#Stairway to Heaven 2023
paginate54 · 11 months
Dave Lewis, LZ chronicler, on Robert's performance of Stairway. From Led Zeppelin Celebration Days FB page:
Some personal thoughts on this performance of Stairway To Heaven...
There was something profoundly moving watching the YouTube footage of Robert Plant performing Stairway To Heaven at the Andy Taylor concert.
This was the first live public airing of the song since the Led Zeppelin 02 Reunion on December 10 2007.
Before I delve in to this subject, Robert’s entire appearance was captivating. Thank you delivered with much emotion, Black Dog hammed up brilliantly and the version of Season of the Witch segueing into a reprise of Black Dog lyrics and Buffalo Springfield’s For What it’s Worth – as in the LA Forum 1970 Blueberry Hill bootleg.
Incidentally, bassist on the night Guy Pratt noted that he has now performed Black Dog with both Robert and Jimmy Page – he was part of the touring band on the Coverdale Page Japan visit in late 1993. The band line up on the night consisted of the aforementioned Guy, former Reef guitarist Kenwyn House (wearing a dragon patterned shirt shades of Jimmy perhaps), Rod Stewart’s drummer David Palmer, Andy Taylor plus Andy Taylor’s son Andy J Taylor on guitar, singer Anne Rani and musician Dino Jelusick on keyboard and backing vocals.
So back to Stairway To Heaven...
We have all had a journey with this song over the years. Mine commenced on April 4 1971 when I heard it on my radio listening to Led Zeppelin’s BBC In Concert performance on Radio One’s John Peel show. I’d heard Jimmy in an interview describing how it had come together in various sections building to a climax. Sure enough this tentative version did just that.
I first saw it performed live on Sunday November 21 1971 at the Empire Pool Wembley – an extraordinary night. It was of course one of the stand out tracks on their just released fourth album.
It went to attain legendary status – the most played record on American radio and from 1975 the rightful finale to every Led Zeppelin live performance.
Like many of their songs the arrangement was often toyed with, not least by the singer who over time added many an ad - lib to the lyrics. As it was performed on every Led Zep show, this enabled the song to retain a freshness.
The first ad-lib I recall was when he inserted the line ''you are the children of the sun'' during the version to be heard on the classic bootleg Going To California from their performance in Berkeley on September 14 1971. From 1973 onwards 'Does anybody remember laughter?‘’ was an expected insert after the line ‘’and the forest will echo with laughter.’’
By 1975, Robert had changed the line ‘’your stairway’’ to ‘’our stairway’’ adding the line ‘’that’s all we got.’’ As I witnessed in awe from the side of the stage during their 1980 Over Europe performances , Robert added ‘’I keep chopin’ and changin'’’ as they led into the climax.
Post Zep, Robert has sang Stairway To Heaven’’ it a mere four times – at Live Aid in 1985, the Atlantic 40th anniversary show in 1988, a sweet truncated version with Jimmy Page in a TV studio in Japan in 1994 and at the Led Zeppelin O2 tribute concert for Ahmet Ertegun where he proclaimed after the song ‘’Ahmet we did it!’’
Well now he has done it again….
The obvious question is why now and why on this occasion?
There’s no doubt it was a special occasion being a concert staged by the ex - Duran Duran guitarist Andy Taylor. Andy has had serious cancer health issues and staged this concert in aid of Cancer Awareness Trust.
As well as performing on the night, Robert donated his personal gold disc of Led Zeppelin IV for the auction –as he put it ''our not so difficult fourth album.'' A part of this was featured on the video stream and it had clocked an initial £50,000 bid.“I love this music and I still love it now very much although I get a bit coy and shy when I have to go near it because it was such a long time ago,” he said.
In an interview with Led Zep News guitarist Kenwyn House revealed that Robert Plant chose to perform Stairway To Heaven after a wealthy donor agreed to donate a six-figure sum to charity if he did so.
So, a special occasion deems a special song for a very worthy cause.
It says everything for Robert’s ease with the Zep legacy, that he could perform this once millstone around his neck with such dignity.
As we know Stairway To Heaven became much maligned and a victim of much parody – and let’s not mention that farcical version by a disgraced not so all round entertainer.
Although he was quick to decry it in the immediate post Zep years, I happen to think Robert is rightly proud of the song, as he is the whole Zep legacy.
Who can forget his tearful reaction to the Wilson sisters and Jason’s performance at the Kennedy Honours in 2012?
So, with none of the pressure of performing it on a big stage and at a pressurised Zep related occasion, he was able to slot it in at this charity event with little fuss.
It worked majestically….
With an ad- hoc line up with few rehearsals, the arrangement was always going to be more loose than tight. That mattered little, as his vocal phrasing was absolutely spot on and what a joy it was to hear him sing this song with a calm control. Some subtle backing vocals aided the tranquil mood.
Here’s the thing – Robert Plant sang it as though he really meant it – confident in his skin at revisiting a major part of his past. Looking good with the mic off held in that familiar pose we know so well.
I wonder what was going through his mind? I know for me it prompted so many precious memories.
There were no ad-libs this time in what was out a fairly straight rendering – the guitar solo was neat and compact and they were back in for the grand finale. Here, Robert slowed things down and the key with it avoiding any strained vocals and he even sang the last section ‘’To be a rock and not to roll’’ for a second time – making it a unique arrangement. He did retain the ''our Stairway'' sentiment.
It was also unique for being the only time he has performed Stairway To Heaven without Jimmy Page...
The final ‘’and she’s buying’’ line was delivered with a delicate finesse – watching it prompted some instant flashbacks.
Momentarily I was back at Earls Court as the mirrorballs spun above them, back in that field just outside Stevenage when they came back to reclaim their crown (''so many people who've helped us over the years - no more people more important than yourselves who who came here on a blind date -this is for you all of yer'') and at home in 1985 watching the TV as the camera panned out to 90,00 watching them re group in Philadelphia for Live Aid.
I also thought about all the much missed friends and Zep comrades who are no longer around to enjoy this special moment...
All that was enough to prompt a huge lump in my throat and a tear in my eye.
Then Robert really sealed it.
Firstly he dedicated the performance to Andy:
“I know that in this contemporary age of digital stuff there’s every likelihood that other people will see that,” he said, facing Taylor. “So if they do, I offer it up to you and your success and to the whole deal that has happened here today and the future of it all.
And also so it’s not just that, I offer it up to Led Zeppelin, wherever they are”
Andy Taylor replied ‘’God bless ‘em there’s a lot of drummers in the sky we love.’’
Let's ponder on that statement...
''I offer this up to Led Zeppelin wherever they are''
It felt like he was giving the song back to his former bandmates and back to his audience – To the privileged few who were lucky enough to witness this special occasion and beyond that to countless fans like me and you.
Deep in the heart of the Cotswold's on an October Saturday evening Robert reclaimed a major part of his history and ours.
It’s likely he may never ever sing Stairway To Heaven this song again and if he doesn’t, it’s had a suitably poignant send off.
There was none of the pressure of the previous post Led Zep performances. It happened for a great cause and for a great fellow Midlands based musician.
I am aiming to be up in the Midlands in a few days’ time for the Saving Grace featuring Suzi Dian gig at the Birmingham Symphony Hall.
I am eagerly looking forward to it, not least after witnessing the YouTube video of this Andy Taylor tribute. For at 75 he is singing so brilliantly and his enjoyment as to where he is at in these advancing years is both inspiring and infectious.
Knowing that Robert Plant is at one with Led Zeppelin’s most famous song makes it all just a little bit more comforting.
As the song states ‘’If you listen very hard the tune will come to you at last’’
I’m still listening to Robert Plant intensely – as are countless others…
Dave Lewis - October 27 2023
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xartwrk · 4 months
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nicholask-la · 2 years
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From March, 2023
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itspeacelin · 1 year
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Cuilcagh Boardwalk Trail, aka Stairway to Heaven, Ireland, 2023.
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bijouxcarys · 7 months
Robert Plant is Not Ready to Retire: “I’ve Got Something to Say.”
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Retirement isn’t on Robert Plant‘s radar. Along with revealing a North American tour with Alison Krauss during Summer 2024 and another series of UK headlining dates with his band Saving Grace, Plant said he still has more to do and hinted at the possibility of new solo music.

Since releasing “Raise the Roof,” his second collaborative album with Krauss, in 2021, along with his 11th solo album, “Carry Fire,” in 2017 Plant said he has been revisiting music he’s had archived away. 

Along with his 2024 touring schedule and sifting through unreleased material, Plant, 75, said retirement isn’t an option for him.

“The camaraderie, the things that you share up there, and the frailties that you know you’re carrying with you quietly, the exposure of yourself to yourself, is something that I would hate to say goodbye to,” said Plant. “I can’t just sit back. Out there in the real world, people say to me, ‘What about the book?’ And I say, ‘Are you kidding? What? This is spectacular. Why think about it twice?’”
Plant added, “This is today. What happened in Schenectady in 1969 is another story. And for me, the continuum must keep going. Today, I was pulling all my lyric books out and going, ‘Gotta get the groove back. I’ve got something to say.’ So yeah, I’m going to keep going—as long as they’ve got effects machines that make me sound good [laughs]. Well, it worked for Elvis [Presley]. Listen to the compression on his voice on some of those big ballads in ’57.”  
In October 2023, Plant performed three Led Zeppelin songs as a guest performer during a benefit concert at the Soho Farmhouse in Oxfordshire, England for The Cancer Platform, an initiative launched by the Cancer Awareness Trust.
Plant’s set included “Stairway to Heaven,” which he hadn’t performed in 16 years.
“It was cathartic,” said Plant about performing the 1971 Zeppelin classic. “People go, ‘Oh, that’s good. He never was going to do that.’ But I didn’t really do it. I just blurted it out, ’cause it’s such an important song to me for where I was at the time and where I was with Jimmy [Page] and with John [Paul Jones] and Bonzo.

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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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"Stairway to Heaven" in Austria are real death stairs. On Sept. 12, 2023, a 42 yr. old tourist fell 300 ft. to his death in the valley below. (Is he wearing a harness - fat lot of good a helmet would do, though.)
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matthewgrantanson · 1 year
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Stairway/Heaven, Los Angeles -- March 11th, 2023
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Ranking Shoma's programs
I've never been a big Shoma fan. Not that I don't recognise his talent but i've no particular emotional attachment to him.
I have a lot of respect for his body of work. I think he's probably the most musical skater out there, and since he moved to Lambiel i've started to really enjoy his programs. They don't always move me, I don't rewatch them often (besides one or two exception), but everytime I've watched him skate during competitions they usually leave me thinking "Damn... This is good..." Objectively great but not my skater.
That said, and since I love doing that, here are all Shoma's competitive programs, from his senior career, ranked from least to best, according to my tastes.
16 - Moonlight Sonata, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2018/2019 FS)
Yeah, this was a big miss and tbh it's not wonder Shoma's season went middlingly well and that he missed the podium at home Worlds. This program is just not good. The music is overplayed, the choreo is a cut and paste from Shoma and Mihoko's then well established style. Lots of jumps-crossover-jumps-some choreo that consists in looking intense while moving the arms. A miss.
15 - Turandot version 2, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2017/2018 FS)
I rewatched it recently and the music cut is just bad. Why you would cut the "vincero" part I have no idea but here it is. Shoma does a good job with it, but it's nowhere close to the first version of this program.
14 - Winter, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2017/2018 SP)
I just really really dislike Shoma's packaging from late 2017 to early 2019. It's just a lot of warhorse with really mid choreo. Shoma's musicality saves it but that's about it.
13 - Ladies in Lavender, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2016/2017 SP)
It's still intensely Shoma, and by that I mean skate on two feet and move your arms choreo but the music choice is better. At least it's not a warhorse.
12 - Turandot version 1, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2015/2016 FS)
Gets bonus points for including Gira La Cote in the music cut.
11 - Stairway to Heaven, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2018/2019 SP)
The step sequence is very nice and Shoma's musicaly makes this program.
10 - Great Spirit, choreo by Shae-Lynn Bourne (2019/2020/2021 SP)
Gets deduction points because of some truly bad costumes. Honestly a bit of a let down. The choreo feels far too safe for the music.
9 - Legends, choreo by Mihoko Higuchi (2015/2016 SP)
Much better than any other SP Mihoko choreographed for Shoma. The step sequence alone is more interesting than anything Shoma skated to for the following three seasons. Unexpected like.
8 - Timelapse, choreo by Kenji Miyamoto (2023/2024 FS)
In retrospect, Shoma's farewell FS. Not that great. I love Spiegel im Spiegel but the other piece of music left me cold. The choreo wasn't anything special too, but the performances, especially the NHK one, were absolutely magical.
7 - Bolero, choreo by Stéphane Lambiel (2021/2022 FS)
First of all Bolero gets too much hate from the fandom and y'all lack taste. It's a truly great piece of music and I can think of at least half a dozen warhorses that need to be banned before Bolero. (Romeo and Juliet, Experience, Exogenesis...).
Second of all Sholero goes hard. It is a bit empty at the beginning, but the relentless pace of the music makes for an exciting watch, and in case of a clean program, it's exhilarating. The step sequence at the end is outstanding. Doesn't place higher because the choreo sequence feels almost like an afterthought and honestly Stéphane and Shoma could do better.
6 - Gravity, choreo by Stéphane Lambiel (2022/2023 SP)
Did not enjoy it last season (I thought it wasn't a good fit for Shoma, it felt too much like a Lambiel program). Has grown on me a lot since then. It's the most Lambiel-y Shoma has ever skated and it's good that he did it. Variety! Some diversity in the steps. Makes us of the whole body, not just the arms.
5 - Oboe Concerto, choreo by Kenji Miyamoto (2021/2022 SP)
Quintessential Shoma in that it feels close to a Mihoko program, like Winter, or Ladies in Lavender, but is so so much better. More variety in the choreo. It makes us of the whole body, not just the arms.
Shoma's skating with it's outstanding musicality and uninterrupted flow is a perfect match for Baroque music.
4 - Dancing On My Own, choreo by David Wilson (2019/2020/2021 FS)
My greatest regret, regarding Shoma's career, is that he did not get more programs from Wilson. Imho, given how musical Shoma is, he would have been a perfect fit.
That said DOMO is perhaps the most emotionally loaded program out of them all. Shoma went through hell and high water with it, and when it was performed cleanly, it sang.
3 - Mea Tormenta, choreo by Kenji Miyamoto (2022/2023 FS)
Glorious, iconic, it's a program I don't think anybody but Shoma could have skated. Just stunning work all around, and one of the best men's programs in recent years.
2 - I Love You Kung Fu, choreo by Stéphane Lambiel (2023/2024 SP)
Shoma at his most raw, emotional and soft. Great, great music choice, just magic on the ice.
1 - Loco, choreo by Mihoko Hiiguchi (2016/2017 FS)
I don't know what that says of a skater, when their most successfull program happened during their second senior season, and they've been chasing that high ever since (looking at you Kaori's Piano).
In any case, Loco is as good as the fans say it is, and then some. It highlights all the best aspects of Shoma's skating (the performance, the passion, the musicality) while being absolutely unhinged. Truly one of the highs of the sport.
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turnupthevolumebelgium · 11 months
23 October 2023
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chromations · 7 months
Anyone else feel some profound sadness when listening to the 2007 and 2023 performances of stairway to heaven?
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diceriadelluntore · 9 months
Perchè Stairway to Heaven é considerata la canzone più bella?
Cara\o Anonima\o, Buon Natale.
Non sapendo se la tua è una domanda "positiva" (cioè perchè ritieni giustamente la canzone la più bella della musica rock) o "negativa" (cioè ritieni che non sia lei la migliore), ti scrivo che ne penso io.
Stairway To Heaven, scritta da Robert Plant e Jimmy Page, fa parte del leggendario quarto album dei Led Zeppelin, che non ha propriamente un titolo, ma è ricordato come IV, seguendo la numerazione dei precedenti, o Four Symbols, per i simboli che aveva in copertina a identificare i 4 componenti della storica band, disco uscito l'8 Novembre 1971. L'album è una sintesi del breve ma intensissimo percorso che la Band ebbe in meno di 2 anni, che li porta ad essere da sconosciuti a una delle più conosciute, imitate e leggendarie rock band del pianeta. Queste premesse vanno fatte perchè il brano è, secondo me, leggendario giustamente per tre motivi:
musicalmente, sintetizza il percorso, unico, che i Led Zeppelin intrapresero: partendo dal blues, stravolgendolo e avvolgendolo di un nuovo suono elettrico ed eccitante (i primi dischi I e II) virarono su una sorta di contaminazione folk elettrica (ascolta il III) trovando qui una sintesi di ispirazione tra le due, e proprio in questa canzone trovano una summa: l'intro acustico e sognante (che assomiglia tantissimo a Taurus degli Spirits, band che li accompagnò nei tour americani) che sale di energia fino all'assolo di Page, tra i più leggendari di sempre; e poi il testo, ispirato a Plant dalla lettura di Magic Arts in Celtic Britain di Lewis Spence (un poeta, letterato e occultista scozzese), ma anche dai miti folkloristici britannici, che stavano ritornando in auge grazie al folk rock e alla passione mai celata per le saghe Tolkeniane (già presenti per dire in Ramble On). Sulle qualità poi dei singoli musicisti, posso affermare che sono stabilmente nelle prime posizioni di sempre in ogni settore;
una componente di fortuna, perchè il brano, che dura 8 minuti tondi nel disco, non fu mai pensato come singolo di lancio. Ma i Deejay delle radio, ascoltando tutto il disco (come si faceva un tempo) decisero di passarla lo stesso, riscontrando il favore del pubblico; sin da subito divenne una sorta di prova del nove per tutte le band di giovani musicisti, e a testimonianza di ciò c'è il fatto che è di gran lunga lo spartito musicale più acquistato al mondo di sempre (se ne vendono 150 mila copie ancora oggi all'anno, nel 2023). Leggendario è un altro racconto: nei negozi di strumenti musicali americani è noto che si possono provare gli strumenti prima di acquistarli, e diceria vuole che dopo un po' fu affisso un cartello No Stairway, come a dire che avevano sentito così tante volte gli arpeggi che non ne potevano più. Fu peraltro decisivo il successo del disco, che nato sotto le peggiori paure della Atlantic, la casa discografica, per la decisione di non avere nessun titolo e zero pubblicità, divenne uno dei più grandi successi di sempre, con decine di milioni di copie vendute nel mondo;
c'è una componente più sottile, dire estetica: i Led Zeppelin esprimevano una musica che potremmo definire "maschia", nel senso che apparivano volutamente come semidei rappresentando una precisa idea di mascolinità: spesso a torso nudo, cascate di capelli, riferimenti sessuali espliciti (Whole Lotta Love è la trasposizione hard rock di un orgasmo) divennero iconici di una estetica hard rock di potenza sessuale, che ebbe successo soprattutto negli Stati Uniti, che la riproposero per anni trovando successo sia tra i maschi che tra le femmine; in Europa, dove pure ebbero successo strepitoso, si scontrava da un lato sull'ambiguità che il glam rock stava per portare sull'estetica del rock ( si pensi a Bowie o Lou Reed, per dare un'idea) e con la dimensione più intellettuale del progressive, che è il tentativo europeo di creare un genere "proprio", e che non era sovrapponibile a quello Zeppelin per idee, classi sociali di provenienza, tematiche, stesse tecniche musicali. Per una serie di motivi, tra cui la nascita del punk che aveva, tra gli altri, come preciso obiettivo estetico spazzare via la tecnica musicale del prog, è prevalso il modello Zeppelin\Hard Rock, anche perchè il punk negli Stati Uniti fu un movimento marginale e che aveva idee diverse da quello europeo.
Tutto questo, secondo me, ha reso giustamente leggendaria Stairway To Heaven.
Se invece mi chiedevi "negativamente" perchè lo è, partendo da quello che ti ho raccontato puoi capire che non saprei risponderti.
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muselixer · 10 months
dumb things my friends and I have said: 2023!
part three: july - september apologies ahead of time for length! feel free to change pronouns if need be. warning for foul and dirty language, and capslock-implied yelling :)
“They look like the bonk filter.”
“Yes, I will still have ass after surgery.”
“Bite my ass, meatbag.”
“Your college papers are like fairies, dude. They only exist if we believe.”
“So you got corn fungus from Instagram?”
“I am loathe to call him a himbo. Even himbos have emotional intelligence.”
“You’re telling me there’s EmineMpreg?”
“Me no need mind when me smash.”
“Hand it over... That thing... Your essential vitamins and minerals...”
“Gotta go to Chicago and beat up the homeless people on Saturday.”
“Bitch it’s genetic! So either you or your mom. Shut up.”
“Boba is stored in the balls.”
“Home is where the balls is.”
“RED BULL TASTES LIKE ASS! ...Guys I can’t fucking do this.”
“God lets me live because he’s afraid of confronting me directly.”
“They beat up Mr. Racist and then they checked his ID and his first name is ‘Stop Being’.”
“Autism planet. This is not an insult.”
“I called you an Ancient One. It was a compliment.”
“I’m having feelings right now and I gotta say, not for me I think.”
“Getting political in the shitpost server today.”
“His influence is beyond one man.”
“Oh! See, that, there! Who needs affection when I have blind hatred!”
“Ah, there he is... Footman.”
“So you can survive a fall from god knows how high, but check this out. I pull out a 9mm handgun.”
“Atoms never actually touch, they align. So no, your honor, I did not punch that child.”
“My heart just stopped and when it started again I cursed directly at God for allowing me to survive this.”
“No! I’m saving my body for microplastics!”
“If I add ‘Stairway to Heaven’ to the playlist is that based or cringe?”
“Aw hell nah, Death got the car door hands.”
“Understimulated and bored, about to start biting people.”
“Finally, the first gay person that knows how to drive.”
“There is nothing sacrosanct about bacon.”
“I saw Jesus on Labor Day weekend and all I got was this glizzy.”
“Oh, by the way, bombs dropped and now your poor ass has to go fight for the Brits.”
“As you all know, I’m about to be jail like nobody.”
“Sorry about the, uh... all of it. It’s the ketamine.”
“If I die of hypothermia today, just know it was self-inflicted.”
“On a real note, why do you want a porn ’stache?”
“Negroni. Spaggiato. With Progresso in it.”
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delpandaeyes · 11 months
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Stairways to heaven ? Luanda, Angola. 2023
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spnscripthunt-inactive · 11 months
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For every $10 you donate to RIP Medical Debt, you will 1) be erasing about $1,000 in medical debt and 2) be entered in a raffle to win one of the items listed below. The more total donations we receive, the more scripts will be made available as prizes.
If donations reach $5000+ total ($500,000 in medical debt wiped out nationwide), we'll add:
9.22 'Stairway to Heaven' - Production Draft signed by Misha Collins at Creation Tour: Atlanta 2023. Includes Blue Pages and Day 3 call sheet. Note: production draft is missing pp. 32-35
11.13 'Love Hurts' - Production Draft signed by Jensen Ackles at Creation Tour: Washington, D.C. 2023.
Art Department Appreciation set: 11.13 "Love Hurts" - 11 pages of concept art and 14.10 "Nihilism"  technical package.
Set: 12.14 'The Raid' - Production Draft (REPRO) signed by Adam Fergus and David Haydn-Jones at Salute to Supernatural: Orlando 2022; Rick Worthy at Crossroads 6 (Brighton, UK). Includes 4.05 'Metamorphosis' - Call Sheets & Sides: Day 8 of 8, 8.18 'Freaks and Geeks' Day 8 call sheet & sides and 9.12 'Sharp Teeth' 2nd Unit Day call sheet & sides.
14.13 'Lebanon' - Yellow Draft signed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan at Creation Tour: New Jersey 2023; Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins at Creation Tour: Chicago 2023; Samantha Smith at Salute to Supernatural: San Francisco 2023. Includes green pages and technical package.
15.07 'Last Call' - Blue Draft signed by Jensen Ackles at Salute to Supernatural: Nashville 2023. Includes Pink, Yellow, and Green Pages.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
Do you know who designs/makes Shoma's costumes? I have yet to see one I don't love on him
In early stages of his career costumes were designed by his mother.
I am not entirely sure about all designers of his costumes but for some I know for sure. So here is an incomplete list of costumes and their designer and some have pictures. Shoma has too many costumes to fit them into one Tumblr post - picture limit is 10.
Green Turandot (2015-2016) was designed by Chacott as well as his Ladies in Lavender (2016-2017) costume.
Blue and yellow Turandot (2017-2018), also his Winter 1.0 and 2.0 (2017-2018) and his Loco costume (2016-2017) were designed by Satomi Ito (I actually think she did most of his costumes from 2015 to 2018, but maybe even before)
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Mathieu Caron designed for Shoma from 2018 - 2022 - it includes both Great Spirit costumes, both DOMO costumes (2019-2021), Moonlight Sonata (2018-2019), purple Stairway to Heaven (2018-2019), both Oboe and Bolero costumes (2021-2022)
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His costume to Air this season (2022-2023) is designed by Shizuko Orihara
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smoshgoshbefosh · 5 months
Hi! 1/22 for the Smosh timeline :]
-heart of the card
Oh, hey, it's my mutal @heart-of-the-card! Bro the amount of times I've spammed your blog-
What Smosh Videos were Posted on Your Birthday?
Grand Theft Helicopter Wars (Backseat Gaming)- Smosh Games
Screaming in Dead Space (Dope! Or Nope)- Smosh Games
Unfair Mario is Killing Us! (Gametime w/Smosh)- Smosh Games
Yolo Bucket List Challenge (Grand Theft Smosh)- Smosh Games
Addicted to Pranking- Smosh Main
Ben and Ed Zombie Obstacle Course (Game Bang)- Smosh Games
Winter Cabin Horror Continues (Board AF)- Smosh Games
Every Game Store Ever- Smosh Main
Stairway to Heaven Strategy!! Fortnite Battle Royale (Surviving Mondays)- Smosh Games
If You Had One Wish...- Smosh Main
7 People in a Tiny Car Jack in the Box Mukbang- Smosh Pit
How to Flirt- Smosh Main
Untitled Goose Game ft. Our Discount Dopplegangers (The Damien and Shayne Show)- Smosh Games
No videos January 22
Board AF Legacy: Betrayal, the First Five- Smosh Games
"Twitter for Android" @ jacksfilms (Shorts)- Smosh Main
This is How You Find Your Soulmate (Shorts)- Smosh Pit
Can We Translate This Gibberish? (Shorts)- Smosh Games
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