#Stain edwards
evergreenplate · 2 years
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Oh Stain Edwards.... You didn’t deserve that treatment.
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justherefor000 · 2 years
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First art of the DEATH TEACHERS and a clay person!
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(Reblogs if you like)
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Edward Okuń (1872-1945) "Musica sacra" ("Holy Music") (1915) Oil on canvas Art Nouveau
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myflagmeanspirate · 2 years
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Y’all piratey crafters are next level
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doctorwenqing · 2 years
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i found an old lighthouse at the thrift store so obviously i had to repaint it to look like the one from the show… with a bit extra.
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monstersteam · 3 years
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“The blueprints for him were thought to have originated since the late 1700s, but 75% of the remaining sheets were never found. He was designated as “Iron Guardian” in 1896, but funnily enough back then, he did anything but protect people.”
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annecarsonquotes · 3 years
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"True I am but a shadow of a passenger on this planet but my soul likes to dress in formal attire despite the stains." - Anne Carson, "The Glove of Time by Edward Hopper", Men in the Off Hours Image Sourced From: The Hammer Museum Archives Anne Carson turns 71 today. Everything I know about love, I owe it to her.
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MWW Artwork of the Day (9/18/22) Edward Burne-Jones (British, 1833–1898) Detail: Saint Cecilia (c. 1900) Stained and painted glass, 88.7 cm. wide Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton NJ (Surdna Fund)
One of nearly thirty versions of a window designed by Burne-Jones and executed by the company founded by William Morris (1834–1896), Saint Cecilia is a product of the Arts and Crafts movement they initiated.  The Gothic Revival style in architecture created a market for stained glass, especially in the 1870s, when Burne-Jones was a particularly prolific designer of windows. Saint Cecilia, an early Christian Roman virgin martyr, became the patron saint of music and was portrayed with an organ — here, a portable organ of the fifteenth century. Although water organs existed in the ancient world, pipe organs date from the fourteenth century, so we must assume Cecilia is singing the praises of God in heaven, not during her earthly life.
Burne-Jones is one of the featured artists in this MWW gallery/album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1567228726715824&type=3
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lawrussy · 2 years
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Kiss Me Two, Chapter 1 (Alaska x Alyssa x Katya) - Melyssa
‘It’s not too bad,’ she offered comfortingly, ‘What happened anyway, got yourself another soulmate?’
Shangela had spent a solid three minutes laughing at her own joke before she was able to register Alyssa’s silence.
This ‘soulmate situation’ Alyssa has taken to calling is only known by a handful of people, whom Alyssa can count within her five fingers
–three fingers
The first person would be Tabatha, Alyssa’s little sister who she loves with all her heart…and had also betrayed. Their bond had taken an unstable rift these years and Alyssa is aware of its growing distance the more she avoids her family. Still, she can’t bring herself to give that explanation to her sister in fear of the look of pity or maybe even disgust she would find on her face. 
One day, she tells herself. 
The second would be Shangela, who didn’t allow her to take three steps into the living room before she realised something was wrong. 
‘Mama I swear if you keep locking yourself in your room every single time you lose Drag Race, I might have to tell Ru not to bother considering you for All Stars 3’ Shangela says teasingly. 
‘It’s not too bad,’ she offered comfortingly, ‘What happened anyway, got yourself another soulmate?’
Shangela had spent a solid three minutes laughing at her own joke before she was able to register Alyssa’s silence. Her daughter’s face, Alyssa would swear, was the most hilarious thing she had ever seen. But she didn’t even get a second to burst into laughter herself before Shangela had started yelling so much, she was torn between being regretful and being grateful for the fact that Laganja and Gia weren’t home that day.
Two people, two people whom Alyssa loves the most in the world, were aware of just how disturbingly inconvenient her ‘situation’ was, so it came as no surprise to anyone even herself when she found herself in the office of the third person.     
“Good morning Ms. Edwards” Dr. Ford greets her with a teasing chuckle “Or shall I say, Mr. Johnson” 
Dr. Ford was a specialist Alyssa and Shangela had carefully selected from a list of doctors to help her. He specialised in Soulmate Bonding Biology and Sciences, which in all honesty, Alyssa didn’t even know was an actual occupation.  
“ ‘Justin’ would do just fine sweetie” Alyssa laughs, though the sound was stiff, maybe even weak for the one and only Alyssa Edwards. 
That doesn’t matter to Dr. Ford who keeps the bright smile on his face even as his eyes harden a little with understanding. 
“I know that given the fame you have in this area” his eyes sweep around his clinic in Dallas.  “You’d like to keep this under the wraps.”
Alyssa gives a nod “That would be correct thank you”
“Not to worry Justin, given the law of privacy between doctor and patient appointments, no word of our transaction will not spread word unless they are from your own lips” the physician nods his head towards the door.
“Though I do think that the…extra security, will do just the job.”
This pulls a laugh out of Alyssa once again, sounding more genuine than the last one. “I suppose” If one could consider a very stubborn Shangela ‘extra security’. 
Dr. John’s smile widen just by a fraction before dropping completely, demeanour beginning to take an air of professionalism as he begins to ruffle through his desk for a ziplock bag filled with pills. 
“Now Justin” he rubs through the little pink contents- small little pills. “I understand you came to me for a diagnosis of what you believe to be ‘Soulmate Burns’ “. 
“Right” Alyssa nods again. “Am I wrong?” 
“Not entirely” Dr. John sighs, pushing towards her a printed article entitled ‘Soulmate Burns- Heartbreak In Ashes’. She’s already read that of course, one of the alarmingly few writings she’s encountered over her matter. 
“Your condition, although rare, is not entirely…impossible.”
Although she already knew the answer deep inside,  Alyssa asks anyway. “And tell me doc, are there anymore ways you can define this, whatyacallit…condition?” 
Dr. John offers her a smile. “Soulmate bonds are one of the most powerful forces of nature, binding two people in a way where the mutual attraction is almost entirely impossible. Sometimes however, people manage to defy nature and well, break the connection, breaking the bond. They never do the people any harm, majority of my clients admitting that they’ve decided that taking separate directions being a relieving option to them. ”
“However” He leans his arms over the table and stares directly into her eyes “Some are not as fortunate. Soulmate bonding coupled with genuine attraction can make a force so strong, the rejection itself burns the person. Researches, including myself, has delved into this condition and labelled it ‘Soulmate Burns’.” 
“But you Mr. Johnson” He leans back, eyes gleaming in obvious interest . “Aren’t attracted to your soulmates are you?” 
“No I am not” Alyssa admits in full resolution, and yet, a stinging burst of warmth bursts from her chest, as if it was her own body screaming ‘Liar!’. She could not do anything to hide the wince that passes through her features. 
“May I see your soulmark Justin?” Dr. John’s voice softens as he stands up towards her. Alyssa only nods as she begins unbuttoning the polo she had on that day, button by button until it revealed her soulmark- a lipstick stain pressed on her chest, still as firm and purple as ever.
Not to her doctor apparently. 
“It’s fading alright” He sighs “May I touch it?” 
Alyssa nods again, alibi, a little bit more hesitant as fingers gently probe her mark.
“Ng-”  Hot, short, electricity bursts from the contact, causing her to jerk away as Alyssa finds herself shocked in every literal manner. . 
“Yup, it’s Soulmate Burns alright” Dr. John sighs as he goes back to his desk. 
Just as Alyssa had buttoned back her shirt, he pushes towards her the pills, expression indescribable as she took it from his hands.  
“Those pills will help regulate your Soulmate Burns, making sure that the mark doesn’t inhibit the usual painful processes of rejection.” The doctor explains.
“I see”  Alyssa remarks dryly as she stares at the little pink balls in the bag. There were plenty of them, about more than a hundred pieces made to last her for at least several months. They looked harmless, cute perhaps, just like the beads and sequins decorating one of her favourite dresses. 
“Be sure to take them once a day. But if there are any cases where you believe you will encounter your soulmate in an afflicting situation…you’re free to take a maximum of three per day.” 
“Afflicting situations?” Alyssa rolls the word over her tongue “Such as?”
Dr. John begins listing things off. “Oh you know, anything you feel will provoke your soul bond, such as kissing, sexual acitivites, romantic acitvities and moments of sentimentality with your soulmates.” 
Sexual activities-
Against her will, the image of Katya pressing Alyssa against the wall in the bathroom of their film set flashed in her mind. Her lips on her own, her body pressed against hers, and her hands all over her, big strong hands feeling her and feeling so warm and so…
Another burst of hot pain goes through her, forcing Alyssa back to reality.
“I-I see” She swallows as she tries to will her face to cool down.. The doctor looks back at her, this time eyes holding an obvious look of disapproval. 
“Now I remember that you mentioned in your phone call that you are to be in constant range of your soulmates.” He frowns “Is that still non-negotiable?”
Alyssa nods. 
“And not one of them knows you as a third party?”
Alyssa nods again.
The doctor leans is chair back with a defeated sigh as he stares with something almost akin to pity. “Any chance you’re not considering leaving this situation whatsoever?”
Alyssa only drops her eyes back into the pills, its bright pink colour in contract to the sound of her chuckling voice which was hollow and grave as she responded. 
“Trust me darling, if it was possible to permanently remove myself from their presence I would.”
The doctor says nothing more as he escorts her to the door. However, just as Alyssa was about to bid him goodbye, he begins to speak again. 
“Now Justin” Dr. John sighs nervously “Those pills can only do so much, so uh, there are certain conditions in which they could only work.”
Alyssa looks at him in belwideredment, why didn’t he say things sooner? “What are you talking about?”
“It means Justin, that the moment you fall in love with even one of your soulmates, they lose their effect.” Dr. John says gravely “So I highly suggest-”
“Removing myself from situation?” Alyssa asks almost laughingly, despite her inside crumbling from the information. 
So if she even gains one speck of genuine feelings for one of her soulmates…
“Oh I’m gonna be fucked” she whispers to herself as she exits the clinic, wishing that the bag of pills she had in her hands was a contract instead- one she would have definitely not signed if she knew this was going to happen. 
“You sure are up early”
A warm husky voice, that should have startled Alaska, speaks behind her ear. Instead, the young male chuckles as she shifts comfortably under the duvet and the pair of arms that surround her. 
“You’re the only person who finds 9AM late darling.” Alaska turns around. Instantly, she is faced with eyes, a pair of the most beautiful shade of blue she’s ever seen. They were blurry from sleep, but she catches them brighten as they meet hers. 
“You cunt” Katya laughs as she pulls her nearer so their faces were only an inch apart. 
“Oh” Alaska feels herself heat up, her cheeks probably turning into a shade of pink as Katya quirks an eyebrow at her. 
“Oh?” Katya laughs again, the sound so unbelievably beautiful, Alaska feels her own smile widen. 
“Oh good morning?” Alaska tries again as she scoots just a little bit more nearer into her partner’s space. Just a little bit. 
Katya only smiles. “Oh good morning to you too then.”
And that was all she said before cupping Alaska’s cheek and pulling her into that day’s first kiss. 
That seemed to be how Alaska woke up every single day now ever since All Stars 2. Here in Katya’s embrace, her kisses, and in her home- their home? They never really gave much specifics to it, but it had only taken them a month before Alaska had unofficially moved into the Russian’s homey abode. 
They would lie around for a couple more minutes before one of them kicks the other out to shower while the other makes breakfast. 
It was soft, it was domestic, and Alaska never realised how much she missed waking up next to someone until Katya pulled away from the kiss, a sleepy smile on her face. 
“Good morning.” Alaska sighs again. Katya opened her lips to say something again, but was interrupted by the sudden sound of RuPaul’s voice from her phone. 
“Shit hold on-” Alaska fumbles for the device behind her as Katya releases a long yawn. 
“They already posted the announcement?” Katya asks the brunette. 
“Yeah they posted it in Youtube this morning.” Alaska answers, only to groan as she hears a small ‘thud’, a tell-tail sign that her phone had fallen down. Unfortunately, it didn’t hit the pause button as the video continues blaring under the bed. 
Katya only snickers as she begins to untangle herself from the covers. “Good luck with your phone sweetheart, but I’m going to start breakfast alright?”
Alaska doesn't move from where she’s pushed her face into a pillow, but can’t help but smile when she feels a pair of lips press against her forehead. 
“Yeah go ahead, we have to pack today don’t we?”
Katya hums thoughtfully, “Yeah, do you need a ride to your apartment?” 
“Yes thank you.” Alaska yawns “Gosh there’s a lot to do today.”
“I told you that you should have moved in already.” Katya laughs as she ruffles her hair. Alaska groans yet again, but smiles fondly as she gets up to watch the other walk out the door. 
Moving in was a concept they had discussed over several dinners, but Alaska hadn’t had the motivation to go through the hectic process of moving. She’s surely regretting it now, because majority of her drag was still in her original apartment from where she now apparently has to travel to in order to pack. 
With a final groan, she stretches before getting up. There was no use complaining now she supposes. 
‘I’ll move once the tour is over’ she promises herself as she bends under her bed to start her day. 
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basicallyadragon · 2 years
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“There is love that doesn’t have a place to rest, but it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders” #ofmd #ourflagmeansdeath #ofmdfanart #ourflagmeansdeathfanart #blackbeard #edwardteach #taikawaititi @ourflaghbomax https://www.instagram.com/p/CcWts4sFBwX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 3 years
Stained Glass Style Iron Man
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Artwork by happyaspie
Click for better quality
Stained Glass Spider-man
Stained Glass Black Panther
Stained Glass Deadpool
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aelswiths · 2 years
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For @volvaaslaug
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hadescavedish · 3 years
I just like these two photos very much (source: 1,2):
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myflagmeanspirate · 2 years
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wonder-rooms · 3 years
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Adam and Eve, Design for Stained Glass Window, Frankby Church, Birkenhead (Cheshire), England (1870) - Edward Burne-Jones
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