#Squir spiels
squirsquirrel · 1 year
fast reblog is my friend ^-^ we are best friends
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data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk) 1967 in Star Trek: The Original Series "The Squire of Gothos“
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deaf-solitude · 2 months
In The Shadow of the Valley Pt. 3 (Squire!Thaddeus x Knight!Reader)
Pairing: Thaddeus x Knight!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings/Tags: future graphic violence, no use of y/n, placeholder knight name for the reader, mostly gender-neutral but reader is called “sir” at some points, the reader is called “my lord” sometimes too, gun use?, not a whole lot going on in this one
Summary: You’re a knight sworn to the Brotherhood of Steel, and you’ve just lost your asshole squire to a yao guai. Maybe it’s for the better, as you prefer to work alone anyway. Unfortunately, the Brotherhood thinks otherwise and quickly sends you a replacement. Turns out that the replacement is someone you never wished to meet again, but thankfully, he didn’t know it was you! Not yet, at least.
TDLR; What if Thaddeus was your squire instead of Maximus’?
((A/N)) SO sorry for how long this took, I was so stumped the second half of this all week, so I just split it in half for now ToT. A bit shorter than I wanted it to be, but I figured I’d get something posted. Also shout out to wiki how for teaching me how to teach someone how to shoot a handgun lmao. If it’s inaccurate im sorry, I’ve never handled a gun in my life
That night went well, as far as you were concerned. Once it got late, Thaddeus insisted on taking the first watch, and while you were hesitant, you eventually relented after he started going on a spiel about having to prove himself to you. You slept buried in your sleeping bag and with your face covering on, and were happy to see it was still there when you woke up to take over the watch. Hopefully, he hadn’t gotten curious while you were sleeping.
What you weren’t too happy to find, however, was that you woke up on your own. After a bit of investigation, you found Thaddeus fast asleep on the outskirts of the camp, having slumped over when he drifted off. You didn't know how long he’d been asleep, and you debated waking the man up and scolding him, but you’d rather do that in the morning when he was more or less coherent. So instead, you settled down next to him and kept watch for the rest of the night and early morning.
When he finally awoke as the sun was rising, he almost didn’t realize where he was. It wasn't until he sat up, groggily rubbed his face, and then caught you staring at him out of the corner of his eye did it finally register in his sleep-fogged mind.
He nearly shrieked as he did, stumbling back and nearly falling over again. “Jesus, what the fuck! What are you doing?” Thaddeus exclaimed, putting a hand over his chest to calm his beating heart. You continued to stare at him, and a quirk of your brow finally got the gears turning his head as he deeply frowned.
“Don’t tell me I fell asleep.”
“You fell asleep,” you echoed, crossing your arms as an amused look shone through in your eyes. It was your turn to be the one jumping back when Thaddeus suddenly lurched forward, getting on his hands and knees to bow to you.
“I-I’m so sorry, Knight Mire! It-it won’t happen again, I-I swear!” He cried, squeezing his eyes shut as he expected some sort of scolding or punishment. All you did was grimace, scooting away from him a bit.
“God, dude, don't do that,” you groaned, not sure how to feel about Thaddeus begging for your forgiveness at your feet, “get up, it’s fine. Just… don’t do it again.”
Thaddeus’ head snapped up at your uncharacteristic reassurance, his eyes wide and unsure. “Wh-what?”
You sighed, pushing yourself up from where you were sitting and dusting yourself off. “I said get up. We have shit to do,” you instructed, refusing to repeat what little kindness had peeked through in your words. You stalked off to gather your stuff before Thaddeus could question you further, leaving your flabbergasted squire in your wake. He was frozen in place for a moment, the rocks on the ground still biting painfully into his knees as he watched you start to pack up camp.
You hadn’t punished him. Hell, you’d hardly even raised your voice at him. Thaddeus couldn’t help the small smile that spread across his face, and although he was still a little confused at your behaviour, he jumped to his feet once he realized he should probably be helping you.
The two of you ate quickly and packed up camp easily enough, but you stopped Thaddeus before he lugged that pack back onto his shoulder.
“You need this,” you mused, holding up a spare pipe pistol for Thaddeus since it seemed like he had misplaced his other gun in the fight with the dogs yesterday. You saw the rejection on his face before he had even opened his mouth with how he was nervously wringing his hands out.
“Uh, I… I don’t want it,” Thaddeus mumbled, refusing to meet your eye.
Your gaze hardened. “You need a gun, Thaddeus. It’s not a suggestion.”
Thaddeus seemed to get more nervous—or flustered if the pink tint of his cheeks was any indicator—by the minute. “Yeah, well it won't do me much good. I’m a terrible shot…” He mumbled, his brows furrowing. He hadn’t been so averse to using a gun yesterday, so you could only assume he was nervous he would completely miss again in front of you, his knight. You huffed an amused breath out of your nose at the thought.
“You better get practicing, then,” you chirped, shoving the pistol into Thaddeus’ unwilling hands. You were already stepping into your power armour by the time he decided to open his mouth to protest again. He instinctively shrunk back from your seven-foot metal frame as it powered up, his jaw clicking shut as his desire to argue swiftly left him.
You tilted your head at him, a bit surprised at the sudden change in demeanour. Was the armour really that intimidating? You supposed you wouldn’t know since you were usually the one wearing it. He was turning away to grab the pack before you had a chance to tease him about it.
Once the two of you had gathered everything, you were on your way again. You kept your eye on Thaddeus, making sure he could still carry the pack with his injured arm. He seemed to be doing alright as far as you could tell, as chatty as ever, but a quick check-in wouldn’t hurt.
“How’s that arm feeling?”
Thaddeus perked up at your sudden question, a confused expression falling across his face.
You nodded at his bandaged arm, and he had to look down at it before he even seemed to remember what had happened to it.
“Oh! Pshh, yeah, it doesn’t even hurt anymore,” he waved you off, acting as if the injury never bothered him to begin with. You skeptically nodded, trying to pick out any irregularities in his behaviour. It was difficult to discern what was normal for him now since he had been acting so differently compared to when the two of you were younger. After a few minutes, you gave up on figuring out if his arm was still bothering him as he continued to talk your ear off.
Suddenly, Thaddeus hesitated for a moment, his mouth opening and closing a few times as he debated what he was going to say next. Eventually, he spit it out, nervously stumbling over his words.
“So… um- where are we going?”
He seemed reluctant to bring it up again, seeing as the last time he did, you had basically threatened his life over it. You bit the inside of your cheek, debating if it was worth telling him.
…Fuck, you might as well.
You explained that the Brotherhood had sent you to scout some raider group rumoured to be using post-war tech for… less than moral reasons. The Brotherhood wasn’t exactly sure what they were up to, so that's where the two of you came in.
Thaddeus’ face screwed up in confusion: this is the information you’d withheld from him? “It’s just a scouting mission?”
“You make it sound simple. We have no idea what we’re going up against,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at Thaddeus’ underestimation of your task. “We don’t know how many of them there are, and we don’t know the extent of their tech supply or their knowledge of it…”
Thaddeus seemed to be getting more nervous the more you talked.
“So there’s a chance this could end up being a… a suicide mission?”
You glanced at Thaddeus, furrowing your brows at his immediate thought of death.
“Well the plan is to make it out alive with useful information, so I hope not,” you snorted, “all we have to do is get close enough to scope out exactly what we’re up against, and then we’re out of there. In and out, quiet as hell, that’s it. Shouldn’t be a problem.”
Your words seemed to soothe Thaddeus’ nerves, but they had the opposite effect on your own: it would be a problem with Thaddeus bumbling around like a newborn brahmin. You spared another glance at him, watching as he fiddled around with the spare pipe pistol you’d given him. The weapon looked alien in his hands, and he handled it as such, his grip on the gun unsure and stiff. He claimed he was a terrible shot—you’d seen him yesterday with the hounds, you didn't doubt his claim—and it had your stomach churning with worry.
You stopped abruptly in place, Thaddeus immediately on alert as his head swivelled to try and spot danger. “What? What is it? Are there more mutts?” He cried, instinctively backing up so that he was closer to you.
You furrowed your brows, looking down at Thaddeus’ panicked face. “What? No,” you promptly answered, opening up your power armour again to step out. You made sure your face covering was still in place as you stood before Thaddeus, who looked at you with a puzzled expression.
“You said you were a terrible shot, right?” You questioned bluntly, causing Thaddeus’ face to flush.
“U-uh, yeah…”
You nodded, brushing past Thaddeus and unholstering the gun from his belt in the process. Your eyes searched for an easy target out in the barren wasteland, where there happened to be a convenient road sign a little ways back.
“Have you ever even been taught to use a gun properly?” You prodded, turning back around to stare at Thaddeus. He shrunk back under your gaze, a bead of sweat welling up on his temple.
“Of course! I just… um- didn’t pay attention all that much…” Thaddeus practically mumbled the last bit, clearing his throat to try and cover up his confession, but you’d heard it loud and clear. You rolled your eyes; of course, that was one of the lessons he skipped out on in favour of bullying Maximus.
“Great. Today’s your lucky day then,” you muttered, stepping back over to Thaddeus and putting the gun back in his hand. “We’re only spending one bullet on this.”
Thaddeus quickly nodded, still feeling a bit embarrassed that they even had to do this right now. He shrugged the pack off and let it drop to the floor with a thud, stretching his shoulder as it and his back were relieved from the strain of the weight.
You suddenly came up behind Thaddeus, and once he realized what you were doing, he nearly jumped out of his skin. He couldn’t stop his trembling as you took his hands in yours, your chest pressed against his back as you brought his hands up in front of him.
”Relax,” you huffed, but the close proximity of your voice to his ear had the exact opposite effect on Thaddeus. His arms were stiff, his breathing was shallow, and he was trying to keep his face from burning red. You chalked it up to embarrassment, paying Thaddeus no mind as you fiddled with his hands around the gun.
“Make sure your fingers aren’t near the slide,” you chided, moving his fingers down the grip a bit so they wouldn’t get nipped by the slide going back, “and don’t hold on so tight.” You sighed, noting how Thaddeus’ knuckles were practically turning white as the gun shook in his hands.
“S-sorry,” he breathed quietly, audibly swallowing as he loosened his hold a bit and tried to stop his quivering. Aside from the slight shake, he was holding the gun pretty well. That was a good start.
A glance down had you frowning again: his stance was totally off, and you wouldn’t be surprised if he were to fall to his ass from the gun’s recoil. You were quick to knock Thaddeus’ legs further apart with your knee, causing the man’s breath to hitch. You paid him no mind, nudging his non-dominant foot forward a bit too. Thaddeus nearly lost all composure when you slid your hands down his arms, a shiver running down his spine as you adjusted them to give him proper support. This was all seeming far too intimate for him, and much too annoying for you.
“I assume you know how to aim?” You quipped, pulling a scoff from Thaddeus’ lips.
“Of course I do!” He snapped, but you could only chuckle as you watched his ears turn red. Thaddeus proceeded to look down his sights with a determined expression, which was quickly undermined by your hand nudging his up just a touch higher. He glanced back at you with a glare that you were incapable of taking to heart when you saw how red his face was.
Despite this, you were quick to take your hands off of him, backing up with them halfheartedly thrown in the air. “Sorry, sorry,” you mumbled out, an amused smile hidden by your face cover. You crossed your arms as you watched Thaddeus relax a bit now that you weren’t pressed up against his back.
“Remember to breathe,” you reminded him, “and follow through when you fire.”
“What does that even mean?” Thaddeus whined, attempting to slow his breathing now that he had some space.
You rolled your eyes again. “Keep holding the trigger back after you shoot and don’t move your arms an inch. Gives you a more accurate shot.”
“Okay, okay, geez,” Thaddeus muttered, trying to keep all of your tips in order.
“I thought you wanted my help?” You mused, entertained by how frustrated Thaddeus was getting at your nitpicking.
He sucked in a shaky breath, ignoring your remark, before calling out, “C-can I shoot now?”
“Yeah, whenever you’re ready,” you shrugged, sidestepping so that you weren’t behind Thaddeus anymore and could see the street sign. A few tense seconds ticked by before Thaddeus pulled the trigger, a loud bang emanating out and echoing in the wide-open wasteland. Thaddeus’ shoulders jumped at the sound, slightly throwing off his shot, but the quick pinging sound that followed had both of you blinking in surprise.
He hit it.
Just the edge of it, but he hit it.
Thaddeus turned back to you with a grin so wide it genuinely warmed your heart.
“I did it! I actually did it!” He cheered, throwing his hands in the air and obnoxiously whooping in excitement. A display that would’ve originally had you agitated now brought a smile to your covered face, laughing at Thaddeus’ elation.
“You sure did, bud,” you quipped, crossing your arms as a sense of pride welled up in your chest, “really showed that sign who’s boss.” Thaddeus stuck his tongue out at you, blowing a raspberry at your remark and pulling another warm laugh from your throat.
“Alright, alright,” you chuckled, waving Thaddeus off and turning to get back in your power armour, “let’s get a move on. We’ve still got quite a bit of ground to cover.”
Thaddeus holstered his gun once he saw you getting back in your armour, his smile stuck to his face as he watched you. He was trying hard to ignore the butterflies in his stomach that were caused by your laugh; a sound he’d scarcely heard but had already grown attached to. He cursed at himself, his eyes darting away from you as his face flushed softly again. He couldn’t be thinking of you like that, not when he was your squire.
Your garbled voice pulled him out of his stupor, “You coming?”
Thaddeus’ head snapped up like that of a puppy’s, the reddening of his face obvious as he fumbled to get the pack back onto his shoulder.
“Y-yeah, obviously,” he scoffed sarcastically, pulling another chuckle from you. This time he simply couldn’t ignore the fluttering in his chest or the way a smile threatened to break out into his face just from the sound.
You tilted your head as if motioning him to follow you. “Hurry up then, slowpoke.”
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asoiafandotherbooks · 10 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The Beginning of 44 AC
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
It is 44 AC and Maegor has put down rebellions by the Faith of the Seven and Aegon the Uncrowned.
The building of the Red Keep continued but his court was “grim and cheerless”.
Maegor bedded one of his three queens nightly but remained childless.
He was called “Maegor the Cruel” and “kinslayer” but not in his hearing.
In Old Town, High Septon Pater died of natural causes and a new High Septon was elected. The new High Septon wisely “spoke no word” against Maegor or his queens. However, there was still enmity between Maegor and the Faith. Hundreds of Poor Fellows had been hunted down, their scalps delivered to the king, but thousands still roamed in the woods and wild places of Westeros. One band even crowned their new High Septon, a bearded brute named Septon Moon. A few Warrior’s Sons endured led by Ser Joffrey Doggett, the Red Dog of the Hills.
The Warrior’s Sons no longer had the numbers for open battle, so Joffrey sent them out as hedge knights to “hunt and slay Targaryen loyalists and traitors to the Faith”. Their first victim was Ser Morgan Hightower (the man who “guarded” the pre-Pater High Septon and was later pardoned by Maegor). Other victims were old Lord Merryweather, Lord Peake’s son and heir, Davos Darklyn’s aged father, and Blind Jon Hogg. The Warrior’s Sons were hidden by the smallfolk and peasants of the realm, “remembering what they had been”.
“Remembering what they had been” is the key part of that sentence. The Warrior’s Sons might have once been noble warriors who guarded the Faith but now, they are bitter, vengeful outlaws who are murdering people as part of a vendetta. Two elderly men and a blind man? Seriously, that’s embarrassing for so-called “warriors”.
As for the death of the Morgan, it seems the Warrior’s Sons realized he was a double-agent for the Hightowers. Did Morgan travel with guards or by himself? I would think Morgan would have guards since he was a) noble and b) the antagonism between the various sides was still fresh. The Warrior’s Sons either had the strength to take out a knight and his guards or Morgan chose a bad time to be careless with his personal protection.
One final note: the order to “hunt and slay Targaryen loyalists and traitors to the Faith” sounds like an ill-defined witch hunt. Those never end well.
On Dragonstone, the Dowager Queen Visenya “had grown thin and haggard, the flesh melting from the bones”. I’ve seen speculation that Visenya’s rapid decline was a case of “only death can pay for life” but the timing doesn’t seem to work out. Any speculation seems to involve Tyanna of the Tower – either as the cost for healing Maegor or for aiding in Alys to conceive. In both cases, the timing is off. In the most well-known example of “only death can pay for life” in the series, Daenerys loses Rhaego while Mirri Maz Durr is actively “healing” Khal Drogo. It has been over a year since Tyanna woke Maegor from his coma and Visenya has only recently become ill – it was only a few months ago that she was on Vhagar setting the Riverlands aflame. As for Visenya’s decline being linked to Alys’ conception, she lived for weeks after Alys and the baby died. I think Visenya’s rapid decline was due to cancer. It’s not as fun to speculate on and it pokes even more holes in Jaehaerys’ “Targaryens are so superior to normal humans, you can’t judge us” spiel but cancer is the most likely cause to me.
Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon remained on Dragonstone along with her two-youngest children, Jaehaerys and Alysanne. Viserys, Alyssa’s fifteen-year-old son, stayed in King’s Landing as the squire to Maegor. Viserys had a member of the Kingsgaurd always shadowing him, “to keep him well away from plots and treasons”. I imagine the Kingsguard assigned to shadow Viserys must have felt the same way the Kingsugard assigned to guard Elia/Rhaenys/Aegon during Aerys’ reign: “Yes, a day away from the violent/crazy one!”
Up next, the downfall of House Harroway
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gameforestdach · 11 months
In einer Zeit, in der sich die Spieleentwicklung immer weiteren technologischen Wundern widmet, macht The Plucky Squire einen Schritt zurück und verschmilzt die altmodische Anziehungskraft von 2D-Gaming mit den immersiven Welten von 3D-Action. Geplant für den Start im nächsten Jahr, verspricht dieser innovative Titel, unsere vorgefassten Meinungen über Spieldesign herauszufordern. Jonathan Biddle, Mitbegründer von All Possible Futures, gibt zu, dass das kein einfaches Unterfangen war. Vermischt 2D- und 3D-Gaming auf innovative Weise und stellt ein märchenhaftes Helden-Trio in den Mittelpunkt. Wird von Devolver Digital veröffentlicht, bekannt für ihre Vorliebe für retro und subversive Spiele. Jonathan Biddle von All Possible Futures erläutert die Komplexität des Wechsels zwischen 2D- und 3D-Welten. Das Spiel lässt sich von Klassikern wie The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past und Earthbound inspirieren und fügt durch die Konzentration auf Märchenfiguren eine frische Erzählebene hinzu. Aussagen wichtiger Akteure Entwicklerische Höhen und Tiefen In einem Interview mit Edge Magazine gab Jonathan Biddle Einblicke in die Höhen und Tiefen der Erschaffung dieses genreübergreifenden Erlebnisses. "Können wir das machen? Ist das überhaupt möglich?", erinnert er sich an seine Anfangsfragen. Trotz seiner eigenen Eingeständnisse, kein sehr guter Programmierer zu sein, trieb ihn sein eigener Wille an, die Normen herauszufordern und das ambitionierte Projekt umzusetzen. Was die Verleger sagen Devolver Digital, der Verleger, hat eine Erfolgsgeschichte, wenn es darum geht, Spiele zu unterstützen, die Genre-Grenzen neu definieren. Ihre Beteiligung signalisiert eine vielversprechende Zukunft für The Plucky Squire, da es gut in ihre Bibliothek innovativer Titel passt. Spekulationen und Veröffentlichungsdetails Was das Spiel ausmacht The Plucky Squire ist nicht nur eine nostalgische Hommage an Klassiker wie The Legend of Zelda oder Earthbound. Es injiziert genrespezifische Elemente – stellen dir eine Punch-Out-ähnliche Schlacht in einer 2D-Welt vor, oder eine Chrono Trigger-ähnliche Stadt in einer 3D-Welt – und kreiert so einen frischen Blick auf Altes und Neues. Release-Informationen Obwohl das Spiel erst im nächsten Jahr erscheinen soll, können begeisterte Zocker schon jetzt durch verschiedene Trailer einen Vorgeschmack bekommen. Diese Trailer bestätigen die Verfügbarkeit des Spiels auf Plattformen wie PC und PlayStation 5. Schlussgedanken Wenn The Plucky Squire seine Versprechen hält, könnte es einen Präzedenzfall dafür schaffen, wie Spiele sowohl nostalgisch als auch bahnbrechend sein können. Das genreübergreifende Gameplay, die komplexe und doch charmante Erzählung sowie der frische Blick auf klassische Mechaniken machen dieses Spiel zu einem der am meisten erwarteten Titel für das nächste Jahr. Wenn du dich auf dieses Spiel freust oder wenn du andere Abenteuerspiele im Auge hast, warum teilst du deine Gedanken nicht unten in den Kommentaren? Wir würden gerne hören, was du denkst!
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spielesnacks · 1 year
Ein neuer Blick auf The Plucky Squire
All Possible Futures und Devolver Digital haben neues Gameplay-Material aus dem innig erwarteten Märchenbuch-Abenteuer The Plucky Squire veröffentlicht. In diesem fantasievollen Action-Adventure kann der liebenswerte Held Jot nahtlos von den 2D-Seiten eines Buches in eine 3D-Welt springen. Der neue Trailer zeigt die vielen verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, das Spiel zu spielen: vom 3D-Platforming bis…
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fartofthesunrise · 2 years
i love that fart records pic so much lmao its edited so well to the point where i didnt even notice the records were edited and when i did i zoomed in to each one lol. Also I'd love to see the records in the pic listed out if u dont mind (if u do mind its cool tho!) #epic
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This’ll be a LONG one, bear with me.
Steely Dan - Aja
Walter Becker - 11 Tracks of Whack
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica
Osees - Castlemania
Gary Fink - Can’t Stop Singing About Jesus (jokingly added)
Fusioon - Fusioon
Doobie Brothers - Minute By Minute
Golden Earring - Cut
Primus - Antipop
Rush - 2112
Uriah Heep - The Magician’s Birthday
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Brain Salad Surgery
King Crimson - Islands
After All - After All
King Gizzard - Willoughby’s Beach
Babe Rainbow - Double Rainbow
Pipe-eye - Laugh About Life
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - High Visceral, Pt. 1
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - High Visceral, Pt. 2
King Gizzard - Infest The Rats’ Nest
The Murlocs - Bittersweet Demons
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel 2: Scratch
Donovan - Sunshine Superman
Golden Earring - Moontan
Gloop and The Yoinkies - Gloop And The Yoinkies Kill The Government
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Clear Spot
Primus - Green Naugahyde
The Police - Regatta De Blanc
Oysterhead - The Grand Pecking Order
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
King Crimson - Starless and Bible Black
XTC - Drums and Wires
Uriah Heep - Firefly
Bullant - German People
Viper - You’ll Cowards Don’t Even Smoke Crack (jokingly added)
The Poopshitters - The Poopshitters (jokingly added)
Babe Rainbow - Today
Osees - Face Stauber
King Gizzard - Omnium Gatherum
King Gizzard - Polygondwanaland
King Gizzard - Gumboot Soup
King Gizzard - Made in Timeland
King Gizzard - Murder of the Universe
King Gizzard - Teenage Gizzard
King Gizzard - Quarters!
King Gizzard - Sketches of Brunswick East
King Gizzard - Oddments
King Gizzard - Live in San Francisco ‘16
King Gizzard - Chunky Shrapnel
King Gizzard - Live in London ‘19
King Gizzard - Live in Brussels ‘19
King Gizzard - Live in Adelaide ‘19
King Gizzard - Live in Asheville ‘19
Bruford - Gradually Going Tornado
Osees - Orc
Rush - Signals
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Safe As Milk
Klark Kent - Klark Kent (I think)
Donald Fagen - The Nightfly
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Love Beach
Osees - Floating Coffin
Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends
Peter Gabriel - Spiel Ohne Grenzen (I don’t know why I didn’t just use the actual album cover)
Bruford - Feels Good To Me
Steely Dan - Gaucho
King Gizzard - 12 Bar Bruise
Wishbone Ash - Argus
King Gizzard - Fishing For Fishies
Genesis - Foxtrot
Giles, Giles & Fripp - The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles & Fripp
Osees - Smote Reverser
Frank Zappa and The Mothers - Over-Nite Sensation
Beans - Babble
King Gizzard - K.G.
King Gizzard - L.W.
Local H - Pack Up the Cats
Klaatu - 3:47 EST ;-)
Steely Dan - Countdown To Ecstasy
Pink Floyd - Piper At The Gates of Dawn
King Gizzard - Flying Microtonal Banana
Primus - Frizzle Fry
King Gizzard - Float Along - Fill Your Lungs
Steely Dan - The Royal Scam
King Crimson - In the Wake of Poseidon
King Gizzard - Nonagon Infinity
Yes - Fragile
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Trilogy
Steely Dan - Aja
They Might Be Giants - They Might Be Giants
Victor - Victor
Chris Squire - Fish Out of Water
King Crimson - Red
Genesis - Nursery Cryme
Deep Purple - Machine Head
I Mother Earth - Scenery & Fish
Toadies - Rubberneck
The Buggles - The Age of Plastic
Rush - A Farewell To Kings
Pink Floyd - Meddle
The Police - Ghost in the Machine
Kraftwerk - Computer World
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III
Terry Reid - Seed of Memory
Creepy John Thomas - Brother Bat Bone
Golden Earring - Seven Tears
Yes - Close to the Edge
Spish - Building a Family
King Gizzard - Butterfly 3000
The Police - Outlandos d’Amour
Mr. Bungle - Mr. Bungle
Asia - Asia
Daft Punk - Human After All
King Crimson - Discipline
Blank Banshee - Blank Banshee 0
Steely Dan - Can’t Buy a Thrill
The albums with coloured names are in my top 10. Also, thank you! Glad you enjoy it :-)
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crowley-in-arkham · 2 years
Hey Doc I was wondering if ya ever delt with more “unique” patients i.e. calendar man, the condiment king, crazy quilt etc. and if so what ya opinion on them is. (also just wanted to say that this blog is great ta read and the cipher was really fun to figure out)
More unique patients; I thought since I wasn't in my office now I'd sit down to answer some of these.
I've had a few of the lesser-known costumed criminals of Gotham.
I had Mr. Day once, when I read his name on my schedule I kind of snickered. Julian Gregory Day, Calendar Man. I often wonder if he changed it to that, or it just happened to be that way by coincidence, but nonetheless, it humored me.
I remember him being, ominous. Not in the way Crane is, Crane- why did I opt for him as an example;
He isn't scary, Mr. Day, just speaks in a way that puts me off a little more than I'm used to. Slow, meticulous, and exceedingly coy; but I never get the sense that he actually knows more than me. It's more like; playing a meaningless mind game when he knows he won't win.
Other than him, I've had Tockman in my office. He sort of bumbles around and rambles ceaselessly about the importance of punctualness, and rather, melodramatically, spiels his story to me like he's rehearsed it a hundred times.
Mayo- we don't talk about that. Crane was irate when he found a ketchup stain on the spine of the hardcover Ulysses I bought him for his birthday. If Rook and Squires hadn't been out the door I think Crane would have killed the unsuspecting condiment fetishist.
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haiky-u-lously · 3 years
King Kuroo and the Red Knights (13)
Summary: A Camelot AU where King Arthur is Kuroo Tetsuro, and the Knights of the Roundtable of characters from seasons 1-4 of the HQ anime. Eventual Kuroo X Reader.
Themes: Fluff, Angst, Humor, Eventual Romance
Warnings: Mentions of stalking and abuse of power, Language, Angst in feelings, Eventual gore and fighting
Word Count: For Chapter: ~4000words
Questions/Comments/Concerns/Ideas welcome as always. Enjoy! –Admin Red
Chapter 13: Round 1C
“Do you have many tournaments in your home?” The King questioned you as he took his seat while the arena was cleared of the fallen trash from the stands surrounding it.
Shaking your head in the negative, you also moved to take a seat.
“Generally we hold them in celebrations, or as contests for some big prize.” He said, smiling while you presumed he reminisced about past memories. “When my father got sick and I had more responsibilities placed on me, I ended up planning almost one a month to give me a reason to expel some of my stress. The men, they just went right along with my whims.” His eyes took a fond look over them as he paused in his spiel, “But the month he died, I didn’t feel like doing much of anything. It took much effort on all of their parts to get me to do regular duties, let alone plan and prepare tournaments. Yuurei too had more burdens to bear from my lack of control over my own state. She had to do a lot more that one month than any Queen in Camelot’s history.” Kuroo shook his head, before bringing a small smile back to his face. “Sorry about that, kind of went off there for a bit didn’t I?” He seemed to try and laugh away the serious atmosphere he’d created, but you knew there was more in his head.
Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time to press him further, but let him get away with shaking off his own concerns.
He faced you with a wide grin, “So, is Sugawara a good fighter?”
You nodded, thinking to yourself about memories past. Your cousin was one of the youngest men to be granted the title of Red Knight. He was exceptional when it came to forming strategies, and using things and those around him to win battles. His fighting skill, while not being the top of the order, was nothing to laugh at.
“Have you fought him yourself?” Kuroo asked you, and you thought you heard a teasing tone in his questioning, but you just smiled to yourself before nodding. “Interesting, interesting. I’d ask deeper questions,” He laughed and then added, “But I know you won’t answer out loud, so I won’t press the matters. But, just know I do want to ask more than simple yes and no questions.”
Nodding once more, you accepted the King’s explanation for what it was, as just a way for him to express himself.
“Hey, hey hey!” Bokuto called from behind your sitting pair, approaching the side of Kuroo’s chair happily, “Did you see my win? Pretty great, wasn’t it!” He shouted, excitedly pumping his fists in the air before taking what had been Suga’s seat. “Sorry I missed your fight, Red Knight. But, now we get to face one another, that’ll be great!” He smiled to you, leaning far forward to see you around the other side of the King’s sitting form.
Bobbing your head in response, you grinned behind your mask. This knight in particular was overly excitable, and that was something you could use as a tactic in your fight against him.
Your vision was caught by movement from the tunnels into the heart of the stadium. Two knights walked in, side-by-side from either entrance. By the lack of marks on his borrowed uniform, you could tell which was your cousin, and noted that he walked in next to a knight marked in dark teal. By the way the two seemed to interact, you pieced together that he was entering the field with Futakuchi. Which meant the pair of knights entering the arena opposite were Semi and Yamagata, both marked with purple boxes. They were distinguished by one box having a vertical white stripe on the left half and the other bearing a horizontal white stripe on the top half.
Though in the moment it was hard to tell which knight was which, you knew you’d find out as soon as they split up for their fight.
Seeing Suga being friendly with the magician of Camelot made you happy that you’d switched places with him, and though not for the first time that you found more pleasure in it than just as a selfish reason.
You watched as the two men high-hived before your friend continued forward to his side of the makeshift battlefield. And despite yourself, you wondered what they’d been discussing.
Shaking your head to rid yourself the thoughts swirling in your mind, and ultimately deciding that you should trust Suga’s words that he’d win his fight and that you should watch Futakuchi’s.
Before Kuroo could begin the bout, you were finally able to distinguish between the two knights marked in purple and white. The horizontal striped one apparently was Yamagata as he stood with Suga, while the vertical striped one still approached Futakuchi’s side.
Suga spun your blades against his palms, flashing the pristine shine against the sunlight to catch his opponent’s eyes. The pause in his spinning wrist, told the makeshift squire that he’d achieved the desired effect.
“These blades belong to the royal family of the Order. Passed down from generations since they are made from what is now an extinct substance.” He smiled behind the chainmail sticking out from under his borrowed helmet.
The giant metal ball hanging from the chain of Yamagata’s flail swung back and forth with the after force from the swing coming to a succinct halt.
“Are those really an alexandrite and painite pair of blades?” While unable to see the knight’s face, the heavy tone of shock and awe in his voice told the visiting fighter that the knight in front of him was primed for their battle.
When the King of Camelot shouted for the bout to begin, Suga took the brief time of his opponent's confusion to lung forward. 
He elbowed Yamagata in his vambrace, knocking the fighter’s shield out of the way, and let the flail wrap itself around the alexandrite stiletto. However, to his surprise, pulling back on the blade didn’t pull the weapon from Semi’s hand. 
The knight of Camelot must have regained his focus as he gritted his teeth, tightened his hold on his weapon of choice and twisted his shield wielding arm around to Suga’s breast plate and pushed him away.
Suga managed to untwist his blade from Yamagata’s flail before being shoved back, but had to quickly adjust to defending as his opponent went on the attack.
Spinning, the ball of metal kept Suga’s focus and he was forced to think solely on defense instead of how to attack. It was definitely a well practiced tactic, and in his mind, the silver-haired fighter applauded his counterpart. Unfortunately, he couldn’t break his word to the Princess of his home, he couldn’t break his promise to his cousin, his best friend. He had to find a way to counter the attack, not only defend.
Busy with his thoughts, the unmarked knight lost his footing and fell back against the hard ground.
Yamagata took note and moved fast as his flail flung over his shoulder , into the air and began rushing towards the cuirass protecting Suga’s upper chest. In the brief time that the resistance of the air between them gave him, your friend rolled to his side and the metal round hit the near solid earth. 
Without really thinking, Sugawara rolled back to his original fell position--trapping his opponent’s weapon between the earth and the rear of his pauldron. The purple marked knight struggled as the chain attached to his wooden stick resisted his pull. Behind his helmet, his face contorted as he tried to manipulate the angle of the pull as the unmarked knight furthered the trap by squeezing his arm against his side, keeping the chain locked and the ball stuck where it fell.
Suga took the moment to try and think of an attack strategy. He realized that his opposite had at some point let go of his shield, and that he was using both hands in an attempt to tear back his weapon. Blinking slowly, he recalled a move he’d seen you do against some of the others back when you were still allowed to train and not sneaking behind the King’s orders to do so.
“(Y/N)!” he’d yelled out as he helplessly watched your body be flung into the ground. Your opponent was much larger than most of the knights in training. He knew the King had the instructors set this line-up to try and convince you to make the decision yourself to withdraw from this line of work.
You had barely caught your breath before the towering, older trainee hovered above you. Your lying form pulled up by the collar of your shirts, you were swinging at the forearm of your current sparring partner. A tight frown took over your features and your cousin watched as the man sneered at you, “Stupid royals, thinking you’re such tough pits. This ought to teach you why those idiots died so easily.” 
He pulled back his dominant arm, preparing a full fledged power punch. And Suga saw as you half attitude-half fearful demeanor turned into pure rage. Your eye color flashed between a myriad of hues before settling on your natural shade, your lower half swung through the air, trapping your opponent’s arm and neck between your thighs right before you started to squeeze. The fighter’s shoulder blade must have been pressured against his airways as his face began to darken and everyone watching saw as his group loosened on your clothes. Your legs tighten their hold further as you cross your ankles and swing the lower half of your body to replicate a handstand before continuing the flip. Forcing the opposer to his backside and screaming through clenched teeth until he passed out and the adults in charge rushed to try and pry you off the other trainee.
The memories of other times you’d accomplished similar feets rushed through his mind and Suga’s mind locked onto one path to victory.
His legs spun over Yamagata’s head, his upper body keeping the flail trapped in its place as he brought his opponent face first into the dirt beneath him. His legs hooked under the dark haired knight’s arms as he practically sat on his backside. 
With the weapon no longer in anyone’s hands, it fell limp between Suga’s arm and side. Grabbing it with three fingers while holding the painite sai with the other two, he flung it across the field and out of reach.
Yamagata’s head sat on its side, as he huffed in anger about how easily he’d been caught and disarmed. He knew he shouldn’t have changed weapons with Satori, but his friend just had to match Terushima for his fight. Guiding his breath back to a normal pace, the dark haired fighted thought about what his next play could be. Knowing his opponent helf two blades, even small ones like a sai and stiletto, was a troubling factor as he had nothing left but his armour. If he could only get the flail back...bucking his hips, he caused Suga to slightly waver in his solid position, Yamagata dropped to a lying flat position before lifting his upper body up by his arms and sliding Suga so far down his backside he could pull his legs up to his chest and bounce to a standing position. Spinning as soon as he did to face the visiting fighter for hand to hand combat.
Suga saw the stance and thought how he wished to proceed, to showcase your blades or disarm himself to fight with his body alone. 
“COME ON THEN!” He heard Camelot’s King shouting, and a quick glance over his shoulder allowed him to see that King Kuroo was watching his fight with a look of pure joy across his features. While he couldn’t see your face, your body language told him you weren’t even watching his battle. Taking this to mean you expected a proper outcome from him, he held the painite sai such that all three tips stuck between the fingers of his gloves. The stiletto held by his fist.
Yamagate rushed Suga’s form, your cousin slightly jumping as the Camelot knight went low for a better hold of his missed target. Swimming the stiletto back, the tip rested against the chainmail beneath the purple marked knight’s helmet.
“Yield.” Suga warned, putting enough force into the blade that it could not be further ignored.
To his favor, the dark haired knight could sense the bloodlust in that single word. His fist slammed into the ground in anger as he realized he was out of options. Mentally he tallied that it's two losses for his team within the knights, making half of them out of the tournament. He felt like he’d let everyone down by becoming the fiftieth percent.
The unmarked knight pulled back the alexandrite stiletto enough for Yamagata to rest back on his greaves. 
“Good fight Sugawara,” He commented, taking his helmet off before resting his hands on his knees, leveling out his breath before trying to move.
Taking off his own head protector, your friend smiled down at the man he’d just faced. “You as well Hayato, but I’m guessing you don’t regularly use a flail as your main weapon.” He laughed out at the face flung towards his sneer of a comment. “Gotta admit, had I not accidentally trapped it beneath my shoulder, not sure I would have figured out a quick way out.”
“Don’t try sugar-coating it, it's not helpful having the person who’d just made a complete fool of you tell you it was just luck.” The brown haired knight scowled, looking at his tightly held fists in annoyance.
Suga scoffed before taking a seat next to him, “Every fight has a shred of luck in it, and despite the attitude I believe you know that to be true. It's not that I won solely because of luck, it was that luck allowed me the slight chance to utilize skills I’ve developed through training and hard work. Just as past battles have allowed you. I am sorry if you feel I was...what did she always call it...badgering you about your loss, truly.”
Yamagata looked at him fully, recognizing the honesty and sincerity in his voice. “Badgering, huh? Guess that is as good a way to say you were picking on me as any. Can’t say I’ve heard it before. Who exactly said it always?” Half joking, half really wondering, Hayato pushed his thought forward, “Your princess cousin?”
“Yes.” Suga answered bluntly, spinning the stiletto against his open palm and watching the light alexandrite blade sparkle in the sun’s rays.
“Oh.” Was all he could respond with before glancing away from the man beside him. Thinking it must be hard to be away from someone you were so close with, without knowing when you’d see them again. 
The pair stood at the same time, shook hands and then walked off the field.
“Are you not watching your friend fight?” The King sat beside you had asked at the very beginning.
Shaking your head in the negative, you fully turned your body away from the pair in question facing the King’s magician.
“Ouch, guess he must have upset you in some manner. Well, as he is the only one to speak with you I am sure you’ll have to talk to him soon enough. But if you ever need an escape I am sure any of the knights would be willing to tour you around the main city.”
Smiling to yourself at his kindness, you considered using your powers to send him your thoughts as you did with Suga. However, you thought better of it before taking action. It had only been a week, these people couldn’t even tell what your cousin could do, let alone yourself. If you shared too much too soon, it could spell disastrous. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath you focused on watching the match before you.
It seemed odd that Futakuchi held a two pronged weapon to you. One end matching Aone’s mace while the other looked to be a bill. The hook coming off the sharp tip protruding in a way that made you tilt your head in wonder of what his power play would be.
The attendant held the weapon with both hands, either end facing the sides rather than forward towards his opponent.
Semi however stood in front of the magician, head free from the protection offered by a helmet, nor chainmail set against his cranium hiding his hair. The dark-gray strands cadging his face in a light that reminded you of Suga whenever he scowled at you as teens. Attached to his back was the sheath for a machete, which he seemed to be reaching for as he seemingly moved in slow motion. You noted a couple other sheaths attached to his armour with other weapons ready to be drawn.
In an instant, you nearly missed as his hand wrapped around the handle of his main blade and he flung it straight at Futakuchi before it was completely pulled from its carrying place. The opponent also barely catching on to the fighter’s plan as his magic, or a very dulled down version of it in any case stopped the thick piece from hitting his own protective headgear right between the eye slits.
Before you could blink, Semi was in front of Futakuchi’s barely balanced form with a tanto fisted with the thumb on the flat rear. The sharp tip of the blade striking from its hold against the magician as he tried to put space between his attacker and self to utilize his own choice weapon. 
He must have determined the big thing as obstructive as his grip loosened enough to pull Semi’s attention slightly, allowing the attendant a split brief in which he pulled a miniature dagger from seemingly nowhere. Pushing it against the tanto and forcing both weapons a safe distance away from the weaker points of his armour.
Semi smiled, as his arm swung back to its original position from a lower angle then how it was ushered away. The magician sneering to himself behind his helmet as he realized Semi had been practicing for such an occasion to face him.
“You can’t beat me every time, Futa.” He whispered into the side of his opponent’s obstructed face. “I’m a knight of Camelot, and as respected and appreciated as you are, to the people you are still meant to be a servant.”
The call from Kuroo towards the fight on the other side of the arena caused you a slip in focus and you weren’t sure how but suddenly Futakuchi was without his large weapon, barely fending off from Semi’s swings of his tanto and a dirk that had made an appearance.
The men battled it out and you were sure that Futakuchi was only using his powers to make a protective layer of energy around himself so as to not feel the brunt of force from the swings connecting with his armour. It stood to reason with his power hold that he should be defeating the knight without issue, and you wondered to yourself if he held similar standards as your troupe. If he did not want to utilize his powers if unnecessary or if he was more inclined to follow your own beliefs. It was a toss up as either would have fit the bill of not using powers against a friend in a mock-battle or training match, but it left a lot of room for questions as well.
Dooking it out some more, you felt a draw to look over at Suga, turning your head, you saw him jump aside from Yamagata’s rush and figured it was your imagination playing tricks on you. Focusing back on the pair you were determined to watch, you saw a glint of gold flash from behind Futakuchi’s helmet. Semi’s tanto swinging arm stopped midair, Futakuchi ducked beneath it and rushed to get behind his opponent before releasing the appendage and letting the swing complete its path.
Unfortunately, the short lived victory was...short lived. The gray-haired knight spun a one-eighty and right-hooked Futakuchi’s chin into the air. Knocking his helmet off and sending it flying as well as forcing the magician to shoot enough inches into the air that his own body flung back.
Thumbing his chin, still practically lying on the ground, the attendant grumbled to the knight, “Nutting toff! I give, happy?”
Smiling down at the brown haired man, Semi smiled with a killer grin, “Seeing me win does indeed make me happy.” He winked at Camelot’s magician, and you heard as many of the girls in the stands screamed at his apparent beauty. 
Holding a hand out to help him up, the knight relinquished whatever pride he’d been fighting with. Taking it, Futakuchi showed he held no malice towards his counter. The two made way to pick up their discarded weapons and left the battlefield without another word spoken in front of any prying eyes.
“Good fight?” The King asked you, seeing as both battles were now finished.
Nodding your head, you thought about what could have been the reason behind such an easy defeat on the magician’s part. Recalling that he was pressed to beat the men, and that many thought Camelot’s magician would face your own in Suga. Now with that not as an option, you couldn’t help but question yourself as to why.
“Can I overshare again?” Kuroo seemed hesitant to ask. Nodding simply, you turned to face him, giving the King the full attention he seemed to desire at the moment. “I can’t remember the last time I fought with someone sitting in this box. Yuurei always seems to be caught up or sick or not around, Daishou either is fighting or not around. The knights never feel like they can be here long--even Bokuto does as before where he drops in, says his piece and leaves without saying a word. I’ve always felt like if I am here, everyone can feel me watching them and they can get a sense of strength from that, but whenever I really think about how this box is empty when I fight...it’s not a good feeling to say the least.” 
You caught yourself from pitying him, he was a King, and while yes he was currently spilling a deep thought of his to you, you knew it was more because you wouldn’t be able to tell anyone more so than him wanting to actually talk to you. This was something he as a person needed to get off his chest so that he could continue being the royal his people needed, and being a royal yourself you understood that better than anyone else.So, you would let him get it out.
“I like the tournaments despite that though, because it brings such joy to the citizens and the men. I’d go through it every day if it could help even one more person. And I’m sure you’d agree to that sentiment since you seem to have such a strong sense of justice.”
Wait, what? His comment caught you off guard.
“It’s not so much as I think we are kindred spirits, but I am pretty sure you are the offspring of the Order’s King as your friend stated that first night. And, should that case be truth, I feel you would understand where I am coming from.” He smiled at you directly, and it took more willpower than you would ever admit to not move under the blinding features. “Thanks again for participating in the tourney, and for the heavy assist last week during the raid on the castle. From one royal to another, I truly appreciate having been able to meet your acquaintance.”
With his comments apparent to be done, the King strode out of the viewing box without another word.
You sat back, dumbstruck and frozen in the time it took Suga to return and lose his mind at your unresponsiveness. Staying mostly ignorant of your surroundings until Futakuchi came into the large stall and said something you didn’t really catch. 
Author’s message: So, anyone shocked? No? Hmmm... Guess I’ll have to try harder on ROUND 1D.
_______________________________________________ Table of contents:
Chapter 12                                                  Chapter 14
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fromtheboundlesssea · 4 years
Actions Speak Louder Chapter 13
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Renly I
When Renly first met Prince Jon, he wasn’t impressed. This was the child that the king went to war for, willing to kill Renly’s oldest brother for. Renly has expected a handsome Targaryen looking prince with all the charisma his father had once been known for. Instead, Renly met a sullen youth who was bumbling in his interactions with women equal to his station and a boy who was well adept at a sword, but appeared to prefer to not use it.
The two had developed a healthy rivalry as they squired under Brynden Tully. The Blackfish had been a merciless master when it came to their training and seemed to encourage the budding animosity between them.
Jon and Renly clashed constantly, even outside of sparring. Renly was popular with people in a loud and, he will admit, obnoxious way. Jon was quiet, but his sense of leadership was pronounced and people trusted in him easily. Jon got along well with the small folk on a personal level, while Renly could walk circles around the nobility in the Vale. However, if anyone made a comment about Renly’s preferences in bed, they would find themselves with a fist to the face courtesy of the prince. If anyone commented on the prince’s initial bastard status, they would find themselves with a foot before their own and their face smacking against the ground.
Renly could barely remember Robert, being barely six when his brother was killed, and was never that close to Stannis. With Jon, however, Renly wondered if that was what having a brother felt like.
It was only natural, then, that Renly would follow Jon back to the Red Keep.
Stannis had, naturally, been pissed at the whole thing. But Renly refused to let his brother’s likes and dislikes dictate how he behaved. Jon wasn’t his father and shouldn’t be held responsible for what the king and queen had done to their family.
Even if he could remember Robert, Renly doubted that he could bring himself to hate Jon. The prince was simply a nice person.
Then, Lady Sansa came along and Renly could see, almost immediately, that Jon thought he was unworthy and did the whole self-sacrificing fool spiel. Renly tried to encourage him to stay in the Red Keep more, but he knew the place had always been off to Jon because it felt like Princess Elia had more of a hand in the place and Jon felt guilt for something he had no choice in.
Then there were the children. First the twins then Celia then Lydia. Being with those girls made him wish, for a tiny moment, that he had any interest in women. To be fair, he didn’t really have to deal with nightmares or soiled clothes. However, he loved those girls dearly and would do anything for them.
He would do plenty for his friend and prince’s family. Anything. Because, deep down, Renly knew Jon would do anything for him too.
Continue on Ao3
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thisaliennerd · 4 years
The First Moments Are Always the Sweetest
Read on AO3 -  Today is the day that Lazuli meets her future wife. She's definitely not nervous. She mostly just wishes her siblings would shut up.
“Are you nervous?”
“Not even to meet your future wife?” Sapphria teases, looking past Citrina to Lazuli. 
Lazuli raises an eyebrow at her little sister. “No, I am not nervous. There is no reason to be.”
Rococoa sighs impatiently from Lazuli’s right side. “They’re late.”
Sapphria snorts and gasps sarcastically, “By the Bulb above!”
“Sapphria…” Citrina frowns lightly, “We’ve talked about this.”
Sapphria grins widely, “I’m so sorry, you’re right. I just mean, is it such a terrible thing that they’re a few minutes late?”
Rococoa looks frustratedly at Sapphria, “Some people here have things to do.”
“Oh, ok, did you hear that, Amethar?” Sapphria elbows Amethar in the side, “the HEIR has stuff to do. We wouldn’t know anything about that, would we? We just sit around like decorations!”
Amethar chuckles, “Oh, yeah. We don’t do shit.”
Rococoa scowls, “Well, you certainly don’t go to your lessons.”
Sapphria rolls her eyes dramatically, and Amethar snorts, “Well, we’re doin’ pretty good even for not going to the stupid lessons.”
“Yeah! We’re smart! We don’t need that!”
“You may be, but I rather think it would have been wise for our dear brother to learn how to read.” 
Amethar scoffs, “Aw, c’mon!”
“He’s fine! He’s a warrior, not a politician!”
“And that, Sapphria, is the problem! Neither of you seem to realize that we must all be both.”
Citrina shakes her head, “I don’t know about that, I don’t really think I’m much of either.”
Rococoa sighs, “No, but you’re an important figure in the Church, which I know you’d rather not think of it in this way, but religion is politics, and certainly a healer is as, if not more, important in a battle.”
“Hmm, well, I think Amethar is fine. Surely not everyone needs to be a genius.”
“He doesn’t need to be a genius, but perhaps it would be wise for him to be literate!”
“Girls!” Queen Pamelia calls out softly from behind them, “Leave Amethar alone, today is about Lazuli. Remember your manners.”
“Yes, mother,” the girls chorus. Rococoa steels herself back into her stiff, royal posture, staring straight ahead, and Sapphria also puts on her princess posture, but bumps shoulders with Amethar quickly, grinning mischievously up at him. 
There is about thirty seconds of silence before Sapphria dissolves her posture and groans, “I’m bored!”
Citrina, Sapphria, and Amethar all dissolve into laughter under Lazuli’s amused and Rococoa’s disapproving stares. 
Amethar nods, “I mean, why do we even have to be here?”
Rococoa sighs, “You have to be here to support your sister in her betrothal, as you did me in mine!”
“Sure, but we didn’t have to stand around forever for yours.”
“That is true, they are really very late.”
Citrina frowns, “I hope they didn’t encounter trouble on the road. There has been much unrest recently.”
Lazuli shakes her head, “No, I have seen them being late many times, but very rarely do they not come at all.”
Rococoa pinches the bridge of her nose. “Laz...can we not do the cryptic vision thing right now?”
Citrina quickly pipes up before Lazuli can launch into her typical spiel, “Well, I for one am excited! To witness a declaration of love and commitment! It is truly one of the greatest honors under the Bulb.”
Rococoa frowns, “It is not about love. It is about duty. Politics, alliances. The House of Meringue is a very important house in Candia. This alliance will be instrumental.”
Just then, the sound of trumpets ring out, and the squires announce the Countess Caramelinda of House Meringue and her father. 
Caramelinda walks in on her father’s arm, she keeps her gaze firmly fixed ahead of her, keeping her eyes respectfully downcast from the faces of the royal family, her face in a somewhat false pleasant smile. 
Lazuli, who had been mostly standing in tense silence, hands nervously clasped on front of her, despite her statement earlier, not only visibly relaxes, but upon seeing Caramelinda, softens into a mild but persistent smile that warms her usually cold visage. 
Caramelinda curtseys extremely deeply in front of Lazuli. "It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness.”
Lazuli walks down the steps and offers a hand to Caramelinda. She pauses for a moment, as if unsure of what to do, but tentatively takes Lazuli’s hand, finally raising her gaze to meet her soon-to-be betrothed’s for the first time. Her breath catches in the back of her throat.
Lazuli brings Caramelina’s hand to her mouth and kisses it, staring deeply into her eyes. “The honor is mine.”
All of Caramelinda’s discipline and training fly out the window as she, entirely lost in Lazuli’s eyes, fails to be able to put two syllables together, let alone a response. Time fades away as the two of them stare at each other, Lazuli still holding Caramelinda’s hand in hers. 
Citrina gasps and grabs Sapphria’s arm, “It is love!”
Rococoa looks over at her younger sister, both amused and a little bittersweet, and as the contracts are signed and the betrothal is finalized, she claps her hands once, “Well, why don’t we give the couple a moment alone?”
Citrina grins at Rococoa, “Happily!” she skips over in the direction of her eldest sister, but stops temporarily to squeeze Caramelinda’s arm, stealing her attention away from Lazuli for a moment to say, wrinkling her nose in a broad smile, “I think we’re going to be very good friends.”
She takes Rococoa by the arm, each step bubbling with excitement, “Did I not say it was love?”
Rococoa shakes her head, “I did not say that it couldn’t be love, I said it wasn’t about love.”
Citrina smiles, and the two of them leave. 
“C’mon, Amethar!” Sapphria grabs Amethar’s arm and begins to drag him towards the door, “Let’s leave these two to...get it on, shall we?”
Amethar pulls a face and shakes his head, “God!” 
Sapphria giggles, "Sorry, I mean get on with it."
Amethar rolls his eyes, "Sure you did."
Sapphria openly laughs, shooting a look over at her sister.  
A deep, hot blush comes over Caramelinda’s face and chest, and she looks down at her feet, Lazuli suddenly blinding to look at. Lazuli smiles wryly at her youngest sister, “Sapphria, what was that move you were telling me about this morning?”
“Oh, yeah!” Sapphria’s eyes light up, “Amethar, I have a new move to try on you!”
“On me? Why’s it gotta be on me? It can’t be with me?”
“Nope!” She says cheerfully, “Besides, it’s not like you can’t take it!” She punches Amethar teasingly, and the two of them leave the hall. 
Lazuli turns back to Caramelinda. “Have you ever been to Castle Candy before, My Lady?”
Caramelinda, still blushing fiercely and refusing to look at Lazuli, shakes her head, “Only a few times and very briefly, I’m afraid.” 
“Would you like to go for a walk? I’m not much of a tour guide, but there are many artifacts and such I could tell you about.”
Caramelinda nods, managing to raise her eyes to Lazuli’s, who are fixed intensely on her, and says shyly, “I would very much enjoy that.” 
“Lovely.” Lazuli offers her arm to Caramelinda, and they take a long walk around Castle Candy and its grounds, Lazuli explaining all the magical items and artifacts, and Caramelinda hanging onto every word.
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squirsquirrel · 2 months
I've never seen them interact and if they have and I was there I don't remember!!!! BUT HEH???????
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data2364 · 4 years
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via Trekcore.com
DeForest Kelley as Doctor Leonard McCoy 1967 in Star Trek TOS  ”The Squire of Gothos“.
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bithegai · 5 years
Across Worlds Part VII
part VI / part VIII (indefinite)
Wide-eyed and absolutely horrified, Wels meets the gaze of an accusatory stranger
The boy appears to be around his age, with scruffy brown hair and a scrawny build
“I said what are you doing here!”
Wels scrambles to his feet, hurriedly trying to explain that he was only here to clean for the night
The boy doesn’t buy it at for a second
He threatens Wels one final time, or else he’ll call the guards
Admitting defeat, Wels briefly explains Cleo’s investigation and what he’s done when:
“Wait you’ve noticed too?”
The boy bursts into his own spiel about how HE was assigned a strange role after the test, becoming a squire despite testing to be a baker
And Wels is absolutely relieved
The two soon start sharing more details about their experiences and investigations, eager to share their findings and grateful to find someone who knows
With a toothy grin, the boy introduces himself as Edmond
He explains that he overheard that the King was currently overseeing an inspection of the exam, after he’d received many complaints from the people
The king and his council of advisors meet weekly to discuss any recent developments and review ongoing projects
If they were to sneak into the next meeting...
The two conspire for the upcoming Sunday, brainstorming ways to get into the assembly without being noticed
Eventually they settle on hiding within the room a few hours before the meeting and using the upcoming days to put everything together
They start working out the details, but eventually strayed off topic:
 “You know, you really seem to like this Cleo girl” Edmond nonchalantly remarked, leaning down to jot down some additional notes.
Wels faltered. “Ah, yeah” His hand stilled, quill drooping to the side. Cleo. “She’s like a sister to me”
Edmond pulled back slightly to examine his parchment. “Say don’t you technically have a sister?”
Wels shook his head. “Yea but it’s not the same. Cleo was different.” She was special. “She just had this kind of spark, you know? This passion. Everything we did, she did whole-heartedly. Once she’d decided on something, she went for it. No holds barred. She’d get this glint in her eyes. I- I can’t describe it. But she’d get this look, this kind of confidence and it- it was like anything was possible. Like we could do anything we’d ever dreamt of, and more. It was as if all my doubts disappeared. We could go anywhere and see anything.  With her it felt like us against the world. She just had this power, this way of making you feel like you were limitless. You felt powerful and energized. You felt confident. Capable.” 
Wels paused.
“I felt complete.” 
And now what? His mind jeered. She’s gone now. All thanks to you. So now what’s left? After this little investigation what are you gonna do? She’s gone! When are you going to- 
Edmond reached over, brows furrowed in concern. “I’m really sorry about Cleo. She sounds amazing. I would’ve loved to meet her” “Yeah…. she was really something special”   “We’ll make those bastards pay for what happened. For her and everyone else in the kingdom!” Edmond declared. “For the kingdom” Wels thoughtlessly echoed. “For the people”
“We’ll avenge them,” Edmond concluded, discreetly toying with the sharp object in his pocket. “I promise.”
Meanwhile Cleo and Joe are researching world travel with multiple people
Joe’s never had any issues with his magic before, but he’s also never teleported with another person before. 
“Well it really depends on how you define ‘person’. I mean if you really-” “You know, I don’t think magic is going by Oxford definitions”
After sifting through various books, they eventually settle on using a combination of methods to amplify his magic
Generally, Joe would just enchant an end portal, but this time they needed to gather chorus fruit and build an additional structure out of lapis lazuli, obsidian, and iron bars to surround the portal
They spend the next couple days gathering everything for the portal, including one disastrous mining excavation
“I’ve come to a realization” 
“I think whoever said to ‘look on the bright side’ probably took a fire resistance potion”
“Did you fall into lava?” “I fell into lava”
(Cleo got him out in time but not before they lost their silk touch pick)
After some trial and MANY errors, they have all their materials
And it’s finally time to try world jumping
Cleo and Joe had chosen a stronghold a few weeks ago, using one beneath the outskirts of town
Nervous but resolute in their mission, they quietly begin modifying the portal, wondering: 
Will it work?
They had done everything they could to prepare, read every book, tested each enchantment, but was it enough?
Because at the end of the day, neither of them knew what was going to happen. Teleportation magic was finicky in and of itself, let alone trying to teleport with non-magical people. 
Based on their limited research, the worst that could happen is that the magic leaves Cleo unaffected and she’s sent to the End while Joe is sent to a new world
Which would leave her alone
But there’s also the other possibility
What if it works?
They’ve been so worried about materials and technicalities that they never considered the chance they succeed
What would she even do if she made it back to her old world?
Back to Wels?
Life could never go back to the way it was, with her at the tavern and him as a squire
That was something she’d accepted long ago
That things were never going to be the same
She’d lost her home
But was it really gone?
Before her mind wandered too far, Cleo and Joe finished the structure and shared a look
Here goes nothing
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ngame989 · 6 years
S3E8 - Lint Catcher/Trial by Squire
Lint Catcher
Standout Moments –
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Eclipsa’s dated enough that she knows the score the moment Star opens her mouth.
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The future royal couple.
Criticism – When I first watched it, it seemed off. Maybe just as a result of feeling weird and thrown off by the previous episodes. But I did at one point watch 3A all in one sitting, and even then it made way more sense. With both Season 2 in my immediate memory and the rest of the season known in advance, it feels so much better than it ever has.
New thing I caught – N/A
Starco commentary –
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Marco’s kind of still a jackass here, still trying to just pretend that inner conflict of his was magically solved by taking a portal to Mewni and that everyone else will be OK with it.
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The single most awkward scene in the entire show. Star was hurt by him, she went through a lot of anguish trying to figure out how to put the past behind her and move on to a new step in life, and Marco just reopened all the wounds without a care in the world. Not to say she was thinking “oh no my crush on him is back” here, but there was a mess of heartbreak and awkwardness tied into her crush that his reappearance brought back, even if she had convinced herself the crush was gone.
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Every sock has its mate, right as Star and Marco reunite. Almost like there’s some symbolism that these two have something special, or something.
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And when the chips are down, even when she thinks she’s unsure whether she even wants him around in her life at the moment, she jumps to save him because she does still care.
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And they fight together just like “old” times.
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And immediately afterwards, Star has her whole spiel about things changing and moving on to a new part of her life. And while to this day I still don’t exactly know how Star would’ve completed her little speech, it was obviously headed not in the direction of “and you being in my life makes it difficult to do what I need to do” judging by what happens right after…
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So yeah, Star realized that she still wants/needs him in her life, even in a new part of it, even if it requires him having a new role in her life as well. And the rest of the season is the unfolding of that new role, and them both coming to terms with the problems of the squire “box” he’s in for both of them.
Overall – A difficult episode to sit through, but it does its job well. A wholesome reconnection at the end, reminding us and them why they’re at their best as a team.
Trial by Squire
Standout Moments –
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What a dork.
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Star adding to her hit list.
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The second explicit reference in the show to Star and Marco being a couple.
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The ending is kind of off. They’re best friends goofing off together here, but it leaves an implication that things are still not back to normal. Which makes sense, since this is pretty much the last time they goof off and have fun together until Booth Buddies.
Criticism – N/A
New thing I caught – N/A
Starco commentary –
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Marco spends this episode defaulting to his normal programming, because just like everyone else he doesn’t know how the right way to go about things is. Marco ends up feeling awful over not being useful.
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And Star says she appointed him her squire not for serious purposes, but as a way to keep him on Mewni because he wanted to, and because she wanted him around to be her friend again. Like I said, not knowing how to go about things.
We’ll see how both these things pan out soon enough… Remember that whole lesson of Bogbeast about Star not know what she needs? Yeah, that.
Overall – An interesting episode, given that the message at the end gets contradicted almost immediately. It contributes to a consistent thread of everyone not knowing what they want/need, and has a Star and Marco apology/forgiveness type of message at the end which is refreshing (and will be a bit rare this season compared to previous).
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junionigiri · 6 years
Work In Progress [BNHA] [Preview of Chapter 1!]
Rating: T for strong language (since Bakugou is in it )
Summary: For the year’s Interscholastic Fantasy Festival, Class 2A is working on a musical! The reluctant Bakugou is assigned to work on the script with Uraraka, who proves to be a more eccentric writer than he thought.
Relationship: Kacchako <3
Notes/Warnings: This is a preview of a part of chapter 1. Since there’s the main story and the story within the story, the chapters are pretty darn long. I’ll start publishing the chapters in full once I’m five chapters in ^^’ Apart from Bakugou’s language and liberal 4th wall breaks I don’t think there’s anything to worry about in this fic~
Bakugou seriously did not want to work on Uraraka’s dumbass script. It’s not that he was bad at writing--in fact, beyond his good grades, he knew he was pretty good at it. Principal Nezu had personally informed him that the essay he submitted on “Why I Want To Be A Hero” was one of the most well-composed ones he’s ever read.
It’s just that Bakugou hated fantasy. And hated fiction-writing (because fiction was not real, therefore it was a waste of his fuckin’ time).
Most of all though, he hated having to work with other people to achieve any kind of common goal. Look at his damn stats for cooperativeness in the character book and anyone with half a brain would get it. And to cooperate for a stupid ass waste of time like the Fantasy Festival? Who the hell thought up of the stupid Fantasy Festival anyway?! Weren’t there more important things in society to worry about?
And the fact that he was working with Uraraka fuckin’ Ochako was in itself pretty aggravating. It’s not that he hated her--in fact, she was one of the few to earn Bakugou’s (grudging) respect, since their infamous Sports Festival encounter when they were first years.
However, since their encounter at the festival, Uraraka learned not to be the tiniest bit afraid of him anymore. He knew that this girl wouldn’t be the type to just shut up and do what he tells her to, and he really didn’t feel like making such an effort just to write a stupid play.
But now that he knew that fuckin’ All Might was counting on him to write the script, well… he couldn’t get out of it now, could he? Bakugou was many things, but a disappointment to All Might, he’d rather not be.
So that was how he found himself stomping his way away from the common areas to his room, with Uraraka bouncing right behind him. They were going to sit down there to look over her draft, but it was overrun by the costumes, set-design, and props people with all their shit.
“Why your room?” Uraraka said, huffing as she struggled to keep up with Bakugou’s pace. “I don’t think girls are allowed there…”
“Let ‘em try to kick you out, Round-Face,” he growled as he tapped on the elevator button impatiently.
“If you say so, Explodey-face,” she teased, earning her a growl which was received with a giggle. This was what Bakugou was talking about. This damn girl knew no fear.
They eventually made it to his room, with Bakugou stomping the entire way and Uraraka skipping like an oblivious little red riding hood romping through the forest with a picnic basket, the purest picture of ignorance and innocence, unwitting of the ravenous wolf who lurked in the foreboding shadows of the dark, nightmarish wood.
Ugh. Really, Bakugou? Already gearing yourself up to write this fuckin’ fantasy shit? You guys haven’t even sat down yet. Don’t be too fuckin’ eager. 
“Uwaa, your room’s amazing, Bakugou! I didn’t think it would be so neat and sparkly~”
Much to his annoyance, Little Pink Riding Cheeks was already making herself right at home next to his desk. He felt a vein or two pop over his forehead, like in animes if they were in an anime. “Why the fuck wouldn’t it be neat and sparkly?! You expect a guy like me to just live in a dump?!”
“I’m just sayin’, I wish my room was as neat. I knew you were great at lots of things, but even cleaning?” she said wistfully. “Hey, I have an idea! Next time, let’s go to my room, and--”
“I ain’t helping you clean your damn room, Round-Face.”
She pouted and innocently twiddled her thumbs. “I -wasn’t- going to say that, but, you know, now that you mentioned it…”
He grit his teeth so loudly Uraraka gasped and asked him if his teeth were okay. “Let’s just…!!! Get this fuckin’ script over and done with already!”
“Eh, fine, fine. Sorry for teasin’ ya! Watch yer blood pressure, a’ight?” She reached over to open her bag and pulled out a messy folder that was crumpled, filled to its limit with papers with tags pointing in all directions. A post-it with a messy scrawl on it flew out as she pulled out the mess. “So, this is what we’re gonna be workin’ on!”
“What the fuck is that mess? Did you fuckin’ sit on it and flush it down the toilet and set it on fire?”
“How rude!” Uraraka puffed her cheeks. “I only sat on it once! On accident! And I don’t bring homework to the toilet! That’s just unladylike.” She opened up the folder and revealed a disorganized array of handwritten scripts scrawled on legal pad, post-its, sketches, more post-its, reference photos of their classmates with post-its on them, receipts, a grocery list, and a few folded-up paper bags from Tokyu Hands.
Bakugou’s fingers itched. He spent so much energy restraining himself from fixing the mess that was now taking over his desk that he barely heard Uraraka’s spiel.
“So, in the meeting which you missed, we drew lots. Everyone’s working on the production and stuff but all of us will be acting in the play too. Some of us bit parts and stuff, but yeah. I asked everyone what they wanted their roles to be. Based on those ideas, I sketched out my ideas on what their characters would be.”
She pulled out the sketches, and Bakugou had to admit, they weren’t badly done. He would go so far as to say that she might have a talent in drawing. They were scratchy and messy, but Uraraka seemed to place great care in drawing out the likeness of each classmate, and the details of each character and costume and even background information were at least 70% fleshed out for each of them.
“So based on the lottery, Deku-kun’s the lead character. You, me, Tsuyu-chan, and Todoroki-kun are gettin’ large roles, plus we gotta pay attention to All-Might-sensei’s important cameo. We’re gonna write the story based on all of this! And, if we want to allot time for practice and stuff, we have to finish most of the script in a week!”
“The f-- I’m gettin’ a large role too?! Nobody said that!”
“It ain’t my fault you weren’t at the meeting, Bakugou-kun.”
The blonde boy scowled as he went through the sketches. The fucking nerd Deku’s role was that of a ‘Squire’ (but his costume made him look like a fucking hobbit). Uraraka had a hood (fuckin’ coincidence from his red riding hood fantasy earlier) and a staff, and she was a ‘Mage’. Frog was a froggy lookin’ barmaid. IcyHot was a Prince (probably of the Land of Half and Halfs where people were always shitty and constipated). All Might was a Legendary Knight in exile (also fitting, in a morbid sort of way).
And Bakugou was… a Bard. His sketch had him wear fuckin’ poofy pants and a stupid fuckin’ hat with a feather on it and a stupid shitty tiny harp that the chubby babies in those old fuckin’ European paintings had. He all but made the paper disappear from a blast from his fist. “Oi, Roundface. Who’s the fucker I gotta kill besides you for giving me this pansy-ass role?!”
“Hey, it’s your fault. You weren’t there yesterday.” Uraraka repeated, not even the least bit apologetic. “And that thing you destroyed was a brilliant joint effort between me, Kirishima-kun and Kaminari-kun. Nice goin’, Explodey-face.”
“Fuck y’all! I’ll kill those idiots!” He shredded the paper further. “Gimme that pencil!” Within seconds, he sketched out something different, muttering expletives the entire time. After he was done, he dumped the pencil on the desk, almost breaking it into tiny little pieces.
Uraraka gasped. “Wow, Bakugou! That’s really impressive! A Dragon Tamer, huh?” She traced his sketch with one finger, which showed him with a fur cape, tattoos, a necklace made of the fuckin’ skulls and teeth of his enemies, pants and boots, and lots of fire blazing in the background for extra badassery. She grinned at him teasingly. “So you have been thinkin’ about this so-called fantasy shit too!”
“Fuck you,” he said, shoving her in the face unceremoniously. “Now I know that I gotta change that fuckin’ script of yours. Let’s just get this fuckin’ shit over with.”
“Okay…” Uraraka pulled out the legal pads, but shielded them from Bakugou. “Um. Just so you know, Bakugou, these are really, really, rough drafts, okay?”
His jaw jutted out in annoyance. “The fuck you mean by rough drafts. I thought I was just gonna edit your shit.”
She gave him a ridiculous look. “Well, you are. But also, I started workin’ on this just a week ago sooooo you gotta help me finish like a teeny bit of it.”
“How fuckin’ teeny do you mean.”
“Um. Like. 50% of it, mmmaybe…?”
Bakugou could almost see the smoke coming out of his own fuckin’ nostrils.
“Anyway, that’s exactly why we can’t waste anymore time, right?” said Uraraka, a positive beam glowing out of both ears. “And don’t you worry! The story’s practically finished in my head!”
There’s probably nothing in there but a single light bulb struggling to survive, thought Bakugou in annoyance. He put his palm to his face and tried his hardest not to yell at her. “Fine, Uraraka. Let’s just fuckin’ start already. No matter what, I’m kickin’ you out of my room by 10 PM.”
“Okay! Glad ya see it my way, Bakugou-kun!” She smiled and pulled out the first page of the script, which read:
 - Deku and the Final Fantastic Lord of the School of Wizardry!: The Legend of the Airbender’s Song of Ice and Fire -
(A Work in Progress)
Act One, Scene One: In Which Deku-kun Leaves His House and Adventure Begins
Written by: Uraraka Ochako
“The fuck? Are you trying to outdo Class B’s lameass play from the last year’s cultural festival, Round-face?”
 “It’s a work in progress! We can edit it out later.” Uraraka said as she scribbled Explodey McSplodeface next to her name on the by-line.
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