#Sonic fluff
rainychaoloveshack · 3 months
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚ 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞-𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲. 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠.
you accidentally woke up shadow after some drinking. oops.
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⋆°•☁︎ content. shadow x gn!reader, mentions of drinking, slightly tipsy shadow (he’s pretty sweet), kinda ooc, very very fluffy, mentioned engagement
☂︎ wc. 1k ☂︎ a/n. this is kindaaa a spiritual successor to this fic, cause i ended up using the fiance idea again huehehe… (maybe like a sweet moment a few days after?) the stories aren’t directly linked but they can be! its sorta like a series but they work as standalones lol
likes, reblogs, and especially comments are extremely appreciated!!! (i like chatting to you guys!)
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“What’s wrong, honey?” Your fiancé's gruff voice breaks you from your thoughts, and you turn your head to meet his crimson gaze, glancing up at you curiously from his laid-out form. You almost didn’t catch the use of your nickname at the end, one he rarely uses unless on a special occasion.
This special occasion happens to be from your late drinking party with him around three hours ago. A mission went well, spectacular even, deserved a celebration, even if it was something small between the two of you. Shadow rarely drinks, but he held his liquor better than you thought he would, downing more drinks than you’ve ever seen him do.
Not well enough that he had to be assisted by you to your bedroom, unfortunately. He was insistent on sleeping beside you tonight.
“Was it a nightmare?” He shifts around on his side, his eyes looking into yours with a half-lidded stare, still clearly drowsy, with the way his voice almost slurred at the end of his words. But you shake your head and try to ease his drunken worries with a smile, reaching over to pet his head.
Shadow accepts your gesture with no protest, not even a frown or a flinch away, and his eyes shut once you make contact, ears tilted down and twitching as you pet the red stripe on his head, whispering sweet nothings to him as you enjoy his favorable reaction.
“[N-Name]...” He purrs, letting a small smile spread across his mouth. “Ah, stop it, stop it…” He grumbles, his words not matching his mannerisms, giving up trying to sound menacing as his ear flickers in your direction. A chuckle gives out from your throat before giving him one last pet with the back of your hand, settling yourself down from waking up so suddenly. Flipping back over and lying on your back, your eyes shut as you try to catch some much-needed shut-eye after tonight's celebration, yet you can feel Shadow’s stirring and shuffling around from the mattress, and your eyes peel back open to see what’s the matter with him.
“You know it’s my day off tomorrow.” Shadow says gently, finding his way over to your side, the soft mattress compressing below you two. “Do you have anything special planned?” His chest fur brushes against your arm, rising and falling with his slow breaths as he awaits your answer in anticipation, tail wagging back and forth slowly under the blanket you two share. It seems he doesn’t care to hide it tonight like he usually does. “You do, huh? Is it a date?”
You respond with a small shake of your head, and a frown spreads onto his muzzle as he tenses up slightly, displeased at your bland answer as his tail stops immediately. You really didn’t have anything planned; a simple day in with Shadow is good enough for you.
But it looks like he doesn’t like the thought of that this time. “I don’t want to just stay in the apartment tomorrow.” He mutters, his ear flicking once you poke and fidget with the tip of it as he speaks.  “I want to go out. I want to spend time with you outside…” 
The fact that Shadow’s so blunt tonight catches you off guard, forcing a small twitch through your arm as your brain processes it and forces a double take.
“What?” Shadow registers the shocked expression on you, and tries to get out a menacing growl, but it falls flat. “What’s with that face?”
You shake your head, shrugging your shoulders as your fingers find their way to his quills, trying to distract him from your reaction to his forwardness. It seems to work well as he nudges his head up into your hand, before shuffling around to straddle himself above you, easing himself down onto your body as he leans forward, almost pinning you down against the bed, but then he drags a lone finger down your arm gently.
“Let’s go walk around Station Square.” Shadow murmurs, leaning down and tracing imaginary circles on your chest. “I want to go out with you; I want to…” His voice trails off, a blush spreading across his muzzle, along with a small frown; clearly aggravated by something. Perhaps it's about the fat, amused grin on your face? 
“You’re making fun of me in your head.” Maybe a little. Yet you lie to him by shaking your head no, but he already knows the truth.
He clicks his tongue, shuffling off and sitting back on the bed as another growl grows in his throat. “It’s not funny.” You sit up onto your elbows to meet his gaze, cocking your head to the side giving him an amused yet happy smile.
Your future husband is so cute, tipsy or not.
His brows furrow, yet he leans down and cups your cheek with a hand, pressing a small kiss on the other, then tilting your face up to give you a quick kiss on the lips, smiling during it as you lean into him. He scoots back to you, and rests his body down next to yours, snuggling his head against your chest as he hugs your torso.
It’s always been hard for Shadow to express his feelings directly, whether it be ones of love or sorrow. Maybe he won’t feel so embarrassed about it when the sun rises; perhaps he will. Who knows? While the embarrassment may be present, he means every word he says out of his mouth. Of course, he does. And you never doubt it for a second.
“I love you, [Name]. Goodnight.”
“Rouge, I was acting like a pure idiot that night. I woke up feeling like some imbecile. I couldn’t even look them in the eye. It’s not something that I can just-”
“Now why would they care about something like that, Shadow? You know they love you.”
“Yes, yes, of course, I know that, but-”
“Honestly, you worry too much about how you act around them. You’re both engaged for crying out loud! Some honesty with your emotions would do both of you some good. You’re lucky they’re such a patient lover.”
“So… How was your date with them? Was it fun? I haven’t had time to talk to them about it in detail, but they seemed happy about it when I brought it up in passing. Mentioned some real nice things about you. And about what happened that night…”
“Really? What did they say?”
“That’s between me and [Name].”
“Damn it, Rouge-”
“Yeah, whatever lover boy. I gotta go; shopping with the girls and all. See ya!”
“Useless bat.” 
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In Bed Together ~ Triple S Headcanons SFW
sonic x fem!reader, shadow x fem!reader, silver x fem!reader
request: yes/no: this was a sort of a request; shadow was picked for a poll I did yet I decided to do the Triple S boys bc ppl love them
A/n: Hope you guys enjoy this~!
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—Bedtime are some of the only moments that you see Sonic slow down
—But honestly it was no surprise to you since he probably burns so much energy in one day
—Running around and stopping Eggman being one of them
—Sonic would come home with you after a long day, having dinner with you and having a relaxing evening
—Sonic is very cuddly in bed with you
—Laying in your lap, hugging your waist as ran your hands carefully through his fur and quills
—Soon you’ll fall asleep spooning each. Sonic is the big spoon for obvious reasons
— “Sweet Dreams, N/n.”
—you are usually in bed before Shadow comes home, you rarely see him unless he taken days for himself to spend with you
—he searches for you when he comes home, you are usually on the couch sleeping from waiting for him or already in bed sleeping. Sometimes he does catch you with the tv on still awake
—he sits beside you. “You shouldn’t wait for me, dear.” That’s all he said before he picks you up into his arms and taking to you to your shared bedroom
—if you are in bed asleep when he comes home, he’d smile at you peacefully sleeping, moving some loose strands of hair out of your face then gets ready to join you
— “Goodnight, Y/n…”
—silver is very shy boi even though you and him have been dating for a year now. Sleeping in the same bed as you still makes him flustered
—he likes being face to face with you, having late night chats like that are his favorite thing
—a few kisses here and there, mostly from you
—like Sonic, Silver is also very cuddly with you though not just in bed when it’s just you two hanging out at home. He’s likes to hold you or just be close to you
—he spoons you, cuddling into your shoulder.
— “Night, Y/n…”
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nex-is-sleeping · 2 years
Hey there, can you write a cuddle session headcanon of modern Sonic x femreader. I sometimes wonder if he’s secretly a clingy partner with his s/o when no one is around 👀
A Cuddle Session with Sonic <3
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AAA okay mini headcanon time, so Sonic would never admit it, but when you're not around he's CONSTANTLY thinking abt you, he'd just never admit it aloud <33
The sun shines atop the green grass, while you find fingers running through your hair/fur. You and Sonic lay below the bright star above you and look at the clouds, with you in his tight arms. "I wish it'd stay like this forever and never change." Sonic mutters. "That'd be nice, wouldn't it ?" "It would, but Eggy always has ruin ruin a good thing !" Sonic groans at the thought. "Well, let's just live in the moment, okay, love ?" Sonic flushes at the little pet name. He leans over and gives you a little nuzzle with both of your noses. You sit up on your knees, and Sonic does the same. You find a sunflower by your fot and pick it. You turn to Sonic and place the flower in his quills. He chuckles takes it in his hands and looks at it's golden petals, nearly admiring it before putting it back in his blue quills. He gives you a peck on the lips. He hugs you tightly "I'm so happy you're here with me, babe !" He really meant it. You've brought so much joy into Sonic's life without even knowing it. You hug him back just as tightly. You both finally let go. You notice the sparkle in his eyes, and give him a kiss on the forehead. He looks at you, eyes full of compassion, "I love you, Y/n." "I love you too !"
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undonerhapsodize · 2 years
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Domestic Burdens
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
Life Form With PTSD Meets Broken Eight Year Old (lol)
When that thing the kid and Shadow first interacted, Shadow had found him in what looked to be Eggman's base, only it seemed to be falling apart, debris and burning parts of the structure crashing and falling to the ground below in a city the doctor must've managed to take over. The civilians of the city surrounded the suddenly burning headquarters, curious on what happened. Just seeing the city brought shame and slight sadness to him. However, upon hearing about prisoners and people still being in there, Shadow went inside to try and help them to safety. The ruined and bleak state of the world he was supposed to protect, to keep safe, a godawful hellscape, with a giant building falling apart in the middle, revealing the insides like a blooming flower from hell.  He had a slightly morbid curiosity on who would do something like this and then sudden and unrelated rage that this to be because of Sonic shattering the world. If that blue idiot had just listened to him!-
He was interrupted from his raging thoughts when his ears perked up to metal clinking around on the ground of the long halls. He originally tensed thinking it was a robot, however, he quickly noted that the metallic foot falls were far too light and too fast for a tin robot. Not a second after that note, the shadow appeared in front of him at the end of the burning hall.
When he first saw the kid in the long hallway, he was originally unable to see them due to the fire behind it casting the thing in shadow. But when a part of the burning ceiling collapsed in front of them - and startling the life form into taking a sudden step back (the kid didn’t even flinch-) -  bringing it to light, he didn't know what to think or say out of shock and slight disgust. The sight of a convoluted, bruised, and starved jack-o-lantern, crawling around like a spider on metal tails, should’ve been the first clue that the fox wasn't stable.
The kit look awful. His fur was matted and tangled, heavy eye bags made dents underneath foggy blue eyes, blue eyes that didn't seem to have any thought behind them, that told a tale of indescribable horror, pain, and sorrow in them. They weren’t even looking at him, only staring ahead at a nothingness only they could see. He had several burn marks all over his body, neck, arms, legs, everywhere Shadow could see; some fur having been fried or shaved off, revealing pink, scorched, scabbed skin. His... clothes (when did Tails wear clothes?) were crumpled and ripped at some places, revealing uneven scars beneath. But the worst part was the overall state of his body. Vibrant golden fur was now pale and dull, chunks of it ripped, burnt, or shaved off, once a naive and childish face looked deeply worn and older, and his body now had barely any muscle or fat, exaggerated bone outlines and skeletal anatomy was the fox's vessel now.
Shadow didn't know if this was a child he was staring at or a decaying, walking corpse.
It took a couple of moments for Shadow to even realize that this was Tails, the cheerful fox kit that followed Sonic everywhere. Whatever this hollow, battered shell was wasn't cheerful in any way.
Staring back at him, this child, they looked more fragile, more lost, and completely broken.
Once he processed this, he cautiously approached the fox kit. While he never particularly cared for the kid, he knew he couldn't leave them like that, couldn't leave anyone so young like that. Besides, he knew of the fox's smarts as everyone else did, perhaps the fox could help fix everything the blue idiot broke. Approaching them, he called their name...
And immediately knew this wasn't Tails as their head suddenly snapped harshly in his direction (he thought their neck was going to break).
He was grabbed by metal, sudden sharp tips of the skinny metal tails nearly dug into his skin as he was slammed harshly against the wall. He gagged, surprised at the uncharacteristically aggressive act from someone he thought he knew. Looking down, he was met with the second clue when he saw a harsh and...unnatural scowl. It was more feral, more akin to that of an animal. The kit's teeth was bared, eyes wide-eyed and buggy, and his body twitched slightly. The words the child screamed harshly met Shadow's ears.
"it's NINE, NINE not tails NEVER tails you never listen never never never-“
Realization washed over Shadow like cold water. So this wasn't Tails. This was a variant of the fox. A rather erratic variant at that. He made a unintelligible noise, trying to speak but the metal was squeezing too tightly-
The third and final cementing clue about the kit's disturbing mental state was when fox began to ramble and mumble, asking Shadow how 'they' are still making things like him. Rambling about games, about tricks, and other nonsense Shadow couldn't understand. Taking the chance, he used the fox's self-imposed distraction, kicking them away. They grunted, landing on the ground like a puppet - landing hard on their face, limbs sprawling beneath him at an almost unnatural level - before weakly, but somehow quickly, righting themselves, launching himself at the black urchin once more.
Shadow felt a slight sting of pity at the pathetic sight,
Before long, the life form quickly got the upper hand, pinning the malnourished fox and explaining he's real, how he accidentally thought the kit was Tails. The kit paused somewhat, then asked how Shadow knew that name, just now registering it through the hazy fog of insanity. Broken blue eyes then noticed Shadows gloves, and they widened when they saw the odd things Shadow took from Sonic.
"Th...those are...", the fox began to mumble with horror and fear. As his brain slowly registered it, he began to hyperventilate, tears beginning to form, tears of horror, of fear, of cruel, unforgiving grief.
(no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this cant)  As Shadow paused, taking note of the kids horrible reaction, he quickly moved off of them in an effort to give them space, taking a few steps back for good measure, hoping to calm the kid down so he could explain everything.
(be real this cant be real this cant be this cant it cant it cant please it cant be real why why
why why why why why why why why why why i failed im a failure failure failure w
orthless worthless worthless stupid fucking idiot you knew it was too good to be true
you knew it was too good stupid stupid this has to be a dream please be a dream wake up wake up wake up
wake up wake up wake up please please this cant be happening)
He still kept his guard up, just in case. Yet, the kid, Nine, only laid there on the ground, unmoving, eyes blank and glossed over, the little chest that rose with labored breaths not hardly moved at all. Shadow stared after what felt like hours, as the kid stared blankly at the burning ceiling,
no (this monster did he did he did he no no no it can't be those are they're)
(he took them he saw sonic he hurt sonic I failed i'm a failure they were supposed to but
they failed i failed i've always been a failure how could i think this would change useless fucking worthless) behind them at all.
Shadow was suddenly thrown back harshly, like an unwanted toy, with sudden force from the sharp metal tails, and he was thrown harshly as haunting, horrid shriek echoed throughout the wide halls, mixing with broken wails as the monster seeped in lonely sorrow and rage. 
(he's dead he's dead he killed him he did it I failed no no no sonic was gone the grim was pointless I lost my chance I'm so stupid so worthless so stupid im going to kill him im going to kill him i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you you did this you killed him murderer you did it you did Sonic had so much life he was so alive)
The fight continued after that, the two dancing around flames, and Shadow dodged much harsher and animalistic blows as the nine-tailed fox screamed and asked over and over again what Shadow did to Sonic, where Sonic was. That he would kill Shadow, that Shadow took the only thing he had left, the only reason he endured ‘their sick games’. Shadow tried to explain, but it was clear there wasn’t any rational thought in the screaming, sobbing demon anymore.
Shadow didn't know how it happened, perhaps it was the harsh wounds he got from the kitsune that left him slightly weaker or maybe he was distracted by the pitiful state of the thing, but there was a sudden, harsh blow to his head, and everything went black.
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blu-ish · 3 days
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Another days work for SuperSonic Nikki
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nortedwayfinder · 7 months
classic-to-classic communication
typical neurodivergent conversation.
I am keeping this wednesday so gosh darn wholesome 🤺❤️
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ratrrriot · 1 year
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short comic about the brothers ever. 💛💙
cuz they live rent free in my mind…
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yuviur · 1 month
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Summer vacation, 4am.
Tons of easter eggs in this one! Click the image to find them (and for better quality ofc)
Close ups and process shots under the cut, description in alt text
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rainychaoloveshack · 3 months
hiiii i stumbled across ur blog like a couple days ago and. ive been so obsessed with all ur posts theyre so yummy!!! (ESPECIALLY UR BOOM??? ik u mentioned u werent all that familar with him but,,, that one oneshot had me salivating oml)
anyways could i maybe ask for a sonic x reader where they give him a bath bc he's stinky 🤧 just modern/game is fine smile
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚ 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠.
sonic had a nice adventure outside. unfortunately, remnants of said adventure were brought into your home. its bath time.
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⋆°•☁︎ content . sonic x gn!reader, fluff, sort of shitpost-esque writing but i still did take it seriously i swear anon
☂︎ wc. 1.1k ☂︎ a/n. hueheh this request had me giggling. silly dirty ass mf 😭😭😭 i was messing around during it huehehe this is your reminder to not take me too seriously sometimes 😋still pretty short but i hope you like it ^^ def not my best work but i hope you like it regardless ^^'
likes, reblogs, and especially comments are extremely appreciated!!! (i like chatting to you guys!)
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“You know I can take a simple bath by myself, right?” Sonic growls, watching you kneel down and check the water's temperature for him with your forefinger. Not too hot, not too cold. “Plus, I already took a shower. The dirt’s gone already. No need for a bath, right?” Now why is he acting like that bathtub is going to kill him? 
“Could’ve gotten it all out if you hadn’t pulled me out the shower.” He mutters. “If you had wanted me to take a bath at all, you should’ve said that bef-” You frown, interrupting his rambling by knocking on the side of the bathtub with your fingers in a way that’s telling him to hurry up and get in. You can still smell the mud on him.
And it’s not bad to take precautions. Plus, if the shower didn’t get every single spec of dirt out of his quills, the bath will. Having even one spec of dirt come back inside the house after Sonic’s grand entrance of mud-filled footsteps, and right after you had to clean said mess, might just make you go crazy.
“I already said I was sorry...” He trails off, peering into the tub before taking a step back. You mutter a short curse his way and tug him by his arm, refusing to take no for an answer.
Sonic winces slightly at the volume of the water in the tub but lets out a sigh once he sees your stern expression. “Oh, alright…” He grumbles, spitting out soft curses about his distaste for water as he slips off his gloves, following with his socks right after.
… Paw-beans.
“Hmm?” Sonic’s ear flicks at your small murmuring, turning your way just as he’s about to step into the bath. “You say something?”
You shake your head, trying to make him forget your small slip-up, and urge him into the tub with a small shove. The moment his foot enters the water, you can visibly see a shiver tremble through his body.
“Eugh.” Despite his little complaints, he takes another step in the bubbly water, slowly settling himself into it with unpleasant grumbling, the water reaching up to his chin. “Make it fast. Being submerged in water for too long makes me uneasy…”
Like him? Make it as fast as ‘Sonic speed’, some might say?
His head snaps in your direction, opening his mouth to say something back to your crude teasing, but it closes instantly as you cup water into your hands and pour it over his head, watching it run off his quills and back into the bath.
That shut him up quickly. 
And so it begins.
The water runs down and seeps into his fur, then drips off once it gets too soaked, mixing with the bubbly suds already present. You rub his ear in a slow motion, cupping water up from the bath and pouring it over to get any extra dirt out. So far so surprisingly good; the baths running fairly clear, besides the small bit of dirt or so. Maybe he did get all the dirt out after all? Or maybe it was just his shoes that were the problem? No, then you wouldn’t have seen all those specs of black and brown in his fur. What, did he roll down a hill or-
“Hey, be careful with my quills!” Sonic’s body flinches as you accidentally prod and pull too deeply during your thoughts. “Can’t you be a little more gentle? The bath’s been clear for the past half hour.” He clarifies. “At this point, I’m not sure if you’re still trying to get any dirt out, or if you just like pampering me.”
Oh. Well damn.
Your hand lowers from his head, and it dawns upon you that yes, for once Sonic is actually right about your behavior, and the embarrassment washes over your figure, staggering your motions as you go to unplug the drain, but he stops you with a small kick of his foot at your hand.
“I didn’t say you had to stop.” Sonic mutters, before putting on his best ‘I deserve the world’ act a spoiled child would have towards everyone else. “I’m actually enjoying the attention!” He puffs his chest out, trying to put on a smug face for you, but a splash of water in his face turns that smugness to irritation, shaking his head around like a dog would their body as water flings in every direction possible. You hold your hands up in front of your face, your soaking wet hands dripping onto your lap and the bathroom floor as you shield yourself from the blue blurs little water assault. Ugh. Looks like he’s getting a kick out of your annoyance.
“It’s not so bad.” Sonic says plainly, flexing his fingers in the water in front of him, before adjusting himself to rest his arms on the tub’s edge, resting his head down to let your preen and run your fingers through his quills, forgetting to scrub through them at all. “You know, I wouldn’t mind if you pampered me like this more often.” Sonic reaches over and drags a soggy, wet, finger across your arm, leaving small water droplets on your skin as he moves it up towards your hand, currently resting on your lap as the other one rubs against his shoulder briefly. “Think I deserve it a little, ya’ know?” He shimmies his shoulders a bit, yet his tail wags all the same under the water, eager for your answer, even if you give him a plain ‘no’.
Well, if he could be more aware of himself and clean up after his little escapades, you would. But for now, the punishment bath it is. Though, with the way he was acting at first, someone might’ve thought he was taking a small dunk in acid.
Sonic doesn’t utter a word at your own little joke, but he shakes his head disapprovingly, glaring at you for a few seconds as his eyes flick over you up and down, then he relaxes. “You’re gonna help me dry off after this too, right?” He chirps, and you shake your head, already firm in the belief that you deserve some rest after cleaning up the house. Not to mention the other house chores you’ve already done today.
“Aw man...” Sonic says softly, before growling under his breath in your direction, ears pinning down, obviously in a joking manner, and he flicks some water in your direction off his fingertips, splashing onto your shirt and lap. “You can’t just take me a bath and then chicken out once we’re almost at the finish line! Come on.” Another flick of water comes flying your way, this time hitting you in the face, and you scowl, cupping up some water in your palm to splash it back at him.
“Aw, hey, come on!” His tone of voice makes it sound like a complaint, but his expression is the complete opposite; a fat grin spreads across his muzzle and another small splash of water makes its way to you, soaking your shirt. Oh, so that's how it is?
“What? What’re you gonna do about it?”
Stupid hedgehog. Sometimes it’s a mystery how you haven’t gone crazy by now from all his antics.
… Oh well; time to fetch that towel.
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Thinking about doing Sonic oneshots since rewatching the movies as well as getting back into Sonic Prime and I might start watching Sonic Boom as well. I love my intergalactic blue hedgehog so I have a poll for y’all 😈
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justarandomart · 28 days
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why is the first thing i digital paint in months Shadow The Hedgehog?
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 1 year
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Were we gonna talk about this? :3
I mean, it feels like we already knew they did this, but the fact that Sonic and Tails are constantly making sure the other has eaten, in a subtle way of showing love 🥹
And they "cover each other's blind spots." Where Tails is worrisome, Sonic is confident. Where Sonic is reckless, Tails is careful. There's so many other, smaller ways these brothers take care of each other. 💙💛
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hayweerc · 3 months
Chapter 17 Spoilers. ⚠️📖
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Fighting monsters can be exhausting.
He is just a big eepy boy.
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arahdow · 5 months
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Pairing. Shadow The Hedgehog x Reader
Content. fem!reader, fluff, just shadow being shadow jsjs
Pairing. 0.4 k
A/N. this is my first writing and AAAAA I'm scared but happy sjdjs sorry if it's too ooc!! I'm still learning abt his personality and lore and all that *sigh* also not beta read ! if there's any mistake feel free to point it out !
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“No but really, what do you see in him?” The blue hedgehog asked as he stretched, the tips of his fingers barely touching his shoes.
“Why do you care so much?” A tone of frustration dripping from her words.
“It’s not like he’s graceful or funny, he’s just… Shadow. Seriously, what do you see in him?” Sonic pressed as the girl groaned in frustration. She knew her friend was naturally curious, specially speaking about a certain hedgehog, but it was seriously hard to explain.
As she started to jog, leaving the blue creature behind as he kept stretching, she started thinking about what she really thought of him. What did she even like? His humor? He barely had any. His grace? He was actually a really rough man. Sighing, she kept on moving, her mind running in circles.
Her mind was dissociating enough that she didn’t notice the presence beside her.
“You’re right, I don’t know what I like about him… It’s just that… He makes me feel different somehow, is that weird?” The girl asked turning to look at Sonic.
“Different how?”
But it wasn’t Sonic.
She lost control on his lower limbs, suddenly tripping on the ground, hands barely taking the impact that her face would’ve taken. Laying face down on the floor she thought: ‘If I don’t look up, he might go away.’
Okay that didn’t work.
Holding in a grunt, she got up on her knees to shake her hands off of the dirt. Looking at the man, he was looking at her from where he was standing. It made him look intimidating. Graceful. Graceful?
Feeling her cheeks redden, she cleared her throat. “Nothing, just talking to myself.”
Shadow hummed as he got on one knee, bending down so they looked at each other face to face. He scanned her face and pressed his lips. “Talking with an expert?”
The girl frowned for a second. Then she understood that he tried to joke, and it was so bad she snorted. Shadow looked at her amused, his face showing a neutral face as he got on his feet again and held his hand out for her to take.
“Your face is full of dirt, by the way.” He added as she got back up on her feet.
“Of course it is.” She grumbled lowly, swiping the back of her hand on her face.
And she would’ve missed it if she looked away, but Shadow was actually smirking a bit, looking at the sunrise. She felt herself smile. His grace and humor really attracted her, even if it was in his own way.
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