#Sorry about the sudden sona posting
An encounter
So because me and some frens have started a thing about silly horror/analog horror stuff on discord I wrote this silly thing with my sona (who I don't think I've really said anything about on here will do that once I feel confident enough to draw him) doing a silly spooky thing
Content warning for unwilling prey, some horror elements and mild(?) body horror
Also @mysticcomfort because you told me to post this here
Wandering is risky, especially when alone. The sightings of unknown phenomena and disappearances and subsequent reappearances of those who do so are exemplary of this. Yet that can end up not deterring some, and even encouraging others, wanting to be the first to record what has been causing the strange happenings. But still, it is best to know the area, lest you get lost.
As one poor soul found out the hard way.
They pushed past branches and gazed up at the sky, void of any stars, trying to find some sense of direction. Every tree seemed identical, and no indicative light could be seen. They trekked through the foliage, hoping that if they continued in a straight line, they would come across something. But at the same time, they questioned if that would really be better than encountering nothing. Quiet shuffling could be heard all around them, and they could swear that branches and roots of trees seemed to appear and disappear. Sometimes, in the dark, the rings on a birch tree’s bark almost seemed like real eyes staring right at them, but a blink got rid of the feeling.
A sudden loud noise startled them, and they walked backwards from it, until they bumped into something. They yelped, starting to panic as they twirled around to face what they bumped into, and saw a strange person wearing a tall hat turn around as well, though notably calmer.
“Woah, woah, you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost.” He said to them, trying to ease them. “You seem lost, are ya lost?”
They explained their plight to the stranger, having let their guard down now that they have another human to talk to. He held his hand up to his face in a thoughtful pose while he listened.
“Hmm. Well, I know the area here quite well, I can help you if you want, just follow me, I’ll take you somewhere safe.”
He began walking off, and they followed suit. They had an uneasy feeling in them, but it was overcome by their relief at finally having someone else to talk to. Besides, of the recent disappearances, everyone had returned and the most damage they were aware of happening to them was nothing more than a few cuts and bruises, the kind that would heal in a week at most.
Their unease grew, however, when the stranger walked down into a bunker of some kind. 
“I know this seems like a bad idea, but I promise you you’ll be safe.” He gave them a smile, though something about it seemed… off, slightly. But despite their uneasy feelings, they followed in.
There was very little light in the bunker, aside from a ceiling light that only illuminated a small spot in the center of the room. They couldn’t see the person they followed in, and it didn’t help they could swear they saw something slip out from the light as they approached. They called out with a low voice. And shortly after doing so, they heard the door shut behind them, and they swiveled around to look, not that they could see much.
“Sorry to have tricked you like that.” A familiar voice echoed from the side of the room opposite the door, making them swivel around again. As he spoke, some other quieter voices spoke the same words at the same time, but all around them. “I think we can both agree that you would have found it a bit harder to trust me like this.” He approached them, and as he stepped into the light, it was clear he was different. His legs were preceded by black tendrils, swiftly growing on the ground before him in very general directions. His arms seemed to have grown, becoming a material not unlike that of the tendrils on the ground, which they had noticed were on the walls and ceiling as well. And his mouth had grown wider, and was filled with jagged, teal, crystalline teeth, with a couple more of those tendrils flowing out like long tongues, and a similar mouth had formed on the exposed patch of his stomach.
They couldn’t move, couldn’t even speak, paralyzed with fear, while he continued his approach. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around them, meaning they couldn’t move now even if they wanted to.
“I do keep my word, though. I will keep you somewhere safe. Though you… might not like where exactly that is.” As he said that, he began opening his mouth wide, and elongating the tendrils in his mouth, wrapping them around them. They struggled against him, but it proved completely ineffective as they were pulled into the void of this… thing’s mouth. They felt the pull of what might be considered throat muscles pulling them deeper. They couldn’t believe what was happening to them. It had to be a nightmare. They kept being pulled in further and further, until they were curled up in a tight space, unable to escape. They soon eventually passed out from everything that had just happened to them.
They jolted up in bed, gasping for breath. In bed… It was a nightmare. They caught their breath and calmed themself down, briefly nervously laughing. They checked themself just in case they were hurt, but nothing was wrong, they were perfectly fine. They breathed a sigh of sheer relief and turned on their bedside lamp. Their paranoia must still be high, as they thought they saw some black tendrils quickly recede into the cracks of their doorframe the moment the room was flooded with light.
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songs-of-the-skerry · 3 months
Guess who's back in 2024!
Sorry for the very sudden inactivity in 2023, I had a lot of trouble trying to get used to life's problems. I won't explain that in detail due to me not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable.
But hey, I'm back again! Maybe some of you missed me, maybe you did not, but I'm ready to post more content from time to time!
This account will be getting a quick revamp quite soon. I'll be replacing my main sona with something else (still related to the theme, however) very soon, and I'm excited to share them with you all! In the meantime, feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about my inactivity or future content, as I think I might be opening up an askbox in the next few days!
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 13 *Major Angst Warning* *Fluff Warning* *Trigger Warning: Talk of Abuse, Alcoholism*
January 1904; Silent City
“It all started when I married Theodor. It was perfect.” Sona said in a dreamy tone as she looked at her oldest son.
Oh, how he looked so much like her Theodor, it was almost like seeing a memory come to life.
“I loved him Alastair, he was my first love. And he loved me too. You are so much like him that sometimes I forget that he isn’t here anymore.”
Alastair was still silent, his eyes still looking down at his lap. “What happened to Theodor, Mâmân?” he nearly whispered, as if he was scared to know the answer. Sona took a deep breath before answering.
“As you know, he died. It was sudden. I remember that night and I always will, until the day I take my last breath. We went to bed together one night and when I woke up the next morning, he was dead in bed beside me,”
She was cut off by a small gasp coming from Alastair. He had moved one of his hands to clutch one of hers, like he had done when he was small and held onto to her skirts when he was feeling particularly shy.
But still, Sona continued on with her story.
“They didn’t know what happened to him. The Clave said it was natural causes. He was fine before we went to bed. He had been fine. But the people in Paris didn’t believe me, they said I had to be lying, because I was a foreigner. They said I had to have poisoned him, but I didn’t. Nobody cared about my side in it. Which is why I went back to Persia. I couldn’t handle the whispers any longer.
“I didn’t know I was pregnant when I met your fa-Elias. I met him when I got back to Tehran. I know you don’t remember Elias before, Alastair, but he was different. Softer, kinder, less cold. He was much better at hiding his drinking back then, and I fell in love with him. Or at least I thought I did-”
Alastair cut her off by removing his hand from hers. “Why did you marry him? If you loved Theodor?”
For a second, Sona didn’t know how to answer. She’d never really asked herself that question, she never thought about it. She married him because he proposed and she said yes, that meant they had to get married. Her family hadn’t approved of Elias-or Theodor, for that matter-but she had done it anyway.
But she still didn’t know why.
“I don’t know, joon. I don’t have an explanation as to why. I wish I did so I could tell you. But I don’t. I found out I was pregnant just after the wedding, it had been barely three months since Theodor’s death, so I assumed you were a Carstairs not a Verlac. But then you were born and you looked so familiar, but I couldn’t place it then. I didn’t place it until you were fourteen.”
“When Cortana chose Cordelia instead of me?” Alastair whispered, he had started to pick at his skin, and his eyes were focused on that instead of her.
Sona nodded. “Yes.”
“Does anyone else know?”
“No. Risa suspects, but nobody besides you and Cordelia.”
“Elias knew.”
“What?” Sona was confused, Elias had never known to her knowledge. And if he suspected, he certainly hadn’t told her.
“He taunted me about it that last night. He said I couldn’t possibly had been his son, that I was too weak, that you had lied to him.”
“Oh, Alastair. None of this should’ve ever happened. There are only two things I don’t regret about my marriage to Elias and that is your sister and brother. I have so many regrets and many of them involve you. I am sorry, Alastair. I am sorry for letting you go through that for so long with Elias. I am your mother, I never should’ve let it happen.” Sona opened her arms for her son so she could hold him. But he got up off of the bed.
“Mâmân, it should’ve never even continued after the first time. It should have stopped the first time I dragged him home drunk from a bar in Devon. It should have stopped the first time he hit me when he was drunk. But it didn’t. You were supposed to protect me but you chose to protect Cordelia. You didn’t protect me.”
Her son looked so sad, so broken. His dark eyes were filled with tears that were threatening to spill. She had caused his pain and continued to let his pain worsen, when she could’ve stopped it.
He turned to look at her one last time before he slammed the door shut and left.
I’m back!!!!
It’s been months since I posted a chapter!!! I originally planned my hiatus to last until my birthday in April (nearly six months ago), that didn’t work end up working out but here it is!
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
Sorry for my longer ask, but I just binged all the introduction posts of all the various Apples and I wanted to make my own. Also this one is a little strange, but whatever. Also also, I’m shy because of the long ask and it being a weird fruit, but I might come off anon later, once I’m feeling less anxious.
Okay so I grew up near the Amazon rainforest and ate a lot of cacao fruit because non native fruit was more expensive and my parents only bought even now and then. Anyway, cacao comes in these brown pods that you have to break open and get the white fruit from inside. The taste is a sweet, tropical taste with a kinda sour aftertaste. Also, there’s beans inside of the fruit that if you crush them up and add some sugar, boom, you got chocolate.
So for the actual OC, I was thinking an person of color, specifically South American descent, probably with white dyed hair, but you can change it. He seems super sweet and kind at first but as you get to know him, you realize he can be sarcastic and a jerk at times (like a sour aftertaste, right?). Would probably hurt Banana, Orange, and OG Apple’s feelings with his sudden mean attitude. But past all his rudeness, he actually just wants a friend. (Sweet like chocolate). Idk what his relationship with the salesman or Clay is like, but Clay probably bought him because he seemed so sweet, but quickly grew to despise him on account of his sarcasm and rudeness.
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Okay, so it turns out I... I guess I just never did post this...... So like, note to self, because apparently being on Tumblr is teaching me lots of life lessons recently, but A) don’t assume to know who people on anon are based on random coincidences because if you’re wrong you will look very silly and B) double check things before you go freaking out about them being gone because, well, see the end of lesson A. So apparently Life Lessons with CB should just be a thing. Learn from my mistakes please lol.
But hey, at least it’s here and not murdered by Tumblr as I previously thought. That’s good. Uh, moving on now. :)
We’re skipping the Blackberry Apple-sona for now because I know “emo” and “goth” don’t all fit the stereotype and I want to make sure I get it right but anyway. :)
I know I’ve said this before but whatever lol. The long ask is a-okay! that just means I have more stuff to work with! :D You don't have to worry about coming off anon either. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with. <3
As for the fruit being weird, really aren’t they all? I mean, if I wasn’t familiar with bananas, I would be like, “Hey, that’s a pretty weird fruit!” Lol, ya know?
Quick CW: Food, torture mention
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I will admit I stared at these pictures for a good two minutes lol. I was like, “Huh. Didn’t expect that,” lol, mostly ‘cause my first thought was “???” and my second was “...marshmallows?” So yeah, “weird” is a relative term, and I suppose it’s not so much weird as unique. :)
Introducing Cacao!
Ooh, I definitely like the white hair, and heck yeah we can go South American descent! All the Apple-sonas are actually POC and mixed race, and while I don’t have anything like definitively written out for them, I think they’re all Black and Hispanic. (Although Cacao, being of South American descent, would be Latino.) Just a lil’ fun fact!
So onto Cacao’s personality, I think you’re pretty spot on! He definitely looks the part of someone who’s super sweet, and that’s definitely what people see first. He’s super nice and caring and generous at first, but get to know him a little more, and you realize he does indeed have a more sour side to him. A defense mechanism he developed when he was a kid that’s unfortunately now showing its drawbacks. 
What originally sounded like joking actually turns out to be actually rude remarks. Almost everything he says is sarcastic, but you can’t pick out the sarcastic tone until you’ve been around him long enough to notice it. All in all, he seems nice, but he isn’t too nice in reality.
Cacao w/ the salesman and Clay
Cacao didn’t spend too much time with the salesman. With how sweet he seemed, he also seemed incredibly well trained, and it wasn’t even a week before our buyer Clay showed up for him.
Cacao manages to keep the sweet facade on for less than a week before his more sour side starts leaking through to Clay. Of course, purchasing Cacao, Clay wanted a cute, obedient pet. However, Cacao’s snark and sarcasm very quickly has Clay being less than nice to Cacao in return.
But his Clay keeps him, because he spent good money on him. All he needs is a little attitude adjustment is all. Only he doesn’t really change because how are you supposed to be nice to someone who’s not nice to you? Over time, Cacao learns to hold his tongue, which is like... a little bit closer to being nice I suppose. But he’s definitely up there as one of the more defiant Apple-sonas, and while he doesn’t hate Clay so much--I mean, this is what pets sign up for, isn’t it?--he definitely doesn’t love him.
I don’t know if he gets a Jimmy yet. >:)
Cacao w/ the Apple-sonas
Oh, he definitely accidentally hurts OG Apple’s, Banana’s, and Orange’s feelings. Coconut’s, too. And Peach’s (Star Fruit’s). He even makes Cherimoya cry. :,,,) Not on purpose of course, but Cow definitely makes him apologize to each and every one of them like a total parent, and that’s when they make it their mission to help Cacao become a better pet person.
And they eventually all realize that underneath all the snark and rudeness, Cacao really is a nice, funny guy. And they become bestest friends! :D
(Oh, and Cacao definitely has sticky hands. No one knows why, not even him. All they know is fist bumps, not high fives lol.)
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This Poor Unruly Heart.  A Thomastair fic.
Cross-posted to my AO3. 
***TW/CW**** Alcoholism. Homophobia. Homophobic slurs. (Shortened version of the F slur is used) Emotional abuse. Abusive parent. Abusive relationships. Mention of child loss.
It is a cold Winter’s day in late 1903, when both Alastair Carstairs and Thomas Lightwood, make the most terrifying and nerve wracking decision of their lives. After 3 months of being with each other they have decided to hide no longer, and come out to their parents.
Out of the two of them, Alastair is certainly most terrified, for so long Charles made him believe that he would always have to live in secret, he manipulated and twisted him into believing that everyone would be disgusted and hate him. Alastair knows his mother is a very traditional woman, and throughout his childhood he has heard his father throw around slurs and nasty words about people like Alastair.
However Alastair does not want to hide anymore, like he had to with Charles, he loves Thomas and wants everyone to know that, no matter what. With Elias still being in Idris for another day or so, Alastair will have a chance to speak with him privately, if all goes well with telling his mother.
Cordelia has known that Alastair is gay for a while now, she was the first person he came out to, and has been nothing but loving and supportive toward him, when he told her his plans to come out to their parents, she offered to be there for moral support. Alastair happily agreed, glad to have her to lean on.
So now he has found himself in the drawing room of Cirenworth, sitting on the couch next to Cordelia, across from their mother, who at 7 months pregnant looks more stressed, tired and ill than Alastair has ever seen her. He’s terrified of stressing her out and worrying her further, afraid of hurting her or the baby, but he refuses to have his baby brother or sister born into a world where their big brother is hiding a big part of who he is. If the baby is like Alastair, he wants them to have a good influence, someone to look up to and admire, like he has always secretly admired Anna.
“What trouble have you two gotten into now?” Sona’s tired but amused voice pulls Alastair from his thoughts. He smiles and lets out a breathy laugh, his poor mother having to deal with everything he and Cordelia and their friends got up to recently, hopefully the baby won’t be such a handful when they grow up.
“No mamán, we haven’t done anything, I... I need to speak with you about something, something I... discovered about myself.” Aalstair chooses his words carefully, trying not to fidget or let his nerves overtake him.
“Alright, what is it?” Sona asks, leaning back in her chair and folding her hands over her bump. Alastair gives Cordelia a brief glance and she smiles and slips her hand into his and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
Alastair holds tightly to Cordelia and takes a deep breath. He then looks straight at his mother, and calmly says
“I’m gay, I’m attracted to men, and I’ve been seeing someone, a man. Thomas Lightwood to be exact. We’ve been seeing eachother for a few months now and I wanted to finally tell you mamán, because it is a big part of me and my life.”
Sona leans forward in her chair and takes Alastair’s free hand in hers.
“Are you happy?” She calmly asks. Alastair wordlessly nods, not daring to get his hopes up. “And this Lightwood boy, does he make you happy, does he treat you well?”
“Yes.” Alastair says in a breathy tone. “I... I love him, mamán, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I have never been happier than I have been since I began seeing Thomas. He... he makes me feel so loved and important.”
Sona smiles warmly and brushes her son’s dark hair back from his face.
“Then if you are happy, I’m happy.” Alastair feels the tears of relief and joy well up in his eyes as his breath catches in his throat.
“R-really?” He stammers. Sona nods and brushes his tears away.
“Yes Eshgham, all I want for you, Cordelia and this baby, is for you to be happy and healthy. Nothing and no one matters more to me than you 3, and a little thing like the sex of the person you love, is not going to make a difference to how much I love you, Alastair.” Sona’s voice is soft and low, full of love but also firm, so Alastair knows how serious she is.
Alastair lets out a sob of relief and lets his head fall onto his mother’s shoulder, as her arms go around him, her hand running through his hair, while Cordelia rubs his back.
“I love you mamán.” Alastair sniffs. Sona presses a kiss to his forehead.
“I love you too Alastair joon, very much. I do want to meet this Thomas boy of course, to make sure he’s deserving of you, not just anyone is worthy of being loved by my son, you know.” Sona lightly says, as Alastair lifts his head and wipes at his tears. He laughs at the thought of tall, muscular Thomas being lectured by his small, heavily pregnant mother.
“He is James’ cousin, so I think you will like him very much.” Alastair laughs, knowing how much his mother adores James.
“Like who very much?” The sweet and happy moment is suddenly interrupted by a gruff voice from the doorway that makes the blood in Alastair’s veins run cold. He turns his head to see his father standing in the doorway, dressed smartly but with his hair greasy and ratty, months worth of stubble on his jaw, his eyes bloodshot with dark circles underneath them, and a poorly hidden bottle of whisky poking out of his coat pocket.
“Oh Elias, we weren’t expecting you back for another day or so.” Sona says in a somewhat surprised tone, pushing herself to her feet to greet her husband, going in for a kiss to the cheek but recoiling when she smells the alcohol on him.
Elias completely ignores his wife, focusing all of his attention on Alastair.
“Who and what were you talking about? It seems like you were in the middle of a rather serious moment.” He asks in a deadly calm voice.
“Papa not now, Alastair is tired.” Cordelia protests, wanting to do whatever she can to save her brother having to face their father unplanned like this.
“I was not speaking to you Cordelia, I was speaking to your brother. I will ask again, who and what were you talking about? If you told your mother, you need to tell me.” there is now anger and irritation seeping into Elias’ tone.
“I...” Alastair begins, not quiet sure where to go with this. “Um, well I...”
“Have you hit your head or are you honestly as dense as I always knew?” Elias spits out in acidic tone, horrifying everyone in the room. It’s not the first time he’s spoken so cruelly to Alastair, though he’s never done so in front of anyone else before.
“Papa!” Cordelia protests.
“Be quiet Cordelia. You, get on with it.” He growls, glaring at Alastair.
“I’m gay!” Alastair blurts, cringing at how abrupt and sudden it was.
Elias scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“Don’t be ridiculous Alastair, you are far too young to know who you do and do not love, not that it is love, homosexuality is a disease, an illness of the mind.” He tells him in a dismissive tone. Alastair feels as though his heart may break in half. Nobody has ever said something so cruel to him before.
“No it is not, the love I feel for Thomas is just the same as any other type of love. He makes me happy and treats me well, I love him, it is one of the very few things in life I have ever been so certain of. I love him, father.” Alastair’s tone is tight as tears start to well up again, but there is also pride in his tone, and love at the thought of Thomas.
Before Alastair can comprehend anything else, his father is right in front of him, face to face, so close Alastair can smell the stench of alcohol on his breath.
“Elias let him go!” Sona yells, tugging at her husband’s arm, only to have him shake her off.
“No mamán don’t, you may get hurt, you or the baby.” Alastair tells her, holding his chin high and refusing to show his father any fear.
“Now you listen here boy.” Elias hisses. “No son of mine is going to be some disgusting fag, I will not have you taint the good family name of Carstairs. You are not irreplaceable, that child your mother carries could well be a boy, I could very easily replace you with him. And if you wish to have a place under my roof, you will shut your disgusting little mouth and never speak of this filth again!”
“Papa! Don’t speak to him like that, leave him alone!” Cordelia yells, trying to pull her father away, only for him to push her back, almost knocking her over.
Alastair has never been a violent man, despite his nasty attitude when he was younger, he would actually never harm a fly. However this time, Elias his gone too far. Alastair firmly places his hands on his father’s chest and with force, shoves him away so he is not in his face.
Alastair is about to respond, to tell Elias he’s free to replace him with the new baby, but Sona speaks up first.
“That is enough!” Her strong and firm tone rings clear through the room, stopping everyone and everything in their tracks.
“Elias Carstairs if you so much as ever lay a hand on my son again, I swear to the angel you will be sorry. You need to get off of your pedestal, you are not some all high and mighty holier than though member of society, you are a nasty, abusive man who refuses to get help for an addiction that has ruined everything. You ruined Alastair’s childhood with your alcoholism, I am not about to let you ruin the rest of his life with your homophobia.
I have put up with your nasty and abusive ways for the last 18 years, I have dealt with you calling me fat, lazy, useless, ugly, and many, many other things. I am done with it, no more. I took your abuse with the hope you would leave Cordelia and Alastair alone, and they could have nice normal lives. That is not how it works though, I know better now. I deserve better, my children deserve better.
I want a divorce, Elias, and I will be making sure you have no custody or involvement of this baby, as far as I am concerned this child is mine and mine alone, they have no father.”
There is a shocked silence throughout the room, following Sona’s pronouncement. Alastair feels guilty for feeling happy that his mother is leaving his father, and hopeful that he can escape him. He’s not meant to want his parents to split up, being the child of a divorced couple is shameful according to society. But why? Why is it shameful for Sona to escape her abuser, to give her baby a better chance at life and to take Cordelia and Alastair away from a toxic and abusive person?
The first to speak is Elias. He scoffs and sneers at his wife.
“Oh please, you need me Sona, you have nowhere to go and nothing without me.”
“I will go to The Institute, The Herondales will welcome me. I have plenty, Elias, I have savings you know nothing of, I have valuables I can sell should I need to, I have clothes for the baby, nappies are not hard to come by, I have everything I need, I most certainly do not need you.” Sona’s tone is impassive as she steadily holds Elias’ gaze. She then turns to her children, her gaze softening slightly.
“Alastair, Cordelia, you are of course welcome to come with me, wherever I find a home you will have a home, but if you wish to stay with your father then I will not be hurt or upset, and you will still be able to see your little brother or sister when they are born. The choice is yours.” Of course Sona wants her children to come with her, but she knows forcing them to if they do not want to, will not make her any better than Elias.
“I want to go with you mamán.” Cordelia immediately says, the love and respect she has always held for her father now shattered into pieces, never to be repaired.
“Me too, and I can help you with money mamán, now that I am old enough to receive earnings from The Clave.” Alastair says, leaning into his mother, who smiles and cups his cheek.
“Thank you Azizam, but you most certainly do not have to.” She then links her arm through with his and puts the other around Cordelia’s shoulders. “Come along, we can come back for our things later. For now I would like to meet your Thomas, Alastair. I am sure he’s a good boy if he’s related to James, but I need to be sure, as I said, not just anyone is deserving of my son’s heart.”
Alastair smiles brightly, his heart lifting and his pain easing at the thought of introducing his mother to Thomas, and having a peaceful and calm life at The Institute, where he will be free to love Thomas and be himself.
Meanwhile, in the Lightwood London townhouse, Thomas is nervously sitting in front of his parents in the drawing room, preparing to come out to them. He is sure they’ll be loving and accepting, they love and accept Anna, but maybe it will be different with their own child, especially their only son. Perhaps his father expects him to carry on the Lightwood name, what with Christopher having no interest in romance or anything of the sort, and little Alex only being 3.
“What’s going on Tommy? What do you need to talk to us about?” Sophie’s concerned voice pulls Thomas from his thoughts, and he lifts his head to look at his parents, sitting side by side, their hands entwined, both of them looking concerned.
“Uhh...” Thomas begins in an unsure tone. “Well... I’m... I’m gay.” Thomas blurts out, wanting it over and done with, holding his breath as he waits for his parents to react.
Immediately they both visibly relax, Gideon’s shoulders slumping in relief and Sophie placing a hand on her chest and letting out a sigh of relief.
“Oh love is that all?” Sophie asks with a hint of amusement in her tone. Baffled, Thomas nods.
“You gave us a fright Tom, we thought something was dreadfully wrong.” Gideon laughs, relieved beyond words that all is well with Thomas. He could not lose another child, Barbara’s death almost killed him, loosing Thomas or Eugenia would certainly be the end of him.
“We’ve always known that about you my darling, do you think we haven’t noticed you gawping at all the handsome men we pass on the street, or how you just loved hearing about your sisters' courting conquests and always asked for details on the men?” Sophie laughs, remembering 11 year old Thomas sitting with his sisters and listening intently as Barbara recounted her first outing with her first boyfriend.
“It... it doesn’t bother you?” Thomas asks in a hopeful tone. Could it really be this simple and easy? Could he be so lucky?
“Not one bit.” Sophie assures him.
“Just don’t steal Eugenia’s dresses if you want to wear women’s clothes, she loves you but she will not be pleased if you steal her dresses.” Gideon says in a light tone, earning a laugh from Thomas.
“I would not dare get between Genie and her dresses, though I have no desire to wear one myself, they seem rather uncomfortable.” He says.
“You do not know the half of it my love.” Sophie laughs, squeezing Thomas’ hand. “Is there anything else you wish to tell us? Remember, we’ll always love you and support you.”
Thomas bites his lip and takes a few seconds to think, before looking at his parents again.
“Well... actually, I am seeing someone. Alastair Carstairs to be exact.” Thomas nervously admits.
“Oh he is a lovely boy! Good to know your good sense continues through to the romantic aspect of your life.” Sophie grins, shocking Thomas.
“You like him? But mama he was the one who spread those nasty rumors about you a few years ago.” Thomas quietly says. He knows Alastair has changed and grown since then, but does his mother?
“He was a child, a scared child who was going through a lot of trauma, he made a mistake for which he is clearly very sorry. And besides I think it is quiet obvious that he at 16 did not just suddenly decide to spread rumors about strange adults who had nothing to do with him. I would not be surprised in the least if he was repeating what he heard from his father.” Sophie quietly says, trying not to let her anger escape. She is not angry with Alastair, but she is angry with Elias, who has said very unkind things about her before, some to her face and some behind her back.
Before Thomas can reply, there is a rap on the dinning room door and Scarlet- the Lightwood’s maid- steps in.
“Sorry to interrupt M’am, Sirs, there are guests here to see you, Mrs. Carstairs and her two children.” Scarlet quietly says. Thomas’ heart begins to race. Why is Alastair here? Is he alright?
“Oh, please do send them through Scarlet, thank you.” Sophie says, wondering why the Carstairs’ have turned up here. It’s not as if they are very close friends or anything of the sort.
A few seconds later Sona Carstairs steps into the drawing room, followed closely by Cordelia and Alastair.
“I am very sorry to intrude and interrupt, we can leave if we are inconveniencing you.” Sona says in an apologetic tone.
“No no nonsense, you are very welcome. Please, sit. Would you like something to drink or eat? Would you like to put your feet up, Sona?” Sophie kindly asks, remembering how easily her feet swelled up when she was pregnant all 3 times, by the time she was 7 months pregnant with Barbara she couldn’t fit into her shoes anymore and had to buy new ones specifically for pregnancy.
“Thank you, you are very kind but a simple seat will do, I get so tired so easily these days.” Sona says in a breathy tone, as Cordelia helps her sit in a nearby armchair.
Thomas and Alastair, meanwhile, share a delighted look at seeing one another. Thomas grins and quickly strides across the room and slips his hand into Alastair's.
“Mama, papa, this is Alastair, my boyfriend.” He proudly says, grinning at his parents.
Sophie immediately joins them and pulls Alastair into a hug, taking him by complete surprise.
“Don’t break his heart, alright?” Sophie softly says when she pulls back, placing a hand on Alastair’s cheek. Alastair smiles and nods.
“I promise, Mrs. Lightwood.”
Sophie smiles and squeezes his hand before stepping back to let Gideon talk to Alastair.
“Our Thomas is a sweet boy, with so much capacity to love. I’m sure you already know this but it is an honor to be loved by him in anyway. Never forget that, alright?” Alastair nods.
“Of course not Mr. Lightwood.” He assures him. Gideon smiles and holds his hand out for Alastair to shake.
“Good, and if you ever need some fatherly advice or a man to man talk, I am always here.” The offer almost makes Alastair tear up again.
“Thank you Mr. Lightwood, I very much appreciate that.”
“Now you just have to meet Genie, I think she will like you too.” Thomas lightly says, laying his head on Alastair’s shoulder. Alastair chuckles and puts an arm around his boyfriend.
“Well now it is my turn to introduce you to my family. You already know Layla, but you haven’t met my wonderful mother yet. Mamán this is Thomas, my boyfriend.”
With help from Cordelia Sona stands up from her chair and beams brightly at Thomas. She pulls him down for a hug and squeezes tightly.
“It is so lovely to meet the boy who has made my Alastair happy again. Treat him well.”
Over the next few months the Lightwoods and Carstairs grow very close. Gideon helps Sona begin proceedings for her divorce and also helps her make a case against Elias having any custody of the baby. They have plenty of evidence of him being an unfit parent and a danger to the baby, so it only takes a matter of weeks for it be agreed upon by The Silent Brothers and The Clave that Elias has no legal rights to the baby and will not be allowed around them at all.
Sophie helps Sona through the rest of her difficult pregnancy, having had a hard pregnancy herself, with Thomas.
Thomas and Alastair grow closer and fall even more in love, and Cordelia finds a new friend in Eugenia.
2 months later on a rainy February day, Cordelia, Alastair, Thomas and Eugenia are all nervously waiting outside the Institute infirmary, waiting for word on Sona who went into labor in the early hours of the morning. Brother Zachariah came right away, and has been doing a wonderful job of helping Sona through her labor while also keeping everyone else updated.
8 hours after Sona went into labor, the silence of the infirmary waiting room is interrupted by the squeaking of the infirmary door opening.
The 4 teenagers turn to look at the doorway, where Brother Zachariah now stands, his hood drawn back and his hands folded neatly in front of him.
“Uncle Jem.” Cordelia leans forward, eager to hear what he has to say. “Is mama alright, and the baby?”
Yes everything is absolutely fine Cordelia. In fact, you have a healthy baby brother, congratulations.
Cordelia gasps and shrieks in delight, turning to hug Alastair tightly.
“A boy! It’s a boy Al, we have a baby brother!” She gleefully exclaims. Alastair laughs in delight and holds his sister tight, picking her up and spinning her around twice, unable to contain his utter glee and delight. His mother is alright, his baby brother is alright, everything is alright.
“Two against one! You are done for, Layla!” Alastair teases, setting his sister down and affectionately tugging at a lock of her hair. Cordelia laughs and playfully swats him on the arm.
“Not a chance! I’m going to go hold him first!” she quickly turns on her heel and hurries into the infirmary after Jem.
“I always wanted a little brother, I’m quiet envious!” Thomas lightly says, slipping an arm around Alastair’s waist. “I am very happy for you.” Alastair beams at his boyfriend and kisses him.
“I love you.”
"I love you too."
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squidsy24 · 5 years
The Or is it
Yes it's a ddadds post no I don't care that much if you hate it but I've tried writing the is like 3 times and bits always to long so personalise it for your dad Sona I'll give a summary of what happens with mine when this shit happens
so there's a not secret ending I found when I played ddadds the 3rd time I was going for the okest dad achievement and bits was like oh let's try to ace the wall Mary home scene (I didn't) and in the okest dad thing you have to sleep with Robert (love that but he is a shit head after) so you get ditched by both your kid and Joe and you have to clean up the party it's sad as shit dadsona keeps whispering to him self that it will all be ok and its sad I nearly cried with him so I'll do the first part of what happens 8months after and the rest fill in with things from your dad's on (I'll Sumerize mine)
"Keep the change" The driver accepts the money and drives off you put in i two earbuds play a soundtrack called sad shit Amanda made it back in high school ok Neil you got your shift covered at the hospital and have the next day off you can be sad now o thought while swinging my legs over the wooden railing so my feet were closer to the edge of the cliff time passes by I didn't even notice my playlist was almost done I just sat there music on blast knowing I could cry I'm alone but no tears formed I noticed some rocks in front of my feet I grab them and through after each phrase "I'm sorry Amanda! I'M SORRY I DIDN'T RAISE YOU RIGHT! I'M SORRY ALEX I MESSED UP OUR KID! I'M SORRY... I'm so sorry everyone sorry I wasn't strong sorry I'm weak sorry I'm SORRY! " I slowly stood up with each rock but after the last one I crumbled to the ground way am oi such a failure I mess up everything I put my head in my hands and cried softly when all of a sudden a hand was on my back I was too scared to look up but big pulled out one of the earbuds after the song finished I spoke trying to not break "if your here to kill me just do it quickly " I look up slowly but didn't look at who was next to me "well actually Neil I'm here to tell you I'm pregnant and your the father... I haven't been with a man since " Confused I looked up pulling out the other ear buds it was Robert I chuckled" Well Io messed up my last kid so I don't think I'll be the best father to the fetus in you guys but I will pay child support" He chuckled " Now tell me what has gotten my baby daddy so sad " I looked out to the skyline "you don't care about it your just making small talk I'd you wanna be alone I can leave" He looked away from me and toward the city" I hate small talk kid and although it is pleasnt to be alone I don't think you should be " "My stress won't be good on the baby and plus I got a friend" I lift up my bottle of Jack Daniels "me and jack here were gonna have fun" I take a swing Robert looks to be willing? "Listen kid in not one for sappy shit and this kid is already messed up from my stress so lay it on me and after I would love to hangout with you and jack" I look down at his project it looks like a lion? "Well if you must know I'll tell the tale mostly cause I just need to talk. My husband died 11 years ago leaving me a single dad with Amanda things were good I thought when we moved to the culdasac I thought it would be good to have a change of scene to be honest when I saw you in the coffee shop I thought you seemed cool and well honestly hot but before what ever happened with us happened I met Joseph ya know wanting what's wrong what's bad it's kinda a part of my self destruction and ya know what ever happened with us happened which I don't really regret it I do however regret falling for the pink sweater head ya know thinking we had something thinking he will leave Mary but nope got my heart broken little by little from you Amanda and Joseph I've just been working trying to distract myself from every thing. Also what ever happened with you and Joe" He stops widdling "what do you you mean there" I look at him in the eyes "I saw the photo the sweater everything hey I fell to joes just ugh " I offer him some of jack he nearly gulps it down he then spoke" I don't regret bit either ya know" I know in look puzzled but then I remember he means the night " Well you drank it all I'll have to kill you for that " He laughs whil pocketed his carveing and knife "ok fistfight right hear right now " I stand up " Ok " We both go it attack mode he almost hits me before he says "ya know I don't really wanna harm you come on I'll get you the refill" I agree that fall down would hurt I jokingly hit him in the shoulder "ok but you drive " " I can and will still fight you so don't touch me" We part off to his red truck the drive to the bar was silent but it was a comfortable silence.
Now here's what happened in short woth y dadsona but you can fill in how you want it to go
We both got drunk (me far more then Robert) I don't remember much I remember sneaking into the movies and falling asleep with his jacket on top of me when I woke up we drink more and I fell on a rock and split my head I was to nervous to go to my hospital and said I was fine although Robbie incested that he clean it or else I would die and he can't have another body on his hands going to his house made me remember the night we had it hasn't changed his dog bestsy snuggled me and I was inclined by dog code not to move Robert ordered a pizza with pineapple and black olives it was delicious (I accurate that last night 101/0) I wound up pucking it up on my shirt and I blacked out I woke up in a red shirt and Rick and Morty boxers with best on my side I walked down stairs to see Robert in my eorye onsie he was making eggs for me? He finished them and said my cloths were drying he then said to tell me before he left and went outside to smoke I accidentally stole his shirt and boxers but he kept my onsie so... He asked me out on another adventure when we weren't both being depressed it was great spending time with him and having someone to talk to we wonder up continuing our gun times we even went cryptic hunting he taught me how to widdle and it was wonder full we both opened up a part of ourselves and talked to our kids
Boom mic drop
Fill in what you don't like I just hattttttee the ending I got with Joseph and the okest dad I wanted things to change so nice did 🖤 love you Robbie🖤
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ladybuvelle · 7 years
The Trial
The loud ‘thunk!’ of the young boy’s long stick as it hit the floor of the colorful bridge was nearly lost against the noisy sounds of people around them during the festival. Some of the orphan children had gathered together with the local children, and as was proper they had decided to share the many games they knew. Some sat aside and played with marbles. Some chased firebugs on the edge of the shallow river. But the ones on the busy bridge were playing a game as old as time; pretend.
The boy with the stick stood mightily on his end of the bridge, his chest and arms puffed out as if he bore anything resembling muscles. The shortest boys often had the fieriest personalities to compensate.
“|I am Elder Randuin!|” the local boy spoke at nearly a yell, trying to pitch down his voice to that of a grown man’s - to questionable success. He raised his stick as if it were an ornately carved greatstaff, looking to the skies and gesturing with his open hand grandly. “|These brave souls seek to pass the Trial of Distinction, and the Stars tonight may bare witness to their failures and successions!|”
“... |Do any of ya understand what he’s sayin’?|” a boy on the other end spoke in a stage whisper to those beside him. “|Somethin’ ‘bout Stars n’ stuff. I think.|” answered a snappy girl.
Sona tilted her head, eyes up to a corner in the ‘elder’s’ direction. She was arguably the most learned among them when it came to language - ironically - but the local boy’s dialect and vocabulary couldn’t help but surpass her. A small, humble education couldn’t compare to a city kid. Even his yukata looked so much finer.
When you’re a child though it isn’t money that matters. Not usually, or at least not to the orphan children since none of them had any money anyway. It’s skills that matter the most. If you’re the fastest runner, or tall enough to reach the high shelf, or if you can climb trees and ropes with just your hands and arms, or if you can yell so loud it shakes the ground, or have a good nose for mushrooms and roots; these are the things that count most. Skills and talents.
Even this city kid’s game would be about skill and talent; if only just in a pretend environment. Most people knew, even children, that to become an Elder you had to go through various trials. The Trials of Distinction. Yet the children, even most people, didn’t exactly know what those trials entailed. And so, they would have to be made up for the sake of the game at hand.
“ 君!” the ‘elder’ shouted, pointing his ‘staff’ at one of the taller boys in the line-up of orphans. The tall boy stood at attention before stepping forward. 
“|Elder!|” he responded dutifully. The young boy seemed pleased. “|You will be first. Do you have what it takes?|” the ‘elder’ asked, pretending to stroke an impressive beard that would have looked ridiculous on his baby face if he’d really had one. “|Mmh! I’ll do my best!|” the older boy nodded. “|For the good of Kashuld and its... uh... people!|” “|Well said! But brave words are not enough when true courage requires action! So then.|”
The ‘elder’ tapped his stick to the bridge again before tossing up its length to catch it toward the lower end, giving him a more dramatic way to point to the bridge’s railings. They kept people from falling off, of course, and were flat along top with a slight curve that followed the curvature of the bridge itself. Each end houses an ornately carved and molded lantern stand that currently had the attention of a few moths here and there. Sona could guess what the boy had intended for this first ‘trial’, and already her brows began to crinkle with worry.
“|From that end|” the young boy pointed from one to the other, |to its opposite. You must walk across the edge without falling. It’s a trial of Balance.|”
“|I don’t think ‘Balance’ is literal like that...|” one of the other kids mumbled. But again, it all came down to skills in the end. The fastest or the strongest or the quickest wit; or in this case, the best sense of balance. This particular test of skill, however, was a very risky one. The bridge was rather high compared to the low ground of the shallow river below. If he fell over toward the water, it wouldn’t be deep enough to break his fall.
But the game was on, and the boy’s spirit burned with sudden purpose. He was tall enough to easily climb onto the starting end without help and stood upright with little trouble. The other children already began cheering for him.
“|You can do it!!|” “|Good luck! Good luck!!|”
Sona clapped her hands instead, since she couldn’t shout with the others. Maybe it would turn out ok. If anything it was exciting to watch.
The boy began making his way along the edge, arms out to help balance himself, but as soon as he took his first few steps up the slope his body began to waver. The more he looked down, the more unsure his steps became. By half-way he had slowed to very small, careful steps. It wasn’t the widest railing to stand on, and some parts felt oddly loose or soft underfoot.
“|I can do this...|” he said to himself, trying to bolster his own courage. But his legs were beginning to become unruly things despite his will to continue.
“|You’re barely moving forward anymore, you know?|” one of the girls called, unimpressed. “|Come onnnn...!|”
“|Don’t rush him! If he falls-|”
“|It would be very bad|” a voice spoke from behind the children, making them all turn quickly to see who it was. It was a much older man in fine robes with a thick belt tied around his waist. He had an equally finely groomed beard that grew in a single tuft down from his chin, like the kind scholarly men in the picture books they read had. Even his hat was nice, if a bit silly looking. But only important people wore nice and silly hats.
“|Elder Randuin!|” the young boy called out in surprise, about to run across the bridge to meet him and apologize. But the true Elder rose his hand and bade the boy to stay.
“|A trial is taking place here. I can see this.|” the man nodded, gently pushing past the children in his path to reach the nervous boy who had long since stopped walking along the railing and crouched on it to even his weight better. “|You were very brave to come so far, boy. But if you fell, what would become of you?|”
“|I... am I in trouble?|” the boy meekly asked.
“|Trouble?|” the Elder barked a laugh - something the tense children hadn’t expected. “|Nonsense. You haven’t fallen yet, nor have you given up. You’re more than half-way there. See?|”
The boy looked at the remaining distance; a slight slope going downward where his feet could possibly slip if he wasn’t careful. It really wasn’t so bad, but his spirit was all but gone by now in the face of such an important adult.
“|I don’t think I can make it...|” the boy admitted, holding onto the rail with his hands.
“|Are you giving up, then?|” Randuin asked, curious.
“|But if I fall, it’ll hurt a lot.|”
“|True. But then why are you here in the first place, hm?|”
“|U-um... Because...|”
“|I told him to do it!|” the young boy came over, going down on his knees to apologize. “|Forgive me, Elder. I’m sorry! It was just a game...|”
“|Now hold on, I want to hear his answer|” the Elder waved at the young boy who had been pretending to be him - which he honestly found flattering, but for the sake of appearances he wouldn’t let that on too much. “|Because why, boy?|”
“|B-because... um...|” The boy shifted uncomfortably, and even the children waited with baited breath for what had to have been a very important answer.
“|... I wanted to look cool?|”
No one said anything after that for what Sona estimated to be a solid 30 beats. Eventually the highly bemused Elder erupted into a deep, brassy laughter that had him patting his own stomach to try and contain himself. The other children joined in, and the poor boy on the railing was so red he nearly glowed like the firebugs.
“|So then!|” the Elder clapped his hands together once he’d caught his breath a little, “|A trail of ‘coolness’ is it? That’s certainly an important aspect of becoming an Elder! But that said, I haven’t done this particular trial myself... So...|”
Standing upright and proud again, Randuin strode over to the post at the end of the bridge where the boy had been headed and stood near it, stroking his beard to put on airs. “|If you complete this trial, then you’ll have surpassed me most certainly.|”
“|R-really...?|” the boy stammered, shocked at how the Elder had been so accepting of their games. And if it meant he could truly impress him, he was sure he could get his legs to obey again. Carefully he stood with new-found strength, and carefully still he made it down the slope. Even before the very end, Randuin reached out for the boy and lifted him up and off to safety.
“|Well done!|” he praised the boy, and the rest of the children ran over to cheer for his success. Sona was still a bit star-struck by the fact that the Elder was playing with them like this, smiling and admiring the much taller man with near-sparkling blue eyes. What a nice man the Elder had turned out to be.
“|You’ve passed the Trial of Coolness!|” Randuin laughed, patting the child’s back before setting him down properly. “|What’s your name, boy?|”
“|Ryou!|” the boy responded.
“|Ryou? That’s it?|”
“|We don’t have last names|” the snappy girl interjected. “|I’m Mari, and this is Subara, and Sona, and Nanase.|”
“Ah... |I see. Pardon my misunderstanding, young ones. I didn’t realize. You’re all so well behaved and spoken I thought you were from the city.|”
Obvious flattery to cover his mistake, but the children ate it up all the same.
“|Ryou, then!|” the Elder clapped his hands, and in a strange and sudden flash a true wooden staff appeared. The children all gasped to see such magic - and the craftsmanship of the staff besides. Truly it was an Elder’s item, inlaid with jewels and carved patterns and a patina that made the wood look ancient and elegant yet well cared for. Curls of plant fiber held jade-colored gemstones in place, as if whatever tree it had grown from had formed around the gems over decades - or perhaps with the influence of another kind of magic in the way some people formed buildings from trees and plantlife.
With his staff in hand, the Elder held it over the boy’s head with an air of great purpose, his expression serious.
“|Ryou. From this day onward, you’ll be known as... Cool Ryou!|”
How anyone could say something so absolutely ridiculous so absolutely seriously was so incredible that the children couldn’t even laugh. It was so silly, and almost lame in a way, but at the same time they ate up the pageantry of it all. Ryou was all but glowing again with embarrassment and pride.
“|Cool Ryou...!|” he repeated.
“|Cool Ryou!|” the snappy girl shouted gleefully.
The nickname stuck for quite a long time, even after they’d all gone back to the orphanage after the festival and the memories of playing pretend with the Elder had begun to lose their charm with time.
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iasiney-blog · 3 years
Candy Dreams Part 1
Alton squeezed his big belly through the doorway and sat down at the kitchen table. He brought out his cell phone and texted Siyahama and Voltage Sergal to come over and help eat a bag of chocolate and candy he got. Voltage Sergal received the text and got ready to go to his place to help him eat the chocolate. Alton received the text back from Voltage but stayed inside in the air conditioning to keep the chocolate from melting. Sometime later, Voltage arrive at Alton's place of residency and knocked on the door. Alton waddled as fast as he could to his front door, his 91" belly swaying. He opened the door and spread out his arms and paws "Welcome there. C'mon in!". As Voltage came inside Alton handed him a candybar. Siyahamba meanwhile arrive and tapped on Alton's door, the leopard panted softy. He heard about chocolate and candy, and had hurried over as fast as he could. Alton opened the door a moment later and beamed at the Leopard, "Heywoo. Get in here." The dog handed the Leopard a candy bar as he entered. "Thanks!" The Leopard munched on the candy bar, "This is great! Where'd you get the candy?" Alton stood for a second thinking, "Y'know. I don't remember. I was sitting there and thought about getting candy. Then I forgot what I was doing and..." The Samoyed knocked over the kitchen table with his gut and looked over at the Leopard, "I think that happened." Then the dog picked the table back up. Siyahamba blinked in surprise, and then chortled, "For real? Well...I'm not one to turn down candy, wherever it came from." "That's what I like to here. They don't make candy like my grandmom did. But uh..." Alton replied and stood for a second, "Oh well..." The Samoyed got the plastic bag off the counter and then shuffled down and sat down on a kitchen chair. The chair creaked as he sat on it and it bowed dangerously. Siyahamba sat back in his own chair and stroked his chin with a paw thoughtfully as he looked the canine over, "Hmm. Something different about you today..." "It does. I mean. I do?" Alton looked over himself. He was still a 627lb 5' 25" Samoyed. A white furred russian siberian dog. "I don't think I lost any weight. But 72 years... I think I may be 73. Wait... well at this age you lose track," The Samoyed continued. Siyahamba chuckled softly, the hefty leopard noded his head, "I don't think you lost any. Not that I'm one to judge." He smiled reassuringly, "It looks good on you." "Thanks Siya," Alton added and looked over the Leopard smiling, "And you? How are you doing?" Siyahamba looked to him to be a 510lb quadruped leopard, belly almost to the floor. "Not too bad..." The leopard spoke and glanced at the candy bag. He smiled bashfully, "Mind if I have a little more?" Alton pushed the candy bag over toward the leopard across the table and then looked around quixotically and got up suddenly. Siyahamba reached in, took another piece, and munched on it, "Mmm, delicious." Alton spoke thoughtfully, "I think one of my kids was supposed to be here. But... nine kids... I don't know how many grandkids I have." Then the samoyed went off and looked into the living room for a moment. He didn't find what he was looking for, so waddled back, "Was there someone else here?" Alton sighed at length as the Leopard just munched away on his candybar. He sat back down and munched a candybar idley. Voltage took a candy bar out of the bag and ate it fastly. Alton jumped at the sudden movement from voltage, "Oh. There you are. I was looking for you. Right. But uh..." The Samoyed looked at the dragon. Voltage spoke "Yes. my name is voltage" Alton responded, "Hi voltage. I am Alton. I'm sorry. How did I get your text number? Oh Well. See I got a lot of candy." The dog shook the bag and as he did so, his moving around jiggled his flabby furry arms. Alton ate another candy bar and burped. He got up and made a pitcher of fruit punch and poured himself a glass. Voltage went to the bag and grabbed 2 candy bars and ate them. Alton ate another couple of candy bars and drank some punch. "Look at this," the Samoyed announced and rummaged around in the bag. He got out a bag of gumdrops, red rope licorice, and a candy bar. Then, once he got those he began to top the candy bar with gumdrops and roped them together with the licorice. The dog stuffed the candy bar concoction in his mouth amd started to mumble words at the Leopard and Dragon. Suddenly, a black holed portal opened up in the wall. Alton waddled over as quick as his fat would let him to investigate the portal. He then squeezed his belly and himself into the portal to investigate. What happens next? Please read the rules and comment below. This is a type of Dynamic Interactive Fiction story. Format: 1. I write the introduction and start of the story 2. I post Part 1 of the story. 3. Receive Comments on the story about what should happen next 4. Write Part 2 of the story based on the comments 5. Post a combined Parts 1 and 2 6. Receive Comments on the story about what should happen next 7. Write Part 3 of the story based on the comments 8. Post a combined Parts 1, 2, and 3 9. Receive Comments on the story about what should happen next 10. Continue to Write, Post, and Receive comments on Part 4 and onward 11. Once the minimum word limit is reached, the story can be concluded 12. Once the maximum word limit is reached, the story will be concluded Also, this will go accordingly with the rules below: Rule 1: Patreon, Kofi, Subscribstar, etc. subscribers may get priority over non subscribers. Rule 2: Please keep to the story theme/ story type: Fat Furry Rule 3: Please keep to the setting theme: Candy: Candy World Rule 4: First person to comment directs what goes on next in the story. Rule 5: Keep it within the site's aup and/or content policies and applicable legalities Rule 6: The word count minimum must be reached before the story can be concluded by suggestion: 7500. Rule 7: No death of the main character allowed. Rule 8: Keep it within the maturity rating set of General. Rule 9: The main character's species is Samoyed Dog. Rule 10: The story will remain open to add to until the minimum word count. Rule 11: Once the maximum word count is reached, if the story is still going on I will conclude it: 20,000 Rule 12: You may add in your OC/sona but may not make another owner's oc/sona do things if the owner does not want it to. Rule 13: To keep the story moving, if your character is left behind you may catch it up someway here or you have my permission to continue your story and post it. You must credit me and the other owners ocs. The story will be seperate and will not happen unless you have it happen here. If you want it to continue with this story it must be here. Rule 14: Instead of having it be the first person responding in comments gets to suggest what happens next, I will also include any other suggestion from commenters that comment before I write up the next part provided it isn't to contrary or paradoxal. Rule 15: Have fun!
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