#Spotify unwrapped writing prompt
dreamwatch · 9 months
For the Spotify fic challenge: Steddie, and lucky #13! ❤️
I got this ask on December the 3rd!! It took me forever to come up with something for this, but I got there! I don't think this is as heavy as the tags make it seem, but please heed them @thisapplepielife thank you so much for the ask, it really got the old brain box working!
Spotify Prompt: Free Fallin' by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (yes, Tom Petty again!)
Word Count: 3623 | Rating: T | CW: Period typical homophobia, homophobic language, chronic pain, internalised ableism, brief mention of AIDS crisis | Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington and His Parents | Tags: Protective Eddie Munson, Disabled Eddie Munson, Established Relationship, Meeting The Parents, Steve's Parents Are Trying, Not Beta Read
Eddie works fucking hard all week and he just wants to kick back on a Saturday, and do nothing. Feet up on the table, beer in one hand, pizza in the other. Maybe catch a film. Maybe watch a game with Steve. Whatever. It’s his time, he gets to choose how he spends it.
Instead, they’re sitting in the car outside the Harrington’s house, and Steve looks like he’s about to be fed to the wolves. Eddie’s never been brought home to meet the parents before. Usually, he’s never brought home at all. This is as hard for Eddie as it is for Steve. He’s deeply suspicious of Steve’s parents, of their suddenly wanting to meet the guy he’s shacked up with. To get a closer look at the guy who stole Steve’s chance for a good ol’ fashioned midwestern life, white picket fence, sweet wife, a couple of kids, briefcase and tie, trade in the bimmer for a Volvo. All that shit. All that shit that Eddie has no experience with, no desire for. 
Two years together, and this is the first time he’s been summoned. Steve says it’s because they finally believe him. They thought it was a joke at first. They stopped laughing, eventually.
Eddie doesn’t really know what to expect. Robin says his mom is sweet, his dad is nice enough but tough on Steve and there’s still tension there even though Steve’s in his twenties now. Dustin thinks his dad is a hoot, and somehow the idea of Dustin bonding with Mr Harrington feels like a betrayal. But Dustin doesn’t have the full picture, so. There’s that.
“We better go in,” Steve says, not looking at Eddie. Not really looking at anything. And that doesn’t really instil confidence in Eddie, about how all this shit is going to go down, because Steve has been telling him all week not to worry about it, it will be fine. But he’s sitting here looking like the world is about to end. And maybe it is. Maybe that’s exactly what’s about to happen, Steve’s world, that complex relationship with his parents that they cultivated with such tender hands, will just shatter once the reality of everything Steve has been telling them for the last couple of years manifests in their dining room.
Eddie might not have done this before, but he knows his part. Turn up, be polite, play nice. And above all things don’t bite if the other kids don’t play nice. Because Eddie will always be the one that gets the blame. 
He checks his hair in the rearview mirror one last time. It’s tied back, the tiniest bit of hairspray to tame it and stop any unruly hairs from escaping mid canapés. How uncouth. Picking clothes was a whole thing. ‘It’s not a formal dinner’, Steve said, no need to get gussied up, ‘I want you to look like yourself, to be comfortable.’ And Steve probably did mean that, truly, but it didn’t matter how many teeshirts and jeans combos Eddie tried on, none of them seemed to be the ‘Eddie’ that Steve was hoping to bring home to his parents. What followed was an argument, ‘You fucking choose then’, slammed doors, eased over with a kiss and ‘What about these?’ So now he’s in the Harrington’s driveway wearing a pair of clean black jeans, knees neatly hidden behind denim, and a long sleeve (always long sleeves) plaid shirt, which could almost pass for one of Wayne’s if it weren’t for the tiny little polo player embroidered on the pocket. He’s been permitted to wear a pair of Doc Martens he found in a thrift store in Indy, they’re clean and smart enough and they’re fucking comfortable and he needs that. Just one bit of comfort, one bit of him.
They stand on the doorstep and Steve knocks and it strikes Eddie as weird. He moved out of Wayne’s a while ago, but he still has his key, and if he knocked on the front door Wayne would ask Eddie what his last doorman died of. But he forgets sometimes that his upbringing is not the norm, that not every kid got saved from foster care by their uncle because their dad is in jail. 
Mrs Harrington answers the door, and Eddie’s seen pictures of her, he’s been in this house before (he’s done things to her son in this house that would definitely lower its market value) but she’s shorter than he imagined, and Steve bends over to hug her. It’s cute. 
Mr Harrington looms behind her and makes eye contact with Eddie briefly before moving to his son. Another hug, stiffer, with a manly clap on the back. But it’s not nothing, and some of that tension from before has already dispersed from Steve, he has some of his lightness back. A smile back on his beautiful face. Eddie’s not ready to let his guard down yet, he is after all the main course at this particular feast, and he’s just waiting for the cleaver to fall, the teeth to take hold (not teeth, not teeth, not teeth).
“Mom, Dad, this is…” Steve looks at him. Pleading. Loving. Accepting. Scared. “Eddie.”
“Eddie!” says Mrs Harrington, like she actually wants him standing in her hallway, god love her for trying. “It’s lovely to finally meet you.”
Oh God, he’s on now, isn’t he? Steve’s thrown him the ball and he needs to not fumble the catch, or something, he’s watched enough games now that some of it should be sinking in. 
“Mr and Mrs Harrington, it’s lovely to meet you both. Uh, thank you. For inviting me.”
“Amanda, please,” says Mrs Harrington, “and this is David,” and it’s pointed, a little spiky. Eddie likes that. David’s giving Amanda the evil eye and Eddie is trying not to smile about it.
“Eddie. Good to meet you,” the poor guy manages to spit out. And Jesus fuck, he holds his hand out to shake it, and Eddie has to resist the temptation to wipe his hands down the front of his jeans. He’s clean, every inch of him scrubbed and moisturised and cologned. Eddie doesn’t know why he’s sweating on this particular social norm, both Al and Wayne taught him the art of the handshake as a young boy. ‘Shake from the elbow, firm hand, and match their grip’ said Wayne. ‘Ain’t nothin’ worse than a weak handshake’ said Al. 
Amanda offers him the grand tour before Steve reminds her that Eddie’s been here before, only not when they were around. David bristles and walks away and that’s probably for the best all things considered.
They all walk through to the massive kitchen, and Amanda offers him a beer and he nearly breaks his fucking neck with the speed he takes it. 
“Dad thought because it’s such a lovely day we’d grill outdoors. How does that sound for a change?” Steve’s mom rests her hand on Steve’s back, and Eddie sees the movement, the slow comforting strokes. 
There’s a cough from the patio, and David Harrington looms in the doorway. “Why don’t you give me a hand, son.” Huh. Divide and conquer, and so early into the afternoon. Steve looks at Eddie and what is Eddie going to say? How dare you leave me to your mother so that you can bond with Daddy? I haven’t seen mine in years, hasn’t done me any harm. He’s a good boyfriend, so he nods and smiles, hoping that it conveys what he really means. We can leave whenever you need to. Just say the word. I love you.
Amanda bustles around in their kitchen, dicing cucumbers and tomatoes, making herself busy, keeping herself away from him. He’s propped on a stool at their breakfast bar because he needs to get the weight off his leg and he didn’t bring his cane because ‘I’m fine Steve, I don’t need it’, not because he didn’t want the Harrington’s to think he was weak or incapable of working, mooching off their son. Definitely not that.
“So, um, what do you like in your salad? Anything I should leave out? Steve didn’t really give me much to go on. I promise I asked.” She sounds like she cares whether he eats zucchini or not (not, decidedly fucking not).
“Ah, I’m not fussy, honestly. Just, you know whatever you guys usually have is fine.”
She looks over her shoulder, a little conspiratorially. “Not a big salad guy, huh? Don’t worry, neither is David. I know when I’m fighting a losing battle.”
Eddie returns the smile. He keeps throwing furtive glances outside, hoping he can just summon Steve to save him. He should be glad, to be honest, that Steve is still out there with his dad. If it was going badly he’d likely have returned by now.
Amanda keeps up the inane chatter, the small talk grating on him. This is so alien to him, so bizarre. He’s doing his best to keep up with her, though, because this isn’t about him. If they never accept him, never want to see him again, he’s fucking fine with it. But Steve loves them, and despite things being tense over the last couple of years Eddie’s pretty certain they love him.
Eddie’s sipping at his beer when he hears the knife slam against the marble countertop. 
Amanda spins to face him.“Look. I’m as uncomfortable as you, okay? So why don’t we just cut the shit.”
He puts his beer down, sits up and draws his shoulders back, ready for battle. He’s been waiting for this. Unfortunately, his leg decides to spasm painfully at the same time, kind of killing the image. He hisses, clutching his thigh and doing his best to massage the pain away as if that’s all it would take. He hates this, fucking hates that it happens in front of this woman of all people.
“Are you… are you okay?” Amanda makes her way closer, and she looks like she wants to reach out to him but can’t quite bring herself to do it.
Eddie takes a deep, calming breath. “It’s fine. I’m fine. It just… it happens. Sometimes. It’s fine.” It’s not even close to fine but he’ll be fucked if he’s telling her that. About his constant pain, about losing one job because he couldn’t keep up with the rest of the crew, about being shit scared he’s going to lose his current job for the same reason. About how he’s pushing himself so that Steve doesn’t have to carry the load. The Harrington’s don’t get to know any of that.
Amanda nods and creeps closer to him, finally pulling out a stool and sitting at the breakfast bar with him. 
“This is difficult for us. Steve and...” She gestures loosely at him, and he does his best not to tense up at that. “God I need a drink. Do you want another beer?”
He’s maxed out on his pain meds today, for all the good it did, so he really shouldn’t. Steve is particularly strict about that kind of thing. But Steve’s not here. So he nods and watches Steve’s mom pour herself a large glass of wine before returning with another beer for him. She knocks the whole thing back in under a minute.
“Steven’s my pride and joy. He was just such a gorgeous child. Kind, would scream with laughter, just so much happiness in him.” She plays with the rim of her wine glass, and swipes at the lipstick she’s left behind. “From the moment you find out you’re pregnant you think about the person they’ll grow up to be. You hope you’ll be a good parent, that you’ll do right by them. I had a life planned for Steve, in my head. He would come home with a beautiful girl one day and tell me she was the one. They’d get married, and have babies of their own. We’d have grandchildren to spoil.” Amanda smiles wistfully, watching Steve and his Dad through the kitchen window. Eddie hopes he’s okay, hopes Steve’s doing better than he is, anyway. It feels like there’s cement lining his stomach. 
“Mrs Harrington—”
“No,” she says, harshly. “I’m talking now, and you’re going to listen to everything I have to say.
“I thought, Nancy Wheeler, you know her?” He nods, silently. “Nice girl. He brought her home and I could see it in his eyes, you know? Just this… light. He was happy. I thought she was the one.”
“So did Steve,” he says before he can stop himself.
“When it didn’t work out, I felt sad for him, but my boys a catch. It’s not like he was going to be alone for long. But that spark, it just fizzled out of him. He carried this… I don’t know, sadness. He’d smile, and he’d laugh, but it was always there under the surface. And then he started getting into fights, vicious ones. The Hargrove boy put him in the hospital, did you know that?”
He did know that. Eddie had spent many a night lamenting the fact he’d never get the chance to punch Billy’s smug fucking face. He doesn’t tell Amanda Harrington that, though, just scowls and nods.
She tops her wine up again. Eddie just wishes she’d get to the part where she calls him a dirty queer and cuts him a cheque if he’ll leave Steve. He wonders how many pieces he could tear it into before throwing it all over her stone floor.
“When Steve didn’t get into college, David told him to get a job. We didn’t make him pay rent, but if he wanted money he was going to have to earn it. And he did. He got that stupid job at Starcourt, got up early every day, worked the weekends. We were both so proud of him.
“And then there was the fire…” Her voice shakes, and she looks genuinely upset, and, maybe for the first time today, he feels sorry for Amanda Harrington. “We were in Indy that day, having dinner with friends. We didn’t know what had happened. We got home late and he wasn’t here, but he was eighteen years old, you know? We thought he was out with friends. We weren’t worried.”
She takes a large breath, and let’s it out slowly. “We got a call at three in the morning to tell us our son was in the hospital. And when we saw him…” Her voice catches before she looks up at Eddie. “You’re not a parent, Eddie. So you can’t know what it feels like. You don’t know fear until you nearly lose your child. And we kind of did, a little. He was never the same after that,” she says softly. She gives a sour laugh. “And then it happened again.”
“Spring break,” Eddie says. She nods sadly.
Amanda pauses and swirls what’s left of her wine in its glass. “A few months after the earthquake, or whatever it was, he walked in the door one night and he just… He had that light back in his eyes and suddenly my Steve was home. And I knew he was in love.” She smiles, and Eddie sees Steve in his mother, just how alike they are. “It was like Nancy times a hundred. He was glowing. I was so happy to see him like that. And I asked him ‘When are you bringing this mystery girl home to meet us?’ and he’d be coy, get all shy. I asked him outright if he was in love and he didn’t hesitate, just said yes with a huge smile plastered across his face, and yet he wouldn’t bring her home to us.
“And then one day he sits us down and tells us that this girl who he has fallen so deeply in love with is… is a boy.” She looks accusingly at him, and he refuses to shrink under her glare. “And suddenly everything you thought about your child, everything you had planned for them, it’s gone,” she snaps her fingers, “overnight. Now I’m not worrying about teenage pregnancy, I’m worrying about AIDS—”
“That’s not—”
“No, let me finish! Let me get this out, for Christ’s sake.” She knocks back the last of her wine. “He’s explained, all of that to us. And how you’re being… responsible. But we’re old-fashioned. Traditional. Our son coming home and declaring he’s bi — whatever it is —”
“ — sexual.”
“Whatever it is,” she glares at him, “it’s hard for us. But here’s the thing. I haven’t seen him that happy in so long. Maybe ever. You gave him his light back. You. You with your long hair and your tattoos, and your bad reputation… ” She runs out of steam, and blows out a huge puff of air. “He says you talked him into going to college.”
Eddie nods. “He’s smart,” he says, fiercely proud. “Smarter than people give him credit for.”
“He is. I’m glad someone else sees it.” She gives him a ghost of a smile and he feels wrongfooted all of a sudden, no longer sure what they’re doing. The fight he thought he was gearing up for seemingly off the cards.
“We’re getting there, Eddie. And we’ll keep trying. He loves you. And we love him. You do love him, don’t you?”
Eddie’s throat tightens and he swallows hard. “So much it hurts,” he croaks.
She smiles, a tentative thing. Fragile. “Good. We’re on a journey, David and I. I’m a little further along… but he’s getting there. We’re both getting there. I hope you’ll allow us the time to catch up.”
And what can he say to that? His own father told him he was a dirty little freak and tried to beat the gay out of him. Steve’s parents just want more time. They can give them that. Eddie can give them that.
“If it’s okay with Steve, then it’s okay with me.”
Eddie watches the tension in Amanda’s shoulders melt away, the worried frown smooths. “Good. And… thank you. For your patience. And for looking after him. All I ever wanted was for someone to love him and look after him.”
“I will always love him.” And he means it, knows in his heart that whatever might happen in the future, whatever gets thrown their way, he will always love Steve Harrington “How could I not?” 
Amanda offers a shy smile and Eddie thinks maybe he’s done his job. Maybe, at the very least, she will accept them now, and try not to fight it.
She’s still smiling when she looks at the kitchen counter, at the mess of vegetables in various states of being chopped and washed. “You know what?” She gets up and grabs the vegetables, throwing them in the refrigerator with a slam of the door. She turns back to look at him, hands on hips, and Eddie bites back a smile. “Fuck the salad.” He’s open mouthed as she gestures out to the garden. “Dave doesn’t like it, Steve doesn’t like it and I’m not going to make you choke it down out of politeness.”
Amanda crosses the kitchen to him and offers her arm. “We have steps out there. If you fall Steve will kill me.”
Eddie wonders just what exactly Steve has been telling them, how infirm Steve seems to think he is and he’d be lying if it didn’t rankle him, but at the same time his mom is trying to do something nice. She thinks she’s helping. So he’s going to let her.
They walk out into the sunlight, arm in arm, and he sees Steve laughing with his Dad, they both look relaxed and happy and that’s all Eddie wanted from today. They look up as Amanda and Eddie approach, Steve locking eyes with Eddie, eyebrows raised in a silent question. Eddie smiles and nods and Steve visibly relaxes as he goes back to arguing about the best way to grill a steak.
The rest of the afternoon goes smoothly, and while it’s Steve’s Mom who does all the heavy lifting, his Dad isn’t exactly a silent partner. It feels so normal, family in-jokes and laughter and he can see how much Steve has missed this.
When they leave Amanda hugs him, giving him a warm smile, and David shakes his hand, a little longer and a little softer than the first one.
Steve starts the engine, the radio springs to life, and they head out of the driveway, back to their own home. Steve reaches across and takes Eddie’s hand in his. “Thank you,” he says, glancing away from the road for a second.
Eddie squeezes his hand. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“No, I do. I was a dick. The clothes, your hair… I’m sorry, okay? I was just…”
“Scared,” Eddie finishes for him.
Steve nods. “Scared.”
“They love you, Steve. Whatever happens. They love you, okay?”
Steve sighs, finally unburdened. "I know."
They pull up to a stop light, Tom Petty playing on the radio. Steve runs his hand through his hair, finally relaxed enough to muss it up. “Uh, Dad asked if you’d like to bring Wayne.” Steve glances across at him quickly, and then back at the stop light. “Next time?”
He’s not exactly sure what Wayne would say to an invitation to the Harringtons. But he does know that Wayne thinks the sun shines out of Steve’s ass, and there’s not much that he’d say no to if Steve was the one doing the asking.
“Sure,” Eddie says, and he reaches across to this boy, this man, that he loves so fiercely, and pulls him in for a kiss. “Next time.”
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impishtubist · 2 years
To the people in my inbox with Spotify Unwrapped prompts, I see you, I see all of you, and I make no promises about when/if I’ll be able to write these prompts but I have not abandoned them yet!
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some27-url · 3 years
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rhetoricalrogue · 3 years
2021 Writing Summary, Part 1
I was tagged by @ejunkiet, thank you!
Things you said when you were drunk prompt for Rolfe/Roz
Undress prompt for Vincent/Roz (Witch of the Wilds AU)
Things said with no space between us prompt for Charles/Nat
Person A pulling Person B onto their lap prompt for Vincent/Roz (modern AU)
Person A pulling Person B onto their lap + Rubbing circles onto one's back prompt for Ravena/Blackwall
Petrichor prompt for Vincent/Roz (Sweetheart AU)
WiP Whenevers, Snippet Sundays, Last Line memes: 1, 2, 3
Random OC lore/thoughts: 1, 2, 3, 4
Things said under the stars and in the grass prompt for Ravena/Blackwall
Things you said in writing prompt for Charles/Nat
a second Things you said in writing prompt for Charles/Nat
Things you said that I wasn't meant to hear prompt for Astrid/Adam
Things you said after you kissed me prompt for Lucas/Morgan
Things you said at the kitchen table prompt for Ravena/Blackwall (modern AU)
Things you said when I was crying prompt for Rolfe/Roz (modern AU)
Aspect abound prompt for Marian/Tristan (Moira and Nate never became Wardens, got control of Gwaren DAO AU)
#21 Fool For Love 2020 Spotify Unwrapped prompt for Zoe/Mason
Untitled Astrid/Adam ficlet
WiP Whenevers, Snippet Sundays, Last Line memes: 1, 2, 3
Random OC lore/thoughts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Angry Kiss prompt for Vincent/Roz (Sweetheart AU)
Absolutely Not a Date feat. @dwead-piwate-meggers Charlotte/my Charles
Maggie Stewart thoughts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (some of these are older, but Margaret, my beloved.)
Micro prompt #40 for Astrid/Adam
WiP Whenevers, Snippet Sundays, Last Line memes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Random OC lore/thoughts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
It's Only Forever Zoe/Mason ficlet
Falling Zoe/Mason micro prompt
#37 Lucas/Morgan micro prompt
#s 1 and 21 Rowena/Nate micro prompt
not a story, but a CONSTANT MOOD, aka, I love @alittlestarling SO MUCH
WiP Whenevers, Snippet Sundays, Last Line memes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Random OC lore/thoughts: 1, 2
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mjonesing · 4 years
Hi! 13-14-19 and 25, pls?? xx
13. favourite writing song/artist/album of the year
According to Spotify Unwrapped, I am in the top 0.005% of Kesha’s listeners this year, simply because I listened to her Rainbow album a trillion times to get me through lockdown. Oops. Top song was ‘Spaceship’, which inspired we are nothing more than recycled stardust and borrowed energy, and also in the top 5 was ‘Boots’ which inspired the when i’m with you series.
Aside from Kesha, then definitely Ruth B! She got me through what it means to living.
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Safe to say the answer to this is oh won’t you stay with me (because you’re all I need) for thotumn, since I decided maybe the day the event started that I was going to ignore my insistence on not taking part and do every prompt in one fic instead? Probably one of the most stressful decisions I’ve ever made, but I got through it and finished on time which makes it a major accomplishment!
19. any new fics to start next year
There is the final part of the when i’m with you series to come! As well as a series I cannot believe I’m writing but here I am with a three fic plan.
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
I am notoriously behind on fic, but here are a few I’ve adored more than words can say!
@spiderman-homecomeme conquered thotumn with her entire series honestly, but the nuts about you is probably in my top 5 fics of all time.
Anyone who has followed me for five minutes knows how much I love @forasecondtherewedwon and everything she writes, but the honour of her bonk fic that she wrote for me was as amazing as was infuriating for the way she teased me about it. Romance Novelish is also a top 5 of all time fic.
My boo @michellesbohh did a soulmate au that still makes me excited every time I see a pen. Every. Time.
fanfic questions I will answer if I’m not too drunk
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omgcpausandstuff · 4 years
For the spotify unwrapped prompt: my 19 is a little dark, its Disconnected by Aviators and Synthfox. A nondark one alternatively is I'd Rather Be Me from Mean Girls the Musical
Disconnected is dark, but rather than going for the whole vibe I’m going focus on lyrics because that is how my brain works:
“We’ve buried the truth”
AU where if you write something down and bury in the Haus backyard, you forget it until you dig it back up again.
“Crowded out / Yet alone / In this house / Not a home / I can't find the will to settle / In your eyes I see pain / Not quite mine / But the same“
Jack Zimmermann has always dreamed of the castle, as long as he can remember. It’s not a scary place really, just empty of people and endless - every night he returns to the last room he was in. It’s actually a refuge from the problems he faces in the waking world. He’s found interesting rooms, the kind you could spend your whole life in if you were inclined to but something in him kept insisting that he continue to explore. One day he finds a kitchen, and there’s someone there. The conversation... does not go well, and Jack storms off. A week later, despite not backtracking he comes across the kitchen again and the same man is there...
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bubbleteatae · 5 years
Christmas with Taehyung
25 Days of Christmas Challenge 
Prompt: Day 23 - Driving Home for Christmas Day 24 - Going to Bed Christmas Eve Day 25 - Waking up Christmas Morning
Authors note - This is very late, but it’s finally the last in my 25 Days of Christmas with Taehyung!
I’ve written the interactions with Taehyung’s family in English, and obviously they would speak Korean. I don’t speak Korean, so it was much easier for me to write something that flowed if it was in English. But just pretend that it’s translated from a Korean conversation hahah :) 
Also, if you haven’t read Day 1 and Day 2 yet, I suggest reading those first, as they are linked to this ending :)
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“This is the last of it” I announced to Taehyung as I passed him two large containers of food to put in the boot of the car, along with our suitcases and a box full of presents. It was the morning of Christmas Eve, and finally time to drive the 3 and a half hours to Taehyung’s family home for Christmas.
We did a final check on the house, as Taehyung scooped up Yeontan and we made our way to the car. Taehyung strapped Tannie into his harness in the back seat, while I jumped in the front, turning around and cooing at the small pup.
“You excited to go for a ride Tan?” I stated in a cute voice, causing him to start wagging his tail.
Taehyung petted the tiny dogs head with his large hand “we’ll make plenty of stops for you too.”
I turned back around to clip my seatbelt on as Taehyung climbed into the drivers side. He pulled across his own seatbelt and started the car before turning to me and smiling.
“What?” I laughed.
“Nothing” he beamed “I’m just excited to go home with you.”
“We’ll see if you still feeling like that after three hours in the car with me and my obnoxious singing!”
As if on cue, Yeontan barked.
“At least we know someone is” I laughed, turning to rub Yeontan under the chin.
Taehyung turned his head to look out the rear window, placing his tanned arm on the head rest behind me. The sight still causing me to swoon.
It wasn’t long into the drive before I picked up Taehyung’s phone connected to his radio, and scrolled through Spotify. I grinned at him once Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) started playing through the speakers.
“The snow’s coming down” I sang loudly.
“Christmas, I’m watching it fall” Taehyung joined in, just as loud.
“Christmas, lot’s of people around. Christmas, baby please come home” we sang together.
I looked over at my boyfriend, admiring how the morning sun lit up his dark skin and the way his cheeks hid under his sunglasses when he laughed, wondering how it was possible to fall more in love with a person each day.
“You okay? You’ve gone really quiet” Taehyung observed as we drove through his hometown. 
“Hmm? I’m fine” I smiled back, fiddling with a thread on my knitted jumper.
Taehyung glanced towards me and raised his brows, not buying my answer.
I sighed. “I guess I’m still a bit nervous visiting your family.. they’re wonderful! And so welcoming! But sometimes I worry that they’ll come to think I’m not right for you.. I don’t know..”
I immediately felt his hand reach to grab mine and squeeze it. “I already told you, they adore you. And if they didn’t it wouldn’t change how I feel about you. I wish you could see how much people love you.” Taehyung brought my hand to his lips, placing a quick kiss against the back of it before resting our joined hands back on the center console.
I couldn’t help but smile at how he spoke to me. I was still a little anxious, but Taehyung being right beside put my jittery tummy at ease.
The car finally pulled onto a long, stone driveway leading up to a picturesque country home. Taehyung turned off the engine and immediately squeezed both my hands, giving me a reassuring smile before we stepped out of the car and walked up to the front door.
Without hesitation, Taehyung wrapped his knuckles on the wooden door before opening it.
“Annyeong!” He shouted, slightly crouching as Yeontan squirmed out of Taehyung’s arms and ran into the house. I could hear rushing footsteps follow in reply, 
“Taehyung!” His mother greeted as she emerged from the kitchen, pulling the towering boy into a hug.
“Eomma!” His boxy smile and squinted eyes showed how happy Taehyung was to be home.
Taehyung managed to grab the box of food from my hands just before his mother pulled me into a hug. “Y/N, ahh it’s wonderful to see you again dear!”
“You too” I smiled, hugging her back, all my anxiousness disappearing. 
“Come inside, we need more hands in the kitchen to help prepare the food for tomorrow!” his mother urged, pulling us both through the hallway.
Taehyung and I glance towards each other and smiled - happy to be home.
Later that night
After an afternoon of preparing tomorrows meal, eating, and family board games, I was sat with Taehyung’s family in the warm living room, the tv playing in the background. My back was resting against my boyfriends shoulder as I listened to his family catch up on each other’s lives.
I could feel my eyes getting heavy as a result of the long drive and busy afternoon, and barely noticed myself beginning to drift into a light sleep. I faintly heard Taehyung’s voice utter my name and feel his body move as he chuckled.
“I think it’s time the two of us went to bed, this ones already fast asleep” I heard him say as he rubbed his hand up and down my arm.
It wasn’t until I felt movement that I reluctantly opened my eyes to Taehyung’s face, my arms draped over his neck as he carried me upstairs to his room.
“Hey sleeping beauty” he winked, laughing softly.
“I fell asleep” I admitted, before realising I had done so while socialising with his family. “I need to apologise to your parents”
“It’s fine” he smiled “they could see how tired you were. Besides, they’re happy you feel comfortable around them.”
I nodded sleepily as Taehyung sat me down on his bed, quickly changing into my pjs. I heard the tiny feet of Yeontan making his way into the room, and jumping up on the bed. He circled around himself before deciding on the spot at the end of the bed. Freshly changed into his own pyjamas, Taehyung crawled into bed and pressed his body against my own to create warmth.
I wrapped my arm around his tummy, pressing my head against his side, instantly sighing at his presence. “Goodnight Tae.”
“Goodnight my love” he replied, kissing the top of my head.
The next morning
I awoke to unfamilar surroundings, with a familiar arm clung around my waist. It took me a moment to register we were back in Taehyung’s family home and Christmas morning had finally come. It was the one morning I could never sleep in as I turned to face a sleeping Taehyung, lips slightly parted and pouting.
He must have felt me stir, causing him to grumble and slowly open his eyes to meet my own.
“Merry Christmas” I smiled, voice hoarse from hours of sleep.
“Merry Christmas jagi” he replied deeply, pressing his forehead to my own.
“Ah” Taehyung suddenly said, causing me to jump as he pulled away. He sat up from the bed as he looked for something in his bedside draw, his caramel skin and toned back on full display.
He handled me a small package, neatly wrapped in ribbon.
“Tae” I smiled.
“It’s your last advent present”
I couldn’t help but giggle, looking up at him in confusion “you do know you only have to go up to 24 days for advent, love.”
“I know” he smiled bashfully. “But this is a special one, and I wanted to give it to you on Christmas Day.”
I sat up on all fours, leaning over to kiss his lips softly “thank you” I smiled, as I began to gently unwrap his gesture.
I disregarded the fancy paper, revealing Taehyung’s gift. I held in my hands the cutest pair of baby booties and a confused look on my face. “Wha- Tae?”
He laughed, rubbing his hand through his messy bed hair.
“Did I miss something? You know I’m not pregnant..?” I laughed.
“No, I know!” He giggled. Taehyung took one of the boots from my hands and began to fiddle with it. “Remember when we went Christmas shopping and we saw all those children meeting Santa?”
I nodded at the fond memory.
“And I said I couldn’t wait to start a family with you. I wanted to show you that I meant that. And we will always have something to remember this moment.” He kept his gaze focused on the small boot, smiling shyly and cheeks slightly blushed.
I placed my hand on the side of his face, bringing his eyes to focus on mine.
“God dammit I love you so much, Kim Taehyung” I laughed as my eyes blurred from warm tears. I reached out for his hand, lacing our fingers together. “And I can’t wait to start a family with you.”
Without saying anything Taehyung immediately pulled me into a hug, singing as he pressed his lips onto the skin of my shoulder. “And I love you endlessly, Y/N Y/L/N”.
He pulled back to reveal a smirk, and whispered in his deep voice “but don’t make me wait too long” he winked, causing my lower abdomen to stir and my cheeks to flush. 
We were brought back to reality hearing the sounds of Taehyung’s family waking up, unable to contain their excitement of Christmas Day.
“We should probably join them” I spoke almost in a whisper, still transfixed by my boyfriends gesture.
“I guess you’re right” he smiled shyly, gently moving the strands of hair falling over my eyes.”Merry Christmas, Y/N” 
I learned over, pressing a soft kiss against his parted lips. “Merry Christmas, Tae.” 
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falsewings · 3 years
Okay but new writing prompt:
Tumblr media
[ID: generated by Spotify Unwrapped. List is titled as My 2021: The Movie Soundtrack. The song for the Opening Credits is "BIRTHDAY" by Jeon Somi. The song for The Big Kiss is "Sweet Tooth" by Cavetown. The song for The Dance-Off is "Ice Cream" by Blackpink and Selena Gomez ]
I'm just saying, this is a great starting outline for a teen rom-com
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effywild · 8 years
I have a couple of projects on the go (free!) that I am totally loving right now, and since I’ve got a few minutes before I have to fling myself headlong into my day of coffee & art, I thought I’d pop in and tell you about them.
The first is Journal52, which is continuing again this year. Last year, Sarah Trumpp and I provided two prompts per week, which was overwhelming but super fun. This year, Sarah is taking time off from Journal52 to focus on her Etsy & Patreon – both of which are well worth a look! I took over the weekly posts, and will be doing one prompt a week based on a collection of 52 art cards I created last year. A new card will be released each week with a write up on the card, including a key word, synonyms, an art prompt, and a pondering on the key word intended to nudge you in the direction of self-inquiry. There’s a way to sign up to get email notifications of the new posts, and you’ll find that little sign up form in the right hand side bar.
There is some SUPER GORGEOUS work happening in the Facebook Group, which you can find here. It’s totally free, though tips are welcome, and the group is full of kindness and gentle witnessing despite it’s ginormous size (we’re almost at 11 000 at this point).
This project started with the accidental purchase of a ‘too small’ daily planner from Moleskine. When the tiny planner arrived (it’s 3.5 x 5.5), I was bummed, because I’d intended to purchase the ‘large’ size. As I unwrapped it, though, I thought “OH HEY! TINY DAILY PAINTINGS!”, and #MiniMoleyDaily was born.
This is not a ‘challenge’. There are no prompts, and no rules except that you work small (smaller than 4 x 6). The intention is to simply share what we’re doing in our tiny little journals.
This project has been so satisfying. I’ve kept up (which is miraculous), and I’ve even filmed every spread for my YouTube channel. I sat down last night and watched the playlist from start to finish, and you know? It’s pretty squeeworthy. And I’m really excited about what this baby book will look like at the end of this year when I’ve successfully filled it with tiny works of journal art.
There is no website for this project, but we do have a Facebook Group. The energy in the group is honest, kind, and supportive, because that’s how we roll in my world. I’ve been really heartened to see people putting their real lives down on the page on a regular basis. It feels subversive, delicious, and revolutionary to give ourselves this kind of space and time to be with ourselves. You’re most welcome to join in the fray, and if you want some inspiration, subscribe to my YouTube Channel, where I’m uploading new videos multiple times a week. Click here for the #minimoleydaily playlist.
Here are a few spreads I’ve created so far.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
In Other News
It’s been a really beautiful week in my little bubble of art, coffee, furbaby, and little else. I work. I listen to Spotify. I have friends over. I leave the house as infrequently as possible (because WINTER! And PANTS!). It is a bit weird to be straddling contentment and outrage. The world outside is in no way mirroring the world inside, and it is causing a bit of cognitive dissonance. How can I be so g-d happy when the world is falling apart around me? I dunno, but I’ll take it, especially considering the total suckage of the years previous.
I’m awake. I’m seeing what’s going on. It moves me. I do what I can, and then I tip toe quietly away and back into sanctuary. It’s the best I can do.
BOD is rocking my socks off.
The first month in BOD has seen a total explosion of art and communing. The group of artists who’ve come together this year are throwing themselves into creating satisfying art journal practices that are tailored to their specific needs & desires. I am loving the art they are creating, the journals they are binding, the conversations we are having. It feels like a haven, which is really a theme that’s emerging. I’m creating spaces that feel so cosy, so safe, and I have no idea how I’m doing it. It’s just *happening*.
This spread was created for this coming Monday’s class. We’re focusing on papers as focal elements – how to stack them, how to work with complimentary colour, how to create depth, etc. If you haven’t joined us yet, but you’ve been thinking about it, well, NUDGE! I’d love to have you. There’s so much content already, and since you have indefinite, unlimited access, you’ll have all the time in the world.
And here’s where else to find me, in case you’re looking for something fun, uplifting, or inspiring to take on!
Life Book 2017 | One Bad Ass Art Journal | Let’s Face It 2017 | Pull. Pen. Paint
And also here:
    I don’t usually do summits like these, but when Eli invited me, I couldn’t say no because RITUAL and also because ELI! :)
Alrighty, my loves. I’m off to the studio to get painty. I hope you find some beauty this weekend.
xo Effy
Loving These I have a couple of projects on the go (free!) that I am totally loving right now, and since I've got a few minutes before I have to fling myself headlong into my day of coffee & art, I thought I'd pop in and tell you about them.
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