#Soundoff Wednesday
justifiedmadness · 3 months
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My Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 Sound Off! That I received in the mail on Wednesday!!!!:) #august2019 #summer2019 #riseoftheteenagemutantninjaturtles #issue1 #soundoff!#nickelodeon #idwpublishing https://www.instagram.com/p/B0-9qFtFG-s/?igshid=1ch3hxe4ej4cp
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The Artist’s Way Adventure: Week 3 Anger and Syncronicity
Welcome to Week 3 of my Artist’s Way Adventure. If you are unfamiliar with this new series, take a look at The Artist’s Way Adventure – Prologue and then come back here later.
This week came at the right time. After my Artist Date I went to a local Starbucks and read about this week. I did feel angry. While yes, a lot of the art that was in the museum were indeed beautiful, some of the abstract pieces looked simplistic in nature and surely I could do better. So when I came across this chapter the very same day that I felt this anger, it was refreshing.
See, during The Artist’s Way Adventure: Week 2 Recovering a Sense of Identity, the week was about figuring out who you are as an artist and further established that in your life. Week 3, however, is about identifying moments of anger and synchronicity. It’s about pinpointing those moments of anger and figuring out the real reason why you feel that way. I wasn’t angry at how ‘ugly’ the paintings were, I was upset because I desire to have my own art showcased in a gallery.When I am thinking about perhaps having an Artist Date in the city, a magical moment happens when in a random conversation that very same day, someone will bring up a great activity to do.
Let me tell you guys, ah-ha moments happen more often than you think.
In my case, ever since I found out about synchronicity, it’s been eye-opening. It has been so eye-opening that I’ve been seeing out synchronicity happens in the lives of those close to me. Recently my boyfriend mentioned he wanted to work on a mascot for his start-up Lobo’s Vault and the very next day his mother mentioned she knew someone who could help him. It’s wild how putting thoughts into the universe makes things happen.
Don’t believe me? I was a skeptic too.
As I mentioned earlier, I was angry this week. Anger in Artist’s Way is a tool to let the artist know what their next step needs to be. If you feel upset that someone came up with a show that looks exactly like the one you’ve been daydreaming of… Then your next step is to actually stop dreaming and start creating things because your ideas are valid and you want to showcase them before someone else does.
Anger happened to me during the Museum trip for my Artist Date in Week 2, however, it also happened during my Artist Date on Wednesday. The moment of anger that I’ll discuss now will be when I was on Youtube.
As you all may, or may not know, is that I am a huge fan of the Pokemon franchise. I even have my own Instagram and Twitter account for posting all my Pokemon related adventures. One of my huuuuge projects that I have been dreaming of is to make my own Youtube channel dedicated to my love of Pokemon and one of the videos I want to create revolve around the Nidoran family tree.
Long story short, while on Youtube, someone did exactly that. They created the dream video that I wanted to on Nidoqueen. I was furious. I already have a script written for my Nidoran family theory, I have already shown it to several people, and there my dream video was… Already posted by someone else.
Upon viewing the video, I then realized that it was a false alarm. While the theory was similar to what I wanted to create, it was not the same. I felt relieved at this fact, but it also reminded me that I need to stop being lazy and actually start working on my dream video before someone does do my theory before I can publish it.
My artist date was synchronicity at its finest. It was halfway through the week and I had no clue on what I was going to do. The area I work in has a ton of events going on so I decided to take a look to see what was going on nearby me. A free class was going on a few blocks away from where I was located and I decided, why the heck not?
As you read, I enjoyed my artist date and it certainly made my day.
The Tasks
The tasks this week did not entirely feel as if they fit in with the theme. I managed to do all of them, but none of them really stuck out to me.
One of the assignments were to point out people who I wanted to meet versus people who I secretly wanted to meet. I’m doing my tasks mostly on my Morning Pages, why would I lie for the first set of answers and then tell the truth on my second batch? The only reasoning I could figure out for this was to get the obvious choices out of your head first before delving deeper within your subconscious to get who you truly want to meet or be like.
Another assignment that I was given was to ‘time-travel’ and list several accomplishments that I had achieved during my younger years. Which I guess was alright, but I honestly did not feel as if it went with the theme of the week. I do believe that since I am still early on in the Weeks, I guess I’m still in the ‘self-discovery’ phase which is why there is a lot of introspection and looking back at the past so that I could then move forward towards the future.
After all, hindsight is 20-20.
My Artist Date
For my artist date, I went to what is called SoundOff Yoga. It’s a very unique take on a typical yoga class by incorporating noise-canceling headphones. This gives participants a chance to ‘zone-out’ of the class and just focus on their individual experiences instead of secretly competing with the others in the room. I’m the kind of person that likes experiencing new things and the fact that I haven’t done yoga in quite a while made me intrigued.
Anger and yoga? Aren’t you supposed to relax?
For most people, yes. Personally, I find yoga frustrating. I tend to be rather hard on myself if I cannot perform the same motions as the instructor and my limited mobility makes certain poses hard to do. However, I took a note from Week 3 and decided to use whatever anger I felt to fuel my actions. If I felt upset that I couldn’t reach my ankles, I took in a deep breath and pushed myself harder. I reminded myself that the reason I was getting upset is that I do not do enough yoga, thus I am not as flexible as someone who is constantly doing it every day.
When I left the class. I was sore.  I also felt rather proud of myself. I seriously was able to keep up with most of the class while taking very minimal breaks.
Week 3 was about anger and synchronicity. Week 3 was also about further discovering about who I am as an artist and an individual. What I enjoyed about this week was the timing, but I guess that’s the whole point of synchronicity.
If anyone else is going through this journey, I would be delighted to find out what obstacles you are facing as you go through your artistic journey.
from The Artist’s Way Adventure: Week 3 Anger and Syncronicity
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soundoffdesign-blog · 8 years
soundoff features: Green Is the New Silver. As we say farewell to the Obama’s and prepare our nation for the transition, a silver lining emerges – complacency being replaced with grassroots action. . . .
Green Is the New Silver
For many of us, the world looked pretty bleak the morning of Wednesday, November 9th, 2016.  A single night galvanized a reality, quickly turning hope into fear and anger. It’s been difficult to see a
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justifiedmadness · 6 months
Going live now.  Click the link to join me!
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justifiedmadness · 7 months
Going live in 2 minutes.  Click the link to join me!
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justifiedmadness · 9 months
The Soundoff Wednesday edition of Justified Madness is live now!  Click the link to join me!
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justifiedmadness · 11 months
#NowPlaying “When It Comes to You” - by Fridayy
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justifiedmadness · 11 months
#NowPlaying “Still Believe in Love” - Mary J. Blige ft. Vado
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justifiedmadness · 11 months
#NowPlaying “So Pretty” - by B5
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justifiedmadness · 11 months
#NowPlaying “Return of the Mack” - by Mark Morrison
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justifiedmadness · 11 months
#NowPlaying “Say My Grace” - by Offset ft. Travis Scott
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justifiedmadness · 11 months
#NowPlaying “Oh Yeah, It Feels So Good” - by New Edition
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justifiedmadness · 1 year
#NowPlaying “Thugs Cry” - by Bizzy Bone
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justifiedmadness · 1 year
#NowPlaying “Swimming Pools (Drank)” - by Kendrick Lamar
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justifiedmadness · 1 year
#NowPlaying “Call Out My Name” by The Weeknd 
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