#Sophie of woods beyond
weaponizedducks · 6 months
'but girl she killed people!' so. she deserved to what do you want me to do about it
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liketwoswansinbalance · 2 months
If Rhian were a villain as his own character, in character, I feel like he'd be the kind of villain to explain his whole Evil plan, giving it away completely instead of keeping it to himself because he's incapable of keeping it to himself. He would be hyped up with excitement for his vision coming to fruition, and most importantly, he would want to do it for the showmanship as he's theatrical like that. Then again, he may be too smart to reveal it all.
If you recall his thematically-appropriate outfit during the Circus of Talents, he seems to love causing a scene, and while Rafal does share this tendency towards the dramatic, I don't believe it's to the same effect or as extreme as Rhian's.
And this brings me to the point that it's just flat-out unusual for Rhian to wear essentially the same outfit for 200 years.
I mean, that seems unlike him and extreme. For evidence, it's implied by TLEA, by the image of his midnight blue robes hanging on a hook in the tower like a relic at the beginning of the book, that he's worn that selfsame outfit all that time. Sure, he must've not had an occasion to dress up for, but when did that ever stop him? Did imitating Rafal mean he had almost given up on his fashion sense? It's not like anyone had seen him. He didn't have anyone to perform in front of after all. Maybe that's the reason: no one would see him, so it wouldn't matter? He'd probably become depressed, and perhaps, the loneliness drove him insane and away from old behaviors.
Yet, how could Rhian, the man who was a fashion icon in his better days, be reduced to wearing the same midnight blue robes for 200 years, as the first trilogy implies? Even villainous Fall Rhian with his pure spun gold cloak did better than this version of him.
Wearing the same clothes like a uniform is Rafal behavior, and while taking that trait completes his disguise, which I'm sure Rhian had down by SGE's present, if no one had the faintest memory of what the real Rafal was like, what was keeping Rhian from caring about his appearance like he once did? He only seemed to fall back into fashion and indulge in it in order to appeal to Sophie and that's it. Did he never regain the right state of mind for fashion to be of any importance by himself? Did Sophie revive that lost part of him?
In conclusion, that is the most implausible thing about the Fall twist: Rhian's lack of fashion sense. /j
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basil-isdead · 6 months
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...the only way out is through a fairy tale.
please do not repost on other sites!!!
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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defsiarte · 1 year
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read the school for good and evil. PLEASE.
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Watching the school for good and evil movie and they fucked everything up so badly
They made Sophie too nice making her sympathetic when she is meant to be conceited passive aggressive and vain
They made Agatha too nice as well somehow, she’s meant to be sullen, moody and kind of greasy at the beginning
They made Dovey shallow and go against all her principles in the book
They made it so Sophie and Agatha didn’t know abt the school despite it being well know throughout the town
They made Honora mean when she’s supposed to be plain and reasonable but kind
They made half the villains hot when they’re supposed to be greasy and muddy and “ugly” that is a key point in the book
They made the princesses outright mean. They are supposed to be nice to Agatha but passive aggressive. They have some good in them
Tedros and Agatha are supposed to hate each other at first site not whatever they gave us here
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azural83 · 2 years
They completely missed the point of sophie's character
Sophie was an arrogant,selfish and a narcissistic person behind her sweet facade who didn't believe herself to be evil,who did terrible things including murder as her anger grew. movie sophie on the other hand? She's the "posessed victim" that the mainstream seems to be obsessed with these days
Making her an outcast with agatha was an odd choice,sophie didn't want to get away from a town who hated her,she was tired of her normal life and wanted to go the school of good because she thought that's what she deserves
She did good things (including being friends with agatha) just to change her school not because that she was a nice person,she discovered her evilness and powers on her own not because of rafal (who literally was supposed to remain in the bts and not let Sophie fail instead of brainwashing her) we as audience do know that she really is evil deep down and why rafal saw her potential despite her denial. The movie makes you wonder that what did rafal even see in her? She's a very sympathetic person in the film who goes through hell
She is a great friend towards aggy and only turned against her because of rafal's influence,the scene where she accuses agatha for stealing everything from her feels cheap because there is no build up;she was simply upset and seemed to forgive agatha while reading her letter,while in the book we saw how her jealousy grew over the time to the point she attacked everyone several times and killed all of the wolves and fairies but she barley hurts anyone in the movie,heck one of the first signs of her evilness is when she drowns the beast after he cuts her hair,but in the movie it was lady lesso for some reason and it only makes us feel sorry for sophie. Completely erasing it's meaning. A weak attempt to make her seem like a "bad bitch" in the aftermath when we were supposed to see her true colors
Sophie was such a complicated and complex character but they managed to remove her agency in her own story
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brother-genitivi · 2 years
Things I liked about the new SGE movie (more under the cut):
1. Tedros’s love confession. Such a terrible time to confess. That’s SO Tedros of him. And his bit about how family is important. I saw those parental issues, Tedros.
2. Some of their OSTs are actual bangers. Like the scene where Tedros promises to take Sophie to the ball, and it causes a skirmish? The soundtrack that plays there is sublime (it’s an instrumental of Who Do You Think You Are? by  Kiana Ledé and Cautious Clay).
3. The costumes were BEAUTIFUL. Sophie’s outfits were amazing.
4. The scene where Hester’s demon gets attacked by wasps definitely grew on me. Her sobbing afterwards, Anadil and Dot rushing to comfort her? Love to see it.
5. That little scene during the Never’s Ball where Anadil and Hester touch glowing fingertips. Let’s go lesbians!
6. “My heart belongs to another.” Oh, Hort.
7. A cameo from Soman himself!
8. Agatha punching Tedros after the Gregor incident. Tbh, Gregor as a whole. He was a good way to show the consequences of three failures, but I’m sad that’s all his character amounted to - to make a point. He was sweet and kind, and he deserves his grocery store </3
9. Some things were taken from the book directly. “Can I touch your hair?” Hester spitting and it creating sparks.
Reasons why I have a bone to pick with the new SGE movie:
1. Sophie is too nice. In the books, this girl MURDERED someone for cutting her hair. She pushed Agatha into a wave of churning water/sludge, tried to kill her multiple times, even befriended her for the sole purpose of fulfilling a ‘good deed’ so she’d get into the School for Good. She’s selfish, flawed, and the film makes it out to be Rafal manipulating her, making her do terrible things. Like, no, she WANTS to do awful things. She likes it. She’s extremely flawed and it’s why she’s so interesting!
2. Rafal. Why does everyone know about him...? We didn’t even know his name until book 3. Why is he going around with his face in full view?? Like, this is the School Master here. THE GUY WHO WEARS A MASK TO HIDE HIS IDENTITY?
3. Leonora Lesso. They spliced her with Evelyn Sader. They made her dramatic and shouty. She’s cold, calculated, and calm. And definitely not in love with Rafal... she’s definitely in love with Dovey imo, but they struggle to hug in the movie. Dovey, whom Leonora describes as ‘her Agatha’? You’d have no idea. If they ever make a second film, I have no clue how they’ll involve Evelyn and Aric.
4. Where is The Beast? His whole being murdered by Sophie never happens because he just doesn’t exist. And the whole reason for Sophie ending up in the groom room (for talking to an Everboy) is... interesting LMAO
5. F is for... fucking nothing? No love spell to show how far Sophie was willing to go + her shallowness, no F for failure. I DO like her outfits that they did as a replacement for the ‘F is for’ outfits, however.
6. Lunchtime lectures. I’m glad we got to see one at least, but why were the 3 witches so delighted to be involved?
7. Speaking of the coven, damn they were sidelined. WHERE WERE ANADIL’S RATS? Her rats which she loves more than anything in the world, her loyal henchmen, the rats she’s known for?? They showed Dot turning something to chocolate ONCE. I was also expecting Dot to be played by a plus sized actress (no shade at all to her actress!), the book specifically describes Dot to be fat.
8. Fingerglow colours...? Where is Sophie’s iconic hot pink? Tedros’s gold. Agatha’s blazing orange that eventually matches Tedros’s?
9. Trial by Tale. Why did they make it out to be something specifically for proving Tedros and Sophie’s love? It happens literally yearly... and the top students at school take part in it, not just two students.
10. I wanted to see Agatha as a cockroach :(
11. August Sader... who? You know, the man whom Agatha describes as being like a father to her? Evelyn Sader’s brother, the man who foresaw events up to the last book. The man who sacrifices himself to defeat the School Master, who helped Agatha the entire time he was alive (and dead).
12. Totally missed the opportunity to show Tedros picking Agatha ‘by accident’ multiple times in their forest classes. The cockroach on the pumpkin, the princesses in the caskets. He picked HER. That shit is delicious.
13. Agatha and Tedros were waaaaaaay too chummy. He throws his rose at her and she is beyond disgusted. She bumps into him and scoffs at him with, you guessed it, disgust. It’s that one act that gets perfect, polished Tedros to have thoughts of self doubt. He kicks around this doll he made to specifically look like Agatha, then shoots it full of arrows while she watches. They HATE each other. They truly do not like each other, which is why it’s so special when they do like, and eventually come to love each other! There was no animosity (except for when he got punched), no tension other than romantic.
14. I think the relationships in this were way too fast. Idk, it might be me + my demisexuality clouding my judgement but I appreciate slow relationships. I do like that they hugged, and that shot of her taking his hands made me giggle and kick my legs like a lovesick schoolboy. But I didn’t have faith in his love confession. Yes, his confession was painfully Tedros-like, but I just didn’t see it... maybe if they had more time to develop their relationship?
15. Same point as before, but with Sophie + Tedros. Him attending her lunchtime lectures, their conversation as foxes, all those extra moments of them together would’ve made their supposed instant connection more believable.
16. Grimm + nemesis dreams. The movie reveals Agatha as Sophie’s nemesis in one line, when the book takes it a lot deeper than that. Sophie has dreams about her, tastes blood, grows warts, has symptoms. Grimm only reinforces how Agatha is Sophie’s nemesis. Nope, we had none of that.
17. No thorns scene. Idk how mental everyone else goes at that scene, but the fact that Tedros comes after Agatha, and she FAINTS in his arms? It’s all about the vulnerability, and the fact that she vehemently denies fainting ever dfjfkdksk it’s a scene that always stuck out to me in the books, and just another moment that adds to Tedros and Agatha’s slowly developing relationship
18. The Evergirls were so... mean. So, so mean. Why, why, why weren’t Kiko and Agatha friends?? Why was Tristan the only other Everboy mentioned..? Like, where’s Chaddick, best friend/brother to Tedros? Nicholas, my beloved. And the other Nevers, like Arachne and Ravan. I’m sure they were there, just not mentioned by name.
19. Werewolves and fairies. Agatha discovers their true origins in that they were once failed students from opposite schools, but they’re just... there in the movie. Speaking of, BANE. Bane the fairy, once a boy of Gavaldon, who saves Agatha’s life and dies doing so.
20. The gargoyle in Merlin’s Menagerie. Agatha yelling at Tedros “he was a boy! A little boy!” and punching him in the face. I know that scene was Gregor’s, but I did miss this scene. And the fact that many people turned animals caused a stampede because they wanted to be freed by her.
21. Why is Honora an evil stepmother? She isn’t even married to Stefan until book 2.
22. Agatha can grant wishes. SHE CAN GRANT WISHES. And that was shown... where?
23. The antisemitism behind Sophie’s witch design. Evil = having a hooked, large nose?? Not to mention how Tedros becoming evil meant having... facial scars?? Literally w h a t
24. Why don’t Sophie and Agatha know about the SGE...? Like, they’ve had kids taken from Gavaldon every four years. The SGE swan emblem is on every single storybook.
25. Swan pins on their uniform? Nope.
26. They separated Good and Evil in their forest classes? That, or Evil just didn’t... have any. Weird.
27. “Good with Good, Evil with Evil. Back to your tower before there’s upheaval.” Or not, seeing as the reflections on the half-way bridge never existed.
28. Agatha mentions ONCE how other people called her ugly growing up. Book Agatha is truly convinced of her ugliness, and how that makes her Evil and unworthy of being loved. She avoids looking in mirrors because she hates her reflection. She thinks it’s about how you look, not what you do. Then Dovey reveals herself as Cinderella’s fairy godmother, they have that wonderful mirror scene and Agatha finds herself smiling, and crying when she realises she was beautiful all along. I would’ve given anything to see that in live action.
29. Agatha’s Cinderella-esque dress was serving. She looked stunning. But I wanted her iconic midnight blue gown with gold leaves, and blue orchid crown. </3
30. No circus of talents. The scene where Tedros asks, “Agatha of Woods Beyond. Will you be my princess for the ball?” Him asking her to choose him, because he had already chosen her long ago. LIKE- not to mention how Agatha’s talent is shown once again, and that bit where the wolves shield Hester from punishment? Just wished we had seen it :’)
This is no shade at all to the actors, they did wonderfully with what they were given. I love that Tedros has brown hair (blond men with blue eyes scare me xoxo). But, as someone who’s had this series with me since I was 11, I was pretty disappointed. I think as a standalone film, it’s not that bad! Some... interesting music choices. Beautiful costume and creature design - I loved the stymphs, they were perfect. But as a book to film adaptation? Just... yikes. Not a fan.
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I'm rereading book 1 after watching the movie because nostalgia and one of the earliest things that I just can't figure out why they would change is no one in Galvadon knowing about the school/it being a vague legend sort of thing, when the Literal first lines of the book are
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In the book, the school for good and evil is not only a very real thing, it's an established part of their culture. The townsfolk figured out many generations ago that, every four years, two kids would go missing, one "good" and one "bad", and in the following years after mysterious fairy tale books would be delivered to the village bookstore, depicting the missing children in their illustrations.
I just don't understand why that is something they would change for the movie since it makes no difference for the runtime, if they were already going to spend that time in Galvadon they might as well have shown us some incredibly interesting scenes from the begining of the book, like how the whole village prepares for the night the School Master comes for the children in desperate panic, including the children themselves terrified of being taken away from their families. Like:
Handsome ones had their hair lopped off, teeth blackened, and clothes shredded to rags; homely ones were scrubbed, swathed in bright colors, and fitted with veils. Mothers begged the best-behaved children to curse or kick their sisters, the worst were bribed to pray in the church, while the rest in line were led in choruses of the village anthem: “Blessed Are the Ordinary.”
Fear swelled into a contagious fog. In a dim alley, the butcher and blacksmith traded storybooks for clues to save their sons. Beneath the crooked clock tower, two sisters listed fairy-tale villain names to hunt for patterns. A group of boys chained their bodies together, a few girls hid on the school roof, and a masked child jumped from bushes to spook his mother, earning a spanking on the spot. Even the homeless hag got into the act, hopping before a meager fire, croaking, “Burn the storybooks! Burn them all!” But no one listened and no books were burned.
I honestly believe that the first few scenes in Galvadon from book 1 are some of the best writing Soman has done, and it's sad that we didn't even get to see Sophie's father boarding up her window only for her to tear it off and wait for the School Master with her bags packed, which is not only hilarious but it really adds to her character imo. In the books, Sophie has known about the school and wanted to go there all her life. It's not some impulsive idea coming from a rumor that she learned about that very same day, it's a very present part of their day-to-day life! And it would've cost them no extra screen time at all to show even a little bit of that, it's actually quite sad.
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blink182times · 2 years
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Update: I did watch it and damn… I wish they were actually gay
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I want to cry when I think of the old gen in SGE.
You're telling me it's canon that Lady Lesso was Callis' Dean (With Callis being the not-so-ugly uglification teacher).
It's cannon that Lady Lesso absolutely despised Evelyn and Rafal because hello, Evelyn ratted her out and Rafal forced her to make a choice, BUT THEN Evelyn and Rafal's son (Japeth) is obsessed with Lady Lesso's son (Aric).
It's cannon that 2 generations, no, THREE generations of evil were obsessed with Sophie? Rafal(love interest), Rhian(Love interest)/Japeth(Interest) and Evelyn(Interest). Although truth be told Evelyn was probably a bit irritated after she read the Story of Agatha and Sophie and saw Sophie kissing Rafal. Maybe she pushed it to the side with 'Oh it's fine, he's just using her'. Ok Miss Clown and you think he ain't using you? She probably realized he is when he turned her to dust.
Do you guys ever think that Sophie thinks that she practically dated a father and his son(s)? As we know her probably not.
Here's my question, I can't exactly recall if in book 5 when we are shown how Rhian and Japeth's existence came about if Rafal was young and beautiful or not(aka if he was old).
But if he WASN'T old and ugly then what happened in the meantime? How did he turn wrinkled and ugly as hell?
Was he also ugly or not when he tried to propose with Calissa? Cuz I can't remember for the life of me.
Are we also just gonna ignore that Evelyn was practically on the streets and that the Green Knight, the OG Japeth took care of her? Talk about being a deadbeat dad Rafal (cough RHIAN cough).
How does he keep seducing all these women?! I mean with Calissa it was a fail, Sophie was easily manipulated, and hell only knows what Evelyn's thinking process was given how easily she dismissed her each time she tried to be 'useful' to him.
Do you guys think Rafal knew that Japeth liked Aric? And if so is that why he made Aric the Dean of New evil(besides his own...evilness and the fact that he is Lady Lesso's son and inherited her magic).
We don't forget that 'Rafal' literally laughed when he was told he'd have to marry a woman for evil, right? Right? And then he became the Number 1 playboy. But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because his true name sake(Rhian) took Sophie for the same reason (power) as his father while liking Kei and Japeth, the son that took after him, took Sophie with the intent of reviving Aric.
(I still refuse to believe Japeth was conscious of how Aric would act towards him when he came back. Japeth x Aric feels like it has a weird symmetry to Evelyn x Rafal due to the possible toxicity between the two given Aric was low-key homophobic. Well... More than low-key but that's beside the point)
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liketwoswansinbalance · 2 months
TLEA likely could've been darker in at least one way, if it had been more accurate to our real-world science:
If SGE’s magic didn’t work how it did, I bet Sophie’s ears could have popped, and maybe burst her eardrums. Plus, Rafal could have inadvertently killed her (and doomed himself!) once he’d reached some terminal velocity of mortals while flying with her.
Probably, he could stop her from bleeding out though (or would it be internal bleeding?), and the ring would save her, too, I think, as the immortality went "both ways."
Aside from some "recovery" or the potential ring fail-safe, just think of the angst and hurt/comfort potential!
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bloodbroox · 2 years
where every great fairytale begins….
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whore-mel · 2 months
This month was the month....I joined a dead fandom...😞😞
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Where is the school for good and evil (BOOK) fandom??
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Honestly, I can't blame Tedros for wanting to abandon Sophie. If I was in a homoerotic relationship with a boy and then it turns out that the boy was actually the person who tried to kill me last year. I would start eating my organs.
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liv45no · 3 months
Agatha: *sliding a photo across the table* I need you to shoot this girl in the leg.
Hester: that's a picture of you
Agatha: Tedros and Sophie want me to try zumba.
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