#i actually read BATS before I watched little shop of horrors
sanguineed · 8 months
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New profile pic yay! Also a small celebration for maybe possibly convincing our director to do little shop of horrors for our next show (if we can get the licensing)!
also extra BATS ver because I like it and I can:
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lunarvir · 1 year
tsukishima kei x chubby!f reader
not a professional writer at all TT, bored writing but I hope you guys like it, kinda ooc bat hehe whatever. Kei here is not that salty sooo🙏 bored writing
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Tsukishima Kei, A new transfer first year in Karasuno High. For the first time that I saw him I felt nothing for him, I never thought that I could fall for a guy like him, he looks nerdy and a bit boring actually absolutely not my type.
As months pass by we got to know each other better, found out that we both like reading comics, playing volleyball, video games, dog, and the majestic taste of strawberry cake. After knowing him for a while I actually thought, maybe this Kei guy wasn't bad after all?
"hey shortie" you sigh as you heard his voice "oh nerd what you doing here?" you replied as you both bump into each other at the coffee shop, "ah, nothing much just getting something to drink, you know schools been though" "is that so? well you won't mind if we go in together? a study date maybe?" "shortie asking me on a date?" then letting out a little giggle "whatever Tsukishima Kei, you could just say no plus! it's not even a date date dramatic ass" you replied while rolling your eyes "geez my apologies your highness, oh well I guess I'll have to accept your offer to have a date I mean a date but not a date date with me" he said while trying not laugh at his own corniness, as you let out sa laugh you both want inside the coffee shop
you both have been sitting and studying together for almost 3 hours, with you actually just wanting to go home and just binge watch netflix series. as you broke the silence asking Kei if he wanted to go to your house and just hang because studying is starting to bore you out, Kei absolutely accepted your offer, considering that your parents were barely home like, everyday and that the two of you were close enough that he always comes to your house to just watch series, to borrow some of your comics and to even play with your dog biscuit.
"damn all of that studying killed me shortie" as he sat his self down to your bed, feeling super comfortable as if it's his own bedroom "ah, yea wanna watch something creepy??" "just look at the mirror then you'll see something creepy and scary" he joked around to annoy me, as i rolled my eyes at him, he finally picked a good horror movie to watch. for me scary movies never really scared me, but for him well I actually never thought that he was a scardy cat.
as we were halfway to the movie we were so close together laying down on my bed, almost like we were cuddling. I didn't thought anything about it until his hands were getting closer and closer to mine, my heart beat rapidly beating as his hands were still getting closer I felt kinda awkward so I asked him "you scared?" "hmm" as he nodded i just went ahead and interlocked my hand into his, then slowly I felt myself slowly sliding down onto his chest feeling his heartbeat beating as fast as mine was. as we finished the movie we were watching, I turned of the tv to scare him teasing him that somebody's beside him other than me, after I teased him I turned the tv back on for the only source of light we had as i complained that it was cold i suggest to turn off the ac but he just offered me a hug, feeling his warmth I never thought we would be this close, never in a million years.
months passed by me and Kei wasn't as close as before, he barely hanged out with me anymore maybe it was because he was getting a lot of fame from playing volleyball and having all of his fan girls around him. I never thought I'd miss his touch, his hands, his laugh, his hair, his voice even his scent. When we were physically close I never had feelings, but when he was slowly drifting away from me I'm starting to miss him and even like him for some reason.
a month has passed by, we were no longer first years. it's summer i know I should spend it going out with my friends but I'm just here in my bedroom remembering all the times we spent, then I finally had the courage to confess my feelings to him, how much I actually liked him.
at first he never took my confession seriously, so i didn't stop giving him unwanted attention. as weeks passed by I guess he got annoyed by me and the finally rejected me properly. him telling me that those touches were just for fun broke me, he never at any intentions nor interest.
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spookberry · 2 years
On occasion, I wind up having these like weird "cinematic" dreams. They're not connected or anything, but there's this feeling to them. Like I'm watching a movie in 5D. And oddly enough they usually have pretty well rounded plots?? Though they always end on a cliffhanger😒
and i had one recently that I just cant get off my mind
it was about two middle school aged kids meeting at a book shop. so like what i picked up on straight off the bat was one was like a stoic straight laced type of girl and the other was a troublemaking bean of a boy. And they were at this small little bookstore ran by this old couple. the was buying the next installment of some gore filled action series and she was buying a very frilly and fluffy looking shoujo manga. And I think it was meant to be important that these were both shoved into a corner at the back because the store sold more classical literature than anything else.
Anyways, being rude little kids they immediately bickered started bickering over who had the better taste in book. And they kept this up while they waited for the cashier(the owner) to finish shelving something in order to ring them up. But then they wound up actually talking about the books they liked. And even after they had paid they sort of... walked out of the shop together. They spent the rest of the afternoon walking to the park and talking to one another. It didn't take long for their bickering to turn into a real enjoyable back and forth that eventually became kind of romantic. And It was as the sun was starting to set, they sat together on the top of the play structure at a local park that he asked for her name and she told him(it was Saki cuz I'd just read a japanese horror story before bed where the main ghost was named Saki. no one else in the dream was named.) and they didn't ask when they'd see each other again. Didn't try to share information. They took a picture together at one point, but otherwise they were just too busy enjoying each other's company to really think about what would happen afterwards.
The next day, unable to get his mind off her, the boy went back to the shop. She wasn't there, obvi. But unsure how else to find her, and knowing how much she loves books, he figures, well surely she'll be back at the shop again someday. So day after day he'd go back and wait around. And he waited for years without ever seeing her. Eventually he became pretty close with the couple who ran the shop, they became something of bonus parental figures for him. When the wife died, kid started working at the shop officially, spending even more time there to help out the old man. Before I knew it he'd become quite a kind and charming man. He was a young adult I think, nearing the end of high school.
His friends were visiting the shop one day, pestering about how he spends all his time there even when he isn't working. And they're trying to convince him to go goof of with them, but he can't obviously, a new costumer just walked through the door. The dream sort of sparkled around this person, as if every detail about them was important. From this guys messy obviously dyed blonde hair, to the piercings in his ears. And he was Familiar, but not really to me. To my bookshop boy. Anyway, he couldn't figure out why the guy was familiar and just went about his shift as this guy looked around the shop. Eventually he wandered out of sight to the back of the shop and thats when one of bookshop boy's friends turn to him and goes "hey didn't that look like Saki a bit?"
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just wanna say, from the bottom of my heart, buzzy and roman I would die for you thank you for my LIFE
NOT NANS COTTAGE. maximum emotional damage hours right off the bat
god the hill house vibes jamie get out before this place tries to eat u
"Thought for the longest time that I’d never get either of you back.” bruh
Jamie fixing up her old bike for Mikey's birthday at the O'Mara's house. specifically designed in a lab to make me cry
"put out of its misery with a thousand blows to the head with a shovel" is so gruesome I read it like 3 times until I remembered that Jamie actually did that in the middle of some serious grieving jesus
mike calling jamie dani and mikey 'the family' hold on a minute man hold on a minute
dani and mikey snoozing together HOLD ON A MINUTE MAN HOLD ON A MINUTE
god jamie is such a softie this whole chapter is just her trying not to cry with how much she loves people (and is loved in return)
oh boy the eddie jamie showdown
oof my poor son boy
holy fuck this whole confrontation is intense
"After all, why bring home a haunting, a gutter rat from the wrong side of the tracks, half feral and half broken, when the golden boy was right there." how dare u use the title against me like this
"I was mad for her from the start." “We were her best friends. If you fell for her, then how could I not?" hooooooly feelings
jamie saying all this to eddie and not dani. lmao. lol. rofl, even.
grocery shopping together............. intimacy...........
"What if I want more?" Dani being able to ask that now is so important to me that's my baby she's doin so good!!!!!! letting herself love people!!!!!
dfgkjhfkjghfkjh Jackie my beloved
"Jamie made an explicit gesture with her hands" screaming this whole interaction is so fucking funnyyyyyy. in the GROCERY STORE. fucking commedians the both of u
Dani Clayton picking a car by colour and nothing else she's so relateable
horny in a car dealership lot so true! i mean jamie with these practical car skills is v hunky u are so right dani
they're so domestic ugh (affectionate)
“I think it would’ve been nice learning with you.” is so soft excuse me while I get emosh in the middle of this sex scene
every day this fic gives me my horny rights *pray hands emoji*
fgkjdfhgkjhdfkjh Judy telling them to take some alone time she said go work out that sexual frustration u horny lesbians
“Just because I didn’t realise it, doesn’t mean I didn’t have romantic feelings.” awww
dangerous dani clayton!!!! she needs to focus on the road!!!!!
"“Jesus fucking Christ,” Jamie said." SAME GIRL
lmao holy shit I love these idiots
nan..... jamie..... ouch
mikey meeting Dani's dad........ gotta go sob for 45mins hang on
Jamie growing Nan's favourite flowers just for her...... the amount of Nan that's in Jamie makes my heart cry
this fic is so like, full of love and really sweet moments but I love that you infuse these little moments of horror imagery in a 'life can be good but we carry around so many ghosts of troubled pasts in us' kinda way. good soup
“You be good. I love you.” i am crying.
sdfjdhfgjdghfjg how is jamie in shock don't tell me u didn't already know u enormous idiot.
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pls they're so fucking cuuuute
not 'with every piece of me left' ow my heart
i can't believe what them telling each other i love you is doing to me. the power of live laugh lesbians
oh my god Judy i love u
dfjkgdfkjghdfkj Dani dressed for maximum Jamie short-circuiting is my favourite nuclear weapon
Dani "smiling at her as if trying to hold it back" top 10 anime victories
Dani finally getting her horny art room fantasies sfkjghfkjghfkjg oh boy
“You could have brought me here.” I AM LOOKING AWAY THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME. bold dani you will be the death of both of us
“I want to fuck you at home.” wholesome <3
whew I too need a cigarette rn Jackie
ooOOOOooooOo Eddie's got a girlfriend
oof poor eddie and dani though I hope they can be friends again one day they deserve it
jamie in full simp mode is so fun good for u babe
God these necklaces I'm obsessed with Dani wearing hers actually. and these two getting to go out together n be gay n in love in public!!!
jamie oh my god???!? horny rights
i am shaking like a chihuahua
“Surprise," sdfkjghdfkjghiudfhgiuerhgkjdhkjfg
"Jamie: suffering" FUCKIN SAME BRO
aww everyone singing happy birthday to the best girl!!! deserved!!! just as deserved as I'm sure the rest of this night is going to go lmao
DFGKJDFKHG ROBIN. doesn't miss a beat huh?? also i hear she's single can I get her number
jesus christ dani clayton I'm about to drive off the road and I'm not even behind a wheel
Jamie Taylor u are a stronger woman than I will ever be
“You wanna make out for a bit?” pls they're so cute
dfkgjkjdfkh princess. iconic
the "nice" that just left my mouth at Dani in lingerie who are u making me become
“I’ll be whatever the fuck you want me to be, love.” so true! me *handshake emoji* jamie
losing my got dang mind
i love that these two are so comfortable with each other it's so so so lovely to see after all the yearning bruh look at them go
“At my mercy.” i feel drunk. i need to go build a hammock
a thousand points to jamie taylor for being strapped and ready for anything and Dani for being outrageously bold and horny this whole scene was so iconic
oof Karen Clayton
Mikey seventeen the dancing queen? they grow up so fast
oof Dani bby getting into it with her. god she's so poisonous
Jamie just patiently loving her while she works her way through this oh love
oh my god the box
dfgkjhdkjhgkjfh the mixtape. heart on your sleeve softie jamie taylor
wait was dani wearing Jamie's half dollar necklace earlier??? cute bastards
“They’ve always been yours.” JUST LIKE DANI'S HEART OH I AM SHATTERED
“You kept me here, remember?” This is like The Notebook level romance but better bc lesbians
and now I'm crying bc they get their happy ending. so much heartache but they still found their way back to each other
"My sweet Jamie" 😭😭😭😭
they just love each other so much how am I supposed to cope????????????
they way they've created this little family full of so much love after coming from broken homes and rough pasts makes me ache so much
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sdfkjdfhkg god Jamie is such a tease lmao. have fun girls!
good for themmmmmm
loving the vast array of fucking we get in this chapter!!!! giving the people what they want (Jamie's |redacted| in Dani's--I am forcefully removed from the premises)
this is not the point but oh my god Jamie building Dani a bookshelf....... romance
Jamie providing Mikey with such a nurturing and stable environment that he excelled academically like this.... my boy..... my beloved Jamie. aaaaahhhhhhhhh.
also SO fond of Jamie Carson shenanigans more more more.
god but Jamie's so scared to let go of her not so baby brother. bigger AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
crying again bc I'm so close to the end and this fic is almost over :(
both of em having to talk to their boys dfkjhgkfj godspeed
genuinely not doing well Jamie and Mikey's relationship is so special and I'm so glad they found each other and they have each other and I can't cope!!! with all these emotions!!!!
the kids all still fighting like they're teenagers though dgkjdfhkjhdg iconic
the simple intimacy of doing the dishes together....
ANOTHER MIXTAPE??? GIMME THE LINK. also that's cute as fuck love is stored in the carefully curated playlists
Jamie is her home..........
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BITCH HOW AM I MEANT TO SAY GOODBYE TO THIS FIC. Ok I'm gonna go cry to Jamie's Mixtape (1993)
"if I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more" - me about this fic (however many words of silly waffling this post is doesn't count!!! I'm hiding the real feelings behind humour!!!!). but actually really sincerely genuinely buzzy and roman thank you so much for sharing this fic with us all and making us yearn and laugh and cry and fall in love with them all over again. unmatched.
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
halloween pt.3
Small Halloween drabbles with Aizawa, Toshi, Hizashi, and Fatgum.
Hizashi’s is for a mature audience. I realized how horrible it would be to go shopping with him. He’s definitely the type to get distracted by everything that you have to keep pulling along to get your shopping done.
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Aizawa Shouta - Halloween Fair
“Let’s go down there.” You pointed to the branching street.
Aizawa took a long swig of his beer before chiding, “We’re not going to waste money on any games.”
“Sho, come on. You said you wanted to come with me but you don’t want to try anything.”
“They’re rigged and the prizes aren’t even good.”
You grabbed his hand, stopping him in the middle of the flowing crowd. “If we’re not going to do anything, let’s just go home. We’ve already walked everywhere and petted all the animals, anyway.”
He stared at you. Eyebrows weighed low. Dark eyes reflected twinkling lights. Only he could manage an incredibly grumpy expression surrounded by cute mermaid and fairy costumes and glittering jack-o’-lanterns. 
Heaving a long sigh, he glared at the stuffed animals in the distance. “Two games.”
“In total.”
You smiled wide and led him down the street. A wall of balloons caught your attention. Orange and black balloons laid out a pumpkin design with purple ones enclosing it. A fair amount had been popped. “I’ll play this.”
“It’s the easiest game here.”
“Which is why I’m choosing it,” you whispered so the worker didn’t hear. She handed you three darts. You quickly and rather easily popped three balloons.
“You can choose from those items,” the worker said, motioning to the right side.
The giant bat stuffed animal was the only real choice. Its wings fit around your shoulders and Velcroed together in the front. You wore it like a shawl.
Shouta just glowered at it. You squeezed his hand, smiling and requesting, “Can you try to have some fun? If not for you, for me?”
“I don’t see how any of these games can be fun. Most depend on dumb luck and the very few that require skill don’t offer good prizes. It’s how they take your money.”
“Try this one. There’s skill in it.” You walked to the apple bobbing game. “Looks like a new group is about to go. Join them.”
He kept his groan to himself. A buff man was talking with, or more like to his girlfriend, about using his skillful mouth to win. His gaudy machismo grated almost everyone around him.
“Dumb place to brag about that,” you muttered, noting the kids running by.
Shouta finished his beer, then agreed with a smirk, “Cherry stems are better at proving that anyway.” He tied his hair back and handed over his cellphone and wallet. “Hold these.”
He lined up at the basins right beside the big guy. The worker explained they couldn’t use their hands and the first to catch one in their mouth, won. The contestants crossed their arms behind their backs. A whistle blew and everyone’s head dipped into the water, splashing and soaking themselves.
But Sho waited, calmly watching the apples float and spin. He bowed for one. His nose and chin barely ducked under the surface to swiftly pop back up, holding an apple by the stem. The worker blew his whistle, congratulating him as the winner. A bag filled with colorful objects was thrust into his arms.
Lifting the bottom of his shirt, flashing his abs, Sho dried his face and returned to you. He handed over the prize: a bunch of 3D puzzle cubes and toy puzzle games.
Despite knowing he didn’t like PDA, you gave him a peck on the cheek. And you couldn’t help but smile overhearing the buff man accusing him of cheating. You’d rather deal with a grumbling and grumpy Shouta than someone who’s way too into it like that guy.
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Yagi Toshinori - Haunted Hedge Maze
A blast of air rocketed out. You spun, hiding against Toshi. Despite his laugh, you felt his hand shaking on your back and his heartbeat quickening. “It was only an air cannon, sweetheart.”
You glimpsed out from the safety of his chest. No monster or man stood on the path. You muttered to yourself, “Okay, alright, I’m good.”
“Let’s go. The faster we walk, the faster we get out of this.”
“Yeah.” You stayed flush behind him, holding his hand, letting him lead. Beams shot into the night sky from all over, giving a little light. The dirt walkway was barely visible under the smog.
“Left or right?”
A yelp came somewhere from the right. His shoulders stiffened for a millisecond. You answered, “Definitely left.”
Something popped out from the hedge, growling and crackling and dripping liquid. You tucked into his shoulder blade as you walked past the monster. It glared then lurched forward. You pushed on Toshi’s back, “Go, go, go!”
The corner opened to a spacious area- definitely not the end. Little girls danced around in circles, all singing different nursery rhymes. Their white dresses splattered red with blood. When you took a step, they stopped, turned, and started.
“Just walk away,” you whispered.
He nodded, slowly shuffling to a new path. Right as he was about to step over the threshold, a ghost vaulted down from the hedge’s arch. The girls shrieked. You turned, seeing them rushing at you.
Toshi gripped your arm and pulled you to another pathway. A few other demons and doctors jumped out, scaring you each time. Your heart began to beat a little too fast, fearing you were lost.
But Toshi didn’t stop. He kept his hold and hurried forward, eventually rounding a corner that revealed the end. Relief smacked your chest. You could breathe and took the finish line’s safety to kiss him deeply. 
Fingers dug into your forearm, shaking more than before. He asked when you broke the kiss, “Are you alright?”
“Are you?” you said, half breathless, half laughing.
“I’m okay.” He looked at the Haunted Mansion’s front doors. “Do you want to go in there next?”
You scarcely made it through the hedge maze, but if he truly wanted to go through the next part of the haunt, you would. You croaked, “Yeah.”
Blue eyes snapped to you. “Are you sure?”
“Are you?”
A group of teens walked out giggling. They complained about the ‘lack of horror’ and mentioned heading to a nearby restaurant.
Toshi cleared his throat, “I could go for some food.”
“Me too. Let’s go.” You scurried back to the car, more than ready to leave.
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Yamada Hizashi - Costume Shopping
Nothing caught your eye in any of the rows and racks. Hizashi’s laughter came from another aisle. He popped out, holding a racy maid costume, chuckling, “You’d look so sexy in this. Try it on!”
“No.” You grabbed it and hung it back on the rack. “If I’m going as sexy anything, I’m going as sexy Present Mic.”
Arms embraced your waist. Lips kissed and nipped your neck. You sighed his name, trying not to get distracted like he’s been the entire damn day. “I’d rather not get it on in a witch shop.”
“It’s a metaphysical shop,” he corrected. 
“Whatever. We’re just here for costumes. Have you found anything good?”
“Well, we’re screwed then. We’ve checked everywhere else.”
“It’ll be fine.”
He continued his kissing while you searched the hanging outfits, hoping just one was good enough to wear, but it was all sexy nun, sexy clown, and sexy Pikachu. It wasn’t too much to ask for a decent costume. Or at least something that’s actually sexy, not a children's video game character.
Hands rubbed down your hips, clearly in want. You sighed, “Go try to find something.”
“Alright,” he sulked away. But he scurried back thirty seconds later, smiling as wide as he could, holding a green cylinder with spirals. “What about this?”
“What the hell is it?”
He read the sticker, “A six-inch, Reiki infused, jade dildo that increases love-”
“- and nurturing, and stimulates and aids in emotional-”
“- release. It also boosts fertility and balances bodily fluids.” His eyebrows bobbed up and down as he smirked at you.
“Hizashi, did you find a costume?”
“Oh no, I got distracted in the sex toy section.”
“You were gone for a few seconds. Costume shopping shouldn’t be this hard,” you grumbled, walking the rest of the aisle.
He followed, hugging you again, kissing your shoulder. “Don’t stress about it, baby. We’ll find something.”
“The party’s tonight and unless you’re going as a sex enthusiast, we don’t have anything to wear.”
His head snapped up. And you realized you shouldn’t have given him the idea because he ran back to the sexy maid dress. “I’m totally going as a sex enthusiast.”
You laughed, “You think you can fit your shoulders in that dress?”
“I’ll make it work. I’ll educate people on sex safety and give out free orgasms.”
“You’ll give me free orgasms. No one else gets you.” You kissed him.
“Oh, here!” He picked up something from the floor. It was a gray headband with mouse ears. “You can wear your gray dress and those fishnet stockings with the lace,” he hummed, pulling your waist against him. “And that cute, little pink bow you wear for me whenever I ask because you’re such a good-”
“Are you guys gonna, like, buy somethin’ or just keep makin’ out?” The worker blew a giant bubble with her gum.
“Sorry.” You took the items from Hizashi. “We’ll take these.”
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Taishiro Toyomitsu - Making Candies and Cookies
Tai meticulously spaced out the globs into four rows, measuring their size and roundness till they were perfect. When it was filled, he took out another baking sheet.
“What do you need that for?”
“Oh, there’s more.” He tilted the bowl down. A huge amount of cookie dough still remained. “I quadrupled the recipe. Gonna make seventy-two!”
“Tai, we don’t need seventy-two cookies.”
“I do.”
“We already have two pies, fudge, brittle, and a truckload of whoopie pies. I think we have enough,” you laughed.
“Nah. I found a good recipe for peanut butter bark. Looks good.” He pulled a recipe from the top of the microwave, handing it to you as he finished pouring the cookie dough. “Get the stuff out, babe. We’re making that next.”
Pans and crumbs scattered over the counter. Foil and containers were running low. Silverware lumped in the sink. All the snacks and desserts were arranged on the table. As much as you enjoyed sweets, you weren’t confident in yourself to finish all of them.
“We’re going to be sick come Monday.”
“We’ll deal with it then.” He kissed your forehead on his way to the sink. 
You gathered the ingredients. The chocolate chips melted quickly. As you poured it, Tai kept trying to smudge some on your arms or nab the candies before you could use them. You fended him off each time and sprinkled peanut butter cups, toffee, and candy over the melted chocolate.
The white chocolate was next. Right when you were about to drizzle it, a finger sunk into it, gathered a globule, and moved to smear it on your cheek. You grabbed his arm, laughing, “Tai, don’t.”
“You just need a little right there.”
He poked your nose. Between your giggling and his strength, you struggled to hold his arm away. 
“Trust me, baby. I know what’s best for you. It’ll look pretty.”
“No-” Fingers tickled your side. You tried dodging it, but he followed, ultimately plastering your face with the chocolate. His mouth landed next, smooching and licking it up through your laughing.
You scooped some onto two fingers and smeared it over his forehead. It clung to his hair which rubbed off on yours as he continued tickling your sides. He wasn’t going to release you until you were nearly peeing your pants.
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lesbianlotties · 3 years
FS prompt :) Deena's like lesbian catnip for every closeted girl within a 50 mile radius. She's completely oblivious, too. Sam, however, is pretty amused by it... and completely not jealous (ok, maybe a little jealous).
Sam Fraser was not a jealous person.
But every person has a limit.
It seems that every day there is a new girl attracted to Deena. Even if Deena is oblivious to all of it, Sam isn't. She might get a tiny little bit jealous sometimes.
Read on AO3
Shadyside was a relatively small town. And not the kindest one at that either. Gossip traveled fast in Shadyside. It didn’t come as a surprise that most people that were at least remotely aware of Deena’s existence also knew she was a lesbian. Something else that didn’t come as a surprise to anyone but Sam, was that the same couldn’t be said about her. Usually, people were shocked to find out Sam was a lesbian. Most of the time she didn’t mind, but there were only so many times she could stand being called Deena’s “best friend” when they were literally holding hands. One woman once had the nerve to call them sisters, and Kate swore she would never stop making fun of them for it.
Sam didn’t mind that random strangers didn’t recognize her immediately as Deena’s girlfriend. But then… well, there were other kinds of people.
It was impressive, really, the number of closeted girls that lived in Shadyside and neighboring towns. Even more impressive was the way they all seemed to possess a sixth sense to know where to find Deena, and a fantastic talent to completely ignore Sam’s presence. Sam didn’t blame them… entirely. She understood them. She had been in their place. Eyes hopelessly following every move of Deena, overthinking everything she said and the way she walked, paralyzed by fear at times and ready to risk it all for one girl the rest of the time. But Sam did take the risk, and she did it first , so all those girls had no right to even hope Deena would notice them because Deena was already taken and… Sam Fraser was not a jealous person, she liked to tell herself.
Deena, at least, seemed to be completely oblivious of the flock of star-struck girls that chased her wherever she went. She seemed to be the only one who didn’t notice though.
One day, the two of them were together at B Dalton’s, the bookstore. Deena decided to take a break from lovingly making fun of Sam’s taste in horror books above everything else and started wandering a different aisle of the store. It was a slow day though, the shop was far from crowded with only a couple of clients there. So, Sam started gathering all her patience the minute she heard someone say, “Oh! Hi! You, um, you’re Deena, right?”
Sam kept her distance because she was totally not a jealous person. She was just amused. She couldn’t avoid overhearing the entire conversation though. The girl asked for book recommendations and Deena literally listed Sam’s favorites books. The girl tried to talk to her about romance books and Deena flat out said she wasn’t interested in them. It was almost tragic.
When they made their way to the register, Heather managed to hold back her laughter enough to playfully purse her lips and bat her eyelashes at Deena and say, “Would you give me a book recommendation too?” Sam laughed, rolled her eyes, and held Deena’s hand just a little tighter on their way out of the store.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah!” Sam replied in a high-pitched tone that wasn’t very convincing. “That’s adorable, actually.”
Josh nodded, and the two of them continued to stand there awkwardly beside Deena’s car. They were watching as two of Josh’s classmates tried their absolute hardest to make Deena fall madly in love with them during a two-minute conversation in the school’s parking lot.
“No, I don’t think I’d be a good drum teacher, honestly,” Deena was saying. She shrugged, she had her hands buried in the jacket’s pockets, she looked like she was trying to disappear into it. “My hair? Uh, I just… use shampoo, I guess?”
Sam chuckled. She wasn’t jealous at all. If anything she admired the younger girls making an attempt when they didn’t stand a chance. Besides, she was the one who knew Deena’s entire haircare routine. Her respect for them was abruptly cut short when the girls managed to pull Deena’s hands off her jacket to compare their hands’ sizes. A second later, both girls and Deena were jumping in place, startled by the sudden and too loud sound of the car’s horn. Sam didn’t even try to hide her sly smile.
Sam swore again and again that she wasn’t a jealous person. But was it too much to ask that they could go to the store without Deena being hit on by hopeless girls?
This time it was a new cashier. To make things worse, for Sam at least, Simon was training the new girl, and definitely having a little too much fun with the scene in front of him.
“You make really good choices,” the lovestruck cashier was complimenting a truly unimpressive assortment of groceries on discount. “I could give you some recommendations if you’d like.”
“Yeah sure,” Deena mumbled, completely unaware of what she was agreeing to. She wasn’t even looking at the girl, she had all her focus on the bills in her hands, trying to make the math about how much she had left.
A step beside Deena, Sam was standing there, not completely frowning, but…
“This is for you,” Simon said, passing Sam a plastic bag. “For all that jealousy on your face.”
Sam rolled her eyes. “Very funny,” she told him, snatching the bag off his hands.
She wasn’t jealous, she really wasn’t. She had no reason to be. She was the one carrying Deena’s groceries back to the car and kissing her in every red light on their way home. Plus, nobody needed to find out that from that moment on, Sam would make them stall or hurry up their shopping depending on which cashier was available.
Sam didn’t even want to use the J word again. That was a feeling she simply didn’t experience. But she could get a little annoyed, right? She could have some questions. Like how was it possible that another one of the cheerleaders hadn’t noticed she was dating Deena? Why on Earth would Kate introduce her to Deena? Could Deena really be that oblivious?
“Don’t be jealous, Samantha,” Kate said.
“Don’t call me that,” Sam replied. “And I’m not jealous! That is just sad.” She gestured in the general direction of the cheerleader twirling her hair on her finger in front of Deena.
“It worked for you though,” Kate noted. Then she reached out to hold Sam back from marching forward to reclaim her girlfriend. “Calm down, Sam. That girl could drop her skirt right then and there and Deena wouldn’t notice. She only has eyes for you. It’s gross.”
A small smile appeared on Sam's face. “I’m going to let that one fall during our next routine,” she said.
Kate threw her head back laughing. Then she was merciful enough to drag away the other cheerleader before Deena had to repeat again that “It’s actually cold tonight so no, I’m not hot in my uniform.” As much as it bothered her, Sam definitely agreed with that other girl about Deena in her uniform.
Sam Fraser was not a jealous person. She repeated that like a mantra so often, and she restrained herself from acting jealous so faithfully, all because she knew that someday someone would cross the line. Of course it would be someone from Sunnyvale.
It was another football match in Sunnyvale. Sam and Deena had a routine, a plan that never failed them, to meet behind the bleachers when nobody would notice. One time Sam arrived a little late and there was already a Sunnyvale cheerleader trying to get Deena all to herself.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Sam whispered to herself as she observed the scene from a safe distance away.
Deena was taking a step back from the girl invading her personal space. “Oh. Hey,” Deena cleared her throat. As much as she was known for a somewhat ruthless personality, she’d never known quite how to turn a girl away from her. “I’m, uh, actually waiting for someone.”
“You sure you weren’t waiting for me?” the Sunnyvaler insisted, stepping even closer.
Deena laughed awkwardly and took off her band hat to hold it between them as a sort of shield. The hat, of course, ended up falling to the ground. The stranger leaned down to pick it up, surely planning to pull off some great move that would totally sweep the Shadyside drummer off her lesbian feet. Of course, she didn’t expect to look up and find said Shadysider’s girlfriend standing there with a grin too treacherous for an otherwise very sweet face.
“Thank you so much,” Sam told her, taking the hat off the girl’s hands. “You can leave now.”
Sam didn’t wait for an answer before turning around and slowly but confidently pushing her girlfriend backward until Deena’s back hit the wall. Sam started kissing Deena without sparing a single second to check if the other girl had walked away at all.
After a moment of gladly accepting Sam’s fierce kisses, Deena’s brain caught up with what had just happened and she pulled back. “Whoa, Sam, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Sam said, quickly diving back for another kiss.
“ Sam. ”
After Deena pulled back a second time, Sam scoffed. “I’m sorry, did you want to invite her?”
They knew each other well enough to know what was going on and how to deal with it. Deena knew exactly when to be concerned about her girlfriend’s temper and when to smirk at her and further push her buttons. “Sam,” Deena said her name softly and held her even closer, smiling at the precious frown on Sam’s face. “Are you… jealous?”
“You know what?” Sam sighed deeply, melting in Deena’s arms. “Yeah, a little.”
Deen chuckled adoringly, and placed a small kiss on the corner of Sam’s lips. “You don’t have to be.”
“I know,” Sam interrupted her. She was back to smiling brightly, genuinely. They were back to feeling like they were the only two people in the town, the only people in the entire world. “Just kiss me again so I can be sure,” Sam whispered the playful request, closing the gap between them once more, enjoying the way she could feel Deena smiling as they kissed.
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noaltbruh · 4 years
Bucci gang x shy reader headcanons!
-while getting along with him was kind of hard at first, it didn't take long before you both realized how much you had in common
-he isn't exactly shy, more like introverted, but he perfectly understands your preference for places with few people and feels the same way
-he'll look for every place in the city that isn't well known or simply very quiet, cafes and parks are a must for you two
-you love to listen to him talking about his dream, for some reason it makes you feel more confident about yourself too
-he may try to get you out of your comfort zone once in a while, but he won't really do much
-if one day you simply don't feel like hanging out, he'll respect that and give you some space
-if someone ever tries to say anything offensive about you, especially if it's something you're insecure about, you already know Giorno is going to summon Gold Experience and punch the dude in the face at least five times
-God bless us if your eyes start getting wet
-sometimes you just lay next to each other without saying anything. You don't need words to understand what the boy is feeling, and it's the same for you
-Bucciarati's presence immediately made you feel at ease, you had no problem opening up to him about your insecurities, because you knew that he wasn't going to judge you for it
-He'll try harder than Giorno to get you out of your shell, but he knows your limits and will never put you in a situation you don't want to be in
-if you're part of the gang, he'll always make sure to keep you close to him, but if it's not really possible, he'll pair you with the second member of the gang you feel most comfortable with
-he often brings you along when he goes fishing, you mostly just look at him and don't actually participate but you don't mind
-you both love long walks! You could literally walk for hours without taking a break and you wouldn't get bored
-just...stay away from Abbacchio, let's just say he doesn't like you a lot
-he'll put his own life on the line in order to protect you, but this means that sometimes you'll have to stop him from doing something too reckless
-Mista took a like for you the moment you actually listened to all his weird theories instead of dismissing them like the rest
-sometimes you couldn't even keep up with what he was saying, but you still sat there without batting an eye
-"See? Y/n here likes my ideas, you guys are just too lame to get them!"
-if there's something you're passionate about, Mista wants to know every detail about it, he just wants to hear your voice more!
-he may sometimes tease you a little and call you stuff like "living cinnamon roll", but you think it's funny and like when he does it, even though it gets you kind of flustered
-you always have movie nights together! Mista's favourite genres are comedy and action, but he'll watch anything as long as you want to!
-once he convinced you to watch an horror movie, let's just say it...didn't go too well
-he'll often tell you jokes trying to get you to smile. When you laugh out loud you simply make Mista the happiest person on earth
-you knew there was chemistry between you and Narancia the first time you saw him
-he's outgoing, constantly cheerful, sees the good side in everything...he's your personal little bundle of sunshine!
-he's basically got enough energy for both of you and will often try to drag you into his pranks, do funny faces...he even taught you the torture dance!
-"Come on Y/n, put more life into it! I know you can do it!"
-he won't miss any chance to rub in Mista face what a cute girlfriend he has got, he's super proud of having you by his side!
-however, Narancia has a really hard time understanding that sometimes, all you need is just some peace and quiet and he'll purposely bring you to loud places hoping to get you to open up more
-despite everything, you know that he only has the best intentions at heart and do your best to keep up with him
-except him to randomly show up at any hour of the day at your home with snacks and videogames, he won't take "no" for an answer
-you basically had an heart attack the first time he opened the front door with a kick and ran in your room with 5 tubes of Pringles in his hands
-Fugo is no better than you when it comes to social interaction, so it took him quite a while before getting used to your presence
-he wanted to talk to you from the beginning, but didn't have the courage to
-it took Narancia and Mista five tries before convincing him to ask you out
-neither of you want to get out of your comfort zone, so you're ok doing your usual things without trying anything new
-favourite activity together? Listening to him playing the piano, of course!
-you actually discovered his interest for piano randomly: one day you happened to pass by while he was playing and he reluctantly told you that you could stay, only if you wanted to of course
-you also really like exchanging books! Fugo often recommends you very complex novels or manuals, but you like them nonetheless; you even read together sometimes!
-of course, you both discuss them after you finish, Fugo loves how passionate you can get whenever you talk about this sort of thing
-did you think getting along with Fugo was hard? It'll look like a joke after what Abbacchio will make you go through
-honestly, he couldn't stand you at first and would constantly call you "Stuttering mess", "Scaredy cat" or simply "Brat", if he felt good that day
-sometimes the rest of the gang had to tell him to tone it down a little and that he was going over the line
-despite this, you refused to believe this was all that Abbacchio had to offer, if Bruno had wanted him to join the squad it had to be a reason for it
-you continued to be nice to him no matter how he treated you, and with time you noticed that he started to get more and more used to having you around
-"I guess you're...not as annoying as I thought"
-he wants you to learn to stand up for yourself, often testing you with "What if scenarios" to see how you would act in a particular situation
-Even though he will never admit it, he's very protective towards you, even a little too much
-"Uh, the hell are you talking about? The only reason why I don't want you to get away from me is because you'll get yourself killed in less than a second and Bucciarati will blame it on me"
-speaking of Bucciarati, you can't help but feel like he has become more...distant since Abbacchio and you started dating.
-you love to drink tea with him! Don't worry, he won't piss in the teapot...not anymore at least
-Trish fell for you in the moment you met her, she loves your shy persona so much! She think you're the sweetest, cutest person ever!
-she always brings you along whenever she goes shopping and wants to know your opinion on whatever she's considering buying. You mostly just nod in approval, but you really appreciate her caring so much for your opinion.
-"A nod isn't enough, Y/n, I want to know what you think about it!"
-needles to say, she'll fill you with gifts, 99% of them are cute clothes, like fluffy dresses or skirts
-she loves giving you makeovers, it's the perfect balance between her hobbies and your interest for calm activities
-you tried to do something similar for her... it didn't exactly work out as you planned though. But Trish knows that you tried your best and that's all that matters to her
-except Spice girl to lay on you whenever you get distracted, her presence makes you feel at ease now, even though you got quite scared when she suddenly appeared behind you the first time
-Trish doesn't even try to call her back and just let her smutter you with love: she thinks you're even cuter when you blush!
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seaofghouls · 3 years
Ah! Summer break! A time for leisure, recreation, and taking her easy.
..Unless you're me.
A pair of triplets crash through a billboard with a go-kart. "AAAAAHHH!" Being followed by a monster of unimaginable horror. "It's getting closer!" One of the triplets cried. My name is Y/N. The boy to the right of me about to puke is my triplet brother, Tubbo, while the boy to my left screaming profanities is my other triplet brother, Tommy. You may be wondering what we're doing in this situation. "Look out!" Tubbo cried. "Agh!" Y/N screamed. "This monster is such a bitch!" Tommy cried. "Tommy!" Tubbo frowned. Rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation!
... Let's rewind. It all began when our parents decided we could use some fresh air. They shipped us up to Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay with our great uncle in the woods. "This attic is amazing! Just look at all of my splinters!" Tubbo cried. "..And there's a fucking goat on my bed." Tommy sighed.
Tubbo walked up to the goat.
"Hey, new friend! Yes, you can keep chewing on my shirt!" Tubbo giggled. Y/N giggled as well. Tubbo and Tommy seemed to look on the bright side of things. I, however, was having a bit of a harder time getting used to our new surroundings. "Boo!" "Aagh!" Y/N jumped up from their spot from under a tree. An old man took off a mask and started laughing. And then there was our great uncle Schlatt. That guy. Our uncle had transformed his house into a tourist trap called the Mystery Shack. The real mystery is why anyone came. And guess who had to work there? Y/N sighed, sweeping the floor. Tubbo reached out to touch something in this gift shop before Schlatt slapped his hand away.
"No touching the merchandise!" He said. Tommy snickered and touched it anyway out of spite. It seemed like it was going to be the same routine all summer, until one fateful day.
"Alright, look alive folks! I need someone to go hang up these signs in the spooky part of the forest." Schlatt said. "Not it!" The triplets said at the same time. "Also not it." Ranboo said. "Nobody asked you, Ranboo." Schlatt said. "I know and I'm comfortable with that." Ranboo smiled. "Niki! I need you to put up these signs!" Schaltt said. "I would.. but I can't.. reach." She trailed off. "I'd fire all of you if I could." Schlatt sighed. "Okay, let's make it eeny, meeny, miny, you." Schlatt pointed at Y/N. "Yes!" Tommy and Tubbo exclaimed. "Awe what? Gruncle Schlatt, whenever I'm in those woods I feel like I'm being watched." Y/N said. "Oh, this again." He rolled his eyes. "I'm serious, something weird is going on! Just today, my mosquito bites spelled out beware!" Y/N said, showing schlatt their arm. "...That says bewarb." Schlatt said. "Look kid, the whole monsters in the forest thing is just a local legend. Drummed up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that." Schlatt pointed at a guy distracted by a schlatt bobblehead. "So quit being so paranoid!" Schlatt said. ... "Ugh, Gruncle Schlatt. nobody ever believes what I say." Y/N groaned as they hammer signs in the forest. They hammer another tree but stop when they hear metal. "huh?" They hit it the hammer again in curiosity. Finding a secret door with a machine inside, they mess with the buttons for a bit before something opens up behind them. "What the.." Reaching into the hole, they find a dusty old journal. They brush it off and start reading. "Woah.. trust no one, huh?" Y/N mumbled. "Hello!" Tubbo exclaimed. "What are you reading, some nerd book?" Tommy asked. "Uh-uh, it's nothing!" Y/N exclaimed. "Uh-UH IT'S NOTHING!" Tommy mocked. "What, are you seriously not gonna show us?" Tubbo asked. "..Let's go somewhere more private," Y/N said. ... "It's amazing! Gruncle Schlatt said I was being paranoid, but apparently, Gravity Falls has this secret dark side!" Y/N exclaimed. "WOAH!" Tubbo exclaimed. "SHUT UP!" Tommy pushed Y/N with a grin on his face. "Get this! After a certain point, the pages just stop! Like the guy who was writing it mysteriously disappeared!" Y/N exclaimed.
The doorbell rang. "Who's that?" Y/N asked. "Welp, time to spill the beans! This guy's got a platonic date!" Tubbo grinned. "Platonic??" "Date??" Schlatt walked in as Tubbo came back in with someone. "Hey family, I want you to meet my new platonic boyfriend!" Tubbo exclaimed. "Sup." He said. "Hey." Y/N and Tommy said. "How's it hanging?" Schlatt finger gunned. "We met at the cemetery. He's really deep." Tubbo smiled. "..What's your name?" Y/N asked. "Normal.. Man!" He groaned out. "He means Norman." Tubbo giggled. "..Are you bleeding, Norman?" Tommy asked. "..It's jam." Norman said. Y/N stared at him in suspicion before Tubbo dragged Norman away. There was something with Norman that wasn't right. I decided to consult the journal. Y/N read the journal out loud. "Known for their pale skin and bad attitudes.. these creatures are often mistaken for.. TEENAGERS?!" Y/N exclaimed. "Beware Gravity Falls' nefarious ZOMBIES?!" Y/N gasped. "Zombies??" Tommy gasped. He was sitting there with Y/N. "Tommy, outside!" Y/N exclaimed. "Oh, no! Tubbo!" They both yelled. Norman lurched towards Tubbo, grabbed him, and put a flower crown on him. "Daisies?? You scallywag!" Tubbo gushed. "Is our brother dating a zombie or are we just going nuts?" Tommy muttered. "It's a dillema to be sure." Charlie said. "Agh!" Y/N jumped. "I couldn't help but overhear you guys talking to yourselves in this empty room." Charlie explained. "Charlie, you've seen Tubbo's platonic date, right? He's got to be zombie!" Y/N said. "Hm.. how many brains did you see the guy eat?" Charlie asked. "Zero.." Y/N sighed. "Look, dudes, I believe you. I'm seeing strange thing in this town all the time. Like, the mailman, I'm pretty sure that guy's a werewolf. But! You gotta have proof, or else people will think you're a major cukoo clock." Charlie said. "As always, big C, you're right." Tommy said. "My wisdom is both a wisdom and a curse." Charlie said. "Charlie! The toilets are clogged again!" Schlatt called out. "I am needed elsewhere." Charlie took off. Y/N and Tommy decided to work together to get some evidence. Throughout their studies, Norman certainly had strange behavior, but not enough to convict him of anything supernatural. "I'll talk to Tubbo, don't worry, sib!" Tommy said. "Alright." Y/N nodded. ... Tommy walked into the triplets' shared room. "Tubbo, we've got to talk about Norman." Tommy said. "I know! Isn't he great?? Look at this smooch mark he gave me!" Tubbo turned his head to show a large red area on his face. "Egh!" Tommy cried. "Hah! Gullible. It was just an accident with the leafblower. That was fun." Tubbo laughed. "No, listen, Tubbo! I'm trying to tell you that Norman is not what he seems! The journal that Y/N found!" Tommy insisted. "You think he might be a vampire?? That would be awesome!" Tubbo gasped. "Guess again, big T! A zombie he is!" Tommy said. "A zombie?? Not funny, Tommy!" Tubbo frowned. "I'm not joking! Y/N can agree, it all adds up! The bleeding, the limp, he never blinks! Have you noticed that??" Tommy exclaimed. "Maybe he's blinking when you're blinking." Tubbo suggested. "HE'S GOING TO EAT YOUR BRAINS, BIG T!" Tommy shook Tubbo. "Tommy! Listen to me. Norman and I are going on a date tonight and I'm going to be adorable! He's going to be dreamy! And I'm not going to let you and Y/N ruin it with another one of your crazy conspirices!" Tubbo kicked Tommy out. "Ah man.. what am I gonna do??" Tommy slumped against the door. Someone sat down next to him. "How'd it go, bro-bro?" Y/N asked. "He's refusing to listen.. He kicked me out." Tommy sighed. Y/N frowned. "Not surprising. Hopefully he'll come to that realization in his own." ... The two out of three triplets were sitting on the couch, looking over the footage. "I guess we don't have any actual evidence, huh?" Y/N sighed. "Yeah.. I guess we can be kinda paranoid sometimes-" Tommy stopped. In the footage clip, Norman's hand fell off and he put it back on. "WAIT WHAT?!" Tommy and Y/N exclaimed. They leaped off
couch in a hurry. "WE WERE RIGHT! HOLY SHIT!" Tommy exclaimed. Racing outside, the two tried to find their uncle. "GRUNCLE SCHLATT! GRUNCLE SCHLATT!" Y/N called out. Schlatt wasn't paying attention.
"Wait! Niki has the cart!" Tommy suggested. "Good eye, Tommy!" Y/N grinned. "Niki! Niki! We need the cart to save our brother from a zombie!" They ran up to her. "Try not to hit any pedestrains." She winked, giving them the keys. "Alright, Tommy! Let's go save our sister!" Y/N grinned. They backed up before Charlie stopped them. "Dudes! This is for the zombies." He handed them a shovel. "Thanks." Y/N grinned, "This is in case you see a pinata." He handed them a bat. "..Thanks?" Tommy said. "Better safe than sorry!" He called out. Tommy and Y/N sped off to find their brother. They heard screams and drove to the direction of the sound. "LET'S GO!" Y/N exclaimed. "Get his arm there, Steve!" Tubbo was struggling against several gnomes. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" Tommy exclaimed. "Tommy! Y/N! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes! And they're total assholes!" Tubbo cried.
"Gnomes..? We were way off." Tommy mumbled. Y/N flipped open the journal. "Damn.. no weaknesses." They sighed. "Hey! Hey! Let go of my brother!" Y/N demanded. "This is all one big misunderstanding. Your brothers not in any danger! He's just marrying all one thousand of us and becoming our king for all of eternity!" The lead gnome explained. "Give him back right now, or else, prick!" Tommy demanded. "You think you can stop us, child? You have no idea what we're capable of!" The gnome went on a tangent before Tommy scooped him up with the shovel and tossed him to the side. Y/N used that chance to free Tubbo, dragging him back to the kart with Tommy. "GO GO GO!" Tubbo exclaimed. "I wouldn't worry about it. See their little fucking legs? Those pricks are tiny." Tommy smirked. Tommy stopped when they heard the noises of a creature. A giant gnome creature, to be exact. "Damn." Tubbo said. "MOVE! GO GO GO!" Y/N screeched. The giant creature chased them through the forest. Gnomes launched onto the kart. "Agh!" Tubbo exclaimed. "GET OFF MY FACE!" Y/N cried. "I got you, sib!" Tubbo punched the gnome, while also accidentally punching Y/N several times before the gnome let go, revealing new bruises on Y/N's face. "..Thanks bro.." They winced. "Look out!" Tubbo cried. They crashed into the back of the Mystery Shack. They were officially cornered. The triplets hugged each other in terror. "W-where's Gruncle Schlatt??" Y/N asked. "It's the end of the line, kids! Tubbo, marry us before we do something crazy!" The lead gnome ordered. "There's gotta be a fucking way out of this.." Tommy muttered. "I gotta do it." Tubbo decided. "What?!" The other two triplets exclaimed. "Tubbo, are you crazy?!" Y/N asked. "Trust me." Tubbo said. "..What??" Tommy gasped. "Trust me, just this once, guys." Tubbo said. The two hesitated and then nodded. "Alright, Jeff. I'll marry you." Tubbo stepped forward. "Hot dog!" The lead gnome climbed down to Tubbo. "You may now kiss the groom." Tubbo said after the lead gnome put a ring on his finger. "Well, I don't if I do!" The lead gnome grinned, puckering up. Tubbo took that chance to hit him with the leafblower that was left outside. "Agh!" The gnome screamed. "That's for lying to me! That's the breaking my heart! And that's for messing with my siblings!" Tubbo shot the gnome off into the forest and the rest of the gnomes scattered away. As the triplets walked back into the Mystery Shack, Tubbo stopped them. "Hey, Y/N, Tommy, I'm sorry. You two were really just trying to look out for me." Tubbo sighed. "Oh, don't be like that! You saved our asses back there!" Tommy smiled. "I guess I'm just sad that Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes." Tubbo sighed. "Hey, look on the bright side! Maybe the next one will be a vampire." Y/N giggled. "You're just saying that." Tubbo giggled, punching their shoulder. "..Awkward triplet hug?" Y/N suggested. "Awkward triplet hug." Tommy and Tubbo said together, the three of them in a hug. ... "Yeesh, you three get hit by a bus or something? Hahah!" Schlatt laughed. The triplets ignored him. "Hey, um,, I accidentally overstocked some items, why don't you three take something?" Schlatt said. "What's the catch?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "The catch is do it before I change my mind, now go!" Schlatt said. The triplets grinned at each other. Tubbo picked out a grappling hook, Tommy picked out a music disc, and Y/N picked out a a hat with a bat symbol on it. ... This journal told me that there was no one you could trust. But when you go up against an army of gnomes with side by side with two people, you realize they probably got their back. "Tubbo, can you get the light?" Y/N asked. "You got it, sib!" Tubbo shot the grappling hook at the light. "Oh, for fuck's sake!" Tommy rolled his eyes. Tubbo and Y/N giggled. Our uncle told us there was nothing strange about this town, but who knows what other secrets are waiting to be unlocked? -------
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novelconcepts · 4 years
fic: she tells me worship (in the bedroom)
There are days, as the years burn away like so much kindling, where everything is the best it possibly could be. Days where Dani’s beast in the jungle is silent--maybe no longer there at all--and her demeanor is smooth and easy. She matches Jamie’s smile on these days, warm and light and happy, and Jamie can’t get enough. Could never ask for more than Dani in her best mood, Dani’s laugh the clearest bell in the room.
Those days are wonderful--but they are, of course, not the only sort. Natural enough, Jamie knows, for anyone, though maybe somewhat more of a concern for Dani. The days where Dani’s tensions run high are doubly-loaded, one part the natural discomfort of a bad day, one part Dani’s mounting fear of losing herself. 
You’re here, she tells Dani on days like this. You’re right here, with me, and you’re not going anywhere. 
Dani grits her teeth, furrows her brow, nods. Jamie pulls her close, still murmuring the words like an endless prayer. She’s not much for religion, Jamie; never much saw the point of asking for miracles from ghosts and gods. Bad days with Dani, though, are their own kind of religion. They form their own kind of belief, stretched between them, one that says Dani is here, Dani is strong, Dani is in control whether or not she feels it. 
There are good days, and there are bad days, and there are days like this whole week has been: middling days. Days where Dani is not fumbling away from her with breath whistling high and fast, but neither is she laughing. Days where Dani wakes with a grimace already on her lips, her temper short, her body clenched as she moves about the apartment. Jamie has learned to read these moods, has learned Dani doesn’t need her to ask questions or work to soothe her nerves. Dani in a mood like this is independence, so used to fighting the battle of her own bad day alone, she sometimes only feels worse if Jamie tries to take her hand. 
Jamie has learned, instead, to stand back a few steps. To keep her eyes on Dani’s expression, to keep her ears perked for a sign Dani is shifting toward something genuinely dark, something that will genuinely require Jamie to step in and catch her. Some days, it goes this way--a middling day turning without warning into bleak horror. Some days, she needs this of Jamie. 
Other days, she needs something else entirely. Something to turn a highly-strung afternoon into a pleasurable evening. Something to remind her, though she does not always have control over her mood, there are other things to grab hold of and use to her own ends. 
Jamie doesn’t mind in the least. 
She knows it will reach a breaking point eventually. There’s just a scent on the air when Dani is like this, no matter what image she’s projecting to the rest of the world--sooner or later, the smile will slip, the polite laugh will dry away, and there will be only Dani Clayton in all her magnificent frustration left. 
It’s really just a matter of waiting it out. 
In the meantime, there’s plenty to do. The shop is thriving; Jamie, who had spent most of that first year wanting to pull her hair out over numbers, is still not entirely convinced she can trust the implication that they are doing well. The odds of moving to America on a whim to start a flower shop that actually survives its first few years were slim; the fact that they are rapidly becoming a fixture of their small Vermont town, taking in larger swaths of customers every month, is baffling. 
It pleases Dani, too, she knows--most of the time. When Dani isn’t dealing with a customer like this one, a shrewd-eyed woman who calls into question Dani’s comprehension of her job at every other turn. 
“Anything I can help with?” Jamie asks, leaning around Dani with a surreptitious hand brushing her back. Dani shoots her a sharp look, a not now look, and she nods. 
“Right. Be in the back if you need me.”
Some days, if you need me is a call sign, an olive branch Dani grabs with greedy hands. Some days, after a customer like this one, Jamie finds herself propped against the back room table with Dani tearing at her zipper before she even realizes. 
Not today. Today, when she pokes her head back out to ensure Dani hasn’t actually murdered the old bat, she finds Dani already chatting with someone else. Politely. Smiling, even, though Jamie knows better than anyone what Dani’s barely-hanging-on smile looks like. 
“All good?” she murmurs as the new customer saunters away, careful not to so much as graze Dani. Mismatched eyes snag her gaze, Dani huffing out a breath. 
“Sometimes I wonder why we picked a job with so many people.”
“Be a lot more fun with just us,” Jamie agrees. “Though how we’d fit all those lovely pillows into a cardboard box, I couldn't say.”
Dani grants her a small laugh, barely enough for Jamie to coast on. It’s almost nothing, but it’s what Dani can manage today, and that’s fine enough. Jamie considers saying something else--telling Dani with words that she is here, that she can handle all the worst customers the day has to offer, that she doesn’t mind if Dani begs out early. Not that words matter most, with Dani. Words have never been the thing, where Jamie is concerned, for Dani.
“I’m all right,” Dani says, a bit stiffly. Jamie shuts her mouth, nods. 
“Sure. ‘Course you are. If you, ah, need me...”
It’s becoming a prayer of its own, she thinks sometimes, a plea to the part of Dani that desperately requires both hands on the wheel. If you need me. Which, no matter how it shows, Dani always does. Even on days like this, where Dani can’t quite fit right into her own skin, where Dani is trapped between normal human irritation and the mounting anger she carries for someone else. Dani always does need her. 
It’s just that that need doesn’t always look the same.
"What say we order in tonight?” Jamie asks as they’re closing up. “Throw on a movie?”
Dani shrugs. “Fine. Need to hit the grocery store first, though, we’re out of...a lot of things.”
“I can do it,” Jamie offers. Dani slides her a grateful smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. 
“I’m fine, Jamie. I promise.”
“No, I know,” Jamie says, a bit too hurriedly to be believed. “Only--look, I know it’s been a hard week. I just...”
“Want to help,” Dani fills in when her voice trails awkwardly away. Jamie scrubs a hand down her face. 
“Yeah. But if I’m hovering, I don’t--”
Dani doesn’t quite touch her. Dani seems some days unable to touch her, or be touched, like she’s afraid basic physical contact will release the thing lurking inside. It’s the anger, she says, her voice strained with worry. It’s that rage. 
Won’t hurt me, Jamie says, with a confidence she has never been more sure of than while looking into Dani’s eyes. Wouldn’t ever. 
It’ll pass, she knows--in an hour, in a day, in a week. It’ll pass, and Dani will be back to her usual self once more, laughing, telling stories Jamie hasn’t yet had time to memorize, trailing her fingers across Jamie’s face. Back in the driver’s seat, as it were. The only thing in charge of her own choices.
She allows Jamie a brief kiss, the single negotiation made with her demons--there is never a time, no matter how she feels, or what petty argument they’ve had, where Dani does not kiss her goodbye. 
The apartment isn’t filthy, by any stretch, but certain things have fallen by the wayside over the course of a busy week. Jamie sets to work alone, humming her way through laundry collection--the pair of underwear beneath the couch offers a particularly pleasant memory: Dani stretched back against the arm, sighing as Jamie undressed her and settled in to explore--and stacking dishes in their proper places. Little things, she reminds herself. Little ways to make it easier on Dani until Dani can breathe easier all on her own. Jamie doesn’t mind doing the dishes, sweeping up, ensuring the plants are watered and the bathroom tissue is restocked. Dani does the same for her, when the roles are reversed. 
Dani does more for her than she seems to realize. Even down to holding herself apart this way, too afraid of crossing a line she can’t take back. Jamie wishes there were words to explain how much that means--how much Dani’s self-imposed protective qualities make Jamie feel as though no one has ever been more important. It means the world, and it makes her crazy all the same, because there is nothing she’d like more than to hold Dani close when she gets this way. 
I’m not sick of you, she thinks fiercely, stacking plates into the cupboard. Not now, not ever, Poppins, so when are you going to stop pushing me--
The key in the lock. She turns her head, watching Dani shove the door open, jerking her key back and forth to unstick it. “Hey, you’re back. Good. Was just tryin’ to decide what kind of pizza--”
She pulls up short, leaning back against the counter with a frown. There’s a look on Dani’s face, a strange tight look that instantly makes her wonder if things are worse than Dani has been letting on of late. 
“You all right? You look...”
Dani shakes her head, tosses her purse so hard, it bounces back off the couch. She doesn’t seem to notice, preoccupied with the tight clench of her fists, the stilted stride that carries her across to the kitchen to deposit paper bags across the counter in a careless mess.
“Dani, what happened?” There’s keeping her distance, and there’s keeping things from Jamie. The look on her face now, the sharp cut of her mouth, the taut clutch of her jaw, is just this side of worrying. “I need you to talk--”
Dani has her shirt in one hand, bunched in her fist, dragging her close. Jamie stares, her stomach giving an agreeable little lurch. 
“Did I do something?” she asks. Unlikely, sure, but always a possibility. Always possible there’s something she didn’t notice to make up for. 
Dani, though, shakes her head once. Her hand tightens, pulling Jamie forward, past the kitchen threshold to the living room rug. She stops, swaying slightly as though not entirely certain where she is. 
Jamie--growing less concerned, more intrigued by the second--hesitates. There are only so many outcomes, from this sort of greeting. Only so many outcomes from the way Dani is looking at her now, a sort of helpless tension held in every curve of her face. 
“Can...can I help now?” Jamie asks, half-expecting Dani to release her, to crumple, to open the door to whatever she’s been holding Jamie away from all week. It’s like this, sometimes. Dani, surrendering to her after days of miserably tending her own mental demons. Dani, falling into her with exhaustion. Sometimes. 
Not always. 
Dani is pushing her, she realizes, her hand dragging up Jamie’s front to grip her shoulder. The pressure she applies is surprisingly gentle, but too firm for Jamie to deny for anything but the best reason. She allows herself to sink, allows Dani to shove her down until her knees strike rug, until she’s staring with her head tipped back and her skin growing hot. 
There’s something about this view, she thinks, that will never grow old. Particularly with Dani looking at her this way, eyes stormy, brow creased with some combination of frustration and--
“Let me help,” Jamie says, half a suggestion, half a plea. She reaches a hand to Dani, giving her ample time to step back, to change her mind. Dani, instead, reaches to the hem of her own skirt, yanks it to her waist. 
One word, and Jamie’s whole body shudders. Dani’s hand slips up, skimming her cheek, delving into her hair. She’s staring at Jamie like a challenge, like a dare: love me now, her eyes seem to say. Love me like this. 
More than that, Jamie promises silently, pressing forward into her. There’s loving Dani, certainly--she’s happy to do it, privileged to do it, doesn’t even think about it anymore. There’s an instinct to loving Dani she gave into long ago, with no desire or intention of turning back. 
This, though. This is more than loving. This is the closest thing to religion she’s capable of, the closest thing to belief she can wrap her head around. Forced to her knees by Dani’s hand, moving to kiss Dani from this spot of supplication, is the truest kind of worship she's ever known how to give. 
Dani exhales above her, the breath leaving her in a rush as Jamie slides her hands up the backs of her thighs. Her skin still holds a chill from the early winter air, and Jamie lets her palms rest for a moment, giving Dani her own warmth as a gift of greeting. She peers up at Dani, watching her sway with anticipation, watching her gaze down that same scorching challenge: Love me like this. Even today. Even when I can’t love myself. 
She presses a kiss, small and sweet and barely anything at all, to the crest of Dani’s underwear. Dani makes a low noise in her throat, something shaky, palming the back of her head in an effort to push her closer. Fast, she recognizes--Dani wants her fast, rough, to demolish the day’s shadows in no time at all. 
Dani wants it that way--but it isn’t what she needs. Jamie tilts her head, brushes against Dani with her nose, moves to kiss the inside of one thigh instead. She feels Dani’s hand loosen, allowing her the freedom, and she takes it with glee. Each kiss is small, gentle, a bare approximation of what Dani is asking of her, but with each press and release of her lips on Dani’s skin, she feels some of the tension go out of Dani’s grip. Dani, who has spent all day strung tighter than Jamie could possibly know, and who could demand more of Jamie now, sighs. 
She doesn’t beg. Doesn’t even speak. Only splays her fingers across the back of Jamie’s skull, her palm resting at the crown of Jamie’s head, letting her go where she will. Trusting that Jamie, taking her time with every kiss, smoothing her hands down to cup behind Dani’s knees, dragging her nails lightly down Dani’s calves, knows how to read her. 
Control, thinks Jamie, as she so often does in moments like this. Given freely, it’s an intoxicant all its own. 
There’s something about the way Dani trembles when she opens her mouth against smooth skin, when she runs her tongue in a slow, gentle arc up toward the juncture of Dani’s pelvis. Something about the tightening of Dani’s hand in her hair that makes her feel more alive than she ever does walking the world. 
She’s giving the same treatment to Dani’s other leg, tracing one hand lightly around her kneecap, digging her nails gently in, when Dani utters her first low moan. Jamie smiles into her skin. 
“Didn’t ask you to talk,” Dani says, though Jamie can hear her smile. She slides a hand higher, gripping the underside of one thigh, digging her thumb in. 
“Didn’t ask for much, from what I recall. Bit demanding, Poppins.”
“If you’re complaining,” Dani says, “I can just take care of it myself.”
“Not like I can,” Jamie points out, and Dani grips harder, yanking her head back. She gives a hiss of pleasure. “Oh, you’re not denying it.”
“You,” Dani points out with an arch of her brow, “are denying me.”
“Let me back to it, then.” She’s playing with fire. She’s playing with fire, and Dani could turn the tables at any moment, could push her away and decide she isn’t in the mood after all. 
Dani, to the contrary, gives her a smile that makes her glad she’s already on her knees. Her hand flexes in Jamie’s hair, wrenching her forward without warning, and Jamie groans against her, biting gently through the fabric of underwear that, already, is considerably wetter than it had been. This, she thinks, should have been their entire day. Their entire week. Dani gripping her skirt in one hand, Jamie’s hair in the other, already revolving her hips gently to meet the slow press of Jamie’s tongue. 
“Tease,” Dani sighs, as she circles, wraps her mouth around already-straining nerves, sucks lightly through sticky cotton. “Fuck.”
Jamie smiles against her, pleased; Dani already swearing is a sign she’s been looking for this longer than she maybe even realized. Her hand presses Jamie in, her legs spreading slightly to give Jamie more space, and Jamie takes what she’s granted willingly. She’s kissing Dani with slow, heady abandon, eyes closed, aware with every small jolt of Dani’s hips that this is exactly where she ought to be. It’s easy to lose herself here, in the rock of Dani meeting her every stroke, in the taste of Dani soaking through thin fabric onto her tongue. She takes the edge of Dani’s underwear between her fingers, pulls it aside, uttering a low sound of pride at what she’s already accomplished. 
“Enough?” she asks politely, and Dani makes a breathless sound of aggravation above her. She bows back in, stretching the fabric away from where it belongs, letting her fingers graze slickly along Dani only once. Dani jerks. 
She could stay here, she thinks. Stay here on her knees, holding Dani in helpless limbo, forever. Stay here, feeling Dani’s gaze on her, feeling Dani’s desperation to push her closer coming up hard against her desire to let Jamie choose how this plays out. She’s never sure what will win, with Dani in a mood like this. 
“Jamie.” Not pleading, not yet, but slightly choked all the same. Her hand smooths down the back of Jamie’s head, urging her closer, and Jamie presses back into her palm for a beat. Just a few seconds of fighting the push, her fingers grazing back and forth--stroking once across skin, back across fabric, feeling Dani throb against her fingertips. 
“Jamie.” That was pleading. She slides her hands up, pulls the underwear down, supporting Dani as she steps out and all but crashes into Jamie’s mouth once more. 
That was pleading, and this is worship: sinking into Dani in every way that matters. She traces Dani with the tip of her tongue, curling when Dani sighs, stroking when Dani whimpers. The taste of her is overwhelming, drawing aside her own restraint a little at a time, and Jamie reminds herself exultation should not be rushed, benediction cannot be forced. True worship, true belief, is a slow, deliberate thing, inching ever nearer to something huge and glorious and well-earned. 
Dani’s nails dig hard into her scalp, scraping under her hair until she parts her lips around swollen nerves in a sharp sigh of pleasurable pain. Dani is making sounds of her own, muffled sounds against the clench of her teeth even as she’s grinding harder to meet every swipe of Jamie’s tongue. She sucks more forcefully, adds a gentle scrape of teeth that makes Dani twitch violently beneath her. A pounding heat between her own thighs gives a particularly sharp pulse, and Jamie welcomes it, welcomes it as she explores the familiar map of Dani soaking into her lips. 
She’s here, she tells herself, validated by every sound from Dani’s lips. She’s here, all of her. She imagines what she must look like now, her head bobbing between Dani’s legs as she twists and angles to offer every last inch of pleasure. What she must look like to Dani, with her eyes lidded and her body bucking, Dani who drives a hand against her head, pulling her hair hard to show Jamie exactly where she’s most needed. What must this look like: Jamie’s own hips rocking hopelessly against nothing, her hands occupied with holding Dani upright as the strength slides from her knees. She is the only thing keeping Dani here, keeping Dani in place, keeping Dani from collapsing to the floor in a heap. 
Dani is making breathless, almost keening sounds, pumping her hips hard to match the flick and roll of Jamie’s tongue. Jamie opens her eyes, leans back, letting the contact go just long enough to take Dani in: head thrown back, the cords of her neck standing out, trying with everything in her to keep her volume down. 
Let them hear you, Jamie thinks, delving in again with rough, reckless strokes. Let them fucking know. She’s moaning herself, unable to stop, unable to control her own voice as Dani grips her tight, thrusting to match her with frantic, nearly-there energy. 
Her fingers tremble, the desire to slide into Dani almost too strong to ward off. She resists. This is what they both need, instead, this urging of Dani over the edge with nothing more than what Jamie has already promised. Just the art of taking Dani into her mouth, drawing her tight, feeling her wind higher and higher as her hands glide through Jamie’s hair, catching, yanking. Nearly there, she knows, from Dani half-groaning her name. Nearly there, and it’s a shame to let it end, a shame to know this is not a permanent fixture of life, being on her knees in front of Dani Clayton. 
Dani is shuddering, crying, “There--there--fuck.” Jamie presses her tongue flat, gives a final broad stroke that sends Dani tumbling, each pulse against Jamie’s mouth feeling a little more like triumph. She keeps going even as Dani is slowing, even as Dani’s rough grip in her hair is loosening to something soft, something tender. 
“Jamie, I--I--”
Jamie is one long open kiss, warm and wet and needy in her own right, working a hand up the inner slope of her thigh, and now she is teasing with her fingers, now she is offering Dani this added gift, and Dani is making a high, surprised, wanting sound above her. 
Tell me, Jamie commands silently, and Dani is so open, Dani is so wet, Dani is beyond ready even as she’s begging. She slides inside, eyes rolling back in her head when Dani clutches immediately around her, legs nearly buckling as Jamie curls fingers and tongue in the same action. 
She drops her skirt at last, closing both hands around Jamie’s head to ride this second climax to its height. Jamie, eyes closed, is not sure she needs anything but this to feel at home. Nothing but Dani shuddering around her, Dani arching to take her deeper. Nothing but Dani, letting her in. 
She leans her head against Dani’s hip, breathing hard, letting the skirt fall back into place. Dani, still trembling, wraps her arms around Jamie as best she can, leaning her head back and sighing. 
“Good,” Jamie says, not much interested in an apology or an embarrassed explanation. She licks her lips, runs the back of her hand across her mouth, tilts her head to look up into Dani’s still-dazed face. “You’re good, Dani. All good.”
She stands, takes Dani’s face in her hands, runs her fingers along Dani’s parted lips. Dani smiles, tongue darting out to curl around one finger and Jamie makes a softly wanting sound against her own will. 
“You’re all right now?” she asks, her voice husky. Dani closes her eyes, nods, kisses her way along Jamie’s fingers until they’re clean. Then she’s kissing Jamie with all the quiet fever of a week spent staring into the shadows of her own head, pulling Jamie backward toward the couch, sinking down as the last of the strength finally goes out of her legs. 
She won’t talk about it--not now, not yet, not with her hand urgent against Jamie’s zipper. She won’t talk about it as she palms Jamie through her jeans, rubbing in hard strokes while Jamie sinks back against the couch and groans. She won’t talk about it, bending over Jamie to kiss her hard, slipping her hand into Jamie’s underwear and stroking, pinching, driving her toward a dazzling conclusion of her own. 
Later, maybe. Another night, maybe. This night, the push and pull of it, the teasing angle of her bent over Jamie with her hair curtaining them both and her smile welcoming Jamie to kiss her to completion all over again, was not made for that. This night is for Jamie to remind her of what is most important: that even on her worst day, even fed up with the world or the beast in the jungle, there is no enough for Jamie. There is no end, no exit, no edging away. 
She holds her close, arm around her waist as she pushes desperately up into Dani’s hand, understanding in some distant way that there is no such thing as too much where Dani is concerned. There is no darkness in Dani that can scare her off, no lack of control in Dani that doesn’t make her want to lead Dani back to a place of authority over her own life. There is nothing except Dani, striding into the room and forcing her to her knees; Dani, losing herself in the slide of her lips; Dani, needing and being needed. 
Let me in, she thinks with sleepy hope, as Dani kisses her and nestles against her side. Let me in, let me help you. I can give it back when she takes it away. 
She’ll say it, someday. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next year. She’ll say it, and Dani might even believe. 
In the meantime, she doesn’t mind this, the devoted worship of one who has never loved like she loves this woman. She doesn’t mind Dani being unable to ask. She doesn’t mind Dani’s fierce need coming to call. 
It’s mutual, she thinks as she dozes with Dani in her arms. It’s everything. 
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Satisfied, Part 27
She bit down on the inside of her cheek as she stared at the blank message box.
“You know, most of the time people don’t apologize over text,” said Jason.
“I know that!” She muttered irritably. She turned off her phone and left it to rest on her stomach. “But what do I say?”
“Probably something like ‘Can we talk?’“ He offered.
“That kinda thing usually causes anxiety.”
He grinned. “Maybe in relationships.”
“And maybe in friendships,” Marinette countered.
He rolled his eyes. “You’re stalling.”
“Shut up!” She sighed and closed her eyes.
Could she just go over to see Chloe an apologize? Would she still be upset with her? And, if she didn’t want to talk, what would Marinette do? If she did want to talk, what would she do? Should she make it up to her? How? Chloe could have pretty much anything she wanted, what could a random girl do for her?
She felt Jason pull her into his side and managed a grin.
“How obvious is it that I’m freaking out?”
“Just a bit,” he teased.
She laughed quietly and picked up her phone again, staring at the message box for a bit before beginning to type.
Definitelyforgottosleep: hey do you wanna do something tomorrow
While Chloe had read the message almost instantly, there was no response for a good minute.
Queenbee: Sure where
Ah. She hadn’t genuinely thought she’d get this far. She closed her eyes. What did Chloe like? Shopping? She seemed the type who’d like shopping. But did she?
Definitelyforgottosleep: shopping
Queenbee: Sounds good
She breathed a sigh of relief, closing her eyes. Then, she glanced at Jason.
Definitelyforgottosleep: can i bring someone
Queenbee: Sure I don’t care
She opened her mouth --.
“Nope. Not going.”
She groaned. “Why not?”
“Because I think this is something you should do yourself,” he said simply.
Marinette closed her eyes for a minute. “Where’s Dick? I could probably guilt him into coming.”
Jason must have agreed, because he sent her a glare. “I’m not taking you back to his room.”
“I’ll find him myself if I have to.”
He scoffed. “You’d get lost so quick.”
She batted her eyelashes. “That’s why I wanted you to take me. You wouldn’t let your little sister get lost, would you?”
His eyes narrowed slightly. “Oh, so now you pull the ‘little sister’ card?”
She only gave him a cheeky grin in return.
And, so, the next day she and Dick found themselves waiting outside the mall. She smiled at all the Halloween decorations, reaching out to poke a giant inflatable ghost.
“Do you not have Halloween in France?”
“No, we do, it’s just not as big a deal.” She grinned. “Do you guys really have Halloween in Gotham? You’d think that you’d avoid letting more people run around in masks.”
He gave a small shrug. “Halloween is Halloween, it’d probably happen even if someone tried to ban it. The bats just end up working a lot harder that night.”
She nodded her understanding. Her eyes slipped past him to where she spotted Chloe approaching, who looked about as anxious as she felt.
“Heeeeey,” she said awkwardly.
She glanced at back at Dick and swore in French when she realized he had retreated back a few steps. She shot him a glare as he made a small motion with his hands as if to say ‘go on and say it’.
Marinette took a deep breath and turned back to the girl.
“I’m sorry about treating you so horribly recently. You’ve been extremely nice to me and I’ve only been rude in return.” She swallowed thickly. “I’m not a great person, I have my issues. I’m trying to work through them. It’s not fair of me to take that out on you.”
“That’s why you invited me out?”
She seemed... disappointed.
Marinette hesitated. “Partially. I really did want to apologize, but I realized I kinda judged you without really knowing anything about you.”
“I wasn’t a great person to you, either, Marinette.”
“Maybe, but I shouldn’t have kept being rude to you once I realized you’d changed.”
“When did you...?”
A blush flooded her skin. “I... noticed back when you ‘found out’ about me. The old Chloe would have used it for blackmail or something but you didn’t. But I wasn’t ready to change.”
Chloe frowned. “And are you ready now?”
She bit the inside of her cheek. “I hope so. I’m trying.”
The girl considered this for a bit, her head tipped to the side with an odd expression on her face. After a while she seemed to come to a decision.
“Hi! I’m Chloe Bourgeois. It’s nice to meet you!”
Marinette blinked and glanced behind her, but there wasn’t anyone there. She looked back at Chloe and stared at her outstretched hand. She was talking to her. It was an offer, she realized. A chance at a new start.
She took her hand.
“It’s... it’s nice to meet you, too. I’m Marinette.”
With the agreement obviously made, Dick walked back over.
Marinette stepped back so they could shake hands. “Alright. Chloe, this is Dick and --.”
"Isn’t that a little bit rude?” Said Chloe, her eyes wide.
“Nope, that’s my name,” said Dick.
“I am... so sorry.”
Marinette snickered. “His name is actually Richard. Apparently they shorten that to Dick here.”
Chloe looked incredulous. “Why?”
Dick shrugged, then glanced Chloe up and down with a slight frown forming on his face. “I know you.”
“You do?”
He nodded slightly and scratched the back of his head. “Definitely... so where...?”
Marinette paled a little bit. With all her anxiety about making sure this went well, she’d forgotten that Dick had done research on Ladybug to try and figure out her identity. There was a high likelihood that he knew that Chloe was Queen Bee, and knowing her would be pretty damning.
“Don’t all rich people kind of know each other?” She said, her face stretching into a tense grin.
Dick gave a small nod. “I guess...” He said, though he didn’t really look like he believed it.
She grabbed both of them by their sleeves. “C’moooon. It’s cold out, we can at least do this inside.”
Shopping with rich people was... weird. You have to be careful what you say. She would say a dress in the window was 'kinda cute’ and they would have their credit cards out in seconds.
One time, when Chloe had seen a store with a lot of outfits in a style she liked, Marinette had been forced to physically drag her away from the counter before she attempted to buy the entire store (not from buying all the outfits in the store, but the store itself). Dick had been no help, just calmly watching on and occasionally throwing in a ‘well, the outfits are cute’ whenever Chloe seemed to be calming down.
Of course, then they had to physically drag Marinette out of the fabric store.
“No working,” insisted Chloe.
She huffed. “But I only have, like, three months left! That’s not nearly enough time!”
“Mom said that four months is perfectly enough time for two outfits.”
Marinette rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. “And it is, but, uh... I may be doing six.”
Chloe stared at her in horror. Fair enough.
Then, Dick laughed. “No wonder you and Tim get along so well.”
All she could do was smile sheepishly. This smile quickly morphed into terror as Chloe took out of her phone.
“I’m calling my mom. We’re cancelling yours.”
Marinette gasped. “No! You can’t.”
“It’s for your own good, Marinette,” she said, pulling her phone out.
She glanced at Dick for help, but all he did was shrug as if to say ‘she’s got a point’.
“Traitor,” she hissed, before making a mad grab for the phone, only to have it held out of reach. She tugged on Chloe’s arm, throwing her whole weight into it, but there was nothing she could do without compromising her identity in front of Dick.
Huh. So this is what it feels like to be on the other side. Man. This sucks.
After a few seconds of thought, though, she let go. “You can’t keep me from making the outfits. Not really. I’m still going to do them even if you cancel.”
Chloe’s finger hovered over the send button.
“And, when you see the designs, you’ll want to wear them more than whatever you can scrounge up from someone you find within three months. So I’ll make them.”
“You wouldn’t.”
She smiled innocently. “Oh? Try me.”
The two stared each other down, searching for a hint of a bluff, daring them to call it.
Chloe put her phone away with a glare.
Dick grinned. “Definitely see why you and Tim get along so well.”
At Chloe’s request, they walked into a costume store.
Marinette grinned at the new Ladybug outfits, trying to suppress a squeal. Chloe found where she was looking and laughed quietly.
“What?” Asked Dick, following her gaze and narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
Crap. She needed an excuse.
“I’m a little bit of a fan,” she ‘admitted’ with a sheepish grin.
Chloe tipped her head to the side as she took in the lie, then smiled and ruffled her hair. “Of course she’d be, her ex-bestfriend was obsessed with Ladybug. She had a lot of good stuff on her blog before... Lila.”
They both shuddered. At least they had a little bit of common ground.
“Why don’t you dress up as her for Halloween?” Asked Dick in a tone that was far too innocent. “You look a bit alike, I think it’d be cool.”
Marinette laughed and shook her head. “No, no. It’s like I said, the French don’t really celebrate Halloween, and I’m not that interested in starting in Gotham of all places.”
He gave a quiet huff of annoyance and they continued walking through. Chloe picked up a Heather McNamara outfit and grinned. “Well, Mlle. Designer, what do you think?”
She tipped her head to the side as she thought, then nodded. “That’d be cute. It matches your usual colors, too. I don’t think I can imagine you in anything other than yellow at this point, anyways.”
Chloe stuck her tongue out at her and she returned it. Because they’re both mature adults.
Marinette grinned and picked up a black wig, dropping it on to Chloe’s head despite the girl’s protests. “I say we take her into Wayne Mansion like this and see how long it takes Bruce to adopt her.”
Dick glanced back and gave a short laugh. “She wouldn’t even make it in the door, are you kidding me?”
Chloe blinked a few times, then gasped. “HOLY SHIT YOU’RE A WAYN --?!”
Both of her companions had clamped their hands over her mouth, but it was far too late for that. Now people were staring, and a few were fumbling for their cameras. It certainly didn’t look good, the eldest Wayne child hanging out with two girls who were barely legal.
Dick tossed a wad of cash at the register to pay for Chloe’s outfit and then turned to Marinette.
“Run,” Marinette agreed.
They each grabbed one of Chloe’s arms and booked it.
Christ. Three hours of work for like ten words. Kill me pls
@comet-kun @thatonecroc @trippingovermyfeet @swiftie-miraculer13 @nickristus-dreamer @moongoddesskiana @i-am-ironic @indecisive-mess-named-me @thebooki3h @insane-fangirl-of-everything @deepestobservationwombat @theymakeupfairies @fatimaabbasrizvi @clumsy-owl-4178 @fanofalittletoomuch @iamablinkmarvelarmy @nathleigh @lilkymilky @silvergold-swirl @dino-lovingreen-angel @thestressmademedoit @kissa-chan @ladybug-182 @alysrose-starchild @t1dwarrior-of-earth @spyofthenightcourt @rowanrouge @nik-nak-3 @momothefemur @aestheticnpoetic @labschaos @our-preciousss @mochinek0 @eliza-bich @mythogaychic @severelyenchantedwonderland @sashakoi @smolplantmum @bluesimani @tropestropestropes @kitsunebell @keepingupwiththemalfoys @sassakitty @2confused-2doanything @too0bsessedformyowngood @all-mights-asscheeks @demonicbusiness @meg-an-ace
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dilucatic · 4 years
characters : summer troupe
request : Hi!! I just found your page and I can't wait to see more your writing! Since you were open for asks, could I maybe ask for headcannons or a little blurb of a nb reader who's friends with summer troupe? Thank you so much!! - ❄
word count : 695
additional notes : this is all platonic !! i might do a blurb for this later but for now i just did hcs !! i didnt plan on formatting it like this but it just kind of,, happened while i was putting it together,, i wrote for summer troupe as a group + small bits for each member utc. i hope u enjoy :D
summer troupe’s such a lively group,, prepare for some chaotic™ times with them
you’d have so many inside jokes together !! they start so randomly and so often,, they die off kinda quickly but it doesn’t take long for a new one to come up.
you’d have movie nights at least twice a month yep yep. the genre’s changed up every time. the one time you watched a horror movie together it ended with tenma close to tears, kazunari live streaming to tell his followers about it and muku having to sleep with the lights on </3 horror movies were off limits after that
they love hanging out with you in general !! they’d plan things pretty often, making sure to bring you along as much as they could. they’d invite you to every one of their shows and look forward to hearing your praise afterwards. they’d ask if you wanted to join them for practice every now and then too !! maybe even ask you to be an improv partner.
they’d introduce you to the rest of mankai pretty quick if you weren’t already familiar with them,, it wouldn't take long for you to be spending a lot of time staying around the dorms.
tenma is so grateful to be friends with you !! he probably tries to do little things for you every now and then because he wants to be a good friend but,, they dont always go well,, like he’d buy you new clothes he’d think you’d like but they end up being way off from the size you normally wear. he fully trusts that he’s safe from pranks and jokes around you but acts like you’re a traitor if you ever do jokingly go against him </3
yuki totally says that you and muku were the only ones keeping him sane,, you aren’t safe from his bluntness though, he will come at you without hesitation </3 he’d also ask you to come shopping with him !! he likes to hear your take on the different clothes and designs he considers. he’d find it hilarious if you ever decided to come out and tease tenma out of nowhere pls his lungs would suffer 
muku loves spending time with you !! he enjoys showing you any new shoujo manga he finds if you’re interested in that kind of stuff. if not, then he’ll end up telling you about the ones he’s reading anyway,, he can’t help himself;; he also puts in the effort to learn about any of your interests. he asks you about them often, wanting to hear about the things you enjoy because he talks to you about his own interests so much.
kazunari posts 80% of what you guys do together on instablam,, probably has a whole story dedicated to you and natsugumi. he keeps the other 20% for himself. he’s kind of sentimental about friendship, so he feels like its better off to keep some things private. he’ll jokingly talk about posting even the smallest things but he never goes through with it :> sometimes he likes to reminisce and look back on the memories he has with you. he’ll send you random videos and pictures he finds funny throughout the day. even if it’s 3am he’ll send it without even caring about whether or not you’re asleep
misumi invites you to come triangle hunting with him whenever you’re around !! he says it’s extra fun with you there to help. he also claims that you almost manage to find the best triangles out of everyone in mankai, only coming after misumi himself. he’s actually,, really good to lean on when you need him. he won't hesitate to offer you a protractor and tell you about his gramps when he sees you feeling down :(
kumon thinks you’re so cool !! he’d be the first one to come to your defense if anyone were to be mean to you >:( they’d have to get through him first before they could say anything bad about you >:( he often brings you along to practice with his bat. he’d love to teach you more about the sports he’s into if you’re interested. he’d look forward to playing together sometime !!
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Request: Two Nerds for the Price of One
Summary: What do you do when you have two crushes? By Bakugo’s logic, find a way to date them both of course. (Bakugo/Reader/Midoriya)
Wordcount: 2142
A/N: this is a request from AO3. I hope this okay. I don't generally write poly fics cause I primarily write only about things that I have experienced or been in a similar situation, and I never been in a poly relationship so how it works is still something I'm learning about.
You ran as fast as you possibly could down the hall to class 3-A, slamming the door open harder than you intended. But you couldn’t help it! “Izuku! Izuku! Look at this!” You hopped over to Izuku’s desk, holding a flier out in front of you, unable to hold still.
“I can’t read it when you’re jumping all over the place ___chan,”  Izuku giggled at you as he grabbed a hold of the paper. He gasped when he read it and started vibrating in his seat as well.
You plopped yourself at the empty desk in front of Izuku, resting your chin in your hands on his desk. “There is a sale of limited first generation hero merch with a chance of winning free tickets to the grand opening of the Hero History Museum! We have an opportunity to learn about some of the first vigilantes that changed our society and created the hero occupation! These are the people that inspired heroes who inspired heroes that inspired us!”
You grabbed both of Izuku’s hands in the air, your fingers interlacing. He smiled back at you, just as excited. “The first quirks to be recorded in history! Laws we have now were shaped by them!”
“The vintage costumes!” You squealed.
Izuku nodded with you and both of you yelled out happily, “New heroes to learn about!”
The two of you were kindred spirits. In first year, you took one look at his hero costume and knew instantly who he was inspired by. As a fellow fan of All Might and his amazing costumes, it was your duty to intervene when Hatsume tried to change the looks of his costume. That girl may be a genius when it comes to inventions, but as a designer she just threw things together. When she made Izuku new arm supports, you jumped in to adding some All Might esthetics. 
Izuku was so thankful, it led to the two of you talking and finding out that the both of you were major hero otakus. It was so nice to have someone come over to your dorm room and not instantly judge you for the amount of hero memborbila you had. 
You continued to gush. “Soon, you’ll have merch for sale and a museum with all the great things you’re going to do! I’m going to buy all of them! I’m your number one fan!”
“___!” He tried to pull his hands away to hide his blushing face, but you locked your fingers with his.
“Nope, no hiding Izuku! Take my compliments like the hero you are!” you laugh happily, making Izuku turn into an adorable strawberry, not noticing the eyes watching the two of you intently.
“There’s two of them,” Bakugo mumbled, leaning against Kirishima’s desk as he watched you and Deku gush about some hero nerd crap. “Two fucking nerdy ass Dekus.”
Kirishima chuckled to himself as he finished the assignment he’d forgotten was due next period. Thankfully, Bakugo is more lenient when it comes to helping with homework now. “Midoriya has really come out of his shell. He’s made some good friends outside of our class now.”
Bakugo starred as the two of you got up to walk out of the classroom. He tilted his head to get a better view. “I want to bite his ass.”
“Her’s too.”
“Ew. Here, take my drink since you're so thirsty.” Kaminari thrusted an unopened juice into Bakugo’s chest jokingly.
Bakugo hummed, crossing his arms. “I’ve decided.” 
Kirishima and Kaminari looked up at him, waiting for him to explain further as Bakugo paused to take a sip of the drink. “I want them both.”
Kaminari burst into a fit of laughter, holding his stomach, while Kirishima looked at him in horror. “What? No!” What the hell does his bro have planned?!
“I'm gonna make them both mine.” The ash-blonde just nodded in affirmation.
“Katsuki, no.”
The bell rang; the break was over and Kirishima hadn’t finished his homework! “Shitty Hair, I’m doing it. One way or another, their asses are mine.” Bakugo quickly wrote down the answer to the last question on the assignment before making his way to his seat, a suspicious-looking grin on his face.
“Well at least we know Bakugo has a type.” Kaminari leaned back in his chair, grinning as Kirishima sighed, giving up on trying to contain the chaos that is Bakugo Katsuki.
You groaned, completely depressed. Izuku and you had had a lot of fun at the hero merch sale; you’d both been able to buy so many items you never seen before. Of course Izuku bought everything All Might there. But when you two went up to the cashier, you were sadly informed that there were no more tickets. The museum was also sold out; you’d found out too late about the event. You lazily sketch out a new hero costume design for a first-year that needed more complex material for their quirk when a shadow hovered over you.
You looked up in time for a hand to slam down on the table and a body leaned in close to you. As you clutched your pencil to your chest, Bakugo smirked a few inches from your face. “Hey Nerd Number 2. What’s got you fucking moping?”
“Uh...I um…” You were completely tongue tied, heart pounding in your chest.
He just chuckled at you; you weren’t sure if it was a good sign or if you were about to be murdered. “I assume it has to do something about this?” 
Two yellow strips of paper were thrusted into your face, “Hero Origins Exhibit” written on them. You gasp and reach out for it to see if it was real. He rudely dangled them above your head, out of reach. 
“How’d you get that?!” You shouted. How on earth did he get two when you couldn't even get one?!
“I have my ways. I’ll give you them if you want...,” you nodded excitedly. “...but there is a price.”
Your eyes were locked on those tickets. Whatever it is, be it some gear or money, you’ll do it. If it means you and Izuku can go together to the museum. “What is it?”
He grabbed your chin with one hand, making you look at him. “You go on a date with me to the museum.”
Your breath hitched for a second as your brain translated what he’d just said. Date?! “Huh? Me and you? But I promised that I’d go with Izuku…”
Bakugo leaned in more, his nose grazing against your cheek as his lips made their way to your ear, and huskily whispered, “Then don’t tell him. How about if you agree, I’ll make sure Deku and you can go to the museum together. He’ll never have to know.” He bit at your lobe and then kissed the sensitive skin underneath. A shiver went down your back as he kissed your neck between words. “You want to see him happy, right?”
“Just one date?” You were completely melting in the palm of his hand.
He hummed, nuzzling your hair. “Sure.”
“Okay…” You dreamily whispered. If this is how he treats you, maybe it won’t be that bad...
The moment you agreed, he let go of your face. You blinked at his receding back, awakened from the dream-like state his warmth had put you in. “Good. I’ll text you the details later. And don’t be fucking late.” He threw you one more smirk over his shoulder before leaving the Support Course classroom. What….what just happened?! The shocked look on your classmates’ faces was all the evidence you needed to prove that, yes, that did just happen.
“Kacchan, I can’t believe you got these! You’re amazing!” Izuku was practically squealing on the common room couch, holding the tickets in his hands. Bakugo was sitting beside him, an arm resting on the back of the couch behind the smaller boy,  bodies pressed right up against each other. 
Bakugo had been casually instigating more physical contact over the past year so Izuku didn't even bat an eyelash as he leaned in closer. “I know. Now about the price for them….” Bakugo pulled the tickets from Deku’s hands gently as he whispered into the nerd’s ear, making him blush deeply.
“Kacchan! You want what?! But I promised…” Izuku fidgets with his hands in his lap, mumbling and slowly falling into the depths of his mind.
Smirking, Bakugo firmly wraps his arm around Izuku’s shoulders, practically pulling the other boy into his lap. “Don’t worry, I know about your little nerd best friend. I got connections and I could get you two to the museum. If you make it worth my while, Nerd.”
Bakugo tried not to chuckle when he felt the nerd shiver; gotcha. Izuku held up a pinky to Bakugo shyly. “Okay, if you promise?”
“Of course. I’m not a fucking liar, Deku.” He links their pinkies together, pulling their hands to his face to kiss Izuku’s. 
He heard the nerd loudly swallow before launching to his feet. “Okay…okay. Deal, Kacchan! Thank you for this!” Bakugo watched his nerd escape to his dorm room with an amused and triumphant smile on his face.
Kaminari and Kirishima watched the entire situation play out, in complete disbelief. They walked over to Bakugo as he texted on his phone. Kaminari flipped himself onto the couch to sit beside the other blonde, looking to see he was texting you where to meet up on Saturday. “This can’t possibly go well.” Kirishima sighed from behind the couch, leaning on his elbows as he read the text as well. When did he become the voice of reason in this group?
“It’ll be fucking fine, Hair-For-Brains,” Bakugo snorted, waving a heart filled text from you up, bragging as Bakugo does.
Kaminari laughed, actually enjoying watching his bro finally make a move. Leaning back with his arms behind his head, the electric blonded asked, “How did you even manage to get tickets and they didn’t?”
“Easy. Bribe the cashier to tell them that they didn’t have any more tickets while I bought three.”
“So glad you are on the heroes’ side.”
You waited in front of the museum, messing with your hair and clothes every five seconds while looking at your reflection in a shop window. The girls in your dorm had helped you decide on your outfit. In fact, you’d pretty much had a miniature fashion show in your room. You sigh to yourself, mumbling, “What are you doing ___?” Going on a date with Bakugo Katsuki was not what you had planned.
If there was anyone you were more likely to go on  a date with, you’d expected it to be Izuku. Oh Izuku…he’s so sweet and the two of you can geek out on a whole other level together. You wish he was going to the museum with you. But Bakugo did promise that he’d make sure that you guys got to go together for going on this date….maybe it won't be so bad.
Your head whipped over to the side. “Izuku?”
Izuku came over to you, wearing skinny jeans that you’d bought him and an open flannel shirt over one of his regular shirts that said, “t-shirt”. You swear one of these days, you are going to burn all those shirts and buy him a whole new wardrobe. “What are you doing here?”
“Simple, I invited you both here.” Bakugo strolled up to the two of you, smirking with his hands in his pockets. You and Izuku look back at each other, confused.
“Uh…but I thought….” You fiddled with your hands, not sure how to say it in front of Izuku. This is so embarrassing.
Izuku didn't hesitate though. “Isn’t this a date?”
Bakugo just smiled proudly. “You are right, this is a date. All three of us.”
“Huh?!” you both yelled in shock. 
He sighed, leaning in as he placed a hand on each of your shoulders. “Really, do I have to fucking spell it out? I like both your nerdy asses.”
“Kacchan, you should have just asked one of us out at a time if you were confused about—”
“Not confused. I just don't half-ass.” He spun both of you around, his arms resting around your shoulders as he steered all three of you towards the museum entrance. You were completely at a loss as Izuku looked like he was going to continue to protest. 
“If I chose one then I would only be able to give the relationship half of my attention since I’d still like the other. So I’m gonna sweep both of you off your nerdy-ass feet.” Bakugo left no room for argument. 
You looked back at Izuku, his face was as red as your face was hot. Both speechless, you were only able to go with the flow of Bakugo Katsuki.
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poepoe-thebunny · 4 years
Rudy/Tony and Fam during Quarantine
Cause this is where my life is at, apparently. I thought I escaped the “quarantine fever writing” that everyone else got. Apparently I was wrong. 
After another visit to the castle, the Thompson’s end up there in quarantine once miss rona hits the world. Thank god for WI-FI and working remotely, even if his parents look vaguely like zombies due to time zone differences. Tony can’t talk, his online schooling schedule is all sorts of weird and he’s pretty sure his teacher just wants to sleep until the whole thing is over. Honestly Tony can’t say he blames her. 
The Sackville-bagg clan, as it turns out, is a surprisingly overprotective bunch when they need to be, especially now that they have accepted their humans into the fold. Even with catching up on modern medicine and germ theory, they won’t allow anything to happen to their precious humans. 
(AU/headcanons incoming??
- Think Rudy was protective before? Think again. 
- Rudy is over 300 years old, he’s old by human standards and he has met people who are old by vampire standards. He’s seen Things(TM) ok?
- He has been through more than one plague in his life. He has seen what it can do to the sick and the poor. He knows it’s a different now, that life-saving machines exist, that they’re working on a vaccine, that soap is widely available. 
- But he also knows it’s not. 
- Tony? Not going anywhere as far as he is concerned. Say hello to your prince, Rapunzel, cause Rudy is keeping Tony up in that tower if it kills him (again). 
- He knows where all of Tony’s masks are, and where he puts the extras. 
- He’ even shops online for masks with Tony, finding cool hand-sewn, gothic looking ones for Rudy himself to wear. He’s not sure if Corona even effects vampires, but Tony likes finding stuff to match his “aesthetic’ and it keeps his mortal happy. 
- He waits on his mortal hand and foot in between videogames and watching Netflix. (Tony likes How to Train Your Dragon and Paranorman, Rudy likes The Little Prince and Kubo and the Two Strings.). 
- Rudy’s first introduction to Tumblr is through Tony, and at one point they reach the Plague Doctor Aesthetics. While Rudy hasn’t spent much time in Italy, he doesn’t think they’re very accurate, and complains as such to his mortal. 
- Rudy is surprisingly easily offended about historically inaccurate things, and it sends Tony into laughing fits. 
- Rudy is Bad At Memes. Like, just in general he doesn’t always get them, and when Corona Memes become a thing he’s just constantly confused. Poor Rudy honestly. 
- Tries to learn to cook healthy human food, except he hasn’t had any major kitchen experience in 200-odd years and it comes out as a disaster the first few times he tries it. 
- It turns into a teaching session between him and the other adult humans, turns out the old couple who owns the castle like to feed people. Rudy walks into Tony’s room with a tray piled so high Tony can’t see his head. 
-Always offering to fly around the castle to get things for Tony, even if he isn’t sick. 
- TikTok dances. Tony shows him, then teaches him. Rudy is shockingly good at them, but Gregory thinks he’s cringy. 
(Not me flexing my love of the good big brother trope, absolutely not, nope)
- Surprisingly rather take charge about the whole thing, he’s come around to the Thompson’s and the old couple. 
- While his parents help when they can, they sort of take a step back, and let the three siblings explain what’s happening in the world to the clan (if they are there). Being the oldest, Gregory sort of defaults to being the leader. 
-Checks in with the Thompson’s, as well as Otto and Emma (The old couple who run the place.) Asks if they need anything while they work/are in school etc. 
- Warns the clan to be very careful when visiting, not just for the Thompson’s, but also because Otto and Emma are getting on in years and could become sick very easily. Always asks for a heads up before a family visit. 
- Won’t tell anyone but, late at night if he’s not busy, he’ll do things around the castle for the humans, especially upkeep for Otto and Emma, while they sleep. 
- Dusting hard to reach spots like chandeliers, organizing books in the old castle library, moving heavy furniture and stuff since he can fly. 
-Low key drags Rudy and Anna into helping him clean 
(”But Gregory, this is our home now too! I’m sure they don’t mind.” 
“Humans are fragile, and they’re letting us stay here out of kindness, so don’t be rude. Clean up after yourself little brother.” 
“He’s right you know.” 
“Of course I am. And don’t think you’re getting out of cleaning the rafters Anna, and stop leaving your books everywhere for them to pick up.” 
 ‘hmph.” )
- Of the vampires he’s lowkey the best at cooking human food. Tony, Rudy, and Anna just walk into the kitchen at night and Fredrick is just watching his eldest, genuinely amused, as he dances around the kitchen in a “Kill the Cook (Too late, I’m already dead)” apron, blasting out dad rock from the stereo. 
-Bonds with the Thompsons over cooking human food, especially Tony’s dad after he teaches Gregory what an “air guitar” move is. 
-Gregory discovers pinterest food aesthetics, and is a machine of baking, mixing, and decorating sweet candies/cakes/brownies. He wants his food to look pretty dang it. 
- Anna and Rudy just watch, silently judging him. 
- She’s just thriving tbh. 
- She has internet access now, and her brothers have never been more terrified. 
-If Gregory is the vampire equivalent of a pinterest mommy, Anna is the vampire equivalent of creepy diy aesthetic tiktokers. 
-Not like, bloody horror diy, but like, the subtly creepy but still sweet kind, like the Addams family or Coraline. 
- She learned needle arts with her mom, so she’s out here sewing Coraline dolls, or patchwork dresses a la Nightmare Before Christmas cause she CAN. 
-Makes her own handbag with those felt cartoonish vampire faces and big fake bat ears on the side. 
-Learns more modern patterns and stuff, but will make masks for the humans as gifts, cause she doesn’t want them to get sick. 
- After watching Coraline together, she made “Other Me” dolls of her brothers, button eyes included, and stuck them in their coffins. She would make them “move’ by flying them around to different rooms when her brothers weren’t looking, just to freak them out. 
- Spoiler alert: it worked. They ran to Tony for help and she laughed over it for days. 
- Anna loves adventure books to Rudy’s poetry and Gregory’s fables/folk tales. She hates being excluded from her brothers “adventures”. 
-Tony introduces her to comics and video games and she just lives her best life. 
-One of her favorite comic book character is Cassandra Cain/Blackbat/The Orphan.
- She loves books like Matilda, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Giver, as well as games like the Lara Croft/Tomb Raider series. 
-VICIOUS at video games, this girl has no mercy, she will blue shell you so hard. 
The Adults: 
-Life is Hard(TM) right now, but the Thompson’s try to make the best of it. They’re very grateful to Otto and Emma for letting them stay. 
-They’re both working remotely, so they’re a little messed up sleep schedule wise. But that’s ok, their vampire friends don’t seem to mind. 
- Freda teaches Dottie how to make proper tea, cause she likes it and Dottie is sort of addicted to caffeine. Dottie teaches Freda how to make mochas and smoothies, Dottie likes mango-pineapple smoothies and Freda likes hot white chocolate mochas with cinnamon. 
-Surprisingly, Frederick and Bob become pretty good friends. Frederick understands the stress of having to care for your family in very uncertain times, and the two men bond over unsure parental decisions. 
-Bob is also surprisingly good at making Frederick loosen up, much to Freda and Dottie’s amusement. While initially awkward, they have a surprisingly snarky and sarcastic sort of friendship. Frederick deadpans insults at him and Bob cheerfully annoys him into Being Nice For Once while being completely aware of the fact that he’s annoying Frederick. 
-Meals where Bob cooks often consists of him singing oldies into his spatula, making bad impression of certain singers, including Elvis and Cher. He is occasionally joined by Tony and Gregory, making the entire family laugh. 
- Anna’s bones may be old, but she can hand sew like a goddess, and has occasionally taken to fixing up the kids’ torn clothes, as Dottie can barely keep straight lines and Freda prefers knitting. 
- Someone (read: Freda) mentions that Frederick can play the cello, and after a rousing performance, it turns out that Otto can play an accordion, and of course Bob can play the guitar. A jam session occurs as the kids just stare in utter bewilderment.
- Tony’s grandparents were kinda hippies, so Bob and Dottie know a lot of oldies and folk songs, which while different than from what they normally hear, Otto and Anna connect too. They swap songs back and forth, and it turns out Dottie can do a mean Loretta lynn impression. 
- Dottie likes the Beach Boys, and teaches the others how to Twist. As in, the dance, and Freda actually likes it quite a bit. 
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star-six7 · 4 years
Running Away and Hiding With You
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Mikey Way x Gender Neutral!Reader (ending 1 of 4 for Here In This House of Wolves)
Word Count: 1444
A/N: Here’s the Mikey ending! The others will be posted today and tomorrow, hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction. No part of this story is meant to be libel, slander, or in any way derogatory towards any character’s real life counterpart. I’m not delusional; I know that these characters are simply based off of a public persona and may not actually resemble the people behind those personas. Any additional characters that you do not recognize are entirely fictional, unless otherwise stated. And finally, if you got here by Googling yourself, whatever happens next is 100% on you.
You began to fidget as you listened to the hosts explain the rules for the walkthrough. While you knew that they were likely playing it up for their own enjoyment, seeing as the band were likely the first visitors they had had in a long time, you couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious. They urged everyone not to run, panic, or get separated, as it was apparently very easy to become disoriented. Yikes. 
“Hey,” someone whispered from your left. You turned and noticed Mikey had edged his way out of the group to stand next to you. “You look a little green.”
“Oh. Uh. Just not convinced that we’re not about to get murdered. Or kidnapped.” You were slightly embarrassed that you were visibly nervous about a volunteer-run, small town haunted house, especially in front of Mikey. Though it was silly, there was still a part of you that had never gotten over the “impress him” phase of your crush.  
Mikey glanced up towards the others and smiled. “Honestly? I’m not crazy about the whole thing either. Let’s go.”
And before you knew what was happening, Mikey took your arm and led you out the door before the others even had a chance to turn around.
After a few minutes of standing by the van, waiting to see if anyone else would follow, you felt the need to break the silence. “I didn’t mean to talk you out of going.” “Not at all. I love Gerard and all, but sometimes his sense of self-preservation…”
“Or lack thereof,” you finished.
“Exactly. You wanna try and find Main Street? I’m pretty sure I saw an ice-cream shop or something back there.”
After a few dead ends and wrong turns, you and Mikey ended up being the only two customers in the ice-cream shop. When the bored-looking teenager running the store handed you your cone, you moved over to lean against the window and watched as Mikey agonized over his order. You tried in vain to hide your smile as he finally decided on a quadruple scoop (chocolate, vanilla, mint chip, and cookie dough, to be exact) with sprinkles, and of course, a cherry on top.
“What?” He pretended to be offended as he noticed your barely concealed laughter. “Can’t a man be particular about his ice cream without being mocked for it?” Your snickering turned into full-blown laughter, which only led to Mikey cracking up with you. Moments like these reminded you exactly why you fell for Mikey in the first place. Though he seemed so quiet and reserved to others, he was funny, kind, smart, and an amazing friend when you got to know him. You suspected it was part of the reason he seemed to know everyone, even the most casual acquaintance, so well. He kept his cards close to his chest. Which, unfortunately, made it almost impossible to tell if he returned your feelings.
When you were finished, and Mikey had eaten enough of his ice-cream to the point where it wasn’t about to topple onto the sidewalk, you decided to wander down the street some more, hoping to fill the time before the others were done. Or murdered. A few minutes later, Mikey tugged on your sleeve as you were staring into the storefront of a tiny antique shop.
“Check it out,” he said, pointing to a Halloween store across the street. He looped his arm through yours as you stepped off the curb.
Unsurprisingly, being a member of My Chemical Romance and entering a Halloween store was the equivalent of a kid walking into a Toys ‘R Us with a 200 dollar gift card. You and Mikey practically ran to the center display, an homage to some of the greatest cult-classic horror movies of all time. You quizzed each other on your favorites, seeing who could get the reference first and retelling the best parts. Soon enough, you moved on to the costume section, where it turned into a contest of who could find the creepiest mask or most grotesque makeup kit. Finally, the excitement began to wind down as the two of you got to the decorations.
“Oh, hey. Spiders. We should totally get Frankie a little present,” you said, smirking.
Mikey shook his head. “And wake up to a knife in my pillow? No thanks.”
“Or bats,” you suggested. “They’re pretty cool. Everyone likes bats.”
You dug through the bin until you landed on one at the very bottom. “Look!” You held it up so he could see. It was a plush bat wearing a red scarf and a pair of glasses. “It’s you. I’m totally getting it.”
For reasons unknown to you, he couldn’t quite keep the smile off his face as you tugged him over to the register.
Not long after you had left the store, Mikey glanced at his watch. “Oh shit,” he muttered. “It’s been almost two hours. There’s no way they’re not done by now, we gotta get back to the van.”
“Definitely. Death by Brian isn’t exactly how I want to go.”
Much to both your and Mikey’s surprise, the van was empty when you got back to the haunted house. 
“Damn it, Gerard,” you sighed. “I knew there were murderers in there.”
Mikey snorted. “Gerard wishes.”
“Oh yeah. Him and his melodrama.”
The conversation lapsed back into a comfortable silence as you stared at the doors of the building, wondering when the others would come back.
“Damn,” Mikey exhaled as he turned his collar up against the now-biting fall wind. “Wish I had thought to snag the keys from Brian before we made our great escape.”
You shuffled into his side. “Well, I can take your mind off it, at least.”
“How so?”
“By giving you your gift, of course.” You pulled the bat out of the bag. “Here. So you’ll always remember the one Halloween where you chose to be sensible with me and escape certain doom.”
Mikey smiled as he took the plush. He turned it over in his hands a few times before his expression became more serious. “So, I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you why I really asked you to come with me. Aside from escaping homicide, of course.” He swallowed, apparently trying to rid himself of nerves. “I… I really like spending time with you. I mean, I’ll take it any way I can get it. Remember that time I volunteered to walk a mile and a half in the snow with you to get that can of gas?”
You laughed, trying to ignore the way you felt your heartbeat quickening hopefully.
“Well… I guess what I’m trying to say is that I really like you in general. All of you, all the time, not just when we’re going on wild adventures or playing shows. And I understand if you want to pretend I didn’t just say all of that, or if you’re worried about the band, but. You deserve to know. Just… don’t leave me hanging, okay?”
“Mikey, I… I really like you too. And whatever happens next, with Warner, or the record, or- or any of it, I want it to be with you. All of you, all the time.” The slightly apprehensive look on Mikey’s face gave way to a smile that could rival your own. 
And, of course, the rest of the band chose that exact moment to come crashing through the doors of the building, running like hell.
“Unlock it, unlock it, unlock it!” Gerard yelped, as he pushed past you and MIkey, banging on the door of the van. He looked more pale than you had ever seen him, an impressive fate given his usual stage makeup. 
“I hate to say ‘I told you so,’ but, I told you so,” Brian sighed as he unlocked the doors to the van. Frank, who had been snickering the entire time, ratcheted up his laughter into a full-blown cackle, which of course, caused Ray to shove him, and they both fell into yet another wrestling match on the floor of the van. You and Mikey climbed in over them, your subtly intertwined hands gone unnoticed in the chaos. Up front, Brian was griping about not being able to find the map, and Gerard was staring pensively out the window, likely about to start writing a song about his near-death experience. Apparently, almost being murdered couldn’t put a damper on the strange chaos you now called home.
“Everybody ready?” Brian called, glancing in the rearview. 
You looked down at your hand in Mikey’s and smiled. Yeah, you were definitely ready. For this tour and whatever came next.
A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Stay tuned for the other endings, and as always, requests are open!
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nightfayre · 4 years
a donation drabble request for the ever kind and supportive Ayobami @tps31! thank you SO MUCH for your donation and support!! you’ll never know how much it means to me <3
prompt: tianshan quarantine fluff, aka “why the hell am I stuck in a house with you all day every day?”
(a/n: this is just a random thought but I honestly don’t think I’ve written a fic about the boys still in middle school like, ever, so thank you so much for this prompt! it was so refreshing to write them as the flustered, airheaded, and teasing boys they are!) <3
tianshan, 3600 words, rated T
*   *   *
Guan Shan hates this. 
The laundry basket next to his. The pair of shoes at the front door. The extra toothbrush in his bathroom, and the second phone charger plugged in next to his bed. There’s a gray duffel bag taking up the corner of his bedroom and a black jacket draped over the back of his desk chair. None of it takes up too much space, carefully put into their respective places and never crossing the boundary, but—
Guan Shan hates it.
And, what’s worse: he never asked for this. He was stupid enough to mention He Tian’s name at the dinner table one night; a passing comment he hadn’t really thought about. But then his mother had paused with a spoonful of miso soup at her lips, pensive.
“He Tian,” she’d echoed, as if the name felt foreign but sweet on her tongue. “Isn’t that the one who lives near the center of the city? The one who lives alone? The tall and polite and handsome one of your friends?”
“Uh,” Guan Shan had said, smirking with distaste. “Yeah. Sure. That one.”
“Poor thing. Alone throughout all of this mess.” She sighed. “Why does he not live with his family?”
And Guan Shan had thought about it for a moment, sifting through his mind like pressing rewind on a VHS. “I don’t know,” he’d admitted, reaching for the soy sauce. “Never asked.”
She nodded, thinking. “Well, you should invite him over, then.”
Guan Shan choked. 
Oblivious, his mother had continued: “Have him stay a few nights. No one should be left alone throughout this entire period. Who knows how long this will last, what with how many cases that have been reported. He’ll go stir crazy by himself, poor soul.”
“He’s already stir crazy,” Guan Shan said, eyes watering from a dislodged grain of rice. “I don’t want him here, ma. I’ll literally do anythin’ else. Seriously.”
She’d given him a disappointed look. “Ah-Shan, I thought I raised you to have a little more compassion than that.”
“Trust me, a person like him doesn’t need compassion.”
“Now, you don’t know that,” she reprimanded. She tapped her chopsticks against her bowl, succinct. “After we finish dinner, you should reach out to him and invite him to spend the week with us.”
“A week?”
“Well, now that school is postponed and I’m working from home, wouldn’t it be nice to have company for a bit?”
“Ma, please—“
“You will text him, Ah-Shan. No excuses. The world needs kindness right now, and we will do whatever we can to contribute to it.”
And that, unfortunately, was that. 
That night, Guan Shan deleted the message immediately after he sent it, as if that would erase it out of his memory, too. But it was hard to forget the string of skeptical yet blaringly enthusiastic string of response texts that followed the invite, and even harder to forget the sight of He Tian at their front door half an hour later, duffel bag slung over his shoulder and smile bright as he greeted Guan Shan’s mother with practiced sweetness and feigned gratitude. 
Guan Shan hated it. 
But as his mother shot him a warning look, Guan Shan couldn’t do anything about it. Couldn’t just ignore him like he did, sometimes, at school.
And now, five days in, there’s a knock at the bathroom door. 
“Little Mo, are you naked?”
Running a towel over his hair, Guan Shan scowls at his reflection in the mirror, still foggy from the steam. “Fuck off, chickenshit.”
“I’m kidding.” He can hear the smile in He Tian’s voice. “I just need to brush my teeth.”
“Then you can wait.”
“It’s been twenty minutes, sweetheart. Are your showers usually this long?”
“That’s an average fuckin’ time for showers!”
A hum, muffled by the closed door. “Really? Mine only take ten, and that’s generous considering the precious amount of time I spend washing my—”
The thunk of the lotion bottle against the door rattles its hinges. “Fuck off!” 
He waits until he hears He Tian’s footsteps recede. Guan Shan hates that he knows He Tian is walking away with that smug-as-all-hell smile, satisfied. 
He dresses quickly after that, doing his best to ignore the citrus-scented face wash by the faucet and the contact lens case by the hand soap. The first time he’d seen all of He Tian’s things laid out like this on his bathroom counter was something like a revelation. It was like some things clicked into place, unbidden. Now it makes sense why Guan Shan sometimes thinks he catches a whiff of lemonade every time He Tian gets too close, and why He Tian looks like he’s scowling whenever he reads but, really, it’s just because he’s blind as a fucking bat and has to squint to see fine print. 
If nothing else, Guan Shan suspects at least something valuable might come out of all this time he’s forced to spend together with He Tian — (read: blackmail) — but then again, He Tian hasn’t commented on the old, stained state of Guan Shan’s pillow like Guan Shan thought he would because he’s used it since he was four and can’t really sleep well if he’s not using that specific pillow. And he also hasn’t said anything about the way Guan Shan jumps, sometimes, when the toaster springs up his toast in the mornings because he never fucking sees it coming and it — sometimes — causes him to drop his jam knife.
A stalemate, Guan Shan supposes as he pulls his shirt over his head. Except, deep down, he knows that He Tian probably isn’t even aware that such a concept exists. After all, what would He Tian be if not someone to fight ‘til a broken victor is left standing? 
By the time Guan Shan walks out into the living room, it’s ten o’clock. His mother, having finished washing the dishes because Guan Shan made dinner, is nowhere in sight, likely huddled up in her bedroom with a book like she always does before bed. That leaves He Tian alone on the couch, casually flipping through TV stations in a t-shirt and sweats, and he doesn’t see Guan Shan at first when the latter turns the corner. 
“Bathroom’s open, dipshit,” Guan Shan mutters. He Tian looks up as Guan Shan approaches, settling on the opposite end of the couch.
“About time.” He Tian tosses Guan Shan the remote, and he barely catches it before it smacks against his chest. Standing, He Tian smiles and says, “Find something good to watch by the time I get back, okay?”
“I don’t work at your beck and call,” Guan Shan seethes. But despite his retorts, his fingers find the remote buttons as He Tian saunters back to the bathroom, hands in pockets and steps quiet against the creaky floors. 
For a while, there really is nothing interesting on any of the channels. Guan Shan flies past a romcom, an old horror film, a few cartoons, the dreaded news. Nothing catches his attention — and he feels exhaustion coming on quick. He thinks, maybe, of just going to bed. But behind the apartment’s thin walls, he can hear the water running from the faucet. Despite himself, he frowns. 
It’s odd, really. He never thought he could get used to the image of He Tian’s broad frame hunched over his sink in the mornings, or the way He Tian can reach the bowls at the top of the cupboards without going on his toes, or the sight of He Tian’s nape pressed against the twin-sized air mattress on the floor of Guan Shan’s bedroom. He never thought anyone could make his mother laugh as much as he can, or finish puzzles as fast as he can, and he certainly never thought that his mother would spill Guan Shan’s childhood stories to someone she’d only met... once? Twice? He doesn’t keep track. He never had to before. 
Nevertheless, it’s not nearly enough time to warrant such trust. Such comfort. 
Guan Shan hates it. 
But in the midst of his lamenting, the faucet shuts off. A few moments later He Tian returns. And when he plops back onto the couch — too close — he smells of mint and vanilla-scented chapstick. 
Too aware of his presence and the way his knee almost touches Guan Shan’s, Guan Shan takes a long second to snap back to reality when He Tian asks, “What’s this?”
Guan Shan blinks. On the TV, there’s some kind of documentary playing. A narrator drones over the images of a complex space aircraft, and the camera pans out to show footage of the stars it swims in. As the screen switches to an interview of someone very important-looking in a suit, Guan Shan scowls.
“I don’t know. Nothin’s on.”
He Tian stretches his arms above his head, long and lithe. “Well,” he says, drawn with a sigh, “if you’re trying to put me to sleep, it might actually work.”
“Fuck off, I don’t control the damn stations,” Guan Shan bites. “And you shouldn’t be tired to begin with. You did jack shit today, just like every other day.”
He Tian looks at him, the corners of his eyes softened with drowsiness in a way that Guan Shan has become used to seeing. 
“That’s not true,” He Tian says. “I went with you to pick up supplies so your mom can sew masks. And we went to get the mail downstairs. And I helped you go grocery shopping—“
“You fuckin’ stood there with the cart and didn’t help at all—“
“—and I chopped the onions and peppers for dinner. That’s a lot. I’m exhausted.”
“That’s a normal person’s life,” Guan Shan says, exasperated. “Honestly, what the hell did you do all your life until quarantine?”
He Tian seems to take a moment to genuinely think about his answer. “Homework,” he offers, brows a bit pulled. “Basketball. School, obviously. I usually go to the convenience store for dinner, but sometimes I’ll get takeout. And I don’t get mail, but my groceries get delivered to me, so.”
And then he looks at Guan Shan, almost as if expecting some kind of praising reaction — but Guan Shan can only stare. 
“That’s ridiculous,” Guan Shan says after a long moment. “That’s ridiculous and fuckin’ miserable. You live like a robot, and a broken one at that.”
Silence. Then He Tian sits up a little straighter, as if a puppetmaster had pulled on his strings.
“I mean, I used to take piano lessons,” he says, frowning as he rubs at his neck. “And Cheng took me to shooting ranges. And…” A pause. “Camping. Yeah, we went camping some weekends. Went to rivers and fished together all day. I caught a few sometimes.”
Guan Shan blinks. “What, are you tryin’ to prove somethin’ to me right now?”
And He Tian shrugs. “Maybe.”
The answer takes Guan Shan by surprise. But He Tian’s face is neutral — expression always so put together — and Guan Shan wonders if maybe He Tian is lying to him. Building up some kind of persona again just to tear it down later. Because, surely, with that much fucking money and privilege, the guy doesn’t just sit there in that empty apartment all day and twiddle his thumbs. Surely, with his reputation, he has a regular posse of socialites always seeking him out and inviting him to some kind of get-together or event. Surely, considering all that he is, He Tian doesn’t waste his time looking for, or teasing, or protecting, or calling up—
“Guan Shan?” He Tian says, mouth a little twisted. “You still awake?”
The low rambling of the space documentary suddenly seems louder. Guan Shan swallows, once, then forces himself to look away. 
“You make no fuckin’ sense to me,” Guan Shan mutters. Then: “When are you leavin’?”
“Ouch,” He Tian remarks in an empty but unsurprised tone, shifting back on the couch. After a moment, he shrugs and responds, “Depends. Your text said a week but your mom says forever.”
A scowl. “She didn’t fuckin’ say that.”
He Tian smiles. “No, she didn’t. But she did say as long as I wanted — which, really, isn’t that much different from forever.”
Guan Shan swallows; feels inexplicable heat crawl up his neck like a spider, and he clenches his jaw against it. 
“You should go live with your own family,” he says, staring ahead. “I’m sure they’ve got all the time in the world to shower you with attention.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees He Tian smirk. 
“If I didn’t want to live with them at the best of times, what makes you think I would want to live with them at the worst of times?”
Guan Shan considers that. “This… isn’t the worst of times.”
“There’s a pandemic with no cure killing hundreds of people every day,” He Tian says, bland. “School is practically cancelled. People aren’t going to work. You invited me over to your home, unprompted. Even I know, with all things considered, that these are pretty bad times.”
Guan Shan can’t argue that. Instead he stares at the television, watching an astronomer point out weird symbols on some kind of map. It takes a lot of concentration to focus on nothing. After all, if he shifts his gaze any more to the right, he’ll see He Tian. If he lets his eyes slide down any further, he’ll see the way He Tian’s knee is still too close to his own. Both are dangerous territories for dangerous thoughts, and he doesn’t want anything to do with either. 
After a moment of silence, Guan Shan says, “You know, you should get friends. Real friends, and not your fuckin’ fangirl group.”
He Tian raises a brow. “I have you and Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi.”
“That’s not—” And then Guan Shan stops, frowning, because he’s not actually sure what their ragtag mess of a group isn’t. Instead, he swallows and pathetically hides behind: “I’m not your fuckin’ friend.”
It’s the wrong thing to say. Or, maybe, it’s exactly what He Tian thought what he’d say. Guan Shan isn’t sure; he’s never fuckin’ sure when it comes to him. But it doesn’t stop him from tensing up when He Tian turns to face him, fully. Wholly. It leaves no escape, and Guan Shan realizes with a sour kind of reluctance that he has no choice but to look back.
“No?” He Tian asks, meeting his gaze. “Then, what are you to me?”
The way the television’s screen lights up He Tian’s face — it’s like looking at a painting, alone in the museum, at the dusk of day. Blue hues shine through his hair, dim, and his eyes are only bright enough to reflect the silhouette of Guan Shan sitting in front of him. It’s eerie, how the both of them are so undefined in this moment. Maybe, in a way, that’s easier. 
Guan Shan’s voice feels thick when he says, “I’m not answerin’ that.”
“I don’t— need to.”
“Why?” And then: “Overthinking it?”
Guan Shan flares. “What? What the fuck does that— No, I just— I don’t need to answer fuckin’ anything, asshole. I… I owe you jack shit.”
Silence responds to him. He Tian watches him; studies him. Guan Shan feels like a specimen under his gaze, split apart layer by layer under the microscope. He feels like, somewhere, something in him is splintering. And He Tian is watching it happen. 
“I don’t have a fuckin’ answer,” Guan Shan admits, sudden, like a sinner in a confession booth, heavy and quiet and raspy. “Okay? I told you, you don’t make any goddamn sense to me. You wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for my ma.”
He Tian soaks that in, almost as thoroughly as he takes in the sight of Guan Shan’s flushed scowl. 
“You didn’t want me here?” he says, teasing.
“No, dipshit. Every time you’ve been here hasn’t been because I asked you to be.”
He Tian smirks. “Ouch,” he says again, except this time it’s said in a way that pricks Guan Shan like a rose thorn.
Guan Shan pushes down the heavy feeling in his throat. “I don’t know what you were expectin’,” he says, truthfully. 
And then He Tian looks away, rolling his head. There’s a kind of empty look in his eyes that Guan Shan thinks he recognizes, and after a moment he realizes it’s the same look he’s seen in He Cheng’s eyes in the few rare times they’d crossed paths.
“I wasn’t expecting a pandemic,” He Tian says. His voice sounds loud in the small room. “I wasn’t expecting school break to get extended. I wasn’t expecting all the restaurants to close, and for all the store’s shelves to be wiped clean.” He runs his tongue along his teeth. “But I guess, for some reason, I was expecting a text from you after weeks of nothing.”
It hits Guan Shan, hard and heavy, like a ring-laden fist against his cheek. The last time he’d seen He Tian before all of this mess was a month ago — more — and at the time, none of them had known that this is how it would turn out. How could they? It’d only taken a week for things to turn south, and Guan Shan was too busy worrying of how he and his mom were going to file for unemployment to think of the way his phone had been silent for longer than he’s been used to. 
He wants to pull it out right now; check his recent messages. It would be with a sort of disbelief when he would find the timestamp on He Tian’s contact, he already knows. But the shock wouldn’t come from his own lack of outreach. No, his perplexity would stem from He Tian, the same person who couldn’t go a single weekend without a conversation about nothing over Facetime back when things were normal. The same person who, apparently, hadn’t messaged him once until Guan Shan texted him that dreadful night five days ago. 
Had he been— testing Guan Shan?
“I didn’t reach out to anybody else,” Guan Shan hears himself saying. The words taste bitter as they leave his mouth. What is he doing? What does he have to justify? “I... It was weird, those first few days of the lockdown order, and my ma and I— we had a lot goin’ on. It wasn’t— I mean, I haven’t talked to Zheng Xi or Jian Yi this whole time either. I just... don’t have time. Or, I did, but it wasn’t urgent. I— yeah, I barely use my phone anymore, anyway. I’m always at home now so I just... don’t need it.”
He stops, his tongue feeling thick. He Tian isn’t looking at him, but he knows he’s listening. Somehow, the thought makes it even worse. 
“What,” He Tian suddenly says, and there’s a curl to his mouth that he can’t seem to help, “are you trying to prove something to me right now?”
“I—“ Guan Shan flares, teeth clenched and ears hot. “Fuck you. No, I’m not, asshole. I’m actually rescuin’ your damn pride, but apparently you’ve got too fuckin’ much.”
“Hey, hey,” He Tian says, wrapping his fingers around Guan Shan’s wrist when he makes to get up. “Come on. Don’t make me finish this documentary by myself.”
Guan Shan scowls. “I’m tired. Let go.”
“Then we can sleep on the couch,” He Tian replies — and then almost as if it were an afterthought: “again.”
Guan Shan warms at the implication of it. “Why the fuck would I do that when my room is around the corner?” he hisses. 
He Tian tugs his arm. “Because I’ll follow you anyway since I’ve only got two days left with you and I’m not letting today end like this.” He smiles. “We’re not sleeping yet. I’m selfish.”
“I could’ve fuckin’ told you that,” Guan Shan mutters, dry. But he relaxes, settling back on the couch, and eventually He Tian lets him go. The skin he had touched feels electric in his absence.
“Let’s make popcorn and ride this out,” He Tian says, settling against a throw pillow. His eyes, no longer empty, are content as they drift back to the screen.
Hand in chin, Guan Shan smirks. “We both brushed our teeth already. I’m not doin’ it again.”
“Tomorrow, then.” He Tian gestures to the TV. “Popcorn and something more interesting than this.”
“If you think this is so damn boring, then why are you still here?”
“When else will I find an opportunity to spend time with you like this after I leave?”
Guan Shan doesn’t respond. After a moment, He Tian huffs. 
“That’s when you’re supposed to invite me back over in the future, little Mo,” he says, amused. Guan Shan shoots him a warning look as the documentary goes to a commercial break. 
“Don’t push your luck,” he snaps. “And don’t try to convince my ma, either.”
He Tian hums, shifting, and Guan Shan suppresses a flinch when his knee presses up against his. Warm. “I hadn’t even thought about that. That might be the agenda for tomorrow, now.”
“I’m sick of you,” Guan Shan growls. And He Tian laughs, like it’s the funniest thing ever, how easily he can get under Guan Shan’s skin and force him to worry about nothing and get him to stay with him to watch shitty television all within the span of twenty minutes. How Guan Shan has managed to survive more than three days is an incredible feat. How he’s unable to chase away the thought of inviting He Tian over for dinner after he leaves, sometimes, is an inexplicable one. 
And when the documentary comes back on with a cheap intro jingle and the streaming quality of a disposable camera, Guan Shan feels He Tian’s foot hook against his and tries to convince himself, over and over:
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.
*  *  *
thank you for reading! likes/reblogs would be greatly appreciated, as this fic is dedicated to the Black Lives Matter movement. if you would like a fic/drabble written for you (and you want to support the BLM cause!), please see this post!
have an incredible week! <3
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