Somnee I love your hair. How do you take care of it? Do you have like- A set routine or?
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AC: zZ iunno Zz
She shrugs a little, clearly never having put much thought into it, even though having been asked this question before.
AC: zZ tie it up when i do smthing where they cant be in the way? Zz AC: zZ comb it through bottom to top? Zz AC: zZ dont wash it too often? Zz
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
World building Masayo <:)
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full name: Masayo Desmus
gender: Masc
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: He/Him
family: Orphaner Deadeye/Akiira Desmus (Ancestor), Affliction (Deceased/Ancestor), The Rivetess/Romida Gartho (Ancestor), Ketana Desmus (Younger brother), Rodisa Gartho (Younger sister), Riyyao Desmus (Younger Brother) and Somnee Gryffs (Half sister)
birthplace: Alternia
job: Professional fighter and Bouncer
phobias: Toxiphobia
guilty pleasures: Spa day! He uh.. doesn’t like talking about that kinda stuff ngl
morality alignment?: Lawful neutral
sins - lust/pride/wrath
virtues - charity/kindness/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extroverted
organized/disorganized: Disorganized
close minded/open-minded: Closed minded
calm/anxious: Calm
disagreeable/agreeable: Disagreeable
cautious/reckless: Reckless
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Traditional
hard-working/lazy: Hardworking
otp: Vaniee ❤️ Masayo (Made with love)
ot3: Masayo + Elyzia ♦️ Wicata
brotp: Jollie ♦️♠️ Masayo (Blood in the water)
notp: //gestures to the family mess// .. Skeuno line
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Character/Ship Tags
For Easy access
Character Tags
Airiss (Indigo Idol/Streamer)
Aitreo (Fuchsia Special Agent)
Alfadi (Teal Personal Assistant)
Amalia (Violet WIP)
Anthea (Pink Child Princess)
Anudal (Purple Businessman)
Artiri (Violet Ballet Student)
Athokk (Violet Special Officer)
Audrey (Purple Ringleader)
Balton (Lime WIP)
Bazani (Violet Gaming Streamer)
Cernos (Anon Oracle)
Chepre (Jade Secretary)
Crovin (Teal WIP)
Dulcie (Gold Ballet Student)
Ecifed (Jade WIP)
Edvari (Gold Influencer)
Elraik (Fuchsia Fashion Student)
Elyzia (Cerulean Nutritionist)
Escovi (Red WIP)
Etatio (Violet Band Bassist)
Ghalen (Red Art Student)
Hespar (Red Monster Hunter)
Ithora (Red Ranger)
Ivitas (Bronze DJ)
Kazmir (Indigo Unemployed)
Kiethe (Red Biker)
Kionya (Red Fashion Student)
Kuvani (Purple Security)
Luxsol (Bronze Chef)
Lyonel (Bronze Barbarian)
Magnit (Indigo Wizard)
Mlanee (Fuchsia Singer)
Myelee (Fuchsia Dancer)
Namkor (Teal Bard)
Niaell (Olive Band Guitarist)
Orvear (Purple Artist)
Praeda (Forensic Student)
Revenn (Anon Child Knight)
Ritrie (Indigo WIP)
Rodisa (Blue Actress)
Romida (Blue Slaver)
Rothan (Violet Barkeeper)
Salvis (Jade Builder)
Sintai (Gold Unemployed)
Skafio (Fuchsia Hemopunk)
Somera (Olive Slave)
Somnee (Olive Barista/Student)
Stives (Bronze Chocolatier)
Striga (Jade Druid)
Stryxe (Jade Druid)
Temero (Lime Chemist)
Tricia (Fuchsia Stripper)
Tybalt (Teal Cafe Owner)
Umbsol (Cerulean Security)
Untego (Purple Ticket Seller)
Veltin (Violet Child Prince)
Vincez (Bronze Art Student)
Vizlei (Jade Veterinary Student)
Xantia (Violet WIP)
Xiento (Violet Estate Manager)
Ship Tags
Me & GG (the brosties)
General Ship Tag (ship things I like in general)
Artistic Muse (Navika+Orvear)
Commitment Issues (Elraik+Ialvah+Salhus)
Contract in Red (Ecifed+Kiraro)
Disciplines of Friendship (Elraik Friend Group)
Fairy Melody (Alfadi+Nobayo)
Fish to Fish Communication (Aitreo+Lammek)
Friends till the End (Big Ass Nakaou Friend Group)
Heavenly Contract (Elyzia+Wicata)
Love and Desire (Elyzia+Milo)
Monsters and Fae (Alfadi+Vanmit)
Mourning Sun (Anudal+Travix)
Nuhbis Family (all Anudal+Travix kids)
Nuhbis Twins (Anudal+Travix Twins)
Obsessive Possessive (Akiira+Romida)
Pitch in a Ditch (Aitreo+Raenna)
Power and Control (Paeoni+Xiento)
Sniper Target (Aitreo+Ketana)
Starstrukk (Lammek+Rodisa)
The Red Undead (Aitreo+Nakaou)
Thread of Love (Athokk+Rocsi)
Tiny Queendom (Anthea+Revenn+Veltin)
Twinned Stars (Salvis+Travix)
Veterinary Assistance (Vizlei+Yani)
Water Lilies (Kazuki+Stryxe)
Wild Moons (Salvis+Tayashi)
Winged Waves (Etatio+Somnee)
Xahara Clan (all Salvis+Tayashi kids)
Xahara Twins (Salvis+Tayashi Twins)
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shinsart · 4 years
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Tried doing something serious, but hated it. Decided to try and have fun instead (emphasis on TRY) and salvage what I have. Didn’t turn out too bad.
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shenktrolls · 2 years
multimuse specific ‘why aren’t we interacting yet’ symbol meme
🎋: I don’t know which one of my muses you’re interested in
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i would think the ones i've sent asks for before! :0
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asks-n-trolls · 4 years
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Fluffy hair and cat shenanigans !
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trollioscereal · 2 years
Meeee? <3
SHIN!!!! <3 First impression of the mun: to be honest, you kind of intimidated me for a while because you had this like- cool-ish vibe and really amazing art, I thought you'd think I would be super obnoxious akjsdlkhd
Current opinion on the mun: Amazing. Great. Cooler than I imagined. 10/10. 100/10. One of my favorite people in the FTC and my friend. Shin is amazing and I'm happy to have the opportunity to know him!
Which of their trolls I like the best: Xiento will be my favorite until the day I die. I am married to him now, no take backs. He's got so many layers and I love how you play him. Aitreo is a given :) And Somnee and Etatio forever But also Rodisa, she's my girlfriend ALSO STRIGA?? HELLO stop making such amazing fantrolls.
Which of their trolls I’d like to RP with: all give them to me
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sasster · 2 years
Am I welcome to join in on the faves?
come come sit down sit down
Im dumb uhhhh somnee stay here I GUESS
etatio is obvious <3 a classic
but uh.....
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thetirelesstangler · 6 years
Diva Challenge 362 and CZT 32!
Diva Challenge 362 and CZT 32!
The Diva Challenge this week took an interesting turn when I applied Eni Oken’s Tangle Enhancers Card Game. The Diva, Laura Harms, challenged us this week to “Use My Tangle” with her pattern “Somnee”. Somnee is a similar pattern to Zentangle’s “Hollibaugh” and I needed some inspiration to dress it up a bit. I used Copic markers for color, and Prismacolor Pencils for shading. Luckily, I have Eni…
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alfadi and somnee are 100% my favs followed by elyzia 🥺
LIN UR SO FUCKING VALID, the cute fem squad is very loveable!
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Julian ❦ Somnee
"♡ ♡hhh emm gee... that sleepy kitty I like. T♡ts f♡und ♡n my hike like.. a l♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ng while ag♡ n♡w??? ♡"
I hate you || You’re awful || How can anyone like you || I want to hurt you || You should go die || I wish we never had met || I want to fight you || I don’t know who you are || I have no opinion of you || You seem nice || You’re cute || You’re attractive || You’re a god/goddess || You seem like a decent person || You seem like an awful person || I want to get to know you more || I want you to stay away from me || I’m embarrassed around you || I’m shy around you || I wish you’d kiss me || I would kiss you || I want you to fuck me || I want to fuck you || I want to protect you || I like you || I have a crush on you || I love you ||
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im like somnee (maybe my inherent oliveblood bias but who knows)
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I HAVE SO MANY FAVS but Somnee is probably my Most Fav :0
Awe, you like the playful meow meow?
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somnee, if someone had a red crush on you, what would you most appreciate them doing to show you?
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AC: zZ somebodys got a crush on me? Zz AC: zZ das a weird thought Zz
AC: zZ i dont think i know enough people my age for em to have a crush on me... Zz AC: zZ and most older trolls treat me like a kid becazse of my wigglerface... Zz
AC: zZ actually the only one i knows in my age range is tio boy Zz AC: zZ hes been really nice to me Zz AC: zZ dont treat me like a kid at all Zz AC: zZ very respectful and honest with me... Zz
AC: zZ what was the question again? Zz
AC: zZ oh yeah... uuuhh... Zz AC: zZ i dunno... Zz AC: zZ i guess id preciate it if they didn treat me any different? Zz
AC: zZ maybe if they held my hand? Zz AC: zZ sorry but like... Zz AC: zZ ive never had a crush before on anybody or been with anybody Zz
AC: zZ julians explained it to me once Zz AC: zZ the quadrants and all that Zz AC: zZ but i dunno... never felt like that before so i don know... Zz
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somnee, have you had any interesting dreams lately?
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AC: zZ dreams huh? Zz AC: zZ hhhhhmmmm... Zz AC: zZ thats a kinda hard ask Zz
AC: zZ i pass out kinda hard most of tha time... Zz AC: zZ tho i think i did have something interesting Zz AC: zZ i think? Zz
AC: zZ something something bout... what was it... Zz AC: zZ a blue lady... cerulean? Zz AC: zZ she was a seadweller i think... Zz
AC: zZ i think she was with a violet guy? Zz AC: zZ looked older? Zz
AC: zZ now that im thinkin bout it... Zz AC: zZ i might have seen those faces for real at some point? Zz AC: zZ they looked kinda scary... Zz
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A date??? 👀👀... keeping with who a secret from everyone? Or do I gotta go asking around.. all detective style..
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AC: zZ not really a secret Zz AC: zZ tio and i are probably going? Zz
AC: zZ we were kinda talkin about stuff and i was curious Zz AC: zZ he told me hed never really been on a proper date himself Zz AC: zZ asked him if hed like to and he got real shy about it Zz
AC: zZ murmured somethin then he asked why i was askin Zz AC: zZ told him i wanted to give it a try and i could take him out! Zz AC: zZ you know! Zz AC: zZ we could figure it out together since neither f us has any actual experience? Zz
AC: zZ havent figured out the details yet Zz AC: zZ but we probaly going at some point Zz
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