#Star trek headcannons
aerospas · 5 months
hiii can I request some dating headcannons for tos chekov? thanks! :)
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𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 ; dating tos chekov!
chekov is remarkably affectionate, expressing his love through gentle touches, soft kisses, and whispered words of endearment. he's not one to shy away from physical affection; wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace or intertwining his fingers with yours whenever he gets the chance. whether it's a quick peck on the cheek or a lingering hug, he finds comfort in showing his love openly and frequently.
his idea of a perfect date involves a blend of adventure and intimacy. you'd find yourselves stargazing on the observation deck of the enterprise, wrapped in blankets as he points out constellations and shares stories from his childhood in russia. he might surprise you with a picnic on a distant planet's surface, complete with russian delicacies he learned to make from his grandmother's recipes. he cherishes moments where it's just the two of you, away from the chaos of the ship.
when you're facing challenges or feeling overwhelmed, chekov is by your side. he's perceptive, picking up on subtle cues that indicate when you're struggling, and he doesn't hesitate to offer his support. whether it's lending a listening ear, offering words of encouragement, or simply holding you close, he makes it his mission to be there for you in both good times and bad.
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dillpickledipp2 · 5 months
Bored. Tellarite headcannon time!
Tellarites live in large familial groups under one roof, with children for the first few years being taken care of by uncles aunts and grandparents, after which they are expected to take a few days of the ‘week’ to be shown how to do jobs in the family (Like bring your kid to work day, except its a rotating thing with the exception of certain jobs too dangerous or off planet, so children are kinda constantly brought around.) Because of this their schooling system is set up so there are multiple classes for kids of the same age that cover the same topics but on different days. Schools also don’t have set grades, just an expectation of improvement within set time frames. Children are encouraged to argue for their grades, to the point its the only way to get perfect scores. In teenage years, schooling is still mandatory, but more specialized and its up to an individual where they’ll attend. Typically at this point they begin to work lower level positions with family and attend related schooling to transition into their careers. 
Orphans are difficult to place due to the fact they are born in litters. Separating a kid from their birth group is considered cruel and bad for social development, but in family groups where you not only take care of your kids but your siblings kids also plus mentoring, adding multiple new kids in that have potential trauma is difficult, and at times considered selfish as it massively effects both your workload and responsibility and your families. Orphans are encouraged to pair up with Orphans to form new family groups and to take on orphans themselves, though its not common enough to make up for the amount in their system. Ultimately, many groups are split up and distributed when young if possible, and older orphans are set into their own specific work/school programs to make up for the lack of related adults (Post-federation mostly. It includes placements on other colonies and planets for certain groups that might thrive better)
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I somehow seemed to have forgotten the most obvious and important factor of photosynthetic humanoids (Vulcans)
They would breathe out oxygen and in CO2! Because that's an important part of how photosynthesis works!
Trees don't have lungs, I think they exchange the gasses through stomata (tiny leaf pores), but photosynthetic Vulcans are humanoid, the need (and have) lungs for more CO2 intake.
However, this could help explain their super-strength. If they can breath passively through their skin/foliage IN ADDITIoN to breathing normally, they constantly recieve much more CO2 than they actually need in order to be functional. So their blood is hyperoxygenated. Sorry, hypercarbonated. Frickin' soda pop boys over here.
Probably not really. Maple syrup isn't fizzy.
Think about it, could their foliage absorb CO2 from water? At the very least, they'd probabl--
Wait shit Vulcan is a desert planet.
I was going to say they could probably at least hold their breath longer than a human, and that if an individual started developing near water, and there were water-adapted flowering plants there, the alien bees could probably transmit that to the flowering acorn baby embryos, and it would get translated to their leaves having a secondary gill-like function, which would be REALLY cool.
The other thing is: if they primarily breathe in CO2 (and out Oxygen, and really mostly nitrogen for both but I mean functionally), how would they fare on a human ship? I've previously established solutions to all their sunlight needs, but human ships are designed primarily for humans, and while they could adapt a Vulcan's individual quarters to the proper air composition, it'd be a bit harder to adapt for most other areas.
Trees seem to fare alright, but also they don't have to take in enough energy to sustain movement and complex thought processes and all that fun stuff.
Having enough Vulcans onboard would probably conserve a lot of energy on Life Support functions, because Life Support would be more equalized towards both species, and then the humans and Vulcans would have a symbiotic relationship cycling the air from one species to another, without as much need for computerized air filters and stuff. The Vulcans would effectively be a walking airponics bay.
It gets a bit more difficult if you've only got the one, because Life Support would have to be optimized to suit the needs of the many, namely: humans. Maybe the output of CO2 from the humans would be enough, but maybe not. Maybe that's why they do meditation with so many candles! (Not really.) Hold on, googling something.
"When a candle burns, the hydrogen and carbon from the wax combine with the oxygen in the air to become carbon dioxide and water vapor." ~NY Times
Okay, GREAT. And they get more water!!
Solution: crank up the spooky awesomeness vibes to the max by surrounding Spock's station with old-fashioned candles. It's a bit underwhelming since he also needs more sunlight, so it can't really be dark and spooky and just candle-lit. Being surrounded by bright artificial lights sort of ruins it.
But you BET when they go to red alert and everything has to go dark? His lamps are suddenly dim red lights, primarily infared (which isn't the best for photosynthesis? But still has many benefits?) And suddenly the dozens of candles surrounding him are giving off ALL the best spooky vibes.
Imagine them hailing whoever's attacking them, and the assailants open up the video signal only to see a very dim bridge... And ONE VULCAN, LIT UP RED AND SURROUNDED BY CREEPY CANDLES, LOOKING MENACING AS F-CK
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hollis-art · 3 months
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look at them go, the majestic creatures
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abbycadoodle · 3 months
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d r e a m e r....
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thesovereignchimera · 9 months
Head cannon: After Spock and Jim are bonded and have to attend any Vulcan high society meetings, Jim takes to wearing ear cuffs that imply the shape of Vulcan ears.
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It fits within the gaudy aesthetic of Vulcan high society and he even notices that it gets him less stares than he would otherwise.
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taya-ki · 24 days
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Collection of baby doodles... Those lil guys are in the brain
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squidthesquidd · 7 months
at the beginning of the day Odo is normal person size, around 5'10" or something, but he unconsciously stretches out so by the end of the day hes like seven feet. he will not notice this unless someone points it out.
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badussyussysstuff · 2 months
James TIBERIUS KIRK is the most rocking’ name a trans dude would pick out, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not. post.
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Ever thought about how Mccoy is the type of guy that both Spock and Jim know he loves them and both Spock and Jim outwardly say the words but Bones is never able to say it out loud and regrets it long after both the others are dead and has always regretted it
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voysubplots · 1 year
Tom replicates a pair of heelies, but Janeway and the Doctor agree that they're a uniform violation and a safety hazard. As a joke, B'Elanna asks to add heelies to her own uniform. To her surprise, the request is approved! Soon, almost everyone but Tom has permission for heelies.
B'Elanna's request is predicated on the idea that she'll use the heelies to get from one engineering emergency to another more quickly in a tactical situation, but mostly she wears her standard-issue shoes and uses the heelies to make fun of Tom. 
Harry and Seven are the only ones who actually use their heelies to be more productive. Seven pretends not to understand the situation surrounding Tom and his lack of heelies, but taunts him by saying that he couldn't handle "the immense responsibility of wheeled work-shoes."
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aerospas · 5 months
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 ; dating tasha yar!
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tasha enjoys taking care of her partner in practical ways, whether it's cooking their favorite meal, helping them with tasks, or simply being there to offer a listening ear when needed.
in her relationships, tasha values loyalty and trust above all else. she seeks a partner who is dependable and honest, someone who stands by her side through thick and thin. building a strong foundation of trust is paramount to her, and she appreciates a partner who is transparent and sincere in their intentions.
independence is essential to tasha, and she respects her partner's autonomy as much as she values her own. she appreciates a relationship where both individuals have their own pursuits and passions, yet come together to support and uplift each other.
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abigmessofablog · 2 months
I absolutely love when people redesign Star Trek aliens to look. More alien. Cardassians with tails and Vulcans and Romulans with bigger ears and Ferengi with cat like features and giving Soong type androids (not an alien but still) unsettling eyes and
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lazersharksfromspace · 4 months
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captainpikeswoman · 1 month
Deanna discovering your affair with Picard includes:
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•Deanna’s suspicions about the Captain have been aroused for several weeks now, somehow he’s more tense and secretive, while also being more relaxed and stress-free. It’s gotten to a point where she’s slightly questioning her own sanity.
•so she turned to Will and Beverley. They observe Picard and come to the conclusion that he does seem to be smiling more. At regular intervals he’ll smile to himself, run his upper lip and then tap away on a PADD for a few minutes before putting it down again and assuming his usual stoic persona. Will sees this and suggests that Picard has a new ‘lady friend’ that he might be messaging.
•Deanna goes full PI (Private Investigator) and starts to discretely follow the Captain- stating that she needs to ensure the ‘safety’ of the Captain- meaning her curiosity wouldn’t let her rest! His routines for the most part remain unchanged…apart from he’s started to check in with the Stellar Cartography department (where you work as Chief) more frequently.
•Deanna watches as the usually nimble and graceful Captain seems to become a bit clumsy and short-sighted as he slowly, seemingly begrudgingly, exits from the work space as he’s summoned elsewhere. He very nearly walks into the wall- his embarrassment hits Deanna like a brick even from her hiding spot some meters away. As the doors quietly hiss close, Deanna just catches a glimpse of your flushed cheeks as you gently bite your lower lip.
•Deanna makes a point of reading up on your file. The more she reads; the more she smiles and her excitement grows. You’re perfect! A challenge for sure, but for Picard…absolutely perfect!
•Deanna’s suspicions are confirmed when you’re summoned to the Captain’s Ready Room one shift to discuss the implementation of a system’s upgrade and the forecast improvements to scanner range etc. it’s a small buzzing feeling at first, Deanna can sense that Picard is pacing in his Ready Room, slightly fizzing with what she perceives as anxiety. But then you walk through the door and…Deanna is awash with sheer delight. She can’t help but grin. The sensation of pleasure and happiness that emanate from you and Picard is enough to have a physical bodily reaction in her.
•she rushes straight to find Will and tell him what she knows…this is about to become THE worst kept secret on the Enterprise.
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xbuggyxboyx · 3 months
headcannon that Bashir is and was a theatre kid
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