#So this ends up in a lot of humour directed towards poles.
council-of-beetroot · 10 months
Alfred messing with Feliks
Sounds about right (he's saying something about sandwiches but I can't tell what exactly) seriously when anyone speaks any language with an American accent the r sticks out like a sore thumb
I've heard polish being compared to keyboard smash language, tv static, and bees.
Reminds me of this fanart comic which I can't find the artist because Pinterest is shit.
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Heyo, I have an ask for you! It is about a bit of an uncomfortable topic though. How is sex viewed in Toon Town and by Toons in general? Here let me clarify. The human world is a very sexualized one. You can see this sexualization everywhere, in Mass Media, in literature, constant hints (explicit or not so explicit) in TV shows or movies or even cartoons etc. All those sexy models on magazines or Instagram, although not very explicit, it's clear what they are hinting at. Heck, the most watched thing by humans on the internet are adult films. So I was, wondering, how is the Toon society towards this subject? Is it taboo, like really taboo? Are they just as crazy about it as humans are (although I kinda doubt that)? Are their Mass Media and literature and magazines just as filled with sexual stuff like ours, or to them this is not so important?
And also, tied to this subject, can Toons even have children through sex, or is drawing the only way?
So sorry for the immense ask, I know you just posted a chapter and you're probably tired. You don't have to answer this immediately, take your time. Ok, sorry again, byee🥰
Sorry for the delay!
So...I don't think the Toon world is as sexualised as our world, definitely not. Humour is the main thing in Toon world and the funnier a toon is the more popular and sought-after within their own world they are.
However Toons do understand that Humans [like us] do design them to be appealing to us, so you end up with toons like Jessica Rabbit and Betty Boop. Now [and I'm using 'WFRR' as part of my reasoning behind this] this means that they're not seen as 'funny' and they have usually been designed for a specific TV Show, or as a one-off gag or something. So unless their TV show gets revived their work after it is usually limited to shop work/bar work that kind of thing.
The most sought-after jobs within Toon Town is directing [cartoons/animated TV shows] or working in the costumes department or something else connected with the company. However the toons more likely to get these jobs are the most well-knows/funny ones, like Droopy or Dopey. Or ones that have a specific talent for something like sewing for example. [To help the costume department out.]
Going back to the actual ask however the Humans [I.E. us] don't want to be surrounded by 'funny' toons all the time, so the companies put in a few 'sensible' ones or ones that look nice [to us] like Jessica Rabbit and Betty Boop in places like the Warner Brothers Canteen, for example. But even when the Toons get these jobs it's assumed that they've got them because they're 'good looking.'
Important note - 'Good looking' in Toon Culture is NOT a compliment, [Off-screen]. A toon is aiming to be Funny, Amusing, Kind, Intelligent, Witty, that kind of thing. 'Good-Looking' is very low down on there totem pole.
Toon Town also doesn't feature sex all the time. Go to Toon Town and you will see billboards with Daffy Duck being squashed under an anvil. [This is basically @preciouslittletoonette headcanon that the LT's [and some of the Disney Toons like Goofy] are viewed as our version of a muscle-bound man. You try and find something with Jessica Rabbit in it, and unless it's about her marriage to Rodger and you'll struggle to find anything.]
That said it is recognised by the majority of the Toons that 'good-looking' toons run a lot of risk going to be human world and are more likely to be at risk of stalking, even within Toon Town. [The wolves that howl at the good-looking female toons have been known to be...persistent, for example]. So a lot of the good-looking toons [especially the female ones] do have people looking out for them, and a few of them even employ body guards. [Big strong toons like Nasty Canasta and Popeye are favoured.] Aside from that if they have a husband/boyfriend [or in more modern times a girlfriend/partner] they’ll usually be more than happy to look out for them.
Anyway - onto the subject of children. Now this one is slightly taboo in Toon culture because it’s an extremely sensitive issue. Toons cannot have children biologically, they must be ‘created’ [used to be termed as ‘drawn’ but with more modern technology it was updated to ‘created.’]. Toons that are lucky enough to have children are usually expected to be very grateful and in the past it was seen as extremely disrespectful to complain about them [the kids]. Thankfully in about the 70,s/80′s Doctor Scratchensniff and Hello Nurse started to work on this attitude and - although you still have to be a bit careful especially with some of the older toons - it’s no longer seen as completely immoral to complain about how annoying the Toon Kids can be.
Onto the subject of creating a toon child. Now - all Toon children have to have a guardian, even if in canon they don’t have one. This is simple enough if you’re creating a child for a pre-existing character. Like Max for Goofy or Junior for Sylvester for example. The adult is simply the legal guardian. There’s then usually two more ‘Legal Guardians’ in case for some reason [like filming] the adult can’t be around for the child for a while. In Junior’s case his other two legal guardians are Sylvia [Sylvester’s wife and Junior’s mother] and Granny. In Max’s case it’s Mickey Mouse and Horace Horsecollar.  
This usually works well, but if for some reason a suitable guardian can’t be found [this is usually if the child has to many complex needs or was created with very specific powers or something] then there are children's home’s and orphanages for them to go to. If in their films they were staffed by Villains or amoral toons then those toons are replaced with toons who actually know what they are doing. 
Push comes to absolute shove and a child needs somewhere to stay for a little while that’s safe, both Doctor Scratchensniff and Hello Nurse have massive houses and are licensed to look after children [like Foster Carers] for a maximum of  a month while something else is sorted. 
Other adult toons can also apply to be adopted parents.  They go up in front of a panel and explain why they’d make good parents, they’re subject to back ground checks, their ‘created purpose [I.E. if they were created to be a villain or hero] is considered and they have to say what species they’re comfortable looking after. Providing they’re approved there’s then a trial period of a month, which is then extended to three months and finally 6 before everything goes full steam ahead. This process usually takes about a year. The final person to approve it is Hello Nurse. 
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liiahearts · 6 years
Babynort centric fic
Chapter 1
The story was perfect. Mostly because Xeha thought it was. The edginess, dark humour, unexpected climax and finally the unhappy ending. Surely, it was relatable in somewhat’s standards. Now all he had to do was add on the finishing touches. Grammar, spelling, all the visible critical mistakes he hadn’t noticed while writing. Just before continuing his work, he took a glance at the beeping clock next to him. His tired eyelids rose a little when he realised the time. It was about 4 a.m. when he finally realised he’d been burning the midnight oil working on this god forsaken story. As he leaned back on his chair, he took off his glasses and pinched the space between his eyes. Sighing, then stretching out his whole body where he sat.
“Sleep’s overrated anyways.” Blinking his eyes several times to test wether or not he’d fall asleep anytime soon. ‘Still not that tired, maybe I should go for a walk?’. After a moment of debating if he should risk himself getting caught by his grandfather for staying up so late ‘or waking up early if he’d ever assumed’, he was already at the door.
Coat ‘check’, socks and shoes ‘check and check’. He wasn’t planning on touching anything covered in snow, so gloves weren’t necessary. Going out this early in the morning before sun rise won’t hurt anybody. He would just be out for a moment before anyone in the household realise. ‘Just a quick walk’ he thought, justifying that nothing could go wrong from just a small jog. There wasn't any school that morning, so it won’t be such a big deal if he just slept in after breakfast.
Upon opening the door that made the oh so squeaky, lack of grease sound, the night wind that blew through the slight door crack gave him the first taste of sweet mother nature. The one he avoided at all cost by barricading himself in his own room. “Okay then. Let’s go.”
Just as he suspected, the sun had yet to rise and the air was a freezing cold. It made him feel shivers crawl up his spine. ‘What was it? December?’ He held himself together not wanting to tumble all over the place just because of the north pole in his backyard.
Walking over towards the the wooden fence, he simply opened the the door and he was met with a slightly snowy street. He stuffed his hands into his pockets when he felt the cold risen there. ‘Maybe I should’ve worn muffins.’ There was no point of turning back now, so he made his way down the narrowed path along the streets.
The neighbourhood felt like a ghost town at the dead of night. At the most on normal days, it was quieter. More peaceful. Noting that only a few people from his school lives here. Which included him and- “Xeha?”. At the sound of his name being called, his eyes lifted from the slim path to a boy covered from head to toe with warm clothing. He was around Xeha’s height, maybe a bit shorter.
His face was barely visible, alas the winter hat and scarf that covered only but his eyes. At first, Xeha failed to recognise him from sight but it was unlikely for a stranger to even know him. His best guess was the only person other than his family to even remember his name.
“Well that’s my name, Era. What in the world are you doing around this hour?” Coming closer to the heavily clothed boy, he had to bend a bit of his body forward to get a good look at him in the eye. There was no bother asking why he’d been so overly dressed this early in the morning. Knowing perfectly how low Era’s tolerance were to the cold.
“Well, I knew you’d be here despite your granddad grounding you for it.” The old coot however, had more of a name than Xeha could get from winning an essay writing competition. Everybody knew who Master Xehanort was, the next best thing were his twin sons. One that happens to be the father of a total nobody.
The urge to roll his eyes out hoping he’d see his brain at the back caught him. At least he’d knew he had some. Which he’d also noticed he made Era chuckle from his eye rolling movement. “Hey! What are you laughing at?”
Era continued to chuckle through his warm knitted scarf. “Your face!” He pointed at his in a humorous gesture. “Well at least I don’t have a stick up my ass, huh?” Xeha cocked his body straight up and lightly placed both his hands on his hips. Confidence wasn’t a stranger when it came to these sorts of accusations. Especially coming from Eraqus. Who abundantly filled the air with more laughter. Still, he was a bit strange sometimes enough to even leave a garboil look on Xeha.
On the contrary, the raven did agree with his silver haired friend. “You always seem to have the same syndrome. What? Does it run in the family?” He replied with the same amount of cockiness and attitude. It was the same foreplay they’d have before going down to real importance. Not that Xeha was really expecting to run into him this early.
Nor was he expected to narrow down a look of annoyance this early too. “Hey! What do you mean-hmp!” A scarf was quickly wrapped around his neck until it covered half his face. Noted that it also smelled like fresh baked cookies. “Grandma’s visiting?” Even though his voice was off and muffled, he knew Era heard the tease.
Eraqus only chuckled and ignored that statement and got to his point. “Didn’t bother getting a scarf out of that awful pile of laundry again. This is what I’m talking about.” Abruptly he turn completely the opposite direction and cocked his head to give Xeha a full view of his smug response. “Stick stuck up you’re butt?” He taunted as Xeha had just stood still.
Predictably, Xeha was ready to clobber the life out of Era as he attempted to jump him. That was when the other shoved a sealed letter onto his face. Evidently it was slapped right onto his nose. “Ow! What gives?”
Jokes were over. And so were the foreplay, as the mood turned serious when Xeha saw Era’s head was down facing the hard cobblestone. Xeha held onto the letter, then finally looked at it. Then finally understanding the slight change as his grey eyes swapped from the letter to his friend.
No, he wasn’t shocked. To be fair, he saw this coming but knew truly how hopeful his friend had been for him. “Eraqus, it’s okay. I’ll just try again-“. Surprisingly, Eraqus found his voice to protest. “I don’t think you’d wanna waste your time on them. You’ve sent your stories countless of times and they still rejected you. You’ve fixed everything they deemed flawed and it’s still not enough! Why do you even-“
“Because I want to, Era!” he said sternly. Facing Eraqus’ venting demands and standing for his own choices. Slowly, his features softened and he let out a huffing breathe. “I want people to read my stories and enjoy them. But I’ll see to this” he gestured to the damned thick letter, “and ask Mr. Eden what he thinks.” He made sure to give Era at least a reassuring smile. Noting that this wasn’t a big deal.
“I’m sorry, Xeha. All this fuss so early. I was actually planning on giving it to you later but-“ he felt a palm on the right of his shoulder. “There’s no time like the present my friend.” Lastly, he put it off with a big smile.
Finally, Eraqus returned the smile. When all that drama had cooled down in the matter, Xeha looked back at the letter. “Wonders me what they’re complaining about this time. Huh! Eden will give me an earful.”
Taken back by the suspicious look Era had suddenly threw him, he cocked up an eyebrow. “What?”. Era looked away from his questioning friend and tried a graceful swayed. “Oh nothing,” though Xeha could definitely sense the malice, “I for one, think your writing is great, but apparently ‘you’ need an excuse to see Mr.Eden.” He pointed an accusing finger at Xeha.
Abruptly, Xeha made the effort to loudly clear his throat to avoid the heat that was mercilessly running up his face and to throw off Eraqus’ ridiculous superstition. “Well, he has been helping me a lot with it. Of course I’m supposed to seek his help. Besides, he’s our ‘teacher’” Xeha sent him an equal look of glee.
Deciding to ignore the unconvinced scoff he received, he turned to move them to other discussions. While they were still together at this rare time.
“Well whatever.” Taking the gloved hand of his friend, he guided them to a different area. “Where are you taking me, Xeha?” Now, it was his turn to chuckle. Barely turning but he knew Era could hear him. “You know where!”
When they arrived, it had been an abandoned playground. The area was awfully neglected, with the snow almost covering the entire ground. Monkey-bars with only a few bars left. The swing set looking so rusty it would break. The slides were filled with holes.The field full with snow covered over grown grass. None of the apparatus were even safe for kids to use anymore. Yet, nobody had bothered to do anything about it.
Reasons hadn’t mattered, they never did because to Xeha and Era, this was their sanctuary. Nobody came here but them. And since the whole residence were filled with workaholic adults, it was really just for them anyways.
Xeha still had a handful of Era’s soft muffins. He pulled them towards the tallest slide. “But Xehaa! It’s like an hour before sun rise”. Regardless, they were already on top before they could debate anything. With that Era let out a sigh of defeat. While Xeha just chuckled in victory as he hugged the heavily clothed arm.
“Aww, come on Era. It’s usually the sunset. Rarely we get to watch it rise.” Nothing Era could do would stop Xeha if he was determined. So, he just followed his demands as his arm was being snuggled like by an oversized kitten. “The sun isn’t even up yet- Are you cold?”
Concern for the other’s well being, he considered taking off one of his coats. “Nah, I’m quite comfortable like this.” With that Era pushed the decision for later and instead let the other snuggle up him arm. “Then don’t blame me if you freeze to death.”
He noticed the other puff up a cheek and lightly heard mumbles of ‘you’re such a jerk sometimes.’
“Only sometimes hun.” He laughed it off.
Then having some of more things to talk about, like how much of a pain school’s gonna be the next day, the good and the bad. Good; when the nerd next to him finally gets to see his favourite teacher after only two days apart. Bad; when hell breaks, as freshmen gets put in their place by the Queen Bee on the first day.
If Jennifer Mckenzie were to ride a BMW, pressing the oil paddle with her high heeled boots, it’s better for even the police to get out of the way. For their own sake since she apparently have power on their own insurance. The chick was seen as flawless. A pictured goddess of the school, no, maybe the whole city.
But she didn’t exactly mattered to them. As long as their not the victims of her car crash, they were safe from her peripheral view.
All that chitter chatter finally got Xeha to fall sleep on Era’s shoulders. Peacefully he purred like a sleeping Cheshire cat waiting to pounce him if he’d dare let himself be off guard. Sighing, Era thought to himself if he’d know Xehanort that well to predict such movements. They were best friends after all. The best guess Era could make up for was as long as it’s them against the world, everything will go fine.
As long as NOTHING changes, everything will remain the same.
He smiled at the thought of being like this forever. And how naive and regrettable it will be.
After a few deep thought moments, he saw a small glimpse of light crept up from the horizon. Quickly he woke up the sleeping silver head next to him. “Xeha.” Softly at first. “Xehanort!” Then began the wild shaking.
“Uuhu! I’mupimupwhodied? Oh, it’s just you.” Letting out a big yawn, and allowing his retinas to readjust to his surroundings, he finally remembered where he was. Adding the note he was wearing a scarf and extra coat that wasn’t his.
Finally he took in the sight of that perfect sunrise. He smiled. Again, he let a tired yawn and leaned his head against Era’s shoulders. “Don’t you wish these moments would last forever?” Eraqus’s suddenness took him a moment into reality. Would he wish it? Yes. Did he realise how temporary it was? Also yes. In deep thought, Xehanort knew these moments only last in the present. And he’d doubt they’d have them again. It would only be wishful thinking. Alas to just satisfy Eraqus’ question, he decided to push those thoughts away and ignore the justification of his opinions. “Yeah, I kinda do.”
A/N: this is absolutely an AU and I’m getting used to writing the characters. So bare with me💓💓💓
Anyways... where em EraXeha/Xehaqus fics at!
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everlarkficexchange · 7 years
What Goes Around
Title: What Goes Around
Written by: @wildlyglittering
Prompt 44: Peeta has a gf before entering college where she meets Katniss. K&P are both in the same major/dept. They break up and he and Katniss become really close and everybody thinks they’re a thing but part of Katniss thinks he’s not over his ex so he never asks her out even if they have chemistry and all. Something happens and the ex ends up transferring to the same major/dept and Katniss is extremely frustrated because she’s fallen for Peeta but the ex is trying to make sure Peeta never gets over her
Rating: T (to start with)
Notes: Because there is something clearly wrong with me I decided to take two prompts and turn them both into WIPs. So this is part 1/ part of part 1 that is now a WIP.  I don’t know if I’m entirely happy with how this has turned out so far but thought I would give it a go!
“Well I don’t know. Have you tried under the stairs?” Her foot beat out a constant tap against the wood floor of the hallway as she eyed up the clock on the wall, the big hand steadily ticking its way to twelve. There was a reply from the receiver pressed to her ear but if she was honest she hadn’t heard a word. A minute into the conversation and Katniss had thrown out a series of locations in a panic, hoping to get her Mom off the line. She was, as it turned out, failing miserably.
The million-dollar question was why, with a few minutes until her class started, had she taken the call? Especially when she saw who it was calling. The only explanation was that guilt and a sense of daughterly responsibility had won out which had resulted in a ball of anxiety squirming in her gut for her efforts.
“Mom.” There was no sign of the other woman stopping but Katniss pressed on. “Mom. I have to go.” At those words her Mom’s voice took on a familiar wobbling tone but she knew if she stayed on the call any longer then she would be dealing with another of her mother’s episodes. “Mom, I’m going now. Bye. Bye.” She stressed the last goodbye with more finality before quickly ending the call before another word could be said.
“Jesus Christ.” With each syllable she gently hit the back of her head against the wall she was leaning on and took a moment to shut her eyes.
The desperation to leave home for college had built up over a long, hot summer and every moment she had been in that house, just her and her Mom, Katniss swore she was one minute nearer to committing a random act of violence. When the start of semester finally arrived, she threw everything she had into her old rucksack, chucked it in the car and drove off at full speed.
For about five blissful minutes she had been free.
Before she stupidly, stupidly, answered the phone she had been heading into Professor Abernathy’s Psych class and was now late. Three lectures in and she wasn’t too sure what she had learnt about Psychology so far but she had learnt that Abernathy was a mean, rude man. Due to the classes popularity and mismatched lecture hall size, being late meant you didn’t get a seat. The Professor held a ‘no seat, no stay’ policy, stating that those who wanted to attend his class would ‘damn well be on time.’ In previous lectures those who hadn’t quite made it and who had nervously twitched and hovered by the door were unceremoniously kicked out. One even had a pen thrown in their direction.
That morning Katniss got to watch, with increasing alarm, as fellow students filed in ahead of her. She took a moment to question whether she needed to attend the class at all, contemplating taking a non-attendance mark over public humiliation. The problem was Professor Abernathy also operated a rather strict ‘three strikes’ rule for no-shows and with circumstances the way they were she knew she couldn’t risk it. Those non-attendance marks needed to be bankable.
She groaned out loud to the quiet hallway. There was only one thing to do. “Fuck. My. Life,” she muttered and hoisted her bag over her shoulder. Public humiliation it was then. If she was quick she stood a chance at successfully ducking from whatever it was he decided to throw at her and if a miracle occurred then she might be able to sneak in unnoticed and discover an empty sear. Please, she begged, to no one, to the universe. You have everything else. Just give me this one thing.
Katniss pushed the door open and crept in, her stomach instantly stopping its fight to flee her body. The place where the grumpy, dark haired man usually stood at the front of the hall was…. empty. The miracle she had wanted had happened, she had somehow arrived before the professor. Thank you, she thought. Maybe pathetic pleading does work.
In the absence of an adult, a proper adult, the lecture hall was buzzing. Students sat chatting away to each other, leaning across rows to reach people they knew or were taking the time to scroll through their phones. Some students, the extremely pretty group of blonde girls that gravitated towards each other in lecture one, were even taking selfies. Katniss walked up the first steps past them, rolling her eyes. This is what people did when they found themselves at a loose end? She could be wrong but she was sure class was for learning, not for making friends.
Despite the win on a temporarily absent professor, she was faced with her second battle. Her eyes scanned the lecture hall for a seat and succeeded only in find a whole lot of nothing. Well shit. Maybe this was why people made friends with classmates. When you end up in a crappy class with bad seating arrangements at least a friend could help you out when you ran late. She turned around and was about to head out the door in defeat when she heard it. Over the noise of the talking and the laughter, Katniss thought she heard a yell of ‘hey by the door!’
Frowning, she looked up and around, her eyes sweeping over the heads of her peers. Then she saw it. Six rows up on the right side by the aisle. An arm waved in the air followed by another shout from a voice, a guy’s voice. “Hey, do you want a seat?”
Katniss looked behind her quickly to see if another tardy student had followed behind her. No. Just her.
“Yeah, you with the braid. There’s a spare here!”
Heat flushed her cheeks. Well this was public humiliation on a different level. A quick glance around however, told her that no one seemed to have paid any attention. Her foot waivered on the step. It was probably a matter of minutes before Professor Abernathy turned up and Katniss had learnt the hard way that beggars couldn’t be choosers. Gritting her teeth, she made her way up the stairs towards where the arm was still waving. Great, she got to be a charity case here too.
When she reached the seat, the guy was bent down, shoving his bag onto the floor of the spare seat next to him as he moved across to it, freeing up the aisle one for Katniss. A quick look at his back told her nothing aside from the fact he had wavy blonde hair and very broad shoulders. Jock, she noted. I see how this is. A dumb jock who thinks he can copy from me. This day is just getting better,
She murmured a quick ‘thanks,’ and threw her own bag onto the ground sliding into the seat next to his, keeping her eyes down whilst hoping that would be the full level of their interaction.
There was a chirpy, “you’re welcome!” followed by a pause. “I saw you on the phone out there and thought you might want a seat saved. I know how this class gets.”
He was obviously a talker. Marvellous. If she humoured him and thanked him again he may just accept it and leave her in peace. If he didn’t, then she would tell him, in no uncertain terms, that she wasn’t interested in conversation. Katniss turned to look at him, her mouth open with a quick and curt reply.
Oh. Oh. He wasn’t entirely what she was expecting. He was grinning at her. No, not grinning, beaming at her, a wide and pleasant smile spreading across an equally pleasant face. She realised that her mouth was still open but no reply was coming out. She quickly spoke, “um yeah. Thank you. Again.”
“You’re welcome. Again!”
She mustered a small smile at him and looked down at her bag, readying to get her notebook out but he must have read the smile as a sign of encouragement because he leant towards her, his voice low. “You know he does it deliberately?”
“Professor Abernathy overbooks his classes on purpose. It’s not because he likes to make people suffer,” he shrugged. “Ok, maybe there’s a bit of that, but it’s his specialist area of interest. His first ever thesis was on in-group and out-group behaviour in stress related situations.” He leaned in, even closer, and Katniss saw that his eyes, a remarkable shade of blue, were shining with humour. “A few years ago he took his final thesis students on a survivalist week and created awful living conditions to see how they would react. It was so bad that by the fifth day they snapped and tied him to a pole.”
She laughed before she could help it and watched as his face lit up. “Guys a mad genius. His next study is on conformity to authority. I think he’s started with yelling at people to get out of his class. Who knows where it will go.”
Where indeed, she thought. Instead she asked, “how do you know all this?” and internally cringed as she said it. Dammit, a conversation was the one thing that she didn’t want to start and now she was actively participating in one. He didn’t seem to mind though, in fact he almost seemed pleased that she’d asked.
“My brother took this class. He was actually the one that had the idea to tie up Professor Abernathy to the pole.”
“Oh.” Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline and the guy chuckled.
“I swear it sounds worse than it is. According to my brother Abernathy told him he had ‘spunk.’”
“And are you taking this class because you’re hoping to tie someone up?” As soon as she said it she regretted it. A stunned look took over his face and there was a pause while his mouth opened and closed. He was now either thinking she was implying he was a sadist of some sort or was thinking she was flirting with him. It wasn’t the first and it certainly wasn’t the last. Mortification flooded through her and she started to look around for another seat. If she couldn’t find one then maybe she would chance it and just let Abernathy throw stationery at her head.
Before she could swap one embarrassment for another Katniss heard a chuckle from her right and she glanced over at him. He was rubbing the back of his neck and his face had pinkened, a blush decorating his cheeks. “I promise I’m not taking this class for some re-enactment of my brother’s glory moment. Professor Abernathy is really revered in his field. I just finished his new book before the semester and-”
There was a slam from the hall door and the man in question stormed in. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he called out to the room. “I’m late and I’m not going to apologise for it. Now shut the hell up and pay attention.” Katniss rolled her eyes. Well glad to see that he could be late without consequence.
Her new conversation buddy caught her attention from the corner of her eye and mouthed ‘yeah, I know!’ followed by a sheepish smile at which, for some strange reason, she found her mouth had moved itself into a half smile in return.
For the rest of the lecture she couldn’t help but peek at him from the corner of her eye. There was something so irritatingly wholesome about him and Katniss realised, as she watched him take note after note on the material, that she had him wrongly pegged as a dumb jock. If anything, it was more obvious that she would benefit from copying from him.
Still, she hadn’t been entirely wrong on the jock front. When she first saw him she had noticed those broad shoulders and his physical presence seemed to take over the flimsy lecture hall seat he was sat in. Not in weight but in frame. While Katniss seemed to be small and inconspicuous in hers he seemed, solid. Stocky. And because she wasn’t a complete idiot she had also noticed that his sweatshirt said ‘D12 Wrestling Team 2017.’ That explained the build even if the slightly angelic looking blonde waves didn’t entirely fit the image.
When the bell finally rang, signalling the end of the hour, Katniss started. For someone so desperate to make it to this lesson she had paid surprisingly little attention during it. The guy next to her was packing up and she started to close her notebook, wincing at the lack of decent notes. She felt a rush of irritation at herself for getting distracted. This wasn’t why she was here. She couldn’t afford distractions. Sighing she grabbed her bag and threw everything in, leaping up from the chair and was wondering if the professor would post the lecture content online when she heard his voice again.
She turned and almost tripped over her own bag strap but his hand shot out and grabbed at her elbow, keeping her upright. “Sorry! That was my fault, I shouldn’t have distracted you!” His eyes were wide and Katniss thought she could see genuine concern but she wrenched her elbow away from his grip, the feel of his warm fingers around her bare arm making her shift uncomfortably.
“Sorry. Again.” The same blush as before started to bloom across his face. She nodded and turned to walk down the steps. After a few seconds she realised he had joined her.
“I’m really hoping I’m not coming across as creepy but I was wondering if you wanted to take a copy of my notes? I noticed that you hadn’t written much and I think it was my fault. I probably put you off with what I was saying before the lecture so if you want my notes I’m happy to share.”
Jesus was this guy for real? She wanted to tell him that she was fine. She didn’t need his notes, she didn’t need his conversation and she didn’t need him to save a seat for her. Except, frustratingly, she did. Not the conversation maybe, she had never been one for that but she had needed a seat. And now she needed his damn notes. Sighing she turned to him. “Yeah that would be good, thanks. Maybe we could meet up before the next lecture. I could take some copies then?”
“Sounds great. I’m Peeta by the way.” He held out his hand for her to shake, such an unexpected gesture that she stalled and was immediately jostled by someone behind her. You are winning at life today Everdeen. She scowled at the person behind her who held their palms up and walked round her. She then scowled at Peeta’s upturned hand. Ugh. This is not want she wanted. She did not want polite people and possible friendships.
Reaching out with her hand, she shook his. “Katniss.” She would meet him before the next lecture, get copies and then go. It was a large class and she was small, she could blend in so he would never find her and start up a conversation again.
When they exited the lecture hall they walked to the side of the hallway and stood in the same place earlier where Katniss had answered her phone. Peeta had insisted that they swap numbers so that they could arrange to meet up for Katniss to get the copies. It made sense but she was still reluctant in giving her number over, not fully trusting that he would meet up and hand over the notes and dubious over the intentions of any guy with a girl’s number.
When they finished she said goodbye and turned to walk away but before she could he stopped her again. “I know I’m a pain in the ass.” She said nothing. “But I was thinking it would be good to have someone to talk over the lectures with, go over the assignments with, that sort of thing. Thought we could tackle this course together. If you’re interested?”
She frowned. Katniss didn’t know whether it was at him directly, at the whole concept of a class friend or if this was her face now. A semi-permanent frown.
Together? What the hell was he thinking?
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
As Kabir Singh battles brickbats, a have a look at Malayalam cinema's latest subversion of poisonous alpha males- Leisure Information, Firstpost
http://tinyurl.com/yxdlm6xr On this 12 months’s Kumbalangi Nights, one of many primary leads Saji (Soubin Shahir), believing himself chargeable for the surprising loss of life of his good friend, is nearly on the verge of a meltdown when he turns to his little brother—”I believe I’m shedding it. I need assistance. Can you’re taking me to a health care provider?” Within the second that he confides to the Physician and sobs throughout him, we’re witnessing the overhaul of the poisonous masculinity that has been celebrated in Malayalam cinema for ages. The scene concurrently subverts one among its oldest and most profitable tropes—the highly effective, protecting elder brother. In any case, Saji is the eldest in that dysfunctional household of 4 brothers. In the identical movie, his youthful brother (Shane Nigam) proves to be a by-product of poisonous masculinity and will get enraged when he realises that he isn’t entitled to take possession of his girlfriend but. The girlfriend, in the meantime, calls out her misogynist brother-in-law who considers himself the protector and the legislation of the household. “In our household we give ladies affordable freedom” being the fixed chorus. The brother-in-law, Shammi (Fahadh Faasil), the image of an “supreme household man” who can also be casteist, snobbish and misogynist, finally ends up being the psychopathic antagonist within the movie. Kumbalangi Nights, directed by Madhu C Narayanan and written by Syam Pushkaran, not solely succeeds in overthrowing the celebrated alpha male but additionally factors out that in idea he’s the villain of the story. “However I want they hadn’t made him right into a psychopath. He truly represents the typical chauvinistic Malayalee male,” says CS Venkiteswaran, movie academician. A nonetheless from Kumbalangi Nights. Having stated that, the movie nonetheless doesn’t drift away from the bigger narrative in Malayalam cinema — exhibiting ladies as nurturers, about ladies anchoring the boys and providing them objective in life. Agrees movie critic Sreehari Nair, who says Kumbalangi Nights was additionally about “what number of sturdy, gifted, impartial ladies willingly hand over their very own character to grow to be captives of bushy brutes.” “In Kumbalangi, the reactions of these ladies within the Shammi family, the best way they virtually tense up in his presence, how they, by conditioning, cower down earlier than his masculine grandeur, is a actuality in lots of Indian and Malayali households. These reactions, I believe, are as vital to review because the character of Shammi. The reality is that quite a lot of ladies, by placing love earlier than their very own honour, carry slavishness upon themselves. I personally don’t suppose this is a component that wants ‘correction’. It merely is one among our nation’s many poetic insanities,” Nair observes. Malayalam cinema, which has been on a studying curve publish WCC and New Wave, is consciously making an attempt to rephrase the century-old conditioning layered within the basically male-centric narrative. Although Malayalam cinema has not at all times glorified the poisonous male, it can’t be discounted that standard cinema at all times gave credence to him over the feminine voice. There have been the occasional KG George (thought of one of many most interesting filmmakers of all instances) movies (1980s) with advanced women and men who fell from the excessive pedestal of morality, obtained up and continued with their lives with out being judged. Whereas the 1980s had a mix of real looking portrayal and endorsement of the poisonous male hero, it was in the direction of the mid-1990s that it grew out of hand. A lot earlier than Ranji Panicker-Ranjith-Shaji Kailas trio scripted their alpha male icons, Director Balachandra Menon (between 1979-mid 1990s) had created and popularised a story the place the best girl was somebody who bowed to her man and was not able to making large selections in the home. He made positive that every time the standard position play obtained disrupted (or every time a girl spoke towards this male-order), he introduced them again within the patriarchal order, as he believed solely that stabilised the right household. A number of of his movies rallied across the “actual man” syndrome. Maniyan Pillai Athava Maniyan Pillai has a hero who rapes a girl to reveal his masculinity, whereas Prashnam Gurutharam’s protagonist opts for suicide over residing as an impotent man. “Within the 1980s there wasn’t a lot age parity between the hero and the heroine, which helped to carry an equality within the relationship, not like post-2000. Be it Jayabharathi-Soman, Venu Nagavalli-Jalaja or Shobha. However after superstardom, the age hole between the hero and heroine drastically widened, making the creation of alpha males simpler. Now after all, we see the age hole decreasing,” observes CS. Director Padmarajan has depicted poisonous masculinity in a number of of his movies. In Kariyila Kattu Pole, we see a hero (Mammootty) raping a girl to “educate her a lesson” and to point out her “what an actual man” can do. And worse, her trauma is hardly addressed within the movie which opts to digress into the bond between the daddy and youngster. In the meantime, his 1983 movie Koodevide has an entitled misogynistic hero who results in jail for murdering the scholar of his lover. In Thoovanathumpikal, his most celebrated work, the main man, Jayakrishnan is a product of poisonous masculinity, unable to take a woman’s rejection leading to a one-night stand with a name woman. However even there, his fragile male ego makes him responsible of coveting a woman’s virginity as he believes like each patriarchal male that it defines a girl’s existence, prompting him to supply her marriage. Within the late 1990s, when heroines have been being sidelined, alpha males rose in prominence. Director Rajasenan’s standard mainstream movies that includes Jayaram had appalling plotlines woven round middle-class households. In all his celebrated movies, be it Ayalathe Adheham, Meleparambil Aan Veedu or Njangal Santhushtaranu, males steeped in patriarchy mocked, judged or introduced the “drifting ladies” again into the household. In Ayalathe Adheham, the hero is a grouchy sexist who believed that exhibiting affection or flaws earlier than his spouse would make him much less of a person. So, they find yourself demonising the one who overtly made a present about loving his spouse. Whereas Meleparambil Aan Veedu makes an announcement that society considers a girl virtuous as alongside as her unborn youngster is claimed by the daddy. The heroine in Njangal Santhushtaranu is the stereotypical trendy spouse who can’t prepare dinner or be motherly and wears trendy garments. She is named out for not being the standard obedient spouse. However the minute she “realises her errors” she wears a sari and turns into the motherly determine he needed her to be. Sathyan Anthikad made positive his heroines have been the catalyst for his heroes to know their objective in life. As soon as that’s completed, the women go into the standard gender roles. In Priyadarshan’s Mithunam, it’s once more a hero who doesn’t speak in confidence to his spouse concerning his financial points, as he both thinks she is simply too dim-witted to know him, or she would suppose much less of him as a person. Finally, she is pressured to apologise for not empathising along with his silent remedy of her. Lohithadas’s Kanmadam has a hero (Mohanlal) who thinks he can weaken a girl’s (Manju Warrier) defences with a kiss, as he feels that’s all she yearns for. However then she can also be proven as a daring, grumpy girl who’s being pressured to shoulder the accountability of her household within the absence of her brother. The overall thought being sketched is {that a} girl is happiest when a person takes care of the home and she or he performs the spouse and mom. A minimum of the hero’s motion and her response reinstate that idea. Although Malayalam cinema has had comparatively fewer romantic films, the notable ones had stalking (Vandanam, Chithram, Annayum Rasoolum) getting used as mandatory instrument for wooing. Whereas these are largely depictions, the narrative took a disturbing flip by the late 1990s and early-mid 2000 when superstars (Mammootty and Mohanlal) have been crafted as demi-god alpha males and their heroines the place diminished to arm sweet. They adhered extra to hegemonic and hyper masculinity. There was Renji Panicker, who created heroes who at all times judged the “trendy lipstick sporting girl with a thoughts of her personal,” gave them a category on self-discipline, traditions, and household. After which there was writer-director Ranjith who made positive he created ladies who prostrated earlier than their main males and eagerly jumped at their flippant, sexist marriage proposals. In all these narratives, a person’s value is at all times weighed on the paternity scale — “If you’re born of a single father, carry it on,” is the ISI mark of heroism in Malayalam cinema. Dileep movies endorsed misogyny and sexism within the guise of household entertainers, passing off crude humour concentrating on ladies in each movie. As soon as the development of alpha male superstars began to say no (although this 12 months, one of many greatest hits is a celebrity glorification car known as Lucifer), the New Wave set in. That and social media collectively prompted the emergence of girls writers in movie criticism and the formation of WCC. Conversations started on ladies’s illustration and misogyny in older Malayalam movies, leading to extra insightful discussions. Political correctness was thought of as essential to a movie’s acceptability because the story, medium and method. The change is clear in latest instances, when audiences are woke in the direction of misogyny, racism, and casteism being glorified on display screen. A nonetheless from Varathan. The result’s the likes of Varathan and Ishq. In final 12 months’s Amal Neerad directed Varathan, the hero is a metrosexual, the subversion of poisonous masculinity. He’s mild, type, giving, and doesn’t react to conditions like how society perceives a person ought to. He’s additionally susceptible, emotional, and compassionate, traits typically seen as weaknesses in a person. Of their marriage, he makes no fuss about being helpful within the kitchen or in not being the salaried associate. “It’s an fascinating depiction, however his climactic transformation is that of a celebrity’s, which I believe was deliberate,” says CS. Whereas director Anuraj Manohar’s Ishq has a extra advanced layering. It’s a few younger couple who tries to rescue themselves from the clutches of a creep who harasses them within the garb of ethical policing. However as soon as the issues tide over and the vengeance has been extracted, comes the reality concerning the hero. It’s solely when he’s reassured that the villain didn’t contact his girlfriend that he decides to stroll again into her life. He endorses machismo and has all of the particular traits of a poisonous male who thinks his manliness has been mocked and challenged when he couldn’t “shield and defend” his girlfriend. It’s that alone which makes him plot a revenge plan that goes utterly towards his character. However in the long run when that façade falls in entrance of her, it’s heartening to observe her take a stand. Between all that is the baffling indisputable fact that Arjun Reddy, the 2017 Telugu movie which has been remade in Hindi as Kabir Singh (and is at the moment operating in theatres) which in flip has been aggressively slammed by North Indian movie critics for its blunt glorification of poisonous masculinity was effectively acquired in Kerala. Shahid Kapoor in a nonetheless from Kabir Singh. YouTube Most likely we should always simply take coronary heart in the truth that Malayalam cinema and a piece of the discerning viewers has although belatedly acknowledged poisonous masculinity and the dangerous, abusive methods it’s reared its head, the conversations are in full swing. The change may even be effectively on its means. Up to date Date: Jul 02, 2019 09:15:48 IST !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)} ; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '259288058299626'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.9&appId=1117108234997285"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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Hello, my dearest invisible reader. Even if you just started this journey with me, you might already have 2 questions: who am I and why are you invisible? Both answers are connected, and as we explore down this path together, you will find out that often the answer to one question leads to several more, digging deeper and deeper into a riddle of ideas, theories, beliefs, challenges, creativity, motives and dreams. Bear in mind that some of the ideas I´m going to present you might exist only inside my head, as they are bold and challenge everything we take for granted about ourselves and the world itself. But consider this: behind all that is great in your life and throughout history lies a bold and defying idea that everything. And the time has come where we must break down our own mental walls. Coming back to the first 2 questions: who I am it’s irrelevant; I am you at one point or another of your life, or perhaps someone you know; or a sensation you can feel inside as real as the sunset, yet how to describe what a sunset looks like to a blind person? In a nutshell I am a stubborn dreamer and fighter who believes that true greatness and empowerment comes from within. However, for the purpose of this book, I am no one; because there is nothing else than awareness about certain underlying phenomena and a blind willingness to follow what I think it’s right (my peace of mind is not negotiable no matter how hard and painful it can be sometimes) that makes me perceive reality differently to most people. If you insist in a name, you can call me S.M. Then, to the second question, I am aware that you are not invisible to human sight. Yet again, I am inviting you to ride with me towards the deepest and darkest secrets of my soul and world. Wouldn´t you be cautious if you were about to put yourself in such a vulnerable position in front of a stranger? Therefore, for my own peace of mind, to me you are just an invisible reader who will never exist. Someone perfect to keep the secrets, ideas, situations, failures, goals and plans that I am about to start telling you. I am naively going to trust you and hope that you will be up to the task by not sharing my weaknesses with anyone else. This is not entirely a scientific or scholar book, although we will talk about science as a vehicle to understand our own position as beings in the Universe; this is not strictly novel or autobiography, although most of the story will be told through my own subjective perception presenting you my daily life and some of the people in it. This is a book with no fourth wall whatsoever, because I want to tell you directly my story. This is a continuous act of self-challenge into opening my soul in an exercise of extreme vulnerability, where the destination and conclusion of this path is as uncertain and full of possibilities as life itself. I might not tell you all the truth, but everything told will be true. I want to transmit a message and make it available to everyone: the message your world and reality can be influenced by your own innate power and quantum connection with the Universe. This is NOT a self-help guide of any sort. Because no one can help you other than yourself, and because I do not pretend to show you a somewhat of ultimate path towards imminent truth. Because there are infinite truths and at the same one only truth: your own truth which is conquered and unveils itself before you every time you choose to step forward into self-growth. The only answer is that you create your own answer, and I will show you how I have created mines towards discovering Quantum Psychology, and everything that it involves and implies. As I will develop later, the concept of Quantum Psychology is encapsulated within a broader theory, called the Link Chain Theory, which I have been developing for years, and kept in secret.... until now. Throughout this story there will be a lot of me and my life to provide you with enough context to comprehend where my theories and claims come from; and, in order to do that, I will show you how Quantum Psychology and its principles affect everything we do in life: a conviction about how this different approach of the perception of the world can connect many unanswered scientific mysteries and drive human kind into a whole new dimension. And, by going beyond the dissection of my own theories and hypothesis about how we interconnect with the world, this book will be presented and articulated as a dairy, where I will report the challenges, insights and feelings that I will be facing, believing that our own consciousness is the right path to reveal some of the biggest unanswered questions from a scientific perspective. You might be wondering why now. A new year has just started, and after careful consideration during the last few weeks, and upbeat by the impulse of different recent events (to be depicted further down the line), I resolved to embrace one of the biggest challenges of my life: in 119 days I will be running a full marathon while raising money for a local charity, for which I will need to get in the best shape I have been in years. Yes, maybe you are thinking about all the kind of crap we tell ourselves when a new year starts, and you try to reflect in your own failures and flaws from the previous year like #newme #newyear# everythingnew #letsdoit and such. Nothing further from the truth, that goes right against my type of personality; and I want to apologise straight from the beginning if you ever feel offended because of my dark and sarcastic sense of humour (my mother has no legs), and I will often be crossing the line of the politically correct sensibilities. The marathon challenge, and this book itself for what´s worth, can be taken as some sort of experiment, to both the world and to myself. Because the apparent and socially accepted motivators (getting in shape, challenging myself, give something back to society, blah, blah...) is only the tip of the iceberg of why I´m doing this. Of course, there is a meaningful and deep personal reason driving me to invest such a huge amount of resources, effort, energy and time to achieve this goal. The bottom line is that I believe the pursuit of this goal will also help me achieving a much more meaningful one. I cannot anticipate where we are going or how this will end; I am improvising and there is only an ocean full of probabilities in front of us. But, whatever we go, this is a sailing I must do no matter the consequences. I am ready to risk my entire emotional and mental integrity in order to face whatever monster or darkness awaits ahead, just because I know I must. I will open you the door to answer some of the biggest questions we hold as beings through the looking glass of Quantum Psychology: what´s the meaning of life, where do we stand in the space-time continuum, what happens after we die, is our life determined by destine or do we have free will, where is our limit as individuals and species in the Universe, how does our mind and consciousness connect us with the physical world... and then more. And, around those riddles, there will be a real human story coating and giving the true meaning to everything else. Because Quantum Psychology cannot be understood unless you combine both: the hard-cold science and the uncontrollable and flaming spiritual energy contained in life. And nothing fires this world brighter than feelings; because this is the story about the strongest feelings that make me human. We are in control, my invisible friend; we are the ones who decide where to focus the limited amount of energy that we have at a given time. How we invest it, what we pay attention to, the way we decide to listen or ignore our instinct... It all comes together, alongside many other factors that we will cover, to determine whether we can develop our true potential to reach our goals throughout life. Parallely, of course, there is The Girl; and not just any girl, as you will see, but the type of girl you understand since the moment you set eyes on her that she will be a part of your life always, no matter how far you travel in time or space. And, based on the principles of Quantum Psychology, I feel that there is something I need to pursuit in my personal life, or better said someone. I have never been more convinced of anything else in my entire life; all signs around me lead to the same conclusion; my instinct is running fast and sharp pointing in the same direction. But, despite all my spiritual conviction, to the rest of the world my idea sounds crazy, impossible, unrealistic and an emotional suicide if compared with the traditional way we tend to socially interact; but I stand on the other side of the mirror knowing that this is something I cannot give up on… As you can imagine, the deep sorrow and frustration result of the confrontation between both opposite poles can be just too much to digest without self-destroying yourself in the process. It is because of that, that I am determined to channel such huge amount of energy and turn it from something that could tear me apart, into a source to help me get in shape for the marathon. Because this could be the craziest and most stupid idea I have ever had; yet, on the other side, I know I must walk down this path knowing that all the cards haven´t been revealed yet, and that the true reasons leading me this way will appear before me when the time is right. Because sometimes in life you cannot connect the dots by looking forward, but you can only connect them by looking backwards, and then fully understanding why you had to go through that journey in order to reach your real destiny... Sometimes all it takes it´s a heart beat of pure enlightenment mixed with a bit of madness to understand that your life will be changed forever, even if you don´t know why or how. And that instance of life-changing revelation occurred to me in the company of the most amazing and interesting person I have ever met during the last New Year´s Eve. After all, life starts on a rooftop and it´s up to us to crawl down from there or aim for the stars instead... Something else you need to know about me beforehand, is that I have always been prone and accurate at “reading” people in general, specially their hidden dark side. It maybe because I have lived very dark experiences myself. You might perceive it as a rare gift that allows me to understand people at a different level, which has indeed proved as an advantage that has allowed me to better filter people throughout my life; but, at the same time, it has been a warden or curse preventing me from establishing real connections with others. Can you imagine how your life would be like if you could read someone´s soul and foresee their darkest side, even within minutes of knowing that person? And yes, I have seen the dark side of the girl in question too. Yet, in a very twisted way, that is what attracts me the most about her because I think it’s one of the keys of the deep connection between us and the way we understand each other without words. Because, despite both coming from opposite worlds, we have come to encounter each other in the most unthinkable way and place. But I will confess: in a way, I am secretly hurting. And at the same time, I feel very lucky to have come across someone like her. So here I am, attempting not to go (even more) insane, I am just trying to follow what I feel is the path I must walk no matter what it demands from me. And you, my invisible friend, are welcome to share this adventure with me. If you decide to do so, you will discover things about me that no one knows; I will share the details of the journey with you; my disappointments, the pain, the difficulties, all the setbacks; but also stories about my past, present and future; those that happened, those that are happening in this or a parallel dimension and those that should happen even if they never do. And, above all, I will challenge almost everything you take for granted in the conception of the world by presenting the principles and implications of Quantum Psychology as a science called to change the world. But be warned that this will not be an easy walk, as you will be crossed with ideas that you will disagree with; others that will make no sense to you at all; some will question who you are and how much influence you really have in the things that happen to you every day; and many will challenge what we know of the physical world by focusing in a new scientific perspective. It is going to be a hell of a trip, where I am going to suffer in silence way more that I am prepare to or that will transcend to others, but ultimately for the right reason. Because, at this point, I only have enough strength and determination to follow my primary rule: do whatever you feel is right no matter the cost for myself; preserving my own peace of mind by doing so; and, during that process, be the best version of yourself that you can be, and she deserves. I hope, my invisible friend, that you will be with me each step of the way and that, together, we can prove to ourselves and the world that there is great power within each one of us to be explored. That, sometimes, following your instinct and being brave when you are the most scared it’s what will bring you the greatest glory. That, sometimes, if you dream big enough, the craziness inside your head can be shared in a heartbeat with the rest of the world when the time is right; you only need to have the serenity to listen to yourself, the world, the signs, and follow it no matter the risk or the potential cost to your own sanity. But whatever happens at the end, if it comes to that, let my gift be my curse; the journey will make it worth it. This is a story about time and space, and how everything that makes us alive controls and shapes the former, and not the other way around as we have been led to believe. ​ Are you ready to follow me into a journey where we both will discover things about ourselves that we are not ready to unveil? I have no other choice than pursuit my biggest and most ambitious dreams, so whatever this story is yielding at the end, here we go…
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