#Spider-Man/Venom Double Trouble
spider-man-sass · 1 month
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Peter Parker & Miles Morales: Spider-Men Double Trouble (2022) #4
I now need Spidey and Venom as roommates in the main continuity. If Peter can room with an obnoxious scrub like Boomerang then why not with Eddie and the symbiote.
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mechaking789 · 1 year
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I loves These Comics of Spiderman & Venom Double Trouble And Peter Parker & Miles Morales Double Trouble! ( Found These Images on Google)
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lizallanosborn · 2 years
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It's not technically Halloween for me anymore but it's still the season in every way that counts
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big-gay-apocalypse · 2 years
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// Peter Parker & Miles Morales: Spider-Men Double Trouble (2022) #1
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cosmolog · 1 year
Help him
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(Spider-Man X Female Venom!Reader)
This short will feature Spider-Man. You can imagine it as any Spider-Man but I just wanted to use this gif of Tom's version.
"It's really quiet tonight." Y/n said, sitting on top of a building, looking down at the city below for any signs of trouble. But there was nothing but traffic and the bright lights of billboards and advertisements.
"Maybe the bad guys are having a party or something. Annual meet-up?" Venom suggested, his floating head shaking from side to side. He was extremely bored.
Y/n hummed then stood, taking one last look at the city to double check for signs of havoc. "I guess we get a night off" She said, beginning to turn away from the city when Venom suddenly called her name.
"Y/n! Look!" Y/n whipped around looking where Venom was looking. The sky. A huge portal-like hole in the sky, mixes of blues, reds and purples swirling around it like magic.
Next thing they knew, a figure was falling from that portal. Y/n cursed before Venom formed around her and started jumping across buildings to get to the person before they hit the ground.
Venom jumped through the air, catching the figure mid-air and landing on a flat building.
Venom put the body down, going back inside. Y/n hesitantly looked over the figure. It was a man, dressed in some weird red and blue costume, lined with a black web-like pattern. A spider symbol in the middle of his chest.
He looked badly hurt, and if this was a superhero or something, then what hurt him? Would it be following after him? Y/n looked up to the sky again, not seeing any other mysterious people fall from the portal. The portal seemed to shrink, getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely.
"Shit" Y/n looked back down at the man, crouching in order to get a better look at him.
Parts of his suit were ripped, showing some of the worst injuries the hero had gotten. She went to rest her hand on his chest to try and wake him up when Venom stopped her.
"I know this asshole." Venom said, his head popping out to go close to the man's mask. He looked like he wanted to eat him.
"Venom. Leave him alone" Y/n scolded, making Venom back away slightly.
"This is Spider-Bitch. Or Spider-Man, as he likes to call himself. I met him before when I was with Eddie. We fought him but he found our weakness. Eddie and I couldn't find his. But now I know...Whoever beat him up is his weakness..." There was a beat of silence before Venom exclaimed. "Perhaps it's his sister!"
Y/n looked confused. "Does he even have a sister?" She asked, looking at the man's mask, half of the material ripped off to show the skin underneath. "Should I wake him up?" She asked, unsure of how to proceed.
"Yeah, give him a slap across the face" Venom grinned mischievously.
She gave him a look in response before gently placing her hand onto the man's forehead. "He's hot" She said, a little worried.
"You just met him" Venom said, shocked.
"Not like that. I meant he's too warm, which doesn't really make any sense. He's been here for a good minute, he should be cooled down by now, especially on a freezing night like this" Y/n told him. "Let's take him home and see what we can do for him"
"What!? No! There's no way I'm helping someone who beat me up and tried to burn me alive. No!" Venom immediately protested.
"This is most likely not the Spider-Man who fought you. He fell from the sky through a magic portal, for fucks sake" Y/n rolled her eyes at him.
Venom was silent for a moment before groaning loudly. "Fine! But I better be getting chocolate out of this!"
Venom formed around her before picking Spidey up again and taking off towards Y/n's flat.
When they arrived, Venom practically threw Spider-Man onto the couch carelessly, causing Y/n to scold him the minute he let her have control.
"Don't throw the guy around the place. He's probably really sore and we don't want you hurting him even more." Y/n said.
"Well, maybe I want to hurt him even more" Venom shot back like a snappy little teenager.
Y/n went to get some towels and cool water, placing the damp cloths on the man's head. The mask that he wore was missing an eye piece, allowing her to have a peek at his soft toned skin and closed eyes. She hesitantly began to remove the man's mask when he suddenly sprung to life, grabbing her wrist causing her to freeze and stare at him wide eyed.
"Don't...Please" He wheezed out, his voice broken. Yet his eyes held the most pain Y/n had ever seen in a person. By now Venom had gone inside to hide.
She let go of his mask. "Okay...But you have to cool down. Otherwise you'll get sick." She told him.
He looked away from her and stared up at the ceiling with soft sleepy eyes. "I just need to rest a little, that's all. I'll be fine in a couple minutes" He replied.
"Hate to break it to you, sir, but you've got loads of broken bones and shit. I shouldn't even have you at my house, you need a hospital" Y/n replied.
The man looked at her, shaking his head slowly. "I'm a fast healer. I'll be alright. Thank you" He gave her a small smile and rested his hands over his stomach, trying to get comfortable
Y/n looked down at his suit before glancing up at him. "I would ask your name but you're wearing a spider suit. I'll tell you now that we don't have Spider-Man here." She said, making the man look at her confused.
"Where am I?" He asked.
"San Francisco. But I assume it's not your San Francisco. You fell through some kind of magic portal. I saved you and brought you here. I'm Y/n L/n, by the way." The man stared at her, trying to wrap his head around what happened to him.
After a few beats of silence, he reached up, slowly taking his mask off to reveal a handsome face. He then spoke like saying his own name was unnatural to him. "I'm..Peter."
Y/n smiled a bit and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Peter." She stood up from her crouched position and headed to the kitchen. "I'll let you rest. Are you hungry at all?"
"Uh, yeah. If it's no problem-" Peter was cut off.
"It's no problem." Y/n smiled, before disappearing from Peter's sight into the kitchen. "Do you like curry?"
"Love it" Peter closed his eyes, relaxing more.
As Y/n got pans and other kitchen appliances out, Venom's head appeared beside her. "Why do you like him so much?" He asked, sounding almost..Jealous? Like a dog when their owner gets another pet.
Y/n glanced at him before retrieving the chicken from the fridge and curry from the press. "He's harmless. Like a little spider." She smiled.
If Venom could, he would've rolled his eyes. (Wait a minute, can he?) "Well, do remember that he tried and failed to kill me." He grumbled.
"And do remember that the Peter in there is not the one who tried to kill you" Y/n shot back.
"If he did it in one universe, he'll do it in all of them." Venom stated.
"No, V. If that were the case other universes wouldn't exist. Not one universe is the exact same as the other." Y/n corrected the Symbiote.
Venom rolled his eyes again. "You don't know Spider-Bitch like I do. He's dangerous, Y/n. You have no idea what he might do if he finds out about me" He tried to reason.
As soon as the food was cooking, Y/n peeped her head out of the kitchen, seeing Peter had fallen asleep.
"Just how dangerous is he? Look at him, V, he's a guy in cosplay" She chuckled at how Venom stayed hidden in the kitchen. "If he so much as thinks wrongly of us, I'll kick him out in a flash. You've got nothing to worry about, Venom. I'll protect you." Y/n teased.
Venom huffed. "And what are you going to do? Kill him with kindness?"
Y/n shrugged. "I was thinking about telling him to leave..?" She chuckled.
"Or we could just rip his face off while he's sleeping? He won't see us coming" Venom grinned at the thought, but his words flew over Y/n's head as she was too focused on the man sleeping on her couch.
His curly brown hair fell over his face, helping to shape it perfectly. Though he was riddled with bruises and cuts, he looked like an angel.
Meanwhile Venom was complaining to himself about how Y/n wasn't listening to him and they'd both end up dead by the end of this.
"I guarantee you; once he finds out about me, he'll kick us to Mars and back. You hear me? And it won't be pretty" Venom sneered his final warning.
"Calm down, Venom. As long as we stay on his good side, we won't end up on his bad side" Y/n finally replied.
Venom sighed in defeat, glaring over at Peter.
A good few minutes later, the curry was cooked. Y/n served it up onto two dishes. She grabbed the two plates while Venom held two glasses of water.
She placed the dishes, along with the glasses of water down on the coffee table. Venom made sure to stay hidden as Y/n lightly placed her hand on Peter's shoulder which immediately woke him up.
He shot up into a sitting position, whining at the sudden pain he'd caused himself. He looked around the room in confusion before his eyes landed on Y/n, who gave him a small smile.
"Sorry, you're a really light sleeper." She told him, sitting on the couch opposite Peter, the coffee table in between the two couches.
"It's alright." Peter shook his head, waving off her apology.
Y/n gestured to the dishes. "Curry's ready. I wanted to wake you so you wouldn't have to eat it cold. Um, I just got you a glass of water, do you want milk with the curry. It helps cool the spicy taste a lot better than water does" She offered.
Peter looked down at the dish and glass in front of him. "If it's no problem-"
Y/n chuckled. "It's no problem" She repeated, already standing up, grabbing the two glasses before heading to the kitchen. She came back in with milk in both and placed them in their original spots next to the dishes. "I hope you like it"
Peter smiled in thanks, lifting up the dish and beginning to take a small bite before quickly diving down for more.
Y/n smiled before eating her own serving. A comfortable silence fell as the two enjoyed their meals and each other's calm company.
"So after I helped Miles escape, 2099 came after me. I luckily walked away with just a few scrapes and bruises, that man is lethal" Peter stared at the ground as he finished telling his story.
It was a few days later, Y/n had allowed Peter to sleep in her spare room until he was back in shape again. Though his bruises and small cuts had healed, the big slash to his side still needed time.
"2099 sounds like the worst Spider-Man. He doesn't even sound like a hero." She said, shaking her head.
"He sounds like the key to the end of all Spider-People." Venom added.
"Don't get any ideas" She said to no one in particular.
Peter met her gaze as Venom said. "I wasn't getting anything."
"I have to go back there and stop him before something happens to Miles and his friends" Peter said, beginning to stand up only for Y/n to gently push him back down.
"You're in no shape for fighting." She reasoned.
"I'll heal on my way to kick 2099's ass" Peter said, stubborn as ever.
"We've had this conversation before, Peter. I know I've only known you for a week but you are hell-a stubborn." Y/n placed her hands on her hips.
Peter's eyes flickered down to them before quickly returning his gaze. "Look, I love this" He gestured to both her and her apartment. "But you gotta let me go do this. You can't keep me here forever, you know"
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Cocky as well.." She mumbled. "Fine, go ahead. Door's right there" She nodded in the general direction of the apartment door.
Peter stood up, this time not being pushed back down. He was really close to her now, their chests almost touching. "Thank you for your kindness" He gave her a small smile before starting to walk to the door, only to fall over after the first two steps. He face-planted, groaning into the wooden floor boards.
Y/n just crossed her arms and stared at him as he tried to crawl to the door, getting halfway only to give up again. "Huuuuuuuuh. Help me. Please" His voice was muffled slightly because his mouth was smashed against the floor.
Y/n tutted before helping him up. "Is that enough proof that you're not up to the task just yet, Spider-Man?"
"Who's cocky, now?" He just mumbled in response as Y/n helped him to the spare bedroom.
"We gotta get this guy out of our house, I'm suffocating" Venom whined.
All Y/n did in response was sigh. She helped Peter into bed. "In the morning I have something to share with you. So get some sleep."
"What is it?" Peter asked, now curious to know what she was going on about.
She went to close the bedroom door. "You'll find out tomorrow!" She chuckled. "Now sleep"
When she closed the door, Peter looked up at the ceiling, smiling to himself as he thought of what Y/n might tell him tomorrow.
On the other side of the door, Venom came out and stared at Y/n as she headed to her own bedroom. "Excuse me, what are you doing?" He asked.
"Nothing." She replied.
"Are you going to tell him about us?" Venom asked, irritated by the thought.
"I don't know." Y/n shrugged.
Venom moved in front of her so she would stop walking away from him. "You don't know? Why tell him you have something to tell him if you have nothing to tell him?"
"Because there's two things I could tell him. I could tell him I washed and fixed up his suit...Or I could tell him about us" She replied, heading to her wardrobe to pick out her bed clothes. "Which one would you like me to tell him?"
"The suit one. But I don't want you to tell him about us" Venom said.
"And why is that, V?" She asked.
"Because he will most definitely kill us" Venom replied.
She shook her head. "I can't see him doing that. He's too nice"
"Nice people are normally the ones that trick you" Venom stated. "Nice people can't be trusted"
"I'm nice" Y/n looked a little offended.
"Yes, but I'm taking the risk that you will not hurt me" Venom titled his head. "And you are doing the same for me"
"Goodnight, V" She smiled, getting into bed.
"Goodnight, Y/n"
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Spider-Man & Venom: Double Trouble (2019)
🐿 🐈‍⬛
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hollowsart · 2 years
Don't know if you're already aware (but just in case!), the cute Ock you posted from Spider-Men: Double Trouble is also in Spider-Man & Venom: Double Trouble ! Specifically the very last page of vol 3 and the first few pages of vol 4. Cannot get enough of his Double Trouble design ><
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Adorable. Look at him.
[link to read for anyone interested]
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Expanded Marvel's New York
Digital Deluxe Trailer 
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will launch for PlayStation 5 on October 20, 2023.
Latest details
Expanded Marvel’s New York
In the video, Creative Director Bryan Intihar provides a deep dive into our expanded Marvel’s New York, including the ways we’ve evolved the game since we last masked up and played as our Spider-Men. New locations, updated exploration, exhilarating traversal, near-instant switching between heroes, a rogue’s gallery of villains, new abilities and gadgets, and brand-new Suit Styles are just some of the ways we’re upping the game this time around.
So, what’s new?
In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’re nearly doubling the size of Marvel’s New York. Expanding beyond the East River, you’ll swing and soar over iconic landmarks across Queens and Brooklyn—complete with story missions, side quests, and city activities! This expansion also means even faster traversal options such as the Web Wings, which can be combined with traditional web swinging to move at exhilarating speeds.
Players will also be able to switch between Peter Parker and Miles Morales in the open world, near-instantly thanks to the power of the PlayStation 5. Both Spider Heroes are important characters to the grand story we’re telling in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and each will have their own separate side stories to uncover throughout the city. Help students at Brooklyn Visions as Miles Morales or accept new requests for aid as Peter Parker via the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app—you can even choose to tackle certain activities as either Spider-Man!
Kraven the Hunter and the monstrous Venom join our roster of villains and will strain our heroes, their relationships, and the place they call home. However, they’re not the only two villains causing trouble in the city. We won’t spoil it for you—but our Spideys will need to, ahem, #BeGreaterTogether, to stop them using many new skills, gadgets, and abilities!
In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’ve layered on a new set of abilities and skills for our heroes: Pete’s new Symbiote powers and Spider-Arms are aggressive and relentless; meanwhile, Miles brings an electrifying and thunderous quality to his bioelectric venom power, as well as Evolved venom abilities. Mix, match, and deploy these abilities with ease using a streamlined control scheme and combo them in fights in all-new Spidey style!
Speaking of style, let’s talk suits! Featuring 65 suits, which include new original designs and fan favorites from films and comics, players will have an expansive wardrobe of costumes to equip in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. We’re also delighted to announce Suit Styles, an all-new feature that unlocks alternate color shaders for some suits, which provide over 200 ways for you to outfit your Spider-hero!
The Digital Deluxe Edition
In May, we also revealed the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Digital Deluxe Edition featuring 10 exclusive Spidey suits, additional Photo Mode items, and 2 Skill Points. To bring these 10 suits to life, we partnered with several artists across comics, games, and films! We spoke with these artists to give us a little insight into their designs. We’ll be sharing deeper dives into these suits on Insomniac Games’ official social media accounts, so stay tuned!
Apunkalyptic Suit – Designed by Jerad Marantz: Make the best out of any situation with the Apunkalyptic Suit, featuring a low-tech design that shows what Peter Parker can do with limited resources and a strong will.
Stone Monkey Suit – Designed by Victoria Ying: Heavily inspired by Chinese legends, this suit brings an acrobatic and uniquely mischievous design to the world of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The suit is practical and stylish!
Tactical Suit – Designed by Bend Studios: From Bend’s concept artists Joel Mandish and Darren Quach, the Tactical Suit is inspired by Japanese media and the vast universe of comics. It’s a futuristic and lighter design that stands out in our roster of Digital Deluxe Edition suits.
Aurantia Suit – Designed by Raf Grassetti: The Aurantia Suit is an evolution of traditional Spider-Man designs that incorporates slick and practical spider motifs! Highlights include antennas infused into the mask elements, giving it a stealthy appearance made for Peter Parker!
25th Century Suit – Designed by Anthony Francisco: Featuring an ultramodern design, this suit incorporates a unique fishbowl-like helmet and an array of lights. This futuristic suit sports bulky yet fashionable boots and a sleek design all around.
The EnC0ded Suit – Designed by Kris Anka: The EnC0ded Suit brings a cyberpunk flare to Miles Morales’ wardrobe! If you look closely at the suit, you may spot a few interesting details such as abstract lettering reminiscent of popular phrases from Spider-Man lore!
Biomechanical Suit – Designed by Jerad Marantz: The merger between organics and mechanics, the Biomechanical Suit is inspired by popular anime creature designs, pushing an “otherworldly” style in its use of materials and themes.
Red Spectre Suit – Designed by Sweeney Boo: Let’s paint the town red! The Red Spectre Suit spotlights the young and adventurous nature of Miles Morales. It merges Spidey’s heroic motifs with stylish fashion!
Tokusatsu Suit – Designed by Julia Blattman: This design takes heavy inspiration from the world of insects and live-action Japanese media known as Tokusatsu. The design keeps Miles Morales’ iconic red and black color palette and incorporates a grand sense of Tokusatsu-like heroism!
Agimat Suit – Designed by Anthony Francisco: Inspired by the indigenous tribes of the Philippines, the Agimat Suit is a playful and colorful design suited for Miles Morales. The suit gives off a hint of royalty with its high contrast purple and gold color palette!
On top of all the exciting news today, we’re thrilled to announce a special collaboration with EARTHGANG (feat. Benji) to bring you “Swing,” a new music track featured in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Listen to it first in our Digital Deluxe Edition trailer! For “Swing” and other music from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, you can listen to the full soundtrack showcasing a score from award-winning composer John Paesano on your favorite music streaming platform starting October 20th.
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stackthedeck · 1 year
Who’s Gwenpool’s favorite superhero? Has it been said?
It hasn't been explicitly stated as far as I'm aware, she's supposed to be a general super fan kinda reader which gives her an advantage over all characters because she knows everything, but we can make a couple guesses about who her favorites are
For one, we know it's not Deadpool, she actually doesn't read any of his comics which I think is a hilarious little detail
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This is her room in the real world and we can see she's got a thor plushie and poster as well as a spider-man plushie and poster. There's also iron man, wolverine, hulk, and captain America stuff. Fair to say she's problem more of an avengers fan than an x stan
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and then this is her room in 616, still pretty avengers heavy, but it's got heroes that she's met already (except Captain Marvel and She-Hulk). Gwen was reading a Miles comic in her universe so obviously, she liked him before, but I do think she picks her favorite heroes currently by how willing they are to hang out with her
She also just is so dedicated to getting Miles to hang out with her. Peter Parker was in unbelievable Gwenpool for one issue and Gwen didn't even try anything. But with Miles, she really wants to be on a team with him, he's a major player in her first solo series because she's always seeking him out
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If she's shown reading a comic, it's always a spider-man comic the one she's reading here is Spider-Man double trouble with Peter and venom
Given this evidence I think it's safe to say she's biased towards Spider-Man, valuing both Miles and Peter just in different ways. This makes sense with her first attempt to get superpowers being her trying to get Peter to bite her so she gets Spider powers.
That being said...there's your favorite hero and then there's the hero that's your favorite because you've got a crush on them. It's pretty obvious that Gwen has no romantic feelings toward Miles...but there are other heroes who she's kinda weird around
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There's a theory that Gwen has a crush on Jane Foster because of the whole wall shoving thing and how flustered she was. I personally like this idea and you know she's got a picture of her in her room
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She is, unfortunately, a stucky shipper which like...girl you're a comics fan get it together. She also mentions wanting to see the winter soldier movie when in the pocket dimension working at the movie theatre so I think it's fair to assume she thinks they're hot
now you might be saying what about Reed Richards, she's canonically kissed him and to that I say, it was literally just a scheme to stay relevant. Check out Gwenpool strikes back #2 if you don't believe me (also check it out because it implies that Johnny isn't into women at all which... okay)
but my final answer is
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Kamala Khan! Gwen literally calls her best girl and you know what Kamala is one of the only heroes that is consistently kind and compassionate with Gwen, often being the only one to explain the rules of this world and recognize her as perhaps mentally ill. I don't think Kamala was Gwen's favorite before entering the superhero world, but I think just being around her and the other heroes has shifted her perspective
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spider-man-sass · 24 days
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Peter Parker & Miles Morales: Spider-Men Double Trouble (2022) #1
Sometimes I get more joy from these nonsensical kids comics that take place on Earth-whatever than I do the mainline comics and movies.
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rphunter · 1 month
Hello! I am looking for rp parters who are 20+ (I am over 25), I’m looking for someone who can write Eddie Brock (Venom) against my fem oc!
I want to include venom in some capacity. Eddie and my oc will be dating and Venom is there (obviously) but in a platonic way, I just love the interaction Venom and Eddie have and I think it would be fun to see how Eddie dating someone would fair for them. (I also have an idea that’s a little nod to the comics where my oc had a romantic past with spider man (Andrew Garfield’s) and Venom is outraged but won’t tell Eddie or OC why lol)
I am willing to double as it is only fair, my only requirement is that the same amount of effort is put into each side. I only do mxf or fxf. I can play anyone from Venom and I am open to playing Tom Hollands Peter Parker or another marvel character but I can’t write anything past endgame when the multiverse opened because honestly I’m having trouble following😅 wandavision is the exception to this!
I also hope to find a rp partner who is willing to brainstorm and talks ooc and does fun headcanons (not everyday!) but it does keep me engaged and excited about our story together. I write on discord as well!
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ComicList: Marvel Comics New Releases for Wednesday, May 24, 2023, by Charles LePage.
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Volume 25 Maximum Carnage TP, $39.99
Bishop War College #4 (Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99
Bishop War College #4 (Cover B Cory Smith), AR
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Phil Noto), $4.99
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Jim Cheung), AR
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Declan Shalvey), AR
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon Variant), AR
Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man TP, $17.99
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $4.99
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ken Lashley Symbiote Variant), AR
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Peach Momoko), AR
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover D InHyuk Lee), AR
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover E Ryan Stegman Venom The Other Variant), AR
Fury #1 (Cover A Adam Kubert), $5.99
Fury #1 (Cover B Chris Samnee), AR
Fury #1 (Cover C Mike Del Mundo), AR
Guardians Of The Galaxy #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Kev Walker), $4.99
Hallows’ Eve #3 (Cover A Michael Dowling), $3.99
Hallows’ Eve #3 (Cover B Marguerite Sauvage), AR
Hallows’ Eve #3 (Cover C Joshua Sway Swaby), AR
Hallows’ Eve #3 (Cover D Skottie Young), AR
Hellcat #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Pere Perez), $3.99
Hellcat #3 (Of 5)(Cover B David Baldeon Spider-Verse Variant), AR
Hellcat #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Betsy Cola), AR
Hellcat #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Lee Garbett), AR
Immortal X-Men By Kieron Gillen Volume 2 TP, $15.99
Iron Man #1 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99
Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 23 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 23 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 342), $75.00
Marvel Previews Volume 6 #21 (June 2023), AR
New Mutants Lethal Legion #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Javier Fernandez), $3.99
New Mutants Lethal Legion #3 (Of 5)(Cover B David Lopez), AR
Peter Parker And Miles Morales Spider-Men Double Trouble TP, $13.99
Punisher War Journal TP, $15.99
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $3.99
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Ken Lashley Frame Variant), AR
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Rod Reis Connecting Variant), AR
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #4 (Of 5)(Cover D Justin Mason Handbook Variant), AR
Spider-Man 2099 Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Rick Leonardi Book Market Cover), $150.00
Spider-Man 2099 Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Rick Leonardi Direct Market Cover), $150.00
Star Wars Darth Vader Black White And Red #2 (Cover A Adam Kubert), $4.99
Star Wars Darth Vader Black White And Red #2 (Cover B Declan Shalvey), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader Black White And Red #2 (Cover C Salvador Larroca), AR
Star Wars The High Republic #10 (Cover A Rafael De Latorre), $3.99
Star Wars The High Republic #10 (Cover B Leinil Francis Yu), AR
Star Wars The High Republic #10 (Cover C David Lopez), AR
Star Wars Volume 5 The Path To Victory TP, $15.99
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Alan Davis), $4.99
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau Virgin Variant), AR
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Nic Klein Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Taurin Clarke), AR
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon Variant), AR
Thor #34 (Cover A Nic Klein), $3.99
Thor #34 (Cover B Javier Garron Spider-Verse Variant), AR
Thor #34 (Cover C Mateus Manhanini), AR
Warlock Rebirth #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Ron Lim), $3.99
Warlock Rebirth #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Gil Kane Remastered Variant), AR
Warlock Rebirth #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Warlock Rebirth #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Phil Noto), AR
X-Cellent #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Allred), $3.99
X-Cellent #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Natacha Bustos), AR
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ‘Expanded Marvel’s New York’ and ‘Digital Deluxe Edition’ trailers
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Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Insomniac Games have released two new trailers for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2—one introducing the game’s expanded Marvel’s New York, which now features both Brooklyn and Queens, and the other introducing its Digital Deluxe Edition content.
Get the details below.
Expanded Marvel’s New York
In the video, Creative Director Bryan Intihar provides a deep dive into our expanded Marvel’s New York, including the ways we’ve evolved the game since we last masked up and played as our Spider-Men. New locations, updated exploration, exhilarating traversal, near-instant switching between heroes, a rogue’s gallery of villains, new abilities and gadgets, and brand-new Suit Styles are just some of the ways we’re upping the game this time around. So, what’s new? In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’re nearly doubling the size of Marvel’s New York. Expanding beyond the East River, you’ll swing and soar over iconic landmarks across Queens and Brooklyn—complete with story missions, side quests, and city activities! This expansion also means even faster traversal options such as the Web Wings, which can be combined with traditional web swinging to move at exhilarating speeds. Players will also be able to switch between Peter Parker and Miles Morales in the open world, near-instantly thanks to the power of the PlayStation 5. Both Spider Heroes are important characters to the grand story we’re telling in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and each will have their own separate side stories to uncover throughout the city. Help students at Brooklyn Visions as Miles Morales or accept new requests for aid as Peter Parker via the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app—you can even choose to tackle certain activities as either Spider-Man! Kraven the Hunter and the monstrous Venom join our roster of villains and will strain our heroes, their relationships, and the place they call home. However, they’re not the only two villains causing trouble in the city. We won’t spoil it for you—but our Spideys will need to, ahem, #BeGreaterTogether, to stop them using many new skills, gadgets, and abilities! In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’ve layered on a new set of abilities and skills for our heroes: Pete’s new Symbiote powers and Spider-Arms are aggressive and relentless; meanwhile, Miles brings an electrifying and thunderous quality to his bioelectric venom power, as well as Evolved venom abilities. Mix, match, and deploy these abilities with ease using a streamlined control scheme and combo them in fights in all-new Spidey style! Speaking of style, let’s talk suits! Featuring 65 suits, which include new original designs and fan favorites from films and comics, players will have an expansive wardrobe of costumes to equip in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. We’re also delighted to announce Suit Styles, an all-new feature that unlocks alternate color shaders for some suits, which provide over 200 ways for you to outfit your Spider-hero!
The Digital Deluxe Edition
In May, we also revealed the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Digital Deluxe Edition featuring 10 exclusive Spidey suits, additional Photo Mode items, and 2 Skill Points. To bring these 10 suits to life, we partnered with several artists across comics, games, and films! We spoke with these artists to give us a little insight into their designs. We’ll be sharing deeper dives into these suits on Insomniac Games’ official social media accounts, so stay tuned!
Apunkalyptic Suit – Designed by Jerad Marantz: Make the best out of any situation with the Apunkalyptic Suit, featuring a low-tech design that shows what Peter Parker can do with limited resources and a strong will.
Stone Monkey Suit – Designed by Victoria Ying: Heavily inspired by Chinese legends, this suit brings an acrobatic and uniquely mischievous design to the world of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The suit is practical and stylish!
Tactical Suit – Designed by Bend Studios: From Bend’s concept artists Joel Mandish and Darren Quach, the Tactical Suit is inspired by Japanese media and the vast universe of comics. It’s a futuristic and lighter design that stands out in our roster of Digital Deluxe Edition suits.
Aurantia Suit – Designed by Raf Grassetti: The Aurantia Suit is an evolution of traditional Spider-Man designs that incorporates slick and practical spider motifs! Highlights include antennas infused into the mask elements, giving it a stealthy appearance made for Peter Parker!
25th Century Suit – Designed by Anthony Francisco: Featuring an ultramodern design, this suit incorporates a unique fishbowl-like helmet and an array of lights. This futuristic suit sports bulky yet fashionable boots and a sleek design all around.
The EnC0ded Suit – Designed by Kris Anka: The EnC0ded Suit brings a cyberpunk flare to Miles Morales’ wardrobe! If you look closely at the suit, you may spot a few interesting details such as abstract lettering reminiscent of popular phrases from Spider-Man lore!
Biomechanical Suit – Designed by Jerad Marantz: The merger between organics and mechanics, the Biomechanical Suit is inspired by popular anime creature designs, pushing an “otherworldly” style in its use of materials and themes.
Red Spectre Suit – Designed by Sweeney Boo: Let’s paint the town red! The Red Spectre Suit spotlights the young and adventurous nature of Miles Morales. It merges Spidey’s heroic motifs with stylish fashion!
Tokusatsu Suit – Designed by Julia Blattman: This design takes heavy inspiration from the world of insects and live-action Japanese media known as Tokusatsu. The design keeps Miles Morales’ iconic red and black color palette and incorporates a grand sense of Tokusatsu-like heroism!
Agimat Suit – Designed by Anthony Francisco: Inspired by the indigenous tribes of the Philippines, the Agimat Suit is a playful and colorful design suited for Miles Morales. The suit gives off a hint of royalty with its high contrast purple and gold color palette!
On top of all the exciting news today, we’re thrilled to announce a special collaboration with EARTHGANG (feat. Benji) to bring you “Swing,” a new music track featured in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Listen to it first in our Digital Deluxe Edition trailer! For “Swing” and other music from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, you can listen to the full soundtrack showcasing a score from award-winning composer John Paesano on your favorite music streaming platform starting October 20th.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is due out for PlayStation 5 on October 20.
Watch the trailers below.
Expanded Marvel's New York Trailer
Digital Deluxe Edition
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cartoonus-maximus · 9 months
A Look Back on the Media I Consumed in 2023
(complete with graphics and bingo charts!)
♻️ = a re-read or a re-watch
According to Goodreads, I read 35-ish books in 2023. Let's break those down a little more.
📚 Books I Read:
"Bedtime Stories for the Criminally Insane" by Shawn Bailey
"Circe" by Madeline Miller
"FNAF Fazbear Frights: Felix the Shark" by Scott Cawthon et al
"FNAF: the Freddy Files Updated Edition" by Scott Cawthon
"Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Demigod Files" by Rick Riordan
"Peter Pan" by J.M. Barrie ♻️
"Rhinoceros and Other Plays" by Eugene Ionesco
"the Shadow Queen" by C.J. Redwine
"Sure, I'll Join Your Cult: A Memoir of Mental Illness and the Quest to Belong Anywhere" by Maria Bamford
"To Sleep In A Sea of Stars" by Christopher Paolini
"the Wish Granter" by C.J. Redwine
📚 (Comic)Books I Read:
"the Amazing Spider-Man: 2099 Companion" by Nick Spencer, et al
"the Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows vol 1" by Dan Slott, et al
"Archie's Holiday Magic Special" by Mike Northrup, et al
"Cryptid Club" by Sarah Andersen
"Fantastic Four, vols 1-6" by Jonathan Hickman, et al ♻️
"FF, vols 1-4" by Jonathan Hickman, et al ♻️
"Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man vol 1" by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
"Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Team-Up vol 1" by Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas, et al
"the New Fantastic Four: Hell in a Handbasket" by Peter David, et al
"Sabrina the Teenage Witch Holiday Special" by Kelly Thompson, et al
"Scooby Apocalypse vol 2" by Keith Giffen, et al
"Spider-Man and Venom: Double Trouble" by Mariko Tamaki
"Wolf Walkers the graphic novel" by Tomm Moore
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That gives us this year's reading bingo chart! Two full bingos and almost a third, so that's pretty good.
My favorite book this year was "Circe." I've been away from the classical Greek period for several years now, and Miller's book scratched a particular itch.
📺 Shows I Finished:
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo (best revision of the franchise ever tyvm)
Good Omens (finished season 2… honestly didn't like it as much as the first season)
Grimm (finally finished watching this damn series... I'm glad I did, but I don't think it was worth the time, tbh)
the Horror of Dolores Roach (we support women's rights and women's wrongs)
I'm A Virgo (the irony of watching it on Amazon Prime was not lost on me)
the Legend of Vox Machina (finished Season 1)
📺 Shows I'm Currently Watching:
The Adventures of Batman and Robin (1968, Filmation)
Being Human (American version, partway through Season 1)
the Feed
Frasier ♻️
the Legend of Vox Machina (partway through Season 2 rn)
Psych (partway through Season 2 rn) ♻️
Tokyo Vampire Hotel
🎬 Movies I Watched:
I may not have produced a lot of art or written much fic this year, but boy howdy did I watch movies!
the Addams Family 2 (2021, MGM)
the Aristocats (1970, Disney) ♻️
the Batman (2022, Warner Bros.)
the Birdcage (1996, MGM)
Black Panther (2018, Marvel)
the Black Phone (2021, Blumhouse)
Bros (2022, Universal)
Doctor Strange (2016, Marvel)
Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness (2022, Marvel)
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022, AGBO)
Hellboy: Sword of Storms (2006, Starz Media)
Invincible: Atom Eve (2023, Amazon)
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (2013, EuropaCorp)
Judy (2019, LD Entertainment)
M3gan (2022, Blumhouse)
Mama (2013, Universal)
the Map of Tiny Perfect Things (2021, Amazon)
Merry Little Batman (2023, Amazon)
Morbius (2022, Sony)
Nope (2022, Monkeypaw Productions)
Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl (2003, Disney) ♻️
Renfield (2023, Universal)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964, Rankin Bass) ♻️
Scooby-Doo and the Curse of the 13th Ghost (2019, Warner Bros.)
Scrooged (1988, Paramount)
Secret Window (2004, Sony)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023, Sony)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018, Sony) ♻️
Totally Killer (2023, Blumhouse)
Uzumaki (2000, Omega Micott)
Violent Night (2022, 87North Productions)
Wonder Woman (2017, Warner Bros.)
Words on Bathroom Walls (2020, LD Entertainment)
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And this year's movie watching bingo chart is... completely covered.
I have achieved ultimate bingo.
I'm not sure what my favorite movie of the bunch was, but "Nope," "Across the Spider-Verse," "the Black Phone," "Totally Killer," "Words on Bathroom Walls," and "the Batman" are all pretty up there.
I tried to watch a movie every Saturday of this year. I didn't hit them all, but I did manage to watch a whopping 33 movies, exposing myself to stories and genres that I normally wouldn't, and I'm very happy to have gotten that far.
I probably won't watch anywhere near that amount of movies in 2024 (I have other plans for the year that are going to be fairly time consuming), but this was a fun experience.
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cybercitycomix · 2 years
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Top New Marvel Comic Releases for the Week of January 18th, 2023.
Alien #5,
Avengers Forever #13,
Dark Web X-Men #3,
Deadly Neighbourhood Spider-Man #4,
Deadpool #3,
Hulk #11,
Invincible Iron Man #2,
Peter Parker & Miles Morales Spider-Men: Double Trouble #3,
Venom #15 +
Wasp #1.
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