kiserusmoke · 7 years
Can you do a story where MC starts dating Eisuke, Sor, Jumin or Saeran because she feels bad. And as she starts to tell them they are over or as she is gathering courage to break it off, she realizes that she is in love with them.
The Missing Piece
Summary: She knew now that all of her worrying and suffering was in vain, for Soryu was the puzzle piece she didn’t realize her picture was missing.
Mc doubts her relationship with Soryu until she realized there was more to the picture. Ultimate fluff. Also tagging @fromthedeskofelizabeththird since she’s my fave Soryu stan. AO3 Link 
He wasn’t the right man for her. Her mind echoed the thought like a drum, a seemingly endless drone that wore away at her self-esteem until she lay awake that night. Her mind was fighting itself, weighing the pros and cons of continuing their relationship. She pushed the covers off of herself and sat up in bed, the darkness of the room seeming to suffocate her. Her hand found the back of her neck, and she remembers all the times he would kiss her there; soft lips meeting even softer skin in a moment of intimacy. She shook her head, bringing her mind back to the present. 
She deserved stability, her mind reminded her as she thought of all the times she wandered into the Ice Dragon headquarters, seeing the dozens of men that put their life on the line for their leader. She wasn’t naive, she knew their pressed suits and dazzling smiles would return to headquarters later that evening soaked with someone else’s blood. The hands that waved at her and opened her doors were more accustomed to holding guns, tools more suited for pain than a life of service. The fact that so many lives were dedicated to the man she loved gave her a sinking feeling in her chest; she was acutely aware that this was a kingdom that she should never be royalty for. She deserves openness, her mind urged as she recalls a particularly disturbing night with Soryu. She awoke to the sound of the suite door opening, a sound that normally signaled a warm embrace and a kiss to the forehead. Coming out of the bedroom to meet him, she quickly realized this was not one of those nights. A cold, metallic scent radiated off of him and his suit jacket hung awkwardly on his frame. Switching the light on, she could make out the blood that had soaked through his dress shirt. His tie was disheveled and loose, like he had been wretched around by it. Making her way over to him, her hands reached out to touch his bruised face. She felt an unnatural coldness as he pushed her away and shut himself in the bathroom. He didn’t return to their shared bed that night, and she had never felt so far away from him. She deserves understanding, her mind cried at her as she remembered the hushed phone call that tore him from her side the night of their first dinner together in months. Flashing her an apologetic smile, Soryu excused himself to the bedroom to speak in urgent tones to whoever was on the other end of the line. It wasn’t like she could understand the conversation anyway, his steadfast Cantonese revealing that the call was most likely business. She sighed and turned back to the table, watching the candles she lit burn out slowly. His raised tone makes her flinch, her imagination wandering to the darkest of thoughts of bodies being tossed into the sea or rival gangs being targeted. Though he was only a room away, she couldn’t help but feel the distance may as well have been an ocean apart. Coming back to the present, she balled the sheets in her hands and brought them up to her chest. Falling back into the pillows with a sigh, she knew that their differences would be the driving force that pulled them apart. She turned her head slightly to face the empty spot next to her. She knew if she leaned in, she could smell Soryu’s cologne imbedded in the sheets. It was another night alone, the familiar scene becoming all too common between the lovers. She knew it was for the best, as he was meeting with a rival gang leader outside of the city to eliminate the risk that the plan would backfire and she would be targeted. It took a few seconds for the words to work themselves out in her head, but when they did she jolted out of bed with a start. Every action, regardless of how cold or awkward it seemed, was done in her best interest. The thought made her head spin, and she covered her mouth with her hand in shame. She was given stability, she realized as she looked at her moments in the Ice Dragon headquarters with fondness. She was surrounded by men who didn’t have to give her a second look, but they went out of their way to make her feel comfortable. Their dedication to her lover made them trade sneers for charming smiles, to take time out of their day to make small talk when they would normally keep to themselves. She realized that Soryu spoken ahead of time with his men so they would ensure she felt welcome in the mafia headquarters. It was his own form of family, and this was Soryu’s way of making her feel a part of it. The thought of it made tears sting her eyes. She was given openness, her mind corrected her when she thought of that fateful night that he returned battered and bruised. She realized most people wouldn’t even return home, yet Soryu unceremoniously dragged himself back to their shared suite despite knowing she’d be waiting for him. The fact that he likely went out of his way to come home when he had his own residence at the Ice Dragon headquarters meant he trusted her not to judge his state, to show concern instead of disgust for his worn down body. The sight of purple and blue bruises adorning his flesh had disturbed her in the moment, but she thought back at it now with the bittersweet feeling she could only akin to acceptance for the man she loved.
She was given understanding, the thought crept up on her in one final blow. At the time, leaving a rare dinner together to accept a work call seemed like a cheap way to weasel out of a date. She remembers drumming her fingers on the tabletop, the sound mingling with the urgent Cantonese coming from the other room. The feeling of annoyance and the sting of abandonment faded away when he returned to the table with another apologetic smile. He explained the situation, and hearing the name of a particularly dangerous gang escape his lips humbled her once-bruised ego. She was conscious of the fact that his urgent tone was only to protect her, to seal a deal quickly so she wouldn’t become their next target. In an effort to show she understood his behavior, she had reached out and given his hand a soft squeeze. With all of the memories coming back to her in one swift rush, she could only sit on the foot of the bed with her head in her hands. Her fingers wove through her chestnut locks, as if her  fingertips were the only thing rooting her to this moment in time. She knew now that all of her worrying and suffering was in vain, for Soryu was the puzzle piece she didn’t realize her picture was missing. His unconventional career choice and methods for showing his love only made the warmth in her heart spread throughout her body, as if she suddenly contained so much love for him that she would surely burst. Hot tears made their way down her face, but they were not ones of sorrow. She snapped back to the present when she heard the quiet click of the door, the back of her hand quickly wiping the tears from her cheeks.  She sprung from the bed and made her way to the entryway, the familiar sight of Soryu’s tall frame drawing her in like he was the home her heart had been waiting for. “Welcome home” she said softly, her melodic voice reaching his ears and drawing a soft smile on his features. She stretched on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, drawing her arms around his neck like they were molded to fit there perfectly. He let out a small chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “You don’t normally greet me at the door, what’s with the change of pace?” he asked with amusement, his features remarkably tender as he looked down at her. She merely smiled in return, her lips finding their way to his for a moment. “I just love you, that’s all” she replied, her voice a whisper for she feared it would break if she spoke any louder. With large hands, he cupped her face in them and brought their lips together again and again, soft pecks turning to slow and languid kisses tinted with passion. She could feel his lips curl into a smile as they parted just enough so he could speak. “I love you, too”.
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kiserusmoke · 7 years
Summary: Her ears were ringing with the sound of the EKG machine going haywire, a audible testament to her husband’s fight for life. Songfic for "Shiva" by The Antlers. For my girl @juminssi​​, love you. AO3 link 
**Warnings: **Major character death. Have fun, my dudes
Shiva refers to the seven-day mourning period after a loved one dies.
Suddenly every machine stopped at once, and the monitors beeped the last time.  Hundreds of thousands of hospital beds,  and all of them empty but mine.
It was three days before his birthday, and Soryu Oh was fighting for his life.
He was the leader of a mob syndicate; there had always been the chance that this would happen. The thought lingered in MC’s head as she recounted what her husband had gone through. Three shattered ribs and a broken leg, she heard the doctors shout over the chaos. Those were nothing compared to the bullet in his chest.
With a deep breath rattling her lungs, the only thing that resonated in her mind was that it should have been her.
Well, I was lying down with my feet in the air, completely unable to move. The bed was misshapen, and awkward and tall, and clearly intended for you.
In another world, maybe she’d be the one laying in bed. Her skin pricked with IVs, her own bones broken in the confines of her body. If only she had been there, she thought, then the rival members might have taken her hostage instead. Even seeing how brutal her husband’s injuries were, MC wanted nothing more than to take his place.
Why did it have to be him?
With a shaky hand, she reached out and cradled one of Soryu’s hands between her own. She looked down, tracing the lines riddling his palm, looking for an answer she knew would never come. The only comfort it gave her was the warmth still radiating off his body. MC almost smiled, remembering that she always called Soryu her personal space heater.
You checked yourself out when you put me to bed, and tore that old band off your wrist. But you came back to see me for a minute or less, and left me your ring in my fist.
She wasn’t quite sure when she fell asleep, but MC knew right away that she was in the middle of some sick nightmare. She could hear chaos in front of her, but her head felt like it was underwater. Fighting through the haze and attempted to focus her eyes on the scene playing out before her.
Doctors were frantically rushing around Soryu’s bed, shouting orders at one another. Skilled hands were strapping an oxygen mask to his ashen face, while another pair began gathering a defibrillator. MC’s ears were ringing with the sound of the EKG machine going haywire, a audible testament to her husband’s fight for life. Despite the commotion, MC was frozen in place at the foot of his bed. She was merely inches from the professionals bustling about, but she felt as if she were a thousand miles away. Only one voice was familiar; the one that called her name.
MC felt a grip on her shoulder and turned to face its owner, instantly feeling relief wash over her when she saw it was the person she wanted to see the most.
“I came to give you something” Soryu said, his voice dripping with resolve as he gave her a faint smile. With steady movements, he reached for her hand and placed something in her palm. Before MC could see what it was, he wrapped her fingers into a tight fist and brought it to his lips. His soft kiss made her smile, but she couldn’t help but notice the sorrow wavering in his eyes.
“What are you doing?” she asked, already not wanting his answer. All Soryu did in response was weave his fingers through her hair and pressed his lips to her forehead. Time seemed to stand still, but all too soon he pulled away.
“It’s time to wake up now” he murmured, giving her hand one last squeeze before turning on his heels and walking out of the room. MC looked at her clenched fist and slowly opened it, knowing exactly what she’d find.
Sparkling in the center of her palm was Soryu’s wedding ring.
My hair started growing, my face became yours, my femur was breaking in half. The sensation was scissors and too much to scream, so instead, I just started to laugh.
MC turned, her eyes following the commotion surrounding the hospital bed. She expected to see the familiar face of her husband yet again, but what she found was equally shocking. The figure lying in bed was much smaller than she remembered, and she took a step closer until she was at the foot of the bed. Squinting beyond all the hands on the doctors working, MC realized that the patient wasn’t her husband; at least, she didn’t think it was.
The features of the figure in bed seemed oddly familiar, and as she focused, MC realized it was some bizarre combination of herself and Soryu. The androgynous individual had a strange appeal to them, and MC couldn’t help but be transfixed on them. Their lips and nose were reminiscent of Soryu’s, but their jawline was too soft. Without thinking, she gripped the railing of the bed and leaned forward to get a better look. She found herself captivated by the person before her, a sense of admiration creeping up her spine as MC admired their long, dark lashes and peaceful expression. Maybe this was their child, she thought.
Without warning, the person’s eyes snapped open and focused on MC. The shock sent her  reeling, a look of horror etching MC’s face. Even with a half dozen doctors and nurses bustling around them, the figure’s focus stayed fixated on MC. Their expression never changed, but their features rapidly warped in front of MC’s eyes, taking on a recognizable likeness. The sight of this made her feel like the ground beneath her would swallow her up.
MC was looking at an exact replica of herself, strapped to an IV and an oxygen mask.
Suddenly every machine stopped at once, and the monitors beeped the last time.
She woke with a start, her dream feeling ever more like a nightmare the more she thought of it. Blinking away the fog in front of her eyes, MC focused on her husband, still lying comatose before her. In a strange twist of fate, she found this a welcoming sight. The sound of sharp footsteps made her tear her eyes off Soryu and turn towards the door.
With his crisp suit and intimidating presence, Eisuke Ichinomiya was not the kind of man you’d normally find walking the halls of a hospital. He sauntered into the room with a sense of authority, with a lanky man trailing behind him. MC took a deep breath before addressing them.
“Eisuke, Luke” she called out softly, feeling relieved that she was no longer alone. She watched as Luke gave her a curt nod and immediately went to Soryu’s bedside. Eisuke stood next to her chair, holding something out to her while his eyes were trained on Luke examining his patient.
“Here” he replied, not looking down at her. MC blinked when she noticed what he held; a rich purple handkerchief. She took it gingerly and brought it to her chest, knowing that even the King could read the severity of the room. Looking back to Luke, she could see his brows furrow in frustration.
“He isn’t responding the way I hoped he would” he uttered, the crease between his brow deepening as he turned his attention to the EKG machine to his left. All three of them were startled as the machines in the room began to beep erratically, signaling that something was incredibly wrong.
Eisuke snapped his head up and scanned the different machines before resting on the doctor again. “What’s going on?” he barked, as MC leaped out of her chair. Rushing to his side, she grasped her husband’s hand.
“Luke, do something!” she cried, her voice coming out as more of a broken sob. Before he had the chance to react, the echoing sound of Soryu flatlining filled the room. MC held his face in her hands as she begged him to come to, while Luke attempted to revive him. Even shock after shock of the defibrillator did nothing to help, and soon a slender hand reached out to pry MC’s hands from his face.
“No” she wept, desperate to hold onto him as if he were to disappear at any moment. She resisted Luke’s touch until she felt a pair of strong arms around her waist, pulling her away from the chaotic scene. In a rare moment of sincerity, Eisuke turned her around and kissed the top of her head as Luke called the time of death.
She found herself collapsing into Eisuke’s grasp, his arms being the only thing rooting her to this world. Even though her husband was the one shot, she felt as if her lungs were filled with lead. She felt her bones shattering under the weight of her grief, and she knew she would never be the same.
Hundreds of thousands of hospital beds, and all of them empty but mine.
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kiserusmoke · 7 years
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↳ Kissed By The Baddest Bidder |♤ SoryuxMC on Vacation |Moodboard for @oh-heaux
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