#Specimen FX-23
princessgriffin1998 · 2 years
Specimen FX-23: Project Snow Fox // REBIRTH
Hello everyone!
I know I’ve been trying to edit my previous instalment to this series so that I can proudly present: REBIRTH. Part two of the Specimen FX-23 story.
I won’t lie, it’s been really challenging personally to write and have the bravery to post this, but I’m going to continue to push myself outside my comfort zone. I have quite a bit of the story completed, so I am going to do my best to see my story fully realized. I want to give a huge thanks to @maladaptivexxdaydreaming for always being so sweet to me and encouraging me to write, and I want to thank you for clicking this post and checking out my fun, zany lil world I’ve created for myself. I hope you enjoy the story and please leave your feedback in the comments!
This is a Bucky Barnes x Reader story with an AFAB reader and the use of nicknames (no Y/N).
Find the full story here!
Chapter Summary: After a few days with Shuri at the Los Angeles Wakandan Outreach Centre, Captain Rogers has arrived to bring you to the Avengers Compound.
Word count: 5.5k
RECOVERY / Next Chapter
Chapter One: Good-bye
“Good morning Soldat.” a man's voice greets you as you pant. The last of the electric current fizzled out of your system as your eyes finally unscrewed themselves and tried to focus on the technician in front of you.
“Ready to comply.” you respond breathlessly.
“We have a different training exercise for you today. New combatants. Get equipped and be in the training room in 10 minutes.” with that your technician stalked out of the room, the door bolting behind him. The clamps around your biceps and ankles launched open with a hiss and you shakily stood. You knew better than to be late as you made your way over to the metal lab table that held your equipment for the day.
You showed no emotion as you took in the suit in front of you. It wasn’t your normal lab clothing. You reached out a cautious hand to test the dark coloured fabric. It felt strong despite how smoothly the fabric flowed. You quickly stripped and changed into the suit, uncaring of the leering gaze from the scientists behind you. They only spoke English anyways and you hadn’t been able to learn enough to understand what they said about you while you undressed. You quickly slipped on the black socks and knee high boots left out for you. You secured your hair down the nape of your neck and away from your face as you glanced at the last item on the table. It was completely foreign to you. Slowly with your index figure, you traced over the smooth material of the item. You picked it up and turned to the scientists behind you.
“What do I do with this?” you called out in Russian.
You expected the eye roll from the man with the glasses; Doctor Nagel. Something deep in your gut told you that you shouldn’t let them know how much you could understand. Even though they rolled their eyes or got irritated with you, you never used any of the English words you had been able to piece together over… well, your whole life here.
“Silly girl. Can’t you see the ear hooks?” Nagel motioned his hands up to the sides of his head as if that was supposed to clear things up for you. You blinked at him till he threw his hands up and stalked over to you.
“Give that to me. Hands at your sides.” he commanded and you handed the item to him then pinned your wrists to the outsides of your thighs.
Nagel was your creator. You had no choice but to listen when he spoke to you. You’d tried to resist before, but found you were physically incapable of denying his wishes. No matter how disgusting they were. Nagel reached out and slipped the object around your mouth and nose, hooking the loops over your ears and securing what you assumed to be some kind of fabric fastening around the back of your head and along the nape of your neck. You could feel where it connected to the neckline of your suit. Out of the corner of your eye you could see your startling reflection in the lab window. Suited in all black up to your nose, your eyes glinting over the top of your new muzzle.
“Perfect. I think she’s ready for the Widows boys! Get to the training room now.” Nagel sneered and you raised your chin as best you could from under the muzzle before taking quick strides towards the training door.
When you entered the room, you were surprised to see another girl, but upon another glance around the room you realized there were several women, all similarly outfitted to you, minus the guard over the face. At the end of the gym, there were new men. They weren’t dressed in the standard lab clothing that your handlers wore. They wore suits with pressed pants. An older gentleman stood between several assumed guards, thick black glasses perched on his wide nose. He had silver hair that was slicked back and his left hand twirled a lit cigar. A ring flashed on his pinky.
“Soldat! Center of the ring.” your technician snapped.
You moved smoothly to stand opposite the young woman in the centre of the ring. She had warm, deep toned skin and piercing brown eyes. Her hair, a texture you’d not seen on any of the regular technicians that came to your lab, was twisting tightly in rows starting at her forehead and tracing down the back of her head to her neck. She glared at you and you clenched your jaw. She was beautiful. Your only human experience thus far had been the cruel men of your lab. Faintly, you wondered if she’d be allowed to live after whatever training was coming next.
“Gentlemen, welcome to the next phase of human evolution!” Nagel announced from behind you. You pressed your palms flat against your thighs as Nagel made his way around you, tossing an arm around your shoulder as he spoke to the new men.
“Today, we would like to show you the fruits of your money and our labour. Gentlemen I’d like to introduce you to Specimen 23 of Project Snow Fox.”
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You startle awake, the dream leaving you in a cold sweat as you try to catch your breath. Your heart was pounding in your ears, a sure fire sign of a migraine on its way. Subconsciously you rub the back of your neck as you lay back down on your pillow, trying to breathe deeply and taking in the bumpy white ceiling above you.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, it hits you what day it is and you shoot upright in your hotel bed a second time.
Today is the day.
Any remaining traces of your nightmare vanish as you throw yourself out of bed and into the bathroom to begin your morning routine. Quickly brushing your teeth and securing your hair back and out of your face, you whip off your sleeping clothes and quickly change into an all black ensemble of cropped yoga pants, an athletic tank top with a sports bra underneath, and a black zip up. You make your bed and quickly go through your duffel bag again, everything perfectly folded and packed from when you’d refolded and packed it for the third time last night.
Today is the day.
Smiling, you slip on some black boots and grab a pair of aviator sunglasses. You put on a plain black ball cap, tucking your hair through the gap above the adjustment strap. You grab your backpack and adjust the straps slightly so that it sits comfortable on your back, giggling to yourself about the shape. Shuri had thought it was hilarious, grabbing the tiny backpack that looked like Cap’s suit. The two of you had snickered the entire time you were paying.
You quickly made sure you had all your important items inside the backpack; your music device from Shuri with your headphones, your journals and a pencil case of different pencils and fancy pens, a metal water bottle, a set of kimoyo beads Shuri had gifted you before your trip, and half a strip of photos from a photo booth. Shuri had taken you to a mall to get some American clothing and the two of you had stopped on a whim at a booth in the mall. Shuri had the top half of the strip and you had the bottom; two panels of you and Shuri grinning from ear to ear, almost spilling your smoothies on each other while laughing.
With a deep inhale, you take in one last glance at the hotel room that had been your home for the last week, before grabbing your room key and making your way down to the lobby to meet Shuri.
‘Today is the day.’
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You and Shuri had been staying in a hotel down the road from the Wakandan Outreach Centre for six days. You haven’t seen Bucky or the rest of the team in nine.
After the fight in the lab you had been devastated. It had taken almost a full 24 hours for Shuri to be able to move you from your spot bundled up on the couch. All you’d had the energy for was quietly crying while Shuri rotated different movies for you. She put on all your favourites and brought you snacks that you couldn’t stomach and water you could barely sip.
You knew that Bucky might be upset with you for wanting to leave Wakanda, given that he’d been hiding the offer from you. He’d clearly not wanted you to move to America yet, and even though yesterday you had been hurting you had hoped that he still cared about you despite being worried about Hydra’s potential control. Obviously he just couldn’t trust Hydra, and you knew with his background that you would probably always be a threat to his family.
Maybe this was your fault too. You’d evidently read too far into his kindness. You’d been too unstable when you were first freed. Maybe he’d gotten close to you in order to tame you. Aside from Shuri, you didn’t have a metric for how much was too close to someone. He could’ve been a regular level of attentive and you’d misconstrued it.
Eventually after a day and a half you decided that your pity party needed to end. Shuri had already rescheduled some plans for the two of you because you couldn’t get off your couch. You still had Shuri, and even though you would be moving away from her she was still in your corner and so were Sam and Steve. You decided that you truly meant what you’d said in the lab. You didn’t need Bucky’s approval. You wanted to take the next step to better yourself and if he didn’t like it that was on him. Shuri had been surprised to see you up and about the next morning after two days of being almost comatose, but there you stood. Fresh from the shower, hair pulled back and secured away from your face, zipping up the athletic jacket you’d decided would be comfortable to travel in.
Oh and travel you did.
You didn’t think you’d ever tire of staring at the ocean. Shuri had let you sit in the cockpit of the jet with Ayo while she flew. The sun hitting the water had been beautiful, but the sun setting over the vast ocean as you made your way to America had been magnificent. Overwhelming in the best way possible. Shuri teased you mercilessly as you gazed out over the water for hours on end. After touching down in LA, Shuri decided it might be fun to stay in a hotel to try and help you integrate with regular society. It had been absolutely terrifying. Your nerves constantly telling you everyone who walked near you was a potential threat. You’d clenched your fists so hard in an effort to calm yourself your nails had broken skin. Shuri had gotten you your own room so that you could work on being by yourself, and that first night you spent in America you’d dragged the couch in your room in front of the door in addition to locking and dead bolting it.
Shuri had teased you about that too after making sure you were ok sleeping on your own.
You’d spent most of the week working in the Outreach Center with Shuri. It was a very similar routine to what you’d already established in Wakanda. During the day you had spent your time helping out around the Center, moving heavy things or just being an extra set of hands for the team and their work there. The Wakandan Outreach Center’s main focus was making sure that people of colour in the surrounding areas could have a place to go and feel supported. Most of the work in the Center was community based. Making sure kids could afford school supplies and lunches or have the resources they needed to complete projects and explore the advanced technology Wakanda had to offer. Shuri’s personal focus was encouraging girls to pursue science. The Outreach Center offered multiple different scholarships geared towards encouraging minorities to pursue fields that for centuries had been unattainable. One of your favourite memories of the week had been watching Shuri sign a cheque for a young woman to go to medical school. She and her mother, who’d previously been working two jobs to support them, sobbed tears of joy and you’d been honoured to see such a special moment take place. You’d added their teary smiles to your journal the minute you’d had some spare time.
Your hours in the Outreach Centre had not only been a fantastic way to work your jet lag, but also to watch people. Having your growth accelerated meant that you’d skipped on a lot of your developmental stages, adolescence, puberty. Here, you could just sit and watch all different kinds of people walk through the doors with their own mannerisms, subconscious habits, body language, and facial expressions. You’d learned how to read the different looks people give each other, the furrowed brow of confusion and how it differed from an angry brow. Most of your people-studies had come from Shuri and Bucky, so you’d always felt comfortable understanding what they meant when they spoke to you. With new people you’d learned just how much tone and inflection changed the meaning of a phrase. It started with trying to pitch your voice up when you made dry jokes because the people here hadn’t gotten your sense of humour at first. Slouching in your seat because you found people were freaked out by your robotic posture. So many things you learned while watching coworkers, friends, and families interact in the Centre. As you studied humanity more and more you confirmed to yourself that coming to America had been what you needed. You never could’ve learned all this from within your lab.
In the evenings when Shuri was finished with her team, the two of you went out and explored the city. Los Angeles was so different to anything you’d experienced in Wakanda. The insane hustle and bustle of the streets seemingly never ended. You and Shuri had explored malls together, you tightly holding her hand while the two of you browsed American fashion. The two of you had an absolute blast and Shuri promised the next time she came to visit you’d go to a theme park together. You’d been a little too nervous to make the trek this trip and your nerves were usually shot by the end of the day. Shuri had taken you to several beautiful parks, and the two of you had even taken a day trip to the beach.
You’d been a little too nervous to actually go into the water, but you’d plopped yourself on the shore and let the waves lap at your toes for hours. Shuri thought it was hilarious that you were so easily entertained, but staring out at the endless sea and sky was soothing. It made you feel completely peaceful and when you’d gotten back to your hotel room you’d passed out almost immediately. The jet lag probably wasn’t helping but with how many hours a night you slept normally you wondered if it even mattered.
After closing the door to your hotel room you made your way down to the lobby to meet Shuri.
The plan was to go to the Outreach Centre, where Captain Rogers would be parked with the Quinjet in stealth mode. You and Shuri had wanted to keep your arrival in America quiet. No need to alert Ross to another super soldier on the compound if they didn’t need to right away. You had listened in on Shuri’s conference call with the Captain and Stark, and by their tone you could tell Stark got a sick satisfaction out of hiding something from Thaddeus Ross.
“Good morning Foxy!” Shuri called as you approached her and the concierge desk. “How did you sleep? Good? Great! We’ve got about an hour for breakfast before we head to the Centre.” She grinned, taking both your key cards and sliding them to the receptionist.
Holding out her bag, you carried your luggage together in one hand as Shuri took your other to guide on the familiar walk to the Outreach Centre. An hour for breakfast really meant fifty-five minutes of goofing off in the IHOP across the street before realising you had five minutes to be on the jet.
The two of you were seated in your favourite corner booth next to the window that let you watch all the busy people making their way through the city. Shuri chattered excitedly about her latest tech project for the Centre while you counter all the exits in the building (One to the patio, a fire exit by the bathroom, one back door through the kitchen and the main entrance by the hostess podium), despite knowing them by heart after a week of breakfasts here. Shuri had wanted to come here one morning after seeing an ad on the TV. She’d decided that she’d never been so she’d treat herself and drug you along for some chocolate chip pancakes. After that she’d gotten hooked on everything the franchise had to offer and you’d eaten more waffles than you cared to admit.
The IHOP staff, to their credit, were absolutely lovely everytime you came in. They’d quickly accepted that you would always want a corner table where you could view the door, no matter how empty the restaurant was. They’d gotten used to your strange accent, a combination of Russian and somehow African while you tried to order your food in the morning. After the first few raised brows, you’d immediately begun correcting your accent to whichever variation of English was being spoken to you. Your American accent was fairly advanced compared to the beginning of the week when you’d arrived, but some words were always spoken with a bit of East African wrapped around them. The staff had also gotten accustomed to you ordering at least two meals, occasionally a third if you were having a particularly active day.
This corner was a particularly advantageous spot because you could see every entrance to the building, not to mention you could watch the breeze change to show the arrival of a stealth craft in the parking lot across the street.
“-it’s really something special Snow, I can’t wait for you to see it! Hey, are you even listening to me?” Shuri asked, poking your knuckles with her coffee spoon and startling you out of your surveillance.
You jumped slightly, finally tearing your gaze away from the window.
“My apologies, Shuri. I think I am a little bit distracted this morning.” you answered sheepishly, heat blooming across your face.
Shuri just snickered.
“Don’t worry. I know better than to take offence. If you’re worried about travelling, don’t be. Steve’s actually a great pilot when he’s not sacrificing himself for the greater good. And Stark’s A.I isn’t half bad. You’ll get to New Jersey in no time. Plus once you’re there you’ll be begging to leave Jersey and come home to me so everything will work out.” Shuri joked. You laughed despite not quite understanding why “Jersey” would be somewhere you’d desperately want to leave.
“I guess… I am worried they will not like me. I threw Natasha into a wall, and she accepted my apology but the rest of the team does not know me at all. What if they hate me?” You whispered, fidgeting with the handle of your mug.
Shuri just smiled and reached out a hand, clasping your fingers between her own.
“Listen Snow Fox, it’s ok to be scared of things. You’ve been through so much change these last few months. It’s natural that you’re nervous, but I just want you to remember all that you’ve accomplished so far. You’ve improved your communication, your memory, even your fighting. You’re doing so well and growing so much. I’m very proud of you and even if they haven’t said it, I know the team is too.” You could hear the message behind her words; Bucky was proud of you.
It’s not that you didn’t want to believe her, but in the six days you’d been in America you hadn’t heard from any of the team personally aside from Steve. Shuri’s music device also had a communication link, so he’d messaged you briefly when you’d arrived in LA, happy that you’d gotten there safely. Aside from a few brief conversations about your room and if you had any food allergies, you’d barely heard from him.
Bucky however had not reached out since your fight.
“Thanks Shuri. It is nice to be reminded sometimes, of where I started and where I am now. I’m just nervous they won’t like me. I know I am… odd to say the least.” Shuri just laughed.
“Well who on their team isn’t? You’ve got two 100 year old super idiots, a former KGB spy, a guy who cosplays Robin Hood for a living, modern-day Icarus, and a billionaire funding all their crazy. Not to mention a witch and an android. I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine.” Shuri grinned. As you smiled back and squeezed her hand, your ears picked up a large change in the wind outside.
“Ah, I take it the Quinjet has arrived on top of the Centre. Alright let’s pay up and see you off then!” Shuri smiled, flagging down your server so she could settle the bill.
Much to your server’s chagrin, Shuri pressed a $100 note in his palm as a tip with a litany of gratitude towards him and the team for being so kind to the both of you this week. She then stuffed another five of them in the tip jar on your way out. When you were royalty, unlimited money was something fun to play with, you supposed.
As you made your way across the street, you clutched the straps of your duffle bag so hard your knuckles turned white.
‘You can do this. You can do this. Steve is very friendly. You are going to be fine.’ you chanted in your head over and over, as if the harder you thought about it the easier it would be to believe.
You forced a smile on your face and waved at the workers in the Center as you made your way up to the roof. Most of the Wakandans and volunteers were used to your strange behaviour so you hoped your expression looked cheerful. You dropped Shuri’s bag off at her office, adjusting your bags and checking their contents for the 3rd time that morning before making your way to the roof.
Before Shuri opened the door, you both put your sunglasses on and she grabbed your free hand.
“Ready?” she grinned.
You did your best to plaster a smile on your face and the reflection in her glasses was almost believable.
“Ready.” you nodded, before Shuri threw the door open.
Watching the Quinjet come out of stealth mode was a sight you didn’t think would ever get old. The wind whipped around you briefly as the ramp descended, and a casually dressed Steve Rogers came to greet you.
“Good morning Snow Fox!” he called, a grin across his face.
You could feel the tension draining out of your shoulders as he made his way over to greet you.
“Good morning Captain!” You chirped happily.
Steve just rolled his eyes.
“Y’know I said you can still call me Steve right? We’re friends. Friends don’t speak so formally.” he teased, heat blooming across your face.
“Yes.. I-I forget sometimes.” you stammered, wincing at how unsure you sounded.
Steve however did not let that deter him.
“Well that’s fine. We’ve got a whole flight for you to remember. Good morning Princess.” Steve said with a nod to Shuri.
Shuri just snorted in response.
“What are we not friends? I already call you Steve, you can call me Shuri.” she said as the two shook hands.
Steve just smiled.
“Well, the Quinjet is pretty fast. It shouldn’t take more than an hour or so for us to get to the compound. I can take your bag while you say goodbye if you’d like?” Steve offered, a hand extended.
You nodded and passed your duffle along to him before turning to face your best friend. You weren’t sure what to say but luckily Shuri always had something to say and beat you to it.
“Well, you have my contact in your device and kimoyo beads. You can call me at any time. I’ll be about nine hours ahead of you, but if you need me I’ll answer at any time you know that. If you hate it you can call me and I’ll come get you, no questions asked ok? And I know you haven’t been sleeping well and I’ve already notified Helen Cho, the compound's chief doctor so she can give you something if you can’t sleep. Remember to update me on your training! I want to know exactly how bad ass my best friend is getting!” Shuri rambled, her hands wringing nervously in front of her stomach.
You could feel tears beginning to pool in your eyes as you threw your arms around her. Shuri inhaled sharply before wrapping her arms around your torso as tightly as she could.
“Thank you for everything my friend.” you started in Xhosa, knowing how much it meant to Shuri that you’d tried to learn as much of her native tongue as possible. “I promise to call often. I’ll send you so many pictures and videos of my training you will tire of me I promise. I want you to know that I never would’ve gotten to this point if it wasn’t for you.”
“I’m well aware.” Shuri teased, her words thick with emotion.
“Well you deserve to hear it. You deserve to hear that you are the most amazing best friend anyone could ask for, and if there is anything that I am grateful for in my existence, it is that we had the chance to meet and become friends. You have shown me kindness that I will never be able to repay, and I promise that I will do everything in my power to share that with the world. You gave me purpose, my friend. I swear to make your efforts worthwhile.” you grinned, pulling away from her you both giggled at the tears in each others eyes.
“Call me as soon as you’re settled in your room! I’m assuming they have a tour or orientation planned for you. So call me as soon as you can!” Shuri grinned, swiping at the moisture under her eyes.
You let out a watery laugh as you nodded.
“I will. See you soon, friend.” you smiled.
With one final hug you made your way over to where Steve was watching the two of you from the ramp. A soft smile graced his face as you turned to wave a Shuri one last time before boarding the jet.
“So how has your week in LA been?” Steve asked, trying to make small talk as the two of you made your way over to the cockpit.
“It has been… very busy.” you admitted, as you took off your backpack and settled into the seat behind Steve’s right side.
“Well that’s good! Lots of new experiences I’d ima- what is that?” he asked, pointing a finger at your bag.
You flushed under his sudden attention.
“Um.. .Shuri suggested I get a backpack and thought this one was funny…” you trailed off in embarrassment.
Steve just threw his head back and laughed.
“That’s great! Sam is gonna be so jealous.” He grinned and you beamed back.
“I would imagine he’ll be quite scandalised that there was no Falcon merchandise in the store.” you quipped, causing Steve to laugh even harder as he re-engaged stealth mode and began the launch sequence.
“Oh don’t even start. He’s such a drama queen sometimes.” Steve said with a roll of his eyes.
You smiled as Steve launched into an anecdote about Sam wanting to create merchandise for ‘Red Wing’, his robot AI that helped them on missions. Slowly the nerves set in as you thought about the rest of the team.
“Steve?” you started, the man in question humming in acknowledgement.
“What is the rest of the team like? I’ve only met Sam, Natasha, Clint, and… Well what are the others like?” You asked, unable to ask Steve about the one member of the team you were truly curious about.
“Well, Wanda isn’t that far off from you in age. I think you’re biologically around the same. Vision… Vision actually reminds me a lot of you. He’s an android so while he’s very intelligent, we all know there are some “human” things that escape him sometimes. He’s very polite though and head over heels for Wanda. The two of them are actually very sweet together. Burce, our team's previous resident doctor, is actually off the grid right now. We haven’t seen or heard from him in about two years. I’m sure you’ve seen the files on the Hulk?” Steve turned to ask and you nodded.
“Right, well Bruce used to have a really hard time controlling him. After Ultron, he took off. We hope that he’s doing better and that he’ll return someday… but after that there’s Tony Stark, Iron Man.” you winced.
“Are you sure it’ll be ok with him for me to come live with you all?” you asked in a small voice.
Steve just shook his head.
“You don’t have to worry about Tony. I made sure he saw your progress reports with Shuri before you even left Wakanda. Tony is very critical, but he’s not as much of an asshole as he makes himself out to be. He knows that you were successfully deprogrammed by Shuri and that you’re making a lot of progress, but not as much as you’d like. If he does anything that makes you really uncomfortable, if anyone on the team does, I want you to know you can come tell me. Not just as your Captain, but as your friend. We’re all here for you Snow Fox.” Steve turned to smile warmly at you and you offered a small smile back.
“We’ve got about forty-five minutes before we touch down at the compound. Any other questions before we land?” Steve asked.
You just shook your head.
“No, I am alright. I am mostly just nervous. I… I just really want to make a good impression I guess.” you bit out, picking at the skin around your nails since Shuri had worked so painstakingly last night to paint them to perfection for your first day with the Avengers.
Steve just smiled and reached a hand behind himself to pat your knee.
“Look, I promise that everyone will be thrilled to meet you. Sam’s been compiling movies for us to watch, Nat and Wanda are just happy there’s going to be another girl around the compound, and Tony might be a hard ass but I know once he meets you he’s gonna love you.”
You took in a deep breath, rubbing your knee where you could still feel the warmth from Steve’s hand.
“And Bucky?” you asked nervously. You hadn’t had the courage to bring him up until now.
Steve inhaled sharply, taking a moment to consider his next words carefully.
“Bucky is… complicated. I know you guys had a fight before we left. He wouldn’t tell me what about, but he’s requested some solo missions to hunt down a few Hydra stragglers so he’s not actually home at the compound right now. Do you.. If you want I mean- do you wanna talk about it at all?” Steve asked, his hand coming up to awkwardly scratch at his neck.
You huffed and smiled to yourself.
“Not at all, but thank you for offering.”
“Look I know it isn’t my place, but he really does care. Bucky has always been a “Mother Hen” if you will, he’s always been a protector. He had me, and a baby sister back before the war, and I’m sure he told you all the trouble we got ourselves into back then. He’s always been the man to protect his family, even if he maybe says some dumb stuff sometimes. I don’t know the details of your fight and I won’t push it if it makes you uncomfortable, but I do know that Bucky cares about you more than I’ve seen him care about something in a long time and I hope that when he gets back the two of you can work things out.” Steve turned again, offering you a hesitant smile.
You did your best to return it as you looked out the window of the jet.
“So, what kind of music have you been listening to this week?” Steve asked lightly and you sighed, grateful for the change in subject.
Steve reached a cord over to you and you beamed, recognizing the correct input to connect to your music device. Steve caught your smile and beamed right back as you went through your recently played songs.
“Well, Shuri and I have been listening to a new artist this week, his name is Stevie Wonder.”
24 notes · View notes
Specimen FX-23: Project Snow Fox // REBIRTH
Hello everyone!
Welcome back to chapter three of REBIRTH! I had a really good time writing this chapter so I hope you enjoy it! This is a Bucky Barnes x AFAB!Reader/OC story with no use of Y/N. Reader does have a nickname.
Read the full story here!
Chapter Summary: When a lead on a case calls Sam, Steve, and Nat away from the compound, you spend some time getting to know Miss Maximoff.
Word Count: 5.2k
Previous / Next Chapter
Chapter Three: Wanda Maximoff
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“Again!” the man with the cigar barked.
You inhaled sharply through your nose under the mask, waiting for the girl in front of you to attack. You could see her pupils tracking your limbs as she caught her breath. Her blue eyes lingered slightly on your left side for a moment, so quick most wouldn’t have caught it.
But most didn’t mean you.
When the girl sprung forward, going for your left arm as you suspected, you were ready. You caught her blade deftly and sunk it back into her own shoulder. The girl let out a strangled scream as you felt the blade scrape a bone. You made no noise, nor any other indication that you couldn’t stand what was happening. The smell of blood still permeated your mask and you tried not to gag as the match was called in your favour. You dropped the girl and made your way back to the center of the training ring to await further instructions. The man with the cigar tapped some of the ashes out onto the floor before pulling out a tablet.
“Such a pity my dear. I had such high hopes for you.'' The man cooed in Russian before tapping a button on his tablet.
You watched as the girl lifted her unharmed arm, her bracers right up to her own temple as she shocked herself. You didn’t even flinch as she died, instead you tried to focus on the man. His blue suit glimmered slightly under the fluorescent lighting in the training room as he clicked his tongue at the dead girl before him, as if she was nothing more than a broken cup or spilled beverage. The man then turned to you. Bringing the cigar up to his lips he took a long drag before running his finger tips down the side of your face and along the jaw of your mask.
“You, however, are better than I could’ve dreamed.” He chuckled, his Russian words covered in smoke and escaping through his teeth as he laughed at a joke only he seemed to be in on.
His touch filled you with a sense of dread, but like with your creator you found yourself unable to even flinch away from him.
“Alright get this shit cleaned up. I want her to go again.” He barked, switching to English and gesturing at the body on the floor in front of you.
“But sir we really need to get the specimen bank in its tank. We’re already nearing its limits.” Nagel protested.
The man simply waved him away.
“And you are pushing yours. I will get what I paid for.” He growled.
You saw Nagel blanch and swallow, his eyes darting between you and the man before nodding.
“Of course sir. Specimen FX-23 is always surprising us with her performance. Who should go next?” He asked, typing away at his tablet while two men dragged the body away.
The man in the suit grinned as he took another drag.
“Doesn't matter to me.” He smirked, and with a wave of his hand another girl stepped forward.
Her blonde hair was braided away from her face and tucked up and you wondered briefly if the girls you were fighting did their own hair or if they were permitted to help each other.
“Alright girls. Show me who wants it more.” The man chuckled darkly as he stepped back towards the rest of the men.
“Winner walks out of the arena.” He said, raising his arm and letting it fall to signal the start of your fight.
The girl in front of you quickly flicked out a knife and lunged forward.
With a start, you shoot upright on the floor.
Slapping a hand over your mouth, you desperately try to control your breathing like Bucky taught you.
“Don’t worry Doll, you’re safe. I’ve gotcha.”
Inhale for four counts.
Exhale for four counts.
As you pant, you look around the dark room in front of you. Your enhanced vision letting you see the outline of your bedroom despite there being no light source.
You were at the Avengers compound.
You were in America.
You were safe.
(‘Inhale… two… three… four…,’)
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, could you please tell me the time?” You rasped, scrubbing a hand down your face as you laid back against your pillows and focused on the dim outline of the bed a few feet from you.
(‘Exhale… two… three… four…’)
“It’s 3:26am, Miss Fox. Would you like me to order some sleeping aids from Doctor Cho? I could also alert someone on the team of your distress?” The AI offered.
You shook your head as you licked your lips.
“No, thank you. I think I am just awake for the day.” You answered with a deep sigh.
You stared up at your ceiling for another moment before deciding to hop into a cold shower to wash away the cold sweat and the lingering feeling of unease.
Tonight was your second night in the compound.
After your first day with Sam and Steve, you’d watched a movie together.
You had appreciated Sam’s commentary and Steve giving you quick historical breakdowns so that you had the full context for what you were watching and you’d headed straight to bed once the movie was over.
Yesterday the two had barely had time to have breakfast with you before their phones had gone off and they were called to action. You hadn’t minded though. The rest of the team was still out on assignment, Natasha and Wanda having returned very late last night.
You still hadn’t met The Vision yet and Stark hadn’t returned from the Penthouse yesterday. So you’d decided to curl up on the couch in the common area, enjoying what you assumed to be a rare afternoon of having the compound to yourself. You’d read some of the books on the shelves and put on several of the records next to the turntable. You’d even danced a little with yourself while F.R.I.D.A.Y explained how to order yourself something to eat from the cafeteria.
You’d been downright giddy to learn you could order food to the kitchen or to your own room using the compound’s communication network. No speaking required. You had eaten some fruits and crackers by yourself before retiring to your room to have your first bath.
You’d also been delighted to learn that there was a tv installed in the wall of your linen closet, meaning you could watch a movie in your bathtub. Shuri had been too busy for a long call, but she’d recommended some tv shows for you to watch in the bath as the two of you said goodbye last night. She’d also explained using liquid body soap to create bubbles in the bath and you’d almost flooded the bathroom in your excitement.
(You watched ‘Tangled’ while you soaked, and dug out a nice body scrub while you got sufficiently pruney.)
It was halfway through your bath that F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted you of the team's return.
“Pardon the interruption Miss Fox, but Agent Romanoff and Miss Maximoff have returned. Mr. Wilson, and Captain Rogers are meeting them on the air strip in five minutes if you’d like to join them.” The AI informed you politely.
You’d glanced over at the clock and saw it was almost midnight and wondered if you could get away with hiding just a little bit longer.
“No thank you Miss Friday. I think I’m going to go to sleep instead.” A few hours later and here you were, back to staring at yourself in your bathroom.
You watched as a small drop of water trailed down your forehead, sliding down your neck and disappearing into the towel you had wrapped around yourself. You had to assume your ability to function on minimal sleep was due to the serum. That was the only explanation for how wired you felt. Glancing over at the time you noted it’d been about half an hour since you first woke up. Steve would be getting up to go for a run soon, so you decided you’d try to meet him in the kitchen to join him and Sam.
“Miss Friday?”
“Yes Miss Fox?”
“Is there a way I can play music from my device in here?” You asked.
Your bathroom’s sound system had been probably the most appealing part of the room so far (it seemed Tony Stark refused to ever be without music, even in rooms he’d probably never use) and you wanted a soundtrack for while you got ready for your day.
“Of course Miss Fox. You can use the plug on the wall next to the door, or I can show you how to wirelessly connect if your device has bluetooth?” The AI offered.
“The plug in is fine, thank you.” You’d smiled.
You plugged in your music device and switched on something classical and soothing while you toweled yourself off and changed into some running clothes. You hummed along as you brushed your teeth before shutting the music off and grabbing your journal and a pen and making your way to the kitchen.
You’d wanted to try and get everything down while it was still relatively fresh in your mind so you cracked open your journal and flipped to an empty page while a mug of tea steeped next to you on the counter.
You began with the outline of the training room. It had been different from the usual room you trained in, so you started with the floor plan. Once you’d sketched out the perimeter of the room you tried to fill it. Nagel’s form and accompanying lab rats were added in quickly before you switched your attention to the man in the blue suit and his lackeys. You sipped your tea as you sketched in the benches where the other girls were sitting. You tried to remember their faces but unfortunately it seemed to be impossible. You settled for trying to remember the unique hairstyles the girls all wore, doing your best to add texture to each lock or braid. As you started working on the details of the man in the suit, you heard a familiar walk coming from the elevator and shut your journal.
“Oh! Good morning Snow Fox! I didn’t think you’d be up this early,” a groggy Steve greeted you as he made his way over to the coffee maker. “Sleep okay?”
“Yes thank you,” you lied, sipping your tea and pretending to be interested in the elastic strap that held your journal closed. “I was wondering if you maybe wanted a running partner? I only ever run on the treadmill.”
“I’m sorry Snow Fox, normally I’d love that but I’m actually getting ready to ship out. Nat caught an amazing lead on an arms dealer running weapons in and out of Libya last night so she and I are taking Sam to investigate.” Steve explained, an apologetic smile on his face as he stood across the island from you.
“Wanda and Vision are home though! Wanda’s not much of a runner but I’m sure the two of you could come up with something. Tony said he’d be coming back sometime this week and I think he’s got some ID for you now.” Steve smiled and despite your disappointment, you found yourself smiling back at him.
Steve continued to chatter away at you as he prepared a to-go coffee for himself, Nat, and Sam. He kept the details vague but he told you what he could about the current mission he was about to leave for and let you accompany him down to the hangar where an equally tired Sam was waiting.
“No wonder you took so long.” Sam yawned after spotting you.
He took his travel mug with a grateful nod to Steve before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Morning sunshine. Whatcha doin’ up so early?” he asked, taking a long sip.
You shrugged, his arm lifting with your shoulders.
“Just woke up and stayed up.” You answered quietly.
Sam hummed, and the two of you enjoyed a quiet moment together before Steve was calling him onto the jet.
“Ok listen, we’ve all got our phones on us and they’ll be in the jet while we’re on the mission but if you need us F.R.I.D.A.Y will know how to reach us in case of an emergency. Steve thinks this shouldn’t take more than a few days to sort out and we’ll be picking Bucky up on our way back. Have fun with Wanda and seriously, don’t hesitate if you need anything okay?” Sam asked, twisting to look you in the eyes as he rubbed your shoulder with the arm wrapped around you.
You smiled and nodded, appreciative of how caring Sam could be. You wrapped your arms around him and squeeze him gently before stepping back and waving goodbye to Steve and Nat who were waiting on the ramp of the Quinjet.
“Have fun, be safe!” You called out to them with a smile.
As the boys disappeared up the ramp, you caught Natasha’s eye in the cockpit and offered her a nod and small salute. Nat nodded before turning and making her way back to the pilot's seat. Steve smiled and waved back as the ramp closed and with a whoosh they were gone.
Having never met Wanda Maximoff, you had no idea what time she would wake up. Once you’d made your way back up to the kitchen to make another mug of tea, you noticed it was barely 5:30am.
Much too early for someone who’d just spent all day yesterday traveling back to America. Accepting that today would be another lonely day, or at the very least a lonely morning, you ordered some fruit from the cafeteria and raided the kitchen for some yogurt and granola while you waited for the fruit to arrive.
Stark had these contraptions all through the compound to send things from one place to another. A “dumb waiter” Steve had called it. There was one in the kitchen so that food could be sent directly to the counter next to the fridge and while you boiled another kettle the little door chimed and you slid it up to reveal a carton of strawberries and a carton of black berries. Humming to yourself, you prepared a little parfait and took out your Stark phone to send a photo to Shuri of your little breakfast.
‘Missing you. Make sure you eat something!’ You wrote, smiling at the thumbs up emoji Shuri sent back.
You knew she could get too wrapped up in a project and forget to eat, so you’d decided that you’d message her when you were eating hoping that you could remind her.
Once you’d finished your breakfast you decided to go unpack your things. So far all your clothes were still in the bags you traveled with and you had a pretty nice closet now. You plugged your device into the bathroom sound system once again and nodded along to an upbeat playlist of swing music. You were so wrapped up in making sure all your belongings were nicely hung up or folded that you barely noticed time flying by.
As you hung up the last shirt, you walked out of the closet and noticed how bright your room had gotten. The plain grey walls alight with late morning sunshine. Having nothing else in your room to clean or organize yet, you decided to tackle a new book from the common space.
You grabbed your journal and made your way back to the kitchen where you came face to face with a very groggy Wanda Maximoff.
“Oh! You startled me. Good morning, you must be Snow Fow.” she greeted and you nodded, suddenly very unsure of yourself.
“I’m Wanda. Vision will probably get here soon now that I’m up.” she smiled tiredly as she shook a tea bag in a large green mug. “Would you like some tea?”
“Yes, thank you.” you answered shyly, pulling out a stool to sit at the island while Wanda grabbed you an equally large blue mug.
“So how old are you?” She’d asked as you sat down at the counter, watching her prepare what smelled like green tea for you.
“Biologically, 22.” you’d recited, nodding when she gestured to the honey.
“What do you mean biologically? Are you 22 or not?”
“I’m, um… I’m not technically a person I don’t think. I’m a clone.” you stammered. Wanda just raised an eyebrow as you continued, “So um, Shuri figures I’m biologically 22, but I wasn’t born so I don’t have a birthday. I was created just over three and a half years ago so I guess physically I’m 3? Age is confusing… at least when it comes to me.” you shrugged.
Wanda let out a laugh.
“You’re right that sounds like a technical nightmare. 22 it is. I’m 25 by the way. Y’know, I’m amazed we found someone almost as young as Vision to join the team. He’s almost 3 too!” She joked, sliding the mug towards you which you picked up with a grateful smile.
You took a sip and were pleasantly surprised to discover she’d made your tea exactly how you liked it.
“Listen, I’m just going to be honest, I'm not really good at small talk. So I vote to pretend we already know each other and just speak freely.” Wanda smiled softly as she leaned against the counter opposite you. Her hands wrapped around the green mug as she took a dainty sip. Your shoulders sagged with relief.
“Thank you. I’m not very good at it either. It would be nice to have another friend that’s a girl here at the compound.” you smiled genuinely. Wanda grinned back.
“Wonderful. Well to be frank I’m exhausted. I’m normally up around now but sleeping on the jet really didn’t do anything for me. I don’t want to sleep again cause I want to readjust to this time zone, so I think I’m going to go meditate for a while if you’d like to join me?” she offered and you nodded.
“I don’t know if I’ll be any good at it, but I can try. I have never done it before.” you explained as you grabbed your journal and mug, following Wanda’s confident steps out of the kitchen towards the elevator.
“Don’t worry about it, I can teach you. Everyone meditates differently, but the important part is to calm your mind. However you choose to do that is up to you.” she explained, leading you to the elevator she pushed the button for the first floor and led you to the open training space.
“It’s just us and Vision home right now so we can use the training room, but when the weather gets nice I like to go meditate in the mornings on the roof. I think you’ll really like it,” Wanda beamed as the two of you grabbed some yoga mats and set them up next to the large bay window.
You followed Wanda’s lead and got comfortable sitting cross legged on the blue mat.
“Now there’s a few things people do when they meditate. You don’t have to but it helps to have a mantra or phrase to focus on while you meditate, especially if you’re a beginner. I use meditation to help me keep control of my powers. Sometimes large emotions cause outbursts or energy and I don’t want to hurt anyone…” Wanda trailed off, her eyes looked downwards and you could tell she was remembering something sad.
You shyly reached a hand out and placed it over the hand on her right knee.
“We are both here because we could hurt someone, but I think us being here is a testament to our desire to do good in the world, yes?” you asked.
You felt quite pleased when a small smile broke across Wanda’s lips.
“Yes, that is a very kind way to look at it. Where was I? Oh! Mantras! Since we’ll be meditating together I don’t think you’ll need one. It’ll probably be kinda confusing if we’re both chanting something. Since this is your first time ever, let's use today to focus on your breathing. Sit up straight and close your eyes.” Wanda instructed and you immediately removed your hand from hers and placed it back on your knees.
You straightened your spine and tried to mimic Wanda’s position.
“Take a deep breath, make sure to fill your diaphragm with air, not your rib cage. If it helps, try to make sure you don’t move your shoulders up and down.” Wanda explained.
You closed your eyes and inhaled through your nose, trying to follow Wanda’s instructions, you focused on feeling your stomach expand.
“Great! Now exhale slowly. If it helps you can inhale on counts of four, then exhale on a count of four.”
“What next?” you asked, cracking an eye to see Wanda had closed both of her eyes and begun the same breathing exercise.
“This is it. Focus on your breathing and allow the simplicity of the thought to soothe your mind.” Wanda answered softly, taking another deep breath at the end of her sentence.
You purse your lips, unsure of how breathing with your eyes closed like this could be the entire activity.
Not wanting to be rude to a new friend however, you straightened your back again and took another deep breath. You tried to keep your mind as blank as possible, letting your enhanced senses focus on everything else around you.
You slowed your breathing to match Wanda’s and listened to her relaxed heart beat. As she breathed, the slight shifts in her body wafted the smell of her floral shampoo past your nose. The tea you had both brought was cooling, no longer steaming mugs next to you both. The scent of the leaves changed slightly as the bags over-steeped and turned the fragrance slightly bitter. You could smell the plasticy matts in the gym, and the chemical cleaners that had been used last night. Your ears perked up as you heard the faint sounds of agents in the distance, too far away for you to clearly make out what was being shouted, but enough that you could tell they were running some kind of drill. Even fainter still you could make out the sound of running water behind the compound. Somewhere a bird was chirping.
“Feeling relaxed?” Wanda asked, a cheeky grin evident in her tone.
Slowly you blinked your eyes open and Wanda’s pleased face came into focus. You smiled, lazy and content.
“Yes, that was very pleasant. I don’t know if I could maintain that for long.” you answered.
“Snow Fox, check the clock. We’ve been here for almost an hour.” Wanda laughed.
You whipped your head around to see that she was right. You’d been breathing with your eyes closed for forty-five minutes. Letting out a small laugh of disbelief, you shook your head and grabbed your now-cold green tea and took a sip.
“You’re a very good teacher then.” Wanda just giggled.
“C’mon let's go find some lunch.”
After your first shared morning Wanda, true to her word, continued to act very casually around you.
You let her order you a salad she liked for lunch and she’d sat next to you at the island in the kitchen, bumping you with her elbow to emphasize a joke or in retaliation to any cheeky remarks you made. Once your plates were empty and the two of you decided to move to the media room. Wanda informed you that today would be a “girl’s day” because she wasn’t on active duty for another day since she just returned from a mission.
“Steve is really good about making sure we can all recover after a mission. He tries to make sure that if you have to leave the compound for an extended period of time, that your rest time after is comparable. Obviously there’s exceptions like Nat just went back out, but I’ve only been cleared for field duty in the last year. I think the others still like to treat me like the baby of the team.” Wanda smirked, instructing you to sit while she grabbed all the supplies to have “girl’s day”.
You and Shuri spent a lot of time together, but you weren’t sure exactly what kind of time together qualified as a “girl’s day”. Not that you wanted to admit it but you hoped it was as fun as movies had made it seem. You grabbed the remotes and did your best to get the tv set up. By the time you were able to find the Netflix menu you could hear Wanda coming down the hall.
“Okay! I didn’t know exactly what you’d need so I grabbed all of it. Let’s be pampered!” Wanda beamed.
You whipped your head around and let out a small laugh of disbelief.
Wanda was standing in the doorway of the movie room with a laundry basket loaded with all kinds of products. You quickly stood to help her carry the basket over to the coffee table and took in all the cosmetics in front of you. Wanda explained that she’d grabbed all of her nail polish, skin care, and several magazines for you to review. While she was explaining the difference between the regular polish and the uv gel, the ding of the dumb waiter chimed and Wanda dashed out of the room returning with a massive tray.
She’d seemingly ordered all the snacks in the world. Chips, cookies, cut fruits and vegetables, a charcuterie board (You’d had no idea sliced meats could be so fancy), and wine. Wanda had explained that after her birthday (her birthday was February 10th, a fact about your new friend that you happily tucked away) she and Vision had gone on a wine tour courtesy of Tony and wanted to show you all the different wines and ciders she’d bought herself.
“I know that the alcohol won’t affect you, but I thought maybe you’d like to try them. The ciders are apple, strawberry, and I think there might be one or two peach ones left.” Wanda explained as she handed you a brightly coloured can with a cartoon peach along the side.
You smiled and helped yourself to some more fruit while Wanda poured herself a glass of wine and picked something for you to watch. You cracked open the can of cider and found it was surprisingly tart (you assumed the alcohol made it that way) but not entirely unpleasant. You took another sip as Wanda browsed the tv guide for something the two of you would enjoy.
You discovered that she loved tv, specifically old sitcoms.
Your movie education had been quite extensive with Shuri, but you hadn’t had the patience for long, multi-episode story arcs. Wanda introduced you to “I Love Lucy” and the two of you applied mud masks and painted each other's toenails since you’d just painted your nails your favourite colour last night.
(She’d chosen a sparkly red, you’d gone for a midnight blue)
The alcohol did nothing for you as predicted, your metabolism breaking it down before you could get drunk, but sharing with Wanda had lifted your spirits.
After a couple glasses of wine, you discovered Wanda was a huge goofball.
Her Russian was surprisingly good considering it was technically her third language after Sokovian and English. The two of you had an easier time communicating than expected and it had been nice letting her explain some of the jokes on TV in your native tongue.
Wanda’s general aura of sweetness and empathy had set you at ease in the dark media room, letting you lower your guard just enough to have the living daylights scared out of you when Vision phased up through the floor to stand next to Wanda.
You shrieked and broke an empty wine bottle over his head.
“Vision!” Wanda admonished, picking a piece of glass out of her hair.
Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment as the android blinked at you.
“My apologies. I did not consider the shock I may cause. Most of the team is used to my phasing.” he explained.
“No, I'm sorry. They did warn me that you would probably do that. I’m sorry about your head.” You offered, grabbing a broom to clean up the glass.
“Vision doors,” Wanda whined.
You just smiled as you cleaned up, Vision grabbing a trash can for the glass before settling down on the couch next to Wanda.
“I will endeavor to use them more frequently.” he promised, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“So, FX-23, how are you settling into the compound?” Vision asked. Wanda smacked his chest.
“Vision you can’t call her FX-23! That’s not a name!” She protested.
“My apologies. I’ve been reading over some of your files from Hydra to try and help the team determine the end goal of your project. What should I call you instead?” He asked politely and you tilted your head.
“I don’t mind if you call me FX-23, no one really does anymore. Shuri started calling me Snow Fox. That’s what everyone else has been calling me,” you offered. Wanda smacked her forehead.
“That’s not a name either!” she cried, somehow more offended.
“Well it’s the only one I’ve got. Hydra didn’t give me a name, I had a project ID and a specimen code.” you deadpanned.
“My name at first was ‘The Vision’. Thor called me that. Over time, the ‘The’ was dropped and I am now Vision.” he added.
“You could choose a new name. Snow Fox should be your Avenger-code name, not your name name. Why don’t you pick one?” Wanda asked and you bit your lip.
You’d been okay with everyone calling you Snow Fox, you didn’t have anything else to compare it to. It hadn’t occurred to you that you could choose a different name. A more “normal” name. Wanda just stared at you expectantly and you smiled at her enthusiasm.
“Can we pick one later? I really want to know what happens in the chocolate factory.” you ask, trying to side step the question as Wanda’s eyes went wide.
“Oh my god we need to restart the episode. This one is iconic!” she squealed, you and Vision laughing at her as she fumbled the remote.
You looked over at where Wanda had tucked herself into Vision’s side as the episode restarted and smiled softly. After only a few hours spent with Wanda, you had a good feeling about her. She was soft and sweet, but still firm in her beliefs and a force to be reckoned with if the clips of her in combat were anything to go by. You had a good feeling that she would be an amazing friend if you could let her in. So when Wanda turned to you after a joke you’d missed on the tv, a tipsy and cheeky grin plastered across her face, you let yourself grin back at her and settled in for a long girl’s night.
A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you for being patient with me while I get CH3 ready for tumblr. You can also check out the fic on Ao3 from my master list, and I’m hoping to get CH4 edited and added soon☺️ If I don’t finish before the new year, I hope you’re all having a lovely and safe winter so far and enjoying any holidays you might celebrate💖
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princessgriffin1998 · 3 years
Specimen FX-23: Project Snow Fox // RECOVERY
Hi Everyone! 
Welcome to the first instalment of Specimen FX-23: Project Snow Fox. I've been working on this story and these ideas for about two years now and I'm so glad you clicked this post. The prologue is below the cut and the master list for the series so far, as well as the link to check the story out on Ao3 is pinned to the top of my blog. Thanks so much and enjoy!
Find the full story here!
Next Chapter
There was nothing at first. The warmth of your tank was soothing you as you rested.
Then there was pain.
An electric pain you couldn’t escape. Your muscles seized as you thrashed in your containment tank.
Suddenly you were falling forward.
Then there was white.
White and more pain.
Blinding lights.
Too bright and cold for you to keep your eyes open, you sputtered as you fell from your tank, wires ripping off your skin. The fluid that had been holding you upright draining into the grates below your knees and palms.
The lab was always too bright when they woke you, but something was off about today. By now you would’ve been grabbed off the floor to be dragged to the programming room.  Your handlers never liked to let you come to before they could program you for the upcoming training session. You’d only had two so far, but they’d all been successful. You knew better than to displease them.
There was a ringing in your ears. Waking always felt like your nerves being scratched raw with bright lights. You could hear voices, speaking rushed and quiet in English from across the room. Gulping down a large, greedy breath you tried to rub the remaining liquid out of your eyes, trying to straighten up for your handlers. Trying to bite down your nerves, bracing yourself for the electric current in the back of your neck.
The use of English raised even more suspicions. Your handlers almost never used English. You’d learned bits and pieces, enough to get information. They were having entire conversations. Blinking and squinting, your eyes tried to focus on the men in front of you.
A woman with red hair kept a gun trained on you. A red and gold robot with its hands raised stared at you from the other corner. You had not been aware there was a robotics program. How long had you been asleep?  There was a man with long dark hair, a riffle held in one flesh and one metal hand, whose eyes were locked on you from a few feet away.
“Uh, hi miss, could you tell us your name?” A tall, broad shouldered man in blue asked, extending his hand in a manner too kind for you. You blinked several times before the recognition set in. This man was the enemy. You remembered the training. A monster with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Steve Rogers.
Captain America had woken you.
Before you could absorb any other details about the strangers in front of you, you lunged, fingers outstretched like claws, wrapping themselves around his neck.
“Hail Hydra” you growled out before a pain in the back of your head dropped you back into unconsciousness.
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Thank you so much for reading!
Read "Recovery" on Ao3!
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princessgriffin1998 · 2 years
where is your masterlist?
I don't have a master list because I only have one story so far, but the master list for Specimen FX-23 is pinned to the top of my blog! :)
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