#Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (Quotes)
thecalminside · 2 months
All you need is already within you, only you must approach your self with reverence and love.
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
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(Art: Photograph by Gilles Peress) :: [Maringan Tobing]
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"The search for Reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings, for it destroys the world in which you live."
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
[via alive on all channels]
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mynzah · 3 months
Know Thyself...Oneness...Self Realization...
You are the all pervading, all transcending reality. Realize it in its totality, beyond all divisions and limitations, and all your desires will merge in it, for the greater contains the smaller. Therefore find yourself, for in the finding that you find all… ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (I Am That…ch. 51)
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infinitedonut · 1 month
"To know yourself as you are, give up all ideas." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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namitha · 2 years
Wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows.
🌿 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 10 months
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#Wisdom #SriNisargadattaMaharaj #NonDuality #NYC #Brooklyn #Queens #Bronx #StatenIsland #LongIsland #SundayServices #SundayMorning
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fioredelnordest · 23 days
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osnziche · 7 months
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To know that you are a prisoner of your mind, that you live in an imaginary world of your own creation, is the dawn of wisdom
- Sri Nisargadetta Maharaj
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perception-1111 · 9 months
“Once you realize that the world is your own projection, you are free of it. You need not free yourself of a world that does not exist, except in your own imagination! However is the picture, beautiful or ugly, you are painting it and you are not bound by it. Realize that there is nobody to force it on you, that it is due to the habit of taking the imaginary to be real. See the imaginary as imaginary and be free of fear.”
—Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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artorojo · 1 year
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"Wisdom says we are nothing. Love says we are everything. Between these two our life flows."
#quotesofinstagram #instquote #quotesoftheday #dailyquotes #selfforgiveness #selfesteem #selflovequotes #selfconfidence
wisdom, wisdom quotes, life and love, indian quotes, sri nisargadatta maharaj, love quotes, love is forever, unconditional love, quotes of instagram, quotes of the day, daily quotes, self forgiveness, self esteem, self love quotes, self confidence.
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thecalminside · 2 months
All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love.
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
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“Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. And between the two my life flows.”
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
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mynzah · 1 year
Oneness...Worlds...Self Realization...
I saw that in the ocean of pure awareness on the surface of the universal consciousness, the numberless waves of the phenomenal worlds arise and subside beginninglessly and endlessly. As consciousness, they are all me. As events, they are all mine. There is a mysterious power that looks after them. That power is awareness, Self, Life, God, whatever name you give it. It is the foundation, the…
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infinitedonut · 3 months
"The very act of perceiving shows that you are not what you perceive." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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4dkellysworld · 1 year
I Am That remix: Only hold on to 'I AM'
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Don’t you see that it is your very search for happiness that makes you feel miserable? If you want to make real progress, you must give up all ideas of personal attainment. Your burden is of false self-identification – abandon them all. All that is needed is to purify the mind so that it can realize its identity with the Self. When the mind merges in the Self, the body presents no problems. Try it this way: indifferent to pain and pleasure, neither seeking, nor refusing, give all your attention to the level on which ‘I am’ is timelessly present. Just look away from all that happens in your mind and bring it to the feeling ‘I am’. Refuse all thoughts except one: the thought ‘I am’. Just keep in mind the feeling ‘I am’, merge in it, till your mind and feeling become one. Separate consistently and perseveringly the ‘I am’ from ‘this’ or ‘that’ and try to feel what it means to be, just to ‘be’, without being ‘this’ or ‘that’. Give up all ideas about yourself and simply be. Stop making use of your mind and see what happens. Do this one thing thoroughly, that is all. The best is the simple feeling ‘I am’. Dwell on it patiently. The mind will rebel in the beginning, but with patience and perseverance, it will yield and keep quiet. Here patience is wisdom; don’t think of failure. There can be no failure in this undertaking. By repeated attempts you will stumble on the right balance of attention and affection and your mind will be firmly established in the thought-feeling ‘I am’. When this mind becomes completely silent, it shines with a new light and vibrates with new knowledge. Once you are quiet, things will begin to happen spontaneously and quite naturally, without any interference on your part. Once you realize that all happens by itself (call it destiny or the will of God or mere accident), you remain as witness only, understanding and enjoying, but not perturbed. Whatever you think, say or do, this sense of immutable and affectionate being remains as the ever-present background of the mind. When you can see everything as it is, you will also see yourself as you are. It is like cleansing a mirror. The same mirror that shows you the world as it is will also show you your own face (Self). The thought ‘I am’ is the polishing cloth. Use it. Give your heart and mind to it, think of nothing else.
All the glories will come with mere dwelling on the feeling ‘I am’. It is the simple that is certain, not the complicated. Somehow, people do not trust the simple, the easy, the always available. Why not give an honest trial to what I say? It may look very small and insignificant, but it is like a seed that grows into a mighty tree. Give yourself a chance.
If you want to know your true nature, you must have your Self in mind all the time, until the secret of your being stands revealed. Soon you will realize that peace and happiness are in your very nature and it is only seeking them through some particular channels that disturbs. All will happen by itself. You need not do anything, only don’t prevent it. It all comes spontaneously; you need only to hold on to the ‘I am’. It is very much like digging a well. You reject all that is not water, till you reach the life-giving spring.
from I Am That (mashup of selected quotes from 1 to 79 of "The complete ‘I Am’ quotes of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj")
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