#Spun Nikki
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 4 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Trigger warning- past child abuse, homophobic language
Previous Chapter
Chapter 16- Crash and Burn
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After months and months of nonstop touring. Perform, fly to the next city, perform and repeat with no breaks, it burnt the guys out.
Mötley Crüe were pushing the limits of their sobriety. They were exhausted, so depleted, so devoid of all thought and emotion and it wasn't even the end of the tour yet.
"Lemon drop?" A waitress offered, walking over to Mötley's table at the local club while holding out a tray of brightly coloured shots.
"No, thank you. Just some more waters." Nikki politely declined from across the table.
"This is great." Vince commented sarcastically raising his glass of plain water.
You kicked his boot from under the table causing him to glare at you, but he didn't say anything before leaning back against his chair with a heavy sigh.
The rest of the guys tried to distract themselves from the alcohol by watching the girls dance on the poles at the far side of the club, but that clearly wasn't working for Vince.
Tommy excused himself to try and phone his wife again. But it had been a week straight of not being able to reach Heather due to a busy work schedule and it was taking its toll on the drummer.
"They're keeping us on the road. Fifteen new days in Canada." Nikki informed taking a sip of his drink.
"I haven't seen anything about any new dates." Vince responded with a frown.
"Check your itinerary, man."
"I would, but somebody doesn't think it's important to let the lead fucking singer know what the fuck is going on here." Your brother snapped before aggressively grabbing his glass of water and drinking the last of it.
You glanced between him and Nikki, relieved that the bassist didn't retaliate at your brother's hostile tone. Everyone was getting worn out, tempers were running thin, and it was only a matter of time before someone broke.
"Guys, I fucked up." Tommy announced, right on cue.
He plonked himself down on his seat at the table looking tired and miserable.
"Heather's been all weird and distant and I drank." He admitted guiltily staring down at his hands. "Well, a little. I had one shot and I'm sorry."
"I'm gonna have a fucking cocktail too, man. What are you gonna do about it, Nikki?" Vince challenged.
"Everybody falls off the wagon once in a while-"
"Fuck you, man." Vince cut him off causing Nikki to shoot him a heated look. "Fuck off! Fuck the rest of this tour. It is the No Fucking Fun tour, and I am sick and tired of not having any fucking fun."
"Vince-" You tried to say but he abruptly stood up from his chair and began marching off.
"I don't wanna fucking hear it!"
You watched him walk off in the direction of the bar before Nikki shot to his feet and went after him.
Oh, here we go.
You jumped to your feet as well, Mick and Tommy remaining seated watching on to see what would happen as you rushed across the club towards them.
"Hey, we're not done!" Nikki shouted grabbing Vince's jacket.
Your brother spun around and shoved Nikki in the chest hard causing the bassist to stumble back a step.
"We fucking are, man."
"Enough. Both of you." You ordered, stepping between the two of them while holding your hand up towards your brother ready to stop him from doing anything else while eyeing Nikki cautiously out the corner of your eye.
You loved them both dearly, but Vince had more of a temper than Nikki. So, it was him you were worried about at the moment, but you also knew how angry Nikki could get if provoked.
Vince glared at Nikki over your shoulder, his mouth thinning with displeasure before he looked down at you and clenched his jaw tightly as if holding back what he wanted to say.
"Let's just sit back down and take a breather, yeah?" You suggested holding your brothers gaze, but he simply shook his head before looking at Nikki behind you.
"Oh, and by the way..." He began to say, his voice hardening ruthlessly as he grabbed a shot from a waitress walking past. "Here's to your sober band."
Vince down the shot before dropping the glass letting it shatter against the ground before he turned and shouted over his shoulder.
"Get me that itinerary, bass player."
Vince marched off towards the bar and you glanced back at Nikki who looked ready to charge right back after him.
"Don't." You warned, shaking your head. "Just let him cool off."
Nikki let out a heavy exhale but nodded allowing you to walk him back to the table where Mick and Tommy were sitting having watched the whole thing. None of them commented on it, they didn't have to.
Eventually, you convinced the manager to send the band home for a while and you had never seen the guys look so relieved.
They all loved the rockstar life and wouldn't trade it for the world. It was all their dreams coming true, but even Mötley Crüe had their limits and they had found theirs.
After the much-needed break, the band got back into the studio and started working on the next album. Everyone was keen to try and top Dr. Feelgood, everyone except for Vince. Your brother hadn't just drunk that single shot at the club. He had gone back to drinking like he used to before rehab, and it was bad.
Sharise had filed for a divorce and when he returned from the tour, the mansion was empty. His ex-wife had taken his daughter and left without a goodbye. So, Vince turned to the only thing he knew how to do to numb the pain, drink alcohol.
They were all slipping off the wagon again, but Vince was the one who was letting it affect his work. He would constantly show up late to the studio and sometimes, he just wouldn't show up at all and everyone was getting sick of it.
There was a bad storm today, but the guys all came to the studio anyway, battling the conditions but Vince wasn't there despite living the closest. The longer they had to wait, the more pissed they became.
Nikki slammed the phone down after another failed call to Vince's house.
"I'm telling you, guys, everything is fucking upside down and flip-flopping. And while we're waiting for our lead singer to get his head out of his ass, we're getting left in the dust, man." Tommy grumbled, but you knew where this conversation was going. He had said it too many times to count and you didn't want to hear it.
"Tommy, zip it." You warned, glaring over at him from your spot on the couch.
"I'm just saying, bands replace their front men, and it still works. Van Halen-"
"I know Van Halen fucking did it 'cause you say that every single time Vince misses a fucking rehearsal." Nikki said cutting him off.
"Well? Mick?" Tommy asked looking over at the older man for backup.
"Shut it." He ordered causing Tommy to sigh. "Where is this asshole? Every second that goes by, I feel another bone rotting from this fucking disease. Call the prick again."
Nikki lowered his bass and walked back over to the phone on the table, but once again, there was no answer.
"Y/N, seriously, where the fuck is your brother?" Nikki asked, slamming the phone down so hard you feared he may have broken it.
"I'm not his fucking keeper." You snapped from where you were lying on the couch before sighing and taking in a deep calming breath. "He's going through shit. Just give him some time."
"We're all going through shit, and he's had enough time. I'm sending him a fax." Nikki muttered before he stormed out the room.
Nearly an hour later, Tommy sat behind his drums while Nikki and Mick stood nearby with their bass and guitar around their shoulders trying to work out a rhythm for a new song.
You stood in front of the microphone taking over from your brother's position like you usually did whenever he missed these rehearsals. You could not sing like Vince in the slightest. You were a backup singer at the very most, but hearing the lyrics being sung helped the guys with their instruments so you agreed to do it.
Suddenly, the door to the studio slammed open and the music died as Vince marched inside, his hair and clothes drenched from the pouring rain still pelting down from outside.
"Someone wanna tell me what the fuck's going on here?"
"Let's save us all some time, especially yours, Vince, as it's clearly more fucking valuable than ours!" Nikki shouted, walking up to your brother until they were practically toe to toe.
You lowered your hand from the microphone pole and took a few cautious steps towards them not liking how hostile this conversation was already.
"You'd better tell me what the fuck's going on, man." Vince growled.
"What's going on is we're down here, and we're working, and we wanna be here, but we are tired of forcing you to be here with us."
"Maybe I'd come in more if I liked the material."
"Maybe you'd like the material if you were in the studio making it with us instead of staring at your fucking watch!" Tommy barked from behind his drums.
"Yeah, I'm staring at my watch because this album is fucking stupid!"
The bullshit flew back and forth between the guys like a game of tennis until Vince finally threw his racket at the ground.
"You know what? Fuck all y'all. I am done. Fuck this. I quit."
"Good, 'cause you're fucking fired!" Nikki snapped.
"I quit already, dick." Your brother said over his shoulder.
"Whoa, wait, wait." You jogged after him. "No. Vin, bro, come on. Let's just talk about-"
"I'm done."
"Vince-" You grabbed his arm, but he shoved you back forcefully causing you to trip over your own feet and fall to the ground, hard.
"Fuck off, Y/N."
"Whoa!" Nikki shouted, stepping forward protectively.
"What the fuck, man? She's your sister!" Tommy exclaimed, rushing around his drums and dropping to his knees beside you to see if you were okay, but you waved him off.
"She's just a fucking slut who spreads her legs for you guys!" Vince spat.
The room fell silent.
The only sound was the old clock on the wall ticking by at each passing second.
You, Tommy and Nikki froze. Your eyes widened in shock and Vince smiled maliciously.
"You thought I wouldn't find out about that?"
Nobody said anything. You didn't know what to say and doubted you'd be able to speak even if you wanted to.
How the hell did he know?
"When I figured it out, and I figured it out pretty fucking quickly. I wanted to kill you both." Vince growled glaring at Tommy and Nikki. "But I didn't. That wasn't weakness. It took everything."
"Let me explain-" you began to say but he cut you off.
"Explain what? That you're a slut who fucks the two nearest guys?!"
You jumped to your feet in an instant and stalked over to him getting in his face.
"You have no fucking right to say that to me!" You hissed. "Not when you fuck every girl that comes close to you. Not when you cheated on your wife all tour and then wondered why she fucking dumped your ass."
The second the words were out your mouth, you regretted them. It was a low blow. It was true but you shouldn't have said it. Vince was struggling enough as it was with Sharise leaving and his daughter going with her. You shouldn't have bought them into this argument.
Vince took a sudden step forward and you flinched back a step, waiting for the backhand that never came.
Vince had never once laid a hand on you. Even when you were kids and fighting, he never got physical. The two of you got enough hits and bruises from your father, you didn't need to do it to each other. But after what you just said, you thought that he would.
Instead, he glared down at you. His hands clenched together tightly by his sides like he wanted to fight but was holding himself back.
"You are treading on some thin fucking ice, Y/N." Vince warned. "Don't push me."
"Then don't call me a slut and we won't have a problem."
Vince laughed, but it wasn't his usual happy laugh. It was forced and it was mean.
"Then you shouldn't have spread your fucking legs for them!"
"Whoa, that's enough!" Nikki shouted from behind you.
Vince's eyes darted over your shoulder towards the bassist and hardened.
"I told you. I told both of you that my sister was off limits. I fucking told you!"
"We know." Tommy sighed.
"That's all you have to say? You fucked my little sister behind my back and that is all you have to say to me?!"
"What do you want us to say, man?" Nikki asked. "We can't undo what we've done. And you know what? I don't want to undo it. I liked it."
A cloud of warning settled over Vince's features. His jaw tensed visibly, nostrils flaring, and you knew what he was about to do.
You had seen your brother in enough fights over the years to know the signs. From schoolyard fist fights to bar brawls. You knew when Vince was about to start swinging and it was now.
His eyes were zeroed in on one thing, and one thing only: Nikki Sixx.
Vince stepped around you, fury making his boots strike the ground in heavy thumps as he marched up to the bassist. Nikki didn't back away. He stood up straighter, chest expanding, and shoulders pulled back making himself look bigger and fierce.
"Guys, don't." Tommy rushed over knowing as well as you did that this would not end well.
Vince was probably more experienced in fights, but Nikki could hold his own if he had to.
Tommy reached for your brother's shoulder trying to defuse the situation, but Vince shoved the drummer away easily. He stumbled back a few steps crashing into his drum set and knocking over a cymbal with a loud crash.
Nikki was quick to shove Vince back in retaliation for pushing Tommy. Your brothers body staggered back a step not expecting the sudden strength from the bassist before he got his footing and marched right back up to Nikki, his hand forming a fist by his side.
"Enough!" You yelled, slotting yourself between them putting your hands against their chests holding them apart. "Back off. Both of you."
"Let's just talk about this." Mick spoke up from across the room.
"There's nothing to talk about. You guys are fucking dead to me." Vince snarled pointing at Nikki and Tommy before his hard eyes narrowed down at you. "And we're fucking done."
Vince didn't wait for anyone to say anything else before he abruptly turned on his heels and marched towards the door.
"Vince, come on. I'm your sister-"
He glanced over his shoulder and shook his head, "not anymore."
Your hand fell from Nikki's chest. Tears burning in the back of your eyes as you watched your brother leave the studio.
He was gone.
Mötley Crüe was over.
And it was all your fault.
The door slammed shut behind Vince causing you to flinch at the loud bang. You didn't move. You didn't say anything. You just stood there staring at the closed door through blurry tear-filled eyes.
Tommy picked up his cymbal from the floor before taking a hesitant step towards you.
"Y/N..." He began to say but got lost for words.
What could he even say? It was over. It was all over. It was your fault and your brother had disowned you.
"I don't even care anymore." You sighed, wiping the tears from your eyes before slowly walking towards the door. "I’m out."
"Y/N, wait. Don't go." Nikki begged, rushing over and grabbing your arm gently. "Please don't go. Not like this."
You turned and smiled sadly at him through teary eyes.
"Guess you were right all along, Sixx." You thought back to the day he caught you and Tommy in bed all those years ago. "I did end up ruining the band."
You pulled your arm free easily from Nikki's grasp and he didn't try and stop you as you turned and walked out the studio.
Vince's bright sports car sped off down the street in a blur of red paint before skidding around the corner and disappearing out of sight leaving you standing on the sidewalk in the rain.
You thought back to when the two of you were teenagers. Back when Vince had his hopes and dreams set on becoming a rockstar.
Your brother had just left with his surfer buddy to catch some waves before dinner leaving you alone in the house doing your homework at the kitchen bench.
Halfway through trying to solve fraction equations the front door of the house slammed open followed by loud heavy footsteps. Your grip tightened around the pencil hating how you could tell your fathers bad mood by the sound of his footsteps alone.
Choosing to ignore him, you continued working on your math homework with your head down while your father marched across the house. He was muttering and swearing to himself as usual, dumping his lunch bag on the dining room table before walking into the kitchen past you and grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge.
"Where's your fucking brother?"
"I dunno." You shrugged writing down your calculations.
Vince was currently grounded and not allowed to leave the house after school for the next two weeks. There was no way in hell you were about to snitch on him to your father.
"Hey, look at me when I'm talking." Your father ordered.
Your head instantly snapped up at your father's stern tone and silently cursed yourself for showing disrespect like that.
You met your fathers’ dark eyes, his lips pressing together in anger before he shook his head and pointed to Vince's guitar that was laying across the couch. Your fathers leather couch.
Vince had forgotten to put it away before he left.
"Where did he get that from?" Your father demanded.
Ah, crap.
Well, technically, Vince stole it.
"I don't know." You lied.
"I'm fucking sick of this music crap and the gay clothes he's starting to wear. No son of mine is wearing that shit in public. I didn't raise a fucking fag!" Your father growled, glaring at the guitar on the couch.
"He's not gay for wearing those clothes." You mumbled softly under your breath but the second the words were out of your mouth, you knew it was a mistake.
Never talk back.
That was his number one rule, never talk back. Your father was huge on respect and responsibility. He had drilled that into you and Vince as kids and you had just broken that rule.
Your father was on you like a rash and before you knew it, you were being hauled from your chair and slammed up against the kitchen cabinet.
His breath smelt like whiskey, having already been down to the local bar after work to drink and spend money the family didn't even have. It was nothing new, but now you understood why his anger was on a shorter leash than usual.
You stood up straight, your back pressed against the wooden door of the cabinet, but despite how strong you were pretending to be, you were scared. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and you could feel your hands starting to tremble by your side.
You were so dead.
"What have we talked about?"
This was a test.
He was giving you a chance to correct yourself. A chance to plead your guilt and apologise, but you were goddamn sick of apologising to him for stuff that didn't warrant it.
You remained silent tilting your head up high maintaining eye contact to show you weren't afraid, but he knew you were. He could always tell. And you were always afraid.
"Speak when spoken to!" He shouted, his face inches from yours causing you to flinch back.
"Vince can wear whatever he wants." You answered, hating the way your voice trembled. "It's not your decision and it doesn't make him gay."
His jaw clenched and you knew exactly what was about to happen.
A split second later, his knuckles collided with your jaw snapping your head to the side, blood filling your mouth.
"You are a slow fucking learner, girl." He hissed, looking down at you before you spat blood at his face.
He was already pissed. Might as well make it worth it.
His fist instantly collided with the side of your face again, the force of the hit slamming the back of your head against the cabinet door behind you. His hand balled into a fist against the collar of your jacket, pressing you harder against the door.
Your stepmother suddenly walked into the house only just getting home from work, but completely froze when she saw the scene in front of her.
You glanced over at her, silently begging her to do something, to say something, to help, but she never did. Your father suddenly grabbed your chin and turned your head back towards him, forcing you to look at him, and only him.
"Go to your room and don't come out until school tomorrow. No dinner either."
Then, he released his hold of you and walked out the kitchen, but you remained leaning against the cabinet for a few minutes breathing heavily and fighting back the tears you could feel rising in your eyes.
Your stepmother stared at you for a moment, sadness washing over her before she walked away without a word.
You peeled yourself off the wooden door and grabbed Vince's guitar from the couch before your father could break it. Dumping the guitar in your brother's bedroom, you made a beeline for his window and slid it open before climbing out and running away from the house and away from your father's wrath.
A few minutes later, you were walking along the soft floury sand of the beach. The sun was shining brightly in the vast never ending blue sky above you and just the scent of salt water and fresh air made you feel better.
Seagulls were squawking above your head as they flew by searching for leftover food while you walked along the shore in the shallows of the sea.
Looking around you noticed that the beach was fairly secluded. There were no normal sights of tourists with day-glow tans, no tacky food stands or chattering children. The beach was completely empty at this time on a weekday. It was beautiful.
The entire stretch of golden beach was bare except for two figures in the distance, surfing along the waves gracefully.
You slowly made your way down the beach, sand crunching under your feet with each step until you reached his towel that was laid over the soft sand and you sat down on top of it.
Vince and his surfer buddy were cutting through the waves with ease, soaring along the coast like they had done it a thousand times before, which they had. You and your brother practically lived at the beach. It was your safe haven away from the drama at home.
Closing your eyes, you took in a deep calming breath memorized by the rhythm of the waves breaking on the shore as you savoured the salty air.
When you opened your eyes again, there was only one surfer still out there, but you could hear footsteps in the sand approaching you.
Tilting your head to the side, you spotted Vince walking towards you with his surfboard clamped under his left arm. The second he saw the angry red mark on your cheek his relaxed and happy expression hardened.
He stared at your cheek and gritted his teeth in anger before he dropped his board down onto the sand. He grabbed a can of coke out his friend's cooler nearby and held it out towards you while motioning towards the bruising mark.
"What happened?"
"Nothing." You dismissed grabbing the coke and pressing the cold can to the side of your face with a wince.
"Y/N, what did he do this time?"
You sighed, looking away from your brother hating how you could feel tears beginning to burn in the back of your eyes.
"I'm going to fucking kill him." Vince growled, but you knew he couldn't.
Sure, Vince was getting older and stronger, but your father was an ex-military man turned mechanic. Vince couldn't beat him in a fight, not yet anyway. The still healing blackeye on your brother's face was enough evidence of that.
You weren't going to tell him about the things your father had said. He had made it clear to your brother about his hate towards the music and glam style clothes. Vince didn't need a reminder about that, and you didn't want him to stop wearing that stuff just because of your stupid father.
"One day, I'm getting us out of that fucking house." Vince said, sitting down on the towel beside you. "Away from this shitty neighbourhood. Away from him. Away from all of it. I promise."
"You can't promise that." You whispered, wiping the tears from your eyes.
"I can." He insisted. "Soon, I'll be in a band, and we won't have to see him ever again."
You wanted to believe him. You really did. Vince had the skill to make it as a rockstar, that wasn't up for debate, but the chances of it happening? Pretty slim.
"No matter what happens, we stick together, yeah?" Vince said looking over at you.
You tilted your head towards him and smiled, "you and me against the world, bro."
"You're damn right."
He wrapped his arm around your back and pulled you into his side. The salt water from his long-wet hair mixed in with your tears as you rested your head against his shoulder.
The two of you sat on the beach together with your toes in the cool sand watching the waves crash along the shore while silently dreading the thought of going back home.
Now, you stood alone outside the recording studio in the rain, salty tears falling down your cheeks.
Vince had made it as a rockstar. He kept his promise and had gotten you both out of that abusive home, but now he was gone.
No matter what happens, we stick together.
What a bunch of bullshit.
Next Chapter
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lainiespicewrites · 13 days
Electric Summer pt 5
A/N: I'm sorry this took so long but please let me know what you think! and Enjoy!!
Plot: Sy and Lainie lead the kids in a scavenger hunt, spend some time at the beach and catch up finally spending some quality time together.
Warnings: Cursing, explicit language, fingering, orgasm
Not Beta'd, I claim my mistakes and will die on that hill lol
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“Lainie come on, the boys are catching up!” Emma called from the front of our group. I laughed and shook my head. 
“The boys,” I said, “are still one clue behind us, and they’re going the wrong way.” The girls laughed. 
“Okay but we still don’t know where we’re going!” Emma groaned. The girls stopped and turned to me. “Will you look at the clue again?” She asked, holding the card out. I nodded and took it from her. I read over the words on the page. ‘Frisbee, No! Football! Softball? Maybe flashlight tag! Just don’t wander too far from the pack when its dark or you’ll get lost in the woods.’ I thought for a moment while the girls continued to bicker. 
“It’s gotta be the softball field by the lake!” Nikki argued. 
“They said there won’t be two clues in one area, we already found our clue there under home plate!” Emma said. I stared at the card for a little longer and it clicked. I knew exactly where we were going. And if the boys had caught up then Logan would too. 
“Girls follow me! There’s no more time for arguing, come on!” I spun on my heels and we took off in the other direction. 
“Where are we going?” One of them squealed from behind me. 
“We’re going for  a hike!” I said. They didn’t argue but the puzzled look on their faces was priceless. I lead them to the opening of the path in the forest. 
“What does this have to do with a sports field?” Nikki asked. 
“You’ll see,” I said. “Hurry I think I hear the boys!” We took off in the woods. I tried to remember the path but it had been years since I’d been on this path. And it hadn’t been in the daylight. 
“You’re gonna let the girls beat us?” I heard Sy say somewhere behind us. They were catching up. The twigs snapped under our feet as I started to run quickly down the path trying to remember. 
“They’re catching up!” Emma called. 
“We can’t out run Sy have you seen that guy?” Nikki panted.  I looked back at the girls and laughed. 
“Come on, don't quit on me now! We’re almost there! I think..” I snickered. 
“You think?” One of them questioned from behind me. Instead of answering I lead them on a sharp left off the path through a small space in the trees. The boys were right behind us. Logan knew exactly where he was going. We had to find the last clue first. The counselors had a cheat sheet to help lead to the clue but we were only allowed to lead our campers to the right area not help them find the clue. The girls had to do this by  themselves. 
“Where do we even look? It’s all grass and trees!” Emma was extremely competitive and her brother was in Sy’s cabin. She was hellbent on not letting the boys win. 
“Read the clue again,” I suggested. 
“I’ve read it like 10 times! You’re the one that got us here!!” she cried. It took everything in me to hold back my laughter. I forgot how dramatic teenagers were. It wasn’t so long ago that I was one. 
“Okay, calm down,” I said softly. 
“Lainie this is no time for calm!” she said. Just then Ethan and the rest of the boys came running through the trees. “See!!” she said. 
“They haven’t found it yet!” one of the boys said. And they started running around the field flipping over rocks and shaking tree limbs. 
Sy stood leaning against a tree with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. I walked over and watched our kids all searching in a panic. It was chaos. 
“That …is your strategy?” I asked. Watching one of the boys attempt to climb up a tree. 
“Got us this far.” he said tearing his eyes away from the group and looking over at me. “You worried we’re gonna beat you?” He raised an eyebrow. I laughed so hard I snorted. I blushed covering my face. 
“Not a chance, pretty boy.” I smiled and bit my lip. Sy smiled and inched closer. 
“You remember this spot?” He asked his voice just above a whisper. I nodded. My cheeks felt even hotter. 
“I do. You got us in trouble.” I said. 
“That’s not how I remember it,” He chuckled. We heard a loud gasp from one of the girls. 
“I found something!” immediately the boys groaned. 
“You cheated!” Ethan yelled. Nikki rolled her eyes. 
“We did not cheat, if you guys didn’t search like cavemen maybe you’d have found something! Whatcha got Em?” She asked her. 
Emma stared at the little charm in her hand confused. 
“It’s not a card like the others but it has our cabin letter on it like it's supposed to.” she said. I walked over and looked at it Trying to hide the smile on my face. Logan and I of course knew what the twist at the end was. “What is it?” she asked gesturing to the charm. 
“It looks like it’s incomplete. Look on the side, that’s a tiny magnet. Like it’s supposed to connect to something, and on the back where our let is… it started to spell and …but it’s cut off.”
“So we have to help the boys find their piece?” Nikkie asked. 
“Yup,” Sy nodded leaning in over my shoulder. “We have to return back to campfire site with our complete charm as a family before everyone else to win the scavenger hunt.” He said. Without another word the kids scattered. They broke off into teams of two each boy and girl. Searching together. 
“Where did you find your piece?” Chase asked Emma frantically.  
Nikki yelled at Ethan as he tried to climb another tree. They were all workign hard searching to find the other piece.
 All except one. 
Beckett still lagged behind, I followed Sy as he approached him. 
“Hey man, How was Ryleigh, when you she left?” he asked him. He was startled not expecting us to be there. I watched as he tried to put on a face for us. Trying to mask his anxiety. I was a pro at that, or I thought I was. Logan always managed to see throught it when we were kids. I’m sure he could now too. 
“She was okay, her ankel was really hurting, though. I just feel bad.” Sy nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. 
“That’s not your fault Beck. Stuff like this happens all the times. Lainie and I had a friend that sprained her ankle during a game of kick ball while we we’re here. Accidents happen. Don’t beat yourself up bud.” Beckket nodded sadly.
“Yeah,” He mumbled softly. “Uh her parents said if her ankles not broken and if she can take it easy she can come back to camp. And the nurse told Ryleigh while we were waiting she doesn’t think it’s broken.” He said. I gave him a soft smile. 
“Thats great. I’m sure she’ll be just fine and we’ll be seeing her in no time. You guys were becoming good friends huh?” I asked. I looked over at Sy and he was already looking in my direction trying to hide a smirk. Beckett ran his hand through his hand nervously and face got red. 
“Yeah. She’s just really cool and um…”
“WE FOUND IT!” Ethan yelled from across the field. 
“That’s our Que,” Logan smiled and nodded toward the others. We quickly joined them and found that they had in fact found the other piece connecting the two into one charm.  
“What did we find exactly?” Nikki asked. 
I observed the charm in Emma’s hand. It was round. Almost spiraled with little square pieces etched into it. 
“It looked like an old film reel. But we’ll have to find out!” 
“She’s right! We better head back to the campfire circle before we lose first place let’s go!” Sy called. He managed to get them all amped up again. Even Beckett. It was cute how competitive he was still. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me. 
“What’s that all about?” He smiled as we jogged behind the kids following them back to camp. 
“Nothing,”I said, “you're just, still you.” I blushed softly. Logan chuckled. 
“I’d hope so.”  He raised an eyebrow and I laughed 
“No, I mean, you really haven’t changed since we were here, it’s …cute” I smiled. He smiled big, pulling me in and stopping to kiss my head. 
  “You’re still that same beautiful girl I never stopped thinking about.” He said. I looked up at him for a moment. I was lost in the way he was looking at me. Like I was the only thing that existed in that moment.  
“Lainie! Sy! Come on! Carrie and Andrew’s Cabins are catching up we have to go!” Emma called. Our trance broke and we both looked at each other wide eyed before we started running again. An awkward giggle escaped my lips but the moment had passed, we didn’t have time to discuss it anymore. We quickly caught up to our campers and we jogged the rest of the way to the campfire, which was about as far away as a football field. We just beat the other cabin there by about 20 seconds. 
Emma and Nikki and Ethan all ran to the center where the camp director Becca was waiting  for them. 
“Alright! Our first place scavenger hunt Winners!  Cabin C and Cabin H. Let’s see your charm!” She said enthusiastically. Emma handed it to her. “Great! So since you’ve one first place you get the first choice to either Make a trade or keep your charm. Your charm tells us what  your activity is for tonight. And this one!” she paused looking at the piece in her hand. “Is a drive in movie night ont he lawn! Grab your blankets. We’ll have plenty of snacks and if your counselors are nice enough you may just get a double feature!” She looked over at us and winked. “You’ll get an opportunity to do all of the activities in the scavenger hunt. This just means you get first pick. Its up to you.” She handed back the charm and greeted her next group, turning them loose back to us. 
Sy was the first to speak when they headed back our way. 
“Well what do you think? Should we hold on to it and wait to see what everyone else has? Or should we keep it and plan our movie night?” The kids thought for a minute. Some of them were obviously exhausted from all the running. Then Beckett spoke.
“I think we should keep it! We’ve done a lot of running around today already. It’s supposed to be nice out tonight and if Ryleigh comes back it’ll be super chill and it’ll be something she can handle with her bad ankle and she won’t have to feel left out right when she gets back… uh.. If everyones cool with that?” Sy silently put a hand on his shoulder and I smiled. 
“I think that’s a great idea Beckett. I certainly don’t want anyone left out. It’s nice of you to think of her.” One of the boys snickered but Ethan turned and smacked him on the back of the head. 
“Dude shut up,” He said. 
“I didn’t say anything!” Chase argued. 
“You were gonna! If homeboy wants to be in love, let him.” 
“Boys!” Sy Barked quickly stopping their argument and saving Beckett from further embarrassment. “Knock it off, you’re both pretty.” he smirked. “But we’ve got other things to settle.” The girls fell into a fit of giggles. Before finally answer the matter at hand. 
“I don’t mind,” Nikki said. “I’m tired already and we still have half the day left. We should just chill tonight! And I want our friend to be included!” she said. 
“Yeah me too! I really like Ryleigh, I feel so bad that she got hurt! I want to help her feel better when she gets back. I think that’s a good idea Beckett!” Emma said. The other girls in our cabin agreed. The all seemed to have bonded quickly that first night. Ryleigh was quiet but I guess I wasn’t the only one keeping an eye on her. That made me feel good. 
The boys agreed. Ethan saying something about ‘bro code’. If looks could kill Beckett would have knocked him out.
We headed back to the campfire and the kidslet Becca know that we were staying with our movie night. I checked my watch and saw we still had like 3 hours to kill before dinner. We were going so hard for the scavenger hunt we literally almost missed lunch. 
“Okay, Well you guys have free time now. If you're gonna swim or go Boating give yourself enough time to get back here and dry off for dinner! If you need either one of us I think I’m gonna head down to the beach myself and Sy…?” I asked, looking over. Again his eyes were already on me. My throat immediately went dry. 
“I’m gonna head down to the beach too, you know where to find us or you can find anyone with a radio and they can get ahold of us for you! Be safe, don't do anything stupid! Go have fun! We’ll meet you at the dining hall at 5:45!” He told them. They were running off in different directions before he could finish his sentence. “And then there were two,” He chuckled.
“Yeah,” I chuckled, “and here I thought they liked us,” I said. Sy let out a soft laugh his shoulder brushing against mine. “I should, go get ready,” I blushed. “I’ll… meet you at the lake?” I asked.”
“Uh, Yeah,” He cleared his throat, “I’ll see you there,” He said quickly. And we headed off in separate directions. 
This was turning out to be much harder than I thought. It’s clear that we both want each other. But its not like we can be reckless and flirty and be all over each other when the kids are around. And I’m not sure thats what I want. I can’t get over the way he kissed me in the woods this morning. I can still taste him on my tongue. Being near him. Lights something up in me. But I’m terrified. I’ve never really done this before. Everything he’s done for me. Even without touching me, makes me feel better and makes me feel good. What if I can’t do that for him. What if I’m bad at it. I clearly don’t have nearly as much experience as he does. I don’t have any at all. What if we when I am ready… I suck at it. And When would we even have time for something like that? Does he want that? Am I not doing enough for him now? No, he would say something, and we literally just saw each other for the first time in 7 years 2 days ago! but… What does he expect from me? I felt my heart racing.
When I got back to the cabin it was empty. All of the girls were running around elsewhere. I flopped down onto my bunk and took a deep breath. Breathe Lainie. You're not a child anymore. You’re the adult here. I took one more deep inhale before I sat up and started to sift through my bag. My best friend had talked me into bringing a couple of two pieces I'm not so sure I'm comfortable with. As I was pulling the bathing suits out there was a knock on the door. Surely that couldn’t be Logan. 
I stood quickly and opened the door. Ryleigh was there with her Dad. She was on crutches but her ankle was only wrapped tightly in a bandage. “Hey, sweetheart!” I said quickly trying to keep the surprise off my face. I looked at her dad and gave him a gentle smile, “what did we find out?” I asked him? He returned my sympathetic look and patted Ryleigh on the shoulder.
“It’s sprained but not too bad. Dr just wants her to take it easy a couple of days, try to stay off of it best she can. But he okayed her to come back. And she begged us. I couldn’t say no.” He chuckled. 
“Dad,” she blushed.
“Alright, you just be careful, watch out for any flying footballs” he winked teasing her.
“Ugh,” she groaned. I chuckled softly. 
“We’ll take good care of her and keep her in one piece. Thank you for bringing her back! The kids were worried about her!” I told him. We said our goodbyes and I let Ryleigh get settled in.  “Are you doing okay, How are you feeling?”  I asked her. She sat on her bunk and let out a deep exhale that resonated with me  more than it should have. 
“My ankle hurts,”She said flatly. “But it’s really not too bad. I think I’m just overwhelmed. That was a lot happening at once.” I nodded and walked over  to sit with her on her bunk. 
“I understand. We were all really concerned about you, I’m glad you came back!” I told her. She smiled shyly. 
“I was having fun, I wasn’t gonna let this stop me,” She said. 
“I’m really glad to hear that!” I smiled. She looked over at my bunk, her eyes landing on the swim suits. 
“Were you about to go to the beach?” she asked. 
“I was, I was going to meet Sy down there, but If you wanna chill out and relax for a while I can hang out here with you!” I offered. 
“Actually… Can I come with you? I’ll have to just sit in the sand but I wanna get out in the sun and not just mope around.” she said. 
“Of course you can! Do you think you can get down there okay?” I asked, gesturing to her ankle. She nodded. 
“I’ll figure it out.”  she said. We both changed into more beach appropriate attire. I went back and forth for a moment about which swimsuit to wear, it was Ryleigh that helped me decide. 
“He already likes you, ya know.” she said. “Sy, I noticed the way he looks at you. But if you want his attention… The blue two piece is really cute.” she said. I wanted to protest. Or to retort with literally anything. But I couldn’t. I wasn’t naive enough to believe that the kids wouldn’t see it or not notice at some point. And Ryleigh was incredibly observant. I did end up wearing the blue two piece. After throwing on some shorts to walk down to the beach  and grabbing a towel, Ryleigh and I left the cabin. 
She did really well with her crutches until we hit the sand. Sy saw us immediately and stepped over to help. 
“Hey, you made it back!” He greeted her with a smile. He took her crutches and I let her lean on me 
“Yeah, it’s just a sprain!” She answered, with a shy smile. 
“You need some help?” He asked her. She shook her head and I walked with her as she slowly hopped along the sand. 
“She’s got!” I assured him. She found a spot to settle in, refusing to let me help her lay down her towel. She was stubborn. “You want us to hang out here without?” I offered. Again she shook her head. 
“I brought a book with me in my bag. I’m just gonna chill here!” She smiled. I nodded and Sy gave her a gentle smile. 
“Alright darlin’ we won’t be far. Let us know if you need anything!” he said. Ryleigh nodded. We left her alone walking off a little further down the beach. 
Now that we were alone and I had the chance to look at him, I suddenly felt shy. He looked so good. We stopped and set my towel up next to his and I had to stop myself from staring. He was shirtless. Of course he was, we were spending the afternoon by the water. His chest was strong and covered in hair that trailed down his toned stomach. I quickly flicked my eyes back to his. By the smirk on his face it was clear I’d been caught. Neither of us said anything. I sat down on my towel taking in the sun. I closed my eyes and stretched my legs out in front of me leaning back on my hands. 
“I needed this” I finally spoke. “It’s beautiful out here today.” Logan hummed softly in response. When I looked up his eyes were still on me before he finally sat down next to me. 
“It sure is.” He said. “Does this feel crazy to you too? Sittin here together again after all this time?” he asked. I nodded.
“It does, It’s weird. I never thought I would see you again. But now we’re here repeating the past. It’s like deja vu.” I laughed softly. 
“Or fate, bringing us back together again.” He smiled. He looked over at me brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes. 
“Logan,” I blushed. “I-I’m gonna go swim. Do you wanna join me?” I asked standing up quickly trying to avoid the moment. I quickly took my shorts off leaving me in just my bathing suit and ran toward the water. I figured he would follow. When I turned back Logan was still standing there with a sultry look in his eye, staring at me. And suddenly I felt naked. A shiver made its way down my spine before I finally found my voice to speak. “Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there staring all day?” I joked. 
Logan let out a chuckle before he ran toward me. I squealed, running into the water but he was faster than I was. He knelt down scooping me up in his arms carrying me further into the water. Instinctually I wrapped my arms around his neck holding on tight. 
“Put me down!” I kicked at the water in protest. He adjusted me in his arms, holding me close and letting his hand slide up to my hip. 
“Nope, You’re right where you should be.” I blushed. “You look so damn good,” He licked his lips, his eyes trailing up my body. I bit my lip feeling a bit self conscious in this position. 
“Logan there are so many people around right now.” I reminded him. He groaned, dropping his head to my shoulder. He set me down in the water. But he grabbed my hips underwater pulling me close. His lips brushed against my ear as he spoke. 
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep my hands off of you?” he whispered. I swallowed hard as he pulled away looking me in the eyes with a mischievous smile. I felt his thumbs graze against my hips making it difficult to stay upright, let alone string together a sentence. 
“Sy, I -I can’t. I mean. I…don’t know how. I’ve never….” I couldn’t say it. But the way his eyes suddenly soften told me he knew what I was trying to say. I was afraid I couldn’t keep up with him. I couldn’t please him. I’ve touched myself…I’d have got bat shit crazy by now if I hadn’t found some kind of release. I’ve never gone any further. My breath caught in my throat when he spoke again.  
“I’d be happy to show you darlin, we’ll go slow.” He said softly. The moment was ruined quickly by a group of campers that had gotten ahold of some super soakers. We had become collateral in their water war. 
“Sorry Lainie!” Ethan yelled as he aimed his gun at Chase.
“It’s my bad bud, The middle of the lake is fair game for a water fight. But watch out for the little ones okay?” He gave me a nod and quick thumbs up before dodging getting sprayed by Zach who was a few feet away.  “Do you encourage this behavior?” I looked up at Logan with a smirk, I watched him chuckle softly. “I don’t discourage it.” I laughed 
“That checks out.” I said. He looked at me with a raised brow. 
“Really, and whats that supposed to mean?” He challenged. I smirked as he watched me carefully. 
“Just that you always liked to start trouble.” I giggled splashing him playfully.
“Oh is that right?” He grinned as a slowly started to back away, looking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn’t going to run into anyone. “Because I don’t remember ever getting caught for anything, unless… you were there.” I took off running in the water as quickly as I could. Which, arguably, was pretty slow. Logan ran behind me and we continued splashing each other. 
“I was a good kid until I met you Syverson!” I squealed trying to get away from him. “We only got in trouble because it was your idea!” He caught up to me by the dock and caught me around my waist. 
“You didn’t have to go along with it,” He smiled. I pouted turning around.
“I did. Because you’re so cool and so cute and I had a crush on you and… I just wanted to hang out with you. And you knew that!” I swatted at his chest playfully, “and you still did things that got us into trouble knowing I would go with you!” I watched as he took a moment to look around and then he chuckled. 
“You know we’re still in the middle of everybody,” He said, reluctantly letting go of my waist.
“I know, we suck at this.” I laughed. Logan paused, thinking for a moment. 
“You still wanna hang out with me?” I raised an eyebrow curiously and nodded. 
“Of couse I do!” I smiled. 
“Well, if you aren’t doing anything later, me and bunch of really cool kids are seeing a movie on the lawn, if you wanna be my date?”  I soft giggle escaped me. He made it feel like we were still the campers. Of course it’s not like we were old. But it felt like we could be carefree and wild again. 
“I’ll think about it.” I answered. 
Later that night after dinner and the end of the evening campfire, we set up for our movie. Logan and I set up the Projector Screen and set up the projector while the kids were off in the cabin getting lawn chairs and blankets. We discussed Movie options at dinner. Somehow they all ended up agreeing on the new Top Gun. I don’t know how but That was Logan’s fault. 
“You know, you didn’t tell me I’d be working during this date,” I teased as we finished tying the screen up to the pavilion. 
“So it is a date then?” he smirked. He walked over turning on the projector to make sure it was working. 
“Yeah, it is.” I stated. He walked over quickly taking a look around before pulling me against him and placing a soft kiss on my lips. I breathed him in kissing him back slowly. It was only a short soft kiss. But it had my head spinning, and my heart racing. I held onto his shoulder as we pulled away and he smiled.
“I wish it wouldn’t have wasted so much time not kissing you. I can’t get enough.” He murmured softly. I blushed. I heard chatter in the distance and I was sure it was some of our campers. 
“We should, get this set up and get settled in,” I stuttered. Sy finished setting up the movie waiting to play until all of the campers set up their chairs and blankets to lounge on the lawn. I watched them all get settled for a while. Beckett helped Ryleigh get settled. He was so excited when he saw she had made it back to camp. The two of them were sat on a blanket together. They probably would watch much of the movie. They'll likely just talk. They're so sweet.
Logan and I sat together on a blanket at the very back behind all of them so we could keep an eye on them. At least that was his excuse. But after the movie started to play and the kids were distracted Logan started making his move. 
“You warm enough?” He asked, noticing me tug my hoodie sleeves down over my hands. 
“Yeah, Just a little cold.” I stated. He grabbed the extra blanket and scooted closer. 
“C’mere,” He spoke and stretched his legs out leaving space for me to sit between them. I bit my lip and hesitated for a moment. Before settling between his legs and leaning back against his chest. He laid the blanket over our laps and wrapped his arms around me. “Better?” his breath was hot against my ear. 
“Mhmm,” I hummed biting my lip. We stayed just like that for a while. Logan ran his hands up and down my arms to keep me warm. He started to press a few kisses to my shoulder. And then soft kisses to my neck. 
“You looked so good today in that little two piece. You were driving me crazy.” He mumbled, still lazily pressing kisses to my neck. 
“Logan, we.. I… can’t,” I stuttered. Trying to find my words. I held in a moan as he started to softly suck on my neck. “Please, we shouldn’t,” I said, trying to make sense. 
“Shhh, relax Darlin,” he cooed in my ear, “I’m not gonna do anything you don’t want me too. I just wanna right my wrong, shouldn’t have left each other like we did back then. I wanna make you feel good, show you how you should be treated. Will you let me?” He whispered.  I swallowed hard. He had slipped his hands under my hoodie and his thumb was brushing against the skin of my lower belly. The soft touch made me want more. I turned my head meeting his eyes. Although they were filled with lust and desired and want, they were sincere. I knew he’d never do anything I wasn’t okay with. I knew he’d never hurt me. I knew I was safe here in his arms. I nodded. 
“Please,” I whispered. Logan kissed me softly and reluctantly pulled away. 
“Good girl. Now you just watch the movie and let me take care of you baby.” I kept my eyes on the screen as I felt him slip his hand past the waistband of my shorts. “Gonna go slow baby, just gonna make you feel good.” He whispered in my ear. 
I bit my lip holding in a gasp as his fingers grazed my clit. He brushed them down my folds circling my entrance letting out a deep groan. “So wet darlin, can’t wait to feel you.” he spoke softly. He moved his fingers back up pressing them against my clit teasing me in small circles. I clutched his arm holding in a moan. “Easy baby, you like that?” he asked. I nodded. He kept toying with my clit for moment before slowly pushing a finger inside me. 
I let my head fall back against his shoulder as he started pumping in in out. I let out a soft whimper trying to stay quiet. “You need more baby?” he asked. Again I nodded. He added a second finger pumping them faster. I felt a pressure build in my stomach and I started to grind on his fingers. 
“Thats it baby, you’re doing so good for me. You’re close aren’t ya,” He smirked kissing my neck.  I continued to chase my high and Logan pressed his thumb to my clit as he kept fucking me with is fingers. I couldn’t take anymore, I let head fall back against his shoulder. Logan used his other hand to cover my mouth to stifle my moan while I came on his hand. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He whispered in my ear as he held me. He slid his fingers out and I watches as he brought them to his lips sucking my juices off his fingers. “So good,” he groaned. He held me in his arms until the movie was over. We sent the kids back to get ready for bed as we packed every thing up. 
“You alright?” he asked, when we closed the pavilion for the night. I blushed nodding. 
“I’m great.” I giggled softly. He let out a laugh and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back. 
“Easy baby, we’re taking slow, I don’t wanna push you too fast,” He smiled as we pulled away. 
“You’re an amazing guy Logan,” I smiled. He lifted my chin giving me one last soft kiss.
“Goodnight sweet girl. See you tomorrow. He smiled. 
“Good night Logan, I’ll see you in the morning.” I said, before we both reluctantly went our separate ways to check on our campers and settle in for the night. This summer was just getting started. 
Like, comment, reblog and let me know what you think! we are far from done with this one!!
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misseviehyde · 11 months
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Even though Abi was only a few months older than Nikki - her bestie often joked, "You're like a Mom to me!"
Nikki's real Mom had died when she was young and she and her dad Michael had been left to fend for themselves. Nikki had been searching for a mother figure all her life and in a strange way she'd found it in Abi.
Abi was mature, sensible, organised and caring. She looked out for Nikki and inspired her with love and affection. She had to admit she often did feel a maternal affection towards Nikki and even more... she had a massive crush on Michael her friends Dad.
There was just something so... hot... about an older man. Michael had a great body and he was wealthy, mature and sexy. Of course he would never consider dating someone his daughters age so Abi knew it was just a fantasy.
Until the girls found the game of course.
Nikki and Abi volunteered at a charity shop at the weekends and it would often be very quiet. After an hour of chatting they got so bored that they began looking through some of the items. That's when Nikki found 'Role-With-It.'
Laughing the girls looked through the game. You had to pick a card and then dress up and act like the character on it. Other players scored you on your performance.
Giggling, Nikki shuffled the deck and Abi took a card. "Step-Mom," she laughed delightedly, "hah - it's like this game read my mind! Well there are plenty of clothes to choose in here... let's play."
Abi wandered over to a rack of dresses hanging by the window. She smiled happily as she saw a cute spotty dress, the sort of thing a home maker in the 50's might have worn. She was about to reach for it when she noticed a tight black leather dress hanging next to it.
Abi hesitated. The spotty dress was cute and fit with her idea of motherhood, but there was something dangerous and exciting about the leather dress. Michael wouldn't be able to resist a woman wearing something like that. It would make her look so... so fucking powerful. Maybe she should try it... after all, this was only a silly game to pass the time.
To her surprise Abi found herself reaching out to take the dress. It felt good in her hands, shiny and eager to be worn. But she wasn't done shopping yet...
Walking to the shoe rack - Abi's eyes were immediately drawn to a pair of tight black knee high boots. They were wickedly heeled and would look AMAZING with her new dress. Ignoring the other shoes she gathered them up too and headed to the dressing room.
Nikki watched uneasily. Abi had a strange feverish look to her. Her usually kind eyes shone with a weird lustful fire and her fingers were already tugging at her own clothing as if she were desperate to rip it off and get into something better.
The clothes Abi had picked out didn't look very motherly. Well... evil step-mom maybe.
Disappearing into the changing room, Nikki heard the rustling of clothes... maybe even a tearing sound. It almost sounded like Abi was ripping off her old clothes in her eagerness to wear the new items.
She heard the creak of tight leather, the zipping of boots and a moan of evil satisfaction.
"Ohhhhh fuck yesssss."
"Abi? Are you okay in there?"
The curtain was suddenly thrown back and out stormed Abi with a disdainful sneer on her face wearing her new outfit.
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"I'm good - in fact I'm fucking perfect actually."
Nikki backed away in fear as Abi emerged into the light.
The new clothing squeezed her body in ways she had never seen before. Abi now seemed to have wider hips and larger tits. Her posture was more ultra-feminine with hands on a cocked hip and her whole body language screamed 'fierce'.
Her face now wore a hot sneer and her eyes seemed to flash with wicked glee as she studied herself with satisfaction in the mirror.
"Mmmmh these clothes make me feel so fucking good. Now I just have to start acting like the role too."
She spun on her heels and advanced on Nikki. "I guess that makes me your step-mom. Your clearly more attractive than you step-mom."
"Abi... something is wrong, we have to stop playing..."
Nikki gasped in fear as she watched blonde roots suddenly begin to spread and flow through her friends once brown hair. Long lashes grew heavy with mascara and slutty nails shot out of every finger.
Abi's bust got even bigger and she started to age and mature.
"Stop playing? I'm only just getting started 'dear'. Being your stepmom means I get to be a spoiled rich bitch and fuck your delicious Daddy. I love it!"
"No Abi - this isn't you... this isn't the kind of Mom you want to be... fight it!"
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But Abi wasn't listening anymore. She was orgasming, her eyes rolling back in her head, as her tits pumped full of plastic and she aged into a viscious thirty year old gold-digger.
"No Nikki. Mommy likes what she has become. Mmmmh I feel like such a fucking evil bitch and I LOVE it. This is so much better than being some kind wallflower. Haha - now I get your Daddy's big cock and I finally can free myself of your parasitic presence."
Nikki sobbed tears rolling from her eyes as Abi stood over her with a gloating expression.
"All those years you moped around after me because your pathetic Mommy was dead. Eughhhh the years I've wasted looking after you... well I'm finally free."
"Now call me Mommy. Let reality become what it always should have been. Forget about your friend and let me replace her."
"Noooooo," sobbed Nikki as she tried to fight the fog growing in her head. "Please nooo!"
"Fucking say it... you little bitch."
"No Mommy, I... ohhh what have I done!"
As Nikki spoke the words and accepted Abi in her new form, reality locked and with a cry of triumph Abi threw back her head and laughed...
Abi felt good.
She always felt good, but right now she felt super good.
Her husband had just spent an hour fucking her in every position she'd demanded and now she had an appointment at the nail bar to look forward to.
Dressed in designer clothes, her massive tits creaked in their barely contained leather prison as she glanced contemptously at her pathetic miserable step-daughter Nikki who was busy scrubbing the floor of the kitchen where Abi had squirted earlier.
"Make sure you don't miss a spot this time you little bitch. You're fucking useless."
Abi smiled. The girl needed bringing in-line. It was good that she had such a perfect role-model in Abi to aspire to.
Not that she ever could. Abi was perfect of course...
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melanieph321 · 4 months
Dominik Szoboszlai x Black Reader - First Sight Part 3/8
The party
The face of distress 😅. What did Y/N say to him?
⚠️Warning ⚠️
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This story is about the night reader met her boyfriend Dominik and the series of crazy events that led up to the beginning of their love story.
"So...do you have a boyfriend?"
You had been walking for a while, through the city, all the way downtown. As you were about to ask Dominik if this was him kidnapping you, those words left his mouth.
"A boyfriend?" You smiled.
"Yes, do you want one?"
"I thought you asked me if I had one?"
"You took too long to answer, which means you don't."
"Wow." You laughed. His arrogance was unmatched.
"Yeah, so we should just stop pretending like we don't want to fuck each other and just do it."
Your steps altered, followed by a sassy finger waving in his face to make things clear. "Trust me Nikki..." He cringed at your new nickname for him. "I have no intentions to fuck you."
He chuckled. "Not now you don't. Later."
You snorted. "In your dreams."
"That was you, wasn't it?"
You rolled your eyes and turned your back on him, walking in the opposite direction.
"Oh come on, Y/N! Don't tell me that you can't take a joke?"
Perhaps it was a joke, but your feet were starting to hurt from all that walking.
"Come on Y/N, I was just...." He ran to catch up with you, grabbing your arm to prevent you from leaving. You jerked it away, an appalled expression on your face.
"Sorry." He said, face faltering.
The evening was quiet, a distant thud heard from one of the brick buildings down the road.
"I should go back." You said, only now thinking about Tara and how you left her in some random apartment with two guys.
"What about the beer?" Dominik said, clearly not wanting the night to end. "My friend, he lives just down the road. I promise we'll be quick."
His offer wasn't as compelling to you as turning back to get Tara, however, that damn spark...
Turns out that the loud thud you heard coming from down the road was actually the base of a speaker, blasting nothing but French trap music.
Dominik did not hesitate to knock on the house hosting a crowded party. Apperently it belonged to his friend that was meant to hook you up with more beer.
"And I see you brought a friend." The guy called Ibrahima said. He had a friendly smile and wanted nothing than for the two of you to join the party.
The vibe was unmatched. People were dancing and drinking, all around enjoying themselves. With a hand to your lower back, Dominik guided you towards the kitchen. There his friend was seen unboxing two bottles of Bacardi and placing them on the kitchen island between you. "Is this enough?" He asked Dominik.
"I said we needed more beer mate, not a blackout."
His friend laughed. "You're here for a good time man, beer won't assist you with that. The ladies know what I'm talking about, no?"
Dominik's friend spun the cap on the bottle and poured you a shot, sliding the glass over to you. You hesitated, but eventually brought it to your lips, emptying it in one go.
"Wow." Dominik looked at you with wide eyes as you didn't even wince.
You shrugged. "I was thirsty."
The rest of this part of the night would later be a blur to you. As Dominik's friend poured the two of you another round of shots, followed by another round. You were only left wity faded memories of hands roaming your body, pulling you in by the waist and pressing your back against someone's hard front. You surrendered yourself to the waves of the music, a playlist including the greatest afrobeat hits. Songs that made your hips roll against whoever was pinning you against them.
"God, you're so sexy."
His voice was at your ear, whispering nothing but erotic nonsense.
"Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good against me. Can't you feel it? Tell me that you feel it."
"I feel it." You whined. Eventually the flashing lights revealed that it was indeed Dominik, who's crotch your ass was grinding against. He turned you over, pinning your back against the nearest wall. He bent down to kiss you and the first taste of him caused hysteria within yourself.
His lips were soft and well moist, perfectly attached to the crease of your neck. But imagine what more they could do and where.
"I wanna fuck you."
"Yes." You nodded. "Please."
You were dragged to the nearest bathroom, not the classiest place to get dick down in, nevertheless, Dominik had you bent over the bathroom sink, lifting your skirt up to expose your pink thong.
He chuckled
"What?" You quickly got insecure, no longer bending over against the sink.
Dominik brows furrowed. "What?"
"You laughed at me. Did I do something wrong?"
"What, no?" He seemed confused. "Of course you didn't, you're perfect." He took you in, cupping your chin and pulling your lips against his.
You were balancing yourself on your tippy toes, struggling to meet his height. Dominik hands went to squeeze your ass, making you gasped against his open mouth. "Dominik?" You were panicking a little, knowing where things were headed.
"Y/N, don't talk so much. Just let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours."
You felt his erection grow stiff against your thigh, as well as his fingers that hooked around the lace of your panties, searching for the entrance to your...
He stopped, not too drunk to hear the panik in your voice. "You okay baby?"
You were flushed from all the kissing, your lips tender and plumb. "You should know." You said, struggling to catch your breath.
"Know what?" He removed a curl that was irritating your eyes.
"You should know that I've never..."
"I've never...."
His lips curled into a smile. "You've never what Y/N, had sex? You can tell me, I won't judge."
You gather your courage and swallowed. "I've never been with a man before, only women."
Dead silence followed.
Dominik didn't judge you, but he sure enough wasn't smiling anymore.
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starpearlz · 1 year
Seven minutes -> Nikki Sixx
Summary -> 1975, you never expected to see an old classmate at a party especially be locked in a room with him for seven minutes.
Warnings -> says his old name once, making out but nothing too bad,
A/n -> I’m working on my request but I really wanted to right something for Nikki
2.0k words
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Your intention was not to kiss him, but fate was chosen for you. You only live once especially just being seventeen, high school is either one of the shitiest, or the best years of your life. Your peak. No matter how bad it is, you’ll always remember those high school party.
Underage drinking, skinny dipping in the pool, people hooking up left and right, and stupid party games. You laid on your bed reading with the bright light from your new candle you had gotten earlier. You looked up to the sound of knocking, “go to sleep soon ok?” you nodded as she closed the door. No way, Linda said their was a party downtown.
You blew out your candle and climbed out your window. You would take your car, but you decided to ride your bike; just so your parents wouldn’t hear the car. You chuckled remembering the story your mom said how she got sneaking out with your grandmas car when she was in high school. Yeah, you’re not making the same mistake.
You finally pulled up to the house, wasn’t too long of a ride. But they lived on a hill, you put your bike near a bush hiding it and walking to the porch. It was a really nice house.. it was one of those houses that had big glass windows, maybe four bathrooms and a nice pool. Kids were coming in and out of the house you can tell it’s gonna be a god party by seeing red plastic cups.
You walked inside it was crowded with people you even saw two people making out on the stairs while two people were trying to get by. You walked down the hall to the kitchen and noticed Linda standing near the counter talking to someone, she may look like the sweet girl who makes cookies for a nursing home, but man she can party. “Linda!” I yelled out walking to her, she turned and started waving at you and gave a signal to go over.
You walked over too see that she was talking to some guy with a stubble who stood next to another guy with long brown hair. “Hey!” She yelled over the loud music before squeezing you into a hug. “This is Jasper, the guy I told you about! And this is his friend Nikki!” ‘Jasper’ hands were crossed as he gave a awkward wave. You looked at Nikki and pointed to him, “oh yeah I remember, we had a class together last year.. Frank!” He gave a shy smile, nodding his head looking down an the floor.
“Yeah.. I go by Nikki now.” He said looking back at you and you nodded “cool.” He nodded back as some girl grabbed Linda shoulders from behind. “Come on we’re playing spin the bottle!” You looked at Linda as she nodded grabbing your hand. You looked at Nikki, he looked back confused you shrugged following her.
You followed Linda into the living room, three guys were moving the small glass table while two girls started sitting on the floor. Linda sat down and you sat next to her. Next thing you knew their were a bunch of people that made a circle. You didn’t know the guy that sat next to you, you saw he had a letterman jacket and you could smell the alcohol on him.
You looked forward and saw Nikki in front of you as you smiled at him. “Whoever spins the bottle and whoever it’s pointed at has to go upstairs in the master bedroom for seven minutes.” People started whispering to each other until one guy got up and spun the bottle. The only bad part about this game is having too fully wait those seven minutes.
It’s already about forty minutes into the game, and the only interesting thing that’s happened is two guys getting each other. “Who’s next?” A blonde girl asked, your guessing that it’s the host. You looked forward hearing the sound of laughter, you saw Jasper laughing throwing Nikki’s hand up. He quickly shoved his hand down, “no give it a shot.” The blonde girl said getting up and passing him the bottle.
You couldn’t see his expression from the girl blocking your view, but his expression said it all s as she walked away. He crawled to the center and spun the bottle. The bottle spun slowly in suspense as it started to slowly stop.. to you. You looked up at him in shock, same as him. “Go on love birds!” The blonde girl said as Linda gave you a slight shove to go.
You two walked upstairs with the blonde girl leading the way. She pulled out a key and opened the door, when she opened the door you saw two girls making out. Making the blonde girl laugh loudly as the two ran out. She held out her hand as a motion for us to get in. The bed was huge taking up most of the room. You noticed the decorations wooden bed, a wooden desk and you even saw a deer head in the corner of the room. It would’ve creeped you out but it made you chuckle because someone threw a bra on it. You got in sitting the the corner of the bed and he sat next to you. The girl chuckled “have fun..” she said smirking closing the door and locking it.
“Seven minutes!” She yelled outside the door walking away. You sighed at the awkward tension in the room, you looked at him. “I’m sorry.. I know you didn’t want to do this…” you said maybe to relieve the tension. He shook his head “no it’s ok.. I’m happy it’s you rather than anyone else.” Your eyebrows furrowed is confusion, “why?” You said looking at him.
“Well.. you’re nice, I would’ve hated if I got someone like Michael..” he said shyly. He’s not wrong tho, Mike was a real asshole. “Well.. I’m happy I’m with you too.” You said smiling at him moving closer to where your knees were touching. “So.. why are you here?” You asked him as he took a sip out of his red cup, you didn’t even realize he brought it. “Free jack.” He said bluntly putting it on the wooden nightstand.
“Wait are you drinking straight up Jack?” He nodded as if it’s nothing making you chuckle. “That’s badass.” You said without even thinking, he shook his head “you’re pretty badass yourself.” You rolled your eyes. “Not even..” you said chuckling and he nodded “you are, like at the diner how you make those badass doodles.”
You looked at him in confusion, “how did you know that? I would’ve remembered you, I would’ve said hi!” He nodded, “I’ve only been there a couple times.. but you’ve never served me before.” You gave him a look, “that’s crazy.. I have to give you my number so I can tell you when my next shift is.” He gulped nodding, “I’ll.. I’ll definitely go then.” He said smiling.
You nodded smiling, “well, I’ll be waiting then..” you just realized how close you are too him, you can smell the booze on his lips. You bit your lip, you want to kiss him but at the same time you don’t know if he dose. He closed the gap kissing you slowly, almost like if was hesitant. You leaned more into the kiss you wrapped one of your arms around his neck and cupped his cheek.
You leaning in the kiss making him assertive, he put his hands on your hip and you slowly put your back on bed. You put your arm that was on his neck and wrapped your hand in his brown hair. He got a boost of confidence and started kissing you harder. You moaned in the kiss brushing through his soft hair, you opened your eyes and saw he was staring at you.
You freaked out and pulled away fast, making him think he messed up. “What— what’s wrong?” He asked slightly scared. As you started giggling, “nothing wrong, I wasn’t expecting you too have your eyes open..” you said still giggling. “I’m sorry..” you shook your head, “I know you have definitely kissed someone before.. just relax.” You said before kissing him again making sure his eyes closed.
Your have still tangled in his hair cupping his cheek. He moved his hands down to your ass fondling with them as you gave out a shocked moan. For him being so nervous earlier he sure is getting more confident. He pushed his tongue inside your mouth making you moan again.
He pulled away from you making you open your eyes gasping until he started kissing down your face. You picked up your head as he started sucking on your neck making you moan softly. “Nikki..” you moaned out. You can feel him marking up your neck. He moved his face and you saw his flushed face heavily breathing making you smile.
He smiled in confusion “what?” You shook your head. “I don’t know why I didn’t realize how pretty you are..” he rolled his eyes. “I should be telling you that.” He said before kissing you again. But this time it was slow and sweet. He pulled away again, “you want to know a secret?” He asked still out of breath.
“What?” You asked smirking amused. He bit his lip smiling. “I remember..” he stopped to chuckle making you scoff and gently nudged his shoulder, “what? What do you remember?” Your asked bending your elbow so you can stare at him. He sighed before staring back at you, “remember how you said that last year we had the class together?”
You nodded, you drank but you didn’t drink that much to not remember that conversation forty minutes ago. “I remember.. how much of a crush I had on you in that class.” You looked at him in shock and confusion, “really?” You asked softly making him nod. “I remember I saw you reading.. and seeing you in a ‘Black Sabbath’ shirt, and I thought you were the prettiest and sickest girl I’ve ever seen..” you two chuckled. “And then I found out you had worked at the dinner.. I only went two times, and one of them you weren’t even working.” He bit his lip debating on if he should keep going but he saw how happy you had gotten.
“And when I was there when you were working you were on break.. and I sat in the booth near the door, and I saw you sitting on the table close to the employee door. I was gonna walk up too you but, you looked so peaceful, just drawing your heart away. I felt like a creep for staring so I just left.”
You shook your head “you should’ve said hi, I would’ve been so happy.. and I don’t think you’re a creep.. the opposite even.” You said smiling at him cupping his cheek as he smiled back. You pulled him in again kissing him passionately. You giggled in the kiss going back to laying on your back.
Then the door slammed open as you gasped getting up. You saw the blonde girl again with Jasper and Linda. “It looked liked you two had fun.” Linda said it in a teasing way. Making you roll your eyes standing up, same with Nikki. “Are you two going next?” You asked to Linda and Jasper as she nodded.
You nodded too grabbing Nikki’s hand to walk out the door. “Oh wait,” Nikki said making you stop before your fully out the door. “Is it ok if I leave already?” Nikki asked Jasper as he nodded. “Have fun!” Linda said to you as Nikki grabbed your hand again. “You too!” You said before blondie closed the door.
“Where do you want to go?” Nikki asked making you think, “I could go for some pancakes at the diner.” Making Nikki chuckle kissing you. “You read my mind.”
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fanaticbitchhh · 11 months
brooklyn baby
modern!nikki sixx x reader
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word count: 512
warnings: swearing and a mention of drug addiction but i think thats all.
lowercase intended!
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you sighed as you got up off the couch, nikki had been gone for a while and you got bored. at first, the only rational decision you made was to watch some netflix but then, as anyone does, you got bored.
you walked into nikki and yours shared bedroom and getting changed for the day, sporting one of nikki’s t-shirts, some shorts with white socks. you walked down the stairs, a portable speaker in hand, ready to start off with mopping the floors.
after roughly twenty minutes, you had finished mopping up your home. then came the more boring part; waiting for it to dry. you paused your music, huffing in response to flopping on the couch and watching some random show you’d probably rewatched a thousand times but nothing could stop nikki from infiltrating your mind.
when’s he coming back? this would be so much better if nikki was here. you groaned, hands covering your face as you roughly brushed them up and down your face, as if you were cleaning the thoughts from your head. you hated thinking about nikki when he was gone, you felt selfish for wanting him all to yourself but also, you were worried.
you had been with nikki since the very start of mötley crüe, i mean sure, you werent in a romantic relationship but you were still there. you had helped him during his heroin addiction and helping him get help for it. you were beyond proud of the man you had stuck around to see become happy, you hated seeing him practically killing himself every day just for some temporary high.
once you had stopped thinking about the memories you had with nikki, smiling at some but tearing up at others, you had realized the floor was dry. you smiled slightly, walking over to the kitchen and cleaning the counter tops. you heard the sound of your favorite song so, giggling a bit, you danced, as any sane person would. the sound of your singing filling the house, mixed with the smell of cleaning products was enough to make nikki smile as he walked through the front door.
he strategically placed his leather coat on the hook and his boots softly by the front door as to not startle you. he walked up to the kitchen, leaning on the doorframe as he did so. he smiled at the sight before him, his wife dancing to her favorite song while cleaning, it was definitely his second most favorite sight. his first being, and i quote ‘the night we met, you were just breathtaking’ he had confessed this the night of your marriage. vince had asked what his favorite sight was and he simply replied with that. lets just say, it was enough to make tears spring to your eyes.
as you spun, you screamed at the sight of nikki, smirking and leaning against the door frame. “hey princess.” he has a shit-eating grin on his face while you start to go red from embarrassment. you walk up to him, turning the music off before kissing his cheek and bringing him into a hug. “im glad your home.” you say, nikki could barely hear it from your face being buried into his shoulder. “me too baby.” he smiles, kissing the top of your head.
he pulls away, catching your lips into a kiss filled with love and passion. just from the kiss alone, you could tell he missed you almost as much as you missed him. “now. lets go get frankie from school and grab some food yeah?” he asks, smiling at you. “lets go” you agree, placing the cloth down and putting some shoes on. you both walk out the door, hand in hand going to pick your daughter up from school.
you couldnt have asked for a better life with the man of your dreams.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
53 - What Are Her Intentions
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Part 54
Family is More than Blood
@secretdreamlandmentality @melvia-ito
Klaus’s pov
I groaned, staring up at the ceiling of the mansion for a few moments enjoying the simple sound of silence that fell throughout the house. Then I rolled over onto my side seeing my queen laying beside me. Her blonde hair was scattered across the pillows and our bodies were barely covered by the tousled sheets. “I know you’re in there, Rae. I won’t let her keep control over you.”
Trailing my fingers over her bare shoulder she sniffed in her sleep. “Already awake. It appears I didn’t tire you as much as I thought last night.” She stretched her arms and legs out when she uttered her first words of the morning.
“I wouldn’t say that. We’ll definitely have to go shopping for new furniture.” Lifting my head up slightly I saw the destruction we caused. The dining table downstairs was broken in half, the main living room coach was torn, and most of the beds except for the ones in our children’s rooms were completely smashed into the wooden floor.
Raelyn flipped over onto her side to face me with a cocky smirk on her lips. “Hmm wasn’t it you that once told me that vampires never tire. That’s the beauty of immortality is it not?”
“Maybe I did. But that isn’t important now.” I shifted my body above hers and she smirked even wider if that were possible. I leaned down, capturing my lips with hers in a quickly heated kiss.
She threaded her fingers into my already tousled and super curly messy locks. I moaned into the kiss enjoying the feeling of doing this with her again, even though I wished that this dark side of her didn’t have much control over me. “So what would you say to a shower before we go furniture shopping?”
“Tis temping…but I have to go take care of a spell I have been working on.” Raelyn pushed me onto my back vamping over to the walk in closet grabbing some new clothes for the day.
Flopping onto my back on the pillows I put my arms behind my head watching her walk around the bedroom getting dressed. “You are a little evil minx.”
“You weren’t complaining last night, Nikky.” She smirked, shrugging her blue Jean shorts up her legs and buttoned them very slowly just to tease me.
Shaking my head I sent her a half glare. “Last night I wasn’t complaining but I am now.”
“Oh I wish I could say I was upset about it. But I most certainly am not and do you want to know why?” She put her short orange shirt over her head that showed off part of her stomach. Swaying her hips back and forth she vamped over to me standing at my bedside.
Pushing myself up in a sitting position lifting my head up to meet her gaze. “Tell me why, my love.”
“Because if I keep you here waiting for me to come back. Well you’ll be so desperate and needy when I get back that we won’t be able to stop having sex all night and maybe even the next day.” Dark Raelyn draped her arms around my neck touching our noses together.
I growled under my breath at her seductive suggestion. “You have become much more sexually active. Much more than you ever were when you were pregnant.”
“If you’re implying you’d like me pregnant again I think that could be arranged with many hours of work.”
I tilted my head to the side wrapping my arms quickly around her waist and she squealed before our lips hungrily met for a second time this morning. “Then it turns out that you have other matters to attend to.”
“Fair point….” She kissed me once more holding my face in her hands kissing me for a good few minutes until she broke it and vamped into the doorway leaving me flustered on the bed.
I hung my mouth opened in utter shock blinking my eyes a couple of times in confusion. “Bloody hell, you truly are Dark Raelyn.”
“I’ll see you tonight, Nikky.” She vamped out of the room without another word.
Getting up from the bed I put on some pants and one of my shirts mumbling to myself. “Insufferable sexy heretic!”
The bedroom door suddenly burst opened where I spun around on my feet seeing someone unexpected visitors from New Orleans. None other than my siblings Rebekah, Elijah, Kol and Freya. “Niklaus!”
“What do you want, Rebekah?” I grumble under my breath throwing my head back in annoyance.
She vamped in front of me, crossing her arms over her chest. “I want you to explain to me what the hell did you let her dark side do to our former home!”
“It wasn’t simply just all her fault.” I dropped down sitting on the edge of the bed. “It takes two people to tango or should I say let the spirits move our animal instincts-“
“Klaus, I don’t wish to hear about you two love making when Raelyn is in real danger.” Freya stepped up to her sister’s side.
Kol moaned in disgust. “Just be happy you didn’t have to hear their first night together.”
“Did you really come all this way to be concerned with my sex habits because if so there’s the door.” I rolled my eyes pointing at the door wanting to end this conversation with them.
Elijah ran a hand down his face. “Niklaus, we need to be concerned about your wife at the moment.”
“And you don’t think that I am. How shameful, Elijah.”
Rebekah gains my attention for the second time, arms still crossed over her chest in anger. “If you are so concerned, tell us where your beloved wife is right now.”
“Off doing a spell.”
Kol was quick on his feet. “What kind of spell, brother?”
“We have to find Raelyn before she kills the whole town.” Elijah exclaimed before we heard screaming from the boarding school from all the way at the mansion.
Alina’s pov
Jackson and I had been up all night because of Xavier and his crying. I snuggled underneath the covers trying to sleep but I felt someone standing over me. I slowly peaked over my shoulder jumping in a scare seeing my mom standing at my bedside in the complete darkness. “Mom, what’s wrong? Is it a monster or Xavier?”
“Phantamogriphia decorum.” She only uttered a spell from her lips, clasping a hand on my arm and her other on Jack before I passed out and woke up in a similar room to our bedroom.
Jackson was standing beside me confused. “Mrs. Mikaelson, what kind of spell is this?”
“Simple illusion spell, wolf.” My mom sniped at him where I raised a brow at her nickname to address my husband. She never called him wolf, he was always Jackson to her so something must be up.
I take a step towards her nervously. “Mom, what do you need to show us here?”
“I need to warm you, dear.” She replied simply.
Jackson sent me a confused look taking my hand in his before I asked the question I would soon regret later. “Warn us about what exactly?”
“Tenebris anima vestra contundito morten et conteret spirtium.” She raised her right hand chanting a spell causing me to claw at my neck struggling to breathe, removing my hand from Jack’s.
Jack grunted dropping to his knees with his bones starting to break. “Alina!”
“Jacks! What the hell are you doing mom?” I winced sharply feeling the bones in my back beginning to break.
She lowered herself down on a knee lifting my chin up so my gaze would meet hers. “This is a warning that if you or any of my other children try to bring the true me back. I will use the same Crescent curse I used on Hayley and Jacob to trap them as wolves unless there was a full moon.”
“Alina - what is she talking about!” Jackson held his stomach with his eyes glowing gold.
I felt tears falling down my face with my knees giving out from under me. I screamed through the pain forcing myself to look up at my mother. “Why do you think I’d say anything?”
“Because you are very much like your father, Lina. And I can’t have that if I want to be the version of your mother that stays around.” My mother growls down at me, clutching her hands going back to chanting the spell trying to turn us back into our wolf forms. “Frange vitam nolite corde ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiterrnum.”
Jackson and I laid on the ground trying to fight the pain but her spell was too strong. I felt the fangs in my mouth coming through and my eyes turned the golden color before I gasped in relief seeing my aunt Freya and my father appearing behind her. “Aunt Freya - dad!”
“She’s not your mother, Alina.” Freya stomped forward grabbing the back of my mother’s neck quickly twisting it until it snapped and her body collapsed onto the ground in front of us. “I think that’s enough out of you.”
Holding myself up on my hands and knees I gasped to catch my breath eyeing my father who hadn't said a word. “Dad, how could you let this happen?”
“I'm sorry, Alina.” He whispered glancing down at his uncommon wife laying on the floor before our mind space disappeared and we returned physically to my bedroom.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ourpickwickclub · 5 months
I just have to laugh. Blake posted the BTS of him and Nikki not wasting the cheese puffs, & also the picture of him, Carson, Nikki, Nikki and Al. The Sun has spun that into at least 3 stories of him partying with his “gal pals” late into the night while Gwen pines with rumors of their rocky marriage. And one about the Vegas Old Red opening, being him yet again having a venture without his wife. Plus more stories of trouble because they had separate jobs on NYE. I only saw the headlines, but WTF
I saw those “gal pal” headlines too. It’s so ridiculous, and also sad that The Sun has some sort of weird fixation on casting Gwen and Blake in a negative light.
— M
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akihabaradivision · 3 months
Otaku Corps Drama Track 1 - Living Life By One's Own Rules, Not Someone Else's
Pt. 1
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— Aokigahara Forest —
[The camera buzzes back to life as Criss Hiromi, the paranormal investigator, stands at the edge of the Aokigahara Forest. The trees loom tall and dense, their branches clawing at the night sky. The forest floor is a tangle of roots and volcanic rock, making each step uncertain. As she made her way through the decrepit forest, Criss, night-vision goggles on her face, looked around, stepping cautiously and carefully.]
Criss: *Looks into her camera* Hello folks, and welcome back to another thrilling episode of "SpectralWhiskers". I'm your host, Criss Hiromi, alongside my faithful companion and sidekick, Leraje.
[Criss holds up her pet mouse in her free hand, who gives a squeak and a slight "wave" to the camera before the albino girl puts him back down again.]
Criss: After about a day's travel, we've finally arrived at our destination: the fabled Aokigahara Forest. A place of beauty and sorrow. They say the spirits of those who've passed linger here, trapped between worlds.
[At her owner's words, Leraje, sniffs the air, its fur on end.]
Criss: *Continuing her speech* Legend has it that the forest calls to the hearts of the troubled. It's easy to get lost here, both physically and spiritually.
[Stepping forward, the darkness suddenly swallowed the light from her camera. A soft WHISPERING could be heard, as if the trees themselves were speaking.]
Criss: *Whispering* Did you hear that, Leraje? We're not alone.
[Suddenly, a shadow flit between the trees. Criss spun around, her camera following, but there was nothing there. She continued looking around her until she heard a 'squeak' from her pet mouse. Turning back around, she was shocked to find a DOLL pinned to a tree, its eyes hollow.]
Criss: *Shaken* This… This is a common sight here, folks. They say these dolls are vessels for the yurei—souls seeking peace. You can think of them as ghosts or spirits, only these ones usually stay around for the sole purpose of exacting revenge. Kinda like hollows if any of you guys are Bleach fans.
[Reaching out, Criss, still shaking, hesitates before she picks up the doll from the tree.]
Criss: *Resolute* We're here to understand, not to disturb. If any spirits can hear me, know that we respect your pain.
[At first, the forest seemed to die down as she finished speaking. Almost a second later, however, a GUST of wind swept through the forest, and the doll's head slowly turned towards Criss, making her breath stop, and Leraje squeak in alarm.]
Criss: *Whispering* Whelp, I think it's time to go. Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more. Stay safe out there, and keep exploring.
[As she hurried back the way she came, the camera caught glimpses of the forest's eerie beauty as she retreated.]
— Akihabara Stadium —
[Unlike the Aokigahara Forest, the city of Akihabara was filled with sunlight as it was still noon. The city was in full blaze, and no place more so than Akihabara Stadium. The reason? Because a video game convention was underway, as well as a tournament. In one of the locker rooms of the stadium, the hum of computers and the soft glow of LED lights filled the room.]
[Lounging on one of the benches in the room was a laid-back girl with an air of nonchalance. This was none other than the #5-ranked gamer in the world, Nikki Yoshie, otherwise known by her gamer handle, "1-Up". Her eyes were currently glued to her phone as she had just finished watching the latest paranormal exploits of her friend, Criss, on YouTube.]
Nikki: *Shakes her head, a small grin on her face* You're out of your mind, Criss. But that's why I guess you do what you do, I suppose.
[Hovering over the comment section, the E-gamer quickly typed in a comment, using the same dexterity that she often displayed in her games.]
Nikki: *Typing* "Never change, Criss. Your bravery is my entertainment during these boring waits."
[As she finished, she was alerted by a knock as a staff member stuck their head inside the room, telling Nikki that her match was next.]
Nikki: *Sighing* Another day, another challenger. Alright, let's get this over with.
[Standing up from her seat, the E-gamer's posture suddenly changed from 'relaxed' to 'alert and ready'. She reached over to a nearby counter and grabbed her custom controller, its buttons worn from countless battles.]
Nikki: *To herself* Time to show why they call me "1-Up".
[Exiting the locker room, the door closed behind her with a decisive click. The hallway leading to the arena was lined with posters of past champions, but Nikki's gaze was set forward, her mind already in the game. The arena was a cacophony of cheers and electronic beats. Fans waved banners with Nikki's avatar, a pixelated warrior with a smirk. Nikki stepped onto the stage, her expression unreadable—a perfect 'kuudere'.]
[Her challenger was named Kaito[1], a.k.a. "NebulaStrike". Nikki had heard about him; a young hotshot with more confidence than skill. He was already at his station, his fingers twitching in anticipation. As he came face to face with the kuudere, a smirk was plastered on his face, though Nikki could see some doubt in his eyes. It was clear that he had heard about her reputation, as well as her gaming skills.]
[Taking their seats, both gamers hooked up their controllers and logged onto their game. Since she was the one being challenged, Nikki had the right to choose the game, but she decided to let Kaito choose it, confident that she more than likely had already played and mastered it. And she was right, as he had chosen a relatively new fighting game that was already popular e-gaming arenas called, "Cyber Clash Arena."]
[As the referee gave the signal to start, both players' avatars appeared in the virtual battleground: a neon-lit cityscape, skyscrapers towering above. Down below on the street floor, both players' avatars clashed. Nikki's avatar, a cybernetic ninja named "Shadow Blade," moved with lethal grace, her every action a dance of pixels and light.]
Nikki: *Focused* Time to up the ante.
[Executing a series of complex inputs, Shadow Blade responded instantly, leaping from building to building, her cloak trailing like a banner. Kaito's avatar, a hulking brute named "Crash Titan," roared in frustration, swinging wildly to hit her.]
[The crowd was on the edge of their seats, their cheers a pulsing rhythm that matched the intensity of the match. Nikki's fingers were a blur, her eyes locked on the screen, predicting her opponent's every move.]
Nikki: *Under her breathe* Predictable.
[With a swift combo, Shadow Blade disarmed Crash Titan, sending his weapon clattering to the virtual ground. Kaito's avatar was left vulnerable, and unfortunately for him, Nikki didn't miss her chance.]
Nikki: Game over.
[Shadow Blade launched into her ultimate move, a spectacle of flashing lights and devastating power, more commonly known as "Eclipse Strike". Crash Titan tried to retaliate, but was too late. The final blow landed, and the avatar disintegrated into a shower of digital sparks.]
[The arena exploded with applause, the sound deafening. Nikki's victory was displayed for all to see, her name climbing the leaderboard once again. Standing from her seat, her avatar bowed gracefully to the defeated opponent. The challenger could only nod in respect, his dreams of victory shattered but his spirit not broken.]
Nikki: *To Kaito* Until next time.
[With that, the kuudere turned to leave the stage, her fans chanting louder than ever. Though she may not show it, inside, Nikki's already analyzing her performance, always striving for perfection.]
— Tokyo University, Dorm Room —
[On the other side of the city, in her dorm room, the young and popular mangaka, Keiko Yumi, sat at her desk surrounded by sketches and manga panels. Her most popular work, "Red of the Ambitious," was spread out before her, the characters seeming to leap off the page with life and energy.]
[The glow from her laptop illuminated her face, a mix of concentration and artistic flair. She was the epitome of the "perfect student" at Tokyo University, admired for both her intellect and beauty.]
Keiko: *To herself* Nikki never ceases to amaze me. If only she'd join me here…
[She smiled softly, her thoughts on her friend's recent gaming victory. To this day, it was unknown how exactly she and Nikki became friends, especially since the two were so different. The most likely reason was because of their love for artwork. With a sigh, she turned back to her artwork, her pen dancing across the paper.]
[Suddenly, her computer pinged with an incoming email, making her frown somewhat as she had made a small mistake on her art. Clicking it open, her eyes widened as she read the message from Nemu Aohitsugi, her superior at Chuohku.]
Nemu: *Onscreen* "Secretary Keiko Yumi, report to Chuohku HQ immediately. The Prime Minister requests your presence."
Keiko: *Shocked* The Prime Minister? Why me?
[Standing from her desk, a mix of nerves and duty were written on her face. Grabbing her coat and bag, her mind was racing with possibilities.]
Keiko: *To herself* This could change everything.
[The mangaka takes one last look at her dorm room, the walls adorned with her manga art and nursing textbooks, a testament to her dual life...]
To be continued...
Kaito Ushiro - An e-gamer, though not of the same caliber as Nikki. He enjoys playing video games, as he connected with them better than he did with people, much like Nikki. He calls himself "NebulaStrike".
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jahayla-parker · 4 months
In Time : Tom Holland x Reader
Chapter 10
2k wc and SMAUs , click here for warnings and other chapters
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Y/n spun bashfully for the camera. She was FaceTiming Nikki, Tom’s mom to get her opinion on y/n’s outfit. It was her first ever red carpet and since Nikki had walked several with Tom early on in his career, she secretly offered to y/n that she could chat with her before the event if she thought it would help. As such, after getting dressed and letting Tom’s makeup staff touch up her face, she called Nikki.
“You look so pretty, y/n, dear,” Nikki grinned. “That dress looks even more amazing on you than I remember,” she encouraged kindly. Nikki had attended y/n and Tom’s fitting with them, to be there as the only other female member of Tom’s typical entourage so y/n had that feminine support, but also to ensure her twins -Harry and Sam, who were also going to Ballon d’or- were fitted properly as well.
“Thank you Mrs…,” y/n stopped and giggled. “Nikki,” she corrected herself, earning a sweet affirmative nod from Tom’s mom.
“No trouble, darling,” Nikki mused. “Just breathe, smile, and I assure you, Tom will help you through the rest, it’ll be over before you know it,” she commented.
“Thanks mum,” Tom’s voice sounded from outside the dressing room door. “But you could try to not make it sound so dreadful,” he laughed before knocking politely to see if he could enter.
Y/n and Nikki laughed. Y/n leaned over and opened the door.
“It’s truly not all-,” Tom began, suddenly halting as he stood before y/n with widened eyes and his lips sliggtoy parted.
“Not all… what?” Y/n giggled, looking over at Nikki for help as to what her son meant. Only, she simply found Nikki grinning while watching Tom through the screen. “Tom?” Y/n asked, stepping closer and taking his hand.
Tom shook his head sending his curls bouncing around the frames of his glasses. “S-sorry love,” he replied breathily, his cheeks reddened. “It’s just,” his front teeth grazed his bottom lip, “you look so beautiful”.
Y/n froze, her lips in a half-gasp half-smile. She laughed shyly and looked between Nikki on the phone and Tom, uncertain what to say next.
Tom smiled and pulled her closer. “Seriously, darling,” he hummed, “you’re breathtaking”.
Y/n went to lean her head on Tom’s shoulder but stopped, making him raise an eyebrow at her in confusion. “Angie,” she explained, giving the name of one of Tom’s makeup stylists she’d worked with, “said not to mess up the final look before the carpet”.
Tom laughed with a dramatic scoff. “Well, I don’t truly care about that,” he argued, “but, fine”. He held her hands in his as he smiled at her. “Are you nervous?” He asked.
Y/n tried to not bite her lip, she looked over at her phone and nodded, “but your mom has been a big help”.
Tom grinned as he watched his mum and y/n smile at each other through the phone screen. “I must say, I’m surprised, my mum isn’t a big fan of these things,” he commented lightly.
“I’m not,” Nikki agreed with a laugh. “But, y/n I think you’ll have a fine night, enjoy you two,” she said as she waved to close out the call.
After saying their goodbyes, y/n locked her phone, silenced it and slid it into the bag Harry was packing with him tonight that held Tom’s phone and Harry’s equipment. She figured she’d grab it out when it was appropriate to do so; likely after the red carpet portion of the event.
Y/n grinned at Tom, tilting his glasses slightly so they were back in place.
“Hmm?” Tom asked, lazily smiling at y/n.
Y/n shook her head. “Nothing.” She smiled as she continued to gaze at Tom. “You just look really handsome,” she complimented.
“You mentioned that earlier,” Tom blushed. He’d nervously gotten ready earlier than the others, wanting to ensure y/n had enough time in the staging room in order to not feel rushed for the event. As such, when he was done, she’d come to to tell him how good she thought he looked. Not that he minded hearing it again from her now.
“So I should stop saying it?” Y/n asked, her head tilted lightly as she smirked. When Tom shook his head ‘no’ with a blush on his cheeks, she giggled. “I’m loving that you kept it natural,” she said, reaching up to play with his curls.
Tom’s blush deepened. “I thought you might,” he admitted.
Y/n hummed. “You’re comfortable with it?”
“You said I look handsome,” Tom answered.
“I did. You do.” Y/n nodded. “I just know you don’t typically wear it out like this in public”.
Tom hummed with a tender smile. “What can I say, you’ve changed me,” he joked lightheartedly.
Y/n giggled and rolled her eyes. “Please, if anything I’d argue I’ve unchanged you,” she joked, referring to how her love for his natural hair made him stop wearing it straight as much.
Tom laughed but nodded, still smiling. “Exactly,” he said as he adjusted his frames and ran his hands down y/n’s sides. “You’ve got nothing to be worried about tonight, I promise,” he whispered. “I’ll be by your side the whole time, and Harry will be there. Sam too, and you’ve already met Zendaya and some of the other cast, it’ll just be a nice little catch up”.
“With cameras and screaming fans and a literal red carpet,” Y/n teased, laughing to show Tom she was joking and wasn’t actually panicking over that. She’d learned by now that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her, so as long as she stayed by his side she’d be fine. Even if this was an actual red carpet event she was about to attend.
Y/n and Tom supportively squeezed each others hands at the same time in the back of the towncar, making them laugh. “Ready?” She asked.
Tom nodded. “Ready”. He removed his medical-grade mask and popped a piece of gum in his mouth. Y/n let him help her out of the towncar before straightening his bow tie that had seemingly moved in the drive. When she was done, Tom kissed her hand before lowering it to his side and interlacing their fingers.
Tom kept pace with Y/n as they walked into the entrance, the screaming and flashes starting. He squeezed her hand before letting go. He quickly moved to intertwine their elbows before relocking their fingers together. She was now safely pressed up beside him as they walked. This way he would quickly and easily know if the event became too much for her.
Y/n smiled lovingly as she watched Tom try to regulate his breathing. She knew these things were a lot for him too sometimes. Her thumb ran over his hand that held hers, making him turn to her with a smile. She nodded softly at him as she smiled back.
Tom turned back to the attendant at the start of the red carpet. He decided to let Harry, who’d been behind him by just a few feet, handle the details of where the red carpet attendant wanted he and y/n and whatnot. He turned partially to y/n, “ready, beautiful?”
Y/n pursed her lips shyly but nodded confidently. With a hype man like Tom by her side why should she be worried? She listened to Harry as he explained how Tom would walk out first, get some photos and then they’d signal for y/n to walk to him for more, and so on. Y/n nodded to Tom when he looked at her silently seeking confirmation she would be okay without him for a moment. She watched closely as Tom then made his way to the main area of the red carpet, cameras flashing and photographers shouting orders.
“Remember, you practiced this,” Harry smiled, squeezing y/n’s shoulder as his camera stayed filming Tom.
Y/n nodded, remembering Harry’s brief lessons on how to pose for tonight. “Thanks again, Harry,” she smiled. She took a deep breath and when Harry nodded for her to begin walking, she followed Tom’s path out onto the red carpet. Tom had spun to look her the moment she took a step in his direction. He truly was the sweetest.
Tom grinned proudly as y/n held her head high and walked to him, her eyes only on him. Once she was within reach, he helped her get into a comfortable stance before he snaked his arm around her waist.
Y/n smiled and tried a few poses that Harry taught her when the photographers began yelling incoherent words at her. Just as they had taken a photo of her resting her hand on Tom’s chest as she stood at a slight angle with Tom smiling directly at her while she looked up at him, he suddenly leaned closer to her.
“May I kiss your cheek?” Tom respectfully asked. When y/n nodded, his smile grew and he shifted them to the next pose. After they finished the photos, he placed a proud kiss on her cheek. “You did great,” he whispered.
“That’s surely going to end up in TikTok edits,” Harry commented with a cheesy wink as he reached Tom and y/n’s side at the end of the red carpet.
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Tom was practically bouncing with nerves as he watched Messi approach. Y/n had no idea about football/soccer, but she knew he was one of Tom’s heroes. She watched, excited for him, and rubbed his shoulder to relax him as the athlete came over. She stood respectfully as they greeted each other, Tom’s excitement clear in his face. “This is my girlfriend, y/n,” Tom introduced, throwing Y/n off guard. She hadn’t planned on also meeting the man, much less Tom using his brief time to talk to his hero to introduce her.
“Love,” Tom smiled, gently pulling y/n closer so she could meet Messi. She shook hands with the man before she happily resumed watching Tom. It was so cute how he was trying not to ‘fangirl’ over meeting Messi. Y/n glanced over and saw how his brothers were super giddy too. She hummed to herself when she saw Harry had caught it all on film. She knew they’d love to play it back later. She was so happy for Tom and proud that he forged such path for himself that allowed him to meet his hero.
“This is my darling girlfriend y/n. Y/n, love, this is Mbappe,” Tom introduced. He knew she would barely recognize the name as being an athlete Tom admired. But, he was just proud to have her by his side. And he was eager to involve her as much as he could and make her feel comfortable with this side of his life. He kept his hand on her waist as he and Mbappe joked around and laughed. He could feel her eyes on him as she smiled at the interaction.
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liked by harryholland64, tomholland2013, zendaya, and 3, 749, 605 others
yourusername: Unapologetic photo dump because my handsome and talented superhero got to meet some of his personal heroes & idols tonight 🦸🏻‍♂️
Honored to be by your side, T! xoxo 💋
photos: @/harryholland64
stylist: @/jones_rose
makeup: @/angiehenderson
view all 654,789 comments
tomholland2013: No one else I’d rather spend such an amazing night with darling, xxx ❤️
karinainatlanta: You looked so stunning! I mean. you always do girl, but ahhhh! Tom had some serious arm candy tonight! 🔥
tomholland2013: definitely ‘punching above my weight’ with her 😍
yourusername: @/karinainatlanta @/tomholland2013 ily both sm 🥹😘
nikkihollandphotography: ❤️ You all look so great
hollandfanatic17: so pretty!! I’m so glad Tom invited you, you’re so cute together! 😭
bazandtom_holland: Did you see how he kept involving her in everything? OTP 😍
parkerstark3000: @/bazandtom_holland HE INTRODUCED HER TO HIS IDOLS 😭
mcu3kfrvr: screaming! he was so showing you off girl, so jealous
hanbananaholland: came here to comment this! they’re so in love
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liked by yourusername, karinainatlanta, zendaya, and 3, 749, 605 others
tomholland2013: Had the opportunity to attend the Ballon d’Or tonight with some of the most important people in my life, thank you @/sonypictures @/marvelstudios @/ballondorofficial
view all 654,789 comments
spidermanmovie: Best way to start the press tour if we do say so ourselves 🕷️❤️
karinainatlanta: ahhh I love this 😍
yourusername: ❤️
harryholland64: absolutely mental night mate!
mrstholland: im dead!!! Tom’s still showing her off even after the night ended 😭
peterholland02: you all look so good, and y/n was so supportive 💜
hollandfanatic17: @/peterholland02 they were so cute, he kept her by his side all night and she was so happy to be there; i love then your honor 😍😍😍
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Taglist: @theslayerofthevampires @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifeysblog15 @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 5 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Language, drugs, alcohol
Previous Chapter
Chapter 8- Razzle...
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"Do not tell Vince." Nikki ordered breathlessly from where he was laying on his back on the couch.
You tilted your head up from his chest to look at him, "you think I want to tell my big brother about this?"
Nikki opened his mouth to respond before someone suddenly knocked on the door across the room.
Your blood turned to ice fearing that it was Vince, and you knew for a fact that you hadn't locked the door during the heat of everything that had just happened. Fuck.
Nikki must have come to the same conclusion because he practically threw you off him, your body crashing against the soft cushion of the couch before he rushed over to the pile of messy clothes. He began to quickly pull his pants on while throwing you various items of clothing that you hurriedly put on too.
"Hey, Sixx. Tommy's looking for ya!" Doc's voice called out from the other side of the door.
You let out a shaky sigh of relief at the managers voice and buttoned up your jeans while Nikki made his way to the door after slipping his shirt on over his head. He glanced back at you making sure you were now clothed, and by clothed, you had pants and a bra on because your shirt seemed to be MIA right now.
Nikki pulled open the door while adjusting himself in his pants to find Doc leaning against the doorframe with an unamused expression.
"Tommy wants to introduce you to his parents." The manager informed before glancing over Nikki's shoulder towards you. "Seems like you both need to be getting cleaned up."
Doc walked away without asking for an explanation because, well, he didn't need one. It wouldn't have taken much to figure out what you and Nikki had been doing. You just hoped like hell that the manager kept his mouth shut about it because if Vince ever found out... nope, you didn't even want to think about that.
"This never happened, yeah?" Nikki asked, glancing over at you.
You nodded, "obviously."
With that, Nikki walked out the dressing room closing the door behind himself leaving you standing by the couch holding your shirt in your hands and debating your entire life choices.
The following day the band was on the road in the tour bus heading back to Los Angeles.
Vince was asleep at the back of the bus and Mick, well, he might be asleep as well. It was hard to tell with his dark sunglasses and quietness. Tommy and Nikki were chattering away, Tommy rambling about some kind of idea with his drum set while Nikki sniffed a line of coke from the table between them.
You sat in your usual seat at the back of the bus near Vince reading a book that you had lost interest in about 20 pages ago, but there was nothing else to do on the bus, so you kept reading anyway.
"Hey, Rox, you got a pen? Give me a pen." Tommy suddenly called out.
Oh, yeah, she was also on the bus. But you were trying very hard to pretend she wasn't. Her and Tommy were now engaged too, and you were also trying very hard to ignore that fact.
Tommy could do so much better than her.
"Your mum's a cunt." Roxy suddenly declared.
That had your head snapping up from the book in utter shock at the unexpected comment. Tommy spun around in his seat so quickly he nearly gave himself whiplash as he looked at his girlfriend in the seat behind him.
"What? Why would you say that?"
"Because she is. She's a cunt."
"Quit it. Give me the pen, alright?"
"I don't even know why you told them. It's not like she has anything to do with us getting married."
Your novel was long forgotten as you observed the little domestic dispute that was far more entertaining than your book had ever been.
"Baby, it's sweet, alright? It's tradition." Tommy tried to explain.
"Which tradition? The mandatory meeting of the cunt!" Roxy abruptly stood up from her seat and Tommy did as well, the two of them now in each other's faces.
"Don't call her that again, you hear me?" He hissed, glaring at her before he sat back down and turned to face Nikki.
"Here's your pen!"
Roxy pulled a pen out from her pocket and stabbed it into his shoulder.
"Ow! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Tommy shouted, clutching his injured shoulder where the pen was still sticking out the back of it as he stared up at his fiancé in shock.
"Fuck you and fuck your mother!" Roxy yelled.
"No. Fuck you, bitch!" You shouted, standing up from your seat because there was no way you were letting her get away with stabbing Tommy.
Roxy spun around at your voice, her eyes hardening in your direction before you marched down the narrow aisle of the bus until you were in her face.
"Sit the fuck down and don't say another word until we get to the city. Understood?" You ordered sternly.
You wanted nothing more than to punch her in her perfectly stupid face, but she was still Tommys fiancé, so you restrained yourself.
"His mother is a fucking cunt and so are you!" Roxy spat in your face. "I always knew there was something going on between you two. You're just Mötley Crüe's little slut who-"
You didn't wait for her to finish before you grabbed her arm and pushed the woman down the aisle towards the front of the bus.
"Let go of me! You fucking whore!" Roxy screamed yanking her arm free.
You tried to grab her again but then her ringed fist collided with the side of your face. The guys behind you all gasped at the hit, your head snapping to the side from the unexpected punch.
"Whoa!" Nikki exclaimed clearly not expecting it either.
"That's it. This fucking bitch is out of here. Pull over!" Tommy shouted.
"Fuck it." You muttered to yourself before slamming your own fist into her nose.
Roxy cried out in pain stumbling back a few steps from the hit while clutching at her now bloodied and probably broken nose.
"Get the fuck off this bus!" You ordered, pointing at the door just as the driver pulled over on the side of the road. "Don't make me say it again."
Roxy looked up at you from behind her messy hair as blood dripped out from between her fingers around her nose. She didn't speak, she didn't say anything else before she turned and rushed out the now open door.
"We're in the middle of nowhere." The bus driver informed over his shoulder.
"The bitch can hitchhike. I don't give a shit." You muttered, looking down at your bloodied knuckles that hurt more than your stinging cheek.
The driver simply nodded and closed the door of the bus before putting his foot back down on the accelerator continuing along the road. You sucked in a deep breath, adrenaline soaring through your veins from the fight as you turned around to find Nikki, Tommy, Mick and Vince -who was now well and truly awake- all staring at you with wide eyes.
Nobody said anything for a moment as you stared at each other before Nikki broke the silence.
"Is it bad that I was kinda turned on by that?"
You shot him a glare but there was no real heat behind it. Vince stood up from his napping spot at the far end of the bus and walked past whacking the bassist on the back of the head for that comment.
"Are you okay?" Your brother asked, stopping in front of you and eyeing the reddening mark on your cheek.
"Yeah. Bitch can't throw a decent punch." You shrugged off.
"But you can." Mick pointed out with an impressed tone.
You looked back down at your bloodied knuckles and Vince followed your line of sight and frowned when he saw that you had split the skin on your three middle knuckles.
"Make a fist for me." Vince instructed, holding his own hand out and making a fist with his for you to copy.
You mimicked his actions slowly, your hand hurting at the movement, but you were able to do it and that seemed to be a good sign.
"You didn't break anything.” Vince announced before he glanced around the bus in search of something. "Tommy, grab me that bottle."
Tommy didn't move though. He seemed to be frozen to his chair while he stared at your bloodied knuckles with wide panicked eyes.
"Here." Nikki said, grabbing the vodka from the table and tossing it over.
Your brother caught the bottle with ease before unscrewing the lid and pouring the liquid over your split knuckles without any prior warning.
"Son of a bitch!" You hissed, gritting your teeth as the alcohol burned against the exposed flesh. "Warn a girl next time. Jesus Christ."
Vince snorted softly, "thought you were tougher than that."
"Screw you, bro." You winced before looking back at Tommy who seemed to be in some kind of state of shock. "Tommy, I'm sorry for punching your fiancé."
Your words were enough to snap him out of whatever the hell that was because his hazel eyes met yours before he quickly shook his head.
"No. No. Thank you. I mean, fuck, I think I would've punched her if you didn't. Jesus. I can't believe that just happened." Tommy hurriedly said, like he was still trying to process everything. "Are you okay though?"
You raised your eyebrows, "I wasn't the one who got stabbed with a pen."
Tommys eyes widened further having completely forgotten about the pen as he turned around to find that it was still sticking out the back of his shoulder.
Nikki stood up and grabbed the pen yanking it out without warning causing Tommy to wince, "thanks, dude."
"You're not gonna marry that girl, are you?" Mick asked, sounding almost afraid that Tommy would say yes.
"After she just punched Y/N? Hell no!" Tommy answered causing your heart to flutter a little at his words. "That bitch is gone forever."
It had started out as a barbecue with the guys to celebrate the kick-off of their third album, but it soon turned into their usual rowdy party.
Vince's mansion by the beach had become the new designated party house. You had lost track of who was even at the party because there were that many people.
You hadn't moved far from the couch in the main living area because Tommy and Nikki were also seated around the coffee table and the three of you chatted, drank and the guys got high. Most of the others at the party left you three alone which was a relief. You weren't in a very sociable mood and the guys seemed to notice too because they didn't leave your side and seemed happy enough to sit with you.
"Alright, alright, never have I ever... slept with a mother and her daughter on the same night." Tommy suddenly said because apparently the three of you were back in high school playing this stupid game.
Nikki snickered from beside you before bringing his bottle of Jack to his lips causing your eyes to widen.
"You're kidding, right?" You asked in shock.
Nikki shook his head, "nope."
"Jesus Christ." You laughed.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Nikki suddenly said, holding his hand up as he looked over at Tommy. “You have done that too.”
Tommy smirked, “no. I slept with a daughter, the mother, and the grandmother on the same night.”
Your jaw dropped. Shit like this shouldn’t even surprise you by now. After all these years living with them, touring with them and being around them constantly, nothing should really surprise you. Yet the Terror Twins always found a way.
"Can I join?" Tom Zutaut asked, walking over and sitting on the couch across the coffee table.
"Sure!" Tommy replied enthusiastically. "You can go after Nikki."
"Never have I ever... gotten a speeding ticket."
You looked over at Nikki having expected some out-of-pocket crazy thing, but surprised at how mundane those words were compared to the shit him and Tommy were saying earlier.
"Wait, how have you never gotten a ticket?" You asked, taking a drink of your rum along with Tommy and Tom.
Nikki shrugged, "charmed my way out of 'em."
You scoffed, bumping your shoulder into his playfully before leaning back against the couch and kicking your boots up on the coffee table. Tommy mimicked you, kicking his own boots up and piling them on top of yours before Nikki did the same and the three of you literally had your boots stacked on top of each other's.
"Never have I ever..." Tom began to say before he trailed off struggling to think of something before his eyes flashed over to you. "Never have I ever slept with a member of Mötley Crüe."
Your heart skipped a beat at his question, and you quickly scanned the room for your brother, but he was nowhere in sight before you glanced over at Nikki and Tommy who were seated either side of you.
Then, the three of you took a sip of your drinks simultaneously and Toms eyes widened.
"Wait, wait, wait, did the three of you..." He trailed off but you knew where his mind had automatically gone.
A threesome.
"No!" You and Nikki both quickly said and Tommys head suddenly shot over at Nikki and his hazel eyes widened into saucers.
"When did you two... how did... what?!" Tommy stuttered in utter shock.
Oh, right. He didn't know about that.
"It happened once. Calm down." Nikki dismissed.
"Calm down? Dude, you grilled me when you found out that I fucked her and now-"
"I am sitting right here." You spoke up, looking between the two of them and they both instantly shut their mouths. "It happened. It's in the past and it stays there. Got it?"
Both guys nodded before you looked over at Tom and raised your eyebrow in a silent question.
"Oh, I'm not going to say anything."
"Good." You nodded before draping your arms around the back of the couch behind Nikki and Tommy, your boots still stacked on the coffee table just as Mick walked over and sat down with a slight grimace.
"You okay there, Mick?" Tommy asked.
"Yeah. My back hurts from carrying this band all tour."
You chuckled softly at his words and drank the last of your rum before announcing that you were going to get a refill and the guys reluctantly lifted their boots off yours allowing you to get up.
"Y/N, can you control your brother?" Sharise's voice suddenly called out.
You looked towards the front of the house to find the two of them by the front door and you smiled at the pregnant woman before glaring at your brother.
"What did you do now?" You asked.
"Nothing! Raz and I are just gonna get some more booze. We'll be right back." Vince dismissed.
"Fine, but we're taking my truck." You said, pulling out your car keys from your pocket.
"Whyyyy?" Vince asked dramatically. "You're rich and you still drive a shitty truck."
"Your fancy ass car has no backseats bro. Where the hell are you gonna put the alcohol?" You asked causing Vince to pause thinking about your question before he nodded.
"Okay. I'm driving."
You eyed him cautiously, "how much have you had to drink?"
You would offer to drive but knew you had drunk a little too much over the past few hours. If the Police pulled you over for a random breath test, you would not pass it and you weren't sure if Vince would either.
"I'm fine." He snatched the keys from your hand before turning to his wife. "Be right back, babe."
"The baby's kicking." Sharise suddenly said, grabbing Vinces's hand and resting it over her pronounced baby bump. "Do you feel it?"
Vince smiled brightly his hand resting against her stomach before he leant forward and kissed her and you had to look away, a little envious of their relationship.
You were never going to have something like that.
"Let's go, Loverboy!" You called over your shoulder.
"Raz, are you coming?" Vince shouted from behind you as you walked out the front door.
"Twice already today, mate." Came Razzle's British accent.
You rolled your eyes at his response and walked straight past Vince's bright red '72 Ford Pantera and paused beside your old Ford truck which you couldn't unlock because your brother had stolen the keys.
After more grumbling about not being able to take his sports car, the three of you were on the road heading to the liquor store. Despite your truck being old and shitty, your brother had a lead foot and screeched into the parking lot in record time.
"If you wear out the brakes. You're paying for it." You warned, jumping out the backseat.
"Paying for new brake pads will cost more than the fucking car itself." Vince muttered.
"Best not ruin 'em, eh mate?" Razzle responded patting Vince's shoulder as the three of you entered the liquor store.
The guys made a beeline for the beer aisle while you ducked around the side of the store and grabbed a couple bottles of Jack Daniels and Vodka knowing Nikki, Tommy and Mick would probably appreciate it.
There was another man in a trench coat a few metres away looking over the liquor bottles but as you walked past on your way to the cash register, he quickly turned his attention to you and whistled.
"Hey there pretty thing."
His voice was slightly slurred as he spoke, clearly drunk, so you kept walking figuring it was best to ignore this random stranger.
"Hey! I'm talking to you."
The drunk man was surprisingly quick on his feet because within a blink of an eye, he was jogging over and stopping in front of you blocking your path. His dark eyes scanned you up and down taking in your tight pants and tank top as he licked his lips.
"I'm not interested." You stated sternly before he had the chance to say anything else.
"Oh, come on. Give me a chance." He begged reaching for your hand, but you took a quick step back.
"Everything okay here?" Razzle's voice suddenly questioned.
"Fuck off. She's mine."
Razzle reached your side and looped his arm around yours protectively as he stared at the stranger cautiously.
"I was here first pal!" The drunk man slurred.
He suddenly stepped forward and tried to grab your hand once again, but Razzle was quick to shove him back with his free hand causing the drunk man to stagger back in surprise.
"Hey! What the fuck is going on?!" Vince's voice boomed.
You glanced to your left to find your brother marching around the corner of the aisle holding a carton of beer over his shoulder while glaring at the stranger who had gotten a little too close to you.
"This asshole was just leaving. Ain’t ya, mate?" Razzle prompted staring at the drunk man.
"Too bad, sweet cheeks. I got something big that would've made ya feel real good." He smirked while groping his own crutch before leaving the store.
Vince marched over in sudden rage, but you quickly held your arm out stopping your brother from chasing after the man.
"I should knock his ass out!" Vince spat glaring in the direction the stranger had gone.
"No need, mate. He's gone. Let's get back to the party, yeah?" Razzle said unhooking his arm from yours and stepping in front of Vince trying to calm the singer down.
"Raz is right. Let's go, Vin." You encouraged nodding towards the cash register across the store.
Vince let out a deep exhale but nodded in agreement before leading the way to pay for the alcohol. You began following after him before Razzle grabbed your arm gently catching your attention.
"Are you okay, love? That guy didn't do anything before I got here, did he?"
You smiled softly, "no. He didn't. Thank you for stepping in."
"If I didn't, I'm sure that brother of yours would've." Razzle replied nodding in Vince's direction. "He's a protective one, ain't he?"
"Sometimes too protective." You admitted.
Vince Neil had his flaws and issues like every person did. But he was always a good brother.
From the day you were dumped at his family's doorstep in a basket as a baby, he had taken you under his wing. He stood up for you and protected you when nobody else did. He got you out of that abusive home and allowed you to join his band, Rock Candy, which then led to Mötley and turned your entire life around.
You owed everything to Vince.
Hell, you even changed your surname to get rid of the last remaining attachment to your father. Vince suggested changing it to Neil, and you never looked back.
A couple hundred dollars' worth of beer later, enough to keep the party going for several more hours, you were back on the road. The alcohol was stacked up on the backseat beside you while Vince drove, and Razzle sat shotgun talking shit with each other.
"What does this mysterious person benefit from my sexual humiliation?" Razzle asked trying to dodge your brother's stupid question.
"I don't know, man, but you're definitely gonna die if you don't fucking pick." Vince responded.
"Y/N, what do ya reckon?" Raz asked glancing over his shoulder.
"Don't drag me into this." You responded raising your hands causing Razzle and Vince to laugh.
"Come on, man. Pick."
"In that case, I think I'd have to go with the Lauper. At least she's got the proper plumbing." Raz finally answered before pausing and shaking his head. "Hey, no, but Georgie boy, he's probably more experienced in the handling of a penis. So..."
Vince looked over at Razzle and laughed causing the Brit to start laughing too while you rolled your eyes from the backseat and began to regret coming for this drive with the two of them.
You leant forward to say some sarcastic comment but then you saw a flash of bright headlights through the front windshield.
"Vince!" You screamed, realising too late that he had drifted across the lane into oncoming traffic.
The last thing you heard was the deafening crash of metal on metal before you were thrown across the backseat and then... nothing. 
Next Chapter
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vincess-princess · 5 months
as we were falling
ch. 11
a/n: i sure am spoiling yall with three updates in a month, even considering these chapters are small. whatever, enjoy :) word count: 1440 warnings: none
They sure were an extraordinary couple, those two. Even among robotic arms and legs they stood out. The man, his age hard to pinpoint, was tall, long-haired, narrow-hipped, and had a half-cybernetic face, the seam between flesh and metal rough and uneven; in the age of nearly limitless cosmetic surgery this sure was a deliberate decision. His cybernetic eye flashed red behind toned protective screen in his eye socket. The seam went farther down the neck and underneath a red mesh shirt, its outline visible underneath the fabric until it disappeared behind the belt. A metal joint of his knee peeked out ofthe hole in his pants.
The woman, around 35, had half of her hair shaven and the other weaved into a complex braid. Tattoos spun on the bald half of her head and down onto the cheek. She was wearing a leather jacket and pants, tall cowboy boots and hoop earrings. And Tommy couldn’t see a single artificial detail in her, hard as he tried. Here all natural was unnatural. Maybe under her clothes…
“I don’t like the way they look at us,” Nikki whispered.
“Me neither. They look weird. Well,” Tommy quickly corrected himself, “weirder than others.”
“That guy’s eye is freaking me out.”
“Me too.” To be fair, the guy’s other eye was almost as creepy. Not in the appearance, no; but in the way it looked at you… as if it wanted to eat you.
Just then the guy said something to the woman, and they very purposefully headed right to their stand.
“Shit, they’re coming!”
A heavy feeling arose in Tommy’s chest. These people did him no bad thing, but he already disliked them. He surely hoped it was just prejudice against the outward differentness of these two – differentness from everything he’d already seen.
Yet as they were nearing them, he became less and less sure of that.
At close distance the cybernetic eye looked less creepy; but the seam between flesh and metal looked even more gruesome. And the woman did have one robotic piece on her, as it turned out: a small, almost unnoticeable cochlear implant. At least, that was probably the purpose of a tiny earbud with a wire going underneath her ear. It could hardly be jewelry – jewelry was supposed to be seen.
The guy looked at Nikki, then Tommy, and they knew looking in the eyes of clients was considered bad behavior, yet they both did it – because it was an assessment, no, a challenge even, and looking down was admitting defeat, and they didn’t have those stripes on their wrists for nothing, did they?
The guy tilted his head slightly and then smiled. The seam went straight across his lips, so it was more scary than encouraging.
“These two,” he told the woman and pointed at Nikki and Tommy, “I like these two.”
The woman looked them over appraisingly.
“You always pick the skinny and the long-haired, don’t you?”
“I have my preferences,” the man shrugged. “What’s your opinion?”
“Not bad,” the woman said curtly after a short pause. “I’ve gotta take a closer look but I like what I’m seeing.”
Nikki and Tommy exchanged exasperated glances. Being talked about as if they weren’t there was rather irritating.
“Don’t you roll your eyes at us!” the man suddenly said harshly. “You should be thankful we deemed you worthy our attention, you defiant scum. You surely know you’ve got almost zero chances to get a good master with these stripes, don’t you?”
“We’re counting on our natural charm,” Nikki grinned unpleasantly. “Sir.”
Tommy couldn’t hold back a chuckle.
The woman leaned to the man and said something into his ear. Tommy was pretty convinced it was something along the lines of “You still sure about this?”.
“Yes,” the guy told her out loud. “These two need some taming, but I think their cases are salvageable.”
“No way in hell they are salvaging me,” Nikki hissed quietly. Tommy couldn’t decide if he should take his side and annoy the prospective clients into leaving or try to talk Nikki into being a bit more polite with these two – they could be their last chance at a decent life.
He didn’t get to do either.
“Hey! You!” the guy pointed at Nikki. “What’s your name?”
“Can’t you read?” Nikki bristled, nodding at his number on the display.
“I don’t need the number they gave you at the facility. I want your name.”
“Oh.” Even Nikki seemed to be taken aback. Slave owners preferred to give their slaves new names – to help the transition to the household, they said. Tommy was pretty sure they did it to erase the very remains of the slave’s identity – to clean the slate for a fresh start. Nobody needed the baggage a slave could bring to a new home.
This guy didn’t seem to mind, though.
“Well?” he raised an eyebrow. The seam curved in a very grotesque manner. This guy’s presence at the auction indicated he was wealthy enough for a plastic surgery. He really should have had it.
“I don’t-“ Nikki began, but the guard, observing the interaction with great interest, began rising from his chair, his taser threateningly raised. Nikki seemed to have had enough of that today, because he sighed and said: “Fine, fine. I’m Nikki. You?”
“Ecto. And this is Onyx,” the guy pointed at the woman. She nodded at them. “And you?” They looked at Tommy.
Nikki looked at the couple with the same distrustful confusion that Tommy was feeling, so he decided to say what they both had in mind. “Um. Tommy. Why?”
“I don’t like labeling slaves with numbers. Hard on the memory. Besides, names give me an idea of a person before I get to know them. And I’m usually right.”
“Oh yeah?” Nikki crossed his arms on his chest. “And what is my name telling ya?”
“That you’re a huge pain in the ass.” Ecto grinned in response. “And lack manners.”
Nikki sighed and rolled his eyes. “I think we won’t get anything constructive outta them.”
“That’s damn right, you prick. Now back off, I wanna see your display.” Ecto waved his hand, and Nikki unwillingly stepped out of the way.
“That’s an interesting set of skills,” Onyx said. “Shooting, foraging… bass guitar? Tattooing? Where’d you live to learn all that?”
“In a hellhole,” Nikki grumbled.
“Anyway, that doesn’t matter much. You a virgin?”
“What? No!”
“Thought so. Now,” Onyx stepped forward and hooked her finger on Nikki’s overalls strap, “undress. Gotta see your little friend.”
“What the fu- No! Fuck off!” Nikki jumped back from the woman, his face a grimace of disgust. Onyx and Ecto only exchanged tired glances. Then Onyx turned to the guard.
“Could you please bring him to reason?”
“Gladly.” The guard grinned, baring his taser.
“Grill me all you want, I won’t undress for these perverts.”
“Oh, that’s alright. They’ll get to see whatever they need when you are unconscious.” The guard stepped forward, the taser crackling in his hand. Nikki pressed his lips together – they wouldn’t get a cry of pain out of him no matter how hard they tried, Tommy realized.
Then Ecto’s gaze shifted to Tommy.
“Wait.” He motioned at the guard. “We won’t get anywhere this way. I’ve got a better idea.”
Then he pointed at Tommy and said, “Tase him instead.”
The guard faltered, but only for a moment. Then he pushed Nikki out of the way and stepped towards Tommy.
“No!” Tommy heard as the taser drew so close to his arm he could feel the charge with the hairs on his skin. Damn it, Nikki. Tommy sure hoped he would last longer. “Fine, you bastards. Come get a look.”
Tommy didn’t see anything new there, but Ecto and Onyx examined the sight most attentively. Then Ecto nodded approvingly and smacked Nikki’s ass.
“Not bad, not bad. We can work with that. Now you,” he turned to Tommy. The guard, anticipating another series of refusals and curses, clicked his taser next to Nikki’s hip, so Tommy decided not to tempt fate. It sure was unfortunate that these two found out their weak spots.
“Wow,” Ecto and Onyx said simultaneously when he pulled down the overalls. Even the guard reddened and drew his eyes away with an envious expression. Tommy could hardly hold back a laugh. Nikki openly grinned.
“We’re taking him,” Ecto said quickly as Tommy pulled his pants up. “His friend…” he exchanged glances with Onyx, making Tommy’s stomach drop. Were they going to separate him and Nikki?
But Onyx nodded – the barest of nods, but it was enough.
“…his friend too,” Ecto finished.
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medusanova · 1 year
It's me, hi!👋🏻 I would love to know more about Viridity because I like pretty words.
Hiii Nikki!
Ohhh you picked a great one! So this one is from Musa's perspective and it's all about Riven's eyes. His lovely green eyes. More specifically, his lovely, green eyes when they're framed by the reading glasses no one knows he wears. Except Musa, of course, since a weakness of Musa's (and mine) is a cocky nerd so..
A snippet for you:
The book was in his lap and he was thumbing through the pages, she could see various bookmarks and little scraps of paper he'd written on while he read and briefly wondered what he might like to annotate. His thoughts? Things that excited him? Confused him? Now, she thought, they were at least at a place where they could refer to each other as friends without much second guessing. But, as he peered at her over his glasses, forest green capturing her like vines, his book forgotten in his lap, Musa wasn't sure she was comfortable with the liquid fire that sluiced through her veins, filling her with raw heat that she hoped wouldn't meander its way to her cheeks. "Yes, well. I can explain." She said as she spun back around to the polished table to look for where she’d put her pen, not that she didn’t want to face him. She felt Riven more than she heard him as he came to stand behind her, his presence towering over her. “Looking for this?” he said as she felt the pen she'd used to hold up her hair slip out, tumbling it around her shoulders. Musa took a breath before turning towards him, eyes widening when she realized just how close they were and she looked up at him and realized that, for once, he hadn't removed his glasses.
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gayemeralds · 2 years
About doctor who au. Sudden and powerful mental image of Sonic’s various designs throughout the years being his reformations. Tails journeying with classic sonic and then one day sonic reforms and has vocal chords now and he will NOT shut up
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING THOUGH HE REGENERATES INTO THE DIFFERENT INCARNATIONS like classic sonic to satam/aosth to Nikki to ova to modern to boom, etc. THATS LITERALLY WHAT I THOUGHT TOO. tails joins when he’s classic sonic and gets his head spun 360 when he turns into aosth and won’t shut the fuck up
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melodysbookhaven · 11 months
“That the beginning and the end may have been chosen for us, the string already spun, but the middle had always been left undetermined, to be woven and shaped by us.”
Nikki Erlick, The Measure
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