#Solar Lunar Psalms
marthashlyn3 · 7 months
🌺Hibiscus Times Daily🌺
The constant change in air quality and audio, in this reality, is dependent on me.
Let us include some overlays for visuals
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enjoliquej · 6 months
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The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky shows His handiwork.
Day to day they speak,
night to night they reveal knowledge.
There is no speech, no words,
where their voice goes unheard.
Their voice has gone out to all the earth
and their words to the end of the world.
•Psalm 19•
-2024 Solar Eclipse-
∆2022 Lunar Eclipse∆
☀️Solar Eclipse Print🌑
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emblematicemblazer · 1 year
Worldbuilding and theories of Engage
Personal skills.
In Lythos the personal skills of each character relates to their official duty.
Lumera and Alear
Divinely Inspiring - Adjacent Allies deal +3 damage and take 1 less damage.
I imagine that Alear inherited the personal skill when Lumera poured her lifesource them. 
The skill relates to The Divine Dragon's ability to inspire people to want to fight by their side. The 'less damage' part is a reference to their role as protector and bringer of peace.
The image of the skill looks like two wings cupping two people. 
The wings of God are a place of refuge. “Yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast” (Psalm 57:1). “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust” (Psalm 91:4).
The wings are the Divine Dragon offering refuge and love to the People of Elyso. 
Alabaster duty - If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants Crit+5 during combat to both of them.
Firstly the personal skill references Vander's role as a steward by only granting power when he is near The Divine Dragon. The 'Crit+5' references how The Divine Dragon inspires Vander and how Vander helps The Divine Dragon focus on important tasks.
Alabaster  is a smooth white stone used for statues and ornamentation. The buildings of Lythos are made of white stone from the surrounding cliffs and mountains. This skill references his connection to the island.
Alabaster is an important symbol in the bible. It is a symbol of the relationship between Mary of Bethany and Jesus. Similarly it served as a symbol of the relationship between Vander and the two Divine Dragons. Mary of Bethany gave her everything to Jesus and anointed him with expensive perfume in an alabaster box. Mary built up a relationship with Jesus by sitting at his feet and listening to his teachings. When her brother Lazarus died, it was Jesus who offered her comfort. The meaning of the alabaster box is that it represents Vander's and Mary's lives. They gave up everything and gave their hearts, devotion and trust to their Saviour because nothing can compare to them. 
The personal skill symbol of Vander, Framme and Clanne except the colour is different. 
Tibetan Buddhists believe that during lunar and solar eclipses, the effects of one's good or bad deeds are multiplied severalfold. The good deeds of Vander, Framme and Clanne are rewarded with benefits in battle. 
Verdant faith - If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants Hit+10 during combat to both of them.
Just like Vander's personal skill, the effects of Clanne's 'verdant faith' are only triggered by being near the Divine Dragon. once again it is a reference to his role as a steward.
Verdant means green. In the bible green is used to symbolise how a righteous man will devote himself to God and grow and flourish under His divine light.  If Clanne devotes himself fully then he will grow and flourish.
'The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, They will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green,' (Psalm 92:12-15)
Crimson/ Scarlet cheer - If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants Avo+10 during combat to both of them.
In Japanese the personal skill is called 'scarlet cheer'. 
The colour scarlet symbolises the blood of Christ and Christian martyrs. When Isaiah says that the Lord can change our sins from scarlet or crimson to snow or wool, he is saying that the Lord can do something that is impossible for us to do on our own. A cloth dyed red stays red. But regardless of the stain of our sins, the Atonement of Jesus Christ can make us pure again if we repent. If Framme devotes herself to the Divine Dragon and repents her sins then she will be able to achieve anything. 
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shalenesspot · 2 years
THE MOON: A Faithful Witness In The Sky.
At last count, our moon was just one of three dozen planetary satellites in the solar system. Jupiter has at least fourteen; Pluto and many of the asteroids apparently also have orbiting moons. However the moon which dominates the earth's night sky has many created distinctives of its own. Furthermore all efforts to explain our moon's existence by natural physical processes have failed completely. This lack of understanding of origins also continues on the larger scale of the universe itself. Astronomers are perplexed by the missing mass of the galaxies, the missing neutrinos of the sun, and the missing mechanisms for formation of stars and planets. One is reminded of the prophet Jeremiah's counsel that the creation itself is in the endunfathomable: the heavens can never be fully measured, nor the foundations of the earth searched out (Jeremiah 31:37). Only the special revelation of God through His Son and His Word provides final answers in matters of origins. God was, after all, the only One there.
The Lord knew that men would attempt to account for the moon by natural evolutionary mechanisms. Thus there are forty lunar references in Scripture, many of which declare the moon's supernatural origin and beneficial design. The moon is compared with the Lord's covenant with David: It shall be established forever like the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven (Psalm 89:37).
Evolutionary ideas for the source of the moon divide themselves into three areas: formation from the earth, formation independent of the earth, and formation simultaneously with the earth. These three mechanistic alternatives are sometimes respectively called the daughter, wife, and sister theories of lunar origin. A brief consideration of each will demonstrate their total inability to naturally explain the moon's existence.
'The moon above serve's as a constant reminder of God's faithfulness and of the creation event'.
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33-108 · 6 months
"Sophia Divina Alchemical Mother of La Rosa 🌹
(Brief and simple explanation of The Secret Figures of the Rosa Cruz, 1785)
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes🌹
'God hath put his Tabernacle in the Sun.'
(Psalm: 18:5)
Mother Alchemy Sophia is a way of life that develops through the search for sacred vision and total surrender to the exercise of a purifying Gnosis of ascension of the being transmutable into Solar Gold.
At the end of the eighteenth century (1785-1788) appears in the Alchemical Rosicrucian literature a Rosicrucian Treatise of Hermetic-Paracelsian Tradition in 40 beautiful engravings edited in Altona, Germany-Denmark and entitled=Secret Figures of the Rosicrucians=Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, aus dem 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert (Sixteenth and seventeenth century).
Its symbolism is nourished by the millenary wisdom of the thought of the master Bohme and Paracelsus.
(Altona, 1785)
An ancestral and traditional principle of spiritual alchemy is the well-known symbolic and iconographic representation of the substances of the Magnum Opus; represented the body of the Man/Woman and his spiritual environment.
Temple body and laboratory are an integral part of the 'imaginalis world' of the adept.
Now, of course, it is Sophia who embodies Mother Sophia, wisdom and key to the Mystery of absolute transcendence and exposure as a reflecting mirror of the cosmos. In order to transcend and make herself recognizable, Sophia assumes the iconographic appearance of the woman who nourishes and gives life = (metallic transmutation).
But God also manifests Himself in Sophia in light, substance, and flesh.
However, alchemical Sophia turns out to be an active manifestation of the Celestial Dew or female watery substance and spiritual seed = 'water sulfur or divine water' of the Mother = Celestial and Terrestrial Eve and Mother of All Creatures in heaven and earth = (The Heavenly and Earthly Eve, Mother of all Creaturesin Heaven and on Earth).
Feminine aspect of divinity and 'energetic and spiritual irradiation', Adam's matrix of celestial nature for Master Blake.
Sophia=Wisdom of God.
Lunar Sophia surrounded by 12 stars as a representation of the solar aurora that dispels ignorance and nourishes the 'Son of Hermes' from her virginal milk = solar and celestial mercurial water that brita from her breasts.
She is Mother begetter =Mater Materiae and path of Theo-Sophia.
During the 17th century (XVII) the airs of reform lead to the exhibition of spiritual renewal of a millenary tradition of new epoch.
'These millenarian expectations went hand in hand with an esoteric viewpoint that drew on a variety of sources including Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, the Hermetic tradition, Kabbalah and alchemy and was represented by the writings of such men as Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, Jacob Bóehme and Heinrich Khunrath's. (1)
Everything that emanates from Sophia comes from a single substance.
'There is only one Stone, only one way to operate, only one way to cook to reach white and red, and Everything is completed in one Vessel.'
One can begin to understand how in the image appears the Sun with twelve stars crowned by Solar Mercury and Mother of minerals and metals and their raw material. The Star of the Kings from the Orient=La Estrella de los Reyes de Oriente.
The Sun of Justice = The Sun of Justice.
Virgin Sophia=Virgin Sophia who distills virginal milk= (lac virginis)the Dew of May=Spiritus mundi On the upper left we read: God is eternally increado, infinite, supernatural, self-sustaining, existing celestial spirit who becomes in the course of nature and time a visible and mortal Man.
Below = Oculus Divinus per quem Deus vidit i creavit omnia = Divine Eye by which God sees and creates All.
Everything has its end! and announces its beginning. Lumen Gratiae; Ergon sunt duo=Grace, Sympathy, Pleasure of the Light; =Therefore, there are two.
Oculus naturae-Right the Eye of Nature of Heaven by which nature visits and rules the whole earth = Heavenly Eve, The New Birth=Eve Celeste the New Birth.
Earth Eve and Old Birth=Earthly Eve=The Old Birth.
Oh! Man Oh! Man thinks how Nature is a great world and becomes Man. Tinctura Phisica and virginal milk and sweat of the Sun is Mother of 6 Children and is Pure Virgin.
O, Man, see how God, the Word hath become O!Man,look how God, the word becomes Man.
Innocent I received, dammed is he, who doth not believe. =Innocent we recipe.
Condemned is those who do not believe.
Bottom:Tinctura Coelestis='The theory and practice of alchemy were strongly influenced for more than a thousand years by a belief in the existence of a potent transmuting agent, which ultimately came to be regarded as a universal medicine... Elixir vitae... and the Red tincture'. (2)
The Celestial Tincture=(Lat. Tinctura) is based on the theory of multiplication by means of the Philosopher's Stone or Tinctura, for the Master Paracelsus 'Soon after your Lili(tincture)shall have become heated in the Philosophic Egg...
'An adequate manifestation is expressed through harmonic analogy of the ovum philosophicum = philosophical egg that gives life in the womb to the homunculus, nourishing itself with the Divine female breasts = 'Breast Divinus'.
Below left side = ROSA CRUCIS VENITE = Rosa Cruz que Viene.
Videte Videte Videte = Míralo Míralo Míralo Míralo.
Whoever hath eyes to see, can see rightly=anyone who has eyes to see, can see it correctly.
Seek the friendship of Archaeo, the confidant doorkeeper=Seek Archaeo's friendship=the hidden inner nature of a substance=Arkos(Greek=secret), the trustworthy Porter=guardian of the Gate. Above Sophia is crowned by 12 Stars shining the Sun of Justice in the Virgin Sophia.
He has the 'Fire of Aaron' and incarnates in his Divine Breast the high priestly Pectoral and Sacred Urim.
Possibly part of the complex structure of the 'ephod' 12 onyx stones for divination or consultation of the divine will or 'sacred luck.'
(Leviticus 8:8 and Exodus 28:30)
Pondus Naturae = weight, Natural influence.
Under the symbol of the Urim we find the symbol of Antimony.
From her Breast-Sophia emanate two streams of virginal milk that nourish the Homonculus = (sohn = virginal son) or son of Sophia the Son of Hermes.
'Elementus Aquae duplex est datur enim Aqua Communis Philosophorum'. (3)
That Son of Hermes = Unicus Filius and filius Philosophorum is fertilized by the grace of the maternal waters (2 streams) of Sophia that nourish him as a cosmic embryo that begets itself; fertilizing in the sacral uterus.
Omnia ab Uno Omnia ad Unum. The All in One. One in the Whole = 'into bread'.
Fruit verbum Eterniy resides One = The Fruit of the Eternal Word resides in the ONE.
'One is the ALL, through him the ALL, and with him the ALL: if the ALL did not contain ALL, the ALL would be nothing.' (4)
Is and Antimony(antimonium-Element:Sb(Latin:stibium)='universal alkahest'-turns out to be of an animal nature or indomitable and wild spirit='wild spirit', named after the master alchemist Basil Valentine when he saw the monks who died when using the compound='anti-moine'. Antimoine Incarnate Time = antimony incarnates in Time.
According to Paracelsus as 'antimony refines gold likewise refines the body'. We see on his right arm and on his left = Aaron's Breast and Ignis Divinus Naturae = Aaron's chest and Natural Divine Fire.
Below the Son of Hermes appears a circle=Instrumentum Divinum. Fiat Natura=Light of Nature.
From Sophia's breasts come 4 streams = Water-Blood-White-Red. From Instrumentum Divinum come 4 Elements = Fire-Air-Aqua and Earth and below 12 zodiacal circles.
Below Fiat Natura the Sun-Father and Moon-Mother. 7 eagles 7 Lions 7 Crows and 7 spheres.
7 are the natural qualities, 7 qualities of things, 7 active agents, 7 planetary powers in which Wisdom builds its Philosophical Abode. 7 Planets, 4 Elements and 12 zodiacal symbols. Videami ni Collegium Ad Spiritum Santus=Look at me at the College of the Holy Spirit.
Under the Sun the circle of Chaos and 4 Elements.
Many of these shared traits are representative of an explicit worldview of symbols of life and death, three trees the Silver of the Philosophos, Mercury-Salt-Sulfur, the corrosive and the sulfur philosophorum together with Fire that comes out of the water and Celestial water with the AZOTH of 7 Points, represent the hard work of the Theoria Sophists and Practice towards the SILEX the Stone and Rebis='Double Thing'... Dominus providebit Exitus acta probabit.
'If the Principles with which one works are True and the operations are correct, the effect must be true, and no other is the True Secret of the Hermetic Philosophers.'
(Philatheses, Epistle of Ripley, p.VIII)
So Mote it Be!
Sophia Divina Alchemical Mother of La Rosa🌹"
(Brief and simple Explanation The Secret Figures of the Rosa Cruz, 1785)
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes 🌹
1. Christopher McIntosh, The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason, p.24.
2. John Read, Prelude to Chemistry an outline of Alchemy, p.12.
3. J.J.Becher, Oedipus chymicus.
4. Codex Marcianus.,Ms. 2325, f.188b.
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eli-kittim · 3 years
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The Day After Tomorrow: The Superstorm that Will Set Off a New Ice Age
Just like the 2004 science fiction disaster film “The Day After Tomorrow,” the Bible also predicts the coming of a superstorm at the end of days that will set off catastrophic natural disasters throughout the world and lead to a new ice age!
By Author Eli Kittim
Sea Levels Rise: Floods & Tsunamis
Psalm 93.3-4 (NRSV):
The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods
have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up
their roaring. More majestic than the
thunders of mighty waters, more majestic
than the waves of the sea.
Great Noise: Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Whirlwinds, Storms, & Raging Fires
Isaiah 29.6:
you will be visited by the Lord of hosts with
thunder and earthquake and great noise,
with whirlwind and tempest, and the flame
of a devouring fire.
Winds, Storms & Tempests
Isaiah 32.2:
Each will be like a hiding place from the
wind, a covert from the tempest, like
streams of water in a dry place, like the
shade of a great rock in a weary land.
Storms, Hurricanes & Whirling Tempests
Jeremiah 23.19:
Look, the storm of the Lord! Wrath has gone
forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon
the head of the wicked.
Thunder, Lightning & Whirlwinds
Zechariah 9.14:
Then the Lord will appear over them, and
his arrow go forth like lightning; the Lord
God will sound the trumpet and march forth
in the whirlwinds of the south.
Great Fear: Lunar & Solar Eclipses, Tsunamis, Sea Levels Rise
Luke 21.25-26:
There will be signs in the sun, the moon,
and the stars, and on the earth distress
among nations confused by the roaring of
the sea and the waves. People will faint
from fear and foreboding of what is coming
upon the world, for the powers of the
heavens will be shaken.
One Third of the Earth Burned Up, Impact Events, Megatsunamis, Mountains Falling Into the Sea, One Third of the Sea Life Dead, Poisoned Waters & Nuclear Winter
Revelation 8.7-12:
The first angel blew his trumpet, and there
came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and
they were hurled to the earth; and a third of
the earth was burned up, and a third of the
trees were burned up, and all green grass
was burned up. The second angel blew his
trumpet, and something like a great
mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into
the sea. A third of the sea became blood, a
third of the living creatures in the sea died,
and a third of the ships were destroyed. The
third angel blew his trumpet, and a great
star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch,
and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the
springs of water. The name of the star is
Wormwood. A third of the waters became
wormwood, and many died from the water,
because it was made bitter. The fourth
angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the
sun was struck, and a third of the moon,
and a third of the stars, so that a third of
their light was darkened; a third of the day
was kept from shining, and likewise the
Impact Events: Meteors, Asteroids & Comets Hitting the Earth
Revelation 9.1:
And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I
saw a star that had fallen from heaven
to earth, and he was given the key
to the shaft of the bottomless pit.
One Third of Mankind Killed By War & Air pollution
Revelation 9.18:
By these three plagues a third of humankind
was killed, by the fire and smoke and sulfur
coming out of their mouths.
Thunder & Lightning, Huge Earthquakes, Disappearing Islands & Mountains due to Sea Levels Rising & Catastrophic Storms
Revelation 16.18-20:
And there came flashes of lightning,
rumblings, peals of thunder, and a violent
earthquake, such as had not occurred since
people were upon the earth, so violent was
that earthquake. The great city was split
into three parts, and the cities of the
nations fell. God remembered great Babylon
and gave her the wine-cup of the fury of his
wrath. And every island fled away, and no
mountains were to be found.
Severe Weather: Monsoons, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes & Hailstorms
Revelation 16.21:
and huge hailstones, each weighing about a
hundred pounds, dropped from heaven on
people, until they cursed God for the plague
of the hail, so fearful was that plague.
Matthew 24.21:
For then there will be a great tribulation, such
as has not occurred since the beginning of the
world until now, nor ever will again.
For more details on the prophetic markers concerning the end of days, see my essay “Are We Living in the Last Days?”: https://eli-kittim.tumblr.com/post/650991528017281025/are-we-living-in-the-last-days
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Oct 25, 2021- Watchman News - Eph 5:19-20 - Boils from Sting, Shot = Mounted Stake, Watch Dates - Oct 26th & Nov 2nd-3rd & More! from Trevis Dampier Ministries on Vimeo.
News Feed - liveactioneating.com/
VERSE OF THE DAY Ephesians 5:19-20 (New International Version) speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
High Watch Times
Oct 26th - 1260 Day Count from Clade X Exercise, 666 Weeks from the Inauguration of Obama the antichrist
Nov 2nd – Nov 3rd – Chesvan 27 (Ground fully dried. Noah exits ark.) + CDC Approves Abomination Shot for 5-11 Year Olds
Readings Torah – Genesis 18:1-22:24 Haftarahs – 2 Kings 4:1-37 Brit Chadashah – Luke 17:26-37, Romans 9:6-9, Galatians 4:21-31, Heb. 6:13-2011:13-19, James 2:14-24, 2 Peter 2:4-10
G‑d reveals Himself to Abraham three days after the first Jew’s circumcision at age ninety-nine; but Abraham rushes off to prepare a meal for three guests who appear in the desert heat. One of the three—who are angels disguised as men—announces that, in exactly one year, the barren Sarah will give birth to a son. Sarah laughs.
Abraham pleads with G‑d to spare the wicked city of Sodom. Two of the three disguised angels arrive in the doomed city, where Abraham’s nephew Lot extends his hospitality to them and protects them from the evil intentions of a Sodomite mob. The two guests reveal that they have come to overturn the place, and to save Lot and his family. Lot’s wife turns into a pillar of salt when she disobeys the command not to look back at the burning city as they flee.
Great Flood Begins (2105 BCE)
The rains began to fall on the 17th of Cheshvan of the year 1656 from creation (2105), flooding the earth and rising above the highest mountains. Only Noah and his family survived, in the ark built to that end by Divine command, and a pair of each animal species, who entered with him into the ark.
The following is a chronology of the Flood, as indicated by the dates and time periods given in the Torah’s account and calculated by Rashi:
Cheshvan 17: Noah enters ark; rains begin. Kislev 27: Forty days of rain end; begin 150 days of water’s swelling and churning, during which the water reaches a height of 15 cubits above the mountain peaks. Sivan 1: Water calms and begins to subside at the rate of one cubit every four days. Sivan 17: The bottom of the ark, submerged 11 cubits beneath the surface, touches down on the top of Mount Ararat. Av 1: The mountain peaks break the water’s surface. Elul 10:Forty days after the mountain peaks becom visible, Noah opens the ark’s window and dispatches a raven. Elul 17: Noah sends the dove for the first time. Elul 23: The dove is sent a second time, and returns with an olive leaf in its beak. Tishrei 1: Dove’s third mission. Water completely drained. Cheshvan 27: Ground fully dried. Noah exits ark. (This chronology follows the opinion of the Talmudic sage Rabbi Eliezer; according to Rabbi Joshua’s interpretation, the Flood began on Iyar 17, and all above dates should be moved ahead six months.) Total time that Noah spent in the ark: 365 days (one solar year; one year and 11 days on the lunar calendar).
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The [Jewish] SABBATH (from Hebrew shavat, “TO REST”) is observed throughout the year on the seventh day of the week—SATURDAY. As we read, learn, see and study [our Bible's] Biblical tradition, it commemorates the ORIGINAL seventh day on which God Almighty rested after completing [the] His Creation.
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Apparently according to 'Scholars' , 'Britannica Encyclopedia' , and 'Wikipedia'.... Scholars have not succeeded in tracing the origin of the seven-day week, nor can they account for the origin of the Sabbath. A seven-day week does not accord well with either a solar or a lunar calendar. Some scholars, pointing to the Akkadian term shapattu, suggest a Babylonian origin for the seven-day week and the Sabbath. But shapattu, which refers to the day of the full moon and is nowhere described as a day of rest, has little in common with the Jewish Sabbath. It appears that the notion of the Sabbath as a holy day of rest, linking God to his people and recurring every seventh day, was unique to ancient Israel.
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The central significance of the Sabbath for Judaism is reflected in the traditional commentative and interpretative literature called Talmud and Midrash (e.g., “if you wish to destroy the Jewish people, abolish their Sabbath first”) and in numerous legends and adages from more-recent literature (e.g., “more than Israel kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath kept Israel”). Some of the basic teachings of Judaism affirmed by the Sabbath are God’s acts of creation, God’s role in history, and God’s covenant with Israel. Moreover, the Sabbath is the ONLY Jewish holiday with the observance of which is enjoined by the Ten Commandments. Jews [and Christians] are obligated to SANCTIFY the SABBATH at home and in the synagogue [Church] by observing the SABBATH LAWS and engaging in WORSHIP and STUDY. The leisure hours afforded by the ban against work on the Sabbath were put to good use by the rabbis, who used them to promote intellectual activity and spiritual regeneration among Jews. Other days of rest [as noted and cited from 'Britannica Encyclopedia' and 'Wikipedia'], such as the Roman Catholic Sunday [which Christianity sadly, foolishly and abdominally adopted] and the Islamic Friday, owe their origins to the Jewish Sabbath.
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The biblical ban against work on the Sabbath, while never clearly defined, includes activities such as baking and cooking, travelling, kindling fire, gathering wood, buying and selling, and bearing burdens from one domain into another. The Talmudic rabbis listed 39 major categories of prohibited work, including agricultural activity (e.g., plowing and reaping), work entailed in the manufacture of cloth (e.g., spinning and weaving), work entailed in preparing documents (e.g., writing), and other forms of constructive work.
At home the Sabbath begins Friday evening some 20 minutes before sunset, with the lighting of the Sabbath candles by the wife or, in her absence, by the husband. In the synagogue the Sabbath is ushered in at sunset with the recital of selected psalms and the Lekha Dodi, a 16th-century Kabbalistic (mystical) poem. The refrain of the latter is “Come, my beloved, to meet the bride,” the “bride” being the Sabbath. After the evening service, each Jewish household begins the first of three festive Sabbath meals by reciting the Kiddush (“sanctification” of the Sabbath) over a cup of wine. This is followed by a ritual washing of the hands and the breaking of bread, two loaves of bread (commemorating the double portions of manna described in Exodus) being placed before the breaker of bread at each Sabbath meal. After the festive meal the remainder of the evening is devoted to study or relaxation. The distinctive features of the Sabbath morning synagogue service include the public reading of the Torah, or Five Books of Moses (the portion read varies from week to week), and, generally, the sermon, BOTH of which SERVE to EDUCATE the listeners. Following the service, the second Sabbath meal begins, again preceded by Kiddush (of lesser significance), conforming for the most part to the first Sabbath meal. The afternoon synagogue service is followed by the third festive meal (without Kiddush). After the evening service the Sabbath comes to a close with the havdala (“distinction”) ceremony, which consists of a benediction noting the distinction between Sabbath and weekday, usually recited over a cup of wine accompanied by a spice box and candle.
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The major Jewish holidays are the Pilgrim Festivals—Pesaḥ (Passover), Shavuot (Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost), and Sukkoth (Tabernacles)—and the High Holidays—Rosh Hashana (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). The observance of all the major holidays is required by the Torah and work is prohibited for the duration of the holiday (except on the intermediary days of the Pesaḥ and Sukkoth festivals, when work is permitted to avoid financial loss). Purim (Feast of Lots) and Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication), while not mentioned in the Torah (and therefore of lesser solemnity), were instituted by Jewish authorities in the Persian and Greco-Roman periods. They are sometimes regarded as minor festivals because they lack the work restrictions of the major festivals. In addition, there are the five fasts—ʿAsara be-Ṭevet (Fast of Ṭevet 10), Shivaʿ ʿAsar be-Tammuz (Fast of Tammuz 17), Tisha be-Av (Fast of Av 9), Tzom Gedaliahu (Fast of Gedaliah), and Taʿanit Esther (Fast of Esther)—and the lesser holidays (i.e., holidays the observances of which are few and not always clearly defined)—such as Rosh Ḥodesh (First Day of the Month), Ṭu bi-Shevaṭ (15th of Shevaṭ: New Year for Trees), and Lag ba-ʿOmer (33rd Day of the ʿOmer Counting). The fasts and the lesser holidays, like the minor festivals, lack the work restrictions characteristic of the major festivals. Although some of the fasts and Rosh Ḥodesh are mentioned in Scripture, most of the details concerning their proper observance, as well as those concerning the other lesser holidays, were provided by the Talmudic and medieval rabbis.
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In Temple times, all males were required to appear at the Temple three times annually and actively participate in the festal offerings and celebrations. These were the joyous Pilgrim Festivals of Pesaḥ, Shavuot, and Sukkoth. They originally marked the major agricultural seasons in ancient Israel and commemorated Israel’s early history; but, after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, emphasis was placed almost exclusively on the commemorative aspect.
In modern Israel, Pesaḥ, Shavuot, and Sukkoth are celebrated for seven days, one day, and eight days, respectively (with Shemini Atzeret added to Sukkoth), as prescribed by Scripture. Due to calendrical uncertainties that arose in Second Temple times (6th century BCE to 1st century CE), each festival is celebrated for an additional day in the Diaspora.
Pesaḥ commemorates the Exodus from Egypt and the servitude that preceded it. As such, it is the most significant of the commemorative holidays, for it celebrates the very inception of the Jewish people—i.e., the event which provided the basis for the covenant between God and Israel. The term pesaḥ refers originally to the paschal (Passover) lamb sacrificed on the eve of the Exodus, the blood of which marked the Jewish homes to be spared from God’s plague; its etymological significance, however, remains uncertain. The Hebrew root is usually rendered “passed over”—i.e., God passed over the homes of the Israelites when inflicting the last plague on the Egyptians—hence the term Passover. The festival is also called Ḥag or Matzot (“Festival of Unleavened Bread”), for unleavened bread is the only kind of bread consumed during Passover.
Leaven (seʾor) and foods containing leaven (ḥametz) are neither to be owned nor consumed during Pesaḥ. Aside from meats, fresh fruits, and vegetables, it is customary to consume only food prepared under rabbinic supervision and labelled “kosher for Passover,” warranting that they are completely free of contact with leaven. In many homes, special sets of crockery, cutlery, and cooking utensils are acquired for Passover use. On the evening preceding the 14th day of Nisan, the home is thoroughly searched for any trace of leaven (bediqat ḥametz). The following morning the remaining particles of leaven are destroyed by fire (biʿur ḥametz). From then until after Pesaḥ, no leaven is consumed. Many Jews sell their more valuable leaven products to non-Jews before Passover (mekhirat ḥametz), repurchasing the foodstuffs immediately after the holiday.
The unleavened bread (matzo) consists entirely of flour and water, and great care is taken to prevent any fermentation before baking. Hand-baked matzo is flat, rounded, and perforated. Since the 19th century, many Jews have preferred the square-shaped, machine-made matzo.
Passover eve is ushered in at the synagogue service on the evening before Passover, after which each family partakes of the seder (“order of service”), an elaborate festival meal in which every ritual is regulated by the rabbis. (In the Diaspora the seder is also celebrated on the second evening of Passover.) The table is bedecked with an assortment of foods symbolizing the passage from slavery (e.g., bitter herbs) into freedom (e.g., wine). The Haggada (“Storytelling”), a printed manual comprising appropriate passages culled from Scripture and Talmud and Midrash accompanied by medieval hymns, serves as a guide for the ensuing ceremonies and is recited as the evening proceeds. The seder opens with the cup of sanctification (Kiddush), the first of four cups of wine drunk by the celebrants. An invitation is extended to the needy to join the seder ceremonies, after which the youngest son asks four prescribed questions expressing his surprise at the many departures from usual mealtime procedure. (“How different this night is from all other nights!”) The father then explains that the Jews were once slaves in Egypt, were then liberated by God, and now commemorate the servitude and freedom by means of the seder ceremonies. Special blessings are recited over the unleavened bread and the bitter herbs (maror), after which the main courses are served. The meal closes with a serving of matzo recalling the paschal lamb, consumption of which concluded the meal in Temple times. The seder concludes with the joyous recital of hymns praising God’s glorious acts in history and anticipating a messianic redemption to come.
The Passover liturgy is considerably expanded and includes the daily recitation of Psalms 113–118 (Hallel, “Praise”), public readings from the Torah, and an additional service (musaf). On the first day of Pesaḥ, a prayer for dew in the Holy Land is recited; on the last day, the memorial service for the departed (yizkor) is added.
Originally an agricultural festival marking the wheat harvest, Shavuot commemorates the revelation of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Shavuot (“Weeks”) takes its name from the seven weeks of grain harvest separating Passover and Shavuot. The festival is also called Ḥag ha-Qazir (Harvest Festival) and Yom ha-Bikkurim (Day of First Fruits). Greek-speaking Jews called it pentēkostē, meaning “the fiftieth” day after the sheaf offering. In rabbinic literature, Shavuot is called atzeret (“cessation” or “conclusion”), perhaps because the cessation of work is one of its distinctive features, or possibly because it was viewed as concluding the Passover season. In liturgical texts it is described as the “season of the giving of our Torah.” The association of Shavuot with the revelation at Sinai, while not attested in Scripture, is alluded to in the Pseudepigrapha (a collection of noncanonical writings); in rabbinic literature it first appears in 2nd-century materials. The association, probably an ancient one, was derived in part from the book of Exodus, which dates the revelation at Sinai to the third month (counting from Nisan)—i.e., Sivan.
Scholars state and claim that Scripture does not provide an absolute date for Shavuot. [Read and Study The Book Of Enoch, and The Other Books That Were Removed From From Our Bible's, By The Vatican.. Roman Catholic Church.. The Bishop Centuries and Decades Ago]. So then Instead, 50 days (or seven weeks) are reckoned from the day the sheaf offering (ʿOmer) of the harvest was brought to the Temple, the 50th day being Shavuot. According to the Talmudic rabbis, the sheaf offering was brought on the 16th of Nisan; hence Shavuot always fell on or about the 6th of Sivan. Some Jewish sectarians, such as the Sadducees, rejected the rabbinic tradition concerning the date of the sheaf ceremony, preferring a later date, and celebrated Shavuot accordingly.
In Temple times, aside from the daily offerings, festival offerings, and first-fruit gifts, a special cereal consisting of two breads prepared from the new wheat crop was offered at the Temple. Since the destruction of the Second Temple, Shavuot observances have been dominated by its commemorative aspect. Many Jews spend the entire Shavuot night studying Torah, a custom first mentioned in the Zohar (“Book of Splendour”), a Kabbalistic work edited and published in the 13th–14th centuries. Some prefer to recite the tiqqun lel Shavuʿot (“Shavuot night service”), an anthology of passages from Scripture and the Mishna (the authoritative compilation of the Oral Law). An expanded liturgy includes Hallel, public readings from the Torah, yizkor (in many congregations), and musaf. The Book of Ruth is read at the synagogue service, possibly because of its harvest-season setting.
Sukkoth (“Booths”), an ancient harvest festival that commemorates the booths the Israelites resided in after the Exodus, was the most prominent of the three Pilgrim Festivals in ancient Israel. Also called Ḥag ha-Asif (Festival of Ingathering), it has retained its joyous, festive character through the ages. It begins on Tishri 15 and is celebrated for seven days. The concluding eighth day (plus a ninth day in the Diaspora), Shemini Atzeret, is a separate holiday. In Temple times, each day of Sukkoth had its own prescribed number of sacrificial offerings. Other observances, recorded in the Mishna tractate Sukka, include the daily recitation of Hallel, daily circumambulation of the Temple altar, a daily water libation ceremony, and the nightly bet ha-shoʾeva or bet ha-sheʾuvah (“place of water drawing”) festivities starting on the evening preceding the second day. The last-mentioned observance features torch dancing, flute playing, and other forms of musical and choral entertainment.
[[Sukkah (hut erected for the celebration of Sukkoth) with palm leaves, Herzliya, Israel, 2007.]]
Ideally, Jews are to reside in booths—walled structures covered with thatched roofs—for the duration of the festival; in practice, most observant Jews take their meals in the sukka (“booth”) but reside at home. A palm-tree branch (lulav) bound up together with myrtle (hadas) and willow (ʿarava) branches is held together with a citron (etrog) and waved. Medieval exegetes provided ample (if not always persuasive) justification for the Bible’s choice of these particular branches and fruit as SYMBOLS of REJOICING. The numerous regulations governing the sukka, lulav, and etrog constitute the major portion of the treatment of Sukkoth in the codes of Jewish law. The daily Sukkoth liturgy includes the recitation of Hallel (Psalms, 113–118), public readings from the Torah, the musaf service, and the circumambulation of the synagogue dais. On the last day of Sukkoth, called Hoshana Rabba (Great Hoshana) after the first words of a prayer (hoshana, “save us”) recited then, seven such circumambulations take place. Kabbalistic (mystical) teaching has virtually transformed Hoshana Rabba into a solemn day of judgment.
Hoshana Rabba is followed by Shemini Atzeret (Eighth Day of Solemn Assembly), which is celebrated on Tishri 22 (in the Diaspora also Tishri 23). None of the more distinctive Sukkoth observances apply to Shemini Atzeret; but Hallel, public reading from the Torah, yizkor (in many congregations), musaf, and a prayer for rain in the Holy Land are included in its liturgy. Simḥat Torah (Rejoicing of the Law) marks the annual completion of the cycle of public readings from the Torah. The festival originated shortly before the gaonic period (c. 600–1050 CE) in Babylon, where it was customary to conclude the public readings annually. In Palestine, where the public readings were concluded approximately every three years, Simḥat Torah was not celebrated annually until after the gaonic period. Israeli Jews celebrate Simḥat Torah and Shemini Atzeret on the same day; in the Diaspora, Simḥat Torah is celebrated on the second day of Shemini Atzeret. Its joyous celebrations bring the Sukkoth season to an appropriate close.
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Love Each and Every Single One Of Y'all, Always, and God Bless Y'all,
— Pastor Blackburn <3
Abiding In God's Grace©Ministries
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stardustandheart · 5 years
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By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.
PSALM 33:6
august 21, 2017 - the first day of my last semester of college.
for the last few weeks, the talk of the town (as well as the entire world) was that of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse. it was to be incredible; an extraordinary event of nature. the united states had front row tickets to the show.
when i saw a lunar eclipse for the very first time, i was in awe. it was beautiful, it was mesmerizing. i thought to myself, a solar eclipse was going to be amazing too, just like the lunar eclipse. i didn't understand what all the hustle and bustle was really about.
when the day began, i got myself ready just like i would for any other typical day of class. i had only one class in the morning and then i was going to be free for the rest of the day. my friend rebecca and i had made plans the night before to meet a local nature preserve, where there would be a special viewing of the eclipse, as well as high-tech telescopes where we could get an even more breathtaking view.
as the sky began to darken a little bit on the way to the nature preserve, i began to grow super excited...i felt butterflies, even! all of a sudden, it was all getting so real. i was about to witness an incredible event of Mother Nature. maximum eclipse in my city would occur at 2:53 PM.
the last total solar eclipse viewed from contiguous united states was on february 26, 1979 whose path passed through the northwestern U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. i wasn't even born yet!
my friend had beaten me to the nature reserve. she texts me at 2:30 PM as I am still driving saying, "it's already happening girl!"
i stepped on that pedal. i could NOT miss this!
at the next stop light, i did something that i probably shouldn't have done, but I just couldn't wait any longer. through my driver's side window, i look up directly at the sun for just a second. i didn't have the special glasses yet, but i just couldn't wait!
already, without the glasses, i could see the partial eclipse!!! it was....absolutely extraordinary.. so incredible that i wanted to look up at it again, but i knew that i couldn't, otherwise, i would damage my eyes.
it's now 2:34 PM and i am 3 minutes away from the preserve. "AMAZING" reads the next text from my friend. i need to get there already!!!
i finally get to the preserve at 2:39 PM. i finally find a parking spot (it was so difficult because of how many people were there; the line of parked cars stretched out to the main road, a very busy road).
i get scolded by an older lady that I shouldn't park where I did - "i'm sorry lady, i'm not gonna be here long and uhmm, there is a SOLAR ECLIPSE happening as we speak!!!"
so i meet up with my friend. she's lovely and sweet as ever and always, and since all of the glasses had run out (yes, that's just how crazy this event was), a nice gentleman asks me if I want to look at the eclipse through his glasses.
as I say say "oh my god, yes, thank you so much!", so many things are going through my busy little mind.
i am mentally preparing myself for what I am about to see.
i finally put on the glasses and glance up to the sky...
in this very moment, as i am typing these words, i will pause for a moment, close my eyes, and recreate my experience, describing to you my thoughts in that very moment as I looked up at the sky.
my god....
today i am small and insignificant. today especially, i am in complete AWE of you... in awe of your magnificence, grandeur, and intelligence that surpass the smallest increments of my understanding... i've never seen something so beautiful and breathtaking as this. THANK YOU for allowing me to take part in your creation. 
it was an absolute miracle to me.
in that moment, something like a wave of air - a breeze - came over me and my heart skipped a beat. in that moment, even under the blazing hot florida sun, i felt such a deep sense of gratitude. so much gratitude and overwhelming peace that i couldn't explain. i felt so grateful for everything that I had in my life - my loved ones, the roof over my head, my health. and, so grateful that i had the honor of standing there, seeing this happen with my very own eyes. what a blessing, to say the least.
i can't tell you how amazing it was.
my first vocalic reaction was a huge gasp for air followed by a "WOW." my friend smiled big and giggled at my reaction. yes, my reaction might have been cute and funny, but little did she know just how i felt inside.
the next thing that came to my mind were the lyrics of a beautiful christian song that I love, "Starry Night" by Chris August:
"i’m giving my life to the only one who makes the moon reflect the sun every starry night that was his design."
i didn't want to stop looking at it. for the next hour, my friend and i looked off and on, and every single time i looked, i just became more and more in awe... looking through the telescope was even more incredible. but nothing will be more memorable to me than the first glance i had through the special glasses.
August 21, 2017 is a day that i will surely never forget.
tell me about your experience on August 21st - i would LOVE to hear about it. until next time,
XOXO- jami
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enjoliquej · 2 years
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“When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and stars that You set in place—
What are mere mortals, that You concern yourself with them;
Humans, that You watch over them with such care?” Psalms 8:3-4
(i got to see the lunar eclipse fully for maybe the first time and it was very cool I had a perfect view of it!)
2024 Solar Eclipse
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gracedman · 6 years
Satan Desires to Possess You!!
Luke 22:3 (ESV)
Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve.
Luke 22:31–32 (ESV)
“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”
  Luke 13:11–13 (ESV)
And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your disability.” And he laid his hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and she glorified God.
  Luke 13:16 (ESV)
And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?”
 We do not always know what the enemy has bee able to do in our lives. Just think for a moment. Eighteen years. This is a long time for anything to be in one’s life. Eighteen years is enough time for an infant to grow into full manhood or womanhood. A great deal can happen in this amount of time. You and I would say that after eighteen years, 6,480 days in a lunar calendar, or 6,570 days in a solar calendar, anything would be considered a permanent condition. Her doctors would tell her that she was just going to have to live with her condition. Her family would tell her to adjust to her condition. Her rabbi would tell her to accept the fact that this condition was her status and portion from God. Her priest would tell her that this is her cross and that she should learn to live with it. She would need to “bear her cross.” And then she met the master. Then she had him pray for her. And she was loosed from the bond and bondage of the devil.
 Satan is constantly initiating to men and women, boys and girls. He desires to possess human beings. In fact, he has them under his control until salvation comes from God. He binds and blinds the hearts of so many of his subjects. Mostly, they live without a consciousness of his masterminding influences. With some he is upfront, but with most he creeps and slides in the dark. Genesis 3 says: “on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.” Isaiah 49 warns of the voices from the dust:
  Isaiah 29:4 (ESV)
And you will be brought low; from the earth you shall speak, and from the dust your speech will be bowed down; your voice shall come from the ground like the voice of a ghost, and from the dust your speech shall whisper.
 Satan speaks through the dust system that he crawls in and eats. Dust speaks of our physical bodies and the aspects of our nervous system that are closely tied with it. We spend too much time listening to the messages from our bodies. Some cannot hear anything else. Their physical body dominates the content of their soul and blocks out the spiritual input from God and his word. When God said these things, he knew very well that Satan would love to speak to us as well through the dust of our being:
  Matthew 4:4 (ESV)
But he answered, “It is written,” ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”
  Colossians 3:16 (ESV)
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
 Whether or not I am fully healed of a physical affliction is completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. I have seen some who have been completely healed by God and then go and live for the devil and themselves. The content of their soul was not affected. I have also seen others who have not been healed physically but have developed a rich portion from heaven in the soul. To be with them was to be with someone who lived as an outpost of heaven in a war zone. You forgot that they were handicapped, limited, or afflicted. All you could sense was the Lord Jesus. All you could remember was that they lived above what the dust would have them in bondage to. They were not bound, blinded, or held captive to the enemy. No, they were free and free indeed. They bore the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ on their lives. They were no longer troubled by the dust nor the one who crawls in it:
  Galatians 6:17 (ESV)
From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.
 What is going on in my physical body or with my physical body, can not interrupt my heavenly connection. I have decided to live by every word of God. It will order my thoughts and set my attitudes. I will bear his fruits, he will be the one who marks my steps and sets my course. Satan can harass or flee from me, it makes no difference. As Paul said:
  Acts 20:24 (ESV)
But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
  Lord Jesus, your face was set like a flint as you approached the cross. Paul said that nothing moved him. We are in awe that in the face of adversaries, opponents, and nemesis of all kinds, we can stand secure in the grace of God and go forward. Amen!!!
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Saturday’s Silence: The Waiting Room between Good Friday and Easter Sunday
A lot of the church preaches on and about the Crucifixion on Good Friday, as well as the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. But rarely is anything spoken of regarding the day in between. That anguishing silence between the passion and the victory. On this side of the cross and covenant, we have the privilege of foreknowledge, yet I can imagine this Saturday when Jesus’ disciples and followers fled into hiding, and how torturous that lack of answering must be, even though Jesus literally said He’d rise again in three days repeatedly.
At the time of this post, today is that very day – Holy Week’s Saturday. What is it like to be in the perseverance of waiting before the breakthrough of the miracle, when your experience doesn’t align with your expectation?
The four gospels don’t mention much about what happened on this day, besides the corruption of the Pharisees in Matthew, who asked Pilate to seal Joseph’s tomb to prevent the cadaver of Christ from being stolen by the disciples while also bribing the guards (who ironically had more faith in Jesus’ resurrection than Jesus’ own disciples) into spreading the rumour that it was indeed stolen. The only other account I could find was in Luke, where the women in Jesus’ life rested in accordance to the levitical law because that Saturday was the Sabbath.
This is a long, harrowing Saturday. In many ways, most of us fall into this category of life. It’s the day between struggle and solution, question and answer, offered prayer and answer thereof. Though we like to say we live on the other side of Easter, which is true in its ultimate sense, it’s nonetheless also true we live somewhere between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. In the tension between the now and the not yet. The crucifixion of our old life is behind us, but death is still with us, and the final victory of the cross lies somewhere in the future.
I can’t help but think of my Singapore church’s founding pastor, who was tragically killed in a car wreck last Saturday in Brazil while on the missions field. The memorial service is scheduled for a fortnight from now, and every funeral reminds us that “the final enemy that will be destroyed is death” (1 Corinthians 15:26). The death of death at Jesus’ hand is assured, but as long as we remain on this mortal realm of this sinful world, we will all suffer the ignoble penalty of our sin, which is death, and death has not yet been destroyed. Thus the happy day of eternal life and the new Jerusalem, as promised in Revelation, is still in front of us.
Yet on this holy Saturday, everything comes to a standstill. The body of Christ is as silent as the stone that guards it. He made Himself heard on Friday. The curtain in the holy of holies was rent in two from top to bottom, the graves of the dead were opened, the earth shook violently, the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse occurred on the same span of a day. Earth heard much of God on Friday.
Nothing on Saturday.  Jesus is silent. God is silent. Saturday is silent.
Easter weekend discussions have a proclivity to skip Saturday. Friday and Sunday always get the media press. The crucifixion and resurrection dominate our ruminations and meditations.  But don’t ignore Saturday. You have them, too. Saturday’s silence torments us. Is God angry? Did we disappoint Him? God knows Jesus is in the tomb, so why doesn’t He do something? Or, perhaps in your case God knows your mental health is in the tank, your finances are precipitately in the pit, your marriage/job is going to hell in a handbasket. Why doesn’t He act?  What are you supposed to do until He does even when it hurts like hell?
You do what Jesus did. Be still (see Psalm 46:10). Stay silent. Trust God. Jesus died with this conviction: “You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay” (Acts 2:27). Jesus knew God would not leave him alone in the grave. In a 21st-century digital age commandeered by a technology generation, it’s easy to have a microwave culture where everything you expect is met utmost immediacy, but the Scriptures frequently exhort us to “wait on the Lord”. Joseph waited 13 years. Abraham waited 25. Moses waited 40. Jesus Himself waited 30.  In the waiting rooms of life, the revelation we must wrestle to grasp is that God will not leave you alone with your struggles. His silence is not his absence, inactivity is never apathy. Saturdays have their purpose. They let us feel the full force of God’s strength. Had God raised Jesus fifteen minutes after the death of His Son, would we have appreciated the act? Were He to solve your problems the second they appear, would you appreciate His grace and strength?
For His sovereign reasons, God inserts a Saturday between our Fridays and Sundays. If today, or even this whole season, is one for you, be patient. As one who endured the silent Saturday wrote:  “Be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord” (James 5:7).
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loveforhispeopleinc · 7 years
Not A Numbers Game - Now Think On This by Steve Martin
Not A Numbers Game – Now Think On This by Steve Martin
“Make me grasp, Adonai, what my end must be, what it means that my days are numbered; (Psalm 39:5, Complete Jewish Bible)
On September 21, 2017 (based on the solar Gregorian calendar), Rosh Hashanah began at sundown on the Jewish lunar calendar. That day was the 1st of Tishrei, 5778. I have seen several articles written on the meaning of the new Hebrew year 5778, and find them all very…
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Oct 21, 2021-Watchman News-Psalm 40:8 -Horrific Injuries from Sting, Jesus at the Door, Pig Kidney Transplant, In-Out Closed-SF! from Trevis Dampier Ministries on Vimeo.
News Feed - liveactioneating.com/
VERSE OF THE DAY Psalm 40:8 (New International Version) I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.”
High Watch Times this Week
Oct 22nd -Oct 23rd – Sabbath – Parshat Vayera Oct 23rd – Oct 24th – Chesvan 17 (The Day of the Flood)
Vayera which means “And He Appeared.”
Readings Torah – Genesis 18:1-22:24 Haftarahs – 2 Kings 4:1-37 Brit Chadashah – Luke 17:26-37, Romans 9:6-9, Galatians 4:21-31, Heb. 6:13-2011:13-19, James 2:14-24, 2 Peter 2:4-10
G‑d reveals Himself to Abraham three days after the first Jew’s circumcision at age ninety-nine; but Abraham rushes off to prepare a meal for three guests who appear in the desert heat. One of the three—who are angels disguised as men—announces that, in exactly one year, the barren Sarah will give birth to a son. Sarah laughs.
Abraham pleads with G‑d to spare the wicked city of Sodom. Two of the three disguised angels arrive in the doomed city, where Abraham’s nephew Lot extends his hospitality to them and protects them from the evil intentions of a Sodomite mob. The two guests reveal that they have come to overturn the place, and to save Lot and his family. Lot’s wife turns into a pillar of salt when she disobeys the command not to look back at the burning city as they flee.
Great Flood Begins (2105 BCE)
The rains began to fall on the 17th of Cheshvan of the year 1656 from creation (2105), flooding the earth and rising above the highest mountains. Only Noah and his family survived, in the ark built to that end by Divine command, and a pair of each animal species, who entered with him into the ark.
The following is a chronology of the Flood, as indicated by the dates and time periods given in the Torah’s account and calculated by Rashi:
Cheshvan 17: Noah enters ark; rains begin. Kislev 27: Forty days of rain end; begin 150 days of water’s swelling and churning, during which the water reaches a height of 15 cubits above the mountain peaks. Sivan 1: Water calms and begins to subside at the rate of one cubit every four days. Sivan 17: The bottom of the ark, submerged 11 cubits beneath the surface, touches down on the top of Mount Ararat. Av 1: The mountain peaks break the water’s surface. Elul 10:Forty days after the mountain peaks becom visible, Noah opens the ark’s window and dispatches a raven. Elul 17: Noah sends the dove for the first time. Elul 23: The dove is sent a second time, and returns with an olive leaf in its beak. Tishrei 1: Dove’s third mission. Water completely drained. Cheshvan 27: Ground fully dried. Noah exits ark. (This chronology follows the opinion of the Talmudic sage Rabbi Eliezer; according to Rabbi Joshua’s interpretation, the Flood began on Iyar 17, and all above dates should be moved ahead six months.) Total time that Noah spent in the ark: 365 days (one solar year; one year and 11 days on the lunar calendar).
Prepare for the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Please repent, carry your cross daily and accept the free gift of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for payment for your sins.
#Yahweh #Yeshua #HolySpirit #LordAlmighty #SovereignLord #Nameaboveallnames #TheWay #TheTruth #TheLife #TheGate #Heaven #KingdomofHeaven #Saved #Glorified #Endtimes #LastDays #FeastofTrumpets #markofthebeast #verseoftheday #birthpains #Judgement #Christian #Christianity #hope #love #Jesus #Christ
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yhebrew · 7 years
The constellations give witness when men will not.  This same signal was in the skies for two years when Yeshua Jesus was born in -3 BCE.  It has been in our skies for two years since the Sabbath year 2014-15.d  The Lunar Tetrad signaled the beginning of the fight for Jerusalem.  The 8.21.17 solar eclipse signaled the troubles of Virgo’s water breaking.
Hurricane Jason was number 11….  Hurricanes: Paul ‘Harvey’ is telling us the ‘rest of the story’ being #9.a number of severing.. and Irma is #10…(yood..hand of G-d).  There are nine stars making up Leo and three planets sit at his paw for a total of twelve (tribes of Israel) and twelve shakings.
Venus (Morning Star – Yeshua Jesus), Mars is next (Michael The Archangel of War). and the closest to the virgin is Mercury (Gabriel The Messenger Archangel).  The messenger brings the message of WAR…who fill fight with Yeshua…to bring Jupiter’s (Father God) peace to the world.   Michael was delayed 21 days as he was fighting with the Prince of Persia (Iran) earlier in scripture.  He is the Warrior angel.  Twenty-one days is that 20.6 half hour of silence that is spoken of in Psalms.  Jacob was with Laban 20 years and came out of his silence from his family bringing forth Benjamin in the 21st year.  Twenty-one years will end the silence….or it begins the silence…depending which end of it you’re on.  Don’t think Greek…but think patterns…and Hebrew and Middle Eastern.  Know the signals…
As I type Jupiter, (Father G-d) is half out of the birth canal of the virgin Virgo.  The Hurricanes and earthquakes show the water breaking and the earth shaking.  The total alignment of these constellations like this have not been seen for 7000 years.
Rosh Hoshanna is the Feast of Trumpets….September 21, 2017.  Open your bibles….Draco the dragon (Satan) will swipe his tail and drop one-third of the hosts of heaven (evil spirits) to the earth.  Comets?
Everyone should look up and take Revelation 12 very seriously.  The woman is hidden…not taken…for 1260 days…42 days…3.5 years.  The battle is won by the man-child (Yeshua) returning…but not before two witnesses intentionally speak more stress on the earth.  The earth kills these witnesses and even give each other gifts in celebration of it.  There are 144,000 virgin male Jews that also will be martyred for the cause The Torah.  They represent the twelve tribes of Israel…the nine stars and three planets that make up twelve shining object in Leo…The Lion of Judah.  This Lion leads Virgo that has the sun bathing her for all to see…and the dark moon at her feet…as she crushes the one at her heel…Satan.  Do you know of any religion that uses the sliver of the moon as their symbol?
These witnesses have tried to bring God’s instruction back to the earth.  Many are killed for this testimony and then it’s done…The earth is purified with Satan and demons locked up for 1000 years…one day…so men will be shown how to REST in The Anointed One…The Messiach.
2015 – Wars begin just before Rosh Hoshanna…the trumpet was blown.  Eclipse warnings began that Feast of Tabernacles….two years ago…as I sat watching a couple share their wedding vows at Lake Paradise.  It pictured what our Creator has meant for us to be…joined with him in a marriage covenant…that is seen in The Feast of Tabernacles..15 days later.
2016 –   The struggle for leaders that will love Israel….  The last Trumpet of G-d was Trump…  But, he can not divide Israel…there is NO two-state solution.  The day his son-in-law was there and acted as an outlaw to Israel…Hurricane Harvey formed and then hit quickly.  In 2005 Hurricane Katrina formed the day the last Jew was removed from Gaza.  She hit the day the bulldozers plowed under their Gaza homes.  They promised the Palestinians that Gaza/Hebron would be their new home.  The Jew was never to return.  When you remove someone’s home…they can NOT return.  Katrina victims moved to Houston and never returned…but were displaced once again by Harvey.  Our Creator will NOT forget…and will keep chasing us down as we continue to revolt against His plans.  (He wants Israel in ALL her land…and more than she has now.)
2017 –  Creation is at war with humanity…especially America at Rosh Hoshanna 2017.
2018 –  Mankind seeks shelter in caves and wilderness with the woman to whom they have agree to graft into… The God man-child, The Messiach.
Read these current blog posts while you can.    Many in Florida no longer have cell service…no electricity for several weeks.   Texas the same.  What has happened and what is still going to happen?  Check with G-d….is he talking to you?  There is a  time of silence…  time is about up….  To whom are you trusting your life to?  As in the days of Noah has more meaning than you might ever know.  Cain, Lot, Jonah all ran from God. Job held the course and did NOT deny who had created him.  Noach built an ark showing his faith..Abraham and Sarah held the course for 100 years to see the ‘Seed’ Isaac of whom birthed Jacob renamed, Israel.
Yah’s (G-d) War is about establishing the earth back to the beginning of correction instruction on worship.  If you know him…you will know his father…and nothing that He spoke was not from the father.  They are in total agreement with this plan.  There is a birthing taking place with troubles for 2520 days; 360 days year x 7 = 2520.  There are problems for 1260 days….three years….and then Daniel speaks of 1290 days…add 30 days (1 month).  It is a marker of still trouble….and then Daniel says that if you can make it tothe 1335th day you’ll be blessed.  Read my my current blogs and you’ll see what being blessed means.
Are you willing to multiply on the earth?  Are you willing to produce children that you instruct them in The Torah?  The ways of the Bible as understood by Yeshua Jesus?  He rested on the Sabbath…he did not have pork BBQ…or Pepperoni pizza….  Certain things were laid out that have proven to be very healthy for us…but that doesn’t even matter…  We do it because He first loved us and died for the penalty that we bore because of sinning.  He took that when The Creator himself laid his life down willingly on the cross (stake).  No Jew killed him…if so…then I did it too and you did it too…we all did it…it ordained from the foundation of the world to make that sacrifice for mankind.  Just as this day is ordained in the heavens from the foundation of the  world.  There is no surprise…in what is ready to happy.
Visual sightings are available, verbal messages have been sent and our bibles give witness to some of the greatest events to ever happen.  They truly will be a Wonder…just as He is our Wonder.  And all of this will send us into situations that will test our ‘faith’.  It is time the Christian will give witness not to Mother Nature, but to the one really in charge of every hair on our head….The L-RD…  The Great I AM has found us wonting…as the handwriting on the wall expressed to King Belshazzar.  He became like a bird with claws and ate from the ground as a donkey.  But, in the end his sanity came back and his kingdom was restored…but he truly was a changed man and knew that The Creator was in charge of all of life….
We’re going through this my friends as every pattern shows it.  No one was lifted out…even Moses died…Enoch died at Mt. Sinai over 500 years of age.  We haven’t had the entire story and thus have been lead astray.  We prefer books that man tells us are the BEST to read because they don’t think we can look through the chicken bones and pick out the meat.  Read The Book of Jubilees….let’s get straight so our King of Kings will still hear your prayers as you talk to him moment by moment as a comet comes to burn the earth.  It will shake more than ever before…and it is all for us to one last time….ask ourselves…What do we  believe.  I believe in Yeshua, The Messiach because he first believed in me.  I will NOT turn my back…but keep typing as fast as I can..giving testimony to the ONE true name in which to be saved….
It is in this name that a broken calf raised it head and then it’s hoof….  That will be my next witness in order to our Creator glory.  Do you have a witness story?  Pray and ask in sincerity….He does hear our request because He sees our hearts love Him…
Amein and love to each of you!  We are only safe in Him…don’t run…TRUST….is enough!
        Constellation Virgo lead by Lion of Judah in skies today..King of Kings being birthed by 9.23.17. The constellations give witness when men will not.  This same signal was in the skies for two years when Yeshua Jesus was born in -3 BCE.  
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ramrodd · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQv4Hl2l4wM)
At 18:33,  Travis Quertermous asserts unambiguously, categorically and, in his mind and on his personal authority, the following:
 "The scriptures have been miraculously revealed, they have been miraculously confirmed and their purpose has been fulfilled and they are no longer needed in the church".
This is total bullshit, as is most of the lecture presented. This is an expression of Solo Scriptura and is essentially part of the business model of American Evangelism. The idea that the scriptures are not longer needed in the church (and most of the other assertions in the lecture regarding divine inspirtation) rests ultimately on the denial of the Holy Spirit and, as Jesus points out, the only unforgivable sin is to deny the Holy Spirit.
I do agree unequivocally with one assertion by Quertermous beginning at 24:20, that Jesus is not an angel. Jesus is exactly who He says He is  Like the Bible, generally, Jesus' purpose is epistemological, which is to say, to guide individuals into relationship with the mind of God and to validate this relationship as the nature of worship. Jesus' entire ministry is an example of leadership by example and His intention was not to become an object of worship Himself, but to live a life of worship for all to see and to God be the Glory. 
I am not claiming any new divine revelation, per se, but I do have an on-going and active relationship with the Holy Spirit as a witness to reveal elements of divine purpose which have begun to emerge in this age. This stuff already exists and I am merely reporting on the Glory of God working in our world to do His will.
 When Mohammad was still in Mecca and his wife Khadija was still alive, Mohammad was a true Prophet and his purpose was to bring the children of Ismael back into covenant with Abraham and to bring them to Jesus. This is why Gabriel was his intercessor: Gabriel's role has always been to announce the coming of the Messiah, before the fact, and, in the case of Muslims, to announce His reality in the present. It is impossible to overstate Khadija's role as the spiritual conduit into Mohammad's psyche for when she died, he lost his way and died as a false prophet with his aorta burst by God. 
Like Solo Scriptura, the Quran is a legal argument. or, at least, one that appeals to logic. As it stands. Islam is a Gnostic doctrine and Allan a demiurge from a more primitive time. Mohammad apparently gained this Gnostic pursuasion from a Arian monk, Bahira, sometime in his teenage years, although Khadija had an uncle who was Christian and seemed to be aligned, generally, with the dectrine that came out  of Nicea. Allah is a lunar divinity and Islam continues to organize its calendar around the Lunar year, which is why Ramadan migrates year by year (Judaism employs a lunar calendar, but organized by the Solar year. The Satanic Verses are a legacy of this traditon. In 1974,  
Egyptian biochemist  Rashad Khalifa did a computer analysis of the Quran employing 19 as a common demoninator. This arises from Sura 19 "Above it is 19" and the computer analysis seemed to reveal a pattern in the way 19 is encoded in the Quran, which is referred to as "The Mathematical Miracle of the Quran" or Code 19. Examples of this pattern are available here:
I first encountered Code 19 as an element of Louis Farrakhan's address to the Million Man March in 1995. In this fascinating speech, Farrakhan employed 19 to set up a vamp to establish the existential context of the speech, and then, like Miles Davis, soared off into his main theme, which was that racism is a mental illness, and then returned to this vamp to anchor the crowd before blasting off again. It was a dazzling rhetorical display and I was intrigued by the employment of 19 as a figure of speech as well as to its numerological significance. Out of curosity, I read the Quran, but was unenlightened and, frankly, unimpressed, with the content although I was willing to accept the possibility that the true meaning is to be found in the original Arabic. 
After that initial inquiry, I lost interest in the Quran, although it was not lost on me that there were 19 jihadists on 911 (one of the original 20 calling in sick) until something compelled me to Google 19 and Islam, which came up with a plethora of articles and YouTube videos about Rashad Khalifa , Sura 74:30 and "The Miracle of 19 in the Quran" and, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, these things were made evident to me: 
 First, Sura 74:30 establishes the divine origins of the Quran. It is a mistake to understand it in any other manner: it is the recitation of Gabriel to Mohammad, especially the "Meccan" verses. In comparison, The Book of Mormon is purely fraud. 
 Second, Sura 74:30 abrogates the entire Quran except Sura 12 and Sura 19:1 - 33. This is important because Mohammad had the habit of inventing revelations convenient to his activities in Medina which replaced, or "abrogated", earlier Meccan revelations, a conclusion his favorite wife, Aisha, came to on her own. Mohammad became increasingly mercenary (and sociopathic) as his criminal enterprise in Medina began to resemble the ideological movement it became after his death: Mohammad became the Messiah of the Sword that Jews of the 1st Century expected Jesus to be. Everything Muslim apologists argue as moral principle in the Quran is vacated by Sura 74:30. 
Third, "19" is the numerological symbol for Jesus Christ, Son of God, the Alpha and the Omega. The metaphysics of Islam is an 8 base numerology, the same as the Pharaoh whose dream Joseph interprets. In essence, Sura 74:30 is a Come to Jesus call for Muslims and every instance of the Miracle of 19 in the Quran is a call to Come to Jesus. As I say, Mohammad's task was to bring the Children of Ismael to Jesus and Sura 74:30 is the divine authority for that call. 
Forth, Sura 74:30 is designed to illuminate the significance of Sura 19:1 - 33, which is The Way Mohammad was supposed to lead Muslims towards. Sura Maryam 1 - 33 tends to validate Luke's version of the Nativity and Sura 19:19, as an allusion to John 19:19 (one of the historical markers in the Gospels)  refutes Sura 4:157 (these suras can be google directly: this sura denies Jesus died on the cross). 
Fifth, the combination of Sura 74:30 and Sura 12 Yusef indicates that the Gospel of Matthew was inspired by the Holy Spirit in anticipation of Mohammad with the purpose of supporting his abandoned evangelism with a narrative that is culturally available to Muslims. Among other things, there are 28 chapters which echoes the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet (Psalm 119, the longest psalm as well as the longest chapter in the Bible, has the same number of verses as letters in the Hebrew alphabet, 22). The chapters can be easily divided into 4 units which reflects the phases of the moon. The narrative begins during the dark of the moon, when Joseph and his famliy escape Herod into Egypt. The New Moon, which signals the beginning of Ramadan, appears between Mt 7 and Mt 8 after a discussion on fasting. The action of Matthew occurs on 7 mountains which reflects Mohammad retreat to the mountaing which surround Mecca for his meditations. 
And, finally, Sixth, Sura 12 Yusef is the only narrative that is transferred complete from the Bible (and the only complete narrative, generally) and it is not a coincidence that Jesus' step-father is named Joseph and leads his family into Egypt. Genesis 12 introduces Abram into the Hebrew narrative and Joseph is the only other perfect man in the Bible besides Jesus. I think Mohammad never made the connection between Yusef and Maryam, probably because of the death of Khadija and her uncle, but the true miracle of the Quran is that it was created in the first place and that the numbering of the Suras in the Quran, like the numbering of the chapter and verse of the Bible, was added long after the fact of its composition and was added as a mundane convenience of the typesetters after printing was invented AND the Arabic symbols adopted for number. 
If you cannot see the hand of God in these relationships, then you deserve the mercenary interpretations of Travis Quertermous and his business model based on Solo Scriptura. There are thousands of Muslims receiving visions of Jesus every day, but, if you were to take Quertermous' doctrine as, well, gospel truth, you have no way of effectively witnessing to Muslims who are already primed to receive the Sospel especially designed for them, The irony is that Muslim apologists are compelled by their tribal sense of inferiority and exclusion from the Gospels to constantly seeking references to Mohammad in the Hebrew scriptures and Christian Bible when the Holy Spirit has provided exactly that validation in the Gospel of Matthew. The pity is that, if they depend upon charletons like Travis Quertermous who assert that "... the purpose (of the scriptures) has been fulfilled and they are no longer needed in the church", they will never receive that unqualified reception into the Body of Christ without jumping through the unnecessary hoops Evangelicals like Quertermous requires. 
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