#Spaceman gameplay
hpjulian-blog1 · 10 months
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Spaceman Slot: uma aventura estelar em jogos online
Você é um fã de jogos de slot online?
Você gosta da emoção da exploração espacial e aventura?
Não procure mais, o jogo Spaceman Slot, um jogo futurista de cassino online que está conquistando o mundo dos jogos.
Neste artigo, exploraremos os recursos interessantes e a jogabilidade do jogo Spaceman e mostraremos por que é um jogo obrigatório para qualquer entusiasta de jogos online.
Saiba Mais, acesse AGORA >> https://abdch.org/spaceman-slot-jogos-online/
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shinolavolume1 · 2 months
I wish tower unite never got workshop support or atleast it was tied behind some sort of point redeem skin, half of the fun with Gmod tower was playing da games (fun on their own) and then saving up your coins to buy the spaceman skin and small potion. It's like they removed half of their gameplay loop, for what Fishing?
i never played original gmod tower so i wouldnt know but ball race goes crazy you gotta admit
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idiotwhotalkstoomuch · 10 months
Disclaimer: These details are what we have currently made and are subject to being changed in the future. I’ll post a notice if a major change is made.
So chronologically Yusuke goes after Ryuji's but my friend is gonna explain Yusuke's so its Haru's turn
Astarte's Adelaide's Meadow
Heavenly Virtue: Charity
Palace Ruler: Haru Okumura
Treasure: Core of the Meadow (Cognitive), Father's death certificate (Reality)
Haru's palace is her father's space station crash landed onto Earth. The Sci-fi aesthetic of the station is destroyed by plants and greenery that covers the palace. It manifests this way from Haru's nurturing and caring nature being mixed in with her complicated relationship with Okumura foods and her father. Adelaide is the name of the saint her new persona is but at the start of the palace, the Infiltrators are lead to believe its called "Astarte's Meadow" as Haru is still renovating the space station and hasn't updated the sign.
Shadow Haru is a forest witch with a long white dress and her short hair turned long and luscious, reaching down to her fingertips.
Shadow Haru is well regarded in her palace with the shadows actually addressing her as "mother", fitting her nurturing nature and her virtue of Charity. Despite this however, Shadow Haru can be quite cruel as in the real world, all Okumura food chains along with other businesses under her control have a unique system of payment. If you're kind and virtuous, you can get items severely discounted or free of charge but if you're judged as evil and or a detriment to society, items are charged at higher prices which can hike up to millions of yen for a simple burger.
This is a problem for the Infiltrators who are judged to be problematic due to them opposing the Phantom Thieves. Hilariously, Akechi's prices are far higher than Sumire and Maruki's but even Maruki, who gave the Thieves therapy, can't get a remotely reasonable price so the Infiltrators will be getting supplies by a different means which will be detailed in another post.
Gameplay wise, her palace has fetch quests as to proceed you have to give vegetables to cognitions. These vegetables are the ones she grew for the Phantom Thieves so can't be found anywhere outside of her palace. Your etiquette with the cognitions will be carefully watched as if your anything short of polite and kind with them, Haru will be alerted and you will likely get into a fight. Aside from fetch quests, you also have to go around collecting parts from the wreckage of the space station to create a laser in order to be able to access her treasure as its hidden away under vines so thick, it could break the Infiltrators' weapons if they tried to force it.
Shadow Haru's distortion views her cognitions as her children and as their mother, it is her duty to ensure they grow happy and healthy in a world rid of corruption and greed. It is from this distortion that causes her Shadow's feelings on her father to look very different. Regular Haru loves her father and mourns him, Shadow Haru has a far more negative view of her father, considering him a greedy spaceman who abandoned her for a utopia he didn't make it to and she chose to stay in his space station to completely wreck it and turn it into her home base as she works with the Phantom Thieves for their utopia.
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plethoraworldatlas · 12 days
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This is the cover to the original 1977 Traveller boxed set, now commonly referred to as "Classic Traveller." Because of this iconic cover, May 1st is celebrated as "Traveller Day."
There's been a lot of talk lately about RPG covers in the last week (thanks WotC). So I thought, what better time to reflect on the finest one of all?
I insist that this is not merely old school rose-colored nostalgia. It's not merely "good for its time." I really think this is perfect in a way that no other RPG cover has achieved before or since. Change a single word, a single punctuation, a single nanometer to the kerning, and you have something lesser. And if you're not convinced, then I'm going to explain everything that I like about this image and why. Everything. Yeah, this post is ridiculous overkill. About as bad an idea as explaining a joke. But I want it all to be said.
Setting the Stage
For most games, the cover's purpose is this: set the right expectations as effectively as possible. And in order to do that, you need to first understand what the game inside is all about.
So, what is Traveller about?
Traveller is a science fiction RPG made by Marc Miller. It's old. Really old. It's had about 12 editions or so, changing hands from one publisher to the next as the decades have gone by. But the classic version from 1977, just three little black booklets in a box, remains a respected and well-loved game.
It's the granddaddy of its genre in this medium. In the same way that people use D&D as a catch-all option for any fantasy premise (epic quests, treasure-hunting, exploration, survival, mystery, horror, politics, warfare...), Traveller is the same thing but for spaceman stories. But also like how D&D still has a "default campaign" in the form of the dungeoncrawl, the default Traveller campaign could best be described as "space truckers." A very common comparison is the TV series Firefly, although it can become a lot like The Expanse if the players get ambitious. It's grounded and gritty.
The design highly prioritizes strict simulationism, especially for things which can seem... irrelevant to the act of adventure. Instead, gameplay usually focuses on the mundane. It's kind of a slice of life game, where you imagine all the less exciting parts of what it's like to work a blue collar job in the far future. It's a game about paying your mortgage, going through customs at space ports, maybe doing some market analysis if you're feeling frisky. Everything that other games would normally choose to handwave. Dwell on the little things. Even better, all this attention given to the non-exciting stuff serves to deepen those sporadic moments of thrilling drama and danger.
But in addition to the life of spacefaring adventure played with your friends, Traveller also contains a second game just for the referee to play. The task of worldbuilding is formalized into a procedural activity, meant to be enjoyed on its own separate from the "main game." The text offers you a blank template to make a star subsector, rules and tables for populating it, and prompts for bringing it to life. Later editions of the game eventually committed to a canonical setting for the franchise, fleshing it out with more and more products to sell you. But the spirit of the classic era is to make it up yourself. The phrase "In My Traveller Universe" (IMTU) is an iconic part of the game and is routinely invoked within the community.
Lastly, Traveller is also known for being horribly unforgiving. Chances are, if you know nothing else about it, the first thing you'll probably hear is that "it's the game where you can die during character creation." They aren't joking.
So with all that in mind, how does a cover achieve its goal? Most games do it chiefly through subject matter. That's why D&D-likes always show a group of brave heroes locked in combat with mythical creatures. But Traveller's cover shows... a distress call. What does that tell you to expect?
(Continued in article)
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zenruption · 26 days
Exploring the Advantages of Online Gambling on Texas99
In the realm of online gambling, Texas99 emerges as a prominent platform offering a myriad of advantages to players seeking an exhilarating gaming experience. With its extensive selection of games, enticing bonuses, secure environment, and responsive customer service, Texas99 has established itself as a leading destination for both casual players and seasoned gamblers alike. This comprehensive article aims to delve into the various advantages of online gambling on Texas99, elucidating why it has become a preferred choice among enthusiasts.
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As a trusted and reputable platform, Texas99 continues to attract players with its commitment to quality, innovation, and player satisfaction. Whether seeking thrilling gameplay, lucrative rewards, or a safe and enjoyable gaming environment, players can find it all on Texas99. With its unwavering dedication to providing an exceptional gambling experience, Texas99 remains a top choice for discerning players seeking the best that online gambling has to offer.
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officialraja365 · 1 year
Pragmatic play Indonesia
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Slot Pragmatic Play menawarkan pengalaman bermain game yang menarik dan inovatif, dengan tema menarik, grafik memukau, dan persentase pembayaran tinggi.
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lasclall · 2 years
Gmod prop hunt download non steam
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IMPORTANT this mod is client-side and each pc will have to have the same mod for a smooth experience. Mod with Keeley.Ĭheck all the radio boxes. The Impostor can use sabotage to cause chaos making for easier kills and better alibis.
Among Us which soared to top charts in 2020 has a lot of custom mod games.Īmong Us Prop Hunt MOD APK All Unlocked Download. NAMETAGS ARE ON UNTIL I FIND A METHOD OF TURNING THEM OFF. MY VERSION OF THIS APP IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND WILL BE PATCHED REGULARLY. Play online or over local WiFi with 4-10 players as a crewmate or impostor. Players on the RED team disguised as props are given a 30 second set up time to hide and afterwards players on the BLUE team must find and kill them in the given time period. Rather than players appearing like the character sprites weve all come to love each player can equip a hat that makes them look like an innocuous item found within the Among Us environment using them to blend into their surroundings.
This video explains how to install and play prop hunt among us and how to make your very own prop hunt mod and props.
BLACKMOD TOP 1 Game APK MOD Download Hack Game Brave Frontier MOD APK FREE on Android at BlackModNet.įew rules to follow when using this mod. Prop Hunt is an extension for the popular sandbox game Garrys Mod launched back in 2004. PropHunt plays much like a Hide and Seek. Among Us Prop Hunt MOD APK All Unlocked Download Omega Legends apk download Omega Legends apk v109 download Omega Legends download omega legends hack apk v1010 omega legends mod apk v1010 Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Choose File Local Package File Spect0rrs mod pack name. How to install Prop Hunt Mod in Among Us. Play online or on local WiFi with 4 to 10 players while trying to prepare your ship for departure but beware as one of them will be an imposter determined to kill everyone. Hunters BLUE become the Hunted RED and vice versa. Hide as a prop and try to be the last one to be found. Right-click Among Us and choose Browse local files Among Us_Data. Crewmates can win by completing all tasks or discovering and voting the impostor off the ship.Īt the end of each round teams are swapped. Among us Hack Mod APK 2021 Among Us APK Download Details. Next download the Prop Hunt mod pack by its creator Spect0rr. The Prop Hunt Mod for Among Us is very fun to play. IF I GET 100 LIKES ILL REDESIGN A MAP SO ITS BETTER FOR PROP HUNT FOR YOU GUYS. Place the only part from this mod and interact with it. Unofficial subreddit for the game Among Us by Innersloth. Only 1 will exist at a time new one will do a full reset. Download the Unity Assets Bundle extractor. Then File Local Package File Name of the Mod Packemip. Every players spaceman sprite is replaced with a prop from the map. Go ahead and launch the extractor you downloaded before. Among Us Full Impostor Gameplay No Commentary Garena Free Fire In 2021 Download Games Gameplay Games To Play Because im always updating this to make it better the newer and better versions will be in my discord so join.
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closetgong5 · 2 years
MMO Burnout: Engineers In Spaaace
I missed the whole Minecraft craze. I was stupidly grinding my digital life away in varied MMORPGs, plus I could not get previous Minecraft's so-fugly-it's-hip aesthetic. Irrespective of, although, as a result of Area Engineers takes Minecraft's core ideas and dolls them up with pleasing visuals, a nifty near future sci-fi setting, and addictive gameplay that is a lot greater than the sum of its elements.
"Simplicity is the final word sophistication," says Leonardo DaVinci by means of a space Engineers loading display. The quote is a fantastic jumping off level for discussing this sci-fi sandbox from Prague-primarily based indie Eager Software House because you can basically boil down all of your gameplay to harvesting, building, and in the event you play on sure servers, preventing. My version of Area Engineers entails mining asteroids for the sources to make all the things from power drills to solar panels to nuclear reactors to big hulking dreadnaught spaceships.
These resources are transformed to blocks via refinery and assembler items, and the blocks are then able to be positioned throughout the sport world to make, well, just about anything you may think about. Some blocks function constructed-in functionality (doors, terminals, cockpits, and many others.), and all of them are each destructible and repairable.
For those who simply wish to load into House Engineers and look round, selecting New World adopted by Fast Begin from the principle menu is the option to go. This may toss you into a pre-made solo state of affairs that is more than sufficient for learning the controls, which is able to seem to acquainted to anyone raised on WASD gaming.
One thing to notice is that switching between first- and third-person is accomplished by pressing V, whereas swinging the digital camera around your third-particular person spaceman requires the left Alt key as well as mouse movement. It took me a while to determine that one out, which just goes to indicate that reading the manual (or no less than, watching the tutorial vid) continues to be worthwhile.
Whenever you get the hang of jetpack motion and the interface, you may probably wish to either start a brand new private server or be a part of a neighborhood server. As an alternative of deciding on Fast Begin from the brand new World menu, choose Custom and decide one of the pre-set choices on the left-hand menu. Pay attention to the choices on the right, notably inventive recreation mode or survival recreation mode. The former is finest if you want to experiment with House Engineers' unimaginable building tools, while the latter adds real looking inventory capacity, useful resource administration, and loss of life into the combo.
Also observe that right here is where you may determine to either leave your world as a single-participant affair or open it as much as your Steam buddies record (or to anybody who happens by). There are plenty of different choices here too together with the frequency of meteor showers, the number of asteroids, and so forth. I encourage you to totally discover Area Engineers' menus as a result of there are a staggering quantity of the way to customise your private gameplay and build a singular multiplayer environment with the potential to cater to nearly anyone.
Need to get some roleplay mates together and see what kind of marooned-in-space survival tales you may tell? You possibly can with just a few clicks. Are you extra of a PvPer? Build your self some guns and ammo and go to it! Or be part of one of many dozens of ready-made gank servers viewable via Join World from the main menu.
After you get your toes wet in artistic mode, I recommend switching to survival mode because it adds some semblance of a gameplay goal (don't run out of power!). Oh, and you can even swap your initial world between artistic and survival modes whenever you would like through the choices menu, so do not fret about losing your nifty creations when you need to vary up your gameplay in the future.
At this point, the galaxy is your oyster. I are likely to keep on with my mates-solely server and give attention to constructing, but you can too PvP or even mine if that is your thing.
There's one thing bizarrely relaxing about mining in House Engineers. It isn't quiet, because the drill makes a godawful racket despite the fact that you're in outer house. And it's not facerollable, as you've got to consistently reorient yourself while drilling via big swaths of asteroid and occasionally you'll lose sight of your entry gap in addition to which approach is "up."
The game's physics engine features Newton's third regulation, which means that you're going to often should chase down hunks of rock and corral them before they go spinning off into the void, assuming they're the chunks of rock (or mineral) that you wished. Toying around with the jetpack and the limits of SE's gravity properly generator blocks is at all times enjoyable, too.
There is a vastness to Area Engineers that by no means gets old. Each time I'm reaching for an errant rock I'm reminded of that scene in Firefly where Simon and River are hiding from the Alliance by EVAing outside of Serenity's airlock. The bad guys are searching the ship for them, and people clever screenwriters hit upon having the brother and sister fugitives don space fits and attach themselves to the surface of the ship's hull till the danger handed.
Some of the memorable photographs in your complete collection happens when Simon slowly turns from his handhold on Serenity's hull and appears behind him, staring right into the face of incomprehensible dimension and distance. That is occasionally how I really feel when floating to and fro in Area Engineers, which is sort of a feat for a smallish indie title to manage.
Another constructive that bears mentioning is the House Engineers neighborhood. This past October, Keen introduced that it had offered over 1 million copies of the game, and this is clear within the variety of multiplayer worlds obtainable via the Steam client as well as the massive serving to of tutorial videos on YouTube. Whether you want some tips on cinematography, building the Enterprise, or greatest practices for surviving on a survival server, House Engineers has a sizable and educated following that is all too keen to show you the ropes.
House Engineers, as its title implies, is generally about engineering. Do not let the title fool you, though, as this indie sandbox is kind of accessible to each engineers and non-engineers alike, even supposing it's robust enough to feature real physics and actual in-recreation programming. And hey, if area isn't your thing, Eager announced its followup title Medieval Engineers earlier this month!
Burned out on MMOs? That's Okay; there are tons of other titles on the market that includes MMOish open worlds, development, RPG mechanics, or a mix of all three. Massively' offtopic hut turns a essential eye toward every thing from AAA blockbusters to obscure indie gems, not to say a wholesome dose of the perfect mods.
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retrogamingreplay · 2 years
Super Mario Land - Longplay (Gameboy) - 1989
Super Mario Land – Longplay (Gameboy) – 1989
Hello Retro Gaming fans, Ryan Mcquinn here! Join Mario in Sarasaland on his first adventure on the Gameboy! The evil spaceman Tatanga has kidnapped the Princess Daisy and it’s up to Mario to rescue her! Adventure through 12 stages of classic and unique gameplay. A classic side scrolling game complete with side scrolling shooting levels! Can Mario defeat Tatanga and rescue Princess Daisy? Find out…
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gikairan · 4 years
I do not really find enjoyment from games that have a role that requires bluffing and deflecting blame bc I'm just Not Good At That.
But I do rather enjoy all these drawings of silly colourful spacemen that are actually horrible masses of tentacles and teeth.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
Bonjour, mes amis! I’m Tory @imagitory, and welcome to my blog for my characters for the games Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and Hogwarts Legacy! Here may you find a helpful directory, which you can use to navigate my chaotic little blog and get to know each of my “children.” Consider this constantly under-construction as I add more links to each section! 
-- General Tags --
My Art // My Writing // Ask Me // Opinion // Art Requests // Fanfic Writer Friday
--My Characters --
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Carewyn Cromwell ~ fancast: Sophie Turner ~ A Slytherin paragon hero and “Mama Bear” type who fights to save her brother from Hogwarts’s mysterious Cursed Vaults and her entire family and friend circle from the criminal organization R.
Jacob Cromwell ~ fancast: Timothee Chalamet ~  Carewyn’s book-smart, people-dumb spaceman older brother, who got ensnared in R’s web and eventually locked in a portrait for seven years after he and his friends tried to solve the mystery of Hogwarts’s Cursed Vaults.
Lane Cromwell ~ fancast: Claire Danes ~ Carewyn and Jacob’s soft-spoken, but intellectual mother, who is the third child of four and youngest daughter of Charles Cromwell, leader of both the mafia-like Cromwell Clan and the criminal organization R.
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Erik Apollo ~ fancast: Lucas Lynggaard Tonneson ~ A proud, snarky Muggle-born Slytherin alumnus who becomes an Auror and (temporarily) DADA Teacher’s Assistant after having been terrorized by the Muggle-born Registration Commission during the Second Wizarding War and becoming the legal ward of magical lawyer Carewyn Cromwell.
Anastasia “Ana” Read ~ fancast: Georgie Henley ~ A “strong and silent,” but incredibly intelligent and creative Gryffindor with a love of writing and stories, whose Muggle mother married a wizard with two grown sons.
Farid Sikander ~ fancast: Dev Patel ~ A gentle, pacifistic Muggle with a remarkable flair for magical creatures who gets swept up in the Wizarding World after being selected by Fawkes the Phoenix as his new owner. 
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Jackson Knightly ~ fancast: James McAvoy ~ A charismatic, capricious Slytherin who, after having been kidnapped by his Muggle father, taken to New York, and used as a pawn in spiritualist scams, has vowed to take the world by storm upon graduating from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Bartholomew “Bat” Varney / Robert Harker ~ fancasts: Lee Pace, Josh Groban ~ An eccentric, but laidback and good-humored vampire scholar with a mysterious backstory as a Muggle-born war veteran in the American War for Independence who plays as an unofficial “professor” for the students of Hogwarts at his home in Hogsmeade village. 
Rudolph “Ru” Ollivander ~ fancast: Harry Styles ~ A blunt, devil-may-care kelpie who steals the identity of the young Ravenclaw boy who tried to catch them and ends up having a short, but fulfilling life as a pioneer in the field of magical photography.
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Carewyn Cromwell Masterlist
The Carewyn/Orion Masterpost
Carewyn’s Profile
The “Gameplay” Tag
The “Friendship Drabbles” Tag
Inspiration Behind Carewyn
10 Facts
10 More Facts
Jacob and “Pippa”
The Bach Family’s Final Christmas
Carewyn’s Lonely Childhood
Little Carewyn Goes Trick-Or-Treating For the First Time
Carewyn’s Beginnings (Year 1 and 2)
Christmas at the Burrow
Carewyn, Bill, and Emily Tyler
Carewyn Cromwell and Tulip Karasu, Unlikely Friends
Carewyn Sees How Wrong She Was About Barnaby
Felix Mentors Carewyn, Carewyn Comforts Felix
Carewyn Meets Patricia Rakepick
Auditioning for the Frog Choir
Lone Wolves (featuring Talbott and Chiara)
Mirror of Erised (featuring Talbott, Tulip, and Barnaby)
Sickleworth Takes to Carewyn
Carewyn Befriends Jae
Defending Esmeralda the Welsh Green
Career Advice with Severus Snape
Carewyn Considers Her Career Options
Carewyn’s OWLs 
Meet the Malfoys
Everything That Went Down in the Portrait Vault 
Adventures in Cursebreaking
How to Cheer Ashe Up? Singing!
Ashe Supports Carewyn Post-Redacted TW: Suicidal thoughts
Jacob and Carewyn’s Meeting Post-Redacted TW: Mention of suicidal thoughts
Carewyn Connects with Minerva McGonagall
Impersonating Rakepick and Confronting R
Good!Rakepick AU -- now solidly canon for Carewyn! (incomplete)
Carewyn’s Future as a Lawyer
Carewyn, Tonks, and Talbott at the Ministry
Carewyn and Talbott’s Friendship
Carewyn and Torvus’s Friendship
Carey and her BFF Bill 
Carewyn Learns of Cedric’s Death
Lupin Tries to Recruit Chiara
Carewyn and Blaise at the Ministry
Bill Visits Carewyn During One of Her Trials 
After the Battle of Hogwarts
Carewyn Meets Harry Potter (featuring Night Rhea @night-rhea​) 
A Very Uncomfortable Meeting (featuring Orion, Jacob, and Blaise)
Evan Sees Carewyn In Passing (featuring Erik)
Dead!MC AU Challenge TW: Major Character Death, Violence
HPHM Cardverse AU
Jacob Cromwell Masterlist
The “Ask Jacob” Tag
Inspiration Behind Jacob
10 Facts
10 More Facts
10 MORE Facts
Jacob’s Strained Relationship with his Father
Jacob’s Wand’s Origins
Jacob Reacts to Game!Jacob’s Idiocy
Back to School Challenge 2022
Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
Guess Who Jacob Was Dormmates With?
Why Jacob Calls Carewyn “Pip”
Jacob and Carewyn Pre-Hogwarts
Jacob Learns About Carewyn Getting Bullied
Jacob and Carewyn’s Close Bond
Jacob is Trapped in R’s Web
Why Jacob Doesn’t Like Bill Weasley
Jacob is an Idiot When It Comes to Feelings
How Jacob and Carewyn’s Relationship Has Evolved Over Time
Jacob, Carewyn, and Lane at Christmas
Dating Jacob Would Include...
Jacob’s Playlist
Jacob/Ashe Ship Playlist
Learn More About My Ship!
About Jacob’s Relationship with Ashe 
Jacob’s Friendship with Rosmerta
Ashe and Jacob Reunite 
Jacob Silvers is Jealous of Jacob Cromwell’s Hair @dat-silvers-girl​
Cromwell and Silvers = BFFs
Jacob Befriends the Hoppers @thatravenpuffwitch​
Jacob and Jack @samshogwarts​ ​
Jacob at the Battle of Hogwarts
Haunted Mansion AU (complete)
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Lane Cromwell Masterlist
The “Ask Lane” Tag
Inspiration Behind Lane
10 Facts
The Four Cromwell Siblings
The Sound of Freedom
Lane Runs Away from Home
How Lane and Evan’s Relationship Fell Apart 
Lane and Evan’s Final Fight
Lane and Jacob React to Evan’s Departure
Evan Bach Post-Departure
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The Cromwell Clan / R Masterlist
General Information about the Cromwell Clan
Lineage Challenge 2022
About Pearl Cromwell
About Claire and Blaise Cromwell
More About Blaise
About Charles Cromwell
Charles Cromwell (and R) Playlist
Charles’s Motivations
About the Wizard in White
Rakepick Playlist
Rakepick Saves Carewyn Again
Rakepick’s First DADA Class
Rakepick’s Inner Conflict
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Erik Apollo Masterlist
Erik’s Intro Post
Erik’s Intro Post (part 2)
Erik’s Moodboard
The “Ask Erik” Tag
10 Facts
10 More Facts
Professors Apollo and Schaefer (drawn by @cursebreakerfarrier)
Goddamn It, Erik, Stop Swearing Like a F**king Sailor
Erik’s “Sibling” Relationship with Eos Amari
May The Force Be With You! 
Roxy, Erik, and Alistair Watch Star Wars
Erik’s Apprentices @cursebreakerelmswood @department-shoe-stud​
Erik’s School Rival, Azariah Steele @cursebreakerfarrier​
Erik’s General Reaction to His Significant Other (drawn by @mira-shard) 
Roxy’s Patronus Changes (written by @mira-shard) 
Happy Birthday, Erik! 
A Shadow Over Erik’s Future
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Anastasia “Ana” Read Masterlist
Ana’s Moodboard
Ana’s Intro Post and Model Sheet
10 Facts
10 More Facts
Ana Meets Her Stepfather Bradley Pinkstone 
Ana and Charlie Copper’s Love Story @drinkyoursoupbitch  
Ana and Charlie Exchange Letters
Ana/Charlie Ship Playlist
Bradley Steps Up 
Bradley’s Moodboard
Preston’s Moodboard
Jasper’s Moodboard
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Farid Sikander Masterlist
Farid Moodboard
Farid’s Playlist and Intro Post
The “About Farid” Tag
Inspiration Behind Farid
Farid’s Usual Schedule
Farid’s Perspective on His “My Fair Lady” Situation
Farid’s Boggart
Farid as a Adult
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Jackson Knightly Masterlist
Jackson’s Profile and Moodboard
Jackson’s Playlist
Inspiration Behind Jackson
Dating Jackson Would Include...
The “About Jackson” Tag
Jackson Meets His BFF Adelia @thatravenpuffwitch
Jackson First Realizes How Attracted He is to His OTL Monty @cursebreakerfarrier​
Jackson is Helpless When It Comes to Monty
What Jackson Loves About Monty
Jackson’s a Poet And Yes, He Does Know It
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Bartholomew “Bat” Varney / Robert Harker Masterlist
Bat’s Moodboard
Bat’s Intro Post
Inspiration Behind Bat
Bat’s Playlist
Dating Bat Would Include...
Bat’s Model Sheet
Bat Comments on Christmas!
Bat’s Perspective on His Lengthened Life
Bat Disney AU Moodboard
Les Mis AU Batticus Moodboard
Robert/Loretta Moodboard
Barty’s Moodboard
Cecelia’s Moodboard
Robert, Barty, and Cecelia Friendship Moodboard
Wait for It Animation
Harker, Crouch, and Varney
Bat Confronts Cecelia TW: Blood
I Know Those Eyes / This Man Is Dead Unfinished Animatic
Bat and Grim Meet @cursebreakerfarrier​
Bat “Adopts” Adelia @thatravenpuffwitch​
Bat Goes to Grim for Help
Grim Learns Bat’s Secret
A Daydream with Batticus
Bat Mourns His Daughter Irene TW: Grief
Bat Meets Adelia in Hogsmeade 
The Best Guard Dog Ever (Next to Teddy Ellison) 
Blood Pops
Aging Like a Fine Wine
Bat and Grim in the 1930′s
Dying Like a Hero TW: Murder, Major Character Death, Violence
The Reincarnation AU Tag
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Rudolph “Ru” Ollivander Masterlist
Ru’s Intro Post and Moodboard
Ru’s Playlist
10 Facts
Ru’s True Form
Estrid Becomes Ru’s Keeper @thatravenpuffwitch​
Ru and Galen Chat About Estrid @cursebreakerfarrier
The Legacy Trio Moodboard by @cursebreakerfarrier
Galen and Ru Friendship Moodboard by @cursebreakerfarrier
Ru’s Photography (graphics by @kc-needs-coffee​)
Ru and Siobhan at Sunset by @kc-needs-coffee 
How Ru Confessed Their Feelings to Estrid
Ru/Estrid Ship Moodboard by @thatravenpuffwitch​
Ru/Estrid Ship Playlist
Ru Sticks by Estrid TW: Grief
Ru’s Death TW: Character Death, Funerals, Grief
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toxictigertonic · 3 years
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i’m watchin nsr encore gameplay and you wound up on the guitar case!! look at you go buddy
Oh fuck yeah!! Now non-tumblr users are forced to see spaceman with his ridiculous ice cream cone
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What is Out there somewhere about?
a cute little pixel art sidescroller puzzle with gameplay similar to portal, since it mostly implies jumping all over the screen with your funny teleport gun it’s pretty short, but like. the first time i played it took me a good hour to get all the puzzles, and afterwards the second run i finished in around 12 minutes and it’s very nice and cute 
the plot is as easy as it can be too: you’re a spaceman attacked by an evil alien bastard and you crash land on a planet, and now you gotta beat up the evil alien
also the ost slaps so you should get that too 
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miloscat · 5 years
[Review] Hey Pikmin (3DS)
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At first glance, I feared this would be disappointing like Arzest’s other Nintendo spin-off project, Yoshi’s New Island. But it turned out much better than that!
I’ve enjoyed the Pikmin games, cute-ified strategy games with amusing writing. Pikmin 2 is my favourite, partially for the latter reason: there’s a large number of “treasures” to be found in the game, which are logged and commented on by our diminutive spaceman/salaryman Olimar. The third instalment, for all its whiz-bang advancements, cut out this factor in favour of the bland fruit system. So I was glad that this sidescrolling spin-off brought back the treasure database with a vengeance.
But I suppose it’s more “important” to talk about the gameplay. The change in perspective to a 2D “platformer” style greatly simplifies the strategy aspect. You don’t leave Pikmin to tasks, you just roll with a posse of 20 at most. Instead of large spaces to explore, levels are more focused, more action-y, with Pikmin delivered to you at prearranged spots. This (or otherwise progression) is sometimes accompanied by a jolly little animation showing the antics of these adorable creatures that can thankfully be skipped on replays.
You are still managing their lives, so they can help you pass obstacles or carry things, etc. But Olimar now has a jetpack to get some height and cover horizontal space. If only it wasn’t so slow-moving, or its landing animation so insufferably long. It’s one of the relievingly few instances where the clumsiness I expected from Yoshi’s New Island reared its ugly head. I’d compare this game more to Yoshi’s Island DS from Arzest’s predecessor studio Artoon; not just in being a more polished, enjoyable experience, but the dual-screen setup extending the visible play area resembles it as well.
Unlike all these Yoshi examples though, Hey Pikmin is doing something new while being a successor, by shifting the gameplay so strongly. This means it’s not really a “true” Pikmin game I suppose, and has a different set of aims and challenges. But they’ve done a decent job translating the series’ staples and feeling faithful while doing so.
I liked the little puzzle challenge rooms between levels. I liked using my cloned NFC chip to use the “Pikmin group” amiibo, to cheese replays and get random other amiibo statues in-game for Olimar to comment on. I liked the fuzzy, colourful backgrounds. The “Pikmin Park” feature (where you assign your retrieved Pikmin long-term tasks) was a bit half-baked. Overall I had a nice little time here, it was nice to revisit this tiny world where ordinary human objects are wondrous and strange treasures.
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I want to make character designs for a boss rush game similar to that of No More Heroes. I like both its art style and gameplay and think it would be a good fit for the title of ‘Slaughterhouse 5′, it sounds like something that would actually be make. I want it to be initially set in an urban setting, alongside a similar art style, Jet Set Radio is also a good inspiration for visuals as it is set in an urban area as well as having plenty of graffiti and a simplistic art style with solid shapes. A couple character designs I can already think of making would be a Japanese soldier that has a gothic lolita style, some kind of field medic that rather than healing the injured he would be more interested in the mechanisms of human body, some kind of futuristic spaceman to fit with the books original storyline where there is a time-traveler and an unreliable narrator.
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robinknightfmp · 3 years
Recording my Final piece
One of final things I wanted to do was show off everything that I have made this project and put it all into one blog post, for my gameplay I used OBS studio to record the gameplay, I did this by selecting the specific window that I wanted to record and click
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In my gameplay I wanted to show off the physics engine, as well as the models that I have created within Magical Voxel, im going to show off my models by sending screenshots of them within “3D viewer” because it is a program that is pre installed onto pcs and is simple and easy to use.
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This is the spaceman that I had designed and created, I wanted it to stand out and be something special because it is the main player character and is what the player is going to be looking at for majority of the game, I used Magical Voxel to create the model as well has giving him a texture, I used Mixamo’s Auto-rigging system to save time on rigging him, so I could be able to give him animations, it was the first 3D asset that I have created within Magical Voxel, so If I were to remake/redesign the spaceman, there would be things that I could change.
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The next model I decided to create was a model of some crates within magical voxel, I did this because I needed something small and simple to test the physics in my game, it also provided good practice for the software because I am still new to it, Once I was finished creating it I immediately imported it into Unreal because I didn't need to rig it like with my spaceman.
I like the final product because you can easily tell what it is and it is also really high detailed because it has lots of depth to it which is something I would not have been abled to do within photoshop which is what my original plan was.
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My next piece of work was also a 3D asset, it was a replication model of space x’s starship, I decided to try and replicate this ship because it is simple to replicate, looks nice and is what is going to be taking the first humans to Mars so I thought it would be fitting, Like my other models I had this in Magical voxel, it was a fairly simple build, I mostly used the circle tool that the software provides to build the main body, and using the regular tool to construct its winglets on the bottom and top of the body.
Like the crate, I immediately imported the file into Unreal engine because it wouldnt need to be rigged 
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