because he also works hard like my mom but the difference is that my dad studies at night time because he us determined to work as an attorney or lawyer and those things are what I realized when I was having a sembreak.
And when you realize that they are gona that is when you will realize that you missed out on alot and you would want to go when they were still there or something else and I this when I was still at my sem-break. family is the most important thing or people in our lives and we must always not shoo them again they bring us love and no discomfort at times of needs and even if alot of people are close family will always get closer. Which is what I observed and understood while it was still sem-break and I love them all for that. I and friends also went to bambanti and the best one there is the viking, even tho I almost puked it was alot of fun.
My friends are one of the best people who entered my life and brung more joy to it and i thank them for that. Most family members of mine are older that is why i dont get the same vibe that i get from my friends or bestfriends and because of school I had a harder time trying to hangout with friends and family members.
My mom also baked a very delicious pie which i loved very much and praised her for it. We also went grocery shopping and we bought alot of yummy food and I remembered i had to comply so i did my ict and many more subjects.
The sem-break has thought me alot like by learning how to appreciate my family and never stoping to love them and that they would also do that too and during the sem-break i learned and played games with my bff's and by playing i mean like using time and theirs to explore different gaming platforms and i spent my time playing roblox with my friends.
And during that time i learned how to become more mature and although they always tell me to do chores but now i thank them for it because learned how to do things that before i couldnt even so i owe them that and at those times i saw my brother grew up more and i feel so proud as his big brother. And the fact that we went swimming was awesome and it was our tita's pool so we had it all to ourselves mostly loved the slide because although at first it is pretty scary but after you conquer it you eventually can notice that it is a very fun experience and i enjoyed it very much.
We also had mini picnic on our backyard and it was super fun, it also comes with marshmallows and a horror time which was super spooky and we slept in tents and i really think that it was such a brand new experience and i really loved it.
And my answer to why this is important bis because we need to spend time with our family and what they do to us is needed and without them there would be only very few to support us with achieving our dreams and they help us get through hard times.
Family is most important in our life and this sem-break has thought me that this sem-break teached me how to be more mature and understand what your parents have done in own point of view and it also showed me how fast time is because of seeing my brother grow up so fast is just one thing ive seen this sem-break and it also helped me get my mind off school for a little bit and this break made me breathe fresh air, also have fun.
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weasleydream · 4 years
i got to say goodbye
okay so i’m really emotional with this one, i don’t know if you’ll be too but i really wanted to write this moment. 
As usual, feel free to like, comment, reblog and enjoy!
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Fifty years. It’s something, isn’t it?
We’re used to hearing that a lot happens in a day, so how could we describe what happens in fifty years? Maybe it depends on the person. Maybe some would say things aren’t that different, same places, same people, only a few more wrinkles and memories. Maybe for others, life couldn’t have gotten more different, feeling like an eternity for them, barely remembering what days used to be, forgetting more and more about their childhood friends and simple things such as the portraits in Hogwarts’ corridors. 
On any other day of the year - or even of the last fifty years - I would have answered I was part of the first category. To me, getting old was the most normal thing, or so it had become. Everything that had happened from funding a family with George to officially letting our little Freddie run the shop in Diagon Alley, all of it had seemed to be written somewhere. No matter how heartbreaking things could be, deep inside I was convinced it was how things were supposed to happen.
But today wasn’t like any other day of the last fifty years. Today was different, an anniversary the whole wizarding world had prepared for, an anniversary I wished with all I had life hadn’t given us a reason to celebrate it. Today, George and I, along with plenty of other wizards and witches, had been invited to celebrate the fifty years of the battle of Hogwarts and the fall of Voldemort right in this castle we had loved so much. Plenty of the people we had fought with weren’t here anymore. Plenty of them didn’t want to come back, still haunted by green lights, screams and explosions. George was among them. More than anyone else, he had refused to put a foot in these corridors he had known so well so many years ago. 
“What do you want me to say?” he had replied when I had asked him if he wanted to come. “That those who died were heroes? That they are still missed today? We know that, Y/N. Those who fought with us know that and the others don’t care. It isn’t worth it, it isn’t worth the pain.” he had added in a whisper. 
But I knew it was worth it, because back then I thought it was written too. We had lived long enough to see this day, it had to mean we had to go to the ceremony, right? I had eventually convinced George by constantly arguing with him and he had finally accepted because in fifty four years of love, my stubbornness had become way too much. 
That’s how we had ended up walking between the forbidden forest’s trees, where we were currently. Written or not, neither of us was ready to actually enter the castle that had been our second home for seven years. What if it had changed so much we didn’t recognize it anymore? Worse, what if it was still the same and we discovered we were nothing more than strangers between these walls? 
The forest was another place full of memories, most of them quite painful and bittersweet as they were filled with people we loved and we had lost, but it was the good kind of pain. The one that leads you to smile sadly before laughing frankly, the one that at first you don’t want to feel but once it’s here, you open your arms and ask for more. 
George and I were both silent, holding hands like we used to when we were younger. Sometimes, one of us would stop and close their eyes, overwhelmed by strong memories, and the other would wait and remember too, only for a moment, how we used to be. George was now an old man, and I was an old lady. His hair wasn't that bright red I used to adore anymore, it was more dull, strewn with white strands. His eyes, even though they still had their famous sparkle, were showing more and more tiredness as the years went by. His hands were more calloused too, his once soft skin burnt by countless failed attempts to create the perfect product for the shop. Like mine, his face was wrinkled and he always used to joke on the first of April about where the freshly appeared wrinkle was hiding. And like mine, his shoulders were hunched. 
Maybe it was the special atmosphere of the forest, maybe it was the memories I had forgotten and slowly remembering again, maybe it was all of this or none of this or it didn’t matter, fact is that I was realizing how wrong I had been for fifty years. Our shoulders weren’t hunching underneath the weight of the years but the weight of the war we had gone through. If we struggled that much to keep our eyes open, it was because we didn’t want to see more horrors. It wasn’t the people we had gone through so much with that we were forgetting, but the pain we had felt when we had lost them. 
If our lives were really written somewhere, the author had been quite cruel with us. 
“Are you okay? Do you want to go back home?” 
George’s voice suddenly echoed and I opened my eyes. As it seemed, I had been lost in my thoughts for more than a second. 
“No, don’t worry, it’s fine. Unless you want to leave, of course.”
“I’ll be okay.” 
He smiled softly and for a second, I saw the goofy boy that had asked me out before the Yule Ball, and I couldn’t help but also think about his twin brother laughing at our clumsy steps and our red cheeks. Even if he had been gone for fifty years, the memory of him was still strongly implanted in us and when we had decided to name our first son after him, it was to make sure no one would ever forget him. Fred Weasley, first of the name, the most big-hearted and idiotic man this world had known. 
“I miss him,” whispered George. With the years, he had learnt to stop crying when mentioning his twin, but his eyes would always carry the pain he felt deep down. “It’s been so long, yet I still feel the hole he has left.”
“I know Georgie,” I said while stepping toward him. “I know. But, you know, I feel like he’s right here, next to us.”
“And making fun of our sappiness.” added George with a chuckle. 
“Probably, yes!”
George nodded and looked away, grabbing my hand with more strength than earlier. We kept walking for some time, not really caring about the fact that the actual ceremony had probably begun by now. 
“You know how I know I’m getting old?” I asked half an hour later, as we were sitting on rocks along the creek. 
George looked up to me, this playful look in his eyes showing me he was ready to say anything stupid that would cross his mind. 
“The wrinkles? The sagging skin? I know, the-”
“Your skin hangs more than mine!” I said, falsely offended. “I was talking about the fact that I’m exhausted and it hadn’t even been an hour and half since we arrived.” 
“Tell me about it, I feel like my back is going to break in two!” As if to address it, George stretched his back and several crackings were heard. “I’m still more in shape than you, though.”
I was on the verge of replying when a soft thump echoed and cries of distress arrived in our ears. I jumped on my feet - as quickly as my tired legs let me, of course - and followed George to where the noise was coming from. We discovered an empty bird nest, and a few inches away a tiny nestling calling for help. 
“The poor baby!” I exclaimed. “Come here little one, I’m going to help you.”
I grabbed my wand and changed a stick found on the floor into a sort of little board. There were feathers all around the nest; George put them back in so that the nestling would be comfortable and I helped the baby bird come back in the nest with the board. Then I made it levitate to the branch above our heads and watched satisfied as the mother of the nestling came back and checked on her baby. 
“What is this?” mumbled George. 
I looked at him. He was holding a pebble in the palm of his hand. With a finger, I turned it again and again, it had a strange shape and was really smooth and I was pretty sure it wasn’t just a pebble. I was going to say it was really weird when he appeared. 
“It’s been a while, brother.”
It was a reflex. I tightened my hand around George’s, too afraid he would let go of the stone. He wasn’t thinking about it at all though. His eyes were fixed on Fred, on his shape that looked more than real. His face was still the same, he was still the same. Tall, his hands stuck in his pockets, his hair messy and his eyes shining. George extended an arm, his hand a few inches away from his brother’s chest. Fred sighed and a crooked smile appeared on his face. George’s hand didn’t go further away. 
“I’m glad to see you, Georgie. I missed you.”
“I- Me too, I missed you too. So much.”
“I missed you too, Y/N/N.” Fred winked at me and I nodded, sure that I would explode in sobs if I said anything. 
His eyes fell back on George, and they exchanged one of these looks they were the only ones to understand. George’s hand was tense in mine, as if he was holding tight onto me not to get lost on what had always been his biggest dream. 
“That beard looks great on you,” finally said Fred with a smirk. “Almost better than the one I had after we tried to cheat to enter the triwizard tournament. You remember?”
“Of course,” murmured George. “It was stupid to try that.”
“I don’t think so.” Fred shrugged and took a step toward us. 
The atmosphere changed instantly, and what was feeling like a dream became the most real feeling we would ever experience. Fred’s aura was pure, the same as it had always been but so much stronger that it was enveloping us. 
“I’ve been here every step of the way Georgie, and you know I’ll be until the end. Love you, brother. Say hi to the family to me, would ya?”
George nodded, murmured a shaky I love you too, see you soon brother, and opened his hand just enough to look at the stone. I knew he wanted to keep it, I wanted it too, but I didn’t realize that the twins didn’t share this view. 
“It’s incredible…” began George.
“But dangerous.” finished Fred. 
He smiled, and George closed his eyes. 
The stone fell on the floor, and the forest became as silent as it was before. My eyes were fixed on the stone when George murmured. 
“At least I got to say goodbye.”
He looked at me, there was a tear on his cheek that he didn’t bother wiping away, but he was smiling more brightly than in the last fifty years. He didn’t need to justify himself, I knew the tale of the three brothers too and I knew the resurrection stone was dangerous. We had to keep it hidden here, where even us would be unable to find it again. After an undetermined amount of time, George grabbed my hand again. 
“I think it’s time for us to get in the castle.”
I nodded and followed him, the image of Fred still engraved in my mind. 
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joshuas · 4 years
the playlist
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♫ pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
♫ genre: college/university student!au, slice-of-life, crack (at the end, really), fluff
♫ word count: 1.4k
♫ warnings: Nil of note!
♫ prompt: #You made me a Christmas playlist but it's just Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you" and I can't tell if you're hitting on me or if it's a joke. - if anyone is aware of the owner (?) of the prompt, please let me know so that I can credit appropriately :)
♫ a/n: The first addition to my Christmas drabbles! Enjoy this lowkey chaotic fic!
♫ skz christmas drabbles: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
[16:23] 10th Dec.
Entering the cafe your friend Chan was working at, you sighed contentedly, inhaling the smoky aroma of freshly ground coffee. “I need caffeine like right now.” You slumped against the counter dramatically. “Exams were that bad, huh?” He smiled sympathetically, starting up the espresso machine. “Not bad. Tiring, but not bad. I’m honestly just erasing any memory of them as we speak.” You sighed, propping your chin on your hands. “Well, regardless, I did make you something as a gift for completing those... things that you’re currently forgetting.” “You did? I mean you didn’t have to.” Your eyes lit up though, negating any attempt at masking your excitement and curiosity. “Okay, well I should clarify. It’s nothing big. My professor set us a task to make a playlist for someone, basically for the purpose of getting us to consider the audience that we’re making music for... so I chose you. Just think of it as something to relax to after a long week of exams.” He explained, tone slightly laced with trepidation that you payed no heed to. “Well, I’m flattered that my best friend considered me to be their... muse for this assignment? In fact, I’m super curious as to what songs you put on it. Send it to me tonight and I’ll listen to it!” You grinned, grabbing your coffee and waving as you exited the shop. “Yeah, okay...”
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“Don’t spill the flour everywhere!” Your friend, Felix, stressed, pushing the bowl of cookie batter closer to you.
“This whole process would be a lot more fun if we could listen to music, as well.” You rolled your eyes at his hotheadedness. “Hey, you’re the one that wanted to make gingerbread for Chan because of the whole playlist thing, which is highly romantic by the way. Also, we all know what happens when you get distracted while cooking.” He smirked, mixing through the batter. “I’m pretty sure friends can make playlists for their friends. Besides, I have you to help this precarious venture not go sideways.” You flashed him a smile, opening up the playlist and pressing shuffle play, before quickly redirecting your attention to to the cookie trays. All I Want for Christmas Is You blasted out the speakers, you laughed awkwardly as Felix raised his eyebrows pointedly at you. Odd song choice, but okay.
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Half an hour later, with Mariah Carey playing on loop for almost 10 times, Felix rubbed his temples,
“Either Chan has an extremely unique sense of humour, or it’s an extreme declaration of his undying love for you.” Parcelling the gingerbread away and neatly tying a bow on top, you looked at him, “It’s weird, though. All the songs on the playlist are the same. I don’t think Chan would do that... it’s probably some network glitch or something like that.” You resolved, thoughts whirling as you cleared the kitchen. You had known Chan since childhood. Growing up, the two of you were as thick as thieves, causing enough grief to last both your parents a lifetime. It wasn’t until late high school that you’d started viewing him differently. Every little act of kindness that he did out of friendship made your heart both burst with happiness and twinge at the fact that he didn’t share the same sentiment as you. You hadn’t ever really considered the possibility of him liking you back. You never wanted to venture into that territory, afraid that you’d get your hopes up and your friendship, something you valued more than anything, would be ruined at the cost of your curiosity and feelings. You considered it as too selfish to even entertain the thought. However, some nights you couldn’t help but daydream on how it would feel to have his soft lips on yours, and to be wrapped in his warm embrace every night. Yet, whenever reality dawned on you, you shut down that part of your brain, reinforcing to yourself that the two of you were only friends. “Hey, Y/N? Sorry to interrupt whatever internal monologue you’re having but I’m going to leave now. Regarding the Chan situation, I’m not telling you to read into it too much, but considering Chan, I doubt it was just a joke.” Felix gave you a tight hug, snapping you out of your reverie. Sighing, you shut off the speaker, heading to your bed, your thoughts provoking as you tossed and turned, unable to drift off.
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[18:39] 12 Dec. You had actively avoided the cafe and Chan over the last few days, fleeting texts often with one worded answers being the only form of communication between the two of you until you had sort of wrapped your head around the whole playlist situation. You knew it was bad to keep Chan in the dark like that, but you weren’t ready to see him, regardless of what his reasoning was. It wasn’t until Felix had forced you out of the house to give him the gingerbread you had baked that you had to face your fears and him. The door jingled as you stepped into the place, Chan in the same place you last saw him, humming to, wow, he really likes this song, none other than All I Want for Christmas Is You as he wiped down the counter, “Sorry, we’re closed.” He called out, not glancing up as you approached. “You must really love Mariah Carey.” You raised your eyebrows at him as he glanced up at you, startled, “Y/N? You’re alive?” “No. I’m the ghost of christmas past... Of course I am. I came bearing gifts. Particularly Christmas ones since you’re going home tomorrow.” You placed the gift bag in his arms, avoiding his gaze. “Thank you.” He said quietly, putting the bag to the side. “So, about the playlist—“ You both started. He stopped as you continued. “Was it a joke?” You blurted out, silence pursuing as Mariah Carey belted in the background. Santa won't you bring me The one I really need Won't you please bring my baby to me “This is really poor choice of music... anyway. Look, Y/N, you’re my best friend.” Your heart twinged in disappointment as your throat tightened, casting your burning eyes to the ground. He grabbed your hands, “but... it wasn’t a joke. I literally put 100 copies of All I Want for Christmas Is You in a playlist to try and articulate my feelings for you.” “Wait... so you were hitting on me?” You questioned, looking up, incredulous. “I mean. Yeah.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Cool cool cool cool cool.” You stared at each other for a while, eyebrows raised. You surged forward, pressing a quick kiss on his lips, as he gaped at you in shock. “You mean you...” “I don’t know about you, but I don’t go around kissing randoms after they declare their undying love for me, unless I like them too.” He pulled you close to him, his lips moving tenderly moving against yours. Time came to a standstill, the music distantly playing in your mind as you wrapped your arms around his neck, the two of you blissfully enjoying each other’s company. You pulled apart, breathing heavily as a smile spread on both your faces, laughing softly. “You know... your wish did come true.” You remarked. “Wish?” He tilted his head, questioning. “All you want for Christmas is... you know...” You gestured to yourself, as he facepalmed, laughing, “I guess you’re right. All I’ve wanted for Christmas is you.”
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+bonus -  high-key crack ((because Felix would never ever do this)) this is lowkey inspired by Chan’s Room: Ep. 69! Watching your silhouettes behind the tinted windows of the cafe lean in to kiss, Felix scrambled out of the car, eyes wide in horror as realisation dawned on him. “No! This can’t be happening! My plan...” He fell to his knees on the sidewalk, his upset tone echoing throughout the almost deserted street. He was in turmoil. He had been the one to orchestrate this whole thing - 100 copies of the same Mariah Carey song on a playlist, even with the concept of a playlist, he was sure you would hate it. However, what he didn’t account for... was that the two of you had feelings for each other. His heart twinged enviously at the possibility of Chan sharing all the pick-up lines customers (cough cough stays) had used on him throughout his day on you instead of Felix. He had to do something about this. This wasn’t the end for platonic Chanlix. He’d get his pick-up lines back.
➳ part two?  |  masterlist!
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redrosesartcabin · 4 years
Self indulgent series part 1
At home where everything seems fine
(Kenji x female reader, first perspective) (This story was originally written for me about me, which is why it’s called the self indulgent series. But because I’ve written so god damn much I decided to edit it a little, edit some things out as well etc and share some of it with you, I hope you’ll enjoy it!)
The horrors were over.
Where day after day, week after week we had to fight for our survival.
It was finally over.
Setting foot on land was a dream come true for us all, though it was also a heart wrenching goodbye as we went off home.
We had longed for home for so long, but we had also found a family in our new friends.
I especially felt that Kenji took the goodbye hard. Maybe even the hardest.
After all this time I knew all too well, that despite all the wealth he has, despite all the things he owns and the comfort he enjoys in life, there was no family he was going home to.
He was an only child with no known mother in the picture and an absent father. It tore me apart as I had to release him from the tight hug he had me in. It was the kind of hug that begged you to never let go. But I had to. My family was waiting. I had that luck.
I turned around with pain in my heart for him but the utmost joy as I saw my parents and siblings with tears in their eyes, seeing their long-lost daughter and sister alive and well.
I felt infinite warmth as they brought me into their embrace and we finally went home.
 Before going home, we had told each other’s socials (none of us remembered our phone number after all that time) so we would stay in touch.
In the beginning we would talk to each other every day whenever possible for us. We all had a hard time especially when it came to getting into daily school life again, since we had to start over with the grade we had already started and thus weren’t with our old friends again, who had on top of that moved on as they had thought we had died and thus it was hard to reconnect.
Luckily, we all somehow found new connections again (many people took pity in us for what we had lived through) and we could move on.
As we did, so did our chatting.
No: of course, we didn’t lose contact. We were all a second family to each other and there was no way in hell we’d ever be able to live without each other ever again. Not after what we’ve been through.
We however lost the need to tell each other every little thing and could live on our own. Much like when a child moves out from their parent’s house. The child is used to seeing their parent every single day so the parents (if they are good parents that is) will feel the need that the child writes them every day and the child will feel the need to write and connect every day. But as they learn to be independent, they will lose their need to be connected to their parent and the parents will start trusting the child and not need them to write every day or all the time.
That was the case with us all: Except when it came to Kenji and me.
 As unbelievable as it would’ve seemed in the past, we both became best friends. We would send each other stupid memes and laugh about animal videos and Tiktok or vine compilations on Youtube, or, on the other hand of the spectrum, we’d talk through the nightmares we sometimes had about what we lived through and the permanent trauma our time in Jurassic World had caused us. Somehow, we felt the most comfortable talking to each other about that as well as laughing about the same things.
We seemed to have a similar psyche, despite him being extroverted whilst I was introverted and him acting like a jerk to appear cool, whilst I would often refrain from talking and try to appear cold so people wouldn’t know who I was.
But on the insight, when you’d look past that outer shell, it turns out we are very similar people with very similar views. Kind of an opposites attract thing where we both had qualities that we both could benefit from and grow together as a person whilst holding the same principals and morals.
Though quicker than I could blink, that opposites attract thing turned into a huge, massive, enormous, gigantic crush.
 I should’ve known that this would happen. Right after I figured it out for myself, I just had to groan. I had always found him very pretty, though I would’ve never admitted that: He had enough of an ego, I didn’t need to feed into that act any more than necessary.
During our adventurous time on the dino-island, I hadn’t had too much time to think about my own feelings. But now that I was safe again in my comfortable home, I had finally realized my dreaded crush.
I didn’t dread it, because it was him. I didn’t even dread it too much because we didn’t live in the same place (though that was quite annoying too). I dreaded it mostly, because of the simple fact that I probably wasn’t his type. And I hated that my first deep friendship with a boy had turned my head upside down after all. But he was just too beautiful not to crush on.
Or maybe I was even in love.
And so, I kept on dreading it, until one crazy day.
 I was exiting my school around lunch time on Friday, idly chatting with a bunch of my newfound friends, when I detected a helicopter on the schoolyard.
“No way”, I whispered
“Might that be your little rich boyfriend?”, one of my girl friends asked me teasingly
“Oh shut it”, I gave her a jab in the side but had to giggle nonetheless.
And indeed, it was him. I mean: What other person would make such a grand arrival on a schoolyard?
Kenji had seemed to have detected me and got out of the helicopter.
“Y/Nnnnnnn”, Kenji yelled, stretching my name as he did
“Kenji!”, I screamed back and ran into his arms he opened wide for a loving embrace.
I didn’t care that everyone was looking or that they thought we both were lovers and that this might be a tad bit embarrassing and overboard: I had missed him too much to give a damn.
“Kenj’ my dude, what are you doing here?”, I asked, getting out of our embrace to take a good look at him. He was well dressed and styled as always.
“Sightseeing”, he answered with a sarcastic undertone which made me raise an eyebrow (I of course knew why he was here, it was a rhetorical question), “…Visiting you of course”, he explained anyways, “can’t I miss my best friend?”, he asked and I could feel my cheeks grow red.
Yes… best friend.
“Of course,”, I smiled back, “I missed you too, ya dingus. Though why did you come with the helicopter? Don’t you think it’s a little…much?”
“Well first of all: No, never. Secondly: It’s faster to fly here with the heli, and thirdly: I talked to your parents and they agreed you can come to my crib for the weekend”
“Really? You’re not messing with me?!”
“I swear”, he said, lifting his hand to make the swearing sign to show his uncrossed fingers, “and if you still don’t believe me you can just check your phone”, he added as he had pledged is truthfulness.
I tucked it out of my backpack and there it was: A message from my mom wishing me a good time over at Kenji’s. Plus informing me she had packed me a little luggage that Kenji already had in his helicopter. I wrote her thanks and a heart before facing Kenji again with a content smile.
“Ok then: What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”, I laughed, “Later you guys!”, I turned around to my friends who were giving me cheeky smiles and a thumbs up.
 The flight lasted three hours in total. Though it felt like no time at all as Kenji and I caught up on things. And even when we were done with that, we found a way to talk about anything and nothing at all or sometimes even just sit there in a comfortable silence and looking out of the window. I had never flown in a helicopter and was in constant awe of it all. Kenji had made a little bit fun of that and called it “cute” which however made me fluster more than anything else. Him calling anything I do cute just made the butterflies in my stomach swirl like crazy.
 We arrived on top of a huge roof that had a designated helicopter landing spot.
“Wow damn. Your house really is big!”
“Y/N: That’s the helicopter Garage”
As we got out a tall man in a black suit, who carried my luggage, accompanied us through a trap door on the ground down to a huge hall with several helicopters in different colors and sizes.
My mouth was wide agape as I looked at it all.
“And where in the ever-loving f*ck is your real house then?”, I asked
“We are gonna be brought there by the limo in a sec”, he explained as casually as someone saying they were going grocery shopping.
Though that was probably more unusual for anyone in his family than it was for me to drive in a limousine.
 We got out of the garage and waited on a small patio. Only a couple of seconds after we had exited, surely enough, a pitch black, perfectly cleaned limo appeared. A chauffeur exited the driver side opening the door, way in the back, “welcome Sir Kenji and Madame. Please enter”, he said in a very British accent and motioned us to get into the car.
“Wow” is all I could say at first but then could muster up a “thank you” without sounding too flabbergasted.
 The drive from the helicopter Garage to the actual house (if you could call it that) was only a couple of minutes, but boy what a couple of minutes!
I was looking out of the window yet again. This time I was looking at a huge, very well groomed, garden. It had huge rose bushes, ponds with statues spewing water, a maze… just like you’d imagine the garden of a king to look like.
“Kenji: This is batshit insane. You live in a freaking palace!”, I exclaimed.
“Well: Did you think I was exaggerating when I said I was filthy rich?”
“Yes! Kinda!”, I answered, feeling my voice heighten, still not being able to process the sight before me, “it’s hard to believe that people can live like that”.
At that he just laughed, and we kept on just enjoying our company in silence.
 And finally, we truly arrived.
We were let out again by the chauffeur. As I exited, I noticed a red carpet being rolled out in front of me.
I turned to Kenji arching an eyebrow at him.
“A red carpet? Really?”
“What? I just wanted the lady to feel welcome”, he grinned, and I couldn’t but laugh and feel my cheeks redden again.
I everted my eyes from his, because of how flustered I got, but mostly to look at the house… or well: Mansion.
It was a very modern construction. Mostly white and looking futuristic. It was the kind of construction you’d expect a man, owning one or the other huge corporation, to have.
It was almost a disappointing contrast to the old seeming garden, but it was impressive nonetheless. I felt like I had jumped forward in time to the year 2030 or something.
After analyzing the mansion for a bit, we walked towards the dark gray double door that was opened by what seemed to be a sort of butler.
I was now faced with the entrance hall. It was all paved with a grave shiny stone and had a big, golden chandelier on the exaggeratedly high ceiling. In the back of the hall were two gray stairways going up to the left and right with glass barriers. On the front were clothe holders made of ebony wood and hanging hooks made out of fine steel.
“If this visit gets anymore incredible, I’m gonna faint”, I whispered
“Please don’t, ‘cause it will get better, but I’m glad you like it”, he whispered back, and I giggled like a little schoolgirl.
 Honestly, I could go on and on about everything he showed me in that building, but that would probably be twenty pages long, so I’m going to summarize with bullet points:
 ·      The west wing, like in Beauty and the Beast, is off limits: Except it’s because Kenji’s father was working there and harboring some kinda lab or something. A little shady if you ask me but I didn’t further question that
·      The east wing is full of fun rooms: A swimming pool room, a swimming pool patio outside together with a Shakuzi, a small private cinema room and of course, deep down in the cellar (at least he calls it that, for me it feels more like a casino), the bowling alley.
We spent the most time there, playing round after round where I didn’t let him win. Funny enough (though not the haha kind of funny) he almost cried tears of joy as he lost against me
·      The middle part, one could say, had the entrance hall, the kitchen, as well as the living room that had a ginormous couch and a huge 3D Tv with a Nintendo, Xbox and the newest Playstation. We played a couple of games in which I always lost because my parents never allowed me to have a gaming console and thus I was a bit inexperienced with most of the games, except in the case of U-sing: I played that with my ex best friend from primary school when we were little, plus I have a good voice whilst Kenji, well… he could work on his vocals. We however had fun either way.
·      And the third segment is the upper rooms with three bathrooms (one of which was Kenji’s), a spa room, a sauna and the bedrooms (that were strangely far apart from each other. A very bad gut feeling told me, that was on purpose).
 As we arrived in Kenji’s room, I already saw my small red suitcase laying on the white, very comfortable looking carpet. It was one of those carpets with the long white fur like texture. I sometimes wondered what hid amongst the long fur, but knew in Kenji’s case, this room was kept squeaky clean by his father’s staff so I wouldn’t have to worry about that.
‘The guy cares a little I guess’, I thought as my thoughts wandered to Kenji’s father.
 Kenji’s room itself indicated no personality at all. It was extremely odd. It looked like it came right out of a magazine. It had a big bed (usually such a bed a married couple in their 40’s would have), a white, of course, big wardrobe, a black colored dresser with a less impressive, yet still pretty modern Tv and another small dresser beside the bed, that had a very boring looking nighttime lamp on it where you could regulate the light by tapping on the bottom part. And a couple of steps away, parallel to the entrance door, was a big glass wall with an integrated door which led to a wooden balcony that had a small table, two chairs and a sun-umbrella.
‘Or maybe’, I continued the thought from before, ‘he simply cares about his son’s image’.
 “Nice room”, I said, so it wouldn’t seem suspicious that I wasn’t as exited this time about what I saw. But I hate hiding the truth and when I try doing what I hate, I don’t come off as a good liar. So, one can imagine: He noticed my hesitation.
“Is something wrong y/n?”, he asked, genuinely concerned, “is there something in here you don’t like? I can remove-“
“No”, I interrupted him, “there is nothing wrong with it. That’s just the thing: It’s immaculate”
“And why is that… bad?”, he asked a bit confused. Not angry confused, but just plain old confused. I felt sorry for him: I simply just think too deeply about things sometimes.
“It’s not bad”, I answered, “I’d just say its extremely weird: Don’t you have any posters you wanna hang up? Or pictures? Photographies of memories with your friends? Books or magazines you like to have at your bedside? It’s just: You have so much personality, I sometimes fear you’ll implode if you fail to show it even for a second. I can’t imagine that you don’t want to decorate your room in any way at all”
“But what if I do?”, Kenji asked, though his confused expression had turned into a cold glare that made me wish he would look confused again. I felt a lump built in my throat and my heart race in fear. Not because I was scared of him: But more so of what he was trying to hide by pretending.
“Kenji”, I said softly, letting a concerned frown adorn my face, “it’s ok. I’m your best friend. You can talk to me about it. And before you ask: I know what this is all about as much as you know that I know. But I won’t say it because at the end of the day, it’s your choice, but just know: I’m there for you, I won’t judge”
There was a moment of deafening silence as Kenji seemed to contemplate whether he should react defensive and angry, that I brought it up, or tell the truth.
I was glad when I could visibly see his guard drop as he looked at me with saddened eyes.
It was heartbreaking, but I’d rather have that than a stupid fight. I’d rather have that, than him being arrogant and prideful, trying to push me away as he had in the very beginning in Jurassic World.
He sat down on his bed, and I right beside him, looking at him concerned as he stared on the floor.
“You’re right: It is because of my father.”, he began, “You see: He wants me to become like him. Keep the business going. I’m like the first born to a king. And so, he decided there was no room for me to be too much of an individual at some point. He wanted not only the house to always look presentable in case one of his strange buddies appeared, but also for me to start being presentable. It only got worse after I failed algebra. He pushed the role of being him more.
My father might not be the worst: He does gift me a lot of things, makes sure my room is clean and that I get transported to whatever place I want with whatever vehicle I want and buys me whatever I desire. But it’s a disguise, you see? Trying to cover up that I’m just a trophy. Just the predecessor. He wants me to favor and admire him so that I will be him one day. He doesn’t care about me like a dad cares about his son. We are no family”, his voice got quiet as he tried hiding his tears. I said nothing and decided to just embrace him. I felt him become weak in my arms and sob so touchingly, I almost cried with him.
 A few minutes passed before his crying became hiccups and eventually quieted down.
“I’m sorry”, I murmured, “I shouldn’t have brought this up”
“No”, he answered, his voice still veiled in a layer of sadness, “it felt good. I haven’t cried like this in years. Thank you”
“You’re welcome”, I softly spoke back. I was glad he had relieved himself of that sadness he had seemed to hold in. I also immediately felt that this had also been the thing to finally have us come closer.
 After that, we figured we watch something lighthearted to cheer us up again.
It was a rom com called ‘L.A. story’ we both found very amusing.
Though at some point, as the love story came to its highpoint, I noticed my mind drifting away into a side space in my brain, where suddenly the main characters were him and me.
 My cheeks reddened for the third time that day (I almost feared he’d think I got a fever) and I could swear I felt his hand in mine… wait.
Was that real?
My gaze travelled from the screen to my hand and really: His hand was in mine.
Was that an accident or intentional?
‘Screw it! It’s now or never’, I thought as I felt daring for once.
I inched closer and leaned onto his shoulder. My heart was racing a hundred miles per hour it seemed as I waited for what his reaction would be. At first, he got stiff, but then everything happened at once and it happened fast. He lifted his head to look at me and I looked back into his deep, dark brown eyes and in one motion he leaned in and… kissed me.
At first, I couldn’t believe it, I was frozen in place, but soon enough before it could get awkward for him, I leaned in as well. Though I decided to just stay put and let my lips feel his carefully: It was my first kiss after all, I didn’t want to ruin it by getting sloppy.
We staid like that for a couple of seconds before deciding to part.
 “You like me too?”, is the first thing I asked, amazed by what just happened.
“What are you talking about? I’ve liked you since I saw you! You are the one who likes me too”, he answered. My eyes first widened but then I couldn’t but laugh out loud.
“And I always thought I wasn’t your type”, I admitted flustered at his words.
“Really? You are a pretty, talented girl with a super nice personality and you didn’t think you were my type?”
“I mean, I always assumed you’d be more into the mermaid type”, at that he raised an eyebrow and let out a sigh with a single laugh
“You are mermaid enough for me y/n”, he said, cupping my face with his right hand, putting a hair strand behind my right ear, “you are better, even”
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Superior Specimen - Chapter 4
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Summary: One night when you are following the Archaeology tag on instagram you stumbled across a fun looking dig… and an even more interesting Paleontologist who soon follows you back. Over the following weeks you start chatting and a friendship soon grows.
Relationship: AU Henry Cavill x Female Reader (No race or body shape mentioned)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Warnings: Slow Burn, NSFW, 18+, Mutual Masturbation, Phone Sex, Drunken Piggy Back Rides, Oral Sex (Female Recieving), Drama, Theft, Amateur Heroics, Hospital Visit, 
I do not operate a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified whenever i post something new.
I don’t have a masterlist, but all my works are on AO3, link here. Usually i post oneshots to Tumblr and AO3, and multichapters exclusively to AO3, but as this is my first henry story and its going to be a short series, i’ll post to both places.
Chapter 4
 The following few days were busy; it was the weekend and you were on duty both days, plus the following Monday and Tuesday. As it was the height of summer the museum was at its busiest, tourists, locals, and school groups all filling the halls of the old building, plus with a research team now on site the underground laboratories where people could get hands on with less valuable specimens were hugely popular. 
 During one of your breaks you decided to grab a frozen treat from the gift shop, making your way down to the viewing laboratories to see what the teams were up to. Sucking on the fruity ice you peered through the window, your eyes going wide when you saw Henry at the front of the classroom, thirty school children avidly listening to his every word. He glanced up and saw you looking through the window, a sly wink in your direction and his attention was back on the class who were all enraptured by what he was saying. You finished your snack and slipped quietly into the room, standing at the back where few paid little attention to you. Henry called out to the class;
 “So, I hope you have enjoyed the presentation, are there any questions?”
 Several small hands shot up, and you estimated the kids must have been around 9 or 10 years old;
 “Do you ever dig pyramids up?”
 Henry chuckled;
 “No, that’s Archaeology. I am a Palaeontologist. Archaeology is the study of humans; Palaeontology is the study of fossils… they do sometimes overlap where settlements will have been made in the ice age though”
 “Have you ever found a T-rex?”
 “Yes, I was part of a dig in America when we found an excellent complete specimen a few years back”
 “Do you have a girlfriend?”
 Your ears pricked up at the question, and you watched as a slight blush covered Henry’s cheeks and his ears went a cute shade of crimson. He let out a low chuckle;
 “Yes, yes I do”
 “Does she like bones too?” came an innocent voice and you could have sworn most of the teachers on the trip had to stifle their laughter. Henry cleared his throat;
 “Well, you can ask her yourself, she’s joined us and is standing at the back of the room”
 At that moment thirty heads snapped around, eyes going wide when they saw you and recognised you from giving them their visitors lanyards upon arrival. Henry cleared his throat;
 “Well darling, do you like bones?” he cocked an eyebrow and you could see a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. You cleared your throat;
 “Yes, I studied Palaeontology at university and look forward to further studies on bones under Dr Cavill’s instruction”
 The kids seemed satisfied with that answer, and as you looked at the teachers you could see some of them had tears rolling down their cheeks from where they were trying so hard not to laugh.
 The class soon ended, the kids packing up their bags and visitors’ packs, everyone thanking Henry for the informative lesson, and when the door finally closed it was just the two of you in the large white room. Standing next to him you smiled;
 “So… bones huh?”
 He snorted out a laugh as he gathered up the samples into a box, nodding to a miniature model of a Diplodocus;
 “Just grab that would you, need to get everything packed away”
 Following him into the storage room you slid the model onto a shelf before suddenly a strong pair of arms was wrapped around you from behind, soft lips pressing kisses to your neck and you were practically melting into Henry’s arms;
 “Fuck… your mouth is so good…”
 He spun you around and his lips met yours, his tongue eagerly pushing into your mouth and you felt yourself  submitting completely to the skilled muscle as he kissed you deeply, his hands gripping your hips as he pulled you flush with the hard plains and curves of his body. When you finally broke apart you were both breathless;
 “So Princess, what do you really think of my bone?”
 “Well, I haven’t actually had any experience of your bone yet”
 “Dinner, Friday night?”
 A huge smile spread over your face;
 “That would be wonderful… just let me know where and when”
 “I’ll pick you up at 7”
 “Where are we going?”
 He grinned;
 “I’ll pull in a favour, but it’ll be high end… black tie, etcetera”
 You’d returned on a high back to your desk, already thinking about what you would wear on your date. You worked hard, the steady flow of visitors wanting help was continual, and you were tested to the limits of your knowledge of languages with so many international visitors needing assistance.
 However at the back of your mind a synapse was firing, and your attention was drawn to a group of older teenagers, in fact they were probably in their early 20’s. They didn’t seem to be with any of the school groups and didn’t look in the vaguest bit interested in the exhibits. They were however hovering around one of the large donation stations; the large Perspex fish tanks with a slot in the top for visitors to drop coins and notes into. In recent days visitors had been very generous, and there was a large number of notes sitting on top of the heavier coins. Once you had served the visitor who needed help finding the Butterflies exhibit you grabbed the security radio, paging the security guards and calling out a code 10 - suspicious activity/suspected theft. Two of the guards near the door looked at you and you nodded to the group and the guards started to slowly move towards them. 
 As you slotted the radio back into the cradle something else caught your eye, a young man intently looking at the backpack hanging on the back of a wheelchair as its user and carer were reading one of the large displays. 
 Suddenly he snatched the backpack and was running for the door, you called out to security, but the noise of the room was too much to be heard, but you could see the person in the wheelchair look in horror;
 “My medication!” you could read their lips as they shouted and without thinking you were pushing out of the desk and yelling back to your colleague;
 “Get security, the group was a distraction!”
 Thankful you’d worn flat shoes; you were running after the thief who was struggling to get through the crowds. He was out the front doors and down the steps way ahead of you, but the curved driveway was packed with visitors which was slowing him down giving you chance to gain on him. 
 Your legs were powerful beneath you, racing through the now parted crowds and as he took a sharp left to run down the ramp to the lawns you were gaining on him. It was painfully obvious what was going on, the man was carrying a bright flowery bag under his arm, and was being chased by a member of museum staff in uniform, so when two policemen that had been patrolling the area saw you in the distance, they started running towards you. The thief spotted them, slowing his run as he attempted to figure a way out, except the lawns only had two exits; the one the two of you had entered by, and the one the two policemen were now running down. His moment of indecision cost him his lead, and as you caught up you didn’t wait to talk, you ran fully into him, knocking him to the ground and the pair of you into the shrubs that surrounded the lawns. 
 The next thing you knew the two policemen were pulling the thief to his feet and arresting him, security having caught up with the pair of you. A passer-by offered you a hand, helping you up but you felt wobbly on your feet. Someone helped you to the grass to sit in the shade, and you winced as a tissue was pressed to your head;
 “You’re bleeding”
 As you sat in a treatment area of the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital’s casualty department, the lovely policeman that had driven you there quietly took your statement between visits from the nursing staff. There had been a bad accident in Covent Garden, so all the paramedic and ambulance crews had been called to that, and with a head wound you needed to be treated. As you had been helped into the squad car you’d overheard that the thief had also been armed with a knife, and it shook you, to where as soon as you were able to you’d been sat down with a cup of strong sweet tea as the Officer had gotten you to hospital.
 One of the nurses fussed around you, checking on the stitches for the thankfully small wound that was mostly in your hairline;
 “It’ll sting like a bastard - excuse the language - for a few days, but you’ll be fine with over the counter painkillers. If you show any signs of concussion make sure to call 999… do you know what the signs are?”
 You nodded and explained you’d covered it on your first aid course you’d taken for work as she went on;
 “I’ll see if we can get a doctor to discharge you soon. It would also be advisable if you could ensure you don’t spend the night alone… it was quite a solid bump you had”
 “Ok sure” you nodded as you watched her walk away, the Officer turning to you;
 “Is there someone I can call to come pick you up? A boyfriend or girlfriend?”
 “Umm… boyfriend…” using the word gave your mind a happy tingle at the thought of calling Henry your boyfriend; “But I don’t have his number memorised… and I left my phone at the museum… you could message him on Instagram I suppose?”
 He pulled his personal phone out of his pocket;
 “Sure thing… what’s his username?”
 You told him and watched as his eyebrows shot to the top of his forehead;
 “This him?” he turned his phone and you nodded when you saw Henry’s page, sitting quietly as the officer quickly tapped out a message, his phone beeping almost instantly to which he smiled; “he said he’s on his way”
 Fifteen minutes later you were being discharged by the doctor when you heard Henry’s voice, the Officer with you peering out of the curtained area before ducking back in;
 “Ok he’s here…”
 Moments later Henry appeared at the curtain, rushing in and pulling you into a giant bear hug. With you still crushed to his chest by one arm he extended a hand to the officer, thanking him for helping you. 
 Soon he was walking you to his car, parked on double yellow lines outside the hospital and with a parking ticket flapping on the windscreen, he helped you into the car before grabbing the ticket and climbing in beside you. Instead of starting the car he reached over and gently cupped your cheek;
 “How are you doing Princess?”
 You went to speak but all that came out of your mouth was a squeak, the tears starting to flow as the shock and stress of the afternoon came flowing out. He leant across the car and wrapped his massive arms around you, letting you sob into his shoulder as he gently held you. When you finally stopped sobbing, he pulled away and looked into your eyes, he steel blue gaze full of concern;
 “How about we get you home?”
 “Please...” you said with a sigh; “but my bag is still at the museum…”
 “Check the glovebox” he nodded, and you pulled the handle and your bag was there; “I got your supervisor to get it for you as soon as I got the message from the police officer… and I guess our relationship just became public too with the staff…”
 “I don’t care” you said with a smile as he started to drive.
Chapter 5 >>>
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Just A Babysitter. (Part Four.)
The Lost Boys x reader (mostly Laddie x reader)
Warnings: none.
Context: (Y/n) and Laddie go to the Boardwalk to spend some time together, whilst Michael and Star get intimate in the hotel.
A/N: I'm sorry this is so short, it's more of a filler part, really. I'll ty and get a better part up later.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight
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Laddie is practically bouncing off the walls when I tell him the next night that we're going into Santa Carla by ourselves, no Star, no vampires, just the two of us, the youngster spouting nonsense about going to buy comics and candy, hoping I'll take him on some of the rides Star normally won't let him go on. With a bright smile, I assure him we'll have fun, though I am confused as to why Star doesn't want to come with us; I did ask her to join me, but she declined me almost as soon as I said anything.
My answer arrives as soon as I hear the familiar sound of someone entering the cave, the footsteps only newly familiar to me: Michael. As he lights the room, he catches sight of Laddie and I leaving, instantly coming over and stopping me with a harsh grip on my arm.
"What the hell did they do to me? What did you do?!" He accuses, voice laced with horror and fear, as well as panic.
Pulling my arm from his grip, I give him an odd look before replying.
"It's not my place to say." I reply, sourly, pushing past him with Laddie in tow, knowing Star will most likely work her magic, in whatever way that is. All I know is that Laddie does not need to be around to find out, and neither do I.
Exiting the cave, Laddie and I ascend the steps, shivering a little in the cool night air as it swirls around us, the raging water somewhere below us loud in the otherwise quiet night. As we emerge over the top of the cliff, I allow myself to laugh when the young half-vampire races over to where my motorcycle is hidden, reaching up and trying to push the bike forwards.
"You won't get very far with the brakes still on." I call out to him as I join him, kicking out the stand and releasing the handbrake so he can at least try to push it. A surprised gasp of pride leaves him when the motorbike moves, though I don't tell him that it is, in fact, me pushing the vehicle onto firmer ground, not him, knowing full well that the Triumph is much too heavy for him.
"You wanna ride up front for once?" I offer him, smiling when his face lights up. Climbing onto the bike first, I settle myself before reaching over and picking the little boy up off the ground and placing him in front of me, brushing some of his long hair out of my face. Directing him to hold onto the unoccupied areas of the handlebars, I make sure he's secure and start the engine, chuckling when he jumps a bit from the sudden vibration - my bike feels a little different to the motorcycles the boys ride.
"Ready?" I question him, revving the engine for emphasis.
"Yeah, let's go!" Laddie encourages, excitement evident in his voice.
"Ok, you better be holding on!" I warn before throwing the bike into gear, starting off at a relatively slow(ish) speed until we hit the road, where I push it up. In front of me, Laddie screams in joy, enjoying the new perspective he's getting from riding in front of the driver for once, delirious cries of exhilaration escaping us both as we thunder down the main road. Thankfully, there aren't many other vehicles driving around, giving us mostly free run of the flat expanse of concrete, allowing me to make the ride more interesting. I keep the speed at a controllable high, making sure I can easily brake without giving us whiplash should I need to, though I manoeuvre the bike in a slalom in any case, whooping with the boy in front of me as we go, my chest pressing into his back as I try to make us as streamlined as possible.
Too soon, the bright lights of Santa Carla come into view, prompting me to slow down as I take the first turn into town, trying my best to obey the traffic laws I don't care about, not in the mood to be pulled over tonight. In record time, I manage to skip all the traffic lining the streets and pull up on the Boardwalk, turning the engine off when I finally find a safe spot to leave the motorbike. Climbing off, I help Laddie off, only to have to catch him again when he falls, his legs shaking from the thrill of the ride. Grinning, I lift him onto my back, carrying him further into the busy area with some ease.
"Where do you wanna go first?" I question him, looking at him over my shoulder as he glances around, eyes wide and impressed as always.
"Comic book shop, please!" He requests, pointing over my shoulder at the Frog's store to my right.
"Okie dokie, let's get going." I agree, heading over towards it, Laddie holding on tight as I go, his fingers gripping the front of my leather jacket eagerly. Upon entering, the two boys who run the shop, Edgar and Alan, give us a suspicious look, though they don't come over, instead just allowing us to look around at the comics on offer. Letting Laddie down, I go over to a particular one which catches my eye: Vampires Everywhere. A chuckle escapes me at the name of it, knowing how true the statement technically is as I take it with me, flicking through the pages briefly as I continue to browse, joining Laddie when we've both picked out three or four each. I take them over to the checkout, where I hand them to Edgar, who is manning the till, his brother currently guarding the comics outside the vicinity of the shop. As the boy comes across Vampires Everywhere, he looks up at me, eyes narrowed.
"Are you aware of the bloodsucker problem around here, too?" He asks, voice a little gruff for a young kid.
"The bloodsucker problem?" I question him, playing it off as a bit of a joke.
"Yeah, Santa Carla ain't the fairy town everyone makes it out to be." Edgar informs me, drawing a scoff from me.
"There is no one in the world who calls this place a fairy town. But no, I wasn't aware we had one. I thought that was the next town over." I respond, shrugging my shoulders in mock concern.
"Well it isn't, so you better make sure you and you're kid are protected against them when they come knocking."
"Ok, I'll make sure my brother and I are appropriately prepared for this. Thank you." I say, giving him a tight smile before paying and leaving, Laddie trailing behind me.
"Right then, where to next?" I ask him, smiling down at him as he considers my question.
"Can we go in there?" He points at a little store selling trinkets, some of the wares already catching my eye.
"Sure, let's go!"
Going over to it, we start browsing, eventually buying a couple of small things before the cycle is repeated, again and again, until we are forced to buy a bag to carry it all in, the money David and the boys have collected from victims over the years finally coming in useful. I manage to get a small something for each of them, as well as a tonne of new stuff for Laddie, who needs to experience some sort of humanity before it is taken from him. By the end of the night, he has a new leather jacket, a bracelet, some figurines and some badges and patches to go on the coat, whilst I've come out of tonight with a new necklace depicting a striking scorpion.
After hours of browsing and going on the rides, we find ourselves back at my bike, eating a portion of fries between us as we watch the crowd become thin, both of us in a good mood after the time we spent together. I notice that Laddie has started yawning more frequently, though, so I quickly make the decision to get home before he falls asleep on the ride back, binning the empty packaging and helping him back into the front of the bike.
"Lets get home, hmm? We can show Star and the boys everything we got." I encourage him, smiling when he grins excitedly, quickly breaking off into a large yawn as he does so. Climbing up onto the bike, I start the engine and swiftly peel off into the traffic, going as fast as I dare in order to get home at a decent time. The roads are mostly empty again, but the drivers that are present are unbearably slow, so I try to overtake as much as possible, nearly spinning off course when a lorry looms up out of nowhere, Laddie screaming out in pure ecstasy at the dangerous turn of events. From his reaction, I deduct that he's been listening to Paul a little too much, taking on the happy-go-lucky vampire's attitude with ease. I smile at the bought, knowing Paul will be happy to have another adrenaline-junky in the gang, though I doubt Dwayne will be too pleased after trying his hardest to teach the young boy the safer perks of being a vampire, despite often ignoring his own advice.
Within fifteen minutes, I've pulled up outside the cave and hidden the bike, lifting Laddie into my arms as I realise he's just as exhausted as I am, his eyes drooping closed even as he tries to fight the sleep off, at least until he's shown off his new stuff. Carrying him down the walkway, I grab the rest of the stuff and enter the familiar confines of the sunken hotel, quickly looking over at the bed in the corner of the room, swiftly finding it still occupied by both Star and Michael, though the latter has sat up and is eyeing his hand in amazement. At my arrival, he looks up, blue eyes finding me with ease as I shift Laddie's weight in my arms, trying not to interrupt anything especially not Star's sleep.
Awkwardly, I shoot Michael a quick smile in greeting before going to sit on my armchair with the half-vampire in my arms, cradling him against my chest as we wait for the boys to return, Laddie keeping his eyes open as much as possible whilst we do so. After a couple of minutes, though, I notice he has fallen asleep against me, clearly exhausted after the night out, even if it hasn't been a particularly strenuous one. Smiling to myself, I rock him a little, happy that the boy is around to keep me sane, uncaring of whether or not Michael is watching me from across the room, his curious gaze not completely unnoticed, though I do look up to stare him down as I finally register the loud laughing of the other boys returning home, evidently having just fed. None of them come into the main room, most likely going straight to their sleeping positions, a quick look at my watch confirming this to me, my own tiredness catching up to me as I make the decision to get some sleep.
Standing carefully, I take Laddie over to his cot, where I tuck him in after removing his new jacket and his usual shoes leaving all of his new stuff beside the bed as I bid Michael a good morning and excuse myself to my own room. As I enter, I notice someone is sat on the bed, his lanky yet short frame sprawled across the space lazily as he waits for me to recognise him, his face just visible in the light from the other room.
"Marko? What're you doing here?" I question, smiling a little as I pull off my jacket and boots, removing all my jewellery as I go.
"Well, I heard you have the others some attention last night, and I wanted some, too." The vampire responds, his grin almost audible as I sigh and shake my head, knowing full well that I can't refuse him.
"You know I'm always open to giving you attention. You don't have to wait until you want to make even with the others." I point out as I slip into the bed, pulling the covers over us as he moves to wrap me in his arms, spooning me with his head resting just behind me, his frigid body temperature radiating through his jacket and into me, though the duvet helps to keep me warm. Humming in contentment, I draw small patterns onto his hands as I try to lull myself to sleep, enjoying his presence immensely.
"God, what would I do without you guys?" I muse, my eyelids drooping closed as my voice softens, the chuckle that resonates behind me only serving to make me fall asleep faster.
He goes to reply, but I don't register it, my mind not quite with it as I allow myself to drift off in his arms.
Part Five
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Josie and The Pussycats is the Spinoff Riverdale Deserves
This RIVERDALE review contains spoilers.
Riverdale Season 5 Episode 15
“Our story is about three young women bursting with talent.”
When last we saw Josie McCoy (Ashleigh Murray), she was in New York City trying to make her dreams come true on the ill-fated (and gone-too-soon) Riverdale spin-off Katy Keene. Often when characters are spun-off and their subsequent shows fail, they vanish into the pop culture ether — The Ropers from Three’s Company being the textbook case of this phenomenon. But not so for Josie. This latest episode debuts a new iteration of the character, one who has achieved her dreams but still finds herself wanting more. It is a decidedly more mature take on the previously underwritten character, and one that allows Murray’s considerable acting and musical abilities to shine.
In short, it is the Josie that fans have always wanted to see.
But what good is the character without the backing of her Pussycats? Drummer Melody Valentine (Asha Bromfield) and multi-instrumentalist Valerie Brown (Hayley Law) have been estranged from Josie since she blew off the Pussycats for a solo career when they were in high school. Seven years later and the wounds are still raw, even though Melody has since become a renowned author with movie rights optioned by Tyler Perry, and Valerie is a talented artist and actress.
When Josie returns to Riverdale to take stock following the sudden death of her father, she finds herself coming to terms with her past. More than that though, she has found her voice in every sense of the word. She dismisses Mr. Lodge, the show’s big bad in a hilarious kiss off that sums up many viewers’ opinions on the often irksome character. Better still, the episode allows her to get meta to discuss how Riverdale often sidelined the Josie character in her previous iteration on the series. “I didn’t have much to say in old times,” she plaintively declares, commenting on the problem that Riverdale had with diversity in its early seasons. She then accurately dismisses Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jughead not as old friends but as acquaintances. It’s a bold and surprising scene that takes responsibility for past sins that the series committed, further illustrating that it is aware that it can do better and has been attempting to do so.
After a steamy reunion with old flame Sweet Pea (Jordan Connor), Josie begins the work of reaching out to Valerie and Melody. It is here that the episode goes from great to an all-timer. The chemistry that Murray, Bromfield and Law possess is lightning in a bottle. As old injustices are aired and attempts to repair wounded hearts and egos are undertaken, these actresses embody the old friends they portray fully. But this backdoor pilot, fortunately, has zero interest in having its women of color tear each other down. The characters candidly discuss their shared past, and begin to repair the rift that will — if The Pussycats goes to series — lead them to becoming the global superstars they are destined to be.
Josie, Melody and Valerie are icons. They know it, and the world will soon follow.
Inspired by her renewed friendship with her once and future bandmates, Josie decides to do a concert with the Pussycats that will raise money to help reincorporate the town of Riverdale. It is a performance that highlights each of the women’s musical strengths, even if Josie does steal the spotlight for an emotional rendition of Nina Simone’s “Stars.” Despite being cut short when Toni goes into labor, the concert is enough of a success for The Pussycats to agree to go on the road together — playing in towns where Josie’s late father wanted his ashes scattered. The women consider themselves to be equals now, thus the “Josie and” is jettisoned from the band name. This still being Riverdale, a friend of Josie’s dad appears moments before she leaves town to tell her that her father may have been murdered in New Orleans, and that voodoo might be involved.
With this incredible/ridiculous plot development thrown at us, the full image of what The Pussycats will be as a series comes into view: A mixture of Fame and 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo that celebrates these characters and their comic/cartoon legacy in an unexpected way. (As an Archie comics historian even I was taken off guard by the last-minute introduction of the potential show’s mystery angle, and my mind reels at the possibilities).
Hopefully sooner rather than later a series order for The Pussycats will be announced. There is so much potential here to tell exciting, fun, music-packed stories featuring strong women of color that it feels like a surefire hit. “The Return of the Pussycats” is not only the best episode of Riverdale this season, but a perfect pilot episode. There desperately needs to be lots more long tails and ears for hats in our future, for these are the Pussycats we’ve been waiting for.
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Riverdale Rundown
While nothing has been officially announced as of yet, it feels ridiculous for The CW to not do a full series of The Pussycats, yes? This logo appearing at the end of the episode instead of the usual Riverdale bumper bodes well for things to come. Fingers crossed…
My guess is that this episode didn’t have Alexandra and Josie cross paths due to their Katy Keene past, which had the characters begin as enemies who were slowly forming a friendship before that series was cancelled. By not having them interact, the writers didn’t have to figure out where their relationship currently is — making this a narrative thread that The Pussycats could potentially pull on down the line.
The character of Alan M. briefly appears as Melody’s love interest, which indeed he is in the comics and fondly remembered 2001 movie.
Speaking of the Josie and the Pussycats movie, that film’s ever-growing cult continues to delight me. Thanks to multiverses, there’s no reason why that version of these characters and the ones of The Pussycats can’t co-exist in the same pop culture landscape.
Let’s give a special shoutout to Robin Givens, who not only reprises her role as Sierra McCoy here but also did a terrific job directing this installment.
Melody narrates this episode a la Jughead, except that her writing is bright and full of hope, a sharp and intentional contrast to her brooding counterpoint.
If you didn’t cheer when Josie and the Pussycats took the stage to their cartoon theme song, you are dead inside.
“Entertainment Tomorrow” enters the Riverdale fake product lexicon in this episode (which also includes the returning chestnut “Vanity Flair”).
Toni gives birth to a boy, Anthony.
Expect to see more about the franchising of Pop’s in upcoming restaurants, and Tabitha’s speech about the importance of the Chok’lit Shoppe being a black-owned restaurant in a time when Riverdale had no other such establishments was one of the most powerful scenes this series has ever done.
It’s worth noting that a franchise for real-life Archie restaurants did exist in the early 1970s. However the idea never really took off, and pictures of the three diners that were opened have never surfaced online.
What the hell was up with the Old Navy product placement in this episode, which felt like it was ripped from the Josie and the Pussycats movie, minus the irony.
Kevin’s dancing during the Little Shop of Horrors musical number was, unsurprisingly, everything.
Melody’s book being named Summer Storm is a sly reference to actress Asha Bromfield having a newly released novel called Hurricane Summer that was released in May.
Josie uses the alias Ms. Newmar to check into hotels. Julie Newmar famously portrayed Catwoman on the Batman TV series, which not only plays into Josie’s feline motif, but also is yet another of the show’s near-constant DC Comics references of late.
Mr. Lodge being called a “little bitch” was so unbelievably pleasing to watch. Josie is just SO OVER Riverdale’s bullshit.
In a nice character moment, Cheryl immediately leaps into action to help deliver ex-lover Toni’s baby.
Dr. Curdle Jr. being a Josie and the Pussycats superfan is comedic brilliance (as is the fact that nobody trusts him enough to have him anywhere near Toni’s delivery.
The post Josie and The Pussycats is the Spinoff Riverdale Deserves appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3BQYwym
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raendown · 4 years
My part of a trade with @rookie-d and boy was this fun to write! 
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 3477 Rated: T+ Summary: Madara hated the morning shift. It was always boring and getting up early sucked. Thankfully the one time he had to work it something interesting happened, at least.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
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Zombies Before Noon
Their first meeting was one that Madara would remember for all the reasons Tobirama probably wished he would forget. Several hours in to a criminally early morning shift he was bored out of his skull and wondering why the hell a comic book shop needed to be open before any of the local nerds around here were even awake. He’d already tidied the shelves four times and dusted the entire premises twice when the cheery jingle of the bell over their door made him lift his head hopefully. That look quickly morphed in to horror as he took in the sight of what was clearly a zombie entering the store. 
Skin so pale it looked almost paper white, circles under his eyes so dark they looked drawn on with marker, and clothes rumpled like they hadn’t seen an ironing board in years, the man who stumbled in had his eyes completely closed and his arms hanging loose at both sides. Only three steps in he stopped dead and just stood there. Motionless. Possibly not breathing. Madara looked around for a hidden camera, wondering if his younger brother had set him up for some kind of weird prank. That was the sort of thing Izuna would do. Nothing new or suspicious stuck out to him, though, so he turned back to the stranger who was now slowly blinking his eyes open. Well, partially open. They remained squinted so tightly he probably couldn’t see any better still. 
“Coffee?” he rumbled in a deep slur. Madara looked around for cameras again. 
“Uh, we don’t serve that here.” 
Furrowing his brows, Madara repeated himself. “We don’t serve coffee.”
The pale man blinked slowly with a gaze that didn’t seem to really be focused on anything. 
“Extra espresso…” his words trailed off like he meant to continue with something off and yet nothing came. After almost a full minute he managed to close his jaw again with a muted click. Then he merely stood and let his narrowed eyes bore directly in to Madara’s. 
It was the single creepiest thing this shop had ever seen. And considering the varying clientele that was saying something.
For a good hot second Madara contemplated reaching in to his pocket and calling the police. Or maybe the Disease Center. Either one of them would no doubt be very interested in this spontaneous zombie apocalypse. Then the moment passed and he realized this was probably the most interesting thing that was likely to happen to him until the early afternoon crowd began to show up near the very end of his shift. He might as well see how it played out. 
“Would an energy drink do you? We’ve got all sorts of those. Pretty cheap too.” 
Since he wasn’t very sure what that meant Madara opted for believing he’d just made a sale. Trying to ask questions about flavor and the like would most likely get about as coherent an answer as the ones he’d already gotten so after a moment of going through their inventory in his mind he stepped over to the fridge behind the counter to pick out the highest concentration of caffeine they carried. It also happened to be one of their cheaper brands as well, which was great in case he ended up having to pay for this himself. Did zombies remember how to pick out money from their wallets?
Did zombies even carry their wallets?
“Here. These don’t really taste all that great but it’s got enough of a kick to revive you or whatever.” 
A few seconds after he handed it over he realized his mistake. The oddly still man blinked slowly when Madara cracked the can open for him but finally seemed to understand that there was a liquid in his hand he was meant to drink. His head tilted back to reveal a surprisingly shapely throat that bobbed up and down in a steady rhythm until the entire can was emptied, hung there unmoving for a few seconds more, then his head tilted back down with an honest to god pout on his face. Apparently he’d thought the can was bottomless.
“Right. Feel free to browse or whatever before you come settle up. Register’s over there.” Madara jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “If you pass out try to fall away from the merchandise.” 
Scurrying back to the register was more for the sake of anyone looking in through the windows on their way by than for his own sense of safety. He really didn’t need anyone to call his boss and say they spotted him stalking a customer in his own store. At least he had a comfortable perch from which he could survey the entire floor, set out in a semi circle as it was, giving him a perfect view down each of their short aisles. No matter where this one man circus drifted he would be within eyesight. Madara watched with undisguised fascination while the guy drifted down aisle three, staring hard at a display entirely covered with merchandise for a popular children’s show about brightly colored ponies. The empty drink can remained clutched tightly in one fist.
With drunken steps he wound his way out of that section and in to aisle five. Despite staring directly at their selection of comics for a particular super hero universe Madara got the impression he wasn’t actually seeing any of them. Either he was hopelessly lost inside his own head or he had astrally projected so hard he wouldn’t find himself for another week. Just as the man lifted his hand, perhaps at last to interact with the world around him, the door of the shop jingled violently open to admit a harried looking woman. 
“There you are!” she screeched. Without even sparing a look around the rest of the open space she marched around a display of new releases and clapped a hand down on the zombie man’s shoulder. “I have been looking for you for over an hour, you absolute dick! Do you know how worried we’ve been? Your brother would have taken my damn head off if anything happened to you on my watch!” 
“Oh for fuck’s sake!”
Pinching the bridge of her nose, the woman shook her head and finally looked around. The fact that there weren’t any other customers seemed to console her a little bit, probably relieved there weren’t more witnesses to her bad skills at keeping track of one man. When her eyes looked on to Madara he refused to quail under the force of her glare. A part of him sort of wanted to. He spent as much time in the gym as the next self-conscious guy but the look she was giving him promised that she, in fact, was the one with an ability to rip heads. To his absolute shame, he looked away first. But only for long enough for the weight of her gaze to leave him so he could go back to watching this drama unfold in front of him. 
“Come on,” she growled, tugging at the man’s sleeve. “Next time this happens I am tying you to the bed until you fucking learn! Did you even pay for that drink? You are so paying me back for this, I don’t care if it’s only a couple bucks!”
It wasn’t all that surprising how little resistance the man offered to being pulled across the floor and back out on to the street, though Madara did give some thought to whether or not he should be calling the police. Should he be reporting assault over this? It was too bad the owners were too cheap to install any real security other than the one camera pointing straight at the door and the one directly over the till. Some proper footage of what happened probably would have made great evidence if someone came back to question him.  
For several minutes after he was left suddenly alone Madara stared towards the door and wondered if it was possible that he might have hallucinated everything that just happened. Maybe he’d been reading too many of the comics in here. His mother used to warn him when he was little that using his imagination too much would rot out his common sense - but, then again, she was a cantankerous old bitch who kicked him out as soon as he turned eighteen. He’d never put much stock in anything she had to say. And then there were the coins that crazy lady had tossed over the counter on their way by, that was pretty solid evidence that he wasn’t hallucinating. 
Without a live zombie show for entertainment the rest of his shift at the comic shop mostly passed in boredom. Usually he worked the afternoon shifts just for this very reason. The mornings were always dead but he’d had to reschedule an appointment with his doctor three times already and trading shifts today had been the only way he was getting in there without having to wait several more weeks for another open spot. Medical care in their city seriously needed a bigger budget. Desperate to pass the time without resorting to the merchandise he wasn’t supposed to fiddle with on shift, Madara ended up slumped over the front counter doodling on the back of some old receipt paper he found stuffed in to a random drawer. Nearly half the page disappeared under swirls of red ink before he realized that he was drawing a dead, moaning zombie. With a sheepish look around he set the red pen aside and reached for a black one instead. Hopefully that would inspire some less creepy doodles. 
As expected, a couple hours before the end of his shift he finally started seeing some customers, his fellow nerds flocking in to check for new issues of the latest detective comic or merchandise for their favorite anime characters. Madara kept a sharp eye on the ones he didn’t recognize and gave no more thought to the entertaining if odd start to his day. After work he scurried off to the bus stop and barely made it to his long overdue doctor’s appointment before stumbling back on to the bus an hour after that with a bandaid on his arm and several vials of blood less in his body. 
“M’ home,” he called weakly as he shuffled inside the apartment. Something clattered around the corner, followed quickly by the sound of Izuna swearing.
“Did the appointment go well?” His brother’s voice shouted after him on his way down the hall. 
Tossing his jacket through the door of his bedroom, he called back. “Went fine. Had to get some blood pulled. Dumb ass doctor doesn’t think I know my own body enough to tell when I’m having seasonal allergies. He wants to test me for heart disease!” 
“But...those aren’t...anki, that makes no sense!” 
“I know!” Madara rolled his eyes even though the other couldn’t see him. “Apparently being short of breath because of the all the ragweed means I must be on the verge of a heart attack.” 
“Probably got his medical degree out of a cereal box.” 
Tired, a little loopy from having too much blood drawn without eating anything, Madara’s thoughts for the rest of his evening were filled mostly with grumbles about incompetant medical staff and listening to Izuna go on about the latest drama from his apprenticeship. Work was so far from his mind he entirely forgot to mention the strange occurrence from that morning. He went to bed that night thinking only that he was grateful his shifts were back to their usual afternoon schedule tomorrow because he certainly didn’t want to wake up early again, his dreams filled with needles that laughed at him while he sneezed uncontrollably. 
Several days went by with the usual humdrum of the life Madara and his brother had fallen in to. As much as he despised the morning shift, he loved the afternoons with equal fervor. His job at the comic shop didn’t pay much more than a basic living wage but he loved the environment, loved his regular customers, and he especially loved the hefty discount it gave him on all the nerdy merchandise he couldn’t help filling their home with. Things went about as normally as they usually did in his life until the fourth day when Madara looked up from checking out a regular customer to find the next person in line was an actual walking snack. 
Wild hair artfully arranged to somehow look purposefully messy, skin so pale he could be mistaken for an albino, red eyes that Madara would swear could see right down in to his soul, he was already a dreamboat even without taking in the deliciously toned rest of his body. Something about him looked familiar but it was hard to concentrate past the broad shoulders standing straight and tall. 
“Can I - ahem - how can I help you?” Madara fought with his cheeks not to flush bright red and prayed that no one would comment on the massive crack his voice had just done. 
“You wouldn’t happen to be Madara, would you?” the man asked in a deep rumble. “Your coworkers described you to me when I came in here yesterday.”
“I am, yes. Uh...is there something wrong?” 
Shaking his head, the man coughed a little as though feeling uncomfortable. “No, no. I only wanted to come in and thank you for not kicking me out of your store the other day. I was, ah, fairly ill at the time and my behavior was not the best. Several shops had already sent me on my way but you allowed me to stay in one place long enough for my cousin to catch up so I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay somewhere safe. Anything could have happened to me in that state.” 
For a second Madara tried to subtly look the man up and down, trying to determine if he was lying or not. Surely this couldn’t be the same guy? It was only after he mentally added some black streaks under the eyes, hunched the shoulders, and squinted the eyes that he realized it was. This was his zombie customer. 
“You don’t look the same at all!” was the first thing his stupid mouth chose to blurt out. 
“Ah. Thank you, I think.” The man coughed awkwardly again. “I’m told I look fairly awful whenever I work myself in to sleep deprivation.” 
“Oh is that why you were acting so much like a zombie? Wait no! Shit! Sorry, that was rude! Um, shit- gah, I’m not supposed to swear, fuck. Damn it!” Exasperated with his own lack of self control, Madara smacked a hand over his face. Nearby one of his regulars could be heard snickering but glaring them in to silence would have meant removing his hand and facing the hot stranger who’d made him splutter. 
To his eternal relief, no comments were made about his verbal idiocy, although he could definitely hear traces of amusement in the man’s tone when he continued speaking. 
“Yes, unfortunately I have a habit of getting a little too involved in my studies. Exams are coming up so I’ve only been sleeping about two or three hours a night and it, ah, finally caught up to me apparently. I don’t remember much but my cousin tells me I wandered out of her house sometime around six in the morning and she didn’t find me until, er, whenever it was she found me in here.” After scratching at the back of his neck he seemed to jolt himself and then held out the same hand. “I’m Tobirama, by the way.” 
“Madara. But um, you apparently already knew that.” 
They shook hands, at which point Madara realized the other man’s incredible height also came with massive hands that practically engulfed his own. He really hoped he wasn’t blushing as brightly as it felt like he was. 
“So you live around here then?” he asked. Then he wanted to slap himself again because that was probably way too personal of a question. 
“Not really. Well, not yet. I’m staying with my cousin so I can take some courses at the university but my brother is thinking of moving back to town so I’ll probably move back in with him if he does.” 
“Back to town?” Madara perked up. “So you’re from around here originally?” 
Tobirama nodded. “We grew up in the west end.”
“No kidding? Me too.” Squinting, Madara tried to determine whether they might have crossed paths when they were younger. The man did sort of look familiar but age could change a lot about a person and it wasn’t like he’d kept contact with anyone from that end of town. Not after he’d been summarily tossed to the curb. 
His closer interest did not go unnoticed. For a moment he flushed even deeper than he already was, thinking Tobirama might have been offended by his scrutiny. Then his ears were flaming for another reason entirely and he couldn’t even bring himself to be upset about the misunderstanding when the other leaned in just a bit closer with a slow smile. 
“I don’t suppose you’d like to go for coffee sometime?” he asked. “As a thank you, of course.” 
“On one condition,” Madara told him, feeling suddenly bold.
“Do tell.” Tobirama looked even more amused by his request. He leaned farther down to rest his weight on both elbows to patiently await the condition he would supposedly need to meet. 
“If you can describe the premise behind any of the comics in this store then you’ve got yourself a date. I’ve had too many people try and steer me away from ‘childish interests’ and think they can ‘help me grow up’.” 
After breaking up with the fourth person in a row who mocked him for his interests Madara had made a pact with himself to never again date anyone who didn’t accept him for who he was and what he loved. He might be a massive nerd but he’d learned the lesson of self value a long time ago and he wasn’t about to let himself be blinded by a pretty face again. 
To his utter delight, he needn't have worried this time. With a competitive sort of light in his eye Tobirama pointed out half a dozen different comics within eyesight and not only named the main characters but also the basis of the main plot for each of them. What made it all the more impressive was that he mostly chose rather obscure franchises that couldn’t be considered mainstream. Madara was half in love before he was finished describing the third one. Handsome, intelligent enough for university, and apparently in to the same geeky stuff as him? Sign him up. Immediately. 
“Okay, okay, point made!” Throwing up his hands in surrender made Tobirama smile. “You mentioned your exams are coming up so I’m guessing you’ll be busy for the next little while. Why don’t I give you my number and we can go out for coffee to celebrate after you don’t need to study so much?” 
“I would appreciate that a lot,” Tobirama murmured earnestly. 
“School’s obviously important to you if you’ll work yourself in to a zombie state over it,” Madara pointed out. 
He got a grateful look that made his stomach flip flop. Rather than make a fool of himself again he printed off a bit of blank receipt paper and wrote his number down, sliding it across the counter. He expected Tobirama to slip the paper in to his pocket but instead he pulled out a beaten up cell phone and entered the number right there, smiling to himself like he'd won an unexpected treat. 
“I’m sure Hashirama will be thrilled to know I’m finally being more social.”
Madara nearly stopped breathing. All the triumph of having secured a very promising date suddenly drained right out of him as he stared at the man across the counter in horror, several little clues falling in to place at once. Finally he’d figured out why Tobirama looked familiar and it wasn’t because he’d seen him in zombie form. Images of his childhood best friend danced across his memories.
“You’re...you’re Hashirama’s little brother,” he whimpered. “Oh god. Oh god! He’s going to kill me! He’s going to come back to Konoha just to cut all my hair off in a bowl cut to match his!” 
While Tobirama stared at him with a mixture of horror and amusement Madara decided that as long as he got that date first he didn’t much care how he died. One conversation - and one look at those well defined biceps - was all he’d needed to know that Tobirama would be well worth it.
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ask-the-good-creeps · 4 years
Liu and Sully: Origins
//Hey, y’all - the anonymous ask I was going to attach this to somehow disappeared, so here it be on its own.
Note: This story covers Liu’s point of view on the events that occurred after his parents adopted Jeff; Liu has a vague understanding of what happened to Jeff before he came to live with the Woods family, but no full details. If you wanna know what happened to Jeff prior to this story, let me know because that is a full, separate story on its own. //
 His mother had been discussing it with his father for weeks. Liu had listened to her arguments, heard the kind intentions behind her words. His father’s rebuttals to her debate were never ill-intentioned, just logical and thoughtful.
“I’m the only one he trusts, Grant! He won’t even let the doctors near him if I’m not in the room! He needs a home, he needs a loving family - why not ours?” Margaret Woods had brought it up again at the breakfast table that Saturday morning.
“We don’t have the knowledge or training to be good parents to a kid with such heavy trauma,” her husband responded. She had told him all about the boy she’d been working with at the hospital. She was the only nurse the child would cooperate with – she was the only person so far that the poor kid wasn’t terrified of.
“So we don’t even try?” Mrs. Woods questioned, “We can get the training. We can learn how to handle it…but we can’t just leave him!” Mr. Woods sighed. It wasn’t one of frustration, or anger; he just didn’t know what to say. In all honesty, he was leaning toward accepting his wife’s decision. He knew she was going to hold her ground on this one no matter what. Margaret couldn’t be described as a stubborn person in her daily life, but when she did dig her heels in on something important to her she wasn’t going to let up.
“Is he going to be my brother?” Liu asked suddenly. There was a pause as his parents looked at each other.
“Do you want him to be?” Mr. Woods asked. Liu had nodded, and seeing that he was outvoted, Liu’s father finally agreed that they could adopt the boy when he was out of the hospital. Liu had smiled to himself, happy that a twelve-year-old child could have such a heavy impact on such an important family decision. Plus, he was going to have a little brother now!
Liu was excited, to say the least; he had spent the last couple weeks of his brother’s hospital stay helping his father set up the bedroom next to his. He had chosen the paint colors, the décor, the toys and games. He hoped he’d chosen well.
 The day finally came. Liu waited anxiously on the little couch in the foyer, peeking out the blinds covering the entryway window every now and again. He finally saw his mother’s little silver Honda pull into the driveway. Liu shot up and went over to the garage door to wait for them to enter. It felt like forever had passed by before he heard the rhythmic humming of the garage door closing, and the door to the house finally opened.
His mother walked in with a few plastic shopping bags over her arm, and for a moment Liu thought she had gotten groceries instead. The door closed as she greeted him, and he finally caught sight of the other boy hiding behind her…or rather, the boy’s hand.
He seemed scared. He had a death grip on Mrs. Woods’ blouse and kept close to and hidden behind her as they entered. He seemed to be trembling, timid and quiet as a mouse. Liu stepped closer and the other boy retreated further with a small whimper.
“Liu, honey, he needs some space. Give him a little time to get used to the house, okay?” His mother told him quietly. Liu nodded, his face worked into a small pout. His parents had explained to him over the past few days that someone had hurt his brother – a lot – so the boy may not talk or interact with him like other kids did. Liu had still had a misguided hope that they’d be best friends right away, but he understood. He went up to his room to read for a while, but kept his door cracked open slightly instead of closing it like he normally did.
He’d gotten through a few chapters before he heard the stairs creaking. He heard his mom speaking quietly as they passed Liu’s room and went to the one next door. His mother was talking barely above a whisper, so Liu didn’t really understand what she was saying. He tried to focus on his book again as his mother stepped out and went down the hall. As soon as she had left the second floor, Liu’s curiosity got the better of him. He put his book down and silently crept to his door.
He couldn’t hear anything from the next room, but once in the hall he could see that the door was still open. He didn’t see anyone on the bed from his vantage point, and he started to wonder if the boy had gone back downstairs with his mom. He took a few steps closer and peeked around from the doorway. Nobody. Liu frowned and started to turn away when something caught his eye from under the bed. There was a pair of eyes looking at him from the narrow space…wide eyes that didn’t seem to blink.
Liu froze in place, feeling instinctively afraid of those eyes as most children his age would be. The staring contest continued for a while longer before Liu started to think that perhaps he was looking at his brother. Mom and Dad had said he might act weird, right? Maybe this was what they were talking about. He remembered what Mrs. Woods had said earlier about giving him space, so he opted to sit in the doorway instead of going into the room, which still smelled slightly of paint. The eyes watched him the whole time.
“Hi, I’m Liu,” he stated in a quiet voice like he’d heard his mom using. “What’s your name?” He waited patiently, but there was no reply. Those eyes just kept watching him from the darkness under the bed.
“Do you like your room?” He asked after a while. “I helped Dad make it look right.” Once again, his attempt at conversation was met with silence. Liu looked down, and got an idea. He stood up and went back to his room. He found what he was looking for and went back to sit in his brother’s doorway. He positioned the newly-acquired monster truck toy in front of himself, and pushed it off in a straight path toward the bed. He was hoping that they could send the car back and forth to each other for a while, but he sure as Hell wasn’t expecting the reaction he got.
As soon as the little toy was sent in that direction, Liu heard a loud thunk that shook the bedframe, followed by a quiet, fearful whine and rapid shuffling. Then the boy burst out from under the bed on the opposite side where the tall mattress hid everything but the top of his head from Liu’s sight.
He could hear the kid’s rapid breathing as if he was having a panic attack. Part of Liu wondered what scared him so much about a toy, but more than that he felt guilty for freaking him out.
“I’m sorry!” He said, “I didn’t mean to scare you…I just thought it would be fun to play!” There wasn’t a response, just like before, but the fast, uneven breathing continued on the other side of the bed with some small sobs mixed in. Liu started to worry. He had a friend at school that had asthma, and what he was hearing sounded just like an attack. Without another thought, he stood up and rushed into the room to make sure he was okay.
He got to the end of the bed and looked to the other side…and froze up as he got his first glance of his brother. The kid looked like something from a horror movie. He was covered in mottled pink and pale white flesh, his greasy black hair hanging in strands over his face without managing to hide anything about his appearance. He had a permanent smile cut into his cheeks and his eyes were wider than they should be. The boy curled up into a fetal position and hugged himself while he panicked, and Liu could see some dark discoloration over his wrists where the sleeves of his hooded sweatshirt rode up his arms.
Liu was almost afraid of the kid, but that feeling started to wear off as he realized that the guy was absolutely terrified of Liu himself. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to get his mom, but he knew she’d be upset that he scared his brother and Liu didn’t want to get in trouble. He moved slowly in front of the crying boy and laid down on the floor next to him.
“Are you okay?” Liu asked quietly as they laid there. The boy didn’t answer, but he started to calm down a little. It took a while, but eventually he seemed to realize that Liu wasn’t there to hurt him.
“What…do you want…?” The voice was raspy, and quieter than a whisper. If Liu hadn’t been right there next to him, he probably wouldn’t have heard the question.
“I just wanted to play. I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you okay now?” Liu asked quietly. The boy sniffled a bit.
“I’m your big brother. My name is Liu…what’s yours?” He continued.
“Brother…?” he asked. Liu nodded. “I never…had a brother…”
“You do now. I’ll be your best friend! We can play games, and I can help you with homework, and…” Liu trailed off a bit, and then there was silence for a while.
“She named me Jeffery.” The boy – Jeffery – said in his near-silent tone.
“Jeffery was Grandpa’s name, too! He was really cool, so you must be really cool if you have the same name!” It was childish logic, but Liu was, in fact, a child. Jeffery seemed to get uncomfortable and shy away from the compliment.
“What’s wrong?” Liu asked.
“No one really…says good things to me like that.” Came the quiet reply. Liu frowned.
“Well, they should. Mom says you should only say good things to people.” He answered. “Why were you afraid of the truck?”
“Truck?” Jeffery asked. Liu nodded and sat up. He reached under the bed to pull out the little orange vehicle and placed it gently on the floor between them. Jeffery reached a hand out to it hesitantly and started to feel it.
“Sorry…I don’t see so good.” He mumbled as he picked up the toy to inspect it further. Liu noticed now that he didn’t blink, and his blue eyes had a slight milky hue to them. It seemed like he didn’t even have eyelids. He wanted to ask about it, but his parents had told him in the past weeks to not ask about what Jeffery had been through. After a minute or two, Jeffery put the toy back on the floor and started to move it back and forth curiously.
“Do you like playing with cars?” Liu asked. Jeffery shrugged.
“I’ve never had any.” He replied. Liu’s eyes widened. A boy Jeffery’s age had never played with cars before? In his little mind it wasn’t possible.
“What kind of toys have you played with?” He asked.
“I...none…” Jeffery muttered. Liu’s jaw practically dropped to the floor.
“Do you want to come to my room and play with some of mine? I could show you my favorite ones!” he offered. Jeffery paused for a moment, then said a quick, ‘sure’ as he sat up shakily. He handed the toy truck back to Liu, who took it and stood up.
“C’mon!” He said excitedly as he started toward the door. Jeffery stood up and followed him. Mrs. Woods would find them in Liu’s room later when she went to get them for dinner. She smiled and felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes when she looked in and saw them both on Liu’s bed, with Liu reading one of his old books to his new little brother.
 Liu and Jeffery became close, just like Liu wanted…but Jeffery would never leave the house, not even with Liu. He didn’t like the feeling of sun on his sensitive skin and he didn’t want anyone to see his disfigured face; he was homeschooled by a private tutor and always excited when Liu got home from the local public school he went to. They were almost inseparable…nobody could have predicted what was to come.
 It was late at night, three years after Jeffery had joined the family. Liu had been asleep in his bed when he heard a noise. It was the creaking of that one floorboard in the middle of his room. He pulled the blanket up half-heartedly with his eyes closed, not paying the sound any heed in his semi-conscious state. The room was quiet again, but he felt a sudden tinge of dread. It was barely there, barely noticeable at all, but he started to feel it stronger and stronger, until he couldn’t ignore it. He felt like he wasn’t alone, like someone was watching him. He opened his eyes just a sliver and shut them again. His foggy brain took a moment to process the brief visual image – the image of a knife raised above him.
He re-opened his eyes a split second too late and felt the pain of the knife slicing through the skin of his face. He cried out and rolled over, feeling the knife enter his back, then his side, then his chest…he put his hands over the wounds the best he could and looked at his attacker. That earned him another slash across his face, but not before he saw the culprit in the pale light of the moon and streetlamp that shone in from the window.
“Jeffery?” He managed to say, his eyes widened in horror. His brother’s eyes seemed wider than usual, something akin to insanity swirling in their depths. He was smiling for once – a gigantic, unsettling grin that didn’t reach his manic eyes despite being wide enough to reopen the wounds on his cheeks. Liu wouldn’t find out until later that Jeff had actually cut the old scars open with the knife he held. Jeffery laughed and brought the knife back down onto Liu’s chest, right through his lung. Liu choked on his blood, vision darkening; as the light left him, he thought he saw his brother’s face change. The smile dropped into a mask of silent horror as Jeffery seemed to become cognizant of what he’d just done.
Liu didn’t see anything further as he fell into the calm, inky darkness of death.
 “What do you need?” A deep voice echoed around him. Liu hesitated. His eyes were closed, and he couldn’t will them to open. He felt like he was floating, but not in air or water…it was a strange sensation, like he was neither here nor there. He recalled the events that had happened before this moment, the memories of being attacked by his own brother. Then he saw something else, almost like he was looking at things from someone else’s eyes. He saw Jeffery stab their parents before creeping into his room to end his life. He saw how wild and insane Jeffery seemed to be…and he saw Jeffery come back to himself and drop the knife as he lay dying in his bed. He watched Jeffery find the phone and call 911 before escaping off into the night. The disturbing images ended there.
“What do you need?” the voice came again, sounding like it was everywhere at once. Liu thought about it. He wanted to go back, he wanted to find Jeffery.
“Why?” The voice probed, seemingly able to read his thoughts. Liu wanted to know why. Why did he do it? But there was something else…something dark that had begun creeping up through his soul at the sight of his slaughtered parents. Liu tried to repress that darkness, to send it back to where it came from; but it was no use – the rage was there to stay. The Woods family had taken Jeffery in when nobody else would have, and this is how he repaid their kindness and love? How dare he?
But it wasn’t Jeffery’s fault…Liu had just seen for himself when Jeffery snapped out of it and called police! …And then he ran away…like the pathetic lowlife he is…the angry thoughts continued to argue with him, almost like they belonged to someone else entirely. The squabble continued until Liu landed hard on his back on a stone floor of some sort. He opened his eyes now that he was able to and no longer floating.
He saw a stone ceiling, stone walls, stone everywhere. He sat up, surprisingly not in pain despite how hard he felt himself hit the ground. He stood up and turned, coming face to face with something he could only describe as a demon. The entity before him was more than three times his height, with black skin, horns, and piercing crimson eyes. He had several mouths across his body lined with sharp teeth, and as the creature opened his mouth to speak, he seemed to glow red from within like fresh lava does through dark, semi-cooled volcanic rock.
“What would you like to do from here?” He asked in his deep voice. Liu didn’t know exactly how to answer, but he didn’t have to. He suddenly felt like he was being pulled away…then he was looking through his eyes as if they were someone else’s. He felt his mouth move, but it wasn’t his voice that said the words.
“I want him dead. I want to hunt him and everyone like him down and slaughter them like the ruthless animals they are!” The words startled Liu, and then he was back in control of himself, his hands over his mouth like he was trying to hold back any further unwanted dialogue. The demon seemed to consider him for a moment.
“Is that truly what you desire?” He asked Liu. Liu shook his head quickly.
“N-no! I don’t want to-” he was cut off as whatever had just happened tried to happen again. He fought himself to stay in control. The demon reached a hand out and tapped his forehead with the sharp tip of a single claw. Liu didn’t have to struggle after; he was in control again. He looked at the demon, silently begging for an explanation as to what was going on.
“What is it you want?” The demon inquired again, “Would you like to return to the living world, or let go?” Liu struggled to think of an answer. What did he want to do?
“I…I want to go back…I’m not ready to…I’m too young to…” Liu couldn’t finish the sentence.
“You’re pathetic.” He heard his new-found other voice sneer at him from the back of his mind.
“Who are you?” Liu questioned.
“Let’s make a deal.” The demon spoke when Liu’s other voice didn’t answer. Liu looked up at the demon. It didn’t seem to want to hurt him, but he was still upset and afraid from the recent trauma of death.
“I’ll send you back to the living world as an undead entity until the day you fulfill your wishes. After that, you come back here to me.” The demon offered.
“Fulfill which wish?” The other voice spoke through Liu again. The voice’s desires were clearly not a match for Liu’s own.
“Whatever wish you two compromise on over your time back in the mortal world. You share a soul and body. I cannot make a deal with just one of you.” The demon responded. He held out his hand and a large scroll seemed to materialize out of thin air within his palm. The scroll was opened and held in front of Liu.
“What if we never compromise?” Liu asked, and it seemed the voice finally agreed with him on something.
“Then you will spend eternity wandering the living world as an undead creature.” The demon answered simply.
“I don’t see a downside.” The voice spoke through Liu again.
“There doesn’t have to be one.” The demon sounded somewhat amused. Liu felt his hand move toward the open scroll on its own. He hesitated before touching the contract.
“The choice is yours.” The entity stated as he continued to hold out the scroll patiently. In the end, Liu made his choice…
 …and woke up in a hospital bed shortly after. He looked around at the white walls of his room in the ICU. He didn’t feel any pain as he sat up and tore off all the tubes and wires that kept him attached to various machines. As the heart monitor started to emit the loud screech it naturally sounds when a patient flatlines, Liu stood up and quickly left the room. He heard doctors and nurses enter the room with a crash cart and start to panic at finding his cot empty, but he didn’t care as he ran down the halls.
 He made it through the exit and looked up at the starry night sky. He took a quick breath and ran off through the city streets, determined to find a quiet place to plan his next steps. As soon as he had the basics that he needed, he would get started. The voice in his head helped direct him through the urban jungle around him, almost as if it had been here before.
 Sully. The voice’s name came to him without needing to be heard. Liu was determined not to let Sully hurt his brother; and Sully was equally determined to override Liu’s control and exact vengeance. They argued back and forth about it all when they started planning out what to do and where to go. They debated where to go and how to proceed, but there was one thing they could both agree on:
 One way or another, they had to find Jeffery.
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miumiu-chan · 4 years
Miyase Go STORY 1 Chapter 12-4
Subbed video: STORY-1 12-4
-Movie Theater-
Miyase-san first took me to a mini theater.
[MIYASE]: “Going to the movies together really feels like a date. Haha.”
[REI]: (He’s in high spirits......Cute.)
The posted time schedule was filled with indie films and revival screenings.
[MIYASE]: “It seems that a movie called “Attack of the Killer Bell Peppers” will be screening in 15 minutes.”
[REI]: “It says it’s a movie from 40 years ago.  I’ve never watched it before.”
[MIYASE]: “From the synopsis, is it a horror genre?”
[MIYASE]: “Monster peppers attack humans......”
[REI]: “Monster peppers......I can’t imagine it, but it might be surprisingly scary.”
[MIYASE]: “If Rei-san is scared, would it be better not to, then?”
[REI]: “Scary things are as scary as people, but since we’re here I want to try seeing it.”
[MIYASE]: “Then, I will go buy the tickets.”
[REI]: “Then, I’ll be in charge of drinks. Do you want anything?”
[MIYASE]: “Cola, please. Haha.”
-In town-
[MIYASE]: “Kuku......-, aha-, it’s no good, I just remembered it. Ahaha.”
[REI]: “You’re still laughing......”
[MIYASE]: “Sorry. Because Rei-san’s mumbling while watching the movie......Fufu, it was too funny.”
[MIYASE]: ““You’re kidding me......” you said, ahaha. I can’t help but laugh.”
[REI]: (Miyase-san really does have a strange sense of humor sometimes......)
[REI]: “Sorry I infringed on manners.”
[REI]: “But doesn’t that movie make you want to mumble stuff?”
[REI]: “Because on the way, didn’t you see the monster peppers moving the truck?”
The contents and level of completion were so different that I searched online after the movie was over.
“Attack of the Killer Bell Peppers” was a famous movie that was popular as a cult in many ways.
[MIYASE]: “Ahaha. It was really the most fun I’ve had watching a movie in my life.”
[MIYASE]: “Now then, where do you want to go next?”
[REI]: “I’m fine with anywhere......Ah-“
[MIYASE]: “Hm? Do you want to enter that shopping building?”
[REI]: “If Miyase-san won’t feel bored, then I want to go.”
[REI]: “When I was choosing clothes for today, I thought there weren't many summer clothes I had.”
[MIYASE]: “There’s no way I can be bored when I’m with Rei-san.”
[REI]: “Nh......”
[MIYASE]: “Haha, Rei-san is easy to understand, you’ll make my face turn red, too.”
[MIYASE]: “Let’s go?”
My hand that was gently grasped...——This time, I also gripped back right away.
Even though I hadn't redone my makeup, the thick blush that dyed my cheeks remained the same as it was in the morning.
-Shopping Building-
[REI]: “Um......how is it?”
I opened the curtains of the fitting room.
[MIYASE]: “......Ah, I like that.”
Bam! A kyun bullet (——which I named just now——) shot into my chest.
[MIYASE]: “It looks really good on Rei-san.”
[REI]: “Thank you......”
[REI]: “But I was thinking this is a little too beautiful for me.”
[MIYASE]: “You’re a beautiful person, so it's natural that beautiful clothes would look good on you, though?”
[REI]: (Th-This is bad......!)
[REI]: (At this rate, the kyun bullets will make me full of holes!)
[MIYASE]: “Ah, but there are lots of times when Rei-san looks cute......”
[MIYASE]: “That’s amazing. You have both qualities.”
[REI]: (Evacuate all members—————!!!!)
[MIYASE]: “Ahh......but the clothes may be a little too revealing.”
[MIYASE]: “I hope you can wear it just in front of me.”
[REI]: “I-I’ll get the one I wore earlier after all! It‘s simple and easy to move in.”
[MIYASE]: “Yeah. That one suited you too, it was cute.”
[MIYASE]: “I’ll wait, so take your time changing clothes.”
[REI]: (Haa......I thought I was going to die.)
——2 minutes later.
When I got out of the fitting room, Miyase-san had a paper bag in his hand from the shop.
[REI]: “That, couldn’t be......”
[MIYASE]: “Mn. I bought it.”
[REI]: “Thank you. Then, the payment-“
[MIYASE]: “It’s a present.”
[MIYASE]: “Or rather, earlier at the movie theater, you had bought the drinks.”
[REI]: “That’s because Miyase-san didn’t let me pay for my ticket......”
[MIYASE]: “Haha.”
[REI]: “? Why are you laughing?”
[MIYASE]: “It’s just this kind of exchange is really fun.”
[MIYASE]: “Is Rei-san having fun, too?”
[REI]: (Uu......so cute. But!)
[REI]: “......You can’t fool me, you know? You definitely have to let me pay for it later.”
[MIYASE]: “Yes, yes.”
Next, we headed to the amusement park as requested by Miyase-san.
[MIYASE]: “Shall we have lunch at the rose garden over there first? I wonder if there is a bench.”
[REI]: “On the park map......Ah, there is a description of a rest space.”
[MIYASE]: “Then, we can eat food while looking at the roses.”
[REI]: “Yes. Let’s go.”
-Rose Garden-
I was instantly fascinated by the generous amount of flowers.
[REI]: “Wow, beautiful......”
[MIYASE]: “It’s stunning......”
[REI]: “I knew that the rose garden in this amusement park was famous, but I didn’t think this much.”
[MIYASE]: “I've always wanted to come here”
[MIYASE]: “And look at the flowers together with someone who would honestly say they’re “beautiful”.”
[REI]: (Ah......)
[MIYASE]: “I think that the impression from viewing flowers reflects the mind of the viewer.”
[REI]: (The Miyase-san right now who is looking at the flowers with me, can honestly think that they are “beautiful”.)
[REI]: (Somehow, that......makes me really happy.)
When I became clearly aware of my feelings for Miyase-san on the vacation trip.
I felt uneasy about the emotions that sprouted in my heart.
I couldn't really see a future.
[REI]: (But now, I feel like I grew up touching on Miyase-san’s various emotions.)
I felt that I grew into flowers of gentle colors.
[MIYASE]: “Did you know that the number of roses has a meaning when you give them as gifts?”
[REI]: “Ah, I’ve heard about that.”
[REI]: “I only know the major one that 108 roses means “Please marry me”, though.”
[MIYASE]: “It’s very romantic, isn’t it?”
[MIYASE]: “There are many other meanings as well.”
[MIYASE]: “Recently, I......really liked the meaning of giving 999 roses.”
[REI]: “999 roses......That’s a lot.”
[REI]: “As expected, you can’t really decorate with that much......or maybe it’d be a good first attempt at a rose bath?”
[MIYASE]: “Ahaha. That’s really a Rei-san-like answer.”
[REI]: “What is the meaning of giving them?”
[MIYASE]: “That’s a secret. Because it’s embarrassing.”
[MIYASE]: “When you’re alone, you can secretly investigate.”
[REI]: “When you say it like that, I’ll be really curious about it......”
[MIYASE]: “Now then, shall we have lunch?”
[REI]: (You really won’t tell me......I'll look it up when I get home.)
I was sure the meaning of 999 roses was also romantic.
While thinking about that, I spread the bento I made on the garden table in the rest space.
“For lunch on the date, I want to eat a love-filled bento together with you.”
These are the words Miyase-san told me on the phone three days ago.
[MIYASE]: “I made sandwiches.”
[REI]: “Mine is onigiri.”
[MIYASE]: “It looks really good.”
[REI]: “Miyase-san's sandwiches also look delicious.”
[MIYASE]: “Thank you. Then——“
[MIYASE & IZUMI]: “Thank you for the food.”
We both reached first for what the other person made, which made us laugh.
[MIYASE]: “......Hm? There’s fried chicken inside the onigiri.”
[REI]: “Ah, it’s suddenly a strange combination, isn’t it.”
[REI]: “I thought it‘d be an unbelievable thing to do, but I also thought it wouldn’t be interesting if just all the standard ingredients were used.”
[MIYASE]: “Haha. It’s delicious.”
[MIYASE]: “This fried chicken......is not thigh meat, but chicken breast meat?”
[REI]: “Aoyama-san told me that if I want to put it in onigiri with strong seasoning, it‘s better to have less fat.”
[MIYASE]: “............Heeh. Aoyama-san did.”
[REI]: “It seems that he can actually cook.”
[REI]: “Such a thing, and he didn't tell me the details.”
[MIYASE]: “You sure get along well.”
[REI]: “Rather than get along......, he really teased me a lot.”
[REI]: “When I said that I would make a bento for when I go out with Miyase-san.”
[MIYASE]: “Eh......”
[REI]: “Ah-, could it be I shouldn't have said we’d be meeting in private?”
[MIYASE]: “Ah......no. I just didn't think you would tell them.”
[MIYASE]: “Maybe everyone at the DCD don't think too well of me and you meeting like this?”
Certainly, it wasn’t a welcome mood.
But even when I was sincerely told that they didn’t think it was a good idea, I said that wasn’t the case, because——....
[REI]: “I trust Miyase-san.”
[MIYASE]: “Rei-san......”
[MIYASE]: “......Thank you.”
[MIYASE]: “Your trust makes me happy more than anything.”
-Amusement Park-
After a very satisfying lunch, we went on to the amusement park zone.
The attraction that Miyase-san was going to go to by pulling our connected hands——...I knew which one.
[REI]: (The merry-go-round......)
[MIYASE]: “I want to ride together with you.”
[REI]: “Yes. Let’s ride it, together.”
We smiled and straddled each of the fairy tale horses lined up next to each other.
[MIYASE]: “It looks like we could hold hands. But it’s dangerous, so I guess we can’t.”
[REI]: “That’s true. Let's ride with good posture like Kujo-san.”
[MIYASE]: “Ahaha. Soma-san is the best example.”
[STAFF]: 『Then everyone, enjoy horseback riding in the magical world.』
The merry-go-round began to spin with fantasy music flowing.
[MIYASE]: “Ah......”
[REI]: “Ah”
I thought this would be a fairy tale horseback riding where we could look at each other's faces next to each other.
But for some reason, my horse started moving forward.
[REI]: “Miyase-san......”
[MIYASE]: “............”
Looking back, Miyase-san's smile came into view, and I——...
Called his name again
Returned a smile
Became anxious (♡)
Somehow, I became anxious.
I didn’t want to go any further on my own.
I wanted to line up together next to each other.
[MIYASE]: “It's okay to look forward.”
[REI]: “But......”
[MIYASE]: “From here, I can properly see Rei-san’s appearance having fun.”
[MIYASE]: “That’s good enough for me.”
[MAN]: “Ah, heyyy mama! Go! Wave your hand towards papa’s camera!”
[MIYASE]: “Oh......?”
[REI]: (Go, he said, the same name as Miyase-san?)
There was a carriage diagonally behind the horse he was riding.
Riding it was a boy in the lower grades of elementary school and a woman who was probably his mother.
Both of them smiled and waved at the father holding the camera.
[MIYASE]: “......The merry-go-round is nice after all.”
[REI]: “Miyase-san, let's ride the carriage later, too.”
[MIYASE]: “Yes, let's ride it together.”
It was a very, very fun and glittering time.
When the merry-go-round kept spinning with only happiness, it was almost like an illusion——...
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yikestripes · 5 years
Four Eyes
Here you go, love! Sorry it’s sorta short, i’m getting back in the game. I hope you enjoy it !!!! <333
Request: Can you maybe ship me with an IT character? My name is Lane. I’m 5’10 and on the thicker side. I have waist length blonde hair and big blue eyes. I normally wear ripped jeans and band T-shirt’s with dirty converse (I’m not very girly). I have a very loud and humorous personality. I am a really sweet loving person and strongly enjoy movies, rock/ alternative music, and anything horror related. I’m also currently in college studying to get my bsn in nursing. Thank you. So much love. ❤️
I ship you with Mr. Richie Tozier!
“Babe?” Richie called as he ran up the stairs and bounded loudly towards your room.
“Yeah Rich?” You yelled back as you tie your shoes. “I’m in here- Oh!” You started to say as he entered.
“Hey Doll,” Richie said with a grin, kissing your cheek before plopping himself on your bed. You smiled back and pulled your long hair back, preparing for another day at the Quarry with the Losers.
“What time are we meeting the others?” You asked, checking your appearance in the mirror, running your hands over your curves as Richie smiled behind you in the mirror.
“Around 1:30, I believe.” He responded absentmindedly; you turned your attention to him to realize he was staring at your ass.
“Eyes up, Tozier.” You crossed your arms and Richie’s face lit up pink.
“Sorry, couldn't help myself; especially when the view is as amazing as you,” He bore a shit-eating grin, to which you laughed a little.
“It amazes me how you got me to fall for you with such corny shit as that.” Richie didn’t say anything, just bore the grin a little longer before getting up, starting to get antsy.
“Alright alright, we can go.” You grabbed your bag off the bag of your desk chari and followed him outside, and climbed on the back of his bike, holding his waist tight.
Richie was sorta grateful you couldn’t see the look on his face, it was the same look he wore every time he thought you weren’t looking. He knew you’d make fun of it, and almost wouldn’t fully trust him when he told you how much he loved you. But he loved you more than his boy brain could allow him to articulate, and he just hoped you knew that. You did, you absolutely did.
You rocked up to the quarry shortly after, taking a small detour past the barrens, where you proceeded to make out for 10 minutes before you realized the other Losers would be waiting.
“Hey guys!” You hopped off the back of Richie’s bike, and pulled Bev into a quick hug before moving on to greet the others.
Beverly was part of the reason you were even with Richie, you’d been pining after him for about 4 months before you even realized how much you stared. Not that Richie minded, he knew the entire time. Even after your obvious staring had ceased, he knew you were practically in love with him, and he knew he felt the same. He was just curious to see if you would ever say anything, considering your sweet and outgoing persona, he always wondered if that had any impact on your confidence.
You’d been patching him up after yet another Bowers run-in (more like Bowers chasing Richie on his bike in his car to the kissing bridge, and beating him there). It wasn’t even Richie’s fault, he had been minding his own business in the arcade, when Bowers started taunting him and provoking him. Richie had tried to keep his temper in check the way you’d taught him to, to keep him from getting in fights such as this, but it was no use when Bowers wouldn’t shut up about you. Richie had had enough.
“Have you seen her eyes, Rich? They’re bigger than yours behind those stupid fucking glasses, Four Eyes!” Henry snarked. Richie began walking out of the arcade. “I almost got her last week, she totally wanted me. She couldn’t have made it more obvious, well, more than she does with Richie “Four Eyes” Tozier.” He continued. Richie’s blood was boiling, but Bowers was not worth it. “She can come begging on her knees for me any day.”
Something in Richie snapped like a stressed rubberband. He whipped around, and punched Bowers square in the nose, blood gushing. He staggered backwards, his goons instantly going towards Richie as he recovered.
“Fuck,” He winced and shook out his hand, sprinting out of the doors of The Capital and mounting his bike faster than he had when he was outrunning the fuckin clown.
He heard a car engine revving behind him and knew that Bowers was hot on his tail, and cut over towards the Barrens. He cut through every shortcut he knew, en route to The Kissing Bridge, suspecting Bowers wasn’t smart enough to track him.
Boy, had he been wrong.
“COME HERE FOUR EYES!” Bowers screeched out of the window, throwing the car into park and barreling out with Belch and Criss in tow. Bowers caught Richie by the back of his shirt and yanked him back onto his ass.
“See what happens when you mess with the Bowers gang, Trashmouth?” Bowers sneered, flicking his knife between his fingers, eyes alight with pure insanity.
“Don’t talk about her like that,” Richie said between his teeth.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Bowers let the blade out.
“I said, Don’t. Talk. About Lane. LIKE THAT!” Richie leaned back and drove his elbow into Bowers’ groin, causing him to collapse and his knife to disappear into the stream below.
Criss and Belch quickly jumped into action, pummeling Richie until he started to see stars. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see red and blue lights flashing, and distant voices yelling. Belch and Criss coaxed Henry up in enough time to run away. As for Richie, he was left to try and stand up, and hopefully find the best nurse he knew before he passed out from the pain he felt all over. He was hobbling down Main Street, passed the arcade and the ice cream shop, where he encountered you leaving Mr Keene’s pharmacy downtown.
“Richie?!” You called out, seeing him hobbling. “Oh my God!” You guided him to the alley next to the store and gently helped him sit down; despite this, he was grinning at you through a black eye and split lip.
“Heya, gorgeous.” Your heart swooned a little bit, but you ignored him. “What’s crackin?”
“Your head, apparently.” You said, quickly assessing his injuries before getting to work. “You’re so lucky,” You were saying, wrapping bandages around his arm. “If I wasn’t here, or if I had gone shopping with Beverly, you would be screwed.”
Richie laughed, then winced.
“My point exactly.” You said pointedly.
“Oh come on, doll. I know for a fact I can always count on you.” He said, for the first time in your 4 years of friendship, genuinely.
You didn’t say anything, just blotting away the excess blood from a cut on his face.
“I know I can. I always can. You’re always fucking taking care of me and patching me up and shit. I wouldn’t be fucking anything without you.” He swallowed a little. “It’s one of the things I love most about you. Besides your amazing personality, sick fashion sense, or all the great memories I have with you, you’re reliable. And beautiful.” You felt heat rise to your cheeks, touched by his words.
“T-thanks R-Rich.”
“Jesus, you’re starting to sound like Big Bill.” You gave him a look and he just grinned back. “I just thought I’d let you in on it, how great you are.” You smiled.
“Thank you Richie, you’re pretty great yourself. The comedy king,”
Richie just smiled again, took the tissue and bandages from your hands, and took them in his own. He sat more upright, his dark eyes sparkling in the fading light.
“I have to do something,” He said quietly, scanning your eyes.
“What is it?” You asked, blinking again.
He put his hands on the sides of your face and kissed you, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away, breathless and wide eyed, Richie wearing a shit-eating grin.
“Yeah, I usually have that effect on people.” He leaned back and rested his hands behind his head, watching as you spluttered.
“Wh- H- oh my GOd!” You sat there for a minute trying to collect yourself, all the while Richie looked proud of himself for having that sort of effect on you.
You glared a little, and caught him off guard with another kiss, effectively making his cheeks turn pink. This time, you grinned.
“So, how are things in the land of love?” Bev asked, nodding her head in Richie’s direction, who was currently arguing with Eddie.
“Amazing, honestly. I owe it to you, for teaching me how to be so confident.” Bev just smiled.
“It’s what I do,” She sent a shy smile to Bill, who grinned. You started taking off your clothes alongside Bev, earning catcalls from Richie who quickly quieted under your glare, and got a running start to be the first into the water.
“Come on you sissies!” Beverly cried, slicking her hair back.
“We’re getting shown up by a couple of fuckin girls!” You heard Richie yell.
“Yeah, o-our girlfriends d-dumbass!” Bill responded, looking over the side. After he finally asked Bev out, Bill’s stutter had gradually improved, partially thanks to her, and partially thanks to his constant reciting of tongue twisters.
Richie leaped off and almost landed on you, giving you half a heart attack in the process.
“Jesus, Rich, you almost killed me!” You said, clutching your quickly beating heart.
“Well shit, then i’ll be without my woman! I’m so sorry my love!” He grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug, laughing.
“I swear Richie Tozier,” You rolled your eyes as he pushed you away a little bit.
“What do you swear, Lane?” Your breath hitched, it did every time he said your name.
You blanked, causing him to grin. “That’s what I thought.” You shoved his head underwater, swimming in Stanley’s direction to get away from Richie.
“IT’S ON!” He launched himself toward you, and tackled you, peppering your face with wet kisses.
“EEWW RICHIE STOOOOP!” You cried in between laughs.
“You’re so disgusting!”
“Yeah, but i’m alllll yours.”
“Don’t remind me.”
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nataliedanovelist · 5 years
GF - Pranks
Summary: Dipper and Mabel got their fun-loving personalities from someone, and that someone got his fun-loving personality from someone else.
Author’s Note: Hey guys! Oh, boyohboyohboyohboyohBOY! I love this little fic and I’m so happy to post it here for you guys! Of course, this is heavily referencing F.R.I.E.N.D.S., specifically S7E16 "The One with the Truth About London", but I had this idea for a long time and am happy to finally throw it out into the world. I hope you guys like it! (and yes I gave I and jumped on the bandwagon on a certain headcanon)
Stanford drummed his six fingers on the arm of the old plaid couch impatiently. While he sat on the right side of the couch, his four-year-old nephew sat on the left side, his little legs just barely passing the edge of the seat and his face just as bored and impatient as the college graduate’s.
Sherman’s son, Alex, had been born in the Fall of Stanford and Stanley’s senior year of high school. While the baby seemed to cry every time Stanford held him, Stanford painfully reminded himself that his twin had always been good with kids and would have probably handled this situation much better. Shermie and his wife both worked, and while their son was in preschool it worked out so that a parent was home when Alex was home, but now that summer was here, the boy was often sent to day-long visits with his grandparents. Ma loved having her grandson over, dotting on him, giving him plenty of snacks and playing games or watching TV with him, but the Pines family was out of groceries and so rather than take the four-year-old with her, Ma left Alex with Stanford. Stanford didn’t have a boiling hatred for children and he loved his nephew greatly, but he was socially awkward with kids and had no idea how to interact with them. Stanford glanced down at the boy and found his eyes glossy as he daydreamed. Stanford sighed quietly to himself. Part of the job description of an uncle was to always entertain his nieces and nephews. He had a chance to be the fun yet responsible adult. Once again Stanford was painfully reminded that Stanley had been amazing with their nephew and could keep him entertained with a shoe string if needed. Stanford was tempted to think of what Stanley would do if he was here, but that was out of the question, so instead he asked himself what would he do with anyone who was exceedingly bored. He would talk to them. Stanford cleared his throat. “So, um, Alex, are you excited that school is over?” He shrugged, still looking dead ahead. “It’s been kinda boring.” Stanford couldn’t argue with that. “Yes, I suppose so.” “Yeah, in school I pwayed with the other kids, but now there’s no kids t’pway with.” Stanford’s first question was why not play with his siblings, but then he was reminded of the struggles young only-children had. “Ah, I see. And you don’t have any brothers or sisters to play with, huh?” Stanford asked, and Alex shook his head. “Well, that’s probably for the best. You know, your father was your age when… when I came along, and all he did was complain about it.” Alex smiled and turned in his seat to look at his uncle a little bit better. “Really, why?” He asked with a smile, enjoying a little bit of gossip about his dad. Stanford smiled and said, “Well, I think a large amount of it was because we were nothing but trouble. As siblings will, we just tortured each other.” Stanford chuckled to himself as he could remember hiding in Sherman’s closet with Stanley, waiting to scare him with a clown-mask and a goblin-mask. “How’d you do that?” Alex asked. Stanford turned to properly face his nephew and he gave it some thought. “Well, there was a month-long period where your uncle repeated everything your father said. We would also hide and scare each other randomly. Oh! Once I switched the sugar for salt so Shermie put salt on his cereal.” Alex giggled and said, “That’s funny.” Stanford, encouraged, grinned. “Really? Uh... oh! This is a good one!” He rummaged through his pants-pockets for a quarter and in between the couch-cushions for a pencil. “You… you take a quarter, and use a pencil to blacken the edge… like this… and then you say to someone, ‘I bet you can’t roll this quarter from your forehead to your chin without it leaving your face’ and then when they do it, they will have a black line running right down the center of their face!” Alex laughed and asked, “Can I do it to you?” Stanford laughed, fullheartedly laughed, and said, “No, sorry, you will have to try it on someone else.” ~~~~~~~~~~ By the time Ma came back and had to take Alex home, he was actually sad to say goodbye to Fun Uncle Stanford and gave him a tight hug. Stanford was glad no one was home to see him smile like an idiot for an hour straight. The next day Ma was on the phone with a client and Pa was downstairs in the shop, so Stanford was sitting in the living room alone, reading a book, when the back door opened and closed. Stanford craned his neck to see the hallway behind him and he saw Sherman come into view, stern-looking with a black line down the center of his face. Stanford bit his lip. “We need to talk.” Sherman growled, resembling their father for a moment despite looking more like Ma with his narrower face and “beanpole” structure. “Uh, sure.” Stanford closed his book and stood up as his brother entered the room. “So,” Sherman crossed his arms over his chest. Stanford noticed his left foot was tapping on the floor rhythmically. That was not a good sign. “Alex learned a little trick from you.” Stanford smiled and pocketed his polydactyl hands in the pocket of his pants. “Right, the old…” “That’s right, my son put saran wrap over the toilet seat so that the pee goes everywhere!” Sherman snapped. Stanford actually had to cover his mouth with a hand to keep from snorting. He cleared his throat and croaked, “I’m really sorry about that.” “Really, Ford, I’d expect this kinda thing from Stan,” Sherman scolded and uncrossed his arms. “But you know how I feel about pranks! They’re stupid, they’re mean, and I don’t want my son doing that sort of thing!” “Oh, come now, Shermie,” Stanford eased, thinking his anger was a little too much for something so harmless. “Clear plastic wrap on the toilet, don’t you think that’s only a little bit funny?” “I was barefoot.” Stanford accidentally let a quick bark of a laugh escape his mouth before holding his breath. “Now, please Ford, tell me the toilet-prank was the only one you taught him, right?” Sherman asked. Stanford darted his eyes to the line on his brother’s face and debated on telling him, but it was just too easy to let it go. A nice little last-prank before going to Alex and talking to him about this. “Uh, y-yes. Absolutely.” Maybe it was because he was so used to all of the lying to come from Stanley, but Sherman actually believed Stanford and nodded and patted his shoulder. “Thanks. Sorry to leave in such a hurry, but I have a meeting I have to be in very soon.” Stanford suddenly regretted not telling Sherman about his black line and tried to stop him to tell him, but he was already gone and Stanford made no further attempt to tell him. He did, however, go to New York City to talk to his nephew. While he enjoyed being Fun Uncle Stanford, as Alex called him yesterday, he had sworn to himself when his nephew was born that he would be the responsible uncle (mostly since he knew he couldn’t count on his twin to be responsible for anyone or anything), and Stanford intended to keep that promise. So he took a subway to New York City and walked to the apartment building his older brother lived in, knowing that since Alex wasn’t with his grandparents he was at home with his mother. When Stanford knocked, Sherman’s wife, Daisy, opened the door and smiled. “Hi, Ford!” The dirty-blonde haired woman greeted and let the young man inside the very tidy apartment, a total opposite to the Pines’ flat above the pawn shop. “Shermie’s not here right now.” “Oh, I know, Daisy, I just… erm, thought I would pay a visit.” “Oh alright, would you like some coffee? I was about to make myself some.” Daisy offered as she walked into the kitchen, which was its own room unlike the Pines’ home that had one big room for a living room, kitchen, and dining room. “That would be great, thank you.” Stanford let her go and called as he sat in one of the matching armchairs in the living room. “So, where is Alex?” He jumped out of his chair when his nephew scared him from behind the chair and Stanford had to bite his lip to keep from yelling or swearing. He smiled and called back to Daisy, “Nevermind, I found him.” “Hi, Uncle Stanford!” “Alex, my boy,” Stanford greeted and sat the four-year-old on the armchair as he crouched to be eye-level. “While I’m very happy to see you, that little prank is exactly why I came to talk to you.” “Ford, do you want some sugar in your coffee?” Daisy called from the kitchen. Stanford opened his mouth to request a little bit of sugar, but then he remembered the whole sugar-and-salt prank he taught Alex and asked the boy, “Do I want sugar in my coffee?” Alex grinned and nodded, but Stanford could see the little lie in his eyes and decided to play it safe. “No, just come creamer would be great, thank you.” Stanford called to his sister-in-law and turned his attention back on his nephew. “Okay, now do you remember all those pranks I taught you yesterday?” “Y’remember all those pranks I taught you yesterday?” Alex repeated with a voice that mocked Stanford’s as he bounced in the armchair with glee. Stanford paused and then shook his head. “No, Alex, listen…” “No, Alex, listen.” “Don’t do that.” “Don’t do that.” “Alex, please, your father doesn’t like pranks.” Stanford tried to explain, but was interrupted. “Alex, please, your father doesn’t like pranks.” Franklin copied. Stanford stood up, his knees aching, and muttered, “Damn it.” Unfortunately, the boy heard that. “Damn it!” He yelled. That made Stanford’s eyes widened with horror and he fell to his knees. “No, no, no! Don’t say that!” He hissed, worried Daisy might have heard her four-year-old son swear. “Damn it!” “No, g-g-go back to repeating!” “Damn it!” “Not that kind of repeating!” “Damn it!” Stanford groaned and stood up to try to think, groaning, “Oh, crap.” “Oh, crap!” Alex cheered, happy to learn so many new words in one minute, meanwhile his uncle was growing pale. Stanford ran a six-fingered hand through his fluffy brown hair as he tried to think of what to do. Stanley might have been worse about swearing like a sailor, but he was much better about censoring himself around kids. One time, when Ma gave the twins the chore of taking the baby for a walk in the stroller, Stanley stumped his toe as they were coming home, and even though the baby was only two-months-old, he manage to yell something that wasn’t necessarily a swear. (Stanley’s eyes had landed on the waffle-sign next to their pawn shop and yelled, “Hot Belgian Waffles!”, a swear that would always remain Stanford’s favorite.) As much as it hurts, Stanford’s mind kept thinking of what his brother would have done. Stanley would have never been bored with Alex in the first place. They would have played football outside to get some fresh air, or he would have shoplifted two popsicles from the ice-cream truck, or he would have colored or played blocks with the four-year-old and claim his scribbles would give Van Gogh a run for his money. If thinking like Stanley would have saved him then, maybe it could save Stanford now. So he thought of what Stanley would have done in this situation. Then an idea came to him and his face lit up. Stanford pulled the coffee table closer to the armchair Alex sat on and had a long discussion with him. As he talked, he kept an ear out for Daisy and by the time he was finished it sounded (and smelled) like the coffee was nearly ready. “And so what have we agreed on?” “No more pranks.” Alex said. “Cross your heart?” Stanford asked and did it first, crossing his heart with his right hand and then holding it up. Alex nodded, crossed his heart, and then held up his hand. Stanford smiled and was about to thank his nephew for being cooperative, but then the boy got an idea and clapped his hand against his uncle’s. “High…” Alex then gasped, and got an even better idea. “High-six!” He cheered, missing the look on Stanford’s face. He was shaken to have someone give him a “high-six”. Alex was too little for Stanley to have taught him that (their nephew was only six-months-old that spring evening Stanley left home); that was something Alex came up on his own. He was a creative, sweet, go-with-the-flow child, one of the few people who never questioned or mocked Stanford for his extra fingers. To him, that’s just the way his Uncle Stanford was and he not only accepted it but loved it. Stanford was broken from his trance when his nephew held out his hand for something and even cleared his throat. “Oh, right!” Stanford reached into his pocket and pulled a five dollar bill out from his wallet and gave it to Alex, his fee for promising not to pull any more pranks. Alex grinned, took the money, and ran off with it. Stanford rolled his eyes and pocketed his wallet and stood up to join Daisy in the kitchen. Just then Sherman came home and was surprised to find his little brother in his living room. He still had the black line down his face. “Ford, what brings you here?” “I just came by to talk to Alex, that’s all.” Stanford said with a shrug and pocketed his hands in his pockets. Sherman gave him a deadly glare. “I swear, if you taught him any more…” “No, no, I actually had a talk with him and he promised not to pull pranks.” Stanford sighed and put a hand up to stop his brothers scolding. “Oh,” Sherman said and smiled. “Well, thank you.” “You’re welcome.” Stanford pocketed his exposed hand and added, “But just so you know, it was nice to be known as ‘Fun Uncle Stanford’ for a day.” He bit his tongue to keep from going on, but if Sherman didn’t know any better he would say Stanford was going to tell him how much he loved being known as fun to Alex. Sherman sighed, realizing that he may have taken this whole pranking-thing too seriously, and said slowly, “Look, Ford, I’m glad you two were bonding and having fun, I just…” “No, Shermie, it’s alright.” Stanford waved his brother’s explanation away. “He’s your son and you have more than a say in what he learns and doesn’t learn. All I’m going to remind you is that he is an only child. Somebody will have to teach him those kind of things so he doesn’t get creamed by the other kids. And, in retrospect, it’s not like I taught him anything an average four-year-old doesn’t either know or have thought of on his own.” “Damn it!” Stanford quickly looked at his watch and said as he left, “Oh, Moses, look at the time!” Sherman was rigid, it digesting that his brother quite possibly taught Alex a swear, and his temper snapped when Daisy walked in, saw her husband’s face, and asked, “Where did you get that big black line down the center of your face?” “STANFORD FILBRICK PINES!” Sherman yelled as he ran out the door to teach his little brother a lesson Pines-boxing-style. ~~~~~~~~~~ A few weeks later, only two weeks before Stanford was moving to Oregon for his new job, Sherman brought Alex into the pawn shop so Sherman could leave quicker through the front entrance, fully aware that Stanford was the only one home at the moment. “Again, I’m sorry to put you on the spot like this, but there is an issue down at the bank I have to take care of, and a certain someone asked for his Fun Uncle Stanford.” Stanford grinned and looked down at the boy who was holding his six-fingered hand and bouncing on the spot. “Oh, well we have fun together, don’t we Alex?” Alex, grinning ear-to-ear, nodded wildly. “Okay, I’ll be back at six.” Sherman said, patted Stanford’s shoulder, and turned to leave, but the younger brother laughed and shook his head. “No, wait, I’m sorry, my boy, I can’t let him go.” Stanford said to Alex, who pouted a little, making his bottom lip stick out. “Wait, what?” Sherman stood still as Stanford removed a piece of paper that read “poop” that had been tapped to Sherman’s back. “That’s fantastic.” He said sarcastically and scowled at his son. “What did we just finished talking about, Alex?” “What did we just finished talking about, Alex?” The boy mocked. “Alex,” Stanford said warningly, but Sherman cut him off. “That is it.” He growled and darted for his son, who let go of Stanford’s hand and ran around the shop, free to do so without the scolding of his Grandpa to not break anything. “Alex! Come here, little mister! You are in BIG trouble!” “Oh, come on!” Stanford called as Sherman chased Alex up the stairwell leading to the flat above the shop. “Shermie! Wait a minute!” Sherman and Alex disappeared into the hallway of nothing but stairs, and the next thing Stanford knew he heard yells and saw a big body fall down into the shop. Stanford yelled and jumped, holding his hair and freaking out for his brother’s safety, only to find that it was a dummy and Sherman and Alex were laughing in the middle of the stairs. Stanford glared daggers at them, but he decided he could let the prank go when he saw the way Alex was laughing and smiling and how he high-fived his father. ~~~~~~~~~~ Alex read his newspaper while his children ate their cereal with smug looks on their faces. Their mother had just entered the kitchen and was pouring herself some coffee. She was too sleepy to notice how odd it was that talkative-Mabel was silent and that Dipper was watching her so intensively instead of reading his book. Kristen grabbed the nearly-full coffee pot and a mug, poured herself some hot caffeinated drink, added sugar and powdered creamer, and gingerly took a sip as she leaned against the counter. As soon as the drink landed on her tongue she hurried to the sink and spat it out. “Ack! What the… Al!” Alex laughed with his kids as he put his paper down. Mabel even pounded her little fist on the table as she laughed at her mother’s reaction. Kristen tried to scowl scaringly, but it was hard when her whole family was so happy. “Very clever.” She said and got down the bag of sugar to fix herself a new cup of coffee. “That’s a good one.” “Yeah, Daddy!” The five-year-old girl cheered before popping a spoonful of cereal with milk into her mouth. “Where’d y’learn that stuff?” “My Uncle Stanford taught me when I was about your age.” Alex answered. He ignored the fact that he hadn’t seen the man who taught him that in years but saw his twin at a funeral and when Dipper and Mabel were born. “We have an Uncle Stanford?!” Mabel gasped happily. “Well, he’s my uncle, so that would make him your great-uncle.” Alex chuckled. “That’s even better! A greater uncle!” “He sounds like a lot of fun.” Dipper said. “When are we gonna see him?” Alex shrugged. Traditionally, he took his little family to his parents’ house for Thanksgiving and Grandma Pines would fly down to California for Hanukkah, but she was getting older and it was harder for her to travel. Stanford would answer any call he got from his nephew cheerful enough, but he had made no effort to see any family except when Alex invited him to that hospital in California, knowing he needed to be there more than anybody. Alex was “insightful” as his mother called it, and so he knew a good amount of what was going on and also knew how to leave what wasn’t his business alone but also help his family member. “Maybe I should call him and we can go up and visit him for the holidays. He lives up north and if we’re lucky we might get some snow.” Mabel gasped even bigger and louder. “SNOW! I wanna go see Uncle Stanford! I wanna go see Uncle Stanford!” “Alright, alright, Maple Leaf.” Alex said and ruffled her hair. “We’ll see what happens.”
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
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@cadcnce​ said: Wylan’s a bit sneakier than having something delivered to her door, but who would expect anything less from the dashing rogue? Sonia would return to her condo to find an assortment of little things on the table in the living room. By this point she may have known how he was getting in, and the fact he did such should be less than a surprise.
Most notable of the assortment is a small personal cake with unlit candles (and a lighter next to it, he cant do everything himself if he’s not there! Nor is he a fan of fire hazards). The dessert is chocolate with vanilla frosting and a goopy strawberry drizzle to look like blood or something of the sort. There’s a little Jason figure on top with his victim laying in the source of the ‘blood’. Well.
You have to appreciate a little bit of creativity from someone with more humor than reason.
Surrounding the cake are an assortment of American candies. Nerds rope. Sour gummy worms. Runts. A really big Reeses cup, and other assorted candies that would make you ask 'uh, why?’ but look at the least to be appetizing.
Ah, but the crown jewel (in Wylan’s eyes) was the water gun staged on top of some of the candy boxes, a bow wrapped around it and a note resting up against it. Handwritten in English-
[ Happy BIRTHDAY. You may need this. Further instruction coming soon. ]
Wish Sonia a Happy Birthday today and send an ask/submit! - Accepting all day
It had already been a strange birthday so far for Sonia. Instead of a schedule, her only tasks had been shopping, lunch with old friends, and until she'd gotten a call at the restaurant, a three hour massage and additional spa services. All of which she didn't want to admit she needed, but the disappointment was written all over her face when her security phoned: her condo had been broken into and apparently vandalized.
With her car materializing even faster than usual, the princess bid goodbye to her old high school friends and was quickly whisked home, carrying her own gifts and shopping bags right into the only public-facing elevator that went all the way to the penthouse condo. Dropping the bags right in the foyer, Sonia held her purse and mobile phone close. If the perpetrator was still inside and her security had missed it, then it would be up to her to catch them. A prospect she didn't wish for, especially on her birthday.
But at least her fears could be put at ease as soon as she stepped into the formal sitting room. Sonia sighed, rubbing her temples with a smile as her shoulders drooped, the tension evaporating as soon as she saw a cake and a pile of American candy across the room. Only one person could be the culprit of such a spread, someone who could use the main elevator perfectly well. She'd cleared it with the front lobby desk and all of the members of her security. The problem was that, in her view, Wylan simply didn't find any amusement in getting into her condo legally: not when there was a service elevator, fire stairs, several balconies, and a roof at his disposal. He had a knack for complicating things, and entering her home was the least of Sonia's problems in that area. Still, she was reluctant to focus on the multitude of ways 'Mr. Green' had descended upon her life, turned it upside down, and now she was left with how to make sense of it all, of him, and of herself and how she fit, or at least felt she fit, in it all.
There was a cake with Jason Voorhees on it. Complete with a murdered victim laying in their own, likely fruity-tasting, blood. "How adorable!" She cooed, examining the dessert close-up before noticing the specific types of candy surrounding it. "He's had his next kill on my birthday cake! Your mother would be very proud, Mr. Voorhees."
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The candy was far more confusing for her, though Sonia finally recognized a few things. Like the small pastel squares covered in paper and the little fruity spheres with 's' printed on them. She smiled, leaving the sour crystal-coated worms be in favor of unwrapping several of the pink and red squares. When her cousins had gone on holiday to Disney World, they'd brought her back a few types of American sweets. The chocolate hadn't been terribly remarkable, but America certainly understood how to increase the sugar content in its fruit-flavored candies. And the strawberry and cherry squares did indeed burst with flavor in her mouth.
It was only once she'd eaten half a dozen more Starburst candies did she notice the only non-edible gift, topped with a giant bow and a note. Sonia reached for the note first, unfolding it and having her suspicions confirmed. Wylan had definitely been here. And furthermore, it seemed as if his present was going to terribly inconvenience the staff, beyond the break-in. But she could only laugh, setting it aside before untying the bow, freeing the water gun from its wrappings. "There's only two things left to do now," She spoke aloud, in case he had a mind to hide somewhere and wait for her return. "To fill up the gun and cover every bit of furniture and art that cannot get ruined. There are plastic tarps stacked in the hall closet." It wasn't worth aggravating home for just a small bit of fun. Though hopefully he knew better than to aim for the china vases, the paintings, the antique sofas, and especially every bit of horror memorabilia in her private office upstairs. Under no circumstances would her replicas of various Saw traps, Michael Myers' mask, or the life-size Annabelle doll she kept there be ruined.
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404gendernotfound · 5 years
Living with a Hybrid Part 4 (Hybrid!Taeyong x Reader)
Summary: Some time had passed now since you had found Taeyong and you had gotten very attached to the boy. It was just a normal Friday when you received a distress call in your lunchbreak just to encounter Taeyongs previous owner and his current hybrid. You were not thinking of letting that guy go without consequences and letting that hybrid suffer anymore.
Contains: fluff, angst
Warnings: mentioning of abuse/violence
Wordcount: 4,5 K
A/N: I was thinking about including some more members of NCT 127 for some time and since the plot that I had scripted beforehand was including another hybrid I decided to make Haechan a golden retriever hybrid since I thought that would suit his personality and it was fitting quite good into the story. You will know what I mean when Part 5 comes out ;D
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
After I had calmed down again, I spend the rest of the evening listening to Taeyong telling me how his day went and what he did at the pancake shop. His eyes sparkled every time he talked about how happy the customers looked when they ate the pancakes he and Mark had made together. I was really proud of him. He was so shy at first but now he had started to bloom on his own and was the most beautiful flower. Mark and Johnny had suggested that he would help them in the shop and would get paid a little so that I wouldn’t be the only one to bring home money. I thought it was cute that he was thinking about helping me with money since I now had to pay for 2 people instead of just myself. And since I saw that he was really having fun at the pancake shop I didn’t say anything against it. As long as my Taeyongie has fun with what he’s doing that is totally fine with me. He would be in the best of hands he could be in and I knew that I could always count on Mark and Johnny to keep an eye on him to make sure that he was ok. After talking for ours we decided to go to bed.
It had been some time since I had found Taeyong and I was growing to love him even more from every day that passed. He had been working with the boys for over a week now and every time I came home from work he would be waiting at the shop with freshly made pancakes to serve me. It was just the cutest. We were starting to get closer and he was opening up even more. Taeyong still kept to him how long he had been with his previous owner or what he had been enduring while he was with him but he was letting you get closer to him and learning more about him and his life.
Today was another normal weekday. As I was about to leave the house to go to work Taeyong tried to keep me in bed but I was able to escape his grip. He pouted and looked at me with his puppy eyes that make me always melt on the spot. I had kissed his cheek before I went to leave the apartment. On my way to work I got a message from Taeyong making a big fat smile form on my face.
Taeyongie: Don’t overwork yourself and come back soon <3
You: I will. Have fun today with the boys. See you later <3
The day went on like usually. As I arrived at work there was already a pile of files on my desk that I had to work through. It was a lot but luckily there were a lot of people at work helping me. It was lunchtime when I received a call from an unknown number. I picked up the phone and held it to my ear.
“Hello?”, I asked curious of whom it might be.
“Hi. This is Yumi from the hybrid shop. He’s back and he’s not alone. There is a golden retriever hybrid with him and I’m not sure if he is ok. He looks hurt and really sad.”
As I heard her words I instantly stood up from my office chair and grabbed my things from the desk. There was no time to lose. I had to get there as soon as possible to keep that hybrid from ending up like Taeyong. Hurt and scared.
“When did he arrive?”, I asked already noticing the panic in my voice as I put on my coat and grabbed my bag.
“Just a moment ago. I instantly called you.”
“Stay on the phone. I’m on my way.”
I literally ran out of my office. Some co-workers looked at me confused.
“Hey where are you going?”, one of them asked.
“No time to explain. There’s an emergency”, I said while passing them and then left the building.
I had no time to wait for the bus so I just walked. Yumi was still on the phone telling me what was going on in the shop. It seemed like I would arrive there just in time. I was almost there. Just 5 more minutes and I could look at that asshole that hurt my precious hybrid and help the other hybrid to not end up hurt and broken.
“We have a problem”, Yumi said over the phone.
“What is it?”, I asked already anger and fear building inside my chest.
“Taeyong is here”, she said and my heart dropped.
“Keep him away from that bastard. I’ll be there in a sec”
Now was the time to be running as fast as I could. There was no way I let Taeyong and that guy meet again. I couldn’t even imagine what might happen if these two saw each other. Horror scenarios started playing in my mind and I ran even faster. I was glad when I saw the front of the shop. I ran through the entrance towards Yumi. She had fear written all over her face as if she was scared of that guy too.
“You’re here. I can’t see Taeyong or that guy anywhere but none of them left the shop.”, she said distress coating her voice.
“I’ll find them. Call the police. I will not let that bastard get out of this shop without being punished.”
“Ok. I’ll stay right here”, she said and grabbed her phone again.
I left my stuff at the counter and walked into the back of the shop. Just as I walked through an aisle, I heard someone speaking. I walked closer and noticed it was a male’s voice that sounded really angry. I listened closely.
“Let’s see if your new owner still loves you when you come home covered in bruises.”, he said and just as those words left his mouth, I knew I had to intervene.
I walked towards where the voice came from and almost heard my heart shatter into thousands of pieces when I saw Taeyong cowering on the floor while a huge guy stood before him. I didn’t need to think twice to know that this was his previous owner. Some people just look violent when you look at them and he was definitely one of those people. Anger and a bit of fear started to build in my stomach and I walked towards that guy.
“So you’re the asshole that did this to him”, I just said standing next to him.
“Y/N”, Taeyong mumbled surprised looking up at me with tears stained cheeks and his hands covering his neck.
I walked between Taeyong and that guy trying to act like a human shield. I wouldn’t let him do anything to my Taeyong.
“Are you ok?”, I asked him and he nodded.
The guy took a step back and then looked at me.
“Oh. So you are the kindhearted person that decided to pick up the trash from the street. Didn’t your parents tell you that playing in the trash would make you trash, too”, he spit those words at me with a smirk on his face.
How fucked up does a person have to be to be smiling in a situation like this. I looked behind him to see that there was the hybrid Yumi had mentioned hiding. He was pretty but I could see from here that he had choking bruises around his neck and he was scared. I send a smile towards him seeing tears forming in his eyes. He silently formed “Help me” with his mouth. I felt pain in my heart.
“I don’t know if your parents completely failed to raise you and didn’t tell you that no one has the right to hurt other people”, I said, my voice full of anger and disgust.
“People? I don’t see people here. I just see two pets begging for someone to discipline them and I just give them what they want”
Every word that came out of his mouth made me want to puke. How narrowminded could a person be. I knew that there still were people thinking of hybrids as pets but none of them that I met in my entire life were talking bullshit like he did.
“Yes, they are people. These two beautiful creatures are just as much human as we are. Just because they have animal additions to their body doesn’t mean you can treat them like this. I don’t know what’s wrong with your view but I see two scared boys wanting to be loved by someone and not abused. I don’t know what ever happened to you in your life that you have to take out your anger on these innocent creatures or if you are just fucked up and have fun hurting them.”
He just started to laugh and looked at his hybrid behind him. He grabbed him by his ears and pulled him to his side. The hybrid cried in pain and fell to his knees as his owner let his ears go. My heart was hurting and I could almost feel his pain. I wanted to help him but I was scared that the guy would start to hurt me too.
“Can’t you see how useless they are? You have to beat them so they understand that you’re the boss and that they have to obey your orders”, he said and kicked his hybrid.
I couldn’t watch this any longer. I stepped forward so that I could expand my arm to the hybrid.
“That’s enough. Come to me. He will never hurt you again”, I said holding my hand out for the scared hybrid to take.
“He won’t go to you. He knows that I’m his boss…HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
While he was talking the hybrid crawled towards me and took my hand.
“You’re dead”, his owner said walking towards his hybrid and I.
I was so focused on keeping the hybrid save that I didn’t even notice the police entering the shop and walking towards us. Just as a policemen stood almost next to us I noticed their presence.
“Is he the guy that abuses hybrids?”, the policemen asked Yumi who was standing now next to us.
“Yes, he is”, she said with a shaky voice.
“What is going on here?”, the guy asked and looked at Yumi, the policemen and then at me.
“This was all a set up? You will pay for this”, he said towards me.
“Sir, you should keep your mouth shut. You’re arrested for abusing multiple hybrids in addition to threatening Miss L/N. Whatever you say now can and will be used against you”, the policemen said and pulled out handcuffs while his colleague grabbed that guys arms behind his back.
“You can’t arrest me. I didn’t do anything. These bastards are lying”, he shouted as the policemen tried to put him in cuffs.
“Oh are we. Then you should look at this, officer”, I said and looked at the scared hybrid next to me.
He lifted his head up so that the bruises on his neck were on display. The officer’s eyes opened wide and he looked angry at the guy. Suddenly Taeyong stood next to me and took off his collar revealing bruises. When did he get these? They looked like someone had choked him with his collar.
“He hurt me too and these wounds”, he lifted his shirt revealing all the bruises that were slowly healing, “they were caused by him, too”
The officer nodded and then looked at his colleague who was just as shocked as him. They walked off with the guy and noted our numbers down so that they could contact us for further information. I thanked the officers and then turned my attention back on Taeyong and the other hybrid. Yumi went back to her position at the counter. I looked at Taeyong and grabbed his hands.
“You said you were ok, but your whole neck is bruised. This must hurt really bad.”, I said and slowly lifted my hand towards his wounded neck.
“I didn’t want to worry you. You were so brave to stand up for us. Thank you”, he said and hugged me tight.
“I will always stand up for you. You are my family. Whoever hurts my family has to deal with me”, I explained and hugged him even tighter.
We separated and I turned towards the other hybrid. He was now sitting on a chair near the changing cabins and was trembling from head to toe. I looked at Taeyong trying to see if he knew what I should do. He just nodded and then whispered in my ear.
“You should do that alone. You’re great at talking. You can do it. I’ll be with Yumi”, he said and then quickly kissed my cheek before he left.
I walked towards the hybrid and crouched down in front of him. As he noticed me he began to cry again and almost threw himself into my arms.
“Thank you”, he cried against my shoulder, still trembling like crazy while I held him in my arms.
“No need to thank me. You deserve so much better. I just had to put that guy in his place. No one should ever have to suffer like you or Taeyong did.”, I said and tried to calm him down by softly stroking his back.
We stayed like this for some time until his crying slowly got quieter and he lifted his head from my shoulder to look at me.
“Your name is Y/N, right?”, he asked and wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his pullover.
“Yes. What’s yours?”
“Haechan”, he said in a shy voice and send me a small smile.
This was the first time I saw him smile and it was really beautiful. He was just as cute as Taeyong but looked a lot younger than him.
“That’s a beautiful name. It suits you”, I said and softly pet his head.
He flinched at first but after he noticed that I wouldn’t do anything to him he let me pet him. He closed his eyes and a small smile spread on his lips while he began to quietly purr. I had to smile too. I was glad that he was still able to smile after what had happened to him. He seemed to be just as strong as Taeyong. I still had to think about what I would do now with 2 hybrids. I couldn’t just bring him t the orphanage and I didn’t want to let him go either. So I just quickly decided to take him in for some time since he had nowhere to go.
“Haechan. What do you think about staying with me and Taeyong for a while?”, I asked and his eyes shot open in shock.
“R-Really? You would do that?”, he asked, tears already building in his eyes.
“Yes of course. We will find someone to take you in who treats you just the way you deserve. I promise”
“Pinky swear?”, he asked and held his pinky towards me.
“Pinky swear”
I hooked my finger with his and saw him smile bright. I then took his hand and we walked towards the counter where Yumi and Taeyong were currently engaged in a conversation. As Yumi saw that I was holding Haechans hand she smiled and came towards me from behind the counter.
“You really are too kindhearted. Thank you”, she said and hugged me.
Haechan let go of my hand and walked over to Taeyong. I hugged her back.
“That’s just my nature. I couldn’t stand by and see someone suffer. That’s just the way I am. You’re welcome. Whenever there is something, I can help with, just call me. I’ll gladly help you out.”, I suggested and she nodded.
We separated and I saw that Taeyong had put his arm around Haechan who was almost clinging to the older boy. It looked really adorable.
“Let’s go home.”, Taeyong said and looked at me.
“Alright. We’ll see you”, I said goodbye to Yumi and then grabbed my stuff from the counter.
We left the shop and I took Taeyong by the hand. It wasn’t because I thought he needed it after what happened but it was more myself who now needed to feel his warmth just to know that he was ok and that no harm could happen to him. I looked at Haechan who had his arm around Taeyongs waist and looked towards me.
“Are you ok, Haechan?”, I asked and changed my position so that I was on his side.
“Y-Yeah. I’m alright. Thanks to you”, he mumbled and slightly smiled.
I then remembered that I should call at work to tell them that I wasn’t coming back. Lunchbreak was already over and I could go back if I wanted but the health of those two hybrids were definitely my priority now. I called one of my colleagues and vaguely explained what happened. Gladly he suggested to take over my work since he was almost ready with his part. I was glad that I had someone that I could count on. And I was even more glad that it was Friday which meant that the weekend was free time for me to spend with Taeyong and Haechan. But now we had to get back home.
“Why were you at the shop?”, I asked Taeyong and saw a slight blush creep onto his face.
“Oh. Nothing. I just needed something. Don’t worry about it”, he explained stuttering and I noticed the bag in his hands.
“Can I see what you bought?”, I asked curious and he shook his head.
“Nope. That’s not for you to see”, he said this time a bit more confident and I heard Haechan giggle.
“Oh come on. I’m very curious”, I whined which made us all laugh.
“Nope. Just wait and see”, Taeyong replied and smirked at me.
We then arrived at the bus station and got onto the bus heading to our home. As we arrived at the apartment complex Taeyong said he would quickly tell the boys that he was done for the day while I walked Haechan to the apartment. As we arrived in the elevator the boy began to speak.
“Are you sure it’s ok if I come with you? I mean it seems like I’m in the way or something like that”, he said and let his head hang low.
“Hey. You’re not in the way. I suggested you’d come with us so don’t worry about it. Everything is fine. You can stay as long as you want”, I assured and placed and hand on his shoulder.
He lifted his head to look at me and smiled at him sincerely. He mumbled an almost not noticeable “Ok” before we left the elevator at our floor.  He grabbed my hand on the way to the apartment which made me almost feel like a mom. I opened the door to our home and stepped in. As I closed the door he looked at me as if he was waiting for something.
“Can I take my shoes of?”, he asked and my heart shattered as I saw his fearful eyes.
“Of course you can. There are no rules here so do whatever you want. You don’t need my permission”, I explained and he nodded.
Haechan took off his shoes and then wandered into the living room on his own. I walked to my desk and put away my bag with the work related stuff, changed into some sweatpants and a lose oversize shirt and then joined him on the couch in the living room.
“Can I ask you something?”, he asked as I sat down next to him.
“Are you and Taeyong a couple?”
I was surprised by his sudden question but at the same time I was relieved that it was such a simple question.
“No, we’re not. It might seem like it since we show a lot of affection to one another, but we are not together”, I explained and he turned towards me.
“I’m sorry he got hurt because of me”, Haechan mumbled and looked down towards his feet.
“Hey. It’s not your fault. You were hurt just as much. Don’t worry about it.”, I reassured and cautiously grabbed his hand.
“I’ll get some stuff to treat your bruises.”, I said and stood up to walk towards the bathroom to gather some things to ease his pain.
In the meantime, Taeyong had arrived at the apartment and joined me in the bathroom. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head down on my shoulder. I smiled and turned my head to face him.
“Hi”, I said and smiled at him.
“Hi. Is Haechanie ok?”, he asked and nuzzle his nose against my neck.
“He blames himself for you getting hurt. I think he might need some time to understand what happened.”, I said and turned around.
“He couldn’t do anything. It’s my fault for running into that guy again. He was like frozen when the guy attacked me and pulled on my collar. There was no way he could have helped me without getting hurt himself. He did the right thing”, Taeyong explained and smiled at me.
“You’re right. Let’s treat both of your wounds. I don’t even wanna know how bad his bruises look.”, I said shaking my head thinking of all the dark purple bruises Taeyong had as I found him.
We walked together to the living room and Taeyong sat down next to Haechan. I took some pictures of Taeyongs bruises so that I could send them to the police for them to use these against their owner. I then took my place on top of the coffee table and treated Taeyongs bruise first. It had already turned purple and I hoped that it wasn’t hurting as much as it looked like. I applied some pain relief gel on his neck, hoping that it would ease his pain soon. He looked at me with his usual loving eyes making sure that I knew that he was ok and that there was no reason for me to worry. As I was done with him I turned to Haechan who had watched me closely.
“Is it ok if I touch you?”, I asked, making sure that I wouldn’t do anything he was afraid of.
He nodded and send me a small smile. I took his hands softly stroking his skin making sure he really was ok.
“Do you have any other bruises than the ones on your neck?”, I asked and he swallowed hard.
“Yes. On my back”, he mumbled with a quiet voice.
“Then let me treat those first”
Haechan grabbed his pullover and pulled it over his head. Taeyong who was still sitting next to him looked at his back and I saw his eyes widen. Haechan turned around and as I saw the wounds on his back I almost had the urge to puke. Not because it looked disgusting but because I couldn’t understand why someone would hurt him like this. There were some purple bruises on his lower back but those weren’t even the worst. There were a lot of bruises that looked like they were caused by being hit with a belt. Some of them must have bled since there were some already healing wounds on the edges of them. I took some pictures of those too and then put away my phone. I reached out with my hand to carefully apply some ointment on his wounds. I felt his body tremble under my touch so I tried to work on his wounds as fast as I could. As I was done I applied some pain relief gel on his bruises on his back and neck. Taeyong was holding his hand throughout the whole process trying to make it as comfortable for him as possible.
“All done”, I said and Haechan turned around to face me.
“Thanks”, he said and then got pulled into a hug from Taeyong.
“You must have endured so much pain. You’re safe with us from now on. We’ll make sure to find someone for you that loves you just as much as Y/N loves me”, he said and smiled in my direction.
My heart almost jumped out of my chest as he said that. It was true. I really loved him with all my heart and Haechan deserved to receive the same. I joined their hug making sure that neither of them could get hurt. Haechan had already started to cry again but this time not because he was sad or scared but because he was so happy that he had found us. I was sure that a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders knowing that he was safe now. We separated and I went into the kitchen to make dinner for the three of us. The rest of the evening was spend with eating, watching TV and snuggling together on the couch with one hybrid on each side snuggled close to me. We all almost fell asleep on the couch. It was late already so I stood up to get a pillow and a blanket for Haechan from the bedroom so that he could sleep on the couch since the bed was a bit small for three people to sleep in it.
“Are you ok with sleeping alone?”, I asked him as he laid down wrapping himself in the blanket.
“Yes. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine”, he assured and smiled at Taeyong and I.
“If something happens, you know where to find us”, I said before I softly kissed his forehead and then walked off with Taeyong.
“Good night, Haechan”
“Good night, Y/N”
As we arrived in the bedroom Taeyong changed into his pyjama while I changed into mine. I was too tired from todays events to care if he saw me change or not. I crawled onto the bed and laid down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to his chest.
“You are not allowed to show affection to Haechanie.”, he mumbled and pressed his forehead against mine.
“Are you jealous?”, I asked smirking and saw a light pink appear on his cheeks.
“No, but it’s my privilege to get affection from you”, he pouted, his voice getting quieter by the end of the sentence.
I cupped his face with my hands and placed a kiss on his forehead, nose and on each of his cheeks.
“You get more that enough affection from me, Taeyongie. Haechan deserved some love today, too”
“But your love is mine”, he whined and pulled me closer again.
“You’re right. My love is all yours”, I mumbled while my heart was racing against my chest.
“Good night, Taeyongie”
“Good night, Y/N”
Next part
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hydemeincradle · 5 years
Far Away - Chapter 1 - Seth megafic
Welcome to the beginning of my Seth mega fic! I have currently written it all (but it needs editing and chaptering) and has a total of 22k (which will go up in editing). I have spent all year writing this and I am really hoping you all like it. Expect many more chapters ;) Link to my fic masterpost (where all the chapters of this will go): https://hydemeincradle.tumblr.com/post/187532565674/fic-masterpost Word Count: 2464
Notes: As always much love to my waifu @stupidoafofspades for helping me with this in many ways, including editing, cheering me on, and generally being awesome and the bestest ever <3 This fic is a mix of things, but as a lot of my writing goes, it does have a lot of angst and I’m hoping lots of feels! But there is fun times too! (I’m going to hide now before @chiefofpigs starts chasing me with a newspaper again for taking everyone to Angst City all aboard the feels train :D ) Without further ado, enjoy :3
Chapter 1: A Jacket for Two
I’d ran down the cobbled streets of the Central Quarter so many times, it felt like any other day. My hand started to slip from Seth’s as he pulled me along, and I worried for a moment I’d fall too far behind.
The once blue sky was now filled with plumes of black smoke and dust clogged the air. The brightest days always did come crashing down harder.
“Quick, let’s get you in a carriage,” Seth said coughing. “It might be safer.”
The Central Quarter had been quiet ever since the evacuation. The bustling streets were now filled with Black Army officers, all running back into the open. As we had secured the winding alleys, strange devices had been found. Our small group had been lucky, we’d ran. Others didn’t get the chance. Looking back it’d been too simple, the Red Army had backed down quickly and Fenrir’s troops had pushed them back to the Red Bridge. It had become a stalemate, and for the past few days we’d camped here securing what we could.
A flash, a terrible blinding bright light, and then... everything. A rush of dust and screams so loud, I didn’t even realise they were mine. Blood, bodies, confusion, chaos.
“Maya? Maya?” Seth’s frantic calls were broken by coughing.
I couldn’t see him, I couldn’t see anything. My eyes were scrunched up tight as I tried to understand what was happening.
An explosion. It had to be.
I was too slow to stop the magic. I thought we had ran far enough.
I opened my eyes to be laying in the dirt surrounded by rubble, the buildings around us now broken and falling.
“There you are.”
Seth rushed into view, face covered in dust and blood. He dropped to his knees and took hold of my hand tight, frowning, glancing around in fear.
I tried to speak, it came out as a coughing mess. I couldn’t breathe, the air too thick and... oh geez the world began to spin and I couldn’t think, oh I couldn’t think at all.
“Oh sweetie.” His voice held such pain I wanted to cry. “Don’t move.”
He reached into his torn jacket and brought out a handkerchief, then dabbed it at my cheek. It came away bloodied and all I could do was stare. I tried to reach up to him but my body barely responded. No, no, let me… Fresh blood rolled down his soft skin and I wanted so desperately to wipe it away.
“It’s going to be alright Maya.” His voice caught and shuddered. “Listen to me, I just n-need to sort this for you and then we c-can get out of here and—”
“Seth?” He sat back and rested his chin against his chest for a moment. Although his hair fell and obscured his eyes, I knew he was crying. “Are you—”
“It’s going to be fine,” he whispered. With the pain in his voice I swore he was trying to convince himself not me.
My head thumped and screamed in pain, I just wanted to curl up and cry. I tried to move, but Seth grabbed my shoulders.
“Please don’t move.”
“But I—”
I placed my hand on his arm, leaving a bloody handprint. “No, no. Sweetie, stay still for me.”
“Seth!” I panicked, staring at it in shock. “There’s… blood.”
“I know, I know,” he soothed. “But we’ll sort it. I just need to do a little adjustment to your dress, and it will be fine. Trust me.”
I flinched and Seth covered me immediately. His face hovered near, his tears pattering on my cheeks. Somewhere bricks crashed and skittered across the ground.
“Was that..?”
Seth paused then glanced around. “A gunshot.”
“Fenrir? Oh no, is he alright?”
“I don’t know,” Seth whispered. “I need to…” He pulled out one of his knives and tried to smile. “We’ll have to b-buy you another dress. Go on a shopping trip.”
The cold knife pressed against my arm and I felt as it run along, slicing through the fabric of my sleeve. Pain lanced through me as it moved, I glanced down to see it bloodied and strewn in the dirt.
“I-I’m… I need to use some of your dress for the next bit. I’m sorry.”
Seth reached down and pulled at my skirt, lifting the top layer and folding it back. Then with his knife, he started cutting at the underskirt, tearing strips away.
“I’m nearly done, I just need to cover it.”
“What?” I winced as I felt the strips press down, I wanted to kick and scream but I bit down on my lip. As Seth’s face hovered near I fought my fatigue and reached up to his face, holding his cheek, “you’re bleeding.”
“So are you.” I cried out as Seth pulled the next strip tight, my fingernails pressing against his skin. Bright pain surged through me, leaving me breathless and frozen. “I’m here, sweetie.” Seth’s hand held mine against his face tight. “Listen to me, it’s over for now. We need to get out of here.”
I nodded, my movements stiff. Somehow I managed to sit up with Seth’s help, and finally I realised the extent of everything. There was nothing left. Just rocks and the edges of buildings. It can’t have been just one explosion. I saw as other army members lay in the rubble bleeding, crying out, some weren’t moving. They… They weren’t…
“Seth,” I said with tears flooding my eyes. “I’m scared.”
Warm arms wrapped around me as Seth held me tight, tighter than ever before. I found my head resting against his chest, against the torn fabric of his favourite jacket, against the solid sound of his heartbeat thumping. The tiniest smile broke all the horror; at least I knew he was alive. Tears rolled down my cheeks but I could feel a calm washing over me, I clung to him not wanting to ever let go. If I just closed my eyes for a moment I could imagine being far away from all this, just laying somewhere listening to this same melodic beat. Oh! I let go, awkwardly moving away, all too aware of what I’d been thinking. Seth’s teary brown eyes watched as I felt a flush grow across my cheeks. I’d held on a little too tight, been a little too careless.
“Maya? What’s wrong?”
“We should go.” I glanced away, in the corner of my eye I spotted another flash of light. I screamed, “no!”
Another explosion rattled through the debris, the force sending Seth forwards. The faint outline of my deflection lingered for a moment, it hadn’t stopped it all, just enough. Exhaustion flooded through me and all I wanted was to slump down and sleep. Seth grabbed my hands and dragged me back up to my feet.
“Come on. We need to get you out of here.”
Around us people were scrambling and fleeing, all hurrying back towards Black territory.
“I’m so tired.”
“I know, sweetie, I know.” Step by step he gently led me away, holding my hands tight. “We’ll be back soon and then you can sleep as much as you like. And after you wake up we’ll do something fun and we’ll have tea in our matching cups again.”
“Yes.” I nodded. “I’d like that.”
“Hey,” called a voice from behind us. “Come this way instead.” I glanced to find Oliver hurrying through the rubble towards us. “No doubt this goofball got herself hurt.” Seth paused and I looked up at him. “Blanc has gone to get Kyle and any other doctors. You’ll be safer this way.”
“Safer?” Seth frowned and shook his head. “No, we are going back to headquarters.”
“And if more explosions happen then? Just come with me.”
“How is—”
"I work with magic crystals every day,” he hissed. “Do you really think I don't have protections?"
I heard Seth sigh as he held on to me tighter. He began to pull me in the direction of Blanc’s house instead.
“Aren’t you hurt too?” I asked him, his brown eyes watching my every move.
“I’ll be fine.”
Oliver followed us quietly as he stared at the mess. We slowly worked our through it, my tired legs threatening to give way at any moment. I was so tired and felt like I could sleep for days. Seth’s strong hands kept me going, kept me safe; with him I didn’t feel scared and it warmed my heart. I was so glad that of all the people here, it was him with me.
I stopped outside of Blanc’s house and looked to him, “Seth, I...”
He reached out and stroked my hair. “What is it, sweetie?”
“I don’t understand why… all this and…”
I paused, took a deep breath, and opened my mouth to try again.
“Get in here already, dummy.” Oliver hissed from the doorway. “It’s not safe out there.”
I winced, sighed, and left it there. My mind was fuzzy and I struggled to think. I would try again later instead when my thoughts might come easier.
Still holding his hand, we entered the blue roofed house, all clean and unharmed from the blasts.
“Are you sure it’s safe here Oliver?”
“Of course.” He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “This stupid war is on our doorstep but we always are unscathed. Whatever happened, it was meant to harm the Black Army, so there shouldn’t be an attack here. And like I said, I have my protections.”
I followed Oliver through the house and crumpled down on the sofa, glad to finally have somewhere to rest.
“You look exhausted, I’ll make some tea.” Oliver wandered off into the kitchen, grumbling to himself.
Seth nodded. “Yes and rest up too sweetie. You were exhausted before all… this.” He glanced out the window and let go of my hands. “I am going back out there to help the others.”
“But—” I reached out to Seth then stopped. He was right. I couldn’t let my feelings come first when there could be others out there hurt. “Make sure you stay safe out there,” I added eventually.
“I’ll be back before you know it Alice ☆” Seth said trying to be his cheerful self.
I wanted for that to be enough, and normally it would be, but my mind couldn’t wrap around what had just happened and I didn’t want to let go of him just yet. I wished I could be selfish for an extra moment. Seth dropped the facade quick, realising that it wasn’t working. I watched as he unclipped his knife belt, slipped off his jacket, and then draped it over my shoulders. I winced as it brushed my arm.
“Maybe this will help.”
I felt my cheeks flush and I tried to smile. “Thank you, Seth.”
“Yes, yes, go on already.” Oliver said shooing Seth back out the door. “I will watch over her.” As they walked, I managed to catch a whisper something which sent a chill down my spine. “And if I find out you or those friends of yours are behind any of this…”
I clutched onto Seth’s jacket tighter. What did that even mean? What did they know? I was tired, scared, and hurt. Maybe I was misreading the whole thing.
“You two make me sick.” Oliver grumbled, going back to the tea to pour into the small cups.
“Who do you think I mean dummy? You and him. I think I'm going to choke on the sweet air.” Oliver concentrated on his tea adding a lump of sugar and swirled everything around.
Me and him? A blush heated my cheeks. “No, you’ve got it all wrong—”
“—he was just watching out for me and he cares a lot.”
“Can you really be that dense?” Oliver stared at me a moment before returning to his cup. “I suppose I shouldn’t have expected more from you of all people.”
“Hey.” I felt my cheeks burning now, my heart latching onto his words hoping they were true.
Oliver smiled slightly. “It’s good to see you being you.”
I stopped to frown, realising what Oliver had been doing. This had been a diversion all to cheer me up. I reached for my tea and sipped, hiding my expression behind the cup. Oliver did care really, underneath it all.
“How is your arm?”
I paused and looked towards it, the fabric still in place where Seth had wrapped it tight. Blood soaked into it and it hurt like hell, but I was still riding a wave of adrenaline. I wanted to touch the bandage, see what was wrong, but I pulled away knowing it would make it bleed more.  
“It hurts now you reminded me of it, gee thanks.”
Oliver was quiet a moment before he continued. “That idiot of a drunk doctor will fix you up well. I’m surprised you managed to get away with just injuries to your arm. The blast looked bad.”
My eyes widened as I remember the sound, the air being forced towards me, sending my body sprawling.
“I just hope everyone else got away with few injuries.” Oliver didn’t respond, instead he sat sipping at his tea. “I feel so useless having to sit here, I want to help them.”
Oliver turned to me with a frown. “You are going to sit there, or I will make you.” I stopped to look at him and he sighed. “So I am not useless too. There’s not much I can do like this, but I can watch over you and make tea. So that’s what I am doing.” I felt bad for him, to feel so powerless being in his child form. “I don’t need your pity. I can see it on your face, dummy.”
I finished my tea and set it down on the table in front of me. “Do you really think Kyle will come to help us when it was the Red Army who attacked us?”
“Yes, unlike the others in that Army, he’s the only one who’d help. You obviously don’t know him well enough if you are asking that question.”
“You don’t need to be so mean all the time,” I hissed.
I didn’t mean to snap, but I was so tired and the hot tea was making me sleepier. My eyes felt heavy and I knew I should try and sleep.
“I’m going into my workshop,” Oliver said standing, “call me if you need anything.”
“Rest, sleep, do whatever you want. I need to keep busy.”
I snuggled deeper into Seth’s jacket, it smelt of him and brought a warm comfort. How did such a beautiful day end so bleak?
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